UNIT Test Mpi

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UNIT-I 1. What is PSW. Explain the contents of PSW. 2.

Why the internal architecture of 8086 is divided into two functional units. 3. Explain the functions of each unit with neat block diagrams. 4. Explain the physical address, effective address, offset used in 8086. 5. What is the pre-fetch queue in 8086? What are its advantages? 6. Describe in detail about all possible addressing modes of 8086 with one or two examples. 7. Develop an 8086 assembly language program that reads a key from the keyboard and converts it to uppercase before displaying it. The program need to terminate on typing the control C key. ASSIGNMENT -I 1. What is the length of instruction queue in 8086? Discuss the use of the queue? Explain the reason for limiting the length of queue? 2. Explain the difference between memory segmentation and memory page? Why segmentation is useful in real - time application? 3. What is the use of segmentation? Discuss one application area? Explain how segmentation provides efficient task switching mechanism? 4. If an absolute address of the type 6A3D9H is given, express it in the form of CS: IP and explain what are the advantages of the memory segmentation. Discuss about the various segment registers in 8086. 5. Develop an 8086 assembly language program with a procedure named BCDBIN. Whicn converts BCD numbers to binary. Use the AL register to pass parameters to the procedure. 6. What does the PUBLIC directive indicate when placed in a program module? 7. What does the EXTERN directive indicate when placed in a program module? 8. Explain 8085 architecture 9. Explain the following instructions

a. DAA b. AAM c. XLAT d. REP e. any three Conditional JUMP f. CMP g. TEST

UNIT III 1. Explain minimum and maximum modes of operation with neat block diagrams 2. Explain READ and WRITE timing diagrams in minimum mode and maximum mode 3. Explain Interfacing of 8086 with 8237/8257 with block diagram and all respective control / command / modewords 4. In SDK 86 kit 128KB SRAM and64KB EPROM is provided on system and provision for expansion of another 128KB SRAM is given. The on system SRAM address starts from 00000H and that of EPROM ends with F F F F F H. The expansion slot address map is from 80000H to 9F F F F H. The size of SRAM chip is 64KB. EPROM chip size is 16KB. Give the complete memory interface and also the address map for individual chips? 5. Distinguish between a memory read and write machine cycle? Draw the timing diagrams in minimum and maximum modes of operation?


1. Explain control word format of 8255 in I/O and BSR mode.Interface 16 bit 8255 ports with 8086. The address of port A is F0H. 2. Explain why 8255 ports are divided into two groups? Discuss how these groups are controlled in different modes of operation? Explain different control signal and their associated pins for bi-directional I/O mode of operation? 3. Write an ALP and block diagram to Interface DAC with 8086 to generate square wave of 50% duty cycle 100khz freq

4. Write an ALP and block diagram to Interface ADC with 8086 using 8255 5. Write an ALP to interface 8 7-segment displays to port A of 8255 6. Write an ALP and block diagram to interface stepper motor to rotate 180deg anti clockwise(counter clockwise, No.of teeth 200, clock freq 10Mhz

UNIT V 1. Explain Interrupt structure of 8086,Priority of interrupts 2. Explain 8259 PIC block diagram, interfacing to 8086 and cascading 3. Explain ICW s of 8259, formats 4. Explain: OCW s of 8259, formats, program to initialize 8259. 5. Explain Interrupt cycle flowchart 6. Explain DOS / BIOS Routines(Explained in the class)

UNIT VI SYLLABUS 1. Initialize a USART (8251) for transmitting and receiving serial data in specified format. 2. Describe the function of major signals in the RS 232C standard 3. Interface between RS 232C and TTL signal levels and vice versa 4. Explain Need for serial I/o, serial-parallel comparison, asynchronization synchronization communication. 5. Explain Internal block diagram of 8251. Mode word format 6. Explain command word format of 8251 Initialization and programming 8251 7. Explain: 8251 Interfacing to 8086 8. Explain USB and its all formats

9. Write an initialization sequence to operate 8251 in asynchronous mode with 8 bit character size, baud rate factor 64, two stop bits and odd parity enable. The 8251 is interfaced with 8086 at address 082H. 10.Write the instruction sequence to re initialize the above 8251 in synchronous mode with even parity, single SYNC character and 8 bit character size? ASSIGNMENT VI 1. Discuss Overrun error and Framing error with reference to 8251? 2. List out the steps involved in initializing 8251A for synchronous operation.How do we connect RS- 232C i) To data terminal type devices ? ii) TO serial port of SDK 86, RS 232C connection? 3. Write a program sequence which initializes the mode register and gives a command to enable the transmitter and begin an asynchronous transmission of 7 bit characters followed by an even parity bit and stop bits. Explain the program.

