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Serving UNC students and the University community since 1893

Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine. Meanwhile, the world goes on.
Mary olIver, wIld geese
Thursday, June 20, 2013 Volume 121, Issue 46
weekly summer issue
Tom Jensen, known as the Baseball
Super Fan, was so confdent the Tar
Heels would make it to the College
World Series in Omaha, Neb., he
bought his ticket in December.
Robert Dempsey, the new
executive director of the N.C.
Democratic Party, spoke with The
Daily Tar Heel about state politics
and what hell bring to his new role.
After months of construction,
Wafe House opened the doors
of its new Franklin Street location
Thursday morning. The store adds
to breakfast options in Chapel Hill.
Nan remembered
for thoughtfulness
Crabtree led a life
full of character
By Sarah Brown
State & National Editor
The UNC Board of Governors might slacken
a long-standing rein on admitting out-of-state
students to UNC-system campuses next year,
joining a nationwide debate among universities
on nonresident enrollment.
A number of public universities have recently
increased their nonresident student population
many in response to decreased state funding.
At last weeks Board of Governors meeting,
members were presented with five proposed
changes to the UNC systems out-of-state policy.
John Sanders, former director of UNC-CHs
School of Government, said he thinks the pro-
posals could be a product of UNC-system budget
cuts which are expected to top $500 million
since 2011 once a state budget is finalized.
Peter Hans, the board chairman, said financial
woes are not driving the members discussion.
Hans said admitting more out-of-state students
would not increase the UNC systems state-appro-
priated funds, though it is a common speculation.
The university (system) doesnt receive four
times as much money for an out-of-state student,
even though tuition might be that much higher
at UNC-CH, for example, he said.
But Sanders said less state support encourages
universities to seek funding elsewhere.
The motivation so far as I see is to enable
the (UNC system) to charge out-of-state stu-
dents a higher tuition rate and to make money
that way that theyre not getting from other
sources, he said.
Dianne Klein, spokeswoman for the
University of California system, said in an email
UC campuses have benefited financially from an
influx of out-of-state students.
This extra revenue (from higher nonresident
enrollment) ... goes to subsidize the education of
review of
cap begins
The UNC systems out-of-state
enrollment could go up next year.
By Jordan Bailey
University Editor
Andrew Crabtree, a UNC
sophomore, died Saturday after
a two-and-a-half-year battle with
synovial sarcoma, a rare form of
cancer. He was 19.
At the age of 12, Crabtree was
already a master at capturing the
hearts of those around him.
He was on a cruise with his
family, and when they took walks
around the ship, his parents
noticed that strangers would
wave at Crabtree and say hello,
said Charlotte Parrott, a friend
of Crabtrees who heard the story
from his mother.
Parrott said his family later dis-
covered that every night, Crabtree
would go to the ships bar alone
and perform karaoke.
He apparently developed a little
following, and everyone always
wanted to see Andrew come out
and sing, Parrott said.
Friends and family said Crabtree
didnt let the cancer define him.
He never ever wanted to talk
about the fact that he was sick,
Parrott said.
I think one of the reasons why
he probably kept me around was
because I wasnt gentle with him,
because that just pissed him off.
He didnt want to be treated
like a cancer patient.
Crabtree was the literary man-
ager for LAB! Theatre, and he
starred in many theatrical produc-
tions at UNC and elsewhere.
Nathaniel Claridad who
directed Eurydice, one pro-
duction Crabtree was in said
Crabtree was the obvious choice
for the eccentric role of interest-
ing man in the production.
He said Crabtree was inven-
tive and always pushing himself
to come up with new ideas for the
It was such a delight to see a
young actor not be afraid of failing
in the rehearsal room, Claridad
It was very encouraging.
Crabtree was also a member of
the St. Anthony Hall fraternity, a
By Megan Cassella
Summer Editor
Friends and family are mourn-
ing the loss of Xuezhou Nan, who
died from injuries after being hit
by a falling tree on Franklin Street
during the June 13 storm.
Nan, a UNC sophomore from
Cary, was known as Julia. She was
At UNC, Nan was majoring in
biology and psychology and had
enough academic credits to gradu-
ate next spring a full year ahead
of schedule.
She was quiet, thoughtful and
dedicated to her classes, friends
said, often awake studying in her
room until the early hours of the
She was just so sweet, so smart
and so kind about everything so
willing to help me on my home-
work whenever I needed it, said
Eric Schafer, a UNC sophomore
who attended Panther Creek High
School with Nan.
I called her Julia Goolia.
Andrew Chen, Nans uncle, said
outside of school, Nan liked play-
ing the piano and drawing.
Shes a very independent girl,
he said. She always had her own
idea to do what she thinks is right.
Even in high school, Nan knew
what she was doing and where
she was headed in life, said Pam
Savage, Nans guidance counselor
for her senior year at Panther
I cant even tell you how
impressive she was academically,
she said.
And she was an even better kid.
Savage said Nan was consistent-
ly at the top of her class but her
ranking wasnt the most important
thing to her.
She was second in the class
going into the spring semester, but
she chose to let that go and to do
an internship at Duke (University)
instead, she said.
I just loved that at such a highly
ranked school, she didnt necessar-
ily care about the numbers and
so often they do.
Savage said Nan talked in high
Sophomore Julia Nan
died from injuries after
being struck by a tree.
Sophomore Andrew
Crabtree died Saturday
after battling cancer.
See NAN, Page 7 See CrAbTree, Page 7
See oUT of STATe, Page 7
By Jordan Bailey
University Editor
Fewer than 40 percent of faculty and
staff at the University live in the town in
which they work.
And Gordon Merklein, executive direc-
tor of real estate development at UNC,
said the high cost of housing in Chapel
Hill might be one factor but local gov-
ernments and the University are trying to
change that.
