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Bad Girl VS. The Player Oh my GAWD! Does that girl not know anything about fashion?

Cheerleader-lookalike yelled, staring at me across the lanes. She was in some shiny Porshe. Whatever, her car had nothing on my yellow Ferrari in the garage at home. It wasn t my fault I d been banned from driving it, as part of my punishment for getting kicked out of that last school, and was stuck with a lame Smart car. I m totally ashamed to be seen on the same road as her, said the Blond in the passen ger seat, drawing on eyeliner, so much she looked like a really bad blond Emo ki d. When the lights turned green, Cheeleader slammed on the gas, and Blonde shoved h er eyeliner into her eye. Inside, I was cracking up. Outside, I was cool and cal m. But I couldn't resist flipping them off as I drove away come on, they totally dissed me! I flicked my hair as I went down the road. God, girls like that were annoying. T hough I kind of had to admit, I kept staring in the car mirror too, shocked. Wha t the hell was this? I d tied my hair into the two bunches and put on the big geek y glasses my Dad had bought me and now I looked like a nerd. Awesome. The frame hid too much of my face and magnified my eyes, making me look like some creepy o wl thing. But I drew the line when he showed me the fake braces that could be st uck to your teeth. I mean, come on. Okay, I was depressed about my new nerd look, but didn t do anything about it. Thi s was what my parents wanted, right? For me to keep my head down, and not get in to any trouble? Well, this would totally do it. I was a geek. I d semi-compromised by putting on some lip-gloss and straightening my fringe, but it didn t help. I j ust looked like a stupid wannabe. God, why did I have to go through this again? My parents suck. Well, whatever. I was late for my first day at my new school. I d picked out the m ost boringest hoodies in the world plain black that matched my new school shoes. I sped through a couple of stop signs, and went past the speed limit a LITTLE. (I mean, come on 20mph? That is so stupid. So what if I pushed it to 50?) It mea nt I was at school in about ten minutes. And then I saw the school for the first time. I mean, I ve seen the pictures, but now I actually see this place, it s kind of shoc king. Well, Photoshop is amazing. This school was typical public school; totally old. This is where I was meant to stay until graduation? Those losers (a.k.a. m y parents) must have been kidding about this. The gates were ugly, the school fi elds were uncut and wild, and the buildings were crumbling. Oh God, they weren t s erious, right? I can t live like this! Absentmindedly walking on, I got out my phone, ignoring the people that passed m e. I was about to call my parents and demand they change my school, when I saw s omething that made me pause and gape. Or three things. Oh my GOD. I must have died and ended up in the pages of an Abercrombie and Fitch catalogue . The HOTTEST guys in the world. There were three of them, all tall statuesque exa mples of the fine male physique. I don't think I ve seen talent like that even in my old schools; and keep in mind that my old schools were all private academies where all the students had access to plastic surgery. This can t be right They were all well-built, tall and damn sexy.

I stared at them, and for a second, the one with green eyes glanced at me. Then he looked away, as if I were significant. I hate this reaction with my whole new look. It s totally depressing. Who are they? I asked some random brunette girl next to me, who d also paused to sta re. The hottest guys on the football team, she said, her eyes not leaving the guys tha t crossed the school yard. Her mouth was wide open as well, and she looked like she was going to drool. I totally understand. I wanted to as well. Max, Tom, and Carter. They re playing the match next week. I snapped my phone shut. I d changed my mind. I was staying in this school. Hi, I said, grinning at the semi-drooling girl. My name s Alexis. What s yours? she replied, smiling back at me. You the Alexis that s new in my class? That s me.


Yeah, I said, smiling. ***

An hour or a billion later, we were in Biology. School is barely any different i n private or public schools they are both incredibly boring. I was sad to learn that during my month-long suspension, everyone in the Universe had not forgotten everything to do Science. Damn it. Just my luck. Thank God Olivia, or Ollie as I like to call her, was in mainly all my classes. I d assessed her. She was sweet but, puppy-doll brown eyes with caramel hair, and a cute face. Her fashion sense left a little to be desired from what I could tell with her outfit but she would do as my New Best Friend. Well, here. So tell me more about the three guys we saw at the school gate. about them; after all, I was basically here for them. I had to know more

They re like, the best football players in the country. And the hottest. They can t w alk through a mall without a model scout walking up to them. Okay, Tom. His Dad s the guy who produces a lot of movies. He s the one with the brun ette hair, and blue eyes. You can crush on the other two, but he s mine okay? I nodded, and she relaxed from her possessive pose.

Carter is the one with the brunette hair and brown eyes. He s amazing at all sports ; you know, tennis, swimming, soccer, you name it, he can do it. He s on every sin gle team for everything, but he s just taken a natural liking to football. And who s the last one? Max. He was the tallest one, with the blond hair and green. He s like, the biggest player in the whole school. He goes through girlfriends really fast, because no one s good enough for him, apparently. We were busy finding the life-long sister in each other when the bell rang. I gr abbed my notepad and a folder from my new (cramped and stupid) locker, and it wa s History. I was fitting in nicely I could see what Dad meant about the whole hid ing my face thing I wasn t getting the looks I got from everyone normally, apart fr om the expected God, that girl s a nerd looks that I got, but weren t really used to. I checked my timetable. I was in H6. History room 6. Inventive.

I kept my head and slid into the classroom, a couple minutes late. In my old sch ool that would have earned a detention. However, in this school, no one even not iced. I slid down onto the only free chair (actually that s not true, there was al so another chair, but it was next to some girl with a bad perm and braces. I can t really talk now, but you know ), and I turned around to look at my desk partner And I froze. It was one of to the space, pay attention know because the A&F gods. He didn t realize I was there, and just sat staring in with a gazed look I recognized; you know, when you re pretending to to teacher when your actually drifting off into unconsciousness. I that s the only look I have in lessons.

It was more than that though. I d let myself smoosh up so close to his hard muscle s, I could hear it there was Eminem playing from somewhere Oh my god. He had headp hones in. They were nothing more than little black buds in his ears, without the wires (ma ybe wireless?) and were perfectly discreet. I must get me one of those. In the mea ntime I reached over and plucked an ear-bud from his ear, wiped it (did no one el se see that new report on headphones and earwax?), and placed it in mine. The fa miliar sound of Eminem yelling made me smile as I turned back to the teacher, wh o was still rambling on about enzymes. (I don t even know how to spell the word.) Hey. I turned slowly towards him, and gave him my best sexy smile (okay, main reason I stole his ear-bud; conversational starter), the smile that had gotten me every single straight guy in my old school. Yeah? I asked, twisting a couple strands of hair in my fingers. Give it back, he whispered, learning in close to me, and my vision swam I wasn t get ting enough oxygen. His breath on my neck raised goosebumps, and I semi-shivered . This guy was so easy to manipulate. Why should I? I whispered back. Our heads were way too close now, and we were in f ront of the whole class, not to mention a very boring (male female ?) teacher. But w hat would have happened if they weren t there? I would have probably leapt on him and ripped his clothes right off. With my teeth. You ll regret it if you don t, Geek, he murmured, a small smirk forming on his lips, a nd my heart leapt. His green eyes were so piercing. How so? I asked, smirking back at him, feigning innocence. Even with this nerdy ha ir and glasses, I still had my charm. The Skills of Flirting made up more of my IQ than Science, English and Math put together. I drew his on with my eyes eyes that were so magnified by my new geek glasses. They were helpful, after all. I will Before I could hear the rest of that sentence, the teacher interrupted us. Since Max and the new girl seem so close, the woman/man teacher said frostily. Perh aps they should partner with each other for the History Project. I m sure everyone will be interested in what they can produce. Our gazes snapped back to each other, and I quickly turned away. The whole class was laughing, saying stuff like, Max with the Nerd! and God, Max has the worst luc

k . Immature Bastards. I was on a completely separate level from them. Keep your head down, Alexis. This is what you did wrong in your last school. Ign ore it. But it s so damn hard. Yes, I said, my voice quiet. I will partner with him.

