DSUMC Weekly E-News

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Page 1 Desert Spring UMC E-Newsletter

120 N. Pavilion Center Drive Sunday Worship August 31, 2015

Las Vegas, NV 89144 8:00 am desertspringumc@gmail.com
702.256.5933 Fax 702.256.0085 9:30 am www.desertspringchurch.com
11:00 am
A Stephen Ministry Congregation Wednesday 6:15 pm
Our Vision: “Offering the love of Jesus Christ in service to others”
In order to live into this vision, our mission is clear.
Our Mission: “To help every person find and fulfill God’s purpose for living”

Regular Wednesday evening programing ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL RESUMES

resumes this Wednesday, September 2nd. SEPTEMBER 13
11:00am – 12:00am, Room 9
 Homework Hall at 2:30pm Adult Sunday School meets from 11am – 12pm in
 Kids Prayer Connection at 4:30pm room 9. We will be studying “Invitation to the Old
Testament”, an 8 session study. Explore the Old Tes-
 Potluck Dinner at 5:30pm tament story of God & God’s calling of the people of
 Worship service at 6:15pm Israel through the many “voices” of the biblical text.
Hear the magnificence of a Creation hymn, discover
 Pastor's Bible Study at 7:00pm the law and wisdom teachings, listen to the warning of
 Youth Tank at 7:00pm the prophets and explore the poetry of the Song of


Sunday, September 20 Sunday, September 13,
2:30pm – 4:30pm , Room 9 12:30pm – 4:30pm, Room 9
United Methodists are people of grace. If Led by Pastor David Devereaux
you are new to Methodism or would like to
know more about United Methodist practices If you would like more information about how to be-
and beliefs, please come to the Methodism come a member of Desert Spring, please attend the
101 Workshop. A light lunch will be provid- New Member Workshop. A light lunch will be provid-
ed at 12:00pm in Room 9. Childcare is provided upon pre- ed at 12:00pm in Room 9. Childcare is provided upon
arrangement. Please contact the church office - prearrangement. Please join us!

SPIRIT SUNDAY First Sunday of the Month

Consultation and Blood Pressure Readings
September 6
BETWEEN WORSHIP  After each church service
SERVICES  In the Sanctuary Narthex
On Sunday, September 13, the Spir-  Desert Spring Health Ministry team
it Sunday Ministry Fair will take place between worship
services. This is a great opportunity for you to learn of all
the ministries Desert Spring offers in “developing deeply Communion available for anyone who
committed followers of Jesus Christ” and maybe even is unable to attend services.
find a ministry where God is calling you to serve. A no
cost lunch will be served. Contact the church office at 256-5933.
Page 2 Desert Spring UMC E-Newsletter

All women of Desert Spring are a part of UMW. It is not DEBORAH CIRCLE MEETING
necessary to join a circle (but that would be great)! WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9
UMW emphasis is on missions. Missions are the human
objectives by which we respond to God’s love for us. 9:30am, Downs Hall

We want to brighten Deborah Circle is excited to start our new

as many lives as we can ! season on Wednesday, September 9 at 9:30
am in Down’s Hall at the church. All
women are welcome to attend. We will plan our new
Individual Circles times are listed on page 6. season and discuss chapter 5 of the book: “Strong Was
Her Faith”, Women of the New Testament. Don’t wor-
BOOK CLUB NEWS AND SELECTION ry if you do not have the book, we can order you one
CHILD OF MINE and you can still be part of the discussion. Please con-
MEETING: SEPTEMBER 10 tact our leader, Marianne Case at 702-255-9659 or 702-
11:30am 682-9506 for more information.
The DSUMC Book Club selection for
our September 10th meeting is CHILD OF
MINE, by David and
Flight Instructor, Jack Livingston, NEEDS YOUR HELP!
has been raising his 8-yr.-old niece, Natalie, since the ac- After Memorial/Funeral services we
cident that took her parents' lives. Her Amish nanny, normally have a reception where
Laura, loves the little girl as her own. All seems well, folks can gather and visit with the
until the knock on Jack's door brings Kelly, who was ask- family of the deceased. A light
ing questions about Natalie. Who is she? luncheon or simple refreshments are provided. We need
Our book-lovers meet on the 2nd Thursday of each additional coordinators for this ministry. Training is
month, at 11:30a.m.. We bring our lunch, discuss our available. If you feel a tug on your heart to help out in
book and learn from each other, too! Join us this manner please call Linda Chapin.
on September 10th and feel free to bring a friend.
Irene Johnson 702-658-4275
Page 3 Desert Spring UMC E-Newsletter