Earlier this month, the Chapel Hill Town
Council allocated $16,096 more than usual
to the Community Home Trust, a nonprofit
organization focused on providing afford-
able housing for county residents.
Robert Dowling, executive director of
the organization, said about half of the
residents in his homes are UNC employees.
Housing for students, faculty and staff is
also set to be incorporated into the mixed-
use Carolina North satellite campus, once
development begins.
Merklein said the high cost of housing
in town can be troublesome for UNC staff
seeking homes in town.
Chapel Hill, in general, is an expensive
place to live, he said.
Housing prices are higher its one
of the highest per-capita places to live in
the state. As such, that means (for) people
who work at UNC who want to live in
Chapel Hill it becomes difficult for them
because the housing is more expensive
than, say, in neighboring (counties).
According to a residential market study,
the median price of a for-sale home in
Chapel Hill in 2010 was $323,300 64
percent higher in cost than Durham, 63
percent higher than Raleigh and 34 per-
cent higher than Cary when taxes, land
cost and construction costs are factored
into it.
The median single-family income in
Chapel Hill, meanwhile, is $67,688, and
the average salary for University employees
covered by the State Personnel Act most
staff members is $47,921.
Merklein said housing costs are an issue
when it comes to hiring new employees.
UNC recognizes that to keep a com-
petitive workforce and to make UNC an
Housing prices pose obstacles
for many UNC employees.
See STAff HoUSiNg, Page 7
Xuezhou Nan,
known as Julia, was
in biology and
psychology at UNC.
Her memorial
service will be held
Saturday in Cary.
Andrew Crabtree
was double-major-
ing in dramatic art
and history. He was
dedicated to his
acting, starring in a
number of produc-
tions at UNC.
dtH/kaki PoPe
UNCs usual closer Trent Thornton started and earned the win on Tuesday.
DTH ONLINE: Visit and follow
@DTHSports on Twitter for more
coverage from Omaha. T
he top-seeded North
Carolina baseball team
must win three straight
games in the next week to make
it to the championship series in
After losing their first game
in a double-elimination bracket
against N.C. State, the Tar
Heels faced elimination against
Louisiana State Tuesday night,
but they came up victorious.
With LSU now out of the
playoffs, the Tar Heels have
another chance to defeat the
Wolfpack in a win-or-go-home
game Thursday at 8 p.m.
If UNC can get past the
Wolfpack, the team will have
to beat UCLA Friday and
Saturday to avoid elimination
and make it to the final series
in Omaha. Turn to page 6 for
more coverage.
pressures oN for uNC
DriVeN oUT bY CoSTS?
Median sale price of a home in
dUrHaM: $164,000
Median sale price of a home in
raleIgH: $185,000
Median sale price of a home in
CHaPel HIll: $323,300
Median sale price of a home in
Cary: $269,960
dtH/RaCHeL HoLt CoMPiLed BY JoRdaN BaiLeY
Diane St. Clair cookbook sign-
ing: Diane St. Clair will host a
signing of her book, The Animal
Farm Buttermilk Cookbook:
Recipes and Refections from a
Small Vermont Dairy.The cook-
book is a must-read for organic
food enthusiasts. The event is
free and open to the public. No
registration is required.
Time: 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Location: Southern Season
UNC Summer Jazz Workshop
concert: The UNC Summer Jazz
Workshop will present one of its
daily concerts. The concert will
feature Gregg Gelb on saxo-
phone, Jim Ketch on trumpet
and the Jerald Shynette Sextet.
Concert attendees should note
that the intersection at Colum-
bia Street and Cameron Avenue
is closed; vehicles may access
the Swain Lot from Raleigh
Street to Cameron Avenue. The
event is free and open to the
Time: 7 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Location: Kenan Music Building
Pages and Stages at the Arts
Alive festival: The Arts Alive
festival will include Pages
and Stages, a series of staged
readings. Daniel Wallace and
Michael Malone will read from
new novels. Special guest Jane
Holding will also perform new
fction. The event, sponsored by
the Hillsborough Arts Council
and Purple Crow Books, is free
and open to the public.
Time: 8 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Location: Hillsborough Arts
WXYC Movie Night: WXYC will
jump-start its summer flm series
with the documentary A Band
Called Death, which chronicles
the formation of the frst black
punk band in the early 1970s.
The band did not gain popular-
ity until nearly three decades
after its debut. The event is free
and open to the public.
Time: 8:30 p.m. - 11 p.m.
Location: 403 W. Rosemary St.
Music Maker Relief Founda-
tion concert: The Music Maker
Relief Foundation will host a
NOTED. A 65-year-old woman in Seattle
gave up on her attempt to live on water,
air and sunlight alone after 47 days.
She says she ll never know if the pain
and vomiting were a painful withdrawal
from an irrational addiction to food or
just slow starvation, but whos to say those
arent the same thing? Oh right, doctors.
QUOTED. Tired of voting for rats? Vote
for a cat.
Sergio Chamorro of eastern Mexico
nominated his cat, Morris, for local politi-
cal office, inspiring a slew of other animal
candidacies across Mexico. And while cor-
ruption may be less rampant here, Tina the
Chicken does sound enticingly trustworthy.
ost middle schools have more than their fair share of
impressionable, gross and unabashedly horny adolescents.
But now young Japanese students are putting typical teen-
age sexual shenanigans to shame.
Teachers were curious when they started seeing kids coming to school
wearing eyepatches, which are used to hide infections, but they had no
way of knowing what was really going on until they saw it in action.
The students call it worming, or eyeball licking, which pretty much
removes any hint of subtlety or ambiguity about what exactly it is. Its just
an innocent display of affection, but doctors say it puts kids at risk for
problems like pinkeye or eye chlamydia. You heard me: eye chlamydia.
