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Strategic Planning for Diversity and Organizational Change
by Damon A. Williams and Charmaine Clowney
Volume 2/issn 1554-0464 Issue 3/isbn 978-1-57922-165-2 March 2007

C ONTENTS Executive Summary

Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 This briefing is designed for senior academic leaders and others engaged in
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 the work of campus diversity and organizational change, whether at the pres-
Strategic Pressures for Change . . . . . . . . 2 ident, provost, dean, or department head level, or participating in campuswide
Diversity Planning in Higher Education . 3 diversity planning committees and commissions as students, faculty, and
Models of Diversity in staff. Although the briefing focuses on the key role of academic leadership, we
Higher Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 developed it so that it would be helpful for the full spectrum of individuals
The Inclusive Excellence Model . . . . . . . 7
often charged with intersecting with the diversity planning and leadership
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
process. It is based on several concepts that emerged as part of a project by
Note . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AACU) on the future
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
of diversity work in higher education, Inclusive Excellence (Williams,
Annotated Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Berger, & McClenden, 2005); a project examining dedicated executive-level
A BOUT THE A UTHORS diversity leadership, The Chief Diversity Officer Project (Williams & Wade-
Damon A. Williams is assistant vice provost Golden, 2006; in press); the scholarly literature on diversity and organiza-
for multicultural and international affairs tional change; and our individual experiences building sustainable capacity
at the University of Connecticut and co- to support and nurture diversity as administrators, researchers, consultants,
principal investigator for the “Chief Di- and thought leaders nationally and at our respective institutions.
versity Officer Study.” He has lectured at We describe the context for understanding the environmental dynamics
more than 100 professional meetings and of diversity in the 21st century and the challenge of the diversity planning
institutions and has published in the areas process. Next, we identify three key existing diversity models and a new
of diversity, organizational change, reten- multidimensional model that offers promise for enhancing diversity efforts
tion, and academic engagement in higher on college and university campuses. We conclude with multiple princi-
education. ples—which we call change levers—important for academic leaders inter-
Charmaine Clowney is assistant vice chancel-
ested in applying this model to leading and managing diversity in a way
lor for diversity and multicultural affairs at
that is systematic, focused on diversity’s implications for all students,
the Pennsylvania State System of Higher
Education, (PASSHE). She is also a national driven by accountability techniques, and intended to create real and mean-
higher-education consultant on diversity. ingful change at all levels of institutional culture: the Inclusive Excellence
Model of organizational change and diversity (Williams et al., 2005).
Timothy J. Delmont
Director, Center for Human Resource INTRODUCTION
Development/Office of Human Resources During the last several decades, the diversity idea has evolved into a some-
University of Minnesota times confusing discussion of overlapping concepts such as multicultural-
Robert Secor
ism, access, equity, inclusion, and affirmative action (Cox, 2001; Norton &
Vice Provost Emeritus for Fox, 1997; Smith & Wolf-Wendel, 2005; Thomas, R., 2001). Even though
Academic Affairs diversity is often associated with equal opportunity and affirmative action
Pennsylvania State University employment and admissions policies, it is almost limitless in its definition and includes any number of identities. If we were to ask 10 people to define

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16449-EP NL#2,3 3/15/07 8:54 AM Page 2

diversity, 10 definitions would emerge. They would range from a narrow EFFECTIVE PRACTICES FOR
focus on the representation of ethnic and racial minorities, to the fostering ACADEMIC LEADERS
of a supportive campus climate for members of the gay, lesbian, bisexual,
transgender, and queer communities, to the infusion of diverse content
into the academic curricula and better preparation of all students for the ADVISORY BOARD
Trudy W. Banta
realities of a diverse democracy. This complexity often paralyzes well- Vice Chancellor for Planning and Institutional
meaning academic leaders, diversity planning committees, student affairs Improvement, Indiana University Purdue University
professionals, and others who are unable to reconcile the numerous defi- Indianapolis
nitions of diversity on college and university campuses. Carole J. Bland
Whereas the initial focus of diversity policies and programs was reactive Professor and Director of Research, Department of
Family Medicine, University of Minnesota
and limited, changing demographics, the emerging knowledge economy,
Betsy E. Brown
shifts in the Supreme Court’s view of diversity, and other pressures have en- Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and
hanced the strategic importance of diversity efforts in the new millennium Executive Director of the UNC Leadership Institute at
(Williams et al., 2005). Peterson and Dill (1997) foreshadowed this point in the University of North Carolina
“Understanding the Competitive Environment of the Postsecondary Theodore H. Curry
Professor and Director, School of Labor and
Knowledge Industry,” noting that diversity is one of six major forces re- Industrial Relations, Michigan State University
shaping higher education as we know it. Gerardo E. de los Santos
For nearly 50 years, higher education has actively addressed campus di- President and CEO, League for Innovation in the
versity issues (Smith & Wolf-Wendel, 2005). In the 21st century, it is rare Community College
to find a postsecondary institution without defined diversity capabilities. Walter H. Gmelch
At many institutions, affirmative action offices and policy statements, di- Dean, School of Education, University of San Francisco
versity task forces and commissions, multicultural affairs units and centers, C. Kristina Gunsalus
Adjunct Professor, College of Law, University of Illinois,
women’s studies programs, and even general education diversity distribu- Urbana-Champaign
tion requirements are common (Humphreys, 1997; Smith & Wolf-Wendel, William B. Harvey
2005; Williams et al., 2005). The problem with most of these efforts is that Vice President and Chief Officer for Diversity and
they exist at the margins of higher-education missions and campus priori- Equity, University of Virginia
ties, separate from conversations of institutional excellence and meeting the Val Miskin
strategic mandates of a changing environment. Academic leaders at all lev- Director of Graduate Programs, College of Business
and Economics, Washington State University
els need to understand these priorities and the models available for achiev-
Daniel W. Wheeler
ing current and emerging diversity goals and priorities of higher education. Professor and Head, Ag Leadership, Education, and
Communication, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Colleges and universities continually interact with their environments SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION
and must respond to these dynamics if they are to remain viable when cir- ISSN: [Print] 1554-0464 / [Online] 1554-0472
cumstances and trends change (Alfred, 2005). In higher education, the Editorial & Marketing: 703-661-1504
reasons for addressing diversity continue to evolve. Our review suggests
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four strategic pressures driving institutions to consider the challenge and 1-800-232-0223 / 703-661-1581
opportunities of diversity:
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1. Legal and political dynamics. Federal, state, and local laws and regulations Annual hard copy subscription: (12 issues): $90.00
have promoted diversity policies and practices in higher-education insti- Individual issue price: $13.95 plus shipping
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tutions, especially in the areas of employment and admissions. The use of site license and right of unlimited single copy
race and ethnicity as a factor in institutional decisions, although in com- reproduction)*: $250.00
pliance with selected laws, has also generated significant legal and Online subscriptions hosted by MetaPress
political challenges, chiefly through state ballot initiatives and exec- Copyright © 2007 Stylus Publishing, LLC
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2. Changing demographics. The American population is becoming more *Excludes copies made for courses for which students pay
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Volume 2, No. 3, March 2007 Copyright © 2007, Stylus Publishing, LLC Effective Practices for Academic Leaders
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emerging markets for economic,

