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Collection system is a collection management system targeted to the Retail Lending segment of the Finance industry.

The product is fully web-based and provides business components for automating the collection process for the banks. Collection system was developed to manage the Collection cycle of the delinquent accounts. The objective was to provide the banks with a solution to manage delinquent account tracking and the recovery process.

Salient features of Collections system

Basic features of security and administration along with specific features like rule based case allocation and follow-up systems. Audit trial created by, created date, last updated by and last updated date, History of all masters, logical delete for masters. An administration module that takes care of the system parameters, the user maintenance and work list definition. Master maintenance of various entities like users, Agencies, Groups, Products, etc. Categorization of the delinquent accounts and rule based allocation of the same to the Collectors. Collection tracking along with the receipts, follow-up and customer response tracking functionality. Facility to manage various legal activities including the repossession activity. Letter Printing facility at various stages and for various purposes like First Bounce, Police, Account Recall, etc. MIS Reporting facility for all the processes in the system.

MODULES Collection Rule Configuration The rule configurator module consists of configuring the system for activities such as Queue definition, Agency/Collector maintenance, Agency to Queue mapping, Agency allocation logic, etc. Allocation This module allocates cases to collectors/agencies based on the configurations entered in the Rule configurator module. It also provides for manual allocation, re-allocation, queue shifting etc. Reminders for Delinquent Accounts Once an account has turned delinquent, reminders are sent to the customer informing him of the same. This will be a centralized batch process which will pick up all accounts for which reminders have to be sent. Follow-up process An account that has turned delinquent will automatically fall into the follow-up queue. The follow-up procedure involves calling up the customer and reminding him that his account has turned delinquent. If the customer promises to pay the installments due, the promise to pay schedule is also recorded. Write-off Write-off is the process in which all pending dues and future dues (if any) of the account will be let go by. When this activity is done the system will mark the account as Writen off and the account will be closed Re-structuring Function of this module is to provide the facility to the user to change the secondary terms viz. tenor, APR, frequency. In addition to that the non- financial particulars with respect to the client

LOAN COLLECTION SYSTEM Loan Collection system is a collection management system targeted to the Retail Lending segment of the Finance industry. The product provides components for automating the collection process for the banks/institutes and was developed to manage the Collection cycle of the delinquent accounts. The objective was to provide the banks/institutes with a solution to manage delinquent account tracking and the recovery process.

Salient features of Loan Collections system

Basic features of security and administration along with specific features like rule based case allocation and follow-up systems. Audit trial created by, created date, last updated by and last updated date, History of all masters, logical delete for masters. An administration module that takes care of the system parameters, the user maintenance and work list definition. Master maintenance of various entities like users, Agencies, Groups, Products, etc. Categorization of the delinquent accounts and rule based allocation of the same to the Collectors. Collection tracking along with the receipts, follow-up and customer response tracking functionality. Facility to manage various legal activities including the repossession activity. Letter Printing facility at various stages and for various purposes like First Bounce, Police, Account Recall, etc. MIS Reporting facility for all the processes in the system.

The modules included in the Loan Collection system are listed below: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. Configuration Monitoring Follow-up Litigation Allocation Repossession Workflow Document Prints Reports


Configuration Module The Configuration Manager in Loan Collection System facilitates the user to define queues and also enables to map employees to the defined queues. There are two Sub-menus in the configuration Manager. 1. Queue Definition This sub-module helps in configuring different queues. The queues are of 2 categories Awareness queue and Delinquency queue. Awareness queue is used to intimate customers on the installment falling due in the future and Delinquency queue is used to deal with customers who have defaulted on the installment(s). 2. Queue-Employee Mapping This sub-module is used by the System Administrator to assign queues to employee of collection agencies for follow-up on delinquent accounts. Every collection employee has

to be mapped to a collection queue. All the queues defined in the Queue Definition master will be listed under this sub-module. Maximum number of cases that can be allocated to each employee can also be defined.


