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2012 has been a year in which Delhi Police made pro-active efforts to mitigate problems faced by the citizens of Delhi and also took specific measures to make life of vulnerable groups like Women, Children, Senior Citizens and people of North-East staying in Delhi more secure. It was a year of initiatives, taken to ensure that our services become more professional and bring us closer to the people.

Safety of Vulnerable Groups

Women Safety of women in Delhi continue to be a priority for Delhi Police and several measures have been taken for improving the same.

a. Security audit of Paying Guest accommodations and hostels District police has done the security audit of all paying guest accommodations and hostels for women and girls. Security measures required to be taken by them have been explained to them. A total of 218 paying guest accommodations/hostels have been covered.

b. Directions to BPOs and Call Centers BPOs and Call centres have been directed to take measures for the safety of women working with them. Meetings were held to understand their problems and to express concerns of police to them regarding security of women. The Delhi Police has issued orders U/s 144 Cr.P.C. directing
BPOs, Corporate and Media Houses for taking certain steps for the safety and security of Women employees, like ensuring that they do not travel alone in cab and are dropped right at their door steps .

c. Anti-Stalking Cell and Anti Obscene Calls Cell


Anti-Stalking Cell and Anti-Obscene Calls Cell can be approached through helpline number 1096. 25,559 calls and 708 SMSs were received in AntiObscene Calls Cell and 51 calls were received in Anti-Stalking Cell in Delhi Police. d. Women Help Desks and Help Line There is a Women Help Desk in each Police Station. NGOs working in the areas of Women Empowerment and for the cause of women have been associated at the police station level. A Women Helpline, 1091 is also available and 602 calls were received on this Helpline.

e. Interaction with NGOs NGOs are closely associated and meetings held at all levels, right upto the Commissioner of Police. Their suggestions to improve the police response to the problems of women form an important part of our programmes. District Police have been sensitized about these measures to make the Police Station Staff friendlier towards women complainants.


Continuation of scheme Parivartan Parivartan Scheme has been functioning in many areas of Delhi where lady Police Officers have been posted to work as Beat Officers so that they can interact with the women of the area and help them in overcoming their problems related to domestic violence and other atrocities. There are 198 beats where this scheme exists.

g. Crisis Intervention Centers Crisis Intervention Centers interact and support to the victims of sexual assault in overcoming the trauma. 520 rape victims were provided assistance during 2012.

h. Action against Brothels In a drive against commercial sexual exploitation of women, Delhi Police requested for closure of brothels in a big way. Four brothels (Kothas) were closed on the orders of SDM and one brothel has been closed on the orders of Judicial Magistrate.

i. Rescue Operations The trafficking of girls and women for forced labour has been tackled effectively by conducting 129 rescue operations with the help of NGOs and 315 girls were rescued during such operations. j. Crime against women 96% of the rapes reported to Police have been committed by accused known to the victim, Delhi Police continued its efforts to spread awareness amongst various sections of the society through Parivartan and also steadily increasing visibility of women police in selected Police Stations, PCR vans & Motorcycles patrols. Special care is taken in respect of investigation of rape cases and there is an emphasis on collecting scientific evidence and investigation is taken up by Women Police officers. The cases of gang rape are being tried by Fast Track courts and in-camera proceedings are being held. In year 2012, 706 rape cases have been reported as compared to 572 cases of the corresponding period of year 2011. However, the incidence of rape per lakh of population has shown a steady decline in Delhi under this head, coming down from 4.42 in 2005 to 4.15 in 2012.

Accused-Victimrelationshipin R ape C ases 2012

C rim e by S trang ers 3.68%

C rim e by relatives& acquaintances 96.32%

In all the rape cases (except twenty six cases) reported in the year 2012 accused were known to the victim and this makes prevention of such crimes comparatively more difficult. Incidents of rape per lakh of population in some other cities as compared to Delhi may be seen below.