Worming: The hot new craze
From staf and wire reports
Someone committed lar-
ceny at 100 Westgreen Drive
between 3 p.m. and 7:29 p.m.
Monday, according to Chapel
Hill police reports.
The person stole an iPad,
valued at $400, from a
vehicle with an open window,
reports state.
Someone broke and
entered and stole property
at 2125 Old Oxford Road E.
between 9 a.m. and 3:46 p.m.
Monday, according to Chapel
Hill police reports.
The person removed a slid-
ing door to enter the house
and took one gold chain val-
ued at $700, four gold rings
valued at $1,700, two watches
valued at $650, two gold
bracelets valued at $375 and
one pair of gold earrings val-
ued at $120, reports state.
Someone committed
assault with a deadly weapon
at 747 S. Merritt Mill Road at
5:24 a.m. Sunday, according
to Chapel Hill police reports.
The person pulled a knife
on another person during a
fight. Minor injuries were
reported, and drug or alcohol
use was a factor in the inci-
dent, reports state.
Someone vandalized
property at Chapel Hill Bible
Church at 260 Erwin Road
at 1:47 a.m. Sunday, accord-
ing to Chapel Hill police
The person broke the glass
in a basketball hoop back-
board, causing damage valued
at $500, reports state.
Someone committed
assault inflicting serious
injury at 147 E. Franklin St. at
1:10 a.m. Sunday, according
to Chapel Hill police reports.
The person hit another
person in the face with a glass
cup, causing severe lacerations,
according to reports. Drug or
alcohol use was a factor in the
incident, reports state.
To make a calendar submission,
email calendar@dailytarheel.
com. Please include the date of
the event in the subject line, and
attach a photo if you wish. Events
will be published in the newspaper
on either the day or the day before
they take place.
CoMMUNity CaLENdar
concert on the theme of Roots
and Leaves, featuring musical
guests Red Rover, Captain Luke
and Big Ron performing South-
ern roots music. The Carolina
Brewerys Brew Van will serve
beer at the concert. The event is
free and open to the public.
Time: 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Location: Southern Village
Star Families at Morehead
Planetarium: Kids ages 7-12
and their families can learn
to identify constellations and
planets at the Morehead Plan-
etariums Star Families series.
The event costs $4 for Morehead
members and $5 for nonmem-
Time: 3:30 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
Location: Morehead Plan-
News Thursday, June 20, 2013 The Daily Tar Heel 2
summer shopping
lsa, who turns 1 year old this week, frequent-
ly helps her father, Carrboro resident Derek
Kaiser, check out at Weaver Street Market.
The two spent quality time shopping together during
the overcast Monday afternoon.
dth/jade hinsdale
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The Daily Tar Heel reports
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have corrections printed on
that page. Corrections also
are noted in the online ver-
sions of our stories.
News Thursday, June 20, 2013 The Daily Tar Heel 3
courtesy of keith taylor
Chapel Hill pilot Keith Taylor would no longer be able to fly out of Horace Williams to do volunteer work if the airport closes.
dth/claire mayes
A new sewer line in Rogers Road will provide sewer services for many proper-
ties. Municipal services have been promised to the neighborhood for decades.
cuts on the horizon
rogers road to receive sewer services
By McKenzie Coey
Staff Writer
After 40 years, the Rogers Road
community will finally get its prom-
ised sewer line but some residents
say local governments have more
work to do for the neighborhood.
Last week, the Historic Rogers
Road Neighborhood Task Force
decided on two options for a sewer
plan for the neighborhood that has
housed the county landfill since 1972.
Chapel Hill Town Council
member and task force member
Lee Storrow said the first option
which would cost $5.8 million
would provide sewer services for
86 properties, but would require
Chapel Hill to create an extraterrito-
rial jurisdiction for the area.
The second option would cost $3.7
million and serve 67 properties with-
out creating the special jurisdiction.
He said funding for the sewer sys-
The sewer line marks a
step forward in providing
long-awaited utilities.
ing up to the sewer plan proposals.
We definitely continue to hear
feedback from the neighborhood
and from residents that there is
some frustration that we have
dragged our feet for 40 years to pro-
vide services that the local govern-
ment promised when we built the
landfill, Storrow said.
The next task force meeting will
be held July 17.
Contact the desk editor at
tem will be split between the Chapel
Hill, Carrboro and Orange County
Rev. Robert Campbell, a Rogers
Road resident, said he often attends
task force meetings to remind mem-
bers about the sewer issue.
We are pleased (with the prog-
ress). We arent 100-percent pleased
we wont be that way until we get
the work started on the water and
sewage lines, Campbell said. But
right now, where we are, we are
pleased that we are moving forward.
Campbell said although new
houses have been built in the neigh-
borhood, Rogers Road is missing
essential utilities.
The basic amenities sidewalks,
streetlights, sewer and water lines
will make it safe and healthy for
ones who live in the historic Rogers
Road community, he said.
Carrboro Board of Aldermen
and task force member Michelle
Johnson said the proposed plans will
be taken back to the municipalities
involved, and each board will decide
which option it prefers.
She said although Carrboro and
Chapel Hill were quick to put the
discussion on their agendas, the
county said it might not be discussed
until the fall due to time constraints.
She said she feels the task force is
still making progress.
I feel like the task force is work-
ing as effectively as it can with vari-
ous representatives opinions about
what should happen to the commu-
nity and various opinions on how we
can get to that, Johnson said.
She said she thinks the community
owes municipal services, such as the
sewer system, to the neighborhood.
We are connected to the Rogers
Road community and are bound in
a lot of ways, because we have taken
our trash there for so long and they
have carried that burden, she said.