UNIT VII SYLLABUS Advanced Micro Processors - Introduction to 80286, Salient Features of 80386, Real and Protected Mode Segmentation & Paging, Salient Features of Pentium, Branch Prediction, Overview of RISC Processors. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Explain 1. Features of 80286 2. Features of 80386 3. Real and Protected Mode of Operation 4. Segmentation in 80386 5. Paging in 80386 6. Features of Pentium 7. Branch Prediction in Pentium processor 8. Introduction of RISC Processor UNIT-8 Compare microprocessors and microcontrollers Describe programming model of 8051 Describe instruction set and addressing Show modes the internal memory organization

Interface external memory and I / O ports Describe and program Timer in difficult modes of operation Modes of operation serial port operation Describe the interrupt structure of 8051 and interrupt programming. MICROPROCESSORS & INTERFACING MODEL PAPER -1 ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS a) What is pre-fetch queue in 8086? What are its advantages? b) Explain the operation of JUMP, CALL and LOOP instructions with an example. What are the flags affected in each of these instructions? 2. a) Develop an 8086 assembly language program to find LCM of 2- 16 bit unsigned integers b) Develop an 8086 assembly language program to find GCD of 2- 16 bit unsigned integers 3. Write an 8086 assembly language program that will determine if a given sub string is present or not in a main string of characters. Place the result as a 1 if present or as 0 if not present in a memory location. 4. a)Explain control word format of 8255 in I/O and BSR mode b) Interface 16-bit 8255 ports with 8086.The address of port A is F0H. 5. a)What is the advantage of DMA control data transfer over interrupt driven or program control data transfer ?Why are DMA control data transfers faster? b)With a neat flow diagram explain the sequence of operations for DMA data transfer 6. Describe the working of a 4X4 hexa-decimal matrix keyboard interfaced through the ports of 8255. Give the hardware and software for it 7. Explain pre-compensation, data separation, phase locked loop and CRC in floppy disk interface. 8. a)Write a code to push R0,R1 and R3 of bank0 into the stack and pop them back into R5, R6, R7 of bank 3 of 8051. b) Write a 8051 program to find Y where Y=x 2+2x+5 and x is between 0 and 9. MICROPROCESSORS AND INTERFACING III B.TECH. II SEMESTER MODEL PAPER _2 Answer any 5 questions. 1 (a). Discuss the general function of all general purpose registers of 8086.Explain the special function of each register and instruction support for these functions. (10M) (b)What is the use of segmentation? Discuss one application area. Explain how segmentation provides efficient task switching mechanism.(6M) 2 (a) Explain with example how a far procedure is declared as PUBLIC ? Show how an external near procedure is called in main program?(6M) (b) Discuss the assembler directives with example.(10M)

3 (a)What is the purpose of ALE,BHE,DT/R and DEN pins of 8086.Show their timing in the system bus cycle of 8086.(10M) (b) Why 8086 memory is mapped into 2 byte wide banks? What logic levels are found with BHE and A0 when 8086 reads a word a from the address 0A0AH?(6M) 4.Interface a 12-bit DAC to 8255 with an address map of 0C00 H to 0C03H.The DAC provides output in the range of +5V to _5V.Write the instruction sequence, for (a)generating a square wave with a peak to peak voltage 0f 4V and the frequency will be selected from location F. (10M) (b) generating a triangular wave with maximum voltage of +3V and a minimum of -2V. (6M) 5.(a) Explain demand transfer mode of 8237. (b) Show how 8237s are cascaded to provide more number of DRQs and explain the operation. (c) Explain how memory to memory transfer is performed with 8237?(5+6+5) 6. (a)What is the address map of interrupt vector table.? (b) Give the priority of hard ware and software interrupts ? Explain why single step interrupt is having lower priority.(6+10) 7 (a)With a neat sketch explain the internal organization of SRAM chip. List out the input and out put pins. (b)Draw the basic cell structure of EPROM and exp[lain the principle of operation. (c) Distinguish between EPROM and EEPROM. Mention the application areas. (6+6+4) 8 (a) How does 8051 differentiate between the external and internal program memory? (b)Explain different modes of counter/timer.(6+10) MICROPROCESSORS AND INTERFACING III B.TECH. II SEMESTER MODEL PAPER _3 Answer any 5 questions 1 It is necessary to check weather the word stored in location 4000H: A000H is positive number or not? Show all possible ways of testing the above condition and store 00h if the condition is satisfied in location 3000:2002. Otherwise store 0FFH. [16] a) Develop an 8086 assembly language program that will determine if a given substring is present or not in a main string of characters. Place the result as P if present else place N in memory location result. b) What is procedure? How is a procedure identified as near or far? [10+6] a) Show the circuit required to generate the upper and lower I/O strobes in minimum and maximum modes of 8086? b) What is the minimum no. of bus cycles that can occur between the time an interrupt request is recognized and the first instruction in the interrupt service routine is fetched. Draw the interrupt acknowledge cycle? [7+9] Explain why 8255 ports are divided into two groups? Discuss how these groups are controlled in different modes of operation? Explain different control signals and their associated pins for bi-directional I/O mode of operation? [4+6+6] a) What is the difference between 20mAcurrent loop and RS232-C standard?

