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ATTENDANCE: PRESENT: Mr. Quezco Velasquez Mr. Rosendo Rama Jr. Ms. Rina Constantino Ms. Liberty Gaye Handumon Ms. Karissa Delmo Mr. Anthony Galit Ms. Elaine Remante Ms. Jane Olesco ABSENT: Ms. Alyssa Rianna Tantiangco ROUTINE: Opening Prayer by Mr. Anthony Galit The agenda of the meeting was presided by Mr. Rosendo Rama Jr., Vice-President-Barretto. AGENDA: Introduction of the former presidents of CCSA: Mr. Remar Allen Bautista (A.Y. 2011 -2012) Mr. John Rhimon Gelacio (A.Y. 2012-2013) Presentation of Executive Officers of Student Assistants (EOSA) A.Y. 2013-2014 President Vice-Presidents Secretary Treasurer Internal Auditor External Auditor Time Keepers : : : : : : : : : Quezco Velasquez Alyssa Rianna Tantiangco Rosendo Rama Jr. Rina Constantino Liberty Gaye Handumon Karissa Delmo Anthony Galit Elaine Remante Jane Olesco

GOVERNORS: Ms. Kristine Ribada Ma. Theresa David Ms. Michelle Janapin Ms. Myra Flor Bulabog Ms. Rozen Labrador Ms. Jaide Bisalo Ms. Ruth Ann Velasco

Main Barretto

Main Barretto

Governors: District 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Kristine Ribada Ma. Theresa David Michelle Janapin Myra Flor Bulabog Rozen Labrador Jaide Bisalo Ruth Ann Velasco

Speech of the new president, Mr. Quezco Velasquez: Mr. Quezco was thankful and grateful for being the president. He also thanks God for the opportunity and asked His guidance for the activities that hes going to proliferate. After his speech, he then raised a 100 peso bill and asked the grantees what do you see, the grantees answered that it was a 100php bill. Mr. Velasquez crinkled the money and asked again the grantees now, after I creased this money, what did you see? The grantees replied that they saw a crinkled paper/money. Mr. Quezco explained that just like the way they describe the crumpled 100 peso bill, expect that some of the people might see them same as they did on the100 peso bill. Considering the 100 peso bill, student assistants must stand straight after failure and be optimistic, he added, No matter how crumpled this money Im handling its value will be the same, so as to us grantees. Moreover, he saidFellow grantees, I believed most of us had been granted this scholarship because, we did great in academics, in our entrance exam and in our interview, or maybe most of us received highest form of recognition when were in High school , but let me remind you that this recognitions will not make us last in the CCSA family, and these awards must not be the basis for us to be bossy or self-conceited. It is our attitude, characteristicspersonae which will make us more qualified for the scholarship granted to us. I am glad to see my co-grantees doing just good, not because they cant be one of the best but because they know how great it is just being good. Good people knows how to respect, and boils down their ego easily good people knows how to value even the simpliest thing, and that is what we want the new S.A. would be. Thank you and God Bless!. Presentation of Student Affairs Director and CCSA Adviser, Mrs. Carlota Aquino. Introduction of New Student Assistants. PRESENT: 1. Sigfred Allen Alisbo 2. Jezer Arlanza 3. Jeanelle Avila 4. Arrian Bayona 5. Ruth Chalsea Bregancia 6. Christene Camit 7. Alyssa Canlas 8. Paola Louise Caon 9. Mary Joan Casaclang 10. Lindsy Castro 11. Danilo Cortez 12. Aeron James De Leon

13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. ABSENT:

Adrian Lee Dela Cruz Realyn Elardo Jelly Escarlan Jeanette Espinas Ruby Joy Garces Kimberly Ireneo Mylene Jamito Ainah Joven Matthew Jerome Lejarde Riozon Yen Locsin Marisol Miranda Mary Deanne Xiena Padero Agnes Perea Lenylyn Reguindin Jennicah Reyel Mary Marlet Alellie Saladino Aubrey Joyce Sonio Kassabdra Meilean Talens Marcelle Viernes Judylyn Reyel

1. Catherine De Silva 2. Czarina Philline Edades 3. Kristofer Aldwin 4. Jorayca Pendiente Presenting the Student Assistants Decorum (Article VIII). Presenting the Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives of CCSA. Closing remarks of Mr. Quezco Velasquez. Mr. Quezco was thankful because many student assistants attended the meeting. He also said that the meeting is supposed to be until 5pm but they will just spend the 2 hours for clean-up drive. Closing prayer by Mr. Anthony Galit.

Prepared by: Rina Constantino

Noted by : Quezco Velasquez President

Approved by: Mrs. Carlota Aquino Director Student Affairs

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