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BC-10 Project

Audit of FPSO Team

Project Document Title Document Number Document Revision Version Code Document Status Document type Originator / Author Security Classification ECCN Issue Date BC-10 FPSO Audit

01A Not Applicable Issued for Information Audit Report Bob Bearden Unclassified EAR 99 September 7, 2007

1 Audit Report Summary 2 Audit Check list 3 Audit terms of Reference Page 3 Page 7 Page 22


Audit Report FPSO Team

AUDIT/REVIEW SUMMARY REPORT Title: FPSO Team Audit BC 10 Date Conducted: August 21-23 2007 Report Issue date September 7 2007 Report No.:007 BC-10 Project Report Distribution: Martin Laverick, Chris Howell Kent Stingl,

Organization / Department: BC 10 FPSO Team Location: Monaco Office (BC 10 Project) Contact Person: Martin Laverick, Chris Howell, Barry Masson, Matt Absalom, Chris Wibner, Glyn Howard and Jaco Koelee.

Audit / Review Team: Bob Bearden

Audit / Review Scope (or Terms of Reference): Verify the implementation of the plans and procedures necessary to support the FPSO activities for the BC10 project.

Report Summary: 2.0 Scheduling, (Matt Absalom) The Contractor has submitted their scheduling procedure to the FPSO Team for approval. The FPSO progress is updated weekly by SBM and the information is presented during the weekly project meetings. The FPSO schedule is updated monthly and presented in the monthly report. The contractor uses Primavera P3 as the scheduling tool to manage the FPSO schedule. SBM maintains the overall schedule in their office in Monaco. Detailed construction schedules are maintained in Singapore and the information is rolled up into the overall schedule. The discipline leads for their area of responsible verify the information in the schedule. The contractor will informally provide the P3 native version of the schedule on request.

2.1 Audit Activities with SBM (Martin Laverick) The contractors have issued their audit plans and audit schedules the FPSO team have reviewed both and provided comments and the comments are being incorporated. The FPSO quality lead and the discipline leads have reviewed the audit schedule and they have indicated the audits they would like to be involved with. The audits were scheduled based on the activities and the stage the project is in. The completed audit reports are distributed to the SBM project manager, SBM engineering manager and the FPSO quality lead. The audit members are solicited by the SBM quality lead based on their knowledge in the area being audited. The FPSO team audit member is provided a copy of the audit checklist prior to audit for review. The FPSO quality lead maintains copies of all documents associated with the quality activities. Based on the SBM audit schedule all areas of the project will be audited by years end. SBM at the present time has their quality staff at a level to support the project needs. Of the audits completed to date by SBM on audit number (RQ-F-95-0101) (2) findings were noted and (2) CARs were issued. The audited groups have responded and the corrective actions have been accepted. Implementation will be verified during the next audit.

2.2 Information Management ( Matt Absalom) The FPSO team is aware of the project information management plan and the requirements for implementation. The requirements for the contractor to establish and implement a information management plan was passed on to them in the final version of the contract. The project document system is updated continuously by the project IM department. The FPSO document system is updated continuously with document and transmittals and bi-weekly with SBMs engineering documents register. Documents are added and data logged as received. SBM uses (3) systems EDMS for engineering activities, ECDR for vendor data, and NADIA for procurement data. SBM provides updates to the FPSO master document register every two weeks. The project services lead manages the document tracking system and comments made to documents. Notices and periodic reports are sent to the document reviews letting them know the status of the review time. The requirement for data books has been established with SBM. SBM additionally have developed a vendor document matrix. Further definition will be made when engineering nears completion. The information in the master document register is reviewed and verified every two weeks with SBM. 2.3 Management of Change ( Matt Absalom) Contract management of change is strictly defined by the contract in the form of TDR, TQRs and contract variations. The MOC coordinator for the project tracks the management of change documents. The Project Services Lead for the FPSO Team tracks all the contract documents. Based on the type of contract that is in place with SBM does not submit MOCs to Shell for review and approval. The FPSO Team members will generate a MOC if SBM will be requested to perform additional work out side of their original scope of work. The MOC documentation is submitted to the project MOC coordinator for processing through the project process. The submitted MOC will have all required information as to what the MOC is for and any cost or schedule impacts the MOC could have. SBM is not involved in the process until the MOC has been approved by the project. Then the FPSO team lead will ask SBM for a cost and schedule impact for a contract variation (conducting the activity described in the MOC). If the results agree with the MOC Shell will issue SBM a contract variation to proceed with the work.