b) Explain the necessity of RS232 of TTL interface and draw the circuit? c) Draw the circuit of TTL to RS232 and explain the necessity of this interface. [6+5+5] a) Discuss the sequence of operations performed in the interrupt acknowledge cycle? b) What is the purpose of IF flag in handling the interrupts? c) Which interrupt type is associated with TF flag? What is the vector address? Explain the use of this interrupt? [5+5+6] It is necessary to interface 128KB SRAM and 32KB EPROM to an 8086 based system. The size of SRAM and EPROM chips is 16KB. Address map of SRAM is fixed from 00000H to 1FFFFH and that of EPROM is from F8000H to FFFFFH. Design the entire memory interface? Give the address map of the individual chip? [16] An 8051 based system requires external memory of four 4Kbytes of SRAM each and two chips of EPROM of size 2Kbyes. The EPROM starts at address 2000H. SRAM address map follows EPROM map. Give the complete memory interface? [16] MICROPROCESSORS AND INTERFACING III B.TECH. II SEMESTER MODEL PAPER _4 Answer any 5 questions 1. The register contents of 8086 is given below. CS=5000H, DS=6000H, SS=A000H, ES=B000H, SI=2000H, DI=3000H, BP=1002H, SP=0002H, AX=0000H, BX=5200H, CX=2000H, DX=2000H. Calculate the effective address and physical address of the following instructions. a) IMUL AX, [BP+BX-8D] b) SBB AL, ES:[SI+5D] c)PUSH AX d)AND AH, [SI+42D] e)CMPSB f)CMP DX, [SI] g)XOR DH, [DI+8D ]h)DIV AX, [SI+2] (16M) 2. a) Using REPEAT-UNTIL construct, develop a sequence of 8086 instructions that reads a character string from the keyboard and after pressing the enter key the character string is to be displayed again. b)What is a procedure ? Give an example to declare a procedure as near .Make this procedure as public. (7+9) 3.(a) What are the control signals useful for inter processor communication using 8086?What instruction support is provided in 8086? (b)Design an I/O port decoder that generates the following low-bank I/O strobes: 0010H,0020H,0030H,0040H. (6+10) 4.It is necessary to initialize interrupt for mode 1 operation of port A as input and port B as out put in the same mode with the 8255 address map of 0400H to 0700H.Give the complete hardware design to interface 8255 to 8086 processor with this map.Write the instruction swequence for the initialization of 8255 in the above modes.Give the instruction sequence to change the operation modes of portA,port C lower half and port B to mode 0 input ports. (16M) 5.Why do we prefer interrupt driven data transfer than programmed I/O

transfer? Show the complete hardware design to resolve the multiple interrupts based on priority. (16M) 6.(a)What is the purpose of optional command words of 8259?Explain their formats and use. (b) What is type 2 interrupt? Explain the condition for initiating type 2 interrupt. What is the priority of this interrupt in 8086? (10+6) 7.A target system based on 8086 processor uses less amount of SRAM. The programs are stored in EPROM that starts from 80000H and ends with the address of FFFFFH. The capacity of SRAM is 16KB interfaced at address 00000H.The chip size is 8KB.TRhe size of EPROM is 64KB.Show the complete memory interface. (16M) 8.Draw and discuss the formats and bit definitions of the following SFRs in 8051 microcontroller. (a) PCON (b) PSW (c) IP (d) TMOD (4x4=16)

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