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By Sri Muryati, SPd.





Writers Name : 1. Complete Name Sri Muryati, SPd. Female English SEMARANG 7 SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Jl. Untung Suropati - Telp (024) 7605977 Semarang, 50185. 4. Education Semarang City September 5th ,2006 Department Date of writing 2. Gender Ocupation : 1. Teacher 2. School 3. School Address

Semarang, September 5th ,2006 Writer,

Sri Muryati, SPd. NIP. 130794346


The report of this action research has been approved by the headmaster of SEMARANG 7 SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Day Date : Tuesday : September 5th , 2006.

Semarang, September 5th 2006 Approved by: School Headmaster Writer,

Drs. Totok Widyanto NIP. 131415203

Sri Muryati, SPd. NIP. 130794346


Foremost, the writer wishes to take this opportunity to express her gratitude to god the almighty for the blessing, inspiration and leading her to the completion of the action research. The writer realizes that many individuals have helped her in handling the action research by offering this assistance. Therefore, on this occasion the writer would like to extend her gratitude to them. First of all, the writer wishes to extend her deepest appreciation to Dr Totok Sumaryanto, MPd, the Secretary of UNNES ( Semarang State University) Education Innovation and improvement Research Centre who has given his invaluable assistance and support during the implementation of the action research. Her thanks also goes to Dra. Helena IR . Ph.D., the lecturer of UNNES who gave the writer a lot of information about 2004 Competency Based Curriculum. Her great gratitude also goes to Drs. Totok Widyanto , the Headmaster of Semarang 7 Senior High School, who gave the writer opportunity to conduct the action research there. The writer also thanks to Abimanyu, S.kom., the lecturer of LPMP ( Central Java Education Quality Assurance ) who taught her cutting VCD. .Finally, her special gratitudes are forwarded to her family, husband and sons who have given her untiring moral support in connection with the action research.


ENGLISH COMMUNICATION COMPETENCY IMPROVEMENT ON SPOKEN AND WRITTEN NARRATIVE TEXT THROUGH VCD CUTTING MEDIA IN SEMARANG 7 SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Sri Muryati , Semarang 7 Senior High School This is an abstract of a classroom action research, Its title was English Communication Competency Improvement on Spoken And Written Narrative Text Through VCD Cutting Media In Semarang 7 Senior High Shool. The aim of this action research was to improve students English learning result. The learning process was implemented with two cycles (modes) , spoken and written English. Each cycle covered four steps, namely Building Knowledge of the field, Modelling Text, Joint Construction of the Text and Indpendent/ Individual Construction of the Text. The implementation of these steps was devided into 3 cycles in action research, cycle I, II and III. Each cycle covered : Planning, Implementation, Observation and Reflection. The research area covered : 1. Genre : Narrative Text for students of Grade XII Language Program , semester 1. 2. The problems proposed : How to improve students creativity, activities, and scores to express and response meaning in monolog teks in spoken and written accurately and acceptably on narrative text. This research is for students of Semarang 7 Senior High School grade XII Language Program. Motivation and scientific atitude was measured with questionaires. Activities and skill process to communicate in spoken and written were measured with rubric assesment when they presented their groupwork of narrative reaching the Joint Construction of the Text. It was typed in Power Point completed with animation, sound, colour, the depth of the material and VCD Cutting. Cognitive domain was measured with pre-test and post-test. The result of the research were as follows: The result of the tes in cycle I was 63 SKBM ( School Passing Grade 64 ) , it didnt fulfil the action achievement indicator. In cycle II, III fulfilled the action achievement indicator SKBM ( School Passing Grade 64 ). The students average score were 71 in Cycle II and 79 in cycle III. Students motivation and sciencetific result fulfill the achievement indicator. There were 21 out of 25 students gave positive response by stating agree towards the questionaires so there were only 4 students who didnt agree with the questionaires. The average score in cycle II on the spoken groupwork presentation was 84 64 and on the written group work presentation was 84 64 and this result really fulfilled the result of an action research. In cycle III the students average score on the independent/ Individual Construction of Text was 70 which meant the school passing grade 64. It meant that it fulfilled the achievement Indicator. Key words: Senior High School English learning on narrative, VCD Cutting.

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Research. The implementation of the 2004 curriculum was started step by step in the academic year 2004/2005. There were significant changes from 1994 curriculum. These changes may cause some problems for most English teachers to implement the curriculum in the classroom The writer teaches at Semarang 7 Senior High School which on the academic year 2004/2005 has started to implement 2004 curriculum. The new thing for the writer is that the 2004 curriculum suggested English teachers to use text type or genre based instruction. This means that rasionally, places language as function. One of the function of language is to deliver message, instruction, describtion of a thing or a person, telling stories, delivering procedure, expressing opinion, critizizing, etc. According to the book of Standard Competence for English lesson for Senior High School students 2004 curriculum, standard competence which should be mastered by the students is that they should be able to communicate in spoken and written English acceptably and accurately in interactional dan short monolog especially on procedure, description, report, news item, narrative, recount/ spoof, exposition, discussion, explanation and review text. These texts are known as text types or genre which really someting new for students as well as teachers. Because the 1994 curriculum was a kind of thematic based instruction. It was mentioned in the Competency Based Curriculum that narrative text should be given to grade XII students. And the method of teaching English suggested in the curriculum

is bicycle , spoken and written. Each cycle covers four stages namely, Building Knowledge of the field , Modelling Text, Joint Construction of the Text, and Individual Construction of the Text (CBC 2004). In teaching narrative text, what is meant by cycle here is different from that in action research. So the meaning of cycle, spoken and written in teaching language has nothing to do with the meaning of cycle in action research. With these stages, students are guided to be able to create their own narrative texts in spoken or written form. According to the writers

experience to teach in the classrom and the discussion of semarang 7 Senior High school English teachers in MGMP ( English Teachers Forum), most problem faced by the students is when they reach the stage of Joint Construction of Text and Individual Construction of Text both in spoken or written cycle. The writer found the problem when students try to express and response meaning in monolog text using spoken and written English accurately and acceptably. This difficulty effected the students English score. They did not reach the passing grade score. On the graduation meeting academic year 2005/2006, It was decided that there were 31 students failed . Most of them were caused by English score which did not reach the school passing grade. For grade X was 61 and for grade XI was 63. While the students everage score who failed was 52. This problem had to be resolved. The writer, therefore, tried to find a solution. Because the problem was to express and response meaning in monolog text using spoken and written English accurately and acceptably , the writer tried to increase their performance by using suitable , interesting and exciting media, film. Average students at the age of Senior High like film stories that they watch on TV, VCD, or movie. By watching the visualism of a story there would be ideas appeared from them to tell stories about the film they watched in spoken or written form. The 2004 Curriculum also includes computer skill or Information Technology (IT) as a cmpulsory subject. This subject was very helpful for the students

performance when they wre studying English. They could tell stories in spoken or written using media Microsoft Office Power Point completed with interesting colur, animation, and VCD cutting taken from motion pictures which reflected the stories they presented in front of their classmates. Through their presentation , two cycles, spoken and written could be obtained at once. Spoken cycle could be seen when they told stories about the film and written cycle could be seen on the narrative text which they wrote in Power Point. But by using media VCD Cutting, is there any students improvement to express and to response meaning in monolog text in spoken and written form accurately and acceptably on narrative text? The writer formulated this question in a title : ENGLISH COMMUNICATION COMPETENCY IMPROVEMENT ON SPOKEN AND WRITTEN NARRATIVE TEXT THROUGH VCD CUTTING MEDIA IN SEMARANG 7 SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL

B. Research Area. The area of the research was as the followings: a. The main material of the research was genre Narrative and as the subject of the research was students of grade XII Language Program, semester 1: 1. Cycle 1 : - Building knowledge of the Field. ( 6 p/ 3 meeting). - Modelling Text ( 8 p/ 4 meeting). 2. Cycle 2 : Joint construction of the Text ( 8 p/ 4 meeting) 3. Cycle 3 : Independent Construction of the Text ( 6 p/ 3 meeting ) b. Process quality : It was seen from the students participation in their group work and individual assignment. c. Result quality : It was seen from the students score in mid semester test.

d. Based on the background above the writer proposed a problem how to improve students English communication competency on spoken and written narrative text through VCD cutting media in semarang 7 senior high school e. The Primary problem could be elaborated into the following subproblems: 1. How to improve studentss creativity to express and to response meaning in monolog text on spoken and written narrative text accurately and acceptably? 2. How to improve students activity to express and to response meaning in monolog text on spoken and written narrative text accurately and acceptably? 3. How to improve students cognitive score to express and to response meaning in monolog text on spoken and written narrative text accurately and acceptably?

C. The Objectives of the research. In accordance with the above problems, the objectives of the research were: 1. To improve students creativity to express and to response meaning in monolog text on spoken and written narrative text accurately and acceptably. 2. To improve students activity to express and to response meaning in monolog text on spoken and written narrative text accurately and acceptably. 3. To improve students cognitive score to express and to response meaning in monolog text on spoken and written narrative text accurately and acceptably. 4. To get school input from the teachers as the basis of making school decision so that it would fulfil the students need.

D. Review of Related Literature. a. Explanation of Terminology. 1. Improvement. Improvement is from the word improve which means make or become better. ( Hornby , 1973: 494). So what was meant by improvement in this research was the improvement of the students learning achievement. According to Moh. Uzer Usman, to know the level of teaching learning achievement based on the curriculum implemented were as the followings: 1. Maximum : If all the learning material is able to be mastered by the students. 2. Very good / optimum : If most of the learning material (85 % to 94 % is able to be mastered by the students. 3. Good/ minimum : If most of the learning material (75 % to . 84 %. is able to be mastered by the students. 4. Fail : If less than 75 % of the learning material is able to be mastered by the students. 2. So what is meant by improvement in this action research was to create the best situation for students to improve their ability to to express and to response meaning in monolog text on spoken and written narrative text accurately and acceptably through media VCD Cutting to reach the minimal level of achievement ( school passing grade ). 3. VCD Cutting. VCD Cutting is the result of cutting film from VCD using VCD Cutter software. 4. Teaching and Learning Narrative Text. 10

Sardiman in Sudibyo AP said that teaching and learning means teaching and learning activity in interactive way between a teacher and students to reach a learning objective ( Sudibyo AP, 2006: 6).

Narrative is a piece of text which tells a story and , in doing so , entertains or informs the reader or listener. ( Mark & Kathy Anderson - Book 2 : 8) According to Tri Wiratno, Narrative text is a text functions a media to reconstruct past experience. In general, narrative text is used to entertain readers or listeners by making past events alive again.. (Tri Wiratno, 2003:13). According to CBC 2004 narrative text is a text which has the following characteristics: . Social Function: To amuse, entertain and to deal with actual or vicarious exoerience in different ways. Narratives deal with problematic events which lead to crisis or turning point some kind, which in turn find a resolution. Generic Structure: ORIENTATION : sets the scene (when & where) and introduces participants/character (who) COMPLICATION : a crisis arises, something happened unexpectedly RESOLUTION : the crisis is resolved, for better or for worse RE-ORIENTATION : closing to the narrative (optional)


Language Features of Narrative: Specific participants, for example, John and Harry rather than senior high school students. Past tense form, because we are describing things that happened in the past. Words giving details of people, animals, places, things and actions such as adjectives and adverbs. of time, such as last week, then, etc. Direct (the actual words spoken by a person), and reported or indirect speech ( the meaning of what the person said without using their actual words.) (Kurikulum 2004,2003:80) Connectors

So teaching and learning narrative text in this research means teaching and learning activity in interactive way between a teacher and students to reach learning objective - to express and to response meaning in monolog text on spoken and written narrative text accurately and acceptably.

4. Spoken and Written Cycle. 2004 Competency Based Curriculum differenciates spoken and written cycle as follows: Cycles (modes) , spoken and written language are different in some cases: Spoken language has many verbs , the complexities of the connection between sentences, gambits and other fillers. . William R. Lee uses fillers such as : Well, You know/You see, etc. While written mode, has the density of vocabularies, noun phrases, etc. Realizing the differences CBC 2004 highlights the language features of those two language modes.


Hopefully, the language users pay a close attention to them so that they will not tend to use the language speaking like a book and writing like casual conversation ( CBC 2004 : 12).

b. The Meaning Media. Media or medium means by which something is done. (Hornby 1973: 610). So in this research media means any possible thing which is able to deliver learning messages in a

communication so that it can stimulate students to learn. (Kukuh, 2003). The media which is used in an instruction should be interactive which means media as instructional message deliverer involved students actively in the process of communication. So interactive instructional media can be used to improve learning models . For example , by giving a model of a narrative text students can create other narratives. The term audio visual means all materials which present pictures and sound that can be combined as follows: a. Paintings and recored human sound. b. Paintings and music, c. Photos, sound , music and human sound.. d. . film with narration, sound effect and music. 2. The need of media in teaching and learning process. In teaching learning process, there will be a comminication between a teacher a a message source and students message receivers. To plan teaching and learning activity a teaher should choose media which is really effective and efficient. When the media is an interactive one, the students are not only as listeners or wievers, but also involved actively in the learning process.


