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SECTION 1 Introduction Human resource management is the development and implementation of systems in an organization for attracting, developing and

retaining a high-performing workforce. Aminuddin (2009) n order to create the best workplace for human resource activities, first and foremost we must understand the basic needs of the company and its workers. Aside from different views and beliefs, the company will also attend the safety and comfort of the workers, from both physical and mental viewpoint. For this report, the company New Sabah Times is chosen as the subject. We will try to focus on a wide range of practical ideas, in which following these will result in the improvement of productivity and the efficiency of the company. This report will be especially useful as a guide for human resources professionals, operations directors and others with responsibility for people management, recruitment, training and development. This is also absolutely necessary because the benefits can spread much further than the walls of the organisation. Many people spend more waking hours at work than at home. Getting relationships right in the workplace is a way to start getting those relationships right in the wider community.

Section 2 The history of New Sabah Times Tun Mohd Fuad Stephens founded Sabah Times in 1949 when he was still known as Mr. Donald Stephens. Initially, he joined the North Borneo News as a reporter. Mr. Donald Stephens saw a need for a good newspaper, which subsequently led to the birth of Sabah Times. He moulded Sabah Times into a great newspaper and eventually, he became the first Chief Minister when Sabah gained its independence from the British. He was awarded the title of Tun in recognition for his service. Headed by Tun Mohd Fuad Stephens and managed by a team of professionals and journalists of the highest calibre, Sabah Times soon attracted a loyal following which carries on until today. Sadly however, the publication of Sabah Times came to an end on 24 March 1995. The Birth of New Sabah Times Sabah Times was given a new lease of life again on 8 March 1998 when it was bought over by the publishing company Inna Kinabalu Sdn. Bhd. To signify a change from the old management and format, the newspaper was accordingly given a new name, New Sabah Times, incorporating the old identity and image with the new. The companys emergence has been well received by the general public who are increasingly able to appreciate the impartial style of journalism as advocated by New Sabah Times. Over a short period of time, New Sabah Times has regained momentum in the local newspaper market and re-emerged as the fastest growing newspaper in the state. Fortified by a dedicated team of 130 employees, New Sabah Times is focused on one united goal and that is to offer the highest level of service to all its customers. Highly trained reporters and editors in their respective fields of work, the journalists of New Sabah Times endeavour to achieve superior standards of quality in their work. Going from strength to

strength, New Sabah Times is forging on ahead to becoming the largest circulating and successful publication in Sabah.

The product New Sabah Times publishes accurate, unbiased, reliable and timely news reported in the three main languages spoken in Sabah, namely, English, Bahasa Malaysia and Kadazandusun in one edition. The newspaper has four main pullout sections:MAIN PAPER English 24 pages to 32 pages Home : 10 pages of local news World : 6 pages of international news sourced mainly from Reuters and AFP Sport : 8 pages of local and foreign sport news

BUSINESS English 16 pages to 20 pages PLUS English Business Equities Sabah Classifieds Trading Post In sites (Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays)

8 pages on weekdays, 16 pages on weekends People & Places Lifestyle Coffee-break TV Guide Weekly / Bi-monthly Columns: Autoinfo, Todays Parents, Photo Album

BAHASA MELAYU & KADAZANDUSUN 16 pages Semasa Hiburan Abal Kinoizonon Sukan

SPECIAL PULL-OUT 4 pages In sites (Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays)

8 pages Football Extra (Saturdays)


Pullout format from main paper Published periodically Coverage in conjunction with special event or festival to feature a particular sector in the commercial market

Provides in-depth coverage on the focus topic Various types: Commercial, special event, corporate Wrap Around

Commercial Education & IT Motoring Bridal Parenting

Corporate Steel Industries Sabah Cement Industries Sabah UNIMEKAR Kota Kinabalu Industrial Park (KKIP)

Secondary school circulation drive Complimentary copies of New Sabah Times Distributed 100 over secondary school throughout state School library reference purposes Objective: to promote reading of English amongst students