social, and competitive reasons.
Within a decade, it is likely that
ethnic and racial minorities will
form the core of traditional college
age students, and their educational
needs must be met to maintain
overall enrollment levels and fund-
ing stability (Harvey & Anderson,
2005; Hodgkinson, 2000).
3. Emergence of a postindustrial knowl-
edge economy. The new economy is
driven by the reality that educated
people and their ideas are the key
to economic prosperity. Higher-
education institutions must prepare
citizens for knowledge-driven, de-
manding positions in what are of-
ten the fastest growing sectors of
the economy. Businesses and other
organizations continue to recruit Figure 1. Phases of Diversity Planning and Implementation in Higher Education
and value a culturally competent, di-
verse workforce, which helps them
respond to the increasingly competi- has been to ignore them; respond only on campus. Some typical actions
tive demands of the global economy in the face of exigent legal forces; create might be a racial or sexual assault
(Duderstadt, 2000). change efforts that are symbolic and on campus, a hate crime, activity
4. Persistent societal inequities. Disparities lacking in human, financial, and techni- of insensitivity, or an embarrass-
in race and ethnicity, where the cal resources; or leverage new initiatives ing statement made by senior
haves and have-nots are more dis- only when academic leaders are faced leadership regarding some issue
tinct and sharply structured along with powerful incidents of campus un- of diversity.
racial and ethnic lines than ever be- rest and social upheaval (figure 1). • Phase 2. As a result of the event in
fore, make it challenging for institu- Most diversity planning efforts fol- Phase 1, an internal and external
tions of higher education to capitalize low a similar reactive pattern that stakeholder response is galva-
on increasing demographic diver- often launches from some type of dis- nized from some combination of
sity. Economic inequities especially ruption in the culture of the institution students, faculty, staff, parents,
impede access to and graduation and, in many instances, ends in less- government officials, alumni, gov-
from higher-education institutions than-meaningful change (Williams, erning boards, and others.
for many students of color (Massey & 2006; Matlock, Wade-Golden, & Monts, • Phase 3. Often, the response in
Denton, 1993). 2004). Our review of several campus Phase 2 leads to a series of cam-
diversity planning cycles, interviews pus protests and demands made
DIVERSITY PLANNING IN with many of the nation’s leading diver- to senior leadership for diversity
HIGHER EDUCATION sity officers, and review of the literature changes. This phase may feature
The problem with meeting the chal- in this area suggest the following phases high-level local, regional, and na-
lenges of the strategic pressure points in the diversity planning process: tional media involvement, esca-
is that our institutions often resist lating the pace of change.
change (Peterson & Dill, 1997; Row- • Phase 1. A campus incident or, in • Phase 4. In response to the de-
ley & Sherman, 2001; Williams, 2006). some cases, the hiring of new sen- mands made in Phase 3, the pres-
In the past, our response to legitimate ior leadership interrupts the nor- ident, provost, or some other
demands for effective diversity changes mal process of diversity activity senior academic leader makes a

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symbolic statement regarding the pends heavily on institutional leader- may occur simultaneously, although it
institution’s support of diversity. ship’s understanding and desire to lead is rare for them to be tightly coupled
This may take the form of a letter deep and meaningful change across and exist in the same organizational di-
to the community, a press release, campus. Although the majority of di- vision or structure (Williams & Wade-
or a lecture presented to the en- versity reports do a good job of docu- Golden, in press).
tire campus community. menting the problem and presenting
• Phase 5. Senior leadership com- solid if not transformative recommen- The Affi firrmative Action and
missions a planning group or dations for change, they rarely men- Equity Model
task force to examine issues of di- tion current diversity capabilities and The Affirmative Action and Equity
versity, inclusion, and climate on resources, implementation processes, Model was developed to eliminate
campus. authority for overseeing day-to-day im- overt barriers of exclusion to higher
• Phase 6. Deliberation and discus- plementation activities, and budget al- education and increase the numbers of
sion regarding campus diversity locations to finance the many aspects of minorities, women, and other protected
issues take place. Data are ana- the plan. Consequently, many diver- groups enrolled in and working on
lyzed, forums are conducted, and sity plans are quickly shelved, because college and university campuses (Wash-
peer institutions are benchmarked institutions fail to adequately explicate ington & Harvey, 1989). Equal employ-
to develop a set of institutional how change will happen over time ment opportunity and affirmative
diversity recommendations. (Williams, 2006). The process of imple- action court rulings, policies, executive
• Phase 7. The campus diversity menting change rests at the center of orders, laws, and regulations in the
plan often includes recommenda- the Inclusive Excellence Model of orga- 1950s through the 1970s led to the de-
tions to (1) increase the diversity nizational diversity, and its proposi- velopment of the Affirmative Action
of the student, faculty, staff, and tions are outlined later in this briefing. and Equity Model (Loden, 1996; Nor-
administrative bodies; (2) improve ton & Fox, 1997; Thomas, R., 2001;
the campus climate for all mem- MODELS OF DIVERSITY IN Thomas, D., 2004). Although it contin-
bers of the community; (3) estab- HIGHER EDUCATION ued to evolve after it was first launched,
lish a senior or chief diversity Thomas Kuhn (1962) popularized the the model generally holds that colleges
officer (CDO) role to guide the idea of paradigms as an underlying and universities have a moral obli-
institutional change effort and system of beliefs, patterns, and as- gation to affirmatively redistribute
“hold people accountable”; and (4) sumptions that shape our thinking and opportunity to protected groups and
implement diversity training and determine, in large part, our percep- ameliorate the current effects of past
education programs for students, tions and experiences. Several scholars discrimination.
faculty, and staff. discuss the various models of the di- The model was intended as a tempo-
• Phase 8. After the plan is written, versity paradigm in organizational rary tool to fulfill a legal, moral, and so-
the process follows a similar pat- life, particularly in a corporate context cial responsibility by initiating targeted
tern for many institutions: The (Cox, 2001; Loden, 1996; Norton & efforts to ensure the creation of a di-
diversity committee makes a pres- Fox, 1997; Thomas, R., 2001). Table 1 verse environment (Thomas, R., 2001).
entation to the president, board, extends the work of these authors to It was meant to spur change in demo-
faculty senate, or some other gov- present three primary diversity mod- graphic representation and eliminate
erning body. The president or, in els currently operating in the higher- overt discrimination. Although African
some instances, the provost then education paradigm of diversity work: Americans, Hispanics, Native Ameri-
makes a broad public statement the Affirmative Action and Equity cans, and Asian and Pacific Islanders
about the importance of diversity Model, the Multicultural Model, and were the initial targets of the model,
that appears as splashy columns the Academic Diversity Model. policy changes and legal rulings have
in the university, student, local, Each model defines diversity differ- benefited individuals with disabilities,
and perhaps national newspapers ently and has evolved into a unique set women, and Vietnam veterans (Loden,
announcing the new plan. of policies, programs, initiatives, and 1996; Norton & Fox, 1997; Thomas, R.,
structures—organizational technolo- 2001; Tierney, 1997; Washington &
After Phase 8, the diversity process gies designed to achieve its specific Harvey, 1989). Affirmative action offi-
is much more difficult to map and de- goals and objectives. All three models cers, policy statements of nondiscrimi-

