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For ACLEDA Bank industry at global level, the business environment has changed with intense pressure on organizations, to become Learning Organizations and stay in ahead training of their competitions by bringing while innovation/reinvention training programs. Carry out an analysis that the objective of training and development is to create learning organizations which ensure that employees through value addition can effectively perform their jobs, gain competitive advantage and seek self-growth: this measurable performance resulting from good training and development, shall enhance organizational performance. and development strategy

emphasizing on planning, designing, implementing and evaluating the

Term paper


Training and Development (T&D) is the heart of a continuous effort designed to improve employee competency and organizational performance. While the terms training and development may be used interchangeably, a distinction is sometimes made between the two. Training is designed to provide learner with the knowledge and skills needed for their present jobs. On the other hand, Development involves learning that goes beyond today's job; it has a more long-term focus. It prepares employees to keep pace with the organization as it changes and grows. Training and development activities have the potential to align employees of a firm with its corporate strategies.[1] In virtually every market, customers are demanding higher quality, lower costs, and faster cycle times. To meet these requirements, ACLEDA Bank continually improves their overall performance. Rapid advances in technology and improved processes have been important factors in helping businesses meet this challenge. However, the most important competitive advantage for ACLEDA Bank is its workforce-one that must remain competent through continuous training and development efforts.

Today, it is the human resources that make the real difference in achieving organizational goals. In order to meet the evergrowing needs of business and household banking has to become dynamic and updated in modern scenario and also to take up this industry to the heights of international excellence requires best combination of new technology and skilful and talented manpower.
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Therefore most of the commercial banks either private or public adopt training and development programmes at the time of induction, promotion and other situation.

This research aims to understand how ACLEDA Bank uses training and development in order to remain competitive and successful by as following: answering the two main questions advantages? In what way does T&D influence ACLEDA Bank's result?

How ACLEDA Bank uses T&D to achieve its competitive

The main objectives of the research are: To study training and development programmes undertaken by banks for their employees. To analyze the effectiveness of training and development programmes for employees to discharge their duties. To study how training and development programmes helps to achieve customer satisfaction


This paper is covered on human resource strategy, training and development practices, competitive advantages through training and development within ACLEDA Bank Plc.


This study is significant to be conducted as it will provide the road map or ideas for ACLEDA Bank using T&D to gain more competitive
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advantages. From the real problem perspective of ACLEDA Bank will be able to visualize the solutions for future expansion effectively and efficiently.


Training and Development is the heart of continuous effort designed to improve employee competency and organizational performance. Training is designed to provide learners with the knowledge and skills needed for their present jobs. Development involves learning that goes beyond todays job; it has more long-term focus.


Change is obviously one factor that impacts and is impacted by T&D. Other issues that often determine whether a firm achieves its T&D objective are discussed the following: Top Management Support Top management support is perhaps the most basic T&D

requirement. Without it, a T&D program is up the creek without a paddle. Moreover, this support must be real-not merely lip service. It should be communicated to the entire organization. The most effective way to do this is for executives to take an active part in the training and provide the needed resources. [1]
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Commitment from Specialists and Generalists In addition to top management, all managers-whether they be specialists or generalists-should be committed to and involved in the T&D process. According to one prominent director of corporate management development, "the primary responsibility for training and development lies with line managers, from the president and chairman of the board on down. T&D professionals merely provide the technical expertise." [1]

Technological Advances Perhaps no factor has influenced T&D more than technology. The computer and the internet, in particular, are dramatically affecting the way all business functions are being conducted. As emphasized throughout this chapter, technology has played a huge role in changing the way knowledge is being delivered to employees, and this change is constantly being extended. [1] Organization Complexity In recent year, the increasingly rapid changes in technology, products, systems, and methods have had a significant impact on job requirements. Thus, employees face the need to constantly upgrade their skills and to develop and attitude that permits them not only to adapt to change, but also to accept and even seek it. Many organizations have changed dramatically as a result of downsizing, technological innovations, and customer demands for new and better products and services. The result is often that fewer people must accomplish more work at a lore complex level. Supervisors and operative employees performing in self-directed teams are taking up much of the slack form dwindling middlemanagement ranks. All these changes translate into a greater need for T&D. [1]
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Learning Principles The purpose of training is to change employee behavior, and information must be learned of change is to occur. Although much remains to be discovered about the learning process, a number of generalizations stemming from the behavioral sciences have affected the way training is conducted. Some examples follow: Learners progress in an area of learning only as far as they need to in order to achieve their purposes. The best time to learn is when the learning can useful. Depending on the type of training, a wise move may be to space out the training sessions. [1]