Storrow said the neighborhood
has been involved in decisions lead-
Right now, where we
are, we are pleased
that we are moving
Rev. Robert Campbell,
rogers road resident
horace Williams Airport might close in August
Drill tests
By Marshall Winchester
Staff Writer
The University held hostages in Davis Library
The situation was simulated part of a larger effort to
help increase security on campus. But the drill presented an
opportunity for students, faculty and officials to learn how
to respond to a potential campus crisis.
Approximately 170 people including administrators,
observers and simulated perpetrators, hostages and victims
were involved in the drill.
(Emergency medical personnel and firefighters) will all
be responding just as they would in a real-life situation,
said campus police chief Jeff McCracken, director of UNCs
Department of Public Safety, in an interview Monday.
McCracken said the drill is a response to recommen-
dations by task forces assembled by the N.C. Attorney
Generals office and the UNC-system presidents office after
the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre.
He said the task forces were charged with investigat-
ing safety procedures in North Carolina schools, and they
recommended that UNC perform emergency exercises to
ensure campus safety.
McCracken said the University allocates $50,000 annu-
ally for emergency exercises.
Before the Virginia Tech incident, DPS conducted emer-
gency exercises, although not according to a regular schedule.
Now, McCracken said DPS plans to perform one full-
scale exercise, which would include emergency responders,
and one theoretical exercise each year.
He said Wednesdays drill was the most extensive
response test to date.
McCracken said Davis Library was chosen as the location
of the drill as part of an effort to vary the simulated scenario
and campus location used in each emergency exercise. The
last drill was held at UNCs Outdoor Education Center.
DPS hired EnviroSafe, a Burlington-based organization
that specializes in crisis management, to assist in designing
and administering the drill. The company will also create
an after-action report to document the information gained
from the drill, McCracken said.
Derrick Duggins, the executive director of corporate
operations at EnviroSafe, said the company also provides
services to government agencies and hospitals.
He said EnviroSafe prides itself on customizing its ser-
vices for each client.
Everything is built from scratch and is developed spe-
cific to the clients needs, Duggins said.
Jo Saberniak, a senior dramatic art and astrophysics
major, said he thinks the drill is beneficial.
Any form of practice round is going to be helpful in
knowing how to handle a real situation, he said.
Contact the desk editor at
About 170 people participated in an
emergency simulation in Davis Library
Wednesday morning.
By Daniel Schere
Staff Writer
This summer, Chapel Hill could lose
a piece of town history one thats no
stranger to attempted closures.
The N.C. House of Representatives
budget calls for the closing of Horace
Williams Airport, which has served
local pilots since 1928, by Aug. 1.
The closing aims to make way for the
construction of UNCs long-delayed
Carolina North satellite campus.
Plans to close Horace Williams
date back to 2002, but the N.C. chap-
ter of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots
Association convinced the legislature
several times to extend the deadline.
The University purchased the
airport in 1940, and it served as a
gateway for UNC Hospitals Medical
Air Operations until July 2011, when
they were moved to Raleigh-Durham
International Airport, said UNC News
Services spokeswoman Susan Hudson.
Hudson said since then, the airport
has mainly been used by private pilots.
Last year, 1,225 flights traveled in and
out of Horace Williams.
She also said in fiscal year 2012, the
cost to the University of keeping it in
operation was $68,319.
Airport interim manager Kimble
Wallace said he had not heard any-
thing about the proposed closing and
declined to comment further.
N.C. Rep. Verla Insko (D-Orange)
said she was surprised when she read
the proposal to close the airport.
A member of Speaker (Thom)
Tilllis staff told me the provision was
requested by a member of the N.C.
House and not anyone at Carolina or
the UNC General Administration, as I
was originally told, she said.
Insko said she hopes the airport will
remain open until Carolina North con-
struction actually begins.
A few local pilots rent space for
their planes at HWA and would have
trouble finding another airport any-
where in the area to accommodate
their planes, she said.
That includes town resident Keith
Taylor, who has used the airport since
first taking lessons with the Chapel Hill
Flying Club more than 20 years ago.
Taylor bought his own plane in 1998
and has used it in his volunteer work
with Angel Flight a nonprofit that
provides free transportation to medical
Taylor said an airport is an asset to a
college town with a large hospital.
The airport is a lot more beneficial
to the area than a lot of people realize,
he said.
He added that one of the airports
benefits is what he considers its safe
location, despite concerns some might
have about small airports.
Now, the AOPA is attempting to save
the airport once more. According to a
recent press release, AOPA Southern
Regional Manager Bob Minter has
written a letter to the legislature asking
that the airport remain open.
And with budget discussions con-
tinuing in the General Assembly, it
appears that plans for Horace Williams
are still up in the air.
Contact the desk editor at
inter-Faith council halfway to new mens shelter
By Cammie Bellamy
City Editor
After Hunter Mills became
homeless, the Inter-Faith Councils
Community House provided him
with a route to avoid the streets.
But in his time there, he found
the shelter was about much more
than a hot meal and a bed.
Those who are in there temporar-
ily and they basically put a boot to
you to get a job and get the heck out
it actually helps them, he said.
Actually a lot of people have left
when Ive been here ... they got jobs
and like a week later to a month
later, they were out.
And as the IFC passes a fundrais-
ing milestone this month, homeless
men served by the shelter will soon
have a new facility to help them get
back on their feet.
The nonprofit has raised more
than 50 percent of the $4.7 million
it needs to fund the new homeless
IFC Associate Director John
Dorward said the projects contrac-
tors, Triangle Grading and Paving,
will begin preliminary work at the
1315 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
site in early July.
The new facility will replace the
shelters current 100 W. Rosemary
St. location.
People will see some trees com-
ing down and some dirt being moved
around at the site, which were very
excited about, Dorward said.