Competitions New Sabah Times /JVC FIFA 98 New Sabah Times / AKIRA/World Cup 2002 Competition

Media partnership events SUKMA IX Sabah Federation of Sabah Manufacturers Kaamatan Festival Borneo Safari Kinabalu Kiwanis

Section 3 Practices (functions) For this report, the four selected practices (functions) that will be discussed are:1. Strategic human resource (HR) management 2. Staffing 3. Talent management and development 4. Employee and labour relation 3.1 Strategic human resource management Strategic HR becomes an important responsibility in an era full of intense competition and globalization. A manager or a HR officer must be aware and react to the factors that influenced human resource management such as economic and technological changes, demographic and diversity as well as cost pressure and restructuring. This covers all aspect such as HR effectiveness, measurement, technology, planning and retention. To further understand how to achieve strategic HR management, we must first comprehend what to plan which include: The jobs and the workers Giving permanent status to talented workers (talent management) Succession planning

Next is the process: To predict the demand for jobs To balance between demand and supply

To predict the supplys source

Course of action to be taken: Identify the need of employing If needed, then proceed with the process Decide whether its external or internal employment

3.2 Staffing Staffing is comprised of: Job analysis Recruiting Selection

3.21 Job analysis A job analysis is the process used to collect information about the duties, responsibilities, necessary skills, outcomes and work environment of a particular job. Process of defining job in terms of its component tasks or duties and the knowledge or skills required to perform them. The job analysis process is shown in diagram 1.

Diagram 1: Job analysis process

3.22 Recruiting Recruiting is a process of generating a pool of qualified applicants for organizational jobs. It is about finding the qualified people and if done improperly can involve more cost than it already has. This can be accomplished either internally or vice versa.







Diagram 2: How and when to recruit

Recruiting source internal VS external Advantages and Disadvantages of Internal and External Recruiting Sources
Recruiting Source Advantages
- The morale of the promote is usually high - The firm can better access candidates abilities - Recruiting costs are lower for some jobs - The process is a motivator for good performance - The process causes a succession of promotions - The firm has to hire only at entry level - New blood brings new perspectives - Training new hires is cheaper and faster because of prior external experience - The new hire has no group of political supporters in the organization - The new hire may bring new industry insights

- Inbreeding results - Those not promoted may experience morale problem - Employees may engage in political infighting for promotions - A management development program is needed



- The firm may not select someone who will fit the job or the organization - The process may cause morale problems for internal candidates not selected - The new employee may require a longer adjustment or orientation time

Internet recruiting A major source of recruitment for many employers

E-Recruiting Places: Many visitors

Professional/Career websites A more focused source, so time is saved for both employers and applicants

Employer websites Enhances job seekers knowledge about the employer if detailed employer information is displayed here

3.23 Selection Selection is the process of choosing individuals with qualifications needed to fill jobs. This process is important because a successful organization depends on right selection decision. A good and probably expensive training will not make up for bad selection. If done right, then management will be something easy and rewarding.


Recruiting (Screening applicant resume/application form)




Office appointment

Medical checkup

Selection decision

Review & Reference

Diagram 3: Selection process





Diagram 4: Tools to help selection process and the factors that effect selection

3.3 Talent management and development This can be defined as the official and on-going educational activities within an organization designed to enhance the fulfilment and performance of employees. Training and development programs offered by a business might include a variety of educational techniques and programs that can be attended on a compulsory or voluntary basis by staff. This practice also covers career planning and performance management.

Now that we have a clear picture of what strategic HR management is, we now can focus on New Sabah Times, the company chosen. As stated before, the product this company focused mainly on are newspapers. In order to fulfil that goal there are a few stages needed to be cleared as we can see in diagram 3.11

News gathering, briefing

Editing, correction

Graphics, caption

Test print, proofreading

Final check, output

Diagram 3.11: The proses of making newspapers in New Sabah Times

Based on information gathered from the company,

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