Pup in The Window - Episode One by George B. Hewer

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Pup In The Window By George B.


31 Highlands Road Horsham, West Sussex RH13 5LS 01403 250944 07549 944639 georgehewer@rocketmail.com


1. INT. KANE HOUSEHOLD - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT FADE IN: It is quiet. All the human members of the Kane family have retired to their bedrooms for the night, leaving WELLINGTON, their dog, alone downstairs to sleep. He is a Golden Retriever Labrador, just one year-old. He looks very comfortable in his bed, dreaming deeply as he lies on his side, legs stretched out. The handle of the back door begins to turn, the noise causing Wellington to open his eyes. As the door is opened, the dog flips over, rolling onto his front and pricking his ears up. [NOTE: All of WELLINGTONs dialogue is heard as his sub-conscious, mostly with POV shots, the other characters cannot actually hear him.] WELLINGTON Whos that? Someone coming in? I thought everyone was here... Someone coming in? Who is it? With every question the dogs head turns, ears flapping. As Wellington hears the INTRUDER enter and come into view, he starts wagging his tail at the sight of his guest. WELLINGTON (inhales sharply) Whos that? Wellington trots over to the trespasser to inspect. He sniffs the intruders hands. WELLINGTON Ooo your hands smell of chicken, I like that, Im going to lick you... I love you. Wellington licks the mans hands and wags his tail frantically, shaking his hips as a result. INTRUDER Theres a good boy... Why cant they all be like you eh? WELLINGTON I know, I know. I am so wonderful and so cute.




Wellington finishes licking the intruders hands and sits down in front of him expectantly, ears pinned back and still wagging his tail. INTRUDER Tell ya what, you be a good boy and go lay in your bed there for a bit and you can have a little stroke, yeah? The intruder gestures over to Wellingtons bed, his eager smile barely visible in the low light of the night. At the word "stroke", his face lights up. WELLINGTON Stroke? Yes! Oh my goodness please stroke me, yes! The dog hurries over to his bed and lays down enthusiastically, turning to face his new friend as he does so. The burglar flits about the living room, placing the DVD player, Playstation 3 console and iPod stereo dock, among other things, into a black duffel bag. He picks up the Wii console and analyses it for a moment, before grunting and putting it back down on the TV cabinet. He throws the bag back over his shoulder. WELLINGTON Do you know me from the park? I like the park, I like running around it. It is fun. The burglar approaches Wellington in his bed, who lays waiting and wagging. The burglar ruffles the dogs fur and scratches behind his ears. WELLINGTON Oh my goodness, youre hands are so good, thats so nice, I love you. INTRUDER Cor, youre lovely aintcha? WELLINGTON Yes I am. I am lovely. The burglar finishes his pampering, stands up and moves to the back door. Wellingtons face stares after him, aghast. INTRUDER Bye bye, little mate. WELLINGTON What? "Bye"? No...Dont leave! Whats going on?




As the intruder leaves quietly through the back door, Wellington charges over to the front window, jumping up and placing his front paws on the windowsill to watch the man leave through the side entrance. WELLINGTON (whimpering) Where are you going? You cant leave me! Dont go! Wellington continues to watch the man out of the window as he strolls down the street and out of sight. WELLINGTON (sighs) I love him, I hope I see him at the park... Im tired. The dog steps down from the window clumsily and settles back down in his bed again. INT. HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - MORNING Wellington is asleep in his bed, lying on his back, legs in the air, unashamedly agape. A shrill cry from LIZ, 39, the mother of the Kane household, cuts through the morning songbirds chorus. She is accompanied by her husband and father of the family, SIMON, 38. LIZ What the bloody hell has happened?! The dog wakes with a start, flipping onto his front. His ears are folded back as he searches for the source of the noise with his eyes. WELLINGTON Roof?! Liz and Simon are standing by the door to the hallway, in their nightgowns, staring aghast at the missing appliances from the living room. LIZ Wheres the... And the... Ohh Christ! Simon walks over the empty space where his hi-fi stereo had been. SIMON I dont believe it... Wellington looks around the room, wide-eyed, and realises that the man from the previous night must have had something to do with this outburst. He slinks off to hide (CONTINUED)



under the dinner table, tail between his legs. Liz inspects the other spaces where the familys possessions used to be, before approaching Wellington. She kneels in front of him, holding his head in her hands. LIZ Did someone come in here last night? What happened? WELLINGTON I dont know anything... Keep staring blankly at her... Give nothing away... Poker face... Liz releases him. WELLINGTON Give her the eyes... As Liz stands up, Wellingtons expression turns from that of wide-eyed worry, to glassy-eyed cuteness as he bows his head and looks up at her through his little eyelashes. LIZ Oh, Im sorry I shouted at you Welly. Liz and Simon bend over the dog and give him a loving ruffle on the head and a kiss on the nose. Wellington purs gratefully. Liz stands back up, before picking up the phone to call the police. Simon continues to pamper the Wellington. SIMON You were probably just scared, werent you mate? Yeah... Wellington is looking very relaxed, his head resting in Simons hands as his big, flappy ears are played with. Roll titles.

