Likelihood: Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

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Zogby Analytics Interactive Survey of NYC Likely Voters 6/13/13 thru 6/14/13 MOE +/- 4.

1 percentage points

Frequency Valid Definitely Very likely Somewhat likely Total Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

397 133 70 600

66.1 22.2 11.6 100.0

66.1 22.2 11.6 100.0

66.1 88.4 100.0

Frequency Valid Democratic Republican Independent Total Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

343 97 160 600

57.1 16.2 26.7 100.0

57.1 16.2 26.7 100.0

57.1 73.3 100.0

1. Have you attended at least one LIVE ticketed event in the past 12 months?
Frequency Valid Yes No Total Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

448 152 600

74.6 25.4 100.0

74.6 25.4 100.0

74.6 100.0

2. In all, how many times have you bought tickets either at the box office, season tickets, online, via phone or other means in the past 12 months?
Frequency Valid 12 35 6 10 11 20 More than 20 times I have not bought any tickets in the past 12 months Not sure Total Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

156 175 82 41 25 95 27 600

26.1 29.1 13.6 6.8 4.1 15.9 4.4 100.0

26.1 29.1 13.6 6.8 4.1 15.9 4.4 100.0

26.1 55.2 68.8 75.6 79.7 95.6 100.0

Subsets have a larger margin of error than the whole data set. As a rule we do not rely on the validity of very small subsets of the data, especially sets smaller than 50-75 respondents. At that size subset we can make generalizations, but in these cases the data is more qualitative than quantitative Zogby Analytics Page 1 6/14/2013

Zogby Analytics Interactive Survey of NYC Likely Voters 6/13/13 thru 6/14/13 MOE +/- 4.1 percentage points

3. Are any of the statements below true about you?

n $q3 I have purchased tickets to a concert, theatre, cultural or sporting event through the web I have purchased tickets to a concert, theatre, cultural or sporting event online from other fans or individual ticket holders I have sold tickets to a concert, theatre, cultural or sporting event to another person through the web I have sold tickets to a concert, theatre, cultural or sporting event to another person, offline I have given tickets away to a concert, theatre, cultural or sporting event to another person I feel comfortable selling tickets to someone outside the event venue None of the above Not sure Total %





54 57 127 45 112 14 600

9.0 9.4 21.2 7.6 18.7 2.3 100.0

4. Have you had the experience of trying to purchase tickets online and having the event be sold out within minutes of tickets going on sale?
Frequency Valid Yes No Not sure Total Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

310 258 32 600

51.7 43.0 5.3 100.0

51.7 43.0 5.3 100.0

51.7 94.7 100.0

5. Are you aware that event producers, concert promoters and performing artists often pre-sell or reserve tickets to companies, record labels, VIPs, fan clubs, credit card holders, and personal friends
Frequency Valid Yes No Not sure Total Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

406 146 48 600

67.7 24.3 8.0 100.0

67.7 24.3 8.0 100.0

67.7 92.0 100.0

Subsets have a larger margin of error than the whole data set. As a rule we do not rely on the validity of very small subsets of the data, especially sets smaller than 50-75 respondents. At that size subset we can make generalizations, but in these cases the data is more qualitative than quantitative Zogby Analytics Page 2 6/14/2013

Zogby Analytics Interactive Survey of NYC Likely Voters 6/13/13 thru 6/14/13 MOE +/- 4.1 percentage points

6. For a given event, what do you believe is a fair percentage of tickets to be pre-sold?
Frequency Valid Under 10% 10% - 24% 25% - 49% 50% - 74% 75% or above Not sure Total Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

167 201 95 64 22 52 600

27.9 33.5 15.8 10.6 3.6 8.6 100.0

27.9 33.5 15.8 10.6 3.6 8.6 100.0

27.9 61.4 77.2 87.8 91.4 100.0

7. Are you aware that the number of set-aside tickets, known as holdbacks, can exceed 50% or more of the total number of tickets available for the event?
Frequency Valid Yes No Not sure Total Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