He raised an eyebrow at my new, quiet voice, but said nothing. He had no objecti ons too, apparently. After class, I was leaving when Max grabbed my hand and dragged me to some unuse d classroom. He pinned me to the wall, his arms on the side of my head. I couldn t move even if I wanted to which I didn t. There s nothing like good, toned, muscled guy pressed up against you. Geek, he said, smirking. I was semi-surprised. What?! I asked, gaping. Then he leaned down to kiss me, pressing me hard against t he locker. He was good, to say the least his lips made my whole body tingle, and electricity passed through our bodies like a real current. He made my heart thu d against my chest, and for a second, the whole world stopped. When our lips parted, I was smiling. His guy thinks he s so good, that he s such a p layer. And he was the biggest player in the school. Until me. You understand? he asked, grinning cockily. I own you. You. Are. Mine. I said, tilting my head as I looked at him. You re mine from now on.

What do you like about me? I think you re interesting. I semi-smiled again.

Interesting is an understatement, I said, silencing his lips with mine, and I knew I was much better than him. After all, I was much more experienced than him. I left him, standing in the dark classroom, shocked. He was the biggest player Bad Girl *** Author's Note: You like this story? Vomment for more :) "Hey, Geek!" Oh my God. Cheerleader and Blond from the traffic lights both went to my school. They had three other Blonds behind them, and they were all glaring at me with s emi-hatred. Were they all cheerleaders? I'll give you three guesses...though you only really need two. "Yeah?" I said, semi-laughing - Blonde's eye was spectacularly red from the eyel iner-poking incident. "What's up, ladies?" 1, The Player until me. 0

Cheerleader pushed me up against the lockers - my second time today - but this t ime I did not enjoy it, as she did it way too hard, and she wasn't a hot guy abo ut to kiss me. I flicked her hand off my arm, and stared down at her (I now offi cially love these nerdy chunky shoes - they made me so much taller). "What the hell is your problem?" I yelled. Calm down, have to keep your head down, remember? "You little nerdy slut, you keep away from my Max, you hear me?" I raised an eyebrow. So it was about Max? "I don't even want him," I said, tossing my hair. God, these people were annoyin g. There are a hundred guys were Max comes from, and they're all no different. T hey were all tall, fit and popular. I've known and dated a thousand of them, and I will date millions more. As hot as he is, I don't need him - just because he kissed me automatically mean I'm his. Even though that's what he said (god, I lo ve strong guys), I'm owned by no one. "You take him. Just remember, this is a fr ee country. The day I want him, I will go get him." Cheerleader smirked at me. "He's the biggest player and the hottest guy in this school. When he snaps his f ingers, you'll go running. Do you know we'll do to you then? Jenny, why don't yo u give her a little taste of what will happen?" Minion 1 produced a pair of scissors. I smiled widely at them. These girls were cute. Scissors? If I were to get someone to stay the hell away from my boyfriend , it would be with a gun, or at least a proper knife. "What are you going to do, girls?" I asked, smirking. Cheerleader grabbed my arms and twisted them behind my back painfully, but I did n't flinch. Blond came up to me, with the scissors, and held them close to my he ad. "Your eye looks great," I said to her, and she glared to me. "Do you promise to never touch him?" Cheerleader whispered, right into my ear. "Okay," I said. "Really?" she asked, uncertain. Blond drew away slightly. "No, brainiac. Bring it on." Blond leaned in, and I knew a second later she would snip at my hair. Like I wou ld let her do that. I twisted suddenly, kicking Cheerleader in my twenty-thousand dollar silicon bre asts (but I'm all natural, baby). She collapsed, and I punched Blond in the stom ach, making her smudge her lip-gloss and mess up her hair. In our world, that's the worst insult ever. The other minions remained still, probably not wanting to suffer the same thing. I picked up the scissors, and examined them. And I brought it to my own hair, and cut. "This is what you wanted, right?" I said, smirking, throwing down the massive ch

unk of my hair onto the ground. "Can I go now?" Cheerleader stood up, smiling with me. Then she lunged. Bloody hell, cheerleader s can fight. Why are they so...flexible? It's almost not fair for the rest of us . She had me pinned down to the ground, her hands around my neck. "Alright, geek, I'll give you one chance," she murmured. "You have until Prom. I f you can make him fall for you, I will quit this school. If you can't...well, y ou can leave this place, and let me and him spend the last year before graduatio n." I smiled. Her manicured hands around my neck were way too weak to make any diffe rence. I've been through way worse. "And I want him confessing his love at the Prom, on stage. Deal?" "Sure," I said. "This should be fun." They didn't know the one thing about me that will change everything. But they're going to find out. When they were gone, I flipped open my phone, and pressed Speed Dial. "Honey? Yeah. I need a major dye and cut, and some new clothes. I'm breaking all the rules, now." ***The Next Day*** Click. Clack. Click. Clack. My stiletto ankle boots made sounds that echoed through the whole corridor. My h ips swayed in the sexy black polka-dotted miniskirt. My low cut top showed my as sets off perfectly. The new haircut I'd gotten last night, was totally cool and rock-star, and the blow-dry and straightening I'd done this morning made each st rand of my ebony hair shine. My make-up was nude, because, let's face it, I didn 't need makeup. My glasses were gone. I went to Max's classroom (he was a senior), five minutes before the morning bel l. He was sitting with the two other Jocks, laughing with each other about somet hing. "Max, it's me, Alexis." His eyes widened as he looked up and down me appreciatively. "Hey, Alexis." "I'm looking forward to the History project together," I said, smirking. Cheerle ader and Blond were just outside, looking in on us. Let's give them the show the y're here for, shall we? "I am, as well," he said, smiling boyishly. I leaned down, purposely giving him a view down my top (I had a bra on. Duh. I'm not that slutty), and kissed his cheek, breathing in the sharp sting of his exp ensive designer cologne. "See you soon," I whispered breathily into his ear.

And then I left, meeting eyes with Cheerleader as I passed her in the door. Game on, bitch. I could have played nice. I could have been good. But you know what? Being bad i s just way more fun. ** "Can I have your number?" I looked the guy up and down. Not bad. "Sure," I said, taking out a Sharpie from my pocket, and scrawling it down on hi s hand. "Call me." That was the fifth guy who'd asked me in the last hour or so. I'd said no way to the last four guys, but I'd given my number to him. I hope he realizes how spec ial he is. He left and went up to his friends, screaming, "Oh my god I got her n umber!" - apparently he did realize how special he was. I left for English, smiling. And banged right into Max. "Oh, hey, Max." Not replying, he just dragged me behind a wooden pillar (oh god. This tacky scho ol has wooden pillars. I could vomit). "I thought I had it clear," he whispered, his green eyes angry. "That you were m ine." I raised an eyebrow. (God, I love raising one eyebrow. I feel so French.) "I'm sorry, but no one owns me. I'm my own person."

