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Assignment # 1

Human Resource Management

Prof: Amjad Ali


The multinational organization which we have chosen for the assignment is the well known fast food restaurant McDonalds. First of all we will let you know the objectives upon which we have worked during the specific period of time. We have visited the human resource management department for completion of the task. There human resource coordinator Miss Salma Maqsood assisted us in a very friendly manner and gave us the information of their human resource department. Below is the short summary of the questions which we have asked from her.

What are the different challenges you are facing now days and how do you manage them? How do you manage work force diversity? What is the different technology advancement in your use related to HRM? How you manage the resistance of new technology in accordance to your employees? What are the in direct and direct impacts of the technology on your organization? What are the policies of your organization regarding compensating the employees?

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14th of March 2011

Assignment # 1

Human Resource Management

Prof: Amjad Ali

What are the different challenges you are facing now days and how do you manage them?

Major Challenges The first and major challenge of our organization is the globalization. The reason why it is challenge for us is that we have to train our managers to a very higher level to meet the different challenges of the modern world. Our HR manager should have to understand the language, the culture and the ethical norms of the culture in which he is working right now. The second biggest challenge which the managers are facing now days is the changing trends in technology. The technology is rapidly changing and the task of managers is to constantly in touch to the latest technology and keeping themselves up to date. The third most important challenge of the organization is to hire the skilful persons for doing the advance tasks. Another challenge is the economic crises which influence the fast food industry a lot. When people have less money to consume they will not come to the restaurants and the employees will demand their salreys. This is the biggest challenge for HR managers to retain the employees in the critical condition. Motivation is another challenge to the HR manager to manage in the organization

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14th of March 2011

Assignment # 1

Human Resource Management

Prof: Amjad Ali

Solutions of the challenges They are following the geocentric approach to manage the globalization factor. If they hire the manager following the ethnocentric approach then they will train the manager to the latest trends. To manage the technological trends McDonalds has established the research and development department for keeping themselves up to date to the latest technology. For hiring the management is using the softwares to search the capable people according the skills. To motivate the employees they will use the three time bonus technique which is helping the managers to retain the employees and providing them the good job environment.

How do you manage work force diversity?

First of all what is work force diversity? If there are many people working in an organization belonging to different religions, areas, genders and casts their believes, cultures and religion is the element on which they cannot be criticized or categorize. In McDonalds they have a specific and strict court of conduct which they are following to avoid the work force diversity. They have two types of regulations. One for the whole employees and other for the specific job title. If any worker or any manager of McDonalds found violating the work force diversity there is very hard punishment for him/her. They will suspend the worker or manager without giving him/her any sort of notice.

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14th of March 2011

Assignment # 1

Human Resource Management

Prof: Amjad Ali

They will also conduct the special trainings to improve the level of tolerance and to manage work force diversity.

What is the different technology advancement in your use related to HRM?

In the department of HRM they are using different data base systems for keeping the data of employees. They do not prefer the hard files for keeping the data. For example you want the data of an employee from his/her joining date that how many times he/she got promotion or given the warnings during his duty or how many times he got the increment you would simply go to the human resource department and ask for the full details of the employee by name. They will put the name or ID of employee in to their system and there will be all the details of that employee in front of them regarding promotion, warnings, increments and trainings. They are introducing different new methods for improving the performance of their employees by introducing the oracle and other sage soft wares. They are using the job portal to hire the people. People access the portal and create the logins from where they can access the application status and feedback for the job. The medium which they are currently using is the medium of

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14th of March 2011

Assignment # 1

Human Resource Management

Prof: Amjad Ali


you manage

the resistance

of new

technology in

accordance to your employees?

In any industry when managers decide to implement the new technology that is not the big issue. The problem comes there when employees resist the change related to the new coming technology. In the case of McDonalds the managers (when introducing the new technology) conduct the cessions and meetings in the presence of all the staff and discuss the new technology among them. After reaching at a specific decision the managers implement the technology and select the people for training as well. They send the people abroad for the trainings or the trainer comes here to train the employees. There will be fewer amounts of people who can resist the technology because of the meetings and regular discussions with the employees. They compensate and appreciate the people who can learn the new technology.

What are the in direct and direct impacts of the technology on your organization?
Technology is effecting the organizations in many ways. When technology impact organizations there is a direct impact on the productivity of people and the daily life of the employees. Due to the advancement of technology the time of managers who are related to the hiring process are accommodated. They have software to

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14th of March 2011

Assignment # 1

Human Resource Management

Prof: Amjad Ali

manage the resumes of employees. The software auto responds the applicants who are eligible for the job and who are not eligible. The software also helps the managers to select the employees for the compensation and also for the training on the basis of their performance. The ACRs are also created by the database software which has access to all the data of employees and this can help the software in best data analyzing and the performance of people of the organization.









compensating the employees?

As we have already studied that there are lot of factors which can affect the organization. In which diversity, technology and globalization plays an important role. The policies which McDonalds follow for the compensation for their employees are as below. They have three bonuses in one year which they can give to the employees for their performance. They have not fix wages they give the bonus according to the performance of the people.

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14th of March 2011

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