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Laser Cleaning Systems for Conservation

Manufacturers in Europe
Country Organisation Model Type Wavelength (nm) 1064 1064 1064 1064 1064 1064 1064 1064 1064 1341 1064 1064 1064 1064/532 1064/532 1064 248 1064 1064/532 1064/532/355/266/213 2940 1064 1064 1064 1064/532 1064/532 1064/532 Pulse length (ns) 25 10-12 10-12 10-12 7 100-120 80-150 20000 50000-120000 60000-120000 1-20ms 8 8 6 6 6 20 6 8 8 50000-200000 15 7 5-10 5-10 5-10 5-10 Power (W) 10 20 40 75 30 20 120 20 20 14 40 5 11.5 10 12 50 30 1.2 5.5 8.5 4 8.4 6 5 10 20 7.5 Delivery

France France France France France Germany Germany Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Netherlands Poland Poland Poland Poland Spain Spain UK UK UK UK

Quantel Quantel Quantel Quantel Thales Clean-Lasersysteme GmbH Clean-Lasersysteme GmbH EL.EN. SpA EL.EN. SpA EL.EN. SpA EL.EN. SpA Lambda Scientifica Lambda Scientifica Quanta System Quanta System Quanta System Art Innovation Military University of Technology Military University of Technology Military University of Technology Military University of Technology Improgesa/LSI MPA Lynton Lasers Lynton Lasers Lynton Lasers Lynton Lasers

Laserblast 50 Laserblast 500 Laserblast 1000 Laserblast 2000 NL220 CL20Q CL120Q Smart Clean EOS1000 EOS1340 Laser Welder DW400 Artlight Artlaser Palladio Michelangelo Cleaner 500 LCS ReNOVALaser 1 ReNOVALaser 2 ReNOVALaser 5 ReNOVALasErb 2936 Maestro Sparta Athena Zenith Compact


Fibre Fibre Fibre Fibre Arm Fibre Fibre Fibre Fibre Fibre Microscope Fibre Direct Arm Arm Arm Arm Fibre Arm Arm Arm Arm Fibre Arm Arm Arm Direct


Agents for European Manufacturers

Country Netherlands Spain UK Company Art Innovation CTS Espana Hodge Clemco Ltd Agents for Lynton Lasers Lambda Scientifica (in Spain) Quantel (in UK, Ireland)

European Institutions where expertise and equipment available for collaborative projects
Country Institution Model Type Wavelength (nm) 1064/532/355 1064/532 308 1064/532/355/266 780 1064/532/355/266 248, 193 1064, 532 1064 248 1064/532/355/266 1064 1064/532 1064/532/355/266/213 2940 248 1064/532/355 1064 1064 1064 1064/532/266 Pulse length (ns) 5 8 10 5-10 130 fs - 80 ps 5-7 25, 17 6 20000 20 6 6 8 8 50000 - 200000 14 12 10 10 10 7-10 Power (W) 6.5 6 Delivery

France Germany Germany Germany Germany Greece Greece Hungary Italy Netherlands Poland Poland Poland Poland Poland Portugal Portugal Romania Romania Spain UK

LPIO/Uni of Nantes BAM BAM BAM BAM FORTH Institute FORTH Institute Bay Zoltan Institute IEQ-CNR Art Innovation Acad. of Sciences Military University of Technology Military University of Technology Military University of Technology Military University of Technology ISQ Blue Line INOE 2000 INOE 2000 Instituto del Patrimonio Historico Espanol NML

Quantel Brilliant BALAClean Lambda-Physik Spectron SL852 Spectra Physics BMI Lambda-Physik Michelangelo 200 ElEn SmartClean LCS Quantel Brilliant ReNOVA Laser1 ReNOVA Laser2 ReNOVA Laser 5 ReNOVA LasErb 2936 Lambda-Physik Quanta System Palladio MicroLaser XY MicroLaser XYZ BMI LL Phoenix 2+

Nd:YAG Nd:YAG Excimer Nd:YAG Ti:Sapphire Nd:YAG Excimer Nd:YAG Nd:YAG Excimer Nd:YAG Nd:YAG Nd:YAG Nd:YAG Er:YAG Excimer Nd:YAG Nd:YAG Nd:YAG Nd:YAG Nd:YAG

10 25 13 20 30 14 1.2 5.5 8.5 4 80 10 0.04 0.04 5

Bench optics Fibre/Scanner Bench optics Bench optics Bench optics Arm Bench optics Arm Fibre Arm Bench optics Fibre Arm Arm Arm/Bench optics Bench optics Arm Microscope Microscope Arm/Fibre




Artworks Artworks Sculpture, artworks Facades Sculpture Sculpture Stonework Sculpture, bronze, iron Sculpture Sculpture Welding Sculpture, wood, iron, wall paintings Sculpture, wood, iron, wall paintings Sculpture Sculpture Sculpture Paintings Artworks Artworks Artworks Artworks Sculpture Sculpture Sculpture, monuments Sculpture, monuments Sculpture, monuments

Rental available

Rental available Rental available, battery powered Rental available Rental available Rental available Rental available Rental available Rental available Rental available

Prototype Access arranged

Removal of encrustations with -OH groups Rental available Fibre delivery attachment Fibre delivery attachment Fibre delivery attachment, rental available Small compact unit



Metals, ceramics, artworks Paper, parchment Paper, parchment Paper, parchment Paper, parchment Stone, glass, metal Paintings, glass, ceramics Sculpture Sculpture, bronze, iron Paintings Sculpture, paper Artworks Artworks Artworks Artworks Paintings, parchment Statues, gilded wood, stucco, facades Flat surfaces Artworks Sculpture, parchment, textiles

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