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Lesson Observation Summary Form

Trainees Name: Rob Parker Date & time: 04 February 2013 Lesson Theme: Research and Publisher Observer: D Wells

A Member of the London Providers' Partnership

This form is for use as a summary of key features from the Lesson Observation commentary form and may contribute to the Trainee's evidence base when claiming success in achieving the QTS standards. From a single observation it may not be possible to comment in all sections. School: Morpeth Class: 7E Subject: ICT

Teachers Standards - what evidence has the observation provided of the Trainees progress against the Standards? TS1: high expectations TS2: promotion of progression TS3: subject knowledge TS4: planning and teaching well-structured lessons TS5: response to pupils strengths and needs TS6: use of assessment TS7: classroom management TS8: wider professional responsibilities Strengths/Further comments

- excellent planning and engagement with this process and seeing it as integral to
successful learning (TS4). Lesson has been well prepared and is well structured overall with some creativity coming through in approaches being taken at times. - looking to include appropriate strategy eg. Group work, peer review etc. and vary the learning approach where you can - still work to be done but pleased you are looking to do. - a very reflective and critical practitioner (TS4) - instructional clarity is good. Setting up activity well (for the starter) (TS4). - feels a very well organised and managed lesson (TS4) overall but......there is work to be done in places re the pedagogy choice perhaps. - liked the starter activity and the interaction it created in the groups - worked well. - good movement between groups and pupils as they progress their activity. - very solid identity and presence being seen. Recognising and dealing with issues as they arise. Behaviour management is solid and being applied with consistency (TS7). Routine very clear. Praise use clear. Rapport and relationship appears strong. Voice use is strong. Pupils responding to you well. - good use at using screens as a behavioural tool eg. screens off (TS7) - you are encouraging participation and contribution from your pupils (TS1) but there is more you can do to maximise this in appropriate episodes of your lesson. - good timing overall and reminding of time left (perhaps support with time countdown on IWB?). - spotting literacy issues well. - pupils are motivated and engaged in their activities. They are enthusiastic about their learning today (TS1) - some evidence of access resources being created and added to shared area for pupils to use (TS5). Had hard copies too. May have been useful to have a 'layout template' created for the poster for those who are struggling in terms of design? - like the fact that you are looking to come back to the LOs and try and gauge progress against them (TS2 in part) - liked the use of RAG cards to help support AFL (TS6) but question on the back of them to get the impact and progress clear.

Standard 1-8 ( for mentor or tutor use)

London Providers 2012

Targets/Areas for development

- starter feedback a bit time consuming - think groups pairing up and checking and
organising the feedback slightly more effectively perhaps as not sure the way it was done was needed in impact on progress??? Need to keep more active and less passive here. - transitions to support progress (TS2) eg. The starter was just 'cut off' - think flow and linking of episodes together and providing this for pupils. Did come back to later a little - fine. - maybe set the scene and paint the wider picture with more clarity at the start eg. Looking for celebrity key facts - why? Did this a little in the LO discussion but more could be offered. - work on your questioning to draw answers out of pupils more effectively (TS6). Look to avoid hands up to answer where can and be more targeted. Think focused questions. Also in terms of AFL to gauge progress look to do more than question one vaguely and then ask for others to put hands up to say they have evidenced or not. Get those questions out eg. why is your poster suitable for purpose? What have you included for you audience? Why? - think about the gathering of the key facts episode - was it needed on the back of the starter? If it is get all contributing where can (TS2,6) and think of how to make this happen effectively - could they all have contributed using some online software? - too much you leading and pupils too passive - 11.15 to 11.32 for example. Look to let go. A lot of what you did in this 17 minutes was repetitive and not really needed. Up the pace to progress (TS2) and get pupils more active in their research quickly. Same can be said about the demo of saving images and evaluating posters and introducing Publisher (11.44-11.58) - think pedagogy that will have clear impact on learning for all rather than you leading it and arguably glossing over it too much for the learning impact on progress to be clear. Be clear about the parts that need more depth to learning input eg. The evaluation of existing posters needed more perhaps to help ensure their posters may be more closely designed for their audience etc. - could you have thought about something other than a poster perhaps (TS3) eg. An app interface designed using graphics software about their celebrity? A touchscreen interface for finding out facts about their celebrity using hyperlinks? An interactive celebrity article for OK online magazine? - like the AFL input through peer review (TS6) but.....formalise this - success criteria? SOAP understanding? Research understanding? LO progress? Make more of it for the impact to be clear and effective. Any feedback from this? Any questioning of evaluations and what pupils have said about their partners work? Just seemed to be do it and get on. Same applies to the AFL RAG card use - maximise the impact of a good idea (TS6).

Standard 1-8 ( for mentor or tutor use)

Overall targets: active pedagogy for pupil learning and less teaching leading - need
to look to firm up the very appropriate episodes planned for to maximise their impact on progress and learning.
Use for grades if there is sufficient evidence: TS1 TS5



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Special focus (complete if applicable): Making required progress Observers Signature: Not making required progress

Date: 04 February 2013

London Providers 2012

Trainees Signature:


London Providers 2012

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