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18th June 2013

PSI20: +0.67% DAX30: +0.17% FTSE100: +0.35% S&P500: +0.78% NIKKEI225: -0.20%
Portuguese families are saving more, according to APFIPP/ Catolica University saving indicator. It represents now more than 10% of GDP. More>> Investors are lowering their required rate over peripheral countries debt instruments. Yields on Portuguese bonds have fell in all maturities. More>> PSI 20 has appreciated for the 3 time in row. It has risen 0,67% while European partners havent recorded a clear trend. Zon had a great performance and increased more than 4%. More>>

The European Central Bank is "ready to act" if need be to aid the euro zone economy and recent signs of market stabilization mean that its interest rates are becoming a more effective tool again. More>> British consumer price inflation rebounded by more than expected in May due to a record rise in air fares and higher fuel prices, raising questions about whether April's 7-month low was simply a blip. More>> European stocks were little changed as U.S. housing starts for May missed estimates amid concern the Federal Reserve will signal stimulus cuts at its policy meeting starting today. More>>

U.S. stocks rose, pushing the Standard & Poors 500 Index to its highest in June, as investors awaited the outcome of a Federal Reserve policy meeting for clues to the central banks plan for stimulus . More>> Carl Icahn said a "major investment bank" is willing to commit $1.6 billion to his buyout plan for Dell, as he blasted the companys argument that his proposal was risky and without enough financing. More>> Starbucks Corp. rose for a second day (+1.61%) to a record high on Tuesday as it took steps to provide more nutrition information on the food it sells at its stores. More>>

Asian stocks were mixed on Tuesday, as nervous investors awaited the U.S. Fed Open Market Committee's latest update on its stimulus program when it kicks-off a 2-day meeting later in the day. Japan's Nikkei reversed early gains to close down 0.2 percent. More>> China's house prices rose at the fastest pace this year in May from a year earlier, though the pace of gains eased from the previous month, highlighting the dilemma facing the central bank as it balances the need to support the economy against holding down housing inflation. More>>

OIL (WTI 98.81 $/bbl; +0.73% / Brent 106.11 $/bbl; +0.43%): Oil climbed as the Syrian conflict bolstered concern that the flow of supplies from the Middle East may be disrupted and on signs that economic growth is accelerating. More>> GOLD (1367.45 $/oz t; -1.19%) and COPPER (3.152 $/lb; -1.72%): Gold and Copper fell to the lowest in three and six weeks, respectively, on speculation that the Federal Reserve may signal a reduction of U.S. economic stimulus. More on Gold>> More on Copper>>

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