Becoming Disciples through Bible Study is a program of For graduates of the Disciple I Class
disciplined Bible study, which covers the entire Bible over The Disciple II Class will be held on a weekday after-
the course of 34 weeks. The Bible is the text for the pro- noon. The date and time are still to be determined.
gram and three to four hours of Bible reading and reflec- Please note that completion of Disciple I is required for
tion is required each week. A study manual is used to guide attendance. Please e-mail the church office at
the Bible reading and preparation for the weekly two-hour desertspringumc@gmail.com to sign up.
group sessions. During these sessions, a video presented by
a Bible scholar as well as the group discussions will aid in
the understanding of the week's reading. Class date and
time to be determined. Please contact the church office by A FINANCIAL PEACE OPPORTUNITY
desertspringumc@gmail.com 7:00pm, Downs Hall
A FREE session featuring Dave Ramsey’s Dumping
Debt lesson will be held in Downs Hall on Thursday,
WE'RE BACK. !!! September 10 at 7:00 PM. Please come and check it out!
CHICK FLICKS IS BACK!! This is Dave Ramsey's most notable session, a 70 mi-
MOVIE: BRIDE WARS nute, Dumping Debt video and I encourage you to attend
and consider inviting a guest. Viewing this Preview ses-
September 25th (Friday) sion will give you an idea what FPU is about and how it
5:30pm -- Gathering can help you.
6:00pm -- Dinner
I will set up the room for the FPU video and I want to
Connie McGuire's Home make sure that I have sufficient tables and chairs set up
11020 Summer Quail Ave to accommodate all those who attend, so please let me
Las Vegas. 89144 know that you plan to attend. I also will provide a Work-
702-326-0862 (cell) book copy of the Dumping Debt lesson to each couple/
individual guest, so I need to know the number families
including those you have invited for this special presen-
On Sunday, August 30, God If you want to learn more about Dave Ramsey and FPU,
sent 21 first time visitors to you can explore the website at: http://
Desert Spring Church. To all Please be sure to contact me if you plan to attend this
our guests- thank you for Preview session on September 10.
God’s blessings,
worshiping with us! Herb Steege, 702-243-9213, hsteege@juno.com


The 11:00 service is in need of at least 2 persons who can
assist in setting up the stage area between the end of 9:30 This person should have experi-
service (10:30) and the beginning of the 11:00.service ence running a sound board,
This would include moving some furniture on the stage preferably experience in mixing band. If you can devote
as well as setting up the drum kit and other instruments. time to this, please contact Shaun Hughes:
Please contact Shaun Hughes: shaunmhughes@yahoo.com
Page 4 Desert Spring UMC E-Newsletter