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Table 1. Three Models of Organizational Diversity Capabilities in Higher Education

Dimension Affirmative Action and Equity Multicultural Academic Diversity
Launching point 1950s and 1960s 1960s and 1970s Late 1990s–2000s

Locus Civil rights movement Black Power movement Diversity movement

Drivers of change Shifting laws, policy, social Campus social protests, shifting Changing demographics, workforce
movements legal policy needs, persistent inequalities, legal
and political dynamics

Definition Focused institutional effort designed Institutional diversity efforts designed Focused agenda centered on infusing
to enhance the compositional to provide services for ethnic and diversity into the curriculum of the
diversity of the university’s faculty, racially diverse students, women, and institution and conducting research
staff, and students and to eliminate other bounded social identity groups around issues of diversity
discriminatory practices and secondarily to research these
groups and constituencies

Diversity rationale Social justice Social justice Educational value

Focus Profile change Supporting diverse constituents Psychosocial and cognitive


Strategy Remediating and eliminating Providing diversity services, fostering Providing diversity as an important
discrimination community and tolerance on campus, resource for student learning
and conducting research and teaching
courses in the areas of diversity

Target of efforts Underrepresented groups of Underrepresented groups, social All students

students, faculty, and staff identity groups, women, primarily

Organizational capability Affirmative action programs, plans, Multicultural affairs units, cultural Centralized diversity requirements
and policy statements; Race-sensitive centers, and ethnic and gender and diversity programs such as
admissions programs and processes; studies institutes and programs intergroup relations offices.
equal opportunity programs

Dynamic of change Incremental—first order Incremental—first order Incremental—first order

nation, targeted recruitment initiatives processes (Orfield & Kurlaender, 2001). working in the professoriate (Tierney,
and hiring programs, outreach initia- Whereas the quota system existed in 1997). Where the model has been less
tives such as federally funded TRIO1 the early 1970s (Washington & Harvey, than successful is in increasing the
programs, and race-attentive admis- 1989), the model has evolved over the numbers of historically underrepre-
sions and financial aid programs are the last 20 years as the courts revise their sented African Americans, Native
primary organizational tools through thinking regarding the execution of af- Americans, and Latinos in the faculty
which the diversity capabilities of the firmative action programs and policies and minorities and women at the exec-
Affirmative Action and Equity Model in college and university admissions utive ranks of institutional leadership
are realized. (Gurin, et al., 2004; Tierney, 1997). (Harvey & Anderson, 2005).
As noted, the most prominent and This model is laudable in terms of The Affirmative Action and Equity
challenged form of affirmative action increasing the numbers of ethnic and Model also focuses on the reduction of
centers on access to education, particu- racially diverse students and women overt forms of discrimination and sexual
larly admission to colleges and univer- enrolled in higher education (Tierney, harassment in the workplace through
sities, using race, ethnicity, and gender 1997). It also has been instrumental targeted interventions, trainings, and
as part of the competitive selection in increasing the number of women investigations. Diversity training pro-

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grams usually emerge in reaction to a Gamson, 1978; Smith & Wolf-Wendel, tinction between “diverse groups” and
claim of discrimination or harassment, 2005; Wilson, 2005). These move- “federally protected groups.” Federally
or in accordance with a state law requir- ments focused on the expression of protected groups are defined by the
ing a certain number of diversity pro- political ideas and, for many, embrac- federal affirmative action programs
grams. Although important corrective ing ethnic or identity-specific values, mentioned in our discussion of the Af-
mechanisms, these efforts often fail to politics, traditions, cultures, and behav- firmative Action and Equity Model. By
connect diversity with the functional ior (Ogbar, 2005). comparison, institutional leadership
roles that faculty, staff, and administra- First, the Multicultural Model is defines diversity groups. Over time
tors play on campus and the relation- motivated by a commitment to capital- this definition has expanded to include
ship between diversity and issues of ize on the richness of different cultures GLBTQ communities; international
teaching, learning, research, and lead- and to help the members of those cul- students; commuter students; religious
ership. They do nothing to address tures thrive within the context of a groups; and others with a bounded
deep-rooted assumptions that diversity broad institutional environment that social identity group (Smith & Wolf-
is antithetical to quality, that diversity may in an active or passive way resist Wendel, 2005). Nevertheless, it is im-
research expands and advances the their presence on campus (Peterson portant to note that the recognition of
knowledge base of academic disciplines et al., 1978). This means culturally certain social identity groups may be
in new and innovative ways, or that the aligned services, programs, initiatives, contested, particularly at institutions
culture of the institution may passively and offices designed to nurture student that follow a faith-based, values-driven
reject the presence of certain groups success on campus (Peterson et al., mission or at institutions located in
by refusing to evolve and accommodate 1978). Second, the model focuses on more conservative regions of the coun-
their presence. understanding cultural similarities and try. At these institutions, the model
The problem with the model is that differences and exposing persons to may be more constrained; however,
it does little to change the norms of a diversity in a way that establishes mu- many institutions have invested in
traditional culture not originally in- tual understanding, respect, and greater “Rainbow Centers,” “Asian Cultural
tended for minorities, women, and openness to difference (Loden, 1996). Centers,” and “International Affairs”
other federally protected groups. The Third, the model aims to advance offices focused on previously ignored
Affirmative Action and Equity Model scholarship and research into previ- or undefined “diverse” populations.
was intended to accomplish only a piece ously ignored communities of women, As with any schema, some programs
of the process of deep organizational minorities, and others. and initiatives are difficult to catego-
change (Thomas, R., 2001). It is the re- The Multicultural Model is an incre- rize in one model. An example of this
sponsibility of academic leaders to mental organizational change approach dilemma is units such as African Amer-
transform the environment in such a that creates unique offices, programs, ican Studies and Gender Studies. These
way that it would enable these groups and structures that focus on issues of units not only conduct research into ex-
to thrive on campus. race, ethnicity, and gender as matters of periences, challenges, and identities of
first priority. Although national data various minority, gender, and other so-
The Multicultural Model are limited, anecdotally we know that cial identity groups, but they also play
The integrationist ideology of the Af- many institutions have at least one of- an important role in offering academic,
firmative Action and Equity Model fice or individual specifically charged cultural, and social programs for mem-
flowed from legal and political rulings with diversity-related matters on cam- bers of their constituencies (Asante,
and focused on breaking down barriers pus. Some common capabilities of this 1991; The Journal of Blacks in Higher
to full participation in U.S. society. By model are ethnic and women’s cultural Education, 2001; Peterson et al., 1978;
comparison, the Multicultural Model centers; gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans- Wilson, 2005). Although this hybrid
flowed from the cultural politics of the gender, and queer (GLBTQ) program functional role opens these units up to
1960s and 1970s and is anchored in the offices; multicultural affairs offices; numerous criticisms that their work is
ideology of Black Power and similar ethnic-specific student organizations; not scholarly, they should be under-
nationalist cultural movements such senior diversity officer roles; and di- stood as emerging from a context that
as the Chicano, Native American, and versity theme month events (Peterson was highly political and remains so,
women’s movements (Hale, 2004; et al., 1978). even to this day, as they attempt to
Ogbar, 2005; Peterson, Blackburn, & The model makes an important dis- deconstruct, evolve, and challenge the

