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Schedule Book Interchange 2 Reading log Tuesday 5:30 7:10 Friday 3:00 4:40

Unit 1: decision 1.1choice 1.2 better / the best 1.3 recommendations

Unit 2: future 2:1 forecast 2:2 decisions 20% ATTENDANCE 30% HOMEWORK 40% READING/WRITING LOG 20% UNIT TEST

TRUSDEY MAY 14TH 2013 UNIT 1: DECISIONS OBJETIVO: el alumno presentara, comprara y justificara opciones utilizando there is / there are , grados de comparacin, el modo interactivo y el verbo moral should 1.1 choces Possessive form (there is / there are) There is water in the jar There is cheese in the sandwich There is a bird on the nest There is a car in the garage There are three stop lights on the street

There are many shoes at the closet There are a lot of books in the library There are ten pens in the bag There are six plates on the table NEGATIVS There is not water in the jar There is not cheese in the sandwich There is not a bird on the nest There is not a car in the garage There are not three stop lights on the street There are not many shoes at the closet There are not a lot of books in the library There are not ten pens in the bag There are not six plates on the table Question Is there water in the jar? Is there cheese in the sandwich? Is there a bird on the nest? Is there a car in the garage? Are there three stop lights on the street? Are there many shoes at the closet? Are there a lot of books in the library? Are there ten pens in the bag? Are there six plates on the table? Choise (a / an) la forma singular de cualquier objeto y se escribe an cuando la siguiente palabra inicia con una bocal In work in a factory She is an English teacher Can I have an apple? Late in a Chineese restaurant He gave her an orange shirt We read an interesting story I live in a beautiful house I went to a nice place They have an old friend I bought an entertainment center

Choise (how much / how many) How much is $ an is singular How many is plural How much do you want? For how many days do you want to stay? How much is soup do you want? How many pets do you have? How many classes are you talking today? How much do you spend at school?

Tuesday May 28th Unit 1: choice 1.2 better / the best better: es un adjetivo comparative se refiere a la relacion entre dos cosas () the best: es un adjetivo superlativo, situa la posicin de un acosa en comparacin a 3 o mas cosas en discusin Mr. Smith raises the best carrots in his neighborhood Robbie is better worker than Fred These tomatos have a better flavor than Marias This is the best book in the library Of the 6 house on sale this one is the best The blue truck runs better than the white one This t-shirt is my favorite its the best My mom is cooking the best cake for my birthday My bog is better than yours to catch the ball My English class is better than my math class



Too- enough Very- really Too + adjective se utilisa la palabra too antes de algn adjetivo para expresar que algo es ms de lo deseado necesario o aceptable Adjective + enough se utiliza la palabra despus de algn adjetivo para expresar que alguna cantidad es suficiente Enough + noun se utiliza la palabra enough antes del sujeto idea o cosa para expresar que algo es suficiente para alcanzar un propsito en especifico Ej I dont feel well Ive eaten too much Dont worry. we still have enough time to get there before it closes Shes too young to go dancing The store too for the walk This town isnt big enough for the two of us Thats it. Ive had enough leave the class immediately! Is she tall enough to reach the cookies? This car is too small for the 6 of us If she doesnt get enough sleep shes bad temperament all day My coffee is too hot to drink at the moment

Really +strong adjective la palabra muestra mucha participacion en algo incluso sentimiento por parte de quien lo expresa se utilisa con adjetivos Fuertes Very + adjetive es ms neutral y se utiliza antes de un adjetivo Ej Everybody says he is a very intelligent man The dinosaurs from the movie was really enormous

The food tastes really disgusting. It has too much garlic and onion Our English class today was very interesting

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