2.4 Interface Management ( Chris Wibner) The FPSO team is fully aware of the requirements of the project interface management plan. The requirements for establishing and implementing an interface management plan was passed to SBM in the final version of the contract issued to them. Weekly meeting are held between Topsides, Sub-Sea, and the Offshore Commissioning Team. At a minimum weekly interface discussions are held with SBM. SBM maintains an interface register and provides a copy of the register to the FPSO team on monthly bases. SBM has not issued a formal interface management plan, as they believe that the interface register meets the requirement. The implementation of the interface actions is verified through the review of drawing and documents issued by SBM. All FPSO team members have access to the interface management data that is posted on live-link.

2.5 Lessons Learned (Glyn Howard) The lessons learned philosophy being employed by the project is being applied to the FPSO team activities. The requirements for establishing and implementing lessons learned program was defined in the final version of the SBM contract. A lessons learned workshop was held with SBM on February 27 th and 28th 2007. There was a formal lessons learned meeting held on June 14 th with SBM. During the weekly FPSO progress meeting lessons learned are a standing topic of discussion. The lessons learned activities are being tracked and managed using Microsoft Excel. The responsible managing the lessons learned activities are shared between various members of the FPSO team. The lessons leaned spreadsheets in live-link are combinations of lessons learned from other Shell/SBM projects to date. They are available to all Shell projects. There use is promoted through the OR&A group. SBM lessons learned process is part of their project closeout procedure. The lessons learned database is contained on live-link in a Microsoft excel spreadsheet format. All project personnel have access to the lessons learned data on live-link.

2.6 Regulatory Compliance( Jaco Koelee) The regulatory compliance requirements for the FPSO have been established by Shell, SBM and ABS after a review of regulations for Brazil. The FPSO team Regulatory Compliance lead interfaces with SBM Regulatory Compliance focal point on a regular basis. The FPSO team verifies compliance to the regulatory requirements during the review of the various documents submitted by SBM such as drawing, reports and other documents. SBM maintains a excel spreadsheet for tracking all regulatory activities the spreadsheet list the person who is responsible for assuring regulatory compliance for the various sections of the FPSO. SBM has issued a regulatory compliance plan to he FPSO team for review and comment. Comments have been made and are in process of being addressed by SBM. As part of ABS activities they will issues all the necessary certifications for the FPSO to sail away and for startup activities. 2.7 HAZOPS (Barry Masson) All of the HAZOPS that were scheduled for the FPSO activities have been conducted. SBM lead the HAZOPS with support from Robert Mcall who is with (Winbarton). The tracking of the results of the HAZOPS is being managed by SBM. The FPSO safety advisor tracks all the action items from the HAZOPS. Additionally other FPSO team members have been given the task to review responses from SBM in their area of responsible and recommend closeout. The implementation of the recommendations form the HAZOPS is verified as an on going process and confirmed during the closeout meeting with SBM. All of the HAZOPS data is maintained by SBM and is stored on the project live-link site. The attendees for the HAZOPS were solicited based on the areas being coved during the HAZOPS and the persons level of knowledge. SBM as an approved HAZOPS procedure that is used to conduct the HAZOPS in support of the project. Two additional Marine HAZOPS will be conducted as a result of the Non Hydrocarbon Vendor and Marine detailed HAZOPS.

2.8 Contractors Quality Plans and inspection and Test Plans (Martin Laverick) SBM and their (3) prime subcontractors have furnished their Quality plans to the FPSO quality lead for review and comment. The requirement for them to submit their quality plans was stated in section seven of the final contract with SBM. The review of the quality plans is coordinated by the FPSO quality lead. SBM and the FPSO team have approved all of the subcontractors quality plans. Inspection and test plans from the suppliers are reviewed during the kick-off meetings and the FPSO inspection points and the level of inspection is noted and returned to the contractor to be incorporated into the plan. At the present time not all of the inspection plans have been formally approved by SBM but work has started at the suppliers using the marked up inspection and test plans. During the review of the inspection and test plans it was verified that all regulatory requirements had been noted. The inspection reports from the suppliers will be managed by the FPSO quality lead for the FPSO team .At the present time the FPSO team has (4) welding inspectors, (1) coating inspector at the construction site. The FPSO team is in process of bringing on board (2) inspectors to conduct inspections at the suppliers locations with the SBM inspectors.