More over, media can overcome the teachers lack for example it can present sound effect, pictures and motion so that the message delivered will be more interesting and real. The weakness of media is that it can not replace teachers function. Media will help teachers in teaching and learning process such as: a. Media audio with the native sound can help teachers and students

pronounce difficult letters and words correctly. b. Media help teachers and students expressions using correct intonation. c. d. Modeling text helps students use grammar and cultural setting correctly. Media presents information or message consitently and can be repeated whenever it is needed. e. Information and Technology Media ( radio, TV, Internet/ Computer) presents information or message which overcome the limitation of time and place at once.. pronounce sentences and certain

There are some choices of media which can be used in the English teaching and learning activities : 1. Tape recorder nd cassette with native speakers is very good for modeling pronounciation and intonation. 2. Film, very good for modelling situation. 3. LCD (Liquid Crystal Display), is a practical hard ware and more interesting than Video, OHP. LCd is connected to computer using VCD player and camera so that it can be watched by the audience in the classroom. 4. IT (Information Technology) or ICT (Information Communication Technology), is a multi media which can be improved through computer and internet where every


person can possibly access learning information without the limitaion of time and place. The usage of media in teaching and lerning process at school to increase the quality of education has often been done but not all schols can do that. This is because of the condition of the school and the teachers lack of competence in instructional media. From the explanation about media, the writer chose media IT, computer and LCD with Microsoft Office Power Point and VCD Cutter software . Therefore, the writer used available instructional source (By Utilization) and design instructional source with Power Point and VCD Cutting (By Design). c. Learning Cycle. Hammond ( 1992:17) divides language learning into 2 cycles, spoken and written language. Each cycle covered four steps, namely Building Knowledge of the field, Modelling Text, Joint Construction of the Text and Indpendent/ Individual Construction of the Text .

d. Way of Thinking What makes a good teacher? Jeremy Harmer answered the questions from the result of an interview with students from different countries, two of them are: 1. They should make their lessons interesting so you dont fall asleep in them. 2. A teacher must love his/her job. If he /she really enjoys his/her job thatll make the lesson more interesting. (Harmer,2003: 1) From this point of view, early reflection and the formulation of the problems, and the way how to solve the problem by making the situation of the class more interesting and


enjoyable for both students and teachers by using VCD Cutting it was expected that the result of the teaching and learning on spoken written Narrative text for the students of Grade XII Language program semester 1 , Semarang 7 Senior High School was able to improve . So , it could be formulated the way of thinking as follows: Students Work individually Not creative Not active Have less competence in expressing and responding meaning on spoken and written monolog text accurately and acceptably.

The process of teaching and learning It was done mechanically Low learning result on Narrative Text Facility Not enough media available

Teacher Not yet/ never use authentic material. Had less creativity to make interesting and enjoyable classroom situation and supported students to work in groups before they work individualy.. Teaching and learning activity with VCD Cutting media

The quality of the teaching and learning process on narrative text improved 16

E. Research Methodology a. Action Hypothesis . Hypothesis is a temporary assumption or theory of which the truth is still necessary to be investigated . (Suharsimi. 1998:68). Therefore, in this research, the hypothesis proposed was : VCD cutting media 2006/2007 could improve the English communication competency on

spoken and written narrative text in semarang 7 senior high school academic year

b. Relevan Research. The use of accurate research methodology will not find a speculative truth so that it will really be an objective, accurate research and able to be responsible for the research.. Basically, the writer wanted to know the competency of the students of grade XII to express and response the meaning in the monolog text using spoken and written language accurately and acceptably on narrative text. Planning of a research canbe devided onto 7 catagories , namely: 1. historical research. 2. development research 3. case study 4. co relational study 5. causal comparative study 6. experimental study 7. action research (Sumadi,1983:15) Based on the above categories, the relevant research was Action Research of which its procedure were : planning, acting, observing, and reflecting.


c. Setting of the research This action research was conducted in the early semester 1, on the mid of July until September academic year 2006/2007 in Semarang 7 Senior High School for students of grade XII Language Program. d. Subject of the Research. The subject of the research was the students of grade XII Language Program. The reason why this class was used as the sample of the research because the students in this class had got the lesson about Information Technology (IT) so that it was easy for them to insert VCD cutting in their presentation with Microsoft Office Power Point.

e. Steps. This action research consisted of 3 cycles of which each cycle had the following actions: 1. Preparation. a. To construct teaching kits such as : development of syllaby, lesson plan, Narrative text material written in Microsoft Office Power Point completed with VCD Cutting. b. To construct peper and pencil test instrument for the pre and the post-test. c. To construct observation instrument for the individual and group work. d. To construct instrument to investiaget the students atutude towards the lesson. 2. Implementation of the Action. a. The first stage , Building Knowledge of the field (BKOF) , is very important for the students as it is the point at which overall knowledge of the cultural and social contexts of the topic is built and developed. It is also important for the students to have an understanding of the topic before they are asked to write about it.


b. The second stage, Modelling of Text (MOT) , the students are given a model of the text type or a genre they will be reading or writing. There is an explicit focus on analysing the genre through a model text related to the course topic. c. The third stage, joint construction of text (JOT) , the aim is for the teacher to work with the students to construct a similar text that has been modeled before. Further group work may need to be done before the actual construction of the text begins. This may covers : 1. gathering relevan information, 2. having additional reading, 3. watching the film chosen, 4. learning how to do VCD cutting, 5. writing notes to be used as the basis for writing the text. If the students still have difficulties about the text, they are guided to be back to the modeling text or even to the building knowledge of the field. 6. writing a short story based on the film they watched on Power Point. 7. having group work presentation and supporting the students in order to change the language from spoken to written mode. The emphasis at this stage is on the teacher giving guidance d. The fourth stage , Independent Construction of Text (ICOT) . The students are guided to construct their own writing. The teahers duty is being available to consult with the student individually as they need an assistance. The teachers role is to provide constructive comments to the student for his or her development.


According to CBC 2004 Senior High School , the text types which should be mastered by the students of grade XII are narrative, explanation, discussion dan review. The writer conducted action research on two cycles, spoken and written for the students of grade XII Language Program , semester 1 who focused on the narrative text.

3. Observation . On the stage of the observation the writer (as the researcher) and the observer (other English teacher) were involved actively. The observation for the students performance was done by the researcher and the observer used focused rubric

4. Evaluation dan Reflection. Evaluatin for the action in each cycle was done based on the principle that the teacher could rivise or made a remedial teaching in cycle 2 based on the data taken during the action in cycle 1. And the evaluation in cycle 3 based on the data taken from cycle 2 , so that the process of evaluation , the effectiveness of the action was not only measured based on the result of the cognitive test but also measured based on the focused observation assessment , performance and atitude (affective) assessments.

5. Method of Collecting Data. To cllect the data the writer designed the following instruments: 1. Paper-pencil test. 2. Rubric 3. Performance assessment 4. Systematic observation 5. Portofolio


HAPTER II REPORT OF THE ACIVITIES A. Constructing Lesson Plan. LESSON PLAN ( LP) Subject School Class/Semester Genre Cycles Time allotment I. STANDARD COMPETENCE 1. Listening : 1.1 The ability to understand the meaning of formal transactional dialogues and interpersonal dialogues (sustained) accurately and acceptably in daily lives and to access knowledge. 1.2. The ability to understand the meaning of monolog text, narrative accurately and acceptably in daily lives and to access knowledge. 2. Speaking : 2.1 The ability to express the meaning of formal transactional dialogues and interpersonal dialogues (sustained) accurately and acceptably in daily lives and to access knowledge. 1.2. The ability to express the meaning of monolog text, narrative accurately and acceptably in daily lives and to access knowledge. 3. Reading : 3.1. The ability to understand the meaning of written monolog text, narrative accurately and acceptably in daily lives and to access knowledge. 4. Writing: 4.1 The ability to express the meaning of monolog text, narrative accurately and acceptably in daily lives and to access knowledge. : English Lesson : Senior High School : XII Language Program / 1 : Narrative : Spoken and Written : 28 periods


II. BASIC COMPETENCE 1. Listening : 1.1 The students are able to response the meaning of formal transactional dialogues and interpersonal dialogues (sustained) accurately and acceptably in daily lives which includes expressions : suggestions, request, complaint, possibility and ability to do something. 1.2. The students are able to response the meaning of spoken monologs accurately and acceptably in daily lives I relation to narrative text. 2. Speaking : 2.1. The students are able to express the meaning of formal transactional dialogues and interpersonal dialogues (sustained) accurately and acceptably in daily lives which includes expressions : suggestions, request, complaint, possibility and ability to do something. 2.2. The students are able to express the meaning of spoken monologs accurately and acceptably in daily lives in relation to narrative text. 3. Reading : 3.1. The students are able to response the meaning of written monologs accurately and acceptably in daily lives on narrative text. 4. Writing: 4.1 The students are able to express the meaning of written monologs accurately and acceptably in daily lives in relation to narrative text. III. INDICATOR a. Actional Competence. 1. Listening. To response the transactional and interpersonal dialogues correctly, such as: suggestions, request, complaint, possibility and ability to do something. 2. Speaking To express the transactional and interpersonal dialogues correctly, such as: 22

suggestions, request, complaint, possibility and ability to do something, and to express monolog, in the form of narrative. 3. Reading To response / understand monologs in the form of narrative. 4. Writing To express monolog in the form of narrative. b. Linguistic Competence. a. Identify and use Past Tense. b. Identify and use relational process, material process, mental process and verbal process c. Identify and use adjectives and adverbs. d. Identify and use Connectors of Time e. Identify and use Direct and Indirect Speech. f. Identify and use gambits and Fillers. c. Sociocultural Competence a. To express message in communication with others correctly and acceptably according to the related culture. d. Strategic competence a. Working together in groups. b. Repeating words or sentences. c. Reading aloud. d. Reading more of related text. e. Attitudes a. Having confidence to improve the ability to understand narrative text. b. Delivering presentation about the work of narrative in groups. c. Participating actively in discussing narrative text with the teacher or friends. d. Doing the assignments enthusiastically. III. MATERIAL 23

Action in the class room. Expressions : suggestions, request, complaint, possibility and ability to do something, and Monolog : Narrative Text. IV. STEPS: 1. Introduction : Call the roll Greeting Review on the past lesson. 2. Core : Time 3 X 45 Minutes Stages/ Cycles SPOKEN CYCLE Building knowledge of the field (Literacy Principle : Conversion and cultural knowledge) Activities and Materials a. Exposing tenses available in narrative text. b. Sharing experience about stories stories students have heard or read and hobby of watching film. c. Discussing vocabulary around the topics of narrative that are going to learn. d. Practicing intonation. 4 X 45 Minutes Modelling of Text (Literacy Principle: interpretation, reflection and problem solving) e. Identification of gambits and fillers. a. Giving model of narrative texts. b. Giving model of narrative text completed with VCD Cutting through LCD c. Discussing the content of the text.. d. Discussing the generic structure of narrative text. e. Discussing how spoken understand. 4X 45 Joint construction a. Practicing how to begin a conversation and 24 narrative text is constructed well so that it is easy to Pronunciation, spelling and


(Literacy Principle : collaboration and language use)

to response it. . b. Practicing responses given to sustain the conversation. c. Constructing spoken narrative text in groups. a. Constructing spoken narrative individually.

3 X 45 Minutes Time 3 X 45 Minutes

Independent construction (Literacy Principle: language use) Stages and Cycles WRITTEN CYCLE Building knowledge of the field (Literacy Principle : Conversion and cultural knowledge)

Activities and Materials a. Exposing tenses available in narrative text. b. Sharing experience about stories the students have heard or read and hobby of watching film. c. Discussing vocabulary around the topics of narrative that are going to learn. a. Giving model of narrative texts. b. Giving model of narrative text completed with VCD Cutting through LCD c. Discussing the content of the text.. d. Discussing the generic structure of narrative text. e. Discussing how written narrative text is constructed well so that it is easy to understand.

4 X 45 Minutes

Modelling of Text (Literacy Principle: interpretation, reflection and problem solving)

4X 45 Minutes

Joint construction (Literacy Principle : collaboration and language use)

a. Constructing narrative text based on the film the students have watched in groups completed with Power Point Cutting. b. Group work presentation about narrative text. and VCD

3 X 45 Minutes

Independent construction (Literacy Principle: language use)

a. Constructing individually. . b. Publication.





3. Closing a. Concluding the lesson taught. b. Giving home assignments.


Media Teaching aids Source : VCD Cutting : Computer, LCD. : 2004 Competency Based Curriculum . English Book For Grade XII Pemkot Semarang. Lantern to English , Harapan Baru , Surakarta LKS MGMP Bhs Inggris Kota Semarang kelas XII

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Paper and Pencil Test Performance Product Project Portfolio Semarang, Approved by Headmaster, Drs. Totok Widyanto NIP. 131415203 Teacher, Sri Muryati, SPd. NIP. 130794346 18 Juli 2006

C. Presentation. By the end of the lesson you are expected to be able to: understand the purpose of narrative understand the generic structure of narrative. understand the language features of narrative. 26

work with variety of narrative. present your group work of narrative. construct your own work of narrative. publish your own work of narrative. use language functions: o making a request, granting and declining a request o expressing suggestion. o expressing complaint o expressing possibility/impossibility o expressing ability/inability Use grammar : o Past Tense

Section One: Building Knowledge of the Field.

