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ANIMALS YOU CAN SEE AT THE ZOO A story by Rolando Merino for his son Rollie

(A) They are very big animals and have a long memory, and a very long nose called a trunk. They make a trumpet sound (B) . It is the king of the jungle and goes ROAR (C) They spend a lot of time up in trees and like to eat fruits. This one has a banana. They go eee....eee...eee... (D) It has a very long neck to reach the tender leaves up high on a tree. They are very tall and very quiet animals. (E) It is a big cat that hunts in the jungle. Be careful not to run into one of these big cats in the jungle!. It goes GRRRRRR....... (F) They have a lot of teeth and spend most of the time in the water. Don't go near these big creatures. They rumble RRRRRR.....RRRRRRR!

( )

SKILL Macro Skill: Infer context which is not explicit by using background knowledge

TYPE OF ACTIVITY Picture-Cued: Made by matching. Ss are presented 5 short paragraphs describing each of the animals in the pictures.

How does this task tackle the skill: As students are not given with the names of each animal in the paragraphs, they have to refer to their previous experience and what they know about the animals they are being asked.

2. CIRCLE THE ADJECTIVES THAT ARE USED TO DESCRIBE THE ANIMALS. THEN PUT A TICK IN FRONT OF EACH CONTRARY. 1. What is the contrary of Big a. Quiet b. Small c. Huge 2. What is the contrary of Long a. Large b. Big c. Short 3. What is the contrary of Quiet a. Loud b. Soft c. Hard SKILL Micro Skill: Recognize grammatical word classes, systems, patterns, rules, and elliptical forms. TYPE OF TASK Multiple- choice: The Sts are asked to choose from three options the one which is correct.

How does this task tackle the skill? By having to choose the contrary of the adjectives, Ss are recognizing grammatical word classes, in this case the properties of adjectives, and at the same time they are analyzing their respective antonyms.

3. READ THE SHORT PARAGRAPH AND FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH THE MORE SUITABLE ADJECTIVE PRESENT IN THE CHART. An elephant is the _________ living animal on land. It is quite ______ in size. It is usually black or grey in colour. Elephants have four legs, a long trunk and two white tusks near their trunk. Apart from this, they have two ______ ears and a ______ tail. Elephants are _____________. They eat all kinds of plants especially bananas. They are quite social, intelligent and useful animals. They are used to carry logs of wood from one place to another. They are ________ swimmers.

vegetarian big

short good

huge biggest

SKILL Micro Skill: Recognize a core of words and interpret word order patterns and their significance.

TYPE OF TASK Selected response fill-in vocabulary task

How does this task tackle the skill? By filling in the gaps, Ss are recognizing a group of words (adjectives) and interpreting the significance each one of them has according to the context and words given.



by Erica Gazzane

Once upon a time, in the African jungle, there lived an elephant and a lion. They were the best of friends and took care of all the other animal's safety. The lion was the king in this jungle. The lion sat under a tree all day and watched over the herds of animals which grazed in the jungle, while the elephant strolled among them and listened to their news. One day, Giraffe told Elephant that he had heard that there was a new king of the jungle and he wondered if Lion knew about it. Worried, Elephant asked Giraffe who the new king was. "It is Mr. Ant," said Giraffe. Elephant was surprised and amused. He laughed and laughed until he cried. "Mr. Ant," he said, "Who told you that?" "Mr. Ant did," said Giraffe. "He said that he is cleverer and faster than Lion." "Really," said Elephant. "I must tell Lion about this," he said and walked away. He went up to Lion and said, "Lion did you know that Mr. Ant is telling everyone that he is the new king of the Jungle?" "What?" roared Lion."That little upstart! We will see about that!" and off went Lion to find Mr. Ant. The other animals followed him to see what he would do. "Mr. Ant," said Lion, "What do you mean by saying that you are the new king of the Jungle and that you are cleverer and faster than me?" "Oh, but it's true, " said Mr. Ant. "We can have a little contest to prove it." "All right," said Lion. "Let's do it!" Mr. Ant took Lion to a deep ravine in the middle of the jungle. "Look at this," he said, "I bet that I can fly down to the bottom of this ravine faster than you and that will prove that I am faster and cleverer than you. So, here, I go, unless you want to go first?" "Of course, I will go first," said Lion, "I am king of the jungle, afterall!" and so saying, he threw himself into the deep ravine and that was the end of Lion. Mr. Ant smiled and turned to face the other animals. "Bow before me," he said, "I am your new king. I have just proved that I am faster and cleverer than Lion." The other animals realised that what Mr. Ant said was true and they all bowed to him saying, "Hail our new king!" And that is how the Ant became the king of the jungle.

According to the text, answer the next questions.. - Why did the animals laugh at the ant?

- How did the ant become into the king of the jungle?

-Why was the elephant worried?

SKILL Macro skill: Recognize the communicative function of written texts, according to form and purpose

TYPE OF TASK Skimming: The students are asked to answer some questions in which they will answer according to what the story told them.

How does this task tackle the skill? By answering wh questions, Ss are recognizing what the text is communicating them and the purpose that each part of the text has.

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