C om parison with som em ajor cities of the India

(Incidentsof rape per lakhof population)
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2.8 1.2 0.9 1.6 0.3 1.1 0.8 5.3 3.8 4.2


4 S ource: NC RB ,C rim e in India - 2011

In order to address problems of sexual harassment, women police is deployed in civil clothes at appropriate places. The Police Stations at North Campus and South Campus have majority of women police officers. 727 cases of molestation of women were reported during the year 2012. Out of these, as many as 94% cases have been solved. Again this crime, per lakh of population, has shown an overall decline and came down from 5.12 in 2005 to 4.27 in 2012.

S te p sta k e nb yD e lh iP olic e for th es a fe ty of w om e na n dc h ild re n .Initiatives of the Delhi Police which truly stands out in comparison with other police initiatives across the country
Smt. Shantha Sinha, Chairperson National Commission for Protection of Child Rights, New Delhi
1 8
18 10-Dec-12

Children 14 children are reported missing on an average on daily basis in Delhi. In order to deal with the problem of missing children several steps have been taken. i) An analysis of reasons for missing children based on the data provided by Delhi Legal Services Authority was done. with public in most affected areas. This analysis is being used to create awareness during our meetings

Reasons for Children going Missing

(April 2011 to August 2012)

Source: Delhi Legal Services Authority


In case of a missing child FIR is registered by Delhi Police under the head of Kidnapping. In 2012, 3675 number of kidnapping cases were registered as against 3529 cases of 2011.


The information about missing children is uploaded on ZIPNET immediately.


Standing Order NO. 252 and a SOP has been issued so that all IOs follow the same procedure.


Investigation of cases of kidnapping related to missing children was being hampered due to absence of photographs of the children. In order to tackle the problem, a scheme PEHCHAAN was launched. A photograph is taken of the family with all children and a copy of the photograph is given to the family for record so that in case a child is reported missing, his photograph is available. This scheme has been implemented in areas where maximum children are reported missing. 64,055 children have been given photographs under this scheme.


District Missing Persons Unit (DMPU) at the District level and Missing Persons Squad for the whole of Delhi under Crime Branch monitor the cases of missing children.


There is one Anti Human Trafficking Unit (AHTU) in each district and one in Crime Branch. If a child is not recovered within 4 months, the case is transferred to AHTU of District for specialized investigation. Wherever it is felt that there might be an involvement of an organised gang, the case is taken up by Crime Branch for investigation. Cases with international linkages are transferred to AHTU Cell in CBI. In order to give importance to Human Trafficking angle and sensitization of officers at the ground level, 7 workshops were held by Crime Branch for officials of the District.


An initiative has been taken under the programme BACHHON KI PHULWARI for providing a safe & healthy environment for children of working mothers and protecting them from being abused in any manner. It provides play way learning and development facilities for children of age group 3-6 years, nutrition supplement and a vibrant summer camp with drawing, painting, role play, singing etc. with the help of NGOs.


Rescue operations for children who are forced into labour are also undertaken with the help of NGOs. rescued in 186 operations.

938 children have been

Senior Citizens Ambit of Senior Citizens enlarged Registration of Senior Citizens continued during 2012. Apart from the Senior Citizens living alone, there are several who are left alone at home as their children go out for work for long hours. Such Senior Citizens are also being registered now with Delhi Police besides the Senior Citizens who are staying alone. 362 of Senior Citizens out of 15,644 registered with us belong to this category. Security audit of 13180 Senior Citizens was conducted by local police to enhance their security during the year 2012. A new initiative during the year 2012 was the issue of Identity Card to the Senior Citizens registered with Delhi Police. 12,812 Identity cards have been issued. Senior Citizens are also contacted telephonically and through personal visits both by Police Station staff and by officials of Senior Citizens Security Cell. A total of 4,602 numbers of visits and 24,062 numbers of telephonic contacts have been made by us during the year 2012.

North-East Students Students and other persons hailing from North-Eastern States have been receiving due attention of Delhi Police and during the year 2012, we have formalized the response of police by creating 7 Nodal Officers and a Coordinator of Joint C.P. rank specifically for people from the North-East. Some public Co-ordinators have also been associated so that the persons hailing from these areas feel free to come to the police and are able to convey their

grievances. A Standing Order has also been issued to ensure a standardized procedure to be adopted in respect of complaints from people of North- East. Delhi police website for North-East people: has also been made operational in the year 2012.

