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Important instructions & GuidelinesEnglish Questions: 12, 1 mark for correct answer, -0.

25 mark for incorrect answer Read the following passage and answer the 3 questions that follow:No very satisfactory account of the mechanism that caused the formation of the ocean basins has yetbeen given. The traditional view supposes that the upper mantle of the earth behaves as a liquidwhen it is subjected to small forces for long periods and that differences in temperature under oceansand continents are sufficient to produce convection in the mantle of the earth with rising convectioncurrents under the mid-ocean ridges and sinking currents under the continents. Theoretically, thisconvection would carry the continental plates along as though they were on a conveyor belt andwould provide the forces needed to produce the split that occurs along the ridge. This view may becorrect: it has the advantage that the currents are driven by temperature differences that themselvesdepend on the position of the continents. Such a back-coupling, in which the position of the movingplate has an impact on the forces that move it, could produce complicated and varying motions.On the other hand, the theory is implausible because convection does not normally occur along lines,and it certainly does not occur along lines broken by frequent offsets or changes in direction, as theridge is. Also it is difficult to see how the theory applies to the plate between the Mid-Atlantic Ridgeand the ridge in the Indian Ocean. This plate is growing on both sides, and since there is nointermediate trench, the two ridges must be moving

apart. It would be odd if the rising convectioncurrents kept exact pace with them. An alternative theory is that the sinking part of the plate, whichis denser than the hotter surrounding mantle, pulls the rest of the plate after it. Again it is difficult tosee how this applies to the ridge in the South Atlantic, where neither the African nor the Americanplate has a sinking part. Another possibility is that the sinking plate cools the neighboring mantle and produces convectioncurrents that move the plates. This last theory is attractive because it gives some hope of explainingthe enclosed seas, such as the Sea of Japan. These seas have a typical oceanic floor, except that thefloor is overlaid by several kilometers of sediment. Their floors have probably been sinking for longperiods. It seems possible that a sinking current of cooled mantle material on the upper side of theplate might be the cause of such deep basins. The enclosed seas are an important feature of the earths surface, and seriously require explanation becaus e, in addition to the enclosed seas that aredeveloping at present behind island arcs, there are a number of older ones of possibly similar origin,such as the Gulf of Mexico, the Black Sea, and perhaps the North Sea. Q1. According to the author which of the explanations for formation of ocean basins is NOT providedin the passage Option A Upper mantle of the earth behaves as a liquid when it is subjected to small forces B

Sinking part of the plate, which is denser than the hotter surrounding mantle, pulls therest of the plate after it C Sinking plate cools the neighboring mantle and produces convection currents that movethe plates D Japan Sea has a typical oceanic floor, except that the floor is overlaid by several

kilometers of sediment Q2. 2. According to the author, which theory has been successfully able to prove the cause of oceanbasin formation?I. Sinking part of the plate, which is denser than the hotter surrounding mantle, pulls the rest of the plate after it.II. Sinking plate cools the neighboring mantle and produces convection currents that move the plates Travellers proof Option A Only I B Only II C Both I & II D None of the above Q 3. This passage principally extends to

Option A Resolve a controversy B Sketch a theory C Reinforce certain research findings D tabulate various observations

Q4)Fill up the blanks with suitable prepositions from the alternatives given: In the long run, drinking proved fatal, both.his reputation & health. Option A for B to C of D at Q 5. Fill up the blanks with suitable prepositions from the alternatives given under the sentence.

We should try to.. the evil practices in the society.

Option A do with B do away with C do away D out away Q 6. Fill up the blanks with suitable prepositions from the alternatives given: You are not required to get up because the book is lyinghand. Option A at B in C on D for Q7. In the following sentence, some part or whole sentence is underlined. Below the sentence aregiven four ways of

phrasing the underlined part. Select the answer from among the choices whichproduces the most effective sentence, one that is clear and exact.The relationship between the RJD and the congress, which had earlier formed a morcha of sort.are currently somewhat strained. Option A a morcha of sort, were currently somewhat strained. B a morcha of sort, was currently somewhat strained. C a morcha of sorts, is currently somewhat strained. D a morcha of sort, is currently somewhat strained Q8. Fill in the blanks with correct article or prepositions:That night, she entered the room alone ___ the door, switched __ the light and sat motionless __ the dining table ____ her head bowed. Option A at, on, with, for B through, on, at, with C for, from, against, with D before, above, with, of

Q9. In the following sentence a word or phrase is underlined. For the underlined part fourwords/phrases are listed below the sentence. Choose the word nearest in meaning to underlinedpart:He displayed a distinct tendency to long-winded speeches when asked how he was. Option A boring B repetitive C circumlocutory D hyperbolic Q10. In the following sentence a word or phrase is underlined. For the underlined part fourwords/phrases are listed below the sentence. Choose the word nearest in meaning to underlinedpart:The two opposing parties have reached a stalemate. Option A dilemma B deadlock C exhaustion D settlement

