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Research: systematic collection, analysis & interpretation of data to answer a certain question/solve problem Research experience help improve students skills in: 1. Searching & critically appraising medical literature 2. Independent continued learning 3. Writing research papers Characteristic 1. Demands a clear statement of problem 2. Requires clear obj & plan 3. Builds on existing data, using both + & - findings 4. New data should be systematically collected & analyzed to answer original research obj

Steps of conducting HR 1. Prioritizing & selecting a research topic 2. Review of literature & other existing information 3. Development of a research proposal 4. Implementation of study: i. Data collection ii. Data processing & analysis iii. Interpretation of results iv. Final report writing v. Presenting the results: scientific publication, presentation at meetings, seminar, workshops or conference, & presentation for administrators & policy makers

A. Prioritizing & selecting a research topic Criteria for select topic 1. Relevance: priority problem (magnitude of problem/public health problem, burden of problem) 2. Avoidance of duplication: no sound information 3. Urgency of data needed (timeliness): need for decisionmaking/developing intervention at various levels 4. Political acceptability of study: acceptable to high level policymakers. Interest & support of local/national authorities 5. Feasibility of study: feasible, considering available resource 6. Applicability of results: good chance of recommendations being implemented 7. Ethical acceptability: no ethical problems

1. 2. 3. 4.

Review of literature & other existing information prevent duplication work find out what other have found & reported on work bcm familiar with various types of methodology that could be use in study Provide with convincing arguments for why particular research project is needed.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Source text-book in libraries index medics comp-based literature bibliographies statistics collected at national, provincial, depart level opinions & belief of key informants

C. Final report writing Title/cover page Abstract (summary) Introductions Research objectives Methodology Research results (findings) Discussion Conclusions Recommendation Reference Annexes/ appendices 1.

D. Development of a research proposal 1. title 2. introduction: background info & statement of research problem (scientific justification for the study) 3. research obj 4. research hypothesis 5. methodology 6. work plan 7. plan for utilization & dissemination of research result 8. reference 9. budget preparation 10. annexes (appendices)

C. Development of a research proposal

I. Title 1. short, accurate, concise 2. central obj of study clear to reader 3. specify what population will be investigate & where it will conducted 1. 2. 3. 4. II. Introduction convince the readers of relevance of study enough background data further illustrate constitutes scientific justification for the study 1. 2. 3. III. Research objective Focus the study (narrow it down to essentials) Avoid data which not strictly necessary for understanding & solving problem Organize study in clear defined parts or phases 1. V. Methodology variables: a. independent, dependent, b. Confounding, background. c. numerical(continuous/ discrete), categorical(ordinal/nominal), d. Operational. study design: a. descriptive(cross-sectional survey), b. analytic(cohort & case-control), c. experimental/intervention strategies(clinical & preventive trials) study population, selection criteria, sample selection & size, sampling method study setting proposed intervention (if applicable) data collection procedure, data collection tools: questionnaire/interview schedule, clinical examination, laboratory test, screening procedure, records plan of data processing & analysis: by manual or computer ethical considerations: a. equitable selection of subj b. informed consent form c. confidentially d. compulsion e. enhance benefit & eliminate harm pre-testing methodology (pilot study) a. reactions of respondent to research procedures & to questions related to sensitive issues b. appropriateness of study type & research tools selected for purpose of study c. appropriateness of format & wording of questionnaires & interview schedule & accuracy of translations d. time needed to carry out interview, observation or measurement e. feasibility of designed sampling procedures f. feasibility of designed procedure for data processing & analysis

-Properly formulated, specific objectives facilitate dvlpmnt of research methodology orient the collection analysis, interpretation, utilization data Characteristic 1. state obj in questions, positive sentences, hypothesis 2. must be SMART 3. logical & coherent 4. feasible 5. realistic, considering local conditions 6. defined in operational terms that can be measured (precise indicator that to measure the variable) 7. phrase to be clearly meet the purpose of the study Formulation General obj Study states that research except to achieve by the study in general term Eg: to assess factor influencing utilization of maternal services in district X Systemically address various aspect of problem. what, where, what purpose eg: to assess , identify, determine (positive sentences)


Logical sequence 1. Magnitude, frequency & distribution 2. Probable causes of problem 3. Possible solution 4. Unanswered question IV. Research hypothesis = prediction/ explanation of relationship btwn 1 or more independent variable (PREDISPOSING/RISK FACTOR) & 1 dependent variable (OUTCOME/CONDITION FACTOR) eg: health education involving active participation by mothers will produce more positive changes in child feeding than health education based on lecture independent v: types of health dependnt v: changes in child feeding

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Specific obj


: VI. Work plan : = is schedule that summarizes in clear fashion, various components of research project & how they fit together 1. Various tasks to be performed 2. When the tasks will be performed 3. Who will perform the tasks VII. Plan for utilization & dissemination of research results - indicate what reports / other means of disseminating research findings are planned 1. progress report 2. final report 3. publications 4. seminars, workshop & conferences 5. discussion with policymakers & program managers



IX. Annexes interview schedule/questionnaire informed consent form institutional/ethical approval for the study

D. Final report writing

Title/cover page 1. research title 2. Name of author with title & positions 3. institutions that publishing report 4. challenging statement/question 5. informative subtitle covering the content of study & indicating area where the study was implemented Abstract (summary) 300 words written after final draft of report completed 1. what: very brief description of problem 2. why: main objective 3. where: place of study 4. how: types of study & methods used 5. major findings & conclusions 6. major recommendations Introductions contain relevant background data related to problem follow statement of problem contain paragraph what hoped to achieve with result if study justify study not to display ability to read literature Research objectives - If necessary, just adjust slightly for style & sequence. Not change their basic nature - If not meet some objectives, state in methodology section & in discussion of findings Methodology should include: 1. study type 2. major study variable on which data was collected 3. study population, sampling methods & size of sample 4. data collection techniques used 5. how data was collected & by whom 6. Procedure used for data analysis. statistical test Methodological limitations if deviated from original study design presented in research proposal, should explain to what extent you did so & why. 'Limitations of study' Research results (findings) systematic presentations of findings in relation to research objectives description of findings may be complemented by a limited no of tables / graphs that summarized the findings Discussion - by objective or by cluster of related variables - include finding from other related studies that support or contradict your own present & discuss limitations of the study - some general conclusions Conclusions: logically from discussion of findings Recommendation logically from discussion of the findings & supportive information from other sources must summarize according to grp toward which they are directed. Most important section: action-oriented grps eg: 1. policy-makers 2. health & health-related managers at different levels 3. health & health-related staff who could implement activities 4. potential clients 5. community at large Reference Vancouver style citing references 1. no reference in order 2. dont include reference in abstract. identify references in text, tables & legends by numerals in parenthesis 3. some journal require references to be indicated in superscript which makes typing more difficult 4. dont abstract as your source information. Must consult full text of article b4 using if as cited reference 5. Acknowledge only 1st author where there are 3 or more authors. Reference at end of sentence is included before the period 6. list of reference must begin on a new page & recited by no & sequenced by order of citation. Include all authors in list of references. Annexes/ appendices Contain additional information needed to enable professional to follow your research procedure & data analysis 1. Table referred to in text but not included in order to keep report short 2. interview schedule/questionnaires 3. flowchart-steps in dvlpmt of HRP

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