Football Champions: Bannerman High School

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Bannerman Update


June 2013

Football Champions

Bannerman High School Under Fifteen football team celebrated their football success in style, by touring our catchment area visiting all of our partner primaries, before a double lap of George Square. They beat Dunbar High School 4-3 on penalties to win the Scottish Shield at Tynecastle, following a 2-2 draw. This qualied them for the British Isles Cup, where they faced the English, Welsh and Irish champions before once more defeating Dunbar in the nal at Toryglen. It has been a wonderful season, not just for the under Fifteens. The Under Eighteens beat St Thomas Aquinas, to secure the Cameronian Cup. The Under Sixteens were runners up in the RSMcColl Trophy. Bannerman was also named the Lloyds TSB Scottish Football School of the month at the end of March. This years football/rugby dinner at the Millenium Hotel was a great occasion, with Craig Brown presenting various awards to the teams. More football photos inside.

Inside This Issue: Football Victories, Badminton Scotland, Bad Idea, S1 Bookathon, Digital Enterprise Challenge, Pom Cheer Dance, Girls Football, Glasgow Schools Adventure Race, Patrick Ness Visit, SIlver Lining, Just Dance 2013, Legends V Teachers, Aim High, Young Writers, AU News, Street Dance Champions, Marys Meals Backpacks, Lessons from Auschwitz, Balloon Race, P7 Induction

Football Victories

U15 Scottish Champions

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U15 British Champions

Under 18 Cameronian Cup Winners

Badminton Scotland

The BADMINTONscotland award, presented by Coaching and Development Ofcer John Shearer, recognises the tremendous efforts of staff and pupils within the school who have been involved in many BADMINTONscotland and Glasgow Life initiatives. The school run a weekly after school club which has participated in Scottish Schools Badminton Competitions. The school also runs a Sports Leaders programme and have beneted from 15 pupils going through a Fun Games badminton qualication. These same pupils are involved in delivering badminton coaching to P7 pupils from 6 local schools as part of a Primary to Secondary transition day. The BADMINTONscotland School of the Month Award was introduced in 2011 to recognise the commitment and achievements of primary and secondary schools that take part in badminton initiatives at grassroots level in Scotland. Each month BADMINTONscotland rewards one school that has excelled in delivering badminton to pupils through various schools initiatives including Primary Curriculum for Excellence, Secondary PE Teaching weeks, Primary Festivals and Sportshall Challenges Jill ONeil, Badminton Development Ofcer for Glasgow Life said: Im delighted that Bannerman High School has been recognised for all their efforts within Glasgow badminton. They have a very pro-active PE department and Active Schools coordinator and are always a pleasure to work with. I hope that they will build on this success and continue to develop badminton within their learning community Mr Duguid

Bad Idea? Definitely Not

Holly McIntyre of S2 recently entered an enterprise competition called Bad Idea. The aim behind the competition is that there is no such thing as a bad idea! She had to come up with an idea for a new, innovative product or service and pitch it in a dragons den style to a group of interested businesses and entrepreneurs. The winning idea for a product or service would be turned into a reality! Holly came up with the idea of having a safety mechanism for prams which allowed the pram to be connected by a wrist strap to the person pushing it. This would stop the chance of people losing control of their prams and pushchairs and make mothers and fathers feel much safer when outside pushing their child.

With her fantastic idea, Holly made it from the rst round out of twenty other pupils and into the top ve for the nal round. Holly spent a great deal of time considering her idea and conducted hours of market research. This included contacting Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Kate, Duchess of Cambridge as they are expecting a baby, to ask them if they would be interested in her idea. She also visited a hospital maternity unit to interview staff and patients and stood outside her local supermarket to speak to customers to ask their opinion on her product. Holly clearly put a lot of thought and effort into this competition and has done very well considering she was the youngest pupil involved and was too shy to stand up in the beginning and introduce herself. All of the organisers and judges commented on how composed she was when presenting her idea in front of everyone and how well she articulated herself. Although Holly was chosen to be one of the nalists, unfortunately her product idea did not win but Holly was an absolute credit to Bannerman High School and hopefully she has caught the entrepreneurial bug. Well done Holly! Mrs Morin