Other Human Resource Functions Successful accomplishment of other human resource functions can also have a crucial impact on T&D. For instance, if recruitment and
EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT selection efforts attract only marginally qualified workers, a more

extensive T&D program will be needed to train entry-level workers. T&D efforts may also be influenced by the firm's compensation package. Firms with competitive pay systems or progressive health Determine Determine and safety programs will find it easier to attract workers who are T&D T&D Needs Needs capable of hitting the ground running and to retain employees who require less training. [1] Establish Establish Specific Specific PROCESS 3. TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Objectives Objectives The general T&D process that anticipates or responds to change is shown in figure 2.1. Select Select T&D T&D Method(s) Method(s) Implement Implement T&D T&D Programs Programs Evaluate Evaluate T&D T&D Programs Programs

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Figure 2.1: The Training and Development Process

There are three types of analysis are often performed to determine an organizations training and development needs: organization analysis, task analysis, and person analysis. - Organization analysis examines the entire firm to determine where training and development should be conducted - Task analysis, which has two primary factors, should be determined importance and proficiency. Importance relates to the relevance of specific task and behaviours in particular job and the frequency with which they are preformed. Proficiency is the employees competence in performing these tasks. - Person analysis, which focuses on the individual employees, deals with two questions: who needs to be trained? And what kind of training is needed? The first step in a person analysis is to compare employee performance with established standards. If the persons work is acceptable, training may not be needed. Because
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of the need to reduce costs, some firms feel that sheep-dip training in which all employees are trained whether they need it or not- should be avoided. [2]


Consider these purposes and objectives for a training program involving employment compliance: Training Area: Employment Compliance Purpose: To provide the supervisor with 1. Knowledge and value of consistent human resource practices 2. The intent of EEO legal requirements 3. The skills to apply them Objective: To be able to 1. Cite the supervisory areas affected by employment laws on discrimination. 2. Identify acceptable and unacceptable actions. 3. State how to get help on equal employment opportunity matters. 4. Describe why we have discipline and grievance procedures. 5. Describe our discipline and grievance procedures, including who is covered. [1]


A few methods are more applicable to managers and professionals and others to operative employees. As you see, however, the majority of T&D apply to all employees. methods generally

Regardless of whether programs are presented in-house or by an outside source, a number of methods are utilized in imparting knowledge and skills to managers and methods in the following: operative employees. We will discuss these

Coaching and Mentoring

Coaching and mentoring are primarily on-the-job development

approaches emphasizing learning on a one-to-one basis. Coaching is

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often considered a responsibility of the immediate boss, who has greater experience or expertise and is in the position to offer sage advice. The same is true with mentor, but this person may be located elsewhere in the organization or even in another firm. The relationship may be established formally or may develop on an informal basis. Because the two approaches are so similar in concept and the terms often used interchangeably in the literature, they are dealt with together here. [1]

Business games
Business games are simulations that attempt to duplicate selected factors in a particular business situation, which are then manipulated by the participants. [1]

Case study
Case study is a training method in which trainees are expected to study the on it. [1] information provided in the case and make decisions based

The use of videotapes continues to be a popular training method. This method may be especially appealing to small business that cannot afford more expensive approaches. In addition, videotypes provide the flexibility desired by any firm. [1]

In-Basket Training
In-basket training is a simulation in which the participant is given a number of business papers or e-mail messages including memoranda, reports, and telephone messages that would typically be sent to a manager or team leader. [1]

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Internships also serve as an effective training method. From the employer's viewpoint, an internship provides an excellent means of viewing a potential permanent employee at work. Internships also provide advantages for students. The experience they obtain through working enables them to integrate theory learned in the classroom with the practice of management. [1]

Role Playing
A training method in which participants are required to respond to specific problems they may actually encounter in their jobs. [1]