2.9 Construction Site Activities ( Martin Laverick) All of the construction site contractors have submitted copies of their quality plans for review and comment by the FPSO quality lead. All of the submitted plans have been reviewed and comments provide. The comments have been incorporated and the plans have been approved by SBM. SBM has assigned QA/QC personnel to the construction site but have listed them on the org. chart as site engineers. The CVs of these people have been reviewed by the FPSO quality lead and it was verified that they are qualified inspection personnel. The inspection and test plans for site activities have been reviewed by Shell and their inspection points have been noted on the plans. The plans have been submitted and approved by SBM and ABS. The final approved plans still need to be provided to the FPSO quality lead for his records. The only copy that the FPSO quality has is the marked up copy that the FPSO team comments were provided on. Requested copies of the site inspection reports will be maintained by the FPSO quality lead. All site inspection reports will be maintained by SBM in their document control system. 2.10 KPI Program (Glyn Howard) SBM is in the process of developing and implementing a KPI process to support its projects. The requirement for SBM to implement a KPI process was passed to them in section seven of the contract and during the Flawless Project Delivery workshop. The person who is developing the system for SBM is their corporate quality manager. The Shell FPSO team is working with SBM to implement the KPI process in support of the FPSO activities. The KPI information is provided on a monthly basis as part of the SBM monthly report. The KPI data provided by SBM covers both the office and site activities. David Liewelyn will be provided the KPI data to share with other projects after the data has been verified as being correct. 3.0 Conclusion: From the review of the documents and from information obtained during interviews with the FPSO team members it appears that the functions being supported by the FPSO team on the BC 10 Project are meeting the project needs.


Audit Questions for FPSO BC 10 Audit Scheduling Activities

Schedule Activities Does Project have approved Scheduling procedure?

Requirements Yes -the FPSO team has access to the procedure through the project Live-link site, and has approved the Contractors scheduling procedures. Yes - The scheduling requirements were issued to SBM in the final contract. Monthly up dates are sent to the BC 10 project services in Houston to be incorporated into the overall project schedule. The FPSO progress is updated weekly by SBM and the information is presented during the weekly project meeting. The FPSO schedule is updated monthly and presented in the monthly report and weekly meeting. Primavera P3 (FPSO schedule), Excel, MS Project

Has scheduling requires been passed on to Contractor? How often is the project schedule updated? How often is the FPSO schedule updated?

What software programs does the contractors use? How are schedule updates obtained from the contractor?

The contractor provides updates through formal weekly and monthly reports to the FPSO team. The P3 native file is provided informally on request. The contractor (SBM) maintains the FPSO schedule.

Who is responsible for updating the FPSO schedule? Where is the updated FPSO schedule maintained?

The overall schedule is maintained in Monaco. Detailed construction schedules are maintained in Singapore and included in the overall schedule. The information is verified through reviews of the schedule by discipline leads. The discipline leads verify the information on the schedule for their areas of responsibility. All Project members have access to each monthly update to the schedule via Livelink.

How is the information on the FPSO schedule verified?

Who has access to the schedule information?


Audit Questions for FPSO BC 10 Audit (Audit activities with SBM)

Quality Activities Have all contractors furnished Audit Plans and schedules?

Requirements The audit plans have been issued and the FPSO team has provided comments on the plans. The comments are being incorporated in to the plans and the plans will be reissued. The requirements for the audit plans were contained in the quality section of the contract.

How where the requirements for Audit Plans passed to the contractors? Who is responsible for coordinating the FPSO Teams involvement in the SBM Audits? How are the audits on that the FPSO Quality Lead will be involved been established? How were the timing of the audits established by SBM? What is the procedure for the distribution of the completed Audit Reports? How is the audit team members solicited by SBM?

The FPSO Quality Lead is responsible for coordinating the FPSO teams involvement in the SBM audit activities.

This was done through the review of the SBM project audit schedule.

The timing of the audits was established based on the phase the project is in and the level of activity the function is involved in project activities. The audits are distributed to the SBM project manager, SBN engineering manager and the FPSO Quality lead. This distribution is in complication with SBM working procedure 1.1.9. The audit team members are solicited by the SBM Quality lead based on level of knowledge in the area being audited. The FPSO Quality Lead has attended (4) SBM internal audits and FPSO team members have attended (4) external audits. The FPSO team prior to the audit reviews the audit checklist. During the audit the FPSO team member is ask if they have any other things that they wish to ask. During audit Number RQ-F-95-0101 (2) finding were noted and (2) CARs issued. The audited group has submitted a response the response has been accepted .To close out the findings a follow up audit will be conducted to verify implementation of the accepted response. The FPSO Quality Lead will maintain all audit documentation. The documents will be posted on livelink. Based on the SBM audit schedule all areas of the project will be audited by years end.

Does the FPSO Team have input to the content of the checklist used for the audits? How are corrective actions and finding tracked to closure?

Who is responsible for maintaining all audit documentation? Will all project areas be audited by the end of year?