Emphasis on New Initiatives

(a) W e b

based integration of information system The Computer Centre of State Crime Record Bureau has developed a webbased application to access all the available records of criminals in Crime Record Office at the finger-tips of Investigation Officers. The existing Onlinedossier application for maintaining dossiers of criminals have been integrated with the application of (1) Conviction/Involvement Verification: This Module has been developed to enable the query maker to get integrated report of all the separate systems in one report. (2) Record of History Sheeters: This module will help in quick retrieval of records and monitoring surveillance maintained by Beat staff on History Sheets. (3) Prisoner/Visitor Management Systems (PMS/VMS): This facility will enable the Deputy Commissioners of Police and Superintendents of Tihar jail to work together and get information they need for improving their functional efficiency and effectiveness. (4) Criminal Remote Identification System (CRIS): This application will enable the Investigating Officers to verify the

antecedents of the criminals/suspects being interrogated by them even when they are not in police station and (5) IntraDP: This application will help the Supervisory officers in Personnel Management and monitoring disposal of complaints. Information regarding criminal involvements and finger prints of History Sheeters (BCs) have also been uploaded. Information pertaining to 6277 BCs is now available on the newly created web based system. Finger prints of 2.25 lakh criminals have been digitized for easy access so that identification of a criminal becomes easier. The Finger Print Bureau has done an excellent work by matching chance prints of 66 criminals, which led to solving of 62 cases. It has also been ensured that the Crime Team of each district has a Finger Print Expert to lift finger prints in order to capture crucial evidence in every scene of crime. (b) Information Exchange Programme

Delhi Police and Delhi Tihar Jail have jointly launched Information Exchange Programme by providing mutual access to the databases of Delhi Police and Tihar Jail, respectively. This facility will enable the Deputy Commissioners of Police and Superintendents of Tihar Jail to work together and get information that they need for improving their functional efficiency and effectiveness. (c) ZIPNET (Zonal Integrated Police Net)

ZIPNET has been made more operational and information to be uploaded on ZIPNET is monitored on day-to-day basis. It has helped in tracing/recovery of several children and solving of many cases. Hindi version is also going to be operational in 2013.


Database of stolen mobile phone


A database is being maintained of all the mobile phones reported stolen or missing. With the help of this database, 1953 stolen mobile phones were recovered from thieves and 1395 mobile phones returned to the owners. (e) Digital Crime Mapping

The incidence of crime is analyzed with the help of Digital Crime Mapping and police response is accordingly changed. The Crime Mapping is done area-wise and time-wise to understand pattern of Crime. deciding the place and time of pickets. (f) Criminals of Mewat region This helps in

Criminal elements of the Mewat region have been active in Delhi and are found to be involved in all types of cases. The action against criminals of Mewat region was stepped up during the year 2012. In order to disseminate information about them, their modus operandi and other operational details, Crime Branch took the lead and formulated a number of strategies. A booklet containing details of criminals of Mewat was circulated to all concerned during the Inter state Co-ordination meeting held in July 2012. . A Standing Order has also been issued in order to tackle the menace. The Special Cell and the various district police units also took sustained action to control the menace. Close liaison was also maintained with S.Ps of the Mewat region for operational purposes. 121 criminals from Mewat have been arrested during the year 2012. A system of joint-checking by PCR, Traffic and Local Police has also been started to prevent crimes by these criminals. (g) Illicit arms & ammunitions

The easy availability of illicit arms and ammunition in certain parts of the country was flagged during the year 2012. A study was conducted and the outcome of the study has been shared with all Police Stations and Units of Delhi Police. Data regarding all weapons seized by Delhi Police is being compiled and analysed by the Inter State Cell of the Crime Branch. Efforts are made to connect all backward and forward linkages and unearth the

entire chain of supply, transit route, mode of trafficking, end users and source of manufacturing while investigating these cases. Delhi Police dealt a severe blow to the illicit fire-arms suppliers to Delhi by recovering huge quantity of illicit fire-arms. During the year 2012, 749 illicit fire-arms, 2425 ammunition and 544 sharp edged weapons have been recovered. In order to check the use of fire-arms, audit of records of licensed fire-arms dealers is being conducted.