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traditional Eurocentric and male-cen- Hurtado, & Gurin, 2002). The model is a minority group (Williams et al., 2005).
tered assumptions of reality in new and distinctive from previous models be- This point is a key distinction of this
important ways. Because of the hybrid cause of the intentional way that diver- model versus other models and begins
nature of their mission, these units exist sity is framed as important for whites to move the discussion of diversity from
in the synergies between both the Mul- and students of color, not because of the margins toward the center of the
ticultural Model and the Academic Di- the need to fulfill a moral or social ob- mission of colleges and universities to
versity Model, as do other initiatives ligation, but for educational purposes develop an educated and informed citi-
such as diversity faculty retention pro- (Chang et al., 2005; Gurin et al., 2002; zenry (Gurin et al., 2004).
grams and initiatives. Milem, Chang, & Lisling, 2005). The Academic Diversity Model as-
At the heart of the Academic Diver- sumes diversity education require-
The Academic Diversity Model sity Model is an intentional linkage of ments and programs focused on inter-
Discussions of the educational benefits diversity with the academic activities of group relations and difficult dialogues
of diversity first appeared in the higher- the institution. Whereas the Affirma- across difference. In a national study,
education landscape during the Bakke tive Action and Equity Model defines Humphreys (1997) found that nu-
decision of 1978 (Chang, Chang, & diversity in terms of social justice and merous institutions have diversity
Ledesma, 2005; Orfield & Kurlaender, redistributive equity, and the Multi- requirements, but that many of these
2001; Tierney, 1997). In the Bakke de- cultural Model defines diversity in requirements were ill defined and
cision, Justice Powell cast the deciding terms of supporting bounded social lacked superordinate learning goals.
vote in a split court. His ruling in sup- identity groups and advancing knowl- Simply putting diverse students in a
port of affirmative action is widely edge about these groups, the Academic classroom studying a “diverse” subject
known as the “diversity rationale,” and Diversity Model argues that the pres- such as German literature is not
he argued that a narrowly tailored pol- ence of diversity, particularly racial and enough. Although a step in the right di-
icy could constitutionally consider race ethnic diversity, is an essential environ- rection, these requirements may not
as one of many factors in the decisions mental condition for providing a high- help students better understand diffi-
of college and university admissions. quality learning experience in the 21st cult and challenging issues, such as the
Under this rationale, Powell affirmed century (Gurin et al., 2002; Gurin et al., existence of power and privilege or the
the right of postsecondary institutions 2004; Milem et al., 2005; Orfield & differential impact of racism and dis-
to make their own determination re- Kurlaender, 2001). The presence of di- crimination among societal groups.
garding the characteristics of their edu- versity establishes a context that allows In related fashion, higher-education
cational environment and the selection students to question their identities and students benefit from more intergroup
of their student body. Powell argued develop new ones, resulting in an abil- dialogue programs such as those at the
that a diverse student body broadens ity to take the position of the other, University of Denver, Arizona State
the range of viewpoints collectively view the world from multiple perspec- University, the University of Massa-
held by those students and subse- tives, and engage with the challenges of chusetts, and the University of Michi-
quently allows a university to provide difference (Gurin et al., 2002; Milem et gan. These programs focus on difficult
an atmosphere that is conducive to al., 2005). conversations across difference, are for
speculation, experiment, and creation The presence of unprecedented lev- academic credit, and engage students
(Chang et al., 2005). Under this ration- els of diversity is driving colleges and in a sustained semester-long project.
ale, Powell found that race-conscious universities to broaden how they define Although taking different forms, these
admissions served a compelling educa- and operationalize the concept. Thus types of programs offer a powerful op-
tional interest and were lawful under the Academic Diversity Model includes portunity for students to understand
the First Amendment. primary dimensions of diversity—such their own identities as well as the iden-
Grounded in theories of cognitive as race, age, ethnicity, or gender— tities of others, and to develop new ones
and social psychology, the Academic and secondary characteristics—such as they engage in the dialogue process.
Diversity Model argues that the dis- as learning styles, religion, socioeco-
continuities associated with diverse ed- nomic status, and geography (Loden, THE INCLUSIVE
ucational environments are essential to 1996). In this new tradition, diversity EXCELLENCE MODEL
enhancing the relational and cognitive encompasses everyone irrespective of Nationally, a conversation is building
abilities of all students (Gurin, Dey, race, ethnicity, or disparaged status as regarding the development of a power-