Job Rotation
A training method that involves moving employees from one job to another to broaden their experience. [1]

Computer-Based Training
A teaching method that takes advantage of the speed, memory, and data manipulation capabilities of the computer for greater flexibility of instruction. Multimedia An application that enhances computer-based learning with audio, animation, graphics, and interactive video. Virtual reality A unique computer-based approach that permits trainees to view objects from a perspective otherwise impractical or impossible. [1]

Web-Based Training: The Internet, Intranets, and Just-inTime Training

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E-mail on the Internet is not just an effective and efficient way to exchange memoranda. It may also be used for accessing course material and sharing other information. Interactive tutorials permit trainees to take courses online. This practice has become common. An overwhelming advantage of using Web-based training is that it can be provided anytime when needed, anywhere in the world, and in different languages. Animation, video, and multimedia make presentations vivid and appealing. [1]

Distance Learning and Videoconferencing

For a number of years, many firms in the United States have used videoconferencing and satellite classrooms for training. This approach to training is now going interactive and appears to offer the flexibility and spontaneity of a traditional classroom. A great deal of training is beginning to take place using this technology, offering the prospect of increasing the number of trainees and at the same time saving companies a lot of money. [1]

Classroom Programs
Classroom programs continue to be effective for certain types of employee training. One advantage of classroom programs is that the great deal of information in a relatively instructor may convey a

short period of time. The effectiveness of classroom programs can be improved when groups are small enough to permit discussion, when the instructor is able to capture the imagination of the class, and when multimedia can be used in an appropriate manner. [1]

On-the-Job Training (OJT)

An informal approach to training in which an employee learns job tasks by actually performing them. [1]

Apprenticeship Training
A combination of classroom instruction and on-the-job training. [1]

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Management development consists of all leaning experiences provided by an organization for the purpose of upgrading skills and knowledge required in current and future managerial positions. The most frequently mentioned reasons to conduct management training outside the company include these: An outside perspective New viewpoints Exposure to faculty experts and research Broader vision The most frequently mentioned reasons for keeping management training inside the company are the following: Training that is more specific to needs Lower costs Less time Consistent, relevant material More control of content and faculty Development of organizational culture and teamwork [1]


Behavioral Change Tests may indicate fairly accurately what has been learned, but they give little insight into whether the training leads participants to change their behavior. Accomplishment of T&D Objective Still another approach to evaluating T&D programs involves

determining the extent to which stated objectives have been achieved.

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Benchmarking Benchmarking uses exemplary practices of other organizations to evaluate and improve training and development training programs. for Benchmarking has been expanded beyond core business operations and is now being used by training functions. Because programs individual firms are unique, the training measures A Case for Simplicity In evaluating T&D programs, managers should strive for proof that they are effect on effective. Although such proof may be difficult to establish, the performance should at least be estimated to show whether the desired purpose. In spite of problems associated with responsible for T&D must continue to strive for solid achieving organizational goals. should be broad.

training achieved its evaluation, managers

evidence of its contributions in

Definition: A procedure for providing new employees with basic background information about the firm. Orientation Purposes Orientation formats are unique to each firm. However, some basic purposes include explaining: The employment situation (the job, department, and company) Company policies and rules Compensation and benefits Corporate culture Team membership
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Employee development Dealing with change Socialization



Organization development (OD) is an organization-wide application of behavioral science knowledge to the planned development and support of organizational strategies, structures, and processes for improving a firm's effectiveness. Interventions covered in the following section include survey feedback-a technique that may be combined with other interventionsquality circles, team building, and sensitivity training. Survey feedback Survey feedback is a process of collecting data from an

organizational unit through the use of questionnaires, interviews, and objective data from other sources such as records of productivity, turnover, and absenteeism. Quality Circles Quality Circles are groups of employees who voluntarily meet regularly with their supervisors to discuss their problems, investigate causes, recommend solutions, and take corrective action when authorized to do so. Team Building A conscious effort to develop effective work groups throughout an organization. Sensitivity Training An organizational development technique that is designed to make people aware of themselves and their impact on others.

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In order to carry out the research study, certain approaches and methodologies are required to be followed. The following approaches were followed in conducting this term paper.