A. SPOKEN Activity 1

There are many different types of narratives. Do you know what they are? 1 Fable 2 legend 3 Romance 4 Real-life fiction 5 Historical fiction 6 Mystery 7 Fantasy 8 Science fiction a. Novels dealing with daily records, events, thoughts, etc. 9 Diary-novels 10 Adventure b. Exciting or dangerous journey or activity. 11 Fairy tale c. Fiction belonging to history d. Something of which the cause or origin is hidden or Find the meaning of the different text types (or genres) above in the following box. impossible to understand e. Capacity to cause or feel amusement. f. Love story g. Novel in which the detection of crime is the chief interest. h. Fiction existing in fact i. Imagination j. Fiction dealing with recent or imagined scientific discoveries. k. Short tale not based on fact esp. one with animals in it l. Old story handed down from the 27 past, especially one of doubtful truth.

Activity 2 I will pronounce these words. Listen them carefully then repeat. Dont forget to look up the meaning in your dictionary.

pretty 2. industrious 3. ugly 4. fonder 5. idle 6. step 7. daughter 8. shuttle 9. dip 10. mishap

= [ prt] = [ ndstrs] = [ gl] = [ fond:] = [ adl] = [ step] = [ do:t ] = [ tl ] = [ dp ] = [ mshp ]

= cantik. = = = = = = = = =

Activity 3 Look up the transcription and the meaning of the following words in your dictionary

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

scold merciless fetch sorrow meadow

= [..] = [..] = [..] = [..] = [..]


= mencaci-maki = .. = .. = .. = ..

6. sense 7. loaves 8. shovel 9. ripe 10. heap 11. peep 12. mistress .. 13. vigorous .. 14. pitch 15. diligent

= [ ..] = .. = [..] = .. = [..] = .. = [..] = .. = [..] = .. = [..] = .. = [..] = = [..] = [..] = [..] =

= .. = ..

Activity 4

Expressing Suggestion. Practice the following dialogue.

Practice the dialogue with your partner. Rudy : Morning, Rany. Rany : Hi, Rudy. Morning. Come on in! Rudy : Thanks. Rany, I feel like reading something different today. Rany : What about reading fable? Rudy : Fable ? What is it? Rany : You mean the meaning of fable ? Rudy : Yes, what does it mean? Rany : Fable is short tale not based on fact . Rudy : Is that all? Rany : No, especially one with animals in it . Rudy : Do you have it? Rany : Yeah. Rudy : Whats the title of the book? Rany : The Jamie Bear. Rudy : Can I read it here? Rany : Sure. Here you are. Rudy : Thank you. 29

Rany : No problem. Activity 5 Answer the question based on the conversation above. 1. Who were involved in the conversation? 2. Where did the conversation take place? 3. What did Rudy want to do? 4. What did Rany suggest Rudy to do? 5. What is fable? 6. Who owned the book about fable? 7. Whats the title of the book? 8. Did Rany let Rudy read the book? 9. Mentions more expressions of suggestion. Activity 6

Teachers Information.
Here are more expressions of suggestion. Study them carefully. Informal: 1. Lets . 2. Lets ., shall we? 3. What about , (then)? 4. I tell you what: well . 5. We could always ,(then)? 6. Fancy.,(then) 7. Why dont we, (then)? 8. Why not,(then)? 9. Do you think it would be an idea to ? Formal: 1. Well, Mr., Perhaps youd 2. May/ Might I suggest (then)? 3. If I may/ make a suggestion: 4. Would you care to .,(then)? 5. You may/ might like to 6. Have you considered , (then)? 7. I suggest/ propose . 8. I should like to put forward a suggestion / proposal: .

Activity 7 Create dialogues based on the following situations. 1. Its the weekend. You and your friend are bored. Its sunny. 2. You are in a meeting at work. Your boss looks so confused and up set because the products are not sold well. You have the answer to the problem and you want to give a proposal to your boss. Activity 8 Practice the dialogues you have created in front of the class. Activity 9

Expressing Complaint

Practice the following dialogue. Jones, you cant possibly do that. We agreed that wed go to London.

Im sorry, Anita. It wont happen again. Please, forgive me.

Why do you always change your mind?

Activity 8 Answer the questions based on the conversation above. 1 Who were involved in the conversation? 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Look at the picture! Where did the conversation take place? What did Jones and Anita agree? Did Jones change his mind? Where did Jones ask Anita to go? What did Anita complain about? What did Jones promise? Mention more expressions of complaint.

Activity 9

Teachers Information
Here are more expressions of suggestion. Study them carefully Informal: 1 This is crazy! Formal: 2 You cant possibly do that. 1 I wish to complain in the 3 (Really!) Ive just about had strongest terms about the enough (of). service in this . 4 (Look here!) You cant go 2 II really do/ must object to . around 3 I take the great exception to . 5 (Honestly) Youre always 4 Im not at all satisfied. 6 (Really!) Im fed up with 5 Im not at all satisfied with. 7 (Hey!) I wish youd /you wouldnt 8 Im Activity 10 afraid Ive got a complaint about based on the following situations. Create dialogues 31

1 2

You are with a friend discussing home work given by your teacher but you find it difficult to do. You have booked a room at a hotel and when you arrive that the hotel clerk says there is no room for you.

Activity 11 Practice the dialogues you have created in front of the class.

Activity 12

Expressing Ability / Inability.

Study the conversation between Rany and Rudy after he has finished reading the book. Rany: Have you finished reading the book Rudy? Rudy: Yeah. Rany: Can you tell me the story now? Rudy: You have read the book, havent you? Rany: No, I havent. I just bought it last night. Rudy: Actually, I cant tell a story. But let me try briefly. Rany: Ok. Im listening. Rudy: Once there was a bear, named Jamie Bear. He had a best friend, Andy Bear.But the both had a problem. Rany: A problem? What was it? Rudy: They had different hobbies? Rany: What made so different? Rudy: Well, . Andy didnt like the sun but Jamie did. And Jamie didnt like the rain but Andy did. Rany: Was it possible for them to make friendship? They had different hobbies, didnt they? Rudy: Yes, It was pasible. Rany: How? Rudy: Even though they were both so different, there was one thing neither of them liked. Rany : What was that? Rudy : That was snow. Rany : I see. And How did the story end? Rudy : When the flakes started to fall from the sky, Andy and Jamie went into their cave and slept. They were happy they had lots of shaggy fur to keep them warm. Rany: So, what can we learn from the story? Rudy: I think . Its okay to be different. Rany: I see. Activity 13 Answer the questions based on the conversation above. 1. What did Rany ask Rudy to do? 2. Could Rudy actually tell a story? 3. What do the underlined sentences express? a. Can you tell me the story now? 32

b. So, what can we learn from the story? 4. Can you mention some more expressions of ability? Activity 14

Teachers Information
More expressions of ability/ inability are: Informal: Do you really think you can start the engine of the car? 1. (Yes,) I reckon I can. 2. Im not too bad at . Sound modest 3. There is just a chance I can / could . 4. (Yes, its) easy as a pie! 5. Sure 6. (Yes, its) a cinch! Could sound 7. Yes, its a) piece of cake! Boastful. 8. (Yes,) Im pretty good at .

Formal: Would you find dealing with complaints a problem? 1. Id say I was capable of doing that. 2. Im capable. 3. I feel capable. 4. Im capable of . 5. I feel capable of . 6. I have experience of . 7. Id say I was able to . 8. Im able to . 9. I feel able to . 10. ( I think) I have the ability /abilities (necessary) .. Activity 15 Create conversations using expressions of ability based on the following situations. 1. You are with a friend, Tony, in a car that wont start. You think you know why and offer to help. 2. Your company has got into difficulties with a business client. Your boss asks you in a meeting if you need help to deal with the situation. Activity 16 Practice the conversations you have created in front of the class. Activity 17

Teachers Information
Study this sentence. They are taken from the conversation. What do they express? 33

I cant tell a story More expressions of inability are: Informal: Come on! Youll enjoy it. 1. But I havent got a clue how to play it. 2. Ive no idea how . 3. I havent the faintest/ foggiest idea how . 4. There is no way I can . 5. I dont reckon I can 6. I wouldnt know where to begin/ start. 7. Im hopeless. 8. Im hopeless at . 9. Im no good. 11. Its no good. 10. Im no good at. 12. (Sorry) cant manage. Formal: 1. Im not sure Im capable of doing that. 2. Im not sure Im capable. 3. I dont feel capable of . 4. (I think) that would prove (too) difficult . 5. I dont fell able to. 6. I wouldnt say I was able . 7. Im afraid.. might beyond me 8. (Im afraid) . Might be beyond my capabilities/ abilities. 9. I have no experience . 10. I have no experience of . 11. I dont think I have the qualifications/ experience (necessary) . 12. I dont think I have the ability / abilities (necessary) . 13. (Im afraid) I cant cope with . 14. (Im afraid I cant cope. Activity 18 Create conversations using expressions of inability based on the following pictures. Example: 1. 2. A : Do you think he can start the engine? B : No I dont think he can start it.. Activity 19

Expressing possibility /impossibility.

Study these sentences. They are taken from the conversation. What do they express? 1. Was it possible? 2. Yes, It was pasible.

Teachers Information


To say whether we think something is possible or impossible we use: Possibility: 1. may be 2. might be 3. can be 4. it is possible 5. perhaps 6. probably 7. I expect 8. Its quite possible/ probable 9. its not out o the questions 10. there is a good chance 11. I assume/ believe 12. its (quite) likely Impossibility: 1. I dont think. 2. it is not possible 3. Hardly possible 4. Its not probable 5. I dont expect 6. Its impossible/ not probable 7. its out o the questions 8. there is a little chance 9. its unlikely 10. Probably not 11. its very doubtful 12. I cant believe

Activity 20 Answer the questions using the expressions of possibility or impossibility . 1. Is it possible to read the novel in one day? o Its quite possible. o No, its not possible. 2. Do you believe I will be the winner of the story telling competition? 3. Is it likely for you to find the old book in the library? 4. Is there a good chance for him to win the case? 5. Does it seem possible for the experts to eliminate the bird flu? 6. Do you believe that she will release her second short story book? 7. Do you think that schools need frequent outdoor activities? 8. Do you think you can create animated film by yourself? 9. Do you think you can work over time on Saturday eve? 10. Do you think there can be a combination of narratives within their different types? 11. Do you think a crime novel also include romance and mystery? 12. Do you think an adventure narrative can include humour and romance?

Activity 21

Fillers : Well, You know/You see


Well, You know, You see are expressions called softeners or intimacy signals.
They usually come at the beginning of an utterance, but also can come in the middle or even at the end.

They help establish or maintain the informality of a conversation. Examples: Well, It often occurs as a first response to a question:
- When are you leaving for Semarang? - Well, were not sure. The matters a bit complicated. It sometimes suggest a new start, either of thought or action. - Well, I must get back to my job. - Well, what about a drink? You know/ You see You know, its time we went somewhere different. Lets walk down to the beach. Its raining, you see? Oh, is it? You see I happen to have known him for a long time. Really? Oh I wasnt aware of that.

Section Two : Modelling Text.

Activity 1 Model narrative Text 1 : Fable.
Complete the following monolog with suitable words in the brackets. Mind the form. Well, let me tell a story. Its about Jamie Bear. You see Jamie Bear 1. (like) the sunshine. He 2. . (love) to go to the beach. You want to know why? Because he wanted to play in the sand there. Sometimes he 3. .. (build) sandcastles. Sometimes he 4. . (gather) seashells. Other times he 5. (throw) his beach ball into the air and 6. (try) to catch it. Now guess! What thing did he 7. ..(like) most? Swimming. He loved splashing in the water , too. What else? Yes, floating about with his rubber ring around his waist. Wait! One more thing, Jamie loved listening to the seagulls as they flew over the sea. You know what they were they doing ?.Trying to find fish. Now, what about Jamies friend? You know. he was his best friend, Andy Bear. He loved the rain very much. Nothing he loved more than putting on his rain boots and raincoat and running through puddles of water. Sometimes he 9. (take) his umbrella outside. It was red. and other times he let the rain fall on his head. It was fury, right? He loved the way the raindrops smelled so fresh. When he 10. ..(hear) the pitter-patter of rain on the window. He 11. .. (watch) it as they slid down the glass. And ..It 12. (drip) down to the ground below. You know what Andy


thought? Andy 13. .(think) the grey clouds were pretty. You see.he also laughed when he heard the thunder boom and saw the lightning flash. "I dont like the sun," Andy frowned. "Its too hot and it makes me thirsty." "I dont like the rain," Jamie scowled. "My fur turns soggy and it makes me shiver." So, there were a difference between them. But remember on thing! Although they 14. .(be) both so different. there was one thing neither of them liked, You know what? Well, that was snow. When the flakes started to fall from the sky, Andy and Jamie went into their cave and slept. They were happy they 15. ..(have) lots of fur to keep them warm. It was so shaggy. Well, what moral value can you get from the story? I think its okay to be different. (Stories for Younger Children)

Activity 5
Now, Read the text you have corrected then find out as many fillers as you can.

