Birth Time Rectification

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1. Birth Time Rectification-RajendraNimje, IAS9th October 2011 2. Why BTR?

No two watches show the same timeThe birth definition is still not accepted by all across the world Is it the time of separation of the body of child from motherFirst cry orCutting of umbilical cord 3. BTR difficultiesWho will record the birth timeCan it be by the delivering mother - ?By expecting father and relative who are outside the delivery roomBy the Doctor who is paying more attention to safe delivery and operation if anyBy Nurse who is taking care of the new born baby and the motherThere is no one who is serious to note the exact time of birth of the baby 4. Why CorrectionKP is based on sublord systemThe Lagna is on the horizon for about 2 hoursThe Lagnastarlord can be for 54 minutesThe sub ranging from 0 deg 46 min 40 sec i.e. 3 minutes to 2 deg. 13 min 20 sec i.e. about 9 minutes.Hence the Lagnasublord extends from 3 minutes to 9 minutes. 5. In Vedic ChartsIn traditional method where Lagna is enough to cast the chart and post all planets in which rasi they are, it is enough if we get lagna in plus or minus one hour on an average. In Stellar method one has to be accurate upto 20 minutes and birth time can be in this range. BTR is not essential in many of the cases born after 1960 as the birth recorded is within the band 6. Why BTR essential in KPIn KP the sublord will change all calculations for not only lagna but for other houses.Lagna has to be accurate in 3 to 9 minutes range for fixing the right sub.This is mostly impossible as explained earlier. Most of the cases need BTR for KP system as knowledge of birth time within this time band is very difficult 7. Various Methods of BTRParshara's method Varahamihira's method Kalidasa method NakshatraShuddhi Kerala Jyotish Event based rectificationNadi and Bhrigu's method Pre-natal Epoch Krishnamurti PaddathiRectification 8. *NakshatraShuddhi1. Nakshatra ShuddhiMultiply the Ghatikas and Vighatikas of the Ishta Kala by 4 and divide the product by 9. The reminder should be counted beginning with Ashwini, Magha or Moola in whatsoever Paryaya it falls. The 27 Nakshatras are distributed in 3 Paryayas consisting of 1st to 9th, 10th to 18th and 19th to 27th. This will give the Janma Nakshatra.Example:Suppose the native was born on 6.3.1980 at IshtaGhatika 56.12,. Therefore,54.12 X 4 /9 = 224.48 / 9 = 24 X 9 + 8.48.As the reminder is 8.48, Nakshatra may be Ashlesha (9th Nakshatra), Jyeshtha (18th Nakshatra) or Revati (27th Nakshatra).Istakaal is the difference between sunrise and time of birth in local mean time (LMT) *Slide details from 9. *Man-Women janmaShuddhiMan -Woman JanmaShuddhiConvert the IshtaGhatika into Palas (by multiplying Ghatikas with 60). Divide the same by 225. If the reminder is:0 to 15 - male16 to 45 - female46 to 90 - male91 to 150 female151 to 225 - maleThese five groups represent , in their order male, female, male, female and male respectively.Example:IshtaGhatikas are 56.12. If we convert it into palas it will be 56 X 60 + 12 = 3372.3372 / 225 = 14 X 225 + 222.

In other words if we divide the ishtakal in palas by 225, the reminder will be 222 which falls into 5th zone. Therefore the birth should be of a male.In case the horoscope that we are using for verification is of a female, we can conclude that the time is not correct and needs some verification.*Slide details from 10. *Lagna ShuddhiLagnaShuddhiFind out the Rasi occupied by the Moon and Mandi; and their Navamsas. The native will have this birth either in the Rasi occupied by Maandi or the Moon whichever be the stronger; or in the LagnaRasi which will be the 7th, 5th or the 9th from either of them. If instead of these two Rasis, the Navamsa Rasi owned by Mandi or the Moon be stronger, then the JanmaLagna will be in the stronger Navamsa Rasi or the 7th, 5th or the 9th from it.In other words this method suggests that the lagna of person must always be 1, 5, 7, 9 from either Moon or Mandi. This should be checked both from Lagna chart as well as Navamsa chart. This is a method which suggests that there is a connection between moon position and ascendant position at the time of birth.*Slide details from 11. KP BTRVery Accurate Extremely EasySame set of rules for all conditionsTake in account the information available with the native or relative/informerCorrects all Sandhilagnas , Nakshatra Sandhis and all border line cases 12. How to do KP BTRCast the Chart with the available informationLook at the lagna and the planets in lagna. They should give clue to the personality. Take Ruling planets at the time of birth and Ruling planets at the time of BTR. Cast them side by side 13. First Information Take information from the native or relative on how much accurate his birth time is recorded. This is the most crucial information and must be documented immediately with the backgroundNative narrates some stories told by his/her parents related to the birth and tentative timeSome parents document it properly 14. Correcting LagnaIf the informer is indicating the accuracy of couple of hours then look at the Lagna in the chart, the lord of which should present in ruling planets at the time of BTR. If not then the lagna is incorrect. Look at the earlier or next possible lagna 15. Lagna StarIf the information is correct within an hour but not upto minutes then it is the lagna star we should bother about.The lagna star must be present in RP else take the earlier or next star and check it out. 16. Lagna SubFinally the lagna sub should also be present in Ruling. This step is needed in most of the charts explained earlier. Fix the lagna subThere is generally a query at the time of BTR on a specific issue in life. Check the sublord of the main house dealing with that issue 17. Issue based rectificationThe main house of the prompted issue like marriage, job, child birth etc, should also be present in the ruling planet.In fact when we look at the natal chart the main house of the query should had a sublord which is

present in the RP at the time of judgment. 18. VerificationAfter correcting the birth time the next step is to verify prominent landmarks in the natives life likeCompletion of educationJob or Business startMarriage Child BirthPromotionParents demisePromotion or rise in business 19. DBA vs EventsNote down the DBAs for the corrected chart for all the landmarksLook into the signification of the event and see if the same DBA is running. If not then the BTR is not correct or need fine tuning depending on what level of BTR we are undertaking 20. Divine ACEThe fine tuning of BTR is again divineCheck the lagna sub, it should be connected with moon in some way. Lagna sub can be connected with moon starlord, sublord orIt is connected with moons signlord.It confirms the Lagna with sub level accuracy and we can conclude the BTR 21. New ReadingsRule of Origin by Dr. Andrew DuttaFine tuning by Gender Determination technique by Sri C. Kadirvelu 22. *Rule of OriginThe rectified LagnaStarlord is appearing as the 9thStarlord or sublordThe rectified Lagnasublord is appearing as the 9thStarlord or sublordThe rectified lagnastarlord or sublord is linked to the 9thstarlord or sublord through a third planet only.Method is published by Dr. Andrew DuttaHe stated that Lagna and moon should have connection at all the three levels, sign, star and sub*From Andrew Duttas Paper 23. Gender Determination Technique: C. Kadirvelu has published Gender determination techniqueWith the help of Saturn , Rahu and Ketu one can fix the Gender of the native. This method is very accurateConversly , we know the gender of native then for finer one to three minute rectification in birth time we can work out BTR by KP method explained earlier and check the gender through GD technique 24. GD techniqueIf the gender is tallying then the BTR is completeIf the gender is opposite then it need couple of mintues of rectification. Do trial and error and finalize the sub in accordance with GD technique. Check the Ruling Planet of Lagna and Moon sublord at the time of completion of BTR for confirming the natal lagna sub 25. Good Luck!

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