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For other uses, see Stevia (disambiguation).


Stevia rebaudiana flowers.

Scientific classification




















About 240 species, including:

Stevia anisostemma Stevia bertholdii Stevia crenata Stevia dianthoidea Stevia enigmatica Stevia eupatoria Stevia lemmonii Stevia micrantha Stevia ovata Stevia plummerae Stevia rebaudiana Stevia salicifolia Stevia serrata Stevia tunguraguensis Stevia viscida

Stevia (/stiv/, /stivj/ or /stv/)[1][2][3][4] is a genus of about 240 species of herbs and shrubs in the sunflower family (Asteraceae), native to subtropical and tropical regions from western North America to South America. The species Stevia rebaudiana, commonly known as sweetleaf, sweet leaf, sugarleaf, or simply stevia, is widely grown for its sweet leaves. As a sweetener and sugar substitute, stevia's taste has a slower onset and longer duration than that of sugar, although some of its extracts may have a bitter or licoricelike aftertaste at high concentrations. With its steviol glycoside extracts having up to 300 times the sweetness of sugar,[5] stevia has attracted attention with the rise in demand for low-carbohydrate, low-sugar sweeteners. Because stevia has a negligible effect on blood glucose it is attractive to people on carbohydrate-controlled diets.

The availability of stevia varies from country to country. In a few countries, it has been available as a sweetener for decades or centuries; for example, it has been widely used for decades as a sweetener in Japan. In some countries health concerns andpolitical controversies have limited its availability; for example, the United States banned stevia in the early 1990s unless labeled as a dietary supplement,[6][7] but in 2008 it approved rebaudioside A extract as a food additive. Over the years, the number of countries in which stevia is available as a sweetener has been increasing. In 2011 stevia was approved for use in the EU. [8][9

Steviol glycosides were first commercialized as a sweetener in 1971 by the Japanese firm Morita Kagaku Kogyo Co., Ltd., a leading stevia extract producer in Japan. Stevia has been grown on an experimental basis in Ontario, Canada since 1987 to determine the feasibility of commercial cultivation. In 2007 The Coca-Cola Company announced plans to obtain approval for their stevia-derived sweetener, rebiana, for use as a food additive within the United States by 2009, as well as plans to market rebiana-sweetened products in 12 countries that allow stevia's use as a food additive. [41][42] In May 2008 Coca Cola and Cargill announced the availability of Truvia, a consumer brand stevia sweetener containingerythritol and rebiana,[43] which the FDA permitted as a food additive in December 2008.[44] CocaCola announced intentions to release stevia-sweetened beverages in late December 2008.[45] Shortly afterward, PepsiCo and Pure Circle announced PureVia, their brand of stevia-based sweetener, but withheld release of beverages sweetened with rebaudioside A until receipt of FDA confirmation. Since the FDA permitted Truvia and PureVia, both Coca Cola and PepsiCo have introduced products that contain their new sweeteners.[46]

Extraction of sweet compounds[edit]

S. rebaudiana foliage

Rebaudioside A has the least bitterness of all the steviol glycosides in the stevia plant. To produce rebaudioside A commercially, stevia plants are dried and subjected to a water extraction process. This crude extract contains about 50% rebaudioside A; its various glycoside molecules are separated via crystallization techniques, typically using ethanol or methanol as solvent. This allows the manufacturer to isolate pure rebaudioside A.[47] The National Research Council of Canada has patented a process for extracting sweet compounds from stevia by column extraction at temperatures from 025 C, followed by purification by nanofiltration. A microfiltration pretreatment step is used to clarify the extract. Purification is by ultrafiltration followed by nanofiltration. [48]

Mechanism of action[edit]
Glycosides are molecules that contain glucose and other non-sugar substances called aglycones (molecules with other sugars arepolysaccharides). The tongue's taste receptors react to the glucose in the glycosides those with more glucose (rebaudioside) taste sweeter than those with less (stevioside). Some of the tongue's bitter receptors react to the aglycones. In the digestive tract, rebaudiosides are metabolised into stevioside. Then stevioside is broken down into glucose and steviol. The glucose released in this process is used by bacteria in the colon and not absorbed into the bloodstream.[49] Steviol cannot be further digested and is excreted.

Health and safety[edit]

Stevia leaves have been used for centuries in South America, spanning multiple generations in ethnomedical tradition as a treatment for diabetes mellitus type 2.[50] Millions of Japanese have been using stevia for over thirty years with no reported or known harmful effects.[51] In 2012 the FDA stated that it has not permitted the use of whole-leaf Stevia or crude Stevia extract citing possible concerns on blood sugar and effects on the reproductive, cardiovascular, and renal systems. [52] In 2009 the FDA considered "Rebiana (rebaudioside A) to be generally recognized as safe (GRAS)".[53] The report includes a detailed list of international studies, references, and chemical analysis.[53] Two 2010 review studies found no health concerns with stevia or its sweetening extracts.[54][55] In addition, a 2009 review study found that stevioside and related compounds have anti-hyperglycemic, antihypertensive, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, anti-diarrheal, diuretic, and immunomodulatory actions.[56] The European Food Safety Authority evaluated the safety of steviol glycosides, extracted from the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni plant, as sweetener and expressed its opinion on 10 March 2010. The Authority established an Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) for steviol glycosides, expressed as steviol equivalents, of 4 mg/kg bodyweight/day. On 11 November 2011, the European Commission allowed the usage of steviol glycosides as a food additive, establishing maximum content levels for different types of foods and beverages.[57] Preliminary human studies suggest stevia may affect blood pressure,[58] although another study has shown it to have no effect on hypertension.[59] In 2006 the World Health Organization (WHO) evaluated experimental studies of stevioside and steviols conducted on animals and humans, and concluded "stevioside and rebaudioside A are not genotoxic in vitro or in vivo and that the genotoxicity of steviol and some of its oxidative derivatives in vitro is not expressed in vivo."[60] The report also found no evidence of carcinogenic activity. Furthermore, the report noted

"stevioside has shown some evidence of pharmacological effects in patients with hypertension or with diabetes mellitus type 2",[60] but concluded further study was required to determine proper dosage. The WHO's Joint Experts Committee on Food Additives has approved, based on long-term studies, an acceptable daily intake of steviol glycoside of up to 4 milligrams per kilogram of body weight.[61] A 1985 study reported that steviol, a breakdown product from stevioside and rebaudioside (two of the sweet steviol glycosides in the stevia leaf), is a mutagen in the presence of a liver extract of rats pretreated with a PCB blend[62] but this finding was criticized.[63] Over the following years, bioassay, cell culture, and animal studies have shown mixed results in terms of toxicology and adverse effects of stevia constituents. While reports emerged that found steviol and stevioside to be weak mutagens,[64][65] the bulk of studies show an absence of harmful effects.[66][67] In a 2008 review, 14 of 16 studies cited showed no genotoxic activity for stevioside, 11 of 15 studies showed no genotoxic activity for steviol, and no studies showed genotoxicity for rebaudioside A. No evidence for stevia constituents causing cancer or birth defects has been found.[66][67] In relation to diabetes, studies have shown stevia to have a possible trophic effect on -cells of pancreas,[15] to improve insulin sensitivity in rats,[68] and possibly even to promote additional insulin production,[69] helping to reverse diabetes and metabolic syndrome.[70] Stevia consumed before meals significantly reduced postprandial insulin levels compared to both aspartame and sucrose.[71] A 2011 review study concluded that stevia sweeteners would likely benefit diabetic patients.[54] In 2013 a study with stevia leaves on diabetic rats identified a renal and hepatic protective effect and a reduction in the risk of oxidative stress, in addition to the better known hypoglycemic benefits.[72]