S1 Bookathon

The S1 Bookathon took place a little later than normal this year but was no less successful. Throughout
the week of 18th 22nd March all S1 pupils took part in a sponsored read for the Teenage Cancer Trust. Every English period for the week was dedicated to reading and all the classes had a reading period in the library where they could choose all their books for the challenge! As always the pupils worked really hard during this week and altogether they raised a fantastic 1054.45 for the charity which will be put to very good use. Siobhan OHara from the Teenage Cancer Trust wrote: WOW, were delighted to hear how well Bannerman have done once again. Your school has been unbelievably supportive over the last few years so thank you all once again for thinking of us. I can't believe that this massive sum was the work of the 1st years. That's such an achievement Massive congratulations to all the S1 pupils who took part. The money raised will make a massive difference to teenage cancer sufferers in the West of Scotland. Miss McGlinn

Digital Dragons

We have been involved in a digital competition run by John Campbell, the head of an online company, Spider Online, who designs websites for companies. He runs the competition Digital Dragons to give young people in Glasgow schools a chance of investigating the business world. I (Haris Malik), Hamza Ahmad, Callum Clark, Aidan Coulter and Ryan Anderson entered this competition representing Bannerman High School. Our idea was an app that can identify a company or organisation by scanning the logo. Once the company is identied, the user will be given two choices. The rst choice is the ability to bring up a factle (Wikipedia) page on the company/organisation/brand. The second option is the ability to display a list of products by that company, and when the user selects a product, the app will be able to direct them to the nearest shop that sells that product. This is just a rough summary. We had a few meetings with Gary Condie, Employability and Enterprise Manager, and John Campbell before hand. These were our mentoring sessions. In these, we were able to discuss our ideas with John and get some advice for our idea and our nal presentation. We had our nal presentation on the 30th April 2013. It was held in the City Chambers and the prize for the winning team was Nexus 7 tablets each. There were six schools in total and we each had to go in one after another to present our ideas to a panel of three judges. We had time to go over our scripts before the nal presentation and work out how our presentation would be run. When we were up, the nerves started to kick in, but we managed to keep it together and go through our presentation. I feel our presentation went very well and this was a great experience. Haris Malik S3

Pom Cheer Dance Champions

I started dancing when I was three years of age. I do Tap, Ballet, Modern, Highland, Hip Hop and Cheerleading. With the cheerleading we compete in various competitions throughout the country, taking part in the cheer dance based version called,Dance Pom . Pom is highly technical incorporating jumps, leaps pirouettes, lift, kicks, and various other dance elements. The Poms being used to add visual effects and in tricks. We compete in team divisions, large or small depending on the size of the competing team. My cousin Fiona Kane and I rst started competing as a duo in May last year at the BCA North East Classic British Championships, where we won rst place in the Junior Pom Dance Division. This was an excellent achievement with very tough competition. Due to this success, we were entered into the highly competitive Scot Cheer 2, where winners would be awarded bids to the European Championships. A Bid is an invite meaning all competitors would need to be champions or runners up in their respective divisions.

Therefore only the top two out of every European country can compete at the European Championships. This is only the second year that this competition has been running, being previously held in Amsterdam. This year however, Glasgow is the host city, using the new Emirates Arena and we are very excited and proud to be representing Scotland and our team Xplosion. We will be competing against 34 other European countries, so we have been training very hard to improve on our previous performances. In every competition we have entered we have nished in the top two. We work very well together, both having different strengths and bring different qualities to the routine. We are great friends and this has been a fantastic experience to share. Although it has been very hard work, it is a great sport to take part in. We absolutely love it and have found it to be very rewarding. The European Championships will be extremely tough, as we will be competing against the best Duos in Europe. However getting to this competition is a massive achievement in itself, but we are determined to work hard and do the best we can, and are very proud no matter what. Eilidh Hughes S3

