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Psycho-Technical Directorate

General Introduction:
Psycho-Technical Unit was set up in Railway Board in the year 1964. Later on due to expansion of research and development activities, it was transferred to RDSO as a unit of Traffic Wing. In the year 1989, it became an independent directorate. At present, this directorate is functioning under Executive Director/Traffic (Psycho).

Main objective of directorate is to increase job performance, job satisfaction and motivation of employees as well as prevention of accidents due to human lapses. In this perspective, directorate is engaged in research studies on variables considered important for traffic safety so that phenomena of accidents causation could be understood. On the basis of information obtained through research studies programmes, which aim to reduce accidents induced by human factors, are developed and executed.

Main activities of Psycho-Technical Directorate are as follows:

i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Scientific job analysis Development and standardisation of aptitude tests. Estimation of training needs of employees and provides guidelines for development of training programmes. Research on problems related to organisational behaviours. Development and implementation of programmes for stress reduction. Human engineering.

Main Projects
Development of Computerised Aptitude Tests for High Speed Train Drivers:
This year Psycho-Technical Directorate has developed a computer based test package CADAT for the drivers who are deployed on trains running at a speed of 110 kmph and above. This test measures specific abilities related to the job of drivers, such as, Reaction time, Form perception, Vigilance, Speed anticipation and some selected attributes of personality. Testing process and calculation of results are fully automatic and the result gets generated as soon as the testing is over. Similar tests are

administered in all advanced railway systems abroad. The test was developed by R.D.S.O. in collaboration with an outside software agency. This test is finding application in screening of High Speed Train drivers of Indian Railways w.e.f. September 2006.

Periodic review of Aptitude tests:

As per the directives issued by Railway Board, aptitude tests are applicable in recruitment and promotion of Asstt. Station Masters, Asstt. Loco Pilots and Motormen. After every five years job analytic studies are taken in hand for these categories of staff and on the basis of this, validity of aptitude test battery is reaffirmed. The selection programmes are evolved according to the changes in railway working so that the efficiency of the test battery is maintained at accepted levels. At present a test battery is being developed for the selection of Asstt. Loco Pilots. In this regard more than ten psychological tests have been developed and now their reliability and validity is being determined.

Computerisation of Aptitude test:

Railway Safety Review Committee (1999) recommended computerisation of psychological tests applicable on Indian Railways. In compliance of this recommendation, Railway Board had sent a team of officers to study the status of computerised tests on Advanced Railways system abroad. Keeping the recent trend of psychological testing in view, a computerised psychological test package has been imported from Austria.
Vienna Test System for Computerised Testing

This test package is in vogue on many European railways for selection of various categories of rail employee, including train drivers. A research study is being initiated for the indigenous adaptation of this test package. After completion of it, there is a comprehensive plan for the computerisation of entire aptitude testing on Indian Railways. As per this plan, 8 to 10 assessment centres will be established in various parts of the country. Each Assessment Centre will have testing arrangement for 30 candidates at a time. The Assessment Centre will work in several shifts. The candidates applying for selection to various posts through RRBs can be tested in these

Assessment Centres. The system has facility for sending the results of candidates automatically to RRB and the concerned railways as soon as the testing is over. A printed copy of results may also be given to the candidate.

Techniques of Stress Management

Ergonomic Laboratory of the directorate has completed a series of projects on causes and control of stress. A number of workshops have been organised with the help of Premier Yoga Institutes of the country, which aim at helping the employees towards better adjustment with their job. The Ergonomic laboratory has facilities for measuring various physiological parameters through which level of stress can be identified and biofeedback offered to employees. The Directorate has planned five workshops on Stress Management during the year 2006-07.

Inauguration of Stress Management Workshop by Sh. A.K. Rao, DG, RDSO

Yoga & Meditation Exercises in Stress Management Workshop

Specific Contributions
1. During the past years, Psycho-Technical Directorate has completed many projects on job analysis of Asstt. Station Masters, Asstt Loco Pilots and Motormen. Job profiles have been developed on the basis of above research studies, which exhibit characteristic of personalities and required abilities for successful job performance of these employees. On the basis of these job profiles, the directorate has prepared psychological test programmes for several categories of employees, which are presently finding application on Indian Railways. 2. Psycho-Technical Directorate provided technical consultancy in the selection of Train Operators/Station Controllers, Asstt. Station Masters and Astt. Drivers to DMRC and KRCL.

3. Extensive psychological case studies of staff involved in accidents have been conducted by directorate and important information has been made available to rail administration for improving safety. 4. A package is prepared for application on the railways to increase the vigilant behaviour of drivers by training and counselling. 5. Experimental studies were conducted on problems related to Hours of work, Noise, Speed of train, Night shift working and matters related to humanmachine interface etc., which facilitate in decision making of rail administration. 6. Research study was conducted on competency based placement and counselling of front line commercial staff. On this basis a package for selection and training of On-Board employees of Rajdhani/Shatabdi trains was developed. ---

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