2. INT. KANE LIVING ROOM - AFTERNOON WELLINGTON is asleep on the large, leather, five-seater, corner sofa, curled up comfortably. His body is rising and sinking as he breathes slowly. The street outside is quiet, no cars, no people, while the afternoon sun streams through the window, bathing the dog in a warm, golden patch of light. In the distance, a car engine can be heard coming down the road. Wellingtons eyes open with a start, the rest of his body remaining perfectly still.




WELLINGTON Huh? As the car draws closer, Wellington lifts his head, ears pricked, to look out of the window. WELLINGTON What? Whats that? He jumps up, putting his front paws on the windowsill, and watches as a white van drives past the house and parks down the street a little, on the other side of the road. WELLINGTON Oh, Its not Master... He continues to look out of the window hopefully, scanning the street with his eyes. After a moment, a SCRUFFY-LOOKING MAN saunters past the house, walking a large GERMAN SHEPHERD. It looks back through the glass at Wellington, who growls deeply. GERMAN SHEPHERD (German accent) Mollycoddled little baby... [NOTE: At his point, if watching online or on an internet television, a small box appears in the corner of the screen, with the option to expand. If clicked on, this allows you to upload youre own voiceover for the POV shot of the German Shepherd dog and upload it to the Pup In The Window website, there and then. There will also be the ability to rate for your favourite voiceover uploads.] WELLINGTON Get out of my street... This is my house... The German Shepherd stops to glare at Wellington, but his owner tugs at the lead, pulling him away. Wellingtons tail wags gently. WELLINGTON Im the protector of Masters house. I will protect everyone in Masters house... Suddenly, a CAT sprints out from under a car in the street. Wellingtons head snaps around to watch it. WELLINGTON Cat! He watches the Cat sprint across the road and out of sight under the white van on the other side of the street.




[NOTE: At his point, if watching online or on an internet television, a small box appears in the corner of the screen, with the option to expand. If clicked on, this allows you to upload youre own voiceover for the POV shot of the Cat and upload it to the Pup In The Window website, there and then. There will also be the ability to rate for your favourite voiceover uploads.] WELLINGTON Hate cats... A man steps out from the van, wearing a yellow, high-visibility jacket and holding a clipboard. He turns around to reveal that he is the INTRUDER from the night before. WELLINGTON Is that-? Is it-? The man walks slowly down the street towards the house, pretending to write on the clipboard as he looks at the houses around him. WELLINGTON Its him! Its him! Oh my goodness... Wellingtons tail begins to wag energetically. The man approaches the front door of the neighbours house and knocks cautiously. The dog shuffles along the windowsill for a better look. WELLINGTON Let me say hello! The man waits for a few moments but receives no answer. He writes something down on his clipboard and hurries back to the van. WELLINGTON (whimpering) Dont go, let me say hello! Dont go! The van drives off and Wellington watches it desperately for a few seconds. WELLINGTON Tired, legs ache... Wellington gets down position on the sofa peacefully, sticking licking his nose and from the window and takes up his once again. He closes his eyes out his tongue several times and lips.




After a few moments, someone can be heard descending the stairs noisily. In one swift movement the dog reawakens, leaps off of the sofa and trots over to the living room door. WELLINGTON (inhales sharply) Who is it? As the new person descends the final few stairs, his tail begins to wag vigorously, swinging his hips as it does so. WELLINGTON Who?! The oldest Kane child, MICHAEL, 16, throws open the door. He is wearing pyjama bottoms, white t-shirt and a tired expression, sporting dark bags under his eyes. He speaks in a higher-pitched voice then normal, as if talking to a baby. Wellington looks excitedly around the room. MICHAEL Hello little man. WELLINGTON Need something in my mouth, must find something... Ball! The dog rushes over to the base of the sofa, where a tennis ball lies, and grabs it briskly before trotting back over to Michael. WELLINGTON Ive got a ball... Dont want to bite you by accident... Very excited... The teenager kneels down to pamper Wellington, who circles him slowly as he strokes the dogs back and ruffles his ears. WELLINGTON Ooh, thats good... Michael stands up, giving Wellington a final few pats on the head, before walking through the kitchen and into the downstairs bathroom. Wellington stands very still, staring in wide-eyed incredulous-ness after him. WELLINGTON What are you doing? The dog remains in the same position, standing absolutely still as he listens to Michael go to the toilet.