In 1991, after receiving an anonymous industry complaint, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) labeled stevia as an "unsafe food additive" and restricted its import.[40][73][74] The FDA's stated reason was "toxicological information on stevia is inadequate to demonstrate its safety." [75] Since the import ban in 1991, marketers and consumers of stevia have shared a belief that the FDA acted in response to industry pressure.[40] Arizona congressman Jon Kyl, for example, called the FDA action against stevia "a restraint of trade to benefit the artificial sweetener industry."[76] To protect the complainant, the FDA deleted names in the original complaint in its responses to requests filed under the Freedom of Information Act.[40] Stevia remained banned until after the 1994 Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act forced the FDA in 1995 to revise its stance to permit stevia to be used as a dietary supplement, although not as a food additive a position that stevia proponents regarded as contradictory because it simultaneously labels stevia as safe and unsafe, depending on how it is sold.[6] Early studies prompted the European Commission in 1999 to ban stevia's use in food in the European Union pending further research.[77] In 2006, research data compiled in the safety evaluation released by the World Health Organization found no adverse effects.[60] Since 2008, the Russian Federation has allowed stevioside as a food additive "in the minimal dosage required".[32] In December 2008, the FDA gave a "no objection" approval for GRAS status to Truvia (developed by Cargill and The Coca-Cola Company) and PureVia (developed byPepsiCo and the Whole Earth Sweetener Company, a subsidiary of Merisant), both of which use rebaudioside A derived from the Stevia plant.[78] However, FDA said that these products are not Stevia, but a highly purified product.[79]

In 2012, FDA posted a note on their website regarding crude Stevia plant: "FDA has not permitted the use of whole-leaf Stevia or crude Stevia extracts because these substances have not been approved for use as a food additive. FDA does not consider their use in food to be GRAS in light of reports in the literature that raise concerns about the use of these substances. Among these concerns are control of blood sugar and effects on the reproductive, cardiovascular, and renal systems."[80]


Stevia in india,stevia cultivation in india,stevia training,stevia plants,stevia project report


The Stevia rebaudiana is commonly known as sweet leaf, sugar leaf, or simply Stevia. This is widely grown for its sweet leaves. Stevia and Sunflower belong to asteraceae family. The sweet herb Stevia is becoming a major source of natural sweetener as an alternate of sugar. It is rapidly replacing the chemical sweetener like Splenda, Saccharine and Aspartame. The plant is native to tropical and subtropical regions of North America and South America. There are near about 240 species of Stevia Genus. It is grown widely in countries like Brazil, Colombia, Paraguay and Venezuela. In Venezuela it is being used over 1500 years. Stevia leaves are 30 times sweeter than normal sugar. The extract of stevia Rebaudioside-A is around 300-400 times sweeter than normal sugar. The sweetness of stevia also felt for long time. There are two compounds in stevia leaves 1.) Stevioside(10%-20%) and 2.) Rebaudioside-A(1-3%). The Stevioside is stable at 100 C this is main advantage of Steviocide over other sweetener.

Today stevia is ready to become King in the market of sweetener. As demand of low carbohydrate sweetener is rising day by day. A good market is being developed for stevia domestically as well as internationally. This is a ray of hope for the diabetic patient. As it is natural source of sweetener. It is also used for the treatment of obesity and high blood sugar patient. There is not increase in sugar level after consumption of stevia as sweetener as substitute of normal sugar. Stevia, therefor, opens up new avenues for crop diversification and a viable alternative to sugarcane. There is a potential to use Stevia in soft drinks, confectionery and bakery etc. Instead of sweeteners with known adverse side effects in the long run. Stevia prevents tooth decay with its microbial property . Majority of the supplementary food products for diabetic patients emphasize on the fibre & protein content the addition of the Stevia leaves, dried or in powder form, in such products would not only aid in increasing the natural sweetness but would also help in rejuvenating the pancreatic gland. Apart from this, Stevia is nutrient rich, containing substantial amount of Protein, Magnesium, Miocene, riboflavin, Zinc, Chromium, Selenium, Calcium & Phosphorus, Besides Stevia can also be used as a house hold sweetener in preparation of most Indian sweetmeats. There are different views about stevia in different countries. Countries like Japan and Korea; it is widely used as sweetener. In some countries use of stevia is banned. Initially US govt banned stevia but in year 2008 the extract of stevia Rebaudioside-A was approved as food additive. Today the number of countries is increasing where stevia is available Stevia crop has good potential in India. There is low risk in this crop. The investment in stevia is also tax free as it is agriculture production. The return also starts to come early. As it is planted for five years so the cost of plantation also accrue one time in five in 5 years. There is high potential of return as compared to traditional crop. USE OF STEVIA:Stevia is available in many forms. The choice is totally dependent amount of sweetness we want. The fresh leaves are least sweet and the extracted white powder is the sweetest. FRESH STEVIA LEAVES

This form of stevia is the herb in its most natural, unrefined state. A leaf picked from a stevia plant and chewed will impart an extremely sweet taste sensation reminiscent of licorice that lasts for quite a while. For stevia to have a more practical application as a tea or sweetener, the leaves must be dried or put through an extraction process, which makes the sweet taste even more potent. DRIED LEAVES For more of the flavor and sweet constituents of the stevia leaf to be released, drying and crushing is necessary. A dried leaf is considerably sweeter than a fresh one, and is the form of stevia used in brewing herbal tea.Dried stevia leaf may come in bulk or packaged like tea bags. You can also get it finely powdered. It has a greenish color and can be used in a wide variety of foods and beverages, including coffee, applesauce and hot cereals. You also can use it to make an herbal tea blend. Its distinctive flavor is reminiscent of licorice, which will blend very well with different aromatic spices, such as cinnamon and ginger. STEVIA EXTRACTS The form in which stevia is primarily used as a sweetener in Japan is that ofa white powdered extract. In this form it is approximately 200 to 300 times sweeter than sugar (by weight).This white powder is an extract of the sweet glycosides (natural sweetening agents) in the stevia leaf.Not all stevia extract powders are the same. The taste, sweetness and cost of the various white stevia powders will likely depend on their degree of refinement and the quality of the stevia plant used. You may find that some powders have more of an aftertaste.Since extracted stevia powder is so intensely sweet, we recommend that it be used by the pinch (or drop if diluted in water). Once mixed, this solution should be stored in the refrigerator. LIQUID CONCENTRATES These come in several forms. There's a syrupy black liquid (that results from boiling the leaves in water), which can enhance the flavor of many foods. Another type is made by steeping stevia leaves in distilled water or a mix of water and grain alcohol. You can also find a liquid made from the white powder concentrate mixed with water, and preserved with grapefruit seed extract. GROWING STEVIA One need not be a South American planter to be a successful stevia grower. While the herb's native locale may make it appear somewhat exotic, it has proved to be quite