On Monday, Dorward met for a
pre-construction meeting with con-
tractors and the projects architect,
Josh Gurlitz of Chapel Hills GGA
Gurlitz said they would be install-
ing some basic foundational systems
at the site.
There will be trees removed,
grading will occur, we ll be includ-
ing some retaining walls and we ll
be doing storm water management
structures, which are pipes and
catch-water systems, Gurlitz said.
Dorward said while some details
need to be finalized, they hope to
begin construction on the building
itself by next spring or summer.
The site for the new shelter,
leased from UNC, includes 1.66
acres. The planned two-story struc-
ture will hold 52 beds and expanded
facilities, including an exercise
room, work spaces, a medical facility
and dental clinic.
The IFCs Community Kitchen,
which provides free, daily meals,
will remain at the shelters current
location until a planned move to
Carrboro is approved.
Dorward said the larger shelter
space will allow the IFC to focus
more effectively on recovery for men
in the shelters programs.
The whole point of the program
is at the end of the program, you
will be employed and ready to be
independent again, he said. The
current building is not set up where
we could do that.
At the shelter, new program
participants will stay in dormitory-
style rooms of 12 beds each. As they
advance through the program, com-
pleting work in job skills training
or finishing their education, they ll
move to more private bedrooms,
sometimes with only one roommate.
Mills said he thinks the move will
benefit those who use the shelters
Its a bigger space so they have a
bigger shelter, and its going to have
a lot more rooms, a lot more things
that keep them occupied, he said.
Its going to have a weight room
so they dont gain weight just sitting
around, and I think its going to be a
little bit better.
While facilities at the new shelter
will go far in helping men prepare
for life after homelessness, Dorward
said the shelters location will be a
critical element of its effectiveness.
I think being in more of a little
quieter setting more of a neigh-
borhood will be more of what
they ll be experiencing when they
get out on their own, he said.
They ll be regular guys, just like
the rest of us.
Contact the desk editor at
The organization has
raised 50 percent of funds
for its Community House.
News Thursday, June 20, 2013 The Daily Tar Heel 4
persist on
By Kendra Benner
Staff Writer
Republicans in the N.C.
General Assembly continue to
cite the Medicaid monster
as a funding fiasco but a
new study sheds light on the
financial penalties the state
could face by not expanding
A study released by the
Rand Corporation earlier this
month predicts that states
rejecting Medicaid expansion
will collectively have 3.6 mil-
lion fewer insured residents,
an $8.4 billion decrease in
federal funding and a $1 bil-
lion increase in state spend-
ing on uncompensated care.
North Carolina is one
of 14 states with governors
who have said their states
will opt out of the Medicaid
expansion provision of the
Affordable Care Act.
If you look out the
rearview mirror, it may look
like a sunny day, said Don
Dalton, spokesman for the
N.C. Hospital Association.
But hospitals have to look
out the windshield and we
see some real dark clouds up
ahead because of federal cuts.
Dalton said one-third of
all hospitals in the state have
operating margins in the red
and more reductions will
give them bleak outlooks.
But Katherine Restrepo,
an analyst at the conservative
John Locke Foundation, said
Medicaid cost overruns from
last year sit at $330 million.
Experts have said the num-
ber could approach $400 mil-
lion before the end of the fiscal
year June 30.
Many legislators have
blamed Medicaids ineffi-
ciency as a principal cause of
forthcoming budget cuts to
several government sectors
including the UNC system.
(The Medicaid shortfall)
takes away from other parts
of our budget, like education,
Restrepo said.
Medicaid expansion
would have extended cover-
age to 500,000 more North
Carolina residents, in addi-
tion to the 1.5 million already
in the program.
N.C. Sen. Ellie Kinnaird
(D-Orange) said the health
services lost by rejecting
Medicaid will impact the state
more severely than any expan-
sion costs would have.
Reforming Medicaid has
been a rallying cry for N.C.
Republicans all year:
January: Accepting
Medicaid expansion was
uncertain in North Carolina.
March: The N.C. General
Assembly passed a bill that
rejected the expansion.
April: Gov. Pat McCrory
announced his market-
based alternative to a state-
run health care exchange.
She said the decision
sparks concerns about hospi-
tals in rural parts of the state,
which rely more heavily on
Medicaid funding.
A study done by the N.C.
Justice Center earlier this
year found that expanding
Medicaid would have brought
more than $15 billion in fed-
eral funds to the state and
created 25,000 jobs by 2016.
We are going to experience
some severe shortfalls in our
rural hospitals, to the point
where some of them might
have to close, Kinnaird said.
Its a very difficult situation.
Still, Restrepo said the
legislatures decision to focus
on reform would improve
the states future outlook for
health care, while reducing
the Medicaid tab that taxpay-
ers are on the hook for.
She added that Medicaids
cost per enrollee in 2009 was
just over $6,000, higher than
both the average in Southern
states and the national aver-
To be fiscally responsible,
Medicaid expansion is not
the way to go, she said. Its
a broken system that we have
to fix now before we throw
money at it.
Gov. McCrory proposed
his privatized alternative to
Medicaid expansion, called
the Partnership for a Healthy
North Carolina, in April.
The plan would allow
health care providers offering
different packages of services
and benefits to compete in a
market system.
The final policy changes
under the Affordable Care Act
will take effect in January.
Contact the desk editor at
dth/cammie bellamy
Carolina Pride sportswear,
which primarily sold UNC
apparel, closed Tuesday after
30 years on Franklin Street.
Jazz workshop to conclude
By Sam Schaefer
Staff Writer
The UNC Summer Jazz
Workshop continues to grow,
encouraging its organizers
even as it presents new chal-
The week-long program,
which ends Friday, features
daily instruction for students
from UNC jazz faculty and
guest musicians, as well as
nightly concerts.
