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Nairobis street dancing queen

Zuqka For Judy Mwaura, its all for the fun...and the money, too

Slaying the dragon of tribalism

P.17 Why we must tackle negative ethnicity to achieve rapid growth

Nairobi | Friday, November 16, 2012

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No. 17401


POLITICS | Its back to the drawing board as rivals regroup in attempt to win March 4 election


Budget airline Jetlink grounds its planes after running out of money to run its operations. P. 25

News P. 2-11, Back Opinion P. 12-13 Letters P. 14 S. Report P. 17 World P. 18-24 Business P. 25-30 County P. 32-35 Sport P. 67-71

Kalonzo, Ruto meet in fresh G7 unity bid

Eldoret North MP and Vice-President discuss pre-election coalition barely a week after the latter quit alliance in protest over power sharing; Uhuru and Mudavadi talks pushed to next week following diary clash Story P. 2
Contrary to what our detractors are saying, TNA and URP will work with other parties to unite Kenya
Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta

Families ee homes as army moves into Baragoi

mndurya@ke.nationmedia.com Hundreds of families living near the Suguta Valley have ed their homes as the military prepares to sweep the area for bandits Yesterday, the Kenya Defence Forces set up a temporary base in Lodwar, Turkana County. The troops will track down cattle rustlers who slaughtered 41 police ocers in Baragoi, Samburu County, on Saturday night. Lodwar Airstrip, in Turkana County, was busy with Kenya Airforce aircraft bringing personnel and equipment. It was also being used as the stagCONTINUED ON PAGE 4

Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta (left) and Eldoret North MP William Ruto during a rally at Nairagie Enkare, Narok County, yesterday.

2 | National News
POLITICS | Aspirants in rush to beat December 4 deadline for pre-poll coalitions

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

G7 Alliance leaders now reach out to Kalonzo and Mudavadi

Ruto holds four-hour meeting with VP as talks between Uhuru and UDF chief pushed to next week
bnamunane@ke.nationmedia.com he G7 Alliance has renewed eorts to bring on board Vice-President Kalonzo Musyoka and Deputy Prime Minister Musalia Mudavadi ahead of the December 4 deadline for registering preelection coalitions. Eldoret North MP William Ruto of the United Republican Party (URP) on Wednesday night met Mr Musyoka (Wiper Democratic Party) at his Karen residence for four hours to discuss working together. A meeting scheduled between Deputy PM Uhuru Kenyatta of The National Alliance (TNA) and Mr Mudavadi of the United Democratic Forum (UDF) failed to take place after the former was held up in Gatundu. The meeting has since been moved to next week. Yesterday, Mr Kenyatta and Mr Ruto appeared to conrm talks with Mr Musyoka and Mr Mudavadi when they said their aim was to unite all Kenyans. Contrary to what our detractors are saying, TNA and URP will work with other parties to unite Kenya, said Mr Kenyatta. URP spokesman Aden Duale and Ikolomani MP Boni Khalwale (UDF) confirmed the meetings. It is true that the URP presidential candidate held a meeting with the Vice-President in Karen. They actually met for four hours to explore ways of working together in a coalition, said Mr Duale on phone from Narok where URP was holding a campaign rally. Dr Khalwale said Mr Mudavadi was open to talks with parties pursuing a national agenda. We have said that our intention is to go beyond communities and build a national coalition. This is why we have allowed our presidential aspirant to talk to his colleagues in an eort to attain that goal, he said. REACTION The decision to approach Mr Musyoka and Mr Mudavadi comes a day after it was revealed that the planned coalition between Mr Kenyatta and Mr Ruto had hit a wall over the sharing of Cabinet slots. Yesterday, Mr Duale said URP was not in a hurry to sign a coalition deal with Mr Kenyatta, Mr Eugene Wamalwa of New Ford Kenya, Mrs Charity Ngilu of Narc and Mvita MP Najib Balala of the Republican Congress Party under the G7 Alliance. The partys aim, he said, was to come up with a broad national coalition that can win the elections by garnering 70 per cent of the vote in the rst round. URP is not going to be rushed to sign a coalition agreement. We are not in a hurry at all. We want to build a coalition which unites all Kenyans and that is why Mr Ruto met the Vice-President. He is also reaching out to the UDF presidential candidate (Mr Mudavadi), he said. Mr Musyoka quit the G7 Alliance after he was oered a lesser position, believed to be the Majority Leader in Parliament, by Mr Kenyatta and Mr Ruto. He has since held talks with Mr Mudavadi, who has not been a member of the alliance, for a possible coalition. The UDF ag-bearer has not ruled out talks with G7 Alliance leaders. Even as he sought to build a coalition, Mr Mudavadi declared that he will not give up his presidential bid. In UDF there is no compromise on his presidential candidature. We can negotiate anything else, but the position of presidential candidate is not negotiable, he told supporters at Kabula in Bumula Constituency. He said it was embarrassing that leaders from the province were being given junior positions in alliances. There are those negotiating themselves out of a job, I am negotiating myself into the job, he said. In Nairobi, Cabinet ministers Moses Wetangula (Ford Kenya), Fred Gumo (ODM), and MPs Cyrus Jirongo ( Federal Party of Kenya) and Chris Okemo (ODM) met at Sankara Hotel in a bid to unite Luhya leaders behind one presidential aspirant.


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Regional highlights
Nairobi: - African Day of Statistics to be launched this morning at the KICC Comesa Grounds in Nairobi. -International Commission of Jurists Kenya Chapter to hold a forum in Nairobi on vetting of political aspirants in the next General Election. The function will be at the Panafric Hotel this afternoon.

On alliances

Building coalitions

There are those negotiating themselves out of a job. I am negotiating myself into the job,
Deputy Prime Minister Musalia Mudavadi on leaders pre-polls pacts . Page 10

We have said that our intention is to go beyond communities and build a national coalition. This is why we have allowed our presidential aspirant to talk to his colleagues. MP Boni Khalwale (UDF)

It is true that the URP presidential candidate held a meeting with the VicePresident in Karen. They actually met for four hours to explore ways of working together in a coalition. MP Aden Duale (URP)

In the News
Kisumu : A recent study has shown that circumcising male infants is safer, less expensive and a means of HIV prevention. As adult male circumcision programmes scale up in the Nyanza region with statistics showing 235,000 circumcised in the past three years, Infant Male Circumcision (IMC) is gaining popularity, according to the survey. Page 35 Taita Taveta : Lack of basic infrastructure will not hinder the establishment of the devolved governments, The Commission for the Implementation of the Constitution (CIC) has said. CIC commissioner Peter Wanyande (left) said existing buildings could be improvised to serve the purpose before the credible buildings are constructed. Page 32 Nairobi: Justice Minister Eugene Wamalwa has come to the defence of Attorney-General over the move to remove state corporations from the list of public entities whose workers pay can be determined by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission. The

minister urged public institutions to heed Prof Githu Muigais advice as he was the legal adviser. Page 11 Nyamira: Presidential aspirant Martha Karua has urged Kenyans to vote out leaders who fail to meet the integrity test in the coming elections. The Narc Kenya leader said Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta and Eldoret North MP William Ruto, who are facing ICC trials, should keep o the State House race. Page 10 Nairobi: The UN has called for the recognition of family planning as an essential human right, barely a month after Kenya unveiled a blueprint to halt population growth. The United Nations Population Fund has called for the recognition that access to family planning services is a basic right. Page 8 Garissa: About 240 applicants from around the country yesterday participated in auditions to select those to go into a leadership reality show to air on NTV starting December 9. Page 8


There are chances of thunderstorms in Kisumu in early morning

Temperatures expected to rise to a high of 29 degrees at midday

Partly cloudy conditions as temperatures drop to 25 degrees

It will be partly cloudy with high humidity as temperatures drop to 16 degrees

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

National News 3

EDUCATION | Form Four candidate has no regrets for dropping out of school

Boys vanishing act over nail varnish

21-year-old abandons his KCSE exams mid-stream after principal orders him to remove polish from his nails
ngunjirij@ke.nationmedia.com he schoolboy would rather drop out of school than remove polish from his nger-nails. The Form Four candidate from Othaya in Nyeri, who has declined to sit the Kenya Certicate of Secondary Education exams, is 21 years old. James Maina from Kihuri Secondary School in Kihuri Village says the punishment he received from the school principal in connection with the nail polish he had applied made him abandon the national examinations altogether. Mr Isaac Ndegwa, the principal, conrms that last Friday, the student disappeared from school when he was expected to sit an exam. Drama started when the boy was ordered to remove the nail polish. Mr Ndegwa said when he told Mr Maina to scrap it o, he was reluctant. I had ordered him to scrap o the nail polish before joining the rest in the exam room, said Mr Ndegwa, who then proceeded to the exam room to inform the invigilator that there was a student outside who would be joining them shortly after he completes what he had been directed to do. When Mr Ndegwa returned to check on the student, he realised the candidate was not within the school compound. He got directions to the students home from school neighbours. Unfortunately, he did not nd his student at home. Frantic eorts were made to search for the student, but in vain. The area assistant chief and the neighbours formed a search team, but the student was nowhere to be found. Mr Ndegwa said this level of indiscipline was unexpected, and it had left his administration in anxiety and stress. We are still hoping the boy will still come back and complete his Form Four course, said Mr Ndegwa. The principal later summoned the boys mother who informed him her son had changed clothes and left the compound. She didnt know his whereabouts. The student had initially started

Inform invigilator

James Maina, 21, from Kihuri Secondary School in Othaya speaks to the Nation yesterday. The Form Four candidate ran away from school a week ago after he was told to remove nail polish from his ngers by the school principal, Mr Isaac Ndegwa.
He said he decided not to sit for the Kiswahili paper which was about to start. My hands were swollen and decided I wont sit for the paper. So I sneaked out of school and went home and removed school uniform, he said. The boy later, it emerged, went to Thika on a mission to avoid being forced back to the examination room. He insists he is not willing to go back to school any time soon to sit the remaining papers. His mother, Mrs Anne Wahito Mwangi, a mother of one daughter and two sons, said Maina returned home on Friday night and when questioned about his behaviour, declined to answer. She said she has no idea why her son refused to sit for the exams, and urged anyone who can help her to convince her son to go back to school and sit for his exams. It is good if my son goes back to school and completes his education, because this is the only way he will be able to uplift his living, said Mrs Mwangi.


School principal Isaac Ndegwa: I never caned the student.

schooling at Karima Boys High School in Othaya and dropped out for a year. Later he joined Kihuri, where he has been studying. The principal said the student has so far been well behaved, except for a few indiscipline cases, and now the unfortunate incident. When the Nation traced Maina to their home, he said the punishment he received from the principal is what led to his actions. He has no regrets at all for avoiding the exams, and does not wish to sit the remaining papers.

Mother Anne Wahito: Help me convince him to sit exams.

Maina said it all started on Thursday afternoon when, after lunch, together with a friend, they sneaked out of the school compound. The following day the principal summoned them to his oce minutes before the exams started. It is at the oce where the principal noticed that Mr Mainas nger nails had been manicured, contrary to school regulations. He caned me on my hands until they were swollen. I couldnt even hold a pen, he said a claim Mr Ndegwa denied.

Principal caned me on my hands until they were swollen. I couldnt even hold a pen
James Maina on why he wont be writing his exam any more

Kshs 19,995

Kshs 9,995

Kshs 8,995





4 | National News


DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

INSECURITY | Attack described as the worst on police in Kenyas history

Military prepares to take on bandits after deadly attack

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ing ground for aerial surveillance and to lift security personnel to Baragoi, the scene of Saturdays ambush on the police and homeguards. A contingent of KDF, APs and regular police has set up camp in Lodwar as they prepared for the joint operation in Suguta Valley on the eastern side of Lake Turkana. Four more bodies of security ocers were yesterday discovered in a bush in Baragoi as the search entered its fth day.

Death toll hits 41 as four more bodies found

Four more bodies of security ofcers were yesterday discovered in a bush in the Baragoi area of Samburu County as the search entered its fth day. The discovery brings to 41 the number of security ocers who have so far died in the Baragoi massacre. Rift Valley Provincial Commissioner Osman Warfa, however, insisted 36 ocers had died. We have 28 security ocers and eight Kenya Police Reservists who have died, Mr Warfa, who spoke to the Nation from Baragoi by telephone, claimed. He said only one police reservist remained unaccounted for, but security forces were still on the ground trying to comb the Suguta Valley where bandits opened re on policemen who were pursuing cattle rustlers. Drama had ensued during the search in Suguta Valley when one group of security forces came across the body of an ocer and shot in the air to inform the others about the discovery. The shooting caused a scare with people posting messages in the social media that police had been attacked again by bandits in Baragoi. The askaris were shooting to inform the others that they had found a body, Mr Warfa said. Meanwhile, Baragoi remained deserted yesterday as residents continued to ee to safer arears fearing a security operation, which the Government announced that it would be carried out jointly by the police and the Kenya Defence Forces.

Number of police ocers and police reservists who were killed by bandits in Baragoi

Samburu counties. The airstrip normally handles two scheduled ights and several charter planes for personal and other humanitarian organisations like the UN agencies that run a number of projects in the larger Turkana County. On Wednesday afternoon, amid heavy security, military Aerial operation aircraft landed and took o. The sleepy and hot Lodwar was also The discovery brings to 41 stirred by the arrival and departhe number of security ocers who have so far been conrmed ture of a convoy of military and police trucks. killed in the Baragoi massacre that has been described as the Area residents milled around worst attack on police by bandits the airstrips perimeter fence to catch a glimpse of this rare in Kenyas history. Sources said a ground and display of military might. On Tuesday, the National aerial operation to track down the raiders will also include mop- Security Council, chaired by President Kibaki, resolved to ping up illegal guns covering the whole of Turkana and parts of send the military to Samburu after the police massacre. Sources told the Nation that most of the soldiers are from Eldorets Moi Barracks. To comment on They had made Lodwar airthis article, scan the code or go to strip, which is the nearest to www.nation.co.ke/ Samburu, the base for airlifting 16112012 the soldiers as the operation to track down the cattle rustlers kicked o.

Combing area

Police ocer Nicholas Mwakura, who was injured during the Baragoi attack, at the Kenyatta National Hospital in Nairobi on Wednesday.


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DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012


National News 5

KILLINGS | Shock engulfs village where he served as a church choirmaster and ministered to the youth

Familys last moments with slain ocer

Githinji had asked his mother to pray for him before he left for the operation in Baragoi

The number of ocers killed in the Baragoi attack

oseph Githinji will never realise his dream of marrying his longtime girlfriend as he had planned or even becoming a top ocer like his father. The 22-year-old was among the 41 police ocers who died under a hail of bullets while seeking out bandits in Baragoi on Saturday last week. The last communication he had with anyone before he died was a text message he sent to his mother which said: We are leaving (for Baragoi) at midday today. Please pray for me. The last he had seen of his family was in August during his passing out parade at the Administration Police Training College in Embakasi, Nairobi. Yesterday, the young mans sleepy Gwakiongo Village in Nyandarua County was still in shock. As family and friends met at the family farm in preparation for the burial, they were still trying to come to terms with the death of the young man they had all come to love and care for because of his deep involvement in the community.

Five deny killing APs

Charged: A councillor and four chiefs were on Wednesday jointly charged with robbing and murdering 12 police ocers during last Saturdays bandit attack in Baragoi. Robbery: The ve were accused of robbing the ocers of G3 ries before killing them.

Mrs Esther Kahuho (left) and her last born son Kevin Kahugo are consoled by Ms Susan Thama, a relative, at their Gwakiongo home in Nyandarua yesterday. Mrs Kahuhos rst born son Joseph Githinji was among ocers killed during last weeks bandit attack in Baragoi.
sented something or the other. To the church, he was a staunch Christian who took part in its activities and helped when he could. To his family, he was of course an irreplaceable son and brother, he says. The fallen ocer also helped mould the lives of many children during his three-year stint at Matunda Primary School as an untrained teacher after his Kenya Certicate of Secondary Education exams, which he sat at St Lukes Secondary School in Nakuru in 2008. He scored C plain in 2008. He was a model student and at an age when many teenagers get lost in alcohol due to boredom after their KCSE exams, Joseph decided to engage in something that was useful to him and to his community. He sang in church and taught children, not for money, but for the pure joy of


At the PCEA Gwakiongo Church where he ministered to the youth and was the choirmaster, his voice will be missed. Mr Francis Ngure, a church elder and family friend, described the young ocer as an outstanding member of the community. The whole village is today commiserating with the family of Joseph Githinji because to all of us, he repre-

service, the ocers cousin Joseph Wanjiru said. He wanted to marry. He also had big plans for his future because he wanted to work hard and rise through the ranks to become a high-ranking ocer. But he complained when he realised he had been posted to Samburu. In a way, his dejection was a premonition that he would die there shortly, but he said that because he had been ordered, he had no option, Wanjiru, 27, said. Many villagers who spoke to the Nation said Githinji was respectful and deeply religious. He was among the 41 officers killed by heavily armed bandits in a well-choreographed ambush in Suguta Valley. Most of the ocers were inexperienced and poorly-equipped, leaving them vulnerable to the powerful sniper ries. The ocers were on a mission to recover some 450 head of cattle stolen from the Samburu by suspected Turkana raiders some months ago. The ocers bodies were left uncollected for days even as the country woke up to the shocking incident. My husband had to go to Nairobi himself to identify the badly decomposed body. So far, we have not heard anything from the government representatives. It is like the deaths do not register on their conscience, said Mrs Esther Kahuho, Githinjis mother.

Relatives begin to identify fallen kin

Tears owed at the Chiromo Mortuary in Nairobi as relatives of the policemen killed by cattle rustlers in Baragoi, Samburu District arrived to identify their kin. Deputy police spokesman Charles Owino yesterday said 24 bodies are lying at the mortuary after they were airlifted from the killing elds. Fifteen bodies have been positively identied while seven remain unidentied. However, forensic tests are being carried out in bid to identify them, Mr Owino said. A distraught Ms Dina Werunga, 69, wailed after she identied the body of her last born son Stephen Nyongesa, 24 who was killed in the ambush. The government has killed our young sons and daughters since they sent the recruits to pursue the cattle rustlers after their recent pass out parade from the training college in Kiganjo..., Ms Werunga, a mother of ve, lamented. Earlier, Kenya Red Cross Society spokesperson Nelly Muluka said the search for more bodies was still going on at the scene of Saturdays attack. Ms Muluka said that following the attack, policemen who suered gunshot wounds were airlifted to the Kenyatta National Hospital for treatment. Mr Owino said police had been joined by the army in carrying out search and rescue eorts. Following the attack, the Red Cross has set-up a desk at the Chiromo mortuary to help relatives as they identify their loved ones.

Leaders reject military help to nd killers

Three Turkana MPs yesterday rejected the posting of military forces to Suguta and demanded a judicial inquiry into the death of 37 policemen killed by armed raiders at the weekend. The MPs, including Labour Minister John Munyes, assistant minister Josephat Nanok and Turkana Central MP Ekwee Ethuro said the deployment of Kenya Defence Forces had made hundreds of residents ee, fearing atrocities associated with military operations. Only proper investigations through an inquiry would help answer questions regarding the killings, they said. Yesterday Internal Security Minister Katoo ole Metito announced that ve people, including a councillor, two chiefs and two assistant chiefs had been arrested over the killings. We are now in pursuit of two councillors who participated in the attacks, Mr Metito said. But the Turkana leaders protested over the KDF operation saying it would interfere with the voter registration expected to start on Monday next week as residents were already on the run. We are demanding, just like it was done in Tana River County where nine policemen were butchered that a judicial inquiry be constituted, Mr Nanok stated.

Fifteen bodies have been positively identied while seven remain unidentied
Deputy police spokesman Owino
KNH spokesman Kibet Mengich said that the number of police ocers undergoing treatment at the hospital had increased to 14 after one more policeman was admitted to the institution yesterday. He said many of those admitted to the private wards are being treated for gunshot wounds, including fractures, abdominal, chest and soft tissue injuries.

6 | National News
LUXURIOUS HOME | Kalonzo says residence is for the next deputy president

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

I wont move into house, says VP

With three months left to the elections aspirant declares the mansion was not built for him
dopiyo@ke.nationmedia.com ice-President Kalonzo Musyoka will not be moving into his Sh400 million ocial residence, after all. The VP said yesterday it would not be prudent to move into the palatial home, in the leafy Karen suburb with only three months remaining to the March 4 General Election. Mr Musyoka is eying the presidency on a Wiper Democratic Party ticket. Is it really worth it to move in with only three months left to the elections? This house belongs to the deputy president, he said yesterday during the commissioning of the mansion by President Kibaki. And he joked that some of Cabinet ministers like Chirau Mwakwere (Environment) had indicated that owing to the beauty of the house, they would work hard to be running mates of their preferred presidential candidates. The complex building on a 10-acre plot comprises a main house, office block, guesthouse, gazebo with a fully-equipped gym, steam bath and a bar, garage capable of holding six cars, generator house, swimming pool and comptrollers unit. It also has a security unit with an armoury, domestic sta quarters, pergola walkway, pump house, water treatment plant, borehole and low-level water tank. Mr Musyoka said the mansion was not constructed with him in mind despite its construction starting in 2004. President Kibaki said the country had for a long time not had an ocial residence of the vice president, forcing the government to renovate personal residences of those appointed to the position. To avoid the inconveniences and recurrent expenditures associated with this approach, we made the decision to construct the facility. The complex will now ensure that the occupant of the oce has a convenient and adequately secure residence, he said.

Uhuru and Ruto hold joint rallies

Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta and Eldoret North MP William Ruto yesterday shared the podium and reiterated that they are seeking to be on a joint ticket. This is the rst time that the two are appearing in public together since reports that they have agreed to approach the elections together emerged. While standing with Mr Ruto on the podium in Narok, Mr Kenyatta asked the crowd if they would like them to work together and those gathered gave the two the go-ahead. He added that the aim of the two leaders is to bring the country together and not two communities. He said that his party, The National Alliance and Mr Rutos United Republican party (URP) will work with leaders from other parties. Mr Ruto also said that URP had agreed to work with TNA adding that there were other parties that would join them. He also drummed up support for their union just like Mr Kenyatta. If Uhuru becomes President and I his deputy, is there anything wrong? And if I become President and Uhuru my deputy, is there anything wrong? Mr Ruto posed. The URP leader said the two parties will win the polls in the rst round if they remain united.


Kibaki lists achievements

Completed projects under Economic Stimulus Program: Classrooms, fresh produce markets, jua kali sheds, health centres Ongoing projects: Expansion of judicial infrastructure and institutions of higher learning.

The ocial residence of the vice president, which was opened by President Kibaki in Karen, Nairobi, yesterday.
President Kibaki said the government had committed lots of funds towards improving infrastructure. The Head of State revealed that most of the 226 stalled projects identied when he took up the countrys leadership had been completed. It is clear that we are on course in developing the necessary infrastructure required for the development of the


country, he said. The government resolved to construct the official residence of the VP in 2004 and the tender was given to Dimken Kenya Ltd to carry out the works at a cost of Sh197 million. The contract was later terminated due to non-performance and the works given to another rm, with the costs doubling to Sh383 million.

Win in rst round

Police remand Rogo son to allow probe

Police have made an application to have slain controversial Muslim cleric Sheikh Aboud Rogos (right) son and six youths remanded in police custody. This was after investigating ocer Daniel Makau told a court that police had credible information that there would have been simultaneous terror attacks on unspecied targets in Nairobi and Mombasa. In his adavit, Mr Makau said Mr Swaleh Abdulmajit, Mr Khubeid Aboud Rogo, Mr Swaleh Ali alias Ronaldo, Mr Bilal Gaitho, Mr Juma Musa alias Chidi, Mr Hashim Yassir and Mzee Suleiman were connected or had information which could assist in investigations. Mr Makau told Resident magistrate Renee Kitagwa that investigations would require movement between the Coast region and other parts of the country and requested to be granted seven days to complete investigations. Ms Kitagwa allowed the application to have the suspects remanded in custody for seven days saying the matter was of great public interest and concern. Lawyer Francis Kadima representing the suspects told the court that Sheikh Rogos son was arrested while


Raila set to receive degree, hold talks

undergoing marriage rites and sought to have him released to complete them. Mr Kadima said there was need for conrmation that after the seven days requested by police there would be no further requests for more time and added that during their time in custody, the suspects were being held incommunicado with no access to their relatives or advocate. He urged the court to allow the suspects to have access to their relatives and him as their lawyer as well as medical attention. Mr Kadima also requested that the suspects be granted bail if investigations are not complete within seven days. The magistrate, however, declined to limit the days the suspects would be remanded but directed that the accused be allowed access to their lawyer and be taken to hospital. The suspects will be remanded at Makupa, Port, Railways and Central Police stations.

Prime Minister Raila Odinga has arrived in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for a three-day visit during which he will hold talks with political and business leaders and later receive an honorary degree. The PM is in Malaysia at the invitation of the Limkokwing University of Creative Technology, which will on Saturday confer him with an honorary Doctorate of Leadership in Society Development. He will then head to South Korea.


Kirubi joins council advising Harvard

Media magnate Chris Kirubi has been appointed to the prestigious Harvard Universitys advisory council. The Global Advisory Council advises Harvard President Drew Faust on how to shape and pursue the universitys global strategy. Mr Kirubi said as a result of his appointment, Kenyans who have applied to join the university would be duly considered. He was speaking in Nairobi yesterday.

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

8 | National News
POPULATION | Young couples urged to take plan families

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

Birth control a basic right, says UN agency

States told to ease access to family planning services
jwanja@ke.nationmedia.com he UN has called for the recognition of family planning as an essential human right, barely a month after Kenya unveiled a blueprint to halt population growth. The United Nations Population Fund has called for the recognition that access to family planning services is a basic right that should be available even to the young or unmarried. In a report titled, The State of World Population 2012, the UN agency challenged countries to reinforce a rights-based approach to family planning, describing it as a sound economic investment. Family planning is not a privilege, but a right. Yet, too many women and men are denied this human right, said UNFPA executive director Babatunde Osotimehin when he

MAJOR LOSSES | Buildings on road reserve demolished

launched the report yesterday. In October, the National Council for Population and Development proposed that the average Kenyan woman gives birth to not more than three children. Currently, the birth rate stands at about ve children. Planning permanent secretary Edward Sambili urged young couples to take family planning methods seriously to stop the rapid population growth. The UN report says expanding access to family planning is essential as this could boost the attainment of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015. The WHO has noted that achieving the health-related MDGs will depend heavily on the extent to which health programmes can be integrated, shortfalls in funding met and underlying health systems strengthened in the respective countries Adolescents, unmarried people of all ages, men and boys, and other socially marginalised groups with restricted access to information and services are among key subpopulations that have not equally beneted from the recent gains in family planning, reads part of the global report.

Expanding access

Residents of Nyalenda slum in Kisumu watch as buildings constructed on a road reserve are demolished to pave way for diversion of a road yesterday. The government is carrying out major road construction in the town.


240 picked for leadership reality show

About 240 applicants from around the country yesterday participated in auditions to select those to go into a leadership reality show to air on NTV starting December 9. The Uongozi auditions are being held in Garissa, Kisii, Kitale and Loitoktok, where 235 of the 12,300 who applied to participate in the show will undergo vetting by judges to identify their leadership skills. Another ve will come from Kenyans in diaspora. In Garissa, where candidates from 15 counties gathered, Ms Samia Omar Bwana, one of the judges, said they were looking for an aspiring leader with a dierence. There are a few interesting ones and I think because we have two days here and another one for narrowing them down, we will have more time to know what they have to oer, she said. The campaign organisers selected the four towns to give the candidates an opportunity to travel and meet prospective leaders from other parts of the country. Among them was Ms Josephine Kulea from Baragoi in Samburu County. The Uongozi campaign aims at encouraging the untested aspiring leaders to get into positions where they can inuence decision-making.


Bid to stop rapid growth


The proposed number of children per family Kenyans should have


Narrow down

The current rate in the country, according to the population council

The institute is approved by Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, Poisons Board and Kenya National Examination Council.


Applications are invited for the following Degree, Higher Diploma, Diploma & Certificate courses
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DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

National News 9
CHANGE OF HEART | Petitioner halts quest to gag the LSK

Paralegal sta issue strike notice

Over 3,000 Judiciary sta have threatened to paralyse court operations countrywide starting next month if their salaries are not increased. The paralegals, who assist in various areas of judicial work have given notice of their intention to stage a go-slow from December 3, should their demands be ignored. The non-legal employees accused Chief Justice Willy Mutunga and the Chief Registrar of being insensitive to their welfare and only concentrating on senior cadre sta.

Judge withdraws suit against lawyers in vetting dispute

The lawyers had reacted angrily to a ruling that stopped removal of judges
pogemba@ke.nationmedia.com n application by a judge seeking to stop the Law Society of Kenya from participating in suits challenging the judges vetting process has been withdrawn. Mr Justice Joseph Nyamu also abandoned his quest to gag the LSK from publicly commenting on the merits of the petitions challenging the Judges and Magistrates Vetting Boards decision against ve judges. Through lawyer Fred Ojiambo, the judge said he would not pursue the application to give LSK a chance to formally apply to be enjoined in the suits. We do not intend to proceed with that application but will wait for LSK to make a formal request to be joined. Since they have not made any press statement from the time we led the application, it will not be justiable to seek to gag them, the lawyer said. He asked a five-judge bench comprising Justices Jonathan Havelock, Pauline Nyamweya, Joseph Mutava, Alfred Mabeya and Erick

Parties to nominate poll losers

Political parties are free to nominate presidential losers to Parliament after the High Court rejected cases led by the agency charged with the implementation of the Constitution and a lobby group. High Court Judge David Majanja dismissed two petitions led by the Commission for the Implementation of the Constitution (CIC) and Friends of Raila (Fora) lobby. The two cases sought to outlaw a provision in the Elections Act allowing political parties to include names of the President and deputy President in the category of special interest groups. The special interest groups have been categorised as women, people with disabilities, the youth, ethnic minorities and marginalised communities. The seats are in Parliament, the Senate and the county assembly. The judge ruled that the special interests of the political party and the need to promote party-based democracy is a legitimate purpose. Providing for the nomination does not in itself undermine the rights and protections afforded to special groups, Mr Justice Majanja said. The judge added that there was no provision in the Constitution that bars presidential candidates from being nominated in the special interest group.

Amount lower cadre paralegals were awarded last year
Their demands are hinged on arguments that the salaries of magistrates were reviewed through allowances to correct a huge disparity that existed between the salaries of judges and magistrates. Paralegals in higher job groups such as section heads and executive secretaries beneted from last years review. The exclusion of the lower job groups from the review caused friction in the Judiciary almost resulting in a strike. It was, however, averted after the Government ordered the lower cadre sta be moved one job group up. The CJ asked the paralegals to form a representative team to meet the Judicial Service Commission.

Special interest groups

Lawyers Fred Athuok (left), John Khaminwa (centre) and Katwa Kigen at the Milimani Law Courts yesterday before the hearing of an application by Justice Joseph Nyamu seeking to stop LSK from participating in petitions challenging the vetting of judges.
Ogolla to stand over the application generally, but with the liberty to bring up the matter again should any need arise. The LSK through lawyer CONFLICT Charles Kanjama did not object to the matter being withdrawn and asked the judges to give the society more time to appropriately reply to the petitions, which


Controversial ruling opposed

The High Court ruled on October 30 that it had jurisdiction over disputes relating to decisions of the vetting board and halted the removal of ve judges. LSK opposed the ruling, terming it an attempt to interfere with the Judiciary clean-up by allowing the High Court to supervise the vetting board.

almost threw the vetting process into jeopardy. The judges agreed to stop the proceedings and directed that the main petitions led by Justices Riaga Omollo, Samuel Bosire, Emmanuel OKubassu, Joseph Nyamu, Jeanne Gacheche and an Eldoret based civil society group to proceed as scheduled on November 26. Justice Nyamu led the application soon after the court ruled that ve judges who had been declared unt to hold ofce should not be de-gazzeted until their petitions are heard and determined.

10 | National News

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

Musalia hits out at G7, Wamalwa

Deputy Prime Minister Musalia Mudavadi began his two-day tour of Bungoma County by declaring that he will go all the way to the ballot. In what seemed like a direct attack on Justice minister Eugene Wamalwa who has been oered a position in the G7 alliance, Mr Mudavadi said he will settle for nothing else. We may have other leaders from our community who may be negotiating for jobs and other positions but I will not drop my bid for the presidency. I have already served as Vice-President and its time I go for the top seat, he said. He said it was embarrassing that in other ongoing coalition discussions, leaders from the Luhya community who were deceiving residents that they are vying for the presidency have been oered lesser posts as if they do not matter. There are those negotiating themselves out of a job. I am negotiating myself into the job, he said. Mr Mudavadi, who addressed roadside gatherings in Bumula, Kabula, Mateka and Kimaeti before opening a UDF oce in Bungoma, said he will not drop his presidential bid. Ikolomani MP Boni Khalwale hit out at Mr Wamalwa whom he accused of isolating the Bukusu sub tribe from the rest of the Luhya community. If he (Mr Wamalwa) has decided to support someone else after dropping out of the race, then it has to be Musalia, added former Trade minister Mukhisa Kituyi.

2013 RACE | Kibaki and Raila accused of failing to ght corruption


Karua tells Uhuru and Ruto to drop bids over ICC cases
Gichugu MP says the country risks being isolated if one of them is elected President
newsdesk@ke.nationmedia.com residential aspirant Martha Karua has urged Kenyans to vote out leaders who fail to meet the integrity test in the coming elections. The Narc Kenya leader said Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta and Eldoret North MP William Ruto, who are facing ICC trials, should keep o the State House race since it could isolate the country from the international community. Election of either of them will not only impede the ongoing institutional reforms, but will also isolate our country from our development partners, she said. Speaking during campaign rallies in Nyamira County yesterday, Ms Karua said the two should adhere to the integrity clause in the Constitution and drop their presidential bids. If Mr Uhuru and Mr Ruto will not adhere to the rule of law, Kenyans should reject them at the ballot box, she said. She went on: We need to vet all aspirants and raise the bar of integrity as provided for by Chapter Six of the Constitution and ensure that we elect leaders without questionable integrity issues. She said she deserved to be elected as the fourth Kenyan President because her integrity was unquestion-

Educate voters on role of counties, says MP

Malindi MP Gideon Mungaro has urged the government to educate Kenyans on the anticipated governance changes after the coming elections. Addressing residents in Kili Town yesterday, the MP urged the electoral commission to conduct civic education in Coast Province on the importance of registering as a voter. There is a need to educate them on how they will vote in the coming General Election, he said.


Ford People rules out polls deal with TNA

Ford People will not partner with The National Alliance Party, one of its top ocials said yesterday. Speaking on phone, the national secretary for elections Albert Nyaundi said that this was resolved after an executive meeting with members. Mr Nyaundi claimed that TNA, which is led by Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta, was giving Ford People a raw deal.

Isolating sub tribe

Election of either of them will not only impede the ongoing constitutional reforms but will also isolate our country from our development partners
Narc Kenya presidential aspirant Martha Karua
able. Ms Karua claimed that President Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga had failed to ght corruption and impunity in the government. My government will have zero tolerance on corruption, the Gichugu MP said. She said the widening gap

Narc-Kenya leader Martha Karua at a past funciion.


between the rich and the poor was as a result of poor leadership. That is why I speak against excesses of government without fear or favour, she said. At the same time, the Gichugu MP claimed President Kibaki and Mr Odinga had treated the 42 police ocers killed during last weeks bandit attack in Baragoi with utmost indignity. She urged the two leaders to reassure Kenyans of their security ahead of the elections. Ms Karua asked Kenyans to maintain peace during the electioneering period to avoid bloodshed such as the kind witnessed after the 2007 elections.


Youth urged to vie for key seats in elections

Youths in the country have been asked to vie for various seats in the up coming elections. Youth and Sports Minister Ababu Namwamba said that it was sad that the youth had taken a back seat and only complained when things went wrong. Speaking in Eldoret when he met young voters, Mr Namwamba asked them to vet presidential aspirants by scrutinising their past records.

TNA aliates urged to disband ahead of polls

Applications are invited for the following courses at Kenyatta National Hospital. HIGHER DIPLOMA COURSES IN SPECIALIZED NURSING HIGHER DIPLOMA COURSES IN SPECIALIZED NURSING [NCK APPROVED] Course Duration Commencement Cost (Exclusive Date of VAT) Neonatal Nursing One (1) year March 2013 200,000 Nephrology Nursing One (1) year March 2013 200,000 Accident & Emergency Nursing One (1) year March 2013 200,000 NB: A fee of Ksh.17, 400.00 is payable to the Nursing Council of Kenya for Certificate course in specialized nursing. Foreign students are required to pay 300 USD for temporary licensing by NCK before commencement of the courses. Students will be required to have comprehensive health insurance cover for the length of time. Qualifications: Diploma in KRN/M, KRCHN or Bachelors degree in Nursing (BScN). Working experience of NOT LESS than two (2) years as a Registered Nurse in a NHIF accredited Hospital Must have attained a C plain or Div III in O level. Must be registered by the Nursing Council of Kenya and has a valid practicing license. Application letters accompanied by copies of academic and professional certificates should be addressed to the: Chief Executive Officer, Kenyatta National Hospital, P. O. Box 20723, Nairobi. to reach the office not later than 22nd December 2012. M. N. Kathungu (Mrs.) FOR: CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER

TNA has urged politicians in small parties who support presidential aspirant Uhuru Kenyatta to dissolve their outts and join the party. Speaking at Ol Kalou Township during a Nyandarua County aspirants forum yesterday, TNA secretary general Onyango Oloo (right) said some leaders claiming to be backing Mr Kenyatta for the top seat but had refused to dissolve their outts had a sinister motive aimed at wrecking the party. Mr Oloo said small parties were like a small boat that could capsize in a storm leaving a big steamer like TNA roaming the political seas towards State House. We are not forming any coalition with GNU. Let nobody tell you. He (Mwangi Kiunjuri) is supporting Uhuru and does not want to join TNA. Make it a six piece voting style where panties, socks, petticoats, pair of trousers, shirts and coats will

be TNA, he said. He went on: There is nothing like GNU or PNU supporting TNA. You are either with us or no case. Nobody can say he is supporting Uhuru yet he does not want to join Uhurus party. If you love him close your door and join TNA.

At the same time, the TNA ocial said politicians should also be considered for Cabinet secretary posts as they were also professionals. He said election losers, who remain loyal to TNA, would be appointed to positions in the senate, Parliament, county government posts among other government jobs. Politicians are also professionals who must be considered and TNA will defend that, he said.

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

National News 11

CHECKING | IEBC ocials carry out voter education sessions in Likoni

Likoni resident Swale Hamisi Makalo (right) conrms the authenticity of his voters card with an IEBC ocial at YWCA hall in Likoni where a learning exercise on voter listing was conducted by the Provincial Administration in collaboration with the IEBC ocers yesterday. Likoni is among the strongholds of the Mombasa Republican Council (MRC) that has been agitating for no voting within the Coast region.


Mbaru gives promise of 24-hour economy

AGs salary team scope backed

Prof Muigai stated that State corporations do not fall under public service, thus their pay cannot be set by the commission
efortunate@ke.nationmedia.com ustice Minister Eugene Wamalwa has come to the defence of Attorney-General over the move to remove state corporations from the list of public entities whose workers pay can be determined by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission. The minister urged public institutions to heed Prof Githu Muigais advice as he was the legal adviser. No one should take the move as a threat. The AGs duty is to give advice on legal matters, he said. In a legal opinion that eectively narrows the commissions scope and

REMUNERATION | Commissioners argue parastatals fall in their pay regulation mandate

erodes the overall objective of harmonising pay in the public service, Prof Muigai said the commission did not have powers to set or determine the remuneration of state corporation employees because they do not qualify as public ocers. In a letter to the Secretary of the State Corporations Advisory Committee, the AG said that state corporations were not established under the Constitution and thus were not state organs and their employees were not in the public service. The move has sparked a row with the Salaries Commission strongly disputing the AGs position arguing that it waters down the agencys mandate of harmonising the remuneration of all public ocers. We cover all public institutions, State corporations included. We set the salaries for State ocers and advise for other public ocers, said Ms Sarah Serem, the chairperson


Parastatals versus public oces

The Constitution denes a public oce as any oce in the public service whose remuneration and benets are payable directly from the Consolidated Fund or out of money provided by Parliament. Kenya had about 86,000 people working for State corporations at the end of last year, out of the 681,100 public sector workers, according to the Economic Survey Report of 2012.
of SRC, adding that parastatals fall within the commissions constitutional mandate. But Mr Wamalwa argued that SRC should agree to be guided by the law,

they should hold consultative talks and they should not feel threatened because he is an adviser, he said. The SRC recently issued guidelines on its mandate, which denes public service organisations, over which it has powers, to include State or county corporations and any organisation in the public service established by law at either level of government. Prof Muigai, however, said that the denition could not be extended to include a state corporation because it is inconsistent with the denition of public service or oce provided in Article 260 of the Constitution. Mr Wamalwa said that the SRC was a new agency, which they wanted to ensure is given proper guidelines and remains within the connes of the law. We need to have a clear and consultative process to ensure the commission discharges its mandate according to the law, he said.

An aspirant for governor has pledged to turn Nairobi County into a 24-hour economy. Mr Jimnah Mbaru said yesterday: We can do it but what are needed are functional structures. Mr Mbaru said that if Nairobi realised such a feat, it would be easy to replicate it elsewhere considering that the city commands 60 per cent of the countrys economy. With this we will be able to make the Judiciary work at night and clear the backlog of cases, he added. The former Nairobi Securities Exchange chairman said his main interest was to double the citys income in the next ve years.


URP aspirants dier over coalition pact

A meeting of aspirants seeking to vie on a URP ticket ended in disarray. The meeting held at the partys Nakuru oce became a shouting match as the aspirants disagreed over the much publicised coalition between URPs William Ruto and his TNA counterpart Uhuru Kenyatta. Trouble started when Mr Lawrence Bomett, a former integration team commissioner said the preelection pact between TNA and URP was a bitter pill to swallow. He was however cut short and accused of hosting ODMs ag bearer Raila Odinga.

Proper guidelines

Watering down mandate

12 | Opinion

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

Lets hope new laws on road safety work

wo new recently enacted laws on national transport and safety trac regulations mark a watershed in the campaign to bring order on our roads. They come at a time when the country is grappling with rising trac accidents arising from reckless driving and poor vehicle maintenance. The National Transport and Safety Act specically deals with the management of the transport sector, while the Trac Act focuses on road-use. Their stipulations are quite stringent, with some almost impractical. The Trac Act has introduced some tough regulations, some of them quite draconian. For instance, reckless driving will earn one a two-year jail-term or a Sh300,000 ne. Similarly, anyone found driving while drunk is liable to a one-year jail-term or a Sh100,000 ne. Any simple mistake like driving on a pavement will attract a Sh30,000 penalty or three months in jail. For good measure, the Trac Police Department will be scrapped, allowing any police ocer to maintain order on the road. On the other hand, the National Transport and Safety Act provides comprehensive measures to regularise motor registration and licensing. Generally, the principle for enacting the laws is perfectly legitimate and commendable. However, having laws is one thing, and enforcing them quite another. The madness on our roads is not due to lack of policies; it is caused by poor enforcement. Former Transport Minister John Michuki demonstrated in 2003 that order can be instilled on the roads if there is goodwill. But the gains were squandered when the minister, who died early this year, was transferred to another ministry. Having the new laws is not a panacea. What is important is consistent enforcement.

SHOW NO MERCY | Mutuma Mathiu

Ignore self-serving MPs

Punish heavily those saboteurs who vandalise our infrastructure for gain M
y friend, who shall for now remain unnamed, once told me the story of an organised African country which was having problems with boda bodas in its capital. The downtown area was so crammed with the bloody things, you couldnt get around. And why not? They were cheap for the customers and they used no fuel. But the city, which the government was keen to clean up, was choked. They banned boda bodas downtown. The people paid no attention; they continued to use them. An ultimatum was issued: anyone riding a bike into the city after a certain date would face very serious consequences. One rider was the rst to break the ultimatum and he ventured into the city on his bike, perhaps rationalising how he had a family to feed, that it could not be a crime to do honest work, and what did the government want him to do? What was more important, people or clean streets? There was the crack of a single shot and the rider crumbled on the road. A warning went out: in future, riders who broke the downtown ban and their passengers would henceforth be held responsible for the transgression. The country was stunned. How could you take a human life over a bike ban? What kind of animals had taken charge? On what law were the authorities killing people who, at the end of the day, were just riding bicyles? Was riding a bike a capital oence? The authorities broke their silence to say that an investigation into the incident was underway. I dont know the outcome of that investigation, if, indeed, there was one. But nobody ever too their bikes to the city again. Barbarism is a state where people stop obeying the law. They subordinate the bigger good to their own small greeds. In a properly functioning society, this is easily cured by punishing suh people consistently until they desist. In dysfunctional societies, the rule of law is enforced by the rule of the jungle. An army of thieves has been attacking infrastructure in this country and stripping o metal for sale as scrap. Kenya has just spent Sh30 billion on one of the best roads in Africa, the Thika Superhighway. The safety of motorists and pedestrians as well as the ease of use is ensured by signage, guard rails and shoulders. Each day, this army of thieves is stripping o millions of shillings worth of safety railing and signage. This is like scattering live grenades in the streets. It is a guaranteed to kill hundreds. The same gang has attacked manhole covers all over the country. Very soon, Kenya will have none. Power infrastructure, telephone cables, bre optic, every piece of infrastructure is under attack, constantly. These are people who wish to satisfy their greed for money by throwing the rest of us back to the Stone Age. They are endangering our security, our businesses and the economy. The way I see it, this is not a problem we should take to 2013; we should solve it in 2012. First, I think something precipitate can be done about the maa gangs that are going around the county stripping it of infrastructure. This requires strong legal measures involving arrest and prosecution for economic sabotage. But more important, and this was suggested by a colleague, the government

hree Turkana politicians are jittery about the despatch of Kenya Defence Forces personnel to Suguta Valley to search for the bandits who slaughtered 42 police ocers at the weekend. They would rather the government constituted a judicial inquiry into the ambush and execution of the ocers, a rather eete solution to a complex issue involving national security. In one sense, the politicians have a point. They are afraid that the army operation will lead to the intimidation and torture of their constituents, some of whom are already eeing the area. Certainly, when the army was deployed to rout the murderous Sabaot Land Defence Force in Mt Elgon, cases of excessive force against noncombatants were reported. Nevertheless, it seems the MPs are more afraid of their eeing constituents being unable to register to vote than in the deaths of the policemen, a selfserving and highly callous reaction. Which presents a quandary. How will a judicial inquiry lead to the apprehension of the bloodthirsty butchers before they turn their highly sophisticated weaponry on other law-enforcers? All we can ask the troops is that they exercise maximum restraint and avoid turning innocent civilians into collateral damage.
LINUS GITAHI: Chief Executive Ocer JOSEPH ODINDO: Editorial Director MUTUMA MATHIU: Managing Editor Published at Nation Centre, Kimathi Street and printed at Mombasa Road, Nairobi by Nation Media Group Limited POB 49010, Nairobi 00100 Tel: 3288000, 0719038000. Fax 221396 editor@ke.nationmedia.com Registered at the GPO as a newspaper

The purchase, sale, storing, transport and export of scrap metal should be made illegal and heavily punishable

must immediately destroy the market for scrap metal. The purchase, sale, storing, transport and export of scrap metal should be made illegal and punishable by a very large ne and a very long time in prison. This is, of course, very unfair to legitimate scrapmetal dealers who only recycle waste and are important in the creation of a sustainable economy. Well, sorry. But until we have a way of separating the legal from the illegal, its better to take that pain now than continue wasting billions of shillings and endangering a whole nation. **** I am saddened and horried at the slaughter of police ocers in Bargoi by alleged cattle-rustlers. The President should declare a national day of mourning and order the erection of a monument in their honour. He should also order an inquiry to nd out if there was negligence in the management of that operation and punish those responsible. And then the Kenya Defence Forces should send an eloquent message to all alleged cattle-rustlers: you forfeit the right to your own life when you brutally slaughter a member of Kenyas security forces. mmathiu@ke.nationmedia .com

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012


STOP THE EXCUSES. Police must stop hiding their incompetence behind the supposed fear of being dragged to the ICC to answer charges of crimes against humanity, says Wilson Awili, stunned by the news of the slaughter by armed cattle-raiders of nearly 40 ocers in Suguta Valley. This coming after the killings in Tana River is enough. The leadership of the regular police, GSU and the Administration Police must resign. They cannot continue sending our children to die as they grow fat in Nairobi.
GONE TO THE ZOO. Rangers Restaurant at the Kenya Wildlife Service headquarters in Nairobi should be the very best, being at the heart of the countrys tourism, but it certainly is not, moans B.J.K. Karingithi. He is upset that what he describes as tea made from tepid water costs Sh100 per cup. The waitresses are not only unwelcoming, they are also not neat enough. Monkey droppings attract ies in droves and the waiters are not bothered, says Karingithi. NO BUMPS, PLEASE. Nairobi resident Shaq Taibjees suggestion that bumps be erected on Waiyaki Way near the entrance to the ABC Place is not prudent, says Christian Ogolla. Though he agrees with Shaq about the danger motorists trying to join the highway are exposed to, Christian, though confessing that he is not an expert in these things, thinks the solution is to build an interchange at the spot or change the entry or exit points. Hes convinced the expertise is available within City Hall.

ARMY MUST BEHAVE | Korir SingOei & Laura Young

he recent deaths of more than 40 police ocers in Baragoi are hard to fathom. This unnecessary and unacceptable loss of life demonstrates fundamental problems in the security sector and in the governments relationship with historically marginalised communities. Instead of addressing the real issues political use of police for improper purposes, failure to train and prepare police ocers, complete failure of government to interact with pastoralist communities over decades, marginalisation and failure to protect minority rights the government appears primed to embark on a campaign of oppression in Baragoi. Will the State ever learn from its past mistakes in Northern Kenya? On Tuesday, November 13, during an invitation-only event, both Prime Minister Raila Odinga and National Assembly Speaker Kenneth Marende used their platform to address the issue of Baragoi and the governments impending response. Underneath the rhetoric and political bluster, it was clear that the Kenyan people should expect a second bloodbath in Baragoi in the coming days. The Prime Minister spoke of a serious and swift government response, and noted that these communities

While hunting for the deadly rustlers, avoid a second bloodbath in Baragoi T
and implied that a similar policy of counter-insurgency and subsequent provision of education to the population should be emulated in Kenya. Can it be possible that this is a model Kenya wants to follow? A day after Mr Marendes speech, a UN report was released detailing the failure of the international community to protect civilians during the governments counter-insurgency campaign, namely, UN Report Damns Failings During Sri Lankan Civil War Climax (The Guardian, November 14). The Sri Lankan governments actions in suppressing the Tamil Tigers have been roundly criticised as heavy-handed, leading to mass displacements, disappearances and torture, and tens of thousands of civilian deaths (Report of the SecretaryGenerals Panel of Experts on Accountability in Sri Lanka, March 31, 2011, para. 421). Indeed, the governments campaign (as well as that of the rebels) was characterised by the United Nations as a agrant disregard for the protection, rights, welfare and lives of civilians and [failure] to respect the norms of international law. Is this how Kenya plans to proceed, especially having just been elected to the UN Human Rights Council? We can pursue a dierent

Kenya army troops take o for a mission: Need to spare civilians

must change their way of life. The Speaker said we must teach these communities that the life of a police ocer is worth more than a cow. Indeed, no one could argue with this. But the comments show a complete lack of understanding of the situation on the ground in pastoralist regions of Northern Kenya. In reality, for many communities, the life of a cow that provides food, building material, and wealth for families is worth much more than the life of an ocer of a government that has provided them with virtually nothing. Speaker Marende also referred to his recent visit to Sri Lanka where he had the opportunity to learn from the government about their handling of the Tamil Tigers

path. The President has rushed to send in the army, but it is not too late to prevent yet another disastrous response by government security forces in Northern Kenya. The government should immediately consult with experts on the communities involved, including representatives of the communities themselves, as well as with the National Police Service Commission and Kenya National Commission on Human Rights. Those suspected of involvement in the killings of the police should be apprehended and brought to trial as prescribed under the Constitution. Human rights monitors should be immediately sent to the area to ensure that no civilians are harmed and to ensure that the military does not engage in illegal detentions, sexual violence, or other inhuman and degrading treatment of combatants or civilians. The military should not close o the region; it should allow its operations to be observed by human rights monitors, media, and other independent observers. Mr SingOei and Ms Young are human rights attorneys in Nairobi.

Protestors hold number plates aloft.


Food security requires public-private pacts A

t a recent World Food Prize Symposium in the United States, I shared an important truth: Africas farmers are not needy victims. They have something to oer the world a vast and verdant supply of arable land. Like us, the rest of the world needs to eat. To ensure long-term food security, we need to invest in new public-private partnerships in Kenya and across the continent. We know the most successful partnerships are those in which everyone has made a tangible investment in the outcome. As conversations on how to feed the future gather momentum at the recent meeting in the US, the African Green Revolution Forum in Tanzania and the Camp David G8 Summit it has become clear that we need to focus on combining government resources with private-sector expertise to rapidly expand African agricultural yields and improve global economic growth. We have seen the power of this model. For example, the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (Agra) has been working to establish small risk-sharing loans with several commercial banks in order to leverage more aordable credit for farmers and agribusinesses. Together with our nancial partners, we have made a total of $17 million available

We must apply global best practices to increase yields; and we must demonstrate to our young people there is a strong nancial future in farming

to three commercial banks, which provided access to about $160 million in credit to farmers and businesspeople. Our eorts demonstrated the eectiveness of this approach, which is now being taken up on a much larger scale by several African governments. In addition to building equitable partnerships, we must hold African governments and international donors accountable to keep and fund their commitments. For far too long, we have seen leaders pledge without paying. Agra is calling on leaders in Kenya to make the important pledge set forth in the Maputo Declaration nearly 10 years ago to invest 10 per cent of its national budget in agriculture. If we invest in agriculture today, African farmers can lead Kenya to a stronger economic future tomorrow. We must also continue to listen to the voices of farmers in Kenya and across

Africa. We must deliver solutions that address the challenges and opportunities they face every day in the elds and marketplace. One of the challenges facing smallholder farmers is climate change. Agra and its partners are promoting climate smart agriculture. Rebuilding soil health and enabling Africas smallholders to grow more on less land will reduce the pressure to clear and cultivate forests and savannahs, thus helping conserve biodiversity and the environment. Finally, farmers are looking to us to transform the business of agriculture on the continent. We must improve access to nancing so they can take their operations to scale. We must apply global best practices to dramatically increase yields; and we must demonstrate to our young people that there is a strong nancial future in farming. To reduce global hunger and malnutrition, and to help ensure a strong global economy, we need to form actionoriented partnerships, keep and fund our commitments, and maintain a focus on farmers that builds a more food-secure future for all. Ms Karuku is the president, Alliance for Green a Revolution in Africa (Agra).

WHY SURRENDER PLATES? The new rules stipulated in the amended Trac Act are welcome as they will help curb the high incidence of fatal road accidents. But Mbiri Gikonyo is not entirely impressed by some of the new provisions of the law. One is the requirement that one must deposit with the Registrar of Motor Vehicles the number plate of a car one intends to sell. According to him, this will only make the selling and buying of motor vehicles more bureaucratic and open a new avenue for corruption! EMBARRASSED. Can anyone explain to Veronica Mwangi why her driving licence cannot be used as an ocial identication document? After shopping at the Nakumatt Village Market outlet, Veronica decided to pay by credit card and produced her driving licence which the attendants rejected demanding that she produce her national identity card instead. I was really embarrassed and had to get someone with an ID to pay for me. Why dont they display the requirements for one to use a credit card? HARASSED BY FANS. She is not a football fan, but Jane Muthoni bore the brunt of Gor Mahia fans frustration after their team failed to win the Tusker Premier League when she got caught up in the mayhem on Saturday, November 10, on Jogoo Road near the City Stadium, Nairobi. I had my children in the car and you can imagine the total chaos as we had to drive on the wrong side of the road to get away in a scene reminiscent of the 2007 post-election violence. Shes boycotting their sponsors, Brooksides products.
Have a disciplined day, wont you!

E-mail: watchman@ke.nationmedia.com or write to Watchman POB 49010, Nairobi 00100 Fax 2213946

14 | Letters

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

To the editor
Kenya has no pavement drivers can overlap on
Regarding the summary of trac oences and penalties, carried in the back page of the Nation yesterday, overlapping or driving on pavement caught my eye. In many areas, road maintenance is a phrase, not an activity. So it is impossible to discern where the road ends and the pavement begins. Speeding will be monitored using an electronic device, which must be regularly calibrated. Experience shows police ignorance of this need! ANTHONY GITTENS, Kili Job seekers should be drivers. It will take jailing only a few for motorists to consider changing seating positions to back left to avoid prison! GACHIENGO GITAU, Nairobi

The editor welcomes brief letters on topical issues. Write on e-mail to: mailbox@ ke.nationmedia.com. You can also mail to: The Editor, Daily Nation, POB 49010, Nairobi 00100. Letters may be edited for clarity, space or legal considerations.


Nation 12-point agenda a timely marking scheme to use at ballot box

got a great sense of inspiration on reading the editorial, Our agenda for the presidential aspirants carried in the Nation yesterday. I must attest to the fact that I am more judicious than I was before, regarding settling for the best presidential candidate. Im delighted that the Nation is the rst media house to come out crystal clear by highlighting the marking scheme to check against the various political contestants. Indeed, for peace to be witnessed before and after the elections, the media is key. I recall that the 1994 genocide in Rwanda was largely brought about by an irresponsible media. But another time-bomb is the social media, especially the Internet. If we accuse the mobile phone, via SMS, of encouraging the 2008 mayhem, then this time, it is likely to be the Internet, which is even more dicult to monitor. It has become the global vogue when it comes to networking and communication and Kenya is not spared. This is self-publishing, with no denite editor to control its contents, yet the messages can spread like bush re. Social media accommodates every kind of insanity from oending sexual images, disturbing videos and pictures, confrontational statements and still provides unlimited space. Much worse is the fact that nations all over the world are incapable of making arrests whenever the

Emails from correspondents


QUIT JUSTICE: I have been baed of late by the actions and pronouncements of minister for Justice, Eugene Wamalwa. Since his ministry handles sensitive electoral issues, and he is himself a presidential contender and partisan to a political grouping, he should be swapped to another ministry. When he talks of matters IEBC, one is prompted to think that he is the chair to the electoral commission. Besides, he is deeply engaged in shuttle diplomacy in support of presidential contenders accused of crimes against humanity. EDDIE OWEDHI, Kisumu WISH SINNERS WELL: I cant help but disagree with those wishing eternal damnation to sinners. This time round, it was Irene Maghuwa wishing that the Almighty would burn in Hades the bandits who killed our police ocers in Baragoi, Samburu District. (Nation, November 14.) No, God is not a human being. He is more interested in our repentance and change of lifestyle than punishing us. Though what the rustlers did is heinous, Irene should instead pray that they reform in jail or not so that we may live in peace. KIARIE PETER, Laikipia West SEE YOU IN COURT: Kenya has come a long way for us to enjoy the freedom of media and other rights, but I feel if Uhuru Kenyatta becomes President, he might take that away. I think he is the only presidential candidate who is taking media houses to courts. When one daily put a cartoon of him, he was furious, yet theres what we call public interest. President Zuma was portrayed naked in a cartoon but he didnt bother. Mr Kenyatta should leave the media alone, as it plays a crucial role. Leaders should learn to stay cool. OMBUI DOUGLAS AGANYO, Nairobi RUDE DRIVERS: KWS needs to crack down on those speeding inside parks, particularly the Nairobi National Park. Residents neighbouring the park who have annual passes are the worst culprits. They endanger the wildlife and visitors by speeding, with an overbearing attitude to boot that seems to imply that they are above the law. A rude arrogant driver on Wednesday at East Gate expected those ahead of the line to be ignored so he could be served, but when this didnt happen he hooted, then jumped out and demanded to be let through. He sped o, yet theres a reason its a park, not a freeway. NIKI JAN, Nairobi

Herders, be afraid after Iteeres ominous talk

Disarming should apply to all citizens who posses guns. The talk by police commissioner Mathew Iteere regarding disarming cattle rustlers reeked of a revenge mission. Tit for tat is against the law. Mothers and others will be really hammered in Baragoi. The police should not use force as two wrongs cannot make a right. This was perhaps the worst massacre of police, but now it has happened and the solution is not bouncing back to kill more villagers. All the people in cattle rustling prone areas are pleading for is the bare basics in terms of development. Theyve been neglected for too long. FESTUS KIPKENEI, Nairobi

A crowd during the Uongozi campaigns educating Kenyans on the need to vote based on candidates agenda for the nation.
hate-monger is outside their jurisdiction, say in Afghanistan posting anything to spark o violence in Kenya. The media should now fold its sleeves and work hand-in-hand with the intelligence agents to ensure that the Internet and other social media forums behave civilly. The rst-rate marking scheme in the Nations agenda will do Kenyans a lot of good. ABOOK BRIAN, Nairobi


Tribal re-alignments not good for Kenya

For politicians to tell us that the re-alignments are for our good is insulting. Why, for arguments sake would MP William Ruto not face the electorates in Central to hunt for votes? Why use Uhuru Kenyatta, and vice versa? PM Raila Odingas attempt to reach Ruto for a softer landing in the Rift Valley follows the same trend. With such settings where a community is roped to an individual, our democracy counts for nothing. Massachusetts a state Mitt Romney headed voted against him in favour of Barack Obama. Cant Nyanza vote for Uhuru or Central vote for Raila? ROBERT AMALEMBA, Kakamega

Political leaders have began their campaigns on the wrong footing. The bulk of their messages are centred on non-issues. In fact they

Wrong footing

are keen on pushing this country towards the cli. Why this reckless approach? Is it ignorance on the part of the leadership or seeking the easier option to power irrespective of the consequences? Media comes in handy to keep the contenders on the right track. Elections are too important to be reduced to an ethnic contest. Why not base it on major issues that matter? Nation Media Group is leading on this from the front. Yesterday, the editorial pointed out the major issues on which the presidential aspirants should anchor their campaigns. Can the rest of the media houses follow suit? B. AMAYA, Nairobi

KRA should listen to the tax debate rather than defend itself
I have been following Mr Jaindi Kiseros articles in the Nation, regarding laws related to excise tax and in particular to the dispute between KRA and Coca Cola. Excise tax is levied on manufactured products. The returnable and reusable container fail to meet the cardinal criteria of manufacture. In any case the container is subject to a refundable deposit. This explains why the same are not subject to excise duty elsewhere in the world. Why tax a returnable bottle, which is environmentally safe and not plastic bags, which are environmentally unfriendly? But what is perhaps worrying is that KRA has admitted they had a negotiated a settlement which would have seen the bottlers pay a paltry gure. This against the law. KRA has no powers to vary tax due. Taxes have created mayhem in virtually all sectors. Laws must be framed with the payers in mind, and thought through. Experimentation has no place. SHEILA WARUGA KIMANI, Nairobi Jaindis was a great commentary (Nation, November 14). The tax man reects a typical Kenyan way of jumping on defence reex even when we should just listen to an exchange of ideas. The same tinkering of laws has turned most landlords into tax dodgers. Kenyans understand the amnesty language more than chest thumping. JOHN GITONGA, Nairobi



Do you support the latest sti penalties for trac oences?

MOHAMED DIRIYE: No, it just gives trac police a higher bargaining power for bribes. ELIUD MUMU: Yes. Imposing severe penalties on bad road users is the one and only way to curb accidents. LINCOLN KINYUA: On top of the sti penalties, the CID rule of good conduct should include conduct on the road. JAMES ACHOKA: I do support the penalties because they will reduce trac jams and accidents. PHILIP WAWERU: Yes. But I just hope the police dont take these new regulations as money making opportunities for themselves. JOHN KYONGO: Yes, I do with all my heart. Innocent souls have perished. More watertight measures should be put in place. GITHAIGA MUIRURI: These will only enhance corruption by trac police ocers. DENIS O. OMWOYO: Yes, I support them! We need to bring sanity on our roads which have claimed the lives of active Kenyans.

Should the Kenya Defence Forces be dispatched to Baragoi?

Send your comments to: mailbox@ke.nationmedia.com

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012


16 | Advertisers Announcement

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

Special Report 17


Vihiga County

Slaying the dragon of tribalism

In our continuing series on issues that come top of the agenda ahead of the elections, we examine consequences of tribalism
egative ethnicity is one of the biggest obstacles on Kenyas road to rapid development. Because of the instability threat it poses, the countrys Vision 2030 aspirations cannot be achieved before it is eectively tackled. So how can Kenya deal with this problem? The answer lies in how we do our politics. For it is largely a political problem and, if not abandoned or diluted, the ongoing reforms are capable of slaying this dragon. Kenya needs to upgrade the ght against ethnicity to the top of its national priorities and to sustain it there until the dragon is no more. Ethnicity refers to the dierentiation of members of a society along characteristics usually considered natural, such as place of origin, physical features, or language. Ethnic diversity should thus be harmless and neutral to national development. In Kenya, however, it adversely aects development by undermining social cohesion and national integration. Some Kenyans view it positively because it has been used to benet them, for instance, by catapulting them into leadership positions or giving them access to jobs they would otherwise not qualify for. Other Kenyans nurse permanent emotional and physical scars associated with ethnicity and have deep negative views about it. When this problem manifests itself in politics, it leads to permanent exclusion of minorities from political power. This leads to grievances and conict. This is more likely to happen in the absence of institutions to temper the influence of political power on resource allocation and regional development. When these institutions are absent or weak, corruption, theft and patronage become the rule rather than the exception in governance. With high levels of poverty and inequality, competition for political and economic power and institutions that guarantee and protect that power is intense, protracted and bare knuckled. Moreover, elites can provoke ethnic or religious violence in an attempt to gain or maintain hold onto power. The pattern of declining economic growth

HARUN KEREDA Archbishop of Kenya African Church of Holy Spirit County elected leaders should give the youth empowerment in the community and open more institutions for the youth for skills and to start businesses. Hoticultural plant growing should be encouraged and factories biult. A factory for stones is needed in the region.