Does contractor have quality staffing at necessary levels to support project needs? 0.3

SBM at the present time is staffed at a level that should be able to support the project Quality needs.

Audit Questions for FPSO BC 10 Audit Information Management (IM)

IM Activities Does Project have approved Information Management plan? Has Information Management requires been passed on to Contractors? How often is the project document system updated?

Requirements Yes Project IM plan has been approved and is available to he FPSO Team on Livelink. The information management requirements have been passed to SBM as part of the final contract.

The project document system is updated continuously by the project IM Dept. The FPSO document system is updated continuously with document and comment transmittals, and bi-weekly with SBMs engineering document register. Documents are added, and data logged as received. SBM uses three (3) systems EDMS for engineering activities, ECDR for vendor data and NADIA for procurement data. The project uses Assai and Livelink. The FPSO team discipline leads are responsible for managing the review of documents in their area of responsibility. Each contract deliverable is assigned a lead. The contractor provides updates to the FPSO Master Document Register every two weeks. Transmittals are continuous. The Project Services Lead manages the system used to track documents and responses (Company comments). Notices and periodic status reports are sent to the reviewers letting them know the status of the review time. SBM has an approved Information management plan that is being implemented in support of the BC 10 FPSO.

What software program is being used for information Management activities on the project? Who is responsible for managing the reviews and approval of the FPSO documents? How often does the contractors provide updates? How is the review of FPSO documents tracked?

Does the contractors have approved information Management Plans? Has the requirement for data books been established?

The requirement for the data books has been established with SBM. SBM additionally have developed a vendor document matrix. Further definition will be made when engineering nears completion. Through the review and cross-check of the updated SBM master document register that is issued every two weeks. The SBM master document register is updated continuously by SBM. The register is submitted to the Shell FPSO team bi-weekly and the information added to Shells system. 9

How is the information contained in the document system verified? How often is the contractors MDR updated.

1.4 Audit Questions for FPSO BC 10 Audit (Management of Change)

IM Activities


Does Project have an approved Management of Change plan? Has Management of Change requires been passed on to Contractors? How often is the Management of Change data updated? How often does the contractors provide updates? How is the management of Change documents tracked for the FPSO Team? Does the contractors have approved Management of Change Plans? How is Cost and Schedule involved in the MOC process? How is the information contained in the system verified? Who has access to the Management of Change Data?

The project has an approved MOC procedure and it is available for all team members on live-link. Contract management of change is strictly defined by the contract in the form of TDR, TQRs and contract variations.

The management of change data is updated as MOCs are developed and submitted. Not required for this type of contract, monthly for contract changes.

Management of change documents are tracked by the MOC coordinator for the project. The Project Services Lead tracks all contract documents. The contractor has a management of change process for internal works, reviewed and approved during GFPSO stages.

Cost and Schedule impacts are included in the project MOC and any contract variations. Project and team review.

All project personnel have access to the MOC data on live-link.

Based on the type of contract that is in place with SBM does not submit MOCs to Shell for review and approval. The FPSO team members will generate a MOC if SBM will be requested to perform additional work out side of their original scope of work. The MOC documentation is submitted to the MOC coordinator for processing through the project process. The submitted MOC will have all the required information as to what the MOC is for and any cost or schedule impacts the MOC could have. SBM is not involved in the process until the MOC has been approved by the project. Then the FPSO team Lead will ask SBM for a cost & schedule impact for a contract variation (conducting the activity described in the MOC). If the results agree with the MOC, Shell will issue SBM a contract variation. SBM must request a contract variation before proceeding with any other work scope that may vary the price, scope or schedule. This then must be submitted as a project MOC. 10


Audit Questions for FPSO BC 10 Audit (Interface Management)

Interface Activities Does Project have approved Interface Management plan? Has the Interface Management requires been passed on to Contractors? How often are interface management meeting held?

Requirements Yes. The FPSO Team has a copy of the interface management plan and understands the requirements. The interface management requirements were passed to the contractor in the final version of the contract issued to SBM.

Interface management meetings are held on a weekly basis between Topsides, Sub-Sea and Offshore Commissioning Team (OCT). And every third week a meeting is held OCT monthly meeting is held in lieu of the interface meeting. Chris Wibner is the FPSO lead for interface activities. He directs the interfaces between the Topsides, Sub-Sea OCT and SBM for the FPSO Team. Ad hock meetings are held with SBM. At minimum weekly discussions are held with SBM. SBM maintains an interface register and provides the updated register on a monthly basis to Shell. The register tracks the interface until the issue is closed. SBM submitted an interface Plan during the contract award phase but has not reissued the plan to date. SBM thinks that the monthly issue of the interface data register meets the requirement for the interface management plan . The interface database between SBM and Shell is maintained by SBM this data contains the Topsides and Sub-Sea data. The Offshore Commissioning Team maintains an action-tracking list for their items. Sub Sea maintains the project interface data register between Topsides and Sub-Sea. Shell verifies the data during drawing and document reviews and through ad hock meetings and workshops with SBM. The interface is accessed through e-mail transmittals to the various leads and through the data that is posed on livelink.

