DL, 3/4 To 6/1/13 IN The NEWS by VK (+ Biblical Inspiration & Words of Encouragement)

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6/7/13 SAY NO TO AB154 & AB980; PROTECT UNBORN LIFE,*read more at http://capwiz.com/cacatholic/issues/alert/?alertid=62672731 "...With implementation of the federal Affordable Care Act, many more primary care clinics will be needed. Seeing this as another opportunity to expand abortion services, Planned Parenthood, the sponsor of AB 154, is also sponsoring AB 980, which would reclassify abortion clinics as primary care clinics thereby relieving them of standard building requirements for medical clinics. Their rationale: "The risk of infection from taking a pill for a cold is no different from taking one to induce an abortion. Similarly, there is no difference in the possibility of infection between an aspiration abortion and other procedures that are regularly done in primary care clinics. Urge your Assembly Member to vote NO on AB 154 and AB 980..." http://capwiz.com/cacatholic/issues/alert/?alertid=62672731 "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God."1 Corinthians 1:18 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document (Adoption!), *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2jbJU 6/6/13 OBAMA BIRTH CERTIFICATE PRESENTATION BY SHERIFF JOE's POSSE STUNS the AUDIENCE,*read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/06/obama-birth-certificate-doubts-head-to-capitol/ "Audible gasps, shock, outrage and support for a congressional investigation were the responses by law-enforcement officers, elected officials and attorneys to a presentation by Sheriff Joe Arpaios Cold Case Posse of evidence that Barack Obamas birth certificate is fraudulent. Arpaios lead investigator, Mike Zullo, made a public presentation Saturday at the annual convention of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association in St. Charles, Mo., then ..." http://www.wnd.com/2013/06/obama-birth-certificate-doubts-head-to-capitol/ "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God."1 Corinthians 1:18 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document (Adoption!), *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother 6/6/13 RIP,JOEY COVINGTON,67, JEFFERSON AIRPLANE DRUMMER,*read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/06/jefferson-airplane-drummer-dies-at-67/

"Joey Covington who played drums for the psychedelic 1960s band Jefferson Airplane was killed in Palm Springs Tuesday in a deadly car accident. He was 67...." http://www.wnd.com/2013/06/jefferson-airplane-drummer-dies-at-67/ "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God."1 Corinthians 1:18 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2jdrV 6/6/13 REMEMBERING ROBERT KENNEDY ON 45th ANNIVERSARY of AMBASSADOR HOTEL SHOOTING (I was in the Ambassador Hotel,or what's left of it, after it was converted into a LAUSD school. They left a few parts of the old structure intact & have some momentos of the old Ambassador & its history around the campus)*read more at http://m.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/45-years-after-death-recalling-robert-kennedys-funeraltrain/2013/06/06/5b058d60-ca03-11e2-9f1a-1a7cdee20287_story.html?wprss=rss_homepage "...It was just before midnight at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, and Kennedy, having won both, stood in front of his supporters. He was jovial at first but became more insistent as he talked about ending the countrys divisions, whether its between blacks and whites, between the poor and the more affluent, or between age groups, or over the war in Vietnam ... http://m.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/45-years-after-death-recalling-robert-kennedys-funeraltrain/2013/06/06/5b058d60-ca03-11e2-9f1a-1a7cdee20287_story.html?wprss=rss_homepage "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God."1 Corinthians 1:18 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2jdd8 6/6/13 NEW DODGER YASIEL PUIG DAZZLES FANS w/ GRANDSLAM in his 4th GAME,to ADD TO INCREDIBLE 1st 2 GAMES! *read more at http://msn.foxsports.com/mlb/story/los-angeles-dodgers-beat-atlanta-braves-rookie-yasiel-puig-hits-firstgrand-slam-of-his-career-060613 "Yasiel Puig topped himself yet again, electrifying the Dodger Stadium crowd with another big moment in a week already full of them for the rookie newly arrived to the major leagues. Puig hit his first career grand slam, Zack Greinke pitched four-hit ball over seven innings, and Los Angeles defeated Atlanta 5-0 ..." http://msn.foxsports.com/mlb/story/los-angeles-dodgers-beat-atlanta-braves-rookie-yasiel-puig-hits-firstgrand-slam-of-his-career-060613 "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing,

but to us who are being saved it is the power of God."1 Corinthians 1:18 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2jd56 6/6/13 "PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS" RADIO SHOW HOSTS COMMIT TANDEM SUICIDE,*read more at http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/06/06/self-help-new-york-radio-couple-commits-suicide-cops-say/? intcmp=trending "NEW YORK On a radio show they hosted called "The Pursuit of Happiness," John Littig and Lynne Rosen urged listeners to embrace spontaneity. "So much about life is about impulse," Littig said on a broadcast this year on an FM station in New York, WBAI. "It's about doing it right now." A shocking decision the couple made together appeared more methodical: Police say they killed themselves side by side as part of a suicide pact. Autopsies found that both Littig, 47, and Rosen, 45, died from asphyxiation after inhaling helium, ..." http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/06/06/self-help-new-york-radio-couple-commits-suicide-cops-say/? intcmp=trending "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God."1 Corinthians 1:18 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2jcVz 6/6/13 re OBAMA's QUALIFICATION of PHONE RECORDS,TRUE or HALF-TRUE?*read more at http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/06/06/NSA-ability-spy-American-conversations-PRISM "... Obama defenders quickly assured Americans that the request seizures did not extend to the content of conversations. A new Washington Post report on Thursday, however, suggests that the Obama administration has the ability to do exactly that....According to the Post , the National Security Agency and FBI are tapping directly into the central servers of nine leading US Internet companies, extracting audio, video, photographs, e-mails, documents and connection logs that enable analysts to track a persons movements and contacts over time. The program is codenamed PRISM, ..." http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/06/06/NSA-ability-spy-American-conversations-PRISM "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God."1 Corinthians 1:18

Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2jcOD

LinkOnlyYes! 6/6/13 NFL's MATT BIRK (Ravens) TAKES A STAND 4 LIFE BY TURNING DOWN INVITATION TO WHITE HOUSE,(way 2go Matt! Stand Strong!) *read more at http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/06/06/which-pro-life-nfl-player-snubbed-obama-because-of-majorpolicy-differences-on-abortion/ "Former Baltimore Ravens offensive lineman Matt Birk is a social conservative. His gay marriage views have already been widely shared and now it seems that his pro-life perspective is coming to light. While his fellow teammates recently went to the White House to accept congratulations from President Barack Obama, Birk decided not to attend. In an interview with 100.3 FM KFAN, he explained why he didnt accept the honor and his reasons had everything to do with the presidents stance on abortion. A strong Catholic, Birk has made no bones about sharing his faith-based views on some of the nations most divisive issues. In this case, he is merely following ..." http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/06/06/which-pro-life-nfl-player-snubbed-obama-because-of-majorpolicy-differences-on-abortion/ "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God."1 Corinthians 1:18 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2jcC0 6/5/13 IS IT FAIR TO BLAME AMANDA BYNES PARENTS 4 HER STATE OF PERPLEXION? (I don't know if its fair to blame parents, nor if you can fairly say she's had a "meltdown")*read more at http://opinion.foxnews.mobi/quickPage.html?page=34606&content=93716061&pageNum=-1 "The public meltdown of Amanda Bynes, who began her acting career at age 7, and whose television credits include playing herself on "The Amanda Show," may be one of the first authentic chapters in her life history. Stage parents often defend selling their kids out to the entertainment industry. They claim it comes from an early recognition of their children's true dreams and their respect for their ambitions...." http://opinion.foxnews.mobi/quickPage.html?page=34606&content=93716061&pageNum=-1 "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God."1 Corinthians 1:18 Posted by VK

*DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2jc2D 6/5/13 MEXICO DEFEATS JAMAICA,1-0,WORLD CUP QUALIFIER "...In the 48th minute, Carlos Salcido found space to cross on an overlapping run and lofted a ball into the center of the box for de Nigris. He found a space between Jamaica's two central defenders and nodded a simple finish into the roof of the net to give Mexico the only goal they'd need..." http://www.sbnation.com/soccer/2013/6/4/4397228/mexico-vs-jamaica-2013-final-score-result-world-cupqualifying 6/5/13 BECKY GERRITSON SPEAKS "AMERICAN" TO CONGRESS re IRS TARGETING! *read more at http://opinion.foxnews.mobi/quickPage.html?page=34606&external=2181170.proteus.fma "... Tuesday, Becky Gerritson, president of Wetumpka Tea Party in Alabama, testified before Congress about the IRS allegedly targeting her organization. The following excerpts are from her testimony: "[We] had no party affiliation ... It didn't matter ... the only notion expressed was that our representative government had failed us." "In Wetumpka, we are patriotic Americans; we peacefully assemble; we petition our government; we exercise our right to free speech. We don't understand why the government tried to stop us. I'm not here as a serf or a vassal. I'm not begging my lord for mercy. I'm a born-free American woman, wife, mother, and citizen, and I'm telling my government that you've forgotten your place." "I'm not interested in scoring political points. I want to preserve and protect the America that I grew up in. The America that people crossed oceans and risked their lives to become a part of, and I'm terrified it's slipping away. Thank you very much." http://opinion.foxnews.mobi/quickPage.html?page=34606&external=2181170.proteus.fma "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God."1 Corinthians 1:18 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2jbS6 6/5/13 FREEDOM POP OFFERS FREE SMARTPHONE SERVICE,(sounds like a good deal!)*read more at http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2419922,00.asp "... FreedomPop just announced plans for the first-ever completely free mobile service. That means free voice calls, free texts, and free data. That's right: Free. Of course, you don't get a ..." http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2419922,00.asp

"Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled himself and became obedient to death -- even death on a cross!"Philippians. 2:5-8 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2i8qv 6/5/13 re SOLAR PLANE SHOWCASE FLIGHT,see data at live.solarimpulse.com, *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130603-solar-plane-set-third-leg-us-flight "...The US itinerary allows for up to 10 days at each stop in order to showcase the plane's technology to the public. Another stop is planned in the US capital Washington before the trip concludes in New York in early July....A dashboard showing the live speed, direction, battery status, solar generator and engine power, along with cockpit cameras of both Piccard and his view from the plane, are online at live.solarimpulse.com ..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130603-solar-plane-set-third-leg-us-flight "Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled himself and became obedient to death -- even death on a cross!"Philippians. 2:5-8 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2i8iV 6/13 FANS ELATED re BAYERN MUNICH'S 1st TREBLE *read more at http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2334720/Bayern-Munich-enjoy-treble-parade-roundstreets.html "Thousands of Bayern Munich fans defied the rain Sunday to welcome their heroes home from securing the club's first treble.....Bayern defeated Stuttgart 3-2 to win the German Cup final in Berlin on Saturday, one week after Jupp Heynckes' side won the Champions League and some eight weeks after securing the Bundesliga title.... Bayern became the first German club to win the treble of domestic league, cup and European Cup, and only the seventh overall..." http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2334720/Bayern-Munich-enjoy-treble-parade-roundstreets.html "Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled himself and became obedient to death -- even death on a cross!"Philippians. 2:5-8

Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2i88L 6/5/13 GOOD INFO re STUDENT LOANS,*read more at http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/education/jan-june13/studentloans_05-31.html "Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled himself and became obedient to death -- even death on a cross!"Philippians. 2:5-8 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2i81N 6/5/13 re SALVATION MOUNTAIN,LEONARD KNIGHT,*read more at http://www.kpbs.org/news/2013/may/31/leonard-knight-makes-visit-salvation-mountain/ "...which has been called a national treasure. Leonard Knight in 2008, when he was still living at Salvation Mountain. By Angela Carone Leonard Knight in 2008, when he was still living at Salvation Mountain. Visitors often brought Leonard gallons of paint for the mountain. Taken in 2008. By Angela Carone Visitors often brought Leonard gallons of paint for the mountain. Taken in 2008. One of the many painted vehicles parked at the base of Salvation Mountain. Leonard slept in the back of a truck similar to this one. Taken in 2008... One of the many painted vehicles parked at the base of Salvation Mountain. Leonard slept in the back of a truck similar to this one. ..." http://www.kpbs.org/news/2013/may/31/leonard-knight-makes-visit-salvation-mountain/ "Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, He

humbled himself and became obedient to death -- even death on a cross!"Philippians. 2:5-8 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2i7yG 6/5/13 YASIEL PUIG,the "CUBAN MISSILE",COMES OUT of NOWHERE TO SAVE the DODGERS,*read more at http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2013/06/04/puig-homers-twice-in-second-career-game-dodgers-beat-padres-9-7/ "... Yasiel Puig hit two home runs and knocked in five RBIs in the second game of his career as the Dodgers beat the Padres 9-7 on Tuesday night..." http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2013/06/04/puig-homers-twice-in-second-career-game-dodgers-beat-padres-9-7/ "Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled himself and became obedient to death -- even death on a cross!"Philippians. 2:5-8 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2i7HD 6/3/13 re TWO DEATHS,TWO DAYS, AT YOSEMITE,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130604-briton-dies-yosemite-second-death-two-days "Londoner Felix Joseph Kiernan and a climbing partner were scaling El Capitan, a huge granite monolith which dominates Yosemite Valley in the heart of the spectacular park, when he was struck by falling rock on Sunday.... ...On Saturday a 19-year-old, Aleh Kalman from nearby Sacramento, was reportedly swept over the Nevada Fall, a waterfall on the park's popular Mist Trail hiking route. Witnesses reported..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130604-briton-dies-yosemite-second-death-two-days "Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled himself and became obedient to death -- even death on a cross!"Philippians. 2:5-8 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women!

Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2hdmP Yes! 6/5/13 VALEDICTORIAN SAYS LORDS PRAYER IN DEFIANCE AT GRADUATION SPEECH;*read more at http://www.opposingviews.com/i/religion/christianity/high-school-valedictorian-roy-costner-changes-speechrecites-lords-prayer "Valedictorian Roy Costner went off his pre-approved speech and said the Lord's prayer at the graduation ceremony for Liberty High School on Saturday (video below). Liberty High School is located in Liberty, South Carolina. Costner was protesting the Pickens County School Districts decision to no longer include prayer at graduation ceremonies because of protests by atheists....The audience erupted with cheers as he continued the prayer..." http://www.opposingviews.com/i/religion/christianity/high-school-valedictorian-roy-costner-changes-speechrecites-lords-prayer "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God."1 Corinthians 1:18 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother 6/5/13 PLUS SUSAN RICE ALLOWED BIN LADEN TO STAY ALIVE & FREE BEFORE 9/11? & NOW SHE's OUR "SECURITY ADVISOR"?*read more at http://yidwithlid.blogspot.com/2013/06/susan-rice-who-kept-bin-laden-free.html? utm_source=feedly&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+YidWithLid+(YID+With+LID)&m=1 "...[as] a member of Clinton's National Security Council - questioned Khartoum's credibility. "Rice [cited] the suffering of Christians [in Sudan] as one reason that she doubted the integrity of the Sudanese offers," said Miniter. "But her analysis largely overlooked the view of U.S. Ambassador to Sudan Tim Carney, who argued for calling Khartoum's bluff." Miniter said that Carney argued the Clinton White House should accept their offer of bin Laden and see if the National Islamic Front actually hands him over. If Sudan complied, "we would have taken a major terrorist off the streets," he said. If they didn't, "the civilized world will see that, once again, Sudan's critics are proven right." In a 2002 Washington Post op-ed piece co-authored with Ijaz, former ambassador Carney described Susan Rice as a major obstacle to accepting offers from Sudan to share intelligence on bin Laden's terrorist network ...." ...Two individuals, however, disagreed. NSC terrorism specialist Richard Clarke and NSC Africa specialist Susan Rice, who was about to become assistant secretary of State for African affairs, persuaded Berger, then national security adviser, to overrule Albright. The new policy was reversed after two days....In a final attempt to find a way of


cooperating with U.S. authorities, Sudan's intelligence chief repeated the unconditional offer to share terrorism data with the FBI in a February 1998 letter addressed directly to Middle East and North Africa special agent-in-charge David Williams.But the White House and Susan Rice objected... The U.S. Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed six weeks later. Even if one wants to grant Susan Rice a pass on the Benghazi talking points believing she didn't know she was lying, the Ambassador's torpedoing of America's counter-terrorism operation under Bill Clinton should be enough to prevent her from the National Security Adviser post. But it wont because this position does not need to be confirmed by the Senate and this administration is too arrogant to ..." http://yidwithlid.blogspot.com/2013/06/susan-rice-who-kept-bin-laden-free.html? utm_source=feedly&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+YidWithLid+(YID+With+LID)&m=1 "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God."1 Corinthians 1:18 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2jcgs 6/5/13 WOMAN DIDN'T KNOW SHE WAS PREGNANT UNTIL THE MOMENT SHE GAVE BIRTH! *read more at http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/06/05/thats-impossible-the-stunning-cause-of-womans-unexplainableback-pain/ "... When Staine got home, she thought a bath might help her pain. As she talked to her husband on the phone, Staine said her pain was becoming unbearable. Her husband called an ambulance. I felt like I was dying. I didnt know what was going on, she said. Then she found out what was really happening. During the emergency room examination, Staine and her husband were stunned to learn medical staff had detected a fetal heartbeat. She was whisked to the delivery room and in what she said seemed like 5 minutes later, her daughter was born at 3:25 p.m. Monday. ..." http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/06/05/thats-impossible-the-stunning-cause-of-womans-unexplainableback-pain/ "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God."1 Corinthians 1:18 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2jckm 6/3/13 RIP,JAIRO SANDOVAL,COSTA RICA ENVIRONMENTALIST,26 ,*read more at


http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130604-un-mourns-slain-costa-rica-environmentalist "The body of Jairo Mora Sandoval, 26, was found face-down and handcuffed Friday next to the car he was driving in Limon, on the Caribbean coast, police told AFP. "The United Nations sends its sincerest condolences..."... Mora Sandoval monitored nesting turtles, recording the number of nests and trying to rescue eggs with a program that was entirely volunteer-based and dependent on donations... He had complained in a La Nacion newspaper report published in April that the area's environmentalists were threatened by criminal organizations apparently because those engaged in looting turtle nests are linked to drug traffickers...." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130604-un-mourns-slain-costa-rica-environmentalist "Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled himself and became obedient to death -- even death on a cross!"Philippians. 2:5-8 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2hdN1 6/3/13 RUSSIAN PRISON GUARDS CAPTURE CAT SMUGGLING PHONES INTO PRISON:*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130603-cat-caught-smuggling-cell-phones-russian-jail "The Russian prison service said Monday it had caught a cat being used as a courier to smuggle banned cell phones and chargers into a prison camp in the country's remote far north. The prison service in the Komi region said on its website that the cat was detained Friday evening as it climbed the fence of the region's Number One corrective labour camp with two cell phones, batteries and chargers strapped to its back using tape..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130603-cat-caught-smuggling-cell-phones-russian-jail "Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled himself and became obedient to death -- even death on a cross!"Philippians. 2:5-8 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools


*Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2hcWQ 6/3/13 TOMMY HAAS WINS ROUND v YOUZHNY @ FRENCH OPEN, YOUZHNY SMASHES RACQUET, See video of Youzhny smashing racquet at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrgKTYIvWCo&feature=youtube_gdata_player "Former world number two Haas had lost on clay in straight sets to Youzhny in Rome last month. But he was never troubled on Monday, winning 10 games in succession after losing the opener. Such was Youzhny's frustration that he smashed his racquet nine times against his courtside chair, sending splinters spiralling into the air at Court Suzanne Lenglen..." *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130603-golden-oldie-haas-french-open-quarters YOUZHNY HAS A TEMPER, which,fortunately (for others),he only takes out on himself or his racquet; a few years ago he hit himself in the head until he bled, see video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fi-CgSO9Evw&feature=youtube_gdata_player **** "Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled himself and became obedient to death -- even death on a cross!"Philippians. 2:5-8 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2hc8m 6/3/13 RIP,DAVID "DEACON" JONES,NFL STAR,FOUNDER of "SACK",*read more at http://m.upi.com/story/UPI-45311370324429/ "NFL Hall of Famer Deacon Jones died in Southern California Monday at the age of 74, the Washington Redskins said..."Deacon Jones was one of the greatest players in NFL history," Allen told Redskins.com. "Off the field, he was a true giant. His passion and spirit..." ; ....Jones coined the term "quarterback sack" and was known as the..." http://m.upi.com/story/UPI-45311370324429/ "Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled himself and became obedient to death -- even death on a cross!"Philippians. 2:5-8 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools


*Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2hbdB Thoughts&Prayers4,6/3/13 RIP,JIAH KHAN,BOLLYWOOD STAR,*read more at http://m.timesofindia.com/entertainment/bollywood/news-interviews/Bollywood-shocked-by-Jiah-Khanssuicide/articleshow/20421420.cms "...Jiah Khan reportedly hanged herself at her Juhu residence. Jiah was brought up in England and had shifted to Mumbai with her mother Rabiya recently. Also known by the name Nafisa Khan, the actress made her Hindi film debut in 2007 opposite Amitabh Bachchan in the controversial Nishabd . She also acted opposite Aamir Khan in Ghajini and Akshay Kumar in Housefull. She also got a Filmfare Best Debutant Nomination. A shocked Bollywood expressed their grief on the death of the young actress on Twitter...." http://m.timesofindia.com/entertainment/bollywood/news-interviews/Bollywood-shocked-by-Jiah-Khanssuicide/articleshow/20421420.cms "Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled himself and became obedient to death -- even death on a cross!"Philippians. 2:5-8 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2hctO 1/13 RIP,LEONARD BORGDORFF,(1st CRC,GRCH,US NAVY,et al) [I grew up in the same church,1st CRC, as the Borgdorff family & the kids all attended the same high school. Len was a few years older than me (same age as my sister I believe). Nick was 1 year older. The younger daughter married Dan Dekam, a former roommate of mine. Pete, the father,continues to be a leader for the CRC at large. Nice family.Sad loss of a good person who also served our country underwater. My condolences,thoughts & prayers to all of them. ] "...Leonard Hugh Borgdorff, age 48, of Belleville, MI, died of accidental injuries on Sunday, December 23, 2012. Len adored his wife of 18 years Marcia Deck Borgdorff. Together their home was filled with life and laughter with Olivia, Sonta, Noah and Jean Marc. He will also be greatly missed by his father and mother, Peter and Janet Borgdorff (Grand Rapids); his brother and sisters, Nicholas and Jonna Borgdorff (Chicago, IL) Arlene and Dan DeKam (Muskegon, MI), Trish Borgdorff (Grand Rapids, MI) Andy and Suzi Bos (Grand Rapids, MI); and a special aunt, Dorothy Kuperus. Len was loved by many aunts and uncles. He is also survived by his father and mother-in-law Curtis and Joyce Deck (Springfield, MO) and their children, Troy and Juli Deck (Republic, MO) and LaRissa and Josh Newman (Springfield, MO). Len loved to hunt crayfish and play with his children and 17 nieces and nephews. Len graduated from Grand Rapids Christian High School in 1982, enlisted in the United


States Navy in 1982, was nominated by Congressman Harold Sawyer and Senator Levin for admission to the Naval Academy in 1983 from which he graduated in 1987. Len served as a submariner until his retirement as a Commander in 2009. Len enjoyed camping, ..." http://obits.mlive.com/obituaries/grandrapids/obituary.aspx?n=leonardborgdorff&pid=161982423&#fbLoggedOut "Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting? The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."1 Corinthians 15:55-57 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2fuL5 Link2 6/1/13 re CT INTERVIEW of NEW CALVIN PRESIDENT ,(fascinating...my alma mater...& my dad's alma mater, & my dad's dad's alma mater, & my mom's alma mater, & my mom's dad's alma mater, & the alma mater of all my siblings, & the alma mater of a large portion of my high school classmates, & the list goes on; also one of my dad's best friends,Tony Diekema, was the president of calvin for many years; so I am watching with fascination how the first non-calvin-graduate will shake things up,...there r some things that need shaking..hope he does it right! )*read more at http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2013/may-web-only/calvin-colleges-new-president-defines-biggesttheological-i.html?paging=off "Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting? The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."1 Corinthians 15:55-57 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2gjxV 6/2/13 RIP,JEAN STAPLETON,90,(aka "EDITH" in "Archie Bunker") (a great show!) ,*read more at http://bostonherald.com/entertainment/television/television_news/2013/06/jean_stapleton_actress_archie_bun ker_s_edith_90 "Actress Jean Stapleton, best known for playing Edith Bunker in the ground-breaking 1970s Norman Lear sitcom All in the Family, died Friday at the age of 90 from natural causes, her family announced yesterday..." http://bostonherald.com/entertainment/television/television_news/2013/06/jean_stapleton_actress_archie_bun ker_s_edith_90 "Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting? The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."1 Corinthians 15:55-57 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women!


Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2gjp8 6/1/13 WHO IS BILL HANDEL? (I hear him periodically as I scan the stations around southern Cal. Today he said something about growing up in Brazil,which surprised me. He sounds very American. So I looked up his story...more complex than I realized...*read more at http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Handel "Handel was born in Brazil, to Leo and Nechama Handel. His father Leo Handel was a Polish Jew who had hidden in a Jesuit monastery and lived as a Catholic priest during World War II. Much of the Handel family lost their lives in the Holocaust . Leo applied to emigrate to the United States legally, and was forced to wait for eleven years to obtain entry. During this time he lived in Brazil where he met and married his wife, Nechama, a dentist. The Handel family emigrated to the U.S. when Bill was six and he was sworn in as a U.S. citizen at the age of ..." http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Handel "Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting? The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."1 Corinthians 15:55-57 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2g2j0 6/1/13 RECALL ATTEMPT re SHERIFF JOE FAILS,*read more at http://therightscoop.com/recall-sheriff-joe-won-loser-leftists-zero-interview-with-sheriff-joe-on-failed-recalleffort/ "LA TIMES Despite a recent court ruling that the department run by Maricopa Countys top cop used racial profiling in his quest to crack down on illegal immigration, a recall effort against Sheriff Joe Arpaio has failed. On Thursday, members of Respect Arizona and Citizens for a Better Arizona who launched the recall effort against Arpaio failed to gather the necessary 335,000 valid voter signatures by the 5 p.m. deadline. .." http://therightscoop.com/recall-sheriff-joe-won-loser-leftists-zero-interview-with-sheriff-joe-on-failed-recalleffort/ "Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting? The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."1 Corinthians 15:55-57 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2g2cR


6/1/13 EAT YOUR WHOPPER WHILE PLAYING PIANO! BURGER KING INTRODUCES A HANDSFREE HAMBURGER HOLDER, *read more,see video, at http://www.foxnews.com/leisure/2013/05/31/burger-king-creates-hands-free-whopper-holder/ "... the exercise required to lift a burger to your mouth? Have no fear. Burger King has found the solution. In celebration of its 50th anniversary in Puerto Rico, the burger chain gave away 50 hands free Whopper holders . Yes, they are exactly what they sound like, plastic burger-holding devices that hang from the neck leaving your hands free to perform all sorts of tasks. A Burger King-produced video..." http://www.foxnews.com/leisure/2013/05/31/burger-king-creates-hands-free-whopper-holder/ "Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting? The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."1 Corinthians 15:55-57 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2g29o Thoughts&Prayers,5/31/13 FORMER NBA ALL-STAR IN CRITICAL CONDITION AFTER CAR CRASH,*read more at http://m.usatoday.com/article/news/2378469 "JONESBORO, Ga. Former NBA All-Star guard Daron "Mookie" Blaylock was in critical condition at a hospital Friday after his SUV crossed the center line and crashed head-on into a van in suburban Atlanta, police said. Blaylock was driving ..." http://m.usatoday.com/article/news/2378469 "Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting? The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."1 Corinthians 15:55-57 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2g24q Thoughts&Prayers4,5/31/13 RIP,CULLEN FINNERTY,30,GVSU QUARTERBACK (x3 NATL CHAMPIONS) (I grew up near gvsu,grand valley state,so sad...condolences to the family) *read more at http://www.foxnews.com/sports/2013/05/29/former-division-ii-champion-qb-found-dead-in-michigan/ "One of the winningest quarterbacks in college football history was found dead in the woods of northern Michigan Tuesday night, days after disappearing while out fishing near his family's cottage. Cullen Finnerty, 30, who led Grand Valley State University to three


Division II national titles and more than 50 wins during his 4 years as a starter in Allendale, Mich., last decade, vanished Sunday. His body was found about 8 p.m. in woods within a mile of where he disappeared, said Lake County Undersheriff Dennis Robinson. The cause of death wasn't immediately clear,..." http://www.foxnews.com/sports/2013/05/29/former-division-ii-champion-qb-found-dead-in-michigan/ "Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting? The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."1 Corinthians 15:55-57 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2fqZL TheMissingLink? 5/30/13 NEW MONKEY SPECIES DISCOVERED,EERILY HUMAN-LIKE,(ha ha, the missing link, finally discovered ! I laugh b/c those of you know know me, know that I don't believe in atheistic evolution theory or a so-called "missing link" but if you do, then you might think this is it, such a human-like face) see vid/pics at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sM-Kd-8hfEY&feature=youtube_gdata_player *read more at http://m.vice.com/read/incredibly-humanlike-new-species-of-blond-monkey-discovered-in-congo "... Well, heres a ray of sunshine amidst the gloom: A new species of monkey has been described in the still-mysterious rainforests in the central of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Researchers said that its only the second new monkey species discovered in 28 years... Lesulas, named by local hunters, aremedium-sized, slim monkeys with long arms and legs,and are notable for their surprisingly blond facial hair and incredibly human-like faces..." http://m.vice.com/read/incredibly-humanlike-new-species-of-blond-monkey-discovered-in-congo "Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting? The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."1 Corinthians 15:55-57 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2fryy 5/30/13 re The BIRTH of "PRANCERCISE", the NEW EXERCISE FAD,*read more at http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/05/30/prancercise-creator-on-her-wacky-workout-and-being-toofamous-to-prancercise.html "... She was using her upper body and her legs, and because the whole thing was so fluid and natural, there was no pounding impact on the pavement. Prancercise was born, and it was beautiful. Rohrback started prancercising outside, every day, on the boardwalk in Hollywood...."


http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/05/30/prancercise-creator-on-her-wacky-workout-and-being-toofamous-to-prancercise.html "Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting? The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."1 Corinthians 15:55-57 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2frTN 5/30/13 AMAZING REVELATION re JFK's YOUTHFUL HERO,*read more at http://m.cnsnews.com/blog/l-brent-bozell-iii/one-mans-hitler-fascination "This young man traveled to Germany three times between 1937 and 1945 . Clearly he admired the Germans and that includes the racial imperatives of Nazism. The Independent reveals this entry logged after he visited the Rhine in 1937 : " Very beautiful, because there are many castles along the route. The towns are all charming which shows that the Nordic races appear to be definitely superior to their Latin counterparts. The Germans are really too good that' s why people conspire against them they do it to protect themselves." By today's standards , that sentiment is clearly racist . It glorifies Aryans as " superior" to brown people . (If you doubt me , contact your local La Raza office, read them that passage , and solicit a comment or two.) This young man wrote as well: " I have come to the conclusion that fascism is right for Germany and Italy. What are the evils of fascism compared to communism?"... This man was 20 in 1937 . It is undeniable that any pro-Nazi sentiments that might have existed in his youth his father was a public apologist for Hitler evaporated with time.Still, this man was one of the most prominent men of the 20th century. How could this not be of interest to the media?... Clearly when this young man evinced his admiration for the " superiority" of the Nordic races, he had no idea that Hitler would make this a justification to slaughter six million Jews . ...But what if this man 's name was Ronald Reagan? None of this would apply. Youthful ignorance would be no excuse . A man of his historic importance ? Admiring the "superiority" of Nazism? You betchum we 're going to cover it ! ...If this young man' s name was Ronald Reagan, it is undeniable that this new book would be a top - shelf media story everywhere . But his name wasn' t Reagan. It was John F . Kennedy ...." http://m.cnsnews.com/blog/l-brent-bozell-iii/one-mans-hitler-fascination "Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting? The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."1 Corinthians 15:55-57 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily


*Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2fsrt 5/30/13 CALVIN RUNNERS KEEP RACKING UP HONORS ! *read more at http://www.mlive.com/smallcolleges/grandrapids/index.ssf/2013/05/calvin_college_lands_four_on_c.html "Four members of the Calvin mens and womens cross country and track and field teams have received Division III Capital One Academic All-District honors. Seniors Dan Kerr, Greg Whittle and Job Christiansen have been named to the All-District 6 team on the mens side while junior Nicole Michmerhuizen has been selected to the All-District 6 team on the womens side..." http://www.mlive.com/smallcolleges/grandrapids/index.ssf/2013/05/calvin_college_lands_four_on_c.html "Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting? The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."1 Corinthians 15:55-57 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2fsU1 5/30/13 "GRUMPY CAT" HEADED 4 the BIG SCREEN?*read more at http://m.guardiannews.com/lifeandstyle/shortcuts/2013/may/30/grumpy-cat-strength-to-strength "OK, I'm picturing a cat. Yes. But it looks how can I put this? almost disgruntled. There you go. What a funny idea! Many people think so. And this is a real cat. Her name is Tardar Sauce (a misspelling of tartar sauce, which she was said to resemble), and she lives with the Bundesen family in Arizona. She looks grumpy because her mouth is slightly deformed by a genetic disorder.... . To date, the Bundesen family have made more than $100,000 from book deals, drinks tie-ins, merchandising and public appearances . There may be a Grumpy Cat movie now as well...." http://m.guardiannews.com/lifeandstyle/shortcuts/2013/may/30/grumpy-cat-strength-to-strength "Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting? The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."1 Corinthians 15:55-57 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2ftI7 Thoughts&Prayers4,5/27/13 ANGIE JOLIE's AUNT DIES of BREAST CANCER,*read more at


http://www.boston.com/ae/2013/05/27/jolie-aunt-dies-breast-cancer-daysafter/oazcbr9sgof5BEKRoHxD7J/story.html "ESCONDIDO, Calif. (AP) Less than two weeks after Angelina Jolie revealed she'd had a double mastectomy to avoid breast cancer, her aunt died from the disease Sunday. Debbie Martin died at age 61 at a hospital in Escondido, Calif.,...Debbie Martin was the younger sister of Jolies mother, Marcheline Bertrand, ..." http://www.boston.com/ae/2013/05/27/jolie-aunt-dies-breast-cancer-daysafter/oazcbr9sgof5BEKRoHxD7J/story.html "He has given us His very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires."2 Peter 1:4 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2do0Q 5/27/13 WHEN DOES LIFE BEGIN? WORTH READING,*read more at http://www.prolife.com/life_begins.html "He has given us His very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires."2 Peter 1:4 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2dow7 5/26/13 IS THE "AMMO SHORTAGE" ARTIFICIALLY CREATED BY OBAMA ?*read more at http://www.gunsandammo.com/2013/05/15/ga-perspective-how-nra-members-are-dealing-with-the-ammoshortage/ Ammo is so hard to get, most of the people I know, when you do get it you dont go to the range, said Scott of Lufkin, Texas....The obvious question many people are asking is why the shortage happened in the first place. ... threat of anti-gun legislation.... fuels an increase in demand for the buyer, who grabs and stashes as much ammo as he can....Add an Associated Press report from Feb. 15 stating the Department of Homeland Security wants to buy up 1.6 billion rounds of ammo in the next few years ..." http://www.gunsandammo.com/2013/05/15/ga-perspective-how-nra-members-are-dealing-with-the-ammoshortage/ Also see http://mobile.wnd.com/2013/03/dhs-stonewalling-on-big-ammo-buildup/ "...Members of Congress are demanding


the Obama administration explain why it is stockpiling a huge arsenal of ammunition and weapons. The Department of Homeland Security bought more than 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition over the last year, as well as thousands of armored vehicles. Rep. Timothy Huelscamp, R-Kan., wants to know what DHS plans to do with all that firepower, but he cant get an answer. A reporter for We Are Change asked Huelscamp at ..." http://mobile.wnd.com/2013/03/dhs-stonewalling-on-big-ammo-buildup/ "He has given us His very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires."2 Peter 1:4 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2drSN 5/26/13 HOW TO FIGURE OUT YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS & WHEN TO START USING THEM,*read more at http://m.usatoday.com/article/news/2151063 "Your first step should be to figure out your own benefit amount at age 62, at Full Retirement Age, and at age 70. You can get this information by visiting www.socialsecurity.gov ... Once you have that information, visit www.socialsecuritytiming.com to see what combination of benefit strategies make the most sense for you...." http://m.usatoday.com/article/news/2151063 "He has given us His very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires."2 Peter 1:4 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2ds2R 5/21/13 STORY re DANIELE PERAZZI NOT TRUE ? Is he ALIVE? *read more at http://dailycaller.com/2013/05/21/italian-shotgun-company-says-reports-that-its-president-was-mistaken-asa-terrorist-absolutely-false/ "One reason may be that Daniele Perazzi has been dead for nearly a year, according to a statement posted on the gun companys website Monday which denied the Fox report as completely lacking any evidence. In fact, Daniele Perazzi has been, unfortunately, dead for nearly a year, said the statement, which was translated by a fluent Italian speaker at The Daily Caller. Additionally his son, Mauro, was also not in the USA last Saturday. This means that what the


press reported is absolutely false and wrong, and the news was definitely not verified...." http://dailycaller.com/2013/05/21/italian-shotgun-company-says-reports-that-its-president-was-mistaken-asa-terrorist-absolutely-false/ "He has given us His very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires."2 Peter 1:4 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2dokC 5/28/13 re MUNENORI KAWASAKI AFTER-GAME INTERVIEW,*read more,see vid, at http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/05/27/i-am-japaneeeeeese-blue-jays-baseball-player-delivers-one-ofthe-greatest-postgame-interviews-ever-after-game-winning-hit/ "If you dont know who Munenori Kawasaki is, you might want to learn. Thats because the Japanese baseball player who is now playing with the Toronto Blue Jays after a mid-season call-up is taking the team, the city, and now the Internet by storm after a postgame interview on Sunday that one outlet is calling one of the greatest postgame interviews ever...." http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/05/27/i-am-japaneeeeeese-blue-jays-baseball-player-delivers-one-ofthe-greatest-postgame-interviews-ever-after-game-winning-hit/ "He has given us His very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires."2 Peter 1:4 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2eLXk 5/27/13 DID THE POPE DO AN EXORCISM? *read more at http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2331651/Catholic-Church-s-leading-exorcist-calls-Pope-allowpriests-perform-rite-personally-ridding-world-160-000-demons.html? ITO=1490&ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490 "The Pontiff was introduced to two men in wheelchairs after Pentecostal mass on Sunday. When a priest leaned across to tell Francis something, the Pope's expression took on a serious tone. Francis then took hold of the top of the man's head firmly, pushing him down into his wheelchair. As he delivered an intense prayer, the man's mouth dropped open and he heaved deeply half a dozen times, visibly shaking... 'The Pope's exorcism is a splendid sign because one of the main causes of today's atheism is that people don't believe in the Devil any more. Jesus said: "Who is not with me is with Satan".'..."


http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2331651/Catholic-Church-s-leading-exorcist-calls-Pope-allowpriests-perform-rite-personally-ridding-world-160-000-demons.html? ITO=1490&ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490 "He has given us His very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires."2 Peter 1:4 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2eCCM 5/27/13 1/4 MILLION PROTEST GAY MARRIAGE IN FRANCE,*read more at http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/05/26/it-brought-tears-to-our-eyes-american-describes-witnessingthousands-in-paris-march-against-gay-marriage/ "... parade decided to go forward with a planned demonstration Sunday and hundreds of thousands turned out. Sandy Glass from Naperville, Illinois, was in Paris and witnessed the parade unexpectedly, telling TheBlaze she and her husband estimated more than 250,000 people were present. It brought tears to our eyes, Glass, a conservative and Glenn Beck fan, said in a phone interview..." http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/05/26/it-brought-tears-to-our-eyes-american-describes-witnessingthousands-in-paris-march-against-gay-marriage/ "He has given us His very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires."2 Peter 1:4 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2eM8e 5/27/13 KID KICKS 54-yd PENALTY KICK GOAL to WIN STATE CHAMPIONSHIP, *read more ,see video at http://www.sportsgrid.com/soccer/how-about-a-54-yard-penalty-kick-goal-as-time-expires-to-win-your-teamthe-state-championship/ "Ryan High School (Nashville) lines up for a rather meaningless free kick at midfield, delivered by Luke Strebel, who scores? Yep, a 54-yard penalty kick to win the state championship. Father Ryan 2, Montgomery Bell Academy 1...." http://www.sportsgrid.com/soccer/how-about-a-54-yard-penalty-kick-goal-as-time-expires-to-win-your-teamthe-state-championship/ "He has given us His very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires."2 Peter 1:4 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document


*Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2eMkO 5/28/13 TONY KANAAN WINS INDY 500,FASTEST TIME EVER,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130528-kanaan-collects-2-mn-record-indy-win "... record Indy win Brazil's Tony Kanaan collected $2.35 million from a total purse of more than $12 million for winning the 97th Indianapolis 500 with the fastest winning speed in race history. Kanaan completed 200 laps Sunday around the 2.5-mile (4km) Indianapolis Motor Speedway oval in 2 hrs 40 mins 3.4181 secs at 187.433 mph (301.644 km/h), breaking ..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130528-kanaan-collects-2-mn-record-indy-win "He has given us His very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires."2 Peter 1:4 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2eMvp 5/13 NIGERIAN PREACHER IN COMA AFTER BEING BEATEN re CONDOMS IN BIBLE,*read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/05/pastor-beaten-into-coma-as-condoms-fall-from-bible/ "Christian preacher is reportedly fighting for his life after he was beaten into a coma when condoms fell out of his Bible on a bus trip in Nigeria. According to the Daily Post, the bus preacher, whose name was not published, was nearly lynched Saturday morning at Toyota Bus stop, in front of the well-known Ladipo Spare Parts Market in the Mushin region of Lagos, Nigeria...." http://www.wnd.com/2013/05/pastor-beaten-into-coma-as-condoms-fall-from-bible/ "He has given us His very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires."2 Peter 1:4 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2eMEc r.u. crazy?! 5/10/13 MAYOR CANDIDATES et al WANT TEACHERS EVALUATIONS TO BE "PUBLIC INFORMATION" (who in their right mind would want to be a teacher in this day & age..for such low


pay,non-gratitude, ..and now potentially using "public evaluations" to shame teachers (evaluations,by the way, that are historically "subjective" & open to wide amounts of bias & prejudice. The ONLY sure way to effectively measure the students & teachers performance is by the use of portfolios, which I implmented back in the day when I played "teacher" for a while, but then the principal didn't even look at them,shame on him! ),*read more at Http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-mayor-education-20130508,0,4477206.story?track=rss "L.A. mayoral candidates support making teacher evaluations public 13 Los Angeles' two mayoral candidates said Tuesday that they support making teacher evaluations public, going well beyond a level of disclosure that is supported by top school district officials. City Controller Wendy Greuel and City Councilman Eric Garcetti said they backed the release of individual performance evaluations based on so-called "valueadded" formulas, which are controversial both locally and nationwide. These measures use the past performance of students on state standardized..." Http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-mayor-education-20130508,0,4477206.story?track=rss "As it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him." 1 Corinthians 2:9 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/25QXc 5/26/13 COUNTRIES WHERE ABORTION IS ILLEGAL (God bless u),*read more at http://www.whichcountry.co/countries-where-abortion-is-illegal/ "Where Abortion is Illegal[:] Angola, Central African Rep.Chad Congo Benin Gabon Guinea-Bissau Kenya Madagascar, Mauritius, Mauritania, Senegal, Somalia, Uganda. Afghanistan, Iran, Egypt, Lebanon, Libya, Oman, Syria, United Arab Emirates Yemen.


Bangladesh, Myanmar, Indonesia, Laos, Papua New Guinea Philippines Sri Lanka Malta Colombia, Ireland Brazil, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Venezuela, Paraguay, Dominican Republic Chile, El Salvador Mexico Sudan (r) Cote dIvoire Lesotho Mali Niger Tanzania " http://www.whichcountry.co/countries-where-abortion-is-illegal/ "As God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience."Colossians 3:12 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2cZv2 5/26/13 TOP 5 ABORTION COUNTRIES (Shame on them! Shame on us! Adoption,not Abortion!) *read more at http://www.whichcountry.co/top-5-countries-with-the-highest-total-number-of-abortions-in-the-world/ "Top 5 abortion countries 1. China 7,930,000 26.1 2. Russian Federation 2,287,300 68 3. Vietnam 1,520,000 83.3 4. United States 1,365,700 22.9 5. Ukraine 635,600 57.2 http://www.whichcountry.co/top-5-countries-with-the-highest-total-number-of-abortions-in-the-world/ "As God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience."Colossians 3:12 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document


*Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2cZGr china,usa,vietnam,russia,ukraine,abortion,unborn life,adoption Awesome! 5/26/13 FAN STEALS ROSIN BAG,EVADES COP @ ANGELS-ROYALS GAME! See vid at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5etSO3Hhhs&feature=youtube_gdata_player *read more at http://www.maxim.com/the-big-leagues/fan-storms-field-during-royals-angels-steals-rosin-bag? utm_source=foxnews_sports&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=syndication "... the camera did capture the pivotal momentthe heist. Sliding into the frame with a cop on his tail, the field-rusher snatched the bag and changed directions like Benny The Jet Rodriguez. It was the real-life equivalent of a Star Fox barrel roll, and the pursuing officer missed his mark and ended up sucking dirt as he crashed down onto the bump...." http://www.maxim.com/the-big-leagues/fan-storms-field-during-royals-angels-steals-rosin-bag? utm_source=foxnews_sports&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=syndication "He has given us His very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires."2 Peter 1:4 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2darK 5/26/13 WHAT IS PEPSI's CONNECTION TO SENOMYX & UNBORN BABIES? (Adoption NOT Abortion!) *read more at http://www.naturalnews.com/039675_Pepsi_secret_ingredients_flavoring_chemicals.html "...(NaturalNews) Beverage giant PepsiCo has once again partnered with Senomyx, the San Diego, Cal.-based chemical company that gained nationwide attention back in 2011 for using aborted human fetal cells to develop flavor chemicals, to create even more flavor chemicals for its products. According to reports, the new "mystery" ingredients are designed to enhance sweetness of Pepsi products with less added sugar, but there is no indication they will be properly identified on product labels..." http://www.naturalnews.com/039675_Pepsi_secret_ingredients_flavoring_chemicals.html "He has given us His very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires."2 Peter 1:4 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document


*Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2daIt Thoughts&Prayers4,5/27/13 ANGIE JOLIE's AUNT DIES of BREAST CANCER,*read more at http://www.boston.com/ae/2013/05/27/jolie-aunt-dies-breast-cancer-daysafter/oazcbr9sgof5BEKRoHxD7J/story.html "ESCONDIDO, Calif. (AP) Less than two weeks after Angelina Jolie revealed she'd had a double mastectomy to avoid breast cancer, her aunt died from the disease Sunday. Debbie Martin died at age 61 at a hospital in Escondido, Calif.,...Debbie Martin was the younger sister of Jolies mother, Marcheline Bertrand, ..." http://www.boston.com/ae/2013/05/27/jolie-aunt-dies-breast-cancer-daysafter/oazcbr9sgof5BEKRoHxD7J/story.html "He has given us His very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires."2 Peter 1:4 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2do0Q 5/27/13 WHEN DOES LIFE BEGIN? WORTH READING,*read more at http://www.prolife.com/life_begins.html "He has given us His very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires."2 Peter 1:4 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2dow7 5/26/13 IS THE "AMMO SHORTAGE" ARTIFICIALLY CREATED BY OBAMA ?*read more at http://www.gunsandammo.com/2013/05/15/ga-perspective-how-nra-members-are-dealing-with-the-ammoshortage/ Ammo is so hard to get, most of the people I know, when you do get it you dont go to the range, said Scott of Lufkin, Texas....The obvious question many people are asking is why the shortage happened in the first place. ... threat of anti-gun legislation.... fuels an increase in demand for the buyer, who grabs and stashes as much ammo as he can....Add an Associated Press report from Feb. 15 stating the Department of Homeland Security wants to buy up 1.6 billion


rounds of ammo in the next few years ..." http://www.gunsandammo.com/2013/05/15/ga-perspective-how-nra-members-are-dealing-with-the-ammoshortage/ Also see http://mobile.wnd.com/2013/03/dhs-stonewalling-on-big-ammo-buildup/ "...Members of Congress are demanding the Obama administration explain why it is stockpiling a huge arsenal of ammunition and weapons. The Department of Homeland Security bought more than 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition over the last year, as well as thousands of armored vehicles. Rep. Timothy Huelscamp, R-Kan., wants to know what DHS plans to do with all that firepower, but he cant get an answer. A reporter for We Are Change asked Huelscamp at ..." http://mobile.wnd.com/2013/03/dhs-stonewalling-on-big-ammo-buildup/ "He has given us His very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires."2 Peter 1:4 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2drSN 5/26/13 HOW TO FIGURE OUT YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS & WHEN TO START USING THEM,*read more at http://m.usatoday.com/article/news/2151063 "Your first step should be to figure out your own benefit amount at age 62, at Full Retirement Age, and at age 70. You can get this information by visiting www.socialsecurity.gov ... Once you have that information, visit www.socialsecuritytiming.com to see what combination of benefit strategies make the most sense for you...." http://m.usatoday.com/article/news/2151063 "He has given us His very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires."2 Peter 1:4 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2ds2R Thoughts&Prayers4,5/24/13 BRITISH ZOOKEEPER,24,KILLED BY TIGER, See informative video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--1KB5LY5ys&feature=youtube_gdata_player


*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130525-british-zoo-worker-mauled-death-tiger "A British zoo worker mauled in a tiger attack has died of her injuries, police said Saturday. Sarah McClay, 24, was attacked Friday in the big cats enclosure at South Lakes Wild Animal Park in Dalton-inFurness, northwest England. The woman, who is from the local area, was flown by air ambulance to a hospital where she later died...." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130525-british-zoo-worker-mauled-death-tiger "As God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience."Colossians 3:12 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2cBeC 5/24/13 CALVIN's MICHMERHUIZEN WINS NCAA III 10,000 METERS (way2go Nicole, go Knights!) *read more at http://www.hollandsentinel.com/sports/x514110810/Calvin-Colleges-Nicole-Michmerhuizen-HollandChristian-alum-earns-NCAA-D-III-10-000-meter-championship "Holland native and Calvin Colleges Nicole Michmerhuizen ran away with her first national championship on Thursday. The junior from Holland Christian claimed the NCAA Division III title in 10,000 meters by clocking a winning time of 35 minutes, 45.08 seconds Thursday during the first day of the three-day meet. I was hoping that this was the way the race would end. Im really excited," Michmerhuizen said. "I feel...'" http://www.hollandsentinel.com/sports/x514110810/Calvin-Colleges-Nicole-Michmerhuizen-HollandChristian-alum-earns-NCAA-D-III-10-000-meter-championship "As God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience."Colossians 3:12 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2cOAb Thoughts&Prayers4,5/24/13 CANADIAN CRC MEMBER,TIM BOSMA, MURDERED,


Re Sharlene Bosma at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwEYJwoOfEo&feature=youtube_gdata_player Re Tim Bosma Body Found http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPVdl21Qrio&feature=youtube_gdata_player Family Press Conference http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEz2rXQ0GF8&feature=youtube_gdata_player *read more at http://www.crcna.org/news-and-views/many-seek-gods-solace-after-bosma-murder "...A lifelong member of the Christian Reformed Church, Bosma was abducted on May 6 after going with two men who came to test drive a black 2007 Dodge Ram pickup truck he was trying to sell. The service at the Ancaster CRC was among many services and events held across Canada memorializing Tim Bosma and expressing an outpouring of grief for his family..." http://www.crcna.org/news-and-views/many-seek-gods-solace-after-bosma-murder *In your hearts, set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect."1 Peter 3:15 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2cOZy 5/25/13 ABORTION DOC NOW AGAINST LATE-TERM ABORTION, (well, that's a start,anyways; hopefully he will come to realize ALL abortions are wrong,not just late-term) *read more at http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/05/24/doctor-who-has-performed-1200-abortions-implores-congress-topassabortion-ban/ " Anthony Levantino, a New Mexico doctor who previously performed 1,200 abortions, testified before Congress on Thursday and asked lawmakers to pass a bill that would ban abortions nationwide after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Some of the abortions Levantino performed were after 20 weeks, he revealed. It was after his daughter died in a tragic car accident that the physical reexamined his beliefs on abortion. During my residency training and during my first five years of private practice, I performed both first and second trimester abortions, Levantino testified. He went on to describe the abortion process in excruciating detail. If you refuse to believe that this procedure inflicts severe pain on that unborn child, please think again, he said. Watch his ..."


http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/05/24/doctor-who-has-performed-1200-abortions-implores-congress-topassabortion-ban/ "As God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience."Colossians 3:12 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2cRKw 5/21/13 STORY re DANIELE PERAZZI NOT TRUE ? Is he ALIVE? *read more at http://dailycaller.com/2013/05/21/italian-shotgun-company-says-reports-that-its-president-was-mistaken-asa-terrorist-absolutely-false/ "One reason may be that Daniele Perazzi has been dead for nearly a year, according to a statement posted on the gun companys website Monday which denied the Fox report as completely lacking any evidence. In fact, Daniele Perazzi has been, unfortunately, dead for nearly a year, said the statement, which was translated by a fluent Italian speaker at The Daily Caller. Additionally his son, Mauro, was also not in the USA last Saturday. This means that what the press reported is absolutely false and wrong, and the news was definitely not verified...." http://dailycaller.com/2013/05/21/italian-shotgun-company-says-reports-that-its-president-was-mistaken-asa-terrorist-absolutely-false/ "He has given us His very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires."2 Peter 1:4 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2dokC 4/23/13 CHICAGO CLOSES 49 ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS (what a disaster Chicago has turned out to be in so many ways; they need our thoughts & prayers), Brief informative news vid (no footage) at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5lhbjB3viM&feature=youtube_gdata_player *read more at http://www.breitbart.com/InstaBlog/2013/05/23/49-Chicago-Schools-Closed-in-Single-Mass-Shut-Down-inHistory "On Wednesday, the Chicago School Board voted to close 49 elementary schools, "in what is believed to be the biggest single mass shutdown of schools in U.S. history" Fifty-three schools were originally scheduled to be shut down. The closures come as part of Chicago's plan to deal with it's massive $1B deficit...."http://www.breitbart.com/InstaBlog/2013/05/23/49-ChicagoSchools-Closed-in-Single-Mass-Shut-Down-in-History "In your hearts, set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an


answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect."1 Peter 3:15 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2c8KD 5/24/13 R ISLAMISTS MORE UPSET w/ N.CAROLINA than GUANTANAMO?*read more at http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2013/05/24/Islamists-Hate-North-Carolina-More-than-Gitmo "... the main and major grievance was the continued imprisonment of Omar Abdul Rahman , a.k.a. the "Blind Sheikh," currently serving a life sentence for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing--not in GTMO but in Butner, North Carolina. To date, while GTMO has been used to recruit terrorists--often in connection with false stories , such as the slanderous Newsweek tale about flushing a Koran down a toilet at the prison--it has not led to assaults on U.S. diplomatic personnel. The civilian trial and imprisonment of the Blind Sheikh has not only inspired violent demonstrations in Cairo, but also motivated a recent deadly terrorist attack by Al-Qaeda in Algeria. The fact that our civilian justice system has inspired more direct violence than GTMO should not come as a surprise to those who understand that terrorists target the U.S. because of what we are, not because of what we have done. It is also a powerful argument against moving terrorists detained overseas to the U.S. homeland to face trial in federal court--something that the Obama administration has already started doing this year ..." http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2013/05/24/Islamists-Hate-North-Carolina-More-than-Gitmo "As God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience."Colossians 3:12 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2cOI2 InfoLink, 5/24/13 WOMAN DEFENDS SELF w/ GUN to SURPRISE OF INTRUDERS, (exactly why we need to be wary of over-reaching"gun control" efforts)*read more at http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/05/24/group-of-thugs-target-kansas-city-woman-they-had-no-idea-shehad-been-frequenting-the-gun-range/ "A group of thugs figured it would be easy to overpower one Kansas City woman. After all, her husband had just left to run an errand, leaving her all alone in the home.