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ful diversity change process that the interdisciplinary nature of these top- stitutional culture. The platform is
Association of American Colleges and ics and others advances the strength powered by the educational, social, and
Universities refers to as the Inclusive of the academy and better situates business rationales for diversity and
Excellence Model. The language and postsecondary institutions to address stresses the historic and current rele-
tenets of the Inclusive Excellence emerging challenges and dynamics vance of affirmative action but also ac-
Model are under consideration and at presented by our evolving environ- knowledges the importance of the
some level of implementation at San mental context. emerging issue of diversity (figure 2).
Jose State University, the University of In an interview conducted specifically
Akron, Wesleyan University, Winona Managing Diversity in for this project, Judy G. Hample, chan-
State University, the University of Higher Education cellor of the PASSHE, summarized
Connecticut, the Pennsylvania State Part of a larger movement toward “man- this point well:
System of Higher Education (PASSHE), aging diversity” in all areas of organiza-
St. John’s Fisher College, and others. Al- tional life (Loden, 1996; Thomas, R., Recruiting and retaining ethnically and
2001; Thomas, D., 2004), the Inclusive racially diverse students, faculty, admin-
though implemented differently across
istrators, and executives strengthens our
each of these institutions, the Inclusive Excellence Model argues that diver-
economy. Diversity means more than
Excellence Model is grounded in the sity efforts be grounded in a powerful
morally doing the right thing. Depend-
following six core assumptions: Strategic Diversity Platform (SDP) ing on the geographic region of the state,
that is integrated, systematic, focused native Pennsylvania students have lim-
1. Political and legal dynamics, chang- on diversity implications for all stu- ited exposure to ethnic and racial diver-
ing demographics, the emergence of dents, and intended to create real and sity. Diversity is the right thing to do.
the knowledge economy, and persist- meaningful change at all levels of in- Our system has to provide students with
ent inequalities create the strategic
context for a diversity rationale.
2. Diversity is an important institu-
tional resource that should be
enhanced, institutionalized, and
leveraged toward the goal of insti-
tutional excellence.
3. Focus needs to be on ensuring stu-
dent intellectual and social develop-
ment and offering the best possible
educational environment for all stu-
dents, irrespective of identity and
4. Organizational resources need to be
used strategically to ensure that a di-
verse student body achieves academ-
ically at high levels and that those on
campus who contribute to that goal
are acknowledged and rewarded.
5. Attention needs to be paid to the cul-
tural differences that learners bring
to the educational experience, and it
must be recognized that these differ-
ences are to be used in the service of
learning for all students.
6. The intentional study of topics such
as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual ori-
entation, power, privilege, and the Figure 2. Three Models of Organizational Diversity in Higher Education

Volume 2, No. 3, March 2007 Copyright © 2007, Stylus Publishing, LLC Effective Practices for Academic Leaders
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this exposure to ensure that they are pre- 3. Focus on transforming institu- University of Michigan, observed in an
pared for the demands of a pluralistic tional culture. interview, “The president has to carry
and complex society and workforce. 4. Develop a strategic plan for di- the flag on these issues and get out in
Having well-educated citizens who ap- versity. front of the institution. You cannot lead
preciate and understand the different
5. Develop diversity leaders among these efforts from the rear, and you can-
perspectives of persons from other cul-
faculty, staff, and administrators. not assign them over to anyone else.”
tures is a central goal of higher educa-
tion, and one that we take very seriously 6. Build an integrated SDP. Diversity officers and committees
within the PASSHE. (J. G. Hample, 7. Establish accountability strate- can provide point leadership and strate-
personal communication, September 19, gies to drive change. gic thinking, but the final responsibility
2006) 8. Create motivational and entrepre- for guiding the change rests squarely
neurial strategies to encourage with senior institutional leadership. If
This point is important for academic change. the president, provost, deans, vice pres-
leaders interested in moving forward 9. Use scorecards to track change and idents, and other key leaders are not
with academic diversity initiatives but enhance organizational learning. guiding the journey, the implementa-
wondering about the continuing rele- 10. Communicate campus diversity tion is destined to achieve less-than-
vance of traditional diversity efforts efforts relentlessly. optimal results. The active involvement
such as affirmative action and cultural of senior leadership is one of the key
centers and programs. As this model Lever 1: Have Senior Leadership tenets that distinguishes the Inclusive
indicates, the question is not one of Guide the Change Journey Excellence Model from other higher-
choosing among the Affirmative Action Top-level support and long-term com- diversity models that are often lim-
and Equity, Multicultural, and Acade- mitment are the foundations of the ited to activation at the level of
mic Diversity models. The question for Inclusive Excellence Model of change. multicultural affairs and affirmative
academic leaders is: How do we in- The potential of organizational change action offices.
tegrate these models into a powerful is unleashed when individuals have a
framework that will capitalize on the common vision of the future (Rowley & Lever 2: Engage the
strengths of each? To accomplish this Sherman, 2001). Senior leadership helps Campus Community
goal requires a diversity approach that to launch this process by creating a Although they use multiple business
will evolve, extend, and optimize cur- broad institutional vision, redirecting processes, colleges and universities
rent models while creating a context resources necessary to implement that behave differently from their corpo-
for new capabilities. vision, and requiring plan development rate counterparts (Alfred, 2005; Birn-
and accountability from individuals at baum, 1988; Rowley & Sherman, 2001).
Strategic Change Levers multiple levels of the institution. Only To implement broad-based diversity
The Inclusive Excellence Model com- the president, provost, and other senior changes effectively, institutional lead-
bines aspects of previous models and leaders can focus attention and prior- ership needs to recognize these differ-
frames the diversity and inclusion itize diversity in a manner sufficient ences. One important difference is the
journey as an intentional effort to for institutional changes to be deep and need to engage the campus community
change institutional culture. It is a phi- transformative (Cox, 2001; Loden, 1996; broadly when major change initiatives
losophy designed to activate a combi- Thomas, D., 2004; Williams, 2006). are going to occur—particularly when
nation of strategic levers for changing Although some may think that they affect the academic domain of the
strategy, organizational structure, hu- campus diversity efforts are the re- institution (Rowley & Sherman, 2001).
man performance enhancement pro- sponsibility of senior diversity officials Because of the academic nature of
grams, reward systems, and processes and committees (Williams & Wade- the Inclusive Excellence Model, senior
of the institution (Galbraith, 2002). Golden, in press), only the will of the leadership must help the campus com-
The most important levers are the campus executive team and involve- munity understand the rationale for
following: ment of key leaders at all levels of the change and shape the goals and imple-
institution will activate the Inclusive mentation strategies of the diversity
1. Have senior leadership guide the Excellence Model. As James Duder- change journey. This demands honest
change journey. stadt (personal communication, Febru- and open communication with campus
2. Engage the campus community. ary 27, 2004), president emeritus of the constituencies. Faculty, staff, and stu-

Effective Practices for Academic Leaders Copyright © 2007, Stylus Publishing, LLC Volume 2, No. 3, March 2007
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dents care about their institutions