CONTINUED: WELLINGTON More stroke? I want more.


The toilet flushes and Michael emerges from the bathroom, yawning widely. Wellingtons tail and hips begin wag again as he trots over to him. Michael walks past the dog over to the mirror hanging on the wall of the living room. Wellington follows, the tennis ball still in his mouth. He watches as Michael adjusts his hair and analyses his adolescent beard. WELLINGTON Look at me... Wellington is at Michaels feet. He sits down, ball in mouth, tail still wagging. He looks up expectantly. WELLINGTON Look at how cute I am with the ball? Michael continues to keep his attention on the mirror. Wellingtons tail slowly stops wagging as he sits, waiting for some attention. When he doesnt get any, he paws at Michaels leg jerkily, struggling to keep his balance. Michael looks down at him, causing Wellingtons tail to wag slightly. MICHAEL Ah, is that for me? He takes the dogs paw with his hand and moves it up and down, simulating a handshake. WELLINGTON Ok, thats enough. After a moment, the dog begins to wobble, unbalanced. WELLINGTON I need that back now. He begins hopping on his grounded paw to stay upright. WELLINGTON (grunting) Can I just?- Give it backThe dog finally loses balance and flops down onto his side, dropping the ball. WELLINGTON That was your fault! His paw is released from Michaels hand and he sticks it into the air, revealing his chest.




WELLINGTON Tummy rub? Michael speaks in the soppy voice again. MICHAEL Oh you silly boy, whatchoo doin? Michael pats the dog on his side, a bit too heavily. WELLINGTON Oof! MICHAEL Nawww. He stands up and moves over to the sofa and flops down, putting his feet up, leaving Wellington still on his side, paw aloft, staring after him. Michael turns on the TV with the remote and picks up a Wii controller from the windowsill behind the sofa. Wellington flips into an upright position and stands back up, continuing to stare over at Michael, who is playing FIFA on the Wii, transfixed. The dog picks up his ball again and trots over to the sofa, standing before Michael. He does not divert his gaze from the TV screen. The dog drops the ball onto the sofa. WELLINGTON Look what I retrieved for you. Michael still doesnt pay any attention to him. WELLINGTON Itch! Itch! The dog flops down onto his side and pulls his back leg forward to scratch behind his ear vigorously. He stands back up to face Michael. WELLINGTON I want to play outside... Wellington saunters off towards the back door and scratches it loudly. Michael looks towards the dog, but quickly turns back to the TV. He hears another loud scratch at the back door and is distracted from his game, causing him to concede a goal. He bemoans the situation before reluctantly stomping into the kitchen with Wellingtons tennis ball in his hand. He opens the door and the dog canters out into the garden. EXT. KANE GARDEN - AFTERNOON


CONTINUED: WELLINGTON Come on, you throw Ill retrieve!


Michael throws the tennis ball to the back of the garden and Wellington hunts it down. WELLINGTON Ball, ball, ball, ball, ball, ball! Michael shuts the door behind him and returns to the sofa. Wellington snatches the ball from the ground and turns back to see that Michael has not followed. He whimpers as his tail stops wagging. He drops his head to the ground and releases the tennis ball from his mouth, sniffing the ground. WELLINGTON Ill do some exploring...

3. INT. KANE LIVING ROOM - AFTERNOON MICHAEL is still playing FIFA, getting more and more annoyed with the game. As he lets out a particularly loud cry of anger, LIZ pulls up outside in her blue Peugeot 207, with Michaels younger brother ZAK, 8, in the passenger seat. At the sight of his mother returning home, Michael hastily switches off the console and rushes upstairs. EXT. KANE GARDEN - AFTERNOON WELLINGTON has found his rope toy and is swinging it around with his mouth, growling at it playfully. WELLINGTON Ive got you! Ive got you! He is jumping around clumsily as he plays, bashing into the tree and fences. WELLINGTON Die, die, die! On one side of the garden there is a wooden panel fence, on the other is conifers with a wired fence through them. At the base of the wired fence are bricks, blocking the exposure to the bare earth from where Wellington has tried to escape from the garden on previous occasions. EXT. OUTSIDE KANE HOUSE - AFTERNOON Liz is unloading bags of shopping on the pavement whilst Zak stands, playing on a PSP. He is dressed in school uniform and looks bigger than his age would suggest, in both height and build. (CONTINUED)

CONTINUED: LIZ Zak, can you give me a hand?