Stephen Anderson, a music
professor and director of the
workshop, said the program
has grown from 40 students
in its first year to 79 this sum-
mer, the programs third year.
Anderson said the
programs growth presented
issues in working with
Its just a matter of know-
ing how to work with them
according to their individual
needs, he said. And as we get
bigger, to keep it personal
thats a challenge.
But he also said he is
pleased by the large number
of students who want to learn
about jazz.
The final concert is beau-
tiful, he said. The last year,
we completely packed in the
large rehearsal room.
He said the quality of the
instructors and their credibil-
ity as musicians was likely a
factor in attracting people to
the workshop offers a more
theoretical base than his
normal jazz instruction.
Usually we do more hands-
on playing, but this is a lot
more fundamental, he said.
I really like learning a lot
of chord theory because I feel
like its really helpful for me as
a musician and an improviser.
Chad Eby, a guest
instructor from UNC-
Greensboro, said he wanted
to teach students how to
listen to jazz.
Jazz fundamentally is an
aurally taught art form, he
said. Anything we tell them
about writing things out, its
got to be contextualized with
how they hear it.
Eby said hes encouraged by
the number of students who
want to learn about jazz, but
hes disappointed in audience
interest levels at times.
Its great that there are so
many people that love it, but
we need to continue to figure
out ways that we can draw the
audience in, he said.
Anderson said hes been
happy with the results of the
workshop so far.
Were just excited about
it, he said. It keeps growing.
The kids are doing great.
Contact the desk editor at
the workshop.
(Participants) can play
with the faculty, and I think
thats exciting to them,
Anderson said.
Anderson said the applica-
tion process is not designed
to be highly rigorous, but to
make sure students arent too
young or inexperienced.
If they have no musical
experience, we cant really do
anything, he said. They have
to have played in a group and
know what theyre doing
theres some assumed knowl-
edge when we get them.
Jared Goldman, a ninth-
grade alto saxophonist from
Enloe High School, said
dth/rebecca goldstein
Scott Sawyer (left) and Lynn Seaton played in a faculty concert Tuesday as part of the workshop.
UNCs Summer Jazz
Workshop has grown
since its 2011 debut.
By Cammie Bellamy
City Editor
A sportswear store on
Franklin Street is throwing in
the towel.
Carolina Pride sportswear,
which manager John Hudson
said has been at its 151 E.
Franklin St. location since
1983, closed Tuesday night
after 30 years. To help clear
the stores remaining inven-
tory, all merchandise was
marked down to half-off.
By early Wednesday morn-
ing, crews were working in
the store to remove the fix-
tures and clear the space.
Hudson said employees
had foreseen the closing but
had been hoping for a miracle
Carolina Pride closes on Franklin
to keep the store open.
More money is going out
than is coming in, he said.
Weve had a couple of weeks
of moving the merchandise to
close up.
Carolina Pride is the most
recent Franklin Street busi-
ness to close. In March, land-
mark Chapel Hill restaurant
Peppers Pizza closed, just
months after Tomato Jakes
Pizzeria and Jack Sprat Cafe
also shut their doors.
Hudson said a combina-
tion of factors, including
declining profits, contributed
to the closure. He said while
hes talked to other managers
on Franklin Street about the
business climate downtown,
few are willing to discuss
when they are struggling.
I have anecdotal evi-
dence, and I certainly talk
to other business owners on
the street, he said. No busi-
ness owner that is in trouble
is going to tell me that. Not
unless he or she is nuts.
He said Tuesday the busi-
ness doors would remain open
as long as he could stay there.
Were probably here until
the business just dies.
Carolina Pride was far
from the only UNC apparel
shop downtown.
Other athletic merchan-
dise stores on Franklin Street
include Johnny T-shirt, The
Shrunken Head Boutique,
Chapel Hill Sportswear and
Underground Printing.
The manager of
Underground Printing,
Elizabeth Flake, said while her
business has seen strong sales
since it opened in September,
shes heard from others down-
town who are struggling.
I have heard that the
stores have lost a lot of busi-
ness in the last few years,
Flake said. I also heard that
this summer had pretty low
summer school attendance
and that has affected not only
the sports apparel businesses,
but Franklin in general.
Last year, the Chapel
Hill Downtown Partnership
released a retail mix survey
that found businesses on
Franklin Street might be hurt
by a lack of retail diversity.
The partnerships assistant
director, Bobby Funk, said
business leaders in Chapel
Hill should keep diversity in
mind as now-vacant spaces,
such as 151 E. Franklin St.,
are filled.
Wed love to see more
retail opportunities, Funk
said. Clothing retail is great
anything that brings more
vibrancy to downtown, we ll
be excited about.
Contact the desk editor at
The sportswear store
is the most recent
downtown closure.
I have heard that the stores have lost a lot
of business in the last few years.
Elizabeth Flake,
manager of Underground Printing on Franklin street
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News Thursday, June 20, 2013 The Daily Tar Heel 5
Q&A with professor David Baker
By Anna Long
Staff Writer
For the first time in
more than 40 years, the
ConnectCarolina payroll sys-
tem is going to be updated.
Changes to many aspects of
the ConnectCarolina system,
set to go live in January 2014,
will streamline services and
allow all of UNCs adminis-
trative software to operate on
the same platform, said Debra
Beller, communications
specialist for Information
Technology Services.
ConnectCarolina is the
Universitys name for its
administrative services soft-
ware, which is run primarily
by PeopleSoft, Beller said in a
campuswide email.
The updates include add-
ing human resources, finance
and payroll functionalities to
PeopleSoft, Beller said.
There shouldnt be a huge
impact on students or faculty,
she said. The real impact
comes on staff the people
who do the purchasing and
people who hire employees
there will be quite a bit of
impact there.
