June 2013 PROS Agenda

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Jason Morris, Chair Katherine McNenny, Co-Chair

Parks, Recreation and Open Space (PROS) Committee
Tuesday, June 25th, 2013, 6:00pm DLANC Meeting Room 453 S. Spring St., #1020

1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Public comment on Non-Agenda Items within the boards subject matter. Public comments are limited to two
minutes per speaker with a total time of ten minutes. (These parameters may be changed by the chair, depending on number of speakers and time considerations.) 4. All items on the Agenda may be actionable. 5. MOTION TO APPROVE: meeting minutes from May, 28th, 2013. 6. MOTION to APPROVE: letter of support for the 7th Street bike lane going through downtown, from the Historic Core, Skid Row, to the River and all the way to Boyle Heights. 7. MOTION to APPROVE: letter to Jon Mukri, General Manager of the Dept. of Rec and Parks requesting someone from his staff be present at one of our meetings to discuss his Departments plans for San Julian Park as soon as the transfer of the Park is made to the City of LA from the State of California. 8. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: empty lot on Ceres near 7th St. and the potential for a new green space, garden or Park- next steps to take to determine feasibility. 9. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Green Fund update by Russell Brown. Discussion of a proposed Tree Bank for future downtown development projects. Will explain recommendations from the DLANC Planning Committee. Proposed action: To be determined. 10. DISCUSSION: update on CD14 Working Group for Skid Row by Tom Grode. 11. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: Gabrielle Newmark will be explaining and demonstrating Tree Mapping , which is a technology already being used in San Francisco and other cities. She will be requesting funding a portion of this project for Skid Row and the Historic Core. 12. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION: discuss listing on DLANC website (under PROS) all Parks and Green Spaces downtown with a listing of support groups and or websites for each space. This information would be gathered to inform and direct all people about downtowns Parks & green spaces and how they might get involved with them. Someone would take this on as a project. 13. Board Member Comments 14. Discussion of next meeting date and location and possible agenda items 15. Adjournment

The public is requested to fill out a "Speaker Card" to address the Board on any item of the agenda prior to the Board taking action on an item. Comments from the public on Agenda items will be heard only when the respective item is being considered. Comments from the public on other matters not appearing on the Agenda that is within the Board's subject matter jurisdiction will be heard during the Public Comment period. Public forum is limited to 2 minutes per speaker, unless waived by the presiding officer of the Board. The chair may take items out of order. As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and upon request, will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services, and activities. Sign language interpreters, assistive listening devices, or other auxiliary aids and/or services may be provided upon request. To ensure availability of services, please make your request at least 3 business days (72 hours) prior to the meeting you wish to attend.by calling The Department of Neighborhood Empowerment at 213-978-1551. In compliance with Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt writings that are distributed to a majority or all of the Board in advance of a meeting, may be viewed at www.dlanc.com or at the scheduled meeting

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