and are more favorable to change proj-
ects if they are invited to provide in-
put at the beginning and during the
process (Birnbaum, 1988; Rowley &
Sherman, 2001). Many leaders fear
such a transparent strategy, but given
the magnitude of change proposed un-
der the Inclusive Excellence Model,
engagement with the community is
essential if the change is to become a
permanent part of the institution’s
Diversity Web sites, e-mail sug-
gestion boxes, annual diversity re-
ports, and presidential remarks are
important. However, more powerful
strategies create the opportunity for
dialogue between the campus commu-
nity and institutional decision makers.
Successful efforts at implementing the Figure 3. Adaptation of Schein’s Model of Organizational Culture
Inclusive Excellence Model might in-
Source: From Organizational Culture and Leadership: A Dynamic View, by E. H. Schein, 1985, San
clude accessing faculty expertise for Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
consulting; hosting conversations with
key institutional stakeholders; or hold-
ing “town hall” meetings with faculty, Noted organizational theorist Edgar mon forms of resistance include believ-
students, and staff. Schein (1985) observes that institu- ing that high standardized test scores
These strategies, in addition to cam- tional cultures have multiple layers are the only way to measure student
puswide diversity planning committees (figure 3). The surface, or geospatial, quality, or that tenure and promotion
and task forces, allow institutional lead- layer in establishing a culture that can be determined only by publishing
ers to engage the campus community in values diversity is the easiest one to in the same journals and using the same
a conversation about the change. Al- manipulate; institutions commonly research methodologies as senior fac-
though the process is not intended to add diverse images to their on-line ulty members, or that faculty develop-
be democratic, even if individuals dis- brochures and magazines or may move ment activities are distractions that
agree with the changes, they will re- a cultural center to a new and more should be avoided.
spect senior leadership for taking the centralized campus location. The more Whether the cultural change in-
time-honored campus traditions of col- challenging cultural changes take place volves developing new diversity re-
legial engagement and providing an op- at the core of institutional culture and cruitment and retention processes,
portunity to give guidance to the involve the embedded values, beliefs, supporting ethnic-specific faculty affin-
change journey (Birnbaum, 1988). and assumptions guiding the behavior ity organizations, or hosting an annual
of students, faculty, staff, and adminis- diverse faculty development institute,
Lever 3: Focus on Transforming trative leadership regarding diversity the superordinate goal of these efforts is
Institutional Culture (Schein, 1985). It is at this level that the cultural transformation of institu-
The Inclusive Excellence Model is diversity efforts are most commonly tions that were, in many ways, built
predicated on the assumption that cam- resisted, because many institutional cit- to serve the nearly all-white male stu-
pus diversity efforts must focus on sys- izens stubbornly view themselves as dent populations for whom they were
tematically interrupting the usual pro- part of a sacred academic “brotherhood” founded. Leaders invested in the In-
cesses of institutional culture (Smith, that must be protected at all costs clusive Excellence Model must think
Turner, Osei-Kofi, & Richards, 2004). (Rowley & Sherman, 2001). Some com- about each diversity effort as part of an


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integrated whole and activate change that play a key role in achieving this 1. Remove people from office who don’t
efforts at multiple levels of the institu- goal must actively define what this meet the expectations of the institu-
tion’s culture. means for them and then develop real- tion’s emerging diversity agenda.
istic strategies to guide their efforts. 2. Cultivate understanding, new knowl-
Lever 4: Develop a Strategic By requiring diversity plans through- edge, skills, and attitudes in those
Plan for Diversity out the academic environment, aca- currently employed in administra-
Another important lever of the Inclu- demic deans, vice presidents, depart- tor, faculty, and staff roles.
sive Excellence Model is strategic ment chairs, and others must “own” the 3. Bolster the efforts of those already
planning for diversity. This begins by definition and implementation process involved in campus diversity efforts
writing diversity into the formal mis- locally. This allows campus stakehold- by enhancing their visibility and abil-
sion statement of the institution, as well ers to define the diversity challenge ity to do the work.
as locally at the school, college, or divi- from their unique perspective. For ex-
sional levels. Given the permanence of ample, what does “diversity” mean from Although some individuals will need
the institutional mission statement, ref- the perspective of the school of nurs- to be removed from positions of author-
erencing diversity constitutes a deep ing? The school of business? Or the ity, more realistically, institutional lead-
and broad commitment and is an im- college of liberal arts? Although un- ers will focus their efforts on enhancing
portant building block for other cam- doubtedly related, this exercise will the efforts and abilities of those already
pus diversity efforts. These statements help these entities to move the idea of in rank. This requires the development
should provide a clear definition of di- diversity from a place of abstraction to of human performance enhancement
versity and its implications for student a place of operational definition and ac- strategies designed to educate faculty,
learning and fulfilling the educational tion, for example, in terms of cultural staff, administrators, and students re-
purposes of the institution. By making competency in the health services, un- garding the definitions, framework,
the mission prioritize diversity, institu- derstanding the business case for diver- skills, and abilities required to help spur
tional leaders create a more permanent, sity, and Afrocentric paradigms in the the diversity change process forward.
symbolic, and visible context for invest- social sciences. The term education, not training, is used
ing energy, resources, and time in other Finally, diversity must be an inte- to suggest that leadership development
strategic diversity planning efforts. gral part of academic and strategic is best accomplished through a conflu-
One of the primary techniques for planning efforts, discussed at trustee ence of learning pedagogies and not
activating this prioritization is through and faculty senate meetings and among simply “diversity training workshops”
campuswide diversity plans authorized senior leadership in both general aca- (Cox, 2001).
at the highest levels of the institution. demic plans and broad strategic efforts Traditional diversity training pro-
Although no panacea, campuswide of the institution. Diversity cannot be grams often emerge out of the Affirma-
diversity plans form both the “adobe” discussed singularly within the campus tive Action and Equity Model and may
of an institution’s strategic diversity diversity plan and/or affirmative ac- not cover all of the numerous topics re-
framework and a beacon for the insti- tion plan. These more-specific plans quired within the Inclusive Excellence
tution to follow. To achieve maximum should complement the broader plan- Model. For example, they may not fo-
effectiveness, these plans must be ac- ning documents of the institution. cus on how a female graduate student
companied by decentralized diversity in math/science may feel isolated in
planning efforts that define and oper- Lever 5: Develop Diversity courses in which she is one of only two
ationalize diversity at the local level Leaders among Faculty, Staff, women in a program of 20 graduate
of schools, colleges, units, and depart- and Administrators students in a science, technology, engi-
ments. For example, it is not enough One of the most powerful levers for neering, and mathematics (STEM) dis-
for a campuswide diversity planning changing institutional culture is cipline, or how a white male may be
committee to recommend that the in- through the human resources of the afraid to contribute in a pre–Civil War
stitution increase the representation institution—its faculty, staff, and ad- Black World Studies course for fear of
of historically underrepresented grad- ministrative leaders. From this vantage, being labeled a racist. Discussions on
uate students even when the plan is institutional leaders have three op- these topics are important because they
called for by the president or provost. tions for developing a team of diver- are strategically relevant to helping
The graduate school and other units sity leaders: all students feel included on campus,