Zak looks up from his game reluctantly, rolling his eyes. Liz sees this. ZAK Okaaay. LIZ Oi, dont start copying your brother. He looks at the bags of shopping, sizing them up, before grabbing the multi-pack bag of crisps and running to stand by the front door of the house. Liz removes the last shopping bag from the boot and sees Zak standing by the front door with the crisps. LIZ (under her breath) Thanks a bloody bunch. ZAK Pardon?LIZ Nothing, my little prince! Liz says the last word with a hint of aggressive sarcasm. She struggles with the bags to the front door, before dropping them on the step unceremoniously. As she does so, her keys also fall from her hands onto the floor. LIZ ShShe looks at Zak, who raises his eyebrows. LIZ Sugar. EXT. KANE GARDEN - AFTERNOON Wellington is still occupying his time with the rope toy, charging about the garden with it. He crashes once more into the fence, breaking it this time, and creating a small gap at the bottom of it. He is startled at the sound of the cracking wood, making him jump away. WELLINGTON Roof?! INT. KANE HOUSEHOLD - HALLWAY - AFTERNOON Liz and Zak enter through the front door, Zak still only carrying the crisps and his PSP while his mother stumbles in behind him. (CONTINUED)



Michael descends the stairs, having changed his pyjama bottoms and t-shirt for jeans, polo and hoodie. Zak opens the living room door and walks in. LIZ Hello dear, could you give me a hand please? Zaks clearly carrying all that he can. Michael unhands some of the bags from his mother and takes them into into the kitchen. She follows. They set them down on the worktop and Liz begins to store the purchases away in the cupboards, the fridge and the freezer. Michael stands in the doorway, hands in pockets, and watches. The crisps have been put down in the middle of the kitchen floor. INT. KANE LIVING ROOM - AFTERNOON Zak has settled down on the sofa and is flicking through channels on the TV whilst simultaneously playing his PSP. EXT. KANE GARDEN - AFTERNOON Wellington is staring at the hole in the fence, with his length of rope dangling from his mouth. He approaches it cautiously, giving the area a good sniff. WELLINGTON (inhales excitedly) New territory! I must investigate... Must retrieve... He begins to dig at the earth at the base of the gap, attempting to make it big enough for him to squeeze through. His ears flap with each thrust. WELLINGTON Dig, dig, dig, dig, dig! INT. KANE KITCHEN - AFTERNOON Liz is rushing around the kitchen, hastily throwing groceries into their respective homes. MICHAEL A little more care, perhaps? LIZ I need to get all this away quickly before the police get here... She is still flitting about.




LIZ (continued) Of course it would be much quicker with two pairs of hands...? MICHAEL Youll only moan about me putting things away in the wrong place anyway, so theres no point in me helping really, is there? Liz gives Michael a disapproving look. MICHAEL You cant give me the you-know-what-I-mean look, when really, you know what I mean. Liz has resumed storing. LIZ Im your mother I can look at you whatever way I want. MICHAEL How mature... Michael looks blankly around the kitchen. MICHAEL (continued) Is there anything to eat? Liz scowls at him impatiently. INT. KANE LIVING ROOM - AFTERNOON Zak is watching Tom and Jerry cartoons on the television. EXT. KANE GARDEN - AFTERNOON Wellington has made good progress with the hole in the fence and is halfway through. WELLINGTON Must get through... Must explore... Must retrieve... He manages to finally squeeze through the gap and get into the neighbours garden, his hind legs disappearing under the wooden panel. INT. KANE KITCHEN - AFTERNOON




Liz puts puts away the final few items of shopping and scrunches up all the shopping bags, putting them in the plastic bag holder attached to the side of one of the cupboards. She sighs with accomplishment. LIZ That was easy... She looks up at Michael, smiling. The smile is wiped from her face however, when she speaks next. LIZ (continued) Hang on, wheres the dog? MICHAEL I let him out in the garden earlier. LIZ On his own? MICHAEL Well yeah, I was on the W-... Work. I was doing college work, seen as I had the day off, had a good flow going so didnt wanna disrupt it. LIZ Yeah but you know what hes likeShe rushes to the back door. LIZ (continued) Someones gotta stay with him... She opens up the back door and hurries out. LIZ (continued) Welly! EXT. KANE GARDEN - AFTERNOON Liz jogs out into the garden, scouring it for any sign of the dog. Michael walks outside from the kitchen, his hands still in his pockets. LIZ Great, hes got out! She continues to check around the garden before turning back to Michael.


