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Created By : Feppy Ismia Dewi Putri Eka Ayuni Putri Dina Pratiwi Rahmah Catur Putri Rahmat Saputra

Ria Angreini Class : XI Science 1



A Genie and Three People

Three people had been ship wrecked on deserted island for over two

years. One day they found a bottle washed up on the shore. When one of them rubbed the bottle, to their amazement a genie appeared. I have been in that bottle for two thousand years, said the genie. As a reward for releasing me, I will grant each of you one wish-but one wish only. I wish I was back in Melbourne with all my friends, enjoying a delicious meal, said the first person. A puff of smoke and the wish was granted. The second person said, I wish to be back in Sydney with my family, A puff of smoke and the wish was granted. The genie then asked the third person, What is your wish? Well, its really lonely by myself; I wish my friends were back here with me. (Taken from English Elements 3)




A. Kind of the text : Spoof B. Goal : To retell about funny story which has a twist C. Generic Structure : Orientation : Provides the setting and introduces participants Three people had been ship wrecked on deserted island for over two years. One day they found a bottle washed up on the shore. When one of them rubbed the bottle, to their amazement a genie appeared.


: Tell what happened, in what sequence

I have been in that bottle for two thousand years, said the genie. As a reward for releasing me, I will grant each of you one wish-but one wish only. I wish I was back in Melbourne with all my friends, enjoying a delicious meal, said the first person. A puff of smoke and the wish was granted. The second person said, I wish to be back in Sydney with my family, A puff of smoke and the wish was granted.


: Optional-closure of events

The genie then asked the third person, What is your wish? Well, its really lonely by myself; I wish my friends were back here with me.


D. Tenses o Simple Past Tense E. Conclusion One day on a deserted island, there are men who had been trip by ship in there. They found a bottle. One of them rubbed the bottle and suddenly a genie appeared from it. She had power to give peoples wish. After that, first man wanted to met his friends in Melbourne; second man wanted to back to Sydney and the last one wished his friends were back to him because he was alone.


A. Answer the question based on the text ! 1. What kind of text is the passage above? 2. Where did they had been ship wrecked? 3. How long they had been ship wrecked? 4. What is the writing purpose of the text? 5. How many characters are mentioned in the text? 6. What are the first and second persons wishes based on the text? 7. Who can gives their dream come true? 8. According to your opinion, which part of the text is funny? 9. I wish to be back in Sydney with my family. Whos said that? 10. One day they found a bottle washed up on the shore The part of th text is called.. B. Find the main idea of the paragraph! No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Main Idea The second person wished to back in Sydney Three people had been wrecked on deserted island The last person wished his friends were back The genie grant one wish only for the men The first person wished to back in Melbourne Paragraph

C. Find the TRUE or FALSE from the text! 1. There are three characters are mentioned on the text 2. Three men had been ship wrecked on a deserted island for


over two months 3. They found a box washed up on the shore 4. Three men rubbed the bottle 5. The genie had been in the bottle for three thousand years 6. The genie will grant each of them more than one wish 7. I wish to be back in Sydney with my family is the first person wished 8. A devil was appeared when one of them rubbed the bottle 9. A rain was appeared when the wish was granted 10. The third person wished for his friends were back there with him D. Find the referencing of the text 1. they refers to(P1.L1) 2. I refers to.(P2.L1) 3. I refers to.(P3.L1) 4. I refers to.(P4.L1) 5. me refers to......(P5.L1)

E. Find the synonym! 1. shore a. desert 2. grant a. fulfill


b. beach c. mountain 3. wish a. pray b. hope c. give 5. bottle a. jug b. box c. square F. Find the antonym! 1. delicious a. enjoy b. yummy c. undelicious 3. alone a. together b. individual c. by self 5. appeared a. come b. disappeared c. lost G. Fill in the blank from the text !

b. need c. get 4. reward a. password b. forward c. present

2. meal a. drink b. food c. chicken 4. back a. behind b. near c. forward

1. .had been ship wrecked on a desert island 2. One day, they found a.on the shore


3. When one of them the bottle, to their amazement a genie appeared 4. I have been in the bottle for said the genie 5. As a reward for releasing her, the genie will .each of their one wish H. Re-arrange the sentences into a good paragraph! a. I wish I was back in Melbourne, said the first person b. One day they found a bottle washed upon the shore c. I wish my friends were back here with me, said the last one d. I will grant each of you one wish-but one wish only, said the genie e. One of them rubbed the bottle, to their amazement a genie appeared f. I wish to be back in Sydney


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