Desert Spring Youth Ministries JOYFUL NOISE

Youth 6th-12th grade ELEMENTARY KIDS CHOIR
Every Sunday 5:00-7:00pm, unless otherwise noted SUNDAYS, 9:00am
Wednesday night “Games on the Grass” DOWNS HALL
after Worship, 7:00-7:30pm
Come Join Us! Sundays at 9am in Downs Hall,
beginning September 6. 30 minutes of fun, games &
learning to spread the word of Jesus Christ through
Youth ARTS team meets every Wednesday All Elementary Ages are Welcome!
from 7:30pm - 8:00pm
Everyone Welcome and Bring Your Friends
The Stars of Youth Group! SCHOOL SUPPLIES NEEDED
SEPTEMBER 2015 Church Family: While classroom supplies are at low
SUNDAYS prices would you prayerfully consider supporting the
Sunday School Classrooms with much needed sup-
6th SPIRIT SUNDAY Wellness plies? We need: kid size scissors, liquid glue, washa-
LEADERSHIP TEAM INTERVIEWS by appointment ble markers, masking tape, transparent tape, staples/
only staplers, Expo dry erase markers, construction paper
Julie to preach in all three services 11x17 size and bulletin board butcher paper. Simply
13th SOCIAL Parent/Youth Informational Potluck leave items in the little red wagon just near the cookie
20th SKILL Heaven’s Kitchen table in the sanctuary lobby, or in classroom 7 of the
27th SERVICE Big Band Concert/youth assist East courtyard. Thank you tremendously for your lov-
@ 2pm (*NOTE TIME CHANGE*) ing stewardship to supply the children's classrooms.

Other Dates:
Thursday, 9/10 Las Vegas Rescue Mission 4pm - 7pm AND TUTORS NEEDED
Saturday, 9/12 DCYM Meeting (for representatives) Homework Hall takes place on Wednesdays from
9am - 4pm 2:30pm – 5:30pm. Homework Hall is for children and
DCYM Back to School Dance @ Green Valley youth. We will restart in September if we have
6pm - 9pm enough volunteers.
Friday, 9/18 NEWS BOYS - must purchase tickets by 8/30
Saturday, 9/19 CCYM Meeting in Phoenix (for repre-
SAVE THE DATE: Parent/Youth Annual Informational
Assistants needed for the
meeting: Sunday, September 13th, 5 - 7pm 11am Sunday School

Julie Schreiber, Youth Director at Contact Rhonda Reeves,

desertspringyouth@gmail.com dsumcsundayschool@gmail.com
Page 5 Desert Spring UMC E-Newsletter

For regularly scheduled worship, staff, rehearsal and community meetings etc.,
see our master calendar: http://desertspringchurch.com/#/calendar

Monday, August 31:

Tuesday, September 1:
6:00pm - Missions Team—CR
6:30pm - Adult Bells - S
7:00pm - Prayer Team - Prayer Room
7:00pm - Finance - R5

Wednesday, September 2:
2:30pm – 5:30pm - Homework Hall - DH
4:30pm – 5:30pm - Kids Prayer Connection – Coffee Lounge
5:30pm – 6:15pm - Potluck Dinner - DH
6:15pm - Wednesday Evening Worship - Mp
7:00pm - Pastor’s Bible Study - DH
7:00pm - Chancel Choir Rehearsal - Sanctuary
7:00pm - Middle School TANK - R6
7:00pm - High School TANK - R8
7:30pm - Youth Arts Team - Mp

Thursday, September 3:
8:30am - Pew and Pad Team - Sanctuary
9:00am - Bulletin Folding - CR
10:00am - Pastor’s Bible Study - DH
6:30pm – 8:30pm - Ministry Fair Trifold Board Help – DH
7:00pm - Shawl Ministry - CR

Friday, September 4:

Saturday, September 5:

Sunday, September 6:
Blood Pressure Checks between worship services - Sanctuary Lobby
8:00am, 9:30am, 11:00am - Church Services and Children’s Church
9:00am – 9:30am - Joyful Noise Elementary Kids Choir - DH
9:00am – 9:30am - Chancel Choir Rehearsal – MP
9:30am - Sunday School - For all ages - R1,2,3,5,6,8,9
11:00am - Young Parents Foundations Class - R5
12:30pm – 2:00pm - UMW Board Meeting – R9
3:00pm – 5:00pm - Youth Meetings – DH
3:30pm – 5:30pm - Grief Support – Coffee Lounge of Sanctuary
5:00pm – 7:00pm - Youth Group
Page 6 Desert Spring UMC E-Newsletter


