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BL1600A/800A Trixbox-

Installation manual
Blue Network Technology Co., Ltd.
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B L 1 6 0 0 A / 8 0 0 A + t r i x b o x 2 . 8 . 0 . 3I n s t a l l a t i o nm a n u a l Operating environment
*********************************** Trixbox- BL1600A + FXS-200 +FXO-200 ***********************************

Configure the operating environment

1.1 Software installation

Download Trixbox- ISO file from and install it.

1.2 Hardware installation

Plug BL1600A Integrated circuit board into PCI slot on the motherboard.if user uses FXS module, the board must connect with power cable.

1.3 Detect hardware

After system started, run the command at command line: # lspci vvv

Figure 1 If user can see the information shown in Figure 1,it means that the system has detected the hardware. Otherwise, unplug BL1600A/800A circuit board and plug it into another PCI slot.

1.4 Installation compile environment

Testing whether the gcc and kernel-devel installed, if not, install them as the below method. [trixbox1.localdomain ~]# rpm -q gcc package gcc is not installed [trixbox1.localdomain ~]# yum install gcc [trixbox1.localdomain ~]# rpm -q kernel-devel package kernel-devel is not installed [root@trixbox1 ~]# uname -r 2.6.18-128.1.10.el5 [root@trixbox1 ~]#wget kernel-devel-2.6.18-128.1.10.el5.i686.rpm [root@trixbox1 ~]# rpm -ivh kernel-devel-2.6.18-128.1.10.el5.i686.rpm
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[trixbox1.localdomain bluenet-linux-0.2.0]# yum list installed kernel-devel Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, kmod kernel-devel.i686 2.6.18-128.1.10.el5 installed If user can see the top line, it indicates that kernel-devel has been installed successfully.

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2.1 Check the version of dahdi

Driver Installation

[trixbox1.localdomain ~]# cd /lib/modules/2.6.18-128.1.10.el5/dahdi [trixbox1.localdomain dahdi]# modinfo dahdi.ko filename: dahdi.ko version: license: description: author: srcversion: depends: vermagic: parm: parm: 2.2.0 <-- the dahdi version is 2.2.0 GPL v2 DAHDI Telephony Interface Mark Spencer <> 410774B40352D5447C66CA9 crc-ccitt 2.6.18-128.1.10.el5 SMP mod_unload 686 REGPARM 4KSTACKS gcc-4.1 debug:int deftaps:int

2.2 Compile the driver

When compile the driver of BL1600A/800A,it would use the source file of dahdi.So user need to download the source file of dahdi, firstly. In trixbox-, the version of dahdi is 2.2.0, user need to download dahdi-linux-complete-2.2.0+2.2.0.tar.gz from [trixbox1.localdomain~]#wget [trixbox1.localdomain ~]# tar -xvzf dahdi-linux-complete-2.2.0+2.2.0.tar.gz [trixbox1.localdomain ~]# tar -xvjf bluenet-linux-0.2.0.tar.bz2 [trixbox1.localdomain ~]# cd bluenet-linux-0.2.0 [trixbox1.localdomain bluenet-linux-0.2.0]# ./configure --with-dahdi=/root/dahdi-linux-complete-2.2.0+2.2.0 [trixbox1.localdomain bluenet-linux-0.2.0]# make [trixbox1.localdomain bluenet-linux-0.2.0]# make install

2.3 Module to run

Add the following lines at the end of the file /etc/dahdi/modules: #B l u e n e tB L 1 6 0 0 A :u pt o1 6a n a l o gp o r t s #B l u e n e tB L 8 0 0 A :u pt o8a n a l o gp o r t s b l 1 6 0 0 a

2.4 Load the driver

[trixbox1.localdomain bluenet-linux-0.2.0]# cd [trixbox1.localdomain ~]# amportal stop [trixbox1.localdomain ~]# service dahdi stop Unloading DAHDI hardware modules: done
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[trixbox1.localdomain ~]# modprobe dahdi [trixbox1.localdomain ~]# modprobe bl1600a [trixbox1.localdomain ~]# dahdi_genconf [trixbox1.localdomain ~]# dahdi_cfg -vv DAHDI Tools Version - 2.2.0 DAHDI Version: 2.2.0 Echo Canceller(s): Configuration ====================== Channel map: Channel 01: FXO Kewlstart (Default) (Echo Canceler: mg2) (Slaves: 01) Channel 02: FXO Kewlstart (Default) (Echo Canceler: mg2) (Slaves: 02) Channel 03: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Echo Canceler: mg2) (Slaves: 03) Channel 04: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Echo Canceler: mg2) (Slaves: 04) 4 channels to configure. Setting echocan for channel 1 to mg2 Setting echocan for channel 2 to mg2 Setting echocan for channel 3 to mg2 Setting echocan for channel 4 to mg2