Beller said major changes
to the student component of
ConnectCarolina took place in
2009. Those updates included
changes to registration, stu-
dent records, grades, financial
aid and cashier services.
Kevin Seitz, associate vice
chancellor for finance, said
the most recent change to
ConnectCarolina is necessary
because the current system is
out of date.
Our accounting system
is 25 years old, our payroll
system is 44 years old, and on
and on, Seitz said.
Its a wholesale change
in the applications on the
finance side.
Beller said she believes the
new software will help the
Universitys staff work more
Once we put in these
systems in January, all of the
Universitys administrative
systems will be on the same
platform, Beller said.
It will make it easier for
staff on campus to do their
work because we ll all be
using the same system across
the board.
The updates will require
an extensive training process
to acclimate staff to the new
software, said Matt Brody,
associate vice chancellor for
human resources.
Seitz said upward of 4,000
people will be trained on the
finance side, and about 500
will be trained for human
There is a fairly complex
project that involves many
people from many different
central and school division
offices who are all work-
ing together as part of an
extended project team,
Brody said.
Brody said he thinks the
large-scale changes will ulti-
mately benefit the University.
By moving everything to
a singular, consolidated plat-
form, the data will flow more
easily, he said.
The users will have a
more consistent user inter-
face rather than having to be
trained to use lots of different
systems. We expect improve-
ments to our ability to do
reporting and to get data back
out of the system.
Contact the desk editor at
updates to
ease data ow
Cellphone ban delayed further
By Cammie Bellamy
City Editor
Chapel Hill drivers wont
be forced to hang up that cell-
phone just yet.
In a meeting Monday, the
Chapel Hill Town Council
voted to delay the start of the
towns cellphone ban until
Oct. 1 and to allow a set of
townwide towing restrictions
to go into effect June 24.
The cellphone ordi-
nance bans all hand-held
and hands-free phone use
while driving on Chapel Hill
roads, with exceptions for
emergency and family com-
munications. Drivers cannot
be stopped for cellphone use
alone, but may be cited for
it if they are pulled over for
another offense.
Both the cellphone and
towing ordinances had been
temporarily halted by an N.C.
Superior Court decision. But
on June 4, the N.C. Court
of Appeals overturned the
injunction, ruling that the
town could enforce the tow-
ing rules. The court declined
to rule on the constitutional-
ity of the cellphone ban.
The ruling said the town
could enforce the ban while
courtesy of david baker
English professor David Baker will give a lecture at Flyleaf Books about Shakespeares influence.
its legality is worked out in
the courts a decision that
prompted the town to delay
the bans enactment.
The plaintiff, Georges
Towing & Recovery, now has
until early July to ask the
state Supreme Court to hear
the case.
Most council members
agreed the town should have
little trouble enforcing the
towing restrictions.
Regulating towing seems
to me a straightforward,
municipal authority and its
confined to our city limits,
said council member Sally
Greene. With the (cellphone)
ordinance, we are stepping
out there.
Council members also
advanced an educational
campaign to inform residents
about the cellphone ban when
it takes effect.
At the meeting, several
town residents voiced support
for the ordinance.
Resident Joe Capowski
said the ban, the first of its
kind in the state, could be an
example to other towns.
Cellphone driving is a
national public health issue,
and I am proud that Chapel
Hill is a leader in it, Capowski
said. We ought to be a leader
we need to be a leader. We
have 29,000 students here
that grew up with cellphones.
Penny Rich, an Orange
County commissioner and
The towns towing
restrictions will move
forward as planned.
dth/claire mayes
Georges Towing & Recovery filed a lawsuit, now reversed,
against Chapel Hills cellphone ban and towing restrictions.
English professor David
Baker will be giving a lec-
ture about how William
Shakespeares works relate to
the modern marketplace at
Flyleaf Books.
Staff writer John Howell,
Jr. spoke with Baker about
how Shakespeare influenced
both the modern and past
British marketplaces.
Shakespeare important
DAVID BAKER: Shakespeare
is absolutely everywhere in
our entertainment culture.
He is unique amongst the
Renaissance playwrights in
that he has an enduring life in
popular culture that extends
over centuries.
He has proved his impor-
tance in many ways over a
long time.
DTH: How does
Shakespeare relate to the
DB: He was important in
the marketplace during his
time because his enormous
productivity and his shrewd
entrepreneurial sense enabled
his acting company, The
Kings Men, to establish itself
as one of the pre-eminent
acting companies of the time
and to put on, year after year,
tremendously popular plays.
So in a real way, Shakespeare
was one of the mainsprings of
the entertainment industry in
early modern England.
In the larger world,
Shakespeare has managed
to infiltrate the theater scene
in many different countries.
In our own country, popular
artists attest that Shakespeare
has been influential for
them, that they think about
Shakespeare when they do
their own work.
DTH: What was the basis for
you to bring these two ideas
DB: First of all, it reflects
my research. I recently
wrote a book called On
Demand, which tries to
chart the influence of early
modern Englands develop-
ing consumer economy on
Shakespeare, among other
artists. But Im hardly the
only person to take that line
of attack.
There is a whole school of
early modern critics who have
been thinking for decades
now about how Shakespeare
played into market devel-
opments in early modern
England, how he can be
understood as a commercial
artist and how he compares to
other commercial artists who
were trying to make a buck in
the same day.
Well before critics started
thinking about these issues,
people have had to think
about how Shakespeare could
be both the monumental art-
ist that they see him as and
also a commercially success-
ful businessman.
Over the many centuries
that people have been think-
ing about Shakespeare,
they have been trying to
think about the reasons for
Shakespeares commercial
success and whether they
were the same reasons as his
economic success. One of the
things Im going to say in the
lecture is essentially yes, they
are the same reasons.
DTH: Are there other areas
that we can see this influence?