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graduating the most diverse student brown-bag luncheons, funding sup- Lever 7: Establish Accountability
constituencies possible, and preparing port to attend diversity conferences, Strategies to Drive Change
white students and students of color to or workshops in the new faculty ori- Establishing accountability processes
lead and follow in a diverse democracy. entation program. No matter how the is essential to the Inclusive Excellence
The Inclusive Excellence Model strategy is activated, what is essential Model of change. The only way to en-
requires more than basic diversity is that it is actively implemented and sure accountability at multiple levels
training around interpersonal dynam- systematized as part of the diversity of the institution is to connect campus
ics, sexual harassment, and the legal journey. diversity efforts to budget allocations,
context of diversity. It requires cre- performance reviews, bonuses, and
ative leadership development de- Lever 6: Build an Integrated SDP merit promotions—the financial sys-
signed to facilitate new skills, abilities, To increase the programmatic impact tems of the organization (Rowley &
and understanding in faculty, staff, and influence of an institution’s diver- Sherman, 2001). Without tapping into
and administrators. The University of sity capabilities, they should be tightly the financial infrastructure, true orga-
Connecticut provides one example of integrated into a cohesive SDP. On nizational accountability is impossible
such a strategy. The university has many campuses, well-meaning diver- to achieve in terms of diversity or any
implemented a 90-minute lunch ses- sity offices, commissions, plans, and other institutional goal.
sion called “Conversations on Diver- initiatives are diffused, duplicative, un- For institutions serious about im-
sity” to create a forum for the clear, working at cross-purposes, or in plementing their strategic diversity
president, provost, deans, and vice other ways not maximally benefiting goals, tying merit to strategic objec-
presidents to engage in a working the institution. In the absence of an in- tives may be a powerful way of reward-
meeting around diversity topics such tegrated SDP, no accountability struc- ing individuals and providing a human
as the minority Ph.D. pipeline, faculty ture exists for ensuring that campus performance driver to get members of
recruitment strategies, or retention in diversity resources are maximized to the campus community engaged. The
the STEM disciplines. their greatest benefit. problem is that this type of aggressive
These meetings take place multiple One campuswide strategy for over- strategy will no doubt be met with re-
times a year and feature individuals with coming these challenges is the creation sistance. Implementing this strategy
well-regarded academic credentials and of a CDO position, especially the verti- will require a senior leadership team
the ability to address issues of diversity cally integrated CDO model. In their that is deeply resolved to achieve its in-
from a scholarly and pragmatic perspec- upcoming book, The Chief Diversity stitutional goals and is willing to expe-
tive of higher-education leadership. To Officer: Strategy, Structure, and Change rience the discomfort that this type of
truly transform institutional culture, Management, Williams and Wade- change may arouse.
campus leaders must help colleagues de- Golden (in press) refer to this arche- One system that has made great
velop new mental models (Kezar, 2001). type of CDO structure as the Portfolio strides toward implementing broad-
Senge et al. (1999) argue that mental Divisional Model (PDM). Although based diversity accountability mecha-
models guide an individual’s view of the operationalized differently across the nisms is the PASSHE. More specif-
world and must be recast when deep in- country, the PDM is characterized by ically, it has found a number of cre-
stitutional transformation is the focus of the CDOs having a seat in the presi- ative ways to link its strategic di-
change. This is the goal of the “Conver- dent and/or provost cabinet, direct re- versity plan, Cornerstone of Excellence
sations on Diversity” program at the porting units, campuswide diversity PASSHE, 2004b), with its system
University of Connecticut. In the ab- committees chaired or staffed by the strategic plan, Leading the Way
sence of new mental models to interpret CDO, defined collaborative relation- (PASSHE, 2004a). Since implement-
current diversity priorities and con- ships with deans/vice presidents, and ing both plans, changes in the system
texts, campus leaders will continue to campuswide diversity planning efforts have been dramatic, particularly at the
rely on flawed, incomplete, or otherwise and initiatives. Having an integrated executive level; the system now features
unproductive strategies built from their SDP allows consistent leadership, the six African American, one Latino, and
past experiences. sharing of resources, the generation of four female presidents.
Some other educational strategies collaborative synergies, and the lever- When a campus diversity plan is de-
might include special conferences, aging of disparate capabilities for max- veloped so that it directly complements
training workshops, summer institutes, imal benefit. the system strategic plan, both plans


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leverage the same rationales, philoso- “carry-forward” monies left over from process is described in the business
phy, and indicators of success or failure. the previous year toward a central “In- literature and has been adapted to the
The ability to fulfill institutional diver- clusive Excellence” account. High- higher-education and nonprofit sectors.
sity goals is therefore viewed as funda- achieving diversity organizations could For example, Estella Bensimon (2004)
mental to accomplishing the larger recoup these funds by providing inno- of the University of Southern California
strategic goals of the system. The pres- vative leadership toward campus diver- has written extensively about equity, or
ident and chief academic officers must sity goals. By placing diversity change diversity, scorecards.
be highly involved in monitoring cam- efforts in the competitive space that ex- Scorecards are powerful tools for
pus implementation efforts, appoint a ists among deans, vice presidents, and helping institutions align their change
committee to review the institutional others, we may create new motivating vision with bureaucratic structures,
progress, and make recommendations energy for academic leaders to own and day-to-day operations, and overarching
on how they can improve. activate the campus change process. organizational processes (Kaplan &
This strategy was used with great suc- Norton, 1992). They also can be used to
Lever 8: Create Motivational cess during the implementation of the communicate progress to stakeholders
and Entrepreneurial Strategies “Michigan Mandate for Diversity” at of the institution. When constructed as
to Encourage Change the University of Michigan, and ac- the guiding vision of a diversity plan,
Campus leaders must have “pull” strate- cording to former president James such a tool can enable campuses to
gies alongside accountability strategies Duderstadt (2000), it was essential to move from simply “checking off” diver-
to encourage involvement in the diver- the university’s ability to institutional- sity outcomes—usually represented by
sity change process. In an environment ize campus diversity efforts. the compositional diversity of the stu-
characterized by shared governance and A final pull strategy is to have cen- dent body—to managing a compre-
collegiality, motivational energy and en- tralized diversity challenge or match- hensive plan to reach diversity and
trepreneurial strategies are particularly ing grants accessible to students, educational quality goals and to place
vital. In an era of stretched resources, faculty, staff, and/or departments. These these goals at the core of institutional
not all rewards can be monetary. Other competitive funds offer financial incen- planning and action.
incentives and rewards, including re- tives to encourage entrepreneurial en- The Inclusive Excellence scorecard
lease time, program and personal recog- ergy and new diversity initiatives to developed for the AACU is a multidi-
nition, and special perks, such as a bubble up from the institutional com- mensional management and measure-
privileged parking space, should be con- munity. Funded initiatives then could ment tool that can simultaneously drive
sidered. The work of those individuals, contribute to a special report, confer- and assess change in four areas: (1) ac-
schools, and departments that are mak- ence, or presentation that may be used cess and equity, (2) campus climate,
ing strides must not go unrecognized. to communicate both internally and ex- (3) diversity in the formal and infor-
The efforts of campus diversity champi- ternally the institution’s efforts toward mal curriculum, and (4) learning and
ons must be given visibility (Cox, 2001). inclusive excellence. development (Williams et al., 2005).
For example, the president could host a These areas, along with the quantita-
campuswide recognition banquet at- Lever 9: Use Scorecards to tive and qualitative indicators of prog-
tended by the board, senior leadership, Track Change and Enhance ress, should be used to guide the con-
powerful alumni, and other institutional Organizational Learning struction and assessment of both cam-
stakeholders. This type of event sends a Inclusive excellence is about more than puswide and unit-based diversity plans.
powerful message to the campus com- simply improving the numbers and re-
munity regarding diversity’s importance cruiting more students of color on cam- Lever 10: Communicate Campus
and establishes new institutional tradi- pus (Milem et al., 2005; Williams et al., Diversity Efforts Relentlessly
tions that help to further institutionalize 2005). Colleges and universities must Some argue that strategy is a systematic
changes to the campus culture. embrace comprehensive performance way of positioning an institution within
Although central funding of diver- measurement indicators linked to a context of community stakeholders
sity is critical, another strategy is to goals, objectives, strategies, and evi- (Alfred, 2005). In today’s competitive
have relevant leadership structures dence. The notion of assessing orga- environment, higher-education leaders
(e.g., school, college, department) con- nizational diversity in a manner that should begin to think about their diver-
tribute a piece of their annual budget or is balanced between outcomes and sity capabilities as differentiating them