CONTINUED: LIZ (continued) Can you go upstairs and see if you can see him please! Michael rolls his eyes as he reluctantly turns back inside. INT. KANE LIVING ROOM - AFTERNOON


Michael walks into the living room, where Zak is still watching cartoons and playing his PSP. MICHAEL Wellys escaped again. ZAK How? MICHAEL Dunno. Michael opens up the door into the hallway and closes it behind him. Zak can hear him ascending the stairs. He gets up and goes to the biscuit tin in the kitchen, liberating it of the brand new pack of chocolate digestives within. He settles back down on the sofa and flicks through the Sky+ Planner, eventually deciding to put on 28 Days Later. He smiles gleefully as he unwraps the top of the biscuit packet.

4. EXT. NEIGHBOURS GARDEN - AFTERNOON WELLINGTON is sniffing around the garden excitedly, hardly spending enough time on any particular object to actually acknowledge it properly. He stops moving for a moment, sniffing the air. WELLINGTON Ooo, whats that?... Smells good... Food! He catches the scent and walks over to a small vegetable patch at the side of the long garden, continuing to sniff the air as he goes. WELLINGTON Is it here...? He gives the upturned soil on top of the patch a thorough inspection with his nose. WELLINGTON Yes! Yes!... How do I get to it? He paws at the soil and sees that it is nice and soft. (CONTINUED)



WELLINGTON Dig! Oh I love to dig! Dig, dig, dig! EXT. KANE GARDEN - AFTERNOON LIZ is standing in the garden waiting for MICHAEL to get to one of the upstairs windows, hands on hips. A shuffling sound can be heard nearby in one of the adjacent gardens. She tries to work out exactly where the noise is coming from, eventually concluding that its source is next door. LIZ Welly?! EXT. NEIGHBOURS GARDEN - AFTERNOON Wellington hears Liz calling out his name and looks up from his digging. He has dirt over his snout while his legs are utterly filthy with the soil. WELLINGTON Master?! LIZ Come here Welly, where are you? The dog trots back over to the hole in the fence that he used, poking his nose through. EXT. KANE GARDEN - AFTERNOON Liz sees the hole and subsequently the nose that pokes through it, bending down to try and coax him back. WELLINGTON It is you! Oh Master...! LIZ What are you doing in there, little man? Whatve you been doing? WELLINGTON Digging! I love digging. LIZ Come on, come back through, theres a good boy... She strokes his nose affectionately in an attempt to lure the dog, who licks her hands gratefully.




WELLINGTON Ooo you taste of bread and chicken! Before she can grab his collar however, Wellington pulls back his head and disappears through the hole again. WELLINGTON Must go Master, I have to retrieve! Liz groans at her failure and stands up again, looking to the upper windows of the house, one of which Michael is standing in. She calls up to him. LIZ Can you see where he is?! MICHAEL Yeah! LIZ Whats he doing?! MICHAEL Digging!... Liz holds her head in her hands. MICHAEL (continued) Their vegetable patch! LIZ (to herself) Oh, Christ. She looks up, aghast, before jogging towards the back gate of the house. Michael continues to nonchalantly watch Wellington destroy the neighbours vegetable patch from his vantage point. INT. KANE LIVING ROOM - AFTERNOON ZAK is plowing through the pack of chocolate digestives, dropping crumbs all over the floor and sofa, while he carries on watching the horror film. He stares intently as people are torn apart by the ravenous zombies on screen. Through the back window he sees his mother rushing out the back gate. EXT. OUTSIDE NEIGHBOURS HOUSE - AFTERNOON




Liz hurries down the side of the house to get to the street, turning into next doors front gate and ringing the doorbell. She uses her reflection in the glass of the front door to check her hair and rearrange it slightly, while she waits. There is no answer, so she rings the bell again, but to no avail. Liz checks the windows to see if she can see anyone inside the house. She stands for a moment, hands on hips, contemplating her options, before striding intently to the neighbours back gate. It is locked. She briefly looks over her shoulder to check that no one is watching, and begins to climb over the gate in very unflattering fashion. She jumps down from the top of the gate and manages to land on her feet, prompting a smile at her achievement. Her face turns stern again however when she hears Wellington still digging up the garden. LIZ Welly! INT. LIZ & SIMONS BEDROOM - AFTERNOON Michael is still in the bedroom, watching Wellington in the neighbours garden from the window. He sees his mother jump down from their back gate and hurry up the garden to where the dog is digging. He doesnt seem all that bothered by the situation. His hands are still pocketed. EXT. NEIGHBOURS GARDEN - AFTERNOON Wellington has made a big hole in the vegetable patch, but his vigour has not let up. Liz enters the scene, inhaling sharply in horror as she sees the destruction he has caused. LIZ Wellington Kane! He stops digging and spins around sharply to face Liz, slightly startled by her arrival. His tongue is hanging out as he pants and his tail is wagging gently. They stare at each other for a moment, waiting for the other to make the first move. WELLINGTON Master, look what Ive retrieved! I dug it up! I love digging... The dog begins to lower his head towards the hole he has dug. LIZ Ah!