A girl walks past a tattered tent at Athenai IDP camp in Rongai in May last year. The 51 families displaced by oods last year slept in the cold after their tents were washed away by heavy rains placing young and old at risk.


LINDAH SALIM Leaders should be transparent in order to manage funds to required standards. They should be interested in serving community by rst creating jobs to improve living conditions of the people. They should also build more schools, colleges, health clinics and improve those in existence to accommodate current and future population.

Proportion of Kenyans who believe ethnic groups get on well

Proportion of Kenyans who believe dierent socio-economic groups get on well
every time elections are held in Kenya illustrates the impact of ethnic-based politics. In the 2007 elections for example, political protagonists engaged in an intense struggle to capture the Electoral Commission of Kenya. This led to the disputed presidential results and the violence in which 1,133 were killed and 600,000 displaced. Access to and use of natural resources such as land, water, pasture, timber and oil can also cause ethnic conict. In Kenya, the use of land as a reward has been a major factor behind ethnic conicts, as this has often involved communally owned land. Deep-seated prejudices and cultural practices such as cattle rustling may also cause conict. A national survey by the Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (Kippra) in 2010 showed that

Kili County

ALFRED MWADIRO Malindi high court advocate I am deeply opposed to the formation of any coalition governments in future. The coalition government has been operating without any opposition and that means checks and balances have not been maintained when it comes to the management of issues at the government level. We do not want to see corruption in our country in future; we would like better and strong campaigns to eradicate this vice, which is so deep in our government and public operations. Future leaders of this country should shun corruption and ght it from the front and without fear. The present reforms in the Judiciary are positive and the same should happen in the other sectors of the government, especially ministries to ensure taxes are not misused.

Social media on ethnicity

Ten candidates were discussed in social media


ethnic relations in Kenya are generally cordial and that the challenge of negative ethnicity is surmountable. The survey that covered 2,805 households showed most Kenyans (95%) are proud to be Kenyan despite the fact that 36% are dissatised with life as a whole. Second, about four out of every ve (or 79%) Kenyans attach great importance to ethnicity in dening their identity, and hold the view that ethnic diversity is enriching in terms of social heritage, and contributes positively to national unity. However, most Kenyans prefer to identify themselves using non-ethnic labels such as Kenyans (40%), or religion, occupation, gender and social class (30%). Only 26% of Kenyans identify themselves using an ethnic designation, and this proportion falls sharply as one moves up the education ladder from 31.5% for those with no education to 8.2% for university graduates. This underlines the potency of education as a weapon in the war on tribalism. It is also encouraging that ethnic aliations seem to be more rooted among the more elderly people. Thus, 28.4% of persons aged 50 years or higher was more likely to identify themselves along ethnic or clan lines compared with only 16% among those aged under 20 years, and 22% among those aged 20-29 years. Third, eight out of every 10 Kenyans (80%) feel that people of dierent ethnic groups are getting along well, compared to only 62% who believe that dierent socio-economic groups are getting along well, suggesting class dierences are more pronounced than ethnic dierences. Fourth and related to the previous nding, in spite of the post-election violence in early 2008, most Kenyans (87%) reported not feeling uncomfortable or out of place on account of their ethnicity while 70% were not worried of becoming victims of crime due to their ethnicity. Moreover, most Kenyans attest to being non-tribal or tolerant to other ethnic identities. They indicate they have not experienced diculties living or relating, working or studying with people of dierent races, religions, ethnic groups or socio-economic class. Fifth, it is noteworthy, however, that only about 26% of Kenyans state that they completely trust members of other ethnic groups, a proportion signicantly

lower than that completely trusts their neighbourhood (about 44%) or members of their own ethnic group (about 45%). Sixth, Kenyans rank poverty, unemployment, corruption and insecurity as the more dicult problems ahead of ethnic tensions. Indeed, 56% of them believe that public goods are not fairly distributed regionally and 84% are convinced that more equal distribution of public goods would reduce ethnic tensions drastically. This was reinforced by over 60% of the respondents who were optimistic that both intra and inter-ethnic relations will improve over the next decade. This is good, as it suggests that negative ethnicity is not deeply rooted in the psyche of Kenyans. Kenya can tackle ethnic tensions and mistrust by opening up to the reality of the problem, discussing its causes and laying out a realistic strategy and action plan to address it. Key elements in the strategy and action plan should be elevation of the ght against negative ethnicity to the same level as (if not higher than) the ght against corruption or HIV. There should be zero tolerance to politicians and other segments of the society (including the media) who promote negative ethnicity. Kenya should also address the grievances that fan ethnic hostilities, including ensuring transparent and equitable distribution of national resources, public services and jobs. This will help to build public trust across the whole country; inclusion of aspects of positive ethnicity in the school curricula; restructuring of the quota system of education to encourage greater learner interaction across different ethnic groups; promoting the use of unifying languages such as Kiswahili and English in the work places and other public places; and promotion of sports and other intra and inter-ethnic associational activities by providing subsidies and developing an annual calendar of cultural events around the country spearheaded by top leaders and attended by representatives of dierent ethnic groups. But the main means of sustaining healthy ethnic relations is to accelerate economic growth and generating jobs especially for the youth. Dr Ikiara is former director, Kippra

War on negative ethnicity

18 |

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

MASSIVE | Violations uncovered by Geneva-based High Commissioner for Human Rights

BLOODY EXCHANGE Death toll rises as Israelis and Palestinians clash Page 22


Mass slaughter of civilians and children in DR Congo, says UN

Many were burnt alive in their homes, majority of the killings blamed on two armed groups
GENEVA, Thursday

ANC blocks bid to censure Zuma

rmed groups in DR Congos war-torn east province slaughtered more than 200 people including scores of children between April and September, hacking some to death and burning others alive, the UN said yesterday. At least 264 civilians, including 83 children, were arbitrarily executed by armed groups in more than 75 attacks on villages between April and September this year, the oce of the UNs High Commissioner for Human Rights said as it published a report into abuses in the Democratic Republic of Congos resource-rich east. Investigators focusing on the southern town of Masisi in North Kivu province uncovered evidence of victims being hacked to death with machetes. Others were burnt alive in their homes, investigators found, blaming the majority of the killings on two armed groups, Raia Mutomboki and their allies the Mayi Mayi. Raia Mutomboki is a homeland defence militia whose agenda is to ethnically cleanse the region, forcing all Kinyarwanda speakers out of DR Congo. But it has also seized the villagers it purports to be protecting, using them as porters. Fighters from an ethnic Hutu militia called Nyatura were also responsible for killings and other human rights abuses, the UN said, along with the Rwandan Hutu group the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR), which Kigali suspects includes ghters who took part in the 1994 genocide of Tutsis in Rwanda. ACTIVITY

South Africas ruling ANC on Thursday blocked a debate on a motion of no condence in President Jacob Zuma, a move described by the ocial opposition as signalling a constitutional crisis. National Assembly speaker and ANC veteran Max Sisulu used the partys dominance to set aside the motion, brought jointly by eight opposition parties. The ANC, which holds just under two-thirds of the seats in the house, had described the motion as frivolous. That left opposition leaders crying foul. Todays decision has not only ushered in a constitutional crisis, but it has brought into question the relevance of our democratically elected parliament, the main opposition Democratic Alliance said in a statement. (AFP)


President accused of neglecting HIV issues

South African peacekeepers from the United Nations Organisation Stabilisation Mission in Congo (MONUSCO) standing on a hillside above the village of Remeka in Masisi territory in the Democratic Republic of the Congos North Kivu province after two of their colleagues were wounded.
Following publication of the report the result of six missions and more than 160 interviews with victims and witnesses UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay condemned the killings as the most serious (human rights violations) we have seen in recent times in the DRC. The number of killings could be considerably higher, the UN agency said, lamenting that security concerns had prevented investigators from probing other reported violations. Reecting the ethnic nature of the slaughter, civilians killed by the Raia Mutomboki were mostly Hutu, while those killed by the Nyatura were mainly Tembo people, the UN said. Chronic unrest in eastern DR Congo over the past 15 years are rooted in competition for land and natural resources, the Geneva-based agency said, resulting in violence committed along ethnic lines. Other human rights violations uncovered by the Geneva-based agency included mass forced displacement and large-scale looting. Investigators also conrmed four cases of sexual violence involving the rape of 12 women. The reports publication comes as the Congolese army continues to ght the M23 rebels in North Kivu, a group formed in May by army mutineers. The M23, which has dubbed its armed wing the Congolese Revolutionary Army, was launched by former ghters in an ethnic Tutsi rebel group that was integrated into the military under a 2009 peace deal whose terms the mutineers claim were never fully implemented. Rights groups have also accused the M23 of human

M23 rebels in attack from Rwanda

New clashes: Heavy ghting between the M23 rebel forces and the loyal troops of the Democratic Republic of Congo were reported yesterday morning at the village of Kibumba, around 20 km, north of the city of Goma, the capital of the North Kivu province. A reporter of Radio Kivu 1, a Goma based private FM radio, told The Nation that the little village was attacked around 8 am by rebel troops coming from Rwanda. The clashes provoked the displacement of hundreds of people. At the moment: I am just arriving from Kibumba where confrontations are occurring at the moment since this morning. The entire city of Goma awoke up by the blasts of heavy weapons visibly launched from the Rwandan side of the border. I jumped in my car and went to see what was exactly happening. The market of Kibumba was being bombed and people were frightened by the so sudden deafening blasts, the reporter Magloire Paluku declared on a mobile telephone. (Juakali Kambale, Correspondent)

rights abuses and of unleashing a fresh cycle of violence by the regions complex web of armed groups. Meanwhile, the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo has dismissed as inadequate UN and US sanctions against the military leader of the M23 rebel group active in east of the troubled country and said neighbouring Rwanda and Uganda should also be targeted. Its a good start but its totally inadequate..., government spokesman Lambert Mende told AFP of the measures announced Tuesday against Sultani Makenga, who is accused of masterminding killings, sex attacks and abductions and recruiting child soldiers. Sultani did not invent this pseudo-mutiny in the east (but remains) an instrument behind much wrongdoing, Mende said. Makenga, a former colonel in the DR Congo, insisted yesterday that he was innocent of the allegations against him over the violence in the Kivu region. (AFP) TO COMMENT ON THESE AND OTHER STORIES GO TO www.nation.co.ke

Botswanas president Ian Khama is being accused of neglecting HIV issues in a nation experiencing one of the most severe HIV/Aids epidemics in the world. The national HIV prevalence rate in the southern African country among adults ages 15 to 49 is 24.1 per cent, which is among the highest in sub-Saharan Africa and leading human rights organisation, Botswana Network on Ethics, Law and HIV/Aids has ngered Mr Khama for ignoring the critical epidemic. BONELA feel Khama did not reassure Batswana (Botswana nationals) that their health is prioritised. (Mtokozisi Dube, Nation Correspondent)


Mall collapse raises fears of future tragedy

The deadly collapse of a six-storey shopping centre in Ghanas capital Accra due to construction aws, has raised fears of more such tragedies in the West African boom town. The November 7 incident, in which 14 people died, could have been far worse. A rescue operation by Ghanaian authorities, an Israeli team and even workers from a nearby construction site managed to pull at least 75 people from the rubble alive. Construction cranes dot the skies of the city, which anchors what is, at least on paper, one of the worlds fastest growing economies.(AFP)

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

Africa News 19

SUSPECT | Ex-minister is accused of holding some $15 million in local and regional bank accounts

Investigators grill Wades son over graft

Special police allege that ex-leaders son fraudulently acquired his massive wealth
NATION Correspondent DAKAR, Thursday rope and a eet of cars. During a preliminary cross-examination three months ago, paramilitary (Gendarmerie) investigators accused Karim Wade of holding some $15 million (KSh1.2 billion) in local and regional bank accounts. The military investigators alleged that Mr Wade had fraudulently acquired the money when he served as minister of air transport. The youthful former minister did not deny that he had the money, but he insisted it was given to him by his father. Karim who is popularly called the Minister of the sky and land and known by Americans as Mr 15 per cent according to Weakileaks is the prime suspect of former senior government ministers with nancial embezzlement. The cross examination of Mr Wade and six other senior former ministers is expected to continue over the next four months and would culminate with an indictment by a special court. The Gendarmerie investigators are hoping to prove that the wealth possessed by the accused was ill-gotten before they could be judged by a special court. Sources said if found guilty, the former presidents son could be jailed for up to 10 years. Mr Wade was uestioned twice in July in connection with the investigation launched after President Macky Sall won a March poll marred by violence over the 86-year-old Wades bid to seek a third term in oce. Karim Wade, 44, was a divisive gure who many in Senegal saw as being groomed to succeed his father. He was nicknamed super minister, or the minister of the earth and the sky after the elder Wade placed him in charge of international cooperation, air transport, infrastructure and energy. He was also appointed head of the national arm of what is now the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation and tasked with major public works ahead of the groups summit in Dakar in 2008. Case files concerning six other former leaders in Wades administration, including four ex-ministers, have also been handed over to the paramilitary police.

Sierra Leone denies early voting by the military

NATION Correspondent FREETOWN, Thursday Defence ministry ocials in Sierra Leone are struggling to contain widespread rumours of alleged early voting by soldiers said to be scheduled for deployment abroad. The rumour, which went viral over the weekend, alleged that the troops were supposed to be deployed today in Darfur and Somalia, and hence the authorities made arrangements for them to cast their votes before leaving. What makes the issue of high concern to the authorities is that it projected the opposition Sierra Leone Peoples Party (SLPP) as having won the vote count. This rumour is intended to create the wrong picture about the military said Defence Minister (rtd) Major Paulo Conteh. There is no troops for Darfur and no ocer has voted, he added. A spokesman for the National Electoral Commission (NEC) also dismissed the rumour saying the country has no such provision allowing advance voting in the electoral laws. Sierra Leonean troops are expected to be deployed in Somalia under Amisom.

enegals former minister of international cooperation Karim Wade today appeared for the third time before a paramilitary investigation team for allegedly stealing millions of dollars. Mr Wade, who is the son of Senegals ex-president Abdoulaye Wade arrived in Dakar last night from France hours before the expiration of an international warrant of arrest. Mr Wade who held several senior ministerial portfolios between 2008 and 2012 is also accused of illegally possessing several villas in Dakar and in Eu-

Mr Karim Wade, son of Senegals former President Abdoulaye Wade.



The age of the former minister powerful minister

Supply of Manual Pumps, Solar Pumps and Accessories

Turkana Millennium Development Goals WASH programme OX/KE/LDR/002/11/12
With Funding from the European Commission, Oxfam in partnership with Practical Action, the International Rescue Committee and Rift Valley Water Services Board is supporting communities in Turkana to improve access to safe clean water and to contribute towards Kenya achieving of its Millennium Development Goals for water & sanitation. Manufacturers and Suppliers are invited to tender for the supply of the following category of goods: CATEGORY OX/KE/LDR/SOLAR PUMPS/002 OX/KE/LDR/ASSORTED/003 DESCRIPTION Submersible Solar Pumps, Photovoltaic panels, control units & accessories Generator consumables and accessories


OX/KE/LDR/MANUAL PUMPS/001 40 Hand Pumps (Blue Pump) & tools and spare parts,

Tender documents detailing the specifications and requirements may be obtained at a non-refundable fee of KES 2,000 for each tender category by visiting the Oxfam office listed below. The tender documents including specifications for submission are available from Monday 19/11/ 2012 between 9.00am and 4.00pm. The deadline for submitting completed tender bids is 4pm on Thursday 06/12/2012. Submissions should only be done during week days (8.30am 5.00pm). Each completed tender must be returned in plain sealed envelope clearly indicating the category number on the top of the envelope without identifying the sender. The tender document should be addressed to: The Tender Secretary Oxfam Kenya The Atrium, 3rd Floor, Chaka Road P.O. Box 40680 00100 Nairobi OXFAM reserves the right to accept or reject any part or the entire tender without assigning any reasons. This project is funded by the European Commission.

20 | Africa News
SPELLING IT OUT | Future policy will be determined by progress on democratic reforms, says envoy

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012


US ready to review Zimbabwe ban

Calls by Southern African countries to review the embargo ignored
NATION CORRESPONDENT HARARE, Thursday STAND he United States is ready to change its policy on Zimbabwe if the country holds a credible referendum on a new constitution and general elections next year, Washingtons envoy to Harare said today. Newly appointed Ambassador Bruce Wharton made the pledge during his rst meeting with President Robert Mugabe in Harare where they discussed bilateral relations. President Mugabe and I had a good discussion of where our relationship has been over the last few years, and how we would like it to develop in the coming years, Ambassador Wharton said after the meeting. I delivered President (Barack) Obamas greeting to President Mugabe and expressed the US governments sincere desire to nd common ground to enhance the bilateral relationship. The US has maintained targeted sanctions against Zimbabwe since 2002 imposed after disputed presidential elections. Calls by the Southern African Development Community (SADC) to review the embargo

Mozambique to legalise traditional medicine

The government of Mozambique will soon submit to the Assembly of the Republic a bill to legalise traditional medicine as a means of imposing discipline to the activity, Ms Helena Correia from the Institute of Traditional Medicine announced on Thursday in Maputo. According to Ms Correia, the institute is currently doing public hearing expected to be concluded by the end of this month and later it will follow the process of elaborating the bill. One of the main objectives of the bill is to regularise the practice of the activity in Mozambique, and award those who practice it correctly and punish those who dont. (Xinhua)

Why Washington remains rm

Poor relations: Previous US envoys to Zimbabwe have been accused of interference by President Mugabes Zanu PF party, which accuses Western countries of sponsoring opposition parties to topple it. Sanctions: Washington insists that the targeted sanctions are meant to prode the party to end human rights violations.

following the formation of an inclusive government have been ignored by Washington. However, the European Union has relaxed its own set of sanctions against President Mugabe and his inner circle and promised to lift the embargo entirely if Zimbabwe holds a credible general election. But Ambassador Wharton said the US future policy on Zimbabwe will be determined by progress on democratic reforms.

Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe (right) and Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai exchange greetings during the opening ceremony of the constitutional meeting to review the draft constitution in Harare.
We support the democratic reform process underway since the start of the Global Political Agreement and, along with SADC and other friends of Zimbabwe, we will stand by the people as this process reaches its conclusion, he said. US policy toward Zimbabwe is not static, and will respond positively to Zimbabwes progress on the roadmap to constitutional reform and elections. He said his country was active in supporting Zimbabwes health, agriculture, business, cultural, and civil society sectors. We provide ongoing support to the Zimbabwean parliament and constitution-making process; and we have invested more than $1 billion in health and humanitarian assistance in the last 10 years, the envoy added.



Uganda sends health teams to Ebola area

Ugandas Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization (WHO) on Thursday said that they have dispatched a team of health experts to the central region district of Luwero where the deadly Ebola haemorrhagic fever has so far killed three people. Ms Christine Ondoa, minister of health told reporters here that the team is carrying out surveillance in the aected district, noting that ve people who have showed signs of Ebola have been hospitalised. (Xinhua)


NATIONAL INDIVIDUAL CONSULTAN -TO PLAN AND IMPLEMENT A MEDIA RETREAT ON GENDER AND DEVP. - UN WOMEN BACKGROUND UN Womens Sub regional Office for East & Horn of Africa is embarking on an ambitious effort to create a new generation of innovative, inclusive leaders and female entrepreneurs. While Africas development and economic integration continues apace, research indicates that unleashing the economic potential of the continents women would yield even greater results for development. There is mounting evidence that economic growth rates in Africa are being held back by the gap in opportunities available to the genders. As recently as March 2012, a study found that annually, the gender gap in labour participation and education creates economic losses for Africa of over $159 billion, and possibly as high as $255 billion. In an effort to redress this, UN Womens goal is to unleash the potential of Africas women, for the benefit of all, by promoting female leadership in business, politics and the non-government sector, and by advocating publicly in support of gender equality and womens empowerment. Given the key role played by the media in raising issues for public debate and discussion and mobilizing public opinion in favour of inclusivity and progress, UN Women sees East African media houses, journalists and new media practitioners as vital partners in this endeavor. Therefore, UN Women wishes to engage the services of a skilled and well-established consultant to ensure the successful implementation of a one and a half day media retreat, to be held on 13 and 14 December 2012. The full terms of reference is available at http://www.ke.undp.org/index.php/procurements/248 SPECIFIC TASK To develop and facilitate content for a one and a half day workshop for selected journalists and correspondents representing different media houses with regional coverage REMUNERATION Payment will be made in accordance with UNDP/UNWOMEN rules and procedures, which will be outlined in the contract. APPLYING FOR THE ASSIGNMENT To apply for the assignment, interested candidates should send their CVs/ P11 (template provided) with proposed work plan and budget to consultancies.eharo@unwomen.org with subject heading: MEDIA RETREAT CONSULTANT not later than 23 November 2012.


UN Women East and Horn of Africa Regional Office intend to engage a strategic communications/ PR firm to design and implement a campaign to raise the profile of issues related to gender equality and womens empowerment in the context of the 2013 Kenyan general elections, and to strengthen UN Womens strategic communication capabilities. The full terms of reference is available at http://www.ke.undp.org/index.php/ procurements Bid submission method: 1. Hard-copy submission: bids must be delivered to UN WOMEN TENDER BOX placed at the main entrance reception of UN Complex in Gigiri on/before 30 November 2012 by 12:00 noon and should be addressed to: Deputy Regional Programme Director UN WOMEN Block M/Ground Floor, UNON Complex Gigiri, Nairobi, Kenya. REF: RFP-PR/UN WOMEN/ SRO /005/2012 2. Late bids will be rejected. Closing date of submission: Friday, 30rd November 2012 by 12:00 noon Kenya Time UNWOMEN reserves the right to accept or reject any submissions

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012


22 | International News

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

Britain votes for rst ever police commissioners

LONDON, Thursday
British voters headed to the polls today to vote for the countrys rst elected police and crime commissioners, who will set budgets and priorities and have the power to sack their chief constables. The changes represent the biggest shake-up in British policing for 50 years, but turnout is set to be poor. The Electoral Reform Society predicting just 18.5 per cent of voters will cast their ballots, the lowest level in British history. Polls are taking place to elect commissioners for all 41 police forces across England and Wales except in London. The commissioners, who will be elected for four years, will be expected to hold the force to account and act as a public face for crime-ghting in each area. Critics have accused the government of failing to publicise the vote, a key manifesto promise of Prime Minister David Camerons Conservative party before it came to power in a coalition with the Liberal Democrats in 2010. The lack of public enthusiasm has also been blamed on everything from the dreary November chill to the dearth of big names running for ofce, with the exception of the former deputy prime minister John Prescott. Turnout in British elections has fallen dramatically in recent decades. (AFP)

OFFENSIVE | A bloody exchange

Number of posts to be lled through ballot

EX-UK SCANIA TRUCKS 2005/2006/2007



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Palestinian relatives of Hisham Ghalban mourn over his body in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip, yesterday after an Israeli air raid.


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Gaza toll hits 15 as rockets kill three Israelis

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wo more Gazans died in Israeli air strikes today, raising the toll to 15, as militants fired 250 rockets over the border, killing three Israelis, ocials said. Aside the from the deaths, around 150 Gazans have been injured in 22 hours of Israeli air strikes, medics said. Hamas health ministry spokesman Ashraf al-Qudra said a strike in the northern town of Beit Lahiya had killed a 60-year-old man. And the emergency services said a child had died of wounds he sustained in a strike on Khan Yunis earlier on Thursday. Since Israels targeted killing of a top Hamas chief on Wednesday afternoon, Gaza rockets have killed three Israelis and injured another 16, police and medics said. Soon after dawn on Thursday, an Israeli air strike east of the southern Gaza Strip town of Khan Yunis killed three Palestinians, medical ocials said. The armed wing of Hamas, the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, said that the three men were all members and were hit as they travelled in a motorcycle-taxi. Later in the day an air strike hit northern Gaza where two people were killed and another

person was injured, medics said. It was not immediately clear if they were civilians or militants. Thursdays rocket strike in Kiryat Malachi killed ... two males and a female in two apartments in a building which was hit, police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld told AFP. Since the violence erupted when Israel killed a top Hamas militant on Wednesday afternoon, the military has hit around 225 targets in Gaza, a spokeswoman said. In the same period, at least 138 rockets hit Israel, while another 81 were intercepted by the Iron Dome anti-missile system, she said. The bloodshed began at around 1400 GMT on Wednesday when Israel killed Hamas military chief Ahmed Jaabari and his bodyguard, sparking a erce bout of cross border ghting which continued into the night. Six more people died during various strikes later on Wednesday, including two children, officials from the Hamas-run health ministry said as Gaza hospitals went on high alert. (AFP)

Two males and a female in two apartments in a building which was hit killed
Micky Rosenfeld, Police spokesman

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012


Investment Climate Advisory Services in Africa EAC Investment Climate Program

World Bank Group

National Environment Management Authority

Popo Road, off Mombasa Road P.O. BOX 67839-00200, Nairobi, Kenya Tel: (254 020) 6005522, 6001945, Fax: (254 020) 6008997) E-mail: dgnema@nema.go.ke Website: www.nema.go.ke

Research Consultants (Legal and Economic) Required for EAC Common Market Scorecard
International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, is the largest global development institution focused on the private sector in developing countries. We create opportunity for people to escape poverty and improve their lives. We do so by providing financing to help businesses employ more people and supply essential services, by mobilizing capital from others, and by delivering advisory services to ensure sustainable development. IFC manages the Investment Climate Advisory Services of the World Bank Group which offers client governments a wide range of services to assist them in improving their investment climate. In Sub-Saharan Africa, the team has implemented reform programs for almost a decade, focusing on economywide investment climate reforms, such as business registration and licensing, investment promotion, inspection reform, business taxation, trade logistics, regulatory governance and special economic zones. As part of its framework of cooperation with the East African Community (EAC) Secretariat, the World Bank Group is developing and publishing an EAC Common Market Scorecard to contribute to ongoing monitoring of implementation of the EAC common market protocol. The World Bank Group is assembling a team of individual research specialists, macro-economists and legal researchers to undertake parts of this assignment. Eligible consultants are hereby invited to submit expressions of interest. Consulting firms need not apply. The positions are as follows: 1. Assignment Title: 1087904 Lead Research Specialist (One Position) To lead the design and management of the EAC Common Market Scorecard research process, according to the methodology note developed for the process. 2. Assignment Title: 1087833 Macro-economist (One Position) To lead development of economic indicators that will track trade and investment performance in the East African Community as part of the EAC Common Market Scorecard. 3. Assignment Title: 1088202 Lead Legal Researcher for Free Movement of Goods (One Position) To lead the research design, data collection & analysis, index construction and writing chapter report for Free Movement of Goods articles of EAC protocol. 4. Assignment Title: 1088206 Lead Legal Researcher for Free Movement of Services (One Position) To lead the research design, data collection & analysis, index construction and writing chapter report for Free Movement of Services articles of EAC protocol. 5. Legal Researchers for Free Movement of Capital (Five Positions) To administer in-country data collection & analysis for the Freedom of Movement of Capital in EAC chapter of the EAC Common Market Scorecard. Requires familiarity with financial services law in the specified country and be registered in the roll of advocates. 5.1 Assignment Title: 1089257 - Legal Researcher (BURUNDI) 5.2 Assignment Title: 1089309 - Legal Researcher (KENYA) 5.3Assignment Title: 1089297 - Legal Researcher (RWANDA) 5.4 Assignment Title: 1089306 - Legal Researcher (TANZANIA) 5.5 Assignment Title: 1089301 - Legal Researcher (UGANDA) IFC offers rewarding careers in a multi-functional, multicultural and global environment. More information about these positions will be found by going to the World Bank Group eConsultant2 (https://wbgeconsult2.worldbank.org/ wbgec/index.html) and checking the assignment title numbers. Expressions of Interest should be submitted, in English, electronically, through the same portal. Deadline for all applications is 22 November, 2012. Women are particularly encouraged to apply.

Pursuant to regulation 21 of Environmental (Impact Assessment and Audit) regulations, the National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) has received an Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report for the implementation of the proposed the proposed construction of houses and other facilities for resettlement of Olkaria IV Project Affected Persons at Olkaria Domes in Naivasha District. The Proponent (Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen )Limited) of the proposed project is proposing to construct 164 housing units, a dispensary complete with staff quarters, a school complete with staff quarters, access roads, 3 churches with pastors houses, a cattle dip, two fish ponds, a social hall, water supply network with common watering points and electricity supply line. The objective of the proposed project is to ensure that the socioeconomic, cultural, social fabric and amenities of the PAPs are restored as provided for by the Resettlement Action Plan for Olkaria IV Power Station. The following are the anticipated impacts and proposed mitigation measures:
Possible Impact Dust Noise Mitigation measures Water sprinkling of exposed surfaces Stockpile loose material and protect them from wind erosion Switch off engines or reduce idling time when not in use Recondition engine exhaust systems Establish inspection & maintenance program for equipment Appropriate scheduling of material delivery. Landscape all disturbed areas Plant trees and grass in all disturbed areas All loose soil to be properly stock piled and protected from rain and wind Explore and adopt suitable soil erosion control measures Provision of check dams along the access roads Restrict vegetation clearing to demarcated areas Document spill prevention procedure and response plan Maintain spill response kits at the site Major maintenance operations to be carried offsite Storage of used oil and fuel in closed containers placed on water proofed floor and protected from rain Provision of suitable and well labeled solid waste containers Waste segregation at the point of generation Waste reduction at the source Reuse of top soil for landscaping Sell used oil to licensed handlers Onsite incineration of biomedical waste Sensitize workers and the local community on the need to refrain from risky behaviours Implement education and awareness program in conjunction with the Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation Provision of condoms at strategic locations in the workplace Workers residential camp shall not be constructed at the site instead they will be transported to and from Naivasha town Support conservation education, public awareness and capacity building, in order to foster wildlife conservation and change of attitudes amongst local community. Hold regular meetings with the PAPs to discuss and agree on wildlife related issues Provide staff with personal protective equipment Provide adequate number of standard first aid kits Emergency response procedures and plans should be maintained at the site Appoint a health and safety coordinator Use of permits to work during electrical installations and hot works Erect appropriate safety reminder signs at strategic points Provide fire breaks around the site offices and stores Provide appropriate fire fiqhting equipment Educate the PAPs and create awareness on modern livestock farming through the National Agriculture and Livestock Extension Program (NALEP) Sensitize the PAPs on the dangers of overstocking and deforestation

Soil erosion

Spillage of oil and fuel

Waste Generation

Spread of HIV/ AIDS

Human wildlife conflicts Health and Safety aspects


The full report of the proposed project is available for inspection during working hours at: 1. Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Mineral Resources, NHIF Building, Community, P.O. BOX 30521, NAIROBI 2. Director General, NEMA Popo Road, off Mombasa Road, P.O. BOX 67839-00200, NAIROBI County Director of Environment NAKURU COUNTY


A copy of the EIA report can be downloaded from www.nema.go.ke NEMA invites members of the public to submit oral or written comments within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of this notice to the Director General, NEMA, to assist the Authority in the decision making process of the project. (EIA/5/2/903) Comments can be e-mailed to eia@nema.go.ke

24 | International News


DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

CHANGE| Head of Politubro addresses media as friends


1. This request for Expression of Interest follows the General Procurement Notice (GPN) for this project dated 30th August 2010. 2. The Government of Kenya has received a credit from International Development Association (IDA), and intends to apply part of the proceeds for procurement of Consultancy Services for Storm Water Drainage (SWD) Facilities to assist the Ministry of Local Government and the Kenya Municipal Programme, comprising: Preparation of Masterplans, Detailed Designs, Tender Documents and Operations and Maintenance Manuals for Storm Water Drainage Facilities in Eldoret, Kericho, Nyeri and Thika Towns, Contract No. MOLG/KMP/COMP3/SWD-02B. 3. The Scope of services will require the consultant to: Prepare Masterplans of storm water drainage facilities in Eldoret, Kericho, Nyeri and Thika towns; Carry out inspection of all the proposed sites of the facilities and confirm their availability in consultation with the Local Authorities; Develop and apply priority criteria for ranking the investment needs for Eldoret, Kericho, Nyeri and Thika towns; Carry out an Environmental Impact Assessment (EAI) and prepare the EAI Report according to the regulations of the National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) of Kenya and the World Bank Guidelines.; Develop social impact assessment and guidelines, where applicable, to manage identified impacts; Prepare draft and final design reports; Prepare Engineers Estimate for the agreed works; Carry out an assessment of the current operation and maintenance of the existing storm water drainage system in Kericho,Eldoret,Nyeri and Thika and recommend suitable measures to be taken in view of the additional storm water drainage system investment. Prepare operations and maintenance manual of the facilities; and Prepare a Resettlement Action Plan in accordance with the World Bank Guidelines. 4. The assignment is expected to take four and half (4.5) calendar months. 5. The Ministry of Local Government now invites eligible consultants to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc). 6. Interested consultants should preferably have undertaken a similar assignment in the last five years. 7. Consultants may associate to enhance their qualifications. 8. A consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Banks Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrower, May 2004 (Revised October 1, 2006, and May 2010). 9. Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address below from 0800 to 1700 Hours from Monday to Friday excluding lunch hour (1230 to 1400Hrs) and public holidays. The Director, Urban Development Department, Ministry of Local Government, 10th Floor, Cianda House Koinange Street P.O. Box 30004- 00100, Nairobi, Kenya Tel 020-2217475 Ext 31267. Expressions of interest may be submitted by electronic mail by 30th November, 2012 at 12.00 noon Kenyan time and Hard copy application packages should be deposited; (a) In the Tender Box Marked Ministry of Local Government located at Jogoo House A First (1st) floor, Taifa Road, Nairobi, Kenya so as to be received not later than 30th November, 2012 at 12.00 noon Kenyan time. The packages (both electronic and/or hard copy) should be clearly marked Request for Expressions of Interest for Consultancy Services to carry out Preparation of Masterplans, Detailed Designs, Tender Documents and Operations and Maintenance Manuals for Storm Water Drainage Facilities in Eldoret, Kericho, Nyeri and Thika Towns, Contract No. MOLG/KMP/COMP3/SWD-02B, (b) Bulky documents that cannot fit in the tender box can be physically delivered to the confidential registry situated at Jogoo house A 1st floor Room No. 130 and clearly indicated on the envelope, Do not open before 30th November 2012 at 12.00 noon (Kenyan time) (c) Electronic submissions of EOIs can be sent to: kmp@localgovernment.go.ke All Applications to be addressed to: PERMANENT SECRETARY, Ministry of Local Government, Jogoo House A Taifa Road, P.O. Box 30004-00100, Nairobi, Kenya. 10. Late applications will be rejected and returned unopened. HEAD, SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT For: PERMANENT SECRETARY

China unveils new seven-man team

The man to take over leadership of the country appeared condent and far more relaxed than his sti predecessor
BEIJING, Thursday
hinas all-powerful Communist Party today unveiled a new seven-man leadership council steered by Mr Xi Jinping to take command of the worlds number two economy for the next decade. After striding out in Beijings Great Hall of the People as the partys new general-secretary, succeeding President Hu Jintao, Mr Xi vowed to ght ocial corruption and build a better life for the nations 1.3 billion people. Mr Xis long-expected ascent to the apex of national politics was conrmed when he emerged onto the stage in front of the other six members of the elite Politburo Standing Committee, after a week-long party congress. Mr Xi, 59, has an impeccable political pedigree as the son of a lieutenant to revolutionary leader Mao Zedong. He will formally replace Mr Hu as state president when the rubber-stamp legislature conrms the appointment in March. We are not complacent, and we will never rest on our laurels,Mr Xi said in his rst address to the nation, standing in front of his colleagues on the new committee all men, who all bar one wore red ties. The new committee has been slimmed from nine members to seven, a change analysts said would ease decision-making at the consensus-driven heights of the Communist Party as as China faces rapid change on a host of fronts. Under the new conditions, our party faces many severe challenges, and there are also many pressing problems within the party that need to be resolved, Mr Xi said, highlighting REFORMISTS KEPT OUT

Conservatives take control

Bowing out To what extent Mr Hu Jintao (pictured) managed to place his people in the wider party hierarchy remains unclear. Two key gures seen as favouring some level of reform, Guangdong province party chief Wang Yang and Li Yuanchao, head of the apparatus that controls party personnel appointments, both missed out on slots in the elite PSC.
graft and alienation from citizens. We must make every eort to solve these problems. The whole party must stay on full alert. Mr Xi appeared condent and far more relaxed than his sti predecessor Mr Hu, starting out with a disarming apology for the speechs late start and then talking about ordinary people in plain language. Our people have an ardent love for life. They wish to have better education, more stable jobs, more income, greater social security, better medical and health care, improved housing conditions, and a better environment, he said. They want their children to have sound growth, have good jobs and lead a more enjoyable life. To meet their desire for a happy life is our mission. Mr Xi avoided mention of those communist luminaries, and expressed a desire for better relations with the outside world. Friends from the press, Mr Xi said, just as China needs to learn more about the world, so does the world need to learn more about China. I hope you will continue your efforts to deepen mutual understanding between China and the world. Over 19 minutes, Xi also warned that China faces numerous severe challenges such as widespread corruption and the partys alienation from the countrys 1.3 billion people. Some users of the nations popular Twitter-like microblogs welcomed the speech, with its lack of Communist jargon. I hope the new crop of leaders will not disappoint the peoples hopes, will innovate and reform, and courageously strive to create a democratic and constitutional new nation, wrote one user. Mr Xis standing was consolidated with his appointment as chief of the nations vast military, head of the Central Military Commission. Mr Hus predecessor Jiang Zemin had clung on to that job for two years after relinquishing the presidency.(AFP)

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

AFRICA MAY ATTAIN FIRST WORLD STATUS IN 30 YEARS But continent may skip some stages though, says study. Africa Economics MD David Ndii (left)
Page 30


WIDESPREAD | Ten-month dollar crunch in Juba having a heavy toll on subsidiaries of Kenyan rms


Budget airline Jetlink grounds planes over $2m held in South Sudan banks
Africas youngest state facing severe forex shortage after it stopped exporting oil, its largest earner, following a spat with Sudan over transit fees
pwafula@ke.nationmedia.com udget airline Jetlink Express has grounded all its planes after running out of money to run operations. The airline blames inability to access about $2 million (Sh170 million) of its revenue from ticket sales held in bank accounts in South Sudan. The board of directors of Jetlink Express regrets to announce the immediate suspension of all scheduled ights with eect from November 16, 2012, a statement signed by the rms managing director Elly Aluvale reads in part. The management said it would send its 350 employees on leave pending resolution of the crisis. Passengers who had made prior bookings were notied of the ight cancellations. We are a small airline and without that kind of money we cannot continue to operate. We will, therefore, remain closed until the government intervenes, Mr Aluvale told Nation on phone South Sudan is currently facing a severe foreign-exchange shortage after it stopped

UAP to spend Sh5.4bn in EA expansion bid

UAP Holdings is planning to spend over Sh5.4 billion over the next two years to fund expansion and investment across East Africa. The rm , which is seeking to raise Sh750 million through a public oerring, says it has received Sh4.6 billion from private equity investors. To raise the Sh750 million, UAP will sell 12.5 million shares at Sh60 each. The IPO will close on December 5 and the results will be announced on December 21. We have adopted a dierent strategy to bring in private equity investors to bridge nancing shortfalls, said UAP boss James Muguiyi.


New push for stier penalties for vandals

Private and public industry stakeholders are pushing for stier penalties for vandals, saying this will save the country billions of shillings lost through theft of vital infrastractural materials. Currently, anyone found guilty of vandalism is either charged Sh5 million or sentenced to 10 years in prison. According to telecommunication rm Telkom Orange, vandalism has cost the economy approximately Sh11 billion in the past 10 years. Kenya power and Lighting Company security manager Anderson Gikura said they lose Sh1 billion annually to vandalism.

Jetlink Express CEO Elly Aluvale (centre) anked by the airlines cabin crew at a past function. The management says it will send its 350 employees on leave pending resolution of the crisis. Below, left, one of the rms newest planes.
exporting oil its largest forex earner following a spat with Sudan over oil-transit fees. The World Bank had projected that the countrys dollar reserve would run out by August. The ten-month dollar crunch in South Sudan is having a toll on Kenyan companies operating in Africas newest nation. South Sudan is hoping that the recently-arrivedat deal with the North will allow oil to start owing again, ending the dollar crunch. The airline on August 27 wrote to South Sudans Central Bank governor requesting an urgent allocation of Sh255 million to help it fund daily operations into Juba, which are dependent on dollars. It cited unavailability of sucient US dollars to cover jet fuel uplifts, aircraft lease rentals and imported aircraft spare parts which are repayable in dollars, the letter addressed to Mr Kornelio Mayik, South Sudans Central Bank governor, read in part. Mr Aluvale said the airline had been accumulating South Sudanese pounds in its accounts at Equity Bank and Kenya Commercial Bank, but the banks are unable to grant it any allocation of US dollars due to what it terms as currency and cross-border risks. The airline needs about $500,000 (Sh42.5million) per month to run its operations. Unable to access its money in South Sudan Jetlink says it had to rely on soft loan advances by Equity and KCB against their deposit in Juba. Unfortunately our Kenya bankers have recently advised us that they will no longer be able to grant us any further accommodation against our increasing deposited sales. This has left us in a situation where we are unable to meet short term obligations as they fall due, the statement further read. Jetlink is the rst Kenyan airline to start operations in South Sudan in 2005. It is a wholly-owned Kenyan Airline and operates scheduled domestic ights to Kisumu, Mombasa, and Eldoret and regionally to Juba and Mwanza. The dollar shortage has seen Kenyan commercial banks in South Sudan make a killing through sale of foreign currency.


Money in Kenya shillings that Jetlink needs to fund operations into Juba, which are dependent on dollars


Multichoice launches 10pc discount scheme

Multichoice Kenya has launched a campaign to rewarding its loyal DStv subscribers over the upcoming festive season. The campaign, which started yesterday, allows subscribers who pay their bills before their subscription expires to enjoy 10 per cent discount. This is in a bid to reward loyalty and encourage timely payment. The 10 per cent rebate continues for subsequent months as long as the cycle is unbroken. We are mindful of the current economic challenges, said MultiChoice Kenya general manager Danny Mucira.

Stanchart records 68pc prot increase to hit Sh6.4bn

Standard Chartered Bank has recorded a 68 per cent increase in profits after tax for the last nine months, buoyed by an increase in interest income. The banks prot after tax rose to Sh6.4 billion, up from Sh3.8 billion recorded over the same period last year, with interest income rising 80 per cent to Sh14.8 billion from Sh8.2 billion. However, the period saw the banks interest expense increase three-fold to Sh4 billion as at September 2012 from Sh 1 billion paid out on customer deposits last year. Consumer banking income momentum has continued while wholesale banking big corporate deposits has had a strong third quarter with a record performance in client income, contributing significantly to the total wholesale bank income, said StanChart CEO Richard Etemesi. Consumer banking revenue grew by 29 per cent while wholesale banking revenue grew by 54 per cent. Mr Etemesi said the bank tried to maintain a low-cost expense on operations, especially by adopting modern technology. We have remained disciplined on costs and processes and innovative on products and services. Our improved technology platforms have enabled us to serve new business segments and respond to the changing business environment, he added. The banks loans and advances grew by 8 per cent to Sh101.6 billion due to growth in both consumer and corporate assets. On the other hand, customer deposits grew by 12 per cent to Sh136 billion from Sh121 billion in the period under review. The bank has said it expects to perform better this last quarter but is cautiously optimistic as it remains vigilant about the global outlook and uncertainties within the political and economic environment in Kenya. The bank has attracted Sh8.3 billion against a target of Sh3.2 billion, representing a 158 per cent over subscription in this second cash call. The money will help buttressing its capital position in line with CBKs requirements, and will also nance the banks expansion plans.


Nakumatts reward plan

Nakumatt Holdings has started a customer reward programme. The promotion, dubbed Become a Millionaire with Nakumatt will run through Christmas and New Year festivities. Customers stand a chance of winning vouchers ranging from Sh5,000 to Sh100,000, or two grand prizes of 500,000 and Sh1 million.

Growth in assets

26 | Business News
GROWTH | Bank to open rst branch in South Sudan INVESTMENT | Sh2.5bn beer plant coming up

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

Co-op bank in 30pc prot rise to Sh5bn

Good nine-month performance attributed to growing customer numbers and increased lending
jmasinde@ke.nationmedia.com o-operative Bank has reported a 30 per cent increase in after-tax prots for the nine months to September 30, on growing customer numbers and increased lending. The banks prot after tax increased to Sh5.92 billion, up from Sh4.54 billion recorded over the same period last year. Net interest income rose 33.7 per cent to Sh11.77 billion, compared with Sh8.81 billion. The customer base increased by 39 per cent to over 3.2 million from 2.3 million in September 2011, enhancing non-funded income supported by fees and commissions. The good performance has been achieved despite the difficult macroeconomic en-

Wine rms settle their supply row

A dispute over distribution of popular South African wines and spirits in Kenya has been resolved. The Kenya Wines Agency (Kwal) and Distell Ltd, a South African wine maker, yesterday told the High Court in Nairobi that they had settled the dispute out of court. Particulars of the settlement were not immediately clear. Kwal, which is owned by the Kenya government, had sued Distell after the South African rm opted not to renew a distribution deal between them. The deal had made Kwal the sole distributor of more than 50 brands of wines and spirits belonging to Distell. The dispute involved the distribution of wines and spirits brands, including the popular Viceroy, Amarula, Castle Brand Aperitif and Cellar Cask, which have kept Kwal aoat in the highly competitive market. In July, the Kenyan rm obtained an injunction stopping Distell from terminating the deal before the court case was determined. Lawyers for both companies yesterday told the High Court that the dispute had been fully resolved. They told Justice Daniel Musinga that the companies had written to the courts registrar saying the matter had been withdrawn by consent. The judge marked the matter as settled. The dispute began in June when the wine maker wrote to Kwal indicating its intention to terminate the distributorship agreement.

Results achieved despite dicult macroeconomic environment, mainly through growth in nonfunded income,
Bank MD Gideon Muriuki

vironment currently, mainly through growth in non-funded income, transaction-based fees and commissions from a sustained growth in customer numbers, Co-op bank managing director Gideon Muriuki said in a statement. Non-funded income increased to Sh5.85 billion, compared with Sh5.3 billion in 2011, while customer deposits rose 13.9 per cent to Sh156.8 billion against Sh137.7 billion reported in a similar period last year. This income was generated from automated teller machine commissions, agency banking services, personal and business banking commissions, M-banking, forex income and letters of credit. The banks loan book increased by 11.3 per cent to Sh118.4 billion from Sh106.4 billion in September 2011, while total assets increased to Sh197.7 billion compared with Sh167.5 billion registered in the same period in 2011. The bank, which looks to open its rst branch in South Sudan early next year, on a joint basis with the South Sudan government, saw its shareholder funds increase by 48 per cent to Sh28.9 billion from Sh19.6 billion to support its expansion plans. The bank said that it is targeting to grow its agency banking network to over 5,000 before the end of the year from 4,000 agents currently.

Prime Minister Raila Odinga lays the foundation stone for the proposed Sh2.5 billion beer-making plant at Keroche Breweries, Naivasha, on Wednesday. He called for more local investments.


Kept Kwal aoat

Nurture home-grown talent to spur growth, says Raila

The country needs home-grown entrepreneurs to spur economic development, Prime Minister Raila Odinga has said. Speaking in Naivasha on Wednesday during the laying of the foundation stone for the proposed Keroche Breweries plant, he said history had shown that no country can develop on foreign investors alone. We should encourage local investment, which would ensure an expanded tax base and job creation, the PM said. He supported the recent reduction of interest rates from 35 per cent to the current 17 per cent, and called on Kenyans to voluntarily pay taxes, adding that 75 per cent of development activities in the country were locally funded. I would hate to preside over the country then engage in a begging mission, the PM said amid laughter. He urged the taxman to form a cordial relationship with taxpayers and not to harass them when asking for taxes. A cow that produces milk needs to be fed well, he said.



Save the Children is a leading international child rights organisation, fighting to improve the lives of Children in 120 countries around the world. Together with children we inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats children, and achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives. Save the Children in Kenya invites applications from registered and interested Provident Fund Managers/Administrators to express their interest to manage our national staff Provident Fund. The following documents will be reviewed as part of the EOI: Registration with Retirement Benefits Authority (RBA) Company Profile Audited Company financial reports for the past three years Certificate of Incorporation Tax Compliance Certificate Product catalogue/service specification list with regards to Provident Fund Management/Administration At least three letters of recommendation from international humanitarian organisations or other reputable companies for similar services rendered Properly completed EOI must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked; Private and Confidential, addressed to: The Procurement & Contracts Committee, Save the Children, Matundu Close, Off School Lane, Westlands, P.O. Box 39664 00623, Nairobi, Kenya No details relating to this EOI submitted should be written on the envelope. The application should be dropped into the Tender Box situated at our Offices Reception, and the closing date is 23rd Nov 2012 at 1600hrs Kenya time. Please note, that there is no application fee. For any further inquiry write to: Kenyaprocurement.tenders@savethechildren.org Save the Children reserves the right to accept or reject any application and is not bound to give reasons for its decision. Applicants who have not heard from us by the 31st Dec 2012 should consider their application as having been unsuccessful. Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification.

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DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012


28 | Business
Last 12 Mths High Low Security Yesterday Prices Prev deal Shares traded

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

57.00 26.00 84.50 65.00 148.00 112.00 500.00 350.00 21.00 14.00 15.05 10.00 315.00 200.00


Eaagads Ord 1.25 Kakuzi Ord.5.00 Kapchorua Tea Co. Ord 5.00 Limuru Tea Co. Ord 20.00 Rea Vipingo Plantations Ord 5.00 Sasini Ltd Ord 1.00 Williamson Tea Kenya Ord 5.00

24.50 71.00 120.00 18.50 11.90 210.00

24.50 71.00 120.00 430.00 18.50 11.85 200.00

1,000 59,000 400 1,400 29,500 600

113.00 89.00 470.00 204.00 130.00 85.00 244.00 148.00 1.35 2.10 7.35 4.40 15.70 8.20

Manufacturing & Allied

A.Baumann & Co. Ord 5.00 B.O.C Kenya Ord 5.00 BAT Kenya Ltd Ord 10.00 Carbacid Investments Ord 5.00 East African Breweries Ord 2.00 Eveready EA Ord 1.00 Kenya Orchards Ord 5.00 Mumias Sugar Co. Ord 2.00 Unga Group Ord 5.00

450.00 242.00 1..65 5.50 13.20

11.10 113.00 462.00 115.00 242.00 1.60 3.00 5.55 13.25

2,000 63,900 7,500 897,600 29,700 Money Market Funds African Alliance Kenya Shilling Fund Old Mutual Money Market Fund British-American Money Market Fund Stanbic Money Market Fund CBA Market Fund CIC Money Market Fund Amana Money Market Fund Suntra Money Market Fund Zimele Money Market Fund ICEA Money Market Fund Madison Asset Money Market Fund African Alliance Fixed Income Fund CIC Fixed Income Fund Stanbic Fixed Income Fund B1 Stanbic Fixed Income Fund A Standard Investment Income Fund Standard Investment Equity Growth Fund African Alliance Kenya Equity Fund ICEA Equity Fund British-American Equity Fund CBA Equity Fund CIC Equity Fund Dyer and Blair Equity Fund Old Mutual Equity Fund Stanbic Equity Fund Suntra Equity Fund Madison Asset Equity Fund African Alliance Managed Fund British-American Managed Retirement Fund Amana Growth Fund ICEA Growth Fund Amana Balanced Fund British-American Balanced Fund CIC Balanced Fund Old Mutual Balanced Fund/Toboa Suntra Balanced Fund Madison Asset Balanced Fund Zimele Balanced Fund CFC Simba Fund Old Mutual East Africa Fund British American Bond Plus Fund Dyer and Blair Bond Fund ICEA Bond Fund Old Mutual Bond Fund Daily Yield Eective Annual Rate 8.88% 8.25% Kenya Shilling 10.29% 10.79% Kenya Shilling 10.71% 11.30% Kenya Shilling 9.55% 9.98% Kenya Shilling Kenya Shilling 9.37% 9.82% 10.85% 11.41% Kenya Shilling 12.381% 12.626% Kenya Shilling 9.39% 9.84% Kenya Shilling 9.0% 9.31% Kenya Shilling 9.24% 9.67% Kenya Shilling 11.46% 12.08% Kenya Shilling 11.07 10.72 Kenya Shilling 10.22 10.48 Kenya Shilling 100.66 100.66 Kenya Shilling 100.23 100.23 Kenya Shilling 93.74 94.30 Kenya Shilling 71.82 72.70 Kenya Shilling 134.88 126.66 Kenya Shilling Kenya Shilling 95.09 100.10 146.64 156.14 Kenya Shilling 127.69 134.418 Kenya Shilling 11.66 12.28 Kenya Shilling 148.10 155.90 Kenya Shilling 304.75 323.34 Kenya Shilling 121.87 128.63 Kenya Shilling 109.24 114.99 Kenya Shilling 56.35 59.32 Kenya Shilling 18.24 17.18 Kenya Shilling Kenya Shilling 117.07 120.49 90.59 95.36 Kenya Shilling 105.64 111.20 Kenya Shilling 90.77 94.55 Kenya Shilling 155.21 164.83 Kenya Shilling 11.62 12.17 Kenya Shilling 138.25 145.91 Kenya Shilling 99.99 105.25 Kenya Shilling 70.13 73.44 Kenya Shilling 4.39 4.53 Kenya Shilling Kenya Shilling 111.58 117.46 129.93 136.40 Kenya Shilling 152.51 155.62 Kenya Shilling 120.34 122.80 Kenya Shilling Kenya Shilling 91.21 92.13 105.64 107..80 Kenya Shilling

29.00 13.80 14.00 5.15

Automobiles & Accessories

22.00 9.25 12.00 3.45 Car & General (K) Ord 5.00 CMC Holdings Ord 0.50 Marshalls (E.A.) Ord 5.00 Sameer Africa Ord 5.00



24.00 13.50 14.20 3.50


6.60 3.50 AccessKenya Group Ord 1.00 4.55 4.95 2.70 Safaricom Ltd Ord. 0.05 4.60 NSE All Share Index(NASI)-(1 Jan 2008=100 Up 0.30 points to close at 92.66 NSE 20 Share Index Up 2.90 points to close at 4160.49 Equity Turnover Close sh423,510,572 Previous sh353,098,278

Telecommunication & Technology

4.55 4.55

22,200 18,075,200


Euro BANK ABC Barclays Co-op Equity NBK KCB buy sell buy sell buy sell buy sell buy sell buy sell buy sell buy sell buy sell buy sell buy sell 108.87 109.14 108.69 109.50 109.08 109.35 109.62 109.83 109.03 109.16 108.95 109.25 108.90 109.40 108.88 109.16 109.02 109.16 111.10 111.40 108.80 109.30

16.00 50.00 125.00 25.00 18.30 30.75 27.00 43.00 236.00 16.15

10.70 35.25 86.00 15.50 12.60 14.60 16.00 22.50 153.00 10.15

$ 85.60 85.80 85.40 85.90 85.60 85.80 85.40 85.60 85.60 85.70 85.55 85.75 85.55 85.75 85.40 85.60 85.55 85.65 85.15 85.35 85.60 85.80

136.00 136.35 135.24 136.21 135.66 136.02 136.73 137.05 135.66 135.78 135.70 136.05 135.50 136.00 135.38 135.70 135.56 135.76 136.45 136.80 135.50 136.10

C$ 85.50 85.74 85.07 85.74 85.40 85.65 86.36 86.60 85.34 85.48 85.35 85.65 84.55 85.55 85.20 85.40 85.32 85.46 85.50 85.75 85.40 86.00

SF 90.17 90.67 90.23 90.95 90.62 90.85 90.74 91.05 90.51 90.66 90.45 90.75 90.55 90.75 90.42 90.63 90.51 90.66 91.75 92.05 90.40 90.90

IR 1.55 1.56 1.57 1.58 1.55 1.56 1.56 1.59 1.55 1.55 1.56 1.56 1.55 1.56 1.55 1.56 1.55 1.55 1.59 1.59 1.56 1.58

JY 107.43 107.82 105.60 106.48 106.24 106.56 106.25 106.60 105.93 106.12 106.50 106.80 105.85 106.20 106.00 106.00 105.79 105.92 106.60 106.90 106.80 10720

ZR 9.77 9.80 9.57 9.65 9.47 9.75 9.91 9.94 9.60 9.61 9.65 9.85 9.55 9.65 9.59 9.69 9.56 9.62 9.85 9.95 9.70 10.00

Barclays Bank Ord 0.50 CFC Stanbic of Kenya Holdings Ord.5.00 Diamond Trust Bank Ord 4.00 Equity Bank Ord 0.50 Housing Finance Co Ord 5.00 KCB Ord 1.00 NBK Ord 5.00 NIC Bank Ord 5.00 StandardChartered Ord 5.00 Co-op Bank of Kenya Ord 1.00

15.20 38.50 118.00 25.00 15.40 30.25 18.95 41.50 234.00 12.55

14.95 38.00 119.00 24.75 15.00 30.25 19.00 41.75 233.00 12.40

231,600 7,500 900 1,165,900 129,400 472,300 45,900 144,500 261,300 1,406,000

4.50 32.00 21.00 248.00 68.00 31.00 61.00 20.00

Commercial & Services

3.40 11.00 9.00 130.00 37.00 20.00 36.00 6.80 Express Ord 5.00 Hutchings Biemer Ord 5.00 Kenya Airways Ord 5.00 Longhorn Kenya Ord 1.00 Nation Media Group Ord. 2.50 ScanGroup Ord. 1.00 Standard Group Ord 5.00 TPS EA (Serena) Ord 1.00 Uchumi Supermarket Ord 5.00

3.60 12.25 10.00 233.00 65.50 23.50 38.75 19.35

3.70 20.25 12.20 10.00 233.00 64.50 23.50 38.00 19.65

4,500 99,900 100 9,300 75,000 200 106,600 272,200

CBA CFC Stanbic GulfAfrican FCB Prime

238.00 140.00 185.00 125.00 39.50 21.00 12.50 9.55 65.00 32.00

Construction & Allied

Athi River Mining Ord 5.00 BamburiCement Ord 5.00 Crown Paints Kenya Ord 5.00 E.A.Cables Ord 0.50 E.A.Portland Cement Ord 5.00

38.00 11.05

220.00 176.00 38.00 11.20 44.75

500 1,000 1 US Dollar 1 Sterling Pound 1 Euro 1 South African Rand Ksh/Ush 1 Ksh/Tsh 1 Ksh/Rwanda Franc 1 Ksh/Burundi Franc 1 UAE Dirham 1 Canadian Dollar 1 Swiss Franc 100 Japanese Yen 1 Swedish Kroner 1 Norwegian Kroner 1 Danish Kroner 1 Indian Rupee 1 Hong Kong Dollar 1 Singapore Dollar 1 Saudi Riyal 1 Chinese Yuan 1 Australian Dollar

11.00 16.95 19.50 20.00

Energy & Petroleum

6.80 9.75 13.75 13.00 KenGen Ord 2.50 KenolKobil Ltd Ord 0.05 KP&LC Ord 2.50 Total Kenya Ord 5.00

9.55 14.65 18.30 13.90

9.70 14.65 18.25 13.90

206,600 139,300 6,514,000 4,200

9.00 3.80 11.00 6.30 3.40 7.00 188.00 142.00 13.40 6.80 42.00 18.00


British American Investments Co.0.10 CFC Insurance Holdings Ord.1.00 CIC Insurance Group Ord.1.00 Jubilee Holdings Ord 5.00 Kenya Re Corporation Ord 2.50 Pan Africa Insurance Ord 5.00

6.30 6.80 3.55 12.30 40.00

6.30 6.75 3.60 170.00 12.25 39.00

1,249,700 18,100 1,716,700 1,169,200 23,000

17.25 11.05 358.00 90.00 4.50 3.05 38.00 20.00


Centum Investment Co Ord 0.50 City Trust Ord 5.00 Olympia Capital Holdings Ord 5.00 Trans-Century Ord 0.50

12.20 355.00 3.65 23.00

12.45 355.00 3.60 22.75

527,200 1,100 200 800

Mean 85.6261 135.7164 109.0549 9.6134 30.4814 18.6276 7.2175 17.3548 23.3126 85.5211 90.6073 105.9500 12.6127 14.8799 14.6302 1.5576 11.0472 69.9760 22.8330 13.7487 88.7258

Buy 85.5483 135.5856 108.9432 9.6007 30.3954 18.5523 7.1642 17.0471 23.2905 85.3240 90.5050 105.8509 12.5991 14.8599 14.6119 1.5561 11.0369 69.9039 22.8111 13.7352 88.6281

Sell 85.7039 135.8473 109.1667 9.6261 30.5675 18.7029 7.2707 17.6625 23.3348 85.7183 90.7096 106.0491 12.6262 14.9000 14.6485 1.5590 11.0574 70.0481 22.8550 13.7622 88.8235

Algerian Dinar Bahrani Dinar Djibouti Franc Egyptian Pound Jordanian Dinar Kuwait Dinar Lebanese Pound Libyan Dinar Omani Riyal Qatar Riyal Saudi Riyal Syrian Pound Yemeni Riyal UAE Dirham


76.91 0.37699 175.80 6.104 0.7007 0.20039 1500 1.244 0.3850 3.6405 3.75 68.35 214.05 3.0726

Currencies are quoted against the US Dollar



DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

Business News 29

30 | Business News
Airtel extends free roaming service to Asia
Bharti Airtel customers in Africa will now enjoy free incoming calls while roaming on the network in South Asia. In the new oer, the rm with operations in 20 countries across Asia and Africa will allow its African subscribers in India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka to receive calls without incurring roaming charges. This will benet the travelling population consisting of tourists, corporates, businessmen and students, the rm said in a statement yesterday. Initially, Airtel subscribers enjoyed the free service across 17 African countries where the network operates. The network has about 60 million customers spread across the continent. Subscribers will use their local SIM cards to enjoy the services and recharge using top up vouchers in the country visited.

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

CULTURE | All set for Lamu festival

PROJECTION | Many industries to grow more than ten-fold

Africa may attain rst world status by 2048

Continent may skip some development stages to become an economic engine in decades, says study
gomwenga@ke.nationmedia.com fricas economy could grow and attain rst world status if it sustains a two per cent annual growth rate over the next three decades. In a new book titled: The fastest billion The Story Behind Africas Economic Revolution, the Renaissance Group outlines the continents growth trajectory over 30 years. Projections in the book indicate that Africa is already attracting more foreign investments than India and Bangladesh owing to a faster growth rate. We are going to see industries such as aviation and automobile grow more than ten-fold and even automobile manufacturing plants being set up in this continent because it is the fastest growing, Mr Charles Robertson, author of the book and a member of the Renaissance Group, said. The continent , he says, has the unique advantage of leapfrogging through various stages of economic development, which the more developed western states had to go through in growing their economies. This is in a continent where, only a few years ago, everyone thought it was too poor for people to have mobile phones. Whatever has happened in the technology world is enough proof that Africa will skip several stages and become an economic engine, competing with countries like Germany and the United States by the year 2048, Mr Robertson said. Kenyas economy is expected to be larger than the current one of Switzerland, Turkey, Indonesia, Korea and Mexico. At the moment, Mexico is the tenth largest economy. The World Bank said in October that sub-Saharan Africa economies are expected to grow at 4.8 per cent overall in 2012, cutting its forecast from 5.2 per cent projected earlier in the year. As investor interest in the continent increases, foreign direct investment is projected to reach Sh4 trillion by 2014 from Sh2.6 trillion in 2012. Dr David Ndii, the managing director of Africa Economics, said Africa was held back by independence leaders focusing only on economic development instead of political development.

Tourists walk in the narrow streets of Lamu ahead of the Lamu Cultural Festival, which was expected to start yesterday evening. Police have increased patrols within the islands seafront amid security fears owing to the Al-Shabaab menace. Hundreds of guests are expected to attend this years annual cultural festival.


This week the Central Bank of Kenya offered 91-day Treasury Bills for a total of Kshs 4 Billion. The total number of bids received was 309 amounting to Kshs. 25.1 Billion, representing a subscription of 628 %. Total bids accepted amounted to Kshs 12.1 Billion. The market weighted average rate was 9.930%, and the weighted average of accepted bids which will be applied for non-competitive bids was 9.621% down from 10.346% in the previous auction. The other auction statistics are summarised in the table below.