Girls Football

The girls football squad have been taking part in the Soccer G League at Toryglen Regional Football Centre every two weeks since September. They play in 7 a-side games of which they can play 5/6 games a night against schools from all over Glasgow. This year we have been very fortunate to have two teams at almost every league night, which has allowed the girls to play more often. The A team ended up in 5th place with the B team 9th place out of 17 teams. This year the girls have played really well and showed great team spirit to work their way up the league table. They also took part in the Festive Finals and Summer Finals at Toryglen where they all had an enjoyable days playing tournament football. The Soccer G squad were: Kirsten Treanor (S5) Toni McVey, Chloe Thompson, Amie Carruthers, Lauren Kelly (S4) Hannah Fulton, Gemma McCallum (S3) Ellie Willison, Shannon Scott, Holly McIntyre, Chelsea Parsons, Amy Johnston, Lauren Clements, Chloe Stephenson, Zoe Lamont, Shelby Thomson (S2) Ellie Street, JulieAnn Duncan, Zoe McGurn, Amber Man, Sophie Matheson, Becky O'Donnell, Carli Thomas, Tammy McFall, Taylor Watson, Emily McKibben, Lauren Wright (S1) This year the girls took part in the Scottish Senior Girls Shield competition where they drawn against St Josephs College, Dumfries. They were unlucky to lose the match 1-0 but Bannerman team who had girls from S1-5, played very well against strong opposition. For this match the team were joined by Emma Baird (S5).

The players nished off the year having a great night at the Celebratory Football & Rugby Dinner at the Millennium Hotel, George Square. They all enjoyed listening to the former Scotland Manager Craig Brown and watching the football video clip. Craig Brown presented the awards to the players, who were: Most Consistent Ellie Street (S1) Top Goal Scorer Lauren Kelly (S4) Players Player Toni McVey (S4) Managers Player Zoe McGurn (S1) Throughout the year the players have had training and support from two former pupils, Lisa Gibson (who played in the Soccer G league whilst at school) and Ben Scobie. As part of their college course at the North Glasgow College, they had to complete a 40 hour work placement in coaching a sporting activity with young people. Both gave more than their 40 hours by coaching at the Soccer G league nights and training the girls on the school pitch after school. Kirsten Treanor (S5) has also taken on a role in organising and mentoring the younger pupils during the league games. Thanks to the PE department in organising Scottish Cup Games, the buses to Toryglen and providing the strips. Miss Reid

Glasgow Schools Adventure Race

On Monday 10th June 8 pupils from Bannerman High School took part in the annual Glasgow Schools Adventure Race at Blairvadoch Outdoor Education Centre. This is a multi-discipline cross country race involving running 5 km, mountain biking 5km, canoeing 3 km, zip-lining, high wire walking, a brain teaser task and orienteering. The team is primarily made up of S5 students some of whom are involved in Morocco 2013 (Andrew Barclay, Cameron and Craig Smith) and Malawi leaders of learning (Blair Davidson and Cameron Quinn). The rest of the team consisted of Joshua How, Callum Drummond and Scott Cunningham who joined to help out their friends and because they enjoy the activities that were involved. The race started off with a short run to the rst challenge, a high wire walk between two trees. You had a time limit of 30 minutes to put on the climbing gear, do the high wire challenge as many times as you could and then leave the climbing gear as you found it before the time was up. The more times you complete the challenge the more time was taken off your nal race time. As soon as the 30 minutes was announced it was a 100m race to the canoe challenge. The rst of two water based challenge was a 3 km canoe across the Gare loch. Awaiting them on the other side of the loch was supposed to be 2 substitutions, ready to swap over but as the team did the canoe challenge so fast the mini-bus was not there in time. The canoe team had therefore already started on the third challenge, a 5 km run. The run is broken up into two sections as after 2 km they have to complete a zip-line across a disused quarry.