WELLINGTON Yes, Master. Liz raises her index finger as she exclaims, stopping his movement. They stare at each other for another moment. Liz starts to make a step towards Wellington, sparking him into action. WELLINGTON No, its mine! He dives back into the hole he has dug, pulling out a whole potato in his mouth. Liz makes a grab for him but doesnt get a good grip. WELLINGTON My potato! I retrieved it! LIZ No Wellington, come back here! WELLINGTON My food! My potato! EXT. OUTSIDE KANE HOUSE - AFTERNOON A police car pulls up outside the Kane house. The single officer from inside, steps out, checking a piece of paper in his hand. He looks up at the Kane house before throwing the car door closed. He tucks his hat under his arm and strides to the front door of the house, his boots making a deep thud on the concrete with every step. The name on his stab vest reads, MCGOVERN. INT. LIZ & SIMONS BEDROOM - AFTERNOON Michael is watching Liz chase Wellington around the neighbours garden, chuckling as she is given the run-around by the dog. The doorbell rings, wiping the smile from his face as he remembers who they are expecting. He rushes from the room. INT. KANE LIVING ROOM - AFTERNOON Zak is still watching the horror film, wide-eyed, his lips and cheeks covered in chocolate from the now almost-empty biscuit pack. Someone can be heard descending the stairs noisily. INT. KANE HALLWAY - AFTERNOON Michael opens the door nervously to the officer, who speaks in a Scottish accent. PC MCGOVERN Hello young man, Im here to talk to your Master and daddy about a (MORE) (CONTINUED)



PC MCGOVERN (contd) nasty little burglary that happened... He checks the piece of paper. PC MCGOVERN Last night? MICHAEL Yeah, er, my mums a tad pre-occupied at the mPC MCGOVERN Yeah its a shame, weve had quite a few incidents in the area recently, havent been able to catch the bastard yet... Or bitch, of courseHe is interrupted by loud static from the officers radio. RADIO VOICE Any officers in the West Horsham area, please check in. PC MCGOVERN (into radio) Yup, this is PC mcgovern, Im situated in said area, over. RADIO VOICE Weve got a potential break-in at 125 Rambart Road, witness said she saw a shady-looking figure gaining entry via the back gate, worth taking a look. Michael looks shiftily at the ground. PC MCGOVERN (into radio) Copy that... McGovern glances around the street at the house numbers. PC MCGOVERN (under his breath) Shit... (into radio) Im just next door to that address, standby, over. The officer turns back to Michael.




PC MCGOVERN Son, you better wait here... Looks like were gonna catch the bastard, or bitch, in the act... Ill be back... McGovern turns towards the neighbours house. MICHAEL Wait, I thinkMcGovern raises his hand to stop Michael from speaking. PC MCGOVERN No kid, this isnt any time to try and be a hero, leave this to me... He strides from the premises towards next door, leaving Michael, unsure of what to do, on the doorstep. INT. KANE LIVING ROOM - AFTERNOON Zak watches a particularly gruesome sequence of the film, causing him to stop eating, mid-biscuit, before turning to watch PC McGovern through the window as he stealthily approaches the house next door.

5. EXT. NEIGHBOURS GARDEN - AFTERNOON LIZ continues to chase WELLINGTON around the neighbours garden, but to no fruition. She is covered in more mud and dirt than the actual dog now. She stands panting for a moment, hands on hips, gathering herself. Wellington also remains still, the two staring each other out. LIZ You are one naughty, naughty dog... WELLINGTON Yes, I am, and I love it. Liz has a deep breath and takes a step towards the dog, who still has a potato in his mouth. Wellington flinches backwards, lowering his front legs and growling slightly. WELLINGTON No! My potato! I digged it up! EXT. OUTSIDE NEIGHBOURS HOUSE - AFTERNOON