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from other institutions and giving them justments in one or more areas of the tinue to be a challenge into the foresee-
a competitive advantage. To accomplish organization, such as developing a new able future.
this goal, institutions must communi- diversity office or establishing a new The levers outlined here are just the
cate their diversity vision, strategy, and diversity requirement (Kezar, 2001). By beginning of the change journey and
outcomes consistently and with convic- comparison, secondary changes create provide tools for institutional leaders
tion. Diversity and the efforts to achieve new patterns of behavior and assump- to generate the creative energy neces-
greater diversity outcomes should be a tions governing organizational life. sary to achieve the goals of diversity.
powerful piece of the institutional This takes place only if changes take To meet the strategic priorities of the
“brand equity” that is marketed and place in the strategy, structure, people, world in which we live, higher-educa-
positioned as a positive point of differ- processes, and reward systems of the tion institutions must re-create the
ence versus peer and aspiration insti- institution (Galbraith, 2002). way in which we do business. Changes
tutions, similar to building a new No other model is as broad in its po- must occur not for their own sake but
football stadium, opening a new life tential impact as the Inclusive Excel- for the sake of improvement.
sciences center, or recruiting a Nobel lence Model, which promotes the Transformational change is difficult
Prize winner to the faculty. embedding of diversity values into the to imagine and even more challeng-
To keep diversity on the radar of strategic core of institutional life; pre- ing to implement. Institutions serious
campus priorities, progress reports scribes key activities for top-level lead- about the Inclusive Excellence Model
must be given regularly to the board of ers; and encourages the involvement of must have senior leadership that is
trustees, faculty senate, alumni board, students, faculty, staff, and administra- committed to prioritizing campus di-
parent association, and elsewhere. Fur- tors in the process of change. versity efforts, reallocating resources to
thermore, it is necessary that the presi- Another positive aspect of the model drive change, and staying the course of
dent give an annual “state of diversity is that it proposes a diversity infra- implementing the proposed strategies.
address,” in which major milestones are structure that allows tighter control Although research is limited, some sug-
presented and next steps are discussed and the enhanced impact of current di- gest that paradigm-rupturing change
within the context of a broad commu- versity resources. In a time of pervasive generally takes between 10 and 15
nity effort to implement the plan. These financial constraints, the opportunity years to accomplish (Simsek & Louis,
strategies are necessary because they to more effectively leverage current 1994). The changes proposed by the In-
both communicate what is going on resources to achieve current and clusive Excellence Model will take this
with the diversity change project and emerging institutional goals is always long or longer and require explicit ac-
simultaneously position that project beneficial. Whereas the diversity capa- tions by senior leadership and others
within the evolving myths, symbols, bilities of other organizational models with the courage to redefine campus
and rituals of the institution. are generally unfocused, the Inclusive systems, structures, behaviors, and pri-
Excellence Model proposes vertical orities. In environments characterized
A More Powerful Organizational (e.g., CDO models) and lateral struc- by maintenance of the status quo, these
Diversity Model tures (e.g., campuswide diversity com- activities will undoubtedly be unpopu-
What makes the Inclusive Excellence mittees) for leading and coordinating lar and expose change agents to cri-
Model more powerful than previous campus diversity efforts. tique. However, only through these
models is its comprehensive nature. kinds of efforts can we hope to generate
First, rather than presenting a new CONCLUSION the enhanced diversity outcomes
model of organizational diversity, the Demographic shifts, legal and political needed in the twenty-first century.
model builds on and evolves from pre- contestation, economic and workforce
vious models, to amplify and more fully imperatives, and increasing conversa- NOTE
implement them on campus. Second, tions regarding diversity as an educa- 1. The name “TRIO” is used to de-
the model pursues both first-order and tional imperative require institutions scribe federal programs for low-income
and disabled Americans funder Title IV of
secondary organizational change goals to transform themselves and make di- the Higher Education Act of 1965. They
in an effort to create an incremental and versity goals central to their educa- are referred to as “TRIO” programs dat-
transformative impact (Kezar, 2001). tional mission. However, planning and ing back to the original three programs
First-order changes refer to minor ad- accomplishing diversity goals will con- that existed when the programs was first


Volume 2, No. 3, March 2007 Copyright © 2007, Stylus Publishing, LLC Effective Practices for Academic Leaders
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started. TRIO is not an acronym. For tional Association of Secondary School plan 2005–2009. University Park: Penn-
more information on TRIO programs Principles. sylvania State University.
please visit http://www.trioprograms Humphreys, D. (1997). General education Pennsylvania State System of Higher Edu-
.org/abouttrio.html. and American commitments: A national re- cation. (2004b). Leading the way: The
port on diversity courses and requirements. Pennsylvania State System of Higher Edu-
Washington, DC: Association of Amer- cation (PASSHE): A plan for strategic di-
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Williams for higher-education leaders. secondary institutions.


Timothy J. Delmont: Supervising Staff for Success
Jean Waltman and Beth Sullivan: Creating a Supportive
Work-Life Environment for Faculty and Staff
Damon A. Williams and Charmaine Clowney: Planning
for Diversity in Higher Education—A Strategic Primer 22883 Quicksilver Drive
for Leaders Sterling, VA 20166
Diane Enerson: Promoting a Climate for Teaching
and Learning
Robert Secor: Strategies for the Academic Search
Natalie Krawitz: Department Budgeting
Walter H. Gmelch and Val Miskin: Leading through
Teams and Teamwork
John H. Barbuto, Jr.: Academic Leadership
Jenny Mandelbaum and Brent D. Ruben: Transitioning
Department Chairs
Christine Stanley and Nancy E. Algert: Conflict
John H. Schuh: Enriching the Student Environment
Ann Springer: Legal Issues


Volume 2, No. 3, March 2007 Copyright © 2007, Stylus Publishing, LLC Effective Practices for Academic Leaders

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