The run nished at an old scout hut where the substitutions were waiting for the next challenge, a 5 km mountain bike section through wood land and very rough terrain. The bike challenge ended at the edge of Gare Loch where they would use 2 substitutions and begin the next challenge, a 5 km kayak back to the Blairvadoch centre. Once the kayaks were beached at the centre they had to run to the next challenge, a brain teaser where they had to move a ball from the start point to the end point using only the tubes and pipes available. Sounds simple right! Again the more times you complete the challenge the more time was taken off your nal race time. Finally the orienteering challenge, where they had to run off in at least groups of 2 to nd the markers and report back to their guide. Once complete it was then a nal run to the nish line. We will not know how good our time is until all other schools have competed. The winners and nal times will be announced at an awards ceremony on Monday 17th June. Straight after the race I asked the team if they would do it again and they all replied with a very enthusiastic DEFINITELY! Well done team! Mr Boyle


Patrick Ness Visit

On Tuesday 16th April a group of S2-S4 pupils went to the Mitchell Library to take part in an author session by renowned author Patrick Ness. Patrick is the author of The Chaos Walking Trilogy. The trilogy has been extremely successful for Patrick and the rst title in his trilogy, The Knife of Never Letting Go, is currently being made into a lm. He spoke to the pupils about how and why he started writing and the process he goes through in order to create characters and stories. His talk was very inspirational and a lot of pupils went home with some very good ideas, not to mention some of his books! Miss McGlinn

Silver Lining

Helping the Bruce Peru Foundation

In tutor we completed activities and looked at articles on the street children of Peru. We also took part in quizzes to help us understand a day and life of a street child. We have been learning about our role as Global Citizens and how we can raise awareness for those less fortunate. The pictures and videos we have seen show us the problems they face and really did shock us. My tutor group was keen to help the street children of Trujillo in Peru. The activities we have been completing show us that education is free in Peru yet many dont attend! Doing well at school should help the children get a job when they are older and improve their lives. Our tutor group has been raising money for the Bruce Peru Charity by taking part in the SILVER LINING collection. This is part of our pupil to pupil project with our link shanty town school in Alto, Trujillo. Our year group have been completing activities to help the street children in Modern Studies and in Art we made Christmas cards to give to them using our phrases from Spanish Our tutor group had the longest silver line with a total of 51.05. The whole of S1 raised 160.36. Well done to all of our year group in supporting the children of the Bruce Peru Charity. Beth Atkinson 1L1

Just Dance 2013

On Wednesday 5th June Bannerman High School presented its 4th annual dance show at the Bridge Theatre. There were over 100 pupils involved in the performance which showcased a wide variety of dance styles learned by the pupils including ballet, tap, jazz, african, commercial, hip hop and contemporary. The show had a total of 30 performances, with solos, duets, trios and group performances and there were also performances with live music including Toni Mcvey on the drums, James McFarlane on guitar and singing from Stephanie Owens and former pupil Gemma Houston. This was an excellent opportunity for the young people to display the work from curricular and extra curricular dance and many people commented on how condent they were in their performances. On the evening awards were presented to the pupils including performer of the year, outstanding contribution, choreography awards and team of the year. Performer of the Year Junior - Eve Learmonth Intermediate - Daniella Zecchino & Soa Graham Senior - Elisa Kirkwood Outstanding Contribution Junior - Melissa Montgomery Intermediate - Rachel Brown & Jennifer Cullen Senior - Fraser Mckie Choreography Award 1 Gillian Paulley Lynsey Weir Sophie Anderson Nicola Brown Kayleigh Thornton Choreography Award 3 Jade Adam Elisa Kirkwood Higher Dance Award Jade Adam National Dance Award Roseanne McCabe Team of the Year 3rd year