They couldnt have been more wrong. The woman, later identified as Shirley Roberts, 52, immediately retrieved her gun after she heard someone jiggle the knob of the front door. She also witnessed two additional men heading to the back door. Looking through the blinds, Roberts saw the men putting on gloves and preparing to force their way into her home. So she trained her firearm on the men and opened fire ...." http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/05/24/group-of-thugs-target-kansas-city-woman-they-had-no-idea-shehad-been-frequenting-the-gun-range/ "As God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience."Colossians 3:12 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2cOs0 5/23/13 CODE PINK FOUNDER SUCCESSFULLY HECKLES OBAMA! (She protested the use of drones & guantanamo, albeit forgot to mention murdered babies) See Obama Heckler at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7rn_Qm6WU8&feature=youtube_gdata_player See Obama trying to responding to heckler http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKM14WQZL4k&feature=youtube_gdata_player *read more at http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/code-pink-activist-medea-benjamin-heckles-obama-195521792.html "By Rachel Rose Hartman, Yahoo! News President Barack Obama's planned counterterrorism speech was temporarily derailed several times on Thursday when activist Medea Benjamin shouted criticisms of the administration's use of drones and operation of the Guantanamo Bay detention camp...."You gotta let me speak. I'm about to address it," the president said in response ..." http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/code-pink-activist-medea-benjamin-heckles-obama-195521792.html "In your hearts, set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect."1 Peter 3:15 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2c7KN Thoughts&Prayers 5/23/13 I-5 BRIDGE COLLAPSES,NORTH of SEATTLE Helicopter video footage (no ad) at


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3n8z5Dn2Xs&feature=youtube_gdata_player *read more at http://m.nypost.com/f/mobile/news/national/bridge_collapses_water_wa_sending_BOoHpSt1RHS9uotoRReO HL "MOUNT VERNON, Wash. An Interstate 5 bridge over a river north of Seattle collapsed Thursday evening, dumping vehicles and people into the water, the Washington State Patrol said. The four-lane bridge over the Skagit River collapsed about 7 p.m., ..." http://m.nypost.com/f/mobile/news/national/bridge_collapses_water_wa_sending_BOoHpSt1RHS9uotoRReO HL "In your hearts, set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect."1 Peter 3:15 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2c643 5/23/13 MORGAN FREEMAN FALLS ASLEEP DURING INTERVIEW,(wake up Morgan!), Brief incomplete footage at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67DW-cB4flU&feature=youtube_gdata_player *read more at http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Hollywood/2013/05/23/Morgan-Freeman-nods-off-during-TV-interview "SEATTLE, May 23 (UPI) -- Actor Morgan Freeman nodded off during a morning television interview on KCPQ, Seattle's "Fox News This Morning" program. Freeman, 75, and 80-year-old co-star Michael Caine were promoting their new movie "Now You See Me" Wednesday when Freeman closed his eyes and dropped his head as Caine was talking...." http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Hollywood/2013/05/23/Morgan-Freeman-nods-off-during-TV-interview "In your hearts, set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect."1 Peter 3:15 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2c994 5/23/13 O'GRADY MAKES GARCIA'S TIGER WOODS INSULT WORSE , re "COLORED ATHLETES" (man, could they do any worse at putting their foot in their mouth?), see vid at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzVRVgtRdo4&feature=youtube_gdata_player *read more at


http://m.nypost.com/f/mobile/news/local/amanda_bynes_arrested_after_throwing_NGLst0R0lccQqzxlB3l195 N "Sergio Garcia made a fried chicken joke about Tiger Woods. Some people were offended. Others weren't. Garcia apologized. The head of the European Tour, in an attempt to put this to bed, declared that "most of Sergios friends are colored athletes." Here we go again... European Tour CEO George O'Grady made the comments in an interview with Sky Sports,..." (um, fyi, George,we stopped using the world "colored" about 50 years ago! We now say African-American or simply "black") http://m.nypost.com/f/mobile/news/local/amanda_bynes_arrested_after_throwing_NGLst0R0lccQqxlB3l195N "In your hearts, set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect."1 Peter 3:15 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother Yes! 5/23/13 CHUCK NORRIS SAYS GIVE TEBOW A CHANCE TO PROVE HIMSELF! (Is Tebow being discriminated against because of his Christian faith ?! ie "persecution for righteousness sake"?) Further Information video (no footage) at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-VaYS5nxQo&feature=youtube_gdata_player *read more at http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-Sports/2013/05/23/Chuck-Norris-Tebow "[Karate star Chuck Norris says] ...Tim Tebow will succeed in the NFL and has urged an NFL team-particularly the Jacksonville Jaguars--to signhim. He writes that Tebow is a "UCP" (ultimate clutch player), and a "winner plain and simple!""I have been following Tim since he became a QB for the University of Florida Gators, and I never have seen a more determined or inspiring athlete to play the game of football," Norris writes in a Thursday column for Newsbusters. "I've heard the critics say Tebow has poor technical skills, but the truth is that Tim is a natural leader, an amazingly gifted football player, an inspiration to his team and the possessor of intense determination and strategy to bring any team to victory no matter what the odds...." http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-Sports/2013/05/23/Chuck-Norris-Tebow "In your hearts, set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect."1 Peter 3:15 Posted by VK *DefendTraditionalMarriage *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2c6MP 5/23/13 ERIC GARCETTI ELECTED 2B L.A. MAYOR,*read more at


http://mobile.bloomberg.com/news/2013-05-22/new-l-a-mayor-garcetti-confronts-deficits-through-2017.html "... voters elected Councilman Eric Garcetti as mayor of the second-largest U.S. city, replacing Antonio Villaraigosa and inheriting a budget that relies on city unions to forgo 5.5 percent raises next year and uses about three-quarters of a reserve fund . Garcetti defeated City Controller Wendy Greuel, 54 percent to 46 percent, .." http://mobile.bloomberg.com/news/2013-05-22/new-l-a-mayor-garcetti-confronts-deficits-through-2017.html "We ought always to thank God for you, brothers, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love every one of you has for each other is increasing."2 Thessalonians 1:3 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2bBia LinkOnly5/22/13 the EVIL 9th CIRCUIT CT. QUASHES ARIZONA's ATTEMPT 2 PROTECT UNBORN LIFE,(shame on 9th circuit court! We ALL know what will happen to any even slightly conservative trend if it makes it to the 9th circuit court. To HELL with the 9th circuit!) *read more at http://www.therightscoop.com/9th-circuit-strikes-down-arizonas-post-20th-week-abortion-ban/ " A federal court struck down Arizonas ban on abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy, Tuesday. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said the law violated a womans right to terminate a pregnancy before a fetus is able to survive outside of the womb. A fetus is generally considered viable at 24 weeks. Nine other states have bans on abortions starting at 20 weeks, and some even earlier. Supporters of the ban say the law was ..." http://www.therightscoop.com/9th-circuit-strikes-down-arizonas-post-20th-week-abortion-ban/ *In your hearts, set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect."1 Peter 3:15 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2bB3f LinkOnly 5/22/13 IRS EXEC.,LOIS LERNER, PLEADS the 5th but MAYBE TOO LATE ,See vid at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDevz5uBd5o&feature=youtube_gdata_player *read more at http://directorblue.blogspot.com/2013/05/holy-crap-irs-appartchik-lois-lerner.html?m=1 "...She began with


a self-righteous opening statement claiming she did nothing wrong. Only after defending herself did she invoke her Fifth Amendment rights . ...Once a person issues a statement, Fifth Amendment privilege is waived on the substance of the statement . By issuing an opening statement, Ms. Lerner was testifying. Her right to stay silent on that testimony was gone forever..." http://directorblue.blogspot.com/2013/05/holy-crap-irs-appartchik-lois-lerner.html?m=1 *In your hearts, set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect."1 Peter 3:15 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2bvVn irs,lois lerner,pleads 5th,5th amendment,gowdy,issa, LinkOnly5/22/13 "FRIEND" of BOSTON BOMBER SHOT/KILLED BY FBI ?,*read more at http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Latest-News-Wires/2013/0522/Tsarnaev-friend-killed-in-Orlando-by-FBI "But a friend of the victim says that the FBI shot Ibragim Todashev, according to the Orlando Sentinel . He also says that Ibragim Todashev told him that the FBI was questioning him because he was friends with Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the older brother of the Boston Marathon bombing suspect in custody..." http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Latest-News-Wires/2013/0522/Tsarnaev-friend-killed-in-Orlando-by-FBI "We ought always to thank God for you, brothers, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love every one of you has for each other is increasing."2 Thessalonians 1:3 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother LinkOnly,5/22/13 MAN KILLS SELF 2 PROTEST GAY MARRIAGE etc (tells you how strongly people feel about gay marriage; I don't agree with killing one's self to protest it but I respect the statement nonetheless; and our govt & courts should respect it as well; and also the fact that even not all of Europe are so-called "liberal Europeans", but some have deep conservative convictions) *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130522-french-far-right-pays-tribute-notre-dame-suicide See information vid (not footage) at


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfJJF4KrU68&feature=youtube_gdata_player "...[at] Notre Dame Cathedral on Tuesday after denouncing gay marriage and immigration. Police confirmed the man's identity as Dominique Venner, 78, an essayist and activist linked with France's farright and nationalist group. He shot himself with a pistol shortly after 4:00 pm (1400 GMT) and the cathedral, which at the time contained about 1,500 people, was then evacuated without incident, ..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130522-french-far-right-pays-tribute-notre-dame-suicide *In your hearts, set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect."1 Peter 3:15 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother 5/22/13 GARCIA APOLOGIZES 4 TIGER WOODS EAT CHICKEN COMMENT, *read more at http://abcnews.go.com/Sports/wireStory/garcia-apologizes-fried-chicken-remark-19229650 "The British newspaper The Guardian reported Garcia was asked in jest while on stage at the European Tour's awards dinner Tuesday night if he would invite Woods to dinner during the U.S. Open. The Guardian reported Garcia said: "We will have him round every night. We will serve fried chicken." The newspaper said Garcia released a statement through the European Tour: "I apologise for any offence that may have been caused by my comment..." http://abcnews.go.com/Sports/wireStory/garcia-apologizes-fried-chicken-remark-19229650 "We ought always to thank God for you, brothers, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love every one of you has for each other is increasing."2 Thessalonians 1:3 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother 5/21/13 RIP,RAY MANZAREK,FOUNDING MEMBER of the DOORS, http://abclocal.go.com/wpvi/story?section=news/entertainment&id=9109620 "May 20, 2013 (WPVI) -- Ray Manzarek, a founding member of the 1960s rock group The Doors whose versatile and often haunting keyboards complemented Jim Morrison's


gloomy baritone and helped set the mood for some of rock's most enduring songs, has died. He was 74. Manzarek died Monday in Rosenheim, Germany, surrounded by his family, ..." http://abclocal.go.com/wpvi/story?section=news/entertainment&id=9109620 "We ought always to thank God for you, brothers, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love every one of you has for each other is increasing."2 Thessalonians 1:3 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2aDX0 Link2SaveTheHorses!5/21/13 AUSTRALIA PLANS TO CULL 10,000 WILD HORSES,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130522-australia-set-cull-10000-wild-horses Somewhat informative older video can be seen at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVX5WpoDpMM&feature=youtube_gdata_player "...controversial cull of up to 10,000 wild horses in Australia's harsh Outback reportedly began Wednesday in a bid to control the feral animals which officials say are destroying the land. The Central Land Council said animals -- including horses, donkeys and camels -- were dying in their thousands due to a lack of food and water and a cull was necessary ..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130522-australia-set-cull-10000-wild-horses *In your hearts, set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect."1 Peter 3:15 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother 5/20/13 YAHOO TO BUY TUMBLR FOR $1 BILLION ? (When twitter bought posterous, they promised nothing would change...but some time later posterous shut down; so I moved one site to Tumblr, now what? Same promises?) , *read more at http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324787004578493130789235150.html "By JOANN S. LUBLIN , AMIR EFRATI and SPENCER E. ANTE Yahoo Inc.'s YHOO -0.23% board has approved a deal to acquire blogging startup Tumblr, people familiar with the matter said Sunday. Yahoo has agreed to pay $1.1 billion in cash for the


company, one of the people said. Tumblr would continue to operate largely as an independent business, the people said. It wasn't immediately clear whether Tumblr's board had also approved the deal..." http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324787004578493130789235150.html *It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth... Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."Acts 4:10-12 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2a8kB Thoughts&Prayers4,5/21/13 FIVE DIE IN CHINA SINKHOLE, http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130521-huge-china-sinkhole-kills-five-shenzhen "...kills five in Shenzhen Five people died when a 10 metre (33 feet) wide sinkhole opened up at the gates of an industrial estate in Shenzhen, the southern Chinese boom town neighbouring Hong Kong, local authorities said Tuesday. The Shenzhen Longgang district government said on its verified page on Sina Weibo,..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130521-huge-china-sinkhole-kills-five-shenzhen "We ought always to thank God for you, brothers, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love every one of you has for each other is increasing."2 Thessalonians 1:3 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2aE6H 5/21/13 ha ha, MAN CAUGHT HAVING AFFAIR EXITS VIA SHIRT-ROPE FROM WINDOW AS CROWD JEERS & ANGRY HUSBAND ARGUES w/ WIFE, See video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aD-WPa9vX1Q&feature=youtube_gdata_player *read more at http://news.yahoo.com/boyfriend-espaces-window-husband-confronts-cheating-wife-video-164803351.html "... walk-of-shame ever, an underwear-clad lover escaped from a third floor bedroom as the returning husband confronted his cheating wife on a balcony. According to the Daily Mail, a crowd lined a Brazilian street as a womans angry lover struggled down an impromptu rope made of white T-shirts. In a video of the escape, the man exits the window butt first, wearing only a pair of white underwear, as the husband continues to angrily confront his wife...."


http://news.yahoo.com/boyfriend-espaces-window-husband-confronts-cheating-wife-video-164803351.html "Thou Shall Not Commit Adulterey" "We ought always to thank God for you, brothers, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love every one of you has for each other is increasing."2 Thessalonians 1:3 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2aIDY 5/21/13 UCLA SAYS SUBWAY IS JUST AS UNHEALTHY AS McDONALDS,*read more at http://news.yahoo.com/breaking-subway-just-unhealthy-mcdonald-185710202.html "Researchers from the University of California Los Angeles found that despite claims to the contrary, Subway is just as unhealthy as the oft-reviled golden arches of McDonald swhich long had the most locations in the country of any fast-food chain until Subway surpassed it in 2011..." http://news.yahoo.com/breaking-subway-just-unhealthy-mcdonald-185710202.html "We ought always to thank God for you, brothers, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love every one of you has for each other is increasing."2 Thessalonians 1:3 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2aEAi 5/21/13 NAVY DOLPHINS DISCOVER 1880(?) HOWELL TORPEDO NEAR CORONADO,*read more at http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/navy-dolphins-find-rare-torpedo-article-1.1349515 "...Two bottlenose dolphins trained by the U.S. Navys marine mammal program have discovered a rare 19thcentury Howell torpedo off the coast of San Diego. In all, 50 Howell torpedoes were made between 1870 and 1889, and the only other known example is on display at the Naval Undersea Museum in Keyport, Wash., ...Made of brass, the 11-foot-long elegant torpedo was the first such device to be able to follow a track and not leave a wake in the water..." http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/navy-dolphins-find-rare-torpedo-article-1.1349515 "We ought always to thank God for you, brothers, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love every one of you has for each other is increasing."2 Thessalonians 1:3 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2aEsn


5/22/13 PERSONS OF CONSCIENCE PROTEST HARVEY MILK DAY,(our govt should NOT be promoting a person solely due to their sexual orientation. This is disgusting...very wrong ! They do this at west hollywood library too...the walls are lined with poster-size photos of homosexual couples embracing, and not a single heterosexual couple..)..surely there are heterosexuals living in and around west hollywood as much as anywhere else. There are schools and children..meaning people are reproducing..which still requires 2 persons of the opposite sex...I don't think all of these children are adopted or due to artificial insemination...its wrong..completely wrong to promote homosexuality at the expense of heterosexuality) *read more at http://www.10news.com/news/some-parents-upset-california-schools-recognizing-harvey-milk-day-sdusdpassed-milk-proclamation-052213 "SAN DIEGO - Some parents in California say they will be keeping their kids home from school Wednesday because teachers plan to commemorate Harvey Milk Day. Harvey Milk was the first openly gay person elected to public office in California. Milk was elected to the San Francisco County Board of Supervisors in 1978. He is seen as a man who paved the way for future gay political leaders. Wednesday, students around the state will hear about his accomplishments. But a group called SaveCalifornia.com is running radio ads in California cities calling on parents to boycott Harvey Milk Day by keeping their children home from school. One radio ad says, "They'll be taught an agenda that attacks our family values." "Children belong to their parents, not to the government and so if your schools are sexually indoctrinating..." http://www.10news.com/news/some-parents-upset-california-schools-recognizing-harvey-milk-day-sdusdpassed-milk-proclamation-052213 "We ought always to thank God for you, brothers, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love every one of you has for each other is increasing."2 Thessalonians 1:3 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother LinkOnly 5/21/13 YAHOO EXPANDS FLICKR OPTIONS,incl FREE 1TB OF STORAGE,*read more at http://m.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-22608122 "The revamp also allows users to host longer video clips and higher-resolution photos, and a new app has been launched for Android devices. The news came hours after the company confirmed it was taking over blogging platform Tumblr...."The 1TB of ad-supported free storage is the big thing," he said...." http://m.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-22608122 "We ought always to thank God for you, brothers, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love every one of you has for each other is increasing."2 Thessalonians 1:3 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools


*Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2aElZ Thoughts&Prayers4 5/21/13 TWO MORE DIE ON MT. EVEREST, http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130521-bangladeshi-south-korean-climbers-die-everest "A climber from Bangladesh and another from South Korea have died on Mount Everest as hundreds flock to the world's highest peak during good weather, Nepalese tourism officials said Tuesday. "Both men died while descending from the summit on Monday," an official with the tourism ministry told AFP from Everest Base Camp...." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130521-bangladeshi-south-korean-climbers-die-everest "We ought always to thank God for you, brothers, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love every one of you has for each other is increasing."2 Thessalonians 1:3 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2aDOd 5/22/13 MIKE TROUT HITS 4 the CYCLE http://abcnews.go.com/Sports/wireStory/trout-hits-cycle-drives-angels-rout-ms-19230059 "Trout hit for the cycle and drove in five runs, Josh Hamilton celebrated his 32nd birthday with a homer and a triple, and Howie Kendrick also went deep in the Los Angeles Angels' 12-0 rout of the Seattle Mariners on Tuesday night...." http://abcnews.go.com/Sports/wireStory/trout-hits-cycle-drives-angels-rout-ms-19230059 5/19/13 WHAT DID OBAMA KNOW re IRS ? (He probably has a "rule" about keeping him "in the dark" on some issues so that he has "plausible deniability" if & when a scandal breaks...but its still NOT a legitimate excuse..he should be kept informed , & give orders to be kept informed, of all ongoing significant events in his administration)*read more at http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Journalism/2013/05/17/NYT-Obama-Admin-Aware-of-IRS-Scandal-6-Monthsbefore-Election "...The Treasury Departments inspector general told senior Treasury officials in June 2012 he was investigating the Internal Revenue Services screening of politically active organizations seeking tax exemptions,... We still dont know for sure what the President knew or when he knew it, but this does confirm that the administration was aware of the fact that Obama's political enemies were under fire by the IRS and covered that fact up during an election year..." http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Journalism/2013/05/17/NYT-Obama-Admin-Aware-of-IRS-Scandal-6-Monthsbefore-Election


*It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth... Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."Acts 4:10-12 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2a4nU 5/18/13 CRYSTAL CATHEDRAL WILL BE CALLED "SHEPHERD'S GROVE" AFTER MOVE; also re FINAL ORGAN RECITAL @ CRYSTAL CATHEDRAL b/f DISMANTLING 4 REFURBISHING, (I was there !) *read more at http://www.scpr.org/news/2013/05/17/37314/final-recital-to-take-place-this-weekend-at-crysta/ "...concert kicks off an effort to raise $2 million in restoration funds. Internationally acclaimed organist Hector Olivera will perform. Meanwhile, the financially-troubled Crystal Cathedral Ministry is moving to a decidedly more modest church in Garden Grove. It will be called "Shepherd's Grove." http://www.scpr.org/news/2013/05/17/37314/final-recital-to-take-place-this-weekend-at-crysta/ *It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth... Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."Acts 4:10-12 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2a54D 5/20/13 SWEDEN WINS GOLD @ WORLD ICE HOCKEY CHAMPIONSHIP,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130519-sweden-grab-world-title-home-ice "Sweden battled back from a goal down to grab their ninth world ice hockey title on Sunday with a 5-1 win over unfancied Switzerland..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130519-sweden-grab-world-title-home-ice *It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth... Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."Acts 4:10-12 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother 5/19/13 FOUR WOMEN to RACE AT INDY 500, MATCHES RECORD; (I saw Simona & Ana at the Long Beach Grand Prix)*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130520-record-tying-four-women-start-indy


"...Britain's Katherine Legge and Pippa Mann and Brazilian Ana Beatriz joined the Indianapolis 500 starting grid on Sunday to match a race record four women starters in this year's field. The trio joined Swiss racer Simona de Silvestro, who qualified Saturday, to match the mark from 2010 and 2011 for female drivers in Indy's 33-car field..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130520-record-tying-four-women-start-indy *It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth... Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."Acts 4:10-12 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2a8B5 5/19/13 USA TAKES BRONZE AT WORLD HOCKEY CHAMPIONSHIP,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130519-americans-beat-finland-grab-world-bronze "...The United States won bronze at the world ice hockey championships after beating co-hosts Finland 3-2 in a penalty shootout on Sunday..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130519-americans-beat-finland-grab-world-bronze *It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth... Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."Acts 4:10-12 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2a8Gn Thoughts&Prayers4, 5/19/13 PARENTS OF 2 AUSTRALIAN KIDS DIE WHILE SNORKELING,MAYBE FROM JELLYFISH STING,*read more http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/australiaandthepacific/australia/10068067/Snorkel-tragedyparents-may-have-been-killed-by-Irukandji-jellyfish.html "Parents who mysteriously died simultaneously while snorkelling in Australia, leaving their young children orphaned on the beach, may have been killed by the Irukandji jellyfish one of the world's most venomous creatures. The pair were spotted by the children floating face down ..."


http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/australiaandthepacific/australia/10068067/Snorkel-tragedyparents-may-have-been-killed-by-Irukandji-jellyfish.html *It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth... Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."Acts 4:10-12 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2aDFm 5/19/13 LEGENDARY JOCKEY, GARY STEVENS,LEADS OXBOW to PREAKNESS WIN,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130519-oxbow-wins-138th-preakness-stakes "...Oxbow, ridden by veteran jockey Gary Stevens and trained by D. Wayne Lukas, won the 138th Preakness Stakes Saturday as heavily favored Kentucky Derby winner Orb was fourth. Stevens took his mount, a 15-1 shot, to the front almost straight out of the gate..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130519-oxbow-wins-138th-preakness-stakes *It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth... Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."Acts 4:10-12 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/2a4g6 5/15/13 re SARAH PALIN's BLISTERING REPROACH OF OBAMA,*read more at http://www.therightscoop.com/sarah-palin-slams-obama-in-latest-facebook-post-scandalous-hat-trick/ "...Mr. President, how can we trust your Justice Department to conduct an independent investigation when there is a systemic violation of the Hatch Act throughout your administration? Surely you are aware that the Hatch Act prevents certain federal employees from engaging in political activity. Specifically, its illegal for these federal employees to engage in action in support of or in opposition to a political party, ...Yet that is exactly whats happened within the IRS, the Justice Department, and in the Benghazi cover-up. This scandalous hat trick is on your watch. It is not believable that you knew nothing ..." http://www.therightscoop.com/sarah-palin-slams-obama-in-latest-facebook-post-scandalous-hat-trick/ *It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth... Salvation is found in no


one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."Acts 4:10-12 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/29h6k 5/2/13 RIP,CHRIS KELLY, 34,aka "MAC DADDY" of KRIS KROSS fame,*read more at http://m.mtv.com/news/article.rbml?id=1706671&weburl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.mtv.com%2fnews %2farticles%2f1706671%2fkris-kross-chris-kelly-dead.jhtml&alt=http%3a%2f%2fm.mtv.com%2fnews %2findex.rbml&cid=300 "Chris Kelly, one-half of the Atlanta-based rap duo Kris Kross, died Wednesday (May 1) at the age of 34, MTV News has confirmed with the Fulton County Medical Examiner in Georgia. The rapper died in an Atlanta hospital after he was found unresponsive at his Atlanta home, and while the cause of death is currently unknown an autopsy is planned for Thursday, CNN reports..." http://m.mtv.com/news/article.rbml?id=1706671&weburl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.mtv.com%2fnews %2farticles%2f1706671%2fkris-kross-chris-kelly-dead.jhtml&alt=http%3a%2f%2fm.mtv.com%2fnews %2findex.rbml&cid=300 *read more at http://m.washingtonpost.com/national/chris-kelly-member-of-90s-rap-duo-kris-kross-dies-in-atlanta-at-34drug-overdose-suspected/2013/05/02/dc308348-b2e0-11e2-9fb1-62de9581c946_story.html Chris Kelly, half of the 1990s kid rap duo behind one of the decades most memorable songs, Jump, has died at an Atlanta hospital ... He was 34. Kelly, known as Mac Daddy, and Chris Smith, known as Daddy Mac, made up the rap group Kris Kross..." http://m.washingtonpost.com/national/chris-kelly-member-of-90s-rap-duo-kris-kross-dies-in-atlanta-at-34drug-overdose-suspected/2013/05/02/dc308348-b2e0-11e2-9fb1-62de9581c946_story.html "Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us." 1 John 4:11-12 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 5/15/13 BOSTON BOMBER LEFT MESSAGE IN BOAT,*read more at http://news.yahoo.com/boston-bombing-suspect-wrote-message-boat-cbs-news-133902669.html "WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Accused Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who was found hiding in a boat days after the blasts, left a handwritten message describing the attack as retribution for U.S. wars in Muslim countries, CBS News reported on


Thursday...." http://news.yahoo.com/boston-bombing-suspect-wrote-message-boat-cbs-news-133902669.html "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive he crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him."James 1:12 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/29hem 5/16/13 EASIER FOR MUSLIM GROUPS TO GET IRS APPROVAL THAN TEA PARTY !*read more at http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/2013/05/17/attorney-every-single-application-of-a-muslim-nonprofithas-flown-through-the-irs-with-less-scrutiny/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter "..., it may be easier to become a Muslim nonprofit these days than it would be to become a Tea Party affiliated nonprofit. Having spent most of my legal career working with tax exempt entities, the IRS scrutiny on the Tea Party isnt news to me. In my days at large law firms, I handled a portfolio of nonprofit Tea Party organizations and saw firsthand how the IRS treated them when it came to granting exemptions. In many cases, the organizations fight toothand-nail to get through IRS scrutiny, often facing pages of questions from the IRS on their activities. And she said and did nothing. If it were a Muslim group would she remain silent? On the flip side, Ive worked with numerous Muslim organizations as well. And every single application of a Muslim nonprofit has gone through the IRS, with less scrutiny..." http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/2013/05/17/attorney-every-single-application-of-a-muslim-nonprofithas-flown-through-the-irs-with-less-scrutiny/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter *It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth... Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."Acts 4:10-12 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/29hi7 Thoughts&Prayers4,5/15/13 ARVELLA SCHULLER SUFFERS STROKE,*read more at http://www.joy105.com/crystal-cathedral-ministries-founder-suffers-stroke/ "Arvella Schuller [83], wife of the Rev. Robert H. Schuller and co-founder of the Crystal Cathedral Ministries , reportedly suffered a stroke and has been working with Medicare-provided therapists to regain use of her left arm and leg.


The Orange County Register reports that..." http://www.joy105.com/crystal-cathedral-ministries-founder-suffers-stroke/ *It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth... Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."Acts 4:10-12 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/29hbw 5/17/13 IRS ALSO TARGETED PRO-LIFERS,*read more at http://www.lifenews.com/2013/05/15/irs-scandal-grows-agency-withheld-approval-of-pro-life-group/ "... an application for tax exempt status for Coalition for Life of Iowa. In a phone call to Coalition for Life of Iowa leaders on June 6, 2009, the IRS agent Ms. Richards told the group to send a letter to the IRS with the entire boards signatures stating that, under perjury of the law, they do not picket/protest or organize groups to picket or protest outside of Planned Parenthood. Once the IRS received this letter, their application would be approved...." http://www.lifenews.com/2013/05/15/irs-scandal-grows-agency-withheld-approval-of-pro-life-group/ *It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth... Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."Acts 4:10-12 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/29hpO 5/15/13 MAN FINDS $4 MILLION+ LOTTO TICKET IN COOKIE JAR, *read more at http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/man-finds-4-85-million-lotto-ticket-cookie-173010278.html "...Richard Cerezo was going through his old lottery tickets, which he kept in a cookie jar, the Chicago Tribune reports, and took them to the 7-Eleven to see if he had any winners. For one of them, it turned out, he needed to file a claim, which, according to Cerezo, meant the ticket was worth at least $600. Excited, he returned home and checked the numbers on his computer....Cerezo spoke to lottery officials, who told him the ticket was worth $4.85 million..." http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/man-finds-4-85-million-lotto-ticket-cookie-173010278.html *It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth... Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."Acts 4:10-12 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document


*Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/29hlX 5/16/13 RIP,DICK TRICKLE,RACE CAR DRIVER,71*read more at http://www.cnn.com/2013/05/16/sport/motorsport/north-carolina-trickle-obit/?hpt=hp_t2 "(CNN) -- Richard "Dick" Trickle -- who parlayed a legendary reputation as a short-track driver into a fulltime career on stock car racing's biggest stages in the 1990s -- died Thursday of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound, a North Carolina sheriff's office said. He was 71...." http://www.cnn.com/2013/05/16/sport/motorsport/north-carolina-trickle-obit/?hpt=hp_t2 *It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth... Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."Acts 4:10-12 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/29h97 5/16/13 IRS LIED re TEA PARTY TARGETING IN 2010,*read more at http://www.therightscoop.com/uh-oh-the-irs-lied-about-existence-of-tea-party-documents-to-avoid-foiarequest/ "FREE BEACON The Internal Revenue Service denied the existence of any documents related to its policy of targeting Tea Party organizations in response to a 2010 Freedom of Information Act request, even though such documents were later discovered by the IRS inspector general. The 1851 Center for Constitutional Law, a conservative nonprofit group, filed a FOIA request in 2010 through investigative journalist Lynn K. Walsh seeking all IRS documents related to the agencies tax-exempt division specifically mentioning the Tea Party..." http://www.therightscoop.com/uh-oh-the-irs-lied-about-existence-of-tea-party-documents-to-avoid-foiarequest/ *It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth... Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."Acts 4:10-12 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/29h2m 5/15/13 BOB WOODWARD COMPARES BENGHAZI 2 WATERGATE,*read more at


http://www.therightscoop.com/bob-woodward-i-would-not-dismiss-benghazi-as-merely-politics-compares-itto-watergate/ "...the emails clearly show the administration didnt want to tell the truth. He then noted the similarities it bears to to Nixon personally editing the transcripts during Watergate..." http://www.therightscoop.com/bob-woodward-i-would-not-dismiss-benghazi-as-merely-politics-compares-itto-watergate/ http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-TV/2013/05/20/Bob-Woodward-This-Is-Not-Watergate-But-Some-AreActing-Nixonian *It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth... Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."Acts 4:10-12 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/29gYz 5/16/13 DAVID BECKHAM ANNOUNCES RETIREMENT PLANS, *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130516-end-it-like-beckham-footballer-hangs-boots '"..., David Beckham, revealed that he was to hang up his boots at the end of the 2012-13 season, aged 38. Beckham, who has enjoyed a glittering playing career, bows out at the highest level, with a four-month stint at Paris SaintGermain proving to be his swansong...." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130516-end-it-like-beckham-footballer-hangs-boots *It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth... Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."Acts 4:10-12 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/29gU2 5/16/13 TRYING TO EQUATE ISLAM w/ CHRISTIANITY LEADS TO DELUSIONAL QUEST 2 "LIBERATE" MUSLIMS,says SCHOLAR,*read more at http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2013/05/17/bipartisan-folly-our-islam-delusion/ "... be rehabilitated and made compatible with Western Christian values. Neither political side understands that, contrary to the biblical view of man, the root of Islamic ideology declares that man is of no consequence. Allah is. The human individual is of no value; he is only to serve the whim of Allah, his prophet, and the successors (caliphates) of the prophets of Islam. Democracy and freedom rise from the bottom up,


whereas Islam is a top-down ideologyAllah, whose words they claim to have received, is all that matters. So when George W. Bush often said ..." http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2013/05/17/bipartisan-folly-our-islam-delusion/ *It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth... Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."Acts 4:10-12 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/29e44 5/16/13 WHITE HOUSE FINALLY RELEASES BENGHAZI EMAILS,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130515-white-house-releases-benghazi-emails "The White House on Wednesday released 100 pages of emails designed to quell a furor about disputed talking points framed for top officials following the attack on the US mission in Benghazi. The release of the documents was an apparent attempt to defuse Republican complaints that the White House initially blamed the ..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130515-white-house-releases-benghazi-emails "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive he crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him."James 1:12 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/28h1V Thoughts& prayers4, 5/15/13 WORLD CUP SOCCER DRIBBLER KILLED B4, CAR AS HE DRIBBLED TOWARDS BRAZIL FROM OREGON, *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130515-world-cup-soccer-dribbler-killed-us-accident "Supporters of an American who hoped to dribble a soccer ball all the way to Brazil for the 2014 World Cup are mourning his death in a road accident in Oregon just days after he began his odyssey.


Richard Swanson, 42, set off from Seattle, Washington on May 1 with little more than a backpack and a blue ball from the One World Futbol Project, a charity that donates nondestructible footballs to young people worldwide. Police in Lincoln City, Oregon say he was hit by a pickup truck Tuesday on the southbound shoulder of Highway 101, the Oregon Coastal Highway that runs parallel and close to the Pacific shore...." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130515-world-cup-soccer-dribbler-killed-us-accident "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive he crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him."James 1:12 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/28F48 5/15/13 RICH CHINAMAN DESTROYS HIS OWN $400,000 MASERATI TO PROTEST BAD SERVICE FROM DEALER,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130515-china-owner-smashes-maserati-service-protest "...A wealthy Chinese Maserati owner hired four sledgehammer-wielding men to smash up his $420,000 supercar in protest at poor customer service, reports said Wednesday. The car owner, identified only by his surname Wang, had the group attack the Maserati Quattroporte at the opening of an auto show in the eastern city of Qingdao, in Shandong province, the Qingdao Morning Post said. Video images showed the men going about their task ..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130515-china-owner-smashes-maserati-service-protest "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive he crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him."James 1:12 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/28rOc 5/12/13 CALVIN COLLEGE WINS COMMISSIONER's CUP,*read more at http://www.mlive.com/smallcolleges/grandrapids/index.ssf/2013/05/calvin_college_wins_miaa_commi.html


"For the first time since the 1999-2000 academic year, Calvin College has won the outright MIAA Commissioner's Cup. Calvin finished the year with 216 points, finishing ahead of Hope which earned 205 points for second place. At the conclusion of the 2007-08 year, Calvin and Hope shared the Commissioner's Cup as the two schools tied for first place. Hope had since won the last four outright titles. The MIAA Commissioner's Cup award is based on the cumulative performance of each member school in the league's 20 sports for men and women...The Commissioner's Cup (All-Sports Award) has been presented since 1934-35. Hope has won the award 34 times, followed by Kalamazoo 15, Albion 14, Calvin 9 and Alma 5...." http://www.mlive.com/smallcolleges/grandrapids/index.ssf/2013/05/calvin_college_wins_miaa_commi.html "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord you God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength... " Deuteronomy 6:4-5 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/27mbc 5/15/13 RIP,JOYCE BROTHERS,85,*read more at http://news.yahoo.com/popular-psychologist-joyce-brothers-dead-85-222059083.html "By ULA ILNYTZKY ... Joyce Brothers, the pop psychologist who pioneered the television advice show in the 1950s and enjoyed a long and prolific career as a syndicated columnist, author, and television and film personality, has died. She was 85...." http://news.yahoo.com/popular-psychologist-joyce-brothers-dead-85-222059083.html "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you , so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."John 13:34-35 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/27R95 5/13/13 THIEF ROBS BIEBER's CONCERT CASH,S.AFRICA,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130513-south-africa-thieves-nab-bieber-concert-cash "...just hours after the Canadian pop star wowed a sell-out crowd. "The suspect had gained entry through the roof," said police spokeswoman Katlego Mogale. "They broke the tile... of the bathroom between last night (Sunday)


after the concert, and this morning." The unknown number of thieves escaped with over one a million rand ($109,000, 84,000 euro), said Mogale. A concert employee had put the money in a safe at the stadium before..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130513-south-africa-thieves-nab-bieber-concert-cash "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you , so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."John 13:34-35 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/27kp2 5/13 PERSON w/ CELLPHONE VIDEOTAPED the AMANDA BERRY RESCUE, *read more at http://news.yahoo.com/dramatic-cell-video-shows-moment-police-smashed-open-131611240.html "Once police arrived, they rushed to the front door and proceeded to undertake a forcible entry. Baldrich, who pulled over during what she assumed would be a traffic stop, took out her phone and captured the gripping scene. The Daily Mail has more about the incident, including the women's shock when they realized that Berry, a missing person who was known in the area, had been inside of the home: In the video, cops can be seen prying open the front door of Castro's house...." http://news.yahoo.com/dramatic-cell-video-shows-moment-police-smashed-open-131611240.html "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you , so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."John 13:34-35 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/27RdK 5/13/13 re BRYCE REED & WEST (TX) EXPLOSION; *read more at http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2323152/Bryce-Reed-Former-West-paramedic-fired-just-daysexplosion-marriage-fell-apart-Facebook--hes-charged-possessing-bomb.html "...Fallen: Reed has been accused of stealingfrom blast victim and firefighter Cyrus Reed, pictured, who Reed eulogized and has referred to as his brother..." http://www.bonanza.com/b "...EMT Bryce Reed was fired from West, Texas' emergency response squad on April 19, two days after


the devastating explosion at a fertilizer plant Reed, 31, one of the first to arrive at the scene of the blast, was well known to media following the explosion..." "...The West, Texas first responder arrested for having bomb-making materials made several rambling postings on his Facebook account just hours before police arrested him and brought him into custody...." http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2323152/Bryce-Reed-Former-West-paramedic-fired-just-daysexplosion-marriage-fell-apart-Facebook--hes-charged-possessing-bomb.html "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive he crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him."James 1:12 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/28ndo 5/13/13 INSECT DIET, WAVE of the FUTURE? *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130513bugs-are-food-future-un-agency "...Beetles, caterpillars and wasps could supplement the diets of billions of people globally and help feed livestock, the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation said on Monday, calling for more investment in edible insect farming. "One of the many ways to address food and feed insecurity is through insect farming," the report said, pointing out that insects were "nutritious, with high protein, fat and mineral contents"....But the authors admitted that..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130513-bugs-are-food-future-un-agency "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord you God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength... " Deuteronomy 6:4-5 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/27j4X Thoughts&Prayers4 5/13/13 FINAL DEATH TOLL OF BANGLADESH FACTORY IS 1127,*read more at http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/05/13/3394756/bangladesh-to-allow-unions-for.html "Bangladesh -- Nearly three weeks after a Bangladesh garment-factory building collapsed, the search for the dead is over at the site of the worst accident in the industry's history. The death toll: 1,127. ..." http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/05/13/3394756/bangladesh-to-allow-unions-for.html


"Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord you God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength... " Deuteronomy 6:4-5 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother 5/12/13 EFRAIN RIOS MONTT CONVICTED of GENOCIDE,GUATEMALA,*read more at http://news.yahoo.com/ex-dictator-convicted-genocide-guatemala-225603491.html "GUATEMALA CITY (AP) Former dictator Efrain Rios Montt's conviction of genocide is a historic moment in a country still healing from a brutal, three-decade civil war and his trial offered Guatemala's oppressed indigenous communities their first chance to be heard, human rights activists said. Relatives of those killed and activists celebrated the 80year sentence handed down by a tribunal to Rios Montt on Friday, a sweet moment in their long struggle to punish the former dictator who presided over one of the bloodiest chapters of a war that killed some 200,000 people, mainly indigenous Mayans...." http://news.yahoo.com/ex-dictator-convicted-genocide-guatemala-225603491.html "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord you God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength... " Deuteronomy 6:4-5 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/26Ams 5/13/13 IRS CHIEF,STEVEN MILLER,FIRED (but was he going to retire soon anyways? That's what I heard...so that this was actually a ceremonious firing more than actual punishment for wrongdoing))*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130516-obama-sacks-tax-chief-over-scandal "...Barack Obama sacked the acting head of the US Internal Revenue Service on Wednesday over a scandal sparked when officials unfairly targeted conservative groups. Obama said Treasury Secretary Jack Lew had asked for and received the resignation of tax agency chief Steven Miller and promised a new system of checks and safeguards to make sure..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130516-obama-sacks-tax-chief-over-scandal "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive he crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him."James 1:12 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily


*Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/28msX Thoughts&Prayers4, 5/14/13 re ANGIE JOLIE's DOUBLE MASTECTOMY, (my mom did this too...not preventative but in response to cancer...difficult, but she's still alive & well now) *read more at http://www.chicagotribune.com/entertainment/chi-angelina-jolie-mastectomy-20130514,0,62264.story " Angelina Jolie has revealed she had a double mastectomy to reduce her chances of getting breast cancer, and says she hopes her story will inspire other women fighting the life-threatening disease...." http://www.chicagotribune.com/entertainment/chi-angelina-jolie-mastectomy-20130514,0,62264.story "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you , so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."John 13:34-35 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/27jN9 LinkOnly 5/14/13 L.A.'s RADICAL LIBERALS WRONGLY (?) PROTEST KOCH BROS as POTENTIAL LA TIMES OWNERS (I say welcome to the Koch Bros, glad to have some conservatives at the helm,...I just hope they're conservative enough..in fact they may be more liberal than the liberals realize..if so, these liberals may be doing the real conservatives a favor, ha ha..isnt that ironic? ) *read more at http://sayanythingblog.com/entry/democrats-threaten-the-la-times-over-potential-koch-brothers-sale/ "...LA Times and several other publications all owned by the Tribune Company may be bought by the Koch brothers, the libertarian/ conservative billionaires who have become btes noires for the left. So, naturally, everybody is freaking out. Because its ok when liberals/progressives own mainstream media outlets, but not anyone from the right. Anyway, now the Los Angeles City Council has entered the fray threatening to pull city pension investments from the Tribune Company if they sell to ownership that doesnt meet their ideological tastes. Because theyre protecting journalism, or something..." [ha ha,yeah right,protecting journalism, ha ha ha] http://sayanythingblog.com/entry/democrats-threaten-the-la-times-over-potential-koch-brothers-sale/ "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive he crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him."James 1:12 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily


*Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/28mBl 5/13/13 MAPLE LEAFS BLOW A 4-1 LEAD w/ 11 MINUTES REMAINING; END OF SEASON; BRUINS MOVE ON,NHL STANLEY CUP PLAYOFFS,*read more at http://www.theglobeandmail.com/sports/hockey/leafs-beat/meltdown-in-beantown-sees-leafs-eliminated-inovertime-of-game-7/article11906034/ "...In one of the worst collapses in franchise (and perhaps even league) history, the Leafs blew a 4-1 lead with less than 11 minutes left in Game 7 on Monday night, frittering away a chance to eliminate the Boston Bruins on the road after improbably coming back from down 3-1 in the series..." http://www.theglobeandmail.com/sports/hockey/leafs-beat/meltdown-in-beantown-sees-leafs-eliminated-inovertime-of-game-7/article11906034/ "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you , so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."John 13:34-35 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/27jZ4 5/11/13 BLIND POLEVAULTER MAY WIN CHAMPIONSHIP VERSUS NON-DISABLED ATHLETES,*read more at http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/A/ATH_BLIND_POLE_VAULTER? SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT "AUSTIN, Texas (AP) -- To see the world as 15-year-old Charlotte Brown does, imagine looking through a tiny straw. Strip away all color and depth perception from the pinhole view and use a right eye that can't distinguish shape from shadow. Now run about 80 feet, counting seven steps with your left foot before planting a nearly 13-foot pole in the ground to launch your body a dozen feet into the air...." http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/A/ATH_BLIND_POLE_VAULTER? SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord you God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength... " Deuteronomy 6:4-5 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother


LinkOnly 5/13/13 BELIZEANS BULLDOZE ANCIENT MAYAN TEMPLE FOR ROAD GRAVEL (I visited Belize once..went to the little islands or "cayes" ..also visited my friend Tom Post & family..who I originally met in Costa Rica..and they are friends from same denomination, CRC,...they are missionaries and live in Belize part-time near a Mayan ruin..not sure which one..can't recall but I remember walking around it..also I went to Tikal in nearby Guatemala) ,*read more at http://m.newser.com/story/167859/mayan-pyramid-crushed-for-gravel.html? utm_source=happyhour&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20130514 "Archeologists have been horrified to discover that one of the largest Mayan pyramids in Belize has been almost completely annihilated by road crews looking for an easy source of gravel. The 2,300-year-old temple at the heart of the Nohmul complexat 60 feet, one of the country's tallest structureswas ripped down with bulldozers and backhoes by a crew that threatened reporters with machetes, USA Today reports...." http://m.newser.com/story/167859/mayan-pyramid-crushed-for-gravel.html? utm_source=happyhour&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20130514 "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive he crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him."James 1:12 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/28mZz 5/13/13 F&M BANK DONATES $1 MILLION TO CHRIST CATHEDRAL (FORMER CRYSTAL CATHEDRAL)*read more at http://fountainvalley.patch.com/groups/editors-picks/p/bank-donates-1-million-for-christ-cathedral "Farmers & Merchants Bank donated $1 million today to the renovation of the Diocese of Orange's Christ Cathedral. The donation was made during the 11th annual Conference on Business and Ethics in Irvine. The Diocese of Orange acquired the Crystal Cathedral mega-church in bankruptcy court in November 2011..." http://fountainvalley.patch.com/groups/editors-picks/p/bank-donates-1-million-for-christ-cathedral "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive he crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him."James 1:12 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/28n5z 5/13/13 MICHIGAN's CARL LEVIN IDENTIFIED AS an INSTIGATOR in the IRS TARGETING of CONSERVATIVES, *read more at http://news.investors.com/ibd-editorials/051513-656189-irs-targeting-benefited-obama-presidentialcampaign.htm


"Disclose Act, provided the names of groups they wanted targeted in a taxpayer-funded witch hunt overseen by an IRS employee and Obama campaign donor. Using the Citizens United case as a pretext, retiring Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., on July 27, 2012, wrote IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman to investigate 12 conservative groups he accused of violating their taxexempt status and engaging in coordinated political activity. The groups Levin asked to be targeted for special scrutiny were Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies, Priorities U.S.A., Americans Elect, American Action Network, Americans for Prosperity, American Future Fund, Americans for Tax Reform, 60 Plus Association, Patriot Majority USA, Club for Growth, Citizens for a Working America Inc. and the Susan B. Anthony List...." http://news.investors.com/ibd-editorials/051513-656189-irs-targeting-benefited-obama-presidentialcampaign.htm "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive he crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him."James 1:12 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/28nZv 5/13/13 OBAMA's "ALINSKY TACTICS" BEHIND IRS PERSECUTION OF CONSERVATIVES? HELPED HIM WIN ELECTION ? http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2013/05/mission-accomplished-obama-irs-forced-several-tea-partygroups-to-shut-down-before-election/ "... Alinsky Tactics & IRS To Ensure Tea Party Was Not a Factor in 2012 Peter Riehm, chairman of the Common Sense Campaign, a conservative group, was on Your World with Neal Cavuto today. Riehm told Neal that his organization withdrew their application for tax exempt status after the IRS asked for copies of all speeches and the board members employers. This is pure thuggery, folks. The Common Sense campaign was one of the dozens of groups that withdrew their applications after years of harassment by the Obama IRS..." http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2013/05/mission-accomplished-obama-irs-forced-several-tea-partygroups-to-shut-down-before-election/ "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive he crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him."James 1:12 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships


Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/28rH0 5/13/13 CONGRESSMAN TELLS HUGH HEWITT that OBAMA TAPPED the HOUSE of REPS CLOAK ROOM,*read more at http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2013/05/breaking-holder-justice-department-also-tapped-house-ofrepresentatives-cloak-room/ "...Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA) went on the Hugh Hewitt Show tonight and dropped this bombshell. The Holder-Obama Justice Department tapped the House of Representatives Cloak Room..." http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2013/05/breaking-holder-justice-department-also-tapped-house-ofrepresentatives-cloak-room/ "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive he crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him."James 1:12 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/28rUe 5/13/13 DID AMBASSADOR STEVENS "DECLINE ADDITIONAL SECURITY" OR IS THIS PROPAGANDA FROM THE LEFT? *read more at http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/report-ambassador-stevens-declined-additional-security/? utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+OTB+ %28Outside+The+Beltway+%7C+OTB%29 ".... Conservatives have heavily criticized President Barack Obamas administration including former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for their handling of the Benghazi attack, in part because of what they say was a lack of security at the post. While this may seem inconsistent given his requests to the State Department for additional security, its worth noting that Ambassador Stevens only took a minimal guard to Benghazi when he made his trip there on September 11th...." http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/report-ambassador-stevens-declined-additional-security/? utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+OTB+ %28Outside+The+Beltway+%7C+OTB%29 "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive he crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him."James 1:12 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/28Eqo 5/13/13 GIANTS OWNER SAYS JETS DESTROYED TEBOW's CAREER (intentionally?!) (Keep the Faith, Tim ! Let Tebow play?!)