adaptable and capable of being cultivated in climate zones as diverse as Florida and southern Canada. True, home-grown stevia may lack the potency of refined white stevia extract; whole stevioside content generally ranges from 81 to 91 percent, as compared to a leaf level of approximately 12 percent. But it can provide you with a quantity of freshly harvested stevia 'tea leaves' to augment your supply of commercial stevia sweeteners. Organic gardeners in particular should find stevia an ideal addition to their yield. Though nontoxic, stevia plants have been found to have insect-repelling tendencies. Their very sweetness, in fact, may be a kind of natural defense mechanism against aphids and other bugs that find it not to their taste. Perhaps that's why cropdevouring grasshoppers have been reported to bypass stevia under cultivation. Then, too, raising stevia yourself, whether in your back yard or on your balcony, is another positive way you can personally (and quite legally) protest the wrongheaded government policies that have for so long deprived the American people of its benefits - a kind of contemporary Victory Garden. How to start your own stevia patch It would be difficult, at best, to start a stevia patch from scratch -- that is, by planting seeds. Even if you could get them to germinate, results might well prove disappointing, since stevioside levels can vary greatly in plants grown from seed. The recommended method is rather to buy garden-ready 'starter' plants, which given stevia's 'growing' popularity, may well be obtainable from a nursery or herbalist in your area -- provided you're willing to scout around a bit. If you're not, or are unsuccessful in locating any, there are at least three growers of high-quality stevia who will ship you as many baby plants as you'd like. Keep in mind that not all stevia plants are created equal in terms of stevioside content, and, hence, sweetness. It's therefore a good idea to try to determine if the plants you're buying have been grown from cuttings whose source was high in stevioside. Because tender young stevia plants are especially sensitive to low temperatures, it's important that you wait until the danger of frost is past and soil temperatures are well into the 50s and 60s before transplanting them into your garden. Once you begin, it's best to plant your stevia in rows 20 to 24 inches apart, leaving about 18 inches between plants. Your plants should grow to a height of about 30 inches and a width of 18 to 24 inches. The care and feeding of stevia

Stevia plants do best in a rich, loamy soil -- the same kind in which common gardenvariety plants thrive. Since the feeder roots tend to be quite near the surface, it is a good idea to add compost for extra nutrients if the soil in your area is sandy. Besides being sensitive to cold during their developmental stage, the roots can also be adversely affected by excessive levels of moisture. So take care not to overwater them and to make sure the soil in which they are planted drains easily and isn't soggy or subject to flooding or puddling. Frequent light watering is recommended during the summer months. Adding a layer of compost or your favorite mulch around each stevia plant will help keep the shallow feeder roots from drying out. Stevia plants respond well to fertilizers with a lower nitrogen content than the fertilizer's phosphoric acid or potash content. Most organic fertilizers would work well, since they release nitrogen slowly. Gathering autumn stevia leaves Harvesting should be done as late as possible, since cool autumn temperatures and shorter days tend to intensify the sweetness of the plants as they evolve into a reproductive state. While exposure to frost is still to be avoided, covering the plants during an early frost can give you the benefit of another few weeks' growth and more sweetness. When the time does come to harvest your stevia, the easiest technique is to cut the branches off with pruning shears before stripping the leaves. As an extra bonus, you might also want to clip off the very tips of the stems and add them to your harvest, as they are apt to contain as much stevioside as do the leaves. If you live in a relatively frost-free climate, your plants may well be able to survive the winter outside, provided you do not cut the branches too short (leaving about 4 inches of stem at the base during pruning). In that case, your most successful harvest will probably come in the second year. Five-year-old plants will not be as productive and, ideally, should be replaced with new cuttings. In harsher climates, however, it might be a good idea to take cuttings that will form the basis for the next year's crop. Cuttings need to be rooted before planting, using either commercial rooting hormones or a natural base made from willow tree tips, pulverized onto a slurry in your blender. After dipping the cuttings in such a preparation, they should be planted in a rooting medium for two to three weeks, giving the new root system a chance to form. They should then be potted -- preferably in 4.5inch pots -- and placed in the sunniest and least drafty part of your home until the following spring.

Unlocking the sweetness in your harvest Once all your leaves have been harvested you will need to dry them. This can be accomplished on a screen or net. (For a larger application, an alfalfa or grain drier can be used, but about the only way an average gardener might gain access to such a device is to borrow it from a friendly neighbourhood farmer). The drying process is not one that requires excessive heat; more important is good air circulation. On a moderately warm fall day, your stevia crop can be quick dried in the full sun in about 12 hours. (Drying times longer than that will lower the stevioside content of the final product.) A home dehydrator can also be used, although sun drying is the preferred method. Crushing the dried leaves is the final step in releasing stevia's sweetening power. This can be done either by hand or, for greater effect, in a coffee grinder or in a special blender for herbs. You can also make your own liquid stevia extract by adding a cup of warm water to 1/4 cup of fresh, finely-crushed stevia leaves. This mixture should set for 24 hours and then be refrigerated. Growing stevia without land Just because you live within the confines of an apartment or condominium doesn't mean you can't enjoy the benefits of stevia farming. This versatile plant can be grown either in pots on your balcony or any sunny spot, or else in a hydroponic unit. Stevia plants also do quite well in "container gardens." A 10" to 12" diameter container filled with a lightweight growing mix is an ideal size for each plant. A little mulch on the top will help retain the moisture in the shallow root zone. A properly fertilized hydroponic unit or container garden can provide you with as much stevia as an outdoor garden, if not more.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Stevia (natural sugar plant) and Medicinal Plants Cultivation Training Program at Pink City
HCMS is organizing a 2 days Stevia (natural sugar plant) and Medicinal Plants Cultivation Training Program at Pink City Jaipur in the Fourth week (28-29) of June 2013 .You can have complete guide to growing, harvesting, and marketing stevia leaves .Valuable information is compiled from growers, research trials, and the authors own experience. Includes stevia leaf buyers, sellers, and other resources. Practical Training provided by the Technical experts having experienced of 12-15 years. Attendy could be individuals, Cooperates and rural farmers. Session includes market strategic, availability, future of medicinal plant,trading and export opportunities various knowledgeable information

available for entrepreneur.Training also include knowledge about organic farming,Aloevera,Jatropha farming,Lemon Grass.


1.The complete information about commercial cultivation of medicinal plants and Stevia cultivation. 2.Before starting cultivation what parameters has to be taken? 3.Include field level primary processing /value addition activities. 4.Converting your business into small scale industries ? 5.On what parameters/standard Medicinal cultivation done? 6.Marketing aspects & services? 7.Profit percentage from single buyer and how much it is effective? 8.Guarantee of Buy back guarantor? 9.Certified plant saplings and seeds, surety of certification and standardization of material? 10.How can you choose any medicinal plants according to your place climate, Land soil and water availability? 11.List of Government certified & approved Herbal plants? 12.Climatically conditions, environmental improvement and soil improvement. 13.Employment to unemployed people? 14.Promotions of Herbal plants according to Government Schemes? 15.Medicinal farming through organic preparation? 16.Cultivation of Medicinal plants with minimum water level? 17.Safety about climatic diseases in Medicinal Herbs? 18.How to prepare nursery of Medicinal plants? 19.Subsidy from Central and State Government?