DB: The publishing
industrys answer to that is
that Shakespeares lessons
are applicable to every-
thing. There are books on
Shakespeare and contem-
porary business. There are
books on lessons for CEOs
and managers that are pro-
vided by his plays. Its a staple
of American publishing to
take Shakespeare and apply
him to some part of everyday
former Town Council mem-
ber, said the ban represents
an issue of town autonomy.
Every municipality in
North Carolina wins because
we in Chapel Hill decided to
be leaders and fight for the
right to decide how our town
is run, Rich said.
The council eventually
voted 7-to-1 to move the enact-
ment date to October. Council
member Matt Czajkowski
declined to support advancing
the ban over concerns that it
would be ineffective.
The council also addressed
several other issues at
Mondays meeting:
Members heard Town
Manager Roger Stancils
response to a petition that
would move the authority to
fire town employees from his
office to the towns Personnel
Appeals Committee. While
the town claims legally fir-
ing responsibilities must
stay with the town manager,
Stancil said his office is work-
ing to provide the committee
with greater resources.
The council passed an
ordinance to ban smoking
in all town-owned vehicles,
replacing a previous rule that
allowed smoking if all passen-
gers in the car agreed to it.
The council heard recom-
mendations on bicycle and
pedestrian improvements
along Old Durham-Chapel
Hill Road.
Contact the desk editor at
life and to draw out the les-
Shakespeare is a puzzle.
Hes everywhere, we all enjoy
him, but its very hard to fig-
ure out what exactly he stood
for. In a capitalist culture like
the one we inhabit, it matters
that Shakespeare understood
capitalism and still has things
to tell us about it today. As
strange as it sounds, we
should think very seriously
about what Shakespeare has
to tell us about money and
why it mattered in his time,
and why it still matters in
Contact the desk editor at
Time: 5:30 p.m. tonight
Location: Flyleaf Books
Cost: $18 ahead of time,
$20 at the door
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Sports Thursday, June 20, 2013 The Daily Tar Heel 6
The Tar Heels road through Omaha to a College World Series title
In order to make the championship series, the Tar Heels will have to beat N.C. State in one last showdown Thursday at 8 p.m. If they win,
UNC will need to win back-to-back games against UCLA. This bracket charts the tournament progress as of The Daily Tar Heels deadline.
Championship Series
June 24
June 25
8 p.m.
8 p.m.
June 21
3 p.m.
June 21
8 p.m.
June 19
8 p.m.
June 20
8 p.m.
Mississippi State
Mississippi State Mississippi State
Oregon State
Oregon State
Oregon State
Indiana Louisville
North Carolina
North Carolina
North Carolina
N.C. State
June 26
8 p.m.
If Necessary
N.C. State
N.C. State
June 22
8:30 p.m.
If Necessary
June 22
3 p.m.
If Necessary
By Michael Lananna
Senior Writer
OMAHA, Neb. In
Mondays practice, one day
before North Carolinas elimi-
nation bout against Louisiana
State, pitching coach Scott
Forbes made a statement that
now seems more like a pre-
To make a run, no matter
what, in the winners bracket
or the losers bracket, some-
body is going to have to step
up in a role that they havent
been in a lot, Forbes said.
True to Forbes words,
closer Trent Thornton started
Tuesday for the first time
since March 27 and hurled a
career-high 114 pitches in a
seven-inning, two-run gem.
Reliever Chris McCue, in
turn, stepped into Thorntons
closer role and recorded just
his second save of the season.
On the offensive side,
Brian Holberton and Skye
Bolt switched spots in the
batting order and both deliv-
ered Holberton hit a two-
run home run in the first, and
Bolt added insurance with an
RBI single in the seventh.
It wasnt the conventional
UNC lineup, but the tweaks
worked to perfection. UNC
won 4-2 to stay alive in the
College World Series.
As UNC proceeds in the
losers bracket, its next game
coming Thursday against
N.C. State, those kinds of
tweaks may become the
norm. With elimination on
the line, the Tar Heels have
proved willing to stray from
the methods theyve relied on
for most of the season.
Holbertons first-inning
home run Tuesday in particu-
lar was an immediate payoff
for the coaching staff s tinker-
ing. Bolt had been batting just
.188 in postseason play in the
cleanup spot heading into the
game Holberton is slug-
ging .639 and batting .417.
It made the move look
good, coach Mike Fox said.
We felt we needed to move
some things around a little
bit, and really we did think
about that, that having Brian
in there, he can do a lot of
things for us besides hit a
home run Paid off today.
He did well.
On the pitching end, the
changes came out of necessity.
The weekend rotation
Kent Emanuel, Hobbs
Johnson and Benton Moss
has struggled, pitching to
an 11.40, 7.04 and 6.43 ERA,
respectively. Consequently,
Thornton has carried most
of the load, leading the team
in innings heading into the
College World Series.
Forbes said before the start
that Thornton would likely
start again if the Tar Heels
advance far enough.
As for how the rest of
the pitching staff lines up,
UNC coaches have several
options to mull over. Do they
bring back Emanuel, who
lasted just 2.2 innings against
N.C. State on Sunday? Will
Thornton close again? And
when will Moss and Johnson
see action in Omaha?
Theyll have to start
some games for us, Fox said.
Hopefully more than one. We
need to get a good start out of
whichever one that is. And pos-
sibly Kent (Emanuel) can come
back, so we cant look too far
ahead. Its just about winning,
trying to win the next one.
And to win, UNC might
need to continue its creativity.
Contact the desk editor at
By Michael Lananna
and Brooke Pryor
Senior Writers
The top-seeded Tar
Heels will fight to remain
in the College World Series
Thursday night against N.C.
State. The game will mark the
fifth time the two teams meet
this season.
On the mound
By