Governments are now investing in human capital for economic growth

Africa Economics MD David Ndii


Value Dates Weighted Average Rate of accepted bids(%)

Due Date Amount Offered (Kshs. M) Bids Received (Kshs. M) Performance Rate (%) Number of Bids Received Number of Accepted Bids Amount Accepted (Kshs. M) Of which : Competitive bids : Non-Competitive bids Purpose / Application of Funds: Rollover / Redemptions Total Redemptions Net Repayment / Borrowing Market Weighted Average Rate Weighted Average Rate of accepted bids Price per Kshs 100 at Weighted Average Rate for accepted bids This Auction 19/11/2012 9.621 Last Auction 12/11/2012 10.346

18/02/2013 4,000.00 25,138.41 628 309 269 12,066.68 11,223.99 842.69 5,423.28 5,423.28 6,643.40 9.930% 9.621% 97.658 Variance 0.725

TENOR Offer amount (Kshs. M) AUCTION DATES & BIDS CLOSURE RESULTS ANNOUNCEMENT Redemptions New Borrowing 91 DAYS 4,000.00 22/11/2012 23/11/2012 182 DAYS 4,000.00 21/11/2012 22/11/2012 TOTAL 8,000.00 4,953.73 3,046.27

The actual amount to be realised from the auction will be subject to Treasurys immediate liquidity requirements for the week. Where several successful bidders quote a common rate, the Central Bank of Kenya reserves the right to allot bids on a pro-rata basis. The Central Bank reserves the right to accept/reject bids in part or in full without giving any reason. Individual bids must be of a minimum face value of Kshs 100,000.00. Only CDS holders with updated mandates are eligible. Bids must be submitted using the specified format and must reach the Central Bank (HQ, Branch or Currency Centre) by 2.00 p.m. on Wednesday 21st November 2012 for 182 day and Thursday 22nd November 2012 for 91 day Treasury Bills respectively. Payments above Kshs.1 Million must be made by electronic tranfer using RTGS. Payments below Kshs. 1 Million may be made by Bankers Cheque or RTGS and must reach the Central Bank not later than 2.00 p.m. on Monday 26th November 2012 for Cheques and 3.00 p.m for RTGS electronic fund transfers. Please provide the following details with each payment: Name, Reference Non-competitive bids are subject to a maximum of Kshs. 20 Million per investor and are issued at the weighted average of accepted bids.



Competitive Bidders must quote their desired Interest Rate(%) and not Price per Kes 100. New application forms are availabe on the CBK website. MWENDA K. MARETE ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, FINANCIAL MARKETS DEPARTMENT Thursday, November 15, 2012

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

Advertising Feature 31

32 |

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

INVESTIGATIONS | More than 37 police ocers were killed by raiders in Suguta valley

INFANT MALE CUT REDUCES DISEASE RISK Circumcision of boys just after birth gaining popularity. Page 35


Leaders call for Baragoi probe

A commission of inquiry needed to establish cause of attack and come up with solutions, they say

Choose universities carefully, students told

The Kenyatta University Vice Chancellor, Prof Olive Mugenda, has asked students to be cautious when choosing institutions for higher education. Speaking at Kagumo Teachers Training College, she said that there were many universities coming up, with some only interested in making money. The VC warned that employers would be interested in the quality of education workers had received.

eaders and residents from Turkana and Samburu communities want a commission of inquiry constituted to investigate the bandit attack in Baragoi. Forestry and Wildlife assistant minister Josephat Nanok, Samburu East MP Raphael Letimalo and local leaders from Baragoi said the commission should explore causes of perennial hostilities between the two pastoral communities and suggest solutions. Mr Nanok, who is also the Turkana South MP, said Kenyans and particularly families that lost their relatives deserve to be told why the government dispatched ocers who were not well prepared for the operation. About 41 police ocers, including eight police reservists, died in the operation.


Police urged to ght rise of terror gangs

Kirinyaga Central MP Gachoki Gitari yesterday asked police to arrest gangsters who were terrorising residents in Kirinyaga County. The gangs who pass either as members of the illegal Mungiki sect or vigilante groups are suspected to be responsible for the attack on ve people including two business women. The victims were abducted on Tuesday in Karatina, before being robbed of their money.


How State has reacted to raid

November 10 : A contingent of police ocers pursue raiders who had stolen cattle and killed residents in Suguta valley. But they walk into an ambush and almost 40 are killed and scores injured. November 13: President Kibaki orders the military to pursue raiders as the impact of the ambush becomes clear. November 14: A Baragoi councillor and four chiefs are jointly charged before a Maralal court with robbing and murdering 12 police ocers.
of being behind the clashes that led to the death of the security personnel. According to a report sent to Internal Security PS Mutea Iringo, the

Administration Police ocers wait to unload bodies of their colleagues at the Chiromo Mortuary on Tuesday. At least 39 ocers were killed in the attack. Leaders in the area have blamed politicians for the mayhem and called on the government to nd a long-term solution to the conict.
politicians are using the Provincial Administration in the county to harass their perceived political opponents ahead of the next General Election. Councillor Edapal Namugelem and Mr Daudi Kona, a resident of Baragoi Village where the attacks took place said some senior politicians could be behind the lawlessness in order to portray one community negatively. Already, Turkana herders from Nachola, Lokorkor and Lomirok villages on the border of Samburu North and Turkana South have crossed Suguta valley to Turkana for fear of retaliatory attacks, Mr Kona said. The government, they said, should


The minister said: We should be clearly told the genesis of this problem. Just sending the military to the area is a reactive approach. Just as the government formed a commission of inquiry to investigate the Tana Delta killings, we want a team formed for Baragoi. He said there is need for a long lasting solution to end the perennial cattle rustling and banditry among the pastoral communities, which has been going on for many years. At the same time, residents from Turkana County accused some senior inuential politicians from Samburu

Politicians accused

arrest and charge the politicians who have continued to plant seeds of discord among the two groups by inciting them. They claimed that the politicians are using their inuence in the government to scare o their perceived opponents ahead of the March 4 General Election. The report also indicates that the politicians were inciting the Samburu community against the Turkana particularly those living in Samburu North where Baragoi is located. Some of the security ocers are Samburu morans who had been given police uniforms, the report said.


Man accused of blocking fathers burial

A rst-born in a family of 16 in Ndoleli division has allegedly stopped his family from burying his father in the family land. According to his mother, he has evicted them and stopped them from burying his father who died three months ago. Its alleged that the suspect wants to have a sixacre miraa farm to himself. Police boss Alex Oware said the issue was best handled by elders.

Team says lack of buildings will not stop devolution

Taita Taveta Lack of basic infrastructure will not hinder the establishment of the devolved governments, The Commission for the Implementation of the Constitution (CIC) has said. CIC commissioner Peter Wanyande (left) said despite 19 counties being listed as not ready to accommodate the devolved system, existing buildings could be improvised to serve the purpose before the credible buildings are constructed. It is time to be innovative in whatever we do because the Constitutions implementation cannot be stopped by small problems that have solutions at hand, he said. Before promulgation of the Constitution, Prof Wanyande said, there were offices that were being used to discharge government activities, and could also be used to set up necessary equipment to suit the new system of governance. He noted that what was needed was renovation of some buildings to provide for the gallery, debating chambers and the governors oces among others. The commissioner added that implementation of the new law had already taken momentum and could not be stopped because of lack of oces and disagreements over county headquarters. He was speaking in Voi Town during a one-day media workshop on devolution. He urged the media to advocate for peace during the electioneering period. TO COMMENT ON THIS AND OTHER STORIES, GO TO www.nation.co.ke


Man denies locking up son for 12 years

A man who had conned his disabled son inside a house for 12 years has been charged in court. Mr Isaya Meeme from Lubua village of Igembe North district was arrested on Monday after the public informed police of the boys ordeal. He was released on a Sh10,000 bond with a surety of the same amount or a cash bail of Sh5,000. The case will be heard on March 3 next year.

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

Advertisers Announcement 33

34 | County News
STANDOFF | Maasais reject resettlement of IDPs on plot

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

Cohesion team fails to resolve land stalemate

Eorts to convince community on deal to move families on land met with sharp criticism from locals
gsayagie@ke.nationmedia.com enthiga@ke.nationmedia.com disowned the alleged agreement, saying they were not consulted. Dr Kibunjia however, said the forum was to address the grievances from the Maasai community over the proposal to resettle the displaced families, and try to bring both communities together. There are many IDPs in the country and this should not be a campaign issue. Kenya is a family of 40 million brothers and sisters, we asking the Maasai community to give a small space for their brothers since they have it, said Dr Kibunjia. Land rights activist Meitamei ole Dapash who spoke on behalf of the community told the forum they would not give away their ancestral land. We do not want any IDPs resettled on this land. We shall not welcome them until the case in court is heard and determined, he said. And about 400 integrated IDPs yesterday presented Central PC with a petition demanding that the government sets a fund for them. The IDPs who camped outside the Ruringu Stadium in Nyeri asked the government to resettle and provide them with monthly allowances. Special Programmes minister Esther Murugi who found the families outside the PCs oce however said her ministry is constrained and needs 8,880 acres of land to resettle 350,000 IDPs in the country.

OFFICE OATH | Advocates join Bar

Locals to earn income from notorious weed

Baringo Residents of Marigat district in areas growing Matenge (Prosopis) will soon be smiling all the way to the bank after an agreement with an Indian rm to process the weed. Tower Power Kenya ltd is set to roll out its activities in the area from December after setting up a factory valued over Sh1.8 billion. Speaking yesterday in Marigat during a farmers sensitisation workshop, Tower Power managing director Yash Krisna said the factory was aimed at exploiting the tree to benet the locals economically. Mr Krisna added that locals would be given the rst priority in jobs available at the factory and 20 per cent of revenue generated would go to the community. He added that the project was the only one in Kenya apart from a similar one in India. Residents would be required to set up collection points in all the 11 locations in the area among them Ngambo, Kiserian, Marigat, Ilngarua, Salabani, Ilchamus, Ruggus, Mukutani, Loboi, Kapkuikui and Sandai. The rm will sell the biomass to Kenya Power.

n attempt by the National Cohesion and Integration Commission to convince the Maasai to agree to the resettlement of IDPs on a controversial; plot failed yesterday. NCIC chairman Mzalendo Kibunjia who yesterday held talks with the Maasai and Kikuyu communities in Narok town had a rough time as speakers resisted the move. A heated debate arose after Dr Kibunjia announced that the government had struck a deal with Maasai leaders through Cabinet minister William Ole Ntimama to hive 600 acres of the land for the community. However, those present


Size of disputed land in acres at Rose Farm

First priority

We do not want any IDPs resettled on this land. We shall not welcome them
Meitamei ole Dapash, Land rights activist

Ms Stella Murugi Mwaniki, one of the 63 advocates admitted to the Bar by Chief Justice Willy Mutunga at the Supreme Court in Nairobi yesterday.


DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

County News 35

Wanjiru kin ordered to get inheritance papers

Nakuru The wife and the mother of the late Olympic champion, Samuel Kamau Wanjiru (right), were yesterday ordered to le a petition for letters of administration for the deceaseds estate urgently. The High Court in Nakuru gave Ms Teresia Njeri Kamau and Ms Hannah Wanjiru Kamau, 21 days to le the petition after which a succession case will commence. A woman claiming to be the late Wanjirus second wife and a mother to his son, Ms Judy Wambui, had moved to court seeking an explanation why the two had not responded to an application compelling them to petition for letters of administration. Her lawyer Kahiga Waitindi

Police search for kidnapped businessman

Muranga Police in Muranga are hunting for a gang which kidnapped a businessman on Wednesday evening. Mr Edward Macharia, who operates a transport business in Mukuyu market near Muranga town, is said to have been kidnapped from a bar. His abductors are now demanding Sh5 million from family members before they release him. Witnesses said the incident happened at around 6pm when a gang of five armed men invaded the bar and only picked him. The robbers also stole the days proceeds from the bar amounting to Sh5, 000 and two crates of beer. They, however, did not steal anything from the revellers. The gangsters, who were using a saloon car with number plates concealed with mud, singled out the transporter who was seated alone at a corner, saying he looked rich. Muranga North police boss Christopher Mshimba said police were pursuing the gang. The kidnappers later called the victims wife using his mobile phone to demand Sh5 million ransom before they release her husband, he said. This is the third case of kidnapping in less than a month in Muranga East District.

told the court that he served the two women soon after ling the application on March 22 but they had not responded. Lawyers for the duo asked for more time to le a reply to which the court ordered that they respond in three weeks and get a hearing date from the registry. In her application, Wambui said she had written to her cowife and mother-in-law with the intention of petitioning for letters of administration so that she could have a provision made for the maintenance of her son.

HEALTH | New-borns targeted

Infant male cut reduces disease risk, says study

Circumcision of boys just after birth gaining popularity in Nyanza Province

recent study has shown that circumcising male infants is safer, less expensive and a means of HIV prevention. As adult male circumcision programmes scale up in the Nyanza region with statistics showing 235,000 circumcised in the past three years, Infant Male Circumcision (IMC) is gaining popularity, according to the survey. The study, which was done in ve public hospitals in Nyanza Province by researchers from the University of Illinois, Chicago, showed the region had registered a higher number of infants undergoing the procedure two hours after birth.

East Africa. IMC is a study of its kind to assess acceptability. As a result, its uptake in East Africa will depend much on the decision of parents. Since the study was conducted in 2010, about 15,000 male infants in Nyanza have been circumcised, Dr Odoyo said. He added that 1,261 infants were registered in Siaya District , Kombewa, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga, Kisumu District hospital and Lumumba hospitals. The study enrolled 627 mothers and 493 fathers while 312 mothers declined the services. FREE SERVICE

Safe method
The infants are circumcised between two hours after birth and 60 days. This, the researchers say, is a safe and convenient method because it neither involves stitching nor bleeding. The service is free in public health institutions. The eligibility of the child includes consent from both parents, the infant must be healthy and weighing at least 2.5kg. The procedure takes ve minutes and the baby is injected with anaesthesia to reduce pain. It takes a week for the new-born to fully heal.

It further revealed that boys circumcised in infancy do not suffer risks of urinary tract infections in the first year of life. According to Dr Elijah June Odoyo, one of the lead researchers in the study and director of the Unim project (University of Illinois, Nairobi and Manitoba), the outcome of the babies registered was positive despite the fact that infant circumcision is little known in

Suer risks

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DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012




Narok University College wishes to inform all candidates who qualified for the conferment of various degrees and award of Diplomas of Moi University during the 2011/2012 academic year that the Graduation Ceremony will take place on Friday 23rd November, 2012 starting at 9.30a.m at Narok University College Graduation square. The list of names of all prospective graduands will be posted on the Narok University official website www.narikuniversity.ac.ke Registration is mandatory for all graduands at their respective Deans of Schools Offices Only students who have cleared all their fees with the University College will be able to graduate. Registration deadline is Monday 19th November, 2012. Those whose names are not on the prospective graduation list, but are expected to graduate should contact their respective Deans of Schools. GRADUATION AND CONVOCATION FEES All graduands are required to pay Convocation and Gowns charges as indicated below (a) Undergraduate Graduands Ksh.3,000 (b) Diploma Graduands Ksh.2,500 Convocation fee Ksh.500 (c) GRADUATION ATTIRE (a) Graduation gowns should be collected by Wednesday 21st November 2012 from Admissions office. Graduands are expected to be in full Graduation Attire during the rehearsal and at the Graduation Ceremony. (b) (c) Gowns must be returned by latest Friday 30th November 2012. Graduands who return gowns after this date will be fined Ksh.1000/= per day. REHEARSAL All graduands intending to participate in the ceremony must attend rehearsal on Thursday 22nd November 2012 at the Graduation Square at 10.00a.m. INVITATION CARDS Each graduand will be issued with invitation cards for two guests. PUNCTUALITY Graduands, their parents and guests should be seated by 8.00a.m. late comers will not be allowed into the Graduation Square. CLEARANCE ALL Graduands must clear with the University College in order to receive their Certificates. Only those graduands who will have cleared and returned their graduation gowns will be issued with Certificates. ENQUIRIES NB: It is the responsibility of each graduand to confirm his/her Examination results, accuracy and order of names from their respective Deans of Schools. Those who will not have met all the requirements for graduation, including clearance of fees and other levies by Monday 19th November, 2012 will not be included in the graduation list. All payments should be made to the following Narok University College, account numbers: - Co-operative Bank, Narok Branch A/C No. 01129337192600 OR 01129337192601 For more information please contact: Registrar, Academic Affairs Narok University College P.O. Box 861 20500, NAROK Tel: 020-2685356/020-2685357 OR 0208082410/11 Email: registraraa@nu.ac.ke


DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012


Visit our website http://www.uonbi.ac.ke

For extensive up to date information on all our programmes

Admissions Supplement December/January 2013

Introduction The establishment of the Institute for Climate Change and Adaptation (ICCA) was approved by the University of Nairobi Senate on 17th November, 2011. The Doctor of Philosophy in Climate Change and Adaptation was approved by Senate on 15th October, 2012. The ICCA academic programmes build climate change and adaptation capacity at the University of Nairobi for National, Regional and International candidates who seek to enrich their studies and work experience using transdisciplinary approaches (that include practical work with communities) to learning and solving the modern challenges posed by climate change. The Doctor of Philosophys programme is offered for a duration of three years and includes course work and research. Candidates are encouraged to specialize in any of the five thematic areas offered each year, namely: Human Dimensions and Health, Food Security and Agriculture, Water Environment and Ecosystems, Policy and Communications and Technologies for Adaptation. The first two thematic areas will be launched in January. The University of Nairobi, Institute for Climate Change and Adaptation (ICCA), is pleased to invite applications for admission into the Doctor of Philosophy in Climate Change Adaptation programme, scheduled to start in January, 2013. The programme accepts students from all disciplines. Day or evening classes shall be offered depending on demand. DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN CLIMATE CHANGE & ADAPTATION Minimum Admission Requirements a) b) c) A holder of a Masters degree in climate change and adaptation or equivalent from the University of Nairobi or any other institution recognized by the Senate. A holder of a doctoral degree from the University of Nairobi or any other institution recognized by the Senate. Applicants with a Masters degree other than in climate change and adaptation will be considered for admission on the basis of their transcript and climate change and adaptation-related professional experience. Tuition Fees Khs. 16,000 per unit. Foreign students will pay 25% more. Five units will be offered in the first semester. Minimum units required (i) 5 and thesis equivalent to 10 units. For further information contact: Director, ICCA Tel. No. 4446140, E-mail Address: icca@uonbi.ac.ke MASTER OF CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION (MCCA) Minimum Admission Requirements a) Holder of at least an upper second class honours degree or equivalent in non-classified degrees from a recognized university; b) c) A holder of lower second class with at least two years of relevant work experience after graduation; Holder of a pass degree with at least three years of relevant work experience after graduation. SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH MASTERS OF SCIENCE MANAGEMENT (MSCHSM) IN HEALTH


Minimum admissions Requirements a) Holders Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MBChB), Bachelor of Dental Science (BDS), Bachelor of Nursing Sciences (B.Sc), Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm.), or equivalent degree from a University recognized by the University of Nairobi Senate. b) Holders of a first degree in health related disciplines of Upper Class or above from a University recognized by the University of Nairobi Senate. c) Holders of a first degree of lower second class degree in health related disciplines with relevant Post Graduate Diploma and a minimum two years working experience Holders of a first degree in health related disciplines d) with relevant Post Graduate Diploma and a five years working experience Application procedure: Application forms are available from the Board of Post graduate studies, located at the Main Campus of the University, on payment of a non-refundable application fee of Kshs. 3,000 for Kenya citizens and $50 or its equivalent for non-Kenyans. Application fees must be paid in Cash at Barclays Bank Westlands, UNES/UON Collection A/C, A/C No. 073-1023948. Application forms may also be downloaded from the University website, www.uonbi.ac.ke. The completed application forms with copies of degree certificates, transcripts and receipts of application fees must be returned on or before 30th November 2012 A few scholarships will be available to deserving students. For further information contact: Director, School of Public Health, P.O. Box 19676 00200 Nairobi, Kenyatta National Hospital Campus, Tel: 2726300 Ext. 43481 Cell: 0775179512 Email: director-sph@uonbi.ac.ke UNES CONSULTANCY It is the Consulting business Unit of UNES which is committed to offering quality consultancy and training services. The Unit is endowed with a large pool of highly qualified multidisciplinary personnel and vast infrastructural resources base of the University of Nairobi to provide consulting and training services in several thematic areas. These include: Architectural, Agricultural & Veterinary, Business Development, Education, Engineering, ICT, Public Health, Water Resource Management and Waste Management Each thematic unit comprises a Lead and a dedicated set of experienced consultants. UNES also collaborates with other consultancy firms locally and internationally. Short Courses We offer highly competitive professional short courses tailored to meet specific needs in the market. The short courses are held at the Chiromo Conference Center. At the end of each course, Certificates of Participation will be awarded to all those who successfully complete the course. Registration forms can also be downloaded from our website. For more details on the short courses, visit us on: http://uneskenya.com/courses

Application Procedure Application forms can be obtained from Board of Post graduate Studies upon payment of non-refundable fee of 3,000 for Kenya citizens and $50 or its equivalent for non-Kenyans.. The fee is payable by bankers cheque or direct deposit into UNES Account, Barclays Bank, Westlands Branch, Account No. 0731023948, Ref No. ICCA 600-01 for MCCA. The deposit slip will be receipted at room G3. Gandhi Wing, Main Campus, University of Nairobi Application deadline is 18th December 2012 Tuition Fees Kshs. 16,000 per unit. Foreign students will pay 25% more. Eight units will be offered per semester. Minimum units required (i) 12 and thesis equivalent to 6 units, or (ii) 14 and project equivalent to 4 units. For further information contact: Director, ICCA Tel. No. 4446140, E-mail Address: icca@uonbi.ac.ke MASTER OF SCIENCE IN CLIMATE CHANGE Minimum admissions Requirements First degree of the University of Nairobi (UoN) or an equivalent qualification from any other Institution recognized by the University of Nairobi senate a) At least Upper Second Class honours degree b) Second class lower Division with a working experience of at least two years in a relevant research/ operational institution. Pass degree with relevant professional qualifications c) d) Pass degree with a working experience of at least five years in a relevant research/ operational institution. Offered in ALL ODEL centers around the country For further information contact: Dean School of Physical Sciences, P O Box 30197 Nairobi Tel: 4442482, 449004/5 Ext 2118, Email: infoscience@uonbi.ac.ke

Application Procedure Application forms can be obtained from Board of Post graduate Studies upon payment of non-refundable fee of Ksh. 3,000 for Kenya citizens and $50 or its equivalent for non-Kenyans.. The fee is payable by bankers cheque or direct deposit into UNES Account, Barclays Bank, Westlands Branch, Account No. 0731023948, Ref No. ICCA 700-01 for PhD. The deposit slip will be receipted at room G3. Gandhi Wing, Main Campus, University of Nairobi. Application deadline :18th December 2012

Freedom of thought * Innovativeness and Creativity *Governance Team Spirit and Teamwork * Professionalism * Quality Customer Service Responsible Corporate Citizenship and Strong Social Good Corporate Responsibility Respect for and Conservation of the Environment

Our Core Values

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DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012



RFP/UNDP-KEN/013/2012: Developing an Effective Elections Media Campaign Strategy for the 2013 General Elections in KENYA
1. BACKGROUND The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) will preside over the 2013 General Election. To be able to undertake successful Elections, there is need to sensitize the public through a comprehensive Elections Media campaign strategy. The main aim of the strategy is to create positive awareness about the entire Elections process in order to prepare the public to participate appropriately. The strategy will enhance understanding, ownership and participation of Kenyans in the exercise. Accordingly, IEBC is seeking a consultancy firm to develop and implement the Media Campaign Strategy for the March 2013 Elections A. The Assignment The awareness campaign is an integrated media campaign to encourage eligible Kenyans to come out in large numbers and register as voters to increase public participation in the upcoming General Elections. The underlying principle to enhance the full and equal participation, Special emphasis to be placed throughout based on gender balance and citizens with disabilities. 2. OBJECTIVE Objectives of the assignment are; To motivate and encourage citizens to participate in the electoral process To provide all necessary information to voters about how to participate in the process particularly given the number and complexity of the upcoming elections; To direct a special focus on special interests groups To promote integrity, inclusiveness and transparency of the electoral process To promote positive attitudes towards the electoral process and the IEBC 3. APPLICATION PROCESS

For the full details and requirements please visit UNDP Kenyas Website: http://www.ke.undp.org/index.php/procurements the UNDP HQ http://procurement-notices.undp.org Website or on the UN Global Market Place: www.ungm.org/Notices/Notices.aspx Sealed proposal documents comprising the technical proposal and the financial proposal in separate sealed envelopes clearly marked RFP/UNDP-KEN/013/2012: Developing an Effective Elections Media Campaign Strategy for the 2013 General Elections in KENYA should be dropped at the UNDP TENDER BOX placed at the main entrance reception of UN Complex in Gigiri and addressed to: Deputy Country Director (Operations) United Nations Development Programme UN Complex Gigiri Block N, 3rd Floor, P.O. Box 30218 00100 Nairobi. THE CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSIONS IS THURSDAY, 6 DECEMBER 2012 BY 12.00 NOON KENYA TIME. UNDP Kenya reserves the right to accept or reject any submissions.

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DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012


1. The Government of the Republic of Kenya has applied for financing from the African Development Bank, in various currencies towards the cost of the Multinational: Arusha Holili/Taveta - Voi Road Corridor Development Project: Upgrading of Mwatate - Taveta (A23) Road. It is intended that part of the proceeds of this loan, whose disbursement in respect of the signed contract will be subject to approval of financing by the Bank, will be applied to make eligible payments under the contract for the upgrading of the Mwatate - Taveta Road (A23). 2. The Kenya National Highways Authority (KeNHA) now invites sealed bids through International Competitive Bidding (ICB) from eligible bidders for the execution of upgrading of the Mwatate Taveta Road (A23). The works shall involve the upgrading to bitumen standards of the existing 90km gravel road from Mwatate to Taveta at the Kenya/Tanzania border including a 12 Km Taveta bypass road. Interested bidders must have extensive experience in carrying out similar works. Time for completion of the works shall be 36 months. Approximate quantities of works to be executed:Site Clearance Earthworks Earthworks in expansive clay area Improved Subgrade Material Cement or Lime Treated Natural Material Sub-base Dense bitumen macadam base Asphalt Concrete Binder Course Surfacing Single seal bituminous surface treatment Concrete Pipe Culverts Concrete for pipes and lined drains Concrete for Box Culverts and bridges Steel reinforcement Structural Steelwork for bridges Cement for stabilization Lime for stabilization Gabion boxes/matresses 125 ha 2,600,000 m3 5,000 m3 325,000 m3 295,000 m3 120,000 m3 15,000 m3 1,200,000 m 5,475 m 6,000 m3 15,000 m3 2,100 ton 90 ton 14,500 ton 4,000 ton 21,500 m2




The Government of Italy is offering twenty (20) Full scholarships for Master II level to sub-saharan African countries, Kenya being one of them. 1. AREA OF STUDY Architecture in Health.Successful candidates will be awarded a certificate of technical expertise in Architecture of Health on completion of the course. 2. Eligibility Applicants must a) Be those with Degrees in Civil Engineering, Architecture or Structural Engineering b) Be 35 years and below c) Be working in the public sector for at least 2 years NB: Basic knowledge of Italian Language is a requirement. 3. Duration of the Course Nine (9) months 1500hrs: 2 months on-line learning and 7 months in Italy at Sapienza University, Rome. For more information on the scholarship visit the website. http:/w3.uniroma1.it/masterbmvo. 4. Application procedure Preliminary application forms are obtainable from the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology offices at Telposta Towers, 27th floor Room 2702. The application forms can also be downloaded from the Ministrys website www.scienceandtechnology.go.ke. Completed application forms should be forwarded through the respective Heads of Department with attached certified photocopies of ID, Academic/Professional certificates, Transcripts, Birth certificates, CV and other testimonials should be sent or delivered to: Director of Higher Education Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology P. O. Box 9583 -00200 NAIROBI The application forms should reach the Ministry not later than 20th,November, 2012. Copies of the degree, CV, passport and Declaration stating the immediate return to home country after the course must be sent before to the attention of Prof. Ssa Francesca Giofre: Email: masterhealthdesign@gmail.com or post to: Prof. Ssa Francesca Giofre universita degli studi di Roma la Sapienza, via Flamina 70-72, 00196 Roma Tel 390680916026/28, fax 390649919028/06 with the envelope marked application for Master in Architecture for Health. NOTE: (i) THOSE WITH TEACHING DUTIES IN SUBJECTS RELATED TO THE MASTER IN PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES AND CONSTITUENT COLLEGES ARE ENCOURAGED TO APPLY. (ii) THOSE WITH ORGANIZATIONAL DUTIES IN HEALTH OFFICES IN PUBLIC SECTOR ARE ALSO ENCOURAGED TO APPLY

3. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from and inspect the bidding documents at the office of : Head of Procurement, Kenya National Highways Authority, Blue Shield Towers, Upper Hill, 1st Floor, P.O. Box 49712-00100, NAIROBI, KENYA Email: felix.koske@kenha.co.ke 4. A complete set of bidding documents may be purchased by interested bidders on the submission of a written application to the above and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of Ksh. 15,000.00 (Kenya shillings fifteen thousand only) or its equivalent in a freely convertible currency in form of a bankers cheque payable to: Kenya National Highways Authority . 5. The provisions in the Instructions to Bidders and in the General Conditions of Contract are the provisions of the African Development Bank Standard Bidding Document: Procurement of Works. 6. A site visit conducted by the employer shall be organized on 5th December, 2012 at 0900hrs at Mwatate followed by Pre-bid meeting at 14.30hrs at Taveta. 7. The bid submission date has been extended to Friday 18th January, 2013 at 12.30 hrs East African Time at KeNHA Headquarters, Blue shield towers, 3rd Floor. 8. The bids must be accompanied by a bid security of Ksh. 20,000,000.00 (Kenya shillings twenty million only) or its equivalent in a freely convertible currency. 9. Bids will be opened in the presence of bidders representatives who choose to attend at 12.30 hrs East African Time on Friday 18th January, 2013 at the offices of: Secretary/Tender Committee Kenya National Highways Authority, Blue Shield Towers, Upper Hill, 1st Floor, P. O. Box 49712-00100, NAIROBI, KENYA Email: dg@kenha.co.ke

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

Advertising Feature 41


The New Vice Chancellor
Prof. Tibenderana, popularly known as Tibbs, comes in with a wealth of scholarly and administrative experience from Nigeria and Makerere University. I worked at Ahmadu Bello University for 13 years as a lecturer in History, a research fellow, senior research fellow and reader, says Prof. Tibenderana. A research fellow is a scholar who is engaged in full time research in higher education. A reader is an equivalent of an associate professor in the Ugandan higher education context. Prof. Tibenderana joined Makerere University in 1989. While at Makerere University, he was a member of Senate and the University Council (1997-2001), and head of department of History (1994-2001). He has written three books and many articles in international journals. His fourth book, Modernization of University Education in Uganda; Prescription for Progress is in the press. He also has wide experience and knowledge in organizing and processing university examinations. During my headship we had a record of being the first department to complete marking university exams. I hope I can bring this achievement to KIU.

Graduating students
4000 students from all the four campuses (Dar es salaam, Kansanga, Western and KIU Nairobi campuses) will graduate with masters, bachelors degrees and diplomas. The graduands include 1400 females and 2600 males. 121 Law students, 1300 in-service and regular bachelor of education students will graduate. 125 medical students and 15 pharmacy students will also graduate. 400 students on scholarship will also graduate.

Hon. Margarete Ziwa, Dr. Magrete Mungerera to be awarded honorary PhDs Prof Muhammad Ndaula appointed Chairman, Education Publications Committee 46 to get PhDs, 125 medical doctors graduate Prof. Peter Kazenga Tibenderana has been appointed KIU Vice Chancellor ahead of the 9th graduation ceremony due November 16th and 17th 2012. Prof. Tibenderana, a former Makerere University don, replaces Prof. Muhammad Ndaula, who has been appointed a Professor of Education and Chairman of the Education Publications Committee in the Institute Of Research and Consultancy. Prof. Peter Kazenga Tibenderana has been the Senior Deputy Vice Chancellor of the 13 year old university.

Honorary PhDs
EALA Speaker Hon. Margarete Ziwa and the Chairperson, World Medical Council Dr. Margarete Mungherera will receive honorary PhDs for their respective historical accomplishments. PhDs 42 PhD (Management) graduating candidates shall also be confirmed in Management Information Systems (7), Public Management (11), Educational Planning (3), Educational Administration (10), International Business (4) and Finance and Accounting (7). KIU extends two academic scholarships to Ugandan students in each district except Karamoja region which is privileged to obtain four scholarships. The sports scholarship is also offered to talented sportsmen and sports women.

The Uniqueness of KIU

According to the former Vice Chancellor, Prof. Muhammad Ndaula, the uniqueness of KIU lies in areas of its ethos. Part of the element of this uniqueness is in the notion of being international in the context of courses, who works at KIU and who the students are. These interweave to create a unique ambience. By the time students leave, they have a different perception of who they are and what life is about. With the onslaught of globalization such a social orientation is essential. Courses at KIU are crafted because they are demanded and programmes are student centered. The students pick what they want to do contrary to the university dictating for them what they should do.

The In-takes
KIU has three in-takes for regular programmes and these include: January/February intake, March/ April,August/September intake. The Open and Distance Learning Intakes are in January, May and September and In-Service intakes are in April, August and December. Beginning January next year (2013), the weekend programmes will be restored. Weekend programmes are convenient for busy individuals who lack the time to attend either regular day or evening classes.

Other key administrative changes at KIU include the office of Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs (DVC, AA). The Makerere educated Doctor of Biology and former principal of the College of Open, Distance and E-learning; Dr. Ssekabira Kassim was elevated to the position of Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs. Dr. Muzamil Gulebyo replaces him as the new Principal of the College of Open, Distance and ELearning. The College of Open, Distance and E-Learning is one of the fastest growing colleges at KIU. Former Vice Chancellor of Makerere University, Prof. John Ssebwufu remains the chancellor. The reformist Dr. Sumil Novembrieta from Philippines also retains the office of DVC, Higher Degrees and Research.

The Future
KIU will consolidate a learner centered methodology in teaching where material is organized, an environment for engagement is created and the teacher (lecturer) acts as a facilitator. We expect KIU to be one of the leading Universities nationally, on the African continent and internationally. With patience and commitment this ambition is achievable, says Prof. Tibenderana. Signed: Management Kampala International University

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DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012



Applications are invited for the following programmes to be offered at Nairobi City Campus as indicated against each programme. Details of each programme, admission criteria, fee structure, mode of delivery and application procedure can be accessed from the university website: www.egerton.ac.ke. Application deadline is Friday, 7th December 2012. Diploma in Procurement and Logistics Management Diploma in Business Management Bachelor of Commerce (BCom.) Master of Business Administration (MBA) Master of Human Resource Management (MHRM) Bridging in English and Bridging in Maths Certificates Course in Library & Information Studies Certificate Courses in the following areas: (i) Criminology and Forensic Investigations (ii) Terrorism and Global Security (iii) Intelligence and Community Policing (iv) Public Prosecution and Paralegal Process (v) Criminology and Criminal Justice (vi) Social Work and Community Development (vii) Certificate in Information Security and Cyber Forensic (viii) Certificate in Disaster Management (ix) Certificate in Human Rights and Democracy (x) Certificate in Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies (xi) Certificate in Information, Communication Technology Diploma in Library & Information Studies B.A (Criminology & Security Studies) Bachelor of Library and Information Science (BLINS) B.A Economic & Sociology B.A Economics & History BSc. Economics & Statistics Bachelor of Arts M. A Sociology M.A in Criminology and Criminal Justice MA in Security Management Diploma in Education Arts (Secondary) Diploma in Education (December Intake) Bachelor of Education (Arts) Bachelor of Psychology M.ED in Education Management (Planning and Economic Options) M.ED in Curriculum and Instruction BA in Gender, Women and Development Studies Masters in Gender, Women and Development Studies

Senior Medical Manager: East Africa

The position
Key responsibilities for this position include, but are not limited to: Develop, implement and localise clinical research strategy for the East African market in alignment with global product development for the various portfolios; Formulate and develop local marketing strategies, product and disease specific messages in alignment with global strategies for assigned products dependant on the lifecycle of the product.; Develop and maintain KOL relationships to ensure endorsement of the product; Develop and formulate Medical Marketing Plans in line with Marketing strategy; Understand and apply knowledge with respect to evidence based medicine; Attend and participate actively in product, international business team and Sales team meetings; Train and provide Medical support on related products and disease areas to all members of the product teams; Plan, implement and adhere to Product research budget plan; Planning and Implementation of Clinical Studies as required in line with regulations and Roche SOPs Respond to medical related queries from Doctors & Specialists; Provide people management, leadership and team development for local medical team. The successful candidate should be in possession of: MBCHB degree. Relevant clinical trails experience and knowledge of relevant therapeutic areas. Minimum of 2 years medical Marketing experience. The following special skills are key to this role: Ability to understand, analyse and interpret medical data and convert this to business applicability; Excellent customer relations and interpersonal skills; Ability to adopt and abide to values and procedures that reflect organisational and professional norms; Ability to perform effectively and efficiently under high levels of pressure Computer literacy (MS Office package ) Who you are Youre someone who wants to influence your own development. Youre looking for a role where you have the opportunity to pursue your interests across functions and geographies, and where a job title is not considered the final definition of who you are, but the starting point. The next step is yours. To apply forward your application together with a detailed CV for the attention Simplicity Paneng on simplicity.paneng@roche.com by 21 November 2012. Late applications will not be considered.


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DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

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DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012


46 |

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012


South Nyanza Sugar Company Limited invites sealed tenders from competent vendors for the provision of the below listed services/supply of goods. Tenders are open to all candidates meeting the eligibility criteria set in the tender document. S/No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.. Tender Reference number SNSC/147/2012/2013 SNSC/148/2012/2013 SNSC/149/2012/2013 SNSC/150/2012/2013 SNSC/151/2012/2013 SNSC/152/2012/2013 SNSC/153/2012/2013 SNSC/154/2012/2013 SNSC/155/2012/2013 SNSC/156/2012/2013 SNSC/157/2012/2013 SNSC/158/2012/2013 SNSC/159/2012/2013 SNSC/160/2012/2013 SNSC/161/2012/2013 SNSC/162/2012/2013 Description of the tender Supply of fertilizer and Herbicides Supply and Installation of a waste incinerator Supply, Installation and Commission of power transformers Supply of one new 115-120HP 4WD Tractor Supply of 65 seater corporate bus Supply of Disc Ploughs Supply of one new hydraulic excavator with track Supply of non-deluxe bus/couch/truck Supply of Positive Displacement pumps Supply of side loading trailers Supply of slip ring and thrust motors Supply of tyre truck Supply of variable frequency drives (VSD) Supply of new Winch Boxes Supply of Microbus Ambulance Request for Proposals (RFP) for consultancy service to conduct a study on sustainable sugarcane production within Company estate and Outgrowers belt in the Sonysugar belt Provision of consultancy service for EPC project management for a proposed Ethanol Plant Distillery. Type of tender National tender National tender National tender National tender National tender National tender National tender National tender National tender National tender National tender National tender National tender National tender National tender International tender Closing date 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 6/12/2012 18/12/2012

Management Sciences for Health (MSH) is a nonprofit international health organization with over four decades of experience in strengthening health systems, and capacity of local institutions. MSH takes a comprehensive approach to improving health to achieve scalability, lasting impact, and sustainability. Our mission is to save lives and improve the health of the worlds poorest and most vulnerable people by closing the gap between knowledge and action in public health. For more information please visit our website www.msh.org. MSH would like to invite suitably qualified and experienced candidates to join its team based in Kenya in the following positions; INSTITUTIONAL STRENGHTHENING MARKETPLACE AND COMMUNICATIONS ADVISOR The Institutional Strengthening (IS Marketplace and Communications Advisor will work under FANIKISHA Project, a USAID funded project that focuses on strengthening the Technical and Institutional Capacity of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Kenya to enable them be responsive to the community health response for the health and well being of Kenyans. S/he will provide leadership and technical assistance in managing the institutional strengthening marketplace, lead project strategic communication initiatives and provide Technical Assistance to CSOs in the communication area of institutional capacity strengthening. S/he will coordinate and provide oversight on the development and maintenance of both face to face and web-based marketplace and promote its use, including establishing forums for knowledge exchange, sharing tools and innovations and making updates on CSO activities. S/he will identify CSOs partners and institutional strengthening consultants and maintain an active network of community-based and other local and national organizations with whom the project can partner to increase awareness of, and access to, information on project activities. The ideal candidate will provide technical support to CSOs and other partners on developing training and capacity building materials related to communications capacity development as required. S/he will be responsible for preparing and editing all external project communications including, reports, success stories and publications. The successful candidate should possess a minimum of a Masters degree in public health, education, communication or a related field and 5 years relevant working experience. Experience in working with websites, electronic portals and other electronic tools for communications and marketing is desirable. Applicants should demonstrate excellent writing and editing skills in a variety of mediums and should have excellent interpersonal and public communication skills. The candidate must be able to develop and provide technical assistance or consultancy INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) OFFICER Reporting to the Country Operations Management Unit Director, the IT officer will be responsible for providing IT Management and Support to MSH Kenya Office. S/he will ensure availability of the internal systems, including LAN, WAN, phone, video and teleconference. In addition, S/he will setup and maintain proper internal server and systems adhering to security and privacy standards, ensure effective computer maintenance, advice the management on ICT purchases and provide IT support to all MSH staff and contractors. The ideal candidate should have a Bachelors Degree in Information Technology, Computer Science or a related field or equivalent relevant experience. S/he should have 5 years relevant working experience with Knowledge in administering Microsoft Windows Server 2008/2003 , Microsoft Office suites, Microsoft Exchange 2003/2007/2010 with considerable knowledge of DNS, DHCP, Active Directory. The suitable candidate should have strong analytical and problem solving skills. S/he should be a good team player with good interpersonal skills. HR ASSISTANT The HR Assistant will provide administrative and technical support to the Human Resource Unit in the Kenya Country Office. S/he will give support throughout the recruitment and placement process, processes all general applications as per set procedures and maintain general applications roster/data base at country level. In addition, s/he will monitor, staff employment contracts and develop and maintain relevant filing systems for optimal management of HR information S/he will be receives and review correspondence to the office, provides the relevant case history, prepares routine responses as relevant. In addition, s/he will support in the creation of a healthy working environment through, open management policies, information and sharing. The ideal candidate should have a Bachelors degree in Human Resource Management or Business Administration or equivalent with minimum 3 years relevant working experience. S/he should have excellent interpersonal skills with ability to work independently with minimum supervision. Management Sciences for Health is an equal opportunity employer offering employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, and national origin, and citizenship, physical or mental handicap. For further details and to apply for this position, please visit the Employment Opportunities section of our website at www.Jobs-msh.icims.com by November 30, 2012. If you cannot apply online or have difficulty doing so, please email an explanation of your problem to iRecruiterproblem@msh.org Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.



International tender


The tender documents containing detailed information on the tenders can be obtained from the office of the Head of Procurement at SARE-AWENDO or Administrative Officer- Nairobi Office, Utalii House, 2nd floor North wing, NAIROBI or Kisumu office at Tivoli Centre 1st Floor upon payment of non-refundable fee of Kshs.3, 000.00 for each complete set of documents payable in cash or bankers cheque. Duly filled and completed tender documents clearly marked Tender reference No. and Closing date should be addressed to. The Managing Director, South Nyanza Sugar Company Ltd, Off Kisii-Migori Road. P.O. Box 107-40405, Sare-Awendo. Tel. no.020-8029204 Fax.no. 020-8029204 Email;procurement@sonysugar.co.ke Website; www.sonysugar.co.ke and deposited in the tender box before the above mentioned dates at 2.00 p.m. Tenders will be opened thereafter in the companys Boardroom in the presence of tenderers or their representatives who choose to attend. Sonysugar reserves the right to accept or reject any application and is not bound to give any reasons thereof. 9001:2008 ISO CERTIFIED COMPANY

Exiting Opportunities
Kenpipe Sacco is one of the leading and well-established Saccos in Kenya. In its efforts to continually meet members needs, the Sacco wishes to fill the position of Finance Officer and therefore invites applications from qualified persons. Qualifications: University Degree in finance, accounting or business and must be CPA (K) holders. Applicants must have a minimum five (5) years experience in a computerized financial environment preferably in a large Sacco and must be aged between 30-35 years. Please visit our website http://www.kenpipesacco.com/ for details.
A reputable private school needs experienced and competent individuals to fill the following positions: English/Literature, CRE/Geography or CRE/History, Kiswahili/History or Kiswahili/ CRE, Biology/Chemistry or Chemistry/Physics or Chemistry/ Maths, Business/Geography or Maths/Business, Computer and French. Applicants must not have less than five years experience at KCSE (Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education) level. They must have proof of being high achievers. Applicants who have worked as departmental heads will have an added advantage. Untrained graduates with not less than six years experience at KCSE level may apply. The positions are accompanied by a handsome remuneration. Applications should not be sent later than December 14th 2012. Apply in confidence to: H/St P.O. Box 404-0100 Nyeri
A large and well established Trailer manufacturing company and truck assembly plant in Nairobi is seeking to fill position for; 1. WORKSHOP SUPERVISORS Skills Required; Must have worked in a busy fabrications and assembly workshop Must be a team player, able to supervise, plan assembly, fabrications and general activities for the factory and ensure target times are met. Must be mature, honest and able to work under tight schedules with minimum supervision. Qualifications, Competence & Experience Olevel C+, Diploma In mechanical engineering. Work experience from 10 years and above. Age between 30-40 years. If you meet the above requirements, send your applications to; deadline: 24.11.2012 The Chief Executive Officer P.o Box: 21123-00100 Nairobi.G.P.O

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012




Tenders are invited from technically competent and competitive firms for the supply and delivery of the following items to Chemelil Sugar Company Limited.

No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Tender No. CSCL/MT/2012-13/59 CSCL/MT/2012-13/60 CSCL/MT/2012-13/61 CSCL/MT/2012-13/62 CSCL/MT/2012-13/63 CSCL/MT/2012-13/64 CSCL/MT/2012-13/65 CSCL/MT/2012-13/66 CSCL/MT/2012-13/67 CSCL/MT/2012-13/68 CSCL/MT/2012-13/69 CSCL/MT/2012 -13/70 CSCL/MT/2012 -13/71 CSCL/MT/2012 -13/72 CSCL/MT/2012 -13/73 CSCL/MT/2012 -13/74 CSCL/MT/2012 -13/75

Item Description Supply of Gantry Crane Rails Supply Installation and Commission of Fibrizor Unit Supply of Refurbishment of 8 - ton crane beams Supply of Assorted Mill Spares (coupling boxes, trash beams, trash plates, Allen turbine transmission coupling and flanges) Supply of Baggase Carrier Sprockets Supply installation and commissioning of mass flow meter. Supply of Assorted Hardware materials (Plates, pipes, shafts, bolts & nuts etc) Supply installation and commissioning of a crane hydraulic grab Supply of K 1100 centrifugal spares Supply of Gate Valves Supply of Bearings (manufacturers only) Supply of Fabrication of Dearator Tank Supply of Process pumps (condensate, syrup, massecuite & injection water pumps) Supply rope Gaskets & Gland Packing Supply of Welding Machines, Accessories & Materials Supply of Mill Turbine Spares ( KKK spares & Allen Turbine) Valuation of company assets

The Kenya Markets Trust (KMT) is funded by UK-AID, the Netherlands Embassy and the Gatsby Charitable Foundation. The KMT mission is to make markets work better for the poor. KMT currently works in selected market sectors to boost overall competitiveness whilst strengthening the performance and position of poor people participating in markets whether as producers, employees or consumers. The services required include the development of a more efficient, innovative seeds sector to improve productivity of smallholder farmers in different agricultural subsectors. This will include development of a seeds policy and reform process; interconnected market systems; greater private sector investment in production and marketing of quality seeds; and the transformation of seeds retailing. The contract will be for an initial one year, with the possibility of renewal. KMT now invites consultants to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc.). Implementing organisations may associate to enhance their qualifications. KMT will prepare a short list of about five candidate organisations to be pre-selected on the basis of the expressions of interest received to whom KMT will send a Request for Proposals to perform the services. Expressions of interest must be delivered to the address below by the 7th December, 2012: Kenya Markets Trust Attn: Richard Carter, Director of Finance. P.O. Box 44817, Nairobi 00100, Kenya. E-mail: Rcarter@kenyamarkets.org Web site: www.kenyamarkets.org

Tender documents with detailed specifications may be obtained from the office of the Procurement Manager upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of Kshs. 3,000.00 (Three thousand only) for each set of tender in form of cash, bankers cheque, or money order payable to Chemelil Sugar Company Limited. It may also be downloaded from our website www.chemsugar.co.ke. Tender documents must be accompanied by a security bid bond equivalent to 2% of the Tender sum. Site visits for tender number CSCL/MT/2012-13/60, 61 & 66 must be done before submitting the tenders on weekdays, during working hours. Duly completed tender documents in plain sealed envelope marked as follows: Tender, No. .. Do not open before Friday 7th December, 2012 at 2.00 p.m. Should be addressed to: The Managing Director Chemelil Sugar Company Limited P O Box 1649 KISUMU Tel: 020 2031883/4/5/7, 0722-209798, 0710-766383 Fax: 020-2031886 E-mail: info@chemsugar.co.ke pm@chemsugar.co.ke

and deposited in the Tender box at the Companys Reception to be received on or before 2.00 p.m. on Friday 7th December , 2012. Tenders will be opened on the same day, in the Companys Boardroom and tenderers or their representatives are free to attend.


P.O. BOX 36 - 60300, ISIOLO TEL. 0202304661, FAX: 0202304661



Tenders are invited from interested and competitive bidders for the supply/provision of the following of the following items/ services from the Financial Year 2012/2013. CATEGORY A: INVITATION TENDER

Crystal Valuers Limited invites Tenders from eligible and competent service providers for the provision of the following services in respect of BRUCE HOUSE, Nairobi for the period 2013-2015:TENDER NO. 1/2013-15 2/2013-15 3/2013-15 4/2013-15 5/2013-15 6/2013-15 7/2013-15 8/2013-15 9/2013-15 10/2013-15 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE Provision of garbage collection services Provision of cleaning services Provision of generator maintenance services Firefighting equipment maintenance services Provision of plants/flower maintenance services Provision of fumigation services Provision of sanitary disposal services Provision of water pumps maintenance services Air conditioning equipment maintenance services CCTV, access control and fire alarm installations maintenance services

NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

ITEM NO. Tender No. CCI/1/20 12/20 13 Tender No. CCI/2/20 12/20 13 Tender No. CCI/3/20 12/20 13 Tender No. CCI/4/20 12/20 13 Tender No. CCI/5/2012/2013 Tender No. CCI/6/2012/2013 Tender No. CCI/7/2012/2013 Tender No. CCI/8/20 12/20 13 Tender No. CCI/9/2012/201 Tender No. CCI/1 0/20 12/20 13 ITEM NO. Tender No. CCI/11/2012/2013 Tender No. CCI/12/2012/2013 Tender No. CCI/13/2012/2013

ITEM DESCRIPTION Supply and delivery of Motor vehicle spare parts Servicing and repairs of office machines and furniture Supply and delivery of food stuffs Supply and delivery of fuels, oils and lubricants Supply and delivery of tyres and tubes Repair and servicing of motor plants Printing of accountable documents Supply and delivery of detergent and cleaning materials Supply and delivery of motor plants spare parts. Supply and delivery of office furniture ITEM DESCRIPTION Provision of computers repair and maintenance services Review of strategic plan for 2012/2017 Research on recycling of polythen papers


11. 12. 13.

Tender in plain sealed envelopes, clearly marked at the right hand side corner as Tender of ..............................indicating the tender Number and addressed to:THE COUNTY CLERK COUNTY COUNCIL OF ISIOLO P.O. BOX 36 - 60300, ISIOLO Should be deposited at the tender box placed outside the County Clerks Office, or sent by registered mail so as to reach the Council not later than 6th December 2012.Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter in the Council Chamber. Tenderers of their representatives may attend and witness the tender opening. Tender documents may be obtained from the Council cash office situated at the Council Head Office at Isiolo upon the payment of non-refundable fee of Kshs. 3,000 in cash to the County Council of Isiolo. Tenderers are further advised to attach copies of V.A.T PIN and Certificate of Incorporation and any evidence of tax payment compliance to the Government. The Council reserves the right to accept or reject any tender in whole or in part, and is not bound to give any reason thereof. N.B: CORRECTION: TENDER FOR E-TICKETING SERVICES AS ADVERTISED IN THE DAILY NATION ON 14TH NOVEMBER 2012 IS NOT PART OF OUR TENDER NOTICE RE-ADVERTISED MAURICE OGOLLA COUNTY CLERK COUNTY COUNCIL OF ISIOLO

Interested service providers should obtain the Tender documents from Crystal Valuers Limited office, 4th floor, South Wing, Bruce House, upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Kshs.3,000/- either in cash or bankers cheque payable to Crystal Valuers Limited. Completed tender documents (original and two copies) in plain sealed outer envelope enclosing separately sealed envelopes all clearly marked CRYSTAL VALUERS LIMITED TENDER NO: ./2012-2015: FOR THE PROVISION OF IN BRUCE HOUSE, NAIROBI as per instructions in the tender document and addressed to:Managing Director Crystal Valuers Limited P.O. Box 10205 00100 NAIROBI. should be delivered to Crystal Valuers Limited, Bruce House, 4th Floor, South Wing, Nairobi to be received on or before 11.00 a.m. on 7th December, 2012. Crystal Valuers Limited reserves the right to accept or reject any tender either in whole or in part without giving reasons for either rejection or acceptance and does not bind itself to accept the lowest tender.

48 | Jobs

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

Kericho Primary School is a private academic institution owned by the Kenya Tea Growers Association. The Kenya Tea Growers Association is a dynamic organization in the tea industry, established to promote industry leadership and foster profitable growth in harmony with good corporate citizenship and a sustainable approach to business. Kericho Primary School is offering quality nursery and primary education based on the 8-4-4 system against the backdrop of moral and social values. THE POSITION: Reporting to the headteacher, the school seeks to recruit a dedicated, and results oriented professional to fill the following teaching position. Kiswahili/Social Studies Maths/Science


1. Opportunities for Support for Post-PhD, PhD and Masters Students and independent researchers in Mental Health and Substance Use Related Research in Kenya; Training through Computer-Based Distance Education; and School Mental Health
Africa Mental Health Foundation (AMHF) is a non-governmental and charitable organization dedicated to research supporting evidence-based policy, service provision and health promotion in relation to mental and neurological health, and substance use. AMHF conducts operational and multi-disciplinary research for affordable, appropriate, available and accessible mental health and substance use services to all Kenyans irrespective of their socio-economic status. The Foundation has one of the best human and physical infrastructures in Africa to facilitate, support and manage research in mental health and substance use. With funding from Grand Challenges Canada (GCC) and in collaboration with our partners (University of Toronto, NextGenU.org, University of British Columbia and other researchers), AMHF is offering opportunities for students and researchers from varied disciplines in mental health and substance use related research, including qualitative and quantitative research, health services and systems research, and research on distance computer-based education to improve availability of human resources to address mental health and substance use. In addition to these, AMHF is also offering opportunities for community engagement research and school mental health research with a view to enabling children achieve full potential. All concepts and proposals for support by AMHF will be competitive and will undergo reviews by independent panelists, specialized in the area of interest, for scientific merit and innovation on how the research will advance community mental health towards mental health for all in Kenya. NOTE: Applicants do not necessarily have to be psychiatrists or medical doctors. For more details visit: http://www.africamentalhealthfoundation.org/research/ amhf_opportunities.pdf 2. Online Mental Health Learning Materials Are you interested in accessing online learning materials in mental health from some of the best universities, institutions and leading professional bodies in the world? This facilitation is offered at no fee by AMHF and is open to students, researchers and other individuals based in any part of Africa. For details visit: http://www.africamentalhealthfoundation.org/research/onlinelearning.html 3. Opportunities on Community Mental Health Training and Research at The University of California, Berkeley, USA. For more details visit: http://www.africamentalhealthfoundation.org/uclberkeley.html

KEY RESPONSIBILITIES The job holder (s) will a) Offer quality teaching with specialization in the above subjects combination. b) Participate in school academic and co-curriculum activities. c) Monitor performance of students and provide necessary reports to school management. THE PERSON P1 certificate from a recognized institution. At least three (3) years teaching experience in reputable institution and particularly in upper primary. Proven track record in achieving good results to being ranked amongst the top from at least provincial level. Energetic, self driven and of high integrity. Communicates clearly and in a concise manner. Possesses good interpersonal skills with the ability to network with colleagues. HOW TO APPLY If you meet the requirements of the position, please submit an application, including a detailed CV, your postal address, E-mail, telephone contacts with the names and addresses of three professional referees so as to reach us not later than 30th November 2012 and be addressed to; The Headteacher, Kericho Primary School, P. O. Box 109 20200, KERICHO. Email: info@kerichoprimary.ac.ke Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

Jobs 49

Keswick Books & Gifts ltd a leader in Christian Literature has branches in Sarit Centre, Nakumatt-Prestige, Mombasa and Bruce House, Nairobi. It is seeking to recruit experienced and exceptional individuals to fill the following positions; 1. GENERAL MANAGER Qualification, Skills & Competencies Must be a born again Christian Aged between 35 - 50 years 5 years working experience in senior management position Bachelors degree in Commerce, Business administration or Economics Other relevant professional qualification will be an added advantage 2. MARKETING MANAGER Qualfcation, Skills & Competencies Must be a born again Christian Aged between 30 - 45 years Minimum 4 years Marketing experience or related field Bachelors degree in Commerce, Business administration or Economics Other relevant professional qualification will be an added advantage If you believe you can clearly demonstrate your abilities to meet the relevant criteria for this role, please submit your application with a detailed CV, stating your current position, remuneration, email and telephone contacts on the application letter. Include names and addresses of three referees known to you. To be considered, your application must be received by Friday, 30th November, 2012 addressed to: The Secretary, Board Of Directors Keswick Books and Gifts Ltd P.O. Box 47469 - 00100, NAIROBI. KENYA What you read matters to us!

A fast growing FMCG manufacturing group of companies with branches in Nairobi County seeks to fill the following vacancies:ACCOUNTANT (3) positions) Aged between 35-50 Years & must be a Holder of CPA to level 3 sec 6 5 years experience & capable of preparing all Books of Accounts up to balance sheet & profit & Loss Statements of a manufacturing company Experience in BAKERY ACCOUNTS will be an added advantage BAKER Minimum qualifications Form IV leaver Aged between 25-40 Over 2 years in a busy hot bread shop Able to bake and decorate all types of cakes Able to bake all types of bread and bread products. Send your application and CV to Human Resource Manager, P.O .Box 60703 -00200, Nairobi

50 | Jobs
Employment Opportunity
Chief Executive Officer
VIWANGO is a newly established and independent Kenyan Civil Society Organization self-regulatory initiative. Its primary role is to promote the adoption of minimum standards of excellence by Civil Society Organizations in Kenya. VIWANGO is strongly committed to improving the performance of CSOs through the promotion and application of minimum standards and voluntary independent certification. VIWANGO was founded following over five years of intensive consultative work by leading Kenyan and International CSOs working. VIWANGO invites applications from qualified and experienced individuals to fit the position of Chief Executive Officer based in Nairobi, Kenya. Reporting to the VIWANGO Board, the incumbent will provide overall visionary leadership to VIWANGO team and lead programme development and resource mobilisation efforts with impeccable standards of suitability, efficiency and effectiveness. The Chief Executive Officer is also responsible for leading financial planning and management including budgeting, grant and contract management, reporting and audits. The incumbent must ensure appropriate VIWANGO certification mechanisms are in place and lead wide adoption of the standards and voluntary certification by CSOs in Kenya. They must develop and build solid working relationships with current and potential donors; government, public and private sector constituents as well as other relevant stakeholders. Overall, the Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the implementation of the VIWANGO strategic and business plans. Qualifications: Minimum masters degree or equivalent in Development Studies, Social Sciences, Business Management or related fields. Minimum 5 years experience in similar capacity in CSO sector, programme development, management and fundraising with national, regional and international development agencies. Proven track record in resource mobilisation and financial management. Strong networks with the government, private sector, donors and development community stakeholders in Kenya and globally. Excellent communication, interpersonal skills and negotiation skills. Integrity and solid judgement with critical and strategic thinking. Display tact and diplomacy to the board and act as a team player and leader. Passion and enthusiasm for credibility, integrity and professionalism in the CSO sector. Eligibility to work in Kenya. Contract Duration: 1 year renewable (subject to satisfactory performance and funding) Interested applicants are encouraged to submit their CV (not exceeding 3 pages), including contact details of three professional references, and a covering letter explaining why they are best suited for the position by November 30th, 2012 to (recruitment@viwango.org) with Chief Executive Officer VIWANGO on the subject line or to P. O. Box 4932 00200 Nairobi Kenya (envelop marked Job Application). Please Note: Only short listed candidates will be contacted.

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

KEMRI/USAMRU-K The Walter Reed Project

The Walter Reed Project is a research-based organization that is affiliated to the Kenya Medical Research Institute. Our mission is to develop and test improved means for predicting, detecting, preventing and treating infectious diseases. The organization seeks to fill the following position.


Closing Date: 28th November 2012 at 4 pm Duty Station: Nairobi

Job Summary: To work under the supervision of the head (Lab Director) VHF laboratory, Centre for Virus Research, KEMRI. Position Duties: 1. Ensure that all Lab SOPs and Protocols are implemented as required. 2. Budget for and order all Laboratory supplies to support Lab activities. 3. Supervise the Manage VHF Laboratory budgetary allocations. 4. Monitor the work progress of all VHF Laboratory staff through mentorship and supervision. 5. Maintain a specimen monitoring and tracking system for all past and future laboratory specimens 6. Manage the VHF laboratory in the event of a disease epidemic or other public health emergency in which case the lab manager will be expected to work overtime and on weekends. 7. Counsel and appraise staff, as required. 8. Seek assistance from CVR, CDC and WRP for Laboratory and Research activities, as necessary. 9. Be able to carry out any other duties as directed by the Lab Director and GEIS coordinator. Minimum job requirements and qualifications Masters in a Laboratory based science, PhD is an added advantage. At least two years laboratory research/work experience at Masters level Good knowledge and experience of Laboratory Assays, including Molecular, Serological and Entomological Techniques. Good analytical skills. Evidence of active Research through publications is an added advantage. Database management and computer skills A good attitude, communication and people management skills Terms of Employment: Contract for 1 year, renewable as per KEMRI Scheme of Service. Probation period for the first 3 months. Remuneration: Compensation is negotiable within a relevant grade, based on educational levels, relevant experience and demonstrated competency. The salary scheme is based on KEMRI scale plus supplemental amounts. Applications should include the following: Letter of Application. Those sending applications via email should write in the subject line Lab Manager VHF Current Curriculum Vitae with Contact telephone number and e-mail address Three letters of reference with contact telephone numbers and e-mail addresses Copies of Certificates and Transcripts The Human Resource Manager USAMRU-K/KEMRI Walter Reed Project, P.O. Box 29893- 00202 Nairobi Email Nairobi.HR@usamru-k.org Link: http://www.usamrukenya-deid.org/careers/vacancies Only short listed candidates will be contacted

A new Property Development company in Nairobi is seeking to fill the following positions:

Personal Assistant Providing assistance and support to the MD. Taking care of administrative matters in the office. Qualifications - University Degree in business administration, At least 4 years work experience as a PA. Sales Manager Heading the sales and marketing functions. Qualifications - University Degree in sales and marketing, At least 6 years experience in Property Sales. Sales Executive Assisting sales manager in the sales functions. Qualifications - University Degree in sales and marketing, prior experience in property sales an advantage but not a necessity. Good knowledge of IT will be an advantage. Site Sales Persons Showing the property to prospective buyers and following up sales leads. Qualifications -University Degree, prior experience in property sales an advantage but not a necessity. Must be a people and service oriented person. Accountant Book keeping, creating accounts and taking responsibility of the HR functions. Qualifications -CPA qualified, at least 6 years experience in accounting. Legal clerk Following up documentation and legal work. Qualifications -KSL qualified and experience in Property Law/ Conveyance. Clerk of Works/ Project Manager Overseeing construction works onsite Qualifications. - Minimum 4 years experience with HNE qualification in Building Construction or Civil Engineering Construction. All candidates should send a CV, covering letter and salary expectations to kenyapropertyrecruitment@gmail.com by 23/11/12. The candidate must make it clear which post is being applied for in the subject line of the email sent. Only the candidates with the necessary qualifications will be considered.

Country Economist (Somalia)

Local Appointment (Level GF, Three Years, renewable) Location: Nairobi, Kenya
The World Banks Somalia, Sudan and South Sudan Poverty Reduction and Economic Management (S-S-SS PREM) unit wishes to hire a locally recruited Economist with excellent technical and analytical skills to support the work program of S-S-SS PREM, and specifically to operate as Country Economist for Somalia. The position is based in the World Banks Nairobi office. The selected candidate will be expected to work closely with professional counterparts in the Government, as well as the community of international development partners. The S-S-SS PREM team has responsibility for analytical work and the associated policy dialogue across a range of economic issues, including growth and competitiveness, public financial management, public expenditure reviews, governance, and poverty. The position involves traveling to Somalia and elsewhere as appropriate. The selected candidate will be operating within a matrix management framework, reporting to the AFTP2 Sector Manger in Washington DC and working in close collaboration with the Country Director and the PREM Sector Leader based in Nairobi. S/he will also work and coordinate closely with the various Bank task managers working on economic issues. While a significant share of his/her time will be devoted to Somalia country program the selected candidate should also expect to complement the work program with tasks focusing on Sudan and South Sudan. S/he will play a role, jointly with the Lead Economist and other Country Economists in the unit, in the policy dialogue with the different Government authorities (Somalia/Sudan/South Sudan) and development partners and the design of relevant economic work to support government objectives; conduct macroeconomic monitoring and analysis of recent macroeconomic developments; take the lead in the preparation of Economic and Sector Work (ESW); disseminate new ideas, creative approaches, and successful international experiences at Federal as well as State Level; and build partnerships and identify opportunities for joint work with other units inside and outside the World Bank Selection criteria: The successful candidate should have at least a Masters degree in Economics, Public Administration or a related field, with a minimum of 5 years of direct relevant work experience; plus demonstrated experience. Excellent verbal and written communication skills, including demonstrated experience of developing policy relevant material for government policymakers, with particular emphasis on fiscal decentralization; Strong quantitative skills and experience in developing/managing complex databases; Demonstrated experience of independently managing work programs; A record of relevant publications and experience of working in and a deep understanding of devolution processes in one or more developing country contexts, with a particular emphasis on fiscal decentralization and the transition to devolved government. For the full job description and full selection criteria, qualified candidates are requested to visit and submit an electronic application through the World Bank careers website: www.worldbank.org/jobs click on >employment opportunities >professional/technical staff opportunities >current vacancies > job# 122583 to submit your application electronically to the World Bank. Email or postal/paper applications will not be considered. The closing date is end of day 19th November 2012. Only short listed candidates will be contacted. Qualified male and female candidates of diverse background (gender, religious, ethnic etc) are encouraged to apply.