20.Formalities for Organic Certification? 21. Bankable projects and bank loan?


1.Vermicompost processing unit. 2.Stevia Farm Visit 3.Aloe-Vera farm visit and technical knowledge about sowing, harvesting, marketing and export. (a) How to extract pulp from Aloe-Vera leaf? (b) How to extract Juice from leaf? 4.Lemongrass farm visit. 5.Jatropha farm visit.


Training Duration:- 2 days

Training Time:- 11:00 am to 4:00 pm

Training Place:- Jaipur

Training Type:- Residential Training


We are providing following facilities to trainee :

Breakfast & Lunch Farm visit

Contact for Registration:-Mr.Prashant Chaturvedi Mob +91-8107379410 Mob +91-9351451120


Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society ISO 9001:2000 Certified Address:301,Mahaveer Nagar-II,Durgapura,Jaipur-302018 "Our key focus is high quality products, customer satisfaction and building &maintaining relationship with all of our stakeholders
Posted by SUNRISE AGRILAND at 11:32 AM 17 comments: Labels: organic sweet leaf, stevia consultancy, stevia cultivation in andra pradesh, STEVIA CULTIVATION IN INDIA,stevia cultivation in punjab, stevia cultivation training, stevia farning Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook

High intensity sweetener that does not impact blood glucose levels

Stevia is a perennial plant, but can be grown as an annual or perennial depending on the growing region. Today, the plant is primarily grown commercially in South America and Asia for the sweet constituents in its leaves. Stevia typically is grown to 1 meter in height before the plant is hand-harvested and its leaves dried. The sweetness found in the stevia plant is released by steeping its dried leaves in water, filtering and separating the liquid from the leaves and stems, and further purifying the plant extract with either water or food grade alcohol all conventional plant extraction methods. The result is a naturally sourced, high intensity sweetener that does not impact blood glucose levels. For decades, high purity stevia extracts have been approved for use in foods and beverages in Japan. Positive safety opinions from global food safety authorities, including the World Health Organization/Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives, the European Food Safety Authority, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, are opening markets for this new and exciting sweetener.


Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society ISO 9001:2000 Certified Address:301,Mahaveer Nagar-II,Durgapura,Jaipur-302018 8107379410

"Our key focus is high quality products, customer satisfaction and building &maintaining relationship with all of our stakeholders

Posted by SUNRISE AGRILAND at 11:31 AM 15 comments: Labels: organic farming in india, STEVIA CULTIVATION IN INDIA, stevia cultivation in maharashtra, stevia cultivation in punjab, stevia cultivation project report, stevia cultivation training Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The discovery of the sweetness of the stevia plant

Stevia is a perennial plant from the Chrysanthemum family, with the benefit of sweettasting leaves.

The plant was first classified in 1904 by Swiss scientist Moises Santiago Bertoni who named it Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni after himself. Bertoni first heard of the plant from the native people during an expedition to the eastern part of Paraguay in 1887. It wasn't until 1888 that he received his first Stevia leaves from Northern Paraguay where it was used to sweeten Mate tea. His initial evaluation in 1889 was that the leaves belonged to the Eupatorium family and he gave the name Eupatorium rebaudiana Bertoni.

Later, in 1904, he received his first plant with flowers on it and after further identification he determined it was not from the Eupatorium but from the Stevia family and re-named it Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni. According to Blake (1926) and Robinson (1931), there are over 154 varieties of stevia found in Latin America, while Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni is the only variety that provides sweetness.


Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society

ISO 9001:2000 Certified Address:301,Mahaveer Nagar-II,Durgapura,Jaipur-302018

"Our key focus is high quality products, customer satisfaction and building &maintaining relationship with all of our stakeholders

Posted by SUNRISE AGRILAND at 12:49 PM No comments: Labels: ADVANTAGES OF STEVIA, APPROVAL OF STEVIA, BUYBACK WITH STEVIA, Diabetes, Meethi tulsi, Natural sweetener, organic sweet leaf, stevia consultancy, STEVIA CULTIVATION Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Big Opportunity for farmers by (FSSAI)

Minutes of the Tenth Meeting of Food Authority held on 20th September, 2012 at 1100 hrs at FDA Bhavan, New Delhi .Approval of use of Steviol Glycoside as an artificial sweetener in various food.

The Food Authority noted the recommendations of the Scientific Panel on food additives, flavourings, processing aids and materials in contact with food & Scientific Committee and approved the:

Use of Steviol Glycoside as an non-nutritive sweetener in 11 food items based

1. Dairy Based drinks flavoured 2. Dairy based desserts (ice cream,frozen desserts, cream toppings) 3. Yoghurt

4. Fruit nectars 5.Non carbonated water based beverages (non-alcoholic) 6. Ice Lollies / Edible Ice 7. Jams, jellies, marmalades 8. Ready to eat cereals 9. Carbonated water 10. Soft Drink Concentrate 11. Chewing gum

For this we are promoting this miracle plant which is known as Stevia Rebudiana (sweet leaf). The plant have following features: Grown in pesticide free land. The production plant is leaves (25-30 times sweeter than sugar). Start production within 3 month. Currently we are giving buy back of Rs 200/Kg to our growers.

Your questions and queries are welcome for more info please contact the undersigned.

Thanks and regards Prashant Chaturvedi Head Marketing +91-8107379410

"Our key focus is high quality products, customer satisfaction and building &maintaining relationship with all of our stakeholders

Posted by SUNRISE AGRILAND at 11:11 AM 2 comments: Labels: stevia cultivation economics, stevia cultivation in gujarat, stevia cultivation project report, stevia diabetes, stevia diabetes cure, stevia diabetes recipes, stevia dry leaves, stevia india, stevia plant Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook

Saturday, September 8, 2012


Stevia plant is one of our primarily focused area and we provide all of our support and expertise on every step i.e. from cultivation of Stevia to water management, subsidy and financial assistance, bio-pesticides, harvesting, storage, logistics and most importantly buy back support. Stevia products has ample amount of medicinal usage and advantages for diabetic patients, blood pressure patients, soft-drink industries, confectionary manufacturers and bakery industries. We are leading technology provider for the cultivation of Stevia and processing of the green Stevia leaves into white Stevioside powder. Currently we are cultivating Stevia in 2000 Acre under contractual farming in whole the nation. Whole the Stevia is being cultivated under close supervision of our highly trained agriculture technologist.

Stevia is the zero calorie, all natural alternative to sugar and artificial sweeteners. Stevia is made from the best quality of Stevia Rebaudiana (Reb A 97%). Stevia is a natural sweetener that lacks any chemical components. Stevia is a great alternative for sugar and is safe for diabetics and the health conscious. Stevia is crafted to perfectly sweeten your coffee or tea and is also natural on fruit, cereals and in most recipes that call for sugar. Stevia is the healthiest way to sweeten foods and beverages.