Activity 6

Model Narrative Text 2 : Fairy Tale

Let me tell you a story. Its about Mother Hole. Everybody listen to me carefully because I will give you some questions part by part to check your understanding of the story! Mother Hole Well, there was once a widow who had two daughters - one of whom was pretty and industrious, but . what about the other one? She was ugly and idle. But she liked better than the ugly and idle one. Do you know why? Because she was her own daughter. And the other, who was a step-daughter, was obliged to do all the work. How pity she was because she became the Cinderella of the house. 1. How many daughters did the widow have? 2. Why did the widow love the ugly girl more than the pretty one? 3. Why was the pretty girl called the Cinderella of the house? Then, what happen next? Every day the poor girl had to sit by well and spin till her fingers bled. Now it happened that one day the shuttle was marked with her blood. So she dipped it in the well, to wash the mark off, but it dropped out of her hand and fell to the bottom. Of course She began to cry , and ran to her step-mother and told her of the what had happened. But she was very angry. Do you know what see said? She said, Since you have let the shuttle fall in, you must take it out again! So the girl went back to the well, and did not know what to do. And in the sorrow of her heart she jumped into the well to get the shuttle.


She lost her senses. And when she awoke and came to herself again, do you know where she was? You see ..she was in a lovely meadow . The sun was shining and many thousands of flowers were growing there. She went across this meadow. At last she came to a baker's oven full of bread, and the bread cried out, O h, take me out! Take me out. Or I shall burn. I have been baked a long time! Do you know what she did then? So she went up to it, and took out all the loaves one after another with the bread-shovel. After that she went on till she came to a tree covered with apples. It called out to her, Oh, shake me. Shake me. We apples are all ripe! So she shook the tree till the apples fell like rain. And . She went on shaking till they were all down. And when she had gathered them , she went on her way. 4. What did the pretty girl do everyday? 5. Why did she dip the shuttle in the well? What happened to the shuttle then? 6. Why was her step-mother angry with her? 7. What did her stepmother ask her to do? 8. What did the pretty girl see after she had awaked and come to herself? 9. What did the bread ask her to do? 10. Why did the apple tree ask her to shake it? At last she came to a little house where an old woman lived. Can you imagine what she was like? She was old and had very large teeth. You know the girl was frightened, and was about to run away. But the old woman called out to her, What are you afraid of, dear child. Stay with me. If you will do all the work in the house properly, you shall be the better for it. Only you must take care to make my bed well! I am mother Hole. As the old woman spoke so kindly to her, the girl took courage and agreed to serve her. life with her. So she had a pleasant She never heard an angry word from mother Hole. But after sometime

she had a longing to be at home again. At last she said to the old woman, I have a longing for home, and however well off I am down here, I cannot stay any longer. I must go up again to my own people. Mother Hole said, I am pleased that you long for your home again, and as you have served me so truly, I myself will take you up again. She led her to a large door. Do you see what happened? The door was opened. And .just as the girl was standing under the doorway, a heavy shower of golden rain fell. You know all the gold clung to her, so that she was completely covered over with it. You shall have that because you have been so industrious, said mother Hole. And at the same time she gave her back the shuttle which she had let falls into the well. Then the door closed, and the girl found herself up above upon the earth, not far from her mother's house. And as she went into the yard the cock was sitting on the well, and cried Cock-a-doodle-doo. Your golden girl's come back to you. So she went in to her mother, and as she arrived covered with gold. and.. do you know how her 38

stepmother behaved to her? She was well received, both by her and her sister. The girl told all that had happened to her, and as soon as the mother heard how she had come by so much wealth, she was very anxious to get the same good luck for the ugly and lazy daughter. 11. Where did the pretty girl come at last? 12. Who own the little house? 13. What did mother Hole ask the pretty girl do in her house? 14. Was she pleased to live with her? Why? 15. Why did she turn to be sad? 16. What did mother Hole give her when she went home? Why? 17. Did mother Hole also give the shuttle back to her? 18. Why did her step-mother and step-sister receive her well? 19. What did her stepmother do after she had heard the pretty girls luck. 20. What did the cock cry out when the pretty girl came hoe? And now, pay attention to the ugly girl. She had to seat herself by the well and spin . And in order that her shuttle might be stained with blood, she stuck her hand into a thorn bush and pricked her finger. Then she threw her shuttle into the well, and jumped in after it . .She came, like the other, to the beautiful meadow and walked along the very same path. When she got to the oven the bread again cried, Oh, take me out. Take me out. Or I shall burn. I have been baked a long time. But you know, the lazy thing answered, as if I had any wish to make myself dirty. And she went on. Soon she came to the apple-tree, which cried, Oh, shake me. Shake me. We apples are all ripe. But she answered, I like that. One of you might fall on my head, and so she went on. When she came to mother Holes house she was not afraid, for she had already heard of her big teeth, and she hired herself to her immediately. The first day she forced herself to work diligently, and obeyed mother Hole when she told her to do anything, for she was thinking of all the gold that she would give her. But on the second day she began to be lazy, and on the third day still more so, and then she would not get up in the morning at all. Neither did she make mother Hole's bed as she ought, and did not shake it so as to make the feathers fly up. Mother Hole was soon tired of this, and gave her notice to leave. The lazy girl was willing enough to go, and thought that now the golden rain would come. Mother Hole led her also to the great door, but do you know what happened? While she was standing beneath it, instead of the gold a big kettle full of pitch was emptied over her. That is the reward for your service, said mother Hole, and shut the door. So the lazy girl went home, but she was quite covered with pitch, and the cock on the well, as soon as he saw her, cried out Cock-a-doodle-doo. Your dirty girl's come back to you But the
( Moms Stories )

pitch clung fast to her, and could not be got off as long as she lived.


21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

What did the ugly girl do to get the same luck as the pretty girl? Did she succeed? Why? What happened to the ugly girl at last? What message could you get from the story? What did the cock cry out when the ugly girl came home?

Section Three : Joint Construction of the Text.

Activity 1 Read the story of mother Hole once again then discuss with your friends to find out as many fillers as you can.
Activity 2 Read the following story carefully. Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl called Cinderella and she had two ugly step sisters who were very unkind and work. She had to sweep the floors, made her do all the hard went to lots of parties. One day a special invitation arrived at Cinderella's house. It was from the royal palace. The king's only son who was a truly handsome prince was going to have a grand ball. The three girls were invited to come. Cinderella knew she wouldn't be allowed to go to the ball. They were excited. They couldn't talk about anything else. When the day of the ball came, they were so nervous. Poor Cinderella had to rush about upstairs and downstairs. She fixed their hair in fancy waves and curls. She helped them put on their expensive new dresses. And she arrange their jewels too. As soon as they had gone), Cinderella sit down by the fire and she said. "Oh I do wish I could go to the ball". The next moment, standing beside her was a lovely old lady with a silver wand in her hand. Cinderella, she said , I am your fairy godmother and you shall go to the ball. But first you must go into the garden and pick a golden pumpkin, then bring me six mice from the mousetraps, a whiskered rat from the rat trap, and six lizards. You'll find the lizards behind the fetched a golden pumpkin, six grey mice, a whiskered rate, touched them with her wand and the watering can. So Cinderella and six lizards. The fairy godmother six footmen dressed

wash all the dishes, while they dressed up in fine clothes and

pumpkin became a golden coach, the mice became six grey Cinderella with the wand and her old dress

horses, the rat became a coachman with the moustache, and the lizards became in green and yellow, then the fairy godmother touched


became a golden dress sparkling

with jewels while on her feet were the prettiest pair of glass slippers

ever seen. Remember said the fairy godmother. You must leave the ball before the clock strikes twelve because at midnight the magic ends. "Thank you fairy godmother" said Cinderella and she climbed into the coach. When Cinderella arrived at the ball she looked so beautiful that everyone wondered who she was! Even the ugly sisters. The Prince of course asked her to dance with him and they danced all evening. He would not dance with anyone else. Now Cinderella were enjoying the ball so much that she forgot her fairy godmothers warning until it was almost midnight and the clock began to strike. One. Two. Three. She hurried out of the ballroom. Four. Five. Six. As she ran down the palace steps one of her glass slippers fell off. Seven. Eight. Nine. She ran on toward the golden coach. Ten Eleven Twelve. Then there was Cinderella in her old dress. The golden scampering down the road were six pumpkin laid in her feet. And grey mice, a whiskered rat and six green lizards.. So Cinderella and he found the

had to walk home and by the time the ugly sisters returned home she was sitting quietly by the fire. Now when Cinderella ran from the palace, the prince tried to follow her glass slipper. He said, "I shall marry the beautiful girl whose foot fits this slipper and only her. In the morning the prince went from house to house with the glass slipper and every young lady tried to squeeze her foot into it. But it didn't fit any of them. At last the prince came to Cinderella's house. First one ugly sister tried to squash her foot into the slipper. But her foot was too wide and fat. Then the other ugly sister tried but her foot was too long and thin. Please, said Cinderella, let me try. "The slipper won't fit you", said the ugly sisters. "You didnt go to the ball!" But Cinderella slipped her foot into the glass slipper and it fit perfectly. The next moment standing beside her was the fairy godmother. She touched Cinderella with the wand and there she was in a golden dress sparkling with jewels and on her feet was the prettiest pair of glass slippers ever seen. The ugly sisters were so surprised that, for once they couldnt think of anything to say. But the Prince knew) what to say. He asked Cinderella to marry him. And then there was a happy wedding. Everyone who had gone to the ball was invited, even the ugly sisters. There were wonderful food, lots of music and dancing. And the Prince of course danced every dance with Cinderella. anyone else. <http://www.pitt,edu/-dash/type 0510 a html.Cinderella> He would not dance with

Activity 3 In pairs, make question and answer based on the story above. 1. Who did all the house work, Cinderella or her step sisters? 2. What did her step sisters like to do? 3. Where did the special invitation come from? 4. Was Cinderella allowed to go to the ball? 5. Did Cinderella help her sisters get dressed before they went to the ball?


6. What was her wish when her sisters had gone to the ball? 7. Did her wish came true? Who helped her? 8. How did she go to the ball? 9. How could the pumpkin, the rat, the mice and the lizards became a golden coach, a coachman, and footmen? 10. What did Cinderella wear, an old dress or a golden dress sparkling with jewels and pretty glass shoes? 11. Why did Cinderella have to leave the ball before twelve? 12. What made Cinderella enjoy the ball so much that she forgot the time? 13. Where did her glass slipper fall off? 14. Who did the prince want to marry with? 15. Whose foot fit the slippers?
Activity 4

Make groups of four, find out the participants in the stories you have studied before then tell your members in your groups the characteristic of each participant. Use any necessary adjectives from the texts. Example: Step daughter pretty, industrious, obedient. Well, let me tell you about the step daughter. You know, the step daughter was very pretty. She was so industrious..and .obedient. She always did what she was asked to do by her step mother or by mother Hole.. 1. The widows own daughter 2. Mother Hole 3. The widow 4. Cinderella 5. The prince Activity 4
possible fillers you can use in the story.

ugly, idle. wise, kind greedy, cruel beautiful, diligent, obedient handsome, patient, had strong willingness

Still in pairs, change the story Cinderella above into spoken form of writing. Discuss the

Activity 5 Practice the dialogue with your friends in your group. Dona : Excuse me, could anyone do me a favour, please? Sinta : If I could. What is it? Dona : I dont know the meaning of the word register. What does it mean? Roger : I think register means record a name in a list. Dona : No, it is not that meaning. I mean the meaning that relates to writing text. We are working on it, right? Roger : Oh. sorry, I dont know either. Why dont we ask our teacher, Mr. Richard? Dona : Mr. Richard, What does register mean?


Richard Dona Richard Roger

: Register? Oh, it describes three aspects of the context of situation in which texts occur. : Three aspects? What are they? : Field, mode, and . tenor.

: Oh, my god! I become more confused. What do they mean? Are they important? Richard : Yes. Theyre important. Why? Because Field is what of a text. I mean what is going on in the text. Dona : Ok. Then what is tenor? Richard : Tenor means the who of the text. I mean who is taking part in the text. Dona : Why is tenor important? Richard : Why? Because differences of status will affect the tenor of a text. For example , texts used in a class where we are now are different from those used in an office. Dona : Then the last one is mode. What is it? Richard : Mode means the how of a text. Roger : The how of a text? Richard : Yes, it refers to the role of language in particular situation. You see.. mode is used to refer the channel of communication chosen. Most generally whether the text is in the spoken or written language. Do you understand now? Dona, Roger : Yes, Mr Richard. Thank you. Richard : No problem. Good luck!

Section Four : Independent Construction of the Text.