*read more at http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/football/jets/giants-owner-jets-ruined-tebow-career-article-1.1342546 "...who he believes is not a bad quarterback. But Tisch made it clear Tebow wouldve been better if the Denver Broncos had traded him somewhere else. You know, I feel badly for the guy, Tisch said. Had another team picked him up, after the Broncos, maybe hed have a career. I think him going from the Broncos to the Jets was not in anybodys best interest. So I do feel badly for him...." http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/football/jets/giants-owner-jets-ruined-tebow-career-article-1.1342546 "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive he crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him."James 1:12 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/28EC4 5/13/13 DUCKS GET WINGED BY DETROIT,NHL PLAYOFFS,END of SEASON,(that ends the hopes of an LA v LA playoff, but Kings r still alive) *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130513-wings-beat-ducks-advance-nhl-playoffs "Justin Abdelkader scored a shorthanded goal and Henrik Zetterberg had a goal and an assist as Detroit advanced to the second round of the NHL playoffs with a 3-2 win over Anaheim...." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130513-wings-beat-ducks-advance-nhl-playoffs "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord you God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength... " Deuteronomy 6:4-5 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother nhl,playoffs,stanley cup,redwings,detroit,anaheim ducks 5/13/13 CAN G.R.'s GRAND RIVER b a WHITEWATER RAPIDS AGAIN?!FEDS INDICATE THEIR COOPERATION,(that would be awesome to float or kayak the grand river thru white water...I remember the old wlav "raft race"days,..even tho that was not whitewater, but it represented a time when the river was more "dynamic"...& more of an integrated part of the community,as it should be) *read more at http://www.mlive.com/business/west-michigan/index.ssf/2013/05/grand_rapids_whitewater_group.html "Richards said he does not expect the announcement to yield any federal funding commitments for their project, estimated to cost $27.5 million to remove five downtown dams, restore the original riverbed and


install a new barrier to keep sea lamprey from spawning upstream. Were not looking at this as a financial boon, were looking at this for the cooperation, Richards said. This will streamline the process and make it more efficient...." http://www.mlive.com/business/west-michigan/index.ssf/2013/05/grand_rapids_whitewater_group.html "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord you God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength... " Deuteronomy 6:4-5 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/26HMd 5/13/13 TIGER WOODS WINS ! *read more at http://m.yahoo.com/w/sports/home/news/article?offset=0&urn=urn%3Anewsml%3Asports.yahoo%2Clego %3A19780928%3Atop%2Carticle%2Cf91b9447-9487-32f9-8669-c1dadad613ef-l %3A1&.ts=1368419039&.intl=US&.lang=en "...Tied for the lead with two holes to play, Woods kept his shots on land and made two pars. Garcia hit three balls into the water for a quadruple bogey-double bogey finish..." http://m.yahoo.com/w/sports/home/news/article?offset=0&urn=urn%3Anewsml%3Asports.yahoo%2Clego %3A19780928%3Atop%2Carticle%2Cf91b9447-9487-32f9-8669-c1dadad613ef-l %3A1&.ts=1368419039&.intl=US&.lang=en "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord you God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength... " Deuteronomy 6:4-5 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/26ygT 5/13/13 POWERFUL ICE FLOW DAMAGES/DESTROYS 27 HOMES,*read more at http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/local/Ice-destroys-several-homes-along-Da-207043001.html "...Doug Davis had just taken a shower and was about to sit down on his couch and relax at his home along Ochre Beach on Friday night. Then he heard the ice coming. "All of a sudden," said Daviss wife, Elaine, "that was it." Within the next five minutes, a wall of ice rose from the lake so powerful that it plowed though the Daviss twostorey home, pushing furniture from one bedroom into another. It pushed the bathroom tub and vanity into the hallway. The Davis family wasnt alone. In all, 27 homes and cottages were damaged or destroyed although no injuries were reported...." http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/local/Ice-destroys-several-homes-along-Da-207043001.html


"Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord you God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength... " Deuteronomy 6:4-5 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/26zkK 5/13 RIP,DALLAS WILLARD,("DIVINE CONSPIRACY" et al) (Dallas was also one of the late Frank' Pastore's favorite theologians, & was often heard on Frank's show) *read more at http://blog.christianitytoday.com/ctliveblog/archives/2013/05/died-dallas-willard-divine-conspiracyauthor.html "...according to Gary Moon, executive director of the Dallas Willard Center at Westmont College, Willard died early Wednesday morning, but "awakened to a full experience of the reality of the Kingdom of the Heavens he described so beautifully. Fittingly, his last two words were, "'Thank you.'" Not long after news broke, InterVarsity Press associate publisher Andrew T. Le Peau wrote on his blog that the University of Southern California philosophy professor will be missed for his "strong, gentle wisdom, remembering him as someone who was soaked in the presence of Christ."..." ....The last excerpt Heatley posted from Willard's page before his death described how there is "no death" for true followers of Christ: "'Those who live in reliance upon the word and person of Jesus, and know by experience the reality of his kingdom, are always better off 'dead,' from the personal point of view.'..." http://blog.christianitytoday.com/ctliveblog/archives/2013/05/died-dallas-willard-divine-conspiracyauthor.html "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord you God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength... " Deuteronomy 6:4-5 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/26zDI 5/11/13 LA KINGS def BLUES,NHL STANLEY CUP REPEAT HOPE ALIVE! (albeit ducks eliminated by wings)*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130511-reigning-kings-beat-blues-advance "The Los Angeles Kings took another step in their bid for a Stanley Cup title repeat, beating the St. Louis Blues 2-1 on Friday to reach the second round of the NHL playoffs..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130511-reigning-kings-beat-blues-advance


"Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord you God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength... " Deuteronomy 6:4-5 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/26H0F 5/10/13 RIP,MALCOLM X GRANDSON, MALCOLM SHABAZZ,29,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130510-grandson-malcolm-x-slain-mexico-official "...troubled grandson of iconic American civil rights leader Malcolm X has been killed in Mexico after a fight in a bar, local prosecutors confirmed on Friday. Malcolm Shabazz, 29, died in hospital after suffering multiple injuries following a fight in a Mexico City bar on Thursday, prosecutors said. Shabazz was described as a paranoid..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130510-grandson-malcolm-x-slain-mexico-official "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord you God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength... " Deuteronomy 6:4-5 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/26JiG miracle! 5/10/13 SURVIVOR FOUND IN BANGLADESH RUBBLE AFTER 17 DAYS,(if that's not a miracle, i dont know what is) *read more at http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2013/05/10/182810766/reports-survivor-rescued-17-days-afterbangladesh-building-collapse "...According to the Daily Star: "Named Reshma, the woman, who was found alive in the basement, was pulled out at 4:25 p.m." That would be 4:25 a.m. ET. Searchers had been focusing on recovering bodies, not looking for survivors. They first heard her groaning a little after 3 p.m. local time..." http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2013/05/10/182810766/reports-survivor-rescued-17-days-afterbangladesh-building-collapse "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord you God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength... " Deuteronomy 6:4-5 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships


Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/26JoM LinkOnly Prayers4 5/10/13 1 DIES, AMERICA's CUP PRACTICE ACCIDENT,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130510-probe-how-americas-cup-boat-nose-dived-killing-brit "... boat 'nosedived,' killing Brit America's Cup bosses announced Friday a probe into why the AC72 yacht on which Briton Andrew Simpson died "nose-dived" into the water, and said other AC72 boats will not train until next week. They also refused to rule out any options when asked if the AC72 catamaran could be dropped from the race or if the race itself could be cancelled -- ..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130510-probe-how-americas-cup-boat-nose-dived-killing-brit "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord you God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength... " Deuteronomy 6:4-5 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/26Ju8 5/10/13 GIANT SNAIL INVASION OVERWHELMS FLORIDA ,*read more at http://www.ocala.com/article/20130413/ARTICLES/130419839 "The largest stretch 8 inches. The oldest live nine years. The busiest lay up to 1,200 eggs. Everywhere they go, people stop to gape. The giant African land snail is a massive mollusk now infesting Miami-Dade County and threatening other parts of Florida...." http://www.ocala.com/article/20130413/ARTICLES/130419839 "As it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him." 1 Corinthians 2:9 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/25OFc Yes! 5/10/13 CHRISTIAN CHEERLEADERS WIN BIBLE VERSE CASE ! *read more at http://news.yahoo.com/judge-rules-cheerleaders-bible-banner-suit-183851357--spt.html "...Sasser said there is no ambiguity in the ruling and that the banners are the cheerleaders' protected


private speech. "We won and they didn't," he said, adding that he expects the school district to appeal. The dispute began during the last football season when the district barred cheerleaders from using runthrough banners that displayed religious messages, such as "If God is for us, who can be against us."..." http://news.yahoo.com/judge-rules-cheerleaders-bible-banner-suit-183851357--spt.html "As it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him." 1 Corinthians 2:9 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/25QP7 5/10/13 CHRISTIANS WIN DEARBORN/MUSLIM PERSECUTION CASE,*read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/05/city-pays-up-for-abusing-christians-rights/ "... city of Dearborn, Mich., has agreed to pay Christians who were arrested at its Arab International Festival in 2010, remove all criticism of them from a city website and post a public apology that will remain online for years, according to a legal team on the case...." http://www.wnd.com/2013/05/city-pays-up-for-abusing-christians-rights/ "As it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him." 1 Corinthians 2:9 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/25Sgc 5/10/13 CRC STILL SEARCHING for NEW EXECUTIVE,*read more at http://www.crcna.org/news-and-views/crc-renews-search-new-leader? utm_source=CRC+News&utm_campaign=9aa3b6d9fd-CRC+News+ %7C+May+8%2C+2013&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_468bc4c3c9-9aa3b6d9fd-52230661 "The Christian Reformed Church has renewed the search for its next executive director after its potential nominee unexpectedly withdrew from the process. The CRCs Board of Trustees, meeting this week in Grand Rapids, Mich., was scheduled to interview the candidate


who had been identified by its search committee. A successful interview would have resulted in the candidate being recommended to Synod 2013 for a...." http://www.crcna.org/news-and-views/crc-renews-search-new-leader? utm_source=CRC+News&utm_campaign=9aa3b6d9fd-CRC+News+ %7C+May+8%2C+2013&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_468bc4c3c9-9aa3b6d9fd-52230661 "As it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him." 1 Corinthians 2:9 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/25S0X 5/9/13 NEW-AGE "GREAT BANK ROBBERY": "CYBER THIEVES" STEAL $45 MILLION, COLD HARD CASH, from ATM's,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130509-cyber-bank-robbers-stole-45-million-us "Cyber thieves around the world stole $45 million by hacking into debit card companies, lifting withdrawal limits, and helping themselves from cash machines, US authorities said Thursday...." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130509-cyber-bank-robbers-stole-45-million-us "As it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him." 1 Corinthians 2:9 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/25PVm

5/9/13 OBAMA BIRTH CERTIFICATE CHALLENGES CONTINUE, *read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/05/sheriff-joe-injects-new-life-into-obama-eligibility/ "Their investigation has continued under the radar, and now Cmdr. Charles Kerchner, who brought one of the first legal challenges against Obama during his first term, confirmed that Arizonas officials will be assisting with evidence in the pending question before the Alabama Supreme Court. On the site, Zullo is quoted saying, We recently discovered new irrefutable evidence, which confirms,


hands down, the document is a fraud...." http://www.wnd.com/2013/05/sheriff-joe-injects-new-life-into-obama-eligibility/ "As it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him." 1 Corinthians 2:9 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother 5/9/13 CRC RELEASES NEW HYMNAL ! *read more at http://www.crcna.org/news-and-views/faith-alive-releases-new-hymnal? utm_source=CRC+News&utm_campaign=9aa3b6d9fd-CRC+News+ %7C+May+8%2C+2013&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_468bc4c3c9-9aa3b6d9fd-52230661 "Word spread quickly on Thursday when published copies of Lift Up Your Hearts: Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs, the Christian Reformed Church's first hymnal in more than 20 years, arrived earlier than expected. To celebrate the early arrival, a flash mob was organized in the atrium of the CRC's denominational office in Grand Rapids, Mich. An impromptu hymn sing , including CRC staff and members of the CRC Board of Trustees, then broke out..." http://www.crcna.org/news-and-views/faith-alive-releases-new-hymnal? utm_source=CRC+News&utm_campaign=9aa3b6d9fd-CRC+News+ %7C+May+8%2C+2013&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_468bc4c3c9-9aa3b6d9fd-52230661 "As it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him." 1 Corinthians 2:9 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/25Qkt

Yes! 5/9/13 CHINESE MOVIE STAR SPEAKS OUT AGAINST ELEPHANT MASSACRES! *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130509-chinese-star-calls-asia-help-end-elephant-slaughter "Ivory jewelry and carvings are prized by some in Asia, but people should know they come from the massacre of elephants whose survival is threatened by rampant poaching, popular Chinese film star Li Bingbing has warned. "I want to spread the message... that we


should stop the killing because there's blood slaughter and a poaching crisis happening behind the beautiful carvings and jewelry," Li said, visiting elephants in the wild in Kenya. "Many consumers in Asia do not realise that by buying ivory, they are playing a role in the illegal wildlife trade and its serious consequences," added Li, a "goodwill..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130509-chinese-star-calls-asia-help-end-elephant-slaughter And at the same time another HUGE SLAUGHTER HAPPENS: *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130510-least-26-elephants-massacred-cafrican-poachers "...Heavily armed poachers have killed at least 26 elephants in the Dzanga Bai reserve, a world heritage site in south-western Central African Republic, conservationist body WWF said Friday. "At least 26 elephants were massacred in the Dzanga Bai World Heritage Site in the Central African Republic, after 17 individuals armed with Kalashnikov rifles on Monday entered this unique elephant habitat," the WWF said in a statement. The WWF described the Bai, a large clearing where between 50 and 200 ..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130510-least-26-elephants-massacred-cafrican-poachers "As it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him." 1 Corinthians 2:9 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/25QxR 5/9/13 CNN et al (ie liberal media) GLOSS OVER BENGHAZI HEARINGS WHILE FIXATING ON JODI ARIAS & CLEVELAND KIDNAPPING,(subsequently, I must admit, I did notice a few of the liberal news orgs (NBC,ABC,CBS ) grudgingly admitted in various articles that maybe there is some substance to the conservative/republican inquiry re Benghazi...that's a start) *read more at http://www.mrc.org/biasalerts/cnn-gives-30-times-more-coverage-tabloid-stories-benghazi-hearing "....Wednesday evening, CNN barely covered the congressional hearing on the Benghazi attack from earlier that afternoon. Instead, the network provided wall-to-wall coverage of the Jodi Arias trial verdict and the Cleveland kidnappings. From the hours of 5 p.m. until 11 p.m. ET, CNN gave a whopping 4 hours, 9 minutes of coverage to the two crime stories, but a measly eight minutes to Benghazi -over 30 times more coverage. And three of CNN's prime-


time shows didn't even mention Benghazi...." http://www.mrc.org/biasalerts/cnn-gives-30-times-more-coverage-tabloid-stories-benghazi-hearing "As it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him." 1 Corinthians 2:9 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/25QEZ

5/7/13 CHARLES RAMSEY b/c MEDIA SENSATION AFTER CLEVELAND KIDNAPPING CASE,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130507-us-kidnap-hero-becomes-internet-sensation "...Videos of Charles Ramsey telling reporters how he helped Amanda Berry escape went viral on YouTube, as did a not-safe-for-work recording of his salty 911 call to police who subsequently found two other kidnap victims. "Bro, I knew something was wrong when a little pretty white girl ran into a black man's arms," Ramsey told local ABC affiliate WEWS television outside the crime scene, a nondescript two-story house at 2207 Seymour Avenue in Cleveland, Ohio. On Twitter, Ramsey's name trended all day Tuesday alongside the likes of the Dalai..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130507-us-kidnap-hero-becomes-internet-sensation "As it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him." 1 Corinthians 2:9 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/25QKb

5/8/13 PHILIPPINES MAYON VOLCANO ERUPTION KILLS 5,*read more at http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Latest-News-Wires/2013/0507/Philippines-volcano-erupts-kills-fiveforeign-climbers "... and their Filipino guides had spent the night camping in two groups before setting out at daybreak for the crater of Mayon volcano when the sudden explosion of rocks, ash and plumes of smokes


jolted the picturesque mountain, guide Kenneth Jesalva told ABS-CBN TV network by cellphone. He said rocks "as big as a living room" came raining down, killing and injuring members of his group, some of whom were in critical condition. Jesalva said he rushed back to the base camp at 914 meters (3,000 feet) to call for help...." http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Latest-News-Wires/2013/0507/Philippines-volcano-erupts-kills-fiveforeign-climbers "As it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him." 1 Corinthians 2:9 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/24v4e

5/9/13 PUPPY SURVIVES ALMOST 30 DAYS IN LOCKED CAR,*read more at http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/puppy-survives-being-locked-car-nearly-month-164633363.html "..An Arizona Republic article reports that dogs usually cannot go more than two or three days without water and, as a general rule, require twice as much water as food on any given day. Without an appreciable amount of water, its pretty miraculous for a puppy to survive three weeks in a car, veterinarian Billie Deam told the Star. Physiologically its possible, depending on what she was eating to survive on, she added. But its really stretching the outer limits of whats possible...." http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/puppy-survives-being-locked-car-nearly-month-164633363.html "As it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him." 1 Corinthians 2:9 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/25RDm 5/7/13 Hi-RANKING SOLDIER SPEAKS OUT AGAINST ANTI-RELIGIOUS SENTIMENT IN THE MILITARY,*read more at http://www.therightscoop.com/must-watch-coast-guard-rear-admiral-says-religious-liberty-under-threat-inthe-military/ "WASHINGTON, D.C. Thursday at a National Day of Prayer event on Capitol Hill, Rear Admiral William Lee spoke out against the


growing religious hostility in the military. As first reported by World Magazine, the Admiral recounted a story of his decision to violate military rules preventing him from giving a..." http://www.therightscoop.com/must-watch-coast-guard-rear-admiral-says-religious-liberty-under-threat-inthe-military/ "As it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him." 1 Corinthians 2:9 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/25S8I 5/8/13 PENTAGON WARNS SOLDIERS NOT TO PROSELYTIZE,(is this aimed at Christians or all faiths, ...sounds like they are specifically targeting Christian evangelism..if so, why ?!)*read more at http://www.frc.org/alert/pentagon-consultant-no-gospel-witness-for-chaplains *read more at http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2013/05/01/Breaking-Pentagon-Confirms-Will-Court-Martial-SoldiersWho-Share-Christian-Faith "The Pentagon has released a statement confirming that soldiers could be prosecuted for promoting their faith: "Religious proselytization is not permitted within the Department of Defense...Court martials and non-judicial punishments are decided on a case-by-case basis.... The statement, released to Fox News, follows a Breitbart News report on Obama administration Pentagon appointees meeting with anti-Christian extremist Mikey Weinstein to develop court-martial procedures to punish Christians in the military who express or share their faith...." http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2013/05/01/Breaking-Pentagon-Confirms-Will-Court-Martial-SoldiersWho-Share-Christian-Faith "As it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him." 1 Corinthians 2:9 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/24vaP 5/9/13 re HAPP HIT BY LINE-DRIVE, *read more at http://m.newser.com/article/da651at82/blue-jays-lhp-ja-happ-hospitalized-after-becoming-latest-pitcher-hitin-head-by-line-drive.html


"It was too late. Thwack! The sickening sound of a sharply hit baseball striking the Toronto pitcher's skull could be heard all the way up in the press box. And then, sheer silence. Happ's frightening injury Tuesday night at Tropicana Field left players on both teams shaken..." http://m.newser.com/article/da651at82/blue-jays-lhp-ja-happ-hospitalized-after-becoming-latest-pitcher-hitin-head-by-line-drive.html "As it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him." 1 Corinthians 2:9 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/25OM4 5/6/13 MAN BUILDS PLASTIC GUN USING 3D PRINTER,*read more at http://redalertpolitics.com/2013/05/06/texas-law-student-successfully-builds-gun-from-parts-made-with-a-3d-printer/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter "The Liberator.After working on the prototype for months and finding a design that works, Wilson spent nearly 24 hours printing the pieces. Only one of its parts the firing pen wasnt made with the 3-D printer, an intentional move to make the gun legal for use in the United States. He then tested each part separately, and last week he finally fired the homemade gun for the first time..." http://redalertpolitics.com/2013/05/06/texas-law-student-successfully-builds-gun-from-parts-made-with-a-3d-printer/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter "As it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him." 1 Corinthians 2:9 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/23Vc7 5/5/13 ORB WINS 139th KENTUCKY DERBY,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130505-orb-wins-kentucky-derby "...Orb powered through on the home stretch to win the 139th Kentucky Derby on Saturday, giving Hall of Fame trainer Shug McGaughey his first winner in the first leg of the Triple Crown.


Joel Rosario piloted Orb to the victory..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130505-orb-wins-kentucky-derby http://msn.foxsports.com/horseracing/story/Live-blog-on-the-139th-Kentucky-Derby-0504013 "...Rosario rode the 5-1 shot to victory, coming from off a blazing pace that was set by Palace Malice..." http://msn.foxsports.com/horseracing/story/Live-blog-on-the-139th-Kentucky-Derby-0504013 "Be imitators of God as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God." Ephesians 5:1-2 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/23Gr1 5/2/13 KATY PERRY's DAD,KEITH,PREACHES WARNINGS re DAUGHTER's MUSIC,*read more at http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2013/05/02/katie-perry-dad-calls-her-devil-child-in-sermons-reportsays/ "Pop star Katy Perry has been branded a devil child by her own dad. Firebrand preacher Keith Perry also claims watching his daughters gigs is so hellish he ends up weeping because the fans are worshipping the singer instead of God, The Sun reports. And, in a string of sermons, he urges congregations to pray for Katy, whose hits include "I Kissed A Girl And I Liked It."..." http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2013/05/02/katie-perry-dad-calls-her-devil-child-in-sermons-reportsays/ "As it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him." 1 Corinthians 2:9 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/24vfM 5/6/13 NAKED BEAUTY SHOCKs GERMAN TRAIN PASSENGERS,SOME NOT SURPRISED,*read more at http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/news/4909443/naked-model-brightens-up-journey-towork-by-travelling-in-the-buff.html "As it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has. conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him." 1 Corinthians 2:9 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships


*Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/249st 5/6/13 LIBERAL MEDIA GIVES ALMOST 2000% MORE COVERAGE OF GAY ATHLETE than HORRIFIC ABORTION DOCTOR,*read more at http://allamericanblogger.com/23974/what-liberal-media-gay-jason-collins-story-gets-1970-more-coveragethan-kermit-gosnell-horror-trial/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter "...Its left of center and its stopped being subtle.Case in point: In the eight days since NBA player Jason Collins announced he was gay, the news media have covered the story in 2,381 places. But in the first eight days of the trial of Dr. Kermit Gosnell and his House of Horrors abortion business, the media covered the story in 115 places, meaning that Collins gay news received more than 1,970.4% more news coverage. Thats not a coincidence. Thats a clear choice not to cover a story." http://allamericanblogger.com/23974/what-liberal-media-gay-jason-collins-story-gets-1970-more-coveragethan-kermit-gosnell-horror-trial/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter "As it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him." 1 Corinthians 2:9 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/248kj 5/6/13 OBAMA SCOFFS AT VENEZUELA's "FILMMAKER SPY" ALLEGATIONS,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130505-spy-charges-against-us-filmmaker-ridiculous-obama "...President Barack Obama dismissed as "ridiculous" Venezuela's allegations that an American filmmaker in the country during last month's elections was a US spy sent by Washington to stir up trouble. "The notion that this individual is some spy is ridiculous," Obama said in a television interview here before heading home..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130505-spy-charges-against-us-filmmaker-ridiculous-obama "Be imitators of God as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God." Ephesians 5:1-2 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/23Ma2 5/6/13 WRIGHT BROS NOT the 1st to FLY?!,*read more at http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2013/13/130503-wright-brothers-first-flight-gustave-whiteheadaviation-smithsonian-institution-adventure-world/


"...The new name in town is Gustave Whitehead, a Germanborn inventor many have long believed took to the air more than two years before Orville and Wilbur even left the ground at Kitty Hawk on December 17, 1903. But while new research from an Australian aviation expert convinced Jane's editors it was time to update the books, the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C.home to the original Wright Flyer remains skeptical about Whitehead's work, which it views as mostly myth..." http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2013/13/130503-wright-brothers-first-flight-gustave-whiteheadaviation-smithsonian-institution-adventure-world/ "Be imitators of God as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God." Ephesians 5:1-2 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOthe 5/6/13 WHY DID OUR STATE DEPT HIRE al-QAIDA SYMPATHIZERS 2b SECURITY for BENGHAZI? ,*read more at http://nation.foxnews.com/benghazi/2013/05/03/newsmax-us-hired-al-qaeda-linked-group-defend-benghazimission "... the Regional Security Officer for Libya at the time, documented over 200 security threats and violent incidents threatening to U.S. personnel in Libya. Some 50 of those incidents occurred in Benghazi. Yet despite those threats, repeated requests for additional security from the mission went unheeded by the State Department, for reasons that remain unclear. But perhaps the biggest question is why the State Department would hire a group that openly displayed its admiration for al-Qaida, and ask it to participate in the defense of its diplomatic mission..." http://nation.foxnews.com/benghazi/2013/05/03/newsmax-us-hired-al-qaeda-linked-group-defend-benghazimission "Be imitators of God as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God." Ephesians 5:1-2 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/23MoE 5/6/13 MAY 30 "BOSTON STRONG" CONCERT 2 FEATURE AEROSMITH,BOSTON,J.TAYLOR,& MANY MORE MASS. BANDS,*read more at http://bostonherald.com/news_opinion/local_coverage/2013/05/boston_bands_together


Boston Strong: An Evening of Support and Celebration will feature major Massachusetts acts including Aerosmith, Boston, New Kids on the Block, The J. Geils Band, Godsmack and James Taylor on May 30 at the TD Garden. Also pitching in are Jason Aldean, Jimmy Buffett and Carole King. Everyone involved has responded from the heart ...." http://bostonherald.com/news_opinion/local_coverage/2013/05/boston_bands_together "Be imitators of God as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God." Ephesians 5:1-2 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/23KzZ 5/6/12 NJ GOV, CHRIS CHRISTIE, OFFENDS SOME BY KILLING SPIDER,*read more at http://www.11alive.com/news/article/291532/40/NJ-Gov-Christie-under-fire-from-PETA-after-swattingspider "New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie wasn't in a pardoning mood when an itsy, bitsy spider crawled on his desk while the governor spoke to a group of school children. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is giving Christie poor marks for swatting the spider on his desk...." http://www.11alive.com/news/article/291532/40/NJ-Gov-Christie-under-fire-from-PETA-after-swattingspider "Be imitators of God as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God." Ephesians 5:1-2 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/23ra2 5/5/13 ORTHODOX CHRISTIANS IN JERUSALEM CELEBRATE w/ "HOLY FIRE", *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130504-orthodox-christians-mark-jerusalem-holy-fire-rite "...Throngs of Orthodox Christians filled Jerusalem's ancient Church of the Holy Sepulchre and surrounding streets on Saturday for the "Holy Fire" ceremony on the eve of Orthodox Easter. Believers hold that a divine fire from heaven ignites candles held by the Greek Orthodox patriarch, in an annual rite dating back to the 4th century AD symbolising the resurrection


of Christ..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130504-orthodox-christians-mark-jerusalem-holy-fire-rite "Be imitators of God as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God." Ephesians 5:1-2 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/23KkG 5/6/13 ARMY COMMANDER , DOOLEY, WRONGLY DISCIPLINED re MUSLIMS? (There seems to be something "going on" here..more than meets the eye..was Dooley wronged, & if so, why ?! )*read more at Http://www.wnd.com/2013/05/army-forsakes-combat-hero-for-muslims/ "Dooley was fired from his position at the school for the way he conducted a class on how to respond to a variety of scenarios instigated by radical Muslims... In addition to the firing, Gen. Dempsey promptly orchestrated a negative Officer Evaluation Report against Dooley that deeply tarnished a career that had received only sterling reviews from West Point through nearly 20 years in the service..." http://www.wnd.com/2013/05/army-forsakes-combat-hero-for-muslims/ "Be imitators of God as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God." Ephesians 5:1-2 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOthe 5/5/13 GRAND RAPIDS' FLOYD MAYWEATHER def GUERRERO by UNANIMOUS DECISION,*read more at http://www.cbssports.com/general/blog/eye-on-sports/22196745/mayweather-vs-guerrero-live-in-fight-blog " All three judges score it the same, 117-111 (9 rounds to 3), for Floyd Mayweather Jr. CBS Card also had it 117-111..." http://www.cbssports.com/general/blog/eye-on-sports/22196745/mayweather-vs-guerrero-live-in-fight-blog "Be imitators of God as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God." Ephesians 5:1-2 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOthe http://ow.ly/i/23qxX Thoughts&prayers4, 5/6/13 LIMOUSINE FIRE KILLS 5, inclx NEW BRIDE,SAN MATEO,CA,*read more at http://www.mercurynews.com/news/ci_23176024/patrol-5-die-limousine-fire-calif-bridge


"SAN MATEO, Calif.A limousine traveling on a major bridge in the San Francisco area burst into flames, killing five female passengers who were trapped inside and injuring four others who escaped,..." http://www.mercurynews.com/news/ci_23176024/patrol-5-die-limousine-fire-calif-bridge "Be imitators of God as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God." Ephesians 5:1-2 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/23qZp 5/6/13 REFEREE DIES AFTER BEING ASSAULTED BY PLAYER,*read more at http://bostonherald.com/news_opinion/national/west/2013/05/soccer_referee_punched_by_player_in_utah_di es "MURRAY, Utah A 46-year-old soccer referee who was punched by a teenage player during a game and later slipped into a coma has died, police said. Ricardo Portillo of Salt Lake City passed away at the hospital, where he was being treated following the assault last weekend,..." http://bostonherald.com/news_opinion/national/west/2013/05/soccer_referee_punched_by_player_in_utah_di es "Be imitators of God as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God." Ephesians 5:1-2 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document *Read the Bible Daily *Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships Fight4Kindness *LoveOneAnother http://ow.ly/i/23qCu Update: 5/5/13 SOCCER REFEREE DIES AFTER BEING HIT BY ANGRY PLAYER, http://bostonherald.com/news_opinion/national/west/2013/05/soccer_referee_punched_by_player_in_utah_di es "MURRAY, Utah A 46-year-old soccer referee who was punched by a teenage player during a game and later slipped into a coma has died, police said. Ricardo Portillo of Salt Lake City passed away..." http://bostonherald.com/news_opinion/national/west/2013/05/soccer_referee_punched_by_player_in_utah_di es Previous: 5/2/13 SOCCER REFEREE IN COMA AFTER BEING PUNCHED BY TEEN PLAYER,(1st, of course, even a bad call is not an excuse for violence; 2nd, we hope the referee wasn't the "taunting" type, but even if he was, again its no excuse for violence; and if this referee was a top-notch good ref, all the even more shameful to assault him. We hope he recovers) *read more at http://www.foxnews.com/sports/2013/05/02/utah-referee-punched-by-soccer-player-in-coma/ "....longtime Utah soccer referee is in a coma after being punched by a teenage player unhappy


with one of his calls -- and his family says their only hope is for a miracle. Ricardo Portillo, 46, has swelling in his brain and his recovery is uncertain as he remains in critical condition,..." http://www.foxnews.com/sports/2013/05/02/utah-referee-punched-by-soccer-player-in-coma/ "For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with Him..." 1 Thessalonians 5:9-10 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/22wMh Pray4 5/2/13 100+ KILLED IN DARFUR GOLDMINE DISASTER,*read more at http://www.thenews.com.pk/article-99426-100-dead,-rescuers-trapped-in-Darfur-disaster:-miner-"Nine of the rescue team disappeared when the land collapsed around them yesterday (Thursday)," said the miner, who had visited the scene and asked to remain anonymous. On Monday the unlicensed desert gold mine began to collapse in Jebel Amir district, more than 200 kilometres (125 miles) northwest of the North Darfur state capital El Fasher. The stench of death is now seeping out of the baked..." http://www.thenews.com.pk/article-99426-100-dead,-rescuers-trapped-in-Darfur-disaster:-miner-"For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with Him..." 1 Thessalonians 5:9-10 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/22wDH 5/2/13 SUICIDE OUTNUMBERS CAR DEATHS IN USA ,(is there anybody who doesn't know somebody who commit suicide?) *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130502-suicide-claims-more-americans-car-crashes-cdc "Suicide rates among US adults aged 35-64 are on the rise -- with more Americans now taking their lives than dying in car accidents, according to official statistics released Thursday. Motor vehicle accidents killed 33,687 people in 2010 -- well below the 38,364 who died from suicide in the same year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130502-suicide-claims-more-americans-car-crashes-cdc


"For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with Him..." 1 Thessalonians 5:9-10 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther, http://ow.ly/i/22ouG 5/1/13 BIEBER's PASTOR TRIES 2 RECONCILE SELENA w/ JUSTIN,(I'm praying 4 the Bieb! Also to remember to respect the fans!),*read more at http://m.global.christianpost.com/news/justin-biebers-pastor-judah-smith-helping-with-selena-gomezreconciliation-95176/ " Bieber,19, fueled speculation about a possible reunion with Gomez, 20 by posting two Instagram images of the pair cuddled together in recent weeks. Some believe that the reason for the reconciliation is Bieber's mentor and friend, Pastor Judah Smith. "Pastor Judah pleaded with Selena to fly to Norway," a source reportedly told Star magazine. "She's the only person who can stop Justin from having a breakdown."... the minister has made it clear that he has invested in the Canadian crooner's salvation. "Justin and I share Scriptures on a regular basis and communicate," Smith recently told E! "And I think you find a lot of comfort and clarity in the Scriptures."..." http://m.global.christianpost.com/news/justin-biebers-pastor-judah-smith-helping-with-selena-gomezreconciliation-95176/ "For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with Him..." 1 Thessalonians 5:9-10 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/22oGO Outrageous! 5/2/13 HS TRACK TEAM DQ'd b/c 1 ATHLETE MADE "RELIGIOUS GESTURE",*read more at http://www.therightscoop.com/outrageous-entire-hs-relay-team-disqualified-after-runner-made-religiousgesture-after-crossing-finish-line/ "... outraged after a high school track team is disqualified from competing in state finals because one runner made a religious gesture. In just a few seconds the boys Columbus High School 4 X 100 relay team went from winning the regional meet, heading to state championships to having it all stripped away...when the anchor ... raised his finger to the sky..." http://www.therightscoop.com/outrageous-entire-hs-relay-team-disqualified-after-runner-made-religiousgesture-after-crossing-finish-line/


"For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with Him..." 1 Thessalonians 5:9-10 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 5/1/13 RIP, ALAN WOOD,IWO JIMA FLAGMAN (thanks Alan! God bless you),*read more at http://riehlworldview.com/?p=29815 "...Alan Wood, WWII vet who provided flag on Iwo Jima has died...Five Marines and a Navy Corpsman later raised that flag in a stirring moment captured by Associated Press photographer Joe Rosenthal.Steven Wood says his father was always humbled by his small role in the historic moment..." http://riehlworldview.com/?p=29815 "For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with Him..." 1 Thessalonians 5:9-10 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/22wWL 5/1/13 WOMAN ARRESTED TRYING TO PLACE POISONED ORANGE JUICE ON STARBUCKS DISPLAY,*read more at http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2013/05/orange-juice-jihad-california-woman-ramineh-behdehanian-triesto-kill-starbucks-customers-with-poisoned-oj-video/ "...San Jose police arrested Ramineh Behbehanian, 50, late Monday. A customer reported seeing the woman take two bottles of orange juice from her bag and place them in an open-air refrigerated display case at a Starbucks in San Jose around 3:45 p.m., Sgt. Jason Dwyer said Tuesday. When the customer told a store manager what he saw, Behbehanian fled. A store employee followed Behbehanian to the parking lot and jotted down her license plate number as she drove off. Other employees called 911 after noticing the bottles had a toxic smell, Dwyer said. Firefighters on the scene tested the contents and determined that the bottles contained a lethal quantity of isopropyl rubbing alcohol mixed with the juice, Dwyer said.No one drank from the bottles, said Dwyer, who praised..." http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2013/05/orange-juice-jihad-california-woman-ramineh-behdehanian-triesto-kill-starbucks-customers-with-poisoned-oj-video/ "For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with Him..." 1 Thessalonians 5:9-10 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document


Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/22x3n 5/2/13 747 CRASH in AFGHANISTAN CAUGHT ON CAMERA, (see vid at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sUWC2jfjqI&feature=youtube_gdata_player, *read more at http://www.ksdk.com/news/article/378466/3/747-crash-in-Afghanistan-caught-on-camera "The stunning and deadly crash of a 747 cargo plane was all caught on camera, falling from the sky seconds after taking off from a U.S. air base in Afghanistan. The video above is dramatic, and disturbing. A 747 just stalls and falls back to earth. While CNN can't fully confirm how authentic the video is, it does appear to show a cargo plane that crashed Monday in Afghanistan. That crash killed seven American crewmen, including Brad Hasler...." http://www.ksdk.com/news/article/378466/3/747-crash-in-Afghanistan-caught-on-camera "Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us." 1 John 4:11-12 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/21pWk 5/2/13 BAYERN def .BARCELONA (minus Messi) to REACH FINALS,UEFA CHAMPIONSHIP,*read more at http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/02/sports/soccer/bayern-munich-thumps-barcelona-and-returns-tochampions-league-final.html?_r=0 "... Bayern Munich, the champion of Germanys Bundesliga, playing as if it owned the Camp Nou stadium in Barcelona. Bayern rumbled and raced to a 3-0 victory in the second leg of the UEFA Champions League semifinal series, ..." http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/02/sports/soccer/bayern-munich-thumps-barcelona-and-returns-tochampions-league-final.html?_r=0 "Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us." 1 John 4:11-12 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/21p2h


4/30/13 OUTRAGEOUS! OBAMA "GOD BLESSES" PLANNED PARENTHOOD,(blessing or praising planned parenthood is like praising the veterinarian for "putting down" your dog (not that a animal vet compares to an abortion doctor) ...no matter how u argue abortion, whether murder,morally wrong, "necessary evil", or whatever, only a twisted personality thinks of it as good & praiseworthy ,*read more at http://patriotupdate.com/articles/obama-god-bless-those-who-kill-babies/#.UYBHDVmKM-Y.twitter " by Tad Cronn Whenever it seems President Obama can sink no lower, he outdoes himself. In a show of moral obtuseness worthy of the Marquis de Sade, Obama on Friday addressed a gathering of Planned Parenthood members and supporters, the first sitting president to do so. Obama predictably blasted critics of Planned Parenthood, complaining that they want to take the country back to the 1950s. He thanked Planned Parenthood for its nearly 100 years of service to women who want to kill their babies. The founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was an open advocate of eugenics, the notion of perfecting a society by killing or breeding out undesireables, meaning in Sangers thinking anyone who was poor, black or Latino. Nearly 100 years later, after having led a taxpayerassisted genocide against the poor and the non-white, we are witnesses to the spectacle of a black president praising Planned Parenthood for its role in killing more than 50,000(???) black babies alone in the years since Roe v. Wade. Whats more, Obama had the gall to do it during the height of the Dr. Kurt(???) Gosnell trial,... Planned Parenthood officials have admitted knowing about complaints about Gosnells clinic of horrors and looking the other way..." http://patriotupdate.com/articles/obama-god-bless-those-who-kill-babies/#.UYBHDVmKM-Y.twitter "Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us." 1 John 4:11-12 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/21lZS 4/30/13 ANGELS LOSE IN 19 INNINGS TO OAKLAND A's,*read more at http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/baseball/mlb/gameflash/mobile/index.html?contest=2013/04/29/47803#recap "...Moss hit his second home run of the night with two outs in the bottom of the 19th inning to give Oakland a 10-8 victory over the Los Angeles Angels early Tuesday in the longest major league game of the season...."


http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/baseball/mlb/gameflash/mobile/index.html?contest=2013/04/29/47803#recap "Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us." 1 John 4:11-12 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOthers http://ow.ly/i/21kEG 4/28/13 DUTCH PROFESSOR EXPOSED for ACADEMIC FRAUD (makes u think twice about trusting a story that cites a "new study", or "scientists now say...",*read more at http://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/28/magazine/diederik-stapels-audacious-academic-fraud.html? pagewanted=1&_r=3&smid=tw-share "One summer night in 2011, a tall, 40-something professor named Diederik Stapel stepped out of his elegant brick house in the Dutch city of Tilburg to visit a friend around the corner. It was close to midnight, but his colleague Marcel Zeelenberg had called and texted Stapel that evening to say that he wanted to see him about an urgent matter..." http://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/28/magazine/diederik-stapels-audacious-academic-fraud.html? pagewanted=1&_r=3&smid=tw-share "Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us." 1 John 4:11-12 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/21kZN 4/28/13 BOSTON BOMBERS & FAMILY RECEIVED $100,000 IN WELFARE,(tends to support the notion that welfare doesn't create gracious or grateful personalities) *read more at Http://moonbattery.com/?p=29596&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter "The Tsarnaev family, including the suspected terrorists and their parents, benefited from more than $100,000 in taxpayer-funded assistance a bonanza ranging from cash and food stamps to Section 8 housing from 2002 to 2012, the Herald has learned..." Http://moonbattery.com/?p=29596&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter "Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us." 1 John 4:11-12 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness


*Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/21ljk 4/28/13 MARIA SHARAPOVA DEFEATS LI NA TO WIN STUGGART,(were serena or venus playing in this event? )*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130428-sharapova-brushes-off-li-win-stuttgart "Defending French Open champion Maria Sharapova won the Stuttgart WTA title on Sunday beating China's Li Na 6-4, 6-3 in just over 90 minutes...." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130428-sharapova-brushes-off-li-win-stuttgart "I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither present nor the future, nor powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is ours in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/21ozQ 4/30/13 RIP DEANNA DURBIN,HOLLYWOOD STAR,91,*read more at http://m.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-22364605 "...Her son, Peter H David, made the announcement in a newsletter to her fans, saying she died "a few days ago". In 1947 she was the highest-paid star in the United States. But she retired from the business the following year when she was just 27. Durbin made her film debut in the 1936 MGM short Every Sunday, in which she appeared alongside Judy Garland. Born Edna Mae Durbin in Winnipeg, Canada in 1921,...." http://m.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-22364605 "Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us." 1 John 4:11-12 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/21yjI 4/28/13 TEBOW IS FREE AT LAST! JETS LET HIM GO! *(Tebow CAN play! But if nobody will give him a chance he may be better off becoming a fulltime missionary..he may be better off doing so either way...in the LONG run!) ,*read more at http://m.nypost.com/f/mobile/sports/jets/blessed_mess_ultimately_costs_rex_ryXFDUJZLSEPWnmJ7UcCW K "You could understand Tebow kneeling outside Ryans office to begin Tebowing when the football gods finally


answered his prayers. Free, free, Freebow at last!..." http://m.nypost.com/f/mobile/sports/jets/blessed_mess_ultimately_costs_rex_ryXFDUJZLSEPWnmJ7UcCW K "Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us." 1 John 4:11-12 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/21ktv 4/27/13 PASTOR JAMAL IS MIRACULOUSLY RELEASED FROM PRISON, *read more at http://m.global.christianpost.com/news/iraqi-christian-pastor-granted-private-amnesty-safe-with-family94543/ "Iraqi pastor Abdi Ali Hamzah, also known as Pastor Jamal, has finally been released from prison after 21 months and will get the medical attention that he needs following what one ministry leader is calling an unprecedented move. "It is by God's grace that this has been done," said Dr. Terry Law , founder and president of World Compassion Terry Law Ministries, who had campaigned for the pastor's release. "I don't think there is precedent for a former Muslim, converted to Christianity and proselytizing other Muslims, now convicted of a crime in an Iraqi court, to be released by 'private amnesty.' The odds against it were huge!"..." http://m.global.christianpost.com/news/iraqi-christian-pastor-granted-private-amnesty-safe-with-family94543/ "I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither present nor the future, nor powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is ours in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/1Zq9N 4/28/13 ARRESTS MADE re ILLEGAL CAPTURE of TOTOABA FISH, *read more at http://news.yahoo.com/7-charged-smuggling-fish-bladders-china-181527648.html "... may be a growing international practice in which the bladders are sold for up to $20,000 each to be used in a highly desired soup....The bladders came from totoaba fish that live exclusively in Mexico's Sea of Cortez..."


http://news.yahoo.com/7-charged-smuggling-fish-bladders-china-181527648.html "I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither present nor the future, nor powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is ours in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 4/28/13 re YET ANOTHER STONEHENGE THEORY,*read more at http://news.yahoo.com/theory-whystonehenge-built-175025432.html "... evidence of burning, thousands of flint tool fragments and bones of wild aurochs , a type of extinct giant cow. That suggests the area near Stonehenge may have been an auroch migration route that became an ancient feasting site,..." http://news.yahoo.com/theory-why-stonehenge-built-175025432.html "I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither present nor the future, nor powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is ours in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/1ZWZH 4/28/13 FRENCH SPORTS BROADCASTER EATS A RAT , *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130428-football-pundit-eats-rat-after-losing-air-bet French football pundit Eric di Meco has eaten a rat after losing an on-air bet about a player. Three years ago, when Spanish full back Cesar Azpilicueta joined di Meco's old club Marseille, the club's then president Jean-Claude Dessier described the player as "Spain's future right back". But di Meco, a former defender himself, scoffed at the suggestion and told listeners to radio station RMC: "If that happens I'll eat a rat." Fast forward to 2013 and Azpilicueta, now established as Chelsea's number one full back, recently made his debut for Spain. And, to his credit, di Meco did not renege on his promise and duly devoured a coypu, a species of river rat, live on air.... http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130428-football-pundit-eats-rat-after-losing-air-bet


"I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither present nor the future, nor powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is ours in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/20wAH 4/28/13 ROLLING STONES DO A SURPRISE CONCERT for $20 @ LOCAL L.A. CLUB *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130428-rolling-stones-play-surprise-la-club-gig "... Rolling Stones played a surprise show late Saturday at a small club in Los Angeles, days before their north America tour kicks off here next week. The legendary British rock band announced the gig, at the 650-capacity Echoplex in LA's trendy Echo Park neighborhood, via Twitter only hours before the evening show. Tickets were just $20, paid by cash only, and were snapped up within an hour of going..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130428-rolling-stones-play-surprise-la-club-gig "I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither present nor the future, nor powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is ours in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/20wSH LinkOnly 4/28/13 BULLS DEFEAT NETS IN TRIPLE OVERTIME,NBA PLAYOFFS,*read more at http://scores.espn.go.com/nba/recap?gameId=400459952 " The Chicago Bulls were down and just about out in this one. Go figure, Nate Robinson led them back. Robinson scored 34 points, and Chicago wiped out a 14point deficit late in regulation and beat the Brooklyn Nets 142-134 in triple overtime Saturday to take a 3-1 lead in the first-round playoff series..." http://scores.espn.go.com/nba/recap?gameId=400459952 "I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither present nor the future, nor powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is ours in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools


*Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/20Ihf LinkOnly 4/29/13 HOT AIR BALLOON RESCUE SAVES 5 WOMEN, 2 STILL MISSING,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130429-5-peru-balloon-riders-found-2-missing-sea "Five women who were riding in a hot air balloon were rescued from the Pacific Ocean, while workers searched for two male passengers who are still missing, officials said. "Thank God, we have located five female occupants and we are continuing to search...'" http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130429-5-peru-balloon-riders-found-2-missing-sea "I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither present nor the future, nor powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is ours in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/20Hj1 4/28/13 NEW SPIRE MAKES NYC WORLD TRADE CENTER TALLEST IN WESTERN HEMISPHERE, (beware of the tower of babel)*read more at http://thecelebritycafe.com/feature/2013/04/1-world-trade-center-become-tallest-building-westernhemisphere "...It already became the tallest building in New York City when the building just passed the height of the Empire State Building. Then in December , crews started putting the spire in place. According to CNN, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey said that the last two sections of the spire will be lifted today, while another stainless steel beacon that weighs nearly six tons will bring the building to 1,776 feet high.... While it will be the tallest in the Western Hemisphere, it will not come close to the 2,700-foot tall building in Dubai...." http://thecelebritycafe.com/feature/2013/04/1-world-trade-center-become-tallest-building-westernhemisphere "I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither present nor the future, nor powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is ours in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships


*Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/20Iwq 4/29/13 SCIENTISTS SUCCESSFULLY CREATE PHOSPHORESCENT SHEEP w/ JELLYFISH GENES,*read more at http://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/04/29/glow_sheep_uruguay/ "...Shepherds who watch their flocks by night could soon have a much easier job: South American scientists have successfully reared a phosphorescent sheep. Boffins at the Animal Reproduction Institute of Uruguay implanted a glow-in-the-dark gene from the Aequorea victoria jellyfish into nine sheep...." http://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/04/29/glow_sheep_uruguay/ "I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither present nor the future, nor powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is ours in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/20Ipy 4/26/13 PLANNED PARENTHOOD IN CITY of ORANGE (CA) HAD MULTIPLE 911 CALLS, SINGLE DAY,(protect unborn life)*read more at http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/04/26/Planned-Parenthood-Orange-CA-Multiple-911-Callsin-One-Day "... Rescue, said: There simply is no such thing as a safe and legal abortion clinic. Women are injured or killed, and babies die as a matter of course in our nations abortion clinics and we have yet to find one that obeys the law on all points. Health and safety violations are rampant at abortion clinics, and Planned Parenthood is certainly no exception..." http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/04/26/Planned-Parenthood-Orange-CA-Multiple-911-Callsin-One-Day "I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither present nor the future, nor powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is ours in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/20IDg 4/27/13 NEW DUTCH QUEEN Is FROM ARGENTINA! HER FATHER was PART OF A FORMER BRUTAL ARGENTINA DICTATORSHIP! *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130428-argentine-junta-casts-shadow-over-new-dutch-queen "...brutal regime of


the 1970s and 80s in her quest for the truth. The link with the most vicious of the Latin American dictatorships is such a burden that Maxima's father, Jorge Zorreguieta, could not lead his daughter up the aisle at her 2002 wedding in Amsterdam. Not only could he not attend his daughter's wedding, but he is also not coming to the ceremonies to mark his daughter becoming queen of the politically correct Netherlands. Maxima concealed her sadness when asked about her father in an April 17 interview..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130428-argentine-junta-casts-shadow-over-new-dutch-queen Also see http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130427-dutch-queen-be-classy-standard-bearer "...Dutch queen-to-be a classy standard-bearer Classically elegant but also self-assured and daring -designers familiar with the top-to-toe tastes of the woman about to become the Dutch queen say Maxima was born to step into royal shoes. Valentino remains the Argentine-born princess' favourite couturier ..." ... Maxima met the Dutch prince through friends when she was 28....Auburn during her teenage years, now a blonde, the princess, who turns 42 next month, likes to wear..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130427-dutch-queen-be-classy-standard-bearer "I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither present nor the future, nor powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is ours in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 4/26/13 BRO/SIS SURVIVE CAPSIZED FISHING TRIP,14 HOURS IN OCEAN, *read more at http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/04/26/american-tourists-recoving-after-swimming-for-14-hours-when-shipsinks-in/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+foxnews%2Fnational+ %28Internal+-+US+Latest+-+Text%29 "...the boat's electric system crackled and popped. Dan Suski, a 30-year-old business owner and information technology expert from San Francisco, had been wrestling a 200-pound marlin in rough seas with help from his sister, Kate Suski, a 39-year-old architect from Seattle. It was around noon April 21. He was still trying to reel in the fish when water rushed into the cabin and flooded the engine room, prompting the captain to radio for help as he yelled out their coordinates. It would be nearly 14 hours and a long, long swim before


what was supposed to be a highlight of their sunny vacation would come to an end....The captain threw life preservers to the Suskis. "He said, `Jump out! Jump out!"' ..." http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/04/26/american-tourists-recoving-after-swimming-for-14-hours-when-shipsinks-in/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+foxnews%2Fnational+ %28Internal+-+US+Latest+-+Text%29 "I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither present nor the future, nor powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is ours in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 4/27/13 ROBERT CREAMER WROTE "OBAMACARE; WHILE IN PRISON ?!,*read more at http://www.americanthinker.com/2010/10/why_doesnt_everyone_know_jan_s.html "... It's the larcenous lovebirds from Chicago: Jan Schakowsky, the most far-left member of Congress, and her bank robber husband, Robert Creamer, who wrote Obamacare in jail. What a romance! She waited as he served time for sixteen counts of bank fraud,...And he persevered inside the graybar hotel, aflame with the inspiration that became Stand Up Straight! How Progressives Can Win, a 628-page manual for how " to reshape the structure of one-sixth of the American economy" -- namely, health care..." http://www.americanthinker.com/2010/10/why_doesnt_everyone_know_jan_s.html "I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither present nor the future, nor powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is ours in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/1ZqgY 4/26/13 RIP,GEORGE JONES,81,COUNTRY MUSIC LEGEND,*read more at http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2013/04/26/george-jones-called-greatest-country-singer-all-time/ "Country legend George Jones dies at age 81...The country music world reacted with deep emotion upon learning of the death of legendary singer George Jones. Here's a sampling of quotes and tweets about Jones: "The world has lost the greatest country singer of all time. Amen." Merle Haggard..." http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2013/04/26/george-jones-called-greatest-country-singer-all-time/ "I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither present nor the future, nor powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is ours in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document


Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 4/24/13 REMEMBERING LIVES LOST IN ARMENIA GENOCIDE,*read more at, http://www.genocide-museum.am/eng/remembrance_day.php "Since the 1920s April 24th is the day Armenians commemorate the victims of Armenian Genocide, the most tragic element of Armenian history. On April 24, 1915 hundreds Armenian Intellectuals: poets, musicians, publicists, editors, lawyers, doctors, deputies, were arrested in Constantinople under warrants issued by the Turkish authorities. They were all sent into exile and were horrifically slaughtered. The annihilation of the Armenian Intellectuals was the part of a systematic, fiendish plan to exterminate the Armenian people in their homeland. It was the first state-planned Genocide..." http://www.genocide-museum.am/eng/remembrance_day.php "Because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in our transgressions - it is by grace you have been saved."Ephesians 2:4-5 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 4/26/13 BREITBART VINDICATED re PIGFORD SCAM ALLEGATIONS,*read more at http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/04/26/NYTimes-Confirms-Massive-Fraud-at-USDA-inPigford-Settlements-Breitbart-Vindicated "Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack told the Times that the settlements opened "'a new chapter of civil rights at U.S.D.A," claiming that critics of Pigford and other payouts were motivated by a "Pandora's box" of hidden racial agendas. Yet the Times documents how Pigford became a "magnet for fraud" across the South. "In 16 ZIP codes in Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi and North Carolina," LaFraniere writes, "the number of successful claimants exceeded the total number of farms operated by people of any race in 1997, the year the lawsuit was filed. Those applicants received nearly $100 million." The government let many of the fraudulent claims slip by unpunished because "the bar for a successful claim was so low that it was almost impossible to show criminality." Much of the fraud was enabled by the Clinton and Obama administrations, ...As yet, Congress has failed to investigate Pigford. That may finally change..."


http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/04/26/NYTimes-Confirms-Massive-Fraud-at-USDA-inPigford-Settlements-Breitbart-Vindicated "I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither present nor the future, nor powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is ours in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/1Zq3w Awesome! 4/28/13 SUPER-MODEL QUITS SECULAR JOB TO PROMOTE CHRISTIAN VALUES,*read more at http://m.global.christianpost.com/news/victorias-secret-model-kylie-bisutti-quits-modeling-and-turns-to-godlaunching-christian-clothing-line-94707/ "I quit being a VS model to be a Proverbs 31 wife," she wrote in a tweet to the world. Proverbs 31 states, "Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised."..." http://m.global.christianpost.com/news/victorias-secret-model-kylie-bisutti-quits-modeling-and-turns-to-godlaunching-christian-clothing-line-94707/ "I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither present nor the future, nor powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is ours in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/1ZWDh 4/25/13 DORTMUND DEFEATS REAL MADRID,4-1,*read more at, http://goal.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/04/24/champions-league-semifinals-matchday-2-real-madrid-at-borussiadortmund/Wednesday "after Borussia Dortmund, behind four goals by the Polish international striker Robert Lewandowski, dispatched Real Madrid, 4-1, in the first leg of their semifinal series in the UEFA Champions League..." http://goal.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/04/24/champions-league-semifinals-matchday-2-real-madrid-at-borussiadortmund/ "Because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in our transgressions - it is by grace you have been saved."Ephesians 2:4-5 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/1Yudy


4/25/13 NEW ANCHORMAN's NIGHTMARE becomes REALITY (hope this kid gets a 2nd chance after somebody washes out his mouth),*read more at http://m.cbsnews.com/fullstory.rbml?catid=57580739&feed_id=1&videofeed=null "...BISMARCK, N.D. A weekend news anchorman for a Bismarck television station says he was fired after he opened his first-ever broadcast with obscenities. A.J. Clemente says on Twitter that KFYR-TV fired him Monday: Unfortunately KFYRTV has decided to let me go. Thank you to them and everyone in ND for the opportunity and everyone for the support. A.J. Clemente (@ClementeAJ) April 22, 2013 " http://m.cbsnews.com/fullstory.rbml?catid=57580739&feed_id=1&videofeed=null "Because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in our transgressions - it is by grace you have been saved."Ephesians 2:4-5 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/1YYjA 4/26/13 CRYSTAL CATHEDRAL HOLDS MOVING SALE,*read more at, http://m.orangecounty.com/articles/cathedral-50394-ministry-campus.html "Early in the sale, more than 50 patrons combed through framed calendars, mugs, vases, coffee pots, lamps, outdated electronics and leftover gift store items that filled almost one floor of the campus's Family Life Center.Other items, ..." http://m.orangecounty.com/articles/cathedral-50394-ministry-campus.html "Because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in our transgressions - it is by grace you have been saved."Ephesians 2:4-5 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/1YZSw 4/24/13 ANOTHER TAX-PAYER FUNDED "GREEN" PROJECT ABOUT TO FAIL? http://www.judicialwatch.org/blog/2013/04/another-obama-green-project-folds-after-getting-millions-fromtaxpayers "...Turns out that, after taking $192 million from Uncle Sam, Fisker has laid off three quarters of its employees and the feds have finally acknowledged that its likely on the verge of bankruptcy. ..." http://www.judicialwatch.org/blog/2013/04/another-obama-green-project-folds-after-getting-millions-fromtaxpayers/ "Because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in our transgressions - it is by grace you have been saved."Ephesians 2:4-5 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document


Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/1YuG5 4/24/13 MAN WANTED 4 ATTEMPTED MURDER AFTER DOUBLE ROAD RAGE INCIDENT IN BEVERLY HILL,CA,(I saw the video,quite shocking, but also the bicyclist initially punched the driver in the face),See vid at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9_yU9jFFlg&feature=youtube_gdata_player *read more at, http://blogs.laweekly.com/informer/2013/04/beverly_hills_road_rage_bicycle_bmw.php "The driver allegedly followed the twowheeler into an alley in the 9000 block of Wilshire Boulevard and then "intentionally rammed the bicyclist with his vehicle pinning him to a metal rolling trash bin,.... It all happened April 3, but now cops have released surveillance video (below) of the BMW in ..." *read more at, http://blogs.laweekly.com/informer/2013/04/beverly_hills_road_rage_bicycle_bmw.php "Because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in our transgressions - it is by grace you have been saved."Ephesians 2:4-5 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/1YMv3 Pray4 4/25/13 BANGLADESH GARMENT FACTORY COLLAPSE KILLS 87+,*read more at, http://m.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/fire-official-8-story-commercial-building-collapse-inbangladesh-3-dead-many-feared-trapped/2013/04/24/0d686d70-ac99-11e2-9493-2ff3bf26c4b4_story.html "An eight-story building housing several garment factories collapsed near Bangladeshs capital Wednesday morning, killing at least 87 people..." http://m.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/fire-official-8-story-commercial-building-collapse-inbangladesh-3-dead-many-feared-trapped/2013/04/24/0d686d70-ac99-11e2-9493-2ff3bf26c4b4_story.html "Because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in our transgressions - it is by grace you have been saved."Ephesians 2:4-5 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/1Yuz9 4/25/13 CRAWFORD TEXAS STRUGGLING,post-BUSH,*read more at,


http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/without-bush-texas-town-struggles-survive-181221698--politics.html "...Bushs ranch when he was in town all but stopped when he left office. The town, home to mostly families who own farms, has struggled to survive. Indeed, only one shop in town remains open: Red Bull Gifts and Gallery, which sells local crafts and has a section of Bush memorabilia, ..." http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/without-bush-texas-town-struggles-survive-181221698--politics.html "Because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in our transgressions - it is by grace you have been saved."Ephesians 2:4-5 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/1YJU2 4/24/13 WOMAN BUYS $38,000 "HOLY GRAIL" VIDEO GAME for $8 at GOODWILL, *read more at, http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/holy-grail-video-games-valued-38-000-bought-002435770.html "...aNorth Carolina woman stumbled across a rare find when she purchased a 1980s video game from a Goodwill store for $8....it turns out that the game, Family Fun Fitness: Stadium Events, may be worth as much as $38,000 ..." http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/holy-grail-video-games-valued-38-000-bought-002435770.html "Because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in our transgressions - it is by grace you have been saved."Ephesians 2:4-5 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/1YJc5 4/25/13 Did CIA & FBI FAIL re BOSTON BOMBERS? *read more at, http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130425-cia-asked-add-boston-suspect-terror-list-official "... CIA asked the top US counterterrorism agency to add the deceased Boston bombing suspect to a terror watchlist more than a year before the attacks, officials said Wednesday. ... The latest disclosure from the CIA reveals that US intelligence agencies may have known more about Tsarnaev's possible extremist links than previously thought..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130425-cia-asked-add-boston-suspect-terror-list-official "Because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in our transgressions - it is by grace you have been saved."Ephesians 2:4-5 Posted by VK


*ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2013/04/confirmed-both-fbi-and-cia-were-tipped-off-by-russia-aboutradicalization-of-tamerlan-tsarnaev-video/ "... Russia contacted the US twice about the alleged radicalization of Boston bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev. At least two US agencies including the FBI and CIA knew about Islamist radical Tamerlan Tsarnaev . Yet, he was apparently overlooked before and after the bombing." http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2013/04/confirmed-both-fbi-and-cia-were-tipped-off-by-russia-aboutradicalization-of-tamerlan-tsarnaev-video/ "Because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in our transgressions - it is by grace you have been saved."Ephesians 2:4-5 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/1Yu6D 4/25/13 WIFE of DEAD BOSTON BOMBER MAKES STATEMENT, (for what its worth)*read more at http://news.yahoo.com/absolute-shock-boston-bombing-suspect-widow-releases-statement-183626171.html "Our firm is representing Katherine Russell and she has asked us to make a short statement. As you know from news reports, Katie married her husband in June of 2010. Since then, she has been living in Cambridge, raising her child and working long hours, caring for people in their homes who are unable to care for themselves. Katie grew up in Rhode Island and has always remained close to her parents and sisters here, as well as her extended family. She is fortunate to have the support of her loving family now, as they struggle to come to terms with these events and the deep sorrow we all feel following the events of last week. Meanwhile, she is doing everything she can to assist with the investigation. The injuries and loss of life..." http://news.yahoo.com/absolute-shock-boston-bombing-suspect-widow-releases-statement-183626171.html "Because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in our transgressions - it is by grace you have been saved."Ephesians 2:4-5 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women!


Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/1YKWr 4/24/13 BOSTON BOMBERS MOTHER WANTED 4 SHOPLIFTING,*read more at, http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/regions/americas/united-states/130424/mother-boston-marathonbombing-attack-suspects-shoplifting-dagestan "... the mother of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects has not returned to the United States from the Russian republic of Dagestan to bury the oldest boy or to care for the youngest despite her claims they are innocent. The reason could be Zubeidat Tsarnaevas own legal problems: she could be arrested on an outstanding warrant for shoplifting if she sets foot on US soil...." http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/regions/americas/united-states/130424/mother-boston-marathonbombing-attack-suspects-shoplifting-dagestan "Because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in our transgressions - it is by grace you have been saved."Ephesians 2:4-5 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/1Yuok 4/24/13 RIP, ALLAN ARBUS, M*A*S*H PSYCHIATRIST,et al*read more at, http://www.forbes.com/sites/karstenstrauss/2013/04/24/allan-arbus-we-hardly-knew-you/ "The New York-born Arbus is best known for his role as the witty psychiatrist, Maj. Sidney Freedman, on the hit show M*A*S*H*, which ran from 1972 to 1983. Other acting work included..." http://www.forbes.com/sites/karstenstrauss/2013/04/24/allan-arbus-we-hardly-knew-you/ "Because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in our transgressions - it is by grace you have been saved."Ephesians 2:4-5 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 4/25/13 NEW CHRISTIAN MINISTRY SEEKS TO HELP EVANGELICALS "MOVE IN" TO NEIGHBORHOODS "FOR the KINGDOM",*read more at, http://movein.to/vision/ "John 1:14 says, The Word [Jesus] became flesh and made his dwelling among us. Or, as The Message paraphrases it, The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood. MoveIn is about copying Jesus example (Phil. 2:5-7) by literally moving


in to the neighbourhood..." http://movein.to/vision/ "Because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in our transgressions - it is by grace you have been saved."Ephesians 2:4-5 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/1YsR5 4/22/13 RIP,RICHIE HAVENS,72, WOODSTOCK et al,*read more at http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Hollywood/2013/04/22/Woodstock-singer-Havens--72--dies-of-heart-attack "Richie Havens, the folk singer and guitarist who was the first performer at Woodstock, died Monday, his family said. He was 72...." http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Hollywood/2013/04/22/Woodstock-singer-Havens--72--dies-of-heart-attack "Because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in our transgressions - it is by grace you have been saved."Ephesians 2:4-5 Posted by VK http://ow.ly/i/1Ymo8 *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com Www.TheDailyNews4U.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 4/23/13 RCMP THWART CANADIAN TERROR THREAT, (thank u Canada!) *read more at http://www.jihadwatch.org/2013/04/major-jihad-terror-plot-thwarted-in-canada.html "TORONTO Two suspects are in custody, one from Ontario and one from Quebec, following an RCMP counter-terrorism investigation in Ontario. ..." http://www.jihadwatch.org/2013/04/major-jihad-terror-plot-thwarted-in-canada.html "Because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in our transgressions - it is by grace you have been saved."Ephesians 2:4-5 Posted by VK http://ow.ly/i/1XOyx *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com Www.TheDailyNews4U.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 4/21/13 HOPE DEFEATS CALVIN,TENNIS


*read more at, http://m.hollandsentinel.com/holland/pm_29440/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=oLfZat7F " Even though Hope swept Calvin in three doubles matches prior to singles play, Cawoods 6-3 6-2 win only gave the Flying Dutchmen four points of a necessary five to claim the match...." http://m.hollandsentinel.com/holland/pm_29440/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=oLfZat7F "Because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in our transgressions - it is by grace you have been saved."Ephesians 2:4-5 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 4/24/13 RIP,SEAN COLLIER, MIT OFFICER My thoughts & prayers...our thoughts & prayers for sean, God bless him & his family... "CAMBRIDGE, Mass. Thousands gathered on the MIT campus here Wednesday for an emotional memorial service honoring slain school police officer Sean Collier. Collier, 27, was shot to death in his patrol car Thursday night. Authorities say he was killed by Boston Marathon bombing suspects Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev..." http://m.usatoday.com/article/news/2109327 boston marathon,sean collier,mit, Tamerlan,Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 4/24/13 RIP, DAVE HUNT,DEFENDER of the FAITH,*read more at http://blog.godreports.com/2013/04/christian-apologist-and-cult-expert-dave-hunt-passes-to-his-reward/ "...Internationally esteemed defender of the faith and pioneering biblical discernment author Dave Hunt drew his final breath and entered into the presence of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on Friday, April 5, 2013. His beloved wife, Ruth, was at his side...Dave Hunt was most renowned for his controversial 1985 best seller, "The Seduction of Christianity", co-authored with T.A. McMahon...." http://blog.godreports.com/2013/04/christian-apologist-and-cult-expert-dave-hunt-passes-to-his-reward/ "Because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in our transgressions - it is by grace you have been saved."Ephesians 2:4-5 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther http://ow.ly/i/1Z0nb Audio 4/25/13 MOTHER of TERRILYN MONETTE re MISSING DAUGHTER...talking to Larry Elder ...Terrilyn disappeared one evening (see link for more info) ,(our thoughts & prayers for Terrilyn & her family...we pray that she will be located alive sooner rather than later) "Terrilynn Monette, 26, was last seen on March 2 in New Orleans.Authorities say her car is also missing..." http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2013/03/10/vigil-to-be-held-for-socal-teacher-missing-in-new-orleans/ 4/22/13 HOUSEKEEPER ADMITS SHE STOLE $3 MILLION BEN FRANKLIN SCULPTURE, et al,*read more at


http://www.mainlinemedianews.com/articles/2013/04/22/main_line_times/news/doc5175638d1b8d7648712027. txt?mobredir=false "Thats the status of former Main Line housekeeper Andrea Lawton after she admitted to having sticky fingers and stealing a priceless 18th Century bust sculpture of Benjamin Franklin, created by French sculptor Jean-Antoine Houdon, from the Bryn Mawr home of one of her wealthy ex-clients...." http://www.mainlinemedianews.com/articles/2013/04/22/main_line_times/news/doc5175638d1b8d7648712027. txt?mobredir=false "Because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in our transgressions - it is by grace you have been saved."Ephesians 2:4-5 Posted by VK http://ow.ly/i/1XtHj *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com Www.TheDailyNews4U.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther DON OLDIS, RETIRED *read more at http://m.ocregister.com/articles/oldis-268477-war-air.html Called to duty, sioux city iowa, .. Went into service 1942,omaha,..his dad was a ww1 soldier,...but he only weighed 123 pounds,ate bananas & water,re-weighed 133,p-38 training,, actual atomic bomb only as large as a softball? Don Oldis,9 children,more g-children & gg-children,..he owned a newspaper in sioux city..harry truman came in one day.... Billy graham(?) Bought his newspaper?..often flew out of cheyennne wyoming...wife has alzheimers.. See http://m.ocregister.com/articles/oldis-268477-war-air.html "This is how God showed His love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him." 1 John 4:9 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com Www.TheDailyNews4U.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 4/18/13 LIST of PERFORMERS @ SF OUTSIDE LANDS FESTIVAL,GOLDEN GATE PARK,AUGUST 911,2013: San Francisco's Outside Lands Festival,Golden Gate Park,Aug. 9-11. Vampire Weekend


Pretty Lights Yeah Yeah Yeahs D'Angelo The National Jurassic 5 Willie Nelson & Family Grizzly Bear Daryl Hall & John Oates Young the Giant Band of Horses A-Trak The Head and the Heart Yeasayer Matt & Kim Zedd The Tallest Man on Earth Foals Dawes Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue Youth Lagoon Gary Clark Jr. Jessie Ware Dillon Francis Kurt Vile and the Violators Emeli Sand The Mother Hips Surfer Blood Chromatics The Growlers Rudimental Thao & The Get Down Stay Down Camper Van Beethoven Smith Westerns Bombino Wavves Fishbone Ivan Neville's Dumpstaphunk Wild Belle King Tuff The Lone Bellow MS MR Little Green Cars James McCartney The Soft White Sixties Deap Vally The Men Midi Matilda Kopecky Family Band Houndmouth Foy Vance Bhi Bhiman LoCura Naia Kete Milo Greene Atlas Genius Anuhea


Twenty One Pilots The Heavy Daughter The Easy Leaves Paul McCartney Red Hot Chili Peppers Nine Inch Nails Phoenix Kaskade ******** "God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline." 2 Timothy 1:7 Posted by VK http://ow.ly/i/1WVuO *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com Www.TheDailyNews4U.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 4/20/13 WILDFIRE CONTINUES TO RAGE IN MONROVIA ,CA; HOMES EVACUATED,*read more at http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2013/04/20/brush-fire-reported-in-monrovia/ " Firefighters Saturday said mandatory evacuations have been ordered for hundreds of homes as a brush fire destroys 175 acres in Monrovia...." http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2013/04/20/brush-fire-reported-in-monrovia/ "This is how God showed His love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him." 1 John 4:9 Posted by VK http://ow.ly/i/1WKbx *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com Www.TheDailyNews4U.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 4/20/13 CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY MISSING, FAMILY SEEKS HELP,*read more at http://m.global.christianpost.com/news/missionary-pilot-goes-missing-en-route-to-mali-may-have-beencaptured-94262/ "The family has also set up a social media campaign, starting the Twitter trend "FindJerry" and setting up a Facebook page to spread awareness about their missing loved one. The Krause family wrote on the FindJerry.com webpage that they believe the So Tom control tower did not follow protocol when Jerry's plane went missing, and could possibly now be trying to cover their tracks to avoid reprimand...."


http://m.global.christianpost.com/news/missionary-pilot-goes-missing-en-route-to-mali-may-have-beencaptured-94262/ "This is how God showed His love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him." 1 John 4:9 Posted by VK http://ow.ly/i/1WBVz *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com Www.TheDailyNews4U.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 4/21/13 REESE WITHERSPOON ARRESTED WHILE TRYING TO DEFEND HUSBAND,*read more at http://www.breitbart.com/system/wire/DA5Q8UUG1 "By JONATHAN DREW Associated Press ATLANTA Oscar-winning actress Reese Witherspoon was arrested on a disorderly conduct charge after a state trooper said she wouldn't stay in the car while her husband was given a field sobriety test in Atlanta..." http://www.breitbart.com/system/wire/DA5Q8UUG1 "This is how God showed His love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him." 1 John 4:9 Posted by VK http://ow.ly/i/1WJss *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com Www.TheDailyNews4U.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 4/21/13 DID OUR FBI FAIL TO PREVENT THE BOSTON BOMBING DESPITE WARNING SIGNS?,*read more at http://www.therightscoop.com/former-lapd-homicide-detective-says-boston-jihadis-should-have-been-fbifirst-suspects/ "Mark Fuhrman, fomer LAPD homicide detective, believes that if the FBI indeed did all they could when they interviewed Tamerlan Tsarnaeva in 2011, they should have then turned the investigation over to the Boston Police department and let them continue the investigation.He says that as soon as the bombing happened, the Tsarnaeva brothers should have been the first suspects and it may have saved some lives..." http://www.therightscoop.com/former-lapd-homicide-detective-says-boston-jihadis-should-have-been-fbifirst-suspects/


Also see http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/04/21/live-updates-boston-marathon-investigation "... The Daily Mail reports that Russia asked the FBI to investigate Tamerlan Tsarnaev six months ago. The FBI never responded to Russia's request. Even more disturbingly,..." "...The UK Daily Mail reports that Dzhokhar may have received a neck wound by shooting himself: "A new report says Dzhokhar Tsarnaev shoved his pistol in his own mouth and pulled the trigger as SWAT officers and federal agents closed in on the boat where he was hiding in Friday night. However, instead of killing him, the bullet simply passed through his neck."..." http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/04/21/live-updates-boston-marathon-investigation "This is how God showed His love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him." 1 John 4:9 Posted by VK http://ow.ly/i/1WHYW *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com Www.TheDailyNews4U.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 4/21/13 PAUL HOGAN ROBBED OF $34 MILLION BY HIS OWN ACCOUNTANT? *read more at http://m.global.christianpost.com/news/crocodile-dundee-missing-34m-actor-paul-hogan-tracks-down-thief94108/ "...Australian actor Paul Hogan, also known as Crocodile Dundee, is missing $34 million dollars after his former accountant was accused of stealing the money and fleeing to Europe....Reports indicate that there is already an international warrant out for financial adviser Philip Egglishaw,..." http://m.global.christianpost.com/news/crocodile-dundee-missing-34m-actor-paul-hogan-tracks-down-thief94108/ "This is how God showed His love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him." 1 John 4:9 Posted by VK http://ow.ly/i/1WHEY *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com Www.TheDailyNews4U.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther


4/21/13 TRUMBO HOMERS, ANGELS SWEEP TIGERS,*read more at http://www.breitbart.com/system/wire/DA5Q8Q183 "By JOE RESNICK Associated Press ANAHEIM, Calif. Mark Trumbo homered leading off the bottom of the 13th inning and Albert Pujols doubled home two runs, lifting the Los Angeles Angels to a 4-3 victory over Detroit on Sunday for their second straight series sweep of the Tigers...." http://www.breitbart.com/system/wire/DA5Q8Q183 "This is how God showed His love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him." 1 John 4:9 Posted by VK http://ow.ly/i/1WIO8 *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com Www.TheDailyNews4U.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 4/21/13 WERE BOSTON BOMBERS DOUBLE AGENTS? *read more at http://app.debka.com/n/article/22914/The-Tsarnaev-brothers-were-double-agents-who-decoyed-US-intoterror-trap "The conclusion reached by debkafiles counterterrorism and intelligence sources is that the brothers were double agents, hired by US and Saudi intelligence to penetrate the Wahhabi jihadist networks which, helped by Saudi financial institutions, had spread across the restive Russian Caucasian. Instead, the two former Chechens betrayed their mission and went secretly over to the radical Islamist networks..." http://app.debka.com/n/article/22914/The-Tsarnaev-brothers-were-double-agents-who-decoyed-US-intoterror-trap "This is how God showed His love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him." 1 John 4:9 Posted by VK http://ow.ly/i/1WV1D *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com Www.TheDailyNews4U.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 4/21/13 SERENA & VENUS KEEP USA ALIVE @ FED CUP,*read more at http://www.breitbart.com/system/wire/DA5Q8NOO4


"..DELRAY BEACH, Fla. Venus Williams needed eight match points in the final game to beat Johanna Larsson 6-3, 7-5 and give the U.S. an insurmountable 3-1 lead against Sweden in the Fed Cup World Group Playoff...Earlier Sunday, world No. 1 Serena Williams boosted the U.S. to a 2-1 lead when she posted a 6-2, 6-1 win over 54th-ranked Sofia Arvidsson...." http://www.breitbart.com/system/wire/DA5Q8NOO4 "This is how God showed His love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him." 1 John 4:9 Posted by VK http://ow.ly/i/1WJ5u *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com Www.TheDailyNews4U.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 4/21/13 TAKUMA SATO WINS LONG BEACH GRAND PRIX, *read more at http://m.bleacherreport.com/articles/1612518-toyota-grand-prix-of-long-beach-2013-results-leaders-and-postrace-analysis "Takuma Sato won the 39th annual Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beacha hard-earned victory and the first of his career. Not only was it Sato's first IndyCar victory, but it was also the first win by a Japanese driver, per the AP's Jenna Fryer ..." http://m.bleacherreport.com/articles/1612518-toyota-grand-prix-of-long-beach-2013-results-leaders-and-postrace-analysis ***** http://www.breitbart.com/system/wire0/DA5Q93A82 "...LONG BEACH, Calif. It was an unlikely pairing that no one was certain would work when A.J. Foyt hired Takuma Sato to drive for him this year...." ...the win came in Sato's 52nd career start, but was the first for A.J. Foyt Racing since Airton Dare won Kansas in 2002...." http://www.breitbart.com/system/wire0/DA5Q93A82 "This is how God showed His love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him." 1 John 4:9 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com Www.TheDailyNews4U.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 4/21/13 HOW USA LEARNED VALUABLE INFO re N KOREA CAPABILITIES,*read more at


http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/04/15/exclusive-u-s-recovered-north-korean-rocket-head.html "After the North Korean launch, U.S. Navy ships managed to recover the front section of the rocket used in it, according to three U.S. officials who work closely on North Korean proliferation. That part of the rocket in turn provided useful clues about North Korean warhead design, should the next payload be a warhead rather than a satellite. The same basic engineering and science needed to launch a satellite into space is also used..." http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/04/15/exclusive-u-s-recovered-north-korean-rocket-head.html "This is how God showed His love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him." 1 John 4:9 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com Www.TheDailyNews4U.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 4/20/13 BILL AYERS ADMITS HE & OBAMA HAD SIGNIFICANT RELATIONSHIP, *read more at http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2013/04/epic-rush-limbaugh-on-boston-bombers-isnt-this-how-bill-ayersgot-his-start-audio/ "...Bill Ayers didnt blow up the Boston Marathon, but somebody like him did. Somebody like him did, and that could mean that whoever did this could someday be celebrated in this country if things dont change. Whoever did it could end up being on the faculty at Columbia University. Just last week Bill Ayers finally confirmed what Obama has always denied. Obama has denied knowing Ayers other than as some casual acquaintance from the neighborhood. Bill Ayers confirmed what Obama has denied, that Ayers held a fundraiser in his living room for Obama. It was in an interview last week with The Daily Beast. Ayers recalled the fundraiser: We were friendly, that was true; we served on a couple of boards together, that was true; he held a fundraiser in our living room, that was true. ..." http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2013/04/epic-rush-limbaugh-on-boston-bombers-isnt-this-how-bill-ayersgot-his-start-audio/ "This is how God showed His love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him." 1 John 4:9 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com


Www.TheDailyNews4U.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther Pray4, 4/20/13 CHINA QUAKE KILLS 150+,*read more at. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130420-chinaquake-relief-unfolds-with-stitches-shovels "A bloodied survivor sat on a chair outdoors getting stitches to his head as rescue workers struggled to pull other people from the rubble after a powerful quake left more than 150 dead on Saturday. Rows of tents have been set up outside a hospital to cope with the flood of thousands left injured by the tremor which hit the city of Ya'an on the edge of the Tibetan plateau..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130420-china-quake-relief-unfolds-with-stitches-shovels "This is how God showed His love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him." 1 John 4:9 Posted by VK http://ow.ly/i/1WVpS *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com Www.TheDailyNews4U.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 4/19/13 JAPANESE MAN BORN IN 1897 CELEBRATES 116th BIRTHDAY, *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130419-worlds-oldest-person-turns-116-japan "...The world's oldest person turned 116 on Friday as local health chiefs in Japan launch a study to find out why he and many of those around him have lived so long. Jiroemon Kimura, who was born in 1897, was expected to celebrate his astonishing milestone with friends and family, and receive a visit from the mayor of his home city of Kyotango in the west of the country...." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130419-worlds-oldest-person-turns-116-japan "This is how God showed His love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him." 1 John 4:9 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com Www.TheDailyNews4U.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document


I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 4/18/13 HEAR OUR PRAYER 4 FERTILIZER EXPLOSION VICTIMS...Lord Jesus we ask You to be with the survivors now..comfort them..& we pray4 the repose of the souls of the deceased...& we hope in Your Name for recovery from this disaster,...and for those who are missing..we hope some may be found alive..let us never give up hope..we Praise God for Your presence at all times, good & bad, .. "WEST, Texas -- An explosion tore through a fertilizer plant and leveled dozens of homes in a small Texas town late on Wednesday, killing up to 15 people, injuring more than 160 and spewing toxic fumes that forced the evacuation of half the community. Police said between five and 15 people were killed in the explosion in West, a town of about 2,800 people some 80 miles south of Dallas...." Http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/chi-texas-fertilizer-plant-explosion-20130418,0,2642325.story "God has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God." 2 Corinthians 5:19-20 4/18/13 RIP,PAT SUMMERALL, "VOICE of FOOTBALL",*read more at http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2013/04/17/177585725/pat-summerall-was-the-voice-of-football-saysjohn-madden "Pat Summerall was the "voice of football and always will be," longtime broadcasting partner John Madden said Tuesday . But Summerall, who died Tuesday at the age of 82, was not a man who used many words when few would do. Here's how The Dallas Morning News begins its story about the broadcaster and his life:..." http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2013/04/17/177585725/pat-summerall-was-the-voice-of-football-saysjohn-madden "God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline." 2 Timothy 1:7 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com Www.TheDailyNews4U.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 4/15/13 ADAM SCOTT WINS MASTERS IN PLAYOFF v CABRERA!*read more at http://m.yahoo.com/w/sports/home/news/article?offset=0&urn=urn%3Anewsml%3Asports.yahoo%2Clego %3A19780928%3Atop%2Carticle%2C2f76546c-6ddc-304d-b331-3a7cd1e639a7-l %3A1&.ts=1365983838&.intl=US&.lang=en "AUGUSTA, Ga. (AP) -- Adam Scott has become the first Australian to win the Masters, beating Angel Cabrera on the second hole of a playoff on a rainy day at Augusta


National..." http://m.yahoo.com/w/sports/home/news/article?offset=0&urn=urn%3Anewsml%3Asports.yahoo%2Clego %3A19780928%3Atop%2Carticle%2C2f76546c-6ddc-304d-b331-3a7cd1e639a7-l %3A1&.ts=1365983838&.intl=US&.lang=en "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" 2 Corinthians 5:17 Posted by VK http://ow.ly/i/1Un4s *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 4/18/13 DOG BLOOD (SKRILLEX & BOYS NOIZE) & JURASSIC 5 STEAL the SHOW @ COACHELLA,*read more at http://m.mtv.com/news/article.rbml?id=1705585&weburl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.mtv.com%2fnews %2farticles%2f1705585%2fcoachella-skrillex-blur-stone-roses.jhtml&alt=http%3a%2f%2fm.mtv.com %2fnews%2findex.rbml&cid=300 "INDIO, California On an opening day that featured Coachella's always-eclectic buffet, serving up British favorites Blur and the Stone Roses, the festival's Friday night was without question stolen by the Skrillex project Dog Blood and a reunited Jurassic 5 in full force..." http://m.mtv.com/news/article.rbml?id=1705585&weburl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.mtv.com%2fnews %2farticles%2f1705585%2fcoachella-skrillex-blur-stone-roses.jhtml&alt=http%3a%2f%2fm.mtv.com %2fnews%2findex.rbml&cid=300 "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" 2 Corinthians 5:17 Posted by VK http://ow.ly/i/1V7pw *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 4/19/13 MORE re MARK LABBERTON, NEW FULLER SEMINARY PRESIDENT,(we pray for Mark as he takes on the profound responsibility of leading the seminary.May God bless & inspire you,Mark!) "Labberton was raised in Yakima and graduated from Eisenhower High School. He earned his bachelors degree from Whitman College in Walla Walla and has been involved in ministry for more than 30 years. Labberton also received a master of divinity degree from Fuller and a doctorate in theology from the University of Cambridge in England. Fuller Theological Seminary has more than 4,300 ..."


http://www.yakimaherald.com/valleylife/faith/latestfaith/1003109-8/yakima-native-labberton-namedpresident-of-fuller-theological "God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline." 2 Timothy 1:7 Posted by VK http://ow.ly/i/1VG0B *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com Www.TheDailyNews4U.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther See vid at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASO_zypdnsQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player LinkOnly,4/18/13 PSY's NEW YOUTUBE SONG,"GENTLEMAN" GOES VIRAL, ,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130417-psys-gentleman-hits-100-mn-youtube-views "Gangnam Style" star Psy's new music video crossed the 100 million views mark on YouTube Wednesday, shattering another record on the video-sharing site since its much-anticipated weekend debut. The video for "Gentleman", the long-awaited followup to the South Korean singer's global hit, has received 105.4 million hits, topping 100 million in record time ..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130417-psys-gentleman-hits-100-mn-youtube-views "God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline." 2 Timothy 1:7 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily 4/19/13 LIST of SOME LEFT-WING "TERRORISTS" IN the USA ,(some left-wing news orgs always rush to suspect so-called "right-wing" persons for any & all acts of evil & harm, but the truth is there are many left-wing individuals responsible,historically, for acts of terror) *read more at http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2013/04/odds-are-boston-bomber-is-either-islamic-terrorist-or-left-wingextremist/ "Here is a partial list of left-wing terrorists from the past decade. Liveleak reported: Leo Burt- Bombed Colleges, Part of Left Wing Terrorist Group New Years Eve Gang. Jeff Jones Bombed Pentagon, Killed Police, Current CEO of Appolo Alliance, An eco group funded by Obama Berandine Dorn Bombed Petnagon, Killed Police, Obamas friend, baby sat Obamas Kids. Bill Ayers Bombed Pentagon, Killed Police, Obamas Best Friend, Wrote Obamas Book. Amy Bishop- college professor obsessed with Obama, shot 6 people. Jared Loughter killed 6 year old girl and shot gabby giffords James holmes Batman shooter


John Patrick Bedell -petnagon shooter Floyd Lee Corkins Chick Fil A Shooter David Guy McKay Plotted to bomb the Pentagon, caught first Bradley Neil Crowder Plotted to bomb the Pentagon, caught first Antonio Martinez Bombed a Recruiting Station Una Bomber Another left wing college professor psychopath James W. Von Brunn Holocaust Museum Shooter Andrew Joseph Stack III Bush Hating Leftist Who Flew His airplane into IRS building 9/11 style Ryan Komosinski Occupy Wall Street, Caught in BOmb Plot. Brandon Baxter -Occupy Wall Street Protester Caught Planning to Blow Up Bridges Douglas Wright Occupy Wall Street Protester Caught Planning to Blow Up Bridges Anthony Hayne -Occupy Wall Street Protester Caught Planning to Blow Up Bridges Connor C. Stevens- Occupy Wall Street Protester Caught Planning to Blow Up Bridges Joshua S. Stafford -Occupy Wall Street Protester Caught Planning to Blow Up Bridges The list does not include all of the murderers and rapists from the left-wing #Occupy movement...." http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2013/04/odds-are-boston-bomber-is-either-islamic-terrorist-or-left-wingextremist/ "God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline." 2 Timothy 1:7 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com Www.TheDailyNews4U.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther Thoughts & Prayers, 4/19/13 MIT COP KILLED BY BOSTON BOMBERS,*read more at http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2013/04/19/177885868/shots-explosions-heard-as-boston-manhuntcontinues?sc=nl&cc=brk-20130419-0521 "Cambridge Police Commissioner Robert Haas, and MIT Police Chief John DiFava announced this evening. "At approximately 10:20 p.m. April 18, police received reports of shots fired on the MIT campus. At 10:30 p.m., an MIT campus police officer was found shot in his vehicle in the area of Vassar and Main streets. According to authorities, the officer was found evidencing multiple gunshot wounds. "He was transported to Massachusetts General Hospital and pronounced deceased..." http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2013/04/19/177885868/shots-explosions-heard-as-boston-manhuntcontinues?sc=nl&cc=brk-20130419-0521 "MIT has identified the police officer killed in the line of duty on Thursday evening as Patrol Officer


Sean A. Collier, 26, of Somerville, Mass. Collier had served as a member of the MIT Police since Jan. 9, 2012, following service as a civilian employee with the Somerville Police Department. He was single and a native of Wilmington, Mass. Sean was one of these guys who really looked at police work as a calling, said MIT Police Chief John DiFava. He was born to be a police officer. http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2013/obit-officer-sean-collier-0419.html "God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline." 2 Timothy 1:7 Posted by VK http://ow.ly/i/1VIBR *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com Www.TheDailyNews4U.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 4/15/13 LINDSAY LOHAN SEEN @ COACHELLLA (weekend1) w/ YOUNGER BROTHER,CODY,*read more at http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2310261/Lindsay-Lohan-insists-enjoyed-sober-Coachella.html "she told TMZ that she stayed sober for the occasion, adding when pushed that her drink of choice when off the booze is water. The 26-year-old made no secret that before committing herself to three months in a rehabilitation centre she wanted to catch the live of bands playing all weekend long. Lindsay was seen strolling through the desert grounds with red-haired Cody who held her arm ..." http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2310261/Lindsay-Lohan-insists-enjoyed-sober-Coachella.html "God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline." 2 Timothy 1:7 Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com Www.TheDailyNews4U.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 4/16/13 CENTRAL MICH def CALVIN,10-0,NCAA BASEBALL (div iii) ,(go knights! But central mich is much bigger than calvin, not an equal matchup, Who's the calvin coach now? Not Jeff Pettinga ? Good ol' Jeff, he was also our highschool football defense coach...hope all is well for Jeff & kids..one daughter my age..hi cindy :) ! Read more at http://www.cm-life.com/2013/04/16/central-michigan-baseball-shuts-out-calvin-college-10-0/


"...nine-run third inning had the baseball team coasting to a 10-0 victory against Calvin College on Tuesday. We put up a big inning to distance ourselves and get us a win going into tomorrow, said head coach Steve Jaksa...." http://www.cm-life.com/2013/04/16/central-michigan-baseball-shuts-out-calvin-college-10-0/ "God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline." 2 Timothy 1:7 Posted by VK http://ow.ly/i/1VIj4 *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com Www.TheDailyNews4U.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 4/16/13 IRAQ EXECUTES 21, SINGLE DAY, (is this what we fought for in Iraq? To establish a govt that casually executes people? Even if they were a threat to Iraq and/or USA, to do a mass execution (& and who knows what kind of trial,if any), sounds like terror of its own form), *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130416-iraq-executes-21-one-day-terror-charges "Iraq put 21 men to death on Tuesday, a senior justice ministry official told AFP, the latest in a series of mass executions that have drawn international condemnation. All of the men were Iraqis and had been convicted on anti-terror charges, the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity. The latest executions brought to 50 the number of times Baghdad has carried out the death penalty so far this year..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130416-iraq-executes-21-one-day-terror-charges "God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline." 2 Timothy 1:7 Posted by VK http://ow.ly/i/1VH5Y *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com Www.TheDailyNews4U.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther LinkOnly 4/13/13 14-yo TIANLANG GUAN GETS PENALIZED 4 SLOW PLAY @ MASTERS,*read more at http://m.yahoo.com/w/sports/home/news/article?urn=bf20619c-681c-3a45-b9b19a13df3787f6&.ts=1365823730&.intl=US&.lang=en


"...The 14-year-old from China,...Just moments after making sure that he had the right ball, throwing grass into the air to check the wind, walking up the hill to get a look at the green and then switching clubs, Guan was penalized a stroke for slow play. Official John Paramor, who earlier had issued two other direct warnings to Guan, ran a stopwatch on him that exceeded the minimum 40second time limit. A slow play penalty is so rare the Masters said it had no record of any others ever issued. It's occurred just three other times in the last 16 years of major tournaments and not for years in regular PGA Tour events...." http://m.yahoo.com/w/sports/home/news/article?urn=bf20619c-681c-3a45-b9b19a13df3787f6&.ts=1365823730&.intl=US&.lang=en "Prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed." 1 Peter 1:13 http://ow.ly/i/1T3sK Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody LinkOnly 4/13/13 RIP, ANNE SMEDINGHOFF,25,BOMB BLAST AFGHANISTAN, *read more at http://abcnews.go.com/US/anne-smedinghoff-us-diplomat-killed-afghanistan-loved-work/story?id=18901447 "... friends and family of Anne Smedinghoff are mourning the 25-year-old Foreign Service Officer killed in a car bomb blast in southern Afghanistan whom they describe as vivacious and loving. Smedinghoff was one of five Americans killed in a suicide bomb attack in Qalat, Zabul. Working as a press officer for the U.S. embassy in Kabul, she was helping Afghan journalists cover an event at a boys school where the local U.S. Provincial Reconstruction Team was to donate math and science books...Afghan sources say the school event had been announced a day in advance, which possibly allowed attackers enough time to plan the attack..." http://abcnews.go.com/US/anne-smedinghoff-us-diplomat-killed-afghanistan-loved-work/story?id=18901447 "Prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed." 1 Peter 1:13 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com


*Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody + 4/16/13 VIRGINIA TAKES STEPS TO CLEAN UP ABORTION CLINICS,*read more at http://news.yahoo.com/virginia-board-meets-tightening-abortion-clinics-standards-153302426.html "By Gary Robertson RICHMOND, Virginia (Reuters) - Virginia on Friday required abortion clinics to meet stricter hospital-style standards that could force some go out of business, making it the latest state to tighten rules on the procedure.The rules, passed overwhelmingly by the Virginia Board of Health..." http://news.yahoo.com/virginia-board-meets-tightening-abortion-clinics-standards-153302426.html "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" 2 Corinthians 5:17 Posted by VK http://ow.ly/i/1Ug2Z *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 4/17/13 RIP, JONATHON WINTERS, COMEDIAN,MORK & MINDY , et al *read more at http://m.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-22143675#sa-ns_mchannel=rss&ns_source=PublicRSS20-sa "...A pioneer of improvisational stand-up comedy, he influenced a generation of comedians including Robin Williams, Jim Carrey and Steve Martin. On the big screen, he appeared in films such as It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World and The Loved One. But it was his role as Williams's onscreen son in Mork and Mindy that brought him international fame...." http://m.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-22143675#sa-ns_mchannel=rss&ns_source=PublicRSS20-sa "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" 2 Corinthians 5:17 Posted by VK http://ow.ly/i/1V7GY *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women!


Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 4/16/14 THREE KILLED,MANY INJURED, BY EXPLOSIONS @ BOSTON MARATHON,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130416-three-dead-over-100-hurt-boston-marathon-blasts "Two explosions struck one of America's top sporting events Monday, killing at least three and wounding more than 100 as the Boston Marathon erupted in a maelstrom of blood, screams, smoke and panic. As cities from New York to Los Angeles went on high alert, Americans with ever-vivid memories of the September 11, 2001 suicide airliner attacks automatically wondered if the country had been hit again by terrorists...." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130416-three-dead-over-100-hurt-boston-marathon-blasts "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" 2 Corinthians 5:17 Posted by VK http://ow.ly/i/1UrZP *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 4/15/13 PLANNED P-HOOD OUSTED from YMCA CONFERENCE,*read more at http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/04/14/Pro-Life-Group-Ousts-Planned-Parenthood-FromYMCA-Girl-s-Day-Conference-With-Email-Campaign "Using a quickly-mobilized email campaign, a pro-life organization in Waco, Texas, succeeded in ousting Planned Parenthood as a featured presenter for Girls Day 2013, a YMCA educational program for girls of ages 9 and up. "...According to LifeSiteNews, pro-life activists were appalled when they learned, on April 4 , that the Girls Day program, planned for April 6 , would feature Katie Wolfe, Waco Planned Parenthoods education director. Wolfe was scheduled to speak to both the young girls participating in the conference and their parents on building healthy relationships from Planned Parenthoods perspective. Upon learning about the scheduled speaker, Joe Pisciotta, director of Pro-Life Waco, sent an email to his organizations supporters, asking them to participate in a rushed email and phone campaign to the 16 employees of the Waco YMCA, urging them to drop Wolfe as a speaker. Within a little over 24 hours, those pro-life activists who wrote, received an email response from Christopher Bernard, associate executive director of YMCA of Central Texas: We thank you for your concerns. As of Thursday afternoon, Planned Parenthood will not be attending the YMCA of Central


Texas' Girls Day at Doris Miller Family Y. As an organization that serves the Central Texas community, it is our upmost [sic] priority to adhere to our mission of putting Christian principles into practice through programs that build a healthy spirit, mind and body for all. ..." http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/04/14/Pro-Life-Group-Ousts-Planned-Parenthood-FromYMCA-Girl-s-Day-Conference-With-Email-Campaign "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" 2 Corinthians 5:17 Posted by VK http://ow.ly/i/1UmBV *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 4/15/13 HYMNAL from 1640 MAY SELL for $30 MILLION,*read more at http://m.cnsnews.com/news/article/hymnal-dates-1640-could-fetch-30m " A tiny hymnal from 1640 believed to be the first book ever printed in what is now the United States is going up for auction , and it could sell for as much as $ 30 million ...Members of Boston's Old South Church have authorized the sale of one of its two copies...Samuel Adams was a member and Benjamin Franklin was baptized there...." ...The last time a copy came on the auction block in 1947, it sold for a record auction price of $ 151 ,000 ..." http://m.cnsnews.com/news/article/hymnal-dates-1640-could-fetch-30m "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" 2 Corinthians 5:17 Posted by VK http://ow.ly/i/1UmoQ *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 4/14/13 MANCHESTER CITY def CHELSEA TO MAKE FA CUP FINALS,*read more at http://m.cnsnews.com/news/article/man-city-beats-chelsea-2-1-reach-fa-cup-final "Manchester City reached the FA Cup final by beating defending champion Chelsea 2 - 1 in a free- flowing game at Wembley on Sunday . Goals by Samir Nasri in the 35th minute and Sergio Aguero in the 47th built a 2 -0 lead , and Demba Ba pulled the Blues back into the game with an acrobatic finish in the 66th. ..." http://m.cnsnews.com/news/article/man-city-beats-chelsea-2-1-reach-fa-cup-final "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" 2 Corinthians 5:17 Posted by VK


http://ow.ly/i/1UmuB *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 4/14/13 MAN COMMITS SUICIDE AT TEXAS MOTOR SPEEDWAY DURING RACE, *read more at http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/04/14/shocking-man-commits-suicide-at-nra-sponsored-nascar-race/ "A man died of a self-inflicted injury following a verbal altercation in the infield during the NRA 500 NASCAR Sprint Cup race at Texas Motor Speedway on Saturday night, police say..." http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/04/14/shocking-man-commits-suicide-at-nra-sponsored-nascar-race/ "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" 2 Corinthians 5:17 Posted by VK http://ow.ly/i/1UmZK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 4/14/13 ANGELS FINALLY GET THEIR 1st HOME WIN,*read more at http://www.foxnews.com/sports/2013/04/14/angels-eye-first-series-win-season-against-astros/ "...Los Angeles' five-game losing streak went by the wayside on Saturday, as Albert Pujols' game-winning, two-run double in the bottom of the ninth lifted the Halos to a 5-4 win..." http://www.foxnews.com/sports/2013/04/14/angels-eye-first-series-win-season-against-astros/ "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" 2 Corinthians 5:17 Posted by VK http://ow.ly/i/1UmUR *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 4/13/13 re FAITH of the FOUNDERS,*read more at http://patriotupdate.com/articles/note-to-liberalsamericas-founders-were-christians/#.UWhP2aUPyFw.twitter "... the religious views of the fiftyfive men who developed Americas Constitution,... 26 were


Episcopalians, 11 were Presbyterians, 7 were Congregationalists, 2 were Lutherans, 2 were Dutch Reformed, 2 were Methodists, 2 were Quakers, 2 were Roman Catholics, and one was Benjamin Franklin (whose religious views are still hard to pin down). Because Franklins views are difficult to ascertain with any degree of certainty, he is the founder liberals like to use as their example of our non-Christian founders. Of course, by focusing the attention of listeners on Benjamin Franklin liberals are able to avoid having to discuss the religious views of the other 54 founders. Anti-Christian liberals like to quote Benjamin..." http://patriotupdate.com/articles/note-to-liberals-americas-founders-werechristians/#.UWhP2aUPyFw.twitter "Prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed." 1 Peter 1:13 http://ow.ly/i/1Uxg7 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/15/13 NICOLAS MADURO WINS VENEZUELA ELECTION; OPPONENT CRIES FOUL; (I will always be extra-interested in this topic because I once heard a old highschool ,& college,classmate (now university professor) on public radio waxing eloquent about the venezuela issues after hugo's death...way 2 go Smilde! ) *read more at http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/04/15/us-venezuela-election-idUSBRE93C0B120130415 - Late socialist leader Hugo Chavez's chosen successor Nicolas Maduro won Venezuela's presidential election by a whisker but now faces opposition protests ..." http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/04/15/us-venezuela-election-idUSBRE93C0B120130415 "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" 2 Corinthians 5:17 Posted by VK http://ow.ly/i/1UgLh *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document


I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 4/16/13 JEWISH MAN FLIES ON PLANE COMPLETELY ENCLOSED IN PLASTIC BAG, (very bizarre, but apparently with a Jewish theological reason,*see pic & read more at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/11/orthodox-jew-flies-plane-huge-plastic-bag-photo_n_3064473.html "..."This has nothing to do with women," user "thenewyorkgod " wrote. "He is a cohen,' descendant from the high holy priests of the temple and they are not allowed to walk into or fly over a cemetery, which would render them impure." Indeed, there seems to be some precedent for holy men (alternately known as a Kohen or Cohen) attempting to travel in plastic bags to and from Israel. In 2001, El Al Airlines decided not to allow ultra-Orthodox Jews of priestly descent to "hermetically seal themselves in plastic bags when flying over the Holon cemetery in order to avoid ritual impurity." El Al stated "flight safety considerations do not allow for passengers to board while covered in sealed plastic bags."..." http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/11/orthodox-jew-flies-plane-huge-plastic-bag-photo_n_3064473.html "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" 2 Corinthians 5:17 Posted by VK http://ow.ly/i/1UgfR *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther LinkOnly 4/13/13 VK RECC's:"HOW ANIMALS EAT" (funny!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnydFmqHuVo&feature=youtube_gdata_player *I am not associated with this video or creator in any way,...just recommending it for viewing entertainment. **** "Seek good, not evil, that you may live. Then the Lord God Almighty will be with you, just as you say he is. Hate evil, love good; maintain justice in the courts." Amos 5:14-15 LinkOnly 4/13/13 VK RECC's:KAYAKER CATCHES SHARK! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puNhvXutVjQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player *I am not associated with this video or creator in any way,...just recommending it for viewing entertainment.


http://m.cnsnews.com/news/article/hawaii-fisherman-gets-close-hungry-shark-0 "WAIANAE , Hawaii (AP ) A Hawaii fisherman has an unbelievable fishing tale : a close encounter with a 9- foot shark that jumped dangerously near his kayak . But , he has the video to prove it . Isaac Brumaghim , 37, was kayak fishing off the Waianae Coast Sunday when the shark sprang up and chomped on the tuna he was fighting to reel in for a tournament ...Reporters nationwide are calling . Many are still skeptical , accusing him of doctoring the footage ..." http://m.cnsnews.com/news/article/hawaii-fisherman-gets-close-hungry-shark-0 **** "Seek good, not evil, that you may live. Then the Lord God Almighty will be with you, just as you say he is. Hate evil, love good; maintain justice in the courts." Amos 5:14-15 http://ow.ly/i/1SZn0 LinkOnly 4/13/13 VK RECC's: LASER WARFARE ILLUSTRATED http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmoldX1wKYQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player *I am not associated with this video or creator in any way,...just recommending it for viewing entertainment. **** "Seek good, not evil, that you may live. Then the Lord God Almighty will be with you, just as you say he is. Hate evil, love good; maintain justice in the courts." Amos 5:14-15 http://ow.ly/i/1T3hu LinkOnly 4/13/13 VK RECC's: "RICHARD AT TACO BELL"?...funny funny..see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFOR-qw4Xns&feature=youtube_gdata_player *I am not associated with this video or creator in any way,...just recommending it for viewing entertainment. **** "Seek good, not evil, that you may live. Then the Lord God Almighty will be with you, just as you say he is. Hate evil, love good; maintain justice in the courts." Amos 5:14-15 4/14/13 DOCTOR ON TRIAL 4 MURDER UNDER GUISE OF ABORTION MAY GET OFF ON TECHNICALITIES, (pray4 & help protect unborn life!),*read more at http://m.cnsnews.com/news/article/grand-jury-abortionist-murdered-hundreds-children-me-adam-lanzamurdered-20 "..In Philadelphia , Pa ., over a course of decades, according to a Pennsylvania grand jury , Dr . Kermit Gosnell, a wealthy abortionist who specialized in terminating the lives of babies late in pregnancy , murdered "hundreds" of born babies by..." http://m.cnsnews.com/news/article/grand-jury-abortionist-murdered-hundreds-children-me-adam-lanzamurdered-20 Also see http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2013/04/10/monstrous-abortion-trial-that-media-dont-want-to-know-about/ "When the Newtown shooting took the lives of 20 children, the nation was justifiably horrified. Journalists reported round the clock on ways to change public policy to prevent another shooting. But when seven children and a mother died in a Philadelphia abortion clinic dubbed a house of horrors, the major media couldnt have cared less...Only this case is real and the media are keeping it real quiet because it betrays the barbarity of the abortion industry in


open court, where they cant hide. Its all about abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell..." ...Gosnell is charged with killing seven babies born alive, along with Karnamaya Mongar a newly-arrived, 41year-old refugee from Bhutan...." http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2013/04/10/monstrous-abortion-trial-that-media-dont-want-to-know-about/ "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" 2 Corinthians 5:17 Posted by VK http://ow.ly/i/1Ugra *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 4/14/13 HOW TO DEFEND TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE,*read more at http://m.global.christianpost.com/news/four-things-you-can-do-to-preserve-traditional-marriage-93865/ "1. Hold tight to the truths of the Scriptures. Do not grow weary. 2. Honor a biblical understanding of marriage by remaining faithful to your respective spouse. 3. Continue raising your children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. 4. Share the Good News of the Gospel with all people. Be winsome but be bold...." http://m.global.christianpost.com/news/four-things-you-can-do-to-preserve-traditional-marriage-93865/ "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" 2 Corinthians 5:17 http://ow.ly/i/1U36v Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther Update,4/14/13 So-CALLED "GOSPEL OF JUDAS" is HERETICAL SAY CHRISTIAN SCHOLARS, *read more at http://m.global.christianpost.com/news/gospel-of-judas-free-of-forgeries-but-still-fake-heretical-says-newtestament-scholar-93781/ "...Daniel B. Wallace, professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary, contends that although the text may in fact be free of forgeries, it carries no historic credibility, and proves to be a fake gospel that paints a heretic view of Jesus...." http://m.global.christianpost.com/news/gospel-of-judas-free-of-forgeries-but-still-fake-heretical-says-newtestament-scholar-93781/