The green technology we are using does not have any chemicals for your reference.

Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society ISO 9001:2000 Certified Mob:08107379410 Address:301,Mahaveer Nagar-II,Durgapura,Jaipur-302018 "Our key focus is high quality products, customer satisfaction and building &maintaining relationship with all of our stakeholders

Posted by SUNRISE AGRILAND at 11:06 AM No comments: Labels: organic farming in india, organic sweet leaf, stevia benefits, stevia consultancy, stevia cultivation in andra pradesh,STEVIA CULTIVATION IN INDIA, stevia cultivation training, stevia farning Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook

Saturday, August 18, 2012


Changing scenario in Indian agriculture from mere subsistence farming to commercialized farming has been witness during 1990s. On one hand entry of people from Industrial sector, non-professional agriculturists, the educated elite and others to take up agriculture lead to the demand of timely and technically sound advice with reliable market oriented agricultural information. Agriculture & rural development is on the thrush hold of a dynamic growth. Promoting sustainable agriculture with rural development remains a challenge. While we share the name and the history of a NGO that founded in 1996, the Hahnemann charitable Mission society of today is focus & supporting agriculture sector , rural development, health & family welfare, environmental livelihood &capacity building, agro food processing .Innovation, perseverance and close attention to agriculture & rural peoples have characterized Hahnemann since its founding.

HCMS is an association formed by as a voluntary endeavour primarily as a social service institution based on no-profit basis, having no political intention and make variety of socially and locally based service available to reach the marginal/small /big farmers, individuals & rural peoples.

Organization Approach Nature friendly agricultural practices, awareness program, seminars, workshops, camps, exhibitions, events, surveys & land promotional activities.

Our Pledge Growth for a Better nation - Promoting sustainable agriculture and rural development

Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society 1996, is an ISO certified NGO having diversified network among the nation. The trust addresses itself as one of the growing organizations catering to qualitative and fruitful comprehensive consultancy services to growers, rural & urban peoples, AGRO & RURAL industry(s).We demarcate strong scientific cum cost friendly concepts to land management that gives greatest possible returns for our peoples. These consultancy services are back by, vast experiences and R & D reports. Services designed keeping in view of environmental effects & individual requirement& problem, we impart in trade promotion, exports, and value addition works. Hahnemann can do this best by providing value through the services we offer. Through field operations, knowledge of agricultural production and constant search for new agricultural solutions and technologies, seeks to develop, communicate and provide sustainable solutions. Our portfolio is build around innovative offerings in applications services. We want to make the peoples a better place for future generations. As a consultancy organization, Hahnemann can do this best by providing value through services we offer to rural & urban peoples.

Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society ISO 9001:2000 Certified Mob:08107379410 Address:301,Mahaveer Nagar-II,Durgapura,Jaipur-302018 "Our key focus is high quality products, customer satisfaction and building &maintaining relationship with all of our stakeholders

Posted by SUNRISE AGRILAND at 10:45 AM No comments: Labels: organic farming in india, organic sweet leaf, stevia consultancy, stevia cultivation in andra pradesh, STEVIA CULTIVATION IN INDIA, stevia cultivation training, stevia farning Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Posted by SUNRISE AGRILAND at 10:37 AM No comments: Labels: stevia, stevia cultivation in gujarat, stevia cultivation in guwahati, stevia cultivation in maharashtra, stevia cultivation in orissa, stevia cultivation training, STEVIA SUPPLIERS IN INDIA, stevia uses Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook

Whole the stevia is being cultivated under close supervision of our highly trained agriculture technologist. The stevia cultivation has changed lifestyle of our growers. 1. Stevia is used to improve insulin sensitivity. 2. Preliminary human studies suggest stevia can help reduce hypertension. 3. Stevia can be used as a dietary supplement. STEVIA DRY LEAVES: It is natural. The Stevia dry leaves are 100% organic. It contain 0% calorie. The diabetic patient can use it as a sugar. It helps to reduce obesity. The green leaves are harvested from the organic stevia farms. STEVIOSIDE WHITE EXTRACT POWDER:1) The white powder is produced from organic green leaves. 2) The leaves are naturally dried. 3) The powder is produced with the green technology. 4) The powder is 20-30 time sweeter than normal sugar. 5) No chemical is used in cultivation and in production. 6) We have processing unit. 7) All the material is as per international food standard. 8) The material is of export quality.

Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society ISO 9001:2000 Certified Mob:8107379410 Address:301,Mahaveer Nagar-II,Durgapura,Jaipur-302018 "Our key focus is high quality products, customer satisfaction and building &maintaining relationship with all of our stakeholders

Posted by SUNRISE AGRILAND at 10:31 AM 2 comments: Labels: STEVIA CULTIVATION IN INDIA, stevia cultivation in maharashtra, STEVIA CULTIVATION IN RAJASTHAN,stevia cultivation training, stevia producers, stevia rebaudiana, STEVIA SUPPLIERS IN INDIA,stevia uses Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Stevia (natural sugar plant) and Medicinal Plants Cultivation Training Program at Pink City
HCMS is organizing a 2 days Stevia (natural sugar plant) and Medicinal Plants Cultivation Training Program at Pink City Jaipur .You can have complete guide to growing, harvesting, and marketing stevia leaves .Valuable information is compiled from growers, research trials, and the authors own experience. Includes stevia leaf buyers, sellers, and other resources. Practical Training provided by the Technical experts having experienced of 12-15 years.Attendy could be individuals, Co-operates and rural farmers. Session includes market strategic, availability, future of medicinal plant,trading and export opportunities various knowledgeable information available for entrepreneur.Training also include knowledge about organic farming,Aloevera,Ashwangandha,Coleus,Jatropha farming,Baer, Bel Patra,Guggal,Lemon Grass,Khas.


1.The complete information about commercial cultivation of medicinal plants and Stevia cultivation. 2.Before starting cultivation what parameters has to be taken? 3.Include field level primary processing /value addition activities. 4.Converting your business into small scale industries ? 5.On what parameters/standard Medicinal cultivation done? 6.Marketing aspects & services? 7.Profit percentage from single buyer and how much it is effective? 8.Guarantee of Buy back guarantor? 9.Certified plant saplings and seeds, surety of certification and standardization of material? 10.How can you choose any medicinal plants according to your place climate, Land soil and water availability? 11.List of Government certified & approved Herbal plants? 12.Climatically conditions, environmental improvement and soil improvement. 13.Employment to unemployed people? 14.Promotions of Herbal plants according to Government Schemes? 15.Medicinal farming through organic preparation? 16.Cultivation of Medicinal plants with minimum water level? 17.Safety about climatic diseases in Medicinal Herbs? 18.How to prepare nursery of Medicinal plants? 19.Subsidy from Central and State Government? 20.Formalities for Organic Certification? 21. Bankable projects and bank loan?