The aims of this research were to find out: The effectiveness of ACLEDA Banks training The reason why ACLEDA Bank need to train their employees and The strategies ACLEDA Banks training

The researcher selected 10 employees to conduct for this research. The result from analyze the data is not affected to employees.


Data collection
The study depends on two main types of data: Primary Data - Interview with training managers of ACLEDA Bank Plc. - Questionnaires for employees and trainers - Documents and Training and Development Operating Manual of ACLEDA Banks Plc.

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Secondary Data - Book concerning with Human resource Management, Organizational Behavior - ACLEDA Banks documents - Other documents related to this research


Company profile With the ILO and UNDP as godparents, ACLEDA was established in January 1993, as a national NGO for micro and small enterprises development and credit by a group of founders below. From its earliest days it enjoyed the support of a number of major international development agencies whose contribution is gratefully acknowledged in our 'Roll of Honour'. Two factors, namely expansion of its network to cover all of Cambodia's provinces and towns and its ability to operate at a profit to ensure its sustainability, led both its board and international partners to conclude that it should be transformed into a commercial bank. This would not only provide a secure regulatory framework lacking under its previous status but would enable it to enlarge its range of funding options (e.g. equity injection, taking public deposits, obtaining commercial interbank loans) to support expansion of its core micro-finance business. With assistance from USAID, MPDF/IFC and UNDPto name a fewa three year program for transformation commenced in 1998 which culminated in the granting of a specialised banking license in October, 2000.
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Under the process, the original NGO has transferred its assets and onlent its liabilities (long term loans from donors) to the new ACLEDA Bank. In return, it has received 44.91% of the bank's capital of US$4 million; the ACLEDA Staff Association ('ASA'), a trust established to give its staff an equity interest, has purchased 6.09% and the remaining 49% has been taken up in equal parts by four foreign investors, namely the International Finance Corporation (a division of the World Bank), DEG (Germany), FMO and Triodos Bank (The Netherlands). It is intended that ACLEDA Bank will seek a listing on a stock exchange at some time in the future.

Since December 01, 2003, ACLEDA Bank was licensed as a Commercial Bank after having tripled its capital to US$13 million, and was named ACLEDA Bank Plc. On November 30, 2006, ACLEDA Bank raised its issued and paid-up capital from US$13 million to US$30 million. On January 04, 2008, ACLEDA Bank celebrated its fifteenth anniversary and raised its issued and paid-up capital from US$30 million to US$50 million. On January 23, 2009, the capital of ACLEDA Bank Plc. was increased from US$50 million to US$60 million and further increased on June 12, 2009 to US$68.15 million. On June 03, 2011 the bank increased its capital to US$78,372,500 and further increased to US$88,372,500 on February 06, 2012. Vision & Mission Vision ACLEDA Bank's vision is to be Cambodia's leading commercial bank providing superior financial services to all segments of the community. Mission
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Our mission is to provide micro, small and medium entrepreneurs with the wherewithal to manage their financial resources efficiently and by doing so to improve the quality of their lives. By achieving these goals we will ensure a sustainable and growing benefit to our shareholders, our staff and the community at large. We will at all times observe the highest principles of ethical behaviour, respect for society, the law and the environment. Work culture Work culture is the working style in a society, community, or organization. Work culture can reflect on management behavior and staffs work performance, technical, and general change. The lists below are the nature of work culture of ACLEDA Bank Plc. Job satisfaction Honesty, incorruption Polite but strict with job handling Job responsibility

Organizational Chart

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Figure 4.1: Organizational Chart of ACLEDA Bank Plc.

Figure 4.2: Organizational Chart of ACLEDA Training Center

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4. Analyse and Finding

4.1 Data interpretation Employee survey In this study, the researcher has selected ten employees who are working questions. The employees responded 12 questions which divided into three categories, the first mention in general, second is about purpose and the last in about training strategy and process. Table 4.3: The answers percentage of general questions
Questions How can you get your job in ACLEDA Bank Plc.? Categories By apply CV 100% By network 0%

in ACLEDA Training Center of ACLEDA Bank Plc. To

conduct the questionnaires, all employees have answered all the


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Less than


How long have you been working here?