MCGOVERN hears Wellingtons growls from the garden and approaches the back gate tentatively. He tries to open it quietly, but realises that it is locked. The officer bows his head to listen for any action in the garden on the other side. LIZ Get here now! Come here, Ive got other things to do! McGovern reaches for the radio attached to his shoulder. PC MCGOVERN (into radio) Identified one female suspect on scene, yet to get a visual. Potentially more inside the house. Im moving in through the rear entry of the property to stop her hurting the dog. Send back-up, things could get ugly. Over. RADIO VOICE Copy that. EXT. NEIGHBOURS GARDEN - AFTERNOON Liz launches herself at Wellington and finally manages to get a firm hand on his collar, halting him. He tries to pull backwards. WELLINGTON No, geddoff Master! I must take potato back to my territory and I must bury it and I will eat it later. Liz hauls herself to her feet whilst maintaining her grip on the dogs collar. She heaves a sigh of relief and begins pulling Wellington towards the gate. A PIGEON swoops down and lands on the garden fence. WELLINGTON Pigeon! [NOTE: At his point, if watching online or on an internet television, a small box appears in the corner of the screen, with the option to expand. If clicked on, this allows you to upload youre own voiceover for the POV shot of the Pigeon and upload it to the Pup In The Window website, there and then. There will also be the ability to rate for your favourite voiceover uploads.] Wellington stops pulling backwards for a moment and stands rigid, facing the Pigeon on the fence. He stares at it for a moment before barking. Startled, the bird flies away.




WELLINGTON Dont like pigeons... Liz yanks on the collar, pulling the dog back towards the gate again. As she approaches it, PC McGovern kicks it open, causing the dog to try and charge at him, pulling Liz to the floor again in the process. WELLINGTON Whos that?! Who is it?! Hello, hello, hello! LIZ No!- Stop it!WELLINGTON I must greet him! She sees the officer standing before them. Wellington is desperately sniffing the air trying to catch the policemans scent. LIZ Oh, thank you officer, could you just come and grab him please? Im not quite strong enough. The policeman reaches for the baton holstered on his belt and brandishes it towards Liz. PC MCGOVERN Maam, let the dog go! WELLINGTON Yes Master, let me go! Let me run free! I must say hello! Liz is taken aback by the officers tone. LIZ What? But it took so long to catch him! WELLINGTON I want to say hello! McGovern advances very slowly and cautiously. PC MCGOVERN I dont care how long it took madam, just dont hurt the dog. Liz, still struggling to hold back the dog, looks bemused. LIZ Hurt him? What?




Wellington is panting loudly as his collar pulls tighter around his neck, down to his persistent pulling. WELLINGTON Choking... Must... Greet... Guest... PC MCGOVERN Lady please, do not hurt the dog! Let him go. Liz ponders for a second before resigning herself to the inevitable. LIZ Ok... She relinquishes her grip on Wellingtons collar, allowing him to charge straight at the policeman excitedly, the potato still in his mouth. WELLINGTON Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello!

6. EXT. OUTSIDE KANE HOUSE - EARLY EVENING SIMON is walking down Rambart Road, approaching the Kane household. He has a briefcase in one hand and a folded copy of the London Evening Standard in the other, reading the headlines. As he nears the front gate, he sees MICHAEL standing in the front garden. SIMON Yalright? Whatre you doing out here? Michael gestures towards the neighbours house, moving the attention to PC MCGOVERN frogmarching a handcuffed LIZ out of next doors garden, with WELLINGTON in tow, clutching the same potato in his mouth. He is running about their legs as they walk, jumping up at the two of them. WELLINGTON Can I play?! Please, Master! Ill be good boy if you let me play! SIMON Right... INT. KANE LIVING ROOM - EARLY EVENING


ZAK has finished the packet of biscuits and is clutching his stomach with both hands, groaning. His face is smeared with chocolate and his school jumper is covered in biscuit crumbs. An especially gory image flashes on the screen, causing Zak to vomit over the sofa.

7. INT. KANE LIVING ROOM - EVENING LIZ is scrubbing the area of the sofa that Zak was sick on. She looks exhausted. MICHAEL is sitting on another part of the sofa watching the tele, uninterested in his mothers struggle next to him. WELLINGTON is lying in his bed, watching Liz clean up, his head rested on the side of his bed for a better view. WELLINGTON Whats that smell?... Smells like chocolate... Chocolate! I like chocolate... His eyes light up, but his head remains resting on his bed. INT. ZAKS BEDROOM - EVENING ZAK is milling about his room in his pyjamas, fiddling with toys lying about, while SIMON stands over him, trying to usher him into bed. ZAK Dad, do you think a zombie apocalypse might happen one day? SIMON A zombie apocalypse? Like, people sucking each others blood and everything? ZAK No, thats vampires. SIMON Oh right, well whats a zombie then? ZAK Zombies are the ones that eat you alive, and chew on your bones, and drink your blood and everything. SIMON Sounds like a vampire to me.


CONTINUED: ZAK Its not a vampire, vampires are a completely different thing entirely altogether. INT. KANE LIVING ROOM - EVENING Liz is finishing up with the sofa. LIZ Oh, thatll do... Im sure the smellll go... Eventually.