Activity1 Choose one of the two stories you have studied then retell it briefly in front of the class. Use any possible fillers or other expressions to show a spoken form of your story.

B. WRITTEN Section One: Building Knowledge of the Field.

Activity 1

Punctuation: Sentences




Study this note: A sentence can be a statement, a question, an exclamation or a command. o A statement begins with a capital letter and ends with a full stop. (.) Example: All the animals of field and forest were tired of hearing the Hare brag. o A question begins with a capital letter and ends with a question mark (?). Example: Why did Mr. Hare ask Mr. Tortoise to race?


o An exclamation or a command begins with a capital letter and ends with an exclamation mark (!) . Example: What a joke! Look at my long legs! Punctuate the following sentences whether they are statements, questions, exclamations or commands. Mind the capital letters. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 alfred cat was running through the woods he was chasing sarah mouse through the thistle and gorse he chased her up the hill and down into the glen. he chased her so much that he was tired alfred lay down against a tall tree to rest. what is that growing on the tree how can we reach them cant you climb 9 then how will we get those delicious looking pears 10 why dont we use a ladder and climb up 11 how will we climb the ladder 12 look 13 grab my hands 14 brilliant idea 15 we were so high up

Activity 2 Study this example!

Letter of Complaint

25 Golf Boulevard Semarang. ADDRESSES The manager Grammy Book Store 25 Malioboro Jogyakarta. Dear Sir / Madam, I am writing about the story book that I ordered two weeks ago. There are two pages missing and three pages up side down. I have twice reported to you ( 10th March and 12 March) and nothing has been done about it. This problem is urgent and I would appreciate it if you could send me the complete one immediately. Yours sincerely, SIGN OFF Use of ritualized Greetings and leave taking. Sarah Politeness Marker Use of Present Tense reference to specific participant



Activity 3 Write a letter of complaint based on the following situation. Your friend, Rony, has agreed to come with you and two other friends to go camping. Suddenly he changes his mind and says he wants to go to the seaside. He has done this sort of things three times. Activity 4 Teachers Information Listen to the explanation about narrative stages. Narrative Stages.


People who tell or write narratives move through a number of stages. In general, narratives must have: 1. Orientation: It is an introduction of the text. This is the stage where the narrator gives information about the situation of the characters: Where they live, the time they live in and what they want. This information helps to orient readers to point them in the direction in which the writer wants the events of the narrative to go. Readers need enough background information to be able to build up a depending on how much background information is needed to set the scene for the Complication. 2. Complication: this is the stage where something unexpected happens events go wrong for one of the main characters. Somehow the problems has to be resolved by at least one or two characters. There can be more than one complicating event in a narrative. In some adventure narratives, the characters, especially the hero or heroine, often have to face one complication after another. Sometimes the narrative has a crisis where events reach a point of an emergency situation or climax. The main characters have to act to save the situation or else the disaster will follow. 3. Evaluation: (not all narratives have evaluation) a stage between complication and resolution in which the action is suspended so that the characters or the writer can comment on what is going on. This is the stage where the writer builds more complicated pattern in their narratives and to build up interpersonal meanings of the events. They learn to use more complications and to develop evaluative meanings which point the meaning of the events for characters or build up suspense in the readers.. 4. Finally there is a resolution: this is the stage where the earlier complication is resolved for better or worse. A skilful narrator will resolve the complicating events or the crisis is a way that it is believable or at least satisfying to the reader. Usually one of the main characters solves the problems introduced in the early part of the narrative and life returns more or less to normal. 5. Some narratives have a re-orientation or a Coda which return the listener or reader to the present and provide a kind of thematic summation of the events rather like the moral at the end of a fable. Thus stage is more common in spoken narratives and is optional-which means that it isnt necessary to a complete narrative. It depend on the individual narrator whether it is included. The organizational structure of narratives in general is:


Orientation, Complication, Resolution, and reorientation. Activity 5 Now, its time for you to answer the questions about narratives in general.. 1 2 What are narratives? Each type of text has three main characteristic features. What are they? This chart may help you answer it. Purpose

Language Features

Organizational structure

Lets examine these features in some detail as we look at narratives, the text type we are focusing on in this unit. a. The purpose of a text type tells us why we use it. What is the purpose of a narrative? b. The organizational structure of a text type consists of sections of the text in that text type. Mention the structure of narratives. c. The third characteristic of a text type is its language features. What are they?

Activity 6 Fill in the blanks with the words in the box to complete this note.
optional problem Reading Events lesson information complications resolution characters re-orientation

Notes: a. Narratives have two main purposes: a. To entertain (to amuse), b. To instruct/ to teach All of us enjoy 1. or listening to a good story and sometimes we can learn 2 a from it. b. The first part of the story provides an orientation It gives 3. .about where and when the story take place , who the main 4. in the story are and what sort of people they are. The second part of the story contains the 5. .. This may sometimes be called conflict Here is where events take place, triggering a chain of other 6. , which involve the characters in complication. All these events and 7. keeps readers and listeners interested in the narrative. The third part of the story has the problem resolved and this known as the 8. .


The fourth part of narratives is re-orientation. Sometimes the 9. . is a happy one . Other times, it is not. And it is 10. .. You may have or not. c. Language features. a. Specific participants, for example, John and Harry rather than senior high school students. b. Past tense form, because we are describing things that happened in the past. c. Words giving details of people, animals, places, things and actions such as adjectives and adverbs. d. Connectors of time, such as last week, then, etc. e. Direct (the actual words spoken by a person), and reported or indirect speech ( the meaning of what the person said without using their actual words.) Activity 6

Direct and Indirect Speech.

Study these sentences. They are taken from the text. "I dont like the sun," Andy frowned. "Its too hot and it makes me thirsty." "I dont like the rain," Jamie scowled. "My fur turns soggy and it makes me shiver."
Note: When we report what people said in their own words, it is called Direct Speech. We use quotation marks to indicate the beginning and the end of the actual words used by the speaker. Here is an example from the story.

Then the 12th fairy said, "I cannot change all of the wicked fairys powerful magic." So the princess will prick her finger but she will not die!

However when we report what people said but not in their own words, we call it Indirect Speech or Reported Speech. Here is an example from the story.

So they ordered that every spinning wheel and spindle in the land to be chopped up and burnt

Activity 13 Memorize the sequence of tenses in Reported Speech.

Im happy. I like pop. Im going to sell my car. I went to London last year. Ive already hear the story. I was reading the news. Ill visit my grand parents. I can take you home. He was happy. He liked pop. He was going to sell his car. He had gone to London the year before. He had already heard the story. He had been reading the news. He would visit his grandparents. He could take me home.

He said that




1 2 4 5 6 7 8

Present simple Present continuous Present Perfect Past Simple Past Continuous Past Future Past Perfect

Past simple Past continuous Past perfect Past perfect Past perfect continuous Past Perfect Future Past Perfect

Changes of adverb of time

Direct Indirect

Today Now Yesterday Last week Last year Tomorrow Next month Next year Here

that day then The day before/ the previous day The week before / the previous week The year before / the previous year The day after/ the following day The month after / the following month The year after / the following year There

Changes of pronoun Direct I You We They My Our Your Examples:

I. STATEMENT He said to me, I dont have any money. He said to me that he didnt have any money. II. QUESTION

Indirect He/she you they they his/ her their my


a. Yes/No Question They asked me, Are you happy today? They asked me if/whether I was happy that day b. Wh-question She asked him, Why did you come late yesterday? She asked him why he had come late the day before. III. COMMAND/ PROHIBITION He ordered me, Meet me at eight tonight! He ordered me to meet him at eight that night She warned me, Dont sit on this chair! She warned me not to sit that chair. Activity 7 Create direct sentences based on the following indirect sentences. Number one is done for you. Example: Statement.

a. - My friend said that he had written that letter already. - My friend said, I have written that letter already. 1. Carol said to me that she would ask Mr. Hendricks about the sentences. 2. I said that I couldnt understand those two lessons at all. 3. Catherine said that she knew those two girls quite well. 4. Charles said to me that he had to leave the office before 3:00 pm. 5. Mr. Jones said that his secretary had not finished the work. b. Example : Yes/ No Question. Roger asked us if / whether we had seen the film yet. Roger asked us, Have you seen the film yet?

1. I asked her whether or not she understood lesson one. 2. My friend asked me if I enjoyed my English class. 3. My colleague asked me if everyone would be ready by ten. 4. Frankie said to me whether I gave the letter to his girl friend. 5. Harry asked me if I joined the biology class. c. Example : Questions. Martha asked me where I had put her hat and gloves. Martha asked me, Where did you put my hat and gloves? 1. Mr. Faddy asked how soon we could pay back the money. 2. The teacher asked how well Miss Ana spoke English. 50

3. The woman asked me where she could find the directors office. 4. Freddy said to me what I would offer him for that handy cam. 5. Mr. Smith asked Mandy how soon she could finish the letter. d. Example : Command/ Prohibition. - The policeman ordered me to show him my drivers license. - The policeman ordered me, Show me your drivers license! 1. The clerk said to us not to come back before 3 oclock. 2. The teacher said to us to write next three exercises. 3. The man directed to turn right the corner and drive three block. Once, thereat were two lovely animals, Jamie Bear and Andy Bear. They were friends. 4. My friend said to show him all the photographs. 5. Mr. Lamina asked us not toliked leavethe our coats on He the loved chair. to go to Jamie Bear sunshine. the beach and play in the sand. Sometimes he built sandcastles. Sometimes he gathered seashells. Other times he threw his beach ball into the air and tried to catch it. The thing he liked to do the most though was to swim. He loved splashing in the water and floating about with his rubber ring around his waist. Jamie loved listening to the seagulls as they flew over the sea, trying to find fish. Jamies best friend, Andy Bear, loved the rain. There was nothing he loved more than putting on his rain boots and raincoat and running through puddles of water. Sometimes he took his red umbrella outside and other times he let the rain fall on his furry head. He loved the way the raindrops smelled so fresh. When he heard the pitter-patter of rain on the window, he watched as they slid down the glass and dripped down to the ground below. Andy thought the grey clouds were pretty and laughed when he heard the thunder boom and saw the lightning flash. "I dont like the sun," Andy frowned. "Its too hot and it makes me thirsty." "I dont like the rain," Jamie scowled. "My fur turns soggy and it makes me shiver." Activity 8 Even though they were both so different, there Read the text carefully! was one thing neither of them liked, and that was Modelsnow. Narrative Text 1 : Fable

When the flakes started to fall from the sky, Andy and Jamie went into their cave and slept. They were happy they had lots of shaggy fur to keep them warm. 51 (Stories for Younger Children)


Specific (animals) Participant

Action verbs

Time conjunctions



Glossary: 1. Sandcastles 2. Gathered 3. Seashells 4. threw 5. splashing 6. floating 7. waist 8. seagulls 9. dripped 10. scowled 11. soggy 12. shaggy 13. shiver

= istana pasir = berkumpul = kulit kerang = melempar = mencebur = mengambang = pinggul = burung camar = menitikkan = mengerutkan dahi = lembab, lunak = seperti bulu kusut 52 = menggigil

Activity 9 Complete the table using the information from the text.. Number 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What Jamie Bear Liked Jamie Bear liked the sunshine . . . . . What Andy Bear liked Andy Bear loved the rain .. . . . .

Activity 10 Answer the questions based on the text above. 1. Who were the participants in the story? 2. What were the problems faced by the participants. 3. Why did Andy not like the sun? 4. Why did Jamie not like the rain? 5. How did they resolve the complication? 6. How did the story end?
Activity 9

Read the fairy tale once again then complete the boxes to find out the generic (organizational) structure.

Model Narrative Text 2 : Fairy Tale

Read the text carefully!