1 year 10%

2-3 years 20%

3-5 years 50%

5-7 years 10%

7-10 years 10%

Table 4.4: The answer percentage of purpose for training questions

Categories Questions Has your company organizes a training and development program? Have you position? ever changed your Yes 95% 100% No 5% 0% By work performan ce By qualificatio n -

3. 4.


After you were changed your position, will you receive the introductory training? Have you ever advanced your position? How you advanced your position?



6. 7.

60% -

40% 70% 30%

Table 4.5: The answer percentage of training strategy and process questions
Categories Questions Once a year 30% Less than 3 day 20% On-the-job training 20% 2 times a year 50% 3 times a years 15% 4-5 times a years 5% More than 5days 0% Training course 80%


How many times do you take a training course per year?

3-5 days 80%


How long have you been trained?


What were the training methods you were trained?



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Do you think the training course is importance?

Yes 100% 97%

No 0% 3%


Do the lessons you received are related to your work?

10-30% 12. How many percentage that you understand from the training? 0%

30-50% 10%

50-70% 10%

70-90% 20%

90100% 60%

Dear Sir/Madam, I am doing a research work on Employees Training & Development. I would request you to kindly spare some time to fill up this questionnaire. Thank you very much for your cooperation. Name -------------------------------------------------Designation------------------------------------------Department-------------------------------------------

I am the student of Pannasatra University of Cambodia doing a research regarding to Employee Training and Development practice in ACLEDA Bank Plc. I would request your time to fill up this questionnaire.
Thank you very much for your cooperation. NAME:. GENDER:. No. Questions 1. The employees are helped to acquire technical knowledge and skills through training. 2. The employees are
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Strongly Agree

Disagre e

Strongly disagre e


helped to acquire technical knowledge and skills through training. 3. There is adequate emphasis on developing managerial capabilities of the managerial staff through training 4. Employees are sponsored for training programmes on the basis of carefully identified developmental needs. 5. Employees sponsored for training go with a clear understanding of the skills and knowledge they are expected to acquire from the training. 6. Senior line managers are eager to help their juniors develop through training. 7. Employees returning from training are given adequate free time to reflect and plan improvements in the organization. 8. There is a well-designed and widely shared training policy in the company. 9. To what extent does your job require you to work closely with other people, such as customers,
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clients or people in your own organization. 10. Managers provide the right kind of climate to implement new ideas and methods acquired by their juniors during training.

From the study it is found that 90% of the respondents are strongly agree that training helped to acquire technical knowledge and skills From the study it is found that 60% of the respondents are agree that Senior spend time during training. From the study it is found that 70% of the respondents are agree that there is a adequate emphasis on developing managerial capabilities. From the study it is found that 70% of the respondents are agree that training helped for developmental needs. From the study it is found that 67% respondents are agree that training go with a clear understanding of the skills and knowledge. From the study it is found that 64% respondents are agree that Senior managers help their juniors develop through training. From the study it is found that 70% of the respondents are strongly agree from training are adequate free time to reflect and plan improvements in the organization. From the study it is found that 36% of the respondent Disagree that there is no well-designed training policy in the organization. From the study it is found that 80% of the respondents are agree and strongly agree that training helped to work closely with other people.
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From the study it is found that 77% of the respondents agree that managers provide the right kind of climate to implement new ideas and methods acquired by their juniors during training.

Research has shown specific benefits that a small business receives from training and developing its workers, including:
Increased productivity. Reduced employee turnover. Increased efficiency resulting in financial Decreased need for supervision.


To update employees knowledge and skill suitable training must be provided at regular intervals i.e in a year or as per the requirement to keep the employees updated. The training should be motivational. Supply more training materials during training. Term paper Page


After training, it is very much important to take evaluation about training program. They should evaluate the trainees properly. CONCLUSIONS 1. It is concluded that private and public indian banks undertake training and development programmes for their employees to increase their efficiency. 2. Banks provide training programmes to enhance their knowledge and skills to satisfy the customers.

3. Growth of banking sector in india is the result of skilled manpower which is the outcome of training and development.

Reference [1] R. Wayne Mondy, Robert M. Noe, Shane R. Premeaux, Human Resource Management, , Eight Edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersy, 2002. [2] Mondy, Holmes & Flippo, Management Concept and Practice, Second Edition, Cambridge Harvard University Press, 1983.

