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After non-compliance of IACRHs provisional remedies, personnel of the Refuge for Migrants La 72 left Tabasco

*Since April 19 the IACRH awarded provisional remedies *Personnel of refuge La 72 has received new death threats

On April 19th of this year the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACRH) granted provisional remedies favoring Fray Toms Gonzalez, Rubn Figueroa, and personnel/migrants lodged at the Refuge for Migrants La 72 in Tenosique, Tabasco. However, there have been violations to these remedies and, after new threats were made against the refuge personnel, some people lodged at the refuge have decided to leave indefinitely the instances since they fear for their lives and physical integrity. It is relevant to point out that the Mechanism for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders and Journalists had decided to award remedies in La 72s favor since March of this year, but there has not been any thorough compliance to the remedies, which rather proved ineffective in guarantying the safety of the refuge. In this setting, demanding organizations like ours will request the IACRH to urge the Mexican Government to comply thoroughly with the awarded remedies. Since the date on which these international remedies were awarded, the Mexican Government had a term of 15 days to inform the IACRH of the compliance of these remedies, after a prior agreement with the people to be protected wasreached. Nevertheless, the term of 15 days expired with no communication between the government authorities and personnel of the Refuge La 72, making Fray Toms write a letter to the Government Secretary to urge the Government to enforce the remedies. At a meeting held between authorities and members of the Refuge on May 17th, 2013, a Government agreement to enforce various remedies for protection was ratified; some of these remedies include escorting Fray Tom{as Gonzlez Castillo in order to guarantee his integrity either within the Refuge or during transfers in charge of the Federal Police. Despite the agreement, the Federal Police withdraw its escorts that very week without any explanation. After sending letters to inform about the oddness of the situation and to put pressure by several means, demanding organizations like ours managed to take back the transfer escorts on Tuesday June 11th, but up to now the escort of permanent presence and immediate reaction which had had the refuge since March of this year has not come back yet. During a meeting on May 17th it was agreed and set down a series of remedies which were not were complied with, including the installation of lighting, a panic alarm, a control room to supervise a closed circuit television system and a new locks system. In its part, the Mexican Attorney-General and the Attorney-General for the State of Tabasco have not filled a list of preliminary examinations that specifies the status of each one of them in regards to aggressions against defenders as well as to crimes against migrants lodged at refuge La 72; the list was agreed to be delivered to the beneficiaries of the remedies. In this setting, on Saturday June 8th personnel of the refuge received a new death threat by a person who approached the refuge stating that he/she was to fetch someone therein. That person warned Rubn Figueroa to stop hindering organized crime; otherwise, he would be found embalmed. He/she was later arrested on the grounds of that threat, along with another three people implicated in kidnapping of migrants; this three people had already been let go on Monday June 10th, even though the Attorney-General for the State of Tabasco has information that binds them to previous crimes committed against migrants. The undersigning organizations deplore the non-compliance with the remedies and the ongoing impunity that has caused some personnel at the refuge to abandon it; this situation leaves the migrants even more vulnerable, who already are victims of brutal

acts of violence that go unpunished and which are included within the provisional remedies awared by the IACRH. For this reason, we stress that it is essential that the Government guarantees the safety of members and migrants lodged at refuge La 72. Casa del Migrante de Saltillo Centro de Derechos Humanos Miguel Agustn Pro Jurez (Centro Prodh) Centro Diocesano para los Derechos Humanos Fray Juan de Larios AC Indignacin, Promocin y Defensa de los Derechos Humanos La 72, Hogar-Refugio para Personas Migrantes Movimiento Migrante Mesoamericano Propuesta Cvica Ac SMR Scalabrinianas: Misin para Migrantes y Refugiados Red Nacional de Organismos Civiles de Derechos Humanos Todos los Derechos para Todas y Todos For further information contact: Sister Leticia Gutirrez, Director of SMR Scalabrinianas: Misin para Migrantes y Refugiados: Stephanie Erin Brewer, Centro de Derechos Humanos Miguel Agustn Pro Jurez: 5546 8217, 5566 7854 Ext. 112 or 107

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