He leaned down, very close to me, so close my breath caught in my throat and my heart started thudding doubly-fast. Damn it! I'm not normally like this. I'm coo l and experienced, not love-struck (shudder). I tried not to notice how good he smelt, and how warm his body was. "Yeah?" "Yeah," I said, trying to sound strong and sure, but it's so very hard when you can feel every single muscle in a guy's chest, he's so close. Come on, I could b e honest...I love possessive guys, really. Total turn-on. "Maybe I should prove're mine." Damn, he's good. The way his voice sounded...husky and deep, confident and...No! You are better than him, Alexis! You are more experienced, and have more sex ap peal, and you're richer, and you're cleverer...and But it's hard to remember all that when you're next to Max Collins. I don't know what it is...maybe the Sex God pheromone he gives out from every pore of his Fing body

"How?" I asked, my voice ridiculously virgin, all trained sophistication gone. P eople passed us, and stared, but I didn't really see them. I was transfixed on h is stupid, sexy face. He kissed my neck, gently grazing the softest spot, and a little moan left my mo uth. Damn him...but.... I wrapped my arms around his, pulling him closer. Every place he kissed burned l ike it was on fire, and I bit my lip down hard, to try to stop another embarrass ing moan. Then his hand, hot and warm, slid under my top, and reached up, so his fingers were against my bare, lacy bra. Stop it, Alexis! Stop! Stop. Stop... He gave me one last soft, gentle, tingly kiss on my lips, and he finally pulled away. My heart was pounding like it was about to explode, my cheeks were flushed , and my tidy hair was messed up from being shoved against the most amazing wood en pillar in the world. He touched the place where he'd kissed (an area a couple inches above my top's p retty low neckline), and smirked at me again, the beautifully cocky smirk I was beginning to semi-like. "I think that proves you're mine." Then he left me, standing there, leaning against a pillar. Damn.

Bad Girl 1, The Player 1 *** Author's note: I was so worried when I wrote this, in case you guys didn't like :( please vote+comment (vomment) if you do, though. Love ya xxx am picking some youtube music vids for you guys xx I was a few minutes late for English, but Ollie was outside waiting for me. "Where were you?" she asked, her eyes wide with worry. "You're so late, and - oh my god." "What?" I asked. I'd tried to smooth down my hair, and reapplied my lip gloss, s o I should look normal. "What's wrong?" "Did you...hook up with someone?" Wow. She is totally f-ing psychic. "How did you know?" She stretched out a finger, and pointed at the place Max had touched a couple mi nutes ago. Maybe she is psychic. I looked down to the place she was pointed at, expecting to see normal, unblemished skin, but "FUCK!" I yelled, and my hand went to my chest, covering the spot. "Oh my GOD! I can't believe Max did this on me!" "Max," Olivia said, her eyes widening. "Max Collins? He was the guy who gave you that hickey?"

"Yes! Oh my GOD! How the hell am I going to get it off?" I started trying to scr atch it off, but Olivia took my hand to stop me. "Calm down," she said. "Let's go to the toilets it cover it up. I've got some co ncealer just your shade." I muttered thanks. I will so kill that guy, hot A&F model look-a-like or not. Go d, he was such a douche. How dare he mark my precious body?! I'm going to rip hi s head off the next time I see him! Ok, my defence plan against his amazing pher omones is that I basically just avoid contact! Yes, that was right! It looked so much worse in the mirror. A massive red mark, just above my cleavag e. My new shoulder-length hair couldn't cover it up, and even Ollie's concealer didn't work much - you could still see it. I had to do the trick I'd learned a c ouple years ago - massage the area to get the blood-flow going. God, I can't bel ieve Max has reduced me to this. He's so ruined my day. "Ollie?" I asked, standing up so suddenly I make her jump. "I'll just skip today . I can't be seen in school like this, okay? I'll see you." And I ran out of the toilets, leaving her there, ignoring her as she yelled, "No , don't you'll get in trouble!". Thank God this was a cheap public school, and t hey didn't have the semi-prison CCTV cameras we had, and so it was perfectly fin e for me to climb over the school wall, the only thing between me and outside wo rld. I slid my foot into the places where the rock was crumbling (god, this plac e was old), and I was completely balanced until the top. I shivered from the col d bricks, and then I missed the hole with my stupid boots, and... Oh GOD, I was going to fall, I was going to bang my head and snap my neck, and t hey'll find me there, the incredibly well-dressed pretty dead girl trying to ski p school, OH MY GO I fell, closing my eyes, waiting to hit the cold, hard ground. Then I stopped, s uddenly. I waited for the pain, but none came, so I opened my eyes. I was in som eone's very well toned, muscular arms...But who's? Tom Hall. A&F God Number 2. "You can let me down, now," I said, after the normal hug time had well passed. "Oh," he said, flushing. "Right." He dropped me. No, not "bang-drop-on-the-cold-hard-ground", but gentle sort of " straightening". I realized my top had suddenly risen up a couple inches, and Tom could probably see the belly-button ring I'd gotten last year secretly in sprin g break, so I pulled down my top. Tom seemed nothing like Max - he was way sweet er, and seemed pretty cute. Maybe that's why Ollie had dibs on him. Cute matches cute, right? "Is that your car?" I said, walking up to the gorgeous silver Mercedes SLR McLar en behind him - nothing as awesome as my Ferrari Enzo, but no car is better than my Ferrari. Well, apart from the Bugatti Veyron, but that's just another story. "Yeah," he replied, as I ran my fingers over the sleek paint. "Great," I said, jumping into the passenger seat. "You can give me a ride. Take me to Pinkberry, please. I want frozen yoghurt. This thing can go 210mph, right? "

*** "Bloody hell," he muttered, more to himself than me. "You are the worst driver i n the world." "Shut up," I said, licking the pomegranate-ice-cream-covered spoon. In the end, he let me drive. "What the hell is the point of going 70, when your car can go o ver 200mph?" "You could have killed us!" he yelled, and some girls looked over at him. Well, again. They'd been staring at him for a while now. I couldn't blame them - he wa s way hot. Perfectly tousled brown hair, with sharp blue eyes. You know, the kin d that was damn sexy without even knowing it. But he was simple, and pretty easy to manipulate. My kind of guy. "Do know that you drove about a mile on two lane s?" "Yes," I said, dipping my spoon into my ice-cream again. "I know. You were screa ming it at me the whole time, you know." "Then why the hell didn't you drive properly, in one lane?!" he yelled. "That would be boring," I said calmly, popping more ice-cream into my mouth, sav ouring the creaminess. "That's not how I live." "Driving is not meant to be exciting!" he hissed. "It's meant to get you from De stination A to Destination B, perfectly safely. Not start from Destination A, an d end up as two charred corpses in a lump of metal at Destination B!" I rolled my eyes. I'm sure he'll be a great Dad to some unfortunate teenage girl some day, but could he tone down the whole "lecture" thing just a little. "Calm down, Tommy," I muttered, finished the last of my frozen yoghurt, "and eat your ice cream." He looked down, unhappily, at the melting blob of chocolate ice cream, stabbing a spoon into the middle. "Oh, by the way, why did you skip school today?" I asked, watching him tentative ly put his first spoonful of chocolate yummy-ness into his mouth. "It was only a half day," he said - finally looking as if he'd gotten over the w hole "you-could-have-crashed-and-killed-us" overreaction he's just had. Free per iod? Oh right, he was a senior, and apparently at crappy public schools that hav e barely any funding and bad staff, they give whole free periods of time to the students. "I was going to go to Carter's house, and we would go play ball, but.. .well." "I'm keeping you here, right?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. He nodded. "Well, in that case...Let's go to Nobu. I want sushi." *** Three hours later, we - well, I - were driving to Carter's house. You know, just to chill. I had nothing better to do - homework so did not count - and so I was tagging along. It will probably take about another six hours since we were goin g "-SO DAMN SLOW!" I yelled. "Come on, how can you expect me to go 70 through this deserted road?"

