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Case studies :

1)role of small franchises in Indian market

2)Who is more important in an apparel retail organisation- designer or marketer ?

3) how can a polyester cotton can do good in India when most of the people prefer pure cotton 4) Madura Garments opens all its brands (Van Heusen, Louis Phillipe) etc..close to each that if a customer moves out of one..he buys from another..what should be the strategy if the company wants to open a new luxury brand...

5)country like India, where price and discounts play such a major role in building a brand, how can a luxury brand like Louis Vitton build its marketing .

4) ramankanth was IIT student who joins a helmet manufacturing company. for a year ,he has been working in the technical depatment. the helmet manufacturing co. has been in existence for nearly 25 yrs and is registering losses for the past 2-3 yrs. its product which is ISI certified is losing market share to local companies tat produce cheap helmets without an ISI mark. recently, the govt. makes he wearing helmet compulsory and the co. finds it a great opportunity to make profits. meanwhile ramankanth is shifted to testing department. once ramankanth decides to test the helmets and finds that 6 out of 10 hel;mets were substandard. he report s his findings to his superior who assures him of taking neccessary action. however nothing happens for the next 2-3 days and on cheking thr records, he finds all the products are cleared. he approaches the MD of the company,ANAND, and explains to him his findings. anand tells ramankanth not to be too concerned and look after his work. what should ramankanth do????

5)You are working as Sales Manager in a Jebel Ali free zone based mobile phone trading company which is part of one the foremost electronics retail company in the Middle East. Due to the inherent instability of the mobile phone market the company has a strict policy of 100% pre-payment before shipment. You have been approached by the one of the biggest companies in Europe (say Germany) with an order for 60,000 pieces of a mid-range model. Their only condition being, since they are dealing with you for the first time they do not want to send you full payment in advance. They want you to ship the goods to the Frankfurt airport where they will inspect the goods and only after satisfactory inspection they would transfer the payment. You are very eager to go-ahead with the deal since the model being sold is not a fast moving model in Dubai and you want to get rid of the slow-moving stock. But the senior management is not ready to to take the risk as the amount involved is huge. So how will you convert the deal?

6)You are brand manager of a casual apparel brand. How you can use social networking sites such as Facebook or Linkedin for the benefit of your brand?"

7)In this era of cut-throat competition in apparel brands, it is very difficult to differentiate one brand from the other on the basis of merchandise alone. Can you suggest some strategies so that customer will be able to have a unique positioning for a particular brand.

8)The circulation of newspapers is decreasing in the western world, as more and more youngsters are reading stuff online because its available for free and its much more updated...

9)New media is an internet service provider that has had 2 continuous yrs of high profits.however ,this quarter, the profits hav fallen by 50%.wat can b possible causes for this?hw to tackle d situation? 10)Litson,a textile company is relocated frm Murray to Fairley due to high labour costs.It advertises for posts at the new location and gets around 500 applications out of which 260 were selected.Three other companies in d same region lose their competent employees to liston.They accuse Litson of foul practises.One of the three

companies which hav lost its employees to Litson is a customer of Litson n accounts for 18% of d market share of Litson's produsts.This company threatens to cancel all its orders to Litson,if he doesnt restrain from poaching people frm d company.wat shud Litson do?? 11)Titan launched its Tanishq brand in 1995 for gold watches n jewellry with European designs and they went in loss in initial years. After some years they gained success..The question was whtr d strategy of launching such non traditional jewelry brand was right or wrong in early/initial yrs?

12)An adventure gear company is in the market for past 98 has enjoyed monopoly for most of the time..but in past decade a lot of competitors have entered the market..what should be the strategies apart from conventional advertising for this company to maintain its stake in the market..

13)To be the CEO of a not so known and medium sized company 2. To be just an executive in an MNC... what will u chose and why....

14) You are a Rs. 300 Cr. brand selling Women Western Apparel Across 100 stores in India. How would be tackle to safeguard your market position in view of seemingly success of Zara in India.

15)Shane Warne spins own apparel brand Please read the case here and discuss the following questions: a. What is the offering to the customer and how it is different from other offerings. b. Comment on the longevity of the brand in India. c. How do you think other brands in India will counter this.



18) Comment on the statement "...the fashion world pays lip service to the notion of change, because in truth, it hates change. It likes what it sold yesterday, and to make fashion saleable for tomorrow, it will add a few bells and whistles and surround the whole thing with hubba-hubba seduction...". How retailers and designers will respond to this challenge. 19) "As Consumers are getting older, the fashion searches for the fountain of youth. Not so long ago, young people aspired to look older....But these days, rather than dressing up...women are dressing young. ..". How retailers and designers will respond to this challenge ? 20) "Powered by technological innovations, internet and globalisation of fashion, the life span of a fashion trend is reducing drastically." How retailers will respond to this trend. 21). "The New Mantra for todays' stores: Time, Space, Quality". 22) "Fashion Designers are venturing into Home Fashions "...."But do the skills that make someone look good at shaping a jacket, for instance, necessarily translate into making tables and chairs..."


Please read the article here and discuss along the following lines: 1. What do you think about the appropriateness of use of religious icons on swimsuits. 2. Is the protest an interference on the right to wear ? 3. How would you respond to this challenge as a designer and as a retailer 4. What are the issues involved here 5. Are these communities overreacting, or did Burke act inappropriately by using these religious images on spandex?

24) please read this article

1. You are the brand manager of an apparel retailing company having 12 stores all over the country. Your Boss gets excited about the concept. Would you recommend ? Would you not, why ? 2. You are business manager of a cafe chain in India. Your boss gets excited about the concept. Would you recommend ? Would you not ? why ? 3. You are a store manager of an apparel company. The company management is asking your recommendation towards giving a space for opening of a cafe. Would you recommend ? Would you not ? Why ? 4. You are a customer coming for shopping in an apparel retail store. You spot a cafe inside the store. Would you welcome such a change, be indifferent or dont like it at all .Why ?

25)You are brand manager of a casual apparel brand. How you can use social networking sites such as Facebook or Linkedin for the benefit of your brand.

26).Indian apparel retail post recession. Challenges and Opportunities. 27). If your brand is doing well in Metro cities, would it make sense to venture into the Tier-2 cities. How would the marketing mix ( product, price, place, promotion) be different there. 28). Should apparel brands go on discounts at all ? Why ? Why not ? 29). Should there be any return policy for an apparel brand ? Why ? Why not 30) Malls are not the same post recession. 31)Rising Prices of Cotton Yarn- Boon or bane for Indian Exports.

32). India should stick to manufacturing and selling traditional textiles and leave the manufacturing of other textiles to China and other countries. 33).Organic Textiles. Does it have a future or it is a mere eyewash . 34).India Advantage- Apparel and Textiles 35). Indian customer knows only one language- the language of discounts- every other strategy is useless.\

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