Q11. In the following sentence a word or phrase is underlined. For the underlined part fourwords/phrases are listed below the sentence. Choose the word nearest in meaning to underlinedpart:Incensed by his rude behavior the manager suspended the work. Option A enthused B enraged C inflamed D excited Q12. In the following sentence a word or phrase is underlined. For the underlined part fourwords/phrases are listed below the sentence. Choose the word nearest in meaning to underlinedpart:The journey to Siliguri is quite tedious Option A diverting B wearisome C lively D resolute

AnalyticalReasoningQuestions: 15, 1 mark for correct answer, -0.25 mark forincorrect answer Directions: In each of the 4 questions given below are given two statements followed by twoconclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the two given statements to be true even if theyseem to be at variance with the commonly known facts and then decide which of the givenconclusions logically follows from the two given statements, disregarding commonly known fact. Q 13. Statements: All readers are teachers. All writers are teachers.Conclusions: I. Some teachers are writers.II. Some writers are readers. Option A if only conclusion I follows B if only conclusion II follows C if neither I nor II follows D if both I and II follow Q 14. Statements: All dogs are rats.Some rats are lizards.Conclusions: I. Some dogs are lizards.ll. Some lizards are dogs. Option A if only conclusion I follows B if only conclusion II follows

C if neither I nor II follows D if both I and II follow 15. Statements: All lawyers are cheats.Some women are lawyers.Conclusions: I. Some women are cheats.II. All cheats are women. Option A if only conclusion I follows B if only conclusion II follows C if neither I nor II follows D if both I and II follow Q 16. Statements: All plants are trees.No tree is green.Conclusions: I. Some plants are green.II. Those plants which are not trees are green. Option A if only conclusion I follows B if only conclusion II follows C if neither I nor II follows D

if both I and II follow Q17. In a certain code DIRECTOR is coded as ROTCERID. In that code language SOLUTION will becoded as: Option A NOTIULOS B NOITULOS C NIOTULOS D NOITUOLS Q18. A and B are children of D. Who is the father of A? To an swer this question which of thestatements (1) and (2) is necessary?C is the brother of A and the son of E.F is the mother B. Option A Only (1) B Only (2) C Either (1) or (2) D (1) and (2) both Q 19.

Find the next term in the series:1331,11,1728,12,2197,13,2744,______ Option A 45 B 35 C 25 D 14 Q 20. If DOCTOR is coded as ROTDOC, which of the following is the code for NURSED? Option A DESNUR B SEDRUN C SEDNUR D DERSUN Q 21. Complete the following Number series.8 ,27,125,343,____ Option A 729 B 1000

C 1331 D 512 Q22. In a code language 79N4U94E is coded as E49U4N97 then in that code language 1I4R9TIONwill be coded as: Option A NOIT9R4I1 B NOI9TR4I1 C NITO9R4I1 D NO9ITRS4I1Directions: Study the following information and answer the 5 questions given below it:Eight friends, A to H, are students of three colleges Loyola, Xaviers and Christ with two to three ineach college. They are majoring in three subjects Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. Not morethan three of them specialize in any subject. There are only two students in Xaviers. G studies Physicsin Xaviers with only E, who studies Mathematics. A and H do not study in Christ, and study the samediscipline but not Physics. C

studies Mathematics in Christ with F who studies Physics. D studiesMathematics and does not study in the same college where C studies. B does not study Chemistry. Q 23. Which of the following combinations of College-StudentSubject is correct? Option A Christ-C-Chemistry B Loyola-H-Physics C Xaviers-G-Chemistry D Xaviers-G-Physics Q 24. In which college(s) do two students study Physics? Option A Only Loyola B Only Xaviers C Only Christ D None of these Q 25. What is Bs specialization? Option

A Physics B Mathematics C Physics or Mathematics D Data inadequate Q 26. In which college does at least one student study Mathematics? Option A Only Loyola B Only Xaviers C Only Christ D All three Q 27. In which college does D study? Option A Loyola B Xaviers C

Loyola or Xaviers D Data inadequate NumericalReasoningQuestions: 15, 1 mark for correct answer, -0.25 mark forincorrect answer Q28. If 12 bulls can eat 5 kg of husk in 15 days, how long will it take 96 goats to eat 4 kgs assuminga bull can consume 4 times as much as a goat: Option A 20 days B 40 days C 60 days D 80 days Q29. Kalyan has the ability to complete a work in 4 days. Amit takes double the time taken by Kalyan, Firoz takes double that of Amit,and Nizam takes double that of Firoz to complete the sametask. They are paired in group of two each. One pair takes two-thirds the time needed by thesecond pair to complete the work. Which is the first pair? Option A Kalyan and Amit

