Lesson Plan-Nice To Meet You 13.06.13

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LESSON PLAN Class: . Level: Textbook: Lesson: Nice to Meet You Date: 13.06.

2013 Teacher:

Nr. 1.

Lesson Stage Starter

Activity T greets SS and introduces herself/places herself in relation with SS: I am G. I am your teacher. You are my students. Asks SS to say their names. Short discussion with SS.NICE TO MEET YOU (title of unit 1)

Objectives: SWBAT -greet people; -introduce themselves or other persons; -say where they or other persons are from; -say what nationality they or other persons are; -count to 12; -use the verb to be in simple affirmative sentences; -use the personal pronouns; -use the article a/an. Means of Types of Evaluation Timin instruction interaction g -front interaction 5 7 -back report


Speaking 1

T introduces the activities. -bb T writes 12 words on the bb or -photos/cards shows 12 numbered photos of people and objects. T asks SS to identify them. T describes 3 of them (he, she, it) saying what country they are, what nationality they are, and what language the people speak, then asks SS to do the same with the rest. T picks two objects and introduces the articles a/an.

-front interaction SS say what country the 20-25 -individual work objects are from, what nationality the people are, and what language each of them speaks. She is from Romania. She is Romanian. She speaks Romanian. It is from (for objects).

T then counts the words/photos and asks SS to repeat counting. T writes the numbers of bb, reads them to Ss, paying attention to pronounciation. T explains pronounciation of some sounds. (th, ) 3. Writing 1 T asks SS to open their books on page 9, ex.15. -text book

-back report

Ss count from 1 to 12.

-front interaction Ss write the numbers.

-group work

SS do the exercise in group 10 work. Ss may complete with: number 1 isnumber 2 is 10-15


Reading 1

T asks SS to write everything -textbook they can about the persons in -notebook ex.15 on their notebooks. Then T asks SS to verify and correct their work with their desk mate. (Capital letter for countries, nationalities, and language). T helps SS to add other facts about the persons in the picture: girl, boy, woman, man. T asks SS to read their -notebooks sentences loud. Ss and T correct the mistakes if any. T asks Ss to take a look again at -textbook the picture on page 9 and notice the flags. (writes flag on bb). T say what colours the flags are. Then goes back to the

-individual work SS write short, simple -pair work sentence. M is from Britain. M/she/he is British. She speaks English.


Speaking 2

-front interaction Ss read their sentences, -group work correct mistakes on their -back report notebooks. -front interaction Ss answer Ts qs about the -back report colours of the flags, in Romanian or English then repeat the English correspondent.


Writing 2


names/photos on the bb and asks Ss about the flags of other countries. 6. Reading, writing, and speaking 3 T asks Ss to read the four dialogues on page 4 Saying Hello, in pairs, and match them with the right picture. Then Ss have to do ex.b and 2a in writing then roleplay ex.1.2 e. -handouts -roleplay -pair work Ss read the dialogues in pairs, with sound effects, and match them with the pictures. Ss do ex.b, 2a then roleplay ex.1.2 e. 10-12


Speaking 4

T asks Ss to pick one character -blackboard from the one presented on bb or -textbook textbook (or a new, favourite one) then have a short dialogue with a colleague. Hello, I am I am fromI am Ss are encouraged to add whatever extra information they can about their character and combine everything in short, simple sentences. T evaluates Ss work and -worksheet activity then assigns Ss homework. T gives Ss handouts to fill in with am, is, are, a/an, and personal pronouns (I, you, he, she, it). T and Ss have a short final discussion regarding the lesson. Homework: ex.18, 19 on page 10.

-front interaction Ss pick a character and try 10-15 -pair work a dialogue with a colleague trying to combine the things they have already worked with.


Follow up

-front interaction Ss do the exercises on the 5-10 -individual work worksheet. Ask questions if necessary. Put down the homework.

Worksheet: a or an ; am, are, is ; I, you, he, she, it. Bucharest is Romanian city. Romania .. my country. Rome is .. Italian city. Italy .. a peninsula. Angela Gheorghiu is . artist. . is a singer. She is .. opera singer. .......... . famous soprano. This is tomato. This is apple. Brad Pitt is .American actor. etc

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