Who is responsible for interface management activities for the FPSO Team? How often does the contractors provide updates to interface activities?

Are the contractors using acceptable interface management plan?

Where is the updated interface management data maintained?

How is the interface management data verified? Who has access to the Interface management data?



Audit Questions for FPSO BC 10 Audit (HAZOPS)

HAZOPS Activities


Have all scheduled HAZOPS been conducted to date? How where the requirements for HAZOPS passed to the contractors? Who is responsible for conducting the HAZOPS? How are the results of the HAZOPS documented? How are the recommendations from the HAZOPS tracked to closure?

All of the HAZOPs that were scheduled to date have been conducted.

The requirement for conducting the HAZOPS was stated in the final contract with SBM. SBM has the responsibility for conducting the HAZOPS. The person who conducted the HAZOPS was Robert MCall who is with (winbarton) The results of the HAZOPS are maintained in the SBM HAZOPS tracking database. The FPSO Team safety advisor tracks shell action items from the HAZOPS. Additionally others FPSO team members have been given the task to review the responses from SBM in there are of responsible and recommend closeout. The implementation of the recommendations from the HAZOPS is verified as an on going process and confirmed during the close out meeting with SBM. The HAZOPS to date have been conducted in the SBM office in Monaco.

How is the implementation of the recommendations from the HAZOPS verified? Where will the HAZOPS be conducted? Where will all HAZOPS data be stored? How are the attendees solicited for the HAZOPS? Who will have access to the results of the HAZOPS? Does the contractor have an approved HAZOPS procedure? Are there any HAZOPS scheduled for the rest of the year?

The HAZOPS data is stored in the SBM document control system in their office in Monaco. The data is also stored in the livelink system. The HAZOPS attendees are solicited based on the areas to be covered during the HAZOPS and the persons level of knowledge in those areas. All BC10 project personnel can access to the data that is on the projects livelink site. SBM has a HAZOPS procedure that is being used to support the BC10 project. Two additional Marine HAZOPS will be conducted based on the results of the Non Hydrocarbon Vendor and Marine detailed HAZOP. 12

Have FPSO Team personnel had necessary Training?

The FPSO Team personnel have received safety training and have attended the Smith Driving Course.


Audit Questions for FPSO BC 10 Audit (Regulatory Compliance)

Regulatory Activities Has the project established the regulatory requirements for the Project? Has the Regulatory Compliance requirements been passed on to Contractors? Who is responsible for the regulatory compliance activities for FPSO? What software program is being used for tracking regulatory compliance activities on the project? How is compliance to all regulatory requirements verified?

Requirements SBM has established the regulatory requirements for the FPSO in conjunction with ABS.

The regulatory requirements were passed to the contractor in the final version of the contractor.

The FPSO Team has a focal point for the regulatory compliance activities.

SBM uses Microsoft Excel to track all regulatory data. The excel spreadsheet list the person who is responsible for which area of regulatory compliance as it relates to the FPSO. The regulatory requirements are verified through meeting held with SBM and reviewing the data in the monthly report and that on the regulatory tracking spreadsheet. The regulatory compliance focal point for SBM is Collin Richsion and V.Gaudfin Serveille. The contractor has issued a regulatory compliance plan to he FPSO team for review and comments. Comments have been retuned and are in process of being addressed by SBM. SBM in conjunction with ABS has ensured that all contractors will comply with all regulatory requirements.

Does the contractors have a regulatory compliance focal point? Does the contractors have acceptable regulatory compliance procedures?

Has the contractors passed all necessary regulatory requirements to any Sub contractors? How were the regulatory requirements for the project developed? Will the contractors furnish a certification of compliance?

The regulatory requirements were developed by SBM and ABS through the review of the Brazil regulations by both SBM and ABS.

SBM injunction with ABS will issue all the necessary certifications for sail away and startup of the FPSO.



Audit Questions for FPSO BC 10 Audit (Contractors Quality Plans and Inspection and Test Plans)

Quality Activities Have all the FPSO contractors furnished Quality Plans? How where the requirements for Quality Plans passed to the contractors? Who is responsible for the quality plans on the FPSO Team? How is the review of Quality Plans tracked on the FPSO Team?

