Gone But Back For More

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By: Lucina James

Thriller/mystery story

Gone, but back for more!

Opening the old rusty door, it squeaked like a whistle. Taking one step into the old, dark, dusty graveyard gave me shivers, every grey broken tile I stood on wobbled, bushes rattled and owls looted. While running to get to the house the wind kept brushing me back as if I was not meant to be there but I was not backing down. Suddenly a dark mysterious shadow appeared beside me. Go back, Go back, beware for you will not come out this house...Alive! he had chanted. Within minutes the shadow disappeared and I shook with fright while beginning to daydream.

2weeks ago I was enjoying the best day of my life, my 18th birthday, all the lights were shining brightly in my green eyes, the reflection of the sparkly crystals shining brightly on the new grey walls. My father came just in time for the father and daughter dance, I was missing my sister Leah but The song was fantastic and the vibe was nice, I held up my hand and I placed it on his left shoulder laying my head on the other, every step we took felt special like nothing else mattered in the world it was just me and him against the world, we were inseparable, I knew there was something wrong so I looked into his dark blue eyes and I asked him what was wrong. He replied with a big cheesy smile and handed me a small glittery box with a tag on, Dear Alexandra I have watched you grow up for a long 18 years and you have accomplished a lot, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, Love dad. It had said. Tears appeared whilst I was reading the note but when I saw what was in it one tear ran down the right side of my narrow cheek leaving a white line were it had flown down. I ran outside sounding like a herd of elephants and when I first saw his present I was stunned, I never thought he was going too actually get me this amazing gift I had always wanted. He had to go for his work presentation. The party was over in 5minites so I just thought that everyone wouldnt have minded if I took a spin in my new Mercedes convertible car, when I came back I unwrapped all my lovely wrapped presents to find there was an extra one with the label saying anonymous, so I opened it, to find there was a map and a note saying time to find daddy.

Soon after I came back to reality, and realised I was still in that creepy old house they called the mansion it was horrifying with all the cob webs and holes were the rats and mousses probably came from. I was starting to wish I came with my friend but if I was to leave, I would never come back. Entering the kitchen there was food all over the floor, sides and walls, I toured the rest of the 9 rooms to find that every room out of the 10 rooms I toured were as filthy as each other. Suddenly I saw some stairs leading up to what seemed to be an attic I was so curious to see what was up there, so I climbed and climbed all the steps and I think I counted 124 (only joking.) it was 23 step but after the 15th step my legs started to ache and my feet felt like they were going to get blisters or boils on them but I carried on, and in 2minutes,(which felt like half an hour to me) I was at the top of the stairs, getting ready to open the door with my clammy hands and Just as I was going to open the door I heard a loud deep screaming coming from the room, it sounded like it was coming from a man.

I was getting ready to open the door with my clammy hands. Just as I was going to open the door I heard screaming from the room barging in made my right wrist twist but the shocking horror I saw took all the pain away. I burst out into so many tears it left a puddle, I had found him (my father) but he had bright red blood slowly dripping down his chest, mouth and arms. He was chained to a chair and tortured for the 2weeks he had been missing, and I felt awful as if my heart was being ripped out in front of me, he looked like a lifeless living soul, with missing teeth and no fingernails because they were hanging from the walls, I was disgusted, how could a fellow human being ever do this to its kind, and why my farther? I ran to him and hugged him close until a shadow appeared like when I was in the graveyard but this time it showed itself and said I will kill you, whatever it takes! I ran for my life whilst shouting I will come back for you farther! when I reached the main dining hall I ran underneath the table and rang the police, she was following me; I could hear her footsteps and the tiles squeaking, the police answered, But before I could answer back my ankles were grabbed and I was dragged from under the table into the kitchen, I was screaming at the top of my lungs and hoping that the police could have traced my phone because of the screams they heard, but all I could do was prey. all these years dad has threated you like his little princess, you always over shadowed me making me feel smaller than you, how could you do this to your own twin sister! she was screaming, now its my time for payback. She was throwing plates and they would shatter onto the floor, plunging the ebony handled dagger into my stomach my eyes rolled to the back of my head and bright red blood splattered out my mouth, nose and stomach leaving a puddle of red blood on the floor beside me she thought she was done with me and that I was dead but she was wrong I was a fighter, and was hoping for some to come, and rescue me.

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