VISIT INCLUDES DURING TRAINING SESSION 1.Vermicompost processing unit. 2.Stevia Farm Visit 3.Aloe-Vera farm visit and technical knowledge about sowing, harvesting, marketing and export. (a) How to extract pulp from Aloe-Vera leaf? (b) How to extract Juice from leaf? 4.Lemongrass farm visit. 5.Jatropha farm visit. TRAINING DETAIL:Training Duration:- 2 days Training Time:- 11:00 am to 4:00 pm Training Place:- Jaipur Training Type:- Residential Training TRAINING FACILITIES:-

We are providing following facilities to trainee : Accomodation+ Food Farm visit

Contact for Registration:-Mr.Prashant Chaturvedi Mob +91-8107379410 Mob +91-9351451120


Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society ISO 9001:2000 Certified Mob:08107379410 Address:301,Mahaveer Nagar-II,Durgapura,Jaipur-302018 "Our key focus is high quality products, customer satisfaction and building &maintaining relationship with all of our stakeholders

Posted by SUNRISE AGRILAND at 1:14 PM 8 comments: Labels: Meethi tulsi, stevia,stevia benefits, STEVIA CULTIVATION IN INDIA, STEVIA CULTIVATION IN RAJASTHAN, stevia cultivation training, stevia producers, stevia uses, stevia wonder, sweet plant Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook

Friday, January 13, 2012

Diabetes & Cardiovascular Risk

Having Diabetes or Pre-diabetes puts a person at increased risk for heart disease and stroke .If a person has diabetes,he/she is at least twice as likely as someone who does not have diabetes to have heart disease or stroke.If one is middle-aged and have type-2 diabetes,some studies suggest that our chance of having a heart attack is as high as someone without diabetes who has already

one heart attack.Women of all ages with diabetes have an increased risk of heart disease because diabetes cancel out the protective effects of being a woman in her child-bearing years.People with diabetes who have already had one heart attack run an ever greater risk of having a second one.In addition heart attacks in people with diabetes are more serious and more likely to result in death. Risk Factors for Heart Disease and Stroke:Having a Family history of heart Disease. Having Central Obesity. Having abnormal blood fat (Cholesterol ) Levels. Having High Blood Pressure. Smoking. We can lower your risk by keeping our blood glucose(also called blood sugar),blood pressure,and blood cholesterol close to the recommended target numbersthe levels suggested by our diabetes experts for good health. For More Info Please Contact the Undersigned.

Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society ISO 9001:2000 Certified

Mob:08107379410 Address:301,Mahaveer Nagar-II,Durgapura,Jaipur-302018

"Our key focus is high quality products, customer satisfaction and building &maintaining relationship with all of our stakeholders

Posted by SUNRISE AGRILAND at 2:38 PM No comments: Labels: BUYBACK WITH STEVIA, consultancy on stevia, Diabetes, Meethi tulsi, stevia cultivation in asia, stevia cultivation in gujrat, STEVIA CULTIVATION IN INDIA, STEVIA CULTIVATION IN RAJASTHAN Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook


Changing scenario in Indian agriculture from mere subsistence farming to commercialized farming has been witness during 1990s. On one hand entry of people from Industrial sector, non-professional agriculturists, the educated elite and others to take up agriculture lead to the demand of timely and technically sound advice with reliable market oriented agricultural information. Agriculture & rural development is on the thrush hold of a dynamic growth. Promoting sustainable agriculture with rural development remains a challenge. While we share the name and the history of a NGO that founded in 1996, the Hahnemann charitable Mission society of today is focus & supporting agriculture sector , rural development, health & family welfare, environmental livelihood &capacity building, agro food processing .Innovation, perseverance and close attention to agriculture & rural peoples have characterized Hahnemann since its founding.

HCMS is an association formed by as a voluntary endeavour primarily as a social service institution based on no-profit basis, having no political intention and make variety of socially and locally based service available to reach the marginal/small /big farmers, individuals & rural peoples.

Organization Approach Nature friendly agricultural practices, awareness program, seminars, workshops, camps, exhibitions, events, surveys & land promotional activities.

Our Pledge Growth for a Better nation - Promoting sustainable agriculture and rural development.Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society 1996, is an ISO certified NGO having diversified network among the nation. The trust addresses itself as one of the growing organizations catering to qualitative and fruitful comprehensive consultancy services to growers, rural & urban peoples, AGRO & RURAL industry(s).We demarcate strong scientific cum cost friendly concepts to land management that gives greatest possible returns for our peoples. These consultancy services are back by, vast experiences and R & D reports. Services designed keeping in view of environmental effects & individual requirement& problem, we impart in trade promotion, exports, and value addition works. Hahnemann can do this best by providing value through the services we offer. Through field operations, knowledge of agricultural production and constant search for new agricultural solutions and technologies, seeks to develop, communicate and provide sustainable solutions. Our portfolio is build around innovative offerings in applications services. We want to make the peoples a better place for future generations. As a consultancy organization, Hahnemann can do this best by providing value through services we offer to rural & urban people.

Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society ISO 9001:2000 Certified Mob:08107379410 Address:301,Mahaveer Nagar-II,Durgapura,Jaipur-302018

"Our key focus is high quality products, customer satisfaction and building &maintaining relationship with all of our stakeholders

Posted by SUNRISE AGRILAND at 11:50 AM 1 comment: Labels: BUYBACK WITH STEVIA, stevia consultancy, STEVIA CULTIVATION, STEVIA CULTIVATION IN INDIA, stevia cultivation training, stevia farming Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Stevia Products Available with HCMS

We HCMS an ISO Certified organization founded on 1996 partnered with continuously working towards its goal of social development and environment conservation by emphasising on medicinal & aromatic crop cultivation, horticulture animal husbandry & dairy. Our Company leads the flavour industry by setting high standards for customer satisfaction. Agriculture itself opens the door toward the social development. We introduce new technology among the farmers, train them for the latest technology, make them aware about the issue related to the environment issues related to the agriculture. We promote organic agriculture to improve the quality of the food and the conserve the bio-diversity. Besides the traditional food crop we give emphasis on the medicinal and aromatic crop cultivation, animal husbandry and dairy. We do regular research and introduce new

medicinal and aromatic crops. As per market demand we avail the latest technology to the farmers. So that they can get the equal share from the development and they can also contribute their best toward the development. We develop the spirit of entrepreneurs among them instead of a farmer. To make then an entrepreneur we provide all support like providing good quality planting material, water management technique, subsidy & financial assistance, bio control method of Insect pest, post harvest technology, storage and logistics support and the most important one the Buyback Support.

FRESH STEVIA LEAVES This form of Stevia is the herb in its most natural, unrefined state. A leaf picked from a Stevia plant and chewed will impart an extremely sweet taste sensation reminiscent of licorice that lasts for quite a while. For stevia to have a more practical application as a tea or sweetener, the leaves must be dried or put through an extraction process, which makes the sweet taste even more potent.

DRIED LEAVES For more of the flavor and sweet constituents of the stevia leaf to be released, drying and crushing is necessary. A dried leaf is considerably sweeter than a fresh one, and is the form of stevia used in brewing herbal tea.Dried stevia leaf may come in bulk or packaged like tea bags. You can also get it finely powdered. It has a greenish color and can be used in a wide variety of foods and beverages, including coffee, applesauce and hot cereals. You also can use it to make an herbal tea blend. Its distinctive flavor is reminiscent of licorice, which will blend very well with different aromatic spices, such as cinnamon and ginger.