Requirements SBM and their (3) prime subcontractors have furnished their Quality Plans to the FPSO Lead. The requirement for the quality plans is stated in the quality section of the contract.

The Quality Lead for the FPSO maintains copies of the contractors quality plans. SBM submits the quality plans for review and comment through the FPSO document control system. The document control lead logs the documents in and based on an established distribution list send the document out for review. Once the reviews are complete the comments are returned to DC for transmittal back to SBM. All Contractor Quality Plans have been approved.

Have all Quality Plans for the FPSO contractors been approved? How were the requirements for inspection &test plans passed to the Contractors? How is the review of inspection & test plans tracked until approved?

The requirements for the development of the inspection and test plans are stated in the quality section of the contract.

The inspection and test plans are reviewed during the kickoff meetings with the contractors The Shell inspection points are noted on the plan and returned to the contractor to incorporate. The plans are then tracked through the SBM document until approved. At the present time not all of the suppliers plans have been formally approved but work has started with the marked documents. Not all supplier Inspection and test plans have been formally approved by SBM prior to the start of work activities. All inspection points and the level of involvement have been marked on the plans prior to the start of work. All inspection and test plans have the necessary regulatory requirements listed on the plans.

Have all required inspection &test plans been submitted and approved prior to work starting? Have all of the required regulatory requirements been listed on the inspection &test plans? How will inspection reports be managed on the FPSO Team? Have all necessary Shell inspection personnel been identified?

The FPSO Quality Lead will manage the inspection reports submitted by SBM. The FPSO team has (4) welding inspectors and (1) coating inspector at the construction site. The FPSO team are in process of bring (2) shop inspectors on


Who is responsible for the test &inspection test plans on the FPSO Team?

The FPSO Quality Lead is the person responsible for ensuring that all inspection and test plans have been issued for FPSO activities.



Audit Questions for FPSO BC 10 Audit (Construction Site Activities)

Quality Activities Have all site construction site contractors furnished Quality Plans?

Requirements All construction site contractors have provided copies of their Quality plans. The requirements for the plans is stated in the SBM Quality plan for the project. The requirement for the Plans is stated in the Quality section of the SBM contract.

How where the requirements for Quality Plans passed to the contractors? Who is responsible for the quality plans for site contractors? How is the review of Quality Plans tracked for the site contractors?

The FPSO Quality Lead is the person responsible for assuring that all quality plans have been received from the contractors. SBM submits the quality plans for review through the FPSO document control. The FPSO document controller logs the documents in. Then based on a review list that has been developed by the FPSO team the document is routed for review and comment. Once the reviews are completed the document is returned to the document controller for transmittal back to SBM. The Quality Plans from all site contractors have been approved.

Have all Quality Plans for site contractors been approved? How were the requirements for inspection &test plans passed to the Contractors? How is the review of inspection & test plans tracked until approved? Have all required inspection &test plans been submitted and approved prior to work starting?

The requirements for inspection and test plans were passed to the site contractors in quality section of the SBM contract.

The inspection and test plans are tracked during their review using the SBM document control system. Not all inspection and test plans have been transmitted to the FPSO Quality Lead for his records. The site inspection and test plans have been reviewed and inspection points noted for Shell activities. All the Plans have been approved by SBM and ABS. The inspection and test plans that have been reviewed have had the necessary regulatory requirements listed on them.

Have all of the required regulatory requirements been listed on the inspection &test plans? How will inspection reports be managed for site activities? Have all necessary QA/QC personnel been identified for site activities?

The site inspection reports will be managed by the FPSO quality Lead. He will ensure that all reports are available for review at the site. Organizational Charts have been submitted by SBM and theyre Subcontractors that indicate that QA/QC personnel have been assigned to monitor site inspection activities. The QA/QC personnel are noted as site engineers on the SBM organizational chart.


Who is responsible for the test &inspection test plans?

The FPSO quality lead is the person who is responsible for assuring that the inspection and test plans are in place and that the inspections are being conducted as required.


Audit Questions for FPSO BC 10 Audit Lessons Learned

Lessons Learned Activities Does Project have an approved Lessons learned plan?

Requirements (Comments by Glyn Howard) YES: BC-10 FPD Implementation Plan 03R 20070518

BC-10 FPD Implementation Plan

Has lessons learned requires been passed on to the Contractor?

YES: Shell had a Lessons Learned Workshop with SBM on the 27th and 28th February 2007. I personally have issued the Flaws list to SBMs Commissioning Manager Chris Barber when he was appointed into the post on the 19th June.

How often is lessons learned meeting held with the contractor?