165 373 63 600

27.5 62.1 10.4 100.0

27.5 62.1 10.4 100.0

27.5 89.6 100.0

8. Recently, on his Believe Tour, Justin Bieber performed in Nashville, Tennessee at a venue with a capacity of 14,000. Of those, 12,999 tickets were holdbacks and only 1,001 (7%) were made available for purchase to the general public. Does the volume of ticket holdbacks in this instance surprise you?
Frequency Valid Yes No Not sure Total Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

351 200 49 600

58.5 33.3 8.2 100.0

58.5 33.3 8.2 100.0

58.5 91.8 100.0

9. Considering this instance, do you think ticket holdbacks are ethical?

Frequency Valid Yes No Not sure Total Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

94 426 80 600

15.6 71.1 13.3 100.0

15.6 71.1 13.3 100.0

15.6 86.7 100.0

Subsets have a larger margin of error than the whole data set. As a rule we do not rely on the validity of very small subsets of the data, especially sets smaller than 50-75 respondents. At that size subset we can make generalizations, but in these cases the data is more qualitative than quantitative Zogby Analytics Page 3 6/14/2013

Zogby Analytics Interactive Survey of NYC Likely Voters 6/13/13 thru 6/14/13 MOE +/- 4.1 percentage points

10. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement - Laws should be put in place to cap the amount of holdbacks allowed for concerts and events
Frequency Valid Agree Disagree Not sure Total Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

460 55 85 600

76.6 9.1 14.2 100.0

76.6 9.1 14.2 100.0

76.6 85.8 100.0

11. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement - Promoters or venue managers should be required to post on line how many tickets are available to the general public when they go on sale so customers can know their chances of buying them.
Frequency Valid Agree Disagree Not sure Total Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

519 36 46 600

86.4 5.9 7.6 100.0

86.4 5.9 7.6 100.0

86.4 92.4 100.0

12. Which of the following is closer to your view? Statement A: It is important that artists and concert promoters disclose to consumers how many tickets are reserved as holdbacks and how many tickets are available to the general public Statement B: It is not important that artists and concert promoters disclose to consumers how many tickets are reserved as holdbacks and how many tickets are available to the general public
Frequency Valid A B Not sure Total Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

466 71 63 600

77.6 11.9 10.5 100.0

77.6 11.9 10.5 100.0

77.6 89.5 100.0

13. Are you aware that many venues, including Madison Square Garden, Yankee Stadium, Barclay's Center and Citifield have received significant public subsidies?
Frequency Valid Yes No Not sure Total Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

302 245 53 600

50.3 40.8 8.8 100.0

50.3 40.8 8.8 100.0

50.3 91.2 100.0

Subsets have a larger margin of error than the whole data set. As a rule we do not rely on the validity of very small subsets of the data, especially sets smaller than 50-75 respondents. At that size subset we can make generalizations, but in these cases the data is more qualitative than quantitative Zogby Analytics Page 4 6/14/2013

Zogby Analytics Interactive Survey of NYC Likely Voters 6/13/13 thru 6/14/13 MOE +/- 4.1 percentage points

14. Considering that many venues, including Madison Square Garden, Yankee Stadium, Barclays Center and Citifield have received significant public subsidies this, which of the following is closer to your view? Statement A: It is important that publicly subsidized venues disclose to consumers how many tickets are reserved as holdbacks and how many tickets are available to the general public. Statement B: It is not important that publicly subsidized venues disclose to consumer how many tickets are reserved as holdbacks and how many tickets are available to the general public
Frequency Valid A B Not sure Total Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

467 60 73 600

77.9 10.0 12.1 100.0

77.9 10.0 12.1 100.0

77.9 87.9 100.0

Frequency Valid Male Female Total Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

279 321 600

46.5 53.5 100.0

46.5 53.5 100.0

46.5 100.0

Household Income
Frequency Valid < $25K $25-35K $35-50K $50-75K $75-100K $100-150K $150K+ Total Missing Total .00 Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