Review of placement agencies

A survey of placement agencies was done by local police. Details of owners of 266 placement agencies have been recorded and are being verified. 52 persons were arrested in 35 cases registered against placement agencies. (i) Security of banks

The security of Banks, ATMs and cash carrying vans has been given importance by Delhi Police. Authorities of the Banks have been sensitized again and again about taking necessary precautions. Lessons learnt from Defence Colony bank dacoity were shared with them so that such incidences are not repeated in future.


Counterfeit currency

Drive against fake Indian currency was taken-up vigorously by Delhi Police. RBI, Customs and Intelligence Bureau were associated in this regard. It has been decided to register all cases of FICN at Parliament Street police station.


Collaboration with women NGOs

On 31.7.2012, a meeting was organized with representatives of Government and Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) working in the field of women safety and empowerment. CP, Delhi invited them to suggest measures

primarily on women safety in Delhi and also for changing their perception of

the actual ground situation and indicate to them the efforts being made by Delhi Police in this regard. measures have been initiated: Organised Self defence training programmes in the area of Jamia Nagar and New Friends Colony. Security audit of Paying guest accommodation and private hostels was conducted and all Police Stations now maintain a database of such premises. Placement agencies kept under watch to ensure that they are not used as fronts for illicit activities like human trafficking. Continuance of Parivartan and self-defence classes in the various localities in Delhi. Civic agencies informed about poor street lighting, dysfunctional lamp posts, open man-holes and other difficulties felt by the public. Zero tolerance against any kind of violence or crimes against women. As a follow-up to this meeting, following

Community Policing Schemes Yuva Special Community Policing Scheme YUVA has been launched keeping in mind the problems of young adults. A Standing Order No. 404/2012 has been issued in this regard by CP/Delhi. YUVA aims to wean away young adults and underprivileged children who, for want of proper education and sports facilities, tend to take to crime. Delhi Police has also established an institutionalized framework called Delhi Police Yuva Foundation, DPYF under Society Registration Act to oversee the implementation of the scheme. DPYF shall take initiatives like organizing sports activities, painting workshops, vocational training etc. to channelize the energy of young adults and underprivileged children. The foundation would facilitate in identifying such areas in the jurisdiction of Police Stations

wherein such initiatives are necessary and feasible for implementation and create infrastructure and logistics with the help of willing NGOs, Corporate Houses and social volunteers to achieve its objectives. programmes. 5355 youths participated in sports activities and 2700 youths attended vocational training

Jan Sampark A recently introduced pro-active measure for public cooperation is the concept of JAN SAMPARK, wherein senior officers of Delhi Police go to their respective areas on a pre-scheduled time and date and hear public grievances at neutral venues like auditoriums, school-halls, public parks etc. A Standing Order No. 403/2012 has been issued in this regard by CP/Delhi. This is bound to lead to speedier solutions to peoples problems/grievances. During the year 2012, 1,064 programmes have been held, 21,773 complaints have been attended/received and 3,609 grievances have been redressed.


Aapka Update:

A new initiative has been taken by Delhi Police to A and

inform the complainants about progress of their complaints/cases. During the year 2012, 30,468 complainants were informed