"It's a residential area! Little kids live here! And you're meant to go 30, not 70!" he yelled back. Whatever; my way meant we were at Carter's house in 10 minutes. "I don't know why I let you drive again," he muttered. "I must be crazy." Carter's house was pretty big for a crappy public-school pupil. I saw a motorbik e parked outside the house. God, I missed mine - but Dad said he would buy me a new motorbike if I lasted in this school for a couple days, and he'll give me ba ck my Ferrari if I pass all my subjects. I rung the doorbell, and I could hear the cheesy ding-dong. A couple seconds lat er, the door swung open. Max. Standing there, looking sexily surprised, with the cocky smile I loved. His eye fell to the hickey he'd left on my skin. Ok, let's go with the plan; stay away from his pheromones. I just stood there fo r a while, shocked. Then I snapped out of it. "Hi," I said, smiling. I was meant to make him fall for me, after all. "I though t you'll be here." "Sure," he said, looking bemused. "You wanna come in?" His eyes flickered to Tom , who was behind me, and his face hardened. Weird. I thought they were friends? "Carter's just upstairs," he said, gripping my wrist, and pulling me into the ho use. "You guys go out to play in his backyard. I just need to say something to A lexis." Tom went in, giving me a puzzled look, then went to find Carter. "I thought I told you, before," Max said, way too close for comfort. Damn, those stupid pheromones that knocked me out, "not to see any more guys?" "What?" Oh, now I get it. "You're jealous?" He smirked again. "And this is your punishment for making me jealous," he said, pressing his lips to mine again. Damn him. Damn. He was so good at this. Why was he so good at it? "You get jealous so easily," I mumbled breathlessly, when he paused for a minute . "It's not fair." "You love it really," he said, kissing the side of my neck, and moving his lips to the place where the hickey was. "That's why you didn't cover my love-bite...y ou enjoy this." I wish I could tell him he was wrong. Then a voice comes in the back of my mind, "He's the biggest player and the hott est guy in this school. When he snaps his fingers, you'll go running.". Was that true? Was I changing already? I used to be the one who broke the hearts, the on e that went from guy to guy, sometimes the guys overlapping. I wasn't this...inn ocent, trusting girl. I was the Bad Girl. I was always the bad girl. So when he looked down at me, about to kiss me one more time, do you know what I did? Something that changed this whole game, the game I'd played and won for ye

ars. I pressed my finger against his lips, stopping him.

Bad Girl 2, The Player 1 *** Author's note: La Di La La!!!! I LOBE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!! as always, VOMMENT for more xxx I ran out of the house, my heels not helping me at all in my mission to get the hell away. I d never done that before. Sure, I ve played hard to get, but when you re pr etty much gotten, that move loses all the power. I ve never stopped a hot, nice-sm elling guy from kissing me before. Maybe something wrong with me?! Had I inhaled too many dumb public school germs from the dumb public school students? I searched through my pockets, almost at the end of Carter s road, for my Smart Ca r keys. Then stopped. Shit. I left my car at school. What the hell was I meant t o do? I couldn t walk home the sixty miles or so that were between mine and Carter s houses. Damn him, and his little suburban-area-located home. Should I turn back? No, seeing him would be worse than walking the sixty miles. I bit my lip. I could sneak back and hot-wire Tom s car, but I d only done it once b efore, and I wasn t very good at the whole engine thing it would take me at least twenty minutes. What about Carter s bike? Motorbikes were easier to hi-jack, but i t would take me about five minutes. I turned back. And saw his bike. Oh, it was like the bike was possessed or something, and had suddenly jumped clo ser to me. No, the thing that sent my heart thumping was the guy who sat on the bike. Carter Gray. You need a ride home? he said, his brown fringe falling just over his equally-brow n eyes. His muscular arms gripped the handle, and flexed impressively as he stre tched up. His jeans were tight are fit oh-so-perfectly, and his smile was perfec t. Yum. I kind of wish I made the bet about him now. Max doesn t take to much care so his girls. His eyes went up and down my body, stopping at the hickey Max had lef t. Sure, I said, walking towards him, casually, flicking my hair, but covering the hi ckey at the same time. He passed me his helmet, and I slipped it on. Tell me which way to go, Okay. He took off, and I closed my eyes as the familiar feeling of ride a motorbike en gulfed me the wind, the freedom, and the sheer speed. And, of course the warm of a guy s back, ad you pressed your chest against him. Damn. I had to get a bike so on. How long until my Dad bought me the motorbike he promised? A Kawasaki ZX-10R would be awesome. he said, as my arms tightened around his HARD abs.

Oh, by the way,

I yelled, against the wind. I m not Max s girl. I m single.

If I could ve seen his face, he would probably have been smiling. *** This is your house? he asked, taking off my helmet for me. It s massive.

I looked up at my own house the gorgeous white mansion, dimly lit by soft lights all around, emphasizing the whole grand house thing. The front lawn was lush well kept by our gardener who came daily, and a bird-bath stood in the middle. I hated it. It was my parents. It was a month, for a day se, something most me. a big, daily reminder of who I was, and who I was related to cold and empty, because my parent barely ever came home once or so, and never at the same time. I was all alone in the hou other teenagers would have loved, but it was just boring for I guess. Anyway, thanks for the ride.

Yeah, I murmured, non-committally. Anytime, he said, smiling.

We stood there awkwardly for a few moments. I bit my lip shyly, and brushed away my new fringe with my hand, looking at my shoes. This is what I was good at get ting guys hooked. This was comfortable to me. This was easy. I was most definite ly not different. I was exactly the same girl before I met Max I mean, came to t his school. Damn it. I looked up at his again, through my eyelashes. Thanks again, I said, smiling my best smile now. I leaned in (well, up. Wow, he wa s tall), and kissed his cheek, pressing my face against his neck. I ll return the favour, I whispered.

Time for a dramatic departure. I ve so not changed. I m the same bad-girl I always was. *** Get up, Miss Alexis, please. It is time for school, ins. I winced, and pulled the duvet over my head. my Maid said, opening my curta

I m not going to school today, I said, my voice muffled from the hiding-from-the-bli nding-sun thing. I m very sick. Cough, cough. Miss Alexis, please get up. There is a package your father sent for you. Oh great, another foreign doll for my stupid semi-mummified by dust China Doll collection . Did he not realize I was already, like, seventeen? But I m ill. Cough. Miss Alexis, I m not going to call the school and tell them that you re sick, just be cause you re saying the word cough . Now please, get up! Your father s package is sligh tly bigger than usual. I jumped up, out of bed, abandoning the whole sick Is it the bike? TELL ME it s the bike?! thing. OH MY GOD!

She smiled at me. Yes, Miss Alexis, it s the bike. I ran all the way screaming down the stairs, even though I was in nothing but so me lacy lingerie. I ran into our garage, dashing past my ugly Smart Car, and run ning towards the glossy red bike I saw, decorated with a big pink bow tie. I rec ognised it thing easily. The Honda V4. The most beautiful, modern motorbike in t he world. I hugged it, feeling the glossy paint. There was a card, attached to the big bow .

Alexis, this is the bike I promised. I have not yet had any reports of misbehavi our, and so this is me keeping my end of the bargain. Your Father.

I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, DAD! I said, squeezing the front wheel. It was so beautiful. He y, Katrina! My Maid came in, smiling at me probably because I was semi-naked, sit ting on cold concrete, hugging a bike. Yes, Miss Alexis? You like Smart cars, right? I said, tossing her the keys to my crappy pile of car (I kept the keys under the thing. I d lose them otherwise, and plus, no one would ever want to steal it) that, though was still new, looked like shit next to my n ew bike. Here s today s bonus. Why don t you take it out for a spin? *** I flew against the wind, my cool pink leather gloves tightening as I went around a steep bend. This is what I loved knowing I was awesome at this, but that if I swerved and crashed I could die my life was in my own hands. It s only in these m oments, I feel free. Okay, so I gave in and went to school, but it s only to keep this whole thing up w ith my Dad maybe, if I tried harder, he d give me my Ferrari back totally my life and soul. My scarf was flapping like crazy I i skinny jeans, with a red Hollister nd my navy converses (I have about a I needed to complete the biker-chic would be semi-helpful if I do crash. d gone for a more casual look today black Arman T-shirt, and a Chanel leather jacket. Oh, a billion Converses at home). The only thing look was an actual helmet. You know, since it

I got to school way fast (another thing I loved about bikes. The fact you could overtake someone without getting a ticket, or crashing into a car going the oppo site way) which was kind of a bad thing, since I REALLY didn't want to go to sch ool. I skipped a load of lessons yesterday so there would be hell to pay, plus I had History first thing, which would be awkward to the point of suicidal. We we re working on our projects today and the stupid teacher had put me with Max. I p arked my motorbike in the school car park, and made towards the school gates. Suddenly, I was vibrating. What the hell?