"If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" 2 Corinthians 5:17 http://ow.ly/i/1U2Ww Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 4/14/13 LAKERS KOBE BRYANT OUT 4 SEASON w/ TORN TENDON,*read more at http://m.yahoo.com/w/sports/home/news/article?offset=0&urn=urn%3Anewsml%3Asports.yahoo%2Clego %3A19780928%3Atop%2Carticle%2C013fc778-82a2-3850-983a-a4ef3ea08c1d-l %3A1&.ts=1365906042&.intl=US&.lang=en "EL SEGUNDO, Calif. (AP) -- Kobe Bryant had surgery Saturday on his torn Achilles tendon, ending his season with two games left in the Los Angeles Lakers' playoff chase. Lakers trainer Gary Vitti thinks Bryant will need six to nine months for recovery from the most serious injury of his 17-year NBA career. ..." http://m.yahoo.com/w/sports/home/news/article?offset=0&urn=urn%3Anewsml%3Asports.yahoo%2Clego %3A19780928%3Atop%2Carticle%2C013fc778-82a2-3850-983a-a4ef3ea08c1d-l %3A1&.ts=1365906042&.intl=US&.lang=en "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" 2 Corinthians 5:17 http://ow.ly/i/1U3ky Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 4/12/13 PADRES QUENTIN SUSPENDED 8 GAMES re GREINKE BEANBALL BRAWL,*read more at http://m.yahoo.com/w/sports/home/news/article?urn=fac25f24-4fba-3375-809dad972e35537e&.ts=1365823705&.intl=US&.lang=en "San Diego Padres outfielder Carlos Quentin will appeal the eight-game suspension he received after inciting a brawl during which Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Zack Greinke broke his left collarbone. After Greinke hit Quentin on the arm with a 3-2 pitch in the sixth inning of a one-run game, the 30-yearold bull-rushed the mound..." http://m.yahoo.com/w/sports/home/news/article?urn=fac25f24-4fba-3375-809dad972e35537e&.ts=1365823705&.intl=US&.lang=en "Prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed." 1 Peter 1:13 http://ow.ly/i/1Ux2b


Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/14/13 ARMY CHAPLAIN AWARDED MEDAL OF HONOR,POSTHUMOUSLY, *read more at http://m.cnsnews.com/news/article/obama-awards-posthumous-medal-honor-catholic-priest " An Army chaplain who the White House says braved "withering enemy fire " to provide medical aid and comfort to fellow soldiers during the Korean War is receiving the Medal of Honor more than 60 years after his death ....Kapaun stayed with wounded troops knowing he 'd probably be captured by the Chinese and led prayers at the risk of punishment. The Kansas - born Roman Catholic priest died as a prisoner of war at age 35...." http://m.cnsnews.com/news/article/obama-awards-posthumous-medal-honor-catholic-priest "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" 2 Corinthians 5:17 Posted by VK http://ow.ly/i/1UgBc *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools *Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 4/14/13 RIP, CHI CHENG, DEFTONES BASSIST,42,*read more at http://m.billboard.com/articles/news/1557423/deftones-bassist-chi-cheng-dead-at-42 "Deftones bassist Chi Cheng, who has been in a semi-conscious state since a 2008 car accident, died early Saturday morning, his family announced. He was 42. In a statement posted on the fan site ONELOVEFORCHI.COM , Cheng's family writes that the musician was taken to the emergency room where he died at 3 a.m. "He left this world with me singing songs he liked in his ear," wrote Jeanne Marie Cheng, or "Mom J" for short...." http://m.billboard.com/articles/news/1557423/deftones-bassist-chi-cheng-dead-at-42 "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" 2 Corinthians 5:17 http://ow.ly/i/1U2GZ Posted by VK *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools


*Read the Bible Daily Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *Be Kind & Respectful To EachOther 4/13/13 U CONN def LOUISVILLE 2 WIN NCAA WOMENS B-BALL CHAMPIONSHIP, *read more at http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/college-basketball/news/20130409/uconn-women-ap.ap/ "...Stewart scored 18 of her 23 points in a dazzling first half and Connecticut won its eighth NCAA title with a 93-60 rout of Louisville on Tuesday night..." http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/college-basketball/news/20130409/uconn-women-ap.ap/ "Prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed." 1 Peter 1:13 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/11/13 DUBAI POLICE ADD HALF-MILLION $ LAMBORGHINI TO THEIR FLEET OF SQUAD CARS,but it WON'T BE CHASING ANYBODY,*read more at Http://www.businessweek.com/ap/2013-04-11/bling-patrol-dubais-550-000-squad-car "..., Dubai police also are in hot pursuit after adding a nearly $550,000 Lamborghini to its fleet. The sports car, painted in green-and-white colors of the Dubai force, will not likely be roaring after law breakers. Instead, it will be mostly dispatched to tourist areas to show in the words of deputy police director, Gen. Khamis Matter al-Muzaina "how classy Dubai is."...Dubai seeks to show it has rebounded from its debt crisis with brash plans ..." Http://www.businessweek.com/ap/2013-04-11/bling-patrol-dubais-550-000-squad-car "You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:26-29 http://ow.ly/i/1SgEx Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document


*Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/10/13 TRAIN ENGINEER SCREECHES TO STOP TO SAVE PUPPY TIED TO TRACK, (MECCA,CA),*read more at http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/puppy-tied-train-tracks-banjo-133048316.html "A puppy tied to train tracks in the California desert narrowly avoided being crushed by an oncoming train.... The 10-month-old poodle-terrier mix was tied to the tracks near Mecca, Calif., earlier this month by a 78-yearold man, officials there say. The engineer of the approaching train saw the man walking away from the tracks and used emergency brakes to stop the locomotive....Officials did not pursue animal-cruelty charges against the man because he "appeared to be confused or senile..." http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/puppy-tied-train-tracks-banjo-133048316.html "You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:26-29 http://ow.ly/i/1SgQw Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/11/13 MAN INTENTIONALLY SAWS ARM 2 BONE AT HOME DEPOT,*read more at Http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/04/11/horror-at-california-home-depot-as-man-cuts-own-arms-with-saws/? utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+foxnews%2Fnational+ %28Internal+-+US+Latest+-+Text%29 "Police say a man deliberately cut himself with saws inside a Los Angeles-area Home Depot store, causing a gruesome scene in front of customers that left him severely injured.... he grabbed several small hand saws and cut his arms to the bone. Police found the man unconscious in a pool of blood..." Http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/04/11/horror-at-california-home-depot-as-man-cuts-own-arms-with-saws/? utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+foxnews%2Fnational+ %28Internal+-+US+Latest+-+Text%29 "You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:26-29 http://ow.ly/i/1Sh5G Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document


Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/10/13 MAN LIVED AS HERMIT IN WOODS for 27 YEARS UNTIL CAUGHT STEALING,*read more at http://m.usatoday.com/article/news/2072505 "ROME, Maine (AP) A man who lived like a hermit for decades in a makeshift camp in the woods and may be responsible for more than 1,000 burglaries for food and other staples has been caught in a surveillance trap at a camp he treated as a "Walmart," authorities said Wednesday. Christopher Knight, 47, was arrested last week when he tripped a surveillance sensor..." http://m.usatoday.com/article/news/2072505 "You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:26-29 http://ow.ly/i/1ShcG 4/11/13 BLUE ANGELS ANNOUNCE REST of AIR-SEASON CANCELLED DUE TO BUDGET, (this is what I thought would happen based on what I read but when I saw them at el centro a few weeks ago they still announced that the rest of the season as if it had a green light),*read more at http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/blue-angels-cancel-season/ "The U.S. Navys Blue Angels says the rest of its season is canceled because of federal budget cuts. The aerobatic teams lead pilot and team commander Tom Frosch made the announcement Tuesday at the teams headquarters. He says it is the first time since the Korean War that the team would not make the air show rounds...." http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/blue-angels-cancel-season/ "You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:26-29 http://ow.ly/i/1ShNi Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/10/13 MORE MYSTERIOUS THAN STONEHENGE? Re UNUSUAL FORMATION IN SEA of GALILEE,*read more at


http://m.newser.com/story/165993/in-sea-of-galilee-a-mystery-bigger-than-stonehenge.html? utm_source=happyhour&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20130410 "... discovered via sonar in the Sea of Galilee ... Divers who have since gone down to inspect it say it's a 32foot-tall cone-shaped formation made of "unhewn basalt cobbles and boulders," reports LiveScience , which describes it as a cairna stack of rocks piled on top of each other. Its diameter measures about 230 feet (double that of Stonehenge's outer circle), and it's estimated to weigh 60,000 tons. Though the researchers admit they don't know what the structure's purpose was (LiveScience notes similar cairns have been used to mark graves), they have determined it was definitely made by humans, likely on land..." http://m.newser.com/story/165993/in-sea-of-galilee-a-mystery-bigger-than-stonehenge.html? utm_source=happyhour&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20130410 http://ow.ly/i/1SgZh "You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:26-29 Pray4 4/10/13 COLLEGE STUDENT STABS 14,TEXAS COLLEGE,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130410-us-college-student-stabs-14-texas-attack "A US college student stabbed 14 people, leaving two victims critically wounded, in a rampage that ended when he was wrestled to the ground and taken into custody,...at the sprawling Lone Star College's Cyfair campus,..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130410-us-college-student-stabs-14-texas-attack "You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:26-29 4/9/13 NEW SHIRT TELLS U IF U R WORKING OUT HARD ENOUGH IN REAL TIME,*read more at http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/this-could-be-big-abc-news/workout-shirt-reveals-inner-hulk154744522.html#more-id "...Its called the Radiate shirt and it changes color as you exercise. The shirt is made with thermochromic dyes and registers temperature fluctuations. NASA first invented the technology in the 1960s... ...We raised the bar on [thermochromic technology] ..."Crockett said, ...He donned a dullish, grape-colored Radiate shirt and then wasted no time in lighting it up bright pink with three sets of chest presses...." http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/this-could-be-big-abc-news/workout-shirt-reveals-inner-hulk154744522.html#more-id For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. James 3:16 "Want waar je afgunst en zelfzuchtige ambitie, daar vind je wanorde en allerlei kwade praktijk. "Jakobus 3:16 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com


*Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/8/13 CLIPPERS DEFEAT LAKERS 2 WIN their 1st-EVER DIVISION TITLE!,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130408-clippers-beat-lakers-clinch-division-title "...The Los Angeles Clippers clinched their first division title in their 42-year history with a 109-95 rout of the Los Angeles Lakers behind a 24 point, 12 assist effort from Chris Paul...." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130408-clippers-beat-lakers-clinch-division-title "You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:26-29 http://ow.ly/i/1SgJO Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/9/13 re SCHULLER GRANDCHILD's NEW BOOK "GOD & BOOBS" [another schuller I didn't know about..they just keep coming out of the woodwork, the article refer to her as "Ms." But apparently she's married to one nof the godtube people (is that the new thing for young women, to not use "Mrs" even if married?) , which Robert A. is also associated with] *read more at http://www.godandboobs.com/ill-speak-for-you/ "Ms. Wyatt s grandfather, Robert H. Schuller , 85, started the ministry in a rented drive-in theater. Her father, Robert A. Schuller , 58, was an associate and then senior pastor at what became the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, Calif. And her brother, Robert Schuller III , more commonly known as Bobby, is the current television speaker.... Ms. Wyatt says that despite earning bachelors and masters degrees in religion and counseling, and having been head of campus ministries at Oral Roberts University, she was invited only to sing at the Crystal Cathedral , not to preach.... provocative title: God and Boobs: Balancing Faith and Sexuality.... Ms. Wyatt asserts that her book was part of an effort to stop religious bullies, the men..." http://p.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/mar/14/kellner-a-younger-schuller-seeks-possibilities-for/ a B.A. in


New Testament studies, and is a Certified Spiritual Director. She has over 17 years of experience helping young women recover their emotional and spiritual strength. Angie is married to Internet and television pioneer Chris Wyatt, founder of GodTube.com and CEO of YouToo.com. Angie and her husband currently reside in Dallas, Texas. http://www.godandboobs.com/ill-speak-for-you/ "Live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. Galatians 5:16 5:16 ivjeti po Duhu, i neete ugaati poudi greniceprirode. Galaanima 5:16 ij podle Ducha, a nebudete uspokoj touhy z hn pirozenosti. Galatskm 5:16 http://ow.ly/i/1RhPp Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/9/13 MANCHESTER CITY > MAN UNITED,2-1*read more at http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/soccer/news/20130408/manchester-united-city-derby.ap/ " Manchester City delayed the surrender of its Premier League title to Manchester United on Monday, beating the runaway leaders 2-1 in a frenetic derby thanks to substitute Sergio Aguero's stunning late goal.The Argentina striker..." http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/soccer/news/20130408/manchester-united-city-derby.ap/ "Live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. Galatians 5:16 5:16 ivjeti po Duhu, i neete ugaati poudi greniceprirode. Galaanima 5:16 ij podle Ducha, a nebudete uspokoj touhy z hn pirozenosti. Galatskm 5:16 http://ow.ly/i/1RhzL Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/9/13 LASER WARFARE IS NOW a REALITY,SAYS USA NAVY,*read more at http://www.foxnews.com/tech/2013/04/08/future-is-now-navy-to-deploys-lasers-on-ships-in-2014/ "..."It operates much like a blowtorch ... with an unlimited magazine," one official said. ...Navy researches say so far the laser is 12 for 12 in testing,


destroying its targets 100 percent of the time. Officials ... say it has non-lethal functions too, and may be used to send warning signals to other vessels. One of its major advantages, ..." http://www.foxnews.com/tech/2013/04/08/future-is-now-navy-to-deploys-lasers-on-ships-in-2014/ "Live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. Galatians 5:16 5:16 ivjeti po Duhu, i neete ugaati poudi greniceprirode. Galaanima 5:16 ij podle Ducha, a nebudete uspokoj touhy z hn pirozenosti. Galatskm 5:16 http://ow.ly/i/1RbDI Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/9/13 LUKE HANCOCK LEADS LOUISVILLE PAST MICHIGAN,NCAA CHAMPIONSHIP,*read more at http://m.yahoo.com/w/sports/home/news/article?offset=0&urn=urn%3Anewsml%3Asports "ATLANTA (AP) -- Luke Hancock made all five of his 3pointers and led Louisville to its first NCAA men's basketball championship since 1986 with a 82-76 victory over Michigan on Monday night..." http://m.yahoo.com/w/sports/home/news/article?offset=0&urn=urn%3Anewsml%3Asports.yahoo%2Clego %3A19780928%3Atop%2Carticle%2C1afb372b-f267-3db2-a062-05b32388cb9e-l %3A1&.ts=1365480090&.intl=US&.lang=en "Live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. Galatians 5:16 5:16 ivjeti po Duhu, i neete ugaati poudi greniceprirode. Galaanima 5:16 ij podle Ducha, a nebudete uspokoj touhy z hn pirozenosti. Galatskm 5:16 http://ow.ly/i/1R9w8 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/9/13 RIP, ANNETTE FUNICELLO,MOUSEKETEER,*read more at http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/annette-funicello-dead-70-article-1.1310832 "...Annette Funicello, the most beloved of the early Walt Disney Mouseketeers and a pioneer teen star, died Monday at a


hospital in Bakersfield, Calif. She was 70. She spent more than two decades in a brave battle against crippling multiple sclerosis..." http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/annette-funicello-dead-70-article-1.1310832 "Live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. Galatians 5:16 5:16 ivjeti po Duhu, i neete ugaati poudi greniceprirode. Galaanima 5:16 ij podle Ducha, a nebudete uspokoj touhy z hn pirozenosti. Galatskm 5:16 http://ow.ly/i/1R6re Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/9/13 MAN DISCOVERS HIS POODLES R "FERRETS ON STEROIDS",*read more at http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/ferret-poodle-argentina-125901615.html "By Dylan Stableford, Yahoo! An Argentine man who thought he bought a pair of poodles at an outdoor market in Buenos Aires brought them home to the vet only to be told they were actually ferrets on steroids, reports the Daily Mail ...." http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/ferret-poodle-argentina-125901615.html "Live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. Galatians 5:16 5:16 ivjeti po Duhu, i neete ugaati poudi greniceprirode. Galaanima 5:16 ij podle Ducha, a nebudete uspokoj touhy z hn pirozenosti. Galatskm 5:16 http://ow.ly/i/1R6aA Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/9/13 100's of TAXIS LIGHT UP RUNWAY 4 EMERGENCY TAKEOFF,*read more at http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/300-taxis-combine-headlights-illuminate-airstrip-emergency-flight185324141.html "...hundreds of taxis came to the rescue at an airstrip in Peru by forming a chain so that their headlights lit a local airstrip for a rescue planes emergency takeoff...Three sick people were flown to a hospital..." http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/300-taxis-combine-headlights-illuminate-airstrip-emergency-flight185324141.html


"Live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. Galatians 5:16 5:16 ivjeti po Duhu, i neete ugaati poudi greniceprirode. Galaanima 5:16 ij podle Ducha, a nebudete uspokoj touhy z hn pirozenosti. Galatskm 5:16 http://ow.ly/i/1R5Tv Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/9/13 RIP MARGARET THATCHER ("IRON LADY"),(I was in high school & college during her political years,...always admired her style & resolve) *read more at http://news.yahoo.com/britains-iron-lady-margaret-thatcher-dies-spokesman-120047403.html "LONDON (Reuters) - Britain and admirers worldwide are mourning Margaret Thatcher, who has died aged 87, as the "Iron Lady" who rolled back the state and faced down her enemies during 11 years as Britain's first woman prime minister. Her impact on the 1980s was such that..." "...Tuesday's newspapers told the story: "The Woman Who Saved Britain", declared the Daily Mail from the right; "The Woman Who Divided A Nation", headlined the left's Daily Mirror,..." http://news.yahoo.com/britains-iron-lady-margaret-thatcher-dies-spokesman-120047403.html "Live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. Galatians 5:16 5:16 ivjeti po Duhu, i neete ugaati poudi greniceprirode. Galaanima 5:16 ij podle Ducha, a nebudete uspokoj touhy z hn pirozenosti. Galatskm 5:16 http://ow.ly/i/1R5gU Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/3/13 NEW EYE DROPS MAY HELP PREVENT AGING BLINDNESS,*read more at http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/258539.php "Eye drops that could prevent one of the most common causes of blindness are being developed by scientists. Researchers have found that lowering the levels of cholesterol


in the eye can halt the growth of blood vessels which cause age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The disease is the leading cause of blindness in people as they get older and affects 500,000 people in the Britain..." http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/9966518/Eye-drops-could-treat-macular-degeneration.html "...They were able to deliver the drug, called an LXR agonist, in eye drops, and found they could reverse the macular degeneration in the old mice. ..."Based on our findings, we need to investigate whether vision loss caused by macular degeneration could be prevented with cholesterol-lowering eye drops or other medications that might prevent the buildup of lipids beneath the retina." http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/258539.php Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. Isaiah 1:17 "Lru a gera rtt! Leita rttltis, hvetja kguu. Verja orsk munaarleysingja, bori mli ekkjunnar. "Jes 1:17"Tanulj meg jt! Keresstek igazsgossg, sztnzik az elnyomottak. Vdd az oka az rvkat, hivatkozhat az esetben, ha az zvegy. "zsais 1:17"Saznajte kako napraviti pravu! Traite pravdu, poticati potlaenih. Obraniti uzrok siroti, braniti sluaj udovica. "Izaija 01:17 http://ow.ly/i/1P1pi http://ow.ly/i/1OSJD Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody Global warming? 4/9/13 UK SLOWLY EMERGES FROM LONGEST (COLDEST?) WINTER IN 50 YEARS, (how do the global warming alarmists explain this?!) *read more at http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2304858/From-hedgehogs-bees-bluebells-daffs-victims-UKs-bigfreeze-How-longest-winter-hit-wildlife.html?ito=feeds-newsxml "...Conservationists fear hibernating species such as dormice, hedgehogs and bats will all struggle to find food as they wake up from the longest winter for 50 years if many of them wake up at all. There are concerns many will have died because they went to sleep without enough energy reserves to see them through the prolonged chill.... Britains rarest flower has also failed to bloom this year because of the washout winter. ...Trust: The records weve received clearly highlight the prolonged delay to the arrival of spring with birds, insects and flowers all weeks behind compared to where we were last year. ..." http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2304858/From-hedgehogs-bees-bluebells-daffs-victims-UKs-bigfreeze-How-longest-winter-hit-wildlife.html?ito=feeds-newsxml


For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:11 " , ." 1 3:11 http://ow.ly/i/1RxlC Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/9/13 re "GOSPEL of JUDAS",NO EVIDENCE (so far) ITS A FORGERY,SAY "EXPERTS",(have to wonder if there's a "political agenda" behind this? Even "neutral science" is not always so neutral anymore...is there a possible hidden agenda?) *read more at http://news.yahoo.com/truth-behind-gospel-judas-revealed-ancient-inks-153710758.html "Some facets of the document did suggest authenticity. The most promising of these characteristics, Barabe said, was that the ink wasn't piled up in the warped papyrus, suggesting the document was written before the warping happened...[plus more] gave the researchers the confidence to declare the document consistent with a date of approximately A.D. 280. (Barabe and his colleagues caution that this finding doesn't prove beyond doubt that the document is authentic, but rather that there are no red flags proving it's a forgery .)..." http://news.yahoo.com/truth-behind-gospel-judas-revealed-ancient-inks-153710758.html "Live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. Galatians 5:16 5:16 ivjeti po Duhu, i neete ugaati poudi greniceprirode. Galaanima 5:16 ij podle Ducha, a nebudete uspokoj touhy z hn pirozenosti. Galatskm 5:16 http://ow.ly/i/1RwRL Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/9/13 re a HARVARD STUDENT's JOURNEY 2 FAITH,*read more at http://winteryknight.wordpress.com/2013/04/05/a-harvard-university-student-explains-how-evidencechanged-her-mind-about-god/


"...As I set off in 2008 to begin my freshman year studying government at Harvard (whose motto is Veritas, Truth), I could never have expected the change that awaited me. It was a brisk November when I met John Joseph Porter....He wrote an essay for the Ichthus, Harvards Christian journal, defending Gods existence. I critiqued it....to someone like me, with no Christian background, resorting to an answer like It takes faith could only be intellectual cowardice. Joseph didnt do that. And he did something else: He prodded me on how inconsistent I was as an atheist ....Joseph also pushed me on the origins of the universe. I had always believed in the Big Bang. But I was blissfully unaware that the man who first proposed it, Georges Lematre, was a Catholic priest...By Valentines Day, I began to believe in God. There was no..." http://winteryknight.wordpress.com/2013/04/05/a-harvard-university-student-explains-how-evidencechanged-her-mind-about-god/ "Live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. Galatians 5:16 5:16 ivjeti po Duhu, i neete ugaati poudi greniceprirode. Galaanima 5:16 ij podle Ducha, a nebudete uspokoj touhy z hn pirozenosti. Galatskm 5:16 http://ow.ly/i/1Rvdp Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/9/13 re SCHULLER GRANDCHILD's NEW BOOK "GOD & BOOBS" [another schuller I didn't know about..they just keep coming out of the woodwork, the article refer to her as "Ms." But apparently she's married to one nof the godtube people (is that the new thing for young women, to not use "Mrs" even if married?) , which Robert A. is also associated with] *read more at http://www.godandboobs.com/ill-speak-for-you/ "Ms. Wyatt s grandfather, Robert H. Schuller , 85, started the ministry in a rented drive-in theater. Her father, Robert A. Schuller , 58, was an associate and then senior pastor at what became the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, Calif. And her brother, Robert Schuller III , more commonly known as Bobby, is the current television speaker.... Ms. Wyatt says that despite earning bachelors and masters degrees in religion and counseling, and having been head of campus ministries at Oral Roberts University, she was invited only to sing at the Crystal Cathedral , not to preach.... provocative title: God and Boobs: Balancing Faith and Sexuality.... Ms. Wyatt asserts that her book was part of an effort to stop religious bullies, the men..." http://p.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/mar/14/kellner-a-younger-schuller-seeks-possibilities-for/ a B.A. in New Testament studies, and is a Certified Spiritual Director. She has over 17 years of experience helping young women recover their emotional and spiritual strength. Angie is married to Internet and television pioneer Chris


Wyatt, founder of GodTube.com and CEO of YouToo.com. Angie and her husband currently reside in Dallas, Texas. http://www.godandboobs.com/ill-speak-for-you/ "Live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. Galatians 5:16 5:16 ivjeti po Duhu, i neete ugaati poudi greniceprirode. Galaanima 5:16 ij podle Ducha, a nebudete uspokoj touhy z hn pirozenosti. Galatskm 5:16 http://ow.ly/i/1RhPp Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody BOOK "GOD & BOOBS" [another schuller I didn't know about..they just keep coming out of the woodwork, the article refer to her as "Ms." But apparently she's married to one nof the godtube people (is that the new thing for young women, to not use "Mrs" even if married?) , which Robert A. is also associated with] *read more at http://www.godandboobs.com/ill-speak-for-you/ "Ms. Wyatt s grandfather, Robert H. Schuller , 85, started the ministry in a rented drive-in theater. Her father, Robert A. Schuller , 58, was an associate and then senior pastor at what became the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, Calif. And her brother, Robert Schuller III , more commonly known as Bobby, is the current television speaker...." ...provocative title: God and Boobs: Balancing Faith and Sexuality.... Ms. Wyatt asserts that her book was part of an effort to stop religious bullies,..." http://p.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/mar/14/kellner-a-younger-schuller-seeks-possibilities-for/ "... B.A. in New Testament studies, and is a Certified Spiritual Director. She has over 17 years of experience helping young women recover their emotional and spiritual strength. Angie is married to Internet and television pioneer Chris Wyatt, founder of GodTube.com and CEO of YouToo.com. Angie and her husband currently reside in Dallas, Texas...." http://www.godandboobs.com/ill-speak-for-you/ "Live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. Galatians 5:16 5:16 ivjeti po Duhu, i neete ugaati poudi greniceprirode. Galaanima 5:16 ij podle Ducha, a nebudete uspokoj touhy z hn pirozenosti. Galatskm 5:16 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013)


*Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/9/13 MANCHESTER CITY > MAN UNITED,2-1*read more at http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/soccer/news/20130408/manchester-united-city-derby.ap/ " Manchester City delayed the surrender of its Premier League title to Manchester United on Monday, beating the runaway leaders 2-1 in a frenetic derby thanks to substitute Sergio Aguero's stunning late goal.The Argentina striker..." http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/soccer/news/20130408/manchester-united-city-derby.ap/ "Live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. Galatians 5:16 5:16 ivjeti po Duhu, i neete ugaati poudi greniceprirode. Galaanima 5:16 ij podle Ducha, a nebudete uspokoj touhy z hn pirozenosti. Galatskm 5:16 http://ow.ly/i/1RhzL Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/9/13 LASER WARFARE IS NOW a REALITY,SAYS USA NAVY,*read more at http://www.foxnews.com/tech/2013/04/08/future-is-now-navy-to-deploys-lasers-on-ships-in-2014/ "..."It operates much like a blowtorch ... with an unlimited magazine," one official said. ...Navy researches say so far the laser is 12 for 12 in testing, destroying its targets 100 percent of the time. Officials ... say it has non-lethal functions too, and may be used to send warning signals to other vessels. One of its major advantages, ..." http://www.foxnews.com/tech/2013/04/08/future-is-now-navy-to-deploys-lasers-on-ships-in-2014/ "Live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. Galatians 5:16 5:16 ivjeti po Duhu, i neete ugaati poudi greniceprirode. Galaanima 5:16 ij podle Ducha, a nebudete uspokoj touhy z hn pirozenosti. Galatskm 5:16 http://ow.ly/i/1RbDI Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships


*False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/9/13 LUKE HANCOCK LEADS LOUISVILLE PAST MICHIGAN,NCAA CHAMPIONSHIP,*read more at http://m.yahoo.com/w/sports/home/news/article?offset=0&urn=urn%3Anewsml%3Asports "ATLANTA (AP) -- Luke Hancock made all five of his 3pointers and led Louisville to its first NCAA men's basketball championship since 1986 with a 82-76 victory over Michigan on Monday night..." http://m.yahoo.com/w/sports/home/news/article?offset=0&urn=urn%3Anewsml%3Asports.yahoo%2Clego %3A19780928%3Atop%2Carticle%2C1afb372b-f267-3db2-a062-05b32388cb9e-l %3A1&.ts=1365480090&.intl=US&.lang=en "Live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. Galatians 5:16 5:16 ivjeti po Duhu, i neete ugaati poudi greniceprirode. Galaanima 5:16 ij podle Ducha, a nebudete uspokoj touhy z hn pirozenosti. Galatskm 5:16 http://ow.ly/i/1R9w8 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/9/13 RIP, ANNETTE FUNICELLO,MOUSEKETEER,*read more at http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/annette-funicello-dead-70-article-1.1310832 "...Annette Funicello, the most beloved of the early Walt Disney Mouseketeers and a pioneer teen star, died Monday at a hospital in Bakersfield, Calif. She was 70. She spent more than two decades in a brave battle against crippling multiple sclerosis..." http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/annette-funicello-dead-70-article-1.1310832 "Live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. Galatians 5:16 5:16 ivjeti po Duhu, i neete ugaati poudi greniceprirode. Galaanima 5:16 ij podle Ducha, a nebudete uspokoj touhy z hn pirozenosti. Galatskm 5:16 http://ow.ly/i/1R6re Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/9/13 MAN DISCOVERS HIS POODLES R "FERRETS ON STEROIDS",*read more at


http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/ferret-poodle-argentina-125901615.html "By Dylan Stableford, Yahoo! An Argentine man who thought he bought a pair of poodles at an outdoor market in Buenos Aires brought them home to the vet only to be told they were actually ferrets on steroids, reports the Daily Mail ...." http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/ferret-poodle-argentina-125901615.html "Live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. Galatians 5:16 5:16 ivjeti po Duhu, i neete ugaati poudi greniceprirode. Galaanima 5:16 ij podle Ducha, a nebudete uspokoj touhy z hn pirozenosti. Galatskm 5:16 http://ow.ly/i/1R6aA Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/9/13 100's of TAXIS LIGHT UP RUNWAY 4 EMERGENCY TAKEOFF,*read more at http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/300-taxis-combine-headlights-illuminate-airstrip-emergency-flight185324141.html "...hundreds of taxis came to the rescue at an airstrip in Peru by forming a chain so that their headlights lit a local airstrip for a rescue planes emergency takeoff...Three sick people were flown to a hospital..." http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/300-taxis-combine-headlights-illuminate-airstrip-emergency-flight185324141.html "Live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. Galatians 5:16 5:16 ivjeti po Duhu, i neete ugaati poudi greniceprirode. Galaanima 5:16 ij podle Ducha, a nebudete uspokoj touhy z hn pirozenosti. Galatskm 5:16 http://ow.ly/i/1R5Tv Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/9/13 RIP MARGARET THATCHER ("IRON LADY"),(I was in high school & college during her political years,...always admired her style & resolve) *read more at http://news.yahoo.com/britains-iron-lady-margaret-thatcher-dies-spokesman-120047403.html "LONDON (Reuters) - Britain and admirers worldwide are mourning Margaret Thatcher, who has died aged 87, as the "Iron Lady" who rolled back the state and faced down


her enemies during 11 years as Britain's first woman prime minister. Her impact on the 1980s was such that..." "...Tuesday's newspapers told the story: "The Woman Who Saved Britain", declared the Daily Mail from the right; "The Woman Who Divided A Nation", headlined the left's Daily Mirror,..." http://news.yahoo.com/britains-iron-lady-margaret-thatcher-dies-spokesman-120047403.html "Live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. Galatians 5:16 5:16 ivjeti po Duhu, i neete ugaati poudi greniceprirode. Galaanima 5:16 ij podle Ducha, a nebudete uspokoj touhy z hn pirozenosti. Galatskm 5:16 http://ow.ly/i/1R5gU Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/3/13 NEW EYE DROPS MAY HELP PREVENT AGING BLINDNESS,*read more at http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/258539.php "Eye drops that could prevent one of the most common causes of blindness are being developed by scientists. Researchers have found that lowering the levels of cholesterol in the eye can halt the growth of blood vessels which cause age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The disease is the leading cause of blindness in people as they get older and affects 500,000 people in the Britain..." http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/9966518/Eye-drops-could-treat-macular-degeneration.html "...They were able to deliver the drug, called an LXR agonist, in eye drops, and found they could reverse the macular degeneration in the old mice. ..."Based on our findings, we need to investigate whether vision loss caused by macular degeneration could be prevented with cholesterol-lowering eye drops or other medications that might prevent the buildup of lipids beneath the retina." http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/258539.php Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. Isaiah 1:17 "Lru a gera rtt! Leita rttltis, hvetja kguu. Verja orsk munaarleysingja, bori mli ekkjunnar. "Jes 1:17"Tanulj meg jt! Keresstek igazsgossg, sztnzik az elnyomottak. Vdd az oka az rvkat, hivatkozhat az esetben, ha az zvegy. "zsais 1:17"Saznajte kako napraviti pravu! Traite pravdu, poticati potlaenih. Obraniti uzrok siroti, braniti sluaj udovica. "Izaija 01:17 http://ow.ly/i/1P1pi http://ow.ly/i/1OSJD Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness


*Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/7/13 SOME SAY ASIAN CARP ALREADY IN LAKE MICHIGAN, (let's hope not!) *read more at http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/04/04/report-some-asian-carp-likely-in-great-lakes-but-there-time-to-stopthem-from/ "A scientific report says at least some Asian carp probably have reached the Great Lakes, but there's still time to stop them from becoming established.... The scientists took 58 water samples that contained Asian carp DNA in waterways near Chicago. ...Lead author Chris Jerde of Notre Dame says the likeliest explanation is that the DNA came from live carp, some of which may be in Lake Michigan...." http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/04/04/report-some-asian-carp-likely-in-great-lakes-but-there-time-to-stopthem-from/ For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. James 3:16 "Want waar je afgunst en zelfzuchtige ambitie, daar vind je wanorde en allerlei kwade praktijk. "Jakobus 3:16 http://ow.ly/i/1Qz4f Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/7/13 re HORSE DEATHS AT GRAND NATIONALS (save the horses!) *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130406-grand-national-set-walsh-v-welsh-battle "...Animal rights campaigners slammed Grand National organisers after Battlefront on Thursday became the 23rd horse to die on the Liverpool course since 2000. A day later, Little Josh became the second horse to die at this year's meeting ..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130406-grand-national-set-walsh-v-welsh-battle For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:11 " , ." 1 3:11 http://ow.ly/i/1QvnR Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness


*Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody Poach the Poachers! 4/7/13 ENDANGERED VIETNAMESE ELEPHANT FOUND SKINNED & MUTILATED,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130405-endangered-vietnam-elephant-skinned-disemboweled "...corpse of one of Vietnam's dwindling population of endangered wild elephants has been discovered in a forest in central Quang Binh province, state media said Friday. The female elephant's skin, tail, tusks, ears and many internal organs had been removed... elephant ivory and other body parts are prized in Vietnam for decoration, as a talisman, and for use in traditional medicine...." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130405-endangered-vietnam-elephant-skinned-disemboweled For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:11 " , ." 1 3:11 http://ow.ly/i/1QuWa Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/8/13 SERENA DEFEATS SISTER VENUS & JANKOVIC TO WIN FAMILY CIRCLE, *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130406-serena-routs-venus-reach-charleston-final Serena Williams crushed her older sibling Venus 6-1, 6-2 to reach the final of Family Circle Cup in the most lop-sided match between the American sisters in their WTA Tour careers. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130406-serena-routs-venus-reach-charleston-final "Serena Williams earned her 49th career singles title and third of the year by rallying to beat former world number one Jelena Jankovic in the final of the Family Circle Cup on Sunday...." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130407-williams-rallies-claim-49th-wta-title


For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:11 " , ." 1 3:11 http://ow.ly/i/1QuC8 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody Pray4, 4/8/13 PASTOR RICK WARREN's SON COMMITS SUICIDE,[its worth asking about "issues" that pastors' kids must contend with, maybe especially "prominent" pastors' kids. And also is it fair to make statements re a person's life & mental health without their opportunity for comment? (Unless,perhaps, they have openly acknowledged it as such before they died). In the same way, after a shooting, you occassionally hear police making statements about a person's "troubled past" as if to justify an "unfortunate incident". Remember, "mental health" is prescribed by certain segments of society and sometimes has a political agenda attached to it. At some point in time those who maintain a stand against homosexuality or gay marriage may be classified as "mentally disturbed" as well. You see what I mean? We don't know if Matthew had legitimate issues that clashed with the "machine"...which had to be "quashed" so to speak..but then again maybe he did,in fact,contend with actual,legitimate mental health issues] *read more at http://news.yahoo.com/church-pastor-rick-warrens-son-commits-suicide-211206608.html "LAKE FOREST, Calif. (AP) The 27-year-old son of popular evangelical Pastor Rick Warren has committed suicide at his Southern California home, Warren's church said in a statement on Saturday... Rick Warren, the author of the multimillion-selling book "The Purpose Driven Life," said in an email to church staff that he and his wife had enjoyed a fun Friday evening with their son. But their son then returned home to take his life in "a momentary wave of despair." http://news.yahoo.com/church-pastor-rick-warrens-son-commits-suicide-211206608.html For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:11 " , ." 1 3:11 http://ow.ly/i/1Qu4F Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/7/13 ANTI PRO-LIFER CAUGHT STOMPING ON PRO-LIFE POSTERS, *read more at


http://news.yahoo.com/watch-unhinged-bully-stomp-over-pro-life-signs-092038178.html "The Daily Caller 17 hrs ago Heres some amazing (mostly) raw video of an angry woman on the campus of Ohio State University as she destroys and stomps all over a bunch of posters filled with fetuses.Its hard to believe the video isnt some strange hoax. It was put on YouTube by a strongly anti-abortion group called Created Equal , which has a post office box in Columbus....Near the beginning of the video, we see the unidentified woman tearing up and stepping on triangular poster board images of fetuses..." http://news.yahoo.com/watch-unhinged-bully-stomp-over-pro-life-signs-092038178.html For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:11 " , ." 1 3:11 http://ow.ly/i/1Qjm2 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/6/13 LUKE HANCOCK LEADS LOUISVILLE PAST WICHITA TO REACH FINALS v MICHIGAN,*read more at http://m.yahoo.com/w/sports/home/news/article?urn=19d8aae0-8cb1-39d0-85509c10303dcfe4&.ts=1365303078&.intl=US&.lang=en "...Luke Hancock, a transfer from George Mason, scored 14 of his 20 points after halftime in Saturday's first national semifinal, enabling Louisville to rally from a 12-point second-half deficit against underdog Wichita State and escape with a 72-68 victory..." http://m.yahoo.com/w/sports/home/news/article?urn=19d8aae0-8cb1-39d0-85509c10303dcfe4&.ts=1365303078&.intl=US&.lang=en For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:11 " , ." 1 3:11 http://ow.ly/i/1Qaf6 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women!


Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/7/13 MICHIGAN DEFEATS SYRACUSE,FINAL FOUR,WILL PLAY LOUSIVILLE 4 CHAMPIONSHIP,read more at http://m.usatoday.com/article/news/2059715 "ATLANTA John Beilein is known for his meticulous preparation...should have come as no surprise that he had his young but experienced group of Wolverines ready. Michigan used a combination of crisp passing, timely outside shooting and, mostly, their big man Mitch McGary to methodically pick apart [Syracuse]...Saturday night in the Georgia Dome..." http://m.usatoday.com/article/news/2059715 For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:11 " , ." 1 3:11 http://ow.ly/i/1Qa3k Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody michigan,louisville,wichita,kevin ware, final four, ncaa,march madness,basketball 4/7/13 NASA WANTS TO LASSO AN ASTEROID for $100 MILLION+ (as an evangelical Christian I am NOT anti-science, BUT I am opposed to use of public funds for such outlandish endeavors that sound cool but will ultimately reveal NOTHING! Just like Mars, no life will be found...it is DEAD ROCK! Always has been,always will be. The only God-created life in the universe is HERE on earth! Guaranteed! Spend the $100 million on giving new life & hope to people here & now...& those to come..in the womb ! ) *read more at http://www.foxnews.com/science/2013/04/06/nasa-to-lasso-asteroid-bring-it-closer-senator-says/ " NASA is planning for a robotic spaceship to lasso a small asteroid and park it near the moon for astronauts to explore, a top senator said Friday. The ship would capture the 500-ton, 25-foot asteroid in 2019....Barack Obama is putting $100 million in planning money for the accelerated asteroid mission in the 2014 budget ..." http://www.foxnews.com/science/2013/04/06/nasa-to-lasso-asteroid-bring-it-closer-senator-says/ For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:11 " , ." 1 3:11 http://ow.ly/i/1Q95M Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You


Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/6/13 THIS TIME, "POACHERS" STEAL HORNS RATHER THAN KILL RHINOS (I suppose stealing the horns is preferable than killing to remove the horns, but still...! Maybe all horned animals should be tranquilized & de-horned, but can wild animals survive without their horns? Or is there a possibility of attaching artificial horns? And is there the manpower to do it? I imagine tranquilizing wild rhinos & elephants is easier said than done...they probably run first for a while before the sedation takes effect, ) *read more at http://news.yahoo.com/safe-crackers-steal-nearly-3-mln-africa-rhino-104434003.html "Thieves have made off with 66 rhino horns worth some $2.75 million in one of the biggest horn heists South Africa has seen after breaking into the safe of a game farm owner. The horns had been removed from rhinos at the Leshoka Thabang Game Reserve in northern Limpopo province to protect the animals from poachers ..." http://news.yahoo.com/safe-crackers-steal-nearly-3-mln-africa-rhino-104434003.html For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:11 " , ." 1 3:11 http://ow.ly/i/1QaEQ Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/5/13 MAGIC JOHNSON SUPPORTS SONs REVEALED 2B GAY,(I say, its ok 2b ex-gay ! I pray for magic's son..& assume, or hope,magic, who has insinuated he is Christian, is just being "politically correct" in his support of his son & others, but then maybe I'm wrong, I don't believe in gay-bashing, but also, theologically, I believe homosexuality is wrong for Christians (as for non-Christians, can I control what they say or do? Albeit when it comes to using the word "marriage" for two people of the same gender, I believe the word itself has religious history on its side..and tha it should be reserved solely to represent the union of a man & woman. By the way, isn't the founder of TMZ gay? ) *read more at http://www.denverpost.com/hochman/ci_22971573/hochman-magic-johnson-enthusiasticallysupports-gay-son "Magic jOhnson's son Johnson is conquering a new stigma raising a gay child. Yep, Magic's son is gay. Ervin Johnson III, a 20year-old college kid who goes by E.J., was recently outed by TMZ cameras, which spotted E.J. holding hands with another man.... The Hall of Famer and part owner of the Dodgers sat down with TMZ... in a revealing interview, Johnson not only supported his son, but talked about homophobia in sports, and what he would do to try to quash it...." http://www.denverpost.com/hochman/ci_22971573/hochman-magic-johnson-enthusiastically-supports-gayson


For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:11 " , ." 1 3:11 http://ow.ly/i/1Q9NB Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/30/13 SYRACUSE DEFEATS MARQUETTE,55-39,to REACH FINAL 4, *read more at http://www.foxnews.com/sports/2013/03/30/orange-crush-marquette-reach-final-four "... Jim Boeheim's long and athletic 2-3 zone has Syracuse back in the Final Four. And in their last year in the Big East, the Orange cut down the nets on the home floor of their most bitter rival. Michael Carter-Williams filled the stat sheet with 12 points, 11 rebounds, five assists, three steals and two blocks in Syracuse's 55-39 win over Marquette in the East Regional final at the Verizon Center. It's the Orange's first trip to the Final Four since 2003, when they won the national championship. ..." http://www.foxnews.com/sports/2013/03/30/orange-crush-marquette-reach-final-four For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10"I gcs gach duine a fhaigheann iarrann; an t a fhaigheann iarraidh, agus a thabhairt d a knocks, beidh an doras a oscailt." Luke 11:10"Karena setiap orang yang meminta, menerima, dia yang mencari, mendapat dan setiap orang yang mengetok, baginya pintu dibukakan." Lukas 11:10 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody GlobalWarming? 4/5/13 DOES ANYTHING TAKE AS LONG TO BREAK DOWN AS IT DOES TO BUILD UP? (NY Times says the ice-melt in the Andes is proof-positive of "global warming" but is it really? does ice melt at the same rate as it forms? I'm sure it also takes less time to destroy a skyscraper than to build it. What does that prove? I also just heard that UK had its longest,coldest winter in 50 years, see link at bottom; read more at http://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/05/world/americas/1600-years-of-ice-in-perus-andes-melted-in-25-yearsscientists-say.html "Glacial ice in the Peruvian Andes that took at least 1,600


years to form has melted in just 25 years, scientists reported Thursday, the latest indication that the recent spike in global temperatures has thrown the natural world out of balance...." http://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/05/world/americas/1600-years-of-ice-in-perus-andes-melted-in-25-yearsscientists-say.html For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. James 3:16 "Want waar je afgunst en zelfzuchtige ambitie, daar vind je wanorde en allerlei kwade praktijk. "Jakobus 3:16 Re UK's LONGEST WINTER IN 50 YEARS, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2304858/From-hedgehogs-bees-bluebells-daffs-victims-UKs-bigfreeze-How-longest-winter-hit-wildlife.html?ito=feeds-newsxml Posted by Vk http://ow.ly/i/1POPb *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody Is It Abortion? 4/5/13 JUDGE ORDERS "MORNING AFTER" PILL 2b AVAILABLE w/o PRESCRIPTION 4 ANY "REPRODUCTIVE AGE", [it is intended to end any possible conception that may have occurred within the previous 24 hours ,so it is a form of abortion, which I am against,albeit I haven't read what the pro-life leaders say about it. Is it a "lesser evil"? *read more at http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/04/05/us-usa-contraception-ruling-idUSBRE9340ES20130405 "(Reuters) - A federal judge on Friday ordered the Food and Drug Administration to make the "morning-after" emergency contraception pill available without a prescription to all girls of reproductive age.The ruling by U.S. District Judge Edward Korman in Brooklyn,..." http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/04/05/us-usa-contraception-ruling-idUSBRE9340ES20130405 For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. James 3:16 "Want waar je afgunst en zelfzuchtige ambitie, daar vind je wanorde en allerlei kwade praktijk. "Jakobus 3:16 http://ow.ly/i/1POyS Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships


*False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/5/13 MANY DON'T KNOW THAT MLK Jr. WAS A REPUBLICAN,*read more at http://www.humanevents.com/2006/08/16/why-martin-luther-king-was-republican/ "It should come as no surprise that Dr. Martin Luther King,Jr. was a Republican. In that era, almost all black Americans were Republicans. Why? From its founding in 1854 as the anti-slavery party until today, the Republican Party has championed freedom and civil rights for blacks. And as one pundit so succinctly stated, the Democrat Party is as it always has been, the party of the four Ss: slavery, secession, segregation and now socialism. It was the Democrats who fought to keep blacks in slavery and passed the discriminatory Black Codes and Jim Crow laws. The Democrats started the Ku Klux Klan to lynch and terrorize blacks. The Democrats fought to prevent the passage of every civil rights law beginning with the civil rights laws of the 1860s, and continuing with the civil rights laws of the 1950s and 1960s. During the civil rights era of the 1960s, Dr. King was fighting the Democrats who stood in the school house doors, turned skin-burning fire hoses on blacks and let loose vicious dogs. It was Republican President Dwight Eisenhower who pushed to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1957 and sent troops to Arkansas to desegregate schools..." http://www.humanevents.com/2006/08/16/why-martin-luther-king-was-republican/ For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. James 3:16 "Want waar je afgunst en zelfzuchtige ambitie, daar vind je wanorde en allerlei kwade praktijk. "Jakobus 3:16 http://ow.ly/i/1POG9 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody Pray4 4/3/13 RIP SHAIN GANDEE (et al) of MTV's "BUCKWILD",(apparently of carbon monoxide due to a tailpipe mishap)*read more at http://natick.m.wickedlocal.com/wkdNatick/pm_31655/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=CnrPZvbu "Shain Gandee, one of the stars of MTV's "Buckwild," was found dead this morning, Yahoo News reports. The bodies of Gandee, his uncle and a third unknown person were found in Gandee's truck on a dirt road. They were last seen leaving a bar at 3 a.m. Sunday morning...." http://natick.m.wickedlocal.com/wkdNatick/pm_31655/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=CnrPZvbu Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. Isaiah 1:17 "Lru a gera rtt! Leita rttltis, hvetja kguu. Verja orsk munaarleysingja, bori mli ekkjunnar. "Jes 1:17"Tanulj meg jt! Keresstek igazsgossg, sztnzik az elnyomottak. Vdd az oka az rvkat, hivatkozhat az esetben, ha az zvegy. "zsais 1:17"Saznajte kako napraviti pravu! Traite pravdu, poticati potlaenih. Obraniti uzrok siroti, braniti sluaj udovica. "Izaija 01:17 http://ow.ly/i/1OT7I Posted by Vk


*ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/3/13 NEW WATER PURIFIER ALLOWS DESERT-DWELLERS TO NATURALLY PURIFY WELLWATER,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130402-desert-nomads-marvel-water-purifying-device "...The "waterpod" allows desert-dwellers to turn water extracted from wells into clean drinking water through evaporation and condensation, using the heat of the sun, a technology that the Arabs were among the first to develop as far back as the 16th century...." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130402-desert-nomads-marvel-water-purifying-device Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. Isaiah 1:17 "Lru a gera rtt! Leita rttltis, hvetja kguu. Verja orsk munaarleysingja, bori mli ekkjunnar. "Jes 1:17"Tanulj meg jt! Keresstek igazsgossg, sztnzik az elnyomottak. Vdd az oka az rvkat, hivatkozhat az esetben, ha az zvegy. "zsais 1:17"Saznajte kako napraviti pravu! Traite pravdu, poticati potlaenih. Obraniti uzrok siroti, braniti sluaj udovica. "Izaija 01:17 http://ow.ly/i/1OSVs Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/3/13 Re BUBBA WATSON'S HOVERCRAFT GOLF CART,see vid at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5u_2bGPdUY&feature=youtube_gdata_player Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. Isaiah 1:17 "Lru a gera rtt! Leita rttltis, hvetja kguu. Verja orsk munaarleysingja, bori mli ekkjunnar. "Jes 1:17"Tanulj meg jt! Keresstek igazsgossg, sztnzik az elnyomottak. Vdd az oka az rvkat, hivatkozhat az esetben, ha az zvegy. "zsais 1:17"Saznajte kako napraviti pravu! Traite pravdu, poticati potlaenih. Obraniti uzrok siroti, braniti sluaj udovica. "Izaija 01:17 http://ow.ly/i/1OSAn Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document


*Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody Pray4 4/1/13 ALASKA STATE TROOPER HELICOPTER CRASHES, 3 FEARED DEAD, *read more at http://www.cnn.com/2013/04/01/us/alaska-rescue-chopper-crash/?hpt=us_c2 "Alaska State Trooper helicopter on a mission to rescue a stranded snowmobiler crashed over the weekend -and authorities fear that all three occupants on board are dead. The helicopter was carrying the pilot, a trooper and the snowmobiler ..." http://www.cnn.com/2013/04/01/us/alaska-rescue-chopper-crash/?hpt=us_c2 " This is love: not that we loved God,but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins."1 John 4:10 "To jest mio, e nie mymy umiowali Boga, ale e On sam nas umiowa i posa Syna swojego jako ofiar przebagaln za nasze grzechy".1 Jana 4:10 http://ow.ly/i/1NTHy Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/3/13 JAY LENO CONFIRMS NBC RUMORS TO REPLACE HIM w/ FALLON, *read more at http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20687384,00.html "[Re]... NBC late-night-host succession. Fallon, 38, said he's okay and inquired how Leno, 62, was. "Yeah," says the 20-year Tonight veteran. "I'll live. I've been through this before, y'know. Got to admit, I'm a little sick of this."...Then they broke into song, a reworked version of the soaring "Tonight," from West Side Story. ..." http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20687384,00.html Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. Isaiah 1:17 "Lru a gera rtt! Leita rttltis, hvetja kguu. Verja orsk munaarleysingja, bori mli ekkjunnar. "Jes 1:17"Tanulj meg jt! Keresstek igazsgossg, sztnzik az elnyomottak. Vdd az oka az rvkat, hivatkozhat az esetben, ha az zvegy. "zsais 1:17"Saznajte kako napraviti pravu! Traite pravdu, poticati potlaenih. Obraniti uzrok siroti, braniti sluaj udovica. "Izaija 01:17 http://ow.ly/i/1OTkR Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document


*Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/1/13 LOUISVILLE's KEVIN WARE OK AFTER BROKEN LEG SURGERY,*read more at http://msn.foxsports.com/collegebasketball/story/Louisvilles-Kevin-Ware-resting-after-surgery-46780441 "Louisville guard Kevin Ware had successful surgery on his broken right leg Sunday night....Ware sustained a horrifying fracture in the first half of Sunday's Midwest Regional final when he landed awkwardly after trying to contest a 3-point shot, ..." http://msn.foxsports.com/collegebasketball/story/Louisvilles-Kevin-Ware-resting-after-surgery-46780441 " This is love: not that we loved God,but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins."1 John 4:10 "To jest mio, e nie mymy umiowali Boga, ale e On sam nas umiowa i posa Syna swojego jako ofiar przebagaln za nasze grzechy".1 Jana 4:10 http://ow.ly/i/1OSlI Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/1/13 IANNETTA LEADS ANGELS to WIN v REDS ON OPENING DAY IN EXTRA INNINGS,*read more at http://scores.espn.go.com/mlb/recap?gameId=330401117 "CINCINNATI -- In a game so long that everything became blurred, catcher Chris Iannetta had one thing clearly in mind when he dug in for his final at-bat. Don't strike out again. He didn't. Iannetta singled with the bases loaded in the 13th inning Monday, sending the Los Angeles Angels to a 3-1 victory over the Cincinnati Reds in an opener that set a few records..." http://scores.espn.go.com/mlb/recap?gameId=330401117 " This is love: not that we loved God,but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins."1 John 4:10 "To jest mio, e nie mymy umiowali Boga, ale e On sam nas umiowa i posa Syna swojego jako ofiar przebagaln za nasze grzechy".1 Jana 4:10 http://ow.ly/i/1OScv Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013)


*Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/1/13 DODGERS WIN HOME OPENER,KERSHAW HOMERS,KOUFAX THROWS 1st PITCH,*read more at http://scores.espn.go.com/mlb/recap?gameId=330401119 "Hall of Famer Sandy Koufax threw out the ceremonial first pitch. Then another Dodgers left-hander with a great curveball dominated. Clayton Kershaw launched his first career home run to break a scoreless tie in the eighth inning before finishing off a fourhitter Monday that led Los Angeles over the defending champion San Francisco Giants 4-0 on Opening Day...." http://scores.espn.go.com/mlb/recap?gameId=330401119 " This is love: not that we loved God,but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins."1 John 4:10 "To jest mio, e nie mymy umiowali Boga, ale e On sam nas umiowa i posa Syna swojego jako ofiar przebagaln za nasze grzechy".1 Jana 4:10 http://ow.ly/i/1O2Hj Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/30/13 RIP PHIL MALONE,"POPE of POP", GRAMMY WINNING (x14) PRODUCER,72,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130330-iconic-music-producer-phil-ramone-dies-72 "...Phil Ramone, the legendary US music producer behind hits by Paul Simon, Paul McCartney, Billy Joel and Barbra Streisand, died Saturday, a trade publication said. He was 72. Ramone -- a 14-time Grammy winner once dubbed the "Pope of Pop" ..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130330-iconic-music-producer-phil-ramone-dies-72 For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10"I gcs gach duine a fhaigheann iarrann; an t a fhaigheann iarraidh, agus a thabhairt d a knocks, beidh an doras a oscailt." Luke 11:10"Karena setiap orang yang meminta, menerima, dia yang mencari, mendapat dan setiap orang yang mengetok, baginya pintu dibukakan." Lukas 11:10 http://ow.ly/i/1O2pl Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013)


*Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/30/13 JOHN UPTON KILLED BY NEIGHBOR? *read more at http://m.christianpost.com/news/filmmaker-killed-acclaimed-filmmaker-john-upton-gunned-down-byneighbor-video--92945/ He has said about that work, "I went in there with the attitude of the angry American, someone who was going to right the wrongs he found. "I expected heartless officials and corruption. But that's not what I found at all. I found people who wanted to act but were handicapped by a lack of resources." According to reports, Upton's brother, Michael, has confirmed to reporters that he had had heated arguments with neighbor Vilkin in the past, regarding property issues with trees. His brother said, "[He] wrapped a gun in his jacket and proceeded to bait my brother and pulled out the gun and shot [him] in the head." In a tragic twist for the family, the brother also reported that their mother also passed away just hours before Upton was shot dead. She died of cancer. Here is a video of John Upton's work with Romanian orphans: http://m.christianpost.com/news/filmmaker-killed-acclaimed-filmmaker-john-upton-gunned-down-byneighbor-video--92945/ For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10"I gcs gach duine a fhaigheann iarrann; an t a fhaigheann iarraidh, agus a thabhairt d a knocks, beidh an doras a oscailt." Luke 11:10"Karena setiap orang yang meminta, menerima, dia yang mencari, mendapat dan setiap orang yang mengetok, baginya pintu dibukakan." Lukas 11:10 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/29/13 RIP RICHARD GRIFFITHS ("HARRY POTTER's UNCLE"),65,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130329-harry-potter-actor-richard-griffiths-dies-aged-65 "British actor Richard Griffiths, best known for his roles as Harry Potter's uncle and in the cult film "Withnail & I", has died aged 65, his agent said on Friday..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130329-harry-potter-actor-richard-griffiths-diesaged-65 " This is love: not that we loved God,but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins."1 John 4:10 "To jest mio, e nie mymy umiowali Boga, ale e On sam nas umiowa i posa Syna swojego jako ofiar przebagaln za nasze grzechy".1 Jana 4:10


http://ow.ly/i/1OS2P Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/30/13 MAN LEAVES CLUES TO HIDDEN TREASURE, *read more at http://news.yahoo.com/love-mysteries-says-man-claiming-hidden-gold-173507907.html "... pieces of jewelry in the chest: a turquoise bracelet and a Tairona and Sinu Indian necklace adorned with exotic jewels. At the bottom of the chest, in an olive jar, he placed a detailed autobiography, printed so small a reader will need a magnifying glass. After that, he says, he carted the chest of loot, now weighing more than 40 pounds, into the mountains somewhere north of Santa Fe and left it there. Next, Fenn self-published a memoir, "The Thrill of the Chase,"..." http://news.yahoo.com/love-mysteries-says-man-claiming-hidden-gold-173507907.html For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10"I gcs gach duine a fhaigheann iarrann; an t a fhaigheann iarraidh, agus a thabhairt d a knocks, beidh an doras a oscailt." Luke 11:10"Karena setiap orang yang meminta, menerima, dia yang mencari, mendapat dan setiap orang yang mengetok, baginya pintu dibukakan." Lukas 11:10 http://ow.ly/i/1NeJk Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/1/13 RIP PATTYCAKE, BRONX ZOO GORILLA DIES, 40,*read more at http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_ZOO_GORILLA_DIES? SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT NEW YORK (AP) -- Pattycake, the first gorilla born in New York City, has died at the Bronx Zoo. She was 40 years old ... Pattycake was born at the Central Park Zoo on Sept. 3, 1972 and lived there with her parents Kongo and Lulu. She made news at 5 months old when she suffered a


broken arm. In 1983, she went to live at the Bronx Zoo. ..." http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_ZOO_GORILLA_DIES? SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT " This is love: not that we loved God,but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins."1 John 4:10 "To jest mio, e nie mymy umiowali Boga, ale e On sam nas umiowa i posa Syna swojego jako ofiar przebagaln za nasze grzechy".1 Jana 4:10 http://ow.ly/i/1NTxg Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/1/13 WHY ISN'T FDA et al TESTING for POSSIBLE FUKUSHIMA RADIOACTIVE FISH? *read more at http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2011/04/fda-refuses-to-test-fish-for-radioactivity-government-pretendsradioactive-fish-is-safe.html "... DeLancey and the EPA.DeLancey said that so far, theres no reason for concern about Fukushima. The radioactive materials in the water near Fukushima quickly become diluted in the massive volume of the Pacific, she said. Additionally, radioactive fallout that lands on the surface tends to stay there, giving the most unstable ones isotopes like iodine time to decay before reaching fish, she said. Of course, radioactive isotopes like cesium 137 are very long-lived , and so wont necessarily decay before they reach fish. And in typical Orwellian agency-speak the FDA is trying to reassure people that eating contaminated fish poses no health risk. ... They expressed confidence that even a single fish sufficiently contaminated to pose a risk to human health would be detected by the U.S. monitoring system. [But would the government announce such detection?]..." http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2011/04/fda-refuses-to-test-fish-for-radioactivity-government-pretendsradioactive-fish-is-safe.html " This is love: not that we loved God,but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins."1 John 4:10 "To jest mio, e nie mymy umiowali Boga, ale e On sam nas umiowa i posa Syna swojego jako ofiar przebagaln za nasze grzechy".1 Jana 4:10 http://ow.ly/i/1NTqX Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan


*Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/1/13 KID BULLIED BY TEACHERS 4 BEING CONSERVATIVE, *read more at http://weaselzippers.us/2013/03/31/15-year-old-high-school-freshman-tells-story-of-being-bullied-by-teachersfor-being-conservative/ " Lets hear from Benji Backer, high school freshman. Via Freedom Works: I am currently in my freshman year of high school and the incidents are happening more frequently and I believe are more severe. As you can imagine, the ongoing pressure and bullying has been disturbing to me, my friends and my family. Just before the 2010 Midterm election, I was on the front page of the local newspaper for my political volunteer work and my teachers noticed. One of my seven teachers made it very clear that she dissaproved of my civic engagement. In a period of two months, my Geography teacher frequently would take me aside after school for a few minutes and tell me how stupid, wrong and misguided I was for being Republican..." http://weaselzippers.us/2013/03/31/15-year-old-high-school-freshman-tells-story-of-being-bullied-by-teachersfor-being-conservative/ " This is love: not that we loved God,but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins."1 John 4:10 "To jest mio, e nie mymy umiowali Boga, ale e On sam nas umiowa i posa Syna swojego jako ofiar przebagaln za nasze grzechy".1 Jana 4:10 http://ow.ly/i/1NTgw Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/1/13 "EXPONENTIALLY HIGHER NUMBERS" of SICK SEALIONS IN CALIFORNIA (due to Fukushima?) *read more at http://www.zerohedge.com/contributed/2013-03-31/fukushima-radiation-causing-epidemic-dead-andstarving-sea-lions-california "...This is an unprecedented crisis for the species in this state says the Pacific Marine Mammal Center.So we are seeing exponentially higher numbers [Keith Matassa, who runs the Pacific Marine Mammal Center in Laguna Beach said]... A normal sea lion at this age 8 to 9 months old should be around 60, 70 pounds, said Matassa.