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The purpose of a training needs assessment is to identify performance requirements or needs within an organization in order to help direct resources to the areas of greatest need, those that closely relate to fulfilling the organizational goals and objectives, improving productivity and providing quality products and services.( Janice A. Miller, SPHR and Diana M. Osinski, Reviewed July 2002.) The most valuable asset of a 20th century company was its production Equipment. The most valuable asset of a 21st century institution will be its knowledge Workers and their productivity (Drucker 1999). ``After employees have been selected for various positions in an organizations training them for the specific tasks in which they have been assigned assumes great importance. It is true in many organizations that before an employee is fitted into a harmonious working relationship with other employees,, he is given adequate training. Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills of an employee for performing a particular job. The major outcome of training is learning. A trainee learns new habits, refined skills and useful knowledge during the training that helps him improve performance. Training enables an employee to do his present job more efficiently and prepare himself for a higher level job. (V S Rama Rao , 2010) Why training for employees 1. To get an insight of the job by the new employees and also to understand work culture followed in the organization. 2. To acquire knowledge in order to adopt any change in technology or any change affecting the working of organization. 3. To get promotion as again change in nature of the work but increase in payment will increase responsibility and challenges involved. 4. To deal with the expansion and diversification where companies initiates other areas of business to gain their greater understanding. In order to satisfy consumers from all walks of life banks need to have efficient manpower which can be possible by offering them quality training , training programme should keep pace with changing times it must be unconventional. Training changes mental and social outlook of employees. Customers and their needs can be identified and they are satisfied accordingly. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 1. Primary data includes data collected through questionnaire filled by the bank employees. 2. Secondary data includes reference books, journal, research papers and internet. 3. Random sampling of 40 respondents from employees from different banks like HDFC, ICICI, Vijaya bank, Bank of Baroda, Dena Bank located in suburban area of Mumbai.

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Training and development are continuous process in improving the caliber of employees. It is an attempt to improve their current and future performance but the organization should keep a track on their performance after imparting them training it means training needs assessment (Janice A. Miller, 2002) it is a systematic process of altering the behavior of employees in a direction to achieve the organizations goals. A training programme is an effort by the employer to provide opportunities for the employees to acquire job related skills, attitudes and knowledge. In order to meet the ever-growing needs of business and household banking has to become dynamic and updated in modern scenario and also to take up this industry to the heights of international excellence requires best combination of new technology and skilful and talented manpower. Therefore most of the commercial banks either private or public adopt training and development programmes at the time of induction, promotion and other situation. In this research paper an attempt is made to learn that training and development exist in banks and their impact to generate efficiency of employees to cater to the need of their customers.

ACLEDA Bank Plc. is a public limited company, formed under the Banking and Financial Institutions Law of the Kingdom of Cambodia. Originally, it was founded in January 1993, as a national NGO for micro and small enterprises' development and credit. ACLEDA Bank Limited was licensed by the National Bank of Cambodia as a Specialised Bank on October 07, 2000. On December 01, 2003, ACLEDA Bank, once again, was licensed by the National Bank of Cambodia as a Commercial Bank to enable it to provide full banking services according to the needs of the customers and the market and it was renamed ACLEDA Bank Plc. ACLEDA Bank is the first bank in Cambodia that assigned ratings by the top international credit rating agency Standard & Poor's.

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With 238 offices and 8,136 staff, the ACLEDA Bank is active in all provinces and towns of the Kingdom of Cambodia. ACLEDA Bank is one of the leading retail banks in the country. Today ACLEDA Bank Plc is offering the E-Banking, Credit, Deposits, Local and International Funds Transfers, Trade Finance, Cash Management, Money Exchange, and a lot of other banking services.

1.3 Research question This research ai

OBJECTIVES 1. To study training and development programmes undertaken by banks for their employees. 2. To analyze effectiveness of training and development programmes for employees to discharge their duties. 3. To study how training and development programmes helps to achieve customer satisfaction Research has shown specific benefits that a small business receives from training and developing its workers, including:
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Increased productivity. Reduced employee turnover. Increased efficiency resulting in financial gains. Decreased need for supervision.

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