I opened my new Marc Jacobs tote, and my iPhone was vibrating, and a picture of Ollie pouting on the screen. I leaned against a wall, and picked up. Olivia? Allie! I groaned. Don t call me Allie. I hate Allie. You re nickname s Allie? a deep male voice behind me said. I turned. Carter. I ll call you back. Before I cut Ollie off I heard her yell ck into my bag. If you call me Allie I ll deck you, No wait don t who was . I slipped my iPhone ba

I said, smiling up at him.

He smirked, like he was thinking, I d quite like that. My friends call me worse. Max calls me Vroom Vroom. I giggled. That is bad. He literally calls you that every time he sees you? He nodded, sticking his hands into his jeans, looking like (cute) embarrassed li ttle boy. Kind of sweet. Is this your bike by the way? he said, running a finger over the seat. The Honda V4? Yeah, I said. It s mine. Just got it last night. It s awesome.

What, my crappy bike reintroduced your love of riding? I laughed. I guess. How did you know I rode? I can tell, he said, smirking. You got on yesterday without showing your panties. T hat skill takes at least a couple years to master. And you would know, because ? We laughed together, and I started walking to school, Vroom Vroom (LOL) beside me. This was nice you know, casually flirting with a hot guy. Familiar. Where you heading? My homeroom. Want me to walk you? Yeah, I said, nodding. *** Let s go.

Oh my GOD, Ollie hissed, as soon as Carter was gone. y don't waste time, do you?

Was the Carter? Wow, you reall

Cheerleader was next to us in our homeroom (how did I miss that before?! I AM SO UNOBSERVATIVE!), and was looking at me in interest I m surer she would ve loved to go up to Max and say something like, Hey, you know that girl Alexis? Yeah, well, she s going out with your friend Carter. Like I m going to let that happen. My parent s were completely serious this time If I get kicked out of this one, I have to g o move to India to work for some crappy branch of my Dad s company. My official la st chance. Oh, we re just friends, I announced loudly to the whole room (all the girls were wat ching me with death-glares. Apparently it had gotten round I was Max s history par tner already and we were a little TOO close, and so I d made about a billion enemi es in the school. God, the problems you have when you re a Hot Guy s girlfriend. Tha nk god they re are cute, or no one would ever go through the major semi-crippling issues). He already has a girlfriend called, um, Britney. The entire female population seemed to groan in disappointment, and complained l oudly to each other. If I knew high schools, and I knew high schools, then that news would go around in about five minutes, which would provide a nice distracti on for the girls who were currently busy hating me. I could see some girls get o ut phones to text already. The bell rang, and we all went to first lesson. I dawdled as much as I could in the toilets, fluffing up my hair and slicking on some lip-gloss, but then I had to go Dad did say if I played up too much, he d take the bike away, and I d missed a couple classes yesterday anyway. I walked into the History room, and made for my desk. Max was sitting there, but he wasn t alone. Blonde was next to him, in my seat, la ughing at something he said. He looked up, into my eyes, and for a second, he lo oked like he d thought he won. But there s always another round.

Bad Girl 2, The Player, 2 *** Author's Note: This author doesn't share the opinion expressed in this chapter. Since the author is a dumb public school students, the author can't really talk. The author now wants you to vomment some more :) Blond finally moved away, giving me a look that clearly said, Stay away from him . Oh, so Blondie was going for Max too? What s Cheerleader going to say? I sat in my place, and glanced up at Max, who was steadily ignoring me. He must be taking the rejection bad. I would, if I were him. We were both players, the t ype who got whoever we wanted there was no one in the world that could resist us . But do players fall for players? No, players fall for innocent little girls. I g uess if I want to win this bet, I have to become that girl. Max ? I asked, my voice timid. Damn it, I was going to have to go all out. Are you ma

d at me? He looked at me, kind of shocked, but didn t reply. Whatever I did, I m sorry. Will you forgive me? Cue fake tears.

I Of course, he said, looking really surprised now. It wasn t like I was actually cryi ng (I m not that amazing), but I knew I had that about-to-burst-into-tears look on my face. It wasn t you. I just I Then he changed from spaz attack to cool, slick and confident. He thought he was back in control, after he made me jealous by using Blondie. That was a good move, but not enough to make me fold. I haven t lost the game before, and I m not going t o lose it now. I m sorry, he said, reaching over, and pressing his palm against my cheek. I had to admit that was good. Damn his pheromones. I won t do that to you again. Okay? I nodded shyly, looking down, then up into his eyes, while trying to ignore the death-glares from all the girls around me (including Blondie). I bit my lip, and he pressed his lips against my forehead. Yep, he definitely thought he was in c ontrol. He was so wrong. *** Hey Ollie! I yelled, and she looked up from her locker ine. You want to hang out with Tom today? She stared at me, gaping like an idiot. What how? she stuttered, her eyes wide. Then she got over all that. Where? it was only a couple from m

Max s house. He invited me over for the History project, and he told me to bring a couple girls for his friends. Oh-my-god-I-love-you-so-much! Ollie screamed, giving me a hug. You re so awesome! I c an t believe you picked me! Then she went into the oh-my-god-what-should-I-wear mod e that almost every girl went through before a major date with a crush. I smiled sardonically, mentally reminding myself to bring a couple spare dresses for Oll ie to try out like I could let her wear her own clothes. We had Gym next a totally unnecessary torture, that if I were in a private schoo l, I would not have to go through. It was something I wouldn t normally put myself through, this high school was my last chance. I was explaining to Ollie after w e were changed (into yucky green shorts and t-shirt) and were in the crumbling b rick gym, about how private schools were way better. You went to a private school? a guy s voice said behind me. Uh huh, I said, smiling at Carter. He grinned back, and waved at Ollie, who blushe d and moved away. I ve been to four. Four?! You were expelled from all of them? Yep. For what?

I started ticking the schools off my manicured fingers, trying to remember. God, it s tiring trying to keep track of all your crimes. First school, I was kicked out for stealing the Principal s car and driving it off a cliff. Total misunderstanding, by the way. I thought it was my friend s car. The second school was a boarding school, and they expelled me for being in the guy s dorm, with alcohol. Okay, I admit that one was kind of deserved we were all butt naked when they found us. Blondie slouched behind us (god, was she in all of my lessons?!), then moved awa y when I glared at her. The third one was a stupid all-girls Catholic reform school. They couldn t stand th e fact that I wouldn t wear the school uniform, so I was only in that one for abou t a week. The last one was an incredibly posh private school that kicked me out when they caught me with drugs. Now I m stuck here, in this public school, and it s my official last chance. If I get expelled they re sending me away to some deserte d branch of my Dad s company to work. A kind of awkward silence followed my mini-speech. Wow, *** You want to get some lunch? he asked, putting his arm around my shoulders. The cafe teria should have some great sludge today. I laughed. Ollie, you coming? I asked, turning away from Carter. Carter said. You re from a whole different world.