There is no regular frequency for specific LL meetings established at this time. Dave Llewlyn chaired the last formal meeting on the 14th June. The weekly BC-10 FPSO WEEKLY PROGRESS MEETING discusses the progress of LLs and KPIs in section 3. I meet with my counterpart in SBM to discuss the LLs informally on a regularly basis.

What software program is being used to manage the lessons learned activities on the project?

Microsoft Excel is the format for the official Lessons Learned list, which are published on Live Link at: func=ll&objId=15400446&objAction=browse&sort=name There is also a Microsoft Access Data base format, which can help with the finer categorization of the LLs.

LL data base


Who is responsible for managing the lessons learned activities for the FPSO Team?

The responsibility is shared out depending on Q areas as shown in the table below: Focus Area Tightness Cleanliness Functional Integrity Operability and Maint. HSE Prototypes Complexity Testing Experience Coinciding Events Integration Information Primary Reviewer (Q lead) Glyn Howard Glyn Howard Bob Andring Dave Howe Barry Masson Bob Andring Bob Andring Glyn Howard C Howell/Dave Howe Matt Absalom Chris Howell Matt Absalom Secondary review

As delegated by discipline As delegated by discipline Tom Sipkema

Glyn Howard

How are lessons learned shared with other projects?

The lessons learned spreadsheets in live link are combinations of lessons learned from other Shell and SBM projects to date. They are available to all Shell projects. Their use in other projects is promoted through the OR&A group via Rick Preston and David Llewelyn. If tracked means implemented then the lessons learned are tracked by distilling them into KPIs and policing them via the Project Quality Assurance Plan (PQAP) The progress of KPIs is reported in the The weekly BC-10 FPSO WEEKLY PROGRESS MEETING discusses the progress of LLs and KPIs in section 3.

How are lessons learned tracked for the FPSO activities?


Does the contractors have lessons learned Procedures?

SBM do not have a Company Procedure for Lessons Learned. The Lessons Learned process features in their Project Closeout Procedure: WP3.1.11 and there is a form developed for the purpose of Lessons Learned capture WPFGRP-3111.3. Shell has been introduced to SBM, via the BC-10 project, the Flaws Project Delivery concept. It is a contractual requirement for EPCI Contractor, as per article 2.7, BC-10 FPSO Contract, Section IV, Scope of Work: 2.7 Lessons Learnt The EPCI CONTRACTOR shall conduct lessons learnt exercises with information gained from previous CONTRACTOR projects and demonstrate that findings have been appropriately applied to prevent reoccurrence. Company to make available lessons learnt from similar projects for Contractor's use. The lessons learnt workshop(s) shall take place early enough to be beneficial to the project.

How often are lessons learned meeting held with other project teams?

I am not aware that this has happen yet, were one project sits down with another project face to face. What does happen is that David Llewelyn takes his presentation to new projects and starts the process off. There has been email communication between projects. I know that correspondence has been exchanged between SW Bonga and BC-10

Is there a project lessons learned database?

Yes: It is included in the MS Excel format of the live link spread sheets in func=ll&objId=15400446&objAction=browse&sort=name

Who has access to the database?

Any one on the project that has access to live link, which means every one.



Audit Questions for FPSO BC 10 Audit (Quality and Engineering KPI Program)

kPI Activities Have all contractors furnished procedures for KPIs?

Requirements (remarks by Glyn Howard)

1.0 Having discussed this issue with Guido Schouten, Project Eng Manager, and Jamie Hulme, SB answer is NO. The KPI philosophy is still being developed with SBM under the guidance of Paul Mill Manager. The guidance we have worked with is the one detailed in EPP-RIJ-V98-00012 Flawless Project Delivery KPIs:

EPP RIJ V98 00012

When we say KPIs we have to be clear on which type because there are 3 types and different people have different KPIs to produce: Final KPIs The project final KPIs are a set of overall performance targets for the project to be measured after project work is completed and handed over to Operations. These final KPIs are established by management early in the project and as such represent the high-level objectives for the project. Final KPIs can also be utilised by the Q Captains to create a subset of final KPIs as the targets for each Q Area. Interim KPIs Interim (or Intermediate) KPIs are the targets set by the Q Captains for each Q Area to measure progress towards Q Area final KPIs. The targets are designed to be achieved and measured at the end of each project phase, e.g. at detailed design, Factor Acceptance Testing (FAT), pre commissioning etc. Appropriate selection and delivery of the interim KPIs should also increase the likelihood of successful delivery of the overall project KPIs. Leading KPIs A leading KPI is a measure, which indicates current progress towards delivery in the future of an interim or final KPI. These measures, typically set by the Q Captains or the FPD steering group, are designed to allow a continuous assessment of the health of project delivery. The measures will usually assess inputs rather than measure results, e.g. number of outstanding Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) studies still to be closed out, percentage of operations training courses held to date etc. A healthy set of leading KPIs is usually a good predictor of future success. How where the requirements for KPIs passed to the contractors?