Mother Hole
There was once a widow who had two daughters - one of whom was pretty and industrious, whilst the other was ugly and idle. But she was much fonder of the ugly and idle one, because she was her own daughter. And the other, who was a step-daughter, was obliged to do all the work, and be the Cinderella of the house. Every day the poor girl had to sit by well, in the highway, and spin till her fingers bled. Now it happened that one day the shuttle was marked with her blood, so she dipped it in the well, to wash the mark off, but it dropped out of her hand and fell to the bottom. She began to weep, and ran to her stepmother and told her of the mishap. But she scolded her sharply, and was so merciless as to say, since you have let the shuttle fall in, you must fetch it out again. So the girl went back to the well, and did not know what to do. And in the sorrow of her heart she jumped into the well to get the shuttle. She lost


her senses. And when she awoke and came to herself again, she was in a lovely meadow where the sun was shining and many thousands of flowers were growing. Across this meadow she went, and at last came to a baker's oven full of bread, and the bread cried out, oh, take me out. Take me out. Or I shall burn. I have been baked a long time. So she went up to it, and took out all the loaves one after another with the bread-shovel. After that she went on till she came to a tree covered with apples, which called out to her, oh, shake me. Shake me. We apples are all ripe. So she shook the tree till the apples fell like rain, and went on shaking till they were all down, and when she had gathered them into a heap, she went on her way. At last she came to a little house, out of which an old woman peeped. But she had such large teeth that the girl was frightened, and was about to run away. But the old woman called out to her, what are you afraid of, dear child. Stay with me. If you will do all the work in the house properly, you shall be the better for it. Only you must take care to make my bed well, and shake it thoroughly till the feathers fly - for then there is snow on the earth. I am mother Holle. As the old woman spoke so kindly to her, the girl took courage and agreed to enter her service. She attended to everything to the satisfaction of her mistress, and always shook her bed so vigorously that the feathers flew about like snow-flakes. So she had a pleasant life with her. Never an angry word. And to eat she had boiled or roast meat every day. She stayed some time with mother Hole, before she became sad. At first she did not know what the matter with her was, but found at length that it was home-sickness. Although she was many thousand times better off here than at home, still she had a longing to be there. At last she said to the old woman, I have a longing for home, and however well off I am down here, I cannot stay any longer. I must go up again to my own people. Mother Hole said, I am pleased that you long for your home again, and as you have served me so truly, I myself will take you up again. Thereupon she took her by the hand, and led her to a large door. The door was opened, and just as the maiden was standing beneath the doorway, a heavy shower of golden rain fell, and all the gold clung to her, so that she was completely covered over with it. You shall have that because you have been so industrious, said mother Hole, and at the same time she gave her back the shuttle which she had let falls into the well. Thereupon the door closed, and the maiden found herself up above upon the earth, not far from her mother's house. And as she went into the yard the cock was sitting on the well, and cried - cock-adoodle-doo. Your golden girl's come back to you. So she went in to her mother, and as she arrived thus covered with gold, she was well received, both by her and her sister. The girl told all that had happened to her, and as soon as the mother heard how she had come by so much wealth, she was very anxious to obtain the same good luck for the ugly and lazy daughter. She had to seat herself by the well and spin. And in order that her shuttle might be stained with blood, she stuck her hand into a thorn bush and pricked her finger. Then she threw her shuttle into the well, and jumped in after it . .She came, like the other, to the beautiful meadow and walked along


the very same path. When she got to the oven the bread again cried, oh, take me out. Take me out. Or I shall burn. I have been baked a long time. But the lazy thing answered, as if I had any wish to make myself dirty. And on she went. Soon she came to the apple-tree, which cried, oh, shake me. Shake me. We apples are all ripe. But she answered, I like that. One of you might fall on my head, and so went on. When she came to mother Holes house she was not afraid, for she had already heard of her big teeth, and she hired herself to her immediately. The first day she forced herself to work diligently, and obeyed mother Hole when she told her to do anything, for she was thinking of all the gold that she would give her. But on the second day she began to be lazy, and on the third day still more so, and then she would not get up in the morning at all. Neither did she make mother Holes bed as she ought, and did not shake it so as to make the feathers fly up. Mother Hole was soon tired of this, and gave her notice to leave. The lazy girl was willing enough to go, and thought that now the golden rain would come. Mother Hole led her also to the great door, but while she was standing beneath it, instead of the gold a big kettle full of pitch was emptied over her. That is the reward for your service, said mother Hole, and shut the door. So the lazy girl went home, but she was quite covered with pitch, and the cock on the well, as soon as he saw her, cried out cock-a-doodle-doo. Your dirty girl's come back to you. But the pitch clung fast to her, and could not be got off as long as she lived.

Teachers Explanation Fairy Tale

Here are the features of typical fairy tale text

Setting in the past


Doubtful location

Hard live


industrious versus idle helped by a wise fairy Tragic ending/ Happy ending


Moral value







Activity 10

Model Narrative Text 3 : Legend

Read the text then answer the questions! NYI RORO KIDUL This is the precise story of "The Queen in Southern Sea." Pajajaran kingdom lied in West Java from 1333 AD to 1630 AD and it was conquered by the Islamic kingdom of Mataram from Central Java. Pajajaran's greatest ruler was Prabu (King) Siliwangi. He had a bride in his harems and a very beautiful daughter was born between he and the bride. The girl was called Dewi Kadita and the beauties of Dewi Kadita and her mother made other harems jealous, and they had a conspiracy against them. The harems used some kind of black magic to make the bodies of Dewi Kadita and her mother to be filthy and they turn to be so ugly and disgusting. Prabu Siliwangi got angry against the mother and the daughter and forced them to get out of the palace, as they were thought to be bad luck for the kingdom. They were wandering around the country and one day the mother died. Dewi Kadita was walking in deep sadness, until she reached the Southern Shore (the shore of Indian Ocean) . She sat above a rock in a stove shape and when she was sleeping, she had a vision that she must have to jump into the water to help herself out of the curse. When she woke up, with no second thought, Dewi Kadita jumped into the sea. She returned to a beautiful lady as she was but then she realized that she was not a human anymore. She turned into a supernatural form of life. Since then, she ruled all creatures in the southern coast of Java Island, and she was known as Nyi Roro Kidul (Javanese of "Lady of South Sea"). To avenge her father, she became the primary bride for Mataram kings , the rival of Pajajaran kingdom. It's believed for centuries, even until now. The river of Bengawan Solo, which started from the mystical mountain of Merapi in Central 56

Java and leads to Indian Ocean, is said as the tunnel used by Nyi Roro Kidul to access Java. And she traps males in green costume who are walking on the shore. They are swallowed by the wave and missing or dead but he will become her guard or (maybe) male. This either can be the ancient Javanese explanation on the vacuum effect from underwater canyons that lie in the southern shore of Java, where the depth of the ocean's bed on the shore can reach more than 0-200 meters. In psychological analysis, Nyi Roro Kidul can be a parallel of the revenge of a female who was once rejected by a male. Once she regains her power and beauty, she takes any man she wants. And yet, I can't talk my point of view to Javanese elders.

Glossary : 1. harems 2. conspiracy 3. magic 4. filthy 5. disgusting 6. wandering 7. Shore 8. got a vision 9. curse 10. realized 11. supernatural 12. mystical 13. access 14. canyons 15. revenge

= selir = persekutuan = ilmu sihir = kotor = menjijikkkan = mengembara = pantai = bermimpi = kutukan = menyadari = supranatural ; gaib = mistik = jalan masuk = jurang yang curam = dendam

Activity 11 Make questions based on the following answers.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

In West Java from 1333 AD to 1630 AD It was conquered by the Islamic kingdom of Mataram from Central Java. Prabu (King) Siliwangi. Dewi Kadita Black magic to make the bodies of Dewi Kadita and her mother to be filthy and they turn to be so ugly and disgusting. 6. Prabu Siliwangi got angry against the mother and the daughter 7. Because they were thought to be bad luck for the kingdom. 8. They were wandering around the country. 9. The Southern Shore (the shore of Indian Ocean) . 10. She had a vision that she must have to jump into the water to help herself out of the curse. 11. She realized that she was not a human anymore. 12. She turned into a supernatural form of life. 13. She was known as Nyi Roro Kidul (Javanese of "Lady of South Sea").


14. To avenge her father, she became the primary bride for Mataram kings , the rival of Pajajaran kingdom. 15. She traps males in green costume who are walking on the shore. Activity 12 Read the legend once again then complete the boxes to find out the generic (organizational) structure. Teachers Information

Story handed down from the past . Legends are often based on historical events or people but are not true history or doubtful truth. Setting in the past ORIENTATION Doubtful truth location

Hard live

COMPLICATION Untrue historical events Tragic ending/ Happy ending


Moral value

"The Queen in Southern Sea."

Pajajaran kingdom lied





Activity 14 Model Narrative Text 4 : Puppet Story

Read the text then answer the questions. Rama Shinta Once upon a time in an imaginary country, Ayodyapala, there lived a king, called Rama who had a very beautiful wife, named Shinta and a younger brother, Lesmana. Actually, Rama was a king and the seventh incarnation of the god Vishnu. One day, Rama, Shinta and Lesmana went into a Dandaka Jungle. When they were having a conversation, Rama asked Shinta: Oh my wife, Shinta. Shinta answered Yes, my dear. Do you really love me? Shinta answered again Yes, of course I do, I love you so much. Im happy to be with you and you mean a lot to me. As if I was not hungry even though I dont eat anything. As if I was not thirsty even though I dont drink anything. Rama added, Yes, my wife, so do I, dear. I will not leave you even in a second. Like honey and its sweetness. Fate meant us to live together. In the jungle, they saw many kinds of beautiful animals. Suddenly, they saw a very beautiful golden deer. Shinta, however, had never seen this golden deer and wanted to have it. She asked Rama to catch it for her. Rama who loved his wife very much went alone to catch the deer. After a few minutes, Shinta and Lesmana heard a cried for help. Shinta was worried about her husbands safety. It was not the cried of Rama, Lesmana said. Shinta accused him that he wanted Rama death because he loved her too. I will never do that and Ill go to look for Rama, said Lesmana. Before he went to catch up Rama, he made a magic circle surrounded Shinta for protection and asked her to stay in the circle until they came back. After Lesmana had gone, Rahwana came to kidnap Shinta. But, he couldnt across the circle. So, he changed himself into an old beggar and asked Shinta to come out from the circle. He cried, Oh my daughter, I hadnt eaten anything for three days. Please, help me. As soon as Shinta came out from the circle, the poor old man changed into Rahwana. Shinta was carried off by the demon king, Rahwana. Rama was very sad because he didnt find Shinta. They decided to look for her. In their journey, they met a white monkey, called Anoman. Anoman wanted them to help Sugriwa who was wedged in the branch of tree. Subali was angry to know about that. And there was a fight between Subali and Sugriwa. Rama helped Sugriwa to kill Subali by the powerful Gua Wijaya arrow. Then, he asked Anoman to give Satyaludiros ring to Shinta in Alengka. In Alengka Soka garden, Shinta missed her husband so much. Even though Trijata, Rahwanas sister always entertained her but she was not happy. Rahwana wanted her to marry him, but Shinta always refused him. She said, My lord, if I become your wife, I shall not be so happy as when I was my own husband. Anoman arrived in the Alengka Soka garden and gave the Sotyaludiros ring to Shinta. After he succeeded in finding Shinta he damaged the castle in Alengka. Indrajit, Rahwanas son caught and brought him to his father. Rahwana was angry and he wanted to kill Anoman. Before he did that, Gunawan Wibisana, his younger brother, told him to let Anoman free. Rahwana shouted, Go away from Alengka and dont come back again!. His anger showed on his face. In Alengka, Rahwana forced Kumbakarna, his younger brother to lead the war against Ramawijaya by sending his twin sons to the prison. Finally, Kumbakarna agreed to lead the war but he was forced to do that. Actually, he wanted to do that because he loved his country very much. Both countries prepared their own country on a battle field. Next, Rama met Rahwana face to face. Rama shot Rahwana with the powerful Gua Wijaya arrow. But, he couldnt kill him. He tried to kill Rahwana again and again. Rahwana who had got the earth and the sky power, couldnt be dead. He always raised and fought again. 59

Then, Rama shot Rahwanas head with the arrow. It was the weakness of Rahwanas power. Finally, Rahwana was killed by Rama. All the people felt happy because Rahwana who lived under a tyranny, cruel or liked to use unjust of power to other people. Shinta was successfully brought back to Ayodyapala. As a good citizen, dont ask to our country what it has given to us. But, please ask ourselves what we have given to our country. We should be true to our partner. We can also learn about loyalty, respectively and heroism. True love is reflected by the loyalty of husband and wife. Questions : 1. What happened with Shinta when Lesmana had gone to look for Rama? A. She stayed in the circle until Lesmana and Rama came back B. She made a magic circle for protection C. She went to catch the golden deer D. She was kidnapped by Rahwana E. She helped an old man 2. What was mainly discussed in the text? A. Rahwana kidnapped Shinta and wanted to marry her but she loved her husband so much B. Anoman was a very powerful person so that he couldnt be burnt C. Shinta and Lesmana were wandering in Dandaka jungle D. Kumbakarno loved his country very much E. The war between Rama and Rahwana 3. Anoman wanted them to help Sugriwa who was wedged in the branch of tree. What does the underline word refer to? A. Cavalcade B. Maltreat C. Scatter D. trapped E. Verdict 4. Which sentence is TRUE according to the text? A. Kumbakarno agreed to lead the war because he hated Rama B. Anoman gave Sotyaludiros ring to Shinta in Ayodyapala C. Lesmana made a magic circle surrounded him D. Lesmana killed Kumbakarno by using knife E. Rama couldnt find the golden deer 5. What was the weakness of Rahwanas power? A. His body B. His body C. His head D. His hand E. His hair 6. Fate meant us to live together. What does the sentence mean? A. They should be together forever and ever B. Love is an important thing in our life C. They must live and go together D. They didnt love each other E. They couldnt be together