It s alright. I have homework to do. Okay. Oh, by the way, I don t want to be set up for the little gathering at Max s tonight. I m not that into girls right now. I quirked up an eyebrow. Are you into guys? Because I know this really cute, gay guy He shoved me, gently, but I still fell over. I guess I was laughing too hard. No, he said, smirking, and giving me a hand up. It s just that I ve got my eye on this one girl, and I don t want her to get the wrong impression. I chatted to Carter on the way to his table, begging him to tell me who he had a crush on. This was nice. I haven t had a guy friend in a long time. What didn t fee l nice were the billion or so people (i.e. girls) glaring. I sighed, and walked on to the display of vomit-provoking food glistening. That s right. Glistening. Pu blic schools do suck. I ll just get an apple, I said, picking one up from the basket of fruit the only thi ng that wasn t processed or covered in grease. I gave the dinner lady the fifty ce nts, and followed Carter to his table. Max was there, laughing with Tom. Of cour se. ***

I made eye-contact with Max, and I thought he would go all ape-shit jealous abou t the fact that I was with Carter, but he just gave me a cute little smile, and waved me over. Whoa. That wasn t in the Player s Handbook. I walked slower, blushing slightly. Damn. He was affecting me, even half a room away. Hey, said random person beside me, gripping my arm. Can we talk? ng my eyes away from Max. Blondie. No, I said, turning away again. she said, her eyes pleading. Just for a minute. I looked up, draggi


I turned to Carter, who gave a dismissive wave as if to say, Go on. I followed Blo ndie out of the room, and behind another wooden pillar (how many stupid wooden p illars are there in this place? They re just there, waiting for some poor innocent people to walk into them and leave with ruined hair). I have a preposition, Blond said. Wow. She knew a four-syllable word? About Max.

The one we made a couple days ago? I haven t quite forgotten, honey. Why don t you ru n back to your little cheerleading friend, now? She glared at me. Just listen, okay? she snapped, and I sighed, and she carried on. You don t want to g et out of this school, right? You were telling your friends that this was your l ast chance or something, and so you can t be expelled. Were you spying on me?! I yelled, indignant.

Shut up! she hissed, and I shut up. It wasn t like I was obeying her or anything it was more of the fact that I was in shock. No one had ever told me to shut up bef ore. Look, I can really help you! I ve been around long enough to know about Max, a nd his dating patterns. I promise I ll help you, if you do me a favour. What? I asked, my eyes wide. Blondie was really betraying Cheerleader? Whoa. Break his heart, Blondie said, her eyes pleading and shiny with tears?! Back in junio r year, he went out with my sister for a month. Then he broke her. He played her and dumped her. Now I want to take revenge. Can you do that for me? I thought about it. Was it really any different from what I was going to him any different from what I d done to every one of my boyfriends? No. Hell no. I was go ing to break his heart anyway. So what s wrong with a little help? Deal, Blondie. Let s see if we can pull this off. She smiled the smallest fraction of smiles, then flipped her hair, put her attit ude on, and left. *** So do you think I look okay? You look fine, I said patiently, flipping through Elle. I was at Ollie s house, gett ing ready for Max s house. Well, she was stressing, and I was reading. We had to l eave in about a minute if we wanted to arrive fashionably late, but she still wa

sn t really. How about now? Wait, how about this top with this skirt? Too flashy? You look fine. All you re clothes are fine. Come on! Ollie whined, flapping the skirt in front of my head, blocking my view of the magazine that contained much nicer skirts. What should I wear? Oh right, I said, slamming Elle shut, and sitting up on her bed. Were we talking ab out that? I have some dresses I bought with me. Do you want to try some on? It took her about two minutes to know that: a) b) c) my dresses were much nicer than anything she owned my dresses were much more fashionable than anything she owned my dresses were more expensive than anything she owned

So we picked out a casual red summer dress for her (even though it was autumn), but I didn t bother to change. My outfit would be fine just to go to Max s house. We took a vote: she wanted to go by her car; I wanted to go by bike. She voted c ar, I voted bike, and so obviously I won. *** Never, she hissed, standing bending over in an about-to-vomit pose. She looked reall y pale and really, really scared, ever, ever, ever, EVER, make me go through that again. Never. Ever. We were at Max s house. His house, like Carter s, seemed pretty average the normal suburban house. But really, how could I judge? Ollie seemed p retty impressed, saying it was twice as big as hers or something. I should reall y invite her to my house. She ll flip out. Ding-dong. Oh GOD. Even the doorbell was mediocre. Max opened the door half-a-minute later, and smirked. I was in his house, now. *** So, what s this History project about? s. I said, smiling at Max. He raised his eyebrow

You seriously don t know? How can t you know? Oh my God, everyone knows! I looked at him for a minute. You don't know either, do you? No. I smiled. Carter was watching us talk, with a kind of bitter look on his face. I grinned a t him, but he didn t smile back. Tom and Ollie were in a conversation, and there w

as a lot of laughing and smiling going on, but I couldn t really tell what they we re saying. Didn t you bring a date for Carter? Max whispered, right in my ear. I jumped back. H e d gotten really close without me realizing it. Damn it, I was flustered. I tried to stifle my blush, but I had no idea how the hell you did that, so I just sett led with a semi-constipated look. Are you okay ? The doorbell rang again. I dropped the constipated face, and smirked at Carter. That ll be Carter s date. Did you really think I ll leave you out? nd of taken aback. What? he said. Carter just looked ki

No I said I didn t want you to invite a girl for me! I didn t want You really need a girlfriend, so I got Alexis to hook you

Too bad, man, Max cut in. up.

Carter wouldn't look at me, so I just stared at him. Blondie! I yelled, jumping up and greeting the blond-haired girl who s just walked i n, in front of a semi-shocked Max. What took you so long? She flipped her hair at Carter, then turned and shared a smile with me. *** I looked into the mirror, fluffing up my hair and reapplying my lip-gloss. It wa s really loud downstairs, and I could hear Blondie laughing. So much for her hel ping me. And I thought we were meant to do the History project right now?! I sighed, and left the bathroom, slipping the little tin back into my purse. The n it hit me. I was upstairs, all alone with no one to stop me. I pushed open the first door boiler room. I pushed open the second door parent s room (I think. Unl ess Max wears bras ). I pushed open the third room and jackpot. Max s room. I wasn t really curious about his, okay?! I was only trying to find our more to us e against him. That was meant to be Phase Two of the plan me and Blondie came up with on the phone after school, Phase One being get him to become interested in me. Phase Three was simply using what we learnt in Phase Two against him (look, we aren t AP students, okay?!). I think Phase One is done. If I weren t curious about him, then why did this matter so much to me ? I sneaky-di-sneaked into his room, which was dark because I couldn t find the ligh t switch. I went through all his desk drawers, but found nothing interesting no embarrassing photos, no secret stash, no diary. I mean, unless we counted some t attered editions of Playboy. Alexis? I spun around, quickly slamming the door shut, trying to make out who was the da rk, tall silhouette at the door. Carter? What are you doing?

I I He closed the door behind him, so it was pitch-black. When eyes adjusted, I coul d see that he s walked up, really close to me. Carter? Open the door! I semi-expected him to get out a big axe or something and c hop off my head. I ve seen way too many horror movies. Why did you set me up with Blondie? I told you I didn t want to be set up. I didn t think it mattered that much, I mumbled, taking a step back. You know, just in case he had an axe behind his back, I had more duck time. You don t have to go out with her it s just for fun. Right, he said, backing me up against a wall. Except who d you think I like?

In that moment I smiled to myself. Because I ve heard it all a billion times befor e. The chat up lines. The confessions. I ve even heard I love you in a hundred diffe rent ways. Boys are so completely predictable. Who? You, I asked, playing clueless. he whispered, and he kissed me.

Who d you think is in charge now, Max?