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

Jobs 51


KCB is looking for a qualified individual to fill in the following position:

1. Head of Diaspora Banking: Job Ref: RB 442012

For more details on the job description and application procedure, kindly visit our website www.kcbbankgroup.com and click on the career icon. KCB is an equal opportunity employer.

52 | Jobs

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012



Vacancy announcement Executive Coordinator

Adeso : African Development Solutions www.adesoafrica.org Position Title Executive Coordinator Reporting to Executive Director Working with Executive Director, Heads of Departments, Country Directors, Program Team Program/ Duty station Nairobi Duration 1 year with possibility of extension
ORGANIZATIONAL CONTEXT Adeso, formerly known as Horn Relief, is an expanding and vibrant African based international development and humanitarian organization. At Adeso, we work with African communities who are yet to realize their full potential; working inside these communities to create environments in which Africans can thrive. POSITION SUMMARY The Executive Coordinator will report directly to the Executive Director (ED). S/he will be responsible for the coordination of activities (operations and planning) and ensuring timely flow of information to and from the executive office. APPLICATION PROCESS For a full job description, see www.adesoafrica.org/work-for-us. Applications should be emailed to jobs@adesoafrica.org, with Executive Coordinator in the email subject matter, by 30th November 2012. Applications not including all of the above information will not be reviewed.

CARE International in Kenya is looking for a well organized and highly motivated individual who is result-oriented to fill the following position: Assistant Logistics Officer-School Meals Program (Ref:ALO-SMP/11/2012). Based in Dadaab Reporting to the Education Officer, the incumbent will be responsible for receiving and issuing of both food commodities and non food items (NFIs) to the targeted beneficiaries as well as adhering to the reporting regulations as provided for in the Standard Operating Procedures and Memorandum of understanding with the Project Donors. Applications If you feel you meet the requirements for this position, send your application indicating the reference number, title of the position along with an updated CV and telephone contacts of three professional referees to: The Human Resources & Development Manager, CARE International in Kenya, Email: Vacancies@care.or.ke so as to be received not later than 24th November, 2012. Only short listed candidates will be contacted. CARE is an equal opportunity employer and promotes gender equity. Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification. CARE International in Kenya does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process. (Application, interview, meeting, processing, training or any other fees).


Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Adeso is an equal opportunity employer

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

Jobs 53
Turkana Project Manager
Summary: CRWRC is recruiting a Project Manager to effectively manage the grant and communication requirements of CRWRCs Turkana project in Katilu, Southern Turkana. This position entails building Capacity and Strengthening Community Resilience. The position will manage a small team of colleagues as they carry out all of the project activities and ensure that all project goals and objectives are met within the time period of the project. The position will also ensure that the activities and human impact of the disaster response intervention are effectively communicated to CRWRCs country staff, international disaster response staff, constituents and donors. The position will also proactively identify and seek out opportunities to link rehabilitation activities into long term development initiatives in the area, particularly ongoing CRWRCs development work in South Turkana. This is a six month contract with the possibility of extension. For the full description of this position, please visit the following site www.worldrenew.net/turkana manager The successful Candidate will have: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Minimum Bachelors degree in environmental studies, public health or development studies or related degree or equivalent work experience; Minimum five years of progressively responsible work experience in Disaster Risk Reduction and community facilitation; Prior experience in managing field teams and developing capacity of staff through mentorship and participatory training methods; Prior experience working in pastoral areas, where there are fluid community and government dynamics and insecure environments Effective human relation skills - encourage collaborative teamwork, empower others, and build positive networks of support Strong written and verbal communication skills; Excellent organisation skills demonstrate self starting, planning and implementation skills, as well as an ability and flexibility to successfully multitask and prioritize; Critical thinking skills ability to analyse a situation to determine needs, brainstorm possibilities and/or create opportunities, problem solve and/or generate solutions, develop recommendations or make decisions. Disciplined, self-motivated work style; able to function competently and productively with little supervision

This is a challenging opportunity for a dedicated and highly motivated professional. If you would like to join this dynamic team and be part of building capacity and strengthening community resilience in Turkana, please submit your application to wrkenya@world-renew.net not later than 22nd November,2012. Each application should be addressed to the Human Resources Manager and should include the following: An updated CV An application letter which should include current remuneration and expected remuneration At least contact information for three work-related referees. NB: Applications not including all of the above information will not be reviewed. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Christian Reformed World Relief Committee is an equal opportunity employer

RTI is an independent organization dedicated to conducting innovative, multidisciplinary research that improves the human condition. With a worldwide staff of more than 4,000 people, RTI offers innovative research and development and a full spectrum of multidisciplinary services. Universities in North Carolina founded RTI in 1958 as a centerpiece of the Research Triangle Park.


Background of LRF: Legal Resources Foundation Trust (LRF) is a national civil society organisation that was established in April 1993. Its vision is to have a just and equitable society through human rights education, research and policy advocacy on matters of access to justice. LRF works with both state and none state agencies in matters of criminal justice and governance. It is based on Nairobi City County with regional offices in Isiolo, Kisumu and West Pokot Counties. Job Purpose: Reporting to the Board of Trustees to provide strategic leadership, conceptualisation and guidance in programmes, administration, finance and human resource management. He/she shall work through Regional Programme Coordinators to ensure coordinated, effective and efficient programme delivery, high team morale and cost effectiveness. Responsibilities (Functions and duties): 1. Develop, review, implement and disseminate the Strategic and Operational Plans 2. Conceptualise research and policy proposals in respect to the county and national development strategy 3. Represent and provide leadership in national, regional and international advocacy, policy and public interest litigation in collaboration with relevant agencies and committees 4. Provide understanding of the political and economic developments that impact on justice and access to justice in Kenya and the region 5. Manage and implement the annual stakeholder roundtable, retreat, institutional and sector peer reviews 6. Provide leadership in supporting cross regional, county and organisational learning and best practice 7. To provide leadership, represent and coordinate donor and partner liaison, compliance and reporting at the national, regional and international levels 8. To supervise, mentor, discipline, recruit and assist in the security and welfare of staff 9. To develop, review, upgrade and comply with institutional policy and manual on human and institutional resources, security, programme, administration, finance and Board 10. Secretary to the Board of Trustee and related committees REQUIREMENTS Academic and Professional Experience Masters in Law or Social Sciences Five years experience in human rights and governance or any other relevant field. Of these three years shall be in senior management Certificate in Corporate Governance Certificate in Project Cycle Management or Organizational Development Interested candidates who meet the above requirements are requested to submit a cover application letter indicating their current salary and salary expectation, updated curriculum vitae, your day time contact details, three referee contacts and copies of academic and professional certificates. Applications should be addressed and received by; Chair, Board of Trustees, Legal Resources Foundation Trust (LRF), P.O. Box 34720 00100, Nairobi City, Kenya OR Hand Delivered along Lenana Road, Hurlingham AND on email to application@lrfkenya.org on or before 30th November 2012 by 17.00hrs. LRF is an equal opportunity employer. Only short listed candidates will be contacted for interview on Friday, 14th December 2012.


The position is responsible for ensuring appropriate systems and procedures (cash management, vendor payments, budgeting and other related expenditures) are followed to properly disburse, account, budget and report project funds in a cost effective, timely and appropriate manner that conforms with RTI Internationals internal controls and complies with donor nancial rules and regulations. He / She will perform compliance reviews of International Expense Reports (ER) in accordance with compliance matrix requirements for all international eld ofces to ensure adherence to RTI policies and procedures. He / She will also update access databases for ERs received and reviewed, track all non-compliance issues unto resolution and recommend corrective action for any unresolved issues. Required qualication and experience: Minimum of a B.Com or B.Sc. Degree in Accounting with at least three (3) years or Masters with two (2) years full time experience with either a public or global corporate accounting body; Strong analytical skills in reviewing general ledger accounts and foreign currency transactions including FAS 52 experience is required; Prociency in Microsoft Ofce applications; Accounting ERP systems experience required and knowledge of Costpoint, Accpac or QuickBooks is a denite plus. Experience with international donors such as USAID, DFID, etc. and French language skills are a plus. To apply, please email cover letter and CV to hrapplications@nb.rti.org by November 23rd 2012. Applicants must include the POSITION, TITLE in the subject line of their email. Please do not attach copies of certicates. We regret that only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

We are proud to be an EEO/AA employer M/F/D/V

54 | Jobs
Council of Legal Education

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

Kenya School of Law

The Kenya School of Law is a Postgraduate Training Institution run under the auspices of the Council of Legal Education Act, Cap. 16A of the Laws of Kenya. The core mandate of the Council of Legal Education is inter alia to train for legal professional development and in particular to train lawyers for entry into the legal profession as Advocates of the High Court of Kenya. For over 40 years the School has discharged this mandate under the leadership of the office of the Attorney General and the Ministry of Justice National Cohesion and Constitutional Affairs. From 2006, however, the School became a Semi-Autonomous Government Agency (SAGA) with an expanded mandate and reviewed terms of service for its staff. The core functions of the School as currently constituted includes provision of the following services; Advocates Training and Paralegal Studies; Continuing Professional Development, Projects and Legal Research Accreditation and enforcement of compliance by legal education and training institutions 3. as a quality assurance officer or related position; Have demonstrated ability to perform standard quality assurance / control evaluation procedures, data evaluation and concise report writing skills; 2. 3. Have a minimum of three years working experience in a kitchen in a busy institution; Possess a valid Food Handlers certificate.





Overall purpose of the job Reporting to the Chef, the incumbent will be involved in planning and ensuring food is prepared in a timely manner and to the standards of the School. Person Specifications 1. 2. 3. Possess a diploma in Food and Beverage Production or equivalent from a recognized training institution; Have a minimum of two years working experience in a busy institution. Possess a valid Food Handlers certificate

Overall purpose of the job Reporting to the Assistant Director,Continuing Professional Development, Projects and Research, (CPD P & R), the incumbent will teach short training courses and carry out research. The incumbent will also assist in the planning and coordination of specific programmes or projects within the sub-directorate. Person Specification The successful candidate will: Possess a LLB degree or equivalent from a recognized 1. university; Have served for a minimum of years 5 as an academic in a 2. legal training institution or as a consultant. Have the ability to coordinate and conduct short-term legal 3. training programmes;

In order to effectively meet these expanded functions the School wishes to recruit full time high calibre personnel who will join the existing strong team of staff to help it realize its vision of being the preferredcentre of excellence in legal education and training in the Eastern Africa region and beyond. We are looking for an independent, strategic actor who is in good health, ICT literate; customer oriented, and can lead change. Specifically we seek to recruit:-





Overall purpose of the job Reporting to the Chef, the incumbent will assist the Head Cook in food preparation and ensuring food is prepared in a timely manner and to the standards of the School. Person Specifications Possess a Certificate in Food and Beverage Production or 1. equivalent from a recognized training institution; Have a minimum of five years working experience in a busy 2. institution. Possess a valid Food Handlers certificate 3. In addition to the above specifications candidates will:Have excellent communication skills with the ability to 1. prepare and present good oral and written reports; Possess excellent communication skills with the ability to 2. prepare and present concise oral and written reports; Have excellent planning and organizational skills; 3. Have good Information Communication Technology skills; 4. Have good customer care and public relations skills; 5. Possess good interpersonal relations skills and be a team 6. player; Have the ability to work under minimal supervision 7. Note that all candidates will eventually be required to produce Certificates of Good Conduct. Competitive remuneration package and benefits will be offered to the successful candidate. All applications should include the job reference number, a reliable email address, day-time telephone contact and must be accompanied with a detailed curriculum vitae and copies of relevant certificates. Send your application to:The Director / CEO, Kenya School of Law, P. O. Box 30369-00100, Nairobi. So as to reach him not later than 30th November 2012





Overall purpose of the job Reporting to the Assistant Director,Advocates Training Programme and Paralegal Studies, (ATP & PS),the incumbent will provide teaching and research services. Person Specification The successful candidate will: 1. Possess an LLB degree or equivalent from a recognized university; Have served for a minimum of 5 years as an academic in 2. a legal training or educational institution or as a practicing advocate; Have the ability to conduct legal training at a practical level; 3.

Overall purpose of the job Reporting to the Assistant Director, Finance & Administration the incumbent will oversee the management of Human Resources and the Administration of the School and will also act as the Secretary to the School Management Committee. Person Specification The successful candidate will: 1. Possess a Masters degree in Human Resource Management or equivalent; Have at least 10 years relevant working experience five of 2. which should be at a managerial level in a busy organization; Registered member of the Institute of Human Resource 3. Management; Having exposure to or experience in the following areas will 4. be an added advantage; Performance Contracting in the public sector, a. ISO 9001 quality standards, b. c. Staff performance management using the Balanced Score Card or other management tools; Assessment centre approach to selection or any other d. behaviour-based selection method




Overall purpose of the job Reporting to the Administration Officer Hospitality, the incumbent will ensure that the School Hostels and Conference rooms are always clean and neat and ensure that guests accommodation is booked in advance and payments done. Person Specifications 1. 2. Possess a degree in Housekeeping or equivalent from a recognized training institution; Have a minimum of three years working experience in a busy institution.



Overall purpose of the job Reporting to the Assistant Director,Quality Assurance, Compliance and Accreditation, the incumbent will be responsible for developing, directing and coordinating a comprehensive quality assurance and quality control policy focused on legal education and training in the Country. Person Specification The successful candidate will: Possess a Masters degree in Curriculum Development, 1. Education Planning or Management from a recognized university; Have served for a minimum of 5 years, 3 of which should be 2.




Applications can also be dropped at our Dropping Zone 141 Revlon Professional Plaza, Tubman Road, Nairobi. Please note that due to the high number of applications anticipated, it will not be possible for us to respond to each application and only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. CLE / KSL is an equal opportunity employer.

Overall purpose of the job Reporting to the Administration Officer Hospitality, the incumbent will be the overall in charge of catering and kitchen administration and will ensure high and improving standards of the catering and service unit. Person Specifications 1. Possess a degree in Food and Beverage Production or equivalent from a recognized training institution;

Kenya School of Law is ISO 9001: 2008 certified institution

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) in Kenya serves vulnerable populations in the Turkana and Garissa regions as well as in Eastleigh, Nairobi. The IRC implements programs in the areas of comprehensive primary health care, nutrition, protection, peace building, water and sanitation and hygiene (WASH), HIV/AIDS prevention, response to gender based violence, disaster risk reduction (DRR), livelihoods and governance. Applications are invited for the following positions:

INVESTMENT/JOB OPPORTUNITY The advertiser is a reputable, innovative enterprise in the agro-vet sub-sector with operations in the Eastern Africa region. It has an impressive product portfolio with good margins and there is potential to more than double its current turnover. To achieve this, it requires injection of additional capital and the recruitment of an energetic and creative CEO to lead and motivate a team of highly technical personnel. Ideally, the joining CEO should be the incoming investor. However, the new investor may also opt to recruit/second a third party as CEO subject to veto by the existing investor.

SMEC is a leading Consulting and Project Management company from Australia with some 71 offices and 5,000 employees throughout the world. SMEC invites applications for the following positions based in Nairobi: 1) Civil Engineers: should possess a minimum of BSc Civil Engineering and be registered with ERB. Should have 20-25 years experience. An MBA would be an added advantage. Salary $5000-$12000/mo Mechanical Engineer: should possess minimum of BSc Mechanical Engineering and be registered with ERB. Should have at least 20 years of experience. Salary $5000-$10000/mo Electric Engineer: should possess minimum of BSc Electrical and be registered with ERB. Should have at least 20 years of experience. Salary $5000-$10000/mo Quantity Surveyor: should possess minimum of BSc Civil Eng and be registered with ERB. Should have at least 10-20 years of experience. Salary $3000-$8000/mo

1. Maternity Nurse -Kakuma 2. Senior Laboratory Technologist - Kakuma

Full Job descriptions can be downloaded at www.rescue.org/careers Please apply on or before 30th November, 2012 IRC leading the way from harm to home IRC is an Equal Opportunity Employer IRC considers all applicants on the basis of merit without regard to race, sex, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status or disability.




For details apply at Kagwelizzie36@gmail.com

SMEC also accepts CVs of civil and electrical engineers with at least five years of relevant experience. To apply for these positions, please send your CV, to procken@smec.com by Tuesday, 20th November 2012.

Aga Khan University (AKU) is a private, not for profit, international University first established in 1983, with 11 teaching sites in eight countries. It is a non-denominational institution open to all, irrespective of religion, ethnicity, gender or national origin. Since 2001, AKU has offered academic programmes in nursing, medicine and education for and in East Africa. The Aga Khan University and Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi invite applications for the positions below: FULL TIME FACULTY AND CONSULTANT RADIOLOGIST The Full Time Faculty and Consultant Radiologist will be responsible for acquiring and interpreting various types of medical images including Radiographs, Computerized Tomography Scan (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Ultrasound images to diagnose medical conditions. S/he will teach residents and carry out research in defined areas as well as areas of professional interest and knowledge. The successful candidate should have a degree in Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MBBS or MBCHB) and post-graduate in Diagnostic Radiology (M.Med Radiology) or its equivalent. S/he should have at least two years experience in similar position. S/he must be registered with the Kenya Medical Practioners and Dentist Board and have specialist recognition in Radiology. FULL TIME FACULTY AND CONSULTANT PAEDIATRIC INTENSIVIST The Full Time Faculty and Consultant Paediatric Intensivist will provide clinical leadership in the paediatric emergency department and ensure quality management of all critically ill children in the paediatric intensive care unit and the high dependency unit. S/he will also coordinate teaching of critical and emergency care to paediatric residents and carry out research in defined areas as well as areas of professional interest and knowledge. The successful candidate should have a degree in Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MBBS or MBCHB) and postgraduate in Paediatrics (M.Med Paediatrics) or its equivalent. S/he should have at least one years experience in similar position. S/he must be registered with the Kenya Medical Practioners and Dentist Board and have specialist recognition in Critical Care Paediatrics EPIDEMIOLOGIST The Epidemiologist will contribute to the development of institutional population based research capacity within identified Faculty of Health Sciences priority areas through funded grants, teaching and providing guidance to learners and faculty. S/he will be involved in grant writing, research, teaching and methodology support. Applicants should have PhD in Epidemiology or other health related fields such as biostatistics, demography or their equivalent. S/he should have a minimum of four years experience in similar position. The successful candidate should also have demonstrated ability for independent scientific publication in peer review journals. Applicants should have a Diploma in Medical Imaging Sciences or equivalent with a Degree / Masters as an added advantage. S/he should have a minimum 5 years of experience in a well reputed health care organization with at least 2 years experience in management Applicants for all the above positions should be computer literate with excellent communication skills. Applications together with detailed Curriculum Vitae, names of three referees, telephone contact, e-mail address and copies of certificates and testimonials should be sent to, the Manager, Recruitment, Aga Khan University Hospital, Nairobi. P. O. Box 30270-00100, NAIROBI or by email to hr.recruitment@aku.edu so as to reach not later than 3rd December, 2012. Only short listed candidates will be contacted.


AMREF (African Medical and Research Foundation) invites sealed tenders from eligible candidates for the Supply and Delivery of assorted Nutritional Supplements to AMREF Kenya Country Office, next to Wilson Airport Nairobi as set out hereunder:

495 (combined units Medical weighting scale with a fixed height meter of weighing scale and (heightometer) measuring up to 200 cm and measuring up to 150 Kgs with fixed manual BMI calculator Electric with an height-meter) option for battery.

AMREF intends to award a supply contract for nutritional anthropometric assessment equipment for its Global Fund TB round 9 project. Interested eligible candidates may obtain further information from and inspect tender documents at AMREF in Kenya Office situated along Langata Road, during working hours (8am 12:30 pm and 2 pm - 4.30pm Monday to Friday). A complete set of bidding documents in English Language may be purchased by interested bidders on the mission of a written application to the address stated below and upon payment of a non refundable fee of Kshs. 3,000. The method of payment will be in cash or bankers cheque from a reputable bank in Kenya. The bidding documents will be collected from the address below upon the production of a purchase receipt. Completed tender documents are to be enclosed in a plain envelop marked with the tender reference number and tender name. Bids must be delivered to the address below at or before 1200hrs East African time on 30th November 2012 and will be opened at 12:00 noon on the same day in the presence of the bidders representatives who choose to attend at the same time on the same day. Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. The address referred to is: Country Director AMREF KCO, Langata Road, P.O Box 30125-00100, Nairobi Tel: 254-020-6994000 Fax:254-020-606340/602531

AMREF reserves the right to accept/reject any tender in part or whole and is not bound to give reasons for its decision.

56 |

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012


Telephone 044 4422914 Fax No. 044 4422774, 4422003 P.O. Box 694 90200 Kitui. Email: mckitui@localgovernment.go.ke kituimunicipal@yahoo.com

All Plot Owners who have encroached on riparian land within Kitui Municipality are required to remove the encroachment within seven (7) days from the date of this notice to enable the Council in partnership with World Bank under the Kenya Municipal Programme (KMP) constructs storm water drainage. All the affected developments have been marked for ease of identification Failure to do so the Council will demolish the encroachments without any further reference at your own cost. TOWN CLERK, MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF KITUI.


The Kenya High School invites applications for the following teaching posts to be recruited by the Teachers Service Commission (T.S.C.); German / Other subject (s) Art & Design / Other subject (s) Chemistry / Mathematics Eligible candidates should meet the following basic requirements; i. Be Kenyan Citizens and below 45 years of age ii. Be holders of diploma or degree certificates iii. Be trained and qualified as post primary school teachers in relevant subjects iv. Must be registered with the Teachers Service Commission Candidates should submit their applications enclosing C.V. day time telephone contacts, copies of relevant professional and academic certificates, and all other requirements to; THE SECRETARY B.O.G. KENYA HIGH SCHOOL P.O. BOX 30035 00100 NAIROBI so as to reach the school by 30th November, 2012

Opening date: 16/11/2012 LOCATION: KISUMU 1. Vacancy No. K129/11/12: Software developer: - MR 9 (1 position)-HISS DATA/SI Education requirement: Bachelor degree in computer science/information technology or related field with 1 Year experience in Programming; Knowledge of Visual Basic and other programming languages in the NET environment is a key requirement. 2.Vacancy No. K131/11/12: Research Officer MR 11 (1 Position) Education Requirement- Masters degree in Behavioral or Social Sciences, Health Education, Public Health, Sociology, Epidemiology, Anthropology, or other related postgraduate degree with 3-5 years experience in implementation of HIV prevention behavior change interventions. Apply To: Human Resource Manager, KEMRI/CDC Program, P.O. Box 1578, Kisumu. Or e-mail to recruitment@kemricdc.org not later than 29th November 2012 Full details for the job are available at our web: www.jobs.cdckemri.org.

Waki Clearing and Forwarding Agents Ltd


We would like to inform all road users that we will be transporting abnormal load from 14th to 20th November, 2012 between 6pm and 6am. The load will be from Mombasa to Nairobi-Naivasha-Olokaria-Orpower4 route to be followed Mombasa-Voi-Mtitito Andei- Nbi-Naivasha Olakaria -Southlake Road. MANAGEMENT

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

COUNTY HALL P.O PRIVATE BAG AMAGORO TCC/M/23/1/96 TENDER NOTICE F.Y 2012/2013 Tenders are invited from interested and eligible bidders for services of the following items for the F.Y 2012/2013. CATEGORY A: BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION WORKS. Tender No. CCT/01/2012/2013 : Construction of Classrooms CCT/02/2012/2013 : Renovation of Classrooms CATEGORY B: WATER WORKS Tender No. CCT/03/2012/2013: Construction of Shallow wells CCT/04/2012/2013 : Protection of spring wells CCT/05/2012/2013 : Renovation of shallow wells CCT/06/2012/2013 : Renovation of a springs CATEGORY C . ELECTRICAL WORKS Tender No. CCT/07/2012/2013 : Electrification of Changara Complex CCT/08/2012/2013 : Dropping of power to Chamasir Primary School CATEGORY D. WORKS TO BE COMPLETED (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) Tender No.CCT/09/2012/2013 : Completion of Classrooms CCT/10/2012/2013 : Completion of Dispensaries CCT/11/2012/2013 : Completion of Polytechnic CCT/12/2012/2013 : Completion of Aboloi A.P Camp CCT/13/2012/2013 : Renovation of Council Offices CATEGORY E. Tender No. CCT/14/2012/2013: Bus Park Construction CCT/15/2012/2013: Routine Road Maintenance works CATEGORY F. Tender No. CCT/16/2012/2013: Privatization services of Council Modern Motuary The interested firms are asked to view the sites of the projects and purchase tender documents at none refundable fee of Ksh. 3000/= per each set, during office working hours CASH OFFICE at the county hall. Documents should be submitted in plain sealed envelope clearly marked Tender reference number and Category addressed to clerk to county council of Teso, be deposited in the tender box at the reception, so as to reach us not later than 11th December 2012 at 12:00 noon. Thereafter the tender will be closed and opened same date and time of closing at 12: 00 noon in the presence of the bidders and their representatives who wish to attend. Quotations subject to reserve price. The council is not binding to award the lowest or the highest tender for execution. NOTE: Interested bidders must be registered with relevant department and have the current V.A.T compliance. Mr. James Mugweru. CLERK TO COUNCIL. 15 NOVEMBER 2012

The law firm of Irene Njeri Wanyoike & Co Advocates denounces the advertisement which ran on the Daily Nation of Wednesday 14th NOVEMBER 2012 on PAGE 26. We are strangers to this advert. The Law Firm does not provide any loans, promissory notes or other money lending facilities. The information provided to that effect was given without the authority of the firm or its partners. The law firm will not take any responsibility for any transactions carried out pursuant to the advertisement.
We have no such arrangements with Co-operative Bank and Chase Bank as per the advertisement. We confirm that we have not received any payments in relation to the advert and would advise the public that we shall not accept such payments. IRENE WANYOIKE (MRS) MANAGING PARTNER, IRENE NJERI WANYOIKE & CO ADVOCATES




Mount Kenya Academy Senior School (MKASS) invites you to apply for admission to Form 1 and Form 2 for the January 2013 intake. Vacancies are also available in Year 9 IGCSE programme. Interviews for admission to both programmes are scheduled for Saturday 8th December, 2012 at 9:00 am at the school campus off Kiganjo Road, Nyeri. MKASS offers partial scholarship to deserving candidates based on merit or need. The Scholarship examination is scheduled for the same day and is offered upon request.

For further enquiries, and interview booking, please contact The Principal, Mount Kenya Academy Senior School, P.O. Box 521-10100, Nyeri, Kenya Tel: 061-203-0017/1142/0179 / Fax: 061-203-1030 Cell: 0723-977666 / 0716-211388 Email: info@mtkenyaacademy.co.ke, mkass@mtkenyaacademy.co.ke or website: www.mountkenyaacademy.com

We strive for the peak

INVITATION TO VIEW AND BUY OBSOLETE BUT NEW SPARE PARTS The East African Portland Cement Company Ltd is one of the leading Cement Companies in the region. Over the years, it has decommissioned a number of plant and machinery in line with its strategic plan. As a result, a number of spares in their original packaging are now available for sale to interested and willing buyers. For further details please visit the official Company website www.eastafricanportland.com

The Norwegian Refugee Council intends to construct accommodation rooms, administration offices and septic tank in NRC compound at KAKUMA. Tenders are hereby invited for the works and interested, eligible contractors with the necessary experience may apply.


REFERENCE KEFS1208/8006671

DESCRIPTION Construction of Accommodation Rooms, Administration Offices and Septic Tank in NRC compound at KAKUMA


Complete tender documents may be collected by interested eligible suppliers from the office of Norwegian Refugee Council Horn of Africa offices in Nairobi located at El Molo Drive, Lavington Green and NRC Kakuma from 16th - 22nd November 2012

2. 3.

The tender documents shall be issued during the normal working hours upon payment of non refundable fee of Kshs. 3,000 per tender. The tender documents are not transferable. Completed tender documents shall be sealed and marked as stated in the particular tender document and be hand delivered to NRC Horn of Africa office in Nairobi (El Molo Drive, Lavington Green) or NRC Kakuma Office on Monday 26th November 2012 between 8.30AM-2.00PM Tenders will be opened on the same day at 2.00PM simultaneously in both locations in the presence of the tenderers or their representatives who choose to attend. Skype or teleconference facilities will ensure that all tenderers in both locations are informed of all bids.

Enquiries can be sent to email: operations@som.nrc.no


Head Office, 3rd Floor Rattansi Educational Trust Building, Opposite Kengeles Restaurant Kionange Street VAT NO. 0014259K PIN NO. P 000602635

Class A & B Licenced, Valuers, Managing Estate Agents, Professional Investigators, Process Servers, Repossessors and General Merchants. Website: www.kenyasheildauctioneers.com Email kenyasheild@wananchi.com
P.O.BOX 60879-00200 TEL: 2221127 / 2214803 / 0722377411 FAX NO. 2219226 NAIROBI

Under instructions received from our client, we shall sell the under Mentioned Motor Vehicles on Saturday 17th NOVEMBER 2012 at 12.00 Noon at PANGANI AUCTION YARD, Nairobi. A. KBA 252V MAKE-TOYOTA LANDCRUISER-DIESEL COLOUR-SILVER, BODY-STATION WAGON (VERY CLEAN) B. KBB 869B MAKE-TOYOTA LANDCRUISER-PETROL COLOUR-GREEN BODY-STATION WAGON (VERY CLEAN) CONDITIONS OF SALE_ I. All vehicles will be sold on AS THEY ARE basis 2. CASH at the fall of the hammer For more details please contact us


58 | Entertainment

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012




Watch out for other Saturdays
Lots of Nyama Choma, Tilapia, Kuku Kienyeji and Mukimo. We have space for evening parties, Chama Meetings, Graduations & Conference Halls.



For Reservations please call: 0725314705


African Nite Imported Kaluvu from Makueni available Super Super International with Chase Chase every Friday & Sat

Today, Friday 16th Nov.


In the Mix DJ Kivush

Cinemas showing: IMAX XX Century, Century Cinemax Junction, Fox Cineplex Sarit Centre, Planet Media Westgate, Nyali Cinemax Msa, Century Cinemax Mlimani City Dar, Suncrest Quality Centre Dar.








FRIDAY 16TH NOV. 2012 (ENTRY 300/-) SATO 17TH NOVEMBER 2012 (ENTRY 300/-)

The very best of Rhumba, Classic, Zilizopendwa

Meeting Halls; Accomodation Available

SUN; 18TH NOV. 2012;


Mombasa Rd Behind Choma Zone


Opp. Transami Cabanas Rd.



Saturday 17/11/2012





Come & enjoy lots of nyama choma, fry, kuku choma, good service and secure parking.
ALSO ALIVE & KICKING CHAMPIONES SPORTS BAR Next To The Original Kitindo (Cabanas Road)



Ample & secure parking. Lots of kuku choma, nyama etc. Accomodation available




Location: Manyanja Road, Umoja 2 Kayole, Jacaranda Roundabout EASTLANDS



Every Sato: RHUMBA RELOADED with DJ FREDDY (Local Beers @150) Every Wed: EMMAH JALAMO Every Thurs: ONYANGO ALEMO Every Tue: OTIENO SMALL (Local Beer @ 150/=)

John DeMathew
Mugithi Re-loaded Wed & Fri: SWAGGA STARS DJz Stone & Gee Mfalme

This Fri 16/11/2012


5th Floor Moi Avenue Presents........FRIDAY 16/11/2012



Enjoy lots of nyama choma, kuku. DSTV. Ample & Secure Parking John DeMathew For Reservation: 0722791856


Every Mon; COOL RHUMBA Every Friday (ENTRY FREE from 5 - 6pm) Beer @ 150 Every Mon, Tue & Sat RHUMBA IS BACK For more information call : 0716773462 or www.zanze-bar.com

MELADEN - Rebranded
FRI: 16TH NOV, 2012




FOR RESERVTION: 0714-430137 / 0722 156775


SATO 17TH NOV. 2012

(Presents MILLY) SATO 17/11/2012

ENTRY FREE RESIDENT BAND: Mzee wa Kazi JUMA TOTO of Orchestra Toddy Internationale (Every weekend Friday, Sato & Sunday)
Enjoy open air garden service as you take nyama choma, kuku and samaki. Ample secure parking Also visit Paradiso Maseno Club, Jericho trading centre and enjoy splendid Rhumba Music with DJ Zack


Email: meladenrestaurant@gmail.com


DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

Classieds 59
OFFER 2000/= LADIES PRODUCTS: Ladies Arousal liquid & powder B-Firming & enlarging Wild growth / XP hair oil Hip Boosting & Weight gain Dark spots/pimples/scars Grey hair in weeks Magic slim weight loss


A116 Marriage
Want a certain man/woman 2marry u? is she/he unfaithful & want him or her 2 commit 2u alone? want back ur partner & restore ur love etc. Call: Sowari 0722140527, 0733291085 ASTROLOGER (KILUNGIA) FAMOUS IN: famly prblms, love affairs, lost items, bussnes bost. 0727619654 DATE Indian Ladies- 0701399968

The proprietors of L.R Dagoretti / Riruta / 2478 wish to apply for change of user from Agricultural to Residential (Flats) Those with comments / objections should forward them to: The Town Clerk City Council Of Nairobi P. 0. Box 30075 NAIROBI
BARAKA MOWLEM JUAKALI SELF HELP GROUP P.0 BOX 34547-00100 NAIROBI We the squatters of Baraka Mowlem Scheme entered and occupied all that previously un-utilized parcel of land known as LR, NO 209/9366 situated along Komarock Road since 1998, wish to notify the general public and any other Interested persons as follows: The squatters have since developed and currently occupy residential houses on the quoted parcel of land. The residents association through project officials intend to forward details of their members (squatters) to the city council of Nairobi for formalization. Individuals and /or institutions with objection / comments to this proposed formalization are requested to forward the same in writing within fourteen (14) days of publications of this notice to: D. C. NJIRU, P.0 BOX 30124-00100 NAIROBI

B485 Business Services

BUSINESS plans..3k 0720646916

828690. B595 Security Services

CCTV electric fence alarm system
installation 0722656273

020 250 3908 & 0729

ETR(KRA) Approved 0712-097340 L /TOPS P4 14k or less 1.8 complete

comps 6k and more 0722-710331

B490 Computer Services

EXLNT website with maps, text
alerts online forms. Emails, co. ke or com etc 7500. 0752143744 PHARMACY Software 0722610448



Fire proof safes

Free Delivery


NEW HP DUAL/2gb/320gb/dvdrw/cam@32k Dell i 3/2gb/500gb/dvdrw/cam @39K. @Intechs Computers,World Business Centre 3rd. floor, Tom Mboya Street 0723116088, 0728394362

For Free Delivery and Priv. cons. call NBI 020 2245564, 0723408602, Nacico Chambers 2nd Flr Rm. 1, Opp. Imenti Hse, Moi Ave. Kisumu, Eldoret, Kitale, Nakuru 0723957189. Mombasa - Kapacee Building, Ground Flr, Stall No. 2, Opp. Post Bank Hse Moi Ave, 0723957189 Kisii, Busia, Kakamega, Bungoma, Meru: 0723408602

QUICKBOOKS 2012 0722710873

B525 Financial
020211121 ,0722626383 Loan on
cars, laptops, households

LAPTOP screen, batt. 0731666027 LAPTOPS from 12k 0708602356 QUICKBOOKS, Payroll, SPSS,
POS, sage, Autocad, Tally 0722736110

RELAXER Fitness Town 0729589667

A258 Marriage & Family Counselling

TRACKING software: Find out what
they are upto 0723831351

0202214396 Advance selling your car

plots/ laptops. 0724268552, 0710746831

QUICKBOOKS 2012 0700278785

*2 Drawer Cannon Safe *3 Drawer Cannon Safe *4 Drawer Cannon Safe


020-2245564 spot loans on Toshiba,

DATING Lines SMS mydate 4535 INDIANS/WHITES 0727049147 NEED A PARTNER? 0706780735 SPY spouse listen in 0720940696 TRACK ua cheating wife/husband.cal
trackways spies 0788404275

A265 Medical
Pharm Tech town Nyahururu sms WRLS 0203510221 name, age,college, enroll date & no, current licence no. by 30/11/12

A123 Prayers / Retreat

PROPHET Prayers 0725142290

A167 Acupuncture
BACK/ Hip/ Knee/Gout Pains3741179, DIABETES
0737540562, 0721170217 Related Disorders 3748561, 0737540562, 0721170217 MENS Weakness 3744885, 0737540562, 0721170217 MONTHLY Female Pains 3745861, 0737540562, 0721170217 WEIGHTLOSS and Firming 3749529, 0737540562, 0721170217


3741179 0733-718337 0722-242243

Macpros& HP Laptops btwn 20K-50K 0703666659 better terms loans 0719568652 Loans on Laptops 0722325037 advance cash on cars while selling on behalf CASH Advances 4 salaried pple of reputable Co.s/banks Call 0722116695 LOAN 10X savings in 3wks pay in 1yr Sec H/Holds 0702-252644 LOANS on the spot between 15-40K with laptops as security, 0723408602


020 250 3908 & 0729 828690.

For details call:

B602 Courier Services

NAIROBI Juba-Nairobi -call Netlink
courier:020 2712949,0731 742400

SELL to us Gold ornaments 0721111367 WE Advance you cash & trade-in as we

sell your car 0713266196

Buy a TV and pay in three instalments at Zero interest.
Bright Technologies Old Mutual Bldg-Ground floor Kimathi Street Phone: 0720 704 262 sales@bright.co.ke or www.bright.co.ke

3744885/3748561 0734-290686 0725-786247

A181 Beauty
0723408602@Mombasa mens delay gel 0723408602@mombasa mens maxman 0723408602 @ mombasa mens VigrX AQUA Barber W/Lands 0721653769 BEAUTI Centre manicure, pedicure
at Kileleshwa 0726656450

A279 Notices

The Physical Planning Act (Cap 286) Change of Use The owner of plot No. 10531/4, situated off Thika-Garissa road, Makongeni area wishes to change the use of his land from Agricultural to Residential subject to approval by the relevant authority. Individuals, Organizations, Institutions, etc with objections to forward the same in writing within 14 days of this notice to: The Town Clerk Municipal Council of Thika P.O Box 240-01000 Thika-Kenya

B546 Machinery for Sale

26 Paper Guillotine 0722-899309 6KVA Generator 0722-899309


A822 Computers
0721-486136 we buy *dead* Mac/PC
laptops* screen replacing & repairs!! www.laptoprepairkenya.com

A286 Personal
LUCK rings for politics, love Business
and protection 0737394299

Pick yours now @ Veteran House 8th Flr-NRB.

B462 Business for Sale
AUTO Spares shop for sale Nbi tel:

Cell: 0715 542270 0787 285858



Gain size, strength & power Count & volume solution Grey & baldness oil Weight & muscle gainer ALSO AVAILABLE Wildgrowth hair oil Weight reduction Tea/caps Hip booster & B, enlarging firming Dark spot/pimples/scar remover


BUSY Chemist 0787584542 CYBER for quick sale @ Umoja1 call

0721-913443 or 0751-855862

Centrifugal pumps Diesel Engines & Electric Motors Diesel Generators & Hydro Turbines Sugarcane Crushers

BEAUTY PRIDE 0724245258/ 0738584140 Walmart Hse. 2nd flr. Rm. 2D Taveta Rd. behind Odeon Cinema

FAST food in Food court 0788381278 FRONT Hardware shop Kasarani

Mwiki rd 0721979436


P.O.Box 60061-00200, Nairobi Kenya. Dunga Road, Industrial Area +254-20-6536632/3/4/5, Cell: 0721908122, 0733815398, 0727338400 Email: rspatil@kirloskar.co.ke Visit us as: www.kirloskar.com

FULLY equipped photocopy stall Tom

Mboya str 0723093929

BERMUDA 0716-641178 MENS mani/pedi w/lands 0203748866 PARKLANDS Pedi 0722763034 PATTAYA BEUTY 0722108363 VICTORIA Secrets products bath

HARDWARE shop ngong rd near

prestige 0722519031, 0713717373

KINYOZI 4 sale @Uthiru 0711691975 KISERIAN Hardware 0722-485871 MERU shop for sale in Town Centre
suitable for any business contact 0722718896

and body works, body lotion, body mist and smart phones: HTC, Blackberry and Many more at Market stall A5 Tel 0722-107478 Place for price and quality

MILKBAR @Umoja Tel 0728053139 NAKURU H /hotel , Press & a

Secondary Sch 0720739708

A202 Entertainment
SHE is half italian and All her
girlfriends @ Club Caldino 3rd flr China Centre Ngong Rd

NAKURU Town H/Ware stocked

1.5m unstocked 1m 0723478444

A230 Health
020-2245564(www.vimax.com)sizecaps 020-2245564Offer on Vimax pills 2000 0700050544mens power & size 1500/= 0715471994 Size,delay,hardrock 150/= 0723408602@ Msa hardrock @200 0723408602 Cavanossa size, caps @3k 0723408602 Delay spray @1500 0723408602 France T253 delay/size 0723408602 Rockhard instant@150 0723408602 savage king caps power 2k 0723408602 Vigrx big-size @1500 HEALTH &Body fitness 0712-301776 MAGNAH RX for erection,stamina
and size 100% guarantee 0722-506355

PRINTSHOP for sale 0721308400 SALON @umoja @290k 0723669164 STALLS Moi Ave prime b/ness
oportunity. 5yrs lease 0722712373 Patel

MEAT / sausage proc. machines barkery

oven & doughmix Call 0724557019 AMAZING OFFER


Mine for sale: A Prospective Gem stones mine, fully established and with full mining equipment is on for sale. The mine is located at Makuki & Mgama areas near Voi, Taita Taveta District. Interested parties can contact 0710425781, +211 922 058999


B469 Business Offers

0737509293 I register companies 1 Register Ltd company 15k 0700- 060 001 INVEST in Forex Bureau & get
3%-5% daily wkdays only 0722234216

PROPOSALS, CV 0724292776


MENS big size & confidence 0726272266 MENS Healthcare Solution 4max size
& instant power. Call 0727-087571

B476 Business Opportunities

How to get money to fund CBO/NGO
BEARINGS AVAILABLE BOTH UCF & UCP 205, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211 & MANY MORE. For Discounted prices Visit Us at: Lusaka Road, Shop No. 29. Opp. ASL Trading Division 1 Tel: 0770 333034 Industrial Area, Nairobi

MENS instant hardrock 200/- 0726272266 PRO-EXTENDER machine (USA) REFLEX Centre Call: 0731252262

Projects email basic proposal to info.overseasworkforce@gmail.com or call 0717350925

BEST SALE!!!BEST SALE!!! LAPTOPS ACER D270 /2GB/320GB/W7S................................@26590/= ACER 756/2GB/500GB/WIN8/11.6.........................@33200/= ACER 571 CI3/4GB/500GB/WIN8............................@44900/= DELL 5040 DC/2GB/320GB/W7HB..........................@40550/= DELL 5040 DC/4GB/500GB/W7HB..........................@44250/= DELL 1540 Ci3/2GB/500GB/15.6.............................@43250/= DELL 1440 Ci3/2GB/500GB/14..............................@43250/= DELL 1440 Ci3/4GB/500GB/OFFICE/W7PRO.........@55990/= DELL 4050 Ci3/4GB/500GB/14..............................@43350/= DELL 4050 Ci3/2GB/500GB/14/OFFICE/W7HB....@47990/= DELL 5050 Ci3/4GB/500GB/15.6.............................@43350/= DELL 5110 Ci3/4GB/500GB/15.6.............................@47500/= DELL 5110 Ci5/4GB/500GB/15.6.............................@54599/= DELL 5110 Ci5/4GB/500GB/15.6/W7HB..................@58990/= HP 630 CEL/2GB/500GB..........................................@32000/= HP 630 DC 2.2/2GB/500GB/BAG.............................@39990/= HP 650 DC 2.3/2GB/320GB/BAG.............................@39500/= HP 655 AMD 1.4/2GB/320GB/BAG..........................@34590/= HP 655 AMD 1.4/2GB/320GB/BAG/W8E.................@38490/= HP 630 Ci3/2GB/320GB/FREE MODEM..................@42100/= HP 630 Ci3 2.53/2GB/500GB/BAG..........................@45990/= HP 4330 Ci3/2GB/320GB/13.3/BAG/MOUSE..........@51200/= HP 4530 Ci3/4GB/500/W7HB/FREE MODEM..........@54200/= HP CQ 57 490SE Ci3/4GB/500GB/W7HB/FREE HEADSET/ MOUSE/AVG ANTIVIRUS.........................................@47990/= HP CQ57 403SIA DC 2.2/4GB/500GB/W7HB..........@43300/= HP PAVILLION G6 Ci/4GB/500GB/W7HB...............@56900/= HP PAVILLION G6 2108 Ci3/4GB/500GB................@52000/= TOSHIBA C850-F22T DC/2GB/500GB/W7HB.........@36500/= TOSHIBA C660-A272 Ci3/2GB/320GB....................@43500/= TOSHIBA C660-A233 AMD/2GB/320GB/FREE MODEM......... ...................................................................................@34950/= TOSHIBA C660-275 DC/2GB/320GB.......................@36990/= SAMSUNG NP 300E5Z-A04NG DC/2GB/320GB.....@35990/= LENOVO 4560 Ci3/4GB/500GB/W7HB...................@46500/= DESKTOP COMPUTERS HP 600 DC/2GB/500GB/18.5TFT.............................@42699/= DELL OPTIPLEX 390DC/2GB/500GB/18.5TFT.......@44900/= ACER M290 DC/2GB/500GB/18.5TFT.....................@35990/= ACER M290 Ci3/4GB/500GB/18.5TFT.....................@42990/= FLASH DISKS IMATION 4GB...............................................................@500/= IMATION 8GB...............................................................@700/= IMATION 16GB...........................................................@1300/= TRANSCEND 4GB........................................................@550/= TRANSCEND 8GB........................................................@700/= TRANSCEND 16GB....................................................@1215/= CURSOR 4GB...............................................................@499/= VERBATIM 2GB............................................................@450/= SONY 4GB....................................................................@580/= SONY 8GB....................................................................@928/= SAN DISK 4GB.............................................................@500/= SAN DISK 8GB.............................................................@700/= KINGSTON 8GB...........................................................@820/= EXTERNAL HDD SEAGATE 320GB.......................................................@5600/= SEAGATE 500GB.......................................................@7800/= TRANSCEND 320GB..................................................@6500/= TRANSCEND 500GB..................................................@7500/= TRANSCEND 750GB..................................................@9990/= TRANSCEND 1TB....................................................@10990/= TRANSCEND 1.5TB.................................................@15200/= TOSHIBA 500GB........................................................@7800/= WD 320GB..................................................................@5990/= WD 500GB..................................................................@7990/= WD 1TB.....................................................................@10950/= MEMORY CARDS MICRO SD 2GB............................................................@380/= MICRO SD 4GB............................................................@550/= MICRO SD 8GB............................................................@699/= MICRO SD 16GB........................................................@1250/= SD CARD 2GB.............................................................@400/= SDHC CARD 2GB........................................................@700/= SDHC CARD 4GB........................................................@800/= SDHC CARD 8GB......................................................@1050/= BESTELL COMPUTERS KIMATHI HOUSE GROUND FLOOR TEL.020-315211, 020-342210 ; FAX 020-310100 MOBILE 0720561136, 0737499995 CAXTON HOUSE BRANCH, 1ST FLOOR SUITE 11C, TEL. 020-2226363; MOBILE 0734000402 ELDORET BRANCH 64 ARCADE GROUND FLOOR, OLOO STREET TEL.020 2060119/0714414743, 0732000480 BURU BURU BRANCH BURU BURU ARCADE 1ST FLOOR SUITE NO. 7 TEL. 020-7785456, 0734000403 MOMBASA OPPOSITE SHEETAL PLAZA 0735000574, 0717123455,041-2226248 KISUMU BRANCH MINI MALL SUITE 203 TEL.NO.0734000180 GARISSA LODGE NEXT TO Oil-LIBYA STATION, APINDI STREET.

WEBDESIGN 4k smart 0728303129 WEBHOSTING + Free Domain

www.sasahost.co.ke 0713 478555

A829 Domestic Appliances


63W-KSHS15,500; 83W-KSHS19,500 ; 135W -KSHS 42,500 Also Available a Full Range of Solar Accessories TELESALES SOLAR Bruce House, Kaunda St. Tel (020) 2213143 Adams Arcade, Ngong Road. Tel (020) 3873179 P.O. Box 45525 GPO 00100 Nairobi Email:telesales@wananchi.com.

for size, 100% guarantee 0722-506355 Visit: www.soltechenterprises.net

INVEST and get upto 5% per day Tel


SUPER Cash crop www.khatstem.org

DOMAIN +Host 1800/- 0720377925 EPSON ciss @ 1.7K 0721578080 ETR/ESD & CCTV. 0712-076720

A864 Jewellery
WE buy unwanted gold jewelry and
diamonds cash 0722304112

60 | Classieds
A871 Miscellaneous A585 Cottages
COTTAGES B/B Nakuru Oyster
Shell 0733223481 0722646776

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

0701423272 8long dist driver & t/boy 20 Airport casuals 0705-056049 ACCOUNT Interns req 0725469515 ACCOUNTS Clerks KATC CPA1 H/Teacher, Deputy H/T, Teachers in ALL subjects in a mixed, day and boarding primary school in Maseno Apply online www.masenoeducationalce nter.com by Nov 27, 2012 NEEDED salesreps Tel. 0722815073 NGO Drivers & T/Boys 0700787373
waiters, Bartenders 0722793694. cashiers,

B049 Car Hire

0700039849 New cars @2500pd 0702554550, 0735097909 tour
firm requires clean cars 40-150k p.m

A571 Hotels SEASONAL OFFER !!!

B277 Domestic
0722516342, 0721834778 trained h/g

q/books; pmkassociates6@yahoo.com

A fast growing ICT company wishes to recruit energetic sales and marketing staff with the following qualities; 1. Aggressive 2. Self-driven 3. Self-motivated 4. Ready for the big corporates market 5. Experience in sales and marketing of printers and photocopiers is required A remarkable salary package will be offered. Send applications to hr@tracom.co.ke by 22nd November, 2012.

0702554550 clean s/cars, 4x4 2,500/0704267715 superb rental new,

modern, f/ld, variety from 2500/- p.d

Hotel Ambassadeur
Freedom to stay your way
Conference And Meeting Rooms Bar & Restaurant | Free wi-fi For reservations please call: +254 202246615/6 | +254724259829 Email: ambassadeurhotel@hotmail.com Website:www.hotelambassadeurkenya.com SINGLE BO: 2,300 | DOUBLE BO: 2,800

B284 General
ACCT avail Bcom CPAK part/full time
10+ yrs exp. 0774266830

0718208200 new cars 1500 0720298922 PRIMIO NZE WISH

1500 PD

B403 Colleges
Bekar College - Thika Campus.
Your best choice for Diploma and Certificate in IT, ECD, Business Management, Cosmetology (Hair & Beauty),October/November intake in progress.Contact: 0722348967.Emailbekarcollege@yahoo.com

0721605901 cars required 30-100k 0721670864 NZE PREMIO WISH

A Restaurant in Nairobi is looking for honest, reliable and hardworking personnel in the following positions; Bartenders Waiters & Waitresses Cooks Applicants should hold Certificate or Diploma in Hotel and Catering and at least 2 years working experience in a busy Hotel. Send Application and CV to; The Director, P.O. 7814 00300 Nairobi On or before 30th November 2012

0722121377 Cars 4hire 2500 p/day 0722785360 hire clean cars from 2k 0722831752 New cars 2500pd xtrail,
wish,,Benz, We Have an office.


NAKURU Blue Bay Hotel Exc. Rms

B/B Tel. 0726302969

NAKURU www.kenlandsrelaxinn.com
Exec. rms b/b Tel: 0723-218090

AFFORDABLE Practical Training

0722850675 Cars 4 Hire Self drive 0724041002 Premio, wish nze 2k pd A.EDEN Rent a Car - Special offers


PAGOAIRWAYS get your dubai
visa in 2 days, dubai fare from 36,000/=, IATA course available 9 months, with galileo practicals also hotel mgt courses 2 yrs, electricity hse, 020 311388/0722583759


B324 Building A988 Dogs, Pets, Kennels
CUTE Terrier puppy 0722287290 GSD puppys 4 sale 0722287290 RABBIT Pigs 4-sale 0722328379 SABLE, B/tan GSD Pups 0721982203

on: Basic & Acct packages, A+, N+, CISCO, Graphic & Webdesign , Video Editing, Autocad, Archicad, Databases, Phone repair ETC. Register with 500/= & get a T-Shirt & a CD on Career Tips. Fourth Dimension College (Since 1990), Moi Ave. NBI, Sonalux Hse. 0722436082 AIRPORT casuals (paidweekly) sms your phone no. 0700325280 A/PORT CLEANERS 27K PM 0720592200 ARTICLE writer. Sms. 0720558813

NGO full sponsor to study Dip. &

Landcruisers, Prados, 9 to 47 seater buses, Lemousines, Range Rover and more Call 0723719444, 0733758503, 0786515786, 0772046470 Mr. Bashir

Cert. in HRM, Business Mgt, Co-op Mgt, ECDE, ICT, Engineering, Social Work & many more courses. 3rd Jan 2013 intake. SMS name, course & address to the branch opted for: Eldoret - 0729 494 261, Nakuru 0707 656 853, Sotik - 0716 691 369 MS/PhD invites all graduates BA/BS to open house 15-24 Nov 2012 4-6pm Nyaku House Arwings Kodhek Hurlingham 0202716658 07011824850 0735829504 www. rev22aoazyc.org

A.REGENCY Limousines, new cars

Prados.Call 0786515786, 0735560625

PARENTALcaregiver for an Alzheimer elderly lady - Kikuyu 0733370660

PROJECT P1 - Postgraduate Studies

CAR 4 hire with driver 0725491663 CARHIRE 3Kpd 0719880922 CARS wanted 45-100K 0202211055 CAR wanted 50-200k 0722837352 LION Hills tours car hire very clean
@affordable rates Call 0722553768 / 0707676631 NZE & IST NEW 10 days 10k 0725 428139 PREMIO (NEW) 2k24hr 0736442746

PHARMACY Assistant needed in

Kitale Town. Must have Diploma in Pharmacy. Include Phone Contact. Apply to Director, P.O. BOX 954, Kitale. email cv dezippy@yahoo.com

A salaried + comm. sales rep. wanted.

tel 0726582459.

A supermarket att rq 0701423087 B.ED in ECD Teachers, P1 teachers BEAUTIFUL

registered with TSC, ECD teachers. Apply to the Principal 17795 Nairobi

PHARMACY Sales Lady required PHARMTEC needed in a pharmacy

in Kitale Town.Must have a diploma from KMTC with 6years experience. Email goxisaac@yahoo.com or send to Director p.o box 954 Kitale.

Scholarships in Europe & also you

can work as you study.Send Certs to info.overseasworkforce@gmail.com or call 0717350925

VICTOR safaris & tours ltd car hire

B015 Poultry
ALL Types incubators 0727101828 AUTOMATIC Poultry incubators
880,1056,2112 eggs 0722851228

Bar Girls urgently needed Ruiru bypass 0721359149, 0716179136

STUDY in Australia 0707678278 TOEFL SAT Omni-Tech 0722528434

CAFETERIA manager age 35-45yrs

chef age 25-35yrs 0722-902329

Cleaners waiter,cashiers 0700782728

QATAR male & female drivers, hotel

cleaners required urgently. Drop your CV Madona hse westlands, 3rd flr rm 302. registered by min. of labour mlhrd/neb/org/ 8/553/13. call 0723 930917, 0708293755, 0720606020

B424 Private Tuition

KCPE tips SMS KCPE to 3698 10/=
for 2 SMS (5/= per SMS)

@affordable rates westlands Call: 0720545192 / 0722379197 VICTOR Trace LTD Affordable and Reliable Car Track 0720545192 WTD CARS 40-60K adv pay 0722428300

B063 Driving Schools

AT Seniors BCE Full Course 7,800/=
H/Course 4,900/= All branches. Receive your gift on payment by one installment Call 0729-461713 or 0738-037168 info@seniorsds.com

B243 Domestic

Building firm requires SITE MANAGERS to run their interior construction sites. The candidate should: have prior work experience of a minimum 2 years have an excellent command of the English and Swahili languages (reading and writing skills) competently read and interprete construction drawings show ability to create work schedules using software Manage site equipment and staff Have working knowledge of current interior construction technology Have a valid driving license with 2 years experience Have working knowledge of machinery used in interior construction Have 3 valid referees If you meet the criteria, email your resume before Monday 19th November to: webuildawesomespaces@yahoo.com. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Wanted: Machine operator/ carpenter. Minimum 3 years experience. Call 020 2319670. Wanted: Construction material store keeper. Mandatory hardware shop prior experience. Call 020 2319670.

Are you a Self Driven, Motivated and Charismatic Events Organizer?

We are a leading Event Organizing Company, with over 15 years experience and are looking for vibrant, Outgoing, Computer Literate Individuals to join our Dynamic Team. We are looking to recruit an experienced Events Manager. Only candidates with previous Senior Management experience will be considered. Apply with your C.V and covering letter to P.O Box 14334 00800 or email sheli@africaonline.co.ke

QBOOKS training 0722281788


Electrical,Mechanical,Inventor Droughtsmen info@dadhley.com Apply:

B438 Teaching Aids

QUALITY exams for pre sch-8

B380 Windscreens
WINDSCREEN Repair 0725766799

SECURITY guards, hotel managers/

chefs/cooks/supervisors/barmen/bar ladies/waiters/waiteresses, cleaners. Call 020-2598148, 0726-522835


B671 Fertilizers, Seed & Seedlings
MIRAA Miraa! (Khat) seedlings for
sale: the hybrid seedlings that produce best quality for export. Can grow well in all types of soils. Contact: 0720-989919, 0750-153272

B070 Exhaust Pipes and Silencers

SETLAK Galv 552265, 0722527924

TAILORS call 0722392031 TEACH English in China, attractive

pay. Study in China Dip, Degree or Masters. Pay only 180k per year, food tuition & housing. USA, Canada visa advice. Call 0710584830, 0202217471 www.talentquestafrica.com

B106 Lubricants
A Refinery recycles waste engine oil
(used oil) and sells diesel at good price. Call: 0727692185/214

UN Jobs SMS ur E-mail to 0700103666

CUTEST Chics wanted 0722798431 CYBER unlimited hours own

workstation Laptop Ojijo 0717431658, 020-5225487 Plaza

A377 Bicycles for sale
Simply the best

B113 Motor Vehicle Repairs

Specialist in: Toyota, Subaru, Nissan, Honda & 4x4.