Legends V Teachers

10 years ago the Bannerman Senior Football Team won the Lanarkshire League Title in May 2003. Many of the players from the team have younger siblings who are at Bannerman today. This led to the news being heard about the success of the S3 Scottish and British Cup triumph and the Seniors Cameronian Cup victory. During our 10 year re-union night out I suggested that we arrange a Legends v Seniors Football Match to mark the success of past and present teams. The build up to the match was excellent with both teams secretly condent. Both teams played some great football and showed a fantastic team spirit and sportsmanship. The Seniors took the lead through a well worked team goal put in the net by Connor Brannigan. At the end of the rst half the Legends equalised with a wonder strike by Graham Coutts (Cookie). After a short half time break both teams came out ying. Captain of the Legends team Steven McGlinchey put the ball in the net to make it 2-1 before a lovely chipped nish from Johnny Forrest made it 2-2. The Seniors played some nice football and another 2 goals from Connor Brannigan put the seniors 4-2 up. Steven McGlinchey then pulled one back late on to make it 4-3 setting up an exciting nal. With the Legends pushing for the equalised. I was fouled just outside the box. Several players in the Legends team had tried to score into Stephen Thomson from a free kick but no one had come close. Then up stepped the goalkeeper for the Legends Chris Smith. Stephen organised his wall and defence as Chris placed the ball however they could not prevent the outcome. As Chris so often did for the Legends on our way to lifting the League Trophy 10 years ago he red a left footed rocket into the top corner of the net making it 4-4 and sending the game to penalties. Penalties were tense with both teams scoring their rst 5. In sudden death the Seniors scored putting extra pressure on the next taker for the Legends team. Martin Dunnery ran up and laced his penalty past the post starting the celebrations of the Senior team. The match nished 4-4 (Seniors winning 6-5 on penalties. The Seniors were congratulated and presented with the Super Cup before a team photo was taken. The match was a great success and was a brilliant way to recognise the achievements of both teams. Mr Douglas

Aim High

Dame Eilish Angiolini recently visited Bannerman with our MP Margaret Curran, and Dr Ann Mullen, senior tutor and admissions tutor at St Annes College, Oxford. The event was the brainchild of Margaret Curran who was keen to present the possibility of Oxford to east end schools. Bannerman therefore hosted the event, with young people from St Andrews and Eastbank joining us for the occasion. Dame Eilish, principal of St Hughs College, inspired the audience to aim high, recounting her own story of rising from her roots as the daughter of a Govan coalman who went on to hold the highest legal position in Scotland. She said: Everything I have achieved in life, very often came around someone saying thats not really for you. Dame Eilish and Dr Mullen certainly demystified the towers and spires of Oxford for the young people.

Young Writers

On Friday the 19th April 2 S1 pupils Sean Porter and Emma Hastings took part in the rst ever Aye Write! Young Writers Conference held at the Mitchell Library. The theme was Heroes and both pupils had been shortlisted for the Aye Write! Schools Prize for their articles about their own personal heroes. The day included a prize giving, different workshops and live performances. The workshops included how to Blog, a Poetry workshop and live performance by Loki and a graphic novel workshop which resulted in a battle between the Sun and the Moon! Both pupils did extremely well to get shortlisted and Bannerman High was among the rst schools to take part in the competition and the conference. Well done Sean and Emma! The competition will be open to Bannerman pupils again next year. Miss McGlinn

AU News
All S4 pupils have completed their exams and have to endure the wait until results are published. Our S5 pupils have promising careers ahead of them. Whether it be an apprenticeship scheme, work-based training or continuing study we are sure that they will all be very successful in whatever they choose to do.

Swimming Group
Since August 2012 the majority of pupils in the Autism Unit have taken part in the swim group at Springburn Leisure Centre. The swimmers have shown great determination and resilience in mastering most of the four main strokes. Particular mention goes to the marvellous improvement shown by Jack Cheasty over the last 10 months.

New S1 pupils
All the new S1 pupils have had visits to the Autism Unit and we look forward to welcoming them from their current Primary Schools of Aultmore Park, Carmyle, Avenue End and Our Lady of Peace.

Badminton Club
Miss Gourlay continues to run the after-school Badminton Club for pupils from the Unit (with the help of a Badminton Coach) and reports that the pupils are making giant strides.


End of Term Trip

Finishing touches have been put to the Units summer spectacular. We can reveal that the pupils will enjoy GoKarting and then a trip to Frankie and Bennys just before the end of term. Ewan Marshall has already boasted of tearing up the track, so we are all eager to see the great man in action!