Bad Girl 3, The Player, 2 *** Author's Note: la-di-da-di-da. Anyway, I love it when you guys comment! You mus t be thinking, "hmm, I won't comment cos she doesn't read comments" (f.y.i, I am a she LOL) but that is utterly not true!!! I get all the notifications sent to me via email, and I spend 10 minutes each morning going through ALL of them. So please vomment :) I <3 U guyzz P.S. Uploaded more this time cos I love ya xxx Whoa, whoa, whoa, I muttered, kind of breathless, pushing him away. But only gen tly. Slow down, Carter. You sure you want to do this, in your best friend s bedroom , right now? He kissed my neck, right over the hickey Max had left, ignoring me completely. Yes, he whispered, his voice husky. Damn. He was good at this too almost as good a s Max. I closed my eyes for a moment, just enjoying the feeling of his lips danc ing over my skin, the feeling of his hard body pressed up against mine. His hot breath against my jaw-line, tracing in, slowly reaching my lips, and then You guys coming down? an annoying, loud voice came up the stairs. Blondie. I cussed mentally, but tried to stay cool. Do you want to go downstairs? I asked, pushing him away for real. No, he mumbled, but he linked his fingers through mine, and came with me as I walk

ed to the door. Carter, I said, my hand on the doorknob. Max can t know about this. Let s keep this bet ween us. It can be our little secret. His lips formed a cute little smile. I leaned into him, gently pressing my lips against his, so softly we barely touc hed. Then I moved away. You go down first, *** And so I was back in the bathroom, in front of the mirror. I was brushing my hair, working through the knots I d gotten when Carter pushed me right up against the wall. I m so used to my hair being like this you know, after you re pushed up against a wall/tree/wooden beam/a random stranger while making o ut, me and my (ex) best friends actually made up a name for it. Hook-up hair. I lifted one side of my hair up, so I could brush through it better, and I saw s omething. I pulled up the other side of my hair. A hickey. It matched the one ju st above my cleavage perfectly. Then I closed my eyes. It s times like this, when a girl wonders if she s really a s lut. *** So what s everyone doing? I said, making my way through the big jumble of pizza and beer. I sat myself on the floor, opposite Blondie. She smiled at me, and winked, looking between me and Carter. Damn. How did she know? I d covered up the hickey Carter had left with concealer, but did nothing with Max s one. I was meant to mak e him fall for me, right? You okay? Max asked, who next to me but higher up because he was in a chair, looki ng down at me worriedly. I almost semi-believed that he cared. He was too damn g ood of an actor. Players were like that. I would know. I was the best of the bes t. Yeah, I m fine, I said rubbing my now-pristine hair against his hand gently. I whispered. I ll come a couple minutes later.

But why did it hurt to know that deep down, he didn t really care? I must be too sober. I leaned in, and grabbed a beer, unconsciously let Carter have a view down my to p. But I winked anyway. Innocent (well, sort of) flirting was my forte. And it w as fun. Tom and Ollie s chatter faded off gently into background noise, mixing in with the hip hop music playing in the background, Blondie s voice interrupted every so oft en. Carter joined in occasionally, his sarcastic comments making everyone laugh. Eventually, I lost track of the conversation. I didn t care. I just drank, beer a fter cheap beer. I had to admit, even though expensive champagne had its pros, s ometimes crappy, cheap beer was better. Even though it had way more calories. I slumped against the chair, letting my mind drift away.

Are you really okay? I looked up, and grinned at Max in the chair, the way drunk people usually grinn ed. You know. Drunkily. I is fine baby, hows you? You re drunk, he said, smiling at me, drawling his words. You sound weird. He paused, and stopped, smirking a little. Hey, maybe I m a little drunk too. I don t know why (maybe the adorable innocent little look on his face), but sudden ly that seemed like the funniest thing ever. The whole world seemed funny. Every thing was gone, the things I d done with Carter that seemed so stupid now, the thi ngs I d done with countless, faceless guys. It was all cancelled out. What the hel l was making me feel like this? I collapsed on the ground, clutching at my stomach laughing, my whole body shaki ng. Everyone else had stopped to look at me, and I knew my top was up, showing m y secret belly-button ring. You know, Max? I finally choked out. He pulled me up suddenly, so I was leaning in to his chair. I propped myself up by holding onto his chair s arms. I put my head very close to his, and looked into his gorgeous green eyes that sparkled like th e emerald earrings I d gotten for my twelfth birthday. He was hot, even when he wa s hammered. I really think I do like y And that s when I passed out.

=Hailey= Wake up, idiot! Max hissed. Wake up! Finish that sentence! Finish it!

Why did he want to know so bad? This was all just a game to him. He was playing Alexis like he was playing every other girl he s gone out with. Why did he care? I think she s out, man, Tom had said helpfully. Duh! You want me to take her home?

No, Max sighed, grabbing Alexis by her back, and slinging her over his shoulder li ke some puppet. I ll do it.

+Alexis+ My eyes opened a crack, but all I could see were blurry shapes I would ve been confu sed, but right now, I didn t even care, I was so tired. All I know is, I m in my bed . Maybe it s a dream, maybe not, but Max is here. Why would he be here, in my bedroo m? It s so dark, I can t tell for sure, but I think Max kissed my forehead. I think he whispered something to me, something that s very important. I have to remember what he said. I have to remember what he said I can t forget. *** Morning!

Argh! The sun had not gotten any dimmer, even though I had a massive hangover. How inconsiderate. You came in really late yesterday, Miss Alexis. Your Father will not be pleased. I swore at her. After all these years, did she really think I still cared? No, I had more important things to wonder about. Like how I got here. What happe ned after I passed out ? I tried to go into my hazy drunken memories. How did I ge t here? *** Morning, Alexis! Shh! I hissed. My big sunnies weren t helping. I had a killer head-ache. God, hangov er s a bitch. Some people are still recovering here! Sorry, Ollie said, looking guilty. She should be. What did she expect when she yel led at someone who just entered a room wearing big sunglasses? God, get a clue, Ollie. Are you okay? I m fine, I said, massaging temples. I m okay. Did you get home last night? Max drove me, and put me in bed. Okay. Guess what? I smiled, even though I was suffering intense pain from the noise around me. She d obviously been desperate to tell me something since the moment I walked in. But why so much small talk? What? I asked, playing along. I don't like Tom any more! e. What is it? I think. I can t really remember. You?

she said, grinning happily. My own grin slid off my fac

Why? And why the hell was she so happily cheery about it? I thought she liked him, and from the yesterday, I m pretty sure he liked her as well. If I could read bod y language properly (and I can read body language properly. Believe me), then he was really into her. I like Carter. What?! I spluttered.

Yeah, Carter! Before, I didn t really like him, mainly because he was supposed to b e this massive player, worse than even Max. But after you left yesterday, he was really nice, which sort of goes to show that you can't judge people. I don t know if he likes me or anything, but if he makes a move, I ll definitely go for it! It s not just that though, he s really funny, and I was like Her voice drifted away into the background, as I stopped concentrating on her, b ut more on the person behind her, the guy lingering at our homeroom door. Carter.

*** Wait right here, about you. I said to Ollie. I m going to talk to Carter, and ask what he thinks

Is he right behind me?

she asked, her eyes excited. Don t turn around, though. Look cool.

Yeah, I said, faking a smile. I left her staring at a wall. Carter, we have to talk,

I said, grabbing his arm and pulling him to my locker. Bu

That s never good, he said, looking serious. He wasn t smiling like he normally did. t actually, I kind of need to talk to you about yesterday. About what happened. I do too. Why don't you start? I know what you were going to say to Max, he said grimly. m you liked him, weren t you? What? He wanted to talk about this? Was he jealous? You were going to tell hi

No when was I ?

You said, I really think I do like y , he said, mimicking me really badly, making m ike some deranged Barbie Doll. And then you stopped. Was that meant to be an imitation of me? Wow. Don t change the subject, he snapped. He was really mad. o him, weren t you? You were going to say that t

Carter, I said, semi-soothingly and semi-impatiently, look at these ginormous sungl asses. I only wear these when I have a hangover. I was very, very drunk last nig ht. I had no idea what I was saying. It could have been Ollie I said it too, oka y? Maybe even Blondie? It was co-incidence that it was him. Was I lying? It felt like I was lying. Really? he said, semi-smiling again.