Dancers wanted Club Caldino 3rd flr


Paint Work From 40,000

Engine Diagnosis & Overhaul, Major/minor Service, Gearbox Repairs, Vehicle Suspension Specialist. Opening Offer : FREE car to use while we service yours. JAS AUTO CARE LTD. Langata Road Between Hilcrest & Total Petrol Station. 0704267715

China Centre Ngong Rd 0729795914 req at a bakery 0703856998 : Factory (helpers) men required. Drop your CV at Madona Hse Westlands, 3rd flr rm 302. Registered by Min. of Labour MLHRD/ NEB/ORG/8/553/13. Call 0723 930917, 0708293755, 0720606020


MERCEDES Benz free pre-Xmas

computerised 0721609789 diagnosis call Jeff

DUBAI cleaners mechanic 0729859836 EMPLOYER! we recruit 4u 020-2634289 FIRM requires customer officers, sales

B148 Tyres, Spares and Accessories

R.ROVER Face lift 0725959512
your phone no. to 0713746668

staff- insurance/real estate experience, electricians, plumbers, painters carpenters, masons, i/de signer- cv to info@excellentaffordable.com

B077 For Sale, Dealers

NISSAN 4WD pick-up YOM 1996
ksh 750,000 Tel 0724033809

A557 Apartments Available
2br Fully furnished serviced apartments
visit: www.sundower.co.ke 0706386989

B250 Gnral
WELL Paying Jobs? sms JOB to 4804 0700046520 20s /mket/att & cashier
8long/d & BCE driver, t/boy & loader rq

Graduate research jobs 0707447819


WAITERS & Cashiers 0700171059 WANTED urgently accountant with

GRADUATE Teachrs requird,Thika,

experienced SMS 0724-805680

ARROW Furn apts 0733 760 006 GEMINA Court serviced Apartments
Tel. 020-2021200, 0721931119 enquiry@geminacourt.co.ke

MONTHLY Serviced apartments

www.woodmerenairobi.com No water/electricity outage: 0722344778

0700047835new s/mkt rq 20 att urgt 0700091415 office Ast & Recpt rq 0700125571 FH Driver (7) & t/boy (5) 0700296282 Mpesa & 4 shop att 07003000163receptionist& cleaners 0700351966 Trailer Turnboys rqd 0700397876 8shops/att/mpesa att rq 0700452229 NGO Turnboys req 0700484165 ngo rq staff urgent 0701226141 Trailers Turnboys rq 0701395925 Hotel rq cashier ,
messenger, clnr, waiter & receptionist


writers in Nakuru. Bachelors Degree CV to Nakuru @ nakuru@meldaresearch.com

proficiency in quick books univeristy graduate + CPA(K) or equivalent 2yrs w/experience. apply with cv to recruit.technocom@gmail.com

PROBOX manual 4WD 0722244510 TOYOTA 110 mnl KAL 350K


B257 Men
ACCTS. www.cost-eye.com 25positions ANIMAL Health salesperson wanted
certified animal health assistant need only apply minimum of 5year experience email cv to jobs@angel.co.ke

HOTEL in Meru County requires

Resident Manager & Chef. Clients include overseas visitors/tourists. Apply to: bnhresources@gmail.com

B212 Tractors for Sale
FORD 3000. 70h/power 0722 244 510 MF 590 8P 520K NEG 0727640373

B085 For Sale, Private

ACTROS 2540 99 2.2m 0722788736 ACTROS 2546 06 5m 0722371971 ADVANCE selling ur car 0710746831 ALFA Giulietta vcln 160000 0722874370 AUDI Q7 06 Black leather 2units full
options 3.0L Td 0723344388

MEDICAL Lab technician with 2 yrs

Nakuru 2&3bedrms fully furnished

apartmentsinagatedcommunity. Self Catering. 0725646465

experience after registration with the board to work in a busy medical centre in Kiambu town. Apply to KMC P.O Box 1241 - 00900 Kiambu or email to kmc1009@gmail.com Attach CV & copies of certificates. training+cert @3000. 0721261236

FARM workers needed 0724284328

B263 Women
BEAUTY Stall sales attendant, 21 to
27yrs, F4, 8k, city centre, interview on Phone 0716900396

B219 Trailers for Sale

1/2 ton trailer ex-army 120K 0732929666


BENZ 230E 450K 0722525269 BMW 318i KAS 545k 0724909517 BMW 320i n/shape 0733899990

NEED a job? Get 1 wk customer care


DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

BMW X3 05 2.6m 0733530834 BMW X3 Sr 05 leather 0724166266 BMWX5 4.4i 01 BC 2.4m 0721274500 DAIHatsuTerios 04 780k 0722525269 DISCO3 Hse 2.7dsl 07 0722701602 DMX D/Cup yr 2010 KBP 1.8 Toy,
Hilux KAZ 2007 1.4 0727441275

Classieds 61
L200 KAS v.clean. Call 0720703962 or 0722504792 MITS L-200 P/UP KAV 0720363004 MITSUBISHI Canter 2003 cc5240 diesel price Kshs. 1.5m negotiable location Kiambu Tel. 0706913131 MITSUBISHI L200 p/up, local, KAQ/KAV/KBL 4WD/2WD, n/tyres from 840K Call 0724 571 990 MITSU Fuso 10 wheeler d/diff Intercooler turbo 3.5m & KAA Mit Fuso 10wheeler s/diff 1.7 Rav4 KBD auto 850k 0722495778 M/LANCER KAW 4 sale 0722863948

PGT 406 385k local Imm. 0722821595 PRADO BA 1.6m 0704595038 PRADO diesel & petrol 05 3.3m &
3.1m neg Tel 0729752810, 0720745665

T/Fielder 05 Red 1.5L KBT fogs,

roofrails, very clean 0723344388 T/FIELDER 05 930K 0721833319 T/Fielder KBD@670K 0732920029 T/fielder KBJ @670k 0721638971 T/Fielder KBK v/c 735k 0720585736 T/funcargo KBJ 02 490k 0724212061 T/Funcargo KBT silver 0722658917 T/HARRIER 06 2.4cc silver KBT 2.45m 0715145096 T /Harrier 4WD auto f/l v/c like new owner leaving 1.3m 0722712373 patel T/HIACE KBT x-UN vc 0722335966 T/Hilux BH milinium 1.1m 0718396515 T/HILUX KAX 06 1.26m 0722300594 T/ISIS BT 2005 1.8cc 1.2m 0722290455 T/IST 05 BS f.loaded 780k 0722242178 T/Ist 05 f/l KBT 820k 0721211222 shah T/Ist KBP auto 660k 0725847805 T/Kluger 04 Gold 1.7m 0721535361 T/Kluger KBN 05 1.85m 0723930034 T/Lexus KBR auto 2.5m 0722733747 T/Mark II Yr04 KBQ 0722986274 T/MARK X 2005 silver 0725 726 606 T/NOAH KBS 990k neg. 0700123128 T/NZE BT 05 wht/slv 890k 0728960194 T/Passo 1300 BT alloys cd 0705005032 T/Platz BT 05 610k 0734659957 T/Prado 05 3.4L Pearl 7seater roofrails KBT v/clean 0723344388 T/Prado AZ DVDs 1.5m 0721144158 T/Prado Yr06 KBS 0722986274 T/Premio 05/06 KBT 1.25m 0705864475 T/Premio BD yr 02 700/= 0724268552 T/premio BH 760k 0722784296 T/premio BL 830k 0722784296 T/Premio BT @ 1.16M 0722577509 T /PREMIO KAQ manual v/clean on Q/Sale 475K. Call 0722865115 T/Probox 1.5 KBT 05 620k 0722616632 T/Probox BM auto 460k 0724909517 T/PROBOX KBT 630k 0773889309 T/RAUM 02 v/c 580k 0732722288 T/RAV4 05 KBT 1.7m 0705864475 T/RAV4 BM 03 VVTi 1.3m 0736319864 T/RUNX KBT @825K 0721713826

PRADO n/shp 2011 model brand new

lthr s/roof DVD TV 0724166266 PRADO pet/diesel 05 0724166266 PREMIO 05 1500cc 1.15m0736150343 PREMIO 06 KBS 1.1M 0720485214 PREMIO N/S KBL 860K 0723041379

TOY Carina manual 340k 0722709719 TOYDX 103 KBH 360K 0723976743 TOY DX KAW 530,000 v/c 0722245170 TOY Fielder 05 KBS Sil fl r/camera
Ksh. 950k ono 0722743852

VW Toureg KBR black, sunroof, diesel,

3litre auto 2004 2.6m 0718306515

www.shoparidekenya.com X-MAS Offer Toy Probox BR/BT

600k dep 200k bal 24months Insurance 30% off 0714627051 XTRAIL 05 Hyper roof 0720532559 Xtrail KBL 1.05m auto 0725847805

F/Lander KAT 580k 0722525269 F/FIGHTER AQ 1.1M 0721598477 FIELDER 750k KBL 03 0722604710 FORTUNER 05 KAZ-C 0722494634 HILUX 4X4 d/cab choice of 2 KAW
& KBL from 1.6M

PROBOX BQ 1300 580K 0722616237

TOY Fielder KBT 2005 0739-235822 TOY Filder KBT 985k 0723669556 TOY Harrier KBH 0787-989767 TOY Hil 06 d/c 2.7m 0722599288 TOY Hilux 08 dumpcup KBG 2.1m


mall Mokta dada No g/will 0706231846

HILUX 4x4 P/UP KBL 0724669455. HONDA CRV 02 /04 /05, KBD/KBQ/
KBR, RD5/ RD7, 0723311313 IMPREZA W KBT 810K 0720485214 ISU. fvz 10wheel 09 5.9m 0720791992

ISU tougher AJ 400k 0722914098 ISUZ NKR AX 26P 990K 0729137319 ISUZ NPR KAZ 07 920/= 0724268552 ISUZU 4.3 Truck KAS 770k 0720748825 ISUZU 6x4 FVZ 2007 0789-923620 ISUZU dim KAY 1050 0725769214
ISUZU D-Max 2007, 2008, 2010 mdls local with alloy, snorkel, side step from Kshs 1.48M 0721 453 484 ISUZU FR 4.6m BQ 0725063286 ISUZU FVZ KAT/Y 2.5M 0710595966 ISUZU mini bus 29 seater KBE Tel 0722-868986 ISUZU NPR brand new 2010 with tipping swt for g/leaf trasport 3.4M ono. 0720-829367, 0735603481 IVECO Euro cargo track 12Ton with crane. 3.2m just arrived 0729752810 IZ/Trooper dsl 4wd 480k 0725270631 JCB/Exca/JS240/1994 0720852366 KAT 114 Isuzu 29seater NPR 0722425778 or 0722705453 L/Cruiser p/up 2.55m KBA 0722370573

N/Advan KAU mnl 295k 0727755807 N/B12 KAC v/clean 125K 0722-689440 N/B12 KAE v-clean 0721833319 N/B15 '00 v/c 450k 0732722288 N/bluebird KAX 380k 0725847805 N/Hard body p/up KBM 0725331651 N/Outlaw ExUK KBR 1.9m 0734-790088 N/S B13 KAJ v/c175k 0722650782 N/Sunny B12 KAC 200k 0724532265 N/UD bus AV 29p 07 820k 0724268552 N/Wingrd KBE 380k 0718306515 N/Wroad BS/BT 05 600k 0722414995 N/Xtrail BJ manual 900k 0723-215715 N/XTRAIL KBT1.45M 0724-982123 N.NAVARA 2006 6units clearing
stock 2.4m 0715055880, 0722512534

2007/Model 26.444 KBT / EX UK
Special Price 0736 510452 0725 927563
RANGE Rover Vogue 2004 dsl commaintained Ksh 4.5m 0723087594 RAV 4 2002 KBA 850k 0722740473 RAV4 05 manual, sun roof, silver Kshs 1.75M neg. KBS Tel: 0722-740471 RAV4 06 BT n/shp F/L 0724166266 RAV 4, KBS 05, Mnl 1.6 0722 257626

TOY Hilux 4x4 d/cab choice of 2 3l

engine KAP & KAR from 1.6m TOY Hilux d/cab/single06 0727464775 TOY Hilux p/up choice of 2 KBH & KBC FROM 1.6M 0725331651 TOYISIS Platana KBS 1.12m 0733824015

B733 Stalls Available

STALLS to let- Jevanjee Gdn shopping

B740 Land, Plots for Sale

10acres Magadi road Oitepesi @
180,000 per acre call: 0734477013 agents

TOY IST KBL 03 silv 670k 0722238415 TOY KAW 111 manual 0722836307 TOY NZE 04 863k 0720359005 TOY NZE silver 650k 0722849948 TOYO Carina KBJ 02 0721582603 TOYOTA 110 KAL 340k 0739121069 TOYOTA Avensis KBS 06 st.wagon
black Ksh. 1.35m 0733420551

10Acs Kamulu 14m 0706183165 no 1 Acres 4 sale near Meru University

Nchiru Tel 0734-480070

5acres Olepolos County Club @

400,000 per acre call: 0734477013 Mombasa Cement, 1.6km from main Mbs road. Contact 0714 15 39 15 owner no agents. Viewing on Saturdays & Sundays Email: gebomo@gmail.com

20 acres land for sale, opposite

TOYOTA E91 KAC ksh 220k

TOYOTA Harrier 2004 2400cc very TOYOTA Ipsum KBL 03 silver ksh
800000 Tel: 0712-863501 clean Call 0727-061707

RAV4 KBS man 4wd 1.7m 0722599827 RAV4 new shape 2.4L KBR 2005 light
green excellent condition low mileage fully loaded Kes 2.6M Lady owner call 0733211286 S/Forester 05 f/loaded 0724166266 S/Impreza KAU 98 365 v/c 0722689440 S /LEGACY KAU auto 400K neg co. maintained 0721867740 S/Legacy KBM auto 760k 0727755807

ATHI River 10.5ac with title fronting

TOYOTA Kluger 05 KBR Blk s/roof

new tyres 1.89M 0722371971

TOYOTA L/C VX80 KAQ 95 1.6m

v/clean 0729752810

TOYOTA L-Touring 0722756857 TOYOTA NZE 1.3L white mint

condition KBT-M tel: 0722-790707

river and bordering NYS Athiriver unit ksh 5.5m owner 0722779877 BONDO plots call 0714964347 CHEMICHEMI Ltd Athi River Kinanie plots app Iluluwe Golf Estate @650,000. Tel 0722562383 Paul CHUMVI 50X100 700k 0722392031

L/Cruiser p/ups 04-06 0719490444 L/Cruiser Safari 99-06 0724588925 L/CRUISER VX 06 0733899990 L/Cruiser VX SR f/l 0724166266 L/Rover Defender TDI 02 0725104903 L/Rover Tdi 200 AU 890k 0723930034 LANDCRUISER, VX V8, metallic

SCANIA124/420/KAZ/1.3m 0706337080 Scania 420p/mover 05 0733899990 Skoda Octavia 05 630k 0723930034

TOYOTA NZE 610K 0722760336 TOYOTA Premio KBC 01 auto old

shape pearl 1800cc 600K 0722738512

COMMERCIAL plots 40x80 Kdo rd

0711358227 2AVE 28M

dep. 100000/= bal 4months, titles ready, 020-2610923, 0700497890 Homeward

TOYOTA Probox KBR 1.5L yr 2005

white Kshs 590,000 0720 773 336 TOYOTA Runx- KBM Colour Silver Interior- Black Year- 2003 Price Kshs 680,000 Lady Driven/Owner Contact 0722823295 TOYOTA Shark KBP manual petrol Ex-tour 1.1m 0788296404 TOYOTA Shark Tour van 2000 KAX 0724-334110 CD changer very clean 0733-577377 owner ksh 1.1m ono 0723087594

EASTLEIGH 3. Plot ideal for flats.

Title 20M. 0728041958

green, s/roof, h/control, n/tyres, KBN/KAW 2003 mdl, immaculate units, from Kshs 2.7M 0723 577 726 LANDROVER Discovery, 1998 mdl, green, s/roof, v/clean, Kshs 650,000, Call 0724 571 990 M/benz 124 KAA 390k 0722733747 M /Benz 1921 Prime Mover KWE and doll trailer 2.2m ono 0724-537435 M/Benz C200 KBC 1.1m 0727755807 M/Pajero Exceed BA 990K 0718306515 MARUTI EA5 270k 0729-905802 MAZ/Demio KBM@450K 0720611646 MAZDA demio BM 420K 0723032305

NIS Advan auto f/loaded 0724166266 NIS B12 local AG 165k 0722705752 NIS B15 BB 01 silver 0710388435 NIS KAP van/mat 299k 0722824721 NIS N16 01 360k mnl 0722312460 NIS Note KBT 05 595k 0725909719 NIS Note KBT 05 620k 0722685054 NISS Advan KAT mnl 280k 0722604710 NIS Sahara KYV 215k 0724909517 NISSAN B15, KBJ/KBQ, gold & silver,

EASTLEIGH 50x100 0723282765 EASTLEIGH plot for quick sale 20m

0722-300317, 0732-636275

FINELANDS Isinya 50X100 100K

s/offer 0724816611, 0722417074

T/Shark, KBK v/c 750k neg 0727787384 T/SHARK auto KAV 540k 0710746831 T /SHARK AY 680K BB 740k BL 895k

FINELANDS Isinya Kitengela 50x100

s/offer 60k 0722417074, 0724816611 200K offer 0724816611, 2472045

TOYOTA Spacio KBM 2003 automatic TOYOTA Verosa KBM 2003 lady TOYOTA Vintage AE110 KAX 1999
gold SE Limited 415K 0722641806

FINELANDS Kitengela Isinya 50x100 FINELANDS Kitengela Isinya 50x FINELANDS

100; 175K offer 0722417074, 2472045 RuaI 50x100 200k 0724816611, 0722417074, 2472045 400k 1km Call 0724816611,2472045

manual/auto, v/clean, from Kshs 370,000 Call 0725 498 847 NISSAN B15 KAZ ksh 370k call 0722499264 NISSAN B15 KBK 260K 0723223257 clean 1.1M neg Call 0725 114 308

NISSAN Caravan KBL petrol auto v/ NISSAN Note 2005 mdl green &
silver with alloys, CD player Kshs 650,000 neg Call 0727 515 312 NISSAN P/UP KAC 450K 0721746720 NISSAN QD KAU 380K 0725458574

MAZDA familia mnl KBA 01 350k

q/sale one owner 0722394968

MAZDA Premacy, 2003 mdl, 7 seater,

silver, 590K Call 0725 498 847

MAZDA Tribute KBQ, orange, alloy

rims, CD player roof rails, Kshs 1.29M Call 0723 577 726 MERC 190E KAQ 440k 0722839272

NISSAN QD KAU 380K 0725458574 NISSAN Terrano local 4WD manual

MERC Ambulance BR 2.7m 0722736597 MERC Benz 200E 124 white v/clean
manual 550K MUST SEE!! 0711-621757

MERC C180v/c auto 700k 0722736597 MERC C200 00 cln 790k 0722370573 MERC C200 750,000/= 0733966439 MERC E220 CDI BQ 1.9m 0722736597 Merc E240 red wine 2.15m 0721549071 MERCEDES C180 comp 05 KBT
1.8m 0729752810

MERCEDES E240 2m 0720290396 MERC Lorry 1928 BS 0703751937 MERC year 2010 3.85M 0733-389258 MIT FH 46px KBM 3.5m 0722589743 MIT FH KBL c/body 4m 0727286386 MIT FIGHTER KBH 0729922941 MIT KAT GDI v/c 345k 0722-611448 MIT L200 warrior D/cab KBN,mint
condition,1.4 m,call 0734777143

7-seater KAM, maroon, alloys, CD player, n/tyres 850K neg.0723 577726 NISSAN Wingroad KBQ Ksh 450k Tel 0726726954 NISSAN X-trail 05/06 mdl red and silver with alloy, CD player,hyper roof from Kshs 1.48M Call 0727 515 312 NISS B14 white manual KAP v/clean with n/tyres 345K neg 0723 829 713 NISS B15 BH silver 390k 0722534960 NISS b15 bj 420K 0704595038 NISS March 03 BM 420K 0721274500

2.0,1.15/1.2, 0722690942 SUBARU Forester 99 non-turbo fully loaded 0722249370 SUBARU Forester non-turbo black 05 mdl with a/rims, CD player, roof rails 1.48M neg Call 0725 863 242 SUBARU Outback amazing LL Beam edition leather seat, w/steering etc f/loaded 6cd changer 1.65 Tel 0720412521 SUB B4 n/turbo 580k 0722705752 SUB Forester 2units KBT @1.25m yr2005 no-turbo 0721713826 SUB Forester KAX manual very clean 420K ono 0721-900385 SUB Impreza BN 03 670k 0721274500 SUB Legacy 05 BT F/L 0724166266 SUB Legacy saloon @ 1.15m KBT 2 exhaust, no-turbo 0721713826


neg. terms No brokers 0789538739 T/Shark KAW v/clean 730k 0722370460 T/ SIENTA 7 seater KBP yr 04 very clean 590k negotiable,0722740638 T/Spacio KBB f/l 495k0721211222 shah T/Spacio KBK v/c 670k 0722330950 T/Starlet KAQ 285K 0727723284 T/SUCEED KBT 05 690k 0716457435 T/VOXY 05 KBT silver f/l TV/DVD 7seater alloys 985k 0721211222 shah T.Camry 05 BT auto 0724166266 T.HARRIER 05 BT 2.4L 0724166266 T.MarkX 05 TV loaded 0724166266 T/100 KAM se v/c 300k 0722395870

TOY Premio 05/06 v.neat 0721942946 TOY Premio 04 silver KBQ with alloy

FINELANDS Ruai 50x100 S/offer FINELANDS RuaI 50x100 special

offer! 95k 0724816611, 2472045

rims, cd, q/sale 920k 0736727838 TOY Pri 720K KBK 0721395855 TOY Probox BQ-BT dep from 150k bal 1-3yrs no intrest 0720208631 TOYPROBOX KBN 350k 0722673389 v/c


T 102 BA clean 510k 0717593280 T Allion BT 15E 1m 0733739325 T/BELTA BS GREEN 1.05m

T/CALDINA 1.8CC KBT 05' 980K.


TOY Shark KAN 550K 0721704874 TOY Shark KBA 850K 0721704874 TOY SIENTA 05 710K 0721933807 TOY Starlet KAV 330k 0723838451 TOY Succeed BQ 650k 0708004000 TOY VX mnl 1.92m 0720359005 T/PLATZ 01KBC Mnl 480K



NISS Patrol 98 1.52m 0720359005 NIS Wingroad, KBM, silver, CD player,

03 mdl, v/clean, 470K 0723 810 654 N-XTRAIL KBT 1.45M 0723935518 NZE KBL 2003 520K PAY 30K PER MONTH 0721727540

SUB Outback 05 f/l BS 0724166266 SUZ Escudo 05 manual 0722880780 Suzuki Escudo KBJ @950K 0722588890 SUZUKI Maruti 350k 0722604710 T/103 Manual diesel 390k 0726035369 T/110 KAW 420K neg 0721867740 T/91 KAC clean 220K 0722388581 T/AE 91 efi KAL 205K 0727723284 T/ALLION 03/05 900k 0724-982123 T/ALLION 04 Q/s 820k 0722943053 T/Allion 06 KBT 999k 0750-888891 T/allion BM 820k 0722784296 T/ALLION BN 03 780K 0736-319872 T/ALLION silver 05 1m 0705864475 T/Alphard KBQ 1.3m 0723930034 T/Avensis KBA mnl 440k 0727755807 T/Caldina black s/roof 05 0732903466 T /CALDINA KAV 2001 Kshs 520000.
Q/Sale Tel 0733806359

T Caldina BQ 04 850k 0717593280 T Carina auto 430k 0722604710 T Carina KBA 395k 0715-732606 TERRANO 05 KBP 1.1M 0722525269 T.FIELDER'BT 950k 0722601529 T-FIELDER KBN 500K 0723154373

T/PREMIO 02 BH N/S 0733738286 TPREMIO 03 vc 815K 0721649457 T/PROBOX 04 kbp 480k



T Raum KBT 750k 0733739325 TRAV4 08 manual 4wd 2.0L vvti KBP
navy alloys v/clean 0723344388

Tel: 020 2673961 / 0725 210219


T/FIELDER KBS 920K 0722376224 T Fielder KBT 930k 0733739325 T-GAIA KBQ 04 890k 020-3555073 T Harrier KAX 2000 Cream vclean
quick sale 975k 0722317856 T Ipsum 04 KBP 1.15M 0722863609 T L tour clean 450k 0717593280

T s/wagon KBB clean 620k 0722370460 T SUCEED KBM R OWNER

0722338404 550K

Estate 1/2acre 20M negotiable, Call 0203591393 GITHURAI45-Z corner 9units 1B/rm flats 0712033509 Joska Kamulu 9 acres River frontage @1m per acre Call 020-2516665 or 0719-756740


MIT Lancer KAT Auto Kshs 350K Tel:


P 504 UG sal auto 170k 0726276271 PEUG. 504 p/up dsl 300k 0722519155 PEUG 204 KMJ 60K 0728808423 PEUG 406 04 1766cc KAT local
d/green v/clean co maint. Call Mathu 0720700050, 0737870968 PEUG- 406 clean '98' 0722374276

MIT p/up KAD L200 375k 0733653862 MIT Pajero Diesel 4WD auto 7 seater
f/l v/c 1 own 675k 0722712373 patel

Mits/Shogun KAT 435k 0724909517 MITS Canter HD 4D34 KAR 04'

highside v/c 1.6M owner 0720496952

Peug 406 KAZ 295k 0725847805 Peug 406 KAZ 295k 0725847805 PEUG 504 s/w KAA 165K 0727-081514 PEUG 605 KAD 220k 0723846658

T/Caldina KAZ 2000cc 430k 0720873667 T/Carina Ti Myroad BE 0727723284 T/Duet KAY 280k ono 0722667834 T/FIELDER 05 slvr G850k 0720002629

T-NOAH s/limo KBD 01 0722742486 TOY/110 AX 480K 0723948157 TOY 100 KAP 140K 0723502573 V/C TOY 102 KAS 460k 0722451010 TOY102 KBC 01 a/t fl 545k 0720840671 TOY 103 manl AW 480 0722461668 Toy110 kAT mnl 390k 0712031004 TOY 110 owner relocating 295k v/cln
KAS manual 0708961716 No brokers.

TOY 111 KBA 320K 0725903503 TOY Allion BM 03 670k 0712031004 TOY Allion BN 03 790K 0722348802

T Townace 2006 0722415776 T/WISH Bs 890k 0723145883 VITZ 05 680,000/= Tel 0729752810 VITZ 01 0721538380, 0722748118 VITZ KBF blue 460K 0722492708 VITZ KBJ 450K 0720780288 VITZ KBN 460k 0722712311 silver VITZ KBQ yr04 510k 0723216568 VOLVO 240 efi 350k 0721793648 VW Golf 98 380k 0722525269 VW GOLF 05 FSI red 0721833319 VW Passat 1.8T 750k 0722736597 VW Passat BS n/s 1.3m 0722733747 VW Toureg 05 leather Black 3.0 v6
KBQ not-used q/sale 0723344388

1 /8 plots nxt to tarmac 0722-438738 0712-330039 ISINYA prime 20&100ac 0734871447 s/offer 200k 0714915424,0728879191 0714915424, 0728879191, 0736901000

JUBILANDS: Kitengela Isinya 50x100 Jubilands: Ruai 50x100 350k v/prime JUJA 40x60 300K 0722505384 JUJA 80acs title 0711262590 s/buyer JUJA farm 1/8ac 500k 0722294412 JUJA Farm 40x80 100-200K, Ruiru
40x60 200-850K Wankin Property Ltd tel 0722101223

KABIRIA 2br apt 14,500 0736308088 KAHAWA Sukari 1/4ac 0722831685

62 | Classieds
KABATI prime plots 50x100 near
proposed Mitubiri Metro Railway Station 180k Call now 0732724844 Kabiruini near kimathi uni 1/4 acre owner 0721800958/ 0721443109 KAHARATI Maragwa rd 2.5acres semi-finished 3br bungalow 1km from main rd. Call 0703138891 KAJIADO /Maili 46 Elangata Waus at 5M for 60 acres good for Sacco Call 0722540642 KAMITI corner 50x100ft ksh3.5m call 0729430769

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

KONZA city plots 50x100 ft kshs
650k owner 0728673900 LAND for sale flyover 40*80 , sellin price ksh450000. Contact 0736164343


Ruai Joska 50x100 200,000/= Ruai Joska 50x100 very prime 300,000/= Ruai Joska 50x100 4km from Kangundo road 150,000/= Ruai Joska 50x100 2km from Kangundo road 400,000/= KBC 40x80, 200m from Kangundo road 375,000/= Isinya 50x100 3km from Pipeline road 150,000/= Isinya 50x100 best offer 110,000/= Viewing free Ruai Wed & Sat 9.30am-10.30 am respectively Isinya Tues, Thurs & Sat 9.30 am
Contact Truelands Holdings Ltd Reli-Co-op Hse, 4th Floor Rm 404, Mfangano St. Tel: 020-2250594, 0720738141 or 0734800400

B782 Properties for Sale

A prime block of flats of 1brms. Good
income. Price 26M 0734871447

VIEWLIVE Enterprises Ltd Kitengela

MALEWA 24ac 7.2m ono 0725381905 MAVOKO 200 plots 50/100,ideal for MEMBLEY: 5br hse 45K 0736308088. MEMBLEY Kirere 40x80 1.9m and
Sacco Ksh.300,000 each 0726705979

BIAFRA Eastleigh 3bedroom hse,

radix agencies call 0729840377

Chuna Housing Est 1/4acre corner plot 2nd row Langata 2&3bedroom apt m/ensuite next to the by pass tel: 0703648299

D279 Notice
CLIMB Mt Kenya this Nov & Dec call
camp outdoor 0714966684 mtkenya6@gmail.com ltd spaces

EMBAKASI Honeysuckle flat 3b/r

1st floor new 5.5M Tel 0720673471 GITHURAI-45 1storey 0720352344 GREENPLOTS Jamhuri 3br maisonette 11.5m Tel: 0726663849,

B789 Properties to Let

1,2&3 br Forest rd 6-22k 0729037168 1,2B/R Hurlingam 15-25k 0720020410 1,2B/R Westlands 12-25k 0720040895 1&2br Kidfarmaco10/12k, 2/3br Kabete
20/21k 0720410030, 0720408686

D531 Hotels


JOSKA at Sunshine 4km from Kangundo Rd.....................120,000/ JOSKA at K.B.C 500m From Kangundo Road Near A.I.C School.............300,000/ JOSKA at K.B.C800m from Kangundo Rd Past A.I.C School.......................280,000/ JOSKA at K.B.C 3km From Kangundo Rd near Farm C .............................150,000/ JOSKA at K.B.C Prime Dev Area with Electricity ................................250,000/ Kitengela 13km from tarmac......100,000/ Kitengela near KCA University...110,000/ Kitengela behind Malili.................95,000/INDIVIDUAL TITLES PER PLOT. VIEWING DAYS: Kamulu - Joska Tues, Thur, & Sat Time: 9.00am. VIEWING DAYS: Kitengela - ICT city Wednesdays & Saturdays Time: 9.00am. RELI-CO-OP HSE, 4TH FLOOR DOOR 411, Next To Bus Station K.B.S Tel:020.343894, 0722-312387, 0733-582208.


SIZE: 50ft X 100ft


2m with titles Tel 0789-860908 MERU 3/4acr v/prime adjacent KEMU main campus touching meru-maua h/way.T/deeds ready 0701093309 MUA hills machakos 2acres @ kshs 1m each owner 0728673900 MURANGA 3.9acres Gaitega, electricity/water 1.7m negotiable. Call 07216-68666, 0720-812162 MUSHROOM Gardens Kiambu road 1/2acre plot Tel. 0723-556845 MUTHURE Plot For sale kshs 2.3M Tel 0722831093 MWIHOKO Next to Kiriri University 40x80 700k Juja Kalimoni 40x60 250k Ruiru Toll 3Br house 5.2m 0722290180 0735973338

HIGHRISE 2br Tel 0722225440 JUJA Muigai-Inn Valley View Estate

4bedroom house 5.9m 0729475785 lurambi 8m 0706901154 owner

KAKAMEGA 3br hse on 1/4acre at KAREN 6br hse @97m 0723676510 KARIOBANGI South Jua Kali 2 Kasarani C/City 12.8m 0706187486
12m Neg. Owner 0722884723 storey incomplete house 0729475785

1B/S Hurlinghum 5000 0720271294 1Br 19k South B 0721543048 2B/R + sq Parklands 25000 0722456612 2B/R Hurlinghum 30000 0720829448 2br Mwimuto 12k/10k 0722804574 2 BR Ruaka m/ensuite 0727804173 AT SouthB new 1br studios & bedsitter

KAYOLE-2 storey flat with 21 units KAYOLE 3 Storey 8.5M 0720561485 KAYOLE 9rms incomplt 0722170079 Kiamumbi 3br on 1/8ac 0722294412 Kidfarmaco bglow 8.5m 0706187486 KILELESHWA 4BR with s/pool &
gym. Call 0722 524 481, 020 2252343 KILIMANI 2br apt 12M 0734871447 KILIMANI 2br apt 12M 0734871447


Bypass 1/8acre @800K Bemwa Ltd 0729867113, 0728080823

RUIRU Bypass 50x100 plots finance RUIRU Bypass plots from 750,000/=
2km from tarmac Call 0722540642

NAIVASHA Mwichiringiri 3acres

virgin land owner 0732-015500 near stadium Tel 0720673471

arranged ksh 750,000/= with title Tel 0722837700

secure water supply DSTV 24/7 security 0706-116647, 0720451423 B/BURU 1BR 6K 0716426980 0WNER B/BURU 3BR 17K 0732751586 OWNER CHIROMO B/S 4K 0703769094 owner

A.GLORY Holiday Resort. 2000/- per

person with B/fast.0202107105, 0721 895935, 0720298208, 0786515786

NANYUKI Kilimo 1/4 acre 360,000/NAROK 35 acres Ksh 7,000,000/=

ono Tel 0738-244632

DONHOLM 2br new opp Tuskys



NASRA G 8x33M mtr 0713-818044 NAZARENE 5acres 0723149922 NGONG 1/8ac plots 1km from

Mhasibu 1/4ac Gated community 10m Call 0722219651 RUNDA Mumwe 0.5ac murram soil. Flat Kshs. 26m Call 0722219651

KILIMANI 4br Maisonette plus Sq

corner hse 0733484080, 0720-712118

SAFARI Park Gardens 40x80 contro

lled dev 0725850586, 0722716398

Zambia stage ksh 1.25m ono Tel Owner 0716-648205

SYOKIMAU 1/8 & 1/4 acre plots ready clean titles. Financing accepted KISAJU 50x100 prime plots 2km from tarmac FEDHA ESTATE 50x100 plot ideal for apartments.

Kitengela 3br Bungalow 0738-920465 KITENGELA new valley 4b/r

Bungalow Kes. 5.8M 1/4acre plot fronting tarmac Muigai Commercial Kes 9M tel: 0736332937, 0729904726 KOMAROCK 2br 0722813866

KAMULU 15acres tel: 0737794254 KAMULU 50x100 dep. 50,000 bal

NGONG Bondeni 2 plots 1/8acre 1.5,

1.6 0724879643, 0727897723 O/Rongai Laiser 1ac for flats 0722907523

4mths. Ready titles. 0202-164920, 0788-953862, 0707-965632 Sideway Proper ties Ltd. Vedic Hse 7th Floor

ONGATA Rongai 1/8ac 1.5m Kitengela

KAMULU 50x100 dep. 50,000 balance

4months, titles ready, 020-2610923, 0751201267 Homeward, Viewing free

KANGEMI Plot Ksh 7M 0724970436 KASARANI, Claycity muirigo titled,

23x70, 2.2m 0722701153 owner. 0737627787,

1/8ac 800,000/= 0722321369 ONGATA Rongai Tuala shopping centre 1/4ac 1.8M 0725-270631 O RONGAI 1/8ac Nazarene University 670,000/= 0722-596446 owner O/RONGAI 3bedroom best hse near tarmac 0789770087
KAMULU 1/8 acre residential plots near KBC station along Kangundo road........Kshs 295k THIKA NGOLIBA 1/8 acre prime plots within Thika Municipality along Thika Garrisa Highway touching tarmac............Kshs 450k KITENGELA 1/8 Acre residential plots yukos area...............................Kshs 1.5M Title deeds ready All weather access road Developed & secure neighbourhood All service on site LOCATION: WESTLANDS MPAKA PLAZA 3RD FLR ALONG MPAKA RD 020 2026095 / 0726225796 / 0723718942 info@soilmerchants.co.ke www.soilmerchants.co.ke

KOMAROCK3br flt 3.7m 0725270631 LAV 4bd 2ens 13.5m 0733530834 LAVINGTON appartments, 3 bdrm,

Tel 0722303166 Kshs 18000pm DONHOLM new 2br apt hot shower 16k water & service fee inc. 0716869623 DONHOLM ph.8 1&2br 13-17k (water & DSTV inc.) 0720252623 0724250511 GREENPLOTS South C Mugoya 4br maisonette & s/q 55,000/- Tel: 0726663849, 0722136822, 343644/5 GUANGO LTD. Muchatha Rental 3br 28k Clifftop Est Tel: 0736332937 or 0729904726 H/GUM 1br 8k 0720985378 owner

Affordable Luxury Single: 3000 Double: 3500 Deluxe double 4000 Self contained rooms with 32 channel cable TV, Bar & Restaurant ,Free internet 0712 531 166,0787 690 639.Happy hour every Friday buy 2 beers get 1 free!! info@aquarium guesthomes.com www.aquariumguesthomes.com


PRESTIGE Apartments Mtwapa Fully


Electricity House, 13th floor Tel 0720 852338, 0726 387980, 020 311610 www.schemedevelopers.com

KATANI 1/8acr near Syokimau &





ALL ensuite, new & secure, frm 13M. 0717 484 867; 0707 902 987 LAVINGTON Villas 5 br off Plan Selling 0728990415 LORESHO Offices from 600 sq ft tel: 4452583 / 0722236677

HIGHRISE 2br 18k 0717601562


Furnished 2 & 1B/Room Self Catering S/pool AC DSTV WIFI Conference 3000/= P/day 0722351275

D571 Hotels
LANGATA DAM ESTATE NEW 1 & 2 BR APARTMENTS Executive finish, borehole, granite kitchen top plus more between 24K - 28K Tel: 0726 517074 / 0722 343178 / 0732 877312 NO AGENTS JAM (2) 3brm owner 0772-592623 KAREN mt.view loresho1-4br0725817817 KAWANGWARE - Stage Coast,
Rooms with car park, from kshs.2000. 0775453585 Sea Lodge, Diani. Executive Rooms ksh.2000.5min from the beach. 0202057925

near Utawala, r/titles Aberdeen Hol dings Ltd 0722829195, 0734572994 KATANI 50x100 dep. 100,000 bal 4mths. Ready titles. 0202-164920, 0788-953862, 0707-965632 Sideway Proper ties Ltd. Vedic Hse, 7th floor

SPRING Valley rd 1/2ac 0719-112415 SYOKIMAU 1/4acre next Acacia Sch

tel: owner 0721-292080

MOMBASA rd maisonet 0723282765 MUTHAMA Heights 3br maisonette

KATANI50X100 dep. 100,000 balance

4months, Titles ready, 020-2610923,

SYOKIMAU 1/8acr Tel 0721422857 Syokmau40x80 plt title 900k 0722421944 TASSIA 33x66 Touching Tarmac

with DSQ Kshs 8.3M 0724970436 MWIKI 18rooms house good rental rental income care taker 0720371408 Owner 0722898973 NAKURU Near Fularia shops 4.8m part devped 0.25acre T: 0720673471


0715514989 Homeward, viewing free

KBU/Turitu 1/2acre 3M 0739121069 KENOL 40x100 380K 0723488507 KENOL Muranga 2 acres touching

THIKA 40x80ft 1.6m 0723-899814 THIKA Mun 12 acres industrial offers

call 0710595966

NASRA cheap plots 0722792898 NGONG 3bedroomed spacious

Book your Christmas holidays here!Deluxesinglekshs2000per night.CallAmina0729771752or Juweiriya 0718303043

Kagia rd tarmac 0711444184 K IAMBU near Nazareth Hosp., 2.8 acs elec, water, part tea plantn. 0727218118 KIAMBU Rd Mushroom Gardens 1/2
acre 10.5M neg 0722466855 with Title

RIMPA (Kandisi) 1/8 1.15m & 1/2

THIKA Municipality 40x80 serviced

Kiamumbi 1/4ac 5&7m 0722294412 KIAMUMBI 1/4acre 0722987984 KIKUYU Sigona 1/8a,0716119975 KIKUYU THOGOTO 4ACRES

NEAR TARMAC 32M, 1/4AC GIKAMBURA 700K 0722790200 KINGEERO 1/4,1/8,2.8m 0721633467 KINOO 100x100 10m 0722344731 KISAJU,near KAG univers,1/4 plots, title ready, 900K.Call 0704 592971 KISAJU 1/8a near tarmac 0722807475 KISERIAN P/Line past Checkpoint 10 & 15acs 480k p.a 0722347033 KITENGELA 1/4acre 0702345602 KITENGELA 30acs 0714137144 KITENGELA 50*100 520k & 10acs 2.5m per acre 0725178238

fenced elect 4.6m 0722347033 RIMPA 1/8ac 1.9m & 1/4ac 3.6m Call 0738686188, 0722396160 RONGAI town 1/4acre 0731630801 RUAI 1/4acre 400m off Kangundo Rd + materials water electricity ksh 2M negotiable 0721929715 RUAI 1/8ac (50x100) 250,000/= 0722 450218,0722986680, Nemuge Co. Ltd RUAI 1/8ac 350,000/= prime with title 0202632731,0722986680 Nemuge Ltd RUAI 1/8acre 120,000/= best s/offer 0722450218, 0722986680 Nemuge
Co. Ltd. Free Viewing Wed & Sat 9.30am

plots (4 storey allowed) Title on purchase 0722792319 or 0737792320 2.5M, 3M Call 0722219651

THIKA next to Golf Club 1/4ac 1.8M, TKH Ngoingwa 80x100 0735529495 UTAWALA 40x80ft plot ideal for
flats dev kshs 1.5M. Tel 0715046665

bungalow m/en, sq plus a store exclusive finishing perimeter wall in a court of 30 units kshs 6.95m ono Call owner 0716648205 NYAYO emb 3br 6.3m 0738294817 NYAYO Embakasi. Three B.Room apartment. Call. 0707981939. Owner. O/ Rongai 1/8acre Sh 1.3M 0721551419

Spacious 2 B/R Flats, well refurbished and billboard on site. Contact: Masterways Tel:0714-498948, 0722778767, 0722- 461662 KILI 2BR 17k 0723201319 OWNR

E085 For Sale Private

Isuzu NKR c/b KAS 950k; NKR
KBL,26 pass 1.89M.Eld.0722381831


UTAWALA Fahari hotel 1/4acre

with title Tel 0734-414883 VILLAGE Inn 1/2ac 11M 0734871447 on highway Kshs 500m 0722219651

WESTLANDS Waiyaki Way 0.75ac

Get Prime and spacious 3 Bedroom apartment (all ensuite) in a prime and secured Location in Westlands- Cedar Road-off Rhapta Road. Construction has began. Price: Ksh.13.7M Pay Ksh.2.5M to book your unit now. Ksh.4.6M in 60 days and the rest within 15 months during construction period. To book your unit, please contact us at: Tofina Rom Builders Ltd Lavington Green Shopping Centre, Chandarana Supermarket build , 3rd Floor Tel: 020-8069355Mobile: 0710-521478, 0733-677015, 0722-718161,0723-675624 Email: info@tofinarom.com Website: www.tofinarom.com


B761 Premises, Offices for Sale

BIG Shop CBD ideal for bar hotel etc
goodwill 5m neg Q/sale 0752376769

RUAI 1/8acre 175,000/= sp/offer 0789

767109, 0722986680 Nemuge Co. Ltd RUAI 50x100 220k, 250k, 350k, 40x80 400k, titledeed Dev. Amiga Investment. 0713967300,0705203024, 020-2615532 RUAI 50x100 250k with t/deeds devd 0725-939618, 2316208 Global Plan

B768 Premises, Offices to Let

ADAMS Arcade 900ft 0722682212 ARGWINGS Kodhek Road. Satchi
Plaza g/flr office 2100sqft 0710786555

2&3 bedroom apt m/ensuite next to the bypass tel: 0703648299 LAVINGTON 5br 350k 0721377010 LAVINGTON Amboseli Rd 1brooms ksh 12000 & bedsitters ksh 10000 tel 0727948196 0202395490 MBUGANI South C 3 b/room with sq kshs 55,000 0715-129388 MUCHATHA Banana one bedroom apartments 7000 Tel 0720700661 NAZRA Estate close to Umoja 2b/r apt. modern ammenities, own Car-park ksh 25,000 p.m, 2mnths deposit Tel 0729671900. No agents NGARA 2b/r 30K-60K 0722658917 NGARA c/sevant 3br 0722813866

E243 Domestic E263 Women

SECRETARIES required Apply with
all certificates & cv . P.O.BOX 84559 Mombasa

E324 Building
stones 55/= delivered anywhere in mombasa 0715 046690

E382 Schools E396 Child Care

6-12y hol camp@350 0722892425

PANGANI 2 br Flats vacant Kshs PARKLANDS

RUAI 50x100 300k,350k,450k; 100x100ft

700k r/titles KBC 200k 0727867432 RUAI Joska 50x100 400k with t/deeds devd 0725939618 Global Plan

Get a prime and spacious 150 Sqm- 3 Bedroom (all ensuite) apartment with DSQ in a prime Location on Mombasa Road next to the new railway stn.

30,000 p.m tel: 0722714067 no agents

KITENGELA Acacia area 5acres 9M

o.n.o clean title

ELD pioneer executive 4br maisonette

m/ensuite 40k call owner 0721870511

2br flat 37k 020221566, 0726656999 no agents

0726276271 owner KITENGELA Kisaju 2 plots 1/4acre gated community of 49 plots free hold title 975,000/= Owner 0731-966211 KITENGELA Korompoi prime 14 AC PLTS @1.2M 0721455870 KITENGELA near KCA prime plots 50x100, ksh. 250,000.cash installments negotiated.Call 0724726361, 0722799222, 0733271622

RUAI KBC 50x100 275k with t/deeds

KITENGELA plts www.optiven.co.ke KITENGELA prime area 1/4 acre

Tumaini court gated 0726-815686 1.2m tel: 0721-333775 Kageha

KITENGELA reserve 2acre fenced KITENGELA Town plot 1/8 acre

business centre tarmac front 13.5m 0707-666686 / 0722-300838

devd 0725939618 Global Plan RUAI Ngundu 1/4 acre plots touches greater eastern by pass has titles Ksh 700,000/= each Tel 0722-680231 RUAKA plots call: 0722-657301 RUAKA plots for sale 0720320656 RUAKA prime plot 1/4ac (90x130) t/d 12M 0731423736/0737384936 RUIRU 1/8acre t/d tel 0722553286 RUIRU 1/8 near kamakis &1/8 murera near pcea mugutha 0738672780

GODOWNS5000-10000sqft 4454285 HOTEL Bar and Restaurant with 20

Price: Ksh.5.9M
Pay Ksh.1.5M to book your unit now. Balance within 12 months during construction period. To book your unit, please contact us at: Tofina Rom Builders Ltd Lavington Green Shopping Centre, Chandarana Supermarket build , 3rd Floor Tel: 020-8069355Mobile: 0710-521478, 0733-677015, 0722-718161,0723-675624 Email: info@tofinarom.com Website: www.tofinarom.com

RIRONI big 2 bed rm 15k 0722565310 SANTACK 1br Tel 0716325803 SAVANNAH Est 1bedroom self
contained Call owner 0722442244

E457 Bar Codes E546 Machinery for Sale

self contained rooms to let in Kitengela along Namanga road. for more details Call Tel 0710-208600 or 0733-138410

SOUTH C 3BR 25K 0729038472

SOUTH C SQ EXT 0722558888 STALLS no goodwill 0720441303 STATE Hse Crescent 2BR 60K.
Furniture to be bought. 0733 760 006

MLOLONGO shop call 0720735456 MUTHITHI Rd office to let 1050sqft

Tel 0722740698

OFFICES 6500(prom) Nbi 0721939175 PREMISES to let next to Machakos

RUIRU B/P 1/8 Tel 0721422857 RUIRU Bypass 1/8@1.6m, 1.5m,

600mtr frm tarmac, 950k 1km, 550k, 3km with title 0720707519

KONZA CITY 8 acres prime land.

radix agencies. call 0729840377

RUIRU Bypass 1/8 1.3M title0722557356 RUIRU Bypass 40x80 0724327188

junction Chumvi Opp. Maanzoni hotel Former Shalom High School is now ready to let out: Dormitory, D/Hall, Classrooms, Labs, Offices and scenic fenced compound. Send your offers to facemusau@gmail.com or call 0722 157502.

TASSIA 5br masonate ens. 0770339495 TELAVIV Estate singles 4000/- 1br
8K 0715-000944/ 0732-000944

RIVERSIDE Drv 4br apt all ensuite +

spacious. Owner 21m 0733902351 SOUTH B 2bd apt 6.5M 0704604040 Sth-C Rangers 4br+2sqs 14m 0725270631

THOME-V 2br Flat 0721-845949 W/LANDS sch Lane 2br flats 45K
secure tel: 0723490269

SERVICED offices internet business

support industrial area 0717-810500

THOME 4B/R1/2acre35m 0720840671 TOM mboya street Nrb bld offers

0710595966 for details

COAST (Telephone

Coast Numbers Only)

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

Classieds/Transition 63
E789 Properties to Let
2B/R flat Kiembeni 10k 0727714136 3BEDROOM
flats master ensuit Nakumatt Nyali next to BM Security with swimming pool servant quarters and ample parking 60,000pm Kingorani Mferejini 3bedroom flats master ensuite 28,000pm Shanzu opposite msa resort 2bedroom appartment 35000pm Sabasaba 2bedrm flats 25000pm 0728054062
It is with deep sorrow and profound shock that we announce the death of our beloved mother Loise Mutheki Kitungu on 11/11/2012 . Wife of the late Daniel Kitungu. Mother of Kiio,Veronicah, Mutungi, Nthiwa, Mutuku, Dorothy, Mutua, Muema and Mutie. Sister of Ngili Mutie (Kalama), and Ngali Ngewa among others. Aunt of Philip Mulili (Mukuyuni), Stephen Ngewa (Kwakavisi). Sister in-law of Koki Wambua (Kalama). Grandmother of Joshua (Kithangaini sec), Amos (Nrb) ,Muoka, Maundu, Ndanu, Stephen, Mutuku (USA),Nthenya (AMREF). Great grandmother of Wele, Mutete, Mwendwa among others. In-law of Daniel Ngauki (Kathonzweni) and Peter Musau (H/Tr. Kyamusoi pri sch). Daughter in-law of Theresia, Mary, Kaviku, Jacinta, Philes, Dorcus and Catherine. The cortege leaves Makueni Hospital mortuary on Monday 19/11/2012 for funeral service and burial ceremony at Nthangu village Unoa sub- location 1928-11/11/2012 Makueni County. Mama youve fought a good ght, nished the race and kept the faith.

E581 Printing
Ideal650-335k& Eba Ideal550-175k 2extra blade Abdick 360 chutes 240k 0772774691

Death and Funeral Announcement

D557 Apartments available D557 Apartments Available

NYALI furnished 4br ensuite hse own
compound 0722384841

It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the passing on of William Wambua Munai on the 8th Nov. 2012.

Death and Funeral Announcement

E782 Properties for Sale

MTWAPA own villa 2 cottages & big
workshop on waterside 39M 0722411084www.rudy-maeder.com

NEW 2br flats Majengo 19000pm BH

water F/tiled 4 remaining to let 0724662412 no agents

Loise Mutheki Kitungu

It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the untimely demise of our beloved Karen Nkatha Marangu who was a forth form candidate at Chogoria Girls High School on Sunday 11th November 2012 at KNH after a short illness. Beloved daughter of Jacob and Alice Marangu Mbogori. Sister of Tonny Mburugu and Rita Ntinyari and late Fridah Kagendo. Grand daughter of Jotham and Annah Mbogori of Uruku Imenti South, late Shadrack and Charity of Makandune. Beloved niece of Grace and David Kibanga of Uruku Academy, Lucy and Josphat Murithi of Uruku Electricals, late Beatrice Ntibuka, Jeniffer and Douglas Mutai of Nanyuki (DCs and OCPDs ofce), Rose and Kaburu Mbogori Kenya school of Government Embu, Mary and J. Mbaabu of Mbaabu Inoti & Co.Advocates-Meru, Paul Meeme of Nairobi and Jonathan Mwiti, Gideon, Julius, Samson, Jamlick, Grace, Maureen and Zipporah (Kajiado). Cousin of Aileen Kanana & Karwitha of USA, Carol (Bidii), Mugambi (MTTI), Muriki, Mwenda (Dar-es-salaam), Peter Mutuma, Kendi (Mombasa), Gitonga, Kimathi, Kinoti, Ken (AWSB), Makena, Kinya, Mutuma (NIC), Gitobu, Kim, Lorna, Linda, Kirimi and Mutwiri among others. Aunt of Sharon Kinya (Kaaga Girls). Relatives and friends are meeting at Mitunguu 1994-11/11/2012 and Uruku Ikumbo Village 3.00 p.m daily. Cortege leaves Nkubu Mortuary on Saturday 17th November 2012 at 10.00 am for funeral service at their Uruku home, Nkuene location, Imenti South District. Nkatha, we release you into Gods hands, in our hearts you remain forever.

Gone Too Soon

Karen Nkatha Marangu

It Is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the death of Kabon Kipkurui Komen. Daughter of the late Arap Cheboiwo and Kimoi. Kabon was the sister of Arap Chemitei, Arap Cherutich, Arap Kibet and Arap Kangogo. She was a loving mother of Jeremiah, Lilian, Peninah, Hellen (Kaisugu Tea Factory), Irene (Kenya Post Telecommunication Butere), Musa (Kenya Prison Ngeria) and Samuel (Kenya Police-Nakuru).She was a grandmother to many. Friends and relatives are meeting at her home Mochongoi for vigil and funeral arrangements.

Death and Funeral Announcement

It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the passing on to glory of our beloved father Peter Ndonye Kioko at Bishop Kioko hospital Machakos on 12/11/2012. Husband of Elizabeth Ngondu Peter. Father of Beatrice Mululu, Monica Nduku, Philip Kioko Ndonye (Kenyatta National Hospital), Benjamin Mutuku, (Kyangala Pri sch), Benson Ndonye, Richard Mutiso, Jackson Mumo, Danson Musembi, Daniel Ndonye (NIS), Nelson Munywoki. He was brother of Mr. Jeremiah Kamuti and the late Mrs. Ruth Mwatu. Step-brother of John Maliti Masesi and others. Uncle of Dr. Esther Kioko (National Museums of Kenya), Titus Kamuti (Kaani Primary School), Gedion Kamuti (Kenya Police), Stephen Kamuti, Joseph Kamuti (Kenya Police), Mbatha and Kitonga (Canada). He is survived with 56 grandchildren. Friends and relatives are meeting daily at his home, Ithaeni Sub-location Kathiani District. The cortege leaves Machakos Funeral Home on Saturday, 17th November, 2012 at 10.00am for burial at his home 1927-2012 at 2.00pm. You fought a good ght of faith, nish the race and kept the faith. Rest in peace

Promotion To Glory

He was the son of the late Timothy Munai and the late Beatrice Mbeke. He was the husband of Serah Kamene William. Father of the late Jane Ndinda, Mary Mumbua (USA), the late Victor Ngei, Richard Masaku, Bernard Kisoi, Sunny Mwania and Winfred Mwikali. He was Grandfather of Moses Mulia, Robert Wilkins, Catherine Morna, William Wambua Winston Wambua, Michelle Nzaumi, Munai Alex Mwendwa, Peter Moses, Jackson Wambua, Kevin Mutiso, Lillian Nzaumi, Nicholas Mbithi, Ronnie W ambua and John Paul. He was brother of Annah Muasya, Grace Mutunga and the late Joseph Munyao. Family and friends are meeting at his residence home in Mbilini, Kangundo. The cortege leaves Kenyatta University Mortuary on 17th Nov. 2012 at 9.00 for burial at his home in Mbilini, Kangundo, Machakos County. In Gods hands you rest, in our hearts you live forever

We take this opportunity as the loving family of the late Charles J.Thiongo, to rst thank God Almighty for his grace that has given us the strength and made it possible to make it through each day from the day of his passing to this day. We were truly overwhelmed by the presence of so many family and friends and we feel very blessed to have so many special people in our lives who enabled him to complete his journey home in such a dignied and betting way. We cannot express how grateful we are to you all for your immeasurable support of generously contributing towards the hospital expenses, for your prayers, for your words of comfort and for standing with us on the day we laid him to rest. For all who came forward to donate blood, we are humbled. To the Chairman of the Organising Committee, Mr. David Wangunyu and to the Committee Members, we are truly grateful.

Peter Ndonye Kioko

Charles J. Thiongo (Harro)

The cortage leaves War Memorial Mortuary on Saturday 17th November 2012 at her home Mochongoi, Kokwamoi village, Mochongoi Location ,Baringo county. In Gods hands you rest in our hearts you live forever. Rest in peace kogo.

Kabon Kipkurui Komen


A special thank you to the United Karen Ltd (UKL),Vetlab Welfare Association and ENI Self help group for your assistance. We acknowledge all who worked tirelessly to cater for those who came to condole with us. To the catechist of Consolata Church, Sammy, we also say thank you. Since we cannot thank everyone in person, we sincerely ask you to accept this message as an expression of our heartfelt gratitude and ask the Lord to bless you all abundantly.

It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the passing on of Daniel Mwea Ndegwa which occurred on Monday 12th Nov 2012 after a long illness. Son of the late Ndegwa Kimere and the late Wanjiku Ndegwa of Gatero Marmanet. Husband of Leah Wanjiru Mwea. Father of Rueben Wamwea, Martha Kamau, Esther Mwea, Grace Karuku, Samuel Gichangi, Eunice Mwea, Paul Kinyua, the late Nancy Waithira and the late Peter Kamanda. Brother of Joshua Koigu Ndegwa, the late David Karubiu Ndegwa, Hosea Mbui Ndegwa, Johnstone Gituma Ndegwa and Samson Wangombe Ndegwa amongst others. Father in law to Nancy Wangithi, Christopher K. Marianjugu, George Karuku and Elizabeth Gichangi. Grandfather to Daniel Karimi, Leanne Ndegwa, Daisy Busolo, Daniel Murimi, Robert Kiiru and Leah Nyawira amongst others. Great grandfather of Annet, Joy, Gracie, Nyokabi, Abigael amongst others. Family and friends are meeting daily at his home Gatero Marmanet for Prayer and funeral arrangement from 4.00 pm. The cortege leaves Nyahururu District Hospital Mortuary on Tuesday 20th Nov 2012 at 9.00am and thereafter funeral service at his home Gatero Marmanet. Dad you have fought a good ght, nished the race and have kept the faith. And now there is a store for me a crown of righteousness (2 Timothy 4:7). Rest in Peace. Amen

Celebration of a Life Well Lived

Daniel Mwea Ndegwa

It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the death of our beloved mother, Martha Gathoni Wambugu; beloved wife of the late Gachuru Wambugu Thikirwa. Mother of Lydia Njeri Wachira, Daniel Thirikwa (NYS Tana River OJT School), late Grace Wairimu Kamunya, Gerishon Kamangu Gachuru (Kenya School of Government, Nairobi), Hosea Kairu (NYS Nairobi Craft School), Simon Muriithi, Loise Wanjiru, Solomon Kanyi (Meteorological Department Nanyuki Airbase), Josiah Kahiu, Jane Wangari and Alfred Theuri.

Death and Funeral Announcement

Promotion To Glory

Death Announcement
It is with deep sadness and humble acceptance that we announce the death of Joanna Luis Onkomba. Daughter to Mr. Silvanaus Onkomba and the late Mrs. Mary Njoki Onkomba. Sister to Maria Owino, the late Edwin Onkomba and Elizabeth Onkomba. Sister in-law to Job Matthews Owino. She was a beloved auntie to Jayson and Jeremy Owino of Olerai Academy (Rongai). Her body is lying at the Montezuma funeral home. There will be a fundraising today, Friday 15/11/2012, for friends and family at Antonnios Grill in town (opp. Holy Family) starting 5:30prn to help settle funeral expenses.

Prayers and burial will be held on Saturday 17th November, 2012 at Gathumbi Village near Kairuthi, Iria-Ini, Othaya, Nyeri County.

Martha Gathoni Wambugu

Joanna Luis Onkomba

It is profound sorrow and humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the death of miss Mildred Kahuya Chavangi on 9th November, 2012at Kiambu District Hospital. Daughter of Mr. Japheth Chavangi Mukunza and Dorothy Kamonya Chavangi. Mother of Angela Kamonya, Samuel Mwaura, and Amara Zawadi. Sister of Edith Muhonja Chavangi, Josephyne Miroyo Songa, Moses Mukunza Chavangi and Benjamin Magudu Chavangi. Sister-in-law of Pastor Timothy Okinyi Songa. Niece of the late Taphroza Wakashaka, Everlyne Musimbi, Janet Siebisa, Francis Aradi, John Vusisa, Solomon Sogomi and Hudson Mukunza.

Death and Funeral Announcement

Agnes Waithira Kimani

The Family of the late Joshua Kimani Mwaura announces the passing on of Agnes Waithira Kimani on Tuesday, 13th November, 2012. Daughter of the late Sospeter Njau and Gladys Wambui. Beloved wife of the late Joshua Kimani Mwaura. Sister of the late Njogu, Grace, Dinah, late Kamande, and Muthoni. Mother of Wambui, Mwaura, Njau, Muthoni , Njeri, Kirore, Njogu, Lewis, and Kamande. Mother-In-Law of Maina, Ann, Wachira, Miringu, Wanjiku, Muthoni, and Night. Grandmother of Njeri, Mwangi, Kimani, Ngugi, Waithira, Sabrina, Wanjiru, Robin, Naomi, Muthoni, Gatungo, Eggie, JP Jnr., Felix, Waithira, Mwaura, Wamuyu, Joshua, Agnes (Engenethi) and JJ. Great-grandmother of two. Family and friends are meeting daily at Mainas residence Kugeria North Crescent off Kiambu Road Starting at 6.00pm. The cortege leaves Kenyatta University Funeral Home on Tuesday, 20th November 2012 at 7.30am for a requiem mass at Thamara Catholic Church, Muthithi at 11.00am. Thereafter burial at her home, Kamuyu Village.

There will be a requiem rnass at Montezuma Funeral Home on Tuesday 20/ 11/2012 starting 10.00 am after which there will be a procession to Langata cemetery where she will be laid to rest. Praise be to God for the blessing of Joannas life.

Cortege leaves Chiromo Funeral Home at 8am on Friday 16/11/2012 for Ndalu - Kitale. Funeral Service and burial will take place at family home on Sunday 17/11/2012 starting from 9am - 2pm.

Mildred Kahuya Chavangi


In Gods hands you rest, in our hearts you remain forever. Amen

Mum you fought a good ght, nished the race and kept the faith.

64 | Transition
Fondly Remembered
It has been 5years since you went to be with the Lord. Time has not healed the pain and immense loss we feel each passing day but memories of you have continually given us strength, your prayers have been the wind in our wings and our solace is in knowing that you are watching over us. You were our foundation of wisdom and our pillar of strength and unity. We thank God for the treasured years he gave us with you but most of all, the chance to love and be loved by you. You were truly a remarkable Husband, Dad, and Grand-dad.

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

Celebration Of A Life Well Lived

It is with deep sorrow and humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the demise of Patrick Kiarie Maina, formally (Chicken Grill Restaurant Eldoret). Son of Lucia Wanjiru Maina & the late Samuel Maina Njoroge. Beloved Husband of Alice Wamaitha Father of Lucy Wanjiru Kiarie & Samuel Maina Kiarie, Brother of Eliud Njoroge, Peter Keige, John Kuria, Emmah Wambui & Naomi Wambui .Brother in-law of Catherine Wangechi, Edna Mukiri & Ann Nyamuitha. Family & Friends, are meeting daily at Green Court Hotel, Opposite Odeon Stage next to shell Petrol Station, at home in Umoja Inncore (Nairobi) and are also meeting at Chicken Grill restaurant (Eldoret) from 5.30 pm for funeral arrangements

Death Announcement

David Muriuki Kaberere

15/11/1948 - 16/11/2007

Patrick Kiarie Maina

Affectionately remembered by your loving wife, children, grandchildren and friends. The ones we love never die but remain in our hearts forever.

The cortege leaves Umash Funeral Home on Wednesday 21st Nov 2012 at 6 am for the funeral Service at the grave side starting at 11:00 am, at his rural home in Gateiguru village, Kibage Location, Kandara Muranga and burial thereafter. Patrick, In Gods hands you rest, In our hearts you remain forever. Amen

Henry Kirimi Kiambati

13/3/1972 - 14/11/2012
It is with great sorrow and humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the passing on of Henry Kirimi Kiambati of Kimiri Restaurant, Meru, on 14/11/12 after a short illness bravely borne. Son of Phillip Kiambati Muguongo of Kimiri Restaurant Meru and the Late Beatrice Kananu Kiambati. Loving brother of Rebecca and Kibiti Kimiri, Wallace and Susan Munene, Glory and Kiogora Mutai, Doris and Arimi Kimathi, Joan Kiambati, Erick and Wangui Mwitari. Uncle of Mutwiri, Kajuju, Karimi, Mawira, Brenda, Kithinji, Kawira, Gitobu, Kaimenyi and Kananu. He was a loving cousin and nephew to many. Friends and family are meeting for prayers and funeral arrangements on Friday 16/11/12 from 5:30pm and Saturday 17/11/12 from 4pm at St Andrews Church Nairobi Room No. NHLG13. In Gods hands you rest, in our hearts you live forever

Celebration Of A Life Well Lived.

It is with profound grief that we announce the passing on of Andrew Njihia Ngugi Lecturer at Chuka University College after losing a battle to cancer. Loving husband of Salome Warnbui Kibutu (Kiambu high School). Adoring father of Nicholas Ngugi (JKUAT), Jackline Waujiku (K.U) and David Kibutu (Wankan). Beloved son of Daniel Ngugi Mundia and Janet Wanjiku (Miukurwe-Mangu). He was a brother of Nieri, Mundia, Mugure, Wairimu, Ndungu, Gathirwa, Wahuta, Kamau, Muturi, Nyakitinga, Wanjiru, Kiarie and Nyokabi. Son-in-law of Isaac Kibutu and Benedeta Wanjiku. Brother-in-law of Dr. Njuguna Kibutu, Githinji, Ndungu, Frola, Mburu, Cecilia and Njeri, Nephew of Francis Kamau Njihia and D.K. Mundia among others. Family and friends are meeting daily for prayers and funeral arrangements at his home (Ruiru Membley), Upways Hotel (next to Homeland Inn) and at his parents home in MukurweMangu from 5:30 pm.

Andrew Njihia Ngugi

It is with deep sorrow that we humbly announce the untimely death of Mr. Daniel Chemao Jakaiti from the Ministry of Water and Irrigation who until his death was the District Water Ofcer for Navakholo. The late Jakaiti died on Saturday 3rd November, 2012 at Medi Hill Hospital, Eldoret. Son of the Late Naaman Zakaria Jakaiti and Isabella Amase, loving husband of Roselyn and Phoebe. Affectionate dad of Nancy (Kim Girls High School), Hellen (Kenyatta University), Gad (Dr. Aggrey High School), Margret, Michelle and Gloria. Brother of Late Apollo Jakait, Charles, Stanley, Melda, Margret, Jane, Mary, Catherine, Maggy and Doris. Cousin of Robert, Mark, Kenneth and Laban. Father in law of Christopher Nyongesa. Brother in law of Amos, Peter, Moses, Kiso and Esther.

Death and Funeral Announcement

Daniel Chemao Jakaiti


The cortege leaves Kenyatta university funeral home at 8:00 am on Tuesday the 20/11/2012 for funeral service and burial at the (family home) Mukurwe Village-Mangu Location, In Gods arm you rest in our hearts you will live forever.

Promotion To Glory
It is with deep sorrow and humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the promotion to glory of Mrs. Elizabeth Ayugi Odhiambo on 13th November 2012 after short illness. Beloved wife of Joseph Odhiambo Odada. Mother of Jean Claude Odada, Perez Ambajo and Brian Adala. Daughter of Amos Ambajo and Mama Clarice Ambajo. Daughter in-law of Late Rev. John Odada and Mama Zilpah Odada. Sister of Pamela, Joe, Nico, Tina & others. Sister in- law of Musa Odada, Royal Nairobi Golf Club, Elisha Kasuku, Muthaiga Golf Club, Enock Rabour, George Omundo, Ochola Ogoda, Judy Kasuku, Mary Muga, Joyce Rabuor, Margaret, Ruth, Hellen, Jayne and Sellah Ndecla. Aunty of many. Family, friends and relatives are meeting daily for prayers at Utawala Tafuta. Funeral arrangements are going on at Utawala and a fundraising will be on Sunday 18/11/12 and a major nal fundraising will be on Monday 19/11/12 at All Saints Cathedral 5.00 p.m to 7.00 p.m all are welcome. The cortege will leave Montezuma Funeral Home on 22/11/12 at 10.00 a.m for a funeral service at St Monica ACK Church, Utawala. She will be laid to rest at her home in Gem Rae Nyakatch on 24th November 2012. Contact Musa Odada 0722736748. Nyakokuro, we loved you but God loved more than us. May your soul rest in peace for eternity Psalms 136:1 Give tbanks to die Lord for He is good his love endures forever

Relatives and friends are meeting daily for funeral arrangements at his home in Kapsitet Village. The cortege leaves Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital Mortuary in Eldoret on 21/11/2012.Funeral service and Burial will be on 22/11/2012 at Kapsitet Village, Wamono sub location, Namubila location, Lwandanyi division, Bungoma West District, Bungoma County. In Gods hands you rest; in our hearts you live forever Rest in peace.

Memorial /13th Anniversary

Death Announcement

Elizabeth Ayugi Odhiambo Odada

The Late Canon Jacob Ishmael Ombara 1925-1999

Death and Funeral Announcement

It is with great sorrow that we announce the death of Anthony Kamau Nganga (Formerly Of Kenya Shell Ltd) that occurred on 12/ 11/2012, after a short illness. Son of the late Peter Ngaari and Margaret Wambui and step son to the late Joyce Mwihaki. Husband of the late Rachael Wambui and Mary Wambui. Father of Nancy Wanjiru, Margaret Mugure (USA), Peter Karuma, MaryAnne Wanjiku and Jackson Kiarie. Brother of J.P Thuku, MaryAnne Wanjiku, Sarana Njeri, Chris Muhia, John Nguyai, Simon Kinyina, the late Geoffrey Kanagi, James Ndungu and Joseph Macharia. Step brother to the late Jackson Mwangi, the late Teresia Muthoni, the late Lydia Nyambura, Jane Muiruri, Sister Wanjiku, Faith Njoki, Analisa Nduta and Monica Muriithi. Father in law to George Nduati Gitau ( Golman Consult), Gordon Okumu (USA), and Simon Gichunji. Grandpa to Mitchelle, Carlton, Rachael, Selima, Shiroh and Bakhita.

Dr. M. Douglas Carew

The Trustees, Chancellor, Governing Council, Senate, Management, Staff, Students and entire community of Africa International University regret to announce the sudden death of the Vice Chancellor Dr. M. Douglas Carew who passed away in his sleep on 9th November 2012 in the USA where he was on ofcial duty. Husband of Ayiku Carew (AIU), Father of Oluniyi (Kenya), Rodney (USA) , and Seneiya (USA) There will be prayer meetings at CITAM Valley Road (NPC) and AIU (Karen) from Monday 19th November to Thursday 22nd November at 5.00 pm. A fundraiser will be held, on Thursday 22nd November at Citam Valley Road (NPC) to offset funeral expenses. Mpesa Contributions can be sent to paybill No: 400200 Account No: 01109128834600 Cheques can be written to Douglas Carew Funeral Expenses Bank transfers can be made to the same account at Co-operative Bank of Kenya, Nairobi Business Centre, Swift Code, KCOOKENA Cheques can also be written to Africa International University marked for D. Carew funeral expenses Further details will be announced later Blessed are those who die in the lord for they will rest from their labours

4/4/1956 9/11/2012

Be sure of this: I am always with you, even upto the end of the age. Amen. (Matthew 28:20 NLT). Fondly and always remembered by Mama Gladys, the children, grandchildren great grandchildren, relatives and friends.