Monitoring Module The Monitoring Manager facilitates the user to capture follow-up details and it consists of following sub menus: Under Construction Property Security Deposit Deficit Insurance Queue

Under Construction Property This sub-module displays all cases granted under this category, x days (configurable) before the expected completion date the cases are automatically populated via interface. Security Deposit Deficit This sub-module displays all the cases where there is deficit in the core banking security deposit amount and cases will move out of the queue if it is intimated to the collection system about the replenishment of the security deposit via interface. Insurance Queue This sub-module displays all cases for which Insurance details are captured in the Loan Origination system, x days (configurable) before expire of the insurance the cases are automatically populated via interface. The user can directly update the insurance details,


Follow-up Module This Follow-up module is used to Follow-up cases starting with Days Past Dues = 1. It has various sub menus related to the follow-up of cases. The sub-modules are listed as below: Pending Follow-up Completed Follow-up Escalated Queue PTP Reminder Queue Follow-up Inquiry Follow-up Amendment Queue Change Address Investigation Queue Broken Promise Queue

Pending Follow-up This sub-menu will display list of cases which has Days Past Dues (DPD) >= 1. All these cases will be displayed in Pending Follow-up Menu. Completed Follow-up This sub-menu will display list of cases for which the Follow-up has been completed. The case details under this sub-menu will be seen only on the day the follow-up has been made. On EOD the cases will disappear from this menu. Escalated Queue This sub-menu will display list of case on which no action has been taken for a specific number of days (configurable), and the same is lying unattended under pending follow-up option. Promise To Pay (PTP) Reminder Queue

This queue will display all the cases for which the customer has promised to make a payment on a schedule date. The user can view the details entered for reference. The cases will be seen under this option until the promised date on which the payment is to be made. Follow-up Inquiry This sub-menu will display list of cases for which the Follow-up is completed. The user can view the history of the various follow-ups done. Follow-up Amendment Queue This Queue will display cases for which the follow-up is made (for the same day of the follow-up). The objective is to help the user amend the follow-up details if incorrectly entered by the client. Change Address This sub-menu is used to amend customer address. Investigation Queue Any case where the follow up with the client is not clear i.e. Wrong Address or Wrong Number, the cases will flow to the Investigation Queue and user can also view the reason for which the case has been registered in the investigation queue. Broken Promise Queue If any case is registered under Promise to Pay, and the client has not met his commitment, on the EOD of the promise date of payment by the client the case disappears from the PTP Reminder Queue and flows into the Broken Promise to Pay Queue. It displays all the details under promise to pay option.


Litigation Module The sub-modules under Litigation are listed as below: Meet Customer Notice to Customer Preparing Conclusion Report Entry Queue Collection Agency Report Claim from Insurance Company File Suit Auction Data Entry Collection Workflow Expired Case Queue

Meet Customer All cases after x days (configurable) of the default in the installment amount are displayed in this queue. After the monitoring manager meets the client, the details of the meetings are captured in this sub-module. If client repays the outstanding then the case move out of the queue else it will be available in Notice to customer queue Notice to Customer All cases for which the customer has not settled the outstanding after completion of Meet Customer stage are displayed in this queue. Notice is prepared by the monitoring manager outside the system and issued to the customer. The cases for which the notice is issued will move out of this queue. Preparing Conclusion

All cases for which Notice to Customer stage has been completed will be available in this submodule. Conclusion report is prepared outside the system. After the conclusion is marked as completed the case moves out of this stage. Report Entry Queue This sub-module allows the user to select the next course of action. The user can select any of the following option: i. ii. iii. iv. Send to Collection Agency File Suit Auction Claim from Insurance Company

If the user selects Send to Collection Agency user will also have to select the name of the agency from the pre-configured master list. The case moves out of this sub-module and moves to the queue based on the selected value. Collection Agency Report If the option selected in the Report Entry Queue is Send to Collection Agency the case will be forwarded to this sub-module. The user will have the option to close or resend the case to Report Entry Queue stage. Claim from Insurance Company If the option selected in the Report Entry Queue is Claim from Insurance Company the case will be forwarded to this sub-module. The user will have the option to close or resend the case to Report Entry Queue stage. File Suit If the option selected in the Report Entry Queue is File Suit the case will be forwarded to this sub-module. The user will have the option to close or resend send the case to Report Entry Queue stage. Auction Data Entry If the option selected in the Report Entry Queue is Send to Collection Agency the case will be forwarded to this sub-module. The user will have the option to close or resend send the case to Report Entry Queue stage.

Collection Workflow

Expired Case Queue

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