Standing Order No. 411/2012 has been issued in this regard by CP/Delhi. feedback/response was received from 20,051 complainants in which 99% people have shown positive response about the action taken by Delhi Police. Action Against Drug Trafficking The drive against drug trafficking was taken up in a big way. Delhi Police dealt a severe blow to the drug traffickers of Delhi by recovering huge quantity of narcotics. During the year 2012, 829 cases have been registered and 61.272 Kgs. of Smack/Heroin, 49.500 Kgs. of Opium, 1895.068 Kgs. of Ganja and 2.783 Kgs. of Cocaine were recovered. Crime Situation A total of 54287 IPC cases were registered during the year 2012. The yardstick used the world over to compare crime is to take into account crime per lakh of population. The total IPC Crime per lakh of population declined during the last 11 years, being 392.64 in 2001 and coming down to 318.98 in 2012. Delhi, being the capital of the country, has been developing at a rapid pace. This rapid urbanization has also led to certain factors which have a bearing on the crime rate in the city. The large expansion of new colonies like Dwarka, Rohini etc. and thousands of unplanned colonies is an important crimogenic factor particularly in respect of street crimes like robberies and snatching. Despite this, the incidents of street crime have come down in the city. In Delhi, almost 65% of the total population lives in unplanned colonies. 11.7% live in rural/urban villages, thus leaving only 23.7%

people living in planned colonies. This is an important causative factor for crime in Delhi. Other factors responsible for crime are as follows : Socio-economic imbalances, privileged, Urban anonymity encouraging deviant behaviour, Loosening of social structures and family control, Adverse sex ratio (866 females/1000 males), Easy accessibility/means of escape to criminal elements from across the borders. Extended hinterland in the NCR region. The law and order situation in Delhi has been kept well under control. High Detection rate achieved in heinous cases A success rate of 89.47% has been achieved in 2012 in heinous offences. This has been achieved as a result of sustained efforts and a show of police professionalism at the District levels and the specialized units like the Crime Branch and the Special Cell which whole-heartedly focused on achieving breakthrough in all cases including the important and sensational ones. Murder In the year 2012, 521 cases have been registered as against 543 cases in the corresponding period of year 2011, showing a decline of 4.05%. Incidents of lakh have of also
600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2011 2012

Proximity in location of colonies of the affluent and the under-

543 521

per a

population, shown decline during


4.05 %


the last eleven years. While this figure was 3.95 in the year 2001, it came down to 3.06 in 2012.

Motive behind murders Analysis of motives in murder cases of year 2012 reveals that 20.54 % of the cases were due to sudden provocation or trivial issues , 12.86% were due to old enmity, 14.59% were sex related, 10.94% were due to differences amongst family members and 8.83% were due to disputes over property/money matters. Only 13.82% of the murder cases were crime related.

Motive in Murder C ases

P roperty Dispute 2% MoneyD ispute 7% Enm ity 13% F am ily D is pute 11% S exR elated 15%


C rim eR elated 14%


Robbery Dacoity

S udden P rov ocation 21%

Others 9%


In the year 2012, 608 cases of robbery have been reported as against 562 cases in the corresponding period of year 2011. The detection rate in cases of robbery has been high at 88.32%. During the year 2012, 28 cases of dacoity were reported as against 33 cases in the corresponding period of

year 2011, a significant decline of 15.15%.

All the cases of dacoity

reported during the year 2012 have been solved (except one case). Broad day light sensational dacoity-cum-murder case of PS Defence Colony of Rs. 5.25 Crores solved in record time with the arrest of 14 accused including master mind Ranjit Rumal, Hari Kishan, Deepak and Vijay Kumar. So far Rs. 4.09 Crores in cash, vehicles, jewellery and property purchased out of the robbed cash have also been recovered/attached.

Stolen Property Recovery : Quantum Jump

(In Crores)
Snatching In the year 2012, 1440 cases of snatching were reported as against 1476 cases reported in the corresponding period of year 2011, a decline of 2.44%. As many as 70.97% cases were solved with the arrest of 1590 criminals. It is pertinent to mention that 86.04% of these criminals arrested for the



snatching offenders them or school

were first time and 57.17% of


1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 2011

2. 4

were illiterates drop-outs.



M.V. Theft In the year 2012, 14391 M.V. Theft cases have been reported as against 14668 cases in the corresponding period of year 2011, a significant decline of 277 cases. Among the stolen vehicles 8996 were two wheelers, 4760 cars and 690 other vehicles. 2679 (18%) stolen vehicles were recovered and 3700 auto lifters were arrested in the year 2012.