Anthony Kamau Nganga

The Cortge leaves Bishop Okoe funeral home, Thika, on Monday 19/11/2012 at 8 am and burial thereafter at his farm in Gatura, Gatanga, Muranga County, at 12 noon. Friends and relatives are meeting daily at his Gatura home and at Tharaini Restaurant on Kiambu Rd fare thee well, you will forever be in our hearts

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

Transition 65
Death and Funeral Announcement

Celebration of a Life Well Lived

We, the Ndungu family announce the passing on of Felista Wanja Ndungu which occurred in Ahmedabad, India on 7th November 2012. Beloved wife of Peter Ndungu Thiongo (BSF Member). Mother of Eileen & Mwathi Kungu; Pauline & Karanja Nguturi;Winnie & Njoroge Mwenda; Mercy & James Mwai; Wangari & Wade Cummings (USA); Fidelis & Bob Wheeler (UK), Thiongo Ndungu & Cindy (UK), Kabura & Justin Davies (Australia); Nancy and Monica. Grandmother and auntie to many. She is survived by two sisters; Margaret Wanjiru Chege and Sophia Njoki Njogu. Family and friends are meeting at their Ndeiya home Limuru and at All Saints Cathedral from Wednesday, 14th November 2012 at 05.30p.m. The cortege leaves Montezuma Funeral Home on Tuesday 20th November 2012 at 08.30am for a requiem mass and burial at their home in Ndeiya, Limuru.

Celebration of a Life Well Lived

Felista Wanja Ndungu Walter Wilfred Okelo Obuya

Its with deep sorrow and humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the demise of our loving father Mr. Walter Wilfred Okelo Obuya which occurred on 30110/ 2012, formerly CEO Kenya Sugar Authority and Deputy Director in the Ministry of Agriculture. Son of the late Obuya Ogada and the late Salome Gumbi. Beloved husband of Joyce Okelo and Elizabeth Okelo. Father to the late Dickson Omondi, Esther of MOA, Calleb of Ministry of Labour, Pamella D/ Principal Nyalkinyi Sec. School, Edwin of Ofce of DPP, Selina, Silpar, Dorine, Vivian, Beryl and Brolins. Son in law of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Obonyo of Uyoma and the late Ezekiel and the late Silpa Mbori of Rachuonyo. Father in law of George, Charles, Justus, Dorine,Cecilia, Josephine, Vivian and Elijah. Brother of the late James Achola, the late Justus, the late Chrispo, Richard, Samson, Annatacia, Ochelle, Nyasewe, Dursila. Brother-in-law of Cosmas, Leonard, Zacharia, Lumumba, Abisa, Hoseah, Owaka, Okongo, Benson, Polycap, Elijah, late Zacharia, late Onyona, Bethseba, Sophia, Prisca, Getrude, Benta, Jane, Philista, the late Margaret, Tabitha, Elizabeth Nyamuok. Grandfather of Phenny, Bonice, Dick, Antony, Joyce,George, Genevil, Dora, Nicholas, Noel, Emirose, Aquillas, Dorcilla, Joyce, Walter, Renningtone, Glen, Gerald, Joyce, Sandra, Cindy, Lesly, Eugene, Candy and Great Grandfather of Nicole. Nyawana of the late Jared and Anna Atiko, Mr. and Mrs Peter Njiru, Mr. and Mrs Broderick Ogange, Mr and Mrs Otianga, the late Grado and Grace Kithine, Mr and Mrs Orero, Mr. and Mrs Nicholas Otuka, the late Samwel, Damarice. Uncle of Dr. Achola (Kericho), Shadrack (Kenya Poly), Eng. Edward (Sogea Satom), Dr. Rispa Orero (KEMU), Rebecca (Bivale), Wilfred (DTB), Albert, Rose (Oyugis), Ernest (Kisumu), Noah (Muranga), Gordon (Nairobi), David (Sony Sugar), Phanice (Kisumu), George (Msa) among others. Fundraising will be on 17/11/2012 in Nairobi Rail Way Club, Kisumu Cosmos Club and the late Okellos home (all from 2.00pm). Cortege leaves New Nyanza Provincial Mortuary-Kisumu for Migori on 21/11/2012. Burial shall be held on Friday 23/11/2012 at his home in Ngege village, Suna Central, Migori County. In Gods hand you rest in our hearts you live forever.

To die is gain, to live is Christ. May His Name be praised. Amen!

Death and Funeral Announcement

It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the promotion to glory of our beloved mother Mrs. Teresiah Inobabu Kiuru. Daughter of the late Ntoangari Kanjoru and the late Mwathimba Mwonailibu. Wife of the late Joseph Chuira Kiuru of Meru North, Antubetwe Kiongo location, luciuti Village. Sister of the late Murungi, Meme, Nambura, Kabutia and Muriamana All of Laare. Sister-in-law of Asani, the late Mbiti, Toria, Mukomuindi and Nkoyai all of Luciuti Village. Mother of the late Florence, Mwenda, Kinyua and Rosemary Kananu (Sasol Technology-South Africa). Aunt of Joyce Taliwa (NWH Adams Arcade), Gitonga (Judges & Magistrates Vetting Board), Mogambi (KEBS), Kiburi (KEWI) among others. Grandmother of Howard (South Africa), Joseph and Telvin. There will be a funeral fundraiser on 16/11/2012 at Garden SquareKICC from 5.30pm. The cortege leaves Chiromo Mortuary on 20th November 2012 at 8.00am to Meru North, Luciuti Village for burial ceremony 1948-10/11/2012 the same day. Mum, you fought the good ght, nished the race and kept the faith. 2nd Tim 4:7

Elphas Matianyi Mwalo

04/06/1937 10/11/2012
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the passing on of Mr. Elphas Matianyi Mwalo (Retired civil servant) on 10th November 2012 at Texas Cancer Centre Nairobi after a long illness bravely borne. Son of the late Zablon Mwalo Matianyi and Dina Anekeya Mwalo. Son in law of the late Henry Obulemire & the late Eseri Amunga. Loving husband of Mrs. Jane Welinga Matianyi. Father to Juliet Ubinu , Lilian Ababu , Simon Matianyi , Alfred Matianyi, Geoffrey Matianyi & Caroline Matianyi . Father in law of Benjamin Ubinu, the late Erastus Ababu, Pauline Mburugu-Mwalo, Jacqueline Tindi Mumoki-Ouya & Neddy Munyasi-Makundah. Brother of the late Emily Akhayere, George Waburiri, Michael Mwalo & the late Rosemary Omusula. Cousin to Arthur, Okutoyi, Esther, Opimbi, Basakwa of Zablon & Leah Senelwa, Late Philemon & Roda Ababu,Fredrick& Ziporah Mburungu,Dr & Mrs Lodrick Mumoki,Late Samuel & Florence Munyasi. Brother in law of Eshitubi,William, Ludia, Rose, Manigi. Grandfather of Brian, Sharon, Glen, Marvin, Lorraine, Faith,Vincent, Rachael,Verna, Sidney, Gracie, Malaika, Gift,& Malkia. Uncle to many. Prayers and funeral arrangements are being held at All Saints Cathedral every day from 5.30pm.There will be fundraising on 20th November 2012 at the same venue starting 5.30pm. The cortege leaves Montezuma funeral home on 22nd November 2012 for a memorial service at All Saints Cathedral starting from 10.00am. The burial will take place on 24th November 2012 at his farm in Eshilunyire village, Lunza Sub-location, Butere District starting from 9.00am. Dad, you have fought a good ght, nished the race and kept the faith. May the Almighty God rest your soul in eternal peace.

Teresiah Inobabu Kiuru

Deaath Announcement
The death has occurred of Baba Jerusa Nyakerario Nyaribo from Bokurati Location 11, Enkinda after a long battle with cancer, bravely borne. Daughter of the late Paulina Kerubo and Maoga. Wife of Joshua Nyaribo, co-wife of Mary Moraa. Mother of Charles Nyaribo (KENAO),Yunia (Eronge Sec School), Moraa (USA), George (Finland), Janeth (USA), Richard (Canada), Mongare (Kisii), Pamela (Kisii Campus Pri), Rose (Finland) and Omenge (Kisumu). Step-mother of Ben, Evans, Misuko, Morara, Kebaso, Kepha, Job, Kemuma, Ombogo and Caro. Sister of Karen Moraa, Kiabuso Nyarieko, Ocharo Maoga, and late Prisca Biumbu, Yunis Basweti, Ben Maoga, Nyandigisi Maoga, Joash Manyara, Gechiko Maoga, Keoro Maoga, and Okerio Maoga. Grandmother of Nyamambia, Nyandigisi, Atandi, Alex, Sophie, Joshua and many others. Mother in-law of Kerubo, Mainye, Ken, Nancy, Damaris and others.

Baba Jerusa Nyakerario Nyaribo

From The Gatabaki Family

Thank You Message

Friends and relatives are meeting daily at her home in Enkinda for funeral arrangements and Nairobi South C, Mugoya Phase IV, House No 15. For more information contact: 0715589213 Burial date will be announced later.

We the family of the late Janet Wacu Ngibuini thank the Almighty God for the life of our dear Mother, Aunt, Grandmother, Great-grandmother and friend to many. We wish to convey our heartfelt gratitude for the overwhelming support from relatives, friends and well wishers for their kind and comforting messages, expressions of love and encouragement, prayers, nancial & material support which enabled us to bear and accord JANET a dignied send off. Special thanks go to P.C.E.A Ichuga Church under the leadership of Rev. Muriithi and the entire Ichuga Parish fraternity, Abundant Blessings Church, New Bethel Church, Kiawarigi Gospel Outreach, Catholic Church, The Seventh Day Adventist Church all of Kiawarigi, St. Gertrudes A.C.K Church, Kasarani, the moderator of Ngemwa Parish, the leadership and congregation of P.C.E.A Gituamba Church-Kiambu. We also thank P.C.E.A St. Andrews Church, Nairobi for accommodating us for prayer sessions. We salute the Itoga, Nairobi and Mombasa committees who worked tirelessly to ensure mum got an honourable and decent send off. Our appreciation and gratitude goes to Dr. Eva Njenga and her team who took great care of our mum over the years.

Hannah Wangui Gatabaki

Following the death of our Founding Mother and Matriarch Hannah Wangui Gatabaki, and her burial on 9th November 2012, the Gatabaki Family wishes to express profound appreciation to all the relatives and friends who participated in the funeral arrangements. Their physical presences, material support and condolence messages will forever be treasured in the hearts and minds of the Family.Those who ew from the USA, the UK and Tunisia, testied to the Familys solidarity in their love for their mother/grandmother. The Family wishes to record special appreciation to the following: The Medical Staff of Nairobi Womens Hospital led by Dr. Masika Wafula for their exceptional care during the numerous occasions the late Maitu was admitted at the institution. The Funeral Committee chaired by Dr. Maj (Rtd) J.P. Gatabaki which performed so efciently, effectively and successfully in organising and managing the arrangements.The African Independent Pentecostal Church of Kenya (A.I.P.C.K), Githunguri Church, of which Maitu was a Life Member, for their seless dedication throughout the period of her illness, death and the church services Special mention goes to Deacon Wamugunda and his Assistants, and His Eminence Archbishop John Baptist Mugecha Karume, Head of the Church, for conducting the funeral service at the A.I.C.P.K Githunguri Church. Representatives of all the other Churches and Religions who participated in the prayer sessions and in offering spiritual guidance and comfort. The people of Githunguri Constituency who came out in great numbers to stand by and with the family; and the professional and political leaders for their unfailing presence and support. Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kenya Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta for paying the last respects and honouring Maitu. Hon. Kenyattas words: I join you in thanking God as you celebrate and appreciate Maitus long life and service, the privilege, the honour of relating with her in the way that many of you did, her unswerving devotion to the Gatabakis worldwide, family and friends within the entire community, not least her invaluable contributions to the rst Liberation Struggle for Kenyas Independence, her passionate commitment to community service. She was among the original pillars of society and will be dearly missed - were particularly consoling, comforting and illuminating of her extraordinary service to the Family, the community and the country. His Excellency Mwai Kibaki, the President of the Republic of Kenya, for his deep sympathies and heartfelt condolences. The Kenyan Head of States message afrmed our Founding Mothers legacy and place in Kenyas history. As he noted: With the passing on of Mama Gatabaki, the cruel hand of death has robbed the Nation of a patriot who distinguished herself as a courageous and fearless personality who relentlessly fought for the freedom of our country. Besides her role in the Freedom Struggle before Independence, the late Mama Gatabaki has also been a keen advocate of the Second Liberation by mobilising women to support democratic reforms. In spite of ill health, the late Mama Gatabaki continued to be actively involved in various Church and development initiatives especially in Githunguri Constituency. She effectively participated in a variety of projects that promote education. Her compassion and concern towards humanity manifested in all her efforts and activities and I believe this has been an inspiration to many to emulate her. Therefore, as we mourn her passing on, we celebrate her life, her achievements and dedication to our country. Thank You All and May God Bless You.

Janet Wacu Ngibuini

Born: 1928 - Rested: 10/10/2012

Since its not possible to mention everyone individually, kindly accept this as our sincere appreciation and gratitude to all of you. Thank you once again and may God bless you all.

66 | Transition
Death and Funeral Announcement
It is with profound sadness and regret we announce the passing on of Mr. Blasio Ichingwa Likami formally of Kenya Airways & Vienna Investments, on the 12th November 2012 at Midheal Hospital Eldoret. Husband of Susan Wilunda Ichingwa, father of Consolata, Mildred, Everlyne, Roselyne, Hellen, Antony, Lilian, Annalice and the late Faith. Father in law of Beryl Kwamboka. Son of the late Adrian Likami and Anna Itembe. Brother of the late Soli, Imbenzi, Bonface, Khasiala, Chetinah, Lipese, Khalayi and Maria. Loving grandfather of Nicky Aboka and many others. The cortege leaves Moi Teaching & Referral Hospital Eldoret on 17th November 2012. He will be laid to rest on the Tuesday 20th November 2012 at Idakho Location Ikolomani Division Malinya Village. May his soul rest in peace.

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

Death and Funeral Announcement

Death has occurred of Mama Teresia Kerubo Auka. Wife of the late Auka Kegege. Loving mother of the late John Gekara, the late Norah Basweti, the late Peris Kerebi, Truphena Akama, Euniah Manoti, Peterson Otenga, Stephen Ongechi, Henry Auka and Andrew Kometa. Mother-in-law of Asker Kerebi, Sabina Otenga, Florence Ongechi, Mary Auka and Caren Kometa. Grandmother of James, Hellen, Daniel, Peter (Gekonge H. Sch.), Elijah, David, Isoe, Kepha, Jane, Josephine, Agwata, Richard (USA), Silas, Omenge, Esther, Bogeta, Fred, Evans, Elizabeth, Emma (Ireland), Lorna (Stanchart), Mabel, Judith, Esther, Manyura and Sarah among others. Sister of Botaba and Monyangi among others. Cortege leaves Nyamira Nursing Home (Bwomboga) Mortuary on 22/11/2012 for burial on 23/11/2012 at her marital home, Gesiaga Village, Ikobe Sub-location, Nyamira County. There will be a fundraising at Professional Centre on Monday 19/11/2012 at 5.30pm

Gone Too Soon

Its with humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the passing on of Mrs Patience Wawasi Wandera (MSF France) on 10th Nov. 2012 at Aga Khan university Hospital Nairobi. Beloved wife of James Wandera and mother of James Wandera Junior. Daughter of the late Mr. & Mrs Claris Kombo. Daughter in law of Mr. Clement Wandera and the late Rose Wandera. Sister of Jeremiah, Lucy, Livingstone and Charles. Sister in-law of Beatrice, Charles, Fr. Sammy, Josephine, Claire, Maureen, Lenous, Lillian and Benjamin. Aunt of Mercy, Veronica, Davine, Brian, Kelvin, Kelly, Peter, Corine, Rosalique, Talisha and Rossmario The cortege leaves Chiromo Mortuary on 16/ 11/2012 at 7:30am to her home Ngonyek Village Transnzoia District. Funeral service and burial will take place on sartuday 17/11/2012 at her home Ngonyek Village at 10.00am

Blasio Ichingwa Likami

Sunrise 1947 Sunset 12/11/2012

Mama Teresia Kerubo Auka


Patience Wawasi Wandera

In Gods hands you rest, in our hearts you remain for ever. Rest in peace Mpenzi

We the family of the Late George S. Kimani Murika, wish to convey our sincere and heartfelt gratitude and appreciation, to all relatives, friends and well-wishers, for your overwhelming support through prayers, words of comfort, moral and nancial support. You enabled us to bear our loss as we undertook to accord our dear George a dignied send off. We extend our special thanks to Father Boguslaw of St. Catherine of Alexander and St. Pauls small Community of South C, M.O.W & Umoja Committees, Dr. Christopher Mureithi for his treatment and advice, Mr. Mungai Gikonyo & David Gachigi for their unfailing support to the family, together with relatives, neighbours and friends. As it is not possible to mention and thank each and every one individually, please accept our deep appreciation. We pray that our Lord will bless you abundantly with providence that only comes from him. Thank you once again and May the Almighty God bless you all.


Death and Funeral Announcement

It is with profound grief that we announce the untimely death of the late Salesio Miriti (Brother) through a road accident. He was the son of late Alois Muthuri and Georgina Muthoni. Husband of Flora Wanja. Brother of Nicholas Kabii, AuleriaRuguru, Alex Gitonga, Margaret Riungu, Adelina Mugure, Richard Mwiti and Clr Secondina Kanini. Brother-in-law of Luciana Kabii, Arnest Kiambi, Karwitha Mwiti, Japhet Mbaabu and Adriano Bundi. Loving father of Florence Kaimuri, Felicity Nkatha, Elosie Kageni, Rosalind Karimi, Andrew Murangiri, Pius Guantai, Caroline Kinanu, George Mutai, Kenneth Mutembei, Jackline Kinya, Brian Mureti and Kelvin Mwandiki. Friends and relatives are meeting at his home Igoji stage for prayers and funeral arrangements. The body will leave Chogoria Hospital Mortuary on Saturday 17/11/2012 at 10.00 am followed by burial at Geisha Village Karoe, Igoji East Division, Imenti South District, Meru County. Rest in peace brother

George S. Kimani Murika 1944 - 2012 George Kamau Gaiti

24/8/1948 29/9/2012
We the family of the late George Kamau Gaiti express our gratitude to God, for his gift to us in George, for making him a blessing to us, his extended family and friends. Our heartfelt gratitude goes to our relatives, friends and well wishers for your overwhelming encouragement, prayers, material and nancial support you gave us during the time of our late fathers illness and even after his passing on. Your presence and prayers were for us a deep source of comfort. We particularly send our special thanks to the doctors and nurses of Nairobi Hospital for their tireless efforts during the time of our late fathers illness. Special thanks to the clergy and entire community of NPC Karen and all other church leaders for the support they gave us after his passing on. We deeply appreciate the dedication, diligence and tireless effort of the Nairobi Funeral Committee and many others who helped in various ways to give our late father a tting farewell. Since we cannot thank each and everyone individually, kindly accept this message of appreciation as a token of Thank You from the late Kamau Gaitis family.
May the Almighty God richly reward you for your many acts of kindness.

1954 - 12/11/2012

Salesio Miriti (Brother)

It is with Gods acceptance that we regret to announce the sudden death of Mzee Joseph Kago Ngetha of Kianjau Kiamariga Mathira Nyeri County and Kanyagia local 4 Nyandarua County, on Monday 12/11/2012 at Tumutumu Hospital. Son of the late Ngetha Koribia and late Kirigo Kabugi. Adoring husband of Mary Ngima and Peris Wanja. Brother of late Ngatia Ngetha, late Mathenge Ngetha, late Wabera Gitimu, late Wanjiru Njue. Father of the late Raphael Ngetha, Rebecca Kirigo, Paul Ngetha (Aga Khan Hospital), late Lucy Mwangi, David Ngetha, Cecilia Ngetha (Kenya Airports Authority), Beth Mwai, Martha Kago (Nyahururu Municpal Council), Pauline Kago, Esther Kago, Peterson Ngatia (Signature Tours & Safaris) and Charles Ngatia. Grandfather and great-grandfather of many. Friends and relatives are meeting daily at Kiamariga & Kanyagia homes and Magomano Restaurant in Nairobi from 6.00 pm. The cortege leaves Tumtumu Hospital Mortuary on Wednesday 21st November, 2012 at 7.00a.m. for funeral mass service and burial 1926 - 12/11/2012 at his farm Kanyagia Scheme Nyahururu. Our ambassador of Peace God loved you more but your legacy still remains.

A Celebration of Life Well-lived

Promotion to Glory
We regret to announce the sudden death of Jane Omwenga Oigo which occurred on 4/11/2012 at Christa Marianne Hospital Kisii. Beloved wife of Mzee Zachariah Oigo. Mother of Margaret, late Ken, Sammy (USA), Modesta, Jackline (USA), Alloys and Hilda. Daughter of Robert and Dorothy Openda. Sister of Keresentia Gichana, Celine Gichana, Pauline Aberi, late Ben Makori, Michael Omayo, Elizabeth Ongombe, Fredrick Ondigo, Charles Ondieki among others. Sister-in-law of Athanas Mesa, Masita, Hellena, late Nyarangi, late Aberi, Martha Makori among others. Mother-in-law of Peter, Ken, Gertrude, Matoke. Korera of Moturi, Ondieki, late Omete, Okemwa. Grandmother of Ken, Richard, Vera, Deborah, Job, Dorothy, Ken, Anthony, Oigo, Weldon, Laban, Hilary, Ian, Jakes, Nyarangi among others. The cortege leaves Chrisita Marianne Hospital on 19/11/2012 at 12pm for burial at her home Nyansakia (chebingombe) Manga Settlement Scheme on 20/11/2012. For M-Pesa contribution please send to 0721313152 or 0700252274.

Mzee Joseph Kago Ngetha

Jane Omwenga Oigo

Mum we love you but God loves you most. Rest in peace.

Death and Funeral Announcement Celebration of Life

Death and Funeral Announcement.

Grace Nzisa Maina (Mama Sippy)

1952 - 2012
Dear mum, last Friday afternoon, you quietly slipped into eternity. We searched for you with teary eyes but you had gone home to rest. You are dearly cherished and missed by your husband, Jones Maina Thumari; children Silvia Maina (USA), Becky Maina (Java Coffee House) and Faith Maina (XLS Ltd); son in law William Omoto (Kenya Airways); grandchildren Mira Omoto and Ian Maina; siblings Kariuki, Wanja, Kamau, Mwaura, Hannah, Beth, Shiku, Meri, Thira and Njonjo Mue; and your many in-laws, aunties, uncles, nieces and nephews. Friends and family are meeting at her home in Innercore next to Deliverance Church Umoja on Saturday, Sunday and Monday 19th November 2012. The cortege leaves Umash Funeral Home, Mbagathi way on Tuesday, 20th November 2012 at 9.00 a.m. for a service at the graveside at Langata Cemetery at 12.00 noon and burial thereafter. Those who walk uprightly enter into peace; they nd rest as they lie in death (Isaiah 57:2)

Charles Oluoch Walala Ruth Wambui Kariru

24/10/1979 9/11/2012
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the sudden death of our employee Ruth Wambui Kariru on 9th November 2012 in a fatal road accident. Beloved daughter of Leah Waithera and Dominic Mwaura Kariru and daughter inlaw to Evelyn and William Chemosit. Loving wife of Justin Chemosit. Mother of Leah and Elizabeth Chemosit. Loving sister of Evelyn Kariru, Antoneta Njeri and John Mwaura and Sister-in-law of Violet, Linet, Aggrey, Nick, Jevis, Vivian, Charles Mutuku and Bridgitte. The body will leave Lee Funeral Home on 19th November 2012 for a Requiem Mass at ACK Kitengela from 2.00 p.m. and an overnight stay at the Kitengela home. The burial will take place on Tuesday 20th November 2012 from 10.00a.m. at the Kitengela Home. We the Total Family will remember Ruth as a dedicated worker, always diligent and committed to her job. She will be dearly missed by the entire staff of Total Kenya Ltd May the Almighty God rest her soul in eternal peace.
The Walalas family is humbled with Gods love for the life of the late Charles Oluoch Walala who suddenly passed on Friday 9th November, 2012. Son of Richard Odhiambo Walala of Nation Media Group and Mrs Mildred Walala of St Dominic Primary School, Nairobi. Brother of Cynthia Walala (UoN), Irene Walala (UoN), Lilian Walala (Moi Nairobi Girls) and Robert Otieno Walala (Kanga High School). Grandson of the late Phillemon Walala Obamo & the late Stella Njoga Walala of Konyango Jieri, Kendu Bay and Mama Domitila Achieng Odera and the late Odera Asingo of Ugenya Masiro. Cousin of Lamech Walala, Ray Walala, Joyce, Jeff, Colly, John, Joyce Omune, Emmanuel Walala of Dar e salaam among others. Nephew of the late Charles Oluoch Walala, William Walala, Jack Walala (Sony Sugar), Ezekiel Walala (NHIF), Dr Francis Owilla, George Onyango, Julia Nyakongo, Grace Nyongo, Joice Bolo, Florence Akoth, Eunice Awuor among others. Related to Mrs Aska Aseno, Mrs Damaris Odek,Yucabeth Kidenda, George Kidenda, Eng Meshack Kidenda, the late Festo Odek, Dr Arina Odek, Donny Opar, Monica Opiyo among others. Friends, relatives and well-wishers are meeting daily at Nairobi Railways Club and at their house in Kasarani from 5.30pm for funeral arrangements. There will be a mini harambee on Sunday, November 18th from 2.00 pm at Nairobi Railways Club and major fund drive on Tuesday, November 20, 2012 at the same Venue. There will be a Church Service at Central SDA Church, Nairobi on Wednesday, November 22, 2012 from 1.00pm The cortege leaves Umash Funeral Home, Nairobi on Thursday, November 22nd for his fathers home in Kosele, Rachuonyo North District, Homa Bay for burial on Friday, November 23rd, 2012. The burial will be conducted by Kosele District SDA Church.

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

INTERNATIONAL FRIENDLIES Magical Ibrahimovic inspires Sweden to big victory over England, France impress as Spain thump Panama. P. 70

sportsdesk@ke.nationmedia.com Caroline Kilel will be looking to end a roller-coaster year on a high today if she beats home girls Damaris Areba and Jane Moraa to the 2012 Safaricom Gusii Golden Series 10-kilometre jackpot when the series draws to a close with todays 10th Kebirigo Road Race in Nyamira County. The Kebirigo Road Race is the nal one in the three-race Safaricom Limited-sponsored series that started with the Gucha 10km Road Race followed by the Kisii Road Race, both last September. It will be agged o at 8.30am this morning in Nyabite Market of Nyamira town by West Mugirango MP, James Gesami, alongside Narc Kenyas presidential hopeful Martha Karua. Karua will also later hand out the prizes to the jackpot winners at Kebirigos Viongozi Centre where the 10th anniversary celebrations of the annual race will be staged. Bumper athletics weekend Karua is on a presidential campaign tour of Kisii and Nyamira counties on a bumper athletics weekend that will also see the Kisii Golf Club host its leg of KCB National Cross Country

Kilel targets Kebirigo goodies in nal race of Gusii Golden Series

Series tomorrow morning. The most consistent athletes in the three Gusii 10km races earn a Sh50,000 cash bonus on top of the prize money which is Sh25,000 each for the winners in Kisii and Gucha, with the blue riband Kebirigo Road Race handing out Sh50,000 cash to the mens and womens winners, the cash awards trickling down to the 10th nisher.


Italy to make eight changes for Blacks test

Italy coach Jacques Brunel has made eight changes to the side that beat Tonga 28-23 last week ahead of tomorrows test against New Zealands All Blacks at Romes Olympic Stadium. Italy have suered defeat to the All Blacks in all 12 of their previous encounters but will be hoping their best available team can provide a stier challenge to the reigning world champions. In the backs Tommaso Iannone, who made his debut at right wing last week, makes way for Giovambattista Venditti while Mirco Bergamasco, who has been nursing a sore back, returns at left wing for Luke McLean.

FORMULA ONE | 25-year-old German heads to his 100th race 10 points ahead of closest challenger Alonso

Vettel looks to make history in US


Englands Ashton back for Australia tie

Chris Ashton was restored to Englands starting XV for todays Cook Cup international against Australia at Twickenham, with the dynamic wing looking to inict fresh woe upon the Wallabies. Ashtons inclusion on the right wing, with Charlie Sharples switching to the left in place of Ugo Monye, was the only change announced Thursday by coach Stuart Lancaster to the England side that beat Fiji 54-12 last week. Saracens yer Ashton missed that match through suspension but is back to face the Wallabies, against whom he has scored three tries in as many Tests.


Red Bulls Sebastian Vettel drives during at the Yas Marina circuit during the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix on November 4. The next race will be in Texas on Sunday.

Frances Maestri set for Argentina friendly

France coach Philippe SaintAndre yesterday made only one change from the team that beat Australia last weekend, bringing in second row Yoann Maestri for the Test against Argentina today. Maestris return, after a back injury ruled him out of selection for the 33-6 victory over the Wallabies, means Jocelino Suta, who took his place to win his rst cap, is relegated to the replacements bench. Argentina come into the match in Lille having played 12 Tests since June against Frances three, which Saint-Andre said would make it a tough test. Its a key match. We know the Argentines. Theyve perhaps never been playing as well in November than this year, Saint-Andre said.

Red Bull driver seeks to become the youngest ever triple world champion

Austin, Texas

ebastian Vettel can make his 100th Formula One race the United States Grand Prix an historic one here on Sunday by being crowned the youngest ever triple world champion. The 25-year-old German, and his Red Bull team, could make it a night for double celebrations if they take both the drivers and teams titles in a country where he made his debut as a baby-faced 19-year-old stand-in at Indianapolis in 2007. That last United States Grand Prix, ve years ago, was won by Briton Lewis Hamilton of McLaren and, this time around, he will once again be a major contender for victory in his penultimate race for the team before he leaves for Mercedes. But both championship leader Vettel and Hamilton know they face a challenge this

weekend from two-time champion Spaniard Fernando Alonso of Ferrari who is 10 points behind the German in the title race and still convinced he can secure his own third title. Finn Kimi Raikkonen of Lotus, victorious in Abu Dhabi, will also be a threat. Vettel, who replaced Pole Robert Kubica at BMW Sauber in 2007, managed to qualify seventh and nish eighth, his single point for that feat making him F1s youngest pointsscorer a record that he still holds. Unknown Circuit of the Americas As he looked ahead to this weekends showdown at the virtually unknown Circuit of the Americas, a purpose-built track 15 miles from Austin city centre, he admitted he could hardly believe it. Its all gone so quickly, he said. One hundred is a big number - 100 grands prix sounds a lot:

100 starts, 100 times surviving the rst corner. If I reect on it, it doesnt feel so long ago that I broke into Formula One... That shows me that time ies when you do something that you really like and enjoy, so lets focus on the second 100! Typically, Vettel has not dwelt on the various permutations that could land him the title this weekend. He knows that with a 10-point lead he can secure the title with a victory this weekend and that is his clear goal. He goes into the race with two races worth a maximum of 50 points for two wins available remaining. He has 255 points to Alonso 245. In spite of his extraordinary success in the last three seasons, there are many who still nd it dicult to pour praise on Vettel and this week that list grew longer with the addition of 1997 drivers champion Jacques Villeneuve. (AFP)

Middle-order batsman Naeem Islam made a maiden Test century while Shakib Al Hasan smashed a dominating 89 to help Bangladesh thwart the West Indies in the rst Test in Dhaka yesterday.




Defending champion Ian Poulter and Adam Scott red an ominous warning to their rivals yesterday, carding 67s to lurk just two shots o the lead after the rst round of the Australian Masters.


Cancer charity drops Armstrongs name

Lance Armstrongs cancer battling charity took another step to dissociate itself from the disgraced former cycling champ by dropping his name from its title. The Lance Armstrong Foundation will now be ocially known as the Livestrong Foundation, in the latest move by the charity to separate itself from its founder. The American was recently stripped of his seven Tour de France titles after the US Anti-doping Agency disclosed evidence he and his cycling teammates used performance-enhancing drugs. The name change was approved by the Texas Secretary of State on October 30.

Stepanek, Ferrer to open Davis nal

The Czech Republics Radek Stepanek and Spains David Ferrer will open the action at the Davis Cup nal here, following yesterdays draw. Ferrer, the world number ve and Spains top player in Prague, will face 37th-ranked Stepanek today on the hardcourt of Pragues O2 Arena. After that meeting, world number six and Czech number one Tomas Berdych will take on Spains Nicolas Almagro, the world number 11.

Spains thumping victory over poor Panama in a friendly international on Wednesday night

68 | Sport
GOLF | I started badly, dropping three shots but managed to squeeze in six birdies afterwards, he says

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

Mudanyi, Indiza share early lead

Railway course has been shortened to par 70 because of the re-construction of the rst and 10th green now being used as a par four. Nakurus Richard Ainley shot level par 70 to tie with two amateurs David Opati and Nelson Simwa whilst another leading amateur golfer Mathew Omondi shot one over par 71 to tie with Professional Golfers of Kenya (PGK) chairman Riz Charania. 10 leading amateurs Finishing on 72 each were Ganeev Giddie, Jacob Okello and amateur Joseph Karanja. A eld of 46 players including the 10 leading amateurs turned up at the Kenya Railway Golf Club course where the pros are chasing a top prize of Sh400,000 in the Sh2 million purse in the event being sponsored by Salmer Fitness Centre and friends of Railway Golf Club. Taking an early lead among the seniors was Muthaigas Jimmy Kingori who shot ve over par 75 to take a two shots lead from Hesbon Kutwa of Royal Nairobi Golf Club. The PGK captain Peter Njagi was next on 79. The second round of the 54-hole event being used by the professionals as a build-up for the 2013 Barclays Kenya Open, is set for 7.30am while the pros will be joined by Railway members during the third round tomorrow. One of the event co-ordinators, Sir Maurice Njue, said he was happy with the rst round scores. Railway is a tough nine-hole course but I am sure we are going to see lower scores at the weekend, Njue said.

Muthaiga player recovers from a poor start to go joint-top with Mumias star at PGK Pro-Am
lngala@ke.nationmedia.com uthaiga Golf Clubs Nelson Mudanyi recovered from three back-to-back bogeys in the opening nine to share the rst round lead with long-hitting Dismas Indiza as the big chase for Sh2 million PGK Pro-Am got under way at Kenya Railway Golf Club yesterday. Mudanyi, who turned professional in the United States two months ago at the end of his studies, bogeyed the rst, second and third holes and a late one at the seventh, but birdied the fourth, eighth and ninth holes. He picked two quick birdies at the start of the back nine, dropped a shot at the 15th but recovered one at the 16th for one under par 69. I started badly, dropping three shots but managed to squeeze in six birdies there after which was my game plan anyway. But I still believe a 65 is possible tomorrow, said Mudanyi, who missed the green on two at the 18th to miss a possible 68. Indiza on the other hand birdied the second, seventh and ninth after bogeying the rst and fth at the front nine. He again made three birdies at the back nine where he also dropped three shots to wind up the rst nine on 69. The usually par 72

McIlroy blames fatigue for Hong Kong blowout

Hong Kong
World number one Rory McIlroy admitted his rst round at the $2 million UBS Hong Kong Open yesterday was a write-o and said he was suering from fatigue, after he posted a three-over-par 73. I probably just lacked a bit of energy out there, I felt a bit lethargic mentally, more than physically, if I am being honest, he said, reecting on the poor start to the defence of his Hong Kong crown. In front of his watching girlfriend, tennis player Caroline Wozniacki, he had just the one birdie against four bogeys. I started o OK and just got more and more frustrated as the round went on. I just felt like I was hitting some decent shots and just not really converting any chances for birdies and I just let it get to me a little bit, he said. The 23-year-old from Northern Ireland has enjoyed a hugely successful year, his third place at the Barclays Singapore Open last weekend meaning he has topped the money charts in the United States and Europe. I suppose after last week, it was always going to be a bit of a let-down, he added. McIlroy said that he would put the round down to a bad day and return to Hong Kong Golf Club for the second round on Friday with renewed vigour. I feel like Im playing well enough. (AFP)

Golf Parks Jacob Okello follows the ight of the ball during the PGK Pro-Am tournament at the Kenya Railway Club yesterday.



P.O. BOX 40496- 00100, TEL:(020) 2721859, EMAIL: golfadmin@krgc.co.ke.


NAMES J.W,Kungu, A.Boru, B.Macharia, T.Ruhiu; S.Onyambu, A.Ogolla, E.G.Wachira, K.Abonyo; P.J.G.Karanja, D.Matu, C.Ndonga, J.Mugo; R.Maina, P.Russo, P.Muthoni(l), B.Kotonya; T.Osoro, K.Wanjohi, H.Oranja, R.N.Maina; T.Mureithi, C.J.Mwaura, M.Muritu, S.Ndonga(j); Pros x4; 7.40 Pros x4; TIME 6.30 NAMES Pros x4; TIME 11.30 Pros x4; Pros x4; 6.50 Pros x4; 7.00 Pros x4; 7.10 Pros x4; 7.20 Pros x4; 7.30 P.Majau, G.Kiai, F.Ombura, N.Wabwire; B.Handa(g), V.Kidiwa(g), K.Weke(g), W.Onyango(g); 12.20 12.10 12.00 A.N.Ommoria, S.G.Njoroge, B.Dawa, P.Wanjohi; J.Karuga, M.M.Macharia, G.Mate, G.S.Padam; R.Nyanchoga(g), A.Onsomu(g), M.Monni(g), J.Kiniti(g); Terry Kungu(g), E.Sasia(g), G.Njiri(g), John Juma(g); 8.30 11.50 Pros x4; 8.20 11.40 Pros x4; 8.10 8.00 NAMES Pros x4; TIME 7.50 NAMES N.Njuguna, J.Mandavia, TIME 12.50


M.Kariuki, R.Omanyo(l); M.Njue(s), 1.00 P.Ichangi(g), J.Mutuku(g), M.Okeyo(g); Jesus, J.Karanja,


A.Muhoro, K.N.Mburu; S.H.Onyango, 1.20 J.Murungi, R.Osumba, T.Tonny; J.Ndunda, J.Kaindi,



C.Agina, G.K.Maina; D.Muraya(g), 1.40 T.Njuguna(g), P.Mwindi(g), B.Kibaru(g); D.Njuguna, P.Mukuria, J.Ngetich, C.Maragia; E.G.Runo, N.R.Shah, P.Shah, S.Patel;







DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

Sport 69
Mrs Waweru, B. Ndungu, Karanu; 9: 20 S. Kihanya, J.Wanyaga, Col. Matu, Col. Karani ; 9:28 P.Muraguri, Brig. Muhamed, E.K.Mwaura, S. Gathathi; 9:36 J.Muratha , S Kariuki, Susan K, G.Muthwale; 9:44 Prof Wagacanja, G. Gateru, J. Gakuya, Mwaura R; 9: 52 E. Karanja , Thairu J M , Nguyai Philip, T.N. Kiarie; 10:00 M.Kamau, J. N. Kiarie, L. Nduati , Dr. Kamau R T; 10:08; Machakos X 4 10:16 F.Njuguna , R.Gitau, Mwaura N, P.N. Mburu, J H;10:24 Karanja P, J. Njagu, Lawrence N, Nyaga J;10:32 K A Fx 4 ;10:40 P.Ngugi,P.Kiarie,E. Karanja,Karimi A;10:48 Kinyajui S.,J.Gateru, Mugwe S, Mwaniki P;10:56 Mwenja A, Mwaura J.N.,Nduati P,Margret N; 11: 28 P.Kamau, Ngungute M, P. Kanyina, M. Patel ;11:36 Kioi A,Mwenja A, K.Muchiri, E. Tenga 11: 46 S.Nyingi , P.N. Gaitara,K Ndichu, Kinuthia T ; 11:54 Prof G.M.Kenji, J. Waithaka, R Gitau, M. Kamau; 12:02 Mworia C,Machakos, Chege K, Machakos ;12: 10 D. Mbugua , G. Kihiu, J. Kamande ,T.N.T. Muchirah;12:18 D. Mbugua , M. Mbugua, W.Ndururi, K. Ormand ; 12: 26 Ndungu M, Njoroge P, Muratha J, M. Ndungu; 12:34 Col (Rtd) Kibatta, Peter Ngige, Col. Githaiga, Dr. E.N. Ndungu; 12:42 L Njuguna, C.Kiyukia , Mary Kairu, P. Ruku; NB Post entries to starter by 1.00 p.m; Kitale: Tomorrow: Pacis Golf Day - Sponsored by: - Pacis Insurance Company Ltd; -First Tee ; 9.00 H. Kamau, Fr. D.Martel, Arti Shah; 9.10 M. Arusei, M. Kimutai, C. Chesire; 9.20 S.Malakwen, Pradip Shah, R. Hannah;9.30 E. Sorobea, J. Angote, Rimal Shah; 9.40 E. Weche, Z. Njeru, E. Tum; 9.50 E. Mwei, Dr Gatuma, G. K.Cheriuyot;10.00 Kim Kariuki, V.Omwandho, S. Shah;10.10 P.K. Koech, M. Kosgei, C .Ndegwa; 10.20 Bro .Njoroge, F. Gitau, M. Haria; 10.30 J. Rutto, S. Ndungu, B.N.Wamalwa; 10.40 S. Kirwa, Dr X.N.Iraki, P. Rotich; 10.50 J. Shah , P. Shiharsy, F. Kambona; 11.00 C. Yano, N. Wahome, R. Tannah; 11.10 Z. Nderito, S. Ngugi, M. Njuguna;11.20 N. Iyadi, J. Gichuki, D. Too; 11.30 A. Saif, M .Iraki, F. Shuyuka; 11.40 J. Nzomo, M.Litamoi, Fr. M. McGrath; Kiambu: Tomorrow; Dr. S.K. Macharia Golf Day sponsored by Dr. S.K. Macharia; 7:36 Eng. S.N. Kamunge, F. Gichomo, A.I. Kariuki, W. Njenga; 7:44 R. Ngui, G.K. Muthua, G. Githere(l), B. Njoroge; 7:52 J. Kinuthia, D. Kamau, B.S. Shah, S.K. Ndegwa(g); 8:00 C.N. Kinyanjui, A. Mwangi, J.N. Mburu, J. Kibugi; 8:08 M.K. Njuguna, E.M. Kingara, Ano, Ano; 8:16 J.K. Waweru, S. Karanja, J. Mukono, J. Njenga; 8:24 G.K. Athiru(l), D. Njenga, W.M. Purity, S. Muriu; 8:32 Sponsors Guest x 4; 8:40 J.R. Njenga, J.K. Muchai, S.M. Kiarie, Ano; 8:48 M. Ngure(lg) x 4; 8: 56 N. Jadavji, G.K. Muiruri, Ano, Ano; 9:04 J. Ngure, F. Nyaga, P.K. Kahuho, M. Njuguna; PM: 11:36 S. Gwandaru, E. Njoroge, T. Mbugua, N. Mwangi; 11:44 J.K. Biriri(g), C. Ngurani(l), S. Muriu, N. Kimani; 11:52 R. Ngatia, K. Mwaura, S. Rukwaro, F. Githaiga; 12: 00 N. Njoroge, T. Kihara, T. Kimari, P. Muigai; 12:08 P.C. Gathimba, M.K. Njuguna, S. Karanja, Ano; 12:16 S.K. Njuguna, J. Wanjiru(l), E.N. Chege, A. Ngunu; 12:24 Sponsors Guest x 4; 12:32 D. Nyaga, S. Mutuathuku, N.M. Ngoima, M.K. Wandegwa; 12:40 S.N. Kabundi M. Nduati, E.G. Kuria, Ano; 12:48 M. Kanyeria, W.R. Njeru, Col. J. Githiri, S. Mugwe; 12:56 J.N. Gachuchu, P. Kaumbutho, M. Karanja, Ano; 1:04 Sponsors Guest x 4; 1:12 W. Kiarie B. Wainaina, N. Njoroge, Ano; 1:20 Sponsors Guest x 4; 1:28 K. Kinuthia, M.G. Karuga, M.K. Wanyoike, Ano; 1:36 sponsors Guest x 4; 1:44 Sponsores. Guest x 4; Post Entries to the starter; Royal: Tomorrow; Lady Captains Prize (Sarah Hoare) sponsored by Kenya Power, KBC; First Tee A.M. 7.00 L Gitau, S. Odunga, M Muhire, E Ooko; 7.08 S Onyambu, N.Muhire, P Misango, F. Mutinda; 7.16 M. S. Bhachu, Z. Miwa, F. Mwaura, W. Onyango; 7.24 P. Kabuga, S. Bhavra, R. Njeru, M. Kibuga; 7.32 N.Kariuki, R Olonde, A.C.V Shah, Dr V. Sharma;7.40 V.Babra, D. Mogere, I Kobayashi, J. Okuku; 7.48 Kim Choi, C. Anderson, G. Maina, B Dulo; 7.56 R. Jagdev, Peter Muigai, L. Otieno, G. Masese; 8.04 N. Kaunda, D. Mwangi, G. Karobia, R. Waitete; 8.12 S. A. Bhatti, V. Sennik, M. Burton, E. De Souza;8.20 A. Sanger, K Mcilwaine, J. Lyoba, A Khehar; 8.28 R Omayo, E. Ilako, R Wafula, M Nyoro; 8.36 P. Odima , J Vohora, S. Mauladad, W Danner; 8.44 R Oloititip, A.Mworia, J. Kandie, N. Ribeiro; 8.52 W Mugho, S Matu, R. Ngatia, J Wokabi; 9.00 B. Gituku, S Wangai, P Koech, K Malonza; Tenth Tee A.M. 7.00 KBC X4; 7.08 M Githu, D Tanui, Momanyi, J Mugo; 7.16 S. Wasonga, J. Katitu, M. Gatere, R. Koome; 7.24 D. Kairuthi, R Raythatha, P. Kandie, Dr. K. Sharma; 7.32 Harshard Patel x 4; 7.40 F. Macharia, H. Gatiramu, Madhu Sharma, M. Monari; 7.48 J. Mugambi, T. Gatiramu, Agnes Nyakio, Q. Bhatti; 7.56 A Bhatti, R. Gikuru, L.Akinyi, B. Hiuhu; 8.04 M. Nyanchama, Jesse Mugambi, Karl Gatiramu, C Itangata; 8.12 T Miano, S. Gatabaki, A Kahure, J. Mwaniki; 8.20 S. Sanger, A. Mbuchucha, E. Mogere, Sam Mbori; 8.28 B Sokhi, P. Sokhi, H Sokhi, D Patel; 8.36 D. Mugun, M. Mutuku, B. Madhvani, M. Lalani; 8.44 F. Shiroya, E. Noah, J.Muriithi, P. Njiri, 8.52 E. Nderitu, S. Mazrui, B. Ndenderu, S. Otolo; 9.00 D. Munge, N. Kariuki, L. Wright, C. Wright; First Tee P.M. 11.44 K. Chege, S. Njenga, P. Wangai, S. Kasinga; 11.52 M. Muriithi, B. Mwaura, Anne Marie V, W. Owino; 12.00 M. Kiunjuri, J. Orenge, N. Ikinu, J. Njoroge; 12.08 K S Syan, Irene Maina, J S Syan, S. Babra; 12.16 M. Maingi, E. Maranya, L. Armitage, D. S. Thethy; 12.24 B. Omuodo, C. Wangari, Z. Parikh, M.Wambugu; 12.32 P. Njonjo, B. Kiraithe, R.Mandaliya, E. Mpenda; 12.40 G. Wainaina, G. Githinji, W.Kimani, G. Thairu; 12.48 E. N. Njoka, O. Ikinu, D.Shah, F. Koki, 12.56 H V Shah x4; 13.04 B. Ragalo, D. Mwamati, D S Bhavra, A. O. Aboka; 13.12 N. Mandaliya, M.Shah, K. Dodhia, D. Shah; 13.20 Z. Karimi, Hindocha, M. Gathoga, J. Njau; 13.28 P. Kangethe, D. Mistry, A. Martyress, B. Cormack; 13.36 M. Sehmi, J. Chebukati, J. Kogo, A. Wanjiru; 13.44 M. Makenzi, J. Miano, F. Sabwa Lucy Awiti;13.52 D. Mbalanya, R. Koigi, L. Thanga, Jane Wokabi; 14.00 K. S. Devgun, Musa Odada, P. Muchiri, M. Odada; Tenth Tee P.M. 11.44 M. Karano, Mary Cox, J. Kariuki, D. Oconnor; 11.52 S.Orenge, J. Tsonga, T. Kihiko, W. Ikinu; 12.00 F W Maina, L. Maina, Eng Njaaga, D. K. Kariuki; 12.08 J. Juma, C Machani, M Muriuki, G ,Mucheru; 12.16 N. Karimi, C. Omondi, R Muthemba,Dr S R Patel; 12.24 S Wesuve, K. Icharia, J. Wachira, Jane B. Nzibo; 12.32 D Gaitho, S. Mbugua, A Monyo, J. S. Mudher; 12.40 A. Malik, B N Kamau, Mike O. Burke, Anne Mululu; 12.48 D. Njoka, W. Mululu, C. Kahura, M. Gatonye; 12.56 John Muriithi, Ann Chubi, R. Oloka, T. Gakuo; 13.04 C. Otolo, J. Kamau, N Mbui, N. Kihunyu; 13.12 M. Chebukati, A. Hindocha, O. M. Okeyo, Jack Mwaura; 13.20 J Wafula, M. Muhanda, P. Serem, W. Chebukati; 13.28 F Alibhai, Max Muraya, N. Alibhai, R. Ngugi; 13.36 T Njuguna, D. Muraya, B. Kimeu, Rael Munoru; 13.44 C. Solanki, J. Karuku, Gen Sasia, M. Nzioka; 13.52 C V Shah X4; 14.00 G. Otieno, K. Maluki, Lee Mungai, T. Njonjo; Thika: Tomorrow; Commercial Bank of Africa Golf Day; 7:00 N.Kithae, M.Ruo, A.Karimi, M.Kirika;7:08 J.Shah, R.Shah, P.Mwangi, A.Murray;7:16 S.Mbugua, P.Karare, T.Ochieng, Kim Nderitu;7:24 J.M.Kanyi, J.M.Wakimani, M.K.Gatonye, T.G.Mundia;7: 32 R.Kigwe, F.Githiori, R.Ikenye, G.Gachanja;7:40 W.K.Kariuki, S.P.Gachanja, A.Macharia, Eng.Musango;7:48 M.Kariuki, M.Kubai, G.I.Githui, S.G.Njuguna;7: 56 J.K.Komo, J.Mbugua, P.Kigwe, F.Waiganjo;8:04 J.Gachomba, A.K.Kioi, B.Mugambi, W.Burugu ;8: 12 P.Ciano, R.Barton, D.Matano, J.Gitau;8:20 S.K.Ndungi, R.Njuguna, Waweru.P.K, F.Karu;8:28 S.Ndungu, J.Karue, S.M.Chege, J.N.Waweru;8:36 D.Gakuo, Dr.W.Kimani, B.M.Mathenge, G.Kamau;9:24 N.R.Muiga, J.Karanja, S.Maadili, D.N.Mukubwa9:32 Purity K, J.Rienye, Thairu, J.Kigwe,9:40 Moses M, Waweru P.K, A.Kabucho, A.Waiganjo;9:48 W.Mugho, S.Matu, P.J.Kamau, A.N.O ;9:56 James Mugo(s) x2, Njeri K, S.Kihiro;11: 00 S.G.Njunu, Njenga K, A.Ngunu, J.M.Karanja;11:08 G.G.Mwunomi, J.M.Thairoh, J.C.Wachira, W.Njenga;11: 16 P.Mukuria, G.Hiuhu, F.Wangombe, J.M.Ndungu;11:24 C.Karanja, T.Ngamau, K.Njuguna, Jessee K;11: 32 G.Gicheru, C.Njui, D.Ndungu, G.M.Komu;11:40 J.Mathenge, J.Kehara, S.G.Maitho, J.Karue;11: 48 Dr.P.Murumba, E.Chege, S.K.Njuguna, S.N.Waititu;11:56 Z.Muigai, J.N.Mwaura, P.M.Ndungu, M.Kamau;12:04 Martin N, C.Omondi(s), S.O.Deya, P.Mionki;12: 12 T.Kinandu, C.Nduati, M.Muhoro, A.Kiragu;12:20 E.Rugo, G.Kuria, S.Kanyi, Dr.E.Ndungu;12:28 A.Waweru, Prof.Karugu, Col.G.Matu, Brig Mohammed;12:36 J.Gathairu, W.Mugwe, M.Gitonyi, Eng K.Njoroge; 12:44 P.Gakuo, Stergios K, J Ngunze(s), L.Ngamau,12:52 S.Mugwe, A.Muriuki, Prof.S.P.Nganga, J.K.Wainaina;13:00 P.Wainaina, Nganga N, D.T.Mathenge, J.K.Mbugua;13:08 J.Mungai, S.Ngugi, B.Omondi, J.G.Thiga;13:16 T.Kuria(s) D.Karuma, Capt.Kimara, P.N.Gaitara;13:24 A.Mutugi, E.K.Kiarie, N.Nganga, P.Gakuo;13:32 S.Sudhir, N.Harania, S.Kalpesh, S.Shanket;13: 40 S.Mayur, G.Wanjama, Dr.J.Njoroge, Tenth Tee; 8:00 M. Njuguna, R.Ikenye. Limuru: Tomorrow; Serena Golf Day sponsored by Serena Hotels; First Tee; 8.00 J Karume, N Mungai, B Mbugua, G Barua; 8.08 C Maranga, K Otieno, D Mogere, J Odhiambo; 8.16 P Munyi, V Kioko, W Kanyeki, Y Nandha; 8.24 G Munyaka, L Hurst, T Maukonen, H Njenga; 8.32 Kiragu K, B Kanyoni, G Wangongu, R I Njenga; 8.40 T Njehia, P Ndirangu, M Gitobu, O Bwomote; 8.48 W Njenga, J Nzioka, J Kashangaki, P Waweru; 8.56 K Kiplangat, N Kimeria, L Ngala, J Kimeria; 9.04 D Gitonga, J Peters, C H Malavu, W Gitonga; 9.12 J Mugo, M Githu, J Momanyi, Mike Mwaura; Tenth Tee; 8.00 J Kabuga, J Karichu , C N Kihara, Ano; 8.08 G Wafari, D Mwindi, S K Ndegwa, N Wijesoriya; 8.16 D Githaiga, S Stall, W Njoroge, F Gitau; 8.24 T Kiburi, N Mukora, J Gachanga, E Wambari; 8.32 K Githunguri, E Githere, O Githere, M Karanu; 8.40 T mutero, E MKingori, M Mbai, E Gitobu; 8.48 M Wairimu, N Muhia, K Sanui, R Sanui; 8.56 A Murigu, J Murigu, S Irimu, R Munuhe; 9.04 J Gatiko, E Gathu, J Gathu, K Muchiri; 9.12 D Chebitwey, J Mwangi, P Muchiri, A Njoroge; First Tee; 11.20 J Waweru, R Mbithi, A muhindi, J Nderitu; 11.30 I Nderitu, J Kamande, W Moturi, G Kihiu; 11.38 C Waiganjo, A Kinyanjui, D Mwangi, N Kaberere; 11.46 T Simba, D Maina, C Kihara, K Thimba ; 11.52 E Gitau, J Wainaina, K Ngengi, M Gakuo; 12.00 A Gatimu, J Ngure, J Njenga, T Songa; 12.08 S Rukwaro, P Nderitu, P Kamaara, B M Mabai; 12.16 R Barua, T Waiharo, S muraya, D nyakango; 12.24 L Maranga, K Mukuria, S Gathigai, S G Mundia; 12.32 M Summar, J Kagiri, L Shani, I Mundia; 12.40 V Wangombe, A Wangari, K Nzioka, K Chege; 12.48 M Janmohamed (s), S Ncheeri (G), Y Awale, F mutinda; 12.56 V Gichuru, W Maara, C Kamau, E G Mbugua; 1.04 P Muchangi, G Rwenji, S M Kiruthu, J Ngigi; 1.12 Samm Ndungu, K Mwaura, N Nganga, R Mambo; 1.20 H Amiani ( G), C Were (G), Brig M Macharia, A Mambo (g); 1.28 K Mambo, N Muhire, M Muhire, L Gitau; 1.36 D Ngumi, W Wanjui, M Njeri, R Wanjiku; Tenth Tee; 11.20 N Nesbit, C Kamari, S Ndungu, L Nganga; 11.30 M Matu, P Hurst, P Karungo, G Kimeria; 11.38 J Ngonga, K Njoroge, B Njoroge, S Okello; 11.46 J Ngugi, K Kangethe, J M Mwaura, J Ndiho; 11.52 Je Macharia, S Kariuki, J Kimani, C N Wangari; 12.00 I Igambi (G), J Rwambo, M Otiso (G), J Maina (G); 12.08 G Singh, H Mediratta, P Jai, A Manga ; 12.16 M Nyakango, K Anunda, P giathi, M N Nyakango; 12.24 S Khanna (G), Shailen Shah (G), Pritesh Popat (G), Mayur Murji (G); 12.32 S Archaria (G), P Archaria (G), K Chandarana (G), D Shah (G); 12.40 S N Waruhiu (g), X Iraki (G), W Karume (G), M Monni (G); 12.48 D G Okello (G), M Irungu (G), Karume Weke (G), C Ogallo (G); 12.56 D Mbugua, K Mutero, P Muhia, E K Njenga; 1.04 C Kariuki, N Kariuki, J Kahuko, J Nganga; 1.12 R Muriuki, J Mwaura, D Mugo, S Wagunyu; 1.20 J Musao (G), P Waweru (G), M Laibobi (G), L Kimani (G); 1.28 K Wamae, A Wachira, M Chege, D Mambo; 1.36 Dinesh Shah, A Shah, J Karanja, K Kuria; Muthaiga: Tomorrow; Total Kenya Golf Day; First tee am 7.45 Okeyo A O, Opio J, Gathumbi J S, Gondi P; 7.54 Gitonga J, Raghwani D, Karo S, Macharia S; 8.03 Sequeira E, Edwin N, Khasina E, Kinyua H; 8.12 Kamatu S, Gitura C, Gathinji N, Njoroge H; 8.21 Mwaura S N, Njuguna M J, Mbugua S, Ireri D; 8.30 Hindocha J, Karoki P, Gathage J, Wanjalla R; 8.39 Orwako B, Gathigi A, Njugu G N,Gakuo A; First tee pm 11.45 Onyango T O, Lubia A M, Muhinga L, Mutai K; 11.54 Shah Chandu, Kinyua P, Nganga F G, Gathecha J; 12.03 Ngala L (G), Adul E, Rajani V, Gachoya J; 12.12 Gachoka K, Muhinja J, Muriithi J, Kangethe D; 12.21 KAnjejo M O, Murage L, Lenana A, Kungu R;12.30 Ondigo J, Githae N, Mugwe S (G), Karienye M; 12.39 Thugge K, Kilinda S, Kungu P, Vitisia E; 12.48 Mutuma M (S), Mwindi P, Mwirichia K, Maina G (G); 12.57 Njukia S, Kirika J I, Wairi A, Gikundi C; 1.06 Vohora A, Chandaria N, Sodi T, Bhabra R S; 1.15 Ndegwa G, Kariuki J K, Wambugu P N, Thagana J T; 1.24 Rajani U, Chandaria A, Nathwani P P, Fuwad A; Tenth tee am 7.45 Otieno I, Mbori S, Irungu W K, Chandaria B; 7.54 Thairu L N, Wambaa G, Kimemia E, Ndirangu K; 8.03 Mutisya Dr., Mburu K, Ombisi D, Kangangi W; 8.12 Paterson B (G), Schoepp J F (G), Adewa J, Kamau J (G); 8.21 Sibanda R, Jeroen De Clercq, Mbuthia J (G), Gatuma F; 8.30 Hainsworth S, Hainsworth D, Nolly P, Thieblin L (G); 8.39 Stergios G (G), Ketem G (G), Bulezi S (G);Tenth tee pm 11.45 Mbugua J (G), Recizak G (G), Recizak A (G), Kaumbutho P (G); 11.54 Muhinga T, Kasinga S (G), Juma J (G), Ochola P; 12.03 Dsouza J (G), Njunge P (G), Thuku N (G), Sifunah D (G); 12.12 Kinisu P, Munge P I, Owino D, Nderi A; 12.21Thuo F (G), Kyengo P (G), Muthike D, Richu P; 12.30 Ogonji B (G), Cheruiyot B (G), Kaunda N (G), Timase T (G); 12.39 Maingi F (G), Wahome F (G), Mulandi G (G), Mutuku G (G); 12.48 Ogwayo B (G), Njau T (G), Ndungu S (G), Ogunbo J (G); 12.57 Kabera E, Ngunjiri C (G), Mburugu W (G), Wokabi G; 1.06 Nathwani H, Muchiru C (G), Indimuli T (G), Kipchillat (G); 1.15 Zachariah V, Pradeep V, Nathwani J P, Makala F (S); 1.24 Mwihia F M, Gitari A, Joshi M, Irungu D N; Karen: Today: Lady Captains Prize: First Tee: 8.30 V. Ellis, M. Kiereini, M. Githinji, R. Koigi; 8.38 L. Gitau, N.A. Stanley, A. Harrison, J. Van Tongeren; 8.46 E. Sargeant, J. Ndegwa, J. Murigu, W. Danner; 8.54 R. Dolan, S. Lobo, S. Mitchelmore, B. Archer; 9.02 S. Royle, M. Schluter, M. Meehan, A. Pike; 9.10 J. Muriithi, P. Kabuga, C. Wangari, G. Githere; 12.06 M. Kibe, E. Ngugi, J. Wambugu, W. Kireri; 12.14 A. Mwai, l. Inglis, J. Lyoba, M. Russell; 12.14 G. Gichuki, S. Njenga, R. Munoru, R. Mwatha; 12.22 R. Njendu, S. Kasinga, D. Macharia, S. Carmichael; 12.30 R. Njogu, E. Mpenda, S. Bano, O. Cawley; 12.38 B. Gacheru, M. Muturi, E. Maranya, R. Hanrahan; 12.46 S. Mazrui-Watt, A. Mululu, M. Vincent, N. Muhire; 12.54 C. Van Luijk, E. Lowe, H. Scott, D. Mbalanya; 1.02 G. Kanyago, K. Kilonzo, N. Mumbi, A. Chubi; 1.10 J. Kibet, R. Nzomo, T. Mulwa, L. Kiambi; 1.18 J. Kimondo, J. Njunge, S. Waruhiu, I. Wanyoike; 1.26 K. Kariuki, J. Muiruri, F. G. Kariuki, Y. Awale; 1.34 J. Mutethia, D. Machua, J. M. Wainaina, A. Gitau; 1.42 C. Otolo, O. Aboka, J. Kamau, N. Mbui; 1.50 M. Kihungi, P. Wambugu, M. Muhire, J. Kahiu; 1.58 A. Gacheru, S. Njunge, W. Ngaruiya, R. Lyoba; Tenth Tee: 8.00 S. Omondi, M. Humphreys; 8.10 R. Lofty, H. Kaguru, D. Ogutu; 8.30 G. N. Kariuki, J. Muita, P. Njoroge; 8.38 s. Githere, B. Jones, G. Wafari, K. Mcilwaine; 8.46 J. Miano, C. White, C. Onsando, H. Marie; 8.54 T. Karuga, R. Glimberg, B. Ragui, R. Wairumbi; 9.02 M. Chege, N. Ayodo, B. Insole, W. Muthumu; 9.10 M. Thande, W. Burugu, T. Gedlu, C. Lindsay; 9.18 R. Njeru, B. Maria, R. Kingori; 11.50 J. Waweru, B. Kamau, S. Kanyora, F. Macharia; 11.58 O. Ayodo, F. Mwanzia, E. Mwakio, E. Kivuvani; 12.06 D. Tyrrell, O. Gray, J. Bamford, R. Van Hoek; 12.14 A. Mugo x 4; 12.22 B. Raymakers, J. Pike, N. Kariuki, N. Muhia; 12.30 K. Kubasu, P. Waweru, W. Mayiani, E. Vitisia; 12.38 R. Kimani, J. Wafula, G. Mayiani, Ndirangu; 12.46 C. Njendu, E. Agengo, G. Mucheru, F. Mutinda; 12.54 P. Githinji, D. Ndungu, P. Miriti, D. Njuguna; 1.02 H. Danner, G. M. Kariuki, M. Wairimu, R. Waitete; 1.10 C. Kirubi, I. Ndirangu, K. Mungai, E. Njoroge; 1.18 G. Muturi, R. Thande, D. G. Muriithi, J. Muigai; 1.26 A. Watt, M. Kahende, R. Naliaka, E. Ilako; 1.34 A. Gachukia, S. Mwai, K. Waruru, R. Musau; 1.42 W. Mahihu, J. Munge, R. Ondhowe, J. B. Nzibo; 1.50 D. A. Russell, D. Lowe, C. Everard, F. Lobo; 1.58 D. Kahoro, D. Kireri, P. M. Waita, Ngeita; Tomorrow: Captains Prize: First Tee: 8.30 J. Muita, K. Hughes, H. Ngaruiya; 8.37 W. Mayiani, J. Nguri, D. Kuchio; 8.44 O. Ayodo, D. Farrar, S. Barry; 8.51 A. Duncanson, D. Tyrrell, V. Ayton; 8.58 J. Pike, M. Muthee, T. Hopkins; 9.05 C. Everard, A. Campbell, D. S. Russell; 9.12 A. Watt, E. Mwakio, J. Bamford; 9.19 J. Gitoho, A. Gacheru, F. G. Kariuki; 9.26 M. Davidson, B. Sadler, P. Muturi; 12.28 J. Milne, A. Punja, A. Addison; 12.35 F. Lobo, N. Cuthbert, J. Musomba; 12.42 D. A. Russell, P. K. Mugambi, I. Wanyoike; 12.49 R. Gichuki, W. Kilburn, K. Kubasu; 12.56 G. Muturi, J. Simba, T. Mulwa, 1.03 J. Kimondo, D. Ndungu, V. Rague; 1.10 C. Ernstzen, N. Mitchelmore, R. Oliver; 1.17 C. Kirubi, C. Gacheru, D. Kamau; 1.24 J. Kibet, L. Otieno, M. Gethoi; 1.31 S. Waruhiu, B. Raymakers, J. Njogu; 1.38 L. Kiambi, D. Lowe, R. Waruhiu; 1.45 P. Walsh, R. Kemoli, M. Karanja; 1.52 P. N. Kariuki, J. Mutethia, M. Kahende; 1.59 H. Scott, C. Davis, P. Wythe; Tenth Tee: 8.30 T. John, R. Martyres, S. Sibanda; 8.37 M. Mugasa, E. Agengo, L. Munyua; 8.44 K. P. Mungai, W. Onyino, A. Melesi; 8.51 H. Danner, P.E, P.E; 12.28 G. Kiereini, O. Gray, N. Mwaniki; 12.35 W. Atkins, I. Rowe, D. Grantham; 12.42 C. Njendu, M. Maitha, M. Ngunze; 12.49 I. Njoroge, T. Waithaka, P. Otolo; 12.56 C. Otolo, K. Mwindi, G. Odundo; 1.03 E. Wainaina, R. Oates, J. Rundgren; 1.10 A. M. Muturi, P. Miriti, B. Terer; Nakuru: Tomorrow; I & M Bank Golf Tournament; rst tee 8.30 K Wambugu, Dr Mary Kariuki, P Matindi; 8.40 M Karanja, S Ndungu, C Angwenyi; 8.50 J Munene, D Maingi, C Karobia; 9.00 P Macharia, Z Ireri, K Gachohi; 9.10 P Kamomoe, M Munene, M Sahota; 10.00 J Muriithi, F Mbuthia, F Mwangi; 10.10 J Hunjan, N Kariuki, S Kariuki; 10.20 O Robert, D Kimambo, K Mbugua; 10.30 M Cheptumo, R Ndiritu, F Muiruri; 10.40 N Njoka, F Nganga, P Gathii; 10.50 N Nduati, P Mbuthia, S Kirui; 11.00 A Ndiritu, J G Mokaya, M Kiragu; 12.00 A Waititu, G Kariuki, S Mugunyu; 12.10 M Githiru, N Gacheru, P K Mwai; 12.20 R D Khagram, M C Patel, R M Thakkar; 12.30 K Morjaria, D Sharma, J Wainaina; 12.40 A Patel, Ano, Ano; Vet Lab: Tomorrow; Sumac DTM Golf Day; First Tee 7:24 D.Ongeri, M.Muura, A.Krishnan, M.Azad; 7:32 J.Kisolo, S.Mbugua, P.Nyabuto, Mohan Shah; 7:40 E.M.Thuiya, E.Maritim, S.Barretto, Ano; 7:56 Y.Asami, Y.Saito, K.Oba, R.Wafula; 8:04 A.Mohammed, M.Oyugi, Jof Otieno, J.Wafula; 8:12 O.L.E.Mbatia, A.Unia, A.Thompson, Ano; 8:20 Metul Shah, Jayshwin Shah, Vaishal Shah, Ano; 8:28 Paresh Shah, Birju Shah, June Waweru, B.Mandere; 8:36 M.N.Kanyi, W.Kinyanjui, C.G.Munyori, E.Mogoa; 11: 30 P.N.Muiruri, O.F.Kibuna, L.Munyua, P.M.Mbarathi; 11:38 Rohit Shah, S.Mithamo, K.Bosire, J.G.Chege; 11: 46 W.Nadida, X.N.Iraki, J.V.Malu, S.Orenge; 12:02 J.Orenge, Ian Maina, D.N.Gichuhi, C.Ndonga; 12:26 Taj Thanawalla, M.K.Mithiri, Leakey Maina, Ano; 12:34 D.Siyani, K.Pindoria, S.Siyani, V.Varsani; 12:42 M.S.Riyat, Paul Okoth, Ano; 12:58 B.Wamahiu, F.W.Gaitho, H.Dsouza, Niral Shah; 1: 06 Nick Wambugu, Harry Mwangi, C.Gichobi, Hanna Klucarova; 1:14 M.Makundi, F.N.Mwangi, S.Olekantai, Ano; 1:22 M.N.Kinuthia, M.Gorassia, J.S.Nteere. Sigona: Tomorrow ; Chairmans Prize Mr. Hitesh Patel; First Tee A.M;7.52 Njoroge M N, Ndirangu J, Ndenderu J M, Karanja D L; 8.00 Sira R, Owino F, Mann R, Archana P; 8.08 Sahen S, K sehmi, Henna S , Mwaura G; 8.16 Samarth P, Rishil P, Saahil, Sachin S; 8.24 Hirani P, Mavani A, Parth S, Dhruvit S; 8.32 Rashmi P, Dinesh p, J Desouza, Ramesh P; 8.40 Tejesh S, Merali S, Patel Brij , Chotai Sandeep; 8.48 Mohindra v, Ghai R, Medirata D, Desai A; Tenth Tee A.M; 7.52 Kobayashi S, Abbas I, Njau J , Kimemia E; 8.00 Nagda M, Ongubo j, Chandarana Ash, Nitin j s; 8.08 malde A , Nganga P, Kalpesh p, Sawan s; 8.16 Muraya C K, Malde s, Hindocha Arn, syan D; 8.24 Arora Shiv , Kimemia M, Mulji N, Warui P; 8.32 Mutura D, dodhia K , Savani G, yoon C; 8.40 Hemant S, Jhite T, Sheth A, Pradip S; 8.48 Dhanani M, Popat Ronak, Mwangi K, nagrecha J; First Tee P.M; 11.36 Bhamra J S, Lakhani Y, Arvind P , Channa M S; 11.44 Mehta P, Neil S, Pratik s, Ajay S; 11.52 Thakrar B , Mediratta R, Mondo N, Chauhan K C; 12.00 Kibuku N, Mukuria O, Waiyaki J, Karanja S; 12.08 Virdii D S, Raikundalia S, Shah K R, Rajesh S; 12.16 Chawla V, Raval R, Ladha A, Mukerjee C; 12.24 Haria M, Hindocha C, Matharu K S, Nikunj S; 12.32 Haren P, Ghallay, Merali W, Anil Lalla; 12.40 Raikundalia N, Mukuria D, Kimotho R , Nagda Y K; 12.48 Jitu P, Mayur P, Bhasker P, Parimal P; 12.56 sandesh S, Sodha A, Savani B, Bimal S; 1.04 Mayur S, Ravi S , Palkesh S, Sheela s; 1.12 Hitesh P, Bhachu D S, Verjee N , Shah A D; 1.20 Waweru P, Mugo D, Kiguru P, Njoroge M B; 1.28 Maysam K, Kinuthia H M , Wachira Z, Anjly S; 1.36 Vimal S, Mukesh S, Pradip S, Dhanani P; 1.44 Shirish P, Hemant P, Jay S, Raikundalia A; Tenth Tee P.M; 11.36 Halai D, Hirji K, Bhimjiani P, Pindolia H; 11.44, Kariuki M, Gacheru s n, Nganga J, Amar H; 11.52 Popat R, Choda K, Dhanani J, Preet S; 12.00 Ogwayo B, Dhanjal M, Sayyam S, Macharia T; 12.08 Navin S, Lakhani H , Muranga D, Ndichu J; 12.16 Vinay S, Manjit S, Ashok C, Sarju S; 12.24 Ndenderu K , Shah P C, Wairia S , Mediratta K; 12.32 Hemil P, Mayank (g), Jandu PS, Vinesh P; 12.40 Nishith P, sailesh P, Sushil S, Tushar P; 12.48 Bhatt J V, Ritesh K S, Njoroge B M, Wachira A; 12.56 Ashit S, Kanani R, Nishwal S, Sehmi H; 1.04 Kanani M, Merali M R, Khimji M; 1.12 Bhayani D, Bachu P, Ndungu S; 1.20 Ngahu , Jaffer J, Mumira E K, Gachagua F; 1.28 Bhakai R, Savla N, Abbass N , Nyuguto G; 1.36 Kanja S, R M Patel , Dhall s , Muthundo J. Eldoret: Tomorrow; Barclays Bank Golf Circuit: 7.30 M. Tanui, L. Shah, D. Aggarwal, F. Mburu; 7.40 N. Shah, R. Aggarwal, P.Brennan, R.Chhaniyara; 7.50 K.Shah, P.Lochab, A. Kitur, Dr.Tarus; 8.00 Dr. Jumbi, A. Ferej, R. Cheluget, M. Singh; 8.10 Andrew Chelogoi, Anil Haria, Vinay Shah, Navraj Sagoo; 10.30 J. Waweru, W.Saina, S. Ngugi, I. Brooker; 10.40 Major M.K. Rotich, E. Kemboi, Dr. Kiran Shah, E. Leting;10.50 G. Njoroge, C. Gatua, P. Jethwa, M. Muge; 11.00 N. Manji, C. Chumo, C.N Nganga, B. Odhiambo; 11.10 M. Lodhia, R. Sagoo, J. Barorot, D. Sambai, 11.20 J. Watunu, D. Thiongo, J. Kamau, J. Tarus; 11.30 Willy Samoei, Tony Fort, R. Chemayiek, J. Agui; 11.40 Dr Sugut, T. Dougherty, K.K Serem, J.Siahi; 11.50 A.Lakhani, M. Mbugua, T. Muliza, W. Kamanga; 12.00 P.Sangrajka, C. Muge, S. Radia, M. Wanjea; 12.10 Amu Shah, Sanjay Dodhia, E. Tum, D. Muge; 12.20 M Rotich, P.L Aggarwal, N. Tum, J. Tuwei; 12.30 D.S Kalsi, N.Shah, P. Tanna, N. Metto;12.40 N. Lakhani, A. Muigai, J. Nzomo, R. Kurgat; 12.50 Kamal Shah, S. Dodhia, J. Shah, S. Kurgat; 01.00 A.Shah, G.S Matharu, J. Kayago, H.S Plahe; 01.10 N. Aggarwal, S. Jabbal, S.S Gujral, T. Murunge; 01.20 R. Shah, D. Kimutai, N. Gikonyo, D.Kirui; 01.30 Z .Nderitu, W. Macharia, Kamau Watunu, E. Kosgei; Mumias: Tomorrow DT Dobie Golf Day; 8:30 B.Awuor, S.Mwangi, D.Nyakachunga; 8:40 M.Oleket, S.Kigen, C.Misango; 8:50 J.Koome, P.Amakobe, M.Khaoya; 9:00 E.Siganga, F.Otieno, C.Omega; 9:10 H.Wanyanga, J.Akhonya, J.Ashioya; 9: 20 J.Oketch, I.Ondieki, A.Mukuvi; 9: 30 C.Kunal, J.Anzabwa, J.Atito;9:40 K.Akhoko, E.Owinyi, B.Shikuku; 9:50 H.Wafula, B.Wangila, E.Onguru; 10:00 G.Ombito, S.Otiende, G.Onyango; 10: 10 P. Oketch, D.Mutoka, S.Onyango; 10:20 J.Mundia, P.Owino, M.Natecho; 10:30 M.Ojiambo, S.Juma, S.Opuka; 10:40 A.Alachu, L.Busolo , J.Obiero; 10:50 R.Mulemi, S.Owuor, L.Oketch; 11:00 D.Munyendo, P.Mucheywa, K.Amalemba; 11:10 J.Oduma, D.Balaka. M.Okello; 11:20 S.Ambulwa, F.Barasa.