Were seeing them come into our center at 20 to 25 pounds,..." http://www.zerohedge.com/contributed/2013-03-31/fukushima-radiation-causing-epidemic-dead-andstarving-sea-lions-california " This is love: not that we loved God,but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins."1 John 4:10 "To jest mio, e nie mymy umiowali Boga, ale e On sam nas umiowa i posa Syna swojego jako ofiar przebagaln za nasze grzechy".1 Jana 4:10 http://ow.ly/i/1O0G5 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/1/13 OXFORD DEFEATS CAMBRIDGE IN 159th BOAT RACE *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130331-oxford-win-controversy-free-boat-race "...Favourites Oxford surged to victory over Cambridge in the 159th Boat Race on Sunday, a year after the 2012 event had been controversially disrupted by a protester. Last year's race, won by Cambridge, had to be restarted after Australian Trenton Oldfield swam into the path of the two boats in a protest against elitism and government cuts. He was released from prison in December after serving seven weeks of a six-month sentence ..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130331-oxford-win-controversy-free-boat-race " This is love: not that we loved God,but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins."1 John 4:10 "To jest mio, e nie mymy umiowali Boga, ale e On sam nas umiowa i posa Syna swojego jako ofiar przebagaln za nasze grzechy".1 Jana 4:10 http://ow.ly/i/1O0Y1 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/1/13 MORE SHARKS THAN EVER BEFORE SEEN AT LA JOLLA, *read more at http://kfmb.m0bl.net/w/news-local/story/88303749/ "One veteran diver ... tells News 8, he has never seen as many sharks as he has in the past few weeks.


"I have seen more sharks this year than any year in my 45 years of diving here," said Rod Watkins, owner of Scuba San Diego...." http://kfmb.m0bl.net/w/news-local/story/88303749/ " This is love: not that we loved God,but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins."1 John 4:10 "To jest mio, e nie mymy umiowali Boga, ale e On sam nas umiowa i posa Syna swojego jako ofiar przebagaln za nasze grzechy".1 Jana 4:10 http://ow.ly/i/1NT6F Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 4/1/13 ANDY MURRAY DEFEATS FERRER TO WIN MIAMI MASTERS,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130331-murray-beats-ferrer-win-miami-masters "...British second seed Andy Murray won the ATP Miami Masters title on Sunday, saving a match point in the penultimate game in defeating Spanish third seed David Ferrer 2-6, 6-4, 7-6 (7/1). Murray captured his 26th career tour title, and second of the year..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130331-murray-beats-ferrer-win-miami-masters " This is love: not that we loved God,but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins."1 John 4:10 "To jest mio, e nie mymy umiowali Boga, ale e On sam nas umiowa i posa Syna swojego jako ofiar przebagaln za nasze grzechy".1 Jana 4:10 http://ow.ly/i/1O0hX Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/30/13 SCIENCE SAYS TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE COINCIDES w/ DEATH of JESUS, (not sure if this helps the cause of Christianity or hurts it...unbelievers of course will use this information to say that it was just a "natural event", whereas we believers say that God can use "natural events" for His greater purpose; but then also how can science confirm a total solar eclipse from 2000 years ago ?) *read more at http://news.yahoo.com/easter-science-6-facts-jesus-130048031.html "...Several sources mention Jesus' crucifixion at the hands of


Pontius Pilate, the Roman prefect. Christian Gospels say the skies darkened for hours after the crucifixion, which historians viewed either as a miracle or a portent of dark times to come. Using astronomy, later historians have used this mention to pinpoint the death of Christ. Some tie the crucifixion to a one-minute 59-second total solar eclipse that occurred in 29 C.E., whereas others say a second total eclipse, blocking the sun for four minutes and six seconds, in 33 C.E. marked Jesus' death...." http://news.yahoo.com/easter-science-6-facts-jesus-130048031.html For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10"I gcs gach duine a fhaigheann iarrann; an t a fhaigheann iarraidh, agus a thabhairt d a knocks, beidh an doras a oscailt." Luke 11:10"Karena setiap orang yang meminta, menerima, dia yang mencari, mendapat dan setiap orang yang mengetok, baginya pintu dibukakan." Lukas 11:10 http://ow.ly/i/1Nmah Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/30/13 SERENA WILLIAMS DEFEATS SHARAPOVA TO WIN 6th MIAMI, (I saw Sharpova at Indian Wells,...wonder why Serena wasn't there?) *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130330-serena-williams-captures-record-sixth-miami-title "World No. 1 Serena Williams rallied to defeat world No. 2 Maria Sharapova 4-6, 6-3, 6-0 on Saturday in the WTA Miami final, winning the event for a record sixth time ..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130330-serena-williams-captures-record-sixth-miami-title For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10"I gcs gach duine a fhaigheann iarrann; an t a fhaigheann iarraidh, agus a thabhairt d a knocks, beidh an doras a oscailt." Luke 11:10"Karena setiap orang yang meminta, menerima, dia yang mencari, mendapat dan setiap orang yang mengetok, baginya pintu dibukakan." Lukas 11:10 http://ow.ly/i/1NlDq Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women!


Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/30/13 FLORIDA GC's IMPROBABLE RUN ENDS w/ LOSS TO FLORIDA,MARCH MADNESS,*read more at http://abcnews.go.com/Sports/wireStory/fgcus-ncaa-run-ends-62-50-loss-florida-18844823 "...high-flying act from "Dunk City" busted most everybody's NCAA tournament brackets and left an indelible mark on March. Bet you know what FGCU is now. Florida Gulf Coast, the No. 15 seed few people knew much about only a week ago, had their improbable run to the NCAA round of 16 ended by a 62-50 loss late Friday night..." http://abcnews.go.com/Sports/wireStory/fgcus-ncaa-run-ends-62-50-loss-florida-18844823 For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10"I gcs gach duine a fhaigheann iarrann; an t a fhaigheann iarraidh, agus a thabhairt d a knocks, beidh an doras a oscailt." Luke 11:10"Karena setiap orang yang meminta, menerima, dia yang mencari, mendapat dan setiap orang yang mengetok, baginya pintu dibukakan." Lukas 11:10 http://ow.ly/i/1Nm6U Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybodys 3/30/13 MICHIGAN DEFEATS KANSAS TO MAKE ELITE EIGHT, (& they also,subsequently defeated Florida,more easily, to make final 4!) *read more at http://m.washingtonpost.com/sports/colleges/trey-burke-michigan-use-frantic-rally-to-stun-kansas-in-ncaatournament-sweet-16/2013/03/29/00c5d17e-98cc-11e2-97cd-3d8c1afe4f0f_story.html?wprss=rss_homepage ARLINGTON, Tex. Michigans Trey Burke wasnt simply the best player on the court in Fridays Sweet 16 battle with top-seeded Kansas. He was the gutsiest. After being held scoreless in the first half, the sophomore guard drilled an impossibly nervy threepointer to knot the score at 76 with 4.2 seconds remaining. And there it remained, forcing overtime for..." http://m.washingtonpost.com/sports/colleges/trey-burke-michigan-use-frantic-rally-to-stun-kansas-in-ncaatournament-sweet-16/2013/03/29/00c5d17e-98cc-11e2-97cd-3d8c1afe4f0f_story.html?wprss=rss_homepage For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10"I gcs gach duine a fhaigheann iarrann; an t a fhaigheann iarraidh, agus a thabhairt d a knocks, beidh an doras a oscailt." Luke 11:10"Karena setiap orang yang meminta, menerima, dia yang mencari, mendapat dan setiap orang yang mengetok, baginya pintu dibukakan." Lukas 11:10 http://ow.ly/i/1NlYo Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document


I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody Stop the Tusk Lust! 3/30/13 MAN SAWS OFF ELEPHANT TUSK IN MUSEUM, (well, at least he didn't kill a defenseless elephant, or rhino, like so many poachers are doing lately, but still...something has to stop this senseless lust for tusks!),*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130330-paris-chainsaw-thief-hacks-off-sun-king-elephant-tusk "...broke into the Paris natural history museum early Saturday and used a chainsaw to hack off the tusk of an elephant that belonged to King Louis XIV of France, officials said. Police arrested the man in a nearby street as he was making his escape ...The animal's tusks are not the original ones but were added to the skeleton in the 19th century.." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130330-paris-chainsaw-thief-hacks-off-sun-king-elephant-tusk For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10"I gcs gach duine a fhaigheann iarrann; an t a fhaigheann iarraidh, agus a thabhairt d a knocks, beidh an doras a oscailt." Luke 11:10"Karena setiap orang yang meminta, menerima, dia yang mencari, mendapat dan setiap orang yang mengetok, baginya pintu dibukakan." Lukas 11:10 http://ow.ly/i/1NlU6 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/30/13 GERMAN OFFICIALS CONFISCATE JUSTIN BIEBER's PET MONKEY,(tough times for Bieber. Trouble back at calabasas with his neighbor as well) *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130330-germans-seize-justin-biebers-monkey ".... Justin Bieber had his pet monkey Mally confiscated when he arrived with the animal at Munich airport,... Customs officials put the capuchin monkey in quarantine on Thursday because the 19-year-old pop sensation was unable to present the necessary documents for importing a live animal...." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130330-germans-seize-justin-biebers-monkey For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10"I gcs gach duine a fhaigheann iarrann; an t a fhaigheann iarraidh, agus a thabhairt d a knocks,


beidh an doras a oscailt." Luke 11:10"Karena setiap orang yang meminta, menerima, dia yang mencari, mendapat dan setiap orang yang mengetok, baginya pintu dibukakan." Lukas 11:10 http://ow.ly/i/1NlMf Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody Pray4 3/30/13 83 GOLDMINE WORKERS BURIED IN TIBET LANDSLIDE,*read more at http://m.timesofindia.com/world/china/China-Landslide-buries-83-in-Tibet-gold-minearea/articleshow/19291947.cms "No signs of life have been detected at a gold mining site in a mountainous area of Tibet more than 24 hours after a massive landslide buried 83 workers, Chinese state media said on Saturday. The state-run China Central Television said more than 2,000 rescuers have been dispatched to Lhasa's Maizhokunggar county to search for the buried...." http://m.timesofindia.com/world/china/China-Landslide-buries-83-in-Tibet-gold-minearea/articleshow/19291947.cms For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10"I gcs gach duine a fhaigheann iarrann; an t a fhaigheann iarraidh, agus a thabhairt d a knocks, beidh an doras a oscailt." Luke 11:10"Karena setiap orang yang meminta, menerima, dia yang mencari, mendapat dan setiap orang yang mengetok, baginya pintu dibukakan." Lukas 11:10 http://ow.ly/i/1Nlyj Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody Shameful 3/30/13 RICKY GERVAIS MOCKS CHRISTIANS AT EASTER TIME,*read more at http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Hollywood/2013/03/29/gervais-taunts-christians-easter " Easter season is a time for Christians to consider the resurrection of Christ anew. For atheist comedian Ricky Gervais, Easter is just another excuse to mock those of faith. The British comic fired up his Twitter feed this week with a series of condescending jabs at Christians. Did Jesus know ..."


http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Hollywood/2013/03/29/gervais-taunts-christians-easter For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10"I gcs gach duine a fhaigheann iarrann; an t a fhaigheann iarraidh, agus a thabhairt d a knocks, beidh an doras a oscailt." Luke 11:10"Karena setiap orang yang meminta, menerima, dia yang mencari, mendapat dan setiap orang yang mengetok, baginya pintu dibukakan." Lukas 11:10 http://ow.ly/i/1Nf7T Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/30/13 UCLA BRUINS HIRE STEVE ALFORD AS NEW BASKETBALL COACH, *read more at http://news.yahoo.com/ucla-hires-steve-alford-basketball-coach-162919050--spt.html LOS ANGELES (AP) Steve Alford was hired as UCLA basketball coach on Saturday, spurning New Mexico days after he agreed to a new 10-year deal with the Lobos for a chance to run what he called "the premier basketball program in the country." The Bruins are bringing in someone who shares the same Indiana roots as John Wooden, who led UCLA to a record 10 national championships, including seven in a row, before retiring in 1975. Alford learned about Wooden as a first-grader in Martinsville, Ind., where his father, Sam, coached the high school basketball team at Wooden's http://news.yahoo.com/ucla-hires-steve-alford-basketball-coach-162919050--spt.html For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10"I gcs gach duine a fhaigheann iarrann; an t a fhaigheann iarraidh, agus a thabhairt d a knocks, beidh an doras a oscailt." Luke 11:10"Karena setiap orang yang meminta, menerima, dia yang mencari, mendapat dan setiap orang yang mengetok, baginya pintu dibukakan." Lukas 11:10 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/30/13 U of M's TREY BURKE IS A NEW MARCH MADNESS STAR,


*read more at http://btn.com/2013/03/29/quick-hit-trey-burke-shines-on-national-stage/ "...Time and again, Michigan looked dead in the water. But the Wolverines never stopped fighting, rallying from 14 points down to force overtime and win in the extra session. Trey Burke played like the national player of the year. He went 0for-4 in the first half and didnt score. But he came alive after intermission, scoring 23 points (five in OT) to save the day...." http://btn.com/2013/03/29/quick-hit-trey-burke-shines-on-national-stage/ http://ow.ly/i/1NePd For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10"I gcs gach duine a fhaigheann iarrann; an t a fhaigheann iarraidh, agus a thabhairt d a knocks, beidh an doras a oscailt." Luke 11:10"Karena setiap orang yang meminta, menerima, dia yang mencari, mendapat dan setiap orang yang mengetok, baginya pintu dibukakan." Lukas 11:10 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody Ironic 3/30/13 BUDDHISTS AGGRESSIVENESS SCARES SOME MUSLIMS AWAY,*read more at http://news.yahoo.com/muslims-vanish-buddhist-attacks-approach-myanmars-biggest-city-034801049.html "SIT KWIN, Myanmar (Reuters) - The Muslims of Sit Kwin were always a small group who numbered no more than 100 of the village's 2,000 people. But as sectarian violence led by Buddhist mobs spreads across central Myanmar, they and many other Muslims are disappearing. Their homes, shops and mosques destroyed, ..." http://news.yahoo.com/muslims-vanish-buddhist-attacks-approach-myanmars-biggest-city-034801049.html For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10"I gcs gach duine a fhaigheann iarrann; an t a fhaigheann iarraidh, agus a thabhairt d a knocks, beidh an doras a oscailt." Luke 11:10"Karena setiap orang yang meminta, menerima, dia yang mencari, mendapat dan setiap orang yang mengetok, baginya pintu dibukakan." Lukas 11:10 3/30/13 MIAMI HEAT's WIN STREAK ENDS AT 27, SIX SHORT OF TYING RECORD, *read more at http://www.foxnews.com/sports/2013/03/27/miami-heat-winning-streak-ends-at-27-in-chicago/ The Miami Heat's 27-game winning streak was snapped Wednesday night by the Chicago Bulls, 101-97, when a furious comeback by LeBron James and his teammates fell short. The Heat finished six shy of the 33-game record held by the 1971-72 Los Angeles Lakers. Luol Deng scored 28 points, Carlos Boozer added 21 points and 17 rebounds, and the Bulls brought the Heat's pursuit of NBA history to a screeching halt.


http://www.foxnews.com/sports/2013/03/27/miami-heat-winning-streak-ends-at-27-in-chicago/ For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10"I gcs gach duine a fhaigheann iarrann; an t a fhaigheann iarraidh, agus a thabhairt d a knocks, beidh an doras a oscailt." Luke 11:10"Karena setiap orang yang meminta, menerima, dia yang mencari, mendapat dan setiap orang yang mengetok, baginya pintu dibukakan." Lukas 11:10 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/28/13 re PHIL JACKSON's 1st TWEET! *read more at http://m.nbclosangeles.com/nbclosangeles/pm_107879/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=Q9gVNI7o "...The legendary coach has taken to Twitter, and following an introduction to the Twitterverse by his fiancee (and Lakers executive vice president) Jeanie Buss, he's now 60,000 followers richer and counting. But that's just the first step. The next may be for the retired coach n of the Los Angeles Lakers and Chicago Bulls to learn how to type. His first tweet: 11 champ;ipnsikp[ ringhs http://m.nbclosangeles.com/nbclosangeles/pm_107879/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=Q9gVNI7o " I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at his right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20"Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. "Efesierbrevet 1:17-20"Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. "Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1MZv4 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan


*Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/28/13 MODERN-DAY SWARM OF LOCUSTS BESIEGES ISRAEL at PASSOVER,*read more at http://news.yahoo.com/bible-comes-life-locusts-swarm-israel-190310435.html "...By Christa Case Bryant | Christian Science Monitor Locusts have descended on Israel this week, just in time for Passover. As millions of Jews commemorate the story of the children of Israels exodus from Egypt, including the 10 plagues that afflicted Pharaoh and his people, millions of the crunchy buggers are creeping all over Israels southern deserts....The Israeli Ministry of Agriculture, which was on locust alert, has responded quick..." http://news.yahoo.com/bible-comes-life-locusts-swarm-israel-190310435.html " I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at his right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20"Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. "Efesierbrevet 1:17-20"Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. "Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1MNAF Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/28/13 re FLORIDA PROFESSOR's ASSIGNMENT TO "STOMP ON JESUS" (don't stomp on Jesus!) *read more at http://news.yahoo.com/florida-university-under-fire-over-jesus-classroom-exercise-233947299.html " A Florida university has come under fire over a professor's controversial classroom assignment that asked his students to write "Jesus" on a sheet of paper and then to step on it...." http://news.yahoo.com/florida-university-under-fire-over-jesus-classroom-exercise-233947299.html "18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at his right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20"Jag frgar att Gud


vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. "Efesierbrevet 1:17-20"Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. "Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1MNjY Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/24/13 RIP,NIGERIA's CHINUA ACHEBE ("THINGS FALL APART") *read more at http://m.guardiannews.com/commentisfree/2013/mar/24/chinua-achebe-african-literature "Achebe published his first novel in 1958, Nigeria was two years away from independence..By 1964, his novel ["Things Fall Apart"] was the first by an African writer to be set as a required text in schools across the continent's English-speaking countries and it is, more than 50 years after publication, the most widely read work by an African writer; the book that, more than any other, has introduced readers across the world to the writing of the continent...." http://m.guardiannews.com/commentisfree/2013/mar/24/chinua-achebe-african-literature "For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit." 1 Thessalonians 4:7-8 http://ow.ly/i/1N02y Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody GoodNews, 3/6/13 ARKANSAS TAKES A STRONG STAND 4 UNBORN LIFE! (Pro-lifers R slowly but surely bringing the USA back to being a "country of conscience") read more at http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/03/06/17212230-arkansas-lawmakers-approve-toughest-abortionlimits-in-nation?lite


"...Arkansas' House of Representatives on Wednesday rejected the governor's veto of a controversial bill that would make abortions illegal after 12 weeks of pregnancy, thus setting up the most restrictive ban on the procedure nationwide. The House vote of 56-33 followed Senate approval on Tuesday to override Gov. Mike Beebes veto of SB 134, or the Arkansas Human Heartbeat Protection Act , which enforces a ban on abortion earlier in pregnancy than any other state now does...." http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/03/06/17212230-arkansas-lawmakers-approve-toughest-abortionlimits-in-nation?lite "I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at his right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20"Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. "Efesierbrevet 1:17-20"Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. "Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1N11w Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody unborn life,fetus,abortion,adoption,heartbeat,conception,pro-life,pro-choice,protect unborn life,arkansas house of representatives,mike beebe,human heartbeat protection act 3/25/13 ANGELS FINALLY DEAL VERNON WELLS TO YANKEES, ENDING DIFFICULT SITUATION, (this has been a thorn in angels side for a while now...vernon never materialized as a top player for the angels despite being paid top price...there didn't seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel, but the Yanks can be thanked,for once, for helping the Angels; I won't heap scorn on Vernon personally..didn't seem that he failed for lack of effort or a bad attitude, but simply wasn't able to rise up to the challenge)*read more at http://m.yahoo.com/w/sports/home/news/article?urn=a8c5ecee-80d6-39e3-b284c8979d1942b0&.ts=1364210295&.intl=US&.lang=en "...Were it not for the New York Yankees, Vernon Wells still would be a Los Angeles Angel, forever consigned to their dungeon of ill-fated maneuvers. Because the Yankees exist and because they operate in a vacuum independent from their harrowing reality the Angels now no longer must stare at a $100 million mistake..." http://m.yahoo.com/w/sports/home/news/article?urn=a8c5ecee-80d6-39e3-b284c8979d1942b0&.ts=1364210295&.intl=US&.lang=en


" I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at his right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20"Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. "Efesierbrevet 1:17-20"Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. "Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1N1mU Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody well-stated op-ed 3/26/13 SCHOOL BANS EASTER BUNNY & ANYTHING re "RELIGIOUS HOLIDAYS" *read more at http://pjmedia.com/tatler/2013/03/26/alabama-school-executes-the-easter-bunny/ "Teachers at Heritage Elementary School in Madison, Ala., were informed Monday (March 25) their plans to have an academic egg hunt with their kindergarten and second grade students would need to be scrapped...School Principal Lydia Davenport informed staff no activities related to or centered around any religious holiday would be allowed in the interest of religious diversity among students....Parents are upset of course. We should all grow up and be clear about something. There is no way that you can live in a community of any size and never ever offend anyone. Its even more impossible, if such a concept exists, to not offend anyone when some people go around constantly looking for ways to be offended. Being offended is a path to gaining power in our screwed up society. So some people will pursue offense, because it gives them power. Its quicker and easier than actually achieving anything. In this case, the school sought to cater to people who are professionally and perpetually offended. In seeking to avoid offending them, it has offended parents and kids who were just minding their own business. We have competing groups here, people who get strategically offended, and people who just want to be left alone. The latter never win...." http://pjmedia.com/tatler/2013/03/26/alabama-school-executes-the-easter-bunny/ " I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at his right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20"Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har


kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. "Efesierbrevet 1:17-20"Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. "Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1N1yF Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody Pray4 3/22/13 N DAKOTA MAY TAKE STRONG STAND 4 LIFE, AGAINST ABORTION! (Also see story re arkansas & their stand for life!) *read more at http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/03/22/17420927-north-dakota-passes-toughest-anti-abortion-packagein-us-bills-await-governor?lite "North Dakota lawmakers approved measures Friday that would effectively ban abortion in the state, including a ballot referendum that would let voters declare that life begins at conception....The measures, ... would ban abortions after 20 weeks except in medical emergencies..." http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/03/22/17420927-north-dakota-passes-toughest-anti-abortion-packagein-us-bills-await-governor?lite " I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at his right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20"Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. "Efesierbrevet 1:17-20"Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. "Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1N1dE Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document


I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody unborn life,fetus,abortion,adoption,heartbeat,conception,pro-life,pro-choice,protect unborn life,arkansas house of representatives,mike beebe,human heartbeat protection act Cranky neighbor, what a jerk. 3/28/13 VETERAN MARINE NOT ALLOWED TO FLY OLD GLORY,*read more at http://redalertpolitics.com/2013/03/28/marine-told-he-cant-fly-american-flag/ "A true patriot, one U.S. Marine said hoisting an American flag in his front yard was one of the first freedoms he took advantage of when he finally stepped on U.S. soil until that soldier discovered raising a flag in his hometown was no longer a freedom....One neighbor must have found thestar spangled banner an eye sore and decided to file a complaint with the city. They city was forced to give the citation,..." http://redalertpolitics.com/2013/03/28/marine-told-he-cant-fly-american-flag/ "I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at his right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20"Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. "Efesierbrevet 1:17-20"Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. "Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1MZlM Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/30/13 SERENA WILLIAMS DEFEATS SHARAPOVA TO WIN 6th MIAMI, (I saw Sharpova at Indian Wells,...wonder why Serena wasn't there?) *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130330-serena-williams-captures-record-sixth-miami-title


"World No. 1 Serena Williams rallied to defeat world No. 2 Maria Sharapova 4-6, 6-3, 6-0 on Saturday in the WTA Miami final, winning the event for a record sixth time ..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130330-serena-williams-captures-record-sixth-miami-title For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10"I gcs gach duine a fhaigheann iarrann; an t a fhaigheann iarraidh, agus a thabhairt d a knocks, beidh an doras a oscailt." Luke 11:10"Karena setiap orang yang meminta, menerima, dia yang mencari, mendapat dan setiap orang yang mengetok, baginya pintu dibukakan." Lukas 11:10 http://ow.ly/i/1NlDq Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/30/13 FLORIDA GC's IMPROBABLE RUN ENDS w/ LOSS TO FLORIDA,MARCH MADNESS,*read more at http://abcnews.go.com/Sports/wireStory/fgcus-ncaa-run-ends-62-50-loss-florida-18844823 "...high-flying act from "Dunk City" busted most everybody's NCAA tournament brackets and left an indelible mark on March. Bet you know what FGCU is now. Florida Gulf Coast, the No. 15 seed few people knew much about only a week ago, had their improbable run to the NCAA round of 16 ended by a 62-50 loss late Friday night..." http://abcnews.go.com/Sports/wireStory/fgcus-ncaa-run-ends-62-50-loss-florida-18844823 For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10"I gcs gach duine a fhaigheann iarrann; an t a fhaigheann iarraidh, agus a thabhairt d a knocks, beidh an doras a oscailt." Luke 11:10"Karena setiap orang yang meminta, menerima, dia yang mencari, mendapat dan setiap orang yang mengetok, baginya pintu dibukakan." Lukas 11:10 http://ow.ly/i/1Nm6U Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybodys 3/30/13 MICHIGAN DEFEATS KANSAS TO MAKE ELITE EIGHT, (& they also,subsequently defeated Florida,more easily, to make final 4!)


*read more at http://m.washingtonpost.com/sports/colleges/trey-burke-michigan-use-frantic-rally-to-stun-kansas-in-ncaatournament-sweet-16/2013/03/29/00c5d17e-98cc-11e2-97cd-3d8c1afe4f0f_story.html?wprss=rss_homepage ARLINGTON, Tex. Michigans Trey Burke wasnt simply the best player on the court in Fridays Sweet 16 battle with top-seeded Kansas. He was the gutsiest. After being held scoreless in the first half, the sophomore guard drilled an impossibly nervy threepointer to knot the score at 76 with 4.2 seconds remaining. And there it remained, forcing overtime for..." http://m.washingtonpost.com/sports/colleges/trey-burke-michigan-use-frantic-rally-to-stun-kansas-in-ncaatournament-sweet-16/2013/03/29/00c5d17e-98cc-11e2-97cd-3d8c1afe4f0f_story.html?wprss=rss_homepage For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10"I gcs gach duine a fhaigheann iarrann; an t a fhaigheann iarraidh, agus a thabhairt d a knocks, beidh an doras a oscailt." Luke 11:10"Karena setiap orang yang meminta, menerima, dia yang mencari, mendapat dan setiap orang yang mengetok, baginya pintu dibukakan." Lukas 11:10 http://ow.ly/i/1NlYo Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody Stop the Tusk Lust! 3/30/13 MAN SAWS OFF ELEPHANT TUSK IN MUSEUM, (well, at least he didn't kill a defenseless elephant, or rhino, like so many poachers are doing lately, but still...something has to stop this senseless lust for tusks!),*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130330-paris-chainsaw-thief-hacks-off-sun-king-elephant-tusk "...broke into the Paris natural history museum early Saturday and used a chainsaw to hack off the tusk of an elephant that belonged to King Louis XIV of France, officials said. Police arrested the man in a nearby street as he was making his escape ...The animal's tusks are not the original ones but were added to the skeleton in the 19th century.." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130330-paris-chainsaw-thief-hacks-off-sun-king-elephant-tusk For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10"I gcs gach duine a fhaigheann iarrann; an t a fhaigheann iarraidh, agus a thabhairt d a knocks, beidh an doras a oscailt." Luke 11:10"Karena setiap orang yang meminta, menerima, dia yang mencari, mendapat dan setiap orang yang mengetok, baginya pintu dibukakan." Lukas 11:10 http://ow.ly/i/1NlU6 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document


*Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/30/13 GERMAN OFFICIALS CONFISCATE JUSTIN BIEBER's PET MONKEY,(tough times for Bieber. Trouble back at calabasas with his neighbor as well) *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130330-germans-seize-justin-biebers-monkey ".... Justin Bieber had his pet monkey Mally confiscated when he arrived with the animal at Munich airport,... Customs officials put the capuchin monkey in quarantine on Thursday because the 19-year-old pop sensation was unable to present the necessary documents for importing a live animal...." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130330-germans-seize-justin-biebers-monkey For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10"I gcs gach duine a fhaigheann iarrann; an t a fhaigheann iarraidh, agus a thabhairt d a knocks, beidh an doras a oscailt." Luke 11:10"Karena setiap orang yang meminta, menerima, dia yang mencari, mendapat dan setiap orang yang mengetok, baginya pintu dibukakan." Lukas 11:10 http://ow.ly/i/1NlMf Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody Pray4 3/30/13 83 GOLDMINE WORKERS BURIED IN TIBET LANDSLIDE,*read more at http://m.timesofindia.com/world/china/China-Landslide-buries-83-in-Tibet-gold-minearea/articleshow/19291947.cms "No signs of life have been detected at a gold mining site in a mountainous area of Tibet more than 24 hours after a massive landslide buried 83 workers, Chinese state media said on Saturday. The state-run China Central Television said more than 2,000 rescuers have been dispatched to Lhasa's Maizhokunggar county to search for the buried...." http://m.timesofindia.com/world/china/China-Landslide-buries-83-in-Tibet-gold-minearea/articleshow/19291947.cms For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10"I gcs gach duine a fhaigheann iarrann; an t a fhaigheann iarraidh, agus a thabhairt d a knocks, beidh an doras a oscailt." Luke 11:10"Karena setiap orang yang meminta, menerima, dia yang mencari, mendapat dan setiap orang yang mengetok, baginya pintu dibukakan." Lukas 11:10 http://ow.ly/i/1Nlyj Posted by Vk


*ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody Shameful 3/30/13 RICKY GERVAIS MOCKS CHRISTIANS AT EASTER TIME,*read more at http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Hollywood/2013/03/29/gervais-taunts-christians-easter " Easter season is a time for Christians to consider the resurrection of Christ anew. For atheist comedian Ricky Gervais, Easter is just another excuse to mock those of faith. The British comic fired up his Twitter feed this week with a series of condescending jabs at Christians. Did Jesus know ..." http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Hollywood/2013/03/29/gervais-taunts-christians-easter For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10"I gcs gach duine a fhaigheann iarrann; an t a fhaigheann iarraidh, agus a thabhairt d a knocks, beidh an doras a oscailt." Luke 11:10"Karena setiap orang yang meminta, menerima, dia yang mencari, mendapat dan setiap orang yang mengetok, baginya pintu dibukakan." Lukas 11:10 http://ow.ly/i/1Nf7T Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/30/13 UCLA BRUINS HIRE STEVE ALFORD AS NEW BASKETBALL COACH, *read more at http://news.yahoo.com/ucla-hires-steve-alford-basketball-coach-162919050--spt.html LOS ANGELES (AP) Steve Alford was hired as UCLA basketball coach on Saturday, spurning New Mexico days after he agreed to a new 10-year deal with the Lobos for a chance to run what he called "the premier basketball program in the country." The Bruins are bringing in someone who shares the same Indiana roots as John Wooden, who led UCLA to a record 10 national championships, including seven in a row, before retiring in 1975. Alford learned about Wooden as a first-grader in Martinsville, Ind., where his father, Sam,


coached the high school basketball team at Wooden's http://news.yahoo.com/ucla-hires-steve-alford-basketball-coach-162919050--spt.html For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10"I gcs gach duine a fhaigheann iarrann; an t a fhaigheann iarraidh, agus a thabhairt d a knocks, beidh an doras a oscailt." Luke 11:10"Karena setiap orang yang meminta, menerima, dia yang mencari, mendapat dan setiap orang yang mengetok, baginya pintu dibukakan." Lukas 11:10 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/30/13 U of M's TREY BURKE IS A NEW MARCH MADNESS STAR, *read more at http://btn.com/2013/03/29/quick-hit-trey-burke-shines-on-national-stage/ "...Time and again, Michigan looked dead in the water. But the Wolverines never stopped fighting, rallying from 14 points down to force overtime and win in the extra session. Trey Burke played like the national player of the year. He went 0for-4 in the first half and didnt score. But he came alive after intermission, scoring 23 points (five in OT) to save the day...." http://btn.com/2013/03/29/quick-hit-trey-burke-shines-on-national-stage/ http://ow.ly/i/1NePd For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10"I gcs gach duine a fhaigheann iarrann; an t a fhaigheann iarraidh, agus a thabhairt d a knocks, beidh an doras a oscailt." Luke 11:10"Karena setiap orang yang meminta, menerima, dia yang mencari, mendapat dan setiap orang yang mengetok, baginya pintu dibukakan." Lukas 11:10 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody Ironic 3/30/13 BUDDHISTS AGGRESSIVENESS SCARES SOME MUSLIMS AWAY,*read more at http://news.yahoo.com/muslims-vanish-buddhist-attacks-approach-myanmars-biggest-city-034801049.html "SIT KWIN, Myanmar (Reuters) - The Muslims of Sit Kwin were always a small group who numbered no more than 100 of the village's 2,000 people. But as sectarian violence


led by Buddhist mobs spreads across central Myanmar, they and many other Muslims are disappearing. Their homes, shops and mosques destroyed, ..." http://news.yahoo.com/muslims-vanish-buddhist-attacks-approach-myanmars-biggest-city-034801049.html For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10"I gcs gach duine a fhaigheann iarrann; an t a fhaigheann iarraidh, agus a thabhairt d a knocks, beidh an doras a oscailt." Luke 11:10"Karena setiap orang yang meminta, menerima, dia yang mencari, mendapat dan setiap orang yang mengetok, baginya pintu dibukakan." Lukas 11:10 3/30/13 MIAMI HEAT's WIN STREAK ENDS AT 27, SIX SHORT OF TYING RECORD, *read more at http://www.foxnews.com/sports/2013/03/27/miami-heat-winning-streak-ends-at-27-in-chicago/ The Miami Heat's 27-game winning streak was snapped Wednesday night by the Chicago Bulls, 101-97, when a furious comeback by LeBron James and his teammates fell short. The Heat finished six shy of the 33-game record held by the 1971-72 Los Angeles Lakers. Luol Deng scored 28 points, Carlos Boozer added 21 points and 17 rebounds, and the Bulls brought the Heat's pursuit of NBA history to a screeching halt. http://www.foxnews.com/sports/2013/03/27/miami-heat-winning-streak-ends-at-27-in-chicago/ For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:10"I gcs gach duine a fhaigheann iarrann; an t a fhaigheann iarraidh, agus a thabhairt d a knocks, beidh an doras a oscailt." Luke 11:10"Karena setiap orang yang meminta, menerima, dia yang mencari, mendapat dan setiap orang yang mengetok, baginya pintu dibukakan." Lukas 11:10 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/28/13 re PHIL JACKSON's 1st TWEET! *read more at http://m.nbclosangeles.com/nbclosangeles/pm_107879/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=Q9gVNI7o "...The legendary coach has taken to Twitter, and following an introduction to the Twitterverse by his fiancee (and Lakers executive vice president) Jeanie Buss, he's now 60,000 followers richer and counting. But that's just the first step. The next may be for the retired coach n of the Los Angeles Lakers and Chicago Bulls to learn how to type. His first tweet: 11 champ;ipnsikp[ ringhs http://m.nbclosangeles.com/nbclosangeles/pm_107879/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=Q9gVNI7o


" I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at his right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20"Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. "Efesierbrevet 1:17-20"Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. "Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1MZv4 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/28/13 MODERN-DAY SWARM OF LOCUSTS BESIEGES ISRAEL at PASSOVER,*read more at http://news.yahoo.com/bible-comes-life-locusts-swarm-israel-190310435.html "...By Christa Case Bryant | Christian Science Monitor Locusts have descended on Israel this week, just in time for Passover. As millions of Jews commemorate the story of the children of Israels exodus from Egypt, including the 10 plagues that afflicted Pharaoh and his people, millions of the crunchy buggers are creeping all over Israels southern deserts....The Israeli Ministry of Agriculture, which was on locust alert, has responded quick..." http://news.yahoo.com/bible-comes-life-locusts-swarm-israel-190310435.html " I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at his right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20"Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. "Efesierbrevet 1:17-20"Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. "Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1MNAF Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document


Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/28/13 re FLORIDA PROFESSOR's ASSIGNMENT TO "STOMP ON JESUS" (don't stomp on Jesus!) *read more at http://news.yahoo.com/florida-university-under-fire-over-jesus-classroom-exercise-233947299.html " A Florida university has come under fire over a professor's controversial classroom assignment that asked his students to write "Jesus" on a sheet of paper and then to step on it...." http://news.yahoo.com/florida-university-under-fire-over-jesus-classroom-exercise-233947299.html "18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at his right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20"Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. "Efesierbrevet 1:17-20"Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. "Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1MNjY Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/24/13 RIP,NIGERIA's CHINUA ACHEBE ("THINGS FALL APART") *read more at http://m.guardiannews.com/commentisfree/2013/mar/24/chinua-achebe-african-literature "Achebe published his first novel in 1958, Nigeria was two years away from independence..By 1964, his novel ["Things Fall Apart"] was the first by an African writer to be set as a required text in schools across the continent's English-speaking countries and it is, more than 50 years after publication, the most widely read work by an African writer; the book that, more than any other, has introduced readers across the world to the writing of the continent...."


http://m.guardiannews.com/commentisfree/2013/mar/24/chinua-achebe-african-literature "For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit." 1 Thessalonians 4:7-8 http://ow.ly/i/1N02y Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody GoodNews, 3/6/13 ARKANSAS TAKES A STRONG STAND 4 UNBORN LIFE! (Pro-lifers R slowly but surely bringing the USA back to being a "country of conscience") read more at http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/03/06/17212230-arkansas-lawmakers-approve-toughest-abortionlimits-in-nation?lite "...Arkansas' House of Representatives on Wednesday rejected the governor's veto of a controversial bill that would make abortions illegal after 12 weeks of pregnancy, thus setting up the most restrictive ban on the procedure nationwide. The House vote of 56-33 followed Senate approval on Tuesday to override Gov. Mike Beebes veto of SB 134, or the Arkansas Human Heartbeat Protection Act , which enforces a ban on abortion earlier in pregnancy than any other state now does...." http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/03/06/17212230-arkansas-lawmakers-approve-toughest-abortionlimits-in-nation?lite "I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at his right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20"Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. "Efesierbrevet 1:17-20"Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. "Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1N11w Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women!


Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody unborn life,fetus,abortion,adoption,heartbeat,conception,pro-life,pro-choice,protect unborn life,arkansas house of representatives,mike beebe,human heartbeat protection act 3/25/13 ANGELS FINALLY DEAL VERNON WELLS TO YANKEES, ENDING DIFFICULT SITUATION, (this has been a thorn in angels side for a while now...vernon never materialized as a top player for the angels despite being paid top price...there didn't seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel, but the Yanks can be thanked,for once, for helping the Angels; I won't heap scorn on Vernon personally..didn't seem that he failed for lack of effort or a bad attitude, but simply wasn't able to rise up to the challenge)*read more at http://m.yahoo.com/w/sports/home/news/article?urn=a8c5ecee-80d6-39e3-b284c8979d1942b0&.ts=1364210295&.intl=US&.lang=en "...Were it not for the New York Yankees, Vernon Wells still would be a Los Angeles Angel, forever consigned to their dungeon of ill-fated maneuvers. Because the Yankees exist and because they operate in a vacuum independent from their harrowing reality the Angels now no longer must stare at a $100 million mistake..." http://m.yahoo.com/w/sports/home/news/article?urn=a8c5ecee-80d6-39e3-b284c8979d1942b0&.ts=1364210295&.intl=US&.lang=en " I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at his right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20"Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. "Efesierbrevet 1:17-20"Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. "Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1N1mU Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody well-stated op-ed 3/26/13 SCHOOL BANS EASTER BUNNY & ANYTHING re "RELIGIOUS HOLIDAYS" *read more at http://pjmedia.com/tatler/2013/03/26/alabama-school-executes-the-easter-bunny/ "Teachers at Heritage Elementary School in Madison, Ala., were informed Monday (March 25)


their plans to have an academic egg hunt with their kindergarten and second grade students would need to be scrapped...School Principal Lydia Davenport informed staff no activities related to or centered around any religious holiday would be allowed in the interest of religious diversity among students....Parents are upset of course. We should all grow up and be clear about something. There is no way that you can live in a community of any size and never ever offend anyone. Its even more impossible, if such a concept exists, to not offend anyone when some people go around constantly looking for ways to be offended. Being offended is a path to gaining power in our screwed up society. So some people will pursue offense, because it gives them power. Its quicker and easier than actually achieving anything. In this case, the school sought to cater to people who are professionally and perpetually offended. In seeking to avoid offending them, it has offended parents and kids who were just minding their own business. We have competing groups here, people who get strategically offended, and people who just want to be left alone. The latter never win...." http://pjmedia.com/tatler/2013/03/26/alabama-school-executes-the-easter-bunny/ " I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at his right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20"Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. "Efesierbrevet 1:17-20"Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. "Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1N1yF Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody Pray4 3/22/13 N DAKOTA MAY TAKE STRONG STAND 4 LIFE, AGAINST ABORTION! (Also see story re arkansas & their stand for life!) *read more at http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/03/22/17420927-north-dakota-passes-toughest-anti-abortion-packagein-us-bills-await-governor?lite "North Dakota lawmakers approved measures Friday that would effectively ban abortion in the state, including a ballot referendum that would let voters declare that life begins at conception....The measures, ... would ban abortions after 20 weeks except in medical emergencies..." http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/03/22/17420927-north-dakota-passes-toughest-anti-abortion-packagein-us-bills-await-governor?lite


" I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at his right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20"Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. "Efesierbrevet 1:17-20"Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. "Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1N1dE Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody unborn life,fetus,abortion,adoption,heartbeat,conception,pro-life,pro-choice,protect unborn life,arkansas house of representatives,mike beebe,human heartbeat protection act 3/26/13 KILL the COWARDLY POACHERS WHO KILLED the DEFENSELESS RARE ONE-HORNED RHINO et al !*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130324-poachers-kill-rare-rhinos-indias-northeast "A gang of poachers killed a rare one-horned rhino at a wildlife park in northeast India, taking to 15 the number of such beasts slaughtered this year, an official said on Sunday. Heavily-armed poachers fired at the rhino late Saturday inside Assam state's Kaziranga National Park and its horn was gouged out, just a day after another giant pachyderm was killed..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130324-poachers-kill-rare-rhinos-indias-northeast "For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit." 1 Thessalonians 4:7-8 http://ow.ly/i/1LZH6 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document


*Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody Protect Unborn Life ! 3/26/13 TEACHER MAY BE FIRED FOR BEING AGAINST PLANNED PARENTHOOD, *read more at http://christiannews.net/2013/03/22/oregon-teacher-escorted-from-high-school-by-police-for-opposingplanned-parenthood-in-classroom/ "...Oregon high school teacher was escorted from the building by police this week over what is believed to be related to his continued opposition to Planned Parenthoods presence in the classroom. Bill Diss is a math and computer science teacher at Benson High School in Portland...I certainly fight Planned Parenthood, which I certainly have a right to do, he told reporters this week following the incident. And that was all on the outside, until [last] year when they brought Planned Parenthood [into the school]...." http://christiannews.net/2013/03/22/oregon-teacher-escorted-from-high-school-by-police-for-opposingplanned-parenthood-in-classroom/ "For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit." 1 Thessalonians 4:7-8 http://ow.ly/i/1LZtB Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/26/13 OSU's AARON CRAFT HITS 3-POINTER @ BUZZER TO SQUEAK BY IOWA STATE,MARCH MADNESS, *read more at http://deadspin.com/aaron-craft-hits-three-pointer-with-0-5-seconds-remaini-458602796 "Iowa State's upset dreams came to an end as Ohio State's Aaron Craft made penance for a series of missed free throws in the clutch and hit a near-buzzerbeating three-pointer to give the second-seeded Buckeyes a 78-75 win...." http://deadspin.com/aaron-craft-hits-three-pointer-with-0-5-seconds-remaini-458602796 "For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit." 1 Thessalonians 4:7-8 http://ow.ly/i/1LRRV Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document


I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody (I was there on Saturday!) 3/25/13 KYLE BUSCH SWEEPS FONTANA after HAMLIN v LOGANA LASTLAP FEUD CRASH,*read more at http://m.usatoday.com/article/news/2015731 "FONTANA, Calif.... single-car crash at the inside wall on the final lap of Sunday's Auto Club 400.... Kyle Busch passed a wrecking Joey Logano and Hamlin to win the race. Logano and Hamlin, who have traded barbs since the season opening Daytona 500, ..." http://m.usatoday.com/article/news/2015731 "For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit." 1 Thessalonians 4:7-8 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/24/13 SEAL PUP FOUND ALIVE MILES FROM WATER,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130324-swedes-mystified-seal-pup-found-forest "...A seal pup was found in a forest in eastern Sweden on Sunday almost six kilometres (four miles) from the closest body of open water, raising questions as to how it got there, ..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130324-swedes-mystified-seal-pup-found-forest "For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit." 1 Thessalonians 4:7-8 http://ow.ly/i/1LPjn Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You


Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody Pray4 3/21/13 5 ON TRIAL in IRAN for CHRISTIAN "EVANGELISM", *read more at http://m.global.christianpost.com/news/five-christians-arrested-at-prayer-service-facing-trial-with-politicalcharges-91466/ "Recent reports indicate that five Christian members of the Church of Iran will soon be going on trial for their religion, facing multiple charges which include threatening national security and evangelism. The five imprisoned men, Mohammad Roghangir, Surush Saraie, Eskandar Rezaie, Shahin Lahooti and Massoud Rezaie have been detained since October 2012, and are facing charges of disturbing public order, evangelizing, action against national security and an internet activity against the system, according to religious persecution watchdog group Christian Solidarity Worldwide. The trial for the five men will begin at the Revolutionary Court in Shiraz, located in the Fars Province, on March 10. As Andrew Johnston, Christian Solidarity Worldwide's advocacy director said in a recent statement, the charges of these five men have been cloaked in political terms, although it ..." http://m.global.christianpost.com/news/five-christians-arrested-at-prayer-service-facing-trial-with-politicalcharges-91466/ ***"In those days John the Baptist came ... saying, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near." Matthew 3:1-2 En ces jours-Jean-Baptiste est venu ... en disant: "Repentez-vous, car le royaume des cieux est proche." Matthieu 3:1-2 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/21/13 MICHELLE SHOCKED PERSECUTED 4 SPEAKING HER CONVICTIONS @ CONCERT, *read more at http://m.usatoday.com/article/news/1999065?preferredArticleViewMode=singleControversial "...singer Michelle Shocked is under fire for her antigay tirade during a concert Sunday night in San Francisco. Witnesses say the born-again Christian told the crowd at Yoshi's, "When they stop Prop 8 and force priests at gunpoint to marry gays, it will be the downfall of civilization, and Jesus will come back," and "You can go on Twitter and say, 'Michelle Shocked says God hates (anti-gay slur).' " The staff at the venue finally turned off the stage lights and pulled the plug on her performance. http://m.usatoday.com/article/news/1999065?preferredArticleViewMode=single


***"In those days John the Baptist came ... saying, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near." Matthew 3:1-2 En ces jours-Jean-Baptiste est venu ... en disant: "Repentez-vous, car le royaume des cieux est proche." Matthieu 3:1-2 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/26/13 WHERE GIANT TORTOISES ARE AS NUMEROUS AS ANTS,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130325-coral-atoll-where-giant-tortoises-outnumber-man-100001 "...perhaps not surprising that there are only a handful of humans on one of the most remote islands on Earth, coral atolls far out in the turquoise seas of the Indian Ocean. What is unexpected are the 100,000 giant tortoises -more than are found on the world famous Galapagos Islands -- with some weighing a staggering 250 kilogrammes (550 pounds) and with shells more than a metre (yard) across..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130325-coral-atoll-where-giant-tortoises-outnumber-man-100001 "For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit." 1 Thessalonians 4:7-8 http://ow.ly/i/1LzUp Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/26/13 DOG RESCUES TRAPPED HIKER,RIVERSIDE,CA; *read more at http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/rescue-dog-saves-trapped-hiker-mountain-article-1.1299183? localLinksEnabled=false "For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit." 1 Thessalonians 4:7-8 http://ow.ly/i/1LA0C


Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/26/13 YAHOO TO BUY NEWS APP from TEEN for $30+ MILLION,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130325-yahoo-buys-app-british-teen "...Yahoo! announced plans Monday to buy mobile news reader app Summly from the London teenager who invented it, likely transforming him into one of the world's youngest self-made multimillionaires...." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130325-yahoo-buys-app-british-teen "For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit." 1 Thessalonians 4:7-8 http://ow.ly/i/1LAaz Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/26/13 THREE ANCIENT PLAYING FIELDS DISCOVERED IN MEXICO,*read more at http://m.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-21914135#sa-ns_mchannel=rss&ns_source=PublicRSS20-sa "Archaeologists in Mexico say they have uncovered three ancient playing fields at a pre-Hispanic site in the eastern state of Veracruz. They found the courts, dating back some 1,000 years, at the Tajin World Heritage site by using laser scanners..." http://m.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-21914135#sa-ns_mchannel=rss&ns_source=PublicRSS20-sa "For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit." 1 Thessalonians 4:7-8 http://ow.ly/i/1LAlU Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document


*Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/25/13 NAZI SUBMARINE DISCOVERED,NORWAY;*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130325-nazi-submarine-found-off-norwayThe "...wreck of a German World War II submarine that was sunk with 48 people on board has been found off Norway's coast during work on an oil pipe, a maritime museum official said Monday. The "U-486" was torpedoed and broken in two by a British submarine in April 1945 ..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130325-nazi-submarine-found-off-norway "For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit." 1 Thessalonians 4:7-8 http://ow.ly/i/1LArP Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody protect unborn life! 1/5/12 PLANNED PARENTHOOD REPORT SHOWS THEY CARE LESS re ADOPTION, MORE re ABORTION,*read more at http://www.lifenews.com/2012/01/05/91-of-pregnant-women-planned-parenthood-sees-get-abortions/ "...annual report the Planned Parenthood abortion business released shows it helped fewer pregnant women with prenatal care and the number of pregnant women it referred for adoptions declined as well. The report also breaks down the services Planned Parenthood offers in addition to abortions. Planned Parenthood has always come under fire from pro-life groups for doing hundreds of thousands of abortions by providing little in the way of help for pregnant woman wanting to keep their baby or considering adoption. The new report shows that hasnt changed. The new document the abortion organization posted shows Planned Parenthood did 329,445 abortions in 2010 while it provided prenatal care to only 31,098 women and referred only 841 women to adoption agencies. The number of women receiving prenatal care dropped significantly from 2009 to 2010, as the abortion business helped 40,489 women in 2009 meaning almost 10,000 fewer women received prenatal support from Planned Parenthood last year than the year prior, or a drop of almost 25 percent. The number of women getting adoption referrals also declined from a low 977 in 2009 to 841 last year, or a decline of 14 percent. Examined another way Planned Parenthood does 391 abortions for every adoption referral it makes and almost 11 abortions for every woman it helps with prenatal care..." http://www.lifenews.com/2012/01/05/91-of-pregnant-women-planned-parenthood-sees-get-abortions/


"For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit." 1 Thessalonians 4:7-8 http://ow.ly/i/1LDjs Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/25/13 TIGER WOODS WINS BAY HILL,REGAINS #1 RANK,*read more at http://www.latimes.com/sports/sportsnow/la-sp-sn-tiger-woods-wins-golf-rankings-20130325,0,7342281.story "Tiger Woods regained golf's world number one spot on Monday as he captured the PGA Tour's Arnold Palmer Invitational with a two-shot victory. With his eighth Bay Hill course triumph, the 37-yearold Woods replaces Northern Ireland's Rory McIlroy atop the world rankings..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130325-woods-reclaims-world-number-one-spot "Tiger Woods tied a PGA Tour record Monday by winning the Arnold Palmer Invitational in Orlando, Fla., for the eighth time, closing with a two-under 70 for a two-shot victory over Justin Rose. I play well here, Woods said. And thats about as simple as it gets...." http://www.latimes.com/sports/sportsnow/la-sp-sn-tiger-woods-wins-golf-rankings-20130325,0,7342281.story "For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit." 1 Thessalonians 4:7-8 http://ow.ly/i/1LzNb Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily (discontinued after April 30,2013) *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/23/13 LIONEL MESSI LEADS ARGENTINA PAST VENEZUELA,3-0,WORLD CUP QUALIFIER,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130323-messi-magic-leaves-argentina-charge-wcup-qualifying-race "...Lionel Messi scored once and set up two


goals as Argentina beat Venezuela 3-0 to remain in control of the South American qualifying race for the 2014 World Cup. The Argentinian skipper ..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130323-messi-magic-leaves-argentina-charge-wcup-qualifying-race If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves & pray & seek my face & turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven & will forgive their sin & will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 "... Wenn mein Volk, ber das mein Name genannt ist, sich demtigt und betet & mein Angesicht suchen und sich von ihren bsen Wegen bekehren, so will ich vom Himmel her hren und ihre Snde vergeben und ihr Land heilen ...." 2 Chronicles 07.14 http://ow.ly/i/1KCkA Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/23/13 LaSALLE UPSETS KANSAS STATE,63-61,MARCH MADNESS, *read more at http://msn.foxsports.com/collegebasketball/story/la-salle-beats-kansas-state-ncaa-tournamentsecond-round-032213 "The coach's message every time was simple: Keep playing defense. The Explorers finally answered his challenge. Jerrell Wright made three foul shots in the final 30 seconds, and the No. 13 seed from the Atlantic 10 buckled down on defense in the closing minutes, allowing the Explorers to polish off a 63-61 upset win Friday in the second round of the NCAA tournament..." http://msn.foxsports.com/collegebasketball/story/la-salle-beats-kansas-state-ncaa-tournament-second-round032213 If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves & pray & seek my face & turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven & will forgive their sin & will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 "... Wenn mein Volk, ber das mein Name genannt ist, sich demtigt und betet & mein Angesicht suchen und sich von ihren bsen Wegen bekehren, so will ich vom Himmel her hren und ihre Snde vergeben und ihr Land heilen ...." 2 Chronicles 07.14 http://ow.ly/i/1KCeX Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools


Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/23/13 WICHITA ST. HITS 7 STRAIGHT 3-POINTERS in VICTORY OVER TOP-SEED GONZAGA,7670,*read more at http://msn.foxsports.com/collegebasketball/story/wichita-state-beats-1-seed-gonzaga-7670%2C-top-ranked-bulldogs-first-1-seed-eliminated-032313 "...seven consecutive three-pointers late to knock the top-ranked and No. 1 seeded Bulldogs out of the NCAA tournament 76-70 on Saturday. The Shockers (28-8) advanced to the Round of 16 for the first time since 2006, while Gonzaga became the first top seed to be eliminated..." http://msn.foxsports.com/collegebasketball/story/wichita-state-beats-1-seed-gonzaga-76-70%2C-top-rankedbulldogs-first-1-seed-eliminated-032313 If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves & pray & seek my face & turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven & will forgive their sin & will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 "... Wenn mein Volk, ber das mein Name genannt ist, sich demtigt und betet & mein Angesicht suchen und sich von ihren bsen Wegen bekehren, so will ich vom Himmel her hren und ihre Snde vergeben und ihr Land heilen ...." 2 Chronicles 07.14 http://ow.ly/i/1KC8e Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/23/13 MY CALVIN COLLEGE NAMED TO '13 PRESIDENT's HONOR ROLL,*read more at http://fox17online.com/2013/03/22/calvin-college-named-to-presidents-honor-roll/#axzz2ON2qdjKBGRAND "GRAPIDS, Mich. Calvin College has been named to the 2013 Presidents Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll, the highest federal recognition a college or university can receive for its commitment to volunteering, service-learning and civic engagement. This is Calvins second time being so honored. (The college was recognized previously in 2009.) Receiving this award is another reminder, to ourselves, our partners, and the larger society, of what Calvin College values, said Jeff Bouman, director of Calvins service-learning center..." (I knew Jeff when he was a child!)..." http://fox17online.com/2013/03/22/calvin-college-named-to-presidents-honor-roll/#axzz2ON2qdjKB If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves & pray & seek my face & turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven & will forgive their sin & will heal their land.


2 Chronicles 7:14 "... Wenn mein Volk, ber das mein Name genannt ist, sich demtigt und betet & mein Angesicht suchen und sich von ihren bsen Wegen bekehren, so will ich vom Himmel her hren und ihre Snde vergeben und ihr Land heilen ...." 2 Chronicles 07.14 http://ow.ly/i/1KvZq Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/23/13 MAN HELD HOSTAGE for 15 MONTHS SET FREE IN PHILIPPINES,*read more at http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/24/world/asia/kidnapped-australian-is-freed-in-southern-philippines.html? _r=0 "By FLOYD WHALEY MANILA An emaciated 54-year-old Australian man held for 15 months by a kidnap-for-ransom group in the southern Philippines was released Saturday, officials said. He was fine, but he looked very thin, said Col. Rodrigo Gregorio..." http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/24/world/asia/kidnapped-australian-is-freed-in-southern-philippines.html? _r=0 If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves & pray & seek my face & turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven & will forgive their sin & will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 "... Wenn mein Volk, ber das mein Name genannt ist, sich demtigt und betet & mein Angesicht suchen und sich von ihren bsen Wegen bekehren, so will ich vom Himmel her hren und ihre Snde vergeben und ihr Land heilen ...." 2 Chronicles 07.14 http://ow.ly/i/1KvP1 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/23/13 JAY LENO JOKES re NBC EXECUTIVES,*read more at http://insidetv.ew.com/2013/03/22/jayleno-knife-back-nbc/ "The first: Doctors in Canada were shocked after pulling a three-inch knife blade from the back of a 32year old man. The knife had been in there for three years! Imagine that, the guy had a knife in his back for three years. He mustve worked at NBC too....And the second: ..." http://insidetv.ew.com/2013/03/22/jay-leno-knife-back-nbc/ If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves & pray & seek my face & turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven & will forgive their sin & will heal their land.


2 Chronicles 7:14 "... Wenn mein Volk, ber das mein Name genannt ist, sich demtigt und betet & mein Angesicht suchen und sich von ihren bsen Wegen bekehren, so will ich vom Himmel her hren und ihre Snde vergeben und ihr Land heilen ...." 2 Chronicles 07.14 http://ow.ly/i/1KBXt Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/22/13 HARVARD SHOCKS NEW MEXICO,68-62,MARCH MADNESS,*read more at http://www.latimes.com/sports/sportsnow/la-sp-sn-ncaa-tournament-harvard-vs-new-mexico20130321,0,5073542.story "...No. 14-seeded Harvard, shooting a remarkable 52.4% from the field while making eight of 18 three-point attempts, pulled off a late-night West Regional shocker with a 68-62 victory over third-seeded New Mexico at EnergySolutions Arena. What a sensational, gutsy effort by our team, Harvard Coach Tommy Amaker said. Our toughness and courage carried us through...." http://www.latimes.com/sports/sportsnow/la-sp-sn-ncaa-tournament-harvard-vs-new-mexico20130321,0,5073542.story http://ow.ly/i/1KCEy If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves & pray & seek my face & turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven & will forgive their sin & will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 "... Wenn mein Volk, ber das mein Name genannt ist, sich demtigt und betet & mein Angesicht suchen und sich von ihren bsen Wegen bekehren, so will ich vom Himmel her hren und ihre Snde vergeben und ihr Land heilen ...." 2 Chronicles 07.14 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/23/13 MAN "un-CONVICTED" of MURDER AFTER 23 YEARS BEHIND BARS,*read more at http://abcnews.go.com/US/man-wrongly-convicted-rabbis-murder-released-23-years/story?id=18784699 "...David Ranta walked free, the Berlin Wall had just fallen and Nelson Mandela had just been released


from prison. Now, 23 years later, the 58-year-old who was wrongfully convicted of murdering a New York City rabbi heard his handcuffs clink for the last time. He walked out of State Supreme Court in Brooklyn after Judge Miriam Cyrulnik vacated his conviction. "It's clear that the effects of this case have been devastating," Cyrulnik said. "To say I'm sorry for what you have endured would be an understatement." Ranta's relatives applauded in court and wail..." http://abcnews.go.com/US/man-wrongly-convicted-rabbis-murder-released-23-years/story?id=18784699 If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves & pray & seek my face & turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven & will forgive their sin & will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 "... Wenn mein Volk, ber das mein Name genannt ist, sich demtigt und betet & mein Angesicht suchen und sich von ihren bsen Wegen bekehren, so will ich vom Himmel her hren und ihre Snde vergeben und ihr Land heilen ...." 2 Chronicles 07.14 http://ow.ly/i/1KCyn Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody VidLink 3/13 KID DOES FLIP OVER COPS, GETS ARRESTED,See vid at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thMckjuhTCI&feature=youtube_gdata_player *read more at http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/03/20/youtube-prankster-tackled-arrested-for-doing-front-flip-overcops-in-viral-video-but-did-he-break-any-laws/ "... landing the impressive flip without touching the cops,... once one of the deputies realized he had recorded the stunt, he completely changed his tone. Because you just filmed that, Im about to ruin your day and erase it, the cop said. No youre not, Ross replied. When he went after his camera,..." http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/03/20/youtube-prankster-tackled-arrested-for-doing-front-flip-overcops-in-viral-video-but-did-he-break-any-laws/ ***"In those days John the Baptist came ... saying, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near." Matthew 3:1-2 En ces jours-Jean-Baptiste est venu ... en disant: "Repentez-vous, car le royaume des cieux est proche." Matthieu 3:1-2 http://ow.ly/i/1KvCw Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women!


Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/20/13 RIP, ZILLUR RAHMAN, BANGLADESH PRESIDENT,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130320-bangladesh-president-dies-singapore-embassy "...Bangladesh President Zillur Rahman, a veteran ruling party politician, died Wednesday in a Singapore hospital where he was being treated for kidney and respiratory problems, an embassy official told AFP."The president died at a hospital here in Singapore..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130320-bangladesh-president-dies-singapore-embassy ***"In those days John the Baptist came ... saying, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near." Matthew 3:1-2 En ces jours-Jean-Baptiste est venu ... en disant: "Repentez-vous, car le royaume des cieux est proche." Matthieu 3:1-2 http://ow.ly/i/1JA7S Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/21/13 OXFORD STUDENTS PROTEST UNFAIR TERMINATION of LIBRARIAN, *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130320-oxford-students-protest-harlem-shake-sacking "Oxford University students have lodged a protest about the "hugely unjust" sacking of a librarian who failed to stop about 30 students performing the Harlem Shake in a college library. They claim that Calypso Nash, a graduate student of St Hilda's College, had nothing to do with the filming of the Internet dance craze last month but just happened to be there at the time. "We feel the librarian has been treated unfairly, thus we call for her reinstatement," student leader Ellen Gibson told AFP...." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130320-oxford-students-protest-harlem-shake-sacking ***"In those days John the Baptist came ... saying, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near." Matthew 3:1-2 En ces jours-Jean-Baptiste est venu ... en disant: "Repentez-vous, car le royaume des cieux est proche." Matthieu 3:1-2 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness


*Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/20/13 RIP, JASON MOLINA*read more at http://m.newyorker.com/online/blogs/culture/2013/03/postscript-jason-molina.html "...Molina was born in Lorain, Ohio [1] and attended Oberlin College. After playing bass guitar in various heavy metal bands in and around Cleveland, Molina made the decision to become a solo artist under an assumed band name, recruiting other musicians for each individual project as needed. He made several home recordings under various names, including Songs: Albian, Songs: Radix, and Songs: Unitas, which he distributed himself at live performances. In 2011 a note on the band's website stated that Jason Molina had to quit making music for a while due to a severe but not clearly named illness. Furthermore, the medical treatment had drawn the singer (who did not have medical insurance) into debt. His family, accompanied by the label Secretly Canadian , set up the "Jason Molina Medical Fund" to support him: Fans who donated money via PayPal received a compilation of live songs to download in return. [2]..." http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jason_Molina "Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to doand doesn't do it, sins. James 4:17 Mtu yeyote, basi, ambaye anajua mazuri impasavyo kufanya na haina kufanya hivyo, dhambi." James 4:17 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/20/13 ANGELS SIGN CATCHER CHRIS SNYDER TO COMPETE FOR BACKUP SPOT, *read more at http://m.washingtonpost.com/sports/nationals/los-angeles-angels-sign-c-chris-snyder-to-compete-with-congerothers-for-backup-catcher-job/2013/03/18/d8dcace0-9039-11e2-9173-7f87cda73b49_story.html ANAHEIM, Calif. Catcher Chris Snyder has signed with the Los Angeles Angels on the same day he was


released by the Washington Nationals. Washington released Snyder on Monday, and the Angels signed him shortly afterward to a minor-league contract with an invitation to big league training camp. Snyder will compete for the Angels backup job behind Chris Iannetta. Hell report to spring training in Tempe, Ariz., on Tuesday. Hank Conger was expected to win the job over John Hester and Luke Carlin. Conger has been hitting .417 in spring ball, but has made several recent defensive miscues, worrying manager Mike Scioscia. The 32-year-old Snyder is a career .225 hitter over http://m.washingtonpost.com/sports/nationals/los-angeles-angels-sign-c-chris-snyder-to-compete-with-congerothers-for-backup-catcher-job/2013/03/18/d8dcace0-9039-11e2-9173-7f87cda73b49_story.html "Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to doand doesn't do it, sins. James 4:17 Mtu yeyote, basi, ambaye anajua mazuri impasavyo kufanya na haina kufanya hivyo, dhambi." James 4:17 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/20/13 CONGRESSMAN DEMANDS TO KNOW WHY DHS IS STOCKING UP ON AMMUNITION,*read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/03/big-sis-asked-to-explain-huge-ammo-buys/ "(INFOWARS) New Jersey Congressman Leonard Lance (R) has demanded an explanation from Secretary Janet Napolitano as to why the Department of Homeland Security is buying huge amounts of bullets. Asked about the federal agencys purchase of over 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition over the past year enough to wage a 20 year plus war as well as thousands of armored vehicles Lance called on Congress to get ..." http://www.wnd.com/2013/03/big-sis-asked-to-explain-huge-ammo-buys/ "Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to doand doesn't do it, sins. James 4:17 Mtu yeyote, basi, ambaye anajua mazuri impasavyo kufanya na haina kufanya hivyo, dhambi." James 4:17 http://ow.ly/i/1IYAz Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document


*Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/20/13 OVERFISHING OF SMALL FISH LEADS TO JELLYFISH POPULATION EXPLOSION,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130319-overfishing-small-species-causes-jellyfish-curse "...proliferation of jellyfish, a worsening phenomenon whose causes have been unclear. The scientists monitored ecosystems in two ocean zones a thousand kilometres (600 miles) apart, traversed by the same current. One zone was off Namibia, where fishing has been unregulated, and the other was off South Africa, where catches of so-called forage fish -- sardines, anchovies and herrings -- are controlled according to available stocks. "In the 1960s, the waters off Namibia used to yield 10 million tonnes of sardines annually. This has been replaced by 12 million tonnes of jellyfish," Philippe Cury at France's Institute for Development Research (IRD) told AFP on Tuesday...." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130319-overfishing-small-species-causes-jellyfish-curse "Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to doand doesn't do it, sins. James 4:17 Mtu yeyote, basi, ambaye anajua mazuri impasavyo kufanya na haina kufanya hivyo, dhambi." James 4:17 http://ow.ly/i/1IWpp Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody Sickening:( 3/20/13 POACHERS KILL 89 ELEPHANTS, SOME PREGNANT,S. CHAD,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130319-poachers-massacre-89-elephants-chad-wwf "....A group of poachers last week massacred 89 elephants in one night near the town of Ganba in southern Chad, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) said in a statement Tuesday. Some 50 Arabic-speaking poachers on horseback carried out the mass killing of the elephants, including 33 pregnant females and 15 calves last Thursday night,..."


http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130319-poachers-massacre-89-elephants-chad-wwf "Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to doand doesn't do it, sins. James 4:17 Mtu yeyote, basi, ambaye anajua mazuri impasavyo kufanya na haina kufanya hivyo, dhambi." James 4:17 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/20/13 ESTIMATED 15,000 PIGS FOUND DEAD IN SHANGHAI RIVER,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130319-shanghai-rivers-dead-pig-total-approaches-15000 "...number of dead pigs found in a river which runs through Shanghai has reached nearly 15,000, officials and reports said Tuesday, as a newspaper claimed the government was concealing the true tally..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130319-shanghai-rivers-dead-pig-total-approaches-15000 "Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to doand doesn't do it, sins. James 4:17 Mtu yeyote, basi, ambaye anajua mazuri impasavyo kufanya na haina kufanya hivyo, dhambi." James 4:17 http://ow.ly/i/1IWYr Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/20/13 NIK WALLENDA 2 TIGHTROPE GRAND CANYON, NO HARNESS, *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130318-us-tightrope-walker-tackle-grand-canyon "...He's at it again. The US tightrope artist who crossed Niagara Falls last year will try to do the same at the Grand Canyon -- but this


time much further up and without a safety harness. Nik Wallenda will attempt his highest ever wire walk on June 23,.. stunt will take him 1,500 feet (457 meters) above the Little Colorado River -- that's higher up than the top of New York's Empire State Building, ..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130318-us-tightrope-walker-tackle-grand-canyon "Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to doand doesn't do it, sins. James 4:17 Mtu yeyote, basi, ambaye anajua mazuri impasavyo kufanya na haina kufanya hivyo, dhambi." James 4:17 http://ow.ly/i/1IXfc Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/20/13 LINDSAY LOHAN SENTENCED TO 90 DAYS REHAB,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130318-lindsay-lohan-gets-90-days-rehab-us-plea-deal "Troubled US actress Lindsay Lohan was sentenced Monday to 90 days in locked rehab facility, as part of a plea deal announced as her trial for allegedly lying to police was due to begin....She will also have to carry out 30 days of community labor and undergo 18 months of psychotherapy as part of the deal, ..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130318-lindsay-lohan-gets-90-days-rehab-us-plea-deal "Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to doand doesn't do it, sins. James 4:17 Mtu yeyote, basi, ambaye anajua mazuri impasavyo kufanya na haina kufanya hivyo, dhambi." James 4:17 http://ow.ly/i/1IY44 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


3/20/13 CHINESE 14-yo to PLAY @ MASTERS,AUGUSTA,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130318-chinese-golf-prodigy-dreams-legendary-grand-slam "...Guan will next month become the youngest golfer to compete in the US Masters -- the first of the season's most prestigious tournaments -- when he tees off at Augusta National aged just 14 years, five months and 17 days...." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130318-chinese-golf-prodigy-dreams-legendary-grand-slam "Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to doand doesn't do it, sins. James 4:17 Mtu yeyote, basi, ambaye anajua mazuri impasavyo kufanya na haina kufanya hivyo, dhambi." James 4:17 http://ow.ly/i/1IYlO Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybod 3/20/13 ANGELS SIGN CATCHER CHRIS SNYDER TO COMPETE FOR BACKUP SPOT, *read more at http://m.washingtonpost.com/sports/nationals/los-angeles-angels-sign-c-chris-snyder-to-compete-with-congerothers-for-backup-catcher-job/2013/03/18/d8dcace0-9039-11e2-9173-7f87cda73b49_story.html ANAHEIM, Calif. Catcher Chris Snyder has signed with the Los Angeles Angels on the same day he was released by the Washington Nationals. Washington released Snyder on Monday, and the Angels signed him shortly afterward to a minor-league contract with an invitation to big league training camp. Snyder will compete for the Angels backup job behind Chris Iannetta. Hell report to spring training in Tempe, Ariz., on Tuesday. Hank Conger was expected to win the job over John Hester and Luke Carlin. Conger has been hitting .417 in spring ball, but has made several recent defensive miscues, worrying manager Mike Scioscia. The 32-year-old Snyder is a career .225 hitter over http://m.washingtonpost.com/sports/nationals/los-angeles-angels-sign-c-chris-snyder-to-compete-with-congerothers-for-backup-catcher-job/2013/03/18/d8dcace0-9039-11e2-9173-7f87cda73b49_story.html "Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to doand doesn't do it, sins. James 4:17 Mtu yeyote, basi, ambaye anajua mazuri impasavyo kufanya na haina kufanya hivyo, dhambi." James 4:17 Posted by Vk


*ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/20/13 NEW FULLER PREZ ADVOCATES "DANGEROUS ACTS",(prayers4 new prez) *read more at http://blog.christianitytoday.com/ctliveblog/archives/2013/03/fuller-seminary-picks-preacher-of-dangerousacts-as-new-president-mark-labberton.html "...Labberton served for 16 years as senior pastor at First Presbyterian Church of Berkeley, California, before coming to Fuller in 2009. He co-founded the Christian International Scholarship Foundation (now ScholarLeaders, Intl), worked closely with John Stott Ministries (now called Langham Partnership), and serves as a senior fellow of the International Justice Mission. His books include First Things: A Theology of the World, the Church, the Pastor, and the Sermon (2013); The Dangerous Act of Loving Your Neighbor: Seeing Others Through the Eyes of Jesus (2010) and The Dangerous Act of Worship: Living Gods Call to Justice (2007). Labberton has contributed to CT ..." http://blog.christianitytoday.com/ctliveblog/archives/2013/03/fuller-seminary-picks-preacher-of-dangerousacts-as-new-president-mark-labberton.html "Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to doand doesn't do it, sins. James 4:17 Mtu yeyote, basi, ambaye anajua mazuri impasavyo kufanya na haina kufanya hivyo, dhambi." James 4:17 http://ow.ly/i/1Jjfq Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/20/13 re VETERAN's RANDOM ACT-of-KINDNESS (aka SimpleAct of Kindness) *read more at http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/03/19/military-veterans-random-act-of-kindness-would-make-even-theworst-day-better "One military veterans random act of kindness , though he certainly didnt do it for the attention, has gone viral, infecting people with smiles across the country. On Sunday, a random person with a big heart left a touching


note and $40 on a womans windshield in a Dunkin Donuts parking lot for no other reason than a bumper sticker. I noticed the sticker on the back of your car, the note read, referring to a Half my Heart is in Afghanistan bumper sticker. Take your hero out to dinner when he comes home. Thank you both for serving. Him deployed and you for waiting...." http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/03/19/military-veterans-random-act-of-kindness-would-make-even-theworst-day-better/ "Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to doand doesn't do it, sins. James 4:17 Mtu yeyote, basi, ambaye anajua mazuri impasavyo kufanya na haina kufanya hivyo, dhambi." James 4:17 http://ow.ly/i/1JiSG Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/20/13 CHINA's ABORTION #'s the POPULATION OF ENTIRE USA,(protect the unborn!) *read more at http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/19/abortions-in-china-since-1971-higher-than-population-of-the-u-s/ "...Since 1971, doctors have performed 336m abortions and 196m sterilisations, the data reveal. They have also inserted 403m intrauterine devices, a normal birth control procedure in the west but one that local officials often force on women in China. (my emphasis). The magnitude of these figures is staggering. By comparison, at present there are 315 million people living in the United States. ..." http://www.lifenews.com/2013/03/19/abortions-in-china-since-1971-higher-than-population-of-the-u-s/ "Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to doand doesn't do it, sins. James 4:17 Mtu yeyote, basi, ambaye anajua mazuri impasavyo kufanya na haina kufanya hivyo, dhambi." James 4:17 http://ow.ly/i/1Jiwz Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan


*Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/20/13 RUSH LIMBAUGH LAUDS BEN CARSON AS THREAT TO LIBERALS,*read more at http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/03/19/who-is-the-one-conservative-that-rush-limbaugh-says-has-everydemocrat-scared-to-death/ "...Conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh on Tuesday said Dr. Ben Carson has the entire Democratic Party scared to death for several reasons. He is able to articulate and explain conservatism in a way that is persuasive, without raising his voice at all, Limbaugh said.It sounds like..." http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/03/19/who-is-the-one-conservative-that-rush-limbaugh-says-has-everydemocrat-scared-to-death/ "Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to doand doesn't do it, sins. James 4:17 Mtu yeyote, basi, ambaye anajua mazuri impasavyo kufanya na haina kufanya hivyo, dhambi." James 4:17 http://ow.ly/i/1IZET Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/18/13 ANGELS GET PHILLIES MIKE CISCO AS FREEBIE,*read more at http://www.sportsoutwest.com/2013/03/17/mike-cisco-trade-no-compensation-angels/ "In what may be a first in Major League Baseball, the Philadelphia Phillies have traded minor league pitcher Michael Cisco to the Los Angeles Angels for no compensation, according to CSNPhilly.coms Jim Salisbury via Twitter . Cisco, 25, was originally drafted in the 36th round of the 2008 draft. Over the last two seasons with Double-A Reading Phillies and Triple-A Lehigh Valley IronPigs, he pitched in 69 outings, recording a 13-3 record, 1.70 ERA and six saves...." http://www.sportsoutwest.com/2013/03/17/mike-cisco-trade-no-compensation-angels/ ****The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by His powerful word. After He had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. Hebrews 1:3"Der Sohn ist der Glanz der Herrlichkeit Gottes und das Ebenbild seines Seins, Erhaltung alle Dinge mit seinem krftigen Wort. Nachdem er Reinigung von den Snden zur Verfgung gestellt hatte, setzte er sich an der rechten Hand der Majestt im Himmel. "Hebrer 1:3"O Fillo o resplandor da gloria de Deus ea expresin exacta do seu ser, sostendo todas as cousas pola sa palabra poderosa. Despois de ter realizado a purificacin dos pecados, el sentou dereita da Maxestade no ceo. "Hebreos 1:3 http://ow.ly/i/1I4ch Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document


Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody Stunning! 3/18/13 SCIENTISTS ABLE TO BRING EXTINCT FROG BACK2 LIFE! *read more at http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2295146/Back-dead-nearly-Scientists-create-living-embryoextinct-frog-gives-birth-MOUTH.html "...an extinct frog is on the verge of revival after scientists used cloning technology to implant a 'dead' cell nucleus into a fresh egg from another frog species. Although the resulting embryos lived for just a few days, the groundbreaking research by an international team has brought the 'de-extinction' of creatures like woolly mammoths a step closer. The scientists working for the so-called Lazarus Project are yet to publish their results, but say future barriers to bringing the frog back to life are 'technological, not biological'..." http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2295146/Back-dead-nearly-Scientists-create-living-embryoextinct-frog-gives-birth-MOUTH.html ****The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by His powerful word. After He had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. Hebrews 1:3"Der Sohn ist der Glanz der Herrlichkeit Gottes und das Ebenbild seines Seins, Erhaltung alle Dinge mit seinem krftigen Wort. Nachdem er Reinigung von den Snden zur Verfgung gestellt hatte, setzte er sich an der rechten Hand der Majestt im Himmel. "Hebrer 1:3"O Fillo o resplandor da gloria de Deus ea expresin exacta do seu ser, sostendo todas as cousas pola sa palabra poderosa. Despois de ter realizado a purificacin dos pecados, el sentou dereita da Maxestade no ceo. "Hebreos 1:3 http://ow.ly/i/1I4r4 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody Sickening! 3/18/13 PLANNED PARENTHOOD WORKER ASSAULTS PRO-LIFE GRANDMA,*read more at http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/03/17/video-catholic-grandmother-assaulted-while-praying-outsideplanned-parenthood/ "...shes abruptly cut off as the woman slaps the running iPhone out of her hand. The phone clatters to the ground and the woman appears to stomp on it. There are sounds of a scuffle and Staboszs yells. The woman is heard saying, Get the fk away...." http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/03/17/video-catholic-grandmother-assaulted-while-praying-outsideplanned-parenthood/


****The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by His powerful word. After He had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. Hebrews 1:3"Der Sohn ist der Glanz der Herrlichkeit Gottes und das Ebenbild seines Seins, Erhaltung alle Dinge mit seinem krftigen Wort. Nachdem er Reinigung von den Snden zur Verfgung gestellt hatte, setzte er sich an der rechten Hand der Majestt im Himmel. "Hebrer 1:3"O Fillo o resplandor da gloria de Deus ea expresin exacta do seu ser, sostendo todas as cousas pola sa palabra poderosa. Despois de ter realizado a purificacin dos pecados, el sentou dereita da Maxestade no ceo. "Hebreos 1:3 http://ow.ly/i/1I4K7 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/18/13 PUERTO RICO ELIMINATES USA, WORLD BASEBALL CLASSIC, *read more at http://abcnews.go.com/Sports/wireStory/figueroa-helps-puerto-rico-oust-us-wbc-18743150 "Friday nights disappointing 4-3 loss to Puerto Rico in the books, Team USA has fallen short of reaching the World Baseball Classic finals for the third time in as many tournaments...." http://m.yahoo.com/w/sports/home/news/article?urn=2c9d75ae-5444-3fa0-9a22a4f3335da63e&.ts=1363451060&.intl=US&.lang=en "... the United States could only watch as an opposing pitcher celebrated at the World Baseball Classic. This time it was 38-year-old right-hander Nelson Figueroa, who became the pride of Puerto Rico on Friday night when he led his team into the semifinals and eliminated the Americans, 4-3..." http://abcnews.go.com/Sports/wireStory/figueroa-helps-puerto-rico-oust-us-wbc-18743150 ****The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by His powerful word. After He had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. Hebrews 1:3"Der Sohn ist der Glanz der Herrlichkeit Gottes und das Ebenbild seines Seins, Erhaltung alle Dinge mit seinem krftigen Wort. Nachdem er Reinigung von den Snden zur Verfgung gestellt hatte, setzte er sich an der rechten Hand der Majestt im Himmel. "Hebrer 1:3"O Fillo o resplandor da gloria de Deus ea expresin exacta do seu ser, sostendo todas as cousas pola sa palabra poderosa. Despois de ter realizado a purificacin dos pecados, el sentou dereita da Maxestade no ceo. "Hebreos 1:3 http://ow.ly/i/1I52P Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You


Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/18/13 POPE JOHN PAUL II DEFEATS HOLY SAVIOR ?! *read more at http://www.thenewsstar.com/article/20130315/SPORTS/303150319/Pope-John-Paul-II-captures-state-titles? nclick_check=1 "..Pope John Paul II swept the opening day of the state powerlifting meets en route to boys' and girls' state championships in Division IV. The girls' team dominated the competition, winning first place in nine of the 11 weight classes. The boys' team also coasted to a title. The second-place finisher, Holy Savior Menard, finished 22 points behind Pope John Paul...." http://www.thenewsstar.com/article/20130315/SPORTS/303150319/Pope-John-Paul-II-captures-state-titles? nclick_check=1 ****The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by His powerful word. After He had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. Hebrews 1:3"Der Sohn ist der Glanz der Herrlichkeit Gottes und das Ebenbild seines Seins, Erhaltung alle Dinge mit seinem krftigen Wort. Nachdem er Reinigung von den Snden zur Verfgung gestellt hatte, setzte er sich an der rechten Hand der Majestt im Himmel. "Hebrer 1:3"O Fillo o resplandor da gloria de Deus ea expresin exacta do seu ser, sostendo todas as cousas pola sa palabra poderosa. Despois de ter realizado a purificacin dos pecados, el sentou dereita da Maxestade no ceo. "Hebreos 1:3 http://ow.ly/i/1Ineh Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/18/13 CALVIN'S MARCH MADNESS RUN ENDS @ SWEET 16, EDGED OUT BY ST. THOMAS,6362,*read more at http://www.calvin.edu/sports/news/comments/knights-drop-heartbreaker-to-top-ranked-st.-thomas-63-62-inround-of-16-nca/ "ST. PAUL, Minn. The Calvin College mens basketball teams season came to its conclusion Sat., Mar. 16 on the campus of the University of St. Thomas. The 12th ranked Knights gave the top-ranked Tommies all they could handle on their home court, but fell 63-62. Calvin ends its season with a 26-4 record..." http://www.calvin.edu/sports/news/comments/knights-drop-heartbreaker-to-top-ranked-st.-thomas-63-62-inround-of-16-nca/ ****The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by His powerful word. After He had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. Hebrews 1:3"Der Sohn ist der Glanz der Herrlichkeit Gottes und das Ebenbild seines Seins, Erhaltung alle Dinge mit seinem krftigen Wort. Nachdem er Reinigung von den Snden zur Verfgung gestellt hatte, setzte er sich an der rechten Hand der Majestt im Himmel. "Hebrer 1:3"O Fillo o resplandor da gloria de Deus ea expresin exacta do seu ser, sostendo todas as cousas pola sa palabra poderosa. Despois de ter realizado a purificacin dos pecados, el sentou dereita da Maxestade no ceo. "Hebreos 1:3


http://ow.ly/i/1InCV Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/18/13 YOUTH 4 LIFE ! *read more at http://redalertpolitics.com/2013/03/16/cpac-panel-calls-americasyouth-the-most-important-tool-in-the-pro-life-movement/ "... pro-life movement in America has found its new target Millennials and is confident that it can win it, according to those participating in the panel The Pro-Life Fight: 40 Years After Roe v. Wade during CPAC on Friday. According to Congresswoman Ann Wagner (R-Mo.),Americas youth is the most important tool for the pro-life movement...." http://redalertpolitics.com/2013/03/16/cpac-panel-calls-americas-youth-the-most-important-tool-in-the-prolife-movement/ ****The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by His powerful word. After He had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. Hebrews 1:3"Der Sohn ist der Glanz der Herrlichkeit Gottes und das Ebenbild seines Seins, Erhaltung alle Dinge mit seinem krftigen Wort. Nachdem er Reinigung von den Snden zur Verfgung gestellt hatte, setzte er sich an der rechten Hand der Majestt im Himmel. "Hebrer 1:3"O Fillo o resplandor da gloria de Deus ea expresin exacta do seu ser, sostendo todas as cousas pola sa palabra poderosa. Despois de ter realizado a purificacin dos pecados, el sentou dereita da Maxestade no ceo. "Hebreos 1:3 http://ow.ly/i/1InkY Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/18/13 TIM BRADLEY DEFEATS PROVODNIKOV,WBO BOXING,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130317-unbeaten-bradley-keeps-wbo-title-with-narrow-escape "...Unbeaten champion Timothy Bradley captured a unanimous but narrow decision over Russia's Ruslan Provodnikov to keep his welterweight title despite being knocked down in the fight's final seconds. In his first defense of the World Boxing Organization crown that he took from Filipino superstar Manny


Pacquiao ..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130317-unbeaten-bradley-keeps-wbo-title-with-narrow-escape ****The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by His powerful word. After He had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. Hebrews 1:3"Der Sohn ist der Glanz der Herrlichkeit Gottes und das Ebenbild seines Seins, Erhaltung alle Dinge mit seinem krftigen Wort. Nachdem er Reinigung von den Snden zur Verfgung gestellt hatte, setzte er sich an der rechten Hand der Majestt im Himmel. "Hebrer 1:3"O Fillo o resplandor da gloria de Deus ea expresin exacta do seu ser, sostendo todas as cousas pola sa palabra poderosa. Despois de ter realizado a purificacin dos pecados, el sentou dereita da Maxestade no ceo. "Hebreos 1:3 http://ow.ly/i/1IoD2 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/18/13 SCIENTISTS CONFIDENT OF "GOD PARTICLE" 2nd TIME AROUND, (I like that they call it the "god particle", an acknowledgment by secular scientists of the Father-Son-Spirit !) *read more at http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/story/2013/03/14/f-god-particle-higgs-boson-why-matters.html "...physicists working at the $10-billion Large Hadron Collider near the French-Swiss border say they believe they have discovered the Higgs boson particle, also known as the God particle...Scientists said Thursday that they believe they have discovered the elusive Higgs boson particle, sometimes called "the God particle," that is theorized to be a crucial building block of the universe...." http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/story/2013/03/14/f-god-particle-higgs-boson-why-matters.html ****The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by His powerful word. After He had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. Hebrews 1:3"Der Sohn ist der Glanz der Herrlichkeit Gottes und das Ebenbild seines Seins, Erhaltung alle Dinge mit seinem krftigen Wort. Nachdem er Reinigung von den Snden zur Verfgung gestellt hatte, setzte er sich an der rechten Hand der Majestt im Himmel. "Hebrer 1:3"O Fillo o resplandor da gloria de Deus ea expresin exacta do seu ser, sostendo todas as cousas pola sa palabra poderosa. Despois de ter realizado a purificacin dos pecados, el sentou dereita da Maxestade no ceo. "Hebreos 1:3 http://ow.ly/i/1InVK Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You


Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/18/13 TITANIC VIOLIN DISCOVERED ?! *read more at http://news.yahoo.com/auction-house-foundtitanic-violin-163222647.html "....the violin played by the bandmaster of the Titanic as the oceanliner sank has been unearthed, a British auction house said Friday. Survivors of the Titanic have said they remember the band, led by Wallace Hartley, playing on deck even as passengers boarded lifeboats after the ship hit an iceberg.Hartley's violin was believed lost in the 1912 disaster, but auctioneers Henry Aldridge & Son say an instrument unearthed in 2006 and has undergone rigorous testing and proven to be Hartley's...." http://news.yahoo.com/auction-house-found-titanic-violin-163222647.html ****The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by His powerful word. After He had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. Hebrews 1:3"Der Sohn ist der Glanz der Herrlichkeit Gottes und das Ebenbild seines Seins, Erhaltung alle Dinge mit seinem krftigen Wort. Nachdem er Reinigung von den Snden zur Verfgung gestellt hatte, setzte er sich an der rechten Hand der Majestt im Himmel. "Hebrer 1:3"O Fillo o resplandor da gloria de Deus ea expresin exacta do seu ser, sostendo todas as cousas pola sa palabra poderosa. Despois de ter realizado a purificacin dos pecados, el sentou dereita da Maxestade no ceo. "Hebreos 1:3 http://ow.ly/i/1IofY Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody (I was there earlier in the week, saw nadal defeat one of his opponents, not federer but prior, & he won it all on Sunday, his 3rd indian wells championship; while sharapova won the womens!) 3/18/13 NADAL WINS IT ALL @ INDIAN WELLS, DEFEATS del POTRO,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130318-nadal-defeats-del-potro-win-indian-wells-title "...Rafael Nadal defeated Juan Martin del Potro 4-6, 6-3, 6-4 on Sunday to win his third Indian Wells ATP Masters title...." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130318-nadal-defeats-del-potro-win-indian-wells-title ****I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am the one I claim to be, you will indeed die in your sins. John 8:24 "kal jsem vm, e byste zemt ve svch hch, pokud nechcete vit, e j jsem ten, tvrdm, e budete opravdu umt ve svch hch." John 8:24 "Rekao sam vam da ete umrijeti u svojim grijesima, ako ne vjerujete da sam ja jedan sam tvrde da se, doista ete umrijeti u svojim grijesima." John 8:24 Posted by Vk


*ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/14/13 NEW POPE is JUST FRANCIS, NOT FRANCIS I, *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130314-its-pope-francis-not-francis-I "...Latin America's first pope -- Jorge Mario Bergoglio -- will be known as Francis, rather than Francis I, until such time as a future pope chooses the same name. "Cardinalem Bergoglio qui sibi nomen imposuit Franciscum," the Vatican's protodeacon said as he presented the new leader of the world's 1.2 billion Catholics to the world on Wednesday -- crucially without adding the world "Primum" (the first). He will remain a plain Francis until a successor calls himself Francis II -- if any should choose to do so ..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130314-its-pope-francis-not-francis-I ****I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am the one I claim to be, you will indeed die in your sins. John 8:24 "kal jsem vm, e byste zemt ve svch hch, pokud nechcete vit, e j jsem ten, tvrdm, e budete opravdu umt ve svch hch." John 8:24 "Rekao sam vam da ete umrijeti u svojim grijesima, ako ne vjerujete da sam ja jedan sam tvrde da se, doista ete umrijeti u svojim grijesima." John 8:24 http://ow.ly/i/1HdHw Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/15/13 SCIENTISTS THINK EARLY BIRDS HAD 4 WINGS,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130314-early-birds-had-four-wings-not-two-study "Some primitive birds boasted four wings, before evolution led them to ditch their hind feathers in favor of webbed or scaly feet, scientists in China said on


Thursday...." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130314-early-birds-had-four-wings-not-two-study ****I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am the one I claim to be, you will indeed die in your sins. John 8:24 "kal jsem vm, e byste zemt ve svch hch, pokud nechcete vit, e j jsem ten, tvrdm, e budete opravdu umt ve svch hch." John 8:24 "Rekao sam vam da ete umrijeti u svojim grijesima, ako ne vjerujete da sam ja jedan sam tvrde da se, doista ete umrijeti u svojim grijesima." John 8:24 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody (I was there! 3/14/13 DKOKOVIC DEFEATS QUERREY @ INDIAN WELLS,*read more at http://bostonherald.com/sports/other/tennis/2013/03/djokovic_nadal_federer_win_at_indian_wells "INDIAN WELLS, Calif. Top-ranked Novak Djokovic defeated Sam Querrey 6-0, 7-6 (6) to reach the quarterfinals of the BNP Paribas Open early Thursday morning in a match that began four hours late after a marathon day...." [it ended at 2am ! I stayed to the end] http://bostonherald.com/sports/other/tennis/2013/03/djokovic_nadal_federer_win_at_indian_wells ****I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am the one I claim to be, you will indeed die in your sins. John 8:24 "kal jsem vm, e byste zemt ve svch hch, pokud nechcete vit, e j jsem ten, tvrdm, e budete opravdu umt ve svch hch." John 8:24 "Rekao sam vam da ete umrijeti u svojim grijesima, ako ne vjerujete da sam ja jedan sam tvrde da se, doista ete umrijeti u svojim grijesima." John 8:24 http://ow.ly/i/1He0p Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/14/13 CPAC SCHEDULE Includes RUBIO,CRUZ,RYAN,et al *read more at http://www.mediaite.com/tv/view-the-full-schedule-for-cpac-2013-march-14th-16th/ "The 40th annual Conservative Political Action Conference will take place from March 14th 16th in Washington, D.C. CPAC will feature speeches from Republican lawmakers such as Senators Rand Paul (R-KY) and Marco Rubio (R-FL), Congressmen Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Eric Cantor (R-VA),


among many others.." http://www.mediaite.com/tv/view-the-full-schedule-for-cpac-2013-march-14th-16th/ ****I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am the one I claim to be, you will indeed die in your sins. John 8:24 "kal jsem vm, e byste zemt ve svch hch, pokud nechcete vit, e j jsem ten, tvrdm, e budete opravdu umt ve svch hch." John 8:24 "Rekao sam vam da ete umrijeti u svojim grijesima, ako ne vjerujete da sam ja jedan sam tvrde da se, doista ete umrijeti u svojim grijesima." John 8:24 http://ow.ly/i/1HedP Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/13/13 re MARK CUBAN LETTER from DON TRUMP ON JAY LENO,*read more at http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2293089/How-embarrassing-turned-Mark-Cuban-reads-hilariousgloating-consolation-letter-Donald-Trump-failure-reality-show.html? ITO=1490&ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490 "...'I am truly sorry to hear that your show has been cancelled for lack of ratings,' he read. 'When I initially called you to congratulate you on The Benefactor -- little did you or I realize how disastrous and embarrassing it would turn out to be for you..."....'With best wishes, sincerely, Donald Trump.'" http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2293089/How-embarrassing-turned-Mark-Cuban-reads-hilariousgloating-consolation-letter-Donald-Trump-failure-reality-show.html? ITO=1490&ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490 ****I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am the one I claim to be, you will indeed die in your sins. John 8:24 "kal jsem vm, e byste zemt ve svch hch, pokud nechcete vit, e j jsem ten, tvrdm, e budete opravdu umt ve svch hch." John 8:24 "Rekao sam vam da ete umrijeti u svojim grijesima, ako ne vjerujete da sam ja jedan sam tvrde da se, doista ete umrijeti u svojim grijesima." John 8:24 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


3/13/13 GREGOR SCHLIERENZAUER WINS MENS SKI JUMP,WORLD CUP TOUR, *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130312-schlierenzauer-wins-second-world-cup-title "Austrian Gregor Schlierenzauer won the men's ski jump World Cup overall title for the second time on Tuesday after finishing fifth in the event here. The 23-year-old, who won his previous title in the 2008/09 season, holds a 469-point lead over outgoing..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130312-schlierenzauer-wins-second-world-cup-title **** For since the creation of the world Gods Invisible qualitiesHis eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuseRomans 1:20" - , , ... " 1 20 " - ... " 1:20 http://ow.ly/i/1GMav Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/13/13 MESSI LEADS BARCA PAST AC MILAN,4-0, *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130313-messis-brilliance-dispels-barca-doubts "Two goals from Lionel Messli led a stunning Barcelona fightback as they overturned a 2-0 first-leg deficit against AC Milan with a 4-0 demolition of the Italians " http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130313-messis-brilliance-dispels-barca-doubts **** For since the creation of the world Gods Invisible qualitiesHis eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuseRomans 1:20" - , , ... " 1 20 " - ... " 1:20 http://ow.ly/i/1GMmX Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


3/13/13 BRUNO MARS SAYS SONG WAS ABOUT HALLE BERRY,*read more at http://www.entertainmentwise.com/news/97269/Bruno-Mars-Admits-Locked-Out-Of-Heaven-Lyrics-AreAbout-Crush-Halle-Berry "With lyrics such as "Your sex takes me to paradise," and "You make feel like I've been locked out of heaven," many fans have wondered just who has made Bruno weak at the knees. While the cutie may not have had sex with Oscar award- winning actress Halle, Bruno has joked he wrote the lyrics with her in mind. "I might as well just say it - Halle Berry," Bruno told Capital FM...." http://www.entertainmentwise.com/news/97269/Bruno-Mars-Admits-Locked-Out-Of-Heaven-Lyrics-AreAbout-Crush-Halle-Berry **** For since the creation of the world Gods Invisible qualitiesHis eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuseRomans 1:20" - , , ... " 1 20 " - ... " 1:20 http://ow.ly/i/1GMMb Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/13/13 GO CALVIN ! KNIGHTS MAKE SWEET 16,DIVISION III BASKETBALL,*read more at http://m.hollandsentinel.com/holland/pm_29440/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=IoQzvPiZ "...fifth time in school history, the Calvin College mens basketball basketball team is headed to the Sweet 16 round of the NCAA III Tournament. Calvin punched its ticket Sweet 16 with a 67-58 victory over Wisconsin-Stevens Point Saturday night in a second round NCAA III Tournament contest. Calvin (26-3) will travel to top-ranked St. Thomas, Minn. (28-1) next Saturday for its next game.." http://m.hollandsentinel.com/holland/pm_29440/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=IoQzvPiZ **** For since the creation of the world Gods Invisible qualitiesHis eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuseRomans 1:20" - , , ... " 1 20 " - ... " 1:20 http://ow.ly/i/1GMW2 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan


*Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/13/13 GRCH EAGLE, DRAKE HARRIS, WITHDRAWS COMMITMENT TO MSU,[take your time,drake, no hurry]*read more at http://www.mlive.com/spartans/index.ssf/2013/03/grand_rapids_christians_drake.html "... Grand Rapids Christian football and basketball standout Drake Harris verbally committed to play both sports at Michigan State University this past June. On Monday, Harris withdrew his commitment to MSU..." http://www.mlive.com/spartans/index.ssf/2013/03/grand_rapids_christians_drake.html **** For since the creation of the world Gods Invisible qualitiesHis eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuseRomans 1:20" - , , ... " 1 20 " - ... " 1:20 http://ow.ly/i/1GN6U Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/13/13 53-yo MITCH SEAVEY WINS IDITAROD ! *read more at http://www.northjersey.com/sports/53-year-old_musher_becomes_oldest_Iditarod_champ.html?mobile=1 "... A 53-year-old former champion has won the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race to become the oldest winner of Alaska's grueling test of endurance. Mitch Seavey and 10 dogs crossed the Nome finish line to cheering crowds at 10:39 p.m. Alaska time Tuesday...." http://www.northjersey.com/sports/53-year-old_musher_becomes_oldest_Iditarod_champ.html?mobile=1 **** For since the creation of the world Gods Invisible qualitiesHis eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuseRomans 1:20" - , , ... " 1 20 " - ... " 1:20 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com


*Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/13/13 UK BOXER,CURTIS WOODHOUSE, TRACKS DOWN TWITTER BULLY *read more at http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/boxing/article-2292040/Curtis-Woodhouse-tracks-Twitter-troll.html "The 32-year-old former tough-tackling midfield midfielder -who switched sports to boxing aged 26 - was so enraged with the abuse that he offered 1,000 to anyone who could help him find the culprit. Woodhouse kept his swiftly-increasing number of followers updated on his progress as he honed in on 'Jimbob'. He tweeted a picture of a street sign on the road which Jimbob lives with the words, 'Right Jimbob im here', adding: 'Someone tell me what number he lives at or do I have to knock on every door #itsshowtime.'Quickly backtracking, Jimmyob88 tweeted: 'I am sorry it's getting a bit out of hand,' he tweeted. 'I am in the wrong. I accept that.'..." http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/boxing/article-2292040/Curtis-Woodhouse-tracks-Twitter-troll.html **** For since the creation of the world Gods Invisible qualitiesHis eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuseRomans 1:20" - , , ... " 1 20 " - ... " 1:20 http://ow.ly/i/1GNzl Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody TRACKS DOWN TWITTER BULLY*read more at http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/boxing/article2292040/Curtis-Woodhouse-tracks-Twitter-troll.html "The 32-year-old former tough-tackling midfield midfielder who switched sports to boxing aged 26 - was so enraged with the abuse that he offered 1,000 to anyone who could help him find the culprit. Woodhouse kept his swiftly-increasing number of followers updated on his progress as he honed in on 'Jimbob'. He tweeted a picture of a street sign on the road which Jimbob lives with the words, 'Right Jimbob im here', adding: 'Someone tell me what number he lives at or do I have to knock on every door #itsshowtime.' Quickly backtracking, Jimmyob88 tweeted: 'I am sorry it's getting a bit out of hand,' he tweeted. 'I am in the wrong. I accept that.'..."


http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/boxing/article-2292040/Curtis-Woodhouse-tracks-Twitter-troll.html **** For since the creation of the world Gods Invisible qualitiesHis eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuseRomans 1:20" - , , ... " 1 20 " - ... " 1:20 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/13/13 FLOATING JUNK LOOMS to become a FUTURE OBSTACLE to OUTER SPACE MISSIONS, *read more at http://news.yahoo.com/russian-satellite-hit-chinese-debris-highlights-space-junk-112047883.htmlwith "... "Because of the large number of active satellites in space (more than 900) and the very large amount of debris, we estimate that a collision between a piece of debris larger than 1 cm (0.4 inch) with some active satellite in a nearEarth orbit would occur on average every 2 to 3 years over the next decade (prior to several debris-producing events in 2007, our estimate was a collision every 5 to 6 years)," Wright wrote . "The observed collisions in 1996, 2007, and 2009 seem to roughly agree with this estimate." The Chinese anti-satellite test was, of course, one of the "debris-producing events" in 2007 that Wright references. In that controversial test, China destroyed one of its own defunct weather satellites, adding about 3,000 pieces of space junk to the ever-growing debris cloud around Earth...." http://news.yahoo.com/russian-satellite-hit-chinese-debris-highlights-spacejunk-112047883.html **** For since the creation of the world Gods Invisible qualitiesHis eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuseRomans 1:20" - , , ... " 1 20 " - ... " 1:20 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document


*Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody pray4 3/13/13 MARK LABBERTON CHOSEN TO BE NEW FULLER SEMINARY PRESIDENT,(we hope & pray that he will lead the seminary according to God's true will,)*read more at http://blog.christianitytoday.com/ctliveblog/archives/2013/03/fuller-seminary-picks-preacher-of-dangerousacts-as-new-president-mark-labberton.html "... currently serves as director of Fuller's Lloyd John Ogilvie Institute of Preaching, replaces longtime president Richard Mouw, who retires in June after leading the seminary for the past two decades. Fuller has had only two presidents over the past 50 years: Mouw and his predecessor, David Hubbard. Labberton will be the seminary's fifth president..." http://blog.christianitytoday.com/ctliveblog/archives/2013/03/fuller-seminary-picks-preacher-of-dangerousacts-as-new-president-mark-labberton.html **** For since the creation of the world Gods Invisible qualitiesHis eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuseRomans 1:20" - , , ... " 1 20 " - ... " 1:20 http://ow.ly/i/1GJQA Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/11/13 S. AFRICA's #37 KEVIN ANDERSON def #4 FERRER @ INDIAN WELLS,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130309-anderson-upsets-ferrer-indian-wells "...Indian Wells World No. 4 David Ferrer was bundled out of the second round of the Indian Wells ATP Masters on Saturday by 37th-ranked South African Kevin Anderson. Anderson, who had right elbow surgery on January 21, defeated the fourth-seeded Spaniard 3-6, 6-4, 6-3..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130309-anderson-upsets-ferrer-indian-wells ***Therefore, as God's chosen people,holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Colossians 3:12"Daher ist, wie das auserwhlte Volk Gottes, heilig und innig geliebt, kleidet euch mit Mitgefhl, Freundlichkeit, Demut, Sanftmut und Geduld." Kolosser 3:12 http://ow.ly/i/1G9k8 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com


*Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/11/13 RECORD CROWDS @ KUMBH MELA HINDU *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130309-record-120-million-wash-away-sins-india-festival-ends Record 120 million wash away sins as India festival ends A record 120 million pilgrims washed away their sins with plunges in an Indian holy river during the world's biggest religious festival set to end Sunday, officials said. The two-month-long Kumbh Mela Hindu festival celebrated every 12 years at the conjunction of two sacred rivers on the outskirts of the northern Indian city of Allahabad drew massive crowds of Hindu devotees, ascetics and foreign tourists. "Over 60 million people attended the festival in 2001 and this time we believe 120 million people have participated," festival chief Mani Prasad Mishra told AFP late on Saturday. The festival involves crowd management on a jawdropping scale and despite all the precautions was hit by tragedy last month when a stampede at a train station in Allahabad killed 36 pilgrims who were returning from the festival. Assorted dreadlocked, naked holy men, priests and self-proclaimed saints from all over the country assembled for the spectacle that offers a rare glimpse of the dizzying range of Indian spiritualism. Despite the hardships of waking early, plunging into the polluted river water and the relentless crush of the crowds, pilgrims from all over the world described feeling spiritually uplifted and amazed by the scale of the event. "There is a sense of relief because the festival finally is coming to an end. Most of the pilgrims have returned back home," said Mishra. He said the job of dismantling the infrastructure that sprawled over 5,000 acres (2,000 hectares) to house the pilgrims had already begun. "We built a tent city to celebrate the Kumbh Mela and now we are tearing it down," he said. Mishra said five electrical substations and tens of thousands of streetlights that gave the improvised city its yellow glow between dusk and dawn would be removed by Sunday night. All police stations, mobile field hospitals, fire stations,


shops, and cafes were now shut and more than 35,000 makeshift toilets had been removed, he said. The Kumbh Mela has its origins in Hindu mythology, which describes how a few drops of the nectar of immortality fell on the four places that host the festival -- Allahabad, Nasik, Ujjain and Haridwar. The "Mother Ganges" is worshipped as a god and is seen as the giver and taker of life. In many cases, pilgrims used up all their money to come to the Kumbh Mela, hoping that their prayers could come true. "People from all walks of life participate in the festival but there is one thing common among all of them -they have a desire to lead a pure life," said Chandra Bala, a temple priest in Allahabad city. "The power of the Kumbh Mela is the power of humanity." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130309-record-120-million-wash-away-sins-india-festival-ends ***Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Colossians 3:12"Daher ist, wie das auserwhlte Volk Gottes, heilig und innig geliebt, kleidet euch mit Mitgefhl, Freundlichkeit, Demut, Sanftmut und Geduld." Kolosser 3:12 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/11/13 CHELSEA TIES MANCHESTER UNITED,2-2, *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130310-chelsea-roar-back-defy-united-fa-cup "...Holders Chelsea stormed back from two goals down to draw 2-2 against Manchester United at Old Trafford on Sunday and take their FA Cup quarter-final to a replay...." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130310-chelsea-roar-back-defy-united-fa-cup ***Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Colossians 3:12"Daher ist, wie das auserwhlte Volk Gottes, heilig und innig geliebt, kleidet euch mit Mitgefhl, Freundlichkeit, Demut, Sanftmut und Geduld." Kolosser 3:12 http://ow.ly/i/1FIHn Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You


Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/11/13 SEBASTIEN OGIER WINS RALLY of MEXICO,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130310-ogier-wins-mexico-rally "Sebastien Ogier, driving a Volkswagen, won the Rally of Mexico on Sunday, seeing off Citroen's Mikko Hirvonen of Finland and Belgian Thierry Neuville in a Ford Fiesta...." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130310-ogier-wins-mexico-rally ***Therefore, as God's chosen people,*read more at holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Colossians 3:12"Daher ist, wie das auserwhlte Volk Gottes, heilig und innig geliebt, kleidet euch mit Mitgefhl, Freundlichkeit, Demut, Sanftmut und Geduld." Kolosser 3:12 http://ow.ly/i/1FrP5 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/13 CALVIN COLLEGE STRUGGLING w/ UNEXPECTED DEBT, (my calvin! You are in our thoughts & prayers! )*read more at http://www.mlive.com/news/grandrapids/index.ssf/2013/03/faculty_weigh_in_on_calvin_col.html "GRAND RAPIDS, MI -- Calvin College faculty say theyre "bewildered" that past administrators pursued a business strategy that has left the college facing $115 million in long-term debt, with insufficient money set aside to cover the expense...." http://www.mlive.com/news/grand-rapids/index.ssf/2013/03/faculty_weigh_in_on_calvin_col.html ***** I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit[a] of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20"Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. "Efesierbrevet 1:17-20"Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. "Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1Fur5 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document


Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/11/13 TENSION BETWEEN NORTH & SOUTH KOREA RISES AS NK CUTS COMMUNICATION HOTLINE,*read more at http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2013/03/breaking-north-korea-severscommunication-hotline-with-south-korea/ "...the demilitarized zone (DMZ) that separates the two Koreas. It said attempts to contact the North by telephone at 9 a.m. failed...UN Recent statements by Seoul have angered Pyongyang to the extent that the latter considers them a cry for war. This follows North Koreas nullifying all nonaggression pacts and cutting the hotline with its southern neighbor. According to North Koreas official news agency KCNA, Pyongyangs senior official with the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea demanded an apology on Saturday, reacting to the South Korean Defense Ministrys threat that North Korea will vanish from earth, should it choose to strike first..." http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2013/03/breaking-north-korea-severs-communication-hotline-with-southkorea/ ***Therefore, as God's chosen people,*read more at holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Colossians 3:12"Daher ist, wie das auserwhlte Volk Gottes, heilig und innig geliebt, kleidet euch mit Mitgefhl, Freundlichkeit, Demut, Sanftmut und Geduld." Kolosser 3:12 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/11/13 DISNEY's "OZ the GREAT & POWERFUL" STRONG @ BOX OFFICE,*read more at http://www.cnn.com/2013/03/10/showbiz/oz-powerful-box-office "...Families and couples flocked to theaters to see Disney's "Oz the Great and Powerful," raising opening weekend ticket sales around the world to $150.2 million, according to box office estimates released Sunday. The film stars James Franco as a carnival magician swept into the land of Oz by a tornado, a prequel to the 1939 classic "The Wizard of Oz," which starred a teenage Judy Garland. "Oz" sold an estimated $80.3 million..." http://www.cnn.com/2013/03/10/showbiz/oz-powerful-box-office/


***Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Colossians 3:12"Daher ist, wie das auserwhlte Volk Gottes, heilig und innig geliebt, kleidet euch mit Mitgefhl, Freundlichkeit, Demut, Sanftmut und Geduld." Kolosser 3:12 http://ow.ly/i/1FxxN Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/11/13 ORIGINAL VAN DYCK PAINTING DISCOVERED DUE TO INTERNET PROJECT,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130309-online-museum-project-unearths-van-dyck-masterpiece "A filthy oil painting locked away in a museum in the northeast of England was on Saturday revealed to be an original masterpiece by Van Dyck. The portrait was spotted when it was photographed for an ambitious project to catalogue every single one of Britain's oil paintings in public ownership in an online museum...." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130309-online-museum-project-unearths-van-dyck-masterpiece ***Therefore, as God's chosen people,holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Colossians 3:12"Daher ist, wie das auserwhlte Volk Gottes, heilig und innig geliebt, kleidet euch mit Mitgefhl, Freundlichkeit, Demut, Sanftmut und Geduld." Kolosser 3:12 http://ow.ly/i/1FxVz Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/11/13 TIGER WOODS WINS WGC @ BLUE MONSTER, *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130310-woods-wins-wgc-cadillac-championship "Tiger Woods won the WGCCadillac Championship at the Blue Monster course Sunday with a two-shot victory over runner-up Steve Stricker. Woods fired a final round one-under 71 to earn his..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130310-woods-wins-wgc-cadillac-championship


***Therefore, as God's chosen people,*read more at holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Colossians 3:12"Daher ist, wie das auserwhlte Volk Gottes, heilig und innig geliebt, kleidet euch mit Mitgefhl, Freundlichkeit, Demut, Sanftmut und Geduld." Kolosser 3:12 http://ow.ly/i/1Fy7y Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody yes! 3/11/13 TED LIGETY's DOMINATION CONTINUES, WORLD CUP SKIING, (way2go Ted! ) *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130309-ligety-clinches-giant-slalom-world-cup "...Ted Ligety won the World Cup giant slalom at Kranjska Gora on Saturday, ensuring he takes the crystal globe for the overall season...It is the fourth time that Ligety has won the World Cup giant slalom title ..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130309-ligety-clinches-giant-slalom-world-cup ***Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Colossians 3:12"Daher ist, wie das auserwhlte Volk Gottes, heilig und innig geliebt, kleidet euch mit Mitgefhl, Freundlichkeit, Demut, Sanftmut und Geduld." Kolosser 3:12 http://ow.ly/i/1Fykg Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/11/13 USA DEFEATS CANADA,9-4, WORLD BASEBALL CLASSIC *read more at http://m.worldbaseballclassic.com/news/article/42553816 "PHOENIX -- Team USA is going to Miami. With a spot in the second round of the World Baseball Classic on the line, the U.S. came from behind twice on Sunday to defeat Canada, 9-4, at Chase Field...." http://m.worldbaseballclassic.com/news/article/42553816/ ***Therefore, as God's chosen people,holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Colossians 3:12"Daher ist, wie das auserwhlte Volk Gottes, heilig und innig geliebt, kleidet euch mit Mitgefhl, Freundlichkeit, Demut, Sanftmut und Geduld." Kolosser 3:12 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness


*Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/11/13 The REAL REASON(s) 4 STONEHENGE,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130309stonehenge-was-ancient-rave-spot-new-theory-says "...University College London said Stonehenge, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is both older and had a different function than previously thought..... They said the original Stonehenge appeared to have been a graveyard for elite families built around 3000 BC, 500 years earlier ..." [Research]... also suggest[s] that around 2500 BC, Stonehenge was the site of vast communal feasts ..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130309-stonehenge-was-ancient-rave-spot-new-theorysays ***Therefore, as God's chosen people,holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Colossians 3:12"Daher ist, wie das auserwhlte Volk Gottes, heilig und innig geliebt, kleidet euch mit Mitgefhl, Freundlichkeit, Demut, Sanftmut und Geduld." Kolosser 3:12 http://ow.ly/i/1FHFN Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/11/13 BERNARD HOPKINS,48,OLDEST BOXER TO WIN MAJOR TITLE,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130310-hopkins-becomes-oldest-boxer-win-major-title "Bernard Hopkins became the oldest boxer to win a major world championship, breaking his own record by beating Tavoris Cloud at the age of 48 in New York...." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130310-hopkins-becomes-oldest-boxer-win-major-title ***Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Colossians 3:12"Daher ist, wie das auserwhlte Volk Gottes, heilig und innig geliebt, kleidet euch mit Mitgefhl, Freundlichkeit, Demut, Sanftmut und Geduld." Kolosser 3:12 http://ow.ly/i/1FIlZ Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document


*Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/8/13 MAN CATCHES MILLION-DOLLAR TUNA, 427 POUNDS, (I say, "be a fisher of men"!) *read more at http://www.grindtv.com/outdoor/blog/51259/angler+collects+1-million+paycheck+for+catch+of+worldrecord+tuna/ "Guy Yocom (holding fishing rod) smiles while posing alongside 427-pound yellowfin tuna. The catch has since been recognized as a world record and earned Yocom a check for $1 million....[as the] first angler who sets a world record, with one of the company's hooks, before the end of last September.Yocom caught the behemoth on September 18...." http://www.grindtv.com/outdoor/blog/51259/angler+collects+1million+paycheck+for+catch+of+world-record+tuna/ ***** I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit[a] of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20"Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. "Efesierbrevet 1:17-20"Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. "Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1Fvdi Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/10/13 re CANADA & MEXICO BRAWL @ WORLD BASEBALL CLASSIC,*read more at http://m.usatoday.com/article/news/1975877 "PHOENIX -- An ugly brawl broke out Saturday afternoon in the World Baseball Classic between Canada and Mexico, nearly causing the game to end in forfeiture. Team Mexico, visibly frustrated and angry while losing 9-3 in the ninth inning, started the brawl when Mexico pitcher Arnold Leon hit Rene Tosoni..." http://m.usatoday.com/article/news/1975877


***Therefore, as God's chosen people,at holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Colossians 3:12"Daher ist, wie das auserwhlte Volk Gottes, heilig und innig geliebt, kleidet euch mit Mitgefhl, Freundlichkeit, Demut, Sanftmut und Geduld." Kolosser 3:12 http://ow.ly/i/1FuXx Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/8/13 FULLER SEMINARY's GLEN STASSEN AWARDED BAPTIST HUMAN RIGHTS AWARD, [congrats to Glen, albeit my experience with him as a professor was less than positive. At one point he looked at me & said "I grew up in a huge house in Kentucky too" or somethink of that sort, completely taking me off gurd, as if he were trying to say something ...it took me a while to figure out what he was trying to convey..the best I could come up with was that when I got accepted to fuller seminary, the professor read the "letters of recommendation" on my behalf, & somebody at calvin seminary, or mouw himself (who is familiar with my familial history) mentioned something about my grandpa (Leo Peters, the late founder of butterball in grand rapids,mi) and the mansion he owned (beautiful old historic house in east grand rapids), and apparently tried to insinuate that I was a snob because of my grandpa's succes...how FAR AWAY from any semblance of truth whatsoever...not only did we have antagonistic relations with grandpa, we never benefited financially from our relationship, and apart from the fancy mansion & being a millionaire grandpa lived a fairly plain life (during my time)..always driving station wagons, & only owning a basic motorboat for lake michigan summers (as opposed to a fancy super speedboat or large yacht). Furthermore, I grew up as a normal middleclass kid with a paper route, shoveling snow,raking leaves, cutting wood with a chainsaw, fishing, hunting,..not a fancy life...hanging out with similar socio-economic friends (ie parents who made less than $40,000 more or less)...so stassen & whoever tried to make the false impression was being evil...essentially trying to depopularize me, ironically not very ethical, because the shoe doesn't fit...hope he enjoys his luxury trip to jamaica to receive the award..while most of us seminary graduates can barely pay our student loan debt] *read more at http://www.abpnews.com/ministry/people/item/8277-ethicist-glen-stassen-wins-bwaaward "Ethicist Glen Stassen has been named the 2013 recipient of the Baptist World Alliance Denton and Janice Lotz Human Rights Award. The award, approved March 5 during a meeting of the BWA executive committee in Falls Church, Va., will be presented during the BWA annual gathering scheduled July 1-6 in Ocho Rios, Jamaica. Stassen, who is Lewis B. Smedes Professor of Christian Ethics at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, Calif., has for three decades been a leading Baptist voice for peacemaking around the world...." http://www.abpnews.com/ministry/people/item/8277-ethicist-glen-stassen-wins-bwa-award ***** I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit[a] of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20"Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den


mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. "Efesierbrevet 1:17-20"Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. "Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1EIuh Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/9/13 RIP BILL MOODY, aka "PAUL3/9/13 R.I.P., BILL MOODY, 58,aka "PAUL BEARER", WWE MANAGER,*read more at http://www.latimes.com/sports/sportsnow/la-sp-sn-paul-bearer-dies20130307,0,3494196.story "...Bill Moody, who portrayed legendary pro wrestling manager Paul Bearer for years in WWE, passed away Tuesday night. Moody, 58, was a popular figure among other wrestlers, as can be witnessed by the number of tweets his passing drew from those in the pro wrestling community, many of which you can see below..." http://www.latimes.com/sports/sportsnow/la-sp-sn-paul-bearer-dies-20130307,0,3494196.story ***** I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit[a] of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20"Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. "Efesierbrevet 1:17-20"Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. "Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1FuN3 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan


*Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody BEARER", WWE MANAGER,*read more at http://www.latimes.com/sports/sportsnow/la-sp-sn-paul-bearer-dies-20130307,0,3494196.story "...Bill Moody, who portrayed legendary pro wrestling manager Paul Bearer for years in WWE, passed away Tuesday night. Moody, 58, was a popular figure among other wrestlers, as can be witnessed by the number of tweets his passing drew from those in the pro wrestling community, many of which you can see below..." http://www.latimes.com/sports/sportsnow/la-sp-sn-paul-bearer-dies-20130307,0,3494196.story ***** I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit[a] of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20"Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. "Efesierbrevet 1:17-20"Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. "Efesios 1:17-20 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody yes! Protect Our Women! 3/9/13 SIR PATRICK STEWART TAKES A STAND AGAINST VIOLENCE v WOMEN,*read more at http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/patrick-stewart-million-men-violence-women011042478.html "Sir Patrick Stewart stood in the center of the Diplomat Ballroom at the UN Hotel here on Friday, pounding his fist methodically against a podium, each thump punctuated with a number ("One ... two ... three ...") until he got to nine. "Every nine seconds a woman is assaulted or beaten in the United States," Stewart said.The 72-year-old British-born actor, best known for his roles in "X-Men" and "Star Trek: The Next Generation," served as host for the launch of "Ring The Bell,"...The eventcoinciding with International Women's Day and the 57th session of the Commission on the Status of


Women at United Nations..." http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/patrick-stewart-million-men-violence-women-011042478.html ***** I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit[a] of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20"Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. "Efesierbrevet 1:17-20"Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. "Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1FuB4 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/9/13 BALOTELLI LEADS AC MILAN to WIN MARRED BY RED-CARD ANTICS OF KEVIN CONSTANT,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130308-balotelli-scores-milan-go-10-unbeaten "...Mario Balotelli ...who started on the bench, scored the clinching second after his replacement, Giampaolo Pazzini, had notched the opener. But the result was marred by an ugly second half incident as Guinea full-back Kevin Constant was sentoff for a sustained attempt to confront Genoa's Cesare Bovo 25 minutes from time. Despite receiving first a second yellow from the referee, and eventually the subsequent red, Constant refused to leave the field as he persistently attempted to approach Bovo...." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130308-balotelli-scores-milan-go-10-unbeaten ***** I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit[a] of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20"Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att


gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. "Efesierbrevet 1:17-20"Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. "Efesios 1:17-20 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/8/13 SON-in-LAW of OSAMA BIN LADEN PLEADS NOT GUILTY IN NYC COURT,*read more at http://tammybruce.com/2013/03/a-911-al-qaeda-organizer-who-is-also-bin-ladens-son-in-law-is-capturedbrought-to-new-york-for-a-civilian-trial.html?utm_content= %23tbrs&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter "Prosecutors unsealed an indictment against a son-in-law of Osama bin Laden on Thursday that charged him with conspiracy to kill Americans, after U.S. government sources said he was arrested overseas and brought to New York. Suleiman Abu Ghaith, a militant who appeared in videos representing al Qaeda after the September 11 attacks in 2001...U.S. officials including Attorney General Eric Holder announced the indictments on Thursday, saying he would be arraigned on Friday at U.S. District Court in lower Manhattan, only blocks from the site of the World Trade Center, which was destroyed in the September 11 attacks...." http://tammybruce.com/2013/03/a-911-al-qaeda-organizer-who-is-also-bin-ladens-son-in-law-is-capturedbrought-to-new-york-for-a-civilian-trial.html?utm_content= %23tbrs&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter ***** I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit[a] of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20"Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. "Efesierbrevet 1:17-20"Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. "Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1EI7N Posted by Vk


*ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/8/13 RIP,ALVIN LEE, GUITARIST, "TEN YEARS AFTER", 68, *read more at. http://m.washingtonpost.com/local/obituaries/alvin-lee-guitarist-in-ten-years-after-dies-at68/2013/03/07/267cfd1a-873e-11e2-98a3-b3db6b9ac586_story.html "...Alvin Lee, the guitarist with the English blues-rock band Ten Years After whose pyrotechnic skill pushed the band to stardom at the Woodstock music festival, died March 6 in Spain..." http://m.washingtonpost.com/local/obituaries/alvin-lee-guitarist-in-ten-years-after-dies-at68/2013/03/07/267cfd1a-873e-11e2-98a3-b3db6b9ac586_story.html ***** I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit[a] of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20"Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. "Efesierbrevet 1:17-20"Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. "Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1EIK3 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody Pray4 3/8/13 POACHING THREATENS TO ELIMINATE S. AFRICA WHITE RHINOS, *read more at. http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130308-poaching-pushing-south-african-rhino-towards-edge "...South Africa's white rhino population will begin to decline by 2016 if the current rate of poaching continues, authorities warned on Friday, following the killing of scores of the creatures this year. The stark warning was issued by the country's Environment Minister Edna Molewa ...


... 146 rhinos have been killed illegally since the start of the year with 50 suspected poachers arrested over the same period.Some 668 rhinos were slaughtered in 2012..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130308-poaching-pushing-south-african-rhino-towards-edge ***** I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit[a] of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20"Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. "Efesierbrevet 1:17-20"Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. "Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1ENy0 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/8/13 FORMER FBI AGENT ALLEGEDLY SAYS NEW CIA DIRECTOR, BRENNAN, CONVERTED TO ISLAM,*read more at http://www.westernjournalism.com/stunning-obamas-pick-for-cia-is-a-convertedmuslim/ "..Tom Trentos radio show, former FBI agent John Guandolo, who wrote the first Muslim Brotherhood training manual for the FBI, outs John Brennan, Obamas nominee for CIA Director, as having converted to Islam while working in Saudi Arabia..." http://www.westernjournalism.com/stunning-obamas-pick-for-cia-is-a-converted-muslim/ ***** I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit[a] of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20"Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. "Efesierbrevet 1:17-20"Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza


de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. "Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1ENK6 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

3/8/13 NETHERLANDS STUNS CUBA,6-2, WORLD BASEBALL CLASSIC, *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130308-netherlands-stun-cuba-world-baseball-classic "...The Netherlands stunned Cuba 6-2 in the World Baseball Classic's second round Friday to move one win from reaching the tournament's final stage for the first time....The win at Tokyo Dome, against one of the tournament favourites and 2006 finalists, was the second big upset recorded by the Netherlands after they shocked South Korea, runners-up in 2009, in ..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130308-netherlands-stun-cuba-world-baseball-classic ***** I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit[a] of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20"Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. "Efesierbrevet 1:17-20"Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. "Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1ENQP Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You


Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/8/13 JUDGE ORDERS RELEASE of (falsely?) CONVICTED TRIPLE MURDERER AFTER 16 years in PRISON,*read more at http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-arson-20130309,0,371114.story?track=rss "...a prisoner serving life without parole for a triple murder arson should be released because his lawyer failed to defend him adequately in a"fundamentally unfair" trial, a federal magistrate has recommended. The magistrate's 93-page decision followed a ruling last year that George Souliotes, 72, had proved "actual innocence" and that no reasonable juror would have convicted him given the state of the evidence today.." http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-arson-20130309,0,371114.story?track=rss ***** I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit[a] of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, 19 and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 He exerted when He raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms,..Ephesians 1:17-20"Jag frgar att Gud vr Herre Jesus Kristus, den hrliga Fader, kan ge dig Anden [a] av visdom och uppenbarelse, s att du kan knna honom bttre. 18 Jag ber att gon ditt hjrta kan bli upplyst s att du kan knna hopp som han har kallat er, rikedomar hans hrliga arv i sina heliga folk, 19 och hans ojmfrligt stor makt fr oss som tror. Att strmmen r densamma som den mktiga styrkan 20 han utvade nr han hjde Kristus frn de dda och satte honom p sin hgra sida i den himmelska vrldarna, .. "Efesierbrevet 1:17-20"Sigo pidiendo que el Dios de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, el Padre de gloria, os d el Espritu [a] de sabidura y de revelacin, para que lo conozcan mejor. 18 Yo oro para que los ojos de vuestro corazn sean iluminados, para que sepis a qu esperanza l los ha llamado, la riqueza de su gloriosa herencia de su pueblo santo, 19 y grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos. Ese poder es la misma que la fuerza poderosa que ejerci 20 cuando resucit a Cristo de entre los muertos y lo sent a su diestra en los lugares celestiales, .. "Efesios 1:17-20 http://ow.ly/i/1ENVn Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/7/13 MICHIGAN's CARL LEVIN FINALLY CALLS IT QUITS AFTER 34 YEARS,[he's been in office since I was 12 years old] *read more at http://m.washingtonpost.com/politics/sen-carl-levin-wont-seekreelection-in-2014/2013/03/07/b66a4286-8782-11e2-9d71-f0feafdd1394_story.html "...Sen. Carl Levin (D-Michigan) announced on Thursday that he will not seek reelection in 2014, saying he wanted to focus on the nations challenges and not on politics.In a statement, Levin explained that he and his wife decided that I can best serve my state and nation by concentrating in the next two years on the challenging issues before us that I am in a position to help address; in other words, by doing my job without the distraction of campaigning for re-election....The 78-year-old senator has held his seat since 1979,..." http://m.washingtonpost.com/politics/sen-carl-levin-wont-seek-reelection-in-2014/2013/03/07/b66a4286-878211e2-9d71-f0feafdd1394_story.html *Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:2-3"Con toda humildad y mansedumbre,


paciencia, soportndoos unos a otros con amor. Haga todo lo posible por mantener la unidad del Espritu mediante el vnculo de la paz. "Efesios 4:2-3 http://ow.ly/i/1EPrO Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/7/13 AUSTRALIAN BILBY THREATENED w/ EXTINCTION AFTER FLOODS,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130307-australias-nocturnal-bilby-under-threat-after-floods "...Australia's desert-dwelling bilby is under threat after floods destroyed a predator fence which allowed feral cats to kill 150 of the newborn marsupials, conservationists said Thursday. The once-prolific nocturnal creature,..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130307-australias-nocturnal-bilby-under-threat-after-floods *Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:2-3"Con toda humildad y mansedumbre, paciencia, soportndoos unos a otros con amor. Haga todo lo posible por mantener la unidad del Espritu mediante el vnculo de la paz. "Efesios 4:2-3 http://ow.ly/i/1E9SV Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody w/ EXTINCTION AFTER FLOODS,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130307-australias-nocturnal-bilby-under-threat-after-floods "...Australia's desert-dwelling bilby is under threat after floods destroyed a predator fence which allowed feral cats to kill 150 of the newborn marsupials, conservationists said Thursday. The once-prolific nocturnal creature,..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130307-australias-nocturnal-bilby-under-threat-after-floods *Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:2-3"Con toda humildad y mansedumbre, paciencia, soportndoos unos a otros con amor. Haga todo lo posible por mantener la unidad del Espritu mediante el vnculo de la paz. "Efesios 4:2-3


Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/7/13 AUSTRALIA's ANIMAL EXTINCTION LIST KEEPS GROWING,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130307-extinct-tassie-tiger-cut-wildlife-protection-list "...A ban on the international trade of the Tasmanian tiger, the buff-nosed kangaroo rat and the pig-footed bandicoot was lifted Thursday -- because the species have been extinct for decades..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130307-extinct-tassie-tiger-cut-wildlife-protection-list *Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:2-3"Con toda humildad y mansedumbre, paciencia, soportndoos unos a otros con amor. Haga todo lo posible por mantener la unidad del Espritu mediante el vnculo de la paz. "Efesios 4:2-3 http://ow.ly/i/1EagO Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/7/13 SPERM WHALE KILLED by GREENHOUSE PLASTIC SHEETS & WASTE, *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130307-beached-whale-spain-dies-ingesting-plastic-waste "...A 4.5 tonne sperm whale that washed ashore in southern Spain died from ingesting large amounts of plastic sheets used in greenhouses on farms in the region, a scientist said Thursday. The whale, which came ashore last year on a beach in Andalusia, had over 17 kilogrammes (37 pounds) of garbage blocking its stomach, including some 30 square metres (36 square yards) of plastic canvas, said Renaud de Stephanis,..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130307-beached-whale-spain-dies-ingesting-plastic-waste *Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:2-3"Con toda humildad y mansedumbre, paciencia, soportndoos unos a otros con amor. Haga todo lo posible por mantener la unidad del Espritu mediante el vnculo de la paz. "Efesios 4:2-3 http://ow.ly/i/1Earl Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document


Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/7/13 CAFFEINE-BUZZED BEES DO IT3/7/13 CAFFEINE-BUZZED BEES DO IT BETTER, [have to wonder what gave the scientists the notion to feed caffeeine to bees? And what significance does it have?] *read more at http://mobile.france24.comk/en/20130307-bees-caffeine-buzz-pollinate-better-study "...makes them better pollinators, according to a study published Thursday in the journal Science. Honeybees fed a sugar solution containing caffeine, which exists naturally in the nectar of coffee and citrus flowers, were three times more likely to remember a flower's scent than those feeding on just sugar...." http://mobile.france24.comk/en/20130307-bees-caffeine-buzz-pollinate-better-study *Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:2-3"Con toda humildad y mansedumbre, paciencia, soportndoos unos a otros con amor. Haga todo lo posible por mantener la unidad del Espritu mediante el vnculo de la paz. "Efesios 4:2-3 http://ow.ly/i/1EaGo Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody BETTER,*read more at http://mobile.france24.comk/en/20130307-bees-caffeine-buzz-pollinate-better-study "...makes them better pollinators, according to a study published Thursday in the journal Science. Honeybees fed a sugar solution containing caffeine, which exists naturally in the nectar of coffee and citrus flowers, were three times more likely to remember a flower's scent than those feeding on just sugar...." http://mobile.france24.comk/en/20130307-bees-caffeine-buzz-pollinate-better-study


*Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:2-3"Con toda humildad y mansedumbre, paciencia, soportndoos unos a otros con amor. Haga todo lo posible por mantener la unidad del Espritu mediante el vnculo de la paz. "Efesios 4:2-3 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/7/13 TONY LOMMI of BLACK SABBATH3/7/13 TONY LOMMI of BLACK SABBATH COMPOSED MUSIC FOR ARMENIA @ EUROVISION,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130307-blacksabbath-guitarist-writes-armenia-eurovision-song "...The guitarist of British rock band Black Sabbath, Tony Iommi, has composed the music for Armenia's entry to this year's Eurovision song contest, the performers said Thursday. "Iommi's rock ballad 'Lonely Planet' will be performed by Armenian rock singer Gor Sujyan and his band, Dorians," the group's spokeswoman Diana Hovannisyan told AFP...." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130307-black-sabbath-guitarist-writes-armenia-eurovision-song *Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:2-3"Con toda humildad y mansedumbre, paciencia, soportndoos unos a otros con amor. Haga todo lo posible por mantener la unidad del Espritu mediante el vnculo de la paz. "Efesios 4:2-3 http://ow.ly/i/1EpvB Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody COMPOSED MUSIC FOR ARMENIA EUROVISION,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130307-black-sabbath-guitarist-writes-armenia-eurovision-song "...The guitarist of British rock band Black Sabbath, Tony Iommi, has composed the music for


Armenia's entry to this year's Eurovision song contest, the performers said Thursday. "Iommi's rock ballad 'Lonely Planet' will be performed by Armenian rock singer Gor Sujyan and his band, Dorians," the group's spokeswoman Diana Hovannisyan told AFP...." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130307-black-sabbath-guitarist-writes-armenia-eurovision-song *Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:2-3"Con toda humildad y mansedumbre, paciencia, soportndoos unos a otros con amor. Haga todo lo posible por mantener la unidad del Espritu mediante el vnculo de la paz. "Efesios 4:2-3 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody Yes! 3/7/13 ARKANSAS MAKES MOST RESTRICTIVE ABORTION LAW NATIONWIDE,*read more at http://news.yahoo.com/arkansas-adopts-uss-most-restrictive-abortion-law-210405671.html "...LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) Arkansas soon will have the nation's most restrictive abortion law a near-ban on the procedure from the 12th week of pregnancy onward unless a lawsuit or court action intervenes. Lawmakers in the Republican-dominated Legislature defied Gov. Mike Beebe, overriding the Democrat's veto. The House voted 56-33 on Wednesday to override Beebe's veto, a day after the Senate voted to do the same...The 12-week ban would prohibit abortions from the point when a fetus' heartbeat can typically be detected using an abdominal ultrasound. It includes exemptions for rape, incest, the life of the mother and highly lethal fetal disorders. ..." http://news.yahoo.com/arkansas-adopts-uss-most-restrictive-abortion-law-210405671.html *Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:2-3"Con toda humildad y mansedumbre, paciencia, soportndoos unos a otros con amor. Haga todo lo posible por mantener la unidad del Espritu mediante el vnculo de la paz. "Efesios 4:2-3 http://ow.ly/i/1Eqmu Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships


*False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/7/13 RIP HUGO CHAVEZ,58 ,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130306-hugo-chavezfuneral-procession-begins-caracas-venezuela-rhousands-mourners "...The funeral procession for deceased Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez began in the streets of Caracas on Wednesday, where mourners gathered en masse to pay last respects. Chavez died on Tuesday aged 58 after a long battle with cancer. Devastated supporters of deceased Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez paraded his coffin through the streets of Caracas on Wednesday in a flood of emotion that allies hope will help his deputy win a coming election and keep the Chavez revolution alive...." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130306-hugo-chavez-funeral-procession-begins-caracas-venezuelarhousands-mourners "... Chavez was democratically elected in 1999, with huge support from the country's poor. During his time in office, he became one of Latin America's most well-known and polarizing figures. A constant thorn in the side of the United States, he commanded headlines in newspapers ..." http://abcnews.go.com/International/hugo-chavez-dead-president-venezuela-58-died-cancer/story? id=16198379 **** "Jesus said,"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness,but will have the light of life." John 8:12 http://ow.ly/i/1E6SH Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/7/13 16th CENTURY "SUNSTONE" RECOVERED from SHIPWRECK? *read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130306-shipwreck-find-could-be-legendary-sunstone "...An oblong crystal found in the wreck of a 16th-century English warship is a sunstone, a near-mythical navigational aid said to have been used by Viking mariners, researchers said on Wednesday. ...It was found in the remains of a ship that had been dispatched to France in 1592 by Queen Elizabeth I as a precaution against a second Spanish Armada but foundered off the island of Alderney, in the Channel. British and French scientists have long argued that the find is a sunstone -- a device that fractures the light,.." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130306-shipwreck-find-could-be-legendary-sunstone **** "Jesus said,"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness,but will have the light of life." John 8:12 http://ow.ly/i/1E6F7 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document


*Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody Yes! 3/7/13 INDIA RANGERS KILL 2 RHINO POACHERS,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130306-two-rhino-poachers-killed-india "...Forest rangers in northeast India shot dead two poachers on Wednesday at a wildlife sanctuary where 13 threatened one-horned rhinos have been killed in the past two months, an official said.Four men entered Kaziranga National Park, ..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130306-two-rhino-poachers-killed-india **** "Jesus said,"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness,but will have the light of life." John 8:12 http://ow.ly/i/1E6uY Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/7/13 OBAMA CANCELS WHITE HOUSE TOURS; CRITICS SAY ITS UNNECCESSARY,*read more at http://patriotupdate.com/2013/03/obama-shuts-down-white-house-tours-run-by-volunteers-blames-sequester/ "...On Tuesday, the White House announced that it was canceling all public tours of the presidential residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue due to the sequester, the Washington Post reported. Due to staffing reductions resulting from sequestration, we regret to inform you that White House Tours will be canceled effective Saturday, March 9, 2013 until further notice. Unfortunately, we will not be able to reschedule affected tours, the White House said..." http://patriotupdate.com/2013/03/obama-shuts-down-white-house-tours-run-by-volunteers-blames-sequester/ **** "Jesus said,"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness,but will have the light of life." John 8:12 http://ow.ly/i/1E6oL Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/6/13 "BRAINPAINTING" A BIG HIT AT TECH FAIR,*read more at http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130306-brainpainting-draws-crowds-worlds-top-tech-fair "...A computer


programme enabling paralysed patients to create artwork using just the power of their brains drew big crowds on Wednesday at the CeBIT, the world's top IT fair... the user wears a cap that measures brain activity. By focusing hard on a flashing icon on a screen, the cap can recognise the specific brain activity connected to that item, allowing the user to "choose" what he or she wants the computer [to do]..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130306-brainpainting-draws-crowds-worlds-top-tech-fair **** "Jesus said,"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness,but will have the light of life." John 8:12 http://ow.ly/i/1E6ML Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody Pray4 3/6/13 VALERIE HARPER ("Rhoda","Mary Tyler Moore" show et al) DIAGNOSED w/ TERMINAL BRAIN CANCER, [thoughts & prayers for Valerie...God be with her, Jesus please give her strength; & for her loved ones] *read more at http://m.usatoday.com/article/news/1966543 "Known and loved for her frank and funny role as upstairs neighbor Rhoda Morgenstern on The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Valerie Harper has revealed she is facing terminal brain cancer. The actress, 73, tells People mag (on newsstands Friday) that she got the diagnosis on Jan. 15. According to People, her doctors say she may only have three months left to live..." http://m.usatoday.com/article/news/1966543 "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities -- His eternal power and divine nature -- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. "Car depuis la cration de qualits invisibles de Dieu au monde - sa puissance ternelle et sa nature divine - ont t clairement visibles, tant entendu de ce qui a t fait, afin que les hommes sont sans excuse." -Romains 1:20", - - , , , ." 1:20" http://ow.ly/i/1DKh7 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/5/13 PUNISH the PEOPLE IS the ONE PROMISE OBAMA IS ADAMANT ABOUT KEEPING?! *read more at http://michellemalkin.com/2013/03/05/obama-administration-sequester/ "... break promises all the time and this is the one they want to keep? Im thinking of a slight alteration to the script for The Longest Yard one where at halftime Paul Crewe writes a letter to his teammates telling them dont try too hard in the second half because it would contradict a promise I just made to the warden. J-Nap is dutifully obliging, however. Now she just needs to turn some of these green dots red...."


***** http://michellemalkin.com/2013/03/05/obama-administration-sequester/ "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities -- His eternal power and divine nature -- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. "Car depuis la cration de qualits invisibles de Dieu au monde - sa puissance ternelle et sa nature divine - ont t clairement visibles, tant entendu de ce qui a t fait, afin que les hommes sont sans excuse." -Romains 1:20", - - , , , ." 1:20" http://ow.ly/i/1DKaP Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/6/13 REAL MADRID DEFEATS MANCHESTER UNITED,3-2*read more at http://msn.foxsports.com/foxsoccer/championsleague/story/cristiano-ronaldo-emotional-upon-manchesterunited-return-real-madrid-champions-league-030613 "..Cristiano Ronaldo admitted he struggled to contain his emotions on his return to Old Trafford as Real Madrid ended Manchester United's UEFA Champions League dreams.The Portuguese superstar scored the crucial goal to secure a 2-1 success on the night and a 3-2 aggregate triumph to send the Spanish giants through to the quarter-finals..." http://msn.foxsports.com/foxsoccer/championsleague/story/cristiano-ronaldo-emotional-upon-manchesterunited-return-real-madrid-champions-league-030613 "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities -- His eternal power and divine nature -- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. "Car depuis la cration de qualits invisibles de Dieu au monde - sa puissance ternelle et sa nature divine - ont t clairement visibles, tant entendu de ce qui a t fait, afin que les hommes sont sans excuse." -Romains 1:20", - - , , , ." 1:20" http://ow.ly/i/1DC0G Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


Thoughts&Prayers 3/5/13 46-yo MAN DIES of HEART ATTACK IN "ESCAPE from ALCATRAZ" TRIATHLON,*read more at. http://wap.myfoxdc.com/w/main/story/86272703 "...A 46-year-old Texas man died of an apparent heart attack Sunday in the frigid waters of the San Francisco Bay just moments after the start of the Escape From Alcatraz Triathlon, race officials said. "We have reason to believe the gentleman suffered from a massive cardiac event as he entered the water and began the swim," race officials said in a statement.The race was held three months earlier than previous years and in far..." http://wap.myfoxdc.com/w/main/story/86272703/ "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities -- His eternal power and divine nature -- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. "Car depuis la cration de qualits invisibles de Dieu au monde - sa puissance ternelle et sa nature divine - ont t clairement visibles, tant entendu de ce qui a t fait, afin que les hommes sont sans excuse." -Romains 1:20", - - , , , ." 1:20" http://ow.ly/i/1DfJD Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody Pray4 3/5/13 36 KILLED IN CONGOLESE PLANE CRASH,*read more at http://m.scotsman.com/news/international/36-die-as-plane-crashes-in-centre-of-congolese-city-1-2820384 "...THIRTY-SIX people died when a twin-propeller aircraft carrying passengers and cargo crashed in the eastern Congolese city of Goma, as it tried to land in bad weather. The Fokker 50 aircraft, owned by private airline CAA,had 40 people on board and only four survived, Gomas..." http://m.scotsman.com/news/international/36-die-as-plane-crashes-in-centre-of-congolese-city-1-2820384 "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities -- His eternal power and divine nature -- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. "Car depuis la cration de qualits invisibles de Dieu au monde - sa puissance ternelle et sa nature divine - ont t clairement visibles, tant entendu de ce qui a t fait, afin que les hommes sont sans excuse." -Romains 1:20", - - , , , ." 1:20" http://ow.ly/i/1DfE2 Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody


3/4/13 WHO IS OBAMA's SPIRITUAL ADVISOR? *read more at http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/03/02/meet-obamas-pastor-in-chief-the-man-who-sends-the-presidentdaily-scripture-plus-key-details-about-obamas-faith "...Obama reportedly reads scripture each morning, reflecting upon it and applying Biblical teachings to his personal and professional actions. Consider Obamas friend and former employee Joshua DuBois and his daily communications with the president. A so-called pastor-in-chief, DuBois headed the White House Office of Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnership and has consulted the president on matters of faith since his days in the Illinois Senate...." http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/03/02/meet-obamas-pastor-in-chief-the-man-who-sends-the-presidentdaily-scripture-plus-key-details-about-obamas-faith/ "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities -- His eternal power and divine nature -- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. "Car depuis la cration de qualits invisibles de Dieu au monde - sa puissance ternelle et sa nature divine - ont t clairement visibles, tant entendu de ce qui a t fait, afin que les hommes sont sans excuse." -Romains 1:20", - - , , , ." 1:20" http://ow.ly/i/1Dfzl Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/4/13 ABORTION PILLS & BIRTH CONTROL LINKED 2 BREAST CANCER,*read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/03/evidence-mounts-abortion-birth-control-cause-cancer "...The evidence linking hormones and breast cancer just keeps pouring in. What kind of hormones? Those found in birth-control pills and those associated with abortions.The prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) reported Feb. 27 the rate of metastatic breast cancer in women ages 25 to 39 nearly doubled between 1976 and 2009, from 1.53 to 2.9 per 100,000. The American Council on Science and Health calls the increase slight. But Dr. Jane Orient, executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons , points out there has been no corresponding increase in older women. Karen Malec, president of the Coalition on..." http://www.wnd.com/2013/03/evidence-mounts-abortion-birth-control-cause-cancer/ "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities -- His eternal power and divine nature -- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. "Car depuis la cration de qualits invisibles de Dieu au monde - sa puissance ternelle et sa nature divine - ont t clairement visibles, tant entendu de ce qui a t fait, afin que les hommes sont sans excuse." -Romains 1:20", - - , , , ." 1:20" http://ow.ly/i/1DfvQ http://ow.ly/i/1Dfsw Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com


*Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody ShameOnBieber! 3/4/13 JUSTIN BIEBER CHEATS YOUNG FANS BY SHOWING UP 2 HOURS LATE, (not fair for bieber to do this to kids with parents on a school night; lack of class) *read more at http://m.guardiannews.com/money/2013/mar/05/gig-late-appearance-consumer-rights-refund "...Justin Bieber's late appearance on stage at a gig at London's O2 arena on Monday night angered hundreds of parents who felt that appearing at 10.24pm on a school night instead of the scheduled time of 8.30pm was unfair. He's not the first artist to make the headlines for keeping fans waiting, so what are your rights when an artist turns up late, or fails to do so at all?..." http://m.guardiannews.com/money/2013/mar/05/gig-late-appearance-consumer-rights-refund "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities -- His eternal power and divine nature -- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. "Car depuis la cration de qualits invisibles de Dieu au monde - sa puissance ternelle et sa nature divine - ont t clairement visibles, tant entendu de ce qui a t fait, afin que les hommes sont sans excuse." -Romains 1:20", - - , , , ." 1:20" http://ow.ly/i/1Dfck Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/5/13 IF U EVER GOT A RED-LIGHT CAMERA TICKET, U PROBABLY R a VICTIM, NOT a PERPETRATOR, (yes, they cheated me too, in pasadena...shortened yellow light,.$500 ticket, increased insurance for 3 years....what a bunch of sleaze bags) *read more at http://m.voiceofsandiego.org/mobile/opinion/article_1ff936e4-38fa-11e2-98d8-0019bb2963f4.html "...Imagine a law prohibiting water to boil. Imagine the police fining every person for walking down stairs. Imagine the police fining every person for making coffee. How much money do you think the police would make doing this? Well you do not have to imagine because that is exactly what the police are doing with respect to drivers running red lights. The reason why red-light cameras make the obscene profit they do, is because California traffic engineers apply a mathematical formula for yellow-light times which directly contradicts Newton's laws of motion. California has been doing it for 50 years. California enforcements incompatibility with the laws of physics entraps drivers and guarantees a steady stream of involuntary red-light runners. Redflex, ATS, ACS and every red light camera company simply step in to exploit the error. The result is an insane amount of profit. The result is also a guaranteed steady stream of crashes and fatalities. The slogan from the old commercial is very true: "It is not nice to fool Mother


Nature." Just like cameras do not enable drunk drivers to drive undrunk, neither do cameras enable drivers to walk on water..." http://m.voiceofsandiego.org/mobile/opinion/article_1ff936e4-38fa-11e2-98d8-0019bb2963f4.html "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities -- His eternal power and divine nature -- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. "Car depuis la cration de qualits invisibles de Dieu au monde - sa puissance ternelle et sa nature divine - ont t clairement visibles, tant entendu de ce qui a t fait, afin que les hommes sont sans excuse." -Romains 1:20", - - , , , ." 1:20 http://ow.ly/i/1Df4l Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/4/13 SOCCER SCORES: MAN UNITED>NORWICH 4-0, "...Shinji Kagawa hit a hat-trick as Manchester United warmed up for the visit of Real Madrid with a 4-0 rout of Norwich City on Saturday ...."http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130302-kagawa-treble-swellsunited-lead-qpr-strike-back-0 REIMS>PSG ,1-0 "Paris Saint-Germain suffered another shock away defeat on Saturday, going down 1-0 away to struggling Reims despite the hosts having to play with 10 men for the final half an hour....The introduction of David Beckham for the final 26 minutes could not prevent the capital club slipping to their fifth Ligue 1 defeat this season,.." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130302-psgslump-shock-defeat-reims-0 BAYERN WINS,1-0, "...Dutch star Arjen... Robben's first-half strike clocked 70mph (115km/h) when it hit the net to give Bayern a 1-0 home win..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130303-bayern-return-bundesliga-after-german-cup-win-0 AC MILAN>LAZIO 3-0, "Giampaolo Pazzini scored a brace and Kevin Prince Boateng his second goal inside a week as AC Milan outclassed Lazio 3-0 on Saturday..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130302-milan-punish-depleted-lazio-go-third-0 DORTMUND>HANOVER,3-1"...Hosts Borussia Dortmund warmed up for their looming Champions League clash at home to Shakhtar Donetsk with a 3-1 win over Hanover 96..." http://mobile.france24.com/en/20130302-dortmund-down-hanover-donetsk-looms-europe-0 "All who rely on observing the law are under a curse, for it is written: "Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law." Clearly no one is justified before God by the law, because, "The righteous will live by faith." Galatians 3:10-11 Mindazok, akik tmaszkodnak betartva a trvny szerint tok, mert meg van rva: "tkozott mindenki, aki nem tovbbra is megteszek mindent rt knyve a trvny." Nyilvnval, senki sem indokolja Isten eltt a trvny ltal, mert "Az igaz lni fog a hit ltal." Gal 3:10-11 http://ow.ly/i/1D8lc Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com


*Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody 3/4/13 HOW HOT is the HEAT?!,MIAMI WINS 14th STRAIGHT,*read more at http://www.freep.com/article/20130304/SPORTS03/303040079/nba-roundup-miami-heat-lebron-jamesarm "...The Heat took the Knicks' best shot Sunday, but it wasn't good enough to beat the defending champ. Nothing is right now.James had 29 points, 11 rebounds and seven assists, and Miami tied a franchise record with its 14th straight victory, 99-93...." http://www.freep.com/article/20130304/SPORTS03/303040079/nba-roundup-miami-heat-lebronjames "All who rely on observing the law are under a curse, for it is written: "Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law." Clearly no one is justified before God by the law, because, "The righteous will live by faith." Galatians 3:10-11 Mindazok, akik tmaszkodnak betartva a trvny szerint tok, mert meg van rva: "tkozott mindenki, aki nem tovbbra is megteszek mindent rt knyve a trvny." Nyilvnval, senki sem indokolja Isten eltt a trvny ltal, mert "Az igaz lni fog a hit ltal." Gal 3:10-11 http://ow.ly/i/1D8Uk Posted by Vk *ProtectUnbornLife (Adoption!), see Link at Bottom of Document Fight4Kindness *Pray4Chapels in the PublicSchools Also see my DAILY NEWS BLOG at DailyNewsByVander.blogspot.com *Also See My Facebook News, Link at Bottom of Document I am also on Tumblr, see Link at Bottom of Document *Tweet Me @StanTheBigMan *Enjoy Gods Creation All Around You Read the Bible Daily *Stop Violence v Women! Say NO to Abusive Relationships *False Flaggers Will Eventually Ruin the Internet 4 Everybody

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Thanks for reading or browsing. Stay informed! vk-


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