14668 14391

16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2011



The M.V Thefts per lakh of vehicle population has also come down from 228.35 in the year 2001 to 194.47 in 2012. Motor Vehicle Thefts accounted for 26.51% of total IPC cases registered in Delhi. The acute shortage of parking space and the general practice of parking vehicles on roadsides coupled with the indifference of a











equipment is a major contributory factor. Sensational cases solved during the year 2012 Double murder case of brother & sister, Vishal and Shivani of PS Ranjit Nagar (3.1.12) Murder cum attempt to murder case of two sisters Ms Anita & Ms Kavita of PS Vasant Kunj, North (12.1.12) Murder cum rape of a baby aged 5 years of PS Bhalswa Dairy (6.3.12) Murder case of woman aged 25 years whose dead body was found in Nehru Place of PS Kalkaji (24.04.12) Murder case of French National lady Ms. Lorenz of PS Paharganj (05.04.12) Murder case of young woman whose dead body was found in LNJP Hospital of P.S I.P.Estate (09.05.12) Murder of duty Constable Naresh of PS Bharat Nagar (17.05.12) Case of attack on MLA, Najafgarh with the arrest of 8 accused (02.06.12) Murder-cum-robbery of Smt. Joginder Kaur aged about 82 years of PS Vikaspuri (20.06.12) Violent burglary-cum- murder of Smt. Shanti Devi aged about 67 years and Smt. Roshan Devi aged about 65 years of Sec-3, Rohini of PS South Rohini (24.7.12) Murder and attempt to murder case of Constable Bijender and Constable Sandeep of PS Kamla Market (11.09.12) Murder cum dacoity case of Senior citizen Smt. Gurjeet Kaur of PS North Rohini (12.9.12) Murder of Dr. Sanjeev Dhawan by ex-serviceman of PS Rajinder Nagar (19.09.12) Double murder of Master Arman aged 5 years and his sister Ujma aged 3 years of PS Khajoori Khas (26.09.12)


Murder cum robbery of retired teacher Smt. Madhu Mehra of PS Timarpur (02.10.12) Double Murder case of Smt. Swaran Kaur aged 78 years and her daughter Smt. Balbir Kaur aged 50 years of PS Rajouri Garden (18.11.12) Double murder case of Smt. Meeta @ Nisha aged 22 years and her male child Vivek aged about 1 years of P.S. Narela (1.12.12) Robbery of Rs. 9.38 Lakhs from owner of Bharat Petrol Pump while depositing cash in bank of PS Najafgarh (16.1.12) Robbery case of Rs. 25 lakhs near Defence Colony Flyover of PS Amar Colony (13.04.12) Robbery of Rs 35 lakhs from the worker of a jeweler near Hanuman Mandir, Jamuna Bazar of PS Kashmere Gate (17.05.12) House robbery of Rs. 21 lakhs of PS Moti Nagar (10.05.12) Jewellery shop robbery in Pocket-R, Dilshad Garden of PS Seemapuri (30.05.12) Muthoot Finance robbery case situated at Aggarwal Mall, Sec-7, Rohini of PS North Rohini (22.06.12) Robbery of Rs. 23 lakhs from Shri Sachin Sharma at Hailey Road, Barakhamba of PS Barakhamba Road (7.11.12) Notorious cheat of in famous Stock-Guru Ullas Prabhakar Khaire @ Lokeshwar Dev and his wife Raksha J. Urs @ Priyanka Dev arrested from Maharashtra who had cheated about 2 lakh investors to the tune of Rs. 500 crore. (11.11.12) Rape-cum-murder case in running bus of PS Vasant Vihar (16.12.12) Major Gangs Busted Sharafat gang, involved in more than two dozen cases of MV Thefts in Delhi and UP Biggest and most organized gang of auto lifters, more than 90 cases of MV theft solved Tyre Puncture gang, a gang of interstate bag lifters, involved in several cases of bag lifting in Delhi, UP & Haryana Thak-Thak Gang, a notorious interstate bag lifters gang