Meets Wednesday evening at 7:00pm RESUMING IN SEPTEMBER
and Thursday morning at 10:00am Small Group meeting weekly on
in Downs Hall Tuesdays 10:00am, Room 9
Group study and discussion for spiritual
FOUNDATIONS CLASS growth. All women are invited to attend.
SUNDAYS, 11:00am, Room 5 Contact: Sharon Scobie, 702-656-7480, for
additional information.
We would love to have you join us! Our
class is made up of parents with younger
children. Our discussions vary but always tie UMW CIRCLE MEETING TIMES
back to our common stage of life....raising ALL WOMEN ARE WELCOME
kids, developing our careers and growing
our relationship with Christ. Contact Melissa Witt for
more information at 901-268-9608 or
the 2nd Saturday - 9:30 am in Room 9. It is a prayer
melissatatewitt@gmail.com and crafting circle.
Anne McKee, annemckee@cox.net or
Ann Alton-Riley, aenalton@msn.com

ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS RUTH CIRCLE - Once a month on the 2nd Sunday -
11:00am - 12:00pm, Downs Hall Alma Crenshaw, 702.233.6769 and Jan Long
Mike Sauer, Leader 702.256.2594

RESUMING, SEPTEMBER 14 DEBORAH CIRCLE - Once a month on the 2nd

Wednesday - 9:30am, Off Campus - Marianne Case,

SERENDIPITY CIRCLE - Once a month, on the

SUPPORT GROUPS MEET MONTHLY 4th Thursday - 10:00am, Off Campus
1st Sunday - Grief Support - 3:00pm - Church Coffee Sharon Scobie, 702-656-7480
2nd Sunday - Cancer Support - 3:30pm - DH
3rd Sunday - Caregiver Encouragement - 3:00pm - DH Prayer for our Churches - North District
It is important to know that other churches
are praying with and for each other.
SERMONS AVAILABLE ON THE WEBSITE Please pray for the pastors or leaders, the
Dear DSUMC Family, did you know if you go to: congregations and the communities.
you can download sermons directly to your computer?  Campus Ministry, UNLV, Las Vegas
Or send this link to friends? Or just listen yourself! (Pastor Susan Holden)
Check out your Church Website,  Korean Campus Ministry, UNLV
www.desertspringchurch.com (Pastor Daniel Choi)
RESOURCES AND MEDIA  Campus Ministry, Northern Arizona U, Flagstaff,
then BROWSE SERMONS. AZ (Rev. Kathleen Day)
You will see a listing of the sermons.
Page 7 Desert Spring UMC E-Newsletter


Ministers provide confidential, Adult Chancel Choir has a spot for you.
one-to-one Christ-centered Welcoming all voice parts, especially bass-
emotional and spiritual sup- es and tenors. Come sing for the summer,
port to anyone who is griev- or forever– we need you –High School
ing, suffering a serious or life- students are always welcome, too. You
can choose to sing on Sunday at the
Christian caregiving threatening illness or experi-
encing a life-altering transi- 8:00am service, 9:30am service or both,
tion, challenge or crisis. For more information about for double your fun!
receiving Stephen Ministry care, please contact Regular rehearsals: Wednesdays imme-
Pastor Dave Devereaux. diately following the evening service from 7:00 to 8:40
pm. CHILDCARE PROVIDED Carolyn Wood 702-604-
5190; torch451@embarqmail.com
If you would like a convenient way to make regular
The Altar Flowers Are
offerings or a special gift, we encourage you to
check out our electronic giving options.
As the pace of life speeds up, you may find electronic ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
giving a most welcome way to make contributions. If you would like to give flowers
Visit our website www.desertspringchurch.com or for the altar in honor of a special
contact the church office for more information.
person or occasion please sign-up on
the bulletin board in the Church Lobby.
Did you know that there are approximately PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY
250 families that are contacted by email to THURSDAYS
address prayer concerns and celebrations? 7:00pm Conference Room
If you would like to become a part of this
important ministry please email Linda Chapin at There is a great need for prayer
lindachapin@me.com and you will begin receiving re- shawls. Come be a part in this on-going ministry. No
quests. It is a wonderful way to support your church experience required. We’ll teach you how to knit.
The larger sanctuary requires more helpers every
Sunday morning. For more information or to join one
HOLY COMMUNION SERVED or more of these groups, contact:
TO THOSE HOME BOUND Greeters: Kathy Spivey; 702-279-4492;
Are you unable to attend worship on a satplanet@aol.com
regular basis and receive Holy Commun- Refreshment Servers: William Crenshaw;
ion? Are you temporarily incapacitated and missed 702– 233-6769
Holy Communion this past week? Ushers: Roger Jones; 702-247-6838;
We have an active list of those who desire a visit bgrajones@cox.net
and receive Holy Communion on a monthly basis. If Acolytes: Sally Rogers; Phone 702-228-4516;
you are homebound or know of someone who is, candsrogers@yahoo.com
please let Joy Morse know by e-mailing her at Communion Servers: Karen Vassallo; Phone 702-
joymorse@cox.net or calling her at 702-776-7210. We 256-0426; poohgalktv@gmail.com
care about you and want to reach out to your needs. Choir: Carolyn Wood; 702-604-5190;
Page 8 Desert Spring UMC E-Newsletter