She gives the rest of the sofa a quick wipe down, Michael mechanically moving out of her way without liberating his eyes from the screen. She gets to the part of the sofa that Wellington was lying on that afternoon, picking up a few of his golden-blonde hairs in her hand and turning to him suspiciously. LIZ Have you been on the sofa today, young man? He stares at her, trying to look as cute as possible. WELLINGTON Uh oh, Masters not happy... Liz brandishes the hairs. WELLINGTON Give her the eyes... The dog gives Liz the same heart-melting face as he did that morning. WELLINGTON Look at how cute I am... INT. ZAKs BEDROOM - EVENING Zak is getting more and more frustrated with his fathers lack of understanding on the subject of mythical creatures. ZAK No, vampires cant fly, thats just Dracula when he changes into a bat! SIMON Is Dracula not a vampire? ZAK Well, yes he is, but hes like a, a super vampire because he lives in a big castle. (CONTINUED)

CONTINUED: SIMON So because he has a castle, that makes him more powerful than all the other vampires? ZAK No, well yeah, kind of... Its not just the castle that makes him awesome though, cos the Queen lives in a castle and shes not got huge, big fangs and she cant fly about as a bat. SIMON Right... ZAK And she doesnt have a cape either. SIMON No, she doesnt. But she is German though. ZAK Dracula isnt German, hes from Transylvania! SIMON Same thing, now come on, into bed.


Zak, struggling to find something else in the room to occupy his attention, gives in to his fathers request and reluctantly climbs into bed. SIMON (continued) Theres a good lad. He tucks Zak in. SIMON (continued, smiling) And its a full moon, look, so straight off to sleep, otherwise all the vampires will come out and eat you. ZAK Thats werewolves, Dad. Simon stops smiling and turns away towards the door. SIMON (sighing) Goodnight Zak.




ZAK Night. He turns off the bedroom light and pulls the door to. INT. KANE LIVING ROOM - EVENING Simon can be heard descending the stairs. Liz is still kneeling before Wellington in his bed, displaying his hairs from the sofa. LIZ No. Naughty. Not up on the sofa, or youll be out outside. WELLINGTON Outside?! Wellingtons eyes light up in excitement once again. Simon enters the living room and exhales loudly. He sees Liz standing by the sofa with a cloth. SIMON You Ok? Need a hand? Liz raises an eyebrow at her husband dubiously. LIZ Did you genuinely want to help, or are you only offering because youve seen Im finished? SIMON (in thought) Yes... Wellingtons ears prick. He lifts his head up and looks out towards the garden, sniffing the air. WELLINGTON Whats that? A moments more sniffing passes. WELLINGTON There it is... Oh my goodness, thats good, I like it... He barks a few times in the direction of the garden, getting swiftly to his feet and taking a few steps forward. He turns back towards Liz and Simon expectantly. WELLINGTON Masters, come investigate! Theres something very good out there! I need to retrieve it!




He trots over to the back door and turns back again. Liz and Simon look at each other, confused, before following the dog to the back door. SIMON Whassup, little man? Liz begins to open up the back door. Wellington squeezes out, pulling her forward, and stands by the back gate. WELLINGTON It smells so good... What is it? I need it, I want it... Please, help me! I must have it! He barks again. Simon and Liz follow him, the former opening up the gate. Once again Wellington charges out and around towards the neighbours garden. WELLINGTON Come on, quickly! My smelling is excellent, I will lead the way! Trust my nose, its pulling me this way! LIZ Oh Welly, no, not again! They rush round after the dog, who is standing before the back gate. The chain and padlock that had been replaced by the policeman are lying on the floor, being sniffed by Wellington. WELLINGTON Hmmm, familiar... Wheres that from? Park?... Fields?... Oh my goodness, it smells so good... He gives the padlock a tentative lick. WELLINGTON Oh thats- Is it?... Chicken?! The back gate is opened from the other side, a dark figure standing on the other side. It is the same INTRUDER from the van and the previous night, carrying another full duffel bag over his shoulder, and a chicken drumstick in one hand. WELLINGTON I knew it! Wellington jumps up at the Intruder, taking him by surprise and knocking him to the floor.




WELLINGTON I knew youd come back and say hello! The Intruder drops his duffel bag and drumstick. WELLINGTON Ooo, chicken! I love chicken! I want to eat chicken! The dog gnaws on the leg of chicken before licking then mans face, clambering all over him, not allowing him to get back to his feet. WELLINGTON You brought me chicken, I love you! Come play ball with me! Liz and Simon observe the shady man on the floor, moving their eyes onto the half-open black bag full of appliances. Roll credits. [NOTE: There would also be a Facebook and Twitter page for Wellington that are updated regularly, as if it is his character that is using them.]

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