National Street Dance Championships

On Friday 7th June 2013 the Scottish Street Dance Championships took place at the new Emirates Arena. Bannerman entered 3 teams in to the competition by qualifying earlier on in the year. They competed against 13 other teams to secure one of 8 places in the National nal in August. All teams performed exceptionally well and wowed the judges with their excellent technique and performance skills. The judges consisted of Chuck from Got to Dance, Turbo from Got to Dance and performers from the 'A' team. As we nervously awaited the judges decision all of the boys and girls were very anxious to see who would make it to the nals. The judges revealed the top 8 t in reverse order and when they got to 5th place and there were still no teams from Bannerman through, the tension increased and we started to get a little worried. Finally in 4th place it was the Bannerman Senior team! Everyone was jumping for joy. Drumchapel High School took 3rd place and we still had 2 teams nervously awaiting to see if they had qualied. In 2nd place it was... Bannerman High S3-S6 team with their performance of Alice in Wonderland. We were ecstatic and all ran up to collect our trophy and medals! Finally 1st place was revealed and it was... Bannerman High School again. We could not believe it! The second year team had won the whole competition! A few of the parents were even crying with joy and we were so happy that all of our teams had qualied for the nals. All of the dancers were happy for each other and were just so delighted that every team was successful.

The nals will take place on Friday 23rd August at the SECC where our school will compete against other schools from Scotland, England, Ireland and Wales to win the National Schools. All of the teams are very excited for this and will be training during the summer holidays in preparation for the competition. It would be great if staff could come along and get behind the teams on the night! Trophies are on display in the trophy cabinet in the SMT corridor. A huge well done to all of the pupils involved in what has been a great success for Bannerman High School.

Marys Meals Backpacks

As part of our Global Citizenship Tutor programme S2 pupils were asked to participate in a Backpack challenge for Marys Meals. Our tutor group collected the most backpacks for one class. We were asked to collect different items for the backpacks, which ranged from clothing, school books and pencils to toys. Helping the children in Malawi was a bagful of fun! 2T1 pupils enjoyed making up 11 backpacks and hope that the children will like their backpacks. In total S2 pupils have put together 46 backpacks and have a few large bags of materials as contents for other backpacks. So thank you to everyone who brought in something to make our Backpack project a success. Megan McMichael and Lyndsay McMath 2T1

Lessons from Auschwitz

As a follow up to their visit to Auschwitz with the Holocaust Education Trust, Kathryn Mills and Adam Carruthers S6 gave S1 pupils a presentation about their visit followed by a workshop. They outlined to pupils; what the holocaust was, when it happened and who were involved. They also showed pupils images depicting life in the concentration camps. In the workshop they explored themes like bullying and exclusion. At the end of the workshop S1 pupils pledged their support for antibullying by making a chain of hands, each hand gave a message supporting antibullying. Mrs Bennet

Balloon Race

Up, Up and Away for Charity!

On Wednesday 5th June Third Year organised a balloon race, to raise money for its nominated charities, this year Alzheimers Scotland and Yorkhill Teenage Cancer Trust. Volunteers worked hard to label every one of the 297 balloons bought and weather conditions were perfect for their release. A wonderful total of 846 was raised and thanks go to all who contributed. Congratulations to Livingstone House, with a total of 88 balloons sold. Wallace came a close second with 81 balloons. The closing date for the return of labels was the 18th of June and the furthest balloon reached all the way to Stranraer. The winning balloon belonged to Abbey Feeney congratulations to her!

P7 Induction

Primary 7 joined Bannerman for their three day visit, .following their new timetables and meeting their new classes. We look forward to welcoming them in August

Principal Teachers of Pastoral Care Burns: Mrs L Peoples Depute Headteachers S1: S2: S3: S4: S5: S6: Mrs King Miss Smalls Mrs van de Gevel Mrs Belford Ms Black Mrs King Livingstone: Mrs Shah Mackintosh: Ms L Morton Napier: Telford: Wallace: Mr C Gardiner Mr J McGillivray Mrs R Guile

Parent Contact
If you want to make contact by email please use this address:

Bannerman High School Glasgow Road G69 7NS 0141 582 0020

Please check our website for current information. The weekly bulletin is in News & Events- this will allow you to see forthcoming clubs and activities which you can encourage your child to join.

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