The deadline for church bulletin articles is by Check out our Website
12:00pm on the Tuesday before the published www.desertspringchurch.com
Sunday. Please submit bulletin articles copy Would you like your ministry on this site??
ready with clipart (if any). If you also want it Email your information to the office
in the E-news be sure to send it to both e-mail desertspringumc@gmail.com with pictures!!
addresses: desertspringumc@gmail.com &
Instant blog connections:
Ministry & Volunteer’s Blog
DEADLINE FOR E-NEWS ARTICLES Professional Directory Blog
Send “copy-ready” (or almost) as an attachment to
Jean Akers with a copy to the church office. Also, if
there isn’t a date associated with the article, please state
UMC.org , helps visitors find every-
when you no longer need the information published.
Make the subject line be “E-News” and start the thing they need to know about what it
filename with “E-news”. Include a contact number and means to be United Methodist.
e-mail address with the article. http://www.umc.org.
Send to: jmakers67@gmail.com
DSUMC CHURCH DIRECTORY To view the directory please follow the link below.
A current church directory is available http://dsumcprofessionaldirectory.blogspot.com/
online? http://
us/our-members , DSUMC Church Library
password – graceforall120 — to download a current www.desertspringchurch.com
There is an APP for the Desert Spring
church directory! If you need a hard copy, please con- Library. It is a free download and can be found by
tact the church office. searching in the iTunes store for Library World.
To stay connected with what’s happening Desert Spring Library. There is no password
across the The Desert Southwest necessary. You can search by title, subject or author.
Conference, please visit and subscribe to the You can also search the church library on your com-
Desert Connection website at puter by going to the website :
http://www.desertconnection.org. http://opac.libraryworld.com/opac.
A copy of The Desert Connection is on the Julie Doyle, doylej@mac.com
church bulletin board.
North District Newsletter—North Star SERMON CD RECORDINGS
DSUMC CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Please e-mail the office with the dates of the
Mon - Thurs - 8:30am to 4:30pm Sermons you would like recorded
(desertspringumc@gmail.com). Be sure to request MP3
Fri - 8:30am to 12:30pm
or WAVE. These are free of charge. CDs will be availa-
The office is closed on the following days: ble approximately one week after the request is submit-
ted. You may pick up Sermon request forms and the
New Year's Day Wed before Thanksgiving finished CDs on the very back shelf in the church office.
MLK Jr. Birthday - 1/2 Day, Closed at 12pm Remember that you may also download sermons di-
Presidents' Day Thanksgiving Day rectly to your computer to listen to yourself or send this
Day after Easter Sunday Day after Thanksgiving link to friends.
Memorial Day Christmas Day http://desertspringchurch.com/media.php?pageID=57
Independence Day Day after Christmas
Labor Day Or www.desertspringchurch.com

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