Windsor: Today;Starehe Girls Centre Fundraising Tournament; First Tee 8.30 B Katonya D Kaburi, Dr Mwikali; 8:40 G Kariuki x4; 8:50 M Mwai, B Kinyanjui; 11.30 K Shollei, G Mutulu, P Nyakiba, P Muhaya; 11:38 W Melinda, R Gikuru, S Githuku, M Chege; 11:46 J makau M Gachimo W Muthee AJ Githaiga; 11:54 J Kusewa, P Anchinga, W Njoroge, E Muthiga; 12:04 J Kilonzo, M Mulwa, A Nyamu, P Kyengo; 12:12 L Mungai, B Ligale, K Maluki, F Gichomo; 12:20 Anne Mwaura x4; 12: 28 F Wahome G Mulandi, R Mugugu, R Nyamweya; 12:36 D Kimani, SN Kabuneli, M Wanjohi, M Mungai; 12:44 L Pike, P Kirby, M Day, L Oson; 12:52 Hago Stationaries x4; 1:00 K Nderitu, J Muthumbi, JN Mwaura, Sonec hardware; 1:08 M Mutune, J Mathenge, O Alberto, M Oson; 1:16 Nyutu x4; 1:24 M Rudd, R Collins, R Hulbert, M Flynn; 1: 32Wainaina x4; 1:40 D Scandrett x4; 1:48 Australian High Commission x3; 1:56 R Davidson, B Biggs, R Stott, N Shaw; Tenth Tee 11:30 F Chweya, W Moturi, N Njoroge; 11:38 M Kiboi, M Mutiga, N Kamere, MA Mwaura; 11: 46 Mr Mbogo x4; 11:54 D Kairuthi, B Kamau, M Gatere, W Macharia; 12: 04 M Murimi, J Thagana, J Ngugi, JN Mburu; 12:12 Moran Publishers x 4; 12: 20 D Githinji, C Mukua, H Kithome, Wangari; 12:28 E Kinyany x4; 12:36 Patrick Kamau x2, PE, PE; 12:44 A Tinay, J Combos P, Phipp W Healey; 12:52 T Obath x4; 1:00 Bata x4; 1:08 Chandaria Foundation x4; 1:16 Chandaria Foundation x4; 1:24 E Njoroge x4; 1:32 Safaricom Foundation x4; 1: 40 Jomo Kenyatta Foundation x4; 1: 48 Ham Onsando, J Onsando, J Kangangi, PE; Nyeri: Tomorrow; Kibaki Trophy tournament; 7:00, P.Maina, C. K Agina, M Wangombe, C.Thinwa; 7:08 E Nyuguto, Murimi, Hiuhu, Manji;7:16 M. Wamatu, N. Njega. Wangondu, J Mahinda; 7:24Fr Richard Ndemo, S.Muriuki, B.K Ngari;7: 32 M.Kosgey, A.Muriuki, Eng Chege, S Kisevu; 7:40 Z Wambugu, B.M Waikwa, S Wambugu, J.Kamere;7:48 J Muinde, C. N Iraki, Dr Wamae,Wiel Jacob Vander,7:56,H.W Gichohi Bow, A. B Kariuki, A.Ndegwa; 8: 04,Eng. S. K Ndegwa, Mwaniki K, Kamau, S. Mwangi; 8:12,G. Ndungu, S.W.N Githitu, D. Weru, G.K Kibira; 8:20N.Ngenda, S. Gachui, F. Mwangi, Mungai; 8:28, W Wachira. Munene,K. Gitahi, J Muchemi; 8: 36 E.Karumwa, Kim Nderitu, S. Gitau, M.Mburu; 8:44 Fr.Martin, P.G Kangaru, R.Kabugi, N. Desai;8:52 A.Nderi, C. Mwangi, M. Muthui, E.N Gatimu; 9:00, M. Muriithi, M. Murimi, Gaitho, C.G Wanjohi;9:08,W. Kibanya, Fr.Munyeki, A.Gathogo, D.Kinoti; 9:16, A.Ndirangu, P.Kihuthia, A. Wachira, R.Mumero;9:24P.Muchangi, J.Mathenge, J.Githanda, Eng. Nduati;9:32R.Kingori, V.Shah, L. Njuguna, Dr A.Gatuma; 9:40 J.Gituru, G.Miungi, J.Gichuki, F. Githaiga; 9:48:Githaiga G, J.Githinji, J.Nderi, D.Mbuthia;9: 56 N. Ndebu, K.Shah, E.Wanjohi, Flo Gathu,10.04 M.Gathu, J.Maingi, M.Nderi, P.Kiguta;10:12 D.Shah, S.Gichuru, D.Ndirangu, P.Mwangi;10: 20 B.K. Inoti, Mwangi Ngaru, D.Mwangi, M.Sokhi; 10:28 V.Sokhi, A.Muchiri, Eng.Kinoti, G.Kiguta;11: 00 Dan Kagwe, C. Kiai, M. Mwangi, F.Kamau;11:08 J.Gichimu, E .Kinyatti, S.Kamau, R.Matu;11:16 T.Mutero, S.Kelly, Eng.Kinyua, N.Githae; 11: 24 Duncan Ndegwa, Eng.Tattua, Maj Gen P. Waweru, S.Muteithia;11: 32 G.Mugambi, S.Mwangi, P.Matemo, Ndegwa.M.M;11;40 P.N . Njogu,S.Ngugi, P.Wanjau, Joe Kihara;11:48 S. Karanja, M.Nderi, F.Njuki, H.Sappal;11:56 P.Demeco, J.Gikunda, G.Wakaba, F.Kabona;12:04 J.Maingi, S.Wangungu, B.Mathu, C.W Kieru;12:12 J.Muriungi, J.Waciuri, Stan Ngure, Dr Muthiora;12:20 M.Mwaura, M.Karugu, W.Nguru, J.M. Kituru;12:28 Mj Gen A. Rob, G.Muraguri, J.Mathai, N.Wahome;12:36 P.T.Kanyago, A.Ngonjo, K.Kariuki, J.Muiruri;12:44 G.Gakima, M.M Wandere, J.Kimondo, T.Jagoo;12:52 E.N Kimotho, J.M.Kitoru, Mary Tom, P.Kaguamba;13: 00 A.M Omooria, S.Gakiria,N.Bha ngra,Dr.Mburu,13:08 Drew Jarbine, Dr.Ritho, S.K Githaiga, N.Nathan;13:16 Y.Desai, P.K.Karing`u, J.Wambugu,W. Gachoka;13:24 Maj Matu, D.Ngungiri, J.Thongori, J.K.Murage;13:32 A. Kimunya, Sam Mwangi, K.Gachoka, M. Njoroge,13:40 M.Gachoka,J.Thagana, G.Mwaniki, L.Kimunya;13:48 S.Gichuhi, E.Mbuthia, F. Mwangi, E.Raymond;13: 56 D.Mwaura, G.G Wambugu, G.Ndegwa, Kanyago;14:04 Dr.Rays ,Dr.Wamburu,Fr.Munene, I.Gthui;14: 12 B.Singh, Ano, Dr.Thuo, Ano; .Post entries before 11:00pm.Please adhere to your draw time. Ruiru: Tomorrow : Ladies Medal; 8.00 K Muchiri, Thiongo K, B. Kanyi, Eng.J. Mwaniki 8.16 J.Kalekye, Mutegi P, L.Kwendo, M. Kinuthia; 8.24 J.N. Wanyoike, Fr. Mwaura, Ndiga K, P.Smith ; 8:32 Col.Wahome, J. Kamau, Omondi R, J. Boro; 8:40 Njuguna S G, B.Waititu, D.Marshall, Stanley M;8: 48 A.K. Ndungu, Irene Wamoro., J. Jenkins, D. Milla; 8:56 S.G. Njuguna, S. Mwangi , Dr. Karienye, C. Kiai ; 9: 04;F. N. Ndegwa, S. Waititu, Dr A. K. Nganga, J. Njoroge; 9:12 S. Mwiti,

70 | Sport

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

Wanyama makes list of sports personality nominees

jashihundu@ke.nationmedia.com As expected, Celtics Kenyan midelder Victor Wanyama has been nominated for the annual Sports Personality of the Year award. Wanyama is the only footballer in the short-list of seven that was announced by the Soya panel yesterday in Nairobi. Mugubi (Wanyama) has been outstanding for his club both in the domestic league and also in the European Champions League. He has also been a tremendous asset to the national team, Harambee stars and has improved the prole of Kenyan football worldwide, said Soya panel chairperson Evelyn Watta. Wanyama, who did play in Wednesdays international friendly against Tanzania that Kenya lost 1-0, has had a very successful year with Celtic, winning a league and Cup double. More recently, he scored the vital rst goal in his clubs historic 2-1 win over World club champions and Spanish giants Barcelona in the Champions League. Other leading Kenyan sports personalities included in the Soya Awards list are David Rudisha Olympic and World champion and 800m record holder, Paralympian Abraham Tarbei, Olympic 3,000 m steeplechase champion Ezekiel Kemboi, swimmer Jason Dunford, double Olympic 5,000m and 10,000m silver medallist Vivian Cheruiyot and marathon runner Mary Keitany.


Zambian goalkeeper injured in bus stoning

Zambias goalkeeper Kennedy Mweene was cut by shattered glass when two homeless boys threw stones at the team bus after they beat South Africa 1-0 in a friendly in Soweto Wednesday night, organisers said. They stoned the bus as it was leaving the stadium, said Africa Cup of Nations organising committee spokesman Sipho Sithole. Zambia team manager Lusekelo Kamwambi conrmed Mweenes injury. Two young boys threw stones at the bus, and the glass splinters cut the goalkeeper above the eye. It was a very small cut, where the glass hit the skin. The other one, (midelder) Felix Katongo got hit, but no injuries, Kamwambi told AFP.

FKF CUP | Brewers coach Matano wants to clinch everything, warns Sofapaka they are not done yet

Tusker thirst for more glory

KPL champs train their sights on a rare double but must rst go past semis stage
oyieko@yahoo.co.uk t one point this season Tusker looked to be heading for a year of barrenness. The race for the league title seemed all but lost and they were not keen in participating in the knock-out Football Kenya Federation Cup. But now the brewers are on the verge of winning a double. After keeping their championship-coolness to clinch the league title last weekend, they are now shifting their attention to the FKF cup, where they meet fastfading Sofapaka in the semi-nals on Sunday at Kasarani. Gor Mahia will meanwhile meet AFC Leopards in the others semi nals set for Moi International Sports Centre on tomorrow. Tusker coach Robert Matano, still ush with victory now says he is stopping at nothing until he gets the double. Massive party The celebrations over our victory in the league are on hold. We want to go for our second title and then we can have a massive party, he said. The players have shifted focus. They have upped the gear and come Sunday, we will be at our usual best, he said, an ominous warning to the struggling Sofapaka. Matano will come face-to-face with the club he guided to the 2009 league title before he was unceremoniously dumped. Trust the coach, who knows a thing or two about negotiating through the treacherous life of an elite team coach, to say he was not on any revenge mission. I have nothing against Sofapaka. What happened then is now behind me and we have made up. Sofapaka is a big club with good players. But I have a job to do at Tusker where I am and all I want is a good result, he added. Tusker, who have no injury problems, resumed training on Monday just two days after beating City Stars 3-0 to clinch the league title. Tusker may have won the KPL league and ticket to the lucrative African Champions League but Matano said getting the FKF Cup was as important as the league title. Lanky central defender Many will say we want to win the FKF Cup for pride, but in football you do not win for pride or sentimental purposes, you win because you want to show your excellence while you ll your cabinet and that is what we are going to do. Tusker captain Joseph Shikokoti said he wanted to lift another title. We are not done yet. After the league, we know we are on track to add another title and that is what we are focused on doing, he said. The players know what is expected of them. The technical bench and the club management are there for us. So, for us, it is to go out, play and win, the lanky central defender said. But this is not a done deal yet. Sofapaka coach David Ouma said they would be going at out for the FKF Cup to make up for a disappointing league run. It has been a tough season. We want to nish with something, he said. Sofapaka indeed had a torrid season, changing coaches three times as they tried to replicate their 2009 winning formula. The former champions were at one time in contention for the league before fading badly towards the end.


Drogba scores in easy Cote dIvoire victory

Captain Didier Drogba was among the scorers as title favourites Cote dIvoire warmed up for the 2013 Africa Cup of Nations with a 3-0 friendly victory in Austria Wednesday. Veteran striker Drogba, who moved to China last year after helping Chelsea win a maiden Champions League title, scored on 61 minutes in Linz to put the Elephants two goals ahead. Lacina Traore completed a comfortable win for the No 1 ranked African national football team with a goal 14 minutes from time after Didier Ya Konan opened the scoring just before half-time.


Drab Dutch draw is relief for Lahm

Captain Philipp Lahm has said Germanys drab goalless draw with Holland had exorcised a few defensive demons following last months shock 4-4 draw with Sweden. While there was little to light up Wednesdays dull friendly at Amsterdam Arena between two make-shift sides ravaged by injuries and withdrawals, Lahm said keeping Holland scoreless was important for his beleaguered defence. Germany were left shell-shocked having thrown away a four-goal lead to draw 4-4 against Sweden in last months World Cup qualier when the hosts leaked four goals in the last 30 minutes in Berlin.


Tuskers two leading scorers Obadiah Ndege (left) and Kenneth Wendo celebrate a goal scored by the latter against KCB during their Premier League match at City Stadium in September. Tusker face Sofapaka on Sunday in a FKF Cup tie.

Prandelli sees Azzurri potential in Bleus loss

Italy coach Cesare Prandelli believes his sides World Cup hopes are in good hands despite suering a fth consecutive friendly defeat in a 2-1 reverse to old foes France. Second half substitute Bafetimbi Gomis scored a 68th minute winner for Les Bleus after Mathieu Valbuenas ne individual eort cancelled out a superb opener from AC Milan forward Stephan El Shaarawy in Parma on Wednesday. It was the Azzurris fth straight friendly reverse since going down 2-0 to Poland a year ago.

Logarusic relishes another go at in-laws, Koops keeps it cool

oyieko@yahoo.co.uk Gor Mahia coach Zdravko Logarusic is excited at the prospect of facing o with Jan Koops tomorrow in the semi-finals of the Football Kenya Federation Cup. The match will be played at the Moi International Sports Centre, Kasarani, and will be the third time the two giants of Kenyan football are meeting. The two sides drew 0-0 in the rst leg of the league while Logarusic had the last laugh in the second leg when he conjured up a 2-1 win. Now he says he wants to do a double on Leopards. I know Leopards are going to come at us hard. They have missed the league title just like us and they will be taking this game with utmost seriousness because they want to end the season with something, said Logarusic. Koops said he will be elding a strong team for the game that he said will be a good outing for fans. Exchange of words The two teams are meeting on the back of failure to win the league title last weekend. Leopards were beaten 1-0 by Chemelil in Awendo while Gor Mahia drew 1-1 with Thika United clearing the way for Tusker to take the title after they beat City Stars 3-0. The results have had some ripple eects. Leopards players exchanged bitter words on the team bus on their way back to Nairobi blaming each other for the failure to win the league while at Gor Mahia there were dierences between Logarusic and team manager Tom Ogweno. The club said they were looking to solving the problem amicable.

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

Sport 71

INTERNATIOMAL FRIENDLIES | Inspirational captain puts four past England in brilliant individual display at Friends Arena

Plaudits rain down on imperial Ibra

Gerrard makes 100th appearance for country but can only admire Sweden strikers feat
latan Ibrahimovic drew praise from every corner after he scored all four goals including a jaw-dropping long-range bicycle kick in Swedens 4-2 friendly win over England. Ibrahimovics 20th-minute opener on Wednesday made him the rst player to score at Stockholms Friends Arena, but England threatened to spoil the party by pulling ahead through Danny Welbeck and Steven Caulker. Unfortunately for Roy Hodgons side, it proved nothing but the cue for Ibrahimovic to take matters into his own hands. After chesting down Anders Svenssons pass and volleying home a 77th-minute equaliser, he put Sweden ahead with a 30-yard free-kick and then served up the piece de resistance with an extraordinary fourth goal in injury time. Incredible bicycle kick England goalkeeper Joe Hart was drawn from his goal by a long ball but he could not get enough distance on his clearing header and Ibrahimovic capitalised to send an incredible bicycle kick into the unguarded net from 25 yards. When I got the long ball, I saw the goalkeeper come out, and I

thought, Should I go in for the duel, or wait for him to put it out? the Sweden captain told reporters. When he put it out, I had it in my mind to score to try to score. I tried to put it in the goal and when I was on the ground, I saw a defender trying to get it, but it went in. Ibrahimovic did not regard it as his best performance for Sweden, however. I think Ive done many, many great games, said the Paris Saint-Germain striker. It was important to play a good game in the new arena. But if you ask me which goal I liked most, Id say the rst goal, because it was a historic goal the rst goal in the new arena. Ibrahimovics performance overshadowed Steven Gerrards 100th England appearance, but the Liverpool midelder could not help but admire the Sweden strikers display. I have been playing football a long time but Zlatans fourth goal is probably the best goal I have seen live, he told BBC radio. I cannot pay a bigger tribute than that. Sweden coach Erik Hamren said that Ibrahimovics fourth goal was not possible , and went on to laud his match-winner for his maturity as a captain. Hes been really, really good, said Hamren. Especially with the young guys he was their hero when they were growing up, and now theyre sitting beside him. Yesterday (Tuesday), after lunch, I saw him sitting with the three least experienced players; sitting and talking with them. And they were eating his words, listening so intently. It was really good.

Elsewhere, France followed up their impressive 1-1 draw against world and European champions Spain in a World Cup qualier last month with a 2-1 win over Euro 2012 nalists Italy in Parma. Germany and Portugal had to settle for draws - the Germans drawing 00 with arch-rivals the Netherlands in Amsterdam and the Portuguese, playing without the absent Cristiano Ronaldo, held 2-2 by Gabon. A poor result in a friendly doesnt often provoke a sacking but Chiles Argentinian coach Claudio Borghi was told enough was enough after his side slumped to a 3-1 defeat by Serbia - it came on top of a disappointing series of results in South American qualifying for the 2014 World Cup. Ireland manager Giovanni Trapattoni too wont be feeling too comfortable as his side slumped to a 1-0 home defeat by Greece. (AFP) SELECTED RESULTS
Panama City: Panama 1 (Gomez 87-pen) Spain 5 (Pedro 16, 43, Villa 29, Ramos 82, Susaeta 84), Gdansk: Poland 1 (Obraniak 64) Uruguay 3 (Glik 22-og, Cavani 34, Suarez 66). Dublin: Republic of Ireland 0 Greece 1 (Holebas 29), Geneva: Albania 0 Cameroon 0, Parma: Italy 1 (El Shaarawy 35) France 2 (Valbuena 37, Gomis 67), Libreville: Gabon 2 (Mandinda 33-pen, Pocko 69-pen) Portugal 2 (Pizzi 34pen, Almeida 59), Stockholm: Sweden 4 (Ibrahimovic 20, 78, 85, 90+1) England 2 (Welbeck 35, Caulker 39), Amsterdam: Netherlands 0 Germany 0, Linz: Austria 0 Ivory Coast 3 (Ya Konan 44, Drogba 61, L Traore 76), Luxembourg: Luxembourg 1 (Gerson 47) Scotland 2 (Rhodes 11, 24), Tunis: Tunisia 1 (Dhaouadi 59) Switzerland 2 (Derdiyok 40, Shaqiri 90+6), Algiers: Algeria 0 Bosnia 1 (Svraka 90+2).

Sweden captain Zlatan Ibrahimovic (left) celebrates after scoring his fourth goal against England during their friendly match in Stockholm on Wednesday night. Sweden won 4-2.


DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012


After retaining the Premier League title, brewers now train their sights on the FKF Cup. P.70

DEPUTY INSPECTOR GENERAL | Interviews are scheduled to end tomorrow

Ocer wants claims investigated



Inspirational Swedish captain scores four past The Three Lions in friendly match. P.71

AP asked the police team to probe accusations made against the candidates

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he Administration Police Training College (APTC)Commandant, Mr Omar Shurie, asked the Police Service Commission to investigate and take action against any ocer who deliberately gave false information against the candidates. Mr Shurie was the rst to be interviewed for the position of deputy Inspector General of police in charge of the AP. He said that it was an oence for any ocer to knowingly make false accusations against colleagues or any other person. The commission has been conducting interviews in public and had requested the members to submit any information, which they believed had a bearing on the suitability of the candidates. The same was echoed by CID boss Ndegwa Muhoro who, on Wednesday, said that any

institution that routinely failed to take stern action on discovering that its ocers had committed acts of indiscipline would eventually lose its credibility. The vice-chairperson of the commission, Ms Esther Chui-Colombini, concurred and said they would investigate the matter. Mr Shurie said that there was need to properly train the ocers to be professional and those involved in military operations be well trained and equipped. I want Kenyans to remember me for reforming the Administration Police Service through proper training and discipline, he said. Some members of the public and other serving police ocers and written to the commission claiming that Mr Shurie was a rude and arrogant man who favoured his tribesmen, but he dismissed the allegations as unfounded. Even at the college where I am the commandant, there is no senior ocer from my community, he said. The commandant said that as the head of training, he took discipline seriously and that may have been the reason behind the allegations. The commission also inter-


What the law states

Section 129 of the Penal Code criminalises giving information that the person knows or believes to be false, to any person employed in the public service. The National Police Service Act, section 25, also prohibits the wilful giving of false or misleading information to the Police Service Commission.

Administration Police Training College Commandant Omar Shurie displays his medals of honour yesterday before the National Police Service Commission at the KICC, Nairobi, during the interviews for the deputy inspector-general of police.
viewed Ms Zipporah Mboroki and Mr Dalmas Otieno. Ms Mboroki said that she would push for research and training to improve the service while Mr Otieno said that his rst priority would be to restore the services reputation. Last to be interviewed was Ms Margaret Karanja Nyambura, who is based at Harambee House, Nairobi. Ms Karanja, a pioneer AP


advocate said her priority would be training. Today, acting AP Commandant Samwel Mwongera Arachi, Eusebius Laibuta, deputy CID boss Gideon Muoki Kimilu, and Fred Mbithi will be interviewed. The interviews are scheduled to end tomorrow with Mr David Karungu Ngori and Alexander Mr Kyenze Munyao facing the panel.

21 Questions with Leila Lopes P. 4

Be Famous. zuqka.com


Its all for the fun... and the money



Click. Wham. Weve got a winner here

4-1-1 P. 10

Mobile networks explained


In football, almost never counts. Gor-it?



daily NATION

November 16, 2012


PHILO cues in the horror ick PG.12 >>>

Ed says...
WE SPEND MOST OF our lives trying to avoid, absolutely, those situations that we perceive to be nightmarish. Losing your job, the death of a loved one, or a scenario where you are without those you love and are dependent on, being invisible.... If what we perceive is often wrong, how can we ever know whats real...? was a question posed by Eric McCormacks character, Professor Daniel Pierce, in the investigative drama Perception. Although fictional, the happenings in the series give one the feeling that maybe we are not allowing ourselves to be imaginative enough. Remember what the supposedly autistic Einstein said about imagination being more important than knowledge? Well, it was, I imagine, a combination of both that led a British doctor to discover ways of communication with a comatose patient said to be in a clinically vegetative state. Imagine, visualise, is what gymnasts, dancers, engineers do before they create a move or gadget that others then call amazing, revolutionary, impossible. But they do it. The impossible, much like a deaf man being a maestro or a couple of teenage girls powering a generator with urine. Eking out a living by moving your body in rhythmical and unnatural ways has seen children disowned by their own mothers. And still, these children do it, and do it so well that they have entire nations and distinguished presidents gawk in awe. One such person is Judy Mwaura. So impossibly good has she become that musicians in this country clamour to have her feature in their videos. Issa Khalid eshes out that story for you on Page 8. Now, as far as singers go, there is only so much one can do with their voice; some can do more than others, of course. It is to the some category that Nanjira, a bubbly, yet quiet (ironic, I know) character, so ttingly belongs. She not only entertains, but gets people o their high horses and out of their comfort zones with her sometimes biting lyrics. A singer, not a rebel, with a cause is what we have decided to call her. More on her on Page 5. For you ravers, if you missed the Safcom VIP party at the Carnivore, you must not have used that imaginative part of your brain to get in, or even think about getting in (I jest). There are however, the sights and worded atmosphere of the event that night. See that from Page 6. Lastly, as you go about your mundane tasks in the week ahead, remember, it all ends and it all begins... and repeat. So while you have still got breath in you, go ahead and shake the tree a bit and, at the risk of dropping a few raw mangoes, get the ripe ones we need to make a salad that will leave others gawking in awe. But mostly, it will just satisfy that needy part of them that reminds them that they can do what many others cannot, will not, and can never imagine doing.





MANY MONTHS AGO, Point Blank Evumbi featured as an up-and-coming rapper, part of a group that only a few are aware exists, and one that uses ciphers in the making of their art. Now, PBE has gone all Modesty Blaise. Well, not quite, but near enough. On the HomeGuard Facebook page he writes: [it] is the tale of two Kenyan detectives; Timothy Chief and Ben Kipter, whos sole mission is to protect the citizens of Kenya from organised crime, murder, and tracking of all forms. The Home Guards defend us from the criminals of the world who intend to destroy our great cities, we rest assured Justice will prevail. You get from the onset a sort of lack of continuity, and it is rather riddled with errors bad editing is to blame. However, it makes for interesting read, giving you hope that Marvelesque readership is not too ridiculous a dream. The best part was recognising in PBEs comic book (or shall we call it a graphic novel) the streets (Koinange) and buildings of Nairobi. It feels instantly, like home in black and white. There is always room for improvement, but for the eort made, we give an A+

4 6 8 10

Cikus Beefs Communicating; the real honest way

Rave Beauty Pageants and VIP gatecrashers Cover Judy the dancer everyone wants

Vibe Central Gerald Anderson and his entertaining shots

12 13 14 15

Twilight Chics and their heels

Lifestyle Fusebox, Dalliance Diary & Frankfoot Take 14 Nadia asks: Getting what you need this season Multimedia Noninis new hit, and A World Without End

The team
Group Editorial Director: Joseph Odindo Managing Editor: Mutuma Mathiu Associate Editor: Wambua Sammy Features Editor: Bernard Mwinzi Standin-Editor: Njeri Muchai Revise Editor: Mary Wasike Sub-Editor: Terry Mwenda Photographic Editor: Joan Pereruan Group Design Editor: Kathleen Bogan Chief Graphic Designer: Roger Mogusu Senior Graphic Designer: Michael Mosota Contributors: Phillip Mwaniki, Dennis Okeyo, Ciku Kimani, Frank Midega, George Madiangi, Sam Kiranga, Maureen Orwa, Jack Zollo, Charles Kamau, Issa Khalid, Nyambega Gisesa Cover Graphic: Michael Mosota

ZuQka is published every week by Nation Media Group Limited. It is distributed free with every Fridays Daily Nation. Unsolicited manuscripts, artwork, transparencies are submitted at the senders risk. While every care will be taken on receipt of such material, the Nation Media Group Limited cannot accept responsibility for accidental loss or damage. Nation Media Group Limited, 2012. All rights reserved.


daily NATION

November 16, 2012

say what?
The awe-inspiring band from Botswana Skinint headlines the Nairobi Rock Fest this year. WHEN: Saturday, December 9, 2012. WHERE: Ichonic (formerly Club Barn), at Ngong Racecourse) TICKETS: Sh800 advance (available on ticketsasa.com), Sh1,000 at the gate. Skinint made up of Giuseppe Juice Sbrana (guitar/vocals), Kebonye Nkoloso (bass), and Alexandra Sbrana (drums) has represented Botswana in international festivals around the world. Their latest album, Gauna, was recorded in France, and the band is preparing to tour Europe and the US in 2013. The band has over the years proved, through lyrical mastery and instrumental prowess, to be one of the nest rock bands in the southern Africa region. CNN ew to Botswana in May (2012) and recorded Skinints live performances and as soon as they were done, their videos were already playing on the CNN channel. The video (The Sound of Botswanas Metal Music) has attracted about 15 million hits. Skinint has been touring since 2007 and has shared the stage with rock giants including Metallica, Carcass, AOA, Strident, Nosey Road, Metal Orizon, Wrust, Mind Assault, and Warthane. They have also toured widely in southern


Mike Murimi will be at the Reminisce Bar and Restaurant on Langata Road tonight.


BEST OF EVENINGS AT TAMASHA CHAKOS Best of the weekend evening happening at the newly launched Tamasha Chakos along Ngei Road in Machakos town, with the countys best mix-master DJ Nixon playing the best Old Skool, Benga and local mixes. Party never stops at Tamasha Chakos. THE SWAGGERIFIC LEAVERS PARTY X-clusive Sounds Entertainment presents the Swaggeric leavers party at Klub Karatina on 20 November 20 from 7pm till dawn. On the decks will be DJ Kaytrixx, DJ Messy and DJ Neil. Look out for Daprince, Mbitchez, Rodie and MC Hypemaster Divine. POOL PARTY AT CLUB LAMBADA (MTWAPA) The Club Lambada International at Mtwapa tonight and tomorrow hosts the pool party weekend. Join guest DJ Bryo (aka BB) of Pili Pili FM 99.5 as he takes over the decks from inside the pool alongside resident DJ Maps. Free entry for ladies both nights. Lined up is a special splash show in the pool. Sunday is family fun day at the same spot. MIKE MURIMI AT CLUB REMINISCE One-man guitarist Mike Murimi will tonight and tomorrow perform at the Reminisce Bar and Grill, near Wilson Airport, Nairobi. Catch up with Murimi every Friday and Saturday at the same spot for the best of Mugithi hit songs. Lots of African dishes available. TWITTAS SATURDAY MIX AT NAKURU Disco fans in Nakuru can team up on Saturday night for the best of disco music at the Twittas Spot in Nakuru featuring DJ Marley and his counterparts. Special late night shows for revellers. Friday is happy hour with special prices on drinks from 6pm. Sunday is jam session. DIMPLES SOUL PARTY Come for the best of disco music on Saturday at the Dimples Club in Nakuru featuring the best of disco music with the resident DJs. Best dressed couples will win prizes from 8pm till dawn. Happy hours on Friday. Beer at special price. MUSAIMO AT MAKAVILLA RESORT The Makavilla Resort Club in Muranga town hosts Karaoke Nite tonight. Tomorrow its veteran Simon Kihara Musaimo, one-man guitarist Mike Kinyua and Bundi and disco music with DJ Packs. Lots of nyama choma and African cuisine available. Special gifts for the best dressed couple. BILENGE PARTY AT DREAM VILLAGE See you tonight through Sunday at the Dream Village Restaurant at Nairobi South B for music by Bilenge Musica featuring Darzee Kalend. Also catch up with some of the latest Congolese music stage shows at the same spot. Special African dishes available! LINET PAMBA SHOWS IN KISUMU Benga songbird Linet Aluoch Pamba will from tonight through Sunday perform at the Makuti Club, Mamboleo in Kisumu. She will be backed by her group Karapul Jazz Band. KECO INTERNATIONAL BAND IN MOMBASA Rumba fans in Mombasa can team up every Friday at the Palm City Gardens featuring shows by the Keco International Band led by Evelyne Namulanda Opiyo. She teams up with Leah Mangare and Carolyne Gumo in the all-ladies singing trio. Shows start at 7pm. JAH CURE LIVE IN NAIROBI Date: Saturday, December 1 Venue: Kasarani Indoor Arena Event: Jamaican reggae star Jah Cure will be performing live in Nairobi. There will be lots of curtain-raisers too. JAHKEY MALLE AT MOJOS Reggae singer and DJ JahKey Malle will be playing at Mojos Club, Banda street, this and every other Wednesday, playing the best of reggae and roots all night.

Africa and Europe. The three-piece band sold in excess of 100,000 albums last year. Rock Fest 2012 is the rst-ever rock festival in Kenya to feature an international act. Local alternative pop and rock bands, including ParkingLotGrass, Last Years Tragedy, Rock of Ages, Mortal Soul, and Absence of Light will also perform. Deejays for the event are drawn from South Africa and Kenya. DJs Jack, Gordo, Shady, and Knord will y the Kenyan ag.


When: Saturday, November 17 Where: Safari Park Hotel Time: 7pm Headliner: First ever Idols West Africa winner, Tim Dakolo (Nigeria) Charges are: Sh150,000 (table of 10 dinner and drinks); Sh100,000 (table of 10, dinner only), Sh5,000 for a seat. The event is organised by EastWestProductions (the company that put together The Night of A Thousand Laughs last year). It is a gala dinner where guests will get dinner served and performances by the people named above. All the funds raised will be donated to the Kenya Society for the Blind. Timi Dakolos music has been warmly received by the international audience. He opened the show for Shalamar Reunion on October 29, 2011 at The 02 Arena in London. A month later, he performed at the 2face Buckwyld and Breathless UK Concert at the same venue. At the just concluded United Sound of Africa (USA) Tour, Timi did centre stage in New York and Washington DC. This talented artiste has been nominated for the 2012 Nigerian Entertainment Awards (NEA) in the album of the year category and also the Hip Hop World Award 2012 in the revelation of the year category. Other performers: Suzzanne Owiyo, Chris Bittok, Aaron Rimbui, Daddy Owen, The Nairobi Choir, Denno and Ali Baba


One Day Down, Three More To Go... Have you watched it? No? Healing laughter is only one of the things you are missing out on. Also on oer is free testing for diabetes, and ALL YOUR QUESTIONS WILL BE ANSWERED on a range of medical issues, including cancer, reproductive health, and nutrition. Then, later, laugh it all o! The play, starring Melvin Alusa, Kirumburu Nganga, Joe Kinyua, Fridah Muhindi, Derrick Amunga, Mary Mwikali, and Mwaura Nganga, is directed by Mbeki Mwalimu and Derrick Amunga, produced by Abuto Eliud, and marketed by Esther Lucky Githinji. Dates and Times: Friday November 16 6pm and 8pm Saturday November 17 3pm, 6pm, and 8pm and the same goes for Sunday 18. Where: Alliance Franaise Tickets: Sh500. Derrick Amunga will be among the cast oering you free laughter (medicine) this evening and throughout the weekend at Alliance Francaise, Nairobi.

Have any cool Theatre, Music, Video, Art, Professional event that youd like us to know about? Email our resident party man Longosiwa Opongita at: dokeyo@ke.nationmedia.com


Tomorrow (November 17) at Impala grounds from 10am to 10pm, the Mingle is celebrating its rst anniversary. The event is a fun networking gig for young professionals and business owners aged 25+ that incorporates games and fun activities as a way to make it easier to make new contacts and meet new friends. Games include rodeo bull, katii, bladaa, shake, human bingo, lock n key, table tennis, volleyball, byo (spirits) and many more. The host is Martin Kariuki and on the decks from New York will be VJ One. DJs Stylez, Kriss Darlin, Cheek-o and Purple will also be spinning. Come open up and meet new people through play and expand your business and social connections.


Reverend Entertainment and Katenga Entertainment present Mr and Miss Bondo 2012/13 on November 17, 2012 at Kings Club, Bondo from 6pm. The guest artiste will be Cartel of Katenga Government, who will be also launching his latest Daddy Daddy single. Nebullaz will curtain-raise the event for the main act. Entry Sh200.

straight shootin
TWENTY FIVE per cent of the people in a Zimbabwe tribe are born with only two toes. This is due to a rare genetic condition called ectrodactyly, or also lobster claw syndrome. Although it occurs in the general population, it is particularly common in the Vadoma tribe of western Zimbabwe. The genetically-dominant condition aects about one in four babies born in the tribe. Some theorise that it might have an adaptive benet if it aids in tree climbing. However, the most likely reason for this condition to persist in this population is twofold: 1. The trait is genetically dominant, and 2. The gene pool is limited among the Vadoma. It is against tribal law for people to marry outside the group (OMG-facts.com)


daily NATION November 16, 2012



Who on earth decided that dear was the best way to go about addressing people in letters? Calling your auctioneer or banker my dear little puppy makes you a sick puppy
recently received a letter from an adversary and wondered about the hypocrisy of it all. There is the salutation, the forced politeness in every line, the dancing around of words to put the point across without being rude. I mean, really? I am the adversary. Who cares? Why is it that when people put pen to paper, they feel forced to be civil? Is there a linguistic cop in the world of letter writing scouring correspondence to make sure nothing improper is written? There are some people you should be allowed to be rude to. I am just saying. There are some people who are begging for it. Say you are writing to your auctioneer, why write this? Dear Mr Y, I have received my nal notice of your intent to auction all my worldly possessions. I have asked my creditor to give me a few more days to pay the outstanding monies and they have accepted. Kindly give me another week before you go ahead with the auction. Looking forward to your favourable response. Best regards, Mr X. This letter is wrong on so many levels. Is insincerity the grease that society skids on? Let us start with the salutation Dear , which I have never been comfortable with. It is always used in the introduction to a letter to denote a degree of for,I mality, but when I think of dear think of someone I regard with deep aection or someone I cherish. Who on earth decided that dear was the best way to go about addressing people in letters? Calling your auctioneer or banker my dear little puppy makes you a sick puppy. After that rather ridiculous salutation, you very nicely ask for whatever it is you want. Mr X knows that the auctioneer is not rooting for him to come up with the money. The auctioneer makes his money because you have defaulted. He is not on your side. So all the polite jargon in the world will not help your cause. The letter nally ends with the valediction Best regards . Heh heh. Cmon now! Really? Best regards to someone who has just cleaned out your house? Just how to end a letter properly has been giving people listless moments for years. Yours sincerely, do not get me started on those. Regards: is the lowest and safest in this family. But alas, we always want to take someone up the ladder to convey a friendlier tone. Its older sister is kind regards. Higher in the hierarchy is warm regards , which I feel generally makes people uncomfortable and queasy. Some take this to another level with warmest regards . Just who exactly measures the degree of warmth your valediction merits is anyones guess. Next is best regards . Finally, and this is as good as it gets, the valediction of all valedictions, the very top of the hierarchy is best personal regards . It conveys the idea that they really know and like you. So back to the auctioneer fellow. Would this not have been the far more realistic letter to send? Listen up, Mr Y, You better call o those hounds of yours and tell them to keep their paws o my property! I have been given a few days to x this mess and I intend to. I have a court order and will descend on you with the full force of the law if I have to! You will hear from my lawyer soon. Peace out. Mr X. www.facebook.com/missciku Twiiter: @missciku


ciku muiruri
faithfully, cordially, respectfully... the list goes on and on. And when it comes to the regards family, well,


Angela: What is your rst experience (here)? What do you think about Kenya?
Leila: Its my rst time and actually I remember since I was young that I wanted to come to Nairobi. Oh, the trac... oh my goodness! I cant compare it to the trac in my country. Luanda (Angola) is the same, but I am used to it. Angela: I thought youd come with the crown and do the whole, you know, waving the hand thing Leila: Ill do it later (Laughter)


bit about that?

Leila: Yes, I always say that Miss Universe is my biggest achievement, so winning this award was my second biggest achievement. As Miss Universe, I have had the opportunity of travelling the world, so I promote tourism and I believe this award was very well deserved because everywhere I go I take a videographer with me and am able to explore the country. I really want to do the Safari; I pray I have time to do the Safari.


for the childrens education, that it starts from home. And thats my big message to the youth as well. Education is going to take you places... everywhere you want.


Leila: Well, as Miss Universe, I used to be a spokesperson for the ght against HIV/Aids, and I have been doing more in Africa. I did a tour in West Africa in June/July, visiting ve countries (Nigeria, Ghana, Senegal, Togo and Ivory Coast). It was really good, and I also like working with children who are underprivileged, particularly those living in SOS villages.

Angela: Your reign actually comes to an end in December. Now, before we talk about what next, we want to nd out what have you done so far in the one year that you have been Miss Universe.What have you done so far?

4. 5.

Leila: Indonesia.

Angela: So, I have to ask you, since you have been around, which is your favourite destination of all time? Angela: Whats your favourite part about Indonesia?

Leila: I am going to visit the SOS Village courtesy of EcoBank. We are going to donate money to them, and of course I am going to talk to the children. I love children. Angela: But I got to ask you, so you hand over the crown in December... Leila...19th in Las Vegas...

Angela: What are you doing in Kenya... apart from you going on a Safari?

Leila: I like the people and the culture; dierent cultures but they come as one.

Angela: I understand you are also passionate about the youth. What are you planning to do with the youth before your reign ends, or what have you done so far?
Leila: Well, I work more with the children and every time I have the opportunity to talk to the children explain to them how important it is to have an education. When I talk to parents, I tell them that they are the ones who are responsible


Leila: Well, even before I was Miss Universe I loved to do charity work, so Ill continue to do the charity work and of course I have my personal life, to create my own clothes line and become a business woman.

Angela: When they crown a new Miss Universe and you hand over the crown, what are you going to do next?


3. Angela: You have also been given the UN award for sustainable tourism. Could you tell us a

For more of this and other fascinating stu, join Angela Angwenyi and Edward Kwach on Easy FM this evening. To take the discussion forward, log on to www.nation.co.ke

Leila Lopes Miss Universe 2011 (Angola)


daily NATION

November 16, 2012

Nanjira oozes, vivacity and as you will nd out, she just loves to dance, writes SAM KIRANGA

When I stumbled across the 1,000 true fan theory, I thought it was spot on. If you have a 1,000 people out there who truly believe in what you say or do, they have more power Nanjira


ull of jest and vivacity, Nanjira writes a tale of collective African consciousness and sings a song of celebration. There is a fun side to her music and a serious tone too. She will write a groovy club song and show you how to dance to it. Then she will engage you in a lively debate about the social impact of African music on its people. She has sung alongside a host of other well-known musicians including Eric Wainaina and Caroline Atemi. After deciding to go solo, she started working on her debut album and has just nished her new song, Dance.

choose one path. I chose both the science and the art.

You have worked with many artistes in collaborative projects. How did you make the switch to go solo?
I always sang in high school in national festivals, in church and such stu. I remember I used to sing with the likes of Pam (from SEMA). People told me to keep doing what I did. Suddenly I started singing with all these great artistes and musicians. One of the first people I shared the stage with was Juliani. I was in Ma3 band for like three years. Then I said, we have swayed on the sidelines for too long, let us tokelezea (laughs)

dancing. Lyrics are powerful, but so is the song structure and how it all comes together. There are many ways to look at it. When you ask me about the social aspect of what I do, there is so much going on in our country right now. You are just bombarded with all this negative drama for the most part. There is a scandal here and you have played there. So the song is just saying, This is time out. You are going to have fun for three minutes and move on. You get to say, In my three minutes, let me be.

You studied actuarial science, how did you nd your way into music?

Dene your musical choices. What should we expect?

Mine is fun music. It is just music as a form of entertainment a mixture of sorts. There will be songs for those who want to be in the club. There are songs for those who want to drive out of town. There are songs for those who want to sing in the shower, and songs for those who want to sit in the house and cry. It is just restoring the fun element in music.

I have read a number of posts on your music blog, Life of a Gigging Musician. You have some interesting ideas there; for instance the 1,000 true fans theory. How did you come across that?
When I stumbled across the 1,000 true fan theory, I thought it was spot on. If you have a 1,000 people out there who truly believe in what you say or do, they have more power. I think I have covered it a number of times for artistes and on social media. Sometimes it is easy to feel entitled. It is like walking in a restaurant and announcing Nimeka! and making a big fuss for everyone to notice you. If you force people to check out your latest single all the time, Ill be like Hey hold up, people say hi too. Its all about the

To be honest, I got bored with school. I did math because I liked math. It was the easiest way to graduate without getting expelled. My understanding of literature was dierent. I realised that to shine in the system, I had to think like the system. But on the side, I would always do my own thing. Even in high school, I used to do music but I was told never to do it as a subject. I guess it was not a form of rebellion, but really embracing two sides of you in a society where one is told to

Tell me about your new song

approach. So with my blog, I just put it out there so that people do not say they were not told. sam_kiranga@yahoo.com

The song is about having fun and


daily NATION

November 16, 2012


Let us all say it: Soma, soma, soma... Photo | SALATON NJAU


et us tell you about the Niko Na Safaricom party, the party that was so good... that 90 per cent of the people there were gate-crashers. Nameless, Size 8 in her signature red, gure-hugging and oh-so-teeny-weeny outt, and a host of other movers and shakers in the music industry, came to perform for a select few at The Carnivore last Friday. But that select few turned into a select few thousand packed in too small a space. The result? A squeezed, noisy, fullof-energy party that we barely had space to dance. We all know those are the best kind. You make new friends really fast.


ABOVE: Mr and Miss KeMU Brian Chanzera and Grace Naishoo BELOW: Mr and Miss KU runners-up. PHOTOS | COURTESY


ven heavy rains could not dampen the spirits during the Mr and Miss Kenya Methodist University (KEMU) pageant last week. Glamour and fashion were evident among the ladies, who looked hot in high, classy heels and short, colourful dresses. The men, too, had their swag on, with tight-tting suits that were perfect for the occasion.

The event started with a welcome note from KEMU Student Organisation chairman Raymond Chihota. Next was Comedy Clubs Nathan Kimani aka JB, the MC for the night. The judges were Keith Chuaga, Dorothy Oliechi, and Tony Muturi and the guest of honour Prof Robert Gateru. Octopizzo showed up straight from the oven of the Kisima Awards looking stunning. He got the house on re with his popular hit Ivoivo.

At the end of the catwalk, Isabel Kamani and George Irungu were crowned second runnersup while Christopher Gumunyu and Sarah Justice

took the rst runners-up position. Brian Chanzera and Grace Naishoo were announced Mr and Miss KEMU respectively.

ABOVE: Why so serious, Bobby? Especially when you are with a couple of Responsible Drinking marshals and the head of security? LEFT: Miss Karun of Camp Mulla is getting sensational. BELOW: The marshals hand out water. PHOTOS | SALATON NJAU

Too much beauty in the air that the seats became hot.

Kenrazy at the event.


daily NATION

November 16, 2012

The VIPs just cannot get enough of this...

1. Damn! That Sauti 2. Nameless... eeer... 3. Red hot number... but what is with the white face? 4. Jimmy is not breaking it. 5. Jaguars wide-eyed singing. PHOTOS | SALATON NJAU

Kidum and the honeys-in-white.


daily NATION

November 16, 2012


TURF, an extreme contortionist dancer, wowed and weirded-out his audience with strange dance moves that didnt always rhyme with the music in Americas Got Talent. And sometimes, though they gave him standing ovations, it was with looks of horror in their eyes...


the oor. If you can get money while doing something you love, then why not do it?

What is the criteria for any girl who wants to be a video vixen or dancer?
Simple, stand out. Maintain your look. When you do auditions, they will give you a song to dance to, if you are good, they call you and you sign the contract.


Judy Mwaura on the disparities of pay in the dance industry.

hen I rst came across this girl, I did not know what to expect because she has such a rabid fan base throughout the country, down to her explosive style. I had heard a lot of things about this famous dancer and it was nerve-wrecking preparing for this sit-down. The world of street dancing is mean and gutsy. I am still waiting for someone in this country to stand tall and boast a pay cheque as a result of this. You need plenty of courage, a heart of gold, and tonnes of luck to break through. This is what, in my opinion, makes Judy stand out. And, boy, does she stand out! She walked up to me in saggy blue jeans, a sweater that covered her all the way to her palms and snickers. She looked as if she was about to unleash a boom box and start a ash mob. Here is what I managed to squeeze out of her as we sat over lunch.

Now that you mentioned money, tell me, does dance in Kenya actually pay?
Elastic is what I would call it. The pay uctuates, depending on the artiste you are working for. It takes a lot of passion to wake up every morning and keep going because after a hard days work, if you get peanuts, that is that. There is no remuneration standard in this game.

ness challenge held in Ghana and Nigeria in 2011 after winning here in Kenya in 2009. My breakthrough was with my former dance crew, Sisko, in P-Units Una video. Currently, I am doing a number of jobs with local artistes here like Wyre, Muthoni DQ, and Waweshs daughter, Yommi. Reason being if you make good relations with them now, anything is possible.

What is the best and worst pay day you have had in your career, now spanning three years?
This embarrasses me to say, but I once got bus fare back home. Would you imagine that? Then on a good day, you can get between Sh7,000 and Sh10,000, again depending on the contract.

Any last words to anyone reading this?

Artistes should start respecting their dancers and pay them better because, at the end of the day, we are all doing this for the love of music. As we parted ways, I could only rub my hands in anticipation of her next appearance on my television screen. Watch out for this ery vixen. abdalla_issa@hotmail.com

That is little, huh? Why do you think this is the situation in the dance industry? Underpaying jobs?
The aspect of video vixens is pretty new and unsupervised; no real criteria as to what you should get. Again, the issue of money is all up to who you work for. Most dancers really need that money, so they end up taking it just to stay aoat.

Judy, pleasure to meet you. I am going to get right to it. Whats with the style?
My look is my business, it is what makes me a cut above the rest. Why? You dont like it?

I do. Its splendid! Introduce yourself to the masses then. Tell us what you do.
I am Judy Mwaura, a 22-year-old dancer-choreographer of hip hop videos on the local music scene. I also dance with The Black Blingers, who happen to be the ocial Avril Nyambura dancers.

It seems like a legit job in my eyes. Why do you think people often criticise dancing in videos as modern-day prostitution?
That depends. You see, my parents know I dance and they are supportive of my career choice at the moment. If you have good motives, then by all means do it and Godspeed, but if you are just in it for the fame and appeal, then you are the reason we have all these stereotypes. Speaking for myself, I do it because I love dancing, and thats it.

So when and why did you start dancing professionally?

The year was 2009. I got in for one reason and one reason only; I love to dance. It is the ultimate stress reliever and an incomparable expression of emotion. You get lost in a whole new universe when you are out there on

That is really nice to hear; someone true to the cause. Any big jobs in your locker we should know about?
Yes. Not to brag, but I was the only girl representing Kenya at the Malta Guin-


STEVEN HALL, an accountant, was 53 when he rst appeared on Britains Got Talent. When he started his routine at the audition hall, everyone laughed, maybe thinking it was silly. Soon, everyone was laughing because,it was all so clever. He made it into the nals, and although he didnt win or get bucketloads of money, he inspired the young, the old and the middle-aged to just GO FOR IT! AIDAN DAVIS was just 12 when he wowed the audience in the same show in 2009. He also did get to the nals, but really, what do we ever hear about the winners. Its those that miss the trophy by a whisker that go on to be come great performers, be they singers, dancers or shredders. Now 15, he is still a remarkable dancer, and a well-liked CBBC presenter for the Friday Download,

a show where he teaches the a how to achieve those ridiculo cult body movements. Not on as soon as he was done with t show, he toured the UK with s funkiest dancers in his land. All this and hes still in high sc TURF (see top strip) introduce as a 21-year-old extreme cont


daily NATION

November 16, 2012

Dancers in the Kenyan industry inlude the very famous FBI troupe, who have travelled all over the region doing what they love most. Most importantly, they earn some mulla out of it.


I get startled out of my sleep by the vibration of my phone. It is a call from a local entertainment producer asking me to head over to the studio over lunch hour. That a young and upcoming artiste is shooting his music video the next day and they would like some extras on it. Am I available? Absolutely.




I arrive sharply dressed and ready to get jiggy. Nonchalantly walking through the halls, I run into a girl. Skimpily clad and her mascara running, she seems distraught. I want to stop her and ask what the matter is, but she ies past me in a wink and I keep walking. Getting to the studio door, I come across a line of beautiful women. Most of them wearing layers of make up the size of a building block, but that does not stop me from ogling. The director ushers me into the room and tells me they are casting for extras and need my keen eye for the best dancer.

By this time, we have had a number of girls. Dressed in bare minimums, they danced their bones ragged. As expected, some got picked, some got dropped. Then walks in this girl. Says her name is Lisa. She is nervous; you can tell from the way she plays with her hands and her feet keep drawing continents. So the DJ hits play and she starts her routine. Maybe it is her shoes or the hot weather, but she keeps tripping and falls over once or twice. The producer gets fed up and asks her to leave. Hysterical, she starts to cry and goes down on her knees, begging him for another chance. He retorts rather harshly that she came dressed like a nun and danced like a toddler taking its rst steps. She says she would do anything to get the part, but he still does not budge. Anything! She repeats and it is here that I notice him sit up. Beckoning her over to his revolving chair, he whispers a few things and, voil! we have the nal girl to ll the roster. So here comes the dilemma for me on this day; what do these girls give up to get on TV? Their morality? What is the line we draw? To this moment, I do not know what deal was struck. Many people will unjustly conclude this story and assume that she gave up herself for the part. This is the unfair bias that these girls have to deal with every time their faces show up on camera. It is not a


matter of what they are doing in a music video. The basis is this; if you are on a video all dolled up and dancing, then you are a harlot. What we forget is that this is now a career. Look at the captivating Melissa Ford Video Vixen. She made millions appearing as an extra on videos, and became so famous and sought after that The Game took a swing at her in his song, Couldnt Get Far. A whole established rapper with platinum sales attacking a lowly video girl. Why? It is simple. She became someone. It is a profession just like any other with its own pros and cons. The better you are at dancing, the better conditioned your body is, the more money you will bring in. Endorsements? All of those girls from Victorias Secret push some amazing products. In late 2011, we saw Irina Shayk and Christine Teigen playing video game characters in Need for Speed: The Run. When David Beckham advertised Georgio Armani boxers in nothing but the aforesaid, people ululated. Some still keep these pictures as their wallpaper, yet a girl cannot get her money by using her God-given beauty for our entertainment even if she is covered head to toe? Can we really equate this to modern-day prostitution? I think not. I think it is about time we eloped into a new realm of possibilities where money does not necessarily fall into your lap or only come to those in desk jobs. These girls are selling a product; the song, not themselves. It is a job that pays their bills and feeds them. It is time we got real and embraced this new culture. After all, the only constant is change. Right?

he audience ulously dionly that, but h the talent h some of the . school. uced himself ontortionist

dancer. He went ahead and proved why he was so extreme, it had the judges cringing in imagined pain. Turf felt none of it. He did get eliminated from the show in August, but his story is so damn sad, that it had to be mentioned. Things dont always work out when you want to be an artiste. But from Turfs own mouth, he now lives in an apartment that has been paid for by his dancing.