STEVIA EXTRACTS The form in which stevia is primarily used as a sweetener in Japan is that ofa white powdered extract. In this form it is approximately 200 to 300 times sweeter than sugar (by weight).This white powder is an extract of the sweet glycosides (natural sweetening agents) in the stevia leaf.Not all stevia extract powders are the same. The taste, sweetness and cost of the various white stevia powders will likely depend on their degree of refinement and the quality of the stevia plant used. You may find that some powders have more of an aftertaste.Since extracted stevia powder is so intensely sweet, we recommend that it be used by the pinch (or drop if diluted in water). Once mixed, this solution should be stored in the refrigerator.

LIQUID CONCENTRATES These come in several forms. There's a syrupy black liquid (that results from boiling the leaves in water), which can enhance the flavor of many foods. Another type is made by steeping stevia leaves in distilled water or a mix of water and grain alcohol. You can also find a liquid made from the white powder concentrate mixed with water, and preserved

with grapefruit seed extract.

For more info contact the undersigned.

Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society ISO 9001:2000 Certified Mob:08107379410 Address:301,Mahaveer Nagar-II,Durgapura,Jaipur-302018

"Our key focus is high quality products, customer satisfaction and building &maintaining relationship with all of our stakeholders

Posted by SUNRISE AGRILAND at 11:33 AM No comments: Labels: consultancy on stevia, Meethi tulsi, stevia, STEVIA CULTIVATION, stevia cultivation in andra pradesh, stevia cultivation in delhi, stevia cultivation in gujrat, STEVIA CULTIVATION IN INDIA Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Diabetes Pandemic India...The World's Diabetes Epicentre

The Diabetes Pandemic is around.The International Diabetes Federation's atlas shows that diabetes now affects a staggering 246 million people worldwide, with 46% of all those affected in the 35-49 age group.The global prevalence of diabetes will go up from 8.6% in 2012 to 9.8 % in 2030 and the numbers of people affected with diabetes will go up from 285 million to 435 million.India leads the global top ten countries in terms of the highest number of people with diabetes with a current figure of approximately 50 million which is expected to rise to about 87 million in 2030,India has therefore ,been labelled as the "diabetes capital of the world ".It is also startling that by 2025,every 5th person with diabetes in the world would be an Indian.There is data to suggest that diabetes occurs about a

decade earlier compared to Europeans.The Urban and Rural Prevalence of diabetes is between 68% and 2.5-3.5% respectively.Another hidden threat taking the proportion of an epidemic is Prediabetes with Global Prevalence being 7.9% (344 million people) in 2010,expected to rise to 8.4%(472 million people) by 2030.There is also a high risk of conversion of Prediabetes to diabetes.The age of onset of diabetes in Asian Indians is usually a decade or more earlier than Caucasians.For the same body mass index Asian Indians also have more fat and especially centrally located abdominal fat.The social and economic impact of this burden of diabetes is huge.India is home to the largest number of people with diabetes but,unfortunately,expenditure on treatment is only 20%.An approach that addresses the various risk factors of diabetes will be needed to curb the rapidly growing epidemic of diabetes.There is an urgent need for lifestyle intervention,with the incorporation of a healthy diet,an increase in physical activity and weight reduction as a means of preventing diabetes in those who are in the prediabetic stage and thus prevent the diabetes epidemic,which is looming large in our country.

Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society ISO 9001:2000 Certified

Mob:08107379410 Address:301,Mahaveer Nagar-II,Durgapura,Jaipur-302018

"Our key focus is high quality products, customer satisfaction and building &maintaining relationship with all of our stakeholders

Posted by SUNRISE AGRILAND at 2:08 PM 1 comment: Labels: ADVANTAGES OF STEVIA, Meethi tulsi, STEVIA CULTIVATION, stevia cultivation in andra pradesh, stevia cultivation in delhi, STEVIA CULTIVATION IN INDIA, stevia cultivation in karnataka Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Due to life style of todays world, a lot of calorie intake by people is not used. This unused calorie is hazardous for the health, which is leading a lot of health problem like diabetes, obesity, blood pressure, laziness.etc. This unused calorie intake starts from morning tea and is being consume whole the day and ends up dinner sweet. To reduce this risk a lot of chemical alternate of sugar are available in the market. As these are not natural so they are creating a lot of long term side effects.

The Stevia rebaudiana is commonly known as sweet leaf, sugar leaf, or simply Stevia. This is widely grown for its sweet leaves. Stevia and Sunflower belong to asteraceae family. The sweet herb Stevia is becoming a major source of natural sweetener as an alternate of sugar. It is rapidly replacing the chemical sweetener like Splenda, Saccharine and Aspartame.

The plant is native to tropical and subtropical regions of North America and South America. There are near about 240 species of Stevia Genus. It is grown widely in countries like Brazil, Colombia, Paraguay and Venezuela. In Venezuela it is being used over 1500 years. Stevia leaves are 30 times sweeter than normal sugar. The extract of stevia Rebaudioside-A is around 300-400 times sweeter than normal sugar. The sweetness of stevia also felt for long time. There are two compounds in stevia leaves 1.) Stevioside(10%-20%) and 2.) Rebaudioside-A(1-3%). The Stevioside is stable at 100 C this is main advantage of Stevioside over other sweetener. Today stevia is ready to become King in the market of sweetener. As demand of low carbohydrate sweetener is rising day by day. A good market is being developed for stevia domestically as well as internationally. This is a ray of hope for the diabetic patient. As it is natural source of sweetener. It is also used for the treatment of obesity and high blood sugar patient. There is not increase in sugar level after consumption of stevia as sweetener as substitute of normal sugar.

Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society ISO 9001:2000 Certified

Mob:08107379410 Address:301,Mahaveer Nagar-II,Durgapura,Jaipur-302018

"Our key focus is high quality products, customer satisfaction and building &maintaining relationship with all of our stakeholders

Posted by SUNRISE AGRILAND at 11:37 AM 1 comment: Labels: Meethi tulsi, stevia,stevia benefits, STEVIA CULTIVATION IN INDIA, stevia cultivation in maharashtra, STEVIA CULTIVATION IN RAJASTHAN, stevia cultivation training, STEVIA SUPPLIERS IN INDIA, stevia uses Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

We are manufacturing supplier and exporting of various herbal cosmetics ingredients, our wide range of herbal cosmetics ingredients includes various herbal plant extracts and essential oils. these herbal cosmetics ingredients.

Stevia is an incredibly sweet herb, obtained by a natural selective breeding process of the sweetest Stevia parent plants. The sweetener, stevioside, extracted from the plants, is 300 times sweeter than sugar. The fresh leaves have a nice liquorice taste. What makes the Stevia plant so special is that it can be used to replace sugar (sucrose). Many different uses of Stevia are already well-known: as table sugar, in soft drinks, pastry, pickles, tobacco products, candy, jam, yoghurt, chewing gum, sorbets... The dried leaves of Stevia are about 40 times sweeter than sugar.

Stevia has many excellent properties. The body does not metabolize the sweet glycosides from the stevia leaf or any of its processed forms - so there is no caloric intake. Stevia doesn't adversely affect blood glucose levels and may be used freely by diabetics.

Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society ISO 9001:2000 Certified

Address:301,Mahaveer Nagar-II,Durgapura,Jaipur-302018 8107379410

"Our key focus is high quality products, customer satisfaction and building &maintaining relationship with all of our stakeholders

Posted by SUNRISE AGRILAND at 10:53 AM No comments: Labels: ADVANTAGES OF STEVIA, diabeties, FUTURE OF STEVIA, Natural sweetener, stevia benefits, STEVIA CULTIVATION, STEVIA CULTIVATION IN INDIA, stevia cultivation in maharashtra, STEVIA SUPPLIERS IN INDIA Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook

Monday, January 2, 2012

Preventive Control for Diabetes Improving Tooth Care Reducing Hypertension Universal Tonic As a Digestive Supplement For Skin Care For Reducing Weight Controlling Addictions Antimicrobial Property As a probable Cardio Tonic Non-glycemic Improves glucose tolerance levels and diminishes glucose absorption.

Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society ISO 9001:2000 Certified Mob:08107379410 Address:301,Mahaveer Nagar-II,Durgapura,Jaipur-302018

"Our key focus is high quality products, customer satisfaction and building &maintaining relationship with all of our stakeholders

Posted by SUNRISE AGRILAND at 5:03 PM No comments: Labels: consultancy on stevia, stevia cultivation in andra pradesh, stevia cultivation in delhi, stevia cultivation in gujrat,STEVIA CULTIVATION IN INDIA, stevia cultivation in maharashtra Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Unlimited Market in India for this Natural, non-toxic & zero calorie sweetener Stevia
High quality Stevia Dry leaves are available with Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society, a Jaipur based non government organization. As Stevia leaves are becoming popular globally as a zero calorie natural sweetening agent, HCMS is promoting its cultivation all over India & has well qualified & experienced technical staff for farming, setting up & monitoring Stevia Cultivation.Presently a large scale plantation of Stevia is taking place in 2000 acres of land in Rajasthan. Our Stevia Dried leaves have the following specifications: Moisture Content: 5% Glycoside: 3% Stevioside: 12%

Stevia is presently used in the following items/industries: 1. Dental pastes and chewing gum. 2. The product can be utilized in various industries as natural sweetener 3. It is utilized in food products e.g. Sauces and pickles, ice creams and iced cakes etc. 4. It is being utilized in certain pharmaceutical formulae due to possessing a non-fermenting property. Other reasons for which it is being used in pharmacy are: It does not suffer alterations in acid media, hydrolyzing only in very alkaline media (PH9), whilst thermally remaining very stable. We assure the interested buyers for providing quality products at best rates. Kindly contact us for further details.

Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society ISO 9001:2000 Certified Mob:08107379410 Address:301,Mahaveer Nagar-II,Durgapura,Jaipur-302018

"Our key focus is high quality products, customer satisfaction and building &maintaining relationship with all of our stakeholders

Posted by SUNRISE AGRILAND at 4:03 PM 2 comments: Labels: stevia cultivation in andra pradesh, stevia cultivation in asia, stevia cultivation in delhi, stevia cultivation in gujrat,STEVIA CULTIVATION IN INDIA, stevia cultivation in karnataka Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook

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Rajasthan university awarding HCMS


Fresh Crop of Stevia

Stevia and Medicinal Plant's Cultivation Training Program at Jaipur

Fresh Leaves of Stevia

Stevia cultivation in Himachal Pradesh

Stevia and Medicinal Plants Cultivation Training Program

50 Farmers training programme on Stevia Cultivation

Stevia Green Leaf Powder

Farmers Meet on Stevia Cultivation

New Generation of Stevia Plant at our Farm

Sweet Stevia Plant

Fresh Stevia Plants in Pots

Stevia Sweet Leaf

Stevia Field Visit

Stevia Field Visit During Training Session

Leadership Development Program

First Crop of Stevia

Field Visit By Trainees During Training Session

Certificate Distribution to Trainee

Field Visit By Trainees During Training Session

Certificate Distribution to Trainee

Fresh Stevia Plant


Healthy Stevia

Stevia Planted after Land Development

Bed Preparation before Stevia Cultivation

Drip Irrigation by HCMS


Substitute Of Sugar


Certificate Distribution to Trainees

Certificate Distribution to Trainees

Certificate Distribution to Trainees

Stevia Leaf

Stevia Plant

Sweet Organic Leaf

Diabetic health care kit

Land Treatment Before Stevia Cultivation




Stevia Indoor Plant

Stevia cutting

Stevia Green Leaf Powder


Stevia Roots

Stevia in Pot


Plantation Of Stevia


Stevia and medicinal plant cultivation trainees


STEVIA CULTIVATION We provide full consultancy for Stevia cultivation from Cultivation to Marketing. We also provide the excellent Quality planting material. You can contact us on





We provide full consultancy for Stevia cultivation from Cultivation to Marketing. We also provide the excellent Quality planting material. You can contact us on



We provide training on Stevia cultivation. Stevia training includes class room training by expert, knowledge full study material, Visit of Stevia farms, explanation of Stevia cultivation. Visit of Stevia processing Unit. We charge a nominal fee for the training. To register yourself for training please contact us


A good quality of Planting material is available with us. We can provide the planting material with high content of Stevioside at a competitive price . The planting material is prepared in high tech nurseries. You can contact us for planting material at



A good quality of green dry Stevia leaves are available with us. you can purchase it from us. All the leaves are naturally matured and dried. you can contact us at



We buy Stevia leaves at competitive price you can contact us to sell the Stevia leaves. We purchase leaves at 100% payment. You can contact us to sell your Stevia leaves at



Steviodside powder is available with us. We can provide you Stevioside powder prepared from good quality leaves. The powder is prepared by green technology. We don,t use any chemical to precess the leaves. Please contact us at



We Provide Buy back guarantee to the Stevia Grower at the premium price. you can do a buy back contract and become safe about marketing of your produce. This Gaurantee is given on legal stamp paper.


You can contact us for the processing of Stevia leaves.We provide total consultancy for Stevia processing unit setup. Already three processing units are runing under our consultancy.


Hahnemann Charitable Mission Society 301, Maharani Farm, Durgapura Jaipur - 302018, Rajasthan, India Phone:91-141-5139005 Fax:91-141-2763514 Email: - Web: -


2 years ago

2 years ago


2 years ago


Followers Total Pageviews

We provide buyback for the dried green stevia leaves. If you do the cultivation under our cultivation then we give you buy back before strting the cultivation. If you do

cultivation freely or with some other company.In that we give the buy back after checking the Quality of The leaves, stevioside content, size of leaves, foreign particals, the rate will decided after the quality testing.



Hahneman Charitable Mission Society ANALYSIS - TESTING REPORTS
























Certificate Distribution to Trainees

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