2.0 KPI requirements where passed to SBM during the FPSO Espirito Santo Lessons Learned and workshop.

Workshop Minutes

Who is responsible for coordinating the development of the KPIs by SBM?

Ultimately the responsibility is with Paul Milligan, SBMs Quality Assurance Manager, who actions th team members Robert McNeish and Jamie Hulme . However, I was under the impression that it was Shells responsibility to produce KPIs and pass them across to SBM. This has been done for Cleanliness, Testing, Tightening and Experience via email to Chris Barber the SBM Commissioning Manager.

Who tracks the KPIs from the FPSO Team and SBM?

From the FPSO team it is Mick Duddy, SBM Production Contractor Rep, and Robert McNeish and Jamie Hulme. The KPI tracking for the Cleanliness, Testing, Tightening and Experience will be done by myself. I believe other Q area owners will track their own


What is the timing for reporting KPIs established by SBM? What is the format for reporting KPIs from SBM?


The reporting timing is Monthly at the SBM QA department meeting and reported to Shell via


Excel spread sheet format.

How is the data generated from the KPIs used by the FPSO Team and SBM? Is the KPI data shared with other projects?

The intention is that SBM use the data to continuously improve their projects. This is what Paul Milligan wants to achieve but it is early days for SBM and this intention cannot be claimed at the moment. The KPI data is shared with other projects via David Llewelyn. Although, as yet KPIs have not been published on Live Link. The KPIs for BC-10 Cleanliness, Testing, Tightening and Experience have been developed and sent to David Llewelyn for his consideration.
KP I S "

Who has access to the KPI data?

Once it is completed by the Q Area owners and verified by David Llewelyn it will be published on Live Link. My understanding is that it is the person who generated the KPI namely the Q area owner.

Who is responsible for maintaining all KPI documentation? Do KPIs cover both office and site activities?

Yes they do. They cover more than office and site they cover the following areas know in KPI Language as phases: Eng - Specification/detailed engineering phase Matl - Materials acceptance onto construction site FAT - Factory Acceptance testing Ftc - Fabrication/transportation/integration/construction MC - Mechanical completion phase Pcom - Pre-commissioning phase Com - Commissioning from Ready for Commissioning (RFC) to handover acceptance by owner Anchor - readiness to sail to deep anchor testing location Sail - readiness to sail to location


Corrective / Preventive Action Requests: Date Prepared: August 16 2007

Total no. Findings

Attachments: Audit Checklist Action Requests

Audit TOR

Findings List


BC-10 FPSO Team Audit Terms of Reference

Verify the Implementation of the Project procedures in the areas of Interface Management, Management of Change, information Management/Data Books, Lessons Learned, Scheduling, and Regulatory Compliance, Status of Inspection and Test Plans from Contractors, Audit activities with SBM, Construction Site activities, HAZOPS. Project Plans and Procedures that cover the above listed activities. Also the contractor quality documents listed. Verify the implementation of the Project Procedures and the receipt and acceptance of Contractors Quality Documents. Organization: FPSO Team Contact: Martin Laverick FPSO Quality Lead and Chris Howell FPSO Team Lead Tel.: N/A Week commencing: August 20 2007 Start August 21 2007 and Finish August 24 2007 Lead Auditor Auditor(s) Bob Bearden The audit will verify, by interview and review of sample documentation, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Information Management Procedure: Compliance with the project information management procedure. Management of Change Procedure: Compliance with the project management of change procedure. Scheduling: Compliance with project scheduling requirements. Lessons Learned: Collection and sharing of lessons learned data. Interface Management: Compliance with project interface management plan. Regulatory Compliance: Compliance with project regulatory compliance requirements. HAZOPS: HAZOPS have been conducted items closed out. Inspection and Test Plans: Receipt and acceptance of contractors ITPs Audit activities with SBM: level of involvement in SBM conducted audits. Location: Monaco( FPSO Team office)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Purpose/Objectives Criteria / Reference Documents Audit scope Auditee Date & location Start / finish Audit team Terms of Reference

10. Construction site activities: Level of Quality activities at the construction site. 11. Quality KIPs: KIPs for engineering and construction activities.

9 10

Review Documentation Audit Report Content

To verify that the expected results from implementation of the Systems and Plans are being obtained. Results of documentation reviews and interviews with Project Leads.


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