7. Rama shot Rahwana with the powerful Gua Wijaya arrow. The synonym of the underlined word is . A. very brave B. very strong C. very rude D. very big E. very high 8. Why did Rama ask Anoman to go to Alengka? A. Because he wanted to give Shinta a special ring, named Sotyaludiros ring B. Because he wanted to know a lot about Sarpakenaka C. Because there were some people who put into the jail D. Because Shinta didnt like Rama anymore E. Because Anoman was a brave general 9. Who was Gunawan Wibisono? A. Rahwanas younger brother B. Ramas close friend C. Kumbakarnos friend D. Lesmanas brother E. Rahwanas son 10. Where did Anoman and his monkeys soldiers live? A. Dandaka jungle Alengka B. Kiskenda cave C. Ramas house D. Ayodyapala E. Alengka Activity 16 Read the text once again then answer the questions. 1. What is the function of the text above? A. To critique an art work especially the story of Rama and Shinta B. To amuse, entertain and to deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways C. To describe how something is accomplished through a sequence of actions or steps D. To retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining E. To persuade the reader or listener that something is the case 2. Look at the sentences below. Which ones the sentence belong to Evaluation? A. Rahwana was angry and he wanted to kill Anoman B. Rama had a very beautiful wife, named Shinta C. Rama asked Shinta whether his wife loved her or not D. Rama went alone to catch the deer E. We should be true to our partner 3. Finally, Rahwana was killed by Rama. Which does the sentence belong to . A. Re-orientation B. Complication C. Evaluation D. Resolution E. Orientation


4. What is the orientation provided? A. Rama was a prince and the seventh incarnation of the God Vishnu B. Both countries prepared their own country on a battle field C. Shinta was successfully brought back to Ayodyapala D. Rama, Shinta and Lesmana went into a Dandaka Jungle E. Rahwana came to kidnap Shinta 5. Where can you find the complication of the text above? A. In paragraph 1 B. In paragraph 2 C. In paragraph 3 D. In paragraph 10 E. In paragraph 12 6. What is the orientation provided? A.Once upon a time in an imaginary country, Ayodyapala B. Along time ago in a jungle, there lived a man C. One day in a country, there was a girl D. Last night in Alengka Soka garden E. Yesterday in the Dandaka Jungle 7. Who are the main characters in the story? A. Shinta and Lesmana B. Rama, Lesmana and Rahwana C. Rama, Shinta and RAhwana D. RAma, Shinta and Lesmana E. Shinta and Rama 8. When and where did the story happen? A. Long time ago / in the valley B. Long time ago / in the jungle C. Four years ago / in the village D. Yesterday / in the palace E. Two weeks ago / in the mountain 9. Where can you find the resolution? A. In paragraph 4 B. In paragraph 2 C. In paragraph 3 D. In paragraph 8 E. In paragraph 12 10. The following statements are the re-orientation of the story, except. A. We should ask to our country what it has given to us B. We learn about loyalty and heroism C. We should give anything to our country D. True love is reflected by the loyalty of husband and wife E. We should have respect ability to socialize with others

Section 3 : Joint Construction of the Text.

Activity 1

Teachers Explanation
Get started in your narrative writing.


Listen to the explanation about your preparation in your narrative writing. 1. If you want to write a story in your group, you need to agree about what happens in the story and in what order. 2. Talk about what events to include in your group story. You need to list a sequence of events before you start writing ( for example, fairy tale) . 3. List the events you plan to write about under the following headings to do with the stages of a narrative. Orientation, Complication(s), Resolution, Re-orientation. 4. Try to keep your sequence of events as simple as possible : only include short statements about events which help push the action of the narrative forward. The events that make the narrative go forward are the most important events in the story. Activity 2 Use the following table as framework for planning your group narrative and make a discussion for an agreement: TITLE AUTHORS : .. : 1. .. 2. .. 3. .. 4. .. 5. .. : (giving information about setting time, place, situation of main characters) : (showing a change in the usual order of events or way of life of one of main characters; problem occurs which one of the characters has to resolve) : (showing how the problems written about earlier are resolved in a believable and interesting way by one or more of the characters; life returns to more or less normal.)



RE-ORIENTATION : (Its optional. But it will be better for you if you write a Complete narrative.)

Activity 3

Teachers Explanation
Pay attention to the explanations about: 1. how the writer orients the readers or listeners.


2. 3. 4. 5.

By the use of the simple past tense. For example; Once upon a time there lived .. This provide the first orientation: not now (which may be in the past or in some imaginary world and not here ; for example : Long time ago, in a small village .) finding your way in the narrative world. By the use of time conjunction. For example: Now one day, So at last , so then ., and then ., ever after.. how the writer locate the readers/listeners in the geography of the narrative. By the use of particular geographical space. For example: in a little village, there was a big palace, deep in the forest, there was a big palace. how the writer provide indication of what is real or unreal. By the use of conditional. For example: if he could . how the writer asks the readers/ listeners to imagine the future, the unreal. By the use of verbal process. For example: The King promised., His mother yelled.

Activity 4 Ask one of your friends in your group to read the following guiding questions and the rest of the members in your group to check your group work writing. A. Orientation. 1 Is there enough information given in the orientation about time and place? 2 Do you learn enough about the characters situation to set the scene and understand what happens next? 3 Is the orientation stage links with the following events? B. Complication. 1. Are you happy with the second step of the narrative? 2. Are the things which the characters do or say believable and interesting? 3. Does the narrative need an evaluation stage? 4. How could this part of the narrative be improved? C. Resolution. 1. How satisfying is the resolution? 2. Does the resolution solve the problem? 3. Do you feel other complicating events would make the resolution more interesting, more believable and more meaningful? 4. How do you end the story, happy ending or tragedy? D. Re-orientation. 1. Whats the moral value of the story?

Activity 5

Make a presentation about the result of your group work in front of the class. Type your work in Power Point or other software and use In Focus (Projector) to present it. Insert necessary pictures or film in your presentation. 64

You might use your group work to participate in writing competition at your school or at other schools in your town or city.

Section Four: Independent Construction of the Text.

Activity 1 Get ready to write a narrative on your own. Choosing a topic Now, when you write our own narrative, think about what you are going to write about. When you are ready to write your own story, you should be able to use the stages of the narrative to help you plan the events in each stages. Writing a Plan Try to decide what kind of story you are going to write. Before you begin, think about these questions: 1. Do you want to write a completely new story? 2. Do you want to use another story from your reading and write one which is like in the same ways? You might decide to write a modern fairy or to make the events in another country or you could put yourself in the story as one of the characters. 3. Do you want to use a story from a film you have watched? Activity 2 Drafting After you have plan the sequence of events, begin to write your own story. Remember that the first draft of a piece of writing doesnt have to be perfect. Activity 3 Reviewing Read over your draft and check that all the events are in the right order. As you read your draft make sure that your narrative has the following stages.


: .. : .




: (giving information about setting time, place, situation of main characters) : (showing a change in the usual order of events or way of life of one of main characters; problem occurs which one of the characters has to resolve) : (showing how the problems written about earlier are resolved in a believable and interesting way by one or more of the characters; life returns to more or less normal.) : (Its optional. But it will be better for you if you write a Complete narrative.)



Activity 4 Conferencing Swap your draft narrative with other students. Ask them to let you know where your text is unclear where more information could be added or left out. Activity 5 Consulting Arrange a time to consult with me about your first draft. Consulting in a small group will be a good way too. Activity 6 Editing Edit your draft and re-write the narrative after talking with other people about how it could be improved. Compare your final draft to some of the other model texts you have studied before , the narratives written by the class , or found in books. Think about the differences and talk with others about how you might write a new narrative. Activity 7 Publishing Decide whether you want to publish your own text in your school magazine or school newspaper, a library display or individual folder as your port polio. You might use your own work to participate in writing competition at your school or at other schools in your town or city.

C. Assessments. The assessment in this action research was conducted during the learning process:


1. Paper and pencil test a. Pre Test b. Post Test 2. Performance a. Creativity b. Activity 3. Product a. Spoken narrative text b. Written narrative text 4. Project a. Group work presentation b. Home assignment 5. Portfolio 6. (Attachments) Instrument 1,2,3,4,5



The writer would like to report the result of the observation of the teaching and learning narrative text as follows: 1. Cycle 1. a. Planning and Action Preperation. 1. The teaching stage for cycle 1 had been constructed : The stage of Building knowledge of the Field and the stage of Modelling Text. 2. Lesson Plan For cycle 1 had been constructed. 3. Pre-test and post-test for cycle 1 had been constructed. 4. Observation paper for the students activity for cycle 1 had been constructed 5. Questionnaire for measuring motivation and attitude for cycle I had been constructed. b. The implementation of the action. The action implemented on this stage : 1. had implemented Lesson Plan for cycle 1. 2. had implemented pre-test for cycle 1. 3. had implemented Building Knowledge of the Field. 4. had implemented Modelling Narrative Text 5. had taught the students how to do VCD Cutting. 6. had observed classroom students activities 7. had given questionnaires to measure the students scientific attitude. 8. had implemented Post-Test. c. Observation. Observation was started with pre-test . Then the writer implemented the stage of Building Knowledge of the Field. She shared experience with students about narrative text and talked about transactional and interpersonal language and other expressions used in spoken language. She did the stage of modelling text by giving varies of narrative text one of which presented with power point completed with animation , colour, sound, and VCD Cutting. Then she taught how to do VCD Cutting to the students. In the last cycle the students did the post-test. Then she distributed the questionnaires to find out the students motivation and attitude towards the action given. The result of the observation was as follows: 68


Pernyataan (Statements)

Setuju (Agree) 20 25

1 2

3 4 5

8 9 10 11



Membantu saya memperoleh petunjuk untuk mengaktifkan (helps me provide meaning clues) Memberi contoh berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris yang baik (gives me good models of communication) Membantu saya berkonsentrasi pada materi utama (help me focus on main points) Membantu untuk menarik perhatian saya ( helps me focus on my attention) Membantu saya untuk mengkomunikasikan gagasan-gagasan dgn lebih baik(gives me a better help for communicating ideas) Mempermudah memahami ungkapan yang sesuai (make it easy to learn appropriate expressions) Membuat saya memahami budaya dari bahasa yang dipelajari yaitu bahasa inggris (make me learn the culture of the target language) Mempermudah untuk berlatih bersama teman (makes me easy to practice with my friends) Membantu untuk memahami penjelasan guru saya (help me understand my teacher's explanation) Memberi motivasi (be motivating) Membantu saya meningkatkan kemampuan berkomunikasi dengan bahasa inggris (helps me improve my English communication) Menunjukkan bahwa VCD Cutting lebih membantu daripada teks biasa (shows that VCD Cutting is more helpful than a mere text) Membuat saya belajar bahasa inggris lebih menyenangkan (makes me learn English more enjoyable) Rata-rata (average) SETUJU (AGREE) GRAPH 1 : SCIENTIFIC TIDAK SETUJU (DISAGREE)

Tidak Setuju (Disagree) 5

16 23 22

9 2 3



23 19 21 25

2 6 4


23 20,76923 21 4

2 4,230769231


25 20 TOTAL OF 15 STUDENTS 10 5 0



d. Reflection. From the observation paper and graph 1 can be reflected that from the total of the students of grade XII Language Program there wre only 25 students who had been given the questionaires. The average students in this class ( 21 students or 84 %) agreed with the questionaires. There were 4 students or 16 % didnt agree with the questionires. So it means that the students motivation and attitude high towards the teaching and learning english on narrative text with VCD Cutting. 2. Cycle 2 a. Planning and the preperation of the action. 1. The stage of the teaching and learning cycle 2 had been constructed that was the stage of Joint Construction of the Text. 2. The lesson plan for cycle 2 had been constructed. 3. The observation paper for the activity in cycle 2 had been constructed. d. The implementation of the action The implementation of the action in cycle 2: 1. had implemented the lesson plan cycle 2. 2. had implemented. Join Construction of the Text . 3. had observed classroom students activities 4. had implemented Post-Test e. Observation. The observation was started with the writer came to the stage of Joint Construction of the Text. She divided the students into groups of 5. Each students consisted of 6 students.


The students had their group work make the presentation material about narrative text based on the film they watched. Then they presented their group work with Power Point completed with animation, pictures, colour, sound and VCD Cutting. The result of the observation was as follows:

NO. A.

INDICTOR/ VARIABLE Teaching Learning 1.



Activitiey Using Likert 2. Rating scale (1 up to 4) 3. 4. 5.

6. B. Process Skill 1.

The achevement indicator reached 64 %.. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6.

