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April 1, 2013. (Mon) Its the first day our of OJT.

We woke up early so that we arrived to the office in exact time. The examiner of the Registry of Deeds gave us an orientation so that we will be familiar to the things in the office. She gave us the rules and regulations and also the instructions of what we were going to do. She taught us how to pull out the Title in the book, how to get the volume of the book, paper works, arranging the titles when its not properly arrange and everything about office works. We learned a lot of things today. April 2, 2013. (Tues) Its our second day in the Registry of Deeds. Because of we were not familiar in such things in the office, the examiner of Registry of Deeds, Maam Love and the Clerk, Maam Susan, helped us and guide us in what were doing. They allowed us to do our task comfortably, I mean without pressure. Its a tiring and long day for the two of us because were the only OJTs in the Registry of Deeds. April 3, 2013. (Wed) Its another tiring and long day for the both of us, Claudine Escano and Sarah Macandili. Maam Love appointed us to keep the books in the shelves arranged properly. And after we arranged the books, we took our lunch and then we arranged also the releasing papers by its date and its EPEB number or the code. And then we put the papers in the envelop, and then we wrote it a label at the back. Thats it for today. April 4, 2013. (Thurs) We arrived at the office at about 8am. There are so many clients outside waiting to their Certified True Copies to be process. There are so many works also that was waiting for us. We did arranging papers, like releasing papers and separate it according to its transaction like Registered and Unregistered Land, Chattel Mortgage, etc. April 5, 2013. (Fri) Days had passed very smooth. Cant imagine that were now 40 hours in the Registry of deeds. Its very fast. Were now comfortable in the office because were now 5days. We have learned so many things in 5days. By the way, Maam Nette, the cashier appointed us to do the Cashiers yearly records. At first, we made a lot of mistake, we erased it and fixed it using Correction tape and White out, then after that, mistakes had reduced Its the end of the week.

April 8, 2013 (Mon) We (Claudine Escano and Sarah Macandili) arrived in the office at 8AM, we talked while were walking down stairs going to the basement. Then we saw a girl sitting near beside the front of the door. Then we asked each other Wala pa sila Maam? Sarado pa ang pinto e. then the girl replied wala pa. And the conversation got started. We asked her if shes also an OJT and she said yes. We asked her name and started to be friends. We also asked her where school she went, what year she is and what course did she take. She said that shes from San Pablo Colleges, shes also 4th year and she was taking a BS Accountancy. We taught the new OJT what we have learned. And after that, we taught her how to write in the Cashiers yearly record. April 9, 2013 (Tue) (Holiday) April 10, 2013 (Wed)

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