106 53 68 118 98 82 43 569 31 600

17.7 8.8 11.4 19.7 16.4 13.7 7.1 94.8 5.2 100.0

18.7 9.3 12.0 20.8 17.3 14.4 7.5 100.0

18.7 28.0 40.0 60.8 78.1 92.5 100.0

Subsets have a larger margin of error than the whole data set. As a rule we do not rely on the validity of very small subsets of the data, especially sets smaller than 50-75 respondents. At that size subset we can make generalizations, but in these cases the data is more qualitative than quantitative Zogby Analytics Page 5 6/14/2013

Zogby Analytics Interactive Survey of NYC Likely Voters 6/13/13 thru 6/14/13 MOE +/- 4.1 percentage points

Age group A
Frequency Valid 18-29 30-49 50-64 65+ Total Missing Total .00 Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

102 220 158 84 564 36 600

16.9 36.7 26.3 14.0 94.0 6.0 100.0

18.0 39.0 28.0 14.9 100.0

18.0 57.1 85.1 100.0

Age group B
Frequency Valid 18-24 25-34 35-54 55-69 70+ Total Missing Total .00 Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

60 118 203 151 32 564 36 600

10.0 19.7 33.8 25.1 5.3 94.0 6.0 100.0

10.7 21.0 36.0 26.7 5.7 100.0

10.7 31.7 67.6 94.3 100.0

Frequency Valid No College Degree College Degree+ Total Missing Total .00 Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

208 384 591 9 600

34.6 64.0 98.5 1.5 100.0

35.1 64.9 100.0

35.1 100.0

Subsets have a larger margin of error than the whole data set. As a rule we do not rely on the validity of very small subsets of the data, especially sets smaller than 50-75 respondents. At that size subset we can make generalizations, but in these cases the data is more qualitative than quantitative Zogby Analytics Page 6 6/14/2013

Zogby Analytics Interactive Survey of NYC Likely Voters 6/13/13 thru 6/14/13 MOE +/- 4.1 percentage points

Frequency Valid White Hisp AfrAmer Asian Other Total Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

264 132 132 36 36 600

44.1 21.9 22.0 6.0 6.0 100.0

44.1 21.9 22.0 6.0 6.0 100.0

44.1 66.0 88.0 94.0 100.0

Frequency Valid Brooklyn Bronx Manhattan Queens Staten Island Total Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

174 90 138 162 36 600

29.0 15.0 23.0 27.0 6.0 100.0

29.0 15.0 23.0 27.0 6.0 100.0

29.0 44.0 67.0 94.0 100.0

Ideology Recoded
Frequency Valid Liberal Moderate Conservative Total Missing Total .00 Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

219 195 131 546 54 600

36.5 32.6 21.9 91.0 9.0 100.0

40.1 35.8 24.1 100.0

40.1 75.9 100.0

Subsets have a larger margin of error than the whole data set. As a rule we do not rely on the validity of very small subsets of the data, especially sets smaller than 50-75 respondents. At that size subset we can make generalizations, but in these cases the data is more qualitative than quantitative Zogby Analytics Page 7 6/14/2013

Zogby Analytics Interactive Survey of NYC Likely Voters 6/13/13 thru 6/14/13 MOE +/- 4.1 percentage points

Frequency Valid Mobile Landline Both Total Missing Total .00 Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

143 76 370 589 11 600

23.9 12.7 61.6 98.2 1.8 100.0

24.3 12.9 62.7 100.0

24.3 37.3 100.0

Creative Job Sector

Frequency Valid Yes No Total Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

162 438 600

27.0 73.0 100.0

27.0 73.0 100.0

27.0 100.0

Self ID Creative Class

Frequency Valid Yes No Total Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

222 378 600

36.9 63.1 100.0

36.9 63.1 100.0

36.9 100.0

Subsets have a larger margin of error than the whole data set. As a rule we do not rely on the validity of very small subsets of the data, especially sets smaller than 50-75 respondents. At that size subset we can make generalizations, but in these cases the data is more qualitative than quantitative Zogby Analytics Page 8 6/14/2013

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