Kana-Nizam Gang, a gang of burglars, 12 cases of burglary solved Burgle and burn gang, involved in more than 25 cases of burglary of PS Sarojini Nagar and RK Puram who set houses on fire after committing burglary Suraj Anna/Idli Dosa gang, a gang of dacoits Pyare Lal Gang, a gang of active auto lifters Anil Bhagte gang, desperate and interstate robbers and criminals Jahar Khurani gang, a gang of notorious robbers/receivers Munna Jamanti gang, a gang involved in providing fake surety to hard core criminals operating from Tihar jail Satpal @ Pappu Jat gang, a gang of murderers and kidnappers Raju gang, a gang of bus robbers/pick pocketers Dharmender Lala gang, a gang of murders and extortionist Jaggu Pehalwan gang, a gang of sharp shooters and robbers Neetu Dabodha gang, a gang of desparate criminals involved in kidnapping and extortion Neeraj Bawana and Bijender Bhalswa gang , a gang of contract killers, murders and extortionist Babloo Ghogha-Nitu Dabodia gang, a gang of robbers/contract killers, extortionist and land grabbers Sandeep @ Mental gang, a gang of contract killers and extortionist Surender @ Neetu gang, a gang of robbers Sanjay Rathi and Pawan Pandit gang , a gang of murders and robbers Anil @ Lala and Sandeep @ Kala gang , involved in several cases of murder, car jacking and robberies Satbir Gujar gang, a gang of kidnappers Parveen @ Sonu gang, a gang of desperate interstate robbers Sharawan gang, a gang of dreaded robbers Polly-Sarwan gang, a gang of desperate robbers-cum-burglars Moradabadi criminals, a gang of robbers and snatchers

Arrests of Criminals carrying Rewards for Apprehension Rs. 1,15,000/-, Salli, a notorious Mewati gangster involved in more than 3 dozen cases of robbery/dacoities Rs. 1,00,000/-, Manoj Bakkarwara, most wanted car jacker Rs. 1,00,000/-, Rizwan @ Miyan, a desperate interstate gangster/ dacoit Rs. 1,00,000/-, Neeraj Bawania, a nefarious sharp shooter/murderercum-extortionist Rs. 1,00,000/-, Sanjay Rathi, involved in 13 cases of robbery, car jacking, murder, attempt to murder etc. Rs. 1,00,000/-, Satish Kumar, hard core inter state criminal/contract killer Rs. 1,00,000/-, Pawan Pandit @ Pappu, wanted in more than 15 cases of murder, attempt to murder, robberies and car jacking of Delhi and Haryana Rs. 1,00,000/-, Kamaluddin @ Kamal, involved in more than 24 cases of robbery, murder and attempt to murder Rs. 1,00,000/-, Sekhar @ Bobby wanted in riotcum-murder case of PS Sadar Bahadurgarh, Haryana Rs. 1,00,000/-, Subhash @ Pawan Kumar, wanted in Dacoity case of PS North Rohini Rs. 1,00,000/-, Kaushal Chauhan, involved in robbery case of Muthoot Finance Sec.- 7, Rohini Rs. 1,00,000/-, Shakir, wanted in murder of Constable Naresh of PS Bharat Nagar Rs. 50,000/-, Sumit @ Amit Kapoor a wanted criminal in MCOCA case and PO Rs. 50,000/-, Sanjay Bhattacharya, wanted in the sensational Shrikant Murder case Rs. 50,000/- Vinod Kumar, involved in 13 cases of robbery and car jacking