Hed been homeless for two whole years after his mother kicked him out for wanting to be a dancer... that didnt stop him. His routine is a little bit grotesque, true, but people like strange things, and strange he is. Winner of Americas Got Talent or not, hes got peoples attention. Even the circus might approach him. But one thing is for sure, hell never go hungry.




daily NATION November 16, 2012


Name: Gerald Anderson Age: 27 Profession: Entertainment/Fashion Photographer Experience: Six years Gadgets: Nikon D90, 80-200mm lens, 2.8 aperture opening and a Nikon D200 with a wide-angle lens, 17-70mm, also with an aperture opening of 2.8. Meet Gerry, a boyish, shutter-happy guy who will charm you with just how in love he is with his craft. Having received no professional training whatsoever, Gerald rst started to click away about six years ago. It was not until the 2007 election violence that it really got him. Boniface Mwangi, who had taken some photographs of the victims, spoke to Gerald so passionately that he decided that it was time to take photography much more seriously. He took the photo of rapper Rabbit (below) at the recent Kisima Awards. From the back of the stage, he saw that the light was perfect and click! No ash was used, just a little adjusting of the settings. Four, even two years ago, no event would produce such photos, rst because most events were day events, and because the ones held at night were not very well lit, he explains. Stages were at, but now, were able to play around with settings and come up with fabulous pictures. Gerrys dream is to change the photography industry by doing the best possible work with the tools he has. I hate seeing the same thing for a long time, he says, meaning that he likes to try new things with his cameras, and with his prime lens dreams of getting phenomenal shots of great musicians around the world. I hope to have an exhibition, no, exhibitions, of my work in future as well. cnjeri@ke.nationmedia.com

Gerald Andersons photo of Rabbit, performing at this years Kisima Awards on November 2. Even as he showed it to us, he looked in awe of the lighting that made this photo possible.


daily NATION

November 16, 2012

Some of this centurys movies about the phenonmenon that is rock n roll have been bad. But some have been great. See below




a movie about rock and roll if it does not capture what rockers actually go through in real life. One does not simply put the letters, r,o,c, and k together in his new lms title and expect every rocker to ock to the theatres for its premier. There has to be good music, mean guitars, packed gigs, and most of all, the actors have to rock. So, today we get to separate the real rock icks from the fake ones based on the above criteria of awesomeness.
School of Rock Jack Black is a rockstar in real life. That he would be chosen to act as the lead character in School of Rock was something we could easily see coming. School of Rock was a good portrayal of a rockers struggle to make his music count to the rest of the world. I would d give it a thumbs-up, mainly because of the soundtracks they featured in it which included AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, and Black Sabbath. Given that the movie was all about a couple of youngsters being indoctrinated into the adventurous life of rockstars, it was only tting that they learnt to play songs that dene what rock music is today. The Rocker Rock movies are always about the lead singer and the lead guitarist. It is the same thing when you look at the real world; most fans identify bands with their lead singers. Nobody talks
A MOVIE ABOUT ROCK and roll is not

sic labels to succeed, contrary to how most over-sang fables setting them out as untouchable gods. Russell Brand was the perfect pick for this movie. He was aloof with strange musical ideas.
Rock of Ages So two years later, the creators of Rock of Ages decided to steal the story behind Get Him to the Greek and added a little twist to it a very gay twist at that. They made a musical. That just sent the ship sinking from scene one. There is no nicer way of saying it. After a long list of successful rock movies, it all culminated into this putrid portrayal of unmanly waywardness. This movie denitely did not represent the ages of rock. My condence in the cast was ripped to shreds after Russell Brand was depicted as a gay bar assistant. How does one come from mega rock legend in one movie to homophile pet in another? So indubitably, my hat has to go o to Get Him to the Greek as being the best rock movie I have ever watched and I hope someone shoots one that is based on Kenyan rock some day.


Russel Brand as Aldis Snow in Get Him To The Greek

about the drummer or the bassist. So, the makers of The Rocker decided that drummers had been left out of the picture for way too long and made a story about what it means to be an underappreciated drummer. The funny bit, though, is that they lifted their storyline from a previous movie, School of Rock. A rocker who simply did not t in gets rejected by his band. He plunges into the darkness of anonymity and decides to rise up with a bunch of youngsters half his age by mentoring them to form a new band classic rip o.

Get him to the Greek Get him to the Greek was a fresh shift from adolescent songbird movies to a mature audiences viewing that brought us some real action far beyond the high school corridors. We got acquainted with the actual drama that precedes a rock concert. It is true that many rockstars struggle with drug issues, especially when business is not going smoothly. They depend on the mercies of mu-



DJ THUG Top Hustling DJ

Why Thug and not any other name? 1. Thug is just an acronym for My Ipad 3 and Sony sound system. What piece of advice would you give for some7. one to live a good life? Top Hustler Under God. My real name is Aloys Mose. Drinking or smoking when on the job; copying other deejays. As a DJ, one should be creative and original. What genre of music do you enjoy playing? 11. I do dancehall, which is popular


What three things scare you the most? Failure, a dead body, and being poor.

Fear God, work hard, and stay focused in what you do and do not listen to pessimists. Also, know who your real friends are.

Tell us about someone who Do you carry back-up helped make you who you equipment? 3. 8. are today. Yes, things happen and to be on My family has given me support, and not forgetting Riddimdose mix tape sellers the safe side, I have to be with a plan E. Your most paid gig, how much did you get? Freshaz Bash at KMTC Nairobi; I was paid Sh40,000.

and in terms of mix tapes it sells a lot compared to other genres. However, when called up for an event I play everything. If not Djing, what would you be doing? 12. In an oce doing what I have

Things that make you re9. ally happy? 4. Being around my real friends.

learnt at campus (JKUAT), information technology.

us about one of your that most DJs most prized possessions. make? 6. Tell 10. Mistakes


daily NATION

November 16, 2012

whats up




y deepest condolences to the families and friends of the security officers who were killed by rustlers in Baragoi. They died serving the nation and they are, indeed, heroes. They forever will be remembered for their dedication to the people they swore to protect. President Kibaki on Tuesday decided to send in the army to hunt the attackers, and the country knew that things were about to get super thick for anyone suspected to be behind the brutal killings. The uniformed forces are known to be extremely protective of their own and history is littered with stories of moments of revenge that shocked the world. Whenever the army or the GSU are unleashed on any part of Kenya, then you know whoever shook the beehive will have long days and cold nights. Just ask the leader of MRC what

happened when he received visitors in the middle of the night recently. Let us just say that when he looked at himself in the mirror the next day, he could not recall how he had looked a few hours before. If he was put in a line-up and his wife told to identify him, she would have insisted that he was not there. You see, once you harm one of the uniformed forces, no amount of preparation will help you. Even divine intervention will not work for you. Nobody knows the day nor the hour of their coming, but their presence will be felt

by all and their actions a lesson in revenge. Remember Mt Elgon? When the army ventured into that forest, they left with the head of the leader and many were left in shock, vowing never to repeat the rebellion. The use of deadly force was rampant during the Moi regime, but do not kid yourself; touch a cop and you are as good as dead. They leave such an indelible mark on people that not even death can wipe it out. It is sad that 42 police ocers can be ambushed and killed, but watch the reaction. That is when the human rights activists will pull out their placards and start marching in the streets. They are quiet now because, well, they really do not know how to react to this. The person they love to hate is hurt and consoling him just is not part of their JD. But they have started working on the placards and the press statements, getting ready for when the cries start echoing across Suguta Valley. They know that the that the forces may be down but they will soon bounce back like a well-inated ball. Even the Maa and their sophisticated way of life know that policemen, as much as they are the enemy, are not to be touched. Whenever a trigger-happy guy fells a uniformed one, he is killed or even sacriced and apologies sent. They know better because the few times they did not apologise, they found their leaders behind bars for life and their organised crime thoroughly disorganised. So let us wait and see what will happen in Samburu County because heaven knows it will not be pretty. And while it will not bring back the ocers, their own will try and somehow avenge them. You do not have to endorse sending the troops after the rustlers. But you know ocers cannot just be killed willy-nilly and the perpetrators allowed to get away with it. Cue the horror sound tracks.

Current phones support the older networks (2G), current networks (3G), and some are even equipped for future networks (4G).

THE WORDS 2G, 3G, AND 3.5G are in the air and not many people understand exactly what they mean. The G in these phrases simply stands for generation, so the higher the number before the G, the better the connection you will get. I will try and explain without going into technical details lest I lose my readers. The rst generation of mobile networks used circuit switches, basically a limited capacity network. It allowed only voice calls and was designed much like the wired networks of landlines. Moreover, there was no standard way of setting up the networks, so each country had its own and manufacturers had to make dierent devices for dierent countries. In 1990, the GSM (global system for mobile communication) described European standards which have been adopted almost worldwide for the second generation of networks



that initially allowed data communication in addition to the traditional voice calls. Data communication occurred through a protocol called GPRS general packet radio service, and later improved speeds through EDGE enhanced data rates for GSM networks. When Safaricom and Kencell rst rolled out their networks in Kenya, they rolled out this second generation networks, that is 2G networks. Most of the mobile phones in circulation then could only support 2G networks and Internet speeds on mobile phones were rather slow. You can check the icons at the top row of your phones screen, if it shows a G, that is GPRS, and E is for Edge, and H or H+ is for 3G networks. As with every technology, there is always evolution. The third generation of networks (3G) have brought us fast Internet speeds on mobile phones and modems. However, 3G networks are costly to set up and that is why the entire country is not yet covered by them. Safaricom has the widest 3G coverage in Kenya, so if you travel a lot within the country and need internet, you are better o with a Safaricom modem. If you spend most of your time in cities where other mobile network providers are present, then you

will consider costs, and Orange has some unlimited data oers while Airtel oers competitive prices and speeds. Current phones support the older networks (2G), current networks (3G), and some are even equipped for future networks (4G). When you are in an area with 3G coverage, your phone will connect to that network, and if 3G is not available it will connect to the 2G one. So there are two networks in operation at the same time. Since most people still have phones that do not even need the Internet, there is no need to switch to the more expensive 3G all over the country. The future networks (actually not really the future because it is already here) is 4G networks or long term evolution networks (LTE). These networks oer even faster speeds and better quality, and the rst mobile company in the world to roll out a 4G network is EE in the United Kingdom. Users of new gadgets in the market like the Samsung Galaxy S III that can support 4G networks will be happy to enjoy the fast speeds that their devices demand for smooth operation.


daily NATION

November 16, 2012

life & sport




he re-election of Uncle Barry got me thinking about presidents in the land of the brave and home of the free . Almost all American presidents have been lean, athletic, and tall, with Abraham Lincoln, the 16th head honcho, heading the height pack at 64. Uncle Barry is 61. The shortest was James Madison, the fourth president, at 54. Something else. The president could be The First Stomach , but most hardly support the Waistline Stimulus Package: no kitambi. Only ve were obese, according to Forbes. Out of 44, only ve were bald. In fact, there has not been a kipara in the Oval Oce in 56 years. The last one was Dwight D. Eisenhower after claiming a second term against challenger Adlai Stevenson in 1956. Voters had no choice. Both sported bald domes. Before Eisenhower, you have to comb back 120 years for the FUSEBOX last baldpate, Martin van Buren in 1836. Such is American hair-istocracy. Today, their Head of State is synonymous with head of hair, albeit graying as the term nears the tape. How would Baba Jimmy have faired as a candidate for the Democrats? Americans prefer contenders with oratorical prociency. And boy! Uncle Barry can stir talk. During his 2008 acceptance speech, he thanked all those who put their hands on the arc of history and bent it once more toward the hope of a better day. He recapped that America was built block by block, brick by brick, calloused hand by calloused hand and that if Americans are met with cynicism and doubts, they should respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people: Yes, we can. In his 2012 victory speech, he reiterated that what makes America exceptional are the bonds that hold together the most diverse nation on earth and that the best is yet to come. Who writes on yellow government paper our presidents mind-numbing speeches devoid of any dollop of emotive eloquence? You have to admire the civility, maturity, and decorum in Obamaland, far from the madding crowd and stone-age of the Third World where: Losers do not concede. They petition. Losers do not telephone the winner. They call him names. Opposing supporters ght, kill, torch, loot, destroy, burn tyres, and egies. Whole towns are defaced with campaign posters glued on walls with a mixture of wheat our and water. Unlike in the US of A, early voting is out. There are ghost voters. Presidents are sworn in at night minus the National Anthem.

jack zollo


adies, how many times do you need to hear this that men are visual animals? What would make you stop thinking it is the end of the world when your man eyes another woman? Okay, I know the Good Book condemns coveting a.k.a sin by thought, but behold, the Good Book also allows people to ask for forgiveness over and over, I suspect because the Almighty knows there will be millions of male thought sinners over and over. But I digress. So yes, ladies, back to the topic of the day has your man, for instance, ever asked you to please not lose too much weight because he likes you meaty, but when you take a walk with him on the streets, he cannot seem to keep his eyes o petite skin-on-bones girls? Well, not to worry do not castigate him for seemingly admiring that petite girl DALLIANCE DIARY who makes you feel like an elephant, but castigate him for letting you catch him doing it. The sooner women accept that men are visual animals, the easier it will be for them to deal with the tribe of Adam. As long as a man has functioning eyesight, he will use it, and often, not to look for investment opportunities, but for supporting documents belonging to other women. The good news is, the average man will remember nothing about that woman as soon as she is out of sight; yup, out of sight, out of mind. As much as we hate it when our men do it, looking at other women does not translate into cheating, it does not mean that he does not think that you are the most beautiful woman in the world, it does not mean he is a randy brother; it just means that he has not learned the art of coveting in secret. So, if he admires that skinnier than you girl, do not worry; he still prefers his woman a little meaty, but like any man, or human for that matter, he desires, even for a little while, what he does not have usually not harmful, and as unlikely as it sounds, it might even serve to remind him what a beautiful woman he has. As for you men, there would probably be world peace if you could stop coveting so blatantly. Look, we know you look, but we would rather pretend we are the only women you literally see; that to you, every other woman looks like a man, totally sexually unappealing unless, of course, you butt for the other side. Next time you look at a woman, whether with lust, pity, or disgust, keep it to yourself. If it is with lust, she might slap you silly in front of your friends; not cool. If you look at another woman with pity (maybe she was left by her boyfriend or she looks ridiculous in her chosen outt), we will demand to know why you feel compassion for her like, is she your sister? If you look at her with disgust, we will not believe you; we might think you like her a lot, but you are angry that you cannot have her, that you are faking disgust then we might slap you silly in front of your friends. Moral of the story; men, keep looking for all we care, but do it discreetly and for Petes sake do not try to have your way with other women. Ladies, take consolation in the fact that there are other men looking at you the same way yours is looking at other women. Fair game! cikukimani254@gmail.com

ciku kimani




veryone has felt this before, from politicians to businessmen, and last weekend Gor Mahia players and fans. Having one hand on the trophy counts for precious little if there is still that smidgen of chance that someone could at the last minute coup dtat his way with it. It happens in politics, relationships, business deals, and sadly, football too. The history of almost is rich, heavily littered with images of grown men left in tears. Jerim Onyango, Rama Salim, and Dan Sserenkuma could take solace in remembering that even Jesus wept. It happened between Lady Diana and Camilla, now Duchess of Cornwall; Al Gore and George W. Bush in Florida and the wider 2000 US elections, and to Brandys song titled Almost Doesnt Count, which got nominated but never won the Grammys that year almost. But the sweetest of these coup dtats,

the all so famous 1999 Champions League nal, a story the villagers in Munich will not want conjured up in their memories. Ole Gunnar Solskjaer a name not as much detested as revered in the city of Munich and Barcelona respectively. The former for the injury he inicted in injury time and the latter because the game was held at the 99,000-seater Camp Nou. Double tragedy it was for Gor fans as Sofapakas David Baraza netted in against Karuturi Sports on the nal day to edge one past Dan Sserenkuma and snatch the golden boot. Baraza totalled 18, with Sserenkuma just one away almost. It is a phenomenon Arsenal fans have had to endure for more than seven years and it could be facetiously argued that an Arsenal fan who doubles up as a Gor Mahia fan should consider himself lucky as he was, by virtue of being a gunner, already better placed to handle the tumultuous meltdown to the throne on Saturday evening. A fortnight ago, Juventus almost had their

50th straight unbeaten league game. It was their rst defeat in 50 games. Makes someone wish they could rearrange the results and put the defeat before the 50 games streak. It is almost as if all they desired was to match the Arsenal Invincibles record and no sooner had they attained that than the bolts and hinges fell o the football gears, eventually grinding to a halt at the hands of their title rivals, Inter Milan. Meanwhile in a land of abnormal footballers and weird goal tallies, after the weekend of no goals for Messi (and Ronaldo and Falcao), the Argentine (and Ronaldo minus Falcao) emphatically came back last weekend, slotting in two against Real Mallorca to go one up against Peles milestone record of 75 goals in one calendar year. Interesting is, aside from the previous weekend, 26 October, 2011 was the last time in Spanish football that all the three mad men Messi, Ronaldo, and Falcao failed to score in a La Liga football weekend. That is over a year of Spanish football. Messi is now nine goals shy of equalling the all-time Ger

Mullers record for goals scored in one calendar year, something we will not hope he does not do since we all know he will, either way. Neymars Pele scored 75 times overall for Brazil and Santos in 1958 while Mller managed a milk-souring and toe-curling 85 in 1972 for West Germany and Bayern Munich. Known for his public disapproval of Messi, Pele will probably come out saying that had EA sports been there in 1952, he would be all the three players covering FIFA52 the game. I could even play as a false 8.7 he adds, spotting a Neymar-ish Mohawk, head band and nose tape. Meanwhile Andriy Shevchenko has been oered the big oce next to the ablutions i.e. Ukraines head coach job by the Ukraine FA, which will be looking to ameliorate the countrys current standing in the undoubtedly impartial FIFA rankings, something that will have to include the head coach working on their goal scoring eciency, sucient proof that Ukraines Nyamweya obviously never watched this man at Stamford Bridge.


take 14


daily NATION November 16, 2012


Before you do this, I recommend that you ask yourself this question: Do I really need more sweaters? Really? Do not get me wrong; if you have the means, by all means buy what you want and go crazy. If you do not, on the other hand, keep your feet on the ground. Buy what you need only if there is no alternative. For example, it makes no sense to buy a raincoat when you have an ecient umbrella. It makes no sense to buy an extra pair of mud shoes when you have old sneakers at home. Be thrifty. The odds are that once the season changes, the price of all of this weather-

he short rains have ocially started, bringing with them the expected confusion and chaos. I know that some of us are having trouble dealing with this change in the weather, so I have compiled a list of tips to help you cope.

A beanie, in Kenyan English, is a marvin. I am sure that we all know that a marvin is a snug article of headgear used to keep warm in cold weather. Or at least they are supposed to be used in the cold. A beanie can come in handy when you are caught in a drizzle that falls between precipitation that seems almost imaginary and a full out downpour. This is especially true for women who cherish their hair. This light rain may not feel like much, and it is only when you get home that you realise the amount of damage that has been done. Hence a beanie. Beanies can also help the ladies avoid the plastic-bag-covering-the-head scenario, which is embarrassing, if I may say so myself. I recall when we recently came out of class to nd it raining cats and dogs. A friend bought us identical green plastic bags at ve bob each so that we could walk together. It helped, but I do not think I will ever forget the group of men who jeered at us as we passed, saying, Kwani ni uniform? Not terribly embarrassing, but no woman wants to walk around with a nylon bag on her head. The great thing about beanies, though, is you that can wear the plastic bag underneath as added reinforcement and no one will even notice it. Another great thing about beanies is that they can brighten your wardrobe and act as a statement. I am no certied fashionista, but I know for a fact that when worn right, they can be chic. For those who have to dress ocially, a beret can work, as can a beanie that suits your dressing. In this case, quality and colour is everything. To conclude, beanies are pretty cheap, selling from around Sh150. Get one that is the right style and t, and you are sorted in case of any rain-mergencies .

1. Beanie Up

themed merchandise will go down. When that happens, look out for great clearance sales of sweaters and jackets in stores as well as bargains in the market. This way, you will denitely be sorted when the next rainy season rolls around.

Make sure that you have all your favourite movies and series at home for the days when bad weather keeps you from going out. Since we are all aware of the infamy that is Kenya Power, I suggest that you also keep a stack of books, magazines, board games, and other fun things to employ when there is no power. In this way, you will not be one of those types who goes, Noooooo! , when electricity goes o.

3.Stock Up on Entertainment

Keep warm, when its cold, keep cool when its hot

contingency. In Kenya, the rainy season means war.

You may be tempted to go out and buy 10 sweaters because it is freezing at night.

2.Buy What You Need

Stemming from the previous point, always keep your phones, iPods, cameras, lamps, laptops, and any other electrical device that is needed charged. If you work on the computer a lot, always save your work and back up from time to time. Do not rely on the auto save feature. Keep all the things you know you will need at home candles and the like. Prepare for every

4.Remain Charged at All Times

Of course not all wars are solved by violence. In fact, violence is often a last, desperate resort by bloodthirsty men. As I have already said, rain causes Kenyans to momentarily lose their senses. There is always so much rushing around when the pouring begins. A lot of shoving, more often than not fare hikes, road accidents, and many other happenings. The thing we all have to understand is that rain is not some kind

5.Keep Cool, Calm, and Collected

of nuclear bomb. It is just water. Therefore, instead of running in blind haste to get away from it, stand for a minute. Take it in. Relish the beauty that rain brings. After that, think sensibly and nd a course of action. This will help you avoid such miscalculations as going to a bus stage that is sure to be crowded, or worse, going to a stage where matatus are likely to be scarce. Whatever you do, make sure that this rainy season does not sour your day. That would be the worst thing you can allow. Take it all in and cosy up with the rain. Trust me, you will not regret it.


for being dierent, but they just want you to come down to their level. Listen to your parents, they know better than your friends. There is really no right time to have a relationship and sex, but it is always better to wait until you have completed your education and you have a job. Another thing you need to know, having a relationship and sex is not the same thing. You can have a relationship without sex, the same way you can have sex without a relationship it is certainly better to have the rst one, but I would advise you keep away from both for as long as you can, at least until you complete school. All the best. Dear Cindy, when I was in high school about four years ago, I liked a boy, but he would humiliate me, calling me fat. After school, I resolved to lose weight. I met the same boy in a night club recently and he could not stop looking at me, telling me how beautiful I am, and how he desires me. I still like him, but I cannot forget what happened four years ago. Please help. Martha If you have a relationship with this boy, both of you will be doing it for the wrong reasons. You will be doing it to prove something to him and yourself, while he will be doing it, not because he likes you as a person, but because he likes your body. Unless you do not mind this, please have nothing to do with him. You can be sure that this boy will not like you for who you are, but for how you look. Looks do not keep a person interested for long what keeps a man or a woman around, after the rst excitement of a relationship, is the mind. If you do not stimulate him mentally, you will be out as soon as he has his way with you. Remember, in his mind, he still has an image of you of four years ago. The thing to do would be to keep him as a friend, give him and yourself a chance to know each another. It might even surprise you that you do not like him that much. All the best.

Dear Cindy, I am 17, still in school, still a virgin, and with no boyfriend yet. My friends think I am weird, but my parents have been telling me there will be the right time for all that. What really is the best age to have a boyfriend and sex? Rosie First things rst, congratulations for listening to your parents over your friends. I can tell from the email that you feel as if you are dierent, and not in a nice way. Please, do not succumb to peer pressure. I can assure you that, right now, your friends admire you for the values you have held. They are putting you under pressure, making you think that there is something wrong with you


daily NATION

November 16, 2012

Rating: 80 per cent Category: Horror Release Date: 17 October 2012 Length: 1 hr 33 minutes Director: Henry Joost Story by Zack Estrin Main Actors: Kathryn Newton as Alex, Matt Shively as Ben, Brady Allen as Robbie Feath-

Noninis got a hot new number, while a World Without End is ready to tickle your bones with that old, pompous english. But theres mosre...

erstone, Katie Featherstone as herself Box Oce Earnings: $118.7 million. Avant-garde lmmaker Oren Peli is Hollywoods horror ick hero. When he rst came through with his low budget lming debut Paranormal Activity back in 2007, everyone was astounded at the newcomers success. The horror genre had once more been revived to its

former crowd-gathering glory and today, Paranormal Activity is hailed as the most protable movie ever made, going by its box oce sales revenue of $193 million against a budget of $15,000. The rst lm might have cost less to make than its successors, but it easily generated a cult following of movie goers for its future instalments. Suce it to say that Oren had discovered the missing ingre-

dient in todays horror ick reality. Paranormal Activity 4 stays true to the style that Oren adopted ve years ago as it is lmed on raw footage cinematography. Instead of a portable camcorder that was used for most of Paranormal Activity 1, computer webcams are used to monitor activity. The movie takes us forward to what happens after Hunter, the baby in Paranormal

Activity 2, was abducted by Katie. It takes on events ve years after the period in which the rst Paranormal Activity lm ended, with a few seconds of footage from Paranormal Activity 2 at the beginning. On a general scale, this followup was much less scarier than its predecessors, even with the enormous suspense. If you ever held back from watching the movie before, then you can

Title: World Without End Category: Historical Drama Episode length: 40 minutes Seasons: 1 Episodes: 8 Creator: Ken Follett Main Actors Ben Chaplin

Charlotte Riley As Karis Cynthia Nixon As Petranilla Rupert Evans As Godwin Epic movies are notorious for their generous supply of gory blood-stained scenes. World Without End prefers to cut to the chase by killing everyone by the noose. The series is set in medieval times when England was on bad terms with France. It was during King Edward IIIs reign and his mother, a Frenchwoman, was set on taking over France and uniting its lands with England. There are intense power games at play, enough to rival its epic counterpart Game of Thrones. The pace at which dramatic events escalate in each episode is even more riveting. The show does its best to depict how dark society was at that period. The Church was a haven of sexual deviants and evil hoarders and every misjudgment made by the lords of the land would be blamed on God. The barbaric nature of the justice system back then would make our present-day system look like a walk into civil paradise. Every single crime was punishable by death, be it rape, treason, or witchcraft. Speaking of witchcraft, the world of medicine renounced any breakthroughs in surgery and vaccine discovery as the work of the devil. So if you invented the cure for a disease, your reward would be a public execution. The extremities of human oppression in this movie are simply incontestable. With a team of producers such as the Scott brothers (Ridley and the late Tony), it is easy to

As Sir Thomas Langley



SONG: Pole Pole 30-12-12 is the introductory slide that appears immediately the song plays. This signies the date of the release which was the 30th, Noninis twelfth year as a professional Kenyan musician in a game that has seen many fall by the wayside, not to mention the one-hit-wonders, and lastly, the year is 2012. I cannot emphasise how much respect I accord to Nonini. The man has truly remained true to his craft, Genge music, and he keeps delivering lyrics with deep, thought out messages. A collaboration with Annette from the Prohable crew as well as direction from Big Ideas Billie Owusu, this jam was amazing. The video has a number of high points. Most notably, a sedate, chill colour scheme. The blue sepia vibe that gets you in the mood for a quaint night at the club with your cool crew. He is well-dressed in a white coat and black pants and shirt; that Neyo class. Annette has a neat white blouse with an enormous polka dot bow tie and comes back in a yellow headscarf and black vest top. Really stunning voice, too. The Dashy Crew had good choreography and costumes. The six months of practice paid o, guys. Above all, though, was the video vixen. The girl is classy, the kind that shows that it is not all about showing skin. The editor did a good job, putting in the word caption Pole Pole in the video and somehow managing to make it appear good, not all shady. You know Nonini is right when he says you need to invest in quality. This video is crisp, clear, and makes its audience understand the message with its calm party demeanour.


day and asked them whether they had any regrets. Nuh! That was a lie. I asked Would you have married the same woman, looking back. The guy shook his head, but said his children compensated for that. Have you ever been screwed by some woman you loved? Nod, nod. Have you ever squandered cash and opportunities? I pressed further. Nod, nod. A Kenyan jamaa goes through many things and that is what kenyanjamaa.wo rdpress.com is all about, albeit revolving around the blogger. EXCERPTS This week I had two rough experiences on the road. Having my car break down in the middle of nowhere. Twice. At night. Two dierent nights. The rst breakdown was the kind that made me mess up a client big time. Weddings are more a menu of fantasy than reality. If you give it a keen eye, most of the things done during a wedding, apart from the exchange of vows, are just so ridiculous and useless. I just dont know why you need to spend so much money on a dress you will never wear again. Or why you should borrow money to please people who dont give a damn.

A normal Kenyan jamaa goes through many things: brokenness and joblessness that in turn translates to chicklessness. He will learn to drink when his rst bottle has the world tilting on its axis. He will be roughed up by the bouncer and get beaten by thugs. I was talking to some geezers the other



Developer: EA Black Box Publisher: EA Sports Platforms: Xbox360, Ps3, Wii, Pc This is the 18th title in the long-standing, reputable, Need for Speed franchise. The PC and Wii versions were done by Firebrand games released late November, 2011. Producers Jason DeLong and Steve Anthony really outdid the universally infamous last release by taking their time on this marvellous high octane video game, a total of three years in the making. Undoubtedly, this became the biggest Need for Speed game ever since Need for Speed Hot Pursuit, with close to 335 kilometres of race track over terrain and an incredible use of real cities and powered by the insane DICE Frostbite engine famous for its amazing rst shooter releases over the years. The best part about using this engine was the awesome new features. For the rst time in NFS history a player can exit the car and walk. What we have been clamouring for came true. Also, gas stations are in use, allowing a player to quickly change vehicles of the same class in races. Furthermore, the game allows for rewinds from the users last checkpoint if they total their car during a race; although these are fairly limited. And get this; up to eight players can participate in a race on multiplayer mode and a reward system will also serve to challenge players in this mode. Actor Sean Faris portrays protagonist Jack Rourke while actress Christina Hendricks plays Sam Harper. Two Sports Illustrated models, Irina Shayk and Christine Teigen, also have roles in the game. This is a car game lovers dream. Amazing graphics, NVIDIA/AMD with very Direct X sound and devastatingly beautiful articial intelligence precision that leaves you in awe. I can hardly wait for the next instalment.



daily NATION November 16, 2012

1 | Jobs

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012



Getting ahead in todays job market

Each morning after you settle down at your work station, take a few minutes, say about 20, to make a list of the tasks you must do for the day. This will help you to stay focused on the work to be done. Most people start with responding to e-mails and easily trail o for more than an hour responding even to non-crucial mails. It is important that e-mail time becomes part of the plan, which means that planning should come rst each day.

SHIFTING INTERESTS | A dierent kind of training is needed for managerial jobs


Exit manager, enter global business leader

lenges and more responsibilities along the way. The world is getting wired. There is Internet everywhere. This has connected people, making them global citizens. So it is important that aspiring managers get the training that will build them into global leaders, he noted. Further, the shift of global economic growth from developed countries to developing and emerging markets means that Africa is playing a bigger role in the global economy. As investors ock into Africa in search of new opportunities, observed Mr Braeken, the continent should take advantage to supply the needed personnel to drive these businesses. Colleges and universities hold a major stake here. Mr Braekens view is that they should collaborate with industry to produce graduates relevant to the changing business environment fuelled by globalisation and increased use of technology. Foreign investors are establishing companies in developing markets and they need global leaders, he noted. Global companies opening and operating in Kenya, for example, need Kenyans who are striving towards being leaders who can shape the global agenda. This reality is not limited to foreign companies. It also affects local businesses because the emerging general trend is that they are increasingly dealing with businesses in other parts of the world. The need for business leaders with a global mind-set is therefore not one to be taken lightly, according to the Unilever Africa boss. If you are not a global leader, the modern corporate world is not for you, he warns. We need more Africans sitting in London and New York and shaping the global agenda and not just managing companies. From experience, Mr Braeken says a global business leader must possess unmatched qualities in innovation, values, ability to create a strong team and authentic character. He argues that the days when creativity was measured in marCONTINUED ON PAGE 2

Watch out: Long service doesnt always mean loyalty



If you dont have interest in world market dynamics and you want to be a manager, the modern corporate environment is not for you, warns Unilever Africa boss
lydiamwere@gmail.com o you want to become a manager? The question is no longer whether you are t to be one, but if you are savvy enough to manage emerging global challenges. The traditional manager tends to be more administrative than anything else. For the desired modern day managers, it is a dierent ball game that involves a daily battle with volatility and uncertainty in business, coupled with the complexity and ambiguity in the market place. That market place now spreads beyond borders, whether one likes it or not. This has spurred a trend that is giving rise to a new brave title in management: the global business leader. Hopefully, the training institutions have taking note and

acting. With the world interconnected through technology and increased trading ties, being a global manager is the vogue. Aspiring managers are being advised to wear the global cap to be relevant in todays business, or to start preparing for redundancy. Young people should embrace this change, advised the executive vice-president for Unilever Africa, Mr Frank Braeken in a recent talk. The future is not giving the answers that it oered our parents, he stressed. Mr Braeken was giving a talk on Leading in a Changing Environment to Kenyatta University students. His lecture, delivered last week, was pegged on todays shifting business environment, which has been summarised in four signposting words: volatile,

uncertain, complex and ambiguous. These are the realities that a global manager faces every day, and which need special skills to handle. What the industry needs right now are creative and innovative individuals who are trained to take up leadership in the global business arena, said Mr Braeken. He has himself worked in eight countries and four continents for global manufacturer of foods and personal care products, Unilever. In his informed view, therefore, youths need training in how to transform while moving in their careers and as they meet chal-

What the industry needs right now are creative and innovative individuals who are trained to take up leadership in the global business arena
Frank Braeken, Unilever Africa vice-president

ast week, Jawabu, a supervisor at casual wear maker Manguo, discovered how workers in the packaging department would cleverly stash extra clothes in the deliveries and selling them aside to make quick money. Jawabu had called his boss soon after cornering Kauzy, the head of packing, with the discovery. Early this week, he invited Kauzy back to his oce and said: I have decided that it is best to leave things as they are for now. The consignment is still where you left it at the packing bay. This caught Kauzy by surprise. He quickly got to his feet and shook Jawabus hand vigorously, saying, Thanks sir. I have always suspected that behind that silence is a clever man. Let me talk to the others and ask them to include you on our list of beneciaries. Think nothing of it, replied Jawabu. Now that I am part of the group, do you care to tell me who is the genius behind all this and how we will be operating? Have a seat and explain. Eager to show Jawabu how crafty he was, Kauzy proceeded to give in detail how the scheme was hatched and the kind of wealth they had amassed. Long after Kauzy had left, Jawabu sat thinking about the conversation. He had recorded it on his cell-phone. As he listened to the replay, he realised that it was just the tip of the iceberg. He wondered just how deep the deception was. It was time to hold a meeting with Mrefu and nd out why he had resigned abruptly. Mrefu agreed to meet him in town. The meeting place was a dingy, dark room downtown. Mrefu began: I am the head of this cartel. I only resigned in order to concentrate on ensuring that the deliveries were made smoothly. He continued, laughing sarcastically in between sentences: We have been doing this for a long time. You know, the longer you stay in an organisation, the easier it is for management to make the false assumption that you are loyal. That is how I was made supervisor. You look like you could do with a few extra coins. If you choose to join us, we will make you richer than youve ever imagined. Feeling that he had gathered enough information, Jawabu got up and said: Mrefu, you are under arrest for stealing company property. I was employed by the management of Manguo as an undercover investigator to establish the reason for the sudden shrinking of prots. Everything you have said is on record. Mrefu could not believe his ears. He wished he could just disappear from sight. Jawabu went on: Stealing from your employer is theft by a servant and is punishable by law. You have broken the trust of your employers who placed you in a position of stewardship. There is no excuse for what you did. I joined Manguo as a technician because it gave me the chance to walk around the organisation and observe all of you unobtrusively. The only puzzle was the smooth ow of stolen goods from the organisation to the market, which is why I was made supervisor of the packaging plant.

The writer is a trainer, researcher and consultant at the Kenya School of Government

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

Jobs 2

CHANGE TALKS | Work beyond face value of every event thrown at you

Dierence is how we use exposure

wale@powertalks.biz ave you ever heard someone share a great story of success that they attribute to inspiration they received from a book and you get confused because you read the same book and you did not see what they saw? How about former classmates attributing their great success to the inspiration they got from a certain teacher and you do not understand what is going on because you were in the same class and you werent as dramatically inuenced? It is because in life, we are not absolute products of what we hear or what we are exposed to. We are the outcome of how we process what we hear and what we are exposed to. In the past few editions of this column, I have written about the power of processing and cited examples of cocoa and chocolate, going ahead to demonstrate how the chocolate maker earns several times more than the cocoa farmer simply by adding value through processing. The same applies to information and exposure. How we process these determines the value of our actions. In much of Africa, people consume everything the politicians tell them without processing and asking questions. Someone once told me that she did not need to think because her political leader would do the thinking and tell them what direction to vote. Many church goers also consume everything that the pastor preaches without processing and asking questions. Even pastors make the same mistake. One once told me that he also

Take what life oers you, process it and convert it to what you oer life
didnt need to think. All he had to do was to follow the directions from his bishop. I was alarmed. If the pastor was not thinking then how could he teach the congregation to think? I am soon releasing a book titled Things That My Mother Taught Me That Did Not Work. From the goodness of her heart, she taught me that slow and steady wins the race. However, as I encouraged myself in my slowness, I discovered that I was being overtaken and these fast people were indeed winning. So my philosophy changed. I learnt that fast, accurate and consistent won the race. Had I been bold enough to ask questions at an earlier age, I would have done better much earlier in life. The truth is that if you do not ask why this or why that, someone is bound to ask why you. Some people live on a let-it-be principle. What a limiting mind-set. That is a resignation to fate. Fate philosophy is the losers opium. People who are resigned to fate never achieve much in life. Why are you the way you are today? If you

are struggling, why is that the case? Process your condition. If you are successful, what are the reasons? Is it an environmental uke based on the industry and business environment, or is it the manifestation of a creative and innovative process? Can you sustain it? Can you pass it on? Are you big because you are good or because others are small? It is bad enough for us to consume primary resources. It is worse if we consume primary information without processing it. In life, be your own spin-doctor. When I was in the pit, I did not blame anyone for it. I took full responsibility. I then engaged in the power of process. I processed information by writing out the lessons and action points from every new piece of information I got. I no longer listened to lectures just as a consumer to enjoy a good lecture. I listened with the intention of doing something with the information. Each day provides information, experiences and connections that can take our lives to the next level. Many people do not make much of today because they see it as an extension of yesterday. Today is no renovation of yesterday. Its a new day with new opportunities and new mercies. There is no better time like today to make a decision. Take what life oers you, process it and convert it to what you oer life. Remember, the value is in the process, so dont just read this column without processing the information. Have a great weekend. You can also follow Dr Wale on twitter@waleakinyemi

How to handle bosses who might see you as a threat

I have been at my present job for less than six months. I was well received when I joined, and shortly after, I was assigned a complex project. I managed to crack it in less than two days. But that achievement has brought me more trouble than appreciation. It marked the beginning of being given the cold shoulder by many of the managers. I am now side-lined and I am beginning to fear for my job security. How should I resolve this? Gregory It is unfortunate that you have gone through such an experience. While some people might want to advise that you focus on positive energy and ignore the negative feelings, the situation you are in cannot be ignored. But that is as long as your feelings are real and not a result of an expectation on your part that you should be the talk of town owing to your record output and it isnt happening. Ordinarily, pulling o a solution at record breaking pace should have earned you an opportunity to be deployed to more challenging situations. In your case, you feel that you have been side-lined instead. The reality is that the employment environment is characterised by competition. There are also employees who are stuck with the belief that recognition should be pegged on the hierarchy of sta. They believe that the more senior employees should get the credit for whatever good happens in the department. Yet sometimes solutions come from employees who are at the bottom of the ladder. This causes a lot of discomfort in such organisations, and it seems to be the case at your workplace. Some people in similar circumstance get tempted to hold back their potential in order to make their colleagues comfortable. Its not a wise move. Consider ordinary gestures that would make you grow naturally within the company without forgetting the potential that you have already shown. Your disposition should be that of an ordinary employee who is not too excited to take credit for performance but rather the ordinary worker who shows potential to learn, and one who when called upon could make extraordinary contributions without caring much about accolades. This will reverse the perception that you are a threat.

Mail your questions to jobs@ke.nationmedia.com for career related solutions. Get career tips on mobile: Sms Career Tips to 6667. Apply for jobs on-line on n-soko.com/jobs.

THE OFFICE | Terror threat on Kampuni oces as Rajab seeks revenge in this continuing drama

Unattering call from jilted man shocks CEO

Dodoma Blue Guest Hotel just by Kibo Peak is a spotless place with good value rooms, but no food. Cana Lodge on 9th Street seemed ideal despite neighbouring Chama Cha Biblia House. This was ironic because he wasnt planning very Christian things. Canas rooms, nevertheless, had TV with cable services, telephone and a cyber caf that would come in handy while conrming directions from Google Maps. Rajab checked in at the main Galilaya Restaurant and ordered grilled pork, roast potatoes and salad. He was waiting for his contact to conrm being party to the terror assignment he was planning against Kampunis oces in Nairobi, Juba and Kigali. Recruit ve other ruthless hands, he had instructed his contact. We need two in each city, he had stressed. The mission has to be simultaneous. Ensure the recruits are royal, fearless, single minded, and willing to take an oath. From his seat, Rajab estimated that escape from the place would be easy in case he was smoked out. A major highway connects Dodoma with the former capital, Dar es Salaam via Morogoro in the east. There are roads to Mwanza and Kigoma and on to Tabora in the west. The Great North Road links Dodoma with Arusha to the north through Kondoa. And in case of police road blocks, the central railway line to Dar, 465 kilometres away, would come in handy. His meal was served. He dug the fork in and then ordered for a cold Kilimanjaro Lager. Tell me how you want this assignment done. Four have agreed and one is thinking over it, the raspy voice asked. Rajab looked around. There was no one nearby, so he started issuing the instructions. You will buy 20 goats in Nairobi and stu four of them with the bomb materials described in the manual. The four goats should appear like they died on transit. Rajab posed for a moment to swallow a piece of potato. He then went on: I am registering Kodoshe Holdings in case police ask for paperwork along the way. Kenya has draconian trac rules. Ensure familiarity with them. Careless driving attracts high nes or up to 10 years in jail. Dont speed even if your passengers are goats. The contact mumbled concurrence on the other end. You will use ve mobile phones. We will communicate only ve times. SIM cards will be destroyed each time, Wanielewa (do you get me)? Your plane tickets will be ready four hours before the explosions. A million Kenya shillings is the working payment. Rajab disconnected the line. Then he called Kampunis oces in Nairobi. He ordered items that made Imran Chager, who received the call, stare at the receiver in horror.

Doomed if you arent a global business leader


Mr Frank Braeken



odoma was an ideal city to hide and plan a terror attack. Founded in 1907 by German colonialists who were building the railway, the city gradually got populated by diverse ethnic groups once it was turned into the governments administrative centre. With small Arab and Indian communities mingling with the larger indigenous Gogo, Rangi and Sandawe people, it was easy for Rajab Karume to blend in with the crowd. He wore a white long-sleeved shirt,

navy blue jeans and black boots. They matched with the semi-arid climate that Saturday afternoon. He felt hungry. In fact, he hadnt eaten well since his deportation from Kenya. The experience always knotted his heart in revulsion. He had to revenge. Lavender Gacheri and Kampuni Incorporated would pay dearly. Since kidnapping a British tourist in Lamu, Rajab learnt he had a dark, brutal side.

keting are long gone, having been replaced by a can-do attitude that leads to ecient ways of doing things. is suggestion is that if you cant change your job and how its done, you are losing out. To get into the process of becoming global leaders, the youth should develop authentic character, which emphasises the virtues of honesty and responsibility. As a global leader you should have the ability to change and transform yourself and the organisation. This is very important. When faced with a problem as a leader, it is critical that you bring yourself in totality in dealing with the problem, both body and soul.


Extreme contortionist: Meet street dancer Judy Mwaura


Exit your usual manager, enter the global business leader INSIDE


Africa Review
Friday, Friday 16, 2012

Ethical fashion from Kenya

The Maasai inspiration is unmistakable but more importantly, the tailors arent complaining about the pay

PAGE 2&3


DAILY NATION Monday, January 11, 2010

DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

Couture with a human face from Kenya

Consumer giants have been fried for underpaying under-age workers in their shoe and apparel factories in the developing world but Italian fashion maverick Simone Cipriani wants to change this state of aairs from Nairobi where similar-minded fashion houses are in business

lizabeth Wanjirus face lights up when she describes her workplace. Its an airy, freshly painted building in Waithaka, outside Nairobi, which buzzes with the sound of women pedalling at their sewing machines as they piece together the lining for the latest Vivenne Westwood bag. Really, I really enjoy it she beams. When you come, you meet lots of friends. I am happy. Its enjoyable. The Waithaka workshop is part of Kenyas transformation into an ethical fashion hub and part of a growing debate over whether the growing global demand for ethically-made clothing can generate economic opportunities for ordinary Kenyans. Kenya is already familiar with textile manufacturing on an industrial scale. Estimates suggest that mass production of clothing for export has created 60,000 direct jobs and 200,000 indirect jobs in the country over the past decade. According to the last available statistics from 2007, clothing and textiles are Kenyas third most important export, bringing in more than Sh6 billion in revenue. But the industry has faced criticism for its poor work conditions as most large-scale clothing manufacturers are characterised by low pay, sexual harassment, poor compensation for overtime work, and weak labour rights. Italian fashion maverick Simone Cipriani wants to change all that. In 2008, with support from the United Nations and the World Trade Organisation, he founded the United Fashion initiative and chose Kenya as its launching pad. United Fashion is about real fashion produced in a responsible way, explains Cipriani. My way of being responsible is to involve people in a dignied way, to provide work and a way out of poverty. My intention was not simply to sell existing local products in the market, which is competitive and complex, - but to merge talents from the fashion world with skills and materials available locally. The result is a program that draws

on simple skills like sewing or tailoring, as well as traditional Kenyan crafts like beading, to provide Western designers with unique items and give locals well-paying jobs in safe work environments. Currently, the scheme employs about 1,000 Kenyans in marginalised communities around the country although the workforce can swell to around 7,000 when a large order is placed from abroad. The organisations clientele include high prole luxury designers such as Vivenne Westwood and Stella McCartney, who are in the market for artisanal, hand-crafted items rather than massproduced goods. That, according to United Fashions Product Development Adviser Jeremy Brown, carves out a niche for Kenya as a provider of quality items. While Kenya cannot yet compete with manufacturing behemoths like China, hand-crafted products can be sold at a mark up to Western consumers interested in ethically-made items. You can sell it at a premium; its a real luxury product because every single thing is made by hand. The fashion houses will try and sell that story, he says. And the luxury market, research shows, is less prone to the uctuations in the global economy. While Kenyas large scale textile industry suered from a sharp decrease in business as a result global economic downturn, US consulting rm Bain and Companys latest report on high-end goods nds that the luxury market is defying initial concerns over Eurozone turmoil and fears of a cool down in emerging markets. Sales


This made-inAfrica Vivenne Westwood bag can fetch Sh26,000 in the international fashion market.

We ask our trade partners in the industry to bring responsible, decent, well-paid work to Africa. We ask for numbers, not words. Simone Cipriani of the United Fashion initiative

are anticipated to exceed 200 billion (about Sh21 trillion) in 2012. At the height of global recession in 2009, United Fashion estimated the total value of its exports at $2 million (Sh160 million). Rajiv Arora, the executive director of the African Cotton & Textile Industries Federation, believes Kenyan manufacturers currently focus too heavily on mass production and are missing the opportunities presented by the international fashion market. Partnerships with the fashion sector, he argues, could lead to broader economic development in Kenya. I can say for the past few years that we have been working with the fashion industry I think (the cotton and textile industry) has been well-supported by those companies. They have been recognised as a key factor in developing markets says Arora. United Fashion touts its initiative as more than just money-makers. Work places standards are guided by the Fair Labour Association, and employees are educated about their labour rights and empowered to pursue their own business projects. What we try and show the communities is that there are other things you can do, explains Jeremy Brown, who is based in United Fashions Nairobi oce.

You can explore dierent designs and things, so hopefully they become more competitive. Because if everyone in the Masai market is selling exactly the same thing it doesnt really work. But if they try dierent things, theyve got a better chance. The organisations approach seems to be paying o. In a recent review of the project by the Fair Labour Association, more than 90 per cent of interviewees said they had learned new skills, made improvements to their homes, and increased their self-condence as a result of employment with United Fashion. Elizabeth Wanjiru in Waithaka is no exception. She now harbours ambitions to start her own tailoring business, and wants to pass on her new skills by teaching other women in her community how to sew. Her colleague, Pauline Aluoch, has already applied her training to a small side venture where she mends readymade clothes. She, too, appreciates the safe work environment fostered by United Fashion but says the casual nature of the work, which depends an irregular ow of international orders, is a nancial concern. Sometimes you work for two weeks, then you have to wait for another three months before you are called back. So it would be better if you were working regularly. Id like to work here if it was


GRAPHIC DESIGNERS: Nzisa Mulli, Andrew Anini, Dennis Makori, Alice Othieno, Davis Mulyango, Michael Mosota, Ken Kusimba, Hassan Ibrahim, Benjamin Situma Joy Abisagi, Virginia Borura, Felix Miringu REPORTERS: Joy Wanja CORRESPONDENTS: Mwaura Samora COVER PHOTO: fotosearch

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DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012


When high-end Louis Vuitton goes savannah

regular, because the money we get here is good, says Aluoch. But, she adds, her average daily wage of about Sh600 would not be enough if she was a single mother like Wanjiru. The pay is enough because I have a husband and we supplement each others income. I dont depend on it. United Fashion says it pays from ve to 12 US dollars a day depending on skill level. But despite the best intentions of such initiatives, settling on a fair wage can be dicult according to Nairobibased fashion designer Ann McCreath of the KikoRomeo fame. A lot of what is being exported to the West is not what I consider to be properly paid for, she says. The rst question starts with what is fair? What is fair can be interpreted in dierent ways. Fair or not, there is certainly a huge discrepancy between the remuneration Kenyans receive for their work and the price their products are sold for abroad. A Vivenne Westwood canvas bag made in Kenya through United Fashion, for example, sells for the equivalent of Sh32,000 in the United Kingdom. Not all ethical fashion products are sold at such a premium indeed, many are marketed to young, socially conscious consumers with relatively meagre incomes. And United Fashion insists that its mandate is not just to provide employment in the developing world. It also wants to change the developed worlds attitude towards consumption. I think what needs to be done is education of consumers, says Chloe Muktai, who works for United Fashions Corporate Social Responsibility and Communications Department. People dont understand that when they buy a t-shirt that costs a dollar something is wrong. Something is just not possible. But while a growing sense of social responsibility on the fashion scene means job prospects for women like Wanjiru and Aluoch, Kenyas fashion designers say they deserve some opportunities of their own. I would love to expand overseas but right now its kind of limited to friends who live and work there says Ogake Mochache, who works on a sustainable fashion project at the University of Nairobi and whose clothing line, Ogake, was launched in Kenya last year.

We dont really have the capacity to go international. So much more could be done to help people like me to get out there. That kind of support must be part of the ethical fashion industrys mission, agrees McCreath, who moved to Kenya 20 years ago and runs an ethical fashion label called KikoRomeo. Youre going right down to the grassroots and youre zooming [products] into the luxury market internationally. And youve missed out everybody else in the chain, she says. Im just feeling like its because we havent managed to get our brands there that theres a lack of money in the whole industry here. And then it becomes like youre still waiting for the foreigner but we shouldnt have this mentality of having to be rescued. Ogake Mochaches work might not yet be recognised by the fashion world, but Kenyas cultural heritage certainly is prompting concerns that it will be appropriated by Western designers for commercial gain. In 2008, for example, a British company attempted to trademark the kikoy, which would have given the rm the exclusive right to use the term as a marketing tool. Although the bid was unsuccessful, it served to highlight the risk posed to Kenyas traditional crafts by companies eager to commercialise them for prot.

Ann McCreath of Nairobis KikoRomeo fashion house: We shouldnt have this mentality of having to be rescued. Top: Modelling Louis Vuitton Maasaiinspired designs. Right: Piecing together linings for Vivenne Westwood bags in Waithaka, Nairobi.

ecently, high end fashion label Louis Vuitton caused controversy when it sent a Masai-inspired collection down the runway, which included scarves imitating the iconic Masai shuka. The sad thing is that we dont benet from this, Kenyan designer Ogake Mochache protests. The guys who are working hard are not benetting from this. Ideally that should be part of ethical fashion. We need to be a bit more vigilant; if they come and take ideas, give credit to where its due. Certainly when you see very big brand names basically taking something that could have come from a catwalk anywhere in Africa to put it internationally without any kind of support to the fashion industry in Africa, it is very annoying, agrees McCreath. The issue is not exclusive to Kenya. It is pervasive in the fashion industry. In the United States, Native Americans moved to protect their traditional crafts under law after it emerged that almost half of the billion-dollar annual trade in Native American products was being lost to counterfeit goods. Communities now have the ability to le law suits against companies that misappropriate their culture for marketing purposes. But for the Kenyan craftsmen who are leveraging their skills into employment, the risk of cultural appropriation might be a price worth paying. Im actually proud, its positive to me because Im having some goods sold on the international market, says John Ingosi, who used to work as a private tailor but joined the United Fashions hub in Nairobi last year after it proved more lucrative. United Fashion also points out that many designers are keen to pay tribute to the cultural traditions that inform their work. Every product created for Vivenne Westwood in Kenya, for example, has a label explaining the history and genesis of the item. The organisation also says it is working to promote African designers on the international stage. The international fashion scene should open up to the new talents of the African fashion scene, says United Fashions founder Simone Cipriani. There are many gifted designers in this continent and some who are starting to be recognised. Conicting views aside, there is one point of agreement amongst entrepreneurs in the ethical fashion sector: the industry has a long way to go and many issues to address if it is to succeed. A lot remains to be done. A lot. A lot, acknowledges Ciprian.We ask our trade partners in the industry to bring responsible, decent, well paid work to Africa. We ask for numbers, not words.

ACROSS 2. Friendly, genial 8. One who is servile to persons of wealth and position and condescending to those he considers inferior 9. A sh-eating sea-eagle 10. To link or establish communications for 11. A plant of the lily family with large spiny leaves used medicinally 13. An armative vote(r) 14. A short sharp quick sound 17. Heart or innermost part of anything 18. Thin plates especially of bones or mineral 20. A newspaper paragraph 21. A leading actor in a play 22. Finds something concealed DOWN 1. To analyse for gold or silver content 2. Powder made from the ground and roasted seed of a W. African tree used to make a non-alcoholic beverage 3. A wood-wind musical

DAILY NATION Monday, January 11, 2010


DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

YESTERDAYS SOLUTION ACROSS: 1. Sporadic 7. Bow 8. Nab 10. Shoal 12. Try 13. Hoes 14. Tote 15. Tar 16. Mess 18. Iron 21. Ova 22. Abuna 23. Pen 24. Pad 25. Restless DOWN: 1. Sash 2. Oboe 3. Roasts 14. Writers in verse 4. Awl 15. Small lustrous gem formed 5. Into within the shell of a bivatue 6. Cartoon 16. Greenish yellow citrus fruit 9. Bye 17. Fling 11. However 18. Cover of a container 14. Tribal 19. Encountered 16. Mop 17. Sane 19. Rude 20. Nags 22. Apt

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instrument of double-reed mouthpiece 4. To refuse to admit 5. Wrath 6. Device usually of steel attached to a vessel and dropped overboard to restrict to restrict vessels movement 7. To permit 12. A papal envoy

Each number in our Codeword grid represents a dierent letter of the alphabet. For example, today 24 represents C so ll in C every time the gure 24 appears. You have two letters in the control grid to start you o. Enter them in the appropriate squares in the main grid, then use your knowledge of words to work out which letters should go in the missing squares. As you get the letters, ll in other squares with the same number in the main grid and control grid. Check o the list of alphabetical letters as you identify them.

ACROSS 1 Head of department drops alternative claim (7) 5 Bags to carry new light bites (6) 9 Amphibian, male, Rex found in the gloom (8) 11 Ethical drug gives condence (6) 12 Rejection for ex-GI band (4) 13 The abstract art I state to be spectacular (10) 14 Agents damage mended and dramatically arranged (5-7) 17 Hardy product maybe that could be shelved (8,4) 21 Gloomy writer to make cuts (4-6) 22 Bridge partners holding ace and ve, producing movement by Queen, perhaps? (4) 23 A pungent bulb, left out, can generate fungus (6) 24 Solitary slapdash cavalier (8) 25 Farm machine mysteriously departed after father retired (6) 26 Wandering tale of donkeys years being unconventional with Karen dropping out (7) DOWN 2 Course taken about permit needed for gambling game (8) 3 Sheet of oil shimmering (5) 4 Rock band (7) 6 Means of identication guard turned up (4,3)


5 Taproom 7 Ashes 9 Fiance 10 In The Way 11 Admonitory 13 Iago 14 Uncomfortable 16 Face 17 Call Centre 19 Criteria 20 Odds On 22 Drake 23 Sleight

7 A crowd meandering about gain access to a moving view (3,6) 8 Ottoman leader will get no end of fruit (6) 10 Environmentally friendly shopkeeper? (11) 15 Odder, long hybrid plant (9) 16 High level ground rent (8) 18 Unnished tea includes clear liquid syrup (7) 19 Newsman following race broadcast (7)

20 Escape journey made by air (6) 22 Cut up about the European country (5)

1 Spun 2 Solecism 3 Pantry 4 Wheelie Bin 5 Triad 6 Maid Of Orleans 8 Spangle 12 Orchestras 14 Unaired 15 Tick Over 17 Carter 18 Roost 21 Digs


DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012


6:00 The Easy Breakfast with Munene 10:00 Make an Easy connection and more with Sheila Mwanyigha 2:00 Easy DJ Mix 3:00 Join Angela Angwenyi & Edward Kwach as they discuss real life issues in love, money and music 8:00 The Homerun.


5:00am: Password Repeat 6:00am:NTV This Morning 8:30am: Backstage 9:00am: La Tormenta 10:00am: Hidden Passion 11:15am: The Young & The Restless 12:00pm: Rhythm City 12:30pm: Scandal 1:00pm: NTV at 1 1:30pm: PM Live Interview 2:00p.m: Beauty Queen 3:00p.m: Password 4:00p.m: NTV at 4 4:15pm: Password Reloaded 5:00pm: The Beat 6:00pm: Dont Mess with an angel 7:00pm:Jarida La Jimbo 7:30pm: Raiyaa 8:00pm: Irrational Heart 9:00pm: County Edition 10:00pm #The Trend 11:15pm Focus on Africa 11:40pm: Movie: Transformers 01:30am: TCM

RAIYAA- 7:30pm

The name RAIYAA is derived from the word RAIA (Swahili) meaning a citizen. It is a comical/current aairs show, with two presenters and targeting the Kenyan youth aged 17-35.The show seeks to instill those lost values by challenging, correcting and highlighting aws in our society. TODAYS HIGHLIGHT IRRATIONAL HEART 8:00PM MOVIE: TRANSFORMERS 11:40PM

5:00 Changamka na Rashid Abdalla, Mama Wambui & Aggy Owande 10.00 Kazi Burudani with Lynda Oriaso 1.00 Maafte with Kajairo The Reggae Show with Kajairo! 4:00 Drive na Massawe na Awinja 8:00 Tuliza with Ronclie Odit and Elvina Omalla
8:00 Toleo La Jioni 9:00 WWE Smackdown 10:00 First Lady 11:00 Dira ya Dunia 11:30 Gozomo 01:30 Mahewa 02:00 Sakata Rumba

6:00 Sifa 6:30 Toleo la Asubuhi 6:45 Uongofu 7:00 Tumsifu 8:00 Kiduku 9:00 Gods in Love 11:00 Wasaa Wa


K.I.E. 12:00 Toleo La Mchana 12:45 WWE:RAW 1:30 Papa Ajasco 2:00 Vipasho 2:05 Super story 2:30 Longa Longa Time

3:45 Gospel Medallion 4:00 Vipasho 4:05 Mahewa 4:35 Sakata Rumba 5:00 Vipasho 5:05 Gozomo 6:00 Black Cobra 7:00 El Cartel

5:30 3 ABN Aerobics 6:00 Breakfast Show 9:00 Afrosinema 11.00 News Updates 11:05 Afrosinema 1:00 Live at 1 1:30 Afrosinema 4:00 Citizen Alasiri 4:15 Trace Music 5:00 News Updates 5:05 Mseto East Africa 6:00 Gabriella 7:00 Citizen Nipashe 7:30 Makutano 8:00 Eva Luna 9:00 Citizen News 10:00 Pasion Morena 10:45 Action Time3:00 Al Jazeera TV


6:30 Sunrise Live 9:00 Mid Morning Show 9:30 Nollywood 12:00 Kata Rumba 1:00 Lunch Time News 1:25 Planet Earth 2: 00 Financial Markets 2:30 Movie 4:00 Highlights 4:05 Sonny with a chance 4:30 Straight up 6:58 KTN Leo 8:05 Coconuts 8:30 Lies that bind 9:00 KTN Prime News 10:05 LoL 11:00 Late Night News 11:30 Movie


5.00 BBC World News 6.00 Damka 8.00 Good Morning Kenya 9.00 PCO Press Brieng 9.30 Pasua 10.00 House of Payne 10.30 Weird and Dangerous 11.30 Club 1 1.00 Lunchtime News 1.30 Business Dened 2.00 Daytime Movie 3.30 Ukumb wa Kiislamu 4.00 Mukhtasari wa Habari 4.10 Club One 6.00 Documentary 6.30 Santec 7.00 Taarifa 7.30 Vitimbi 8.00 Alma Indomable


9.00 KBC Channel 1 News 9.45 Friday Night Movie 12.00 Club 1 12.30 BBC World News

07:00 V For Vendetta 09: 00 Thor 11:00 Gun 01:00 Bravo Two Zero 03:00 Best Friends 05:00 The Clearing 06:00 Insidious 09:00 Hellboy 11:00 Catwoman 01:00 Combat 03:00 Age Of Heroes 05:00 We Own The Night


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AQUARIUS | JAN 21 - FEB 19 Family and nancial matters are uppermost today and you will benet form a cautious approach. Even though the stars are encouraging you to push the boat out, there is no reason for you to be tempted into jumping overboard. PISCES | FEB 20 - MAR 20 There could be a good deal of frustration in connection with people with whom you live, whether family or loved ones. Property matters could get themselves into a tangle, too. ARIES | MAR 21 - APR 20 You may feel that family pressures are hampering your ability to be a free agent, but some restraints are necessary if you are to appease the people who matter the most. TAURUS | APR 21 - MAY 20 You may be very well be attracted to intellectual pastimes rather than physical ones. Studying, gathering information, mental games such as chess, will hold a strong appeal.

To receive NATIONmobile horoscopes on your mobile, SMS the Star you want, eg LEO to 6667 at 10/- above normal rates.
GEMINI | MAY 21 - JUNE 21 You know there are many jobs waiting around for your attention, but you have your eyes pinned more rmly on what you can spend. Luckily loved ones are on hand to boost your spirits. CANCER | JUN 22 - JULY 22 You are normally too direct to be wildly irtatious. You tend to head straight for what you fancy rather than playing games. But you have one or two little secret notations, which you are keeping rmly to yourself at the moment. LEO | JULY 23 - AUG 22 You are rather weary as a result of domestic or family tensions, but you are nearly through this emotional spring cleaning. Once everything is turned around you can head for enjoyment. VIRGO | AUG 23 - SEP 23 This day looks promising for those of you in creative or artistic jobs, where a new beginning could be getting under way.Dont let jealousy stop you from having fun. .LIBRA | SEP 24 - OCT 23 One friendship is going through an intense patch but that is not necessarily a bad thing. Just dont get yourself tied up in knots.You need to keep everyone more at arms length. SCORPIO | OCT 24 - NOV 22 You will be using charm in order to get what you want both at work and in your personal life. So high are your spirits that other people will be clambering around you. SAGITTARIUS | NOV 23 - DEC 21 Condence, originally and plenty of determination are your strong points. Recently the stars may have been a bit of damper, with your condence dented. However, right now you are heading for a more challenging time. CAPRICORN | DEC 22 - JAN 20 Do get a grip on any loose ends concerning money matters. You have come to some major decisions recently about cutting away from situations that were not protable, emotionally or nancially.



DAILY NATION Friday November 16, 2012

Title: CATHERINE NDEREBA: The Marathon Queen Author: Nganga Mbugua Publisher: Longhorn Publishers




Fill in all the squares in the grid so that each row, column and each of the four 2x2 squares contain the symbols , , ,

) The symbols , , , should appear only once in each row and in each column.
) Each symbol , , , should appear only once within each 2x2 square

She was to add yet another feather to her cap when she was voted the Sportswoman of the Year during the Eve Woman of the Year Awards ceremony organised by Eve Magazine. Unlike the prophets of old, who were only respected outside their hometowns, Catherine had joined the ranks of national heroes who were recognised at home. Today, if you visit the Athletics Kenya Museum in Nairobi, you will nd many pictures of top runners who have made Kenya proud since Kipchoge Keinos Olympic gold medal during the 1968 Mexico games. But there are only two life-size bronze sculp-

tures of outstanding athletes. One is of Keino himself. The other is a statue of Catherine Nyambura Ndereba. There is also a life size cut-out picture of Paul Tergat, who was for many years the world cross country champion and marathon world record holder. Catherine also donated to the museum a red pair of shoes that she had used to win the 3,000 metres races in her early years and a white pair of canvas shoes which she used to win the Boston Marathon in later years. The shoes are size threeand-a-half. They are proof that a person can become a world champion no matter the size of her feet.


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