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Task Analysis Methods: Verbal Protocols

Verbal protocols are the recorded verbalisations of users as they carry out their tasks. This technique uses users' spoken comments, who verbalise how they use the system, explaining what they are trying to do and the type of problems they experience. Verbal protocols may be collected by video or simply audio tape recorder, direct notes can be also used. These self-commentaries are made while the task is being carried out in order to avoid the inevitable distortion or forgetting that could occur if the reporting were left until afterwards. These protocols are particularly useful for gaining information about the psychological or cognitive process for users' actions, which cannot be directly observed, such as the knowledge requirements or mental processing. However, the think aloud protocol, during the performance of the task, can impose an additional task-load on the user, significant when the task is difficult. This load can alter the way the user performs the task. The post-event protocol is based upon the user's memory after running the task. The self-confrontation is a protocol where users are asked to comment on their actions in front of the video recording after the system use.

It is important that verbalisations should not interfere in any way with task performance and that users should freely report on what they are doing without any direction . Also, verbal protocols are limited by the ability of subjects to freely and honestly state why they are undertaking particular actions, without first making a conscious effort to explain these actions. When to use : To identify the likely errors that users make while learning how to use the system. To identify the expectations and preconceptions that users may bring to an interaction, revealing the internal model developed by the user concerning the way the system operates. This technique is useful for activity analysis of existing tasks, for system evaluation and for teasing out any misunderstanding or misconceptions a user has when operating a system for the first time.

The main advantage is that it helps to find out what the user is thinking when performing a task or operating a prototype system. Verbal protocols provide a basis for investigating the underlying mental process of complex tasks which cannot be studied in other way. Data collection is rapid, because very few special arrangements need to be on-site, and data analysis will usually be conducted off-site. The results of applying the technique will be credible and comprehensible to nonspecialist observers or users.

Verbalisations may be biased because they interfere with the basic task, for instance, changing the speed or the execution method. This is mainly the case if the activity necessitates the use of short term memory. Verbal protocols may reflect only the results of cognitive process, rather than the process itself. Thus the depth of knowledge which can be obtained is often limited, and it may be necessary to do additional investigations. Language may be an inadequate descriptive technique for the process being studied. Many mental processes depend on visual, auditory, or mathematical imagery for their execution. Therefore it may be difficult to verbalise such events.

Another disadvantage is that it is timeconsuming to analyse audio and video tapes afterwards.

Types of verbal protocol

Personalised Task Representation (PTR) This method is used to investigate user procedures that are not well documented. A standard set of questions can be used to probe activities in a flexible manner : discussions with the task expert are about the activity they perform, the reasons for each task action, and how the action is carried out. Advantages of this method : it can be applied to a range of knowledge and decision based processes. Disadvantages of this method : the data captured can produce complex data diagrams that will need to be structured afterwards into a logical form.

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