7. 8.

groups ? ( Apakah tugas dapat diselesaikan secara berkelompok ?) Is there any questions appear after home assignment? (Adakah pertanyaan muncul setelah mengerjakan tugas rumah) Do they participate actively in the learning pocess? (Apakah dalam pembelajaran aktif berpartisipasi ?) Do they participate actively in their group? (Apakah dalam kerja kelompok aktif mengikuti ?) Do they participate actively in prsenting their work? (Apakah dalam presentasi kerja kelompok siswa juga berperan aktif?) Do they give respon to the questions given? (Apakah siswa merespon pertanyaan yang diberikan ?) Students researched, outlined, and practiced their oral report. (Siswa meneliti, membuat, dan mempraktekkan hasil laporan mereka secara lisan) Students spoke slowly and clearly. (Siswa berbicara pelan-pelan dan jelas) Students glanced at their notes while talking. (Siswa melihat catatan mereka selama berbicara) Students used gestures to help express meaning. (Siswa menggunakan gerak-isyarat untuk membantu mengekspresikan arti) Students used their face to express feelings. (Siswa menggunakan wajah untuk mengekspresikan perasaan) Students answered questions on their report. (Siswa menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan dalam laporan mereka) Students summarized the main points. (Siswa merangkum gagasan utama) Students gave details to support their main points. (Siswa memberi penjelasan-penjelasan untuk membantu gagasan utama mereka)

1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2

3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4

1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2

3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4

1 1 1

2 2 2

3 3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4 4

1 2 1 2

Keterangan: 1 = never (tidak pernah) 2 = sometimes (kadang-kadang) 3 = often (sering) 4 = always (selalu)




No/ Students Activity A1 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 3,9 A2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 4 2 3 3 2,37 A3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2,97 A4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 3,9 A5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 3,9 A6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 SUM 20 21 21 21 20 17 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 20 20 16 20 20 20 19 22 18 22 20 21 21 20 0 B1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 4 3 3 3 2,93

: : :


Learning Process

labe l
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20 S21 S22 S23 S24 S25 S26 S27 S28 S29 S30

B2 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 4 3 4 3 3 3 3,1

B3 2 4 4 4 4 3 4 2 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 3,6

B4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

B5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3

B6 3 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 3,6

B7 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 2 3 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 3,7

B8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

SUM 23 29 28 28 26 26 28 24 28 28 28 26 28 25 25 28 29 26 24 22 28 28 28 22 30 28 30 28 28 28 26,9


Sri Muryati, SPd NIP : 131406067



A1 A2


A3 A4 A5




A6 sum B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6



5 3,9 3,9 2,97 3,9 2,37 3,6 3,0 3,1 3,0 3,0 3,6 3,7 4,0

B7 B8 sum

Learning 1 Process







VARIABLE Teaching Learning 1. Is the assignment can be done in the Activitiey groups ? ( Apakah tugas dapat diselesaikan secara berkelompok ?) Using Likert Rating 2. Is there any questions appear after home scale (1 up to 4) assignment? (Adakah pertanyaan muncul setelah mengerjakan tugas rumah) 3. Do they participate actively in the learning pocess? (Apakah dalam pembelajaran aktif berpartisipasi ?) 4. Do they participate actively in their group? (Apakah dalam kerja kelompok aktif mengikuti ?) 5. Do they participate actively in prsenting their work? (Apakah dalam presentasi kerja kelompok siswa juga berperan aktif?) 6. Do they give respon to the questions given? (Apakah siswa merespon pertanyaan yang diberikan ?) Process Skill

1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2

3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4

1. Conveys meaning clearly and effectively. (menyampaikan makna The achevement dengan jelas dan efektif) indicator reached 64 %.. 2. Presents multi-paragraph organization, with clear introductions, development of ideas and conclusion. (menyajikan organisasi paragraph dengan penjelasan yang jelas, pengembangan gagasan dan kesimpulan) 3. Shows evidence of smooth transitions. (menampilkan keterangan dari peralihan yang halus). 4. Uses varied vivid, precise vocabulary consistently. (menggunakan kosakata yang beragam, jelas dan tepat terus menerus) 5. Writes with few grammatical / mechanical errors. (menulis dengan sedikit kesalahan tata bahasa) 6. Keterangan: 1 = never (tidak pernah) 2 = sometimes (kadang-kadang) 3 = often (sering) 4 = always (selalu)


1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4


No Nama A1 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 A2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3,97 Keaktifan A3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3,97 A4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 A5 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 A6 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 2,7 SUM 17 23 23 23 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 21 23 23 23 21 23 23 23 23 23 23 22,5 B1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 4 3 3 3 2,93 B2 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 4 3 4 3 3 3 3,1 Ketrampilan proses B3 2 4 4 4 4 3 4 2 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 3,6 B4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2,97 B5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3,03 B6 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 3,7 SUM 17 21 20 20 19 18 20 17 20 20 20 18 20 18 18 20 21 18 18 15 20 20 20 16 22 20 22 20 20 20 19,3

labe l
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20 S21 S22 S23 S24 S25 S26 S27 S28 S29 S30


Teacher, Sri Muryati, SPd. NIP : 131406067


22,53 19,3

A2 A3


A4 A5 A6





B2 B3 B4

3,97 3,97 3,97 3,97 3,97 2,93 3,6 2,97 3,03 3,1 2,7 3,7


0 Learning 1 process

d. Reflection.. From the observation paper cycle 2 and the graph 3 can be reflected that the average score of the students group work presentation for speaking in the achievement indicator and the learning process were 47,2 or 84% and for writing was 41,83 or 84% school passing grade 64 % this showed that it really fulfilled the achievement indicator of a classroom action research.

3. Cycle 3. a. Planning and the preperation of the action. 1. 2. 3. The stage of the teaching and learning cycle 3had been constructed that was the stage of Independent of the Text. The lesson plan for cycle 3 had been constructed. The observation paper for the activity in cycle 3 had been constructed.

b. The implementation of the action The implementation of the action in cycle 3: 1. had implemented the lesson plan cycle 3. 2. had implemented. Independent Construction of the Text . 3. had observed classroom students activities 4. had implemented Post-Test c. Observation. The writer had done the stage of Independent Construction of the Text. The students wrote a narrative text individually. First of all the students chose and planned a new topic or about a story that they had read, or a story based on the film he/ she watched. Then he/ she made a draft of a narrative text and made a review if the writing matched the generic structure of a narrative, swapped the writing with a friend to check whether it was correct or not, or gave other opinion, consulted it with the teacher and finally the student rewrote the draft that had been consulted with the teacher. The best writing would be put on the flannel board in the class room , wall magazine or school magazine , Image. On the last cycle the students did the post-test. The result of the observation of cycle 3 was as follows:


1. Conveys meaning clearly and effectively. (menyampaikan makna dengan jelas dan efektif) Indikator pencapaian 2. Presents multi-paragraph mencapai 64 % bila organization, with clear ketrampilan/ kemampuan introductions, development of ideas dilakukan skoring. and conclusion. (menyajikan organisasi paragraph dengan penjelasan yang jelas, pengembangan gagasan dan kesimpulan) 3. Shows evidence of smooth transitions. (menampilkan keterangan dari peralihan yang halus). 4. Uses varied vivid, precise vocabulary consistently. (menggunakan kosakata yang beragam, jelas dan tepat terus menerus) 5. Writes with few grammatical / mechanical errors. (menulis dengan sedikit kesalahan tata bahasa) Keterangan: 1 = never (tidak pernah) 2 = sometimes (kadang-kadang) 3 = often (sering) 4 = always (selalu) A Learning Process etrampilan Proses 1 1

2 2 3 3 4 4

1 1 1

2 2 2

3 3 3

4 4 4

No Name Learning Process A1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 4 3 3 3 2,9 A2 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 4 3 4 3 3 3 3,1 A3 2 4 4 4 2 3 4 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 4 4 2 3 3 2 4 2 3 4 2 4 2 4 4 3,0 A4 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3,0 A5 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 2,9 SUM 13 18 15 15 14 14 16 14 14 14 14 15 14 15 15 16 17 14 14 12 14 16 14 13 18 14 18 14 16 16 14,9

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20 S21 S22 S23 S24 S25 S26 S27 S28 S29 S30


Average score







A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 SUM










NO DAILY ASSESMENTS 1 2 3 PRECYCLE 1 CYCLE 2 TEST SCORE SCORE 048845 ADI HERMAWANTO 40 73 80 048885 AMELIA MARETA RAHAYU 55 73 77 048966 ANI WIJAYANTI 60 67 83 048967 ANIS FAUZIYAH 45 67 70 048851 BONDAN SASANGKA NUR 40 70 57 048934 CAHYO PURNOMO 40 40 40 048935 CATUR WAHONO 40 67 73 048853 DESI ANISAH PUTRI 40 67 77 048854 DEVI SULISTYA M 40 70 70 049134 DEWI PURNAMA SARI 40 60 67 048855 DIAH PUSPITASARI 53 73 77 049101 DWIKI RIZKY ANGESTI 40 70 73 049102 DYAH ARDIANA 40 63 47 049141 FERI DANU YUDISTIRA 40 50 73 049143 FIVILIA TIKA PERDANA 40 67 73 048980 KHUSNIYATI 45 57 77 048904 LAILA ZORAYA AHMAD 80 67 57 048945 LINDA RUSDIANI 40 63 70 038649 MOH. TEGAR DIGDAYA 40 73 50 048951 MUSTIKA ARISTIANTINI 40 40 80 049227 NOVA LITA DAMAYANTI 40 70 77 048988 OKY FERARI KARINA 40 77 60 049230 PUTRI PRATIWI 40 67 80 049235 RIANA ARTI LISTIANI 50 57 63 PRE-TES, CYCLE 1, CYCLE 2, CYCLE 3 048991 RICKY WAHYU SETIAWAN 60 67 83 048992 RINA WATI 67 80 (POST TES) SCORES 40 048992 RINDA AYU NURANI 40 40 83 048993 VELMA RESA SARASWATI 40 67 73 049001 WAHYU 30 WICAKSONO 40 40 73 28 28 049124 YULIANI TRISNANINGRUM 70 73 87 25 23 AVEARAGE SCORE 45,3 63,4 71,0 20 PASSED 2 20 23 20 FAILED 28 PASSED 10 7 TOTAL OF NIS STUDENTS NAME 4 CYCLE 3 SCORE 70 90 85 80 70 95 65 80 75 95 90 95 75 80 85 80 80 95 75 40 85 90 75 40 95 75 90 75 75 90 79,7 28 2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

15 STUDENTS 10 5 0


2 1 2 3 4 2



d. Reflection. From the observation paper cycle 3 and graph 5 could be reflected that the individual average scores of writing school passing grade 64 % this means that it fulfilled the achievement indicator. And it also showed the improvement from the pre test only 2 students passed or 7,3 %, in cycle 1 there were 20 students passed or 67 % , in cycle 2 there were 23 students passed or 77 % and in cycle 3 there were 28 students passed or 93 % this means that the result showed the quality assurance of the action research.

BAB IV CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS A. Conclusions. The conclusions that could be drawn from this action research wee as follows: 1. the usage of media VCD Cutting efecticve, interesting, and enjoyable and was able to help the process of teaching and learning on narrative text so that the students could be able to improve their competence to communicate in English, to express and response the meaning of monolog text by using spoken and written modes accurately and acceptably in narrative text. 2. In cycle 2, the average score of the group work presentation for speaking on the indicator of the students performance and learning process was 47,2 or 84% and for writing was 41,83 or 84% school passing grade 64 %. This

showed that it fulfilled the indicator of a research result and showed the qulity assurance of the action research. 3. in cycle 3 the individual average score of writing was 14,9 or 70 % pasing grade achievement. 4. The cognitive scores showed the improvement from the result of the pre test there were only 2 students failed or 7,3 %, in cycle 1, there were 20 students passed 67 % , in cycle 2 there were 23 students passed or 77 % and in cycle 3 therewere 28 students passed or 93 % This showed that it fulfilled the indicator of a research result and showed the qulity assurance of the action research. B. Suggestions. On the basis of the conclusions above, the writer offered the following suggestions.: 1. To teachers, especially English teachers should try to look for inovation in implementing the teaching and learning English by using suitable learning media and Information Technology ( IT ) and media VCD Cutting so that it could be used to overcome the problems faced by the students. 64 % . This showed school that it fulfilled the indicator of the

2. To sudents, they should use Information Technology ( IT ) and media VCD Cutting to overcome the problem of studyng English especially on narrative text.


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Name NIP ( Civil Servant ID Number) Occupation Rank Place And Date of Birth Gender Religion Subject Taught Length of work Title of the Research

Sri Muryati, SPd. 130794346 teacher Guru Pembina/ IV a Boyolali, 15 May 1953 Female Moslem English 27 years ENGLISH COMMUNICATION COMPETENCY IMPROVEMENT ON SPOKEN AND WRITTEN NARRATIVE TEXT THROUGH VCD CUTTING MEDIA IN SEMARANG 7 SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL S1 Faculty of Letter/ English Married Semarang 7 Senior high School Jl. Untung Suropati Semarang, 50185. Banbankerep Ngaliyan Semarang City Central Java 62- (024) 7605977 Jl. Wahyu Asri Dlm. IV /DD 68 /Rt.08/ RW.6 Tambakaji Ngaliyan Ngaliyan Semarang City Central Java

11 12 13 14


Last education Faculty/ Department Marital Status School Address a. Name of School b. Street c. Village d. District e. Region f. Province g. Telephone Home Address a. Name of School b. Street c. Village d. District e. Region f. Province


g. Telephone Social activity

Telp (024) 7612539 Chairwoman of MGMP (English Teachers Union ) Semarang

Semarang, September 5 th 2006 Approved by: Headmaster Writer,

Drs. Totok Widyanto NIP. 131415203

Sri Muryati, SPd. NIP. 130794346

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