Yes, really. You re not kidding? Would I kid you? Okay then, he said, grinning down at me. What did you want to talk to me about?

I looked at him, his innocent, sweet, cute (but HOT!) face. Nothing. I pulled his head down to my level (he was really tall), kissed his lips, and ga ve him a hug. Then I saw Max.

Bad Girl 4, The Player, 2

*** Author's Note: Sorry upload is a bit late, but I had a concert yesterdays :) I w ill try and make it a double-upload tomorrow, and upload both Kidnapper and Supe rmodel. Love ya xx As always, VOMMENT!!! Oh, hey, Max, with Ollie! I said, and casually as I could. Guess what? Carter agreed to go out

Max s eyes were cold, but he smiled perfectly anyway, so perfectly my heart raced. What the hell was it about him, which meant he was attractive even when he was so obviously angry? When I got angry I looked like a prettier version of Miley C yrus. Which is bad, for me. Really? he said, smirking. Did he?

I smiled back as naturally as I could. This was a game. Every move was always pa rt of some game. Like a better-dressed real-life version of chess. Yeah, I replied, as cheerfully as I could. See you later? Well, I ve got to go back to my homeroom.

Actually, I ve got something to ask you. Alone, he said pointedly, looking at Carter in a way that obviously meant, go away . Carter gave me one hard stare, then turne d and walked away, his shoulder brushing against Max s as he went. Wow. So much te nsion. What is it, Max? I asked, still playing innocent. He glared at me, but I just carr ied on giving him the sweet, clueless look. Then he grabbed my hand, and dragged me with him. At first, I semi-expected him to take to into an empty classroom again, so we could make out again (I would ki nd of enjoy that), but he just lead me out of the corridor, into the court yard. Stop! I yelled, trying to make him let go of my hand, but he was way too strong. H e was a jock, after all. I tried not to let that fact make me melt (I like jocks , okay?!). Where are we going? He didn t answer me, he just pulled on my hand harder, forcing me to walk. He didn t stop until we reached his car in the car park. Get in, he said no, ordered. Why the hell can t I resist strong guys? I did what he said, and got in. He d opened the door for me, chivalry style, and then gotten in the other side, and we drove right out of school. *** Where are we going? I asked again. I was kind of scared now. What if he was planni ng to drive us into the woods, and then murder me with a big axe? God, horror mo vies have so tainted my mind. Eurgh. I only watch them because of peer pressure at Halloween. We re going to a carnival. What?! I didn t hear him right. A carnival? As in the ones that have the horses that go around in a circle? Maybe he had a back-up axe there or something. Why else would he take us to a ca

rnival? A date, Oh, he snapped. It s going to be a date.

I said. You go to carnivals on the first date?

He glared at me, which made me shut up immediately. Because, you know, I was mea nt to act innocent. Not because I was scared of his (semi-sexy) smouldering gaze . No, he said, after a minute. ust wanted to take you to one. You re the first, really. I don t normally do carnivals. I j

It took me a minute to process that he was blushing. Weirdly, it made me blush a little as well. Oh. Okay, was all I could say. Wow. A player blushing, and showing his cute side? Definitely not in our handbook. So what do you do in fairs? I ask, trying to clear the awkward air in the car. Eat cotton candy? Play on the machines?

I don t know, he said, flushing even redder. Puke behind hot dog stands?

Are you regretting saying you ll take me to a carnival? Kind of, yeah. Good. I love carnivals. *** What do you want to go on now? fth fluffy pink cotton candy. I asked, biting away another massive chunk of my fi

Calm down, he said, looking at my mouth, which was slowly devouring the pink lump of pure calorie. You re going to be hyper. Shut up, I snapped, finishing the stick. I glared at him. I want more, now.

He smiled at me, the way someone would smile at a spoilt little kid. Have mine, Fanks, he said, giving me the cotton candy chunk he s barely touched.

I said, biting into it hungrily. He stared at me for a second, then smiled.

You ve got a bit of candy on your cheek. I rubbed my cheek. Gone? He smirks, and leans over, kissing my other cheek h. just an inch away from my mout

Stop! What are you doing? I stammered, somehow unable to breathe. My heart thumped hard, even though his lips barely brushed my skin. I breathed in his smell, and closed my eyes, waiting for him to kiss me to kiss me for real, and the kiss wo uld be so perfect and so beautiful, there would be fireworks and electricity and love, and it would be my happy ending.

Then he pulled away, licking his lips. All gone, he said, smiling. I opened my eyes again. Why the hell am I like this? Why did I just ? I bit into my cotton candy, and shoved it around my mouth. Now you have to clean all of this off, too, k-cotton-candy-bearded face. *** Okay, I don t know if it was the sugar-high, or the fact that I was next to a hot guy, but I had to admit this was kind of fun. Really fun. We went on the big circular thingy with horses on, apparently called the merry-go -round , and then went on the Ferris wheel thing, about a billion times, and taken a hundred or so cheesy pictures. We had a hot dog for lunch, and a soda. It was cheap, it was dumb, and it was clich, but I loved every single last minute of it . It was, quite honestly, the best date I d ever gone on. And I was sad when it ended. It was about eight o clock, and we were outside my house. Bye, Max, I said, smiling. For the first time in my life, I didn t feel there was an y set rules here I didn t have to ask him in for coffee, or give him a good night kiss, or ask for another date. It was just fun. Bye, he said, grinning back at me. My hand went to the door, and I was about to le ave when he caught my other hand, and pulled my body towards him. His green eyes sparkled as he smirked, and whispered, Promise you ll be my girlfriend? I looked at him, and for one second I was going to say no, the way I always did. I made guys work for it. I didn t only play hard to get I was hard to get. But, in that moment, the rules of the stupid Game I d been playing since I was fifte en, didn t bind me. I was free to do what I wanted. Which was why I opened my mouth. And said, Yes. *** I dreamily stared in the distance. I was lying in my four-poster bed, staring ou t of my window. Was it too soon to call him? I really wanted to call him. I pick ed up my phone, and my finger was right above the button, about to press and cal l the guy I d only just last seen a couple minutes ago. Then I stopped, dropping my phone. What was I doing? This wasn t me! Guys never put me into daze, I put guys into a d aze! I can t do this, because if I do this again, I will be hurt again. The way Ky le hurt me. That s why I picked up my phone again. That s why I texted him. That s why I asked him over. To prove I hadn t changed. I said, smirking at him through my pin

And that s why, an hour later, he was in my room. *** I woke up, and stretched. Morning, sunshine. I opened my eyes a crack, and smiled at the boy in my bed. Hey. You ready to get up? No, I said, sighing and snuggling myself closer to his chest. What time is it?

He checked the clock above my head. Seven. It s the crack of dawn. Shut up and fall back asleep. He complied, and we just lay there for a few minutes. I breathed his smell, tryi ng to convince myself I did the right thing. Because I did, right? I was just be ing me and this was me. Milkshake played from my bed-side table, and we both opened our eyes. My rington e. I pressed accept. Hello? Alexis! Are you up? I ran my fingers through my hair, ruffling it. When I slept, it lost its volume. I am, now. Sorry, did I wake you? to give you a ride? No, I said, smiling. He didn t sound sorry at all, just kind of amused. I m alright. D you need me

I m making my way to your house already. I ll be there in five minutes. I suddenly sat up straight. Oh my God, five minutes? I glanced at the naked guy smirking at from my bed, and wondering if I had enough time for him to sneak awa y. Okay, I said, my voice coming out a little strangled. I hung up, and turned to the boy in my room. Carter, you have to get out right now. *** Author's Note: Was that big enough twist for you? LOL, I gotta tell ya, I spent I ll see you in five. Bye, Max.

about an hour deciding if I should put in an "explicit" scene or not. Then I dec ided I should keep this story family-friendly and a 15 :D I <3 U ALL 4 VOMMENTING!!

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