2.5 Test driver

[trixbox1.localdomain ~]# asterisk vvvgc *CLI> dahdi show channels Chan Extension Context Language MOH Interpret Blocked State pseudo default en default In Service 1 from-internal en default In Service 2 from-internal en default In Service 3 from-pstn en default In Service 4 from-pstn en default In Service *CLI> If user can see the following information, it indicates that the configuration is completed. Otherwise, please check the configuration files and reload driver.

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3 System configuration On Website

3.1 Main interface
(1) After trixbox system startedopen the browser on other host with windows system and enter the IP address of Elastix system ,log into the main interface, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 (2) Click on the [switch] button on the top right cornet of the page, the dialog box will appear.

Figure 3 (3) Input username and passwordmaint password the trixbox management
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interface will appear, as shown in Figure 4

Figure 4 (5) Click on PBX Settings drop-down menu and Select PBX Settings item, the screen as shown in Figure 5 will appear.

Figure 5

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3.2 Create extensions

Add two internal extensions, then connect two analog phones with two FXO ports, to achieve internal extensions dial each other. (1) In PBX Settings main interface click on extensions item, enter into the Add an Extension screen as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6 (2) As shown in Figure 6 click on the Device drop-down list box select Generic zap Device item then click on Submit button, the Add ZAP Extension will appear.

Figure 7 (3) Input extension number in User Extension item; Input display name in Display Name item. In the Device options department, input the channel number as shown in Figure 8.

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Figure 8 (4) Add two extensions 101 and 102 as this way.

Figure 9 (5) After adding the extensions, click on the orange part Apply configuration changes. The Apply configuration Changes screen will appear.

Figure 10 (6) As shown in Figure 10, click on the Continue with reload item and the Figure 11 screen will appear. (7) If user needs to create sip extensions, enter into the screen as shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11 (8) Click on the Device drop-down list boxselect Generic SIP Device then click on Submit
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button, the Add SIP Extension screen will appear as shown in Figure 12.

Figure 12 (9) Input extension number in User Extension item; Input display name in Display Name item. (10) In Device Options department, user needs to input secret for sip extensions

Figure 13 (11) Click submit button.After that, click on Apply configuration changes item.

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3.3 Add Trunks

To make incoming or outbound call, user has to add a trunk. (1) As shown in Figure 14, click the Trunks item in the left of the page, the Add a Trunk screen will appear as shown in Figure 15.

Figure 14

Figure 15 (2) Add Zap Trunk (DAHDI compatibility mode) item,the Add zap Trunk screen will appear as shown in Figure 16.

Figure 16
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(3) Input an number in Route Name item, keep the default value for other items. Then click on the submit button. After that, click on Apply configuration changes item in new screen.

3.4 Add Outbound Routes

(1) In the PBX Settings main interface, click on the Outbound Routes item in the left of the screen, enter into Add Route screen as shown in the Figure 17.

Figure 17 (2) Input a name in Route Name item, for example outbound1; input dial pattern in Dial Patterns department, for example _X.|, select a trunk item from Trunk Sequence drop-down list box. Then, click on submit button. At last, click on Apply configuration changes item in new screen.

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3.5 Add Incoming Routes

(1) In the PBX Settings main interface, click on the Inbound Routes item in the left of the screen as shown in the Figure 18, enter into Add Incoming Route screen as shown in the Figure 19.

Figure 18

Figure 19 (2) Input a route name in Description item, for example incomming1.

Figure 20 (3) In Set Destination department, click on the Extensions drop-down list box items select one as response extension, as shown in Figure 20. Then click on submit button. At last, click on Apply configuration changes item in new screen. Thus, the entire system configuration is completed; it can achieve the basic inbound and outbound.
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