B Kalyan and Firoz C Kalyan and Nizam D Amit and Firoz Q30. 2 whole number x and y are such that the sum of 5% of x and 4% of y is 2/3 rd of the sum of 6% of x and 8% of y. calculating the ratio of x: y, we get: Option A 1:2 B 2:3 C 3:4 D 4:3 Q31. At a cd rental shop data was collected on the number of cds rented on each of ten consecutive Sundays:40, 58, 30, 90, 48, 50, 41, 39, 40, 56.Calculate the sample mean (or the value closest to it). Option A 44 B

49 C 46 D 48 Q32. Shyam tries a particular combination to open a number lock which contains 5 rings , each ringcontaining 10 distinct numbers. Find the probability that the lock is not opened? Option A 1 - (1/5 ) B 1 - (1/10 5 ) C 1 - (1/ P 5 ) D 1 - (1/ C 5 )

Q33. Assuming license plates are randomly distributed and that they consist of 3 letters followed by 3digits (ex. UPW 181), what is the probability that SAM OTE will get a plate with either his first orlast name on it? Option A 2/8789 B 3/8899 C 6/2325 D None of the above Q34.

Suganya goes to visit the house of some friends whom she has not seen in many years.Sheknows that besides the two married adults in the household, there are 2 children of differentages. But she does not know their genders. When she knocks on the door of the house, a boyanswers. What is the probability that the other child is a boy? Option A 1/2 B 1/3 C 1/4 D 1/5 Q 35. Suppose that you have Rs. 10 and that you play a betting game to win an additional Rs. 10.00.Following are the rules:1) You bet your entire fortune of Rs. 10.00 on one spin of the wheel2) The wheel has totally 18 holes, out of total 40 slots.3) If the ball lands in any one of the holes, then you win additional Rs. 10 As per the above rules, what is the chance of you earning a profit of Rs. 20? Option A 0.45 B 0.9 C

0.2025 D 0.1 Q36. Assume that a pathway is being created through two cir cular figures represented by theequations below :(x+2) 2 + (y-6) 2 = 16 (x+2) 2 + (y-6) 2 = 81What is the area of the pathway, in sq units, thus created? Option A 20 pi B 65 pi C 30 pi D 40 pi Q 37. What is the area bounded by the following curves Y+2x <5, y-5x <-5 and y>0 Option A

23/28 B 45/28 C 32/65 D 37/45 Q38. A book has 317 pages. If each page has the number written on it, what percentage of all the numerals used are 3? Option A 0.09 B 0.095 C 0.1 D 0.105 Answer the questions based on the below table: (x+2) 2+ (y-6) 2 = 81What is the area of the pathway, in sq units, thus created? Option A 20 pi

B 65 pi C 30 pi D 40 pi Q 37. What is the area bounded by the following curves Y+2x <5, y-5x <-5 and y>0 Option A 23/28 B 45/28 C 32/65 D 37/45 Q38. A book has 317 pages. If each page has the number written on it, what percentage of all the numerals used are 3? Option A 0.09 B 0.095 C 0.1 D

0.105 Answer the questions based on the below table:

Q 39. Approximately what percentage of people sampled are unemployed? Option A 0.04 B 0.05 C 0.06 D 0.07

Q 40. What is the ratio of males to females employed in Business services ? Option A 5:3 B 2:1 C 3:2 D 5:4 Q 41. Males employed are highest in the following sector? Option A Voluntary Work B IT C Engineering D Legal Services Q 42. Females employed are least in the following sector? Option A Legal Services

B Health Care C Business Services D Self Employed MathematicalModellingQuestions: 3, 1 mark for correct answer, -0.25 mark forincorrect answer Q43. Suppose that a national government takes census of population every quarter in a year. Thepopulation of the country at the start of 2005 (P 2005 ) is 100 million. The per capita growth rate of population (gr) of 0.01 per year and per capita death rate (dr) is 0.007 per year. What would bethe population of the country at the start of 2006? Option A 101 million B 100.75 million C 100.3 million D 105 million Q44. See the figure and answer the given question:The earth has a circumference at the equator of about 25,000 miles. (For purposes of this problem, lets assume a perfect sphere with a circumference of exactly 25,000 miles.) Imagine a

wire laid around the earth at the equator. By how much would this wire have to be lengthenedso that it could be lifted to a height of 6 ft over the entire equator? (Note: 1 mile = 5280 ft.) Option A 10 ft. B 32 ft. C 33ft. D None of the above Q45. A government decides to adopt the exponential method for taking census. Given that P 0 is the initial population, r is the average yearly growth rate, and n is the time in years, choose from the list below, the correct model qualifying the exponential method?1) P 0 *exp r*n 2) P 0 *exp r

* n3) P 0 *exp n *r Option A 1&2 B 1 C 2&3 D 3

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