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Support Host storage management functionality that can be leveraged across

all attached server and storage resources. Instead of licensing and learning vendor-specific storage management features many times across different servers and storage resources, a single copy of storage management software, running on the st orage domain manager, is very cost-effectively leveraged across all the SAN resources (Fig 2). SCALABILITY AND HIGH PERFORMANCE Given the storage growth rates driven by the new business climate, a specific SAN environment may easily grow two orders of magnitude in storage capacity during its lifetime. As the point of central intelligence in the SAN, a storage domain manager must be able to accommodate a significant amount of growth without load-related performance degradation. Intelligence should be added as configurations grow to ensure smooth, cost effective scalability over a wide performance range. An ability to cache significant amounts of data in the intelligent platform itself is crucial in optimizing the SAN configuration to achieve performance improvements in application-specific environments. For example, if "hot spots" such as fil

This mission. An EMC information infrastructure unifies networked

storage technologies,stor age platforms, software, and services to help organization s better and morecosteffectively

manage, protect, and share information .EMC's VisionEMC's vision is to create the ultimate information lifecycle

management companyand help customers in getting the maximum value from their information at thelowest total cost, at

every point in the information lifecycle. With 2005 revenues of $9.6 6 billion, and approximately 26,500 employees

worldwide, EMC is the worldleader in products, services, and solutions for information storage andmanagement. EMC Software

Group (ESG) is among the 10 largest softwarecompani es in the world.EMC2. Where information lives

For example, computer RAM is an example of a primary storage device. However, secondarystoragei s a storage medium that holds information until it

is deleted or overwritten. For example,a floppy disk drive or a hard disk drive is an example of a secondary storage device.Storage is

one of the most important characteristics of the computer technology. Differentstorage devices are used to retain the computer data for

particular duration of time. There areseveral storage devices that have been used by computer users for the storage of data. Thesestorage

devices are used with the computers.A storage device is an equipment that is used to record data or information in it. A storagedevice

may be of two types- recording storage device and data storage devices. A recordingstorage device is that device which holds the data

in it whereas data storage devices are usedto process the information. However, data storage device may have a removable or

permanentcompo nent for recording as well.USB drive is the first storage device we are going to talk about. It is a small storage device thatis directly

connected to the USB of the system through integrated connectors and cables. Theystore the data files over flash memory. USB storage devices are made

in a number of designs,colors and capacities. Some of the features of USB storage drive areyou will instantly knowabout its proper working as

when you connect it to the computer, light starts blinking on thedevice, you can protect your files from being erased by storing it in USB storage device.

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