Rs. 50,000/-, Abhay Singh Yadav, Harjeet @ Poppy, Nitin, Jaspal Singh, Parmod and Bhupesh, on the case of deadly assault on executive engineer (MCD) Rs. 50,000/-, Mannu @ Anees Khan, wanted in murder case of PS Jagat Puri and involved in 13 cases Rs. 50,000/-, Naresh @ Sonu, involved in MCOCA case of PS Narela and several heinous crime Rs. 50,000/-, Sanjay @ Jaiveer, wanted in murder-cum-robbery case of PS Civil Lines Rs. 50,000/-, Amit @ Magru, a desperate robber Rs. 50,000/-, Arif, involved in murder of Police Constable Naresh of PS Bharat Nagar Rs. 50,000/-, Akil Malik @ Mama, involved in cases of murder, dacoity, robbery and BC of PS Jafrabad Rs. 50,000/-, Jakir @ Jaki, involved in several cases of kidnapping and highway dacoity Rs. 50,000/-, Wahid, involved in six cases of robbery, car-jacking, attempt to murder and theft Rs. 50,000/-, Dharam Nath, wanted in MurderCum-Robbery case of P.S. Civil Lines, Delhi. Rs. 50,000/-, Mushtaq, wanted in robbery-cum-attempt to murder case of PS Maurya Enclave. Rs. 35,000/-, Babu Khan, wanted 23 cases of robbery, burglary and theft of Delhi, UP, Karnataka & MP Rs. 25,000/-, Sintu Gawala and Tinku Gawala each, interstate notorious criminals Rs. 25,000/-, Manoj @ Bukhara and Attender @ Chunu each, escapees during the sensational Sonipat jail break Rs. 25,000/-, Krishana Rao, a PO involved in murder case of his wife of PS KN Katju Marg Rs. 25,000/-, Neeraj, wanted in several murder, dacoity and robbery


Rs. 25,000/- Sunil, wanted in double murder case of Anil Tiwari and Deepak Rai of PS Gandhi Nagar Rs. 20,000/-, Puran, a PO in murder case of PS Tilak Nagar Rs. 20,000/-, Abhishek Singh, involved in many cases of extortion, robbery and murder Rs. 20,000/-, Sammi Bhardwaj, involved in six cases and bail jumper in murder case Rs. 20,000/-, Pritam Singh, wanted in two robbery cases of PS Tilak Nagar Rs. 15,000/-, Mukesh @ Mukki, involved in one & half dozen criminal cases Rs. 15,000/-, Amit @ Monu, involved in highway robberies and murder Rs. 15,000/-, Ajay Sharma, involved in riot-cum-murder case of PS Mahindra Park Rs. 15,000/-, Subbi, involved in several cases of kidnapping and highway robberies Rs. 15,000/- Yaseen, wanted in truck robbery case Rs. 15,000/-, Anand Prakash and Narender each, wanted in riotcum murder case of PS Ali Pur Rs. 10,000/-, Sonu @ Jai Bhagawan and Rajkumar @ Raju each, involved in 19 cases of murder and robbery Rs. 10,000/-, Parmod Kumar @ Modi, a BC-cum-PO in murder case of PS Palam Rs. 10,000/-, Hemant, notorious snatcher and auto-lifter Rs. 10,000/-, Ayaj @ Guddu, involved in 7 case of robbery and theft Rs. 10,000/-, Parveen @ Sonu, a desperate inter state criminal Rs. 10,000/-, Palam Village Rs. 5000/-, Sunil Kumar, a notorious highway robber Rs. 5000/-, Vikram @ Vicky, Himanshu and Jai Singh each, wanted in kidnapping for ransom case of PS Jaitpur

Sorabh, wanted in abductioncum-murder case of PS

Rs. 5000/-, Umesh Sharma, involved in armed attack on Sunder Bhati in 2011 at Sahibabad (UP) Rs. 5000/-, Sunil, Manoj and Bittoo @ Victor, involved in kidnapping of an industrialist of Ghaziabad (UP) Rs. 5000/-, Satya Prakash @ Bablu, wanted in murder case of Bhatta Vyapari Ashok Aggrawal of Dadri (UP) Rs. 5000/-, Gulzar Khan , P.O in two cases of Delhi and wanted in two cases of P.S Kotwali, Bulandshaer, UP Rs. 5000/-, Sushil kumar Shukla, wanted in murder case of PS kidwai Nagar UP Rs. 2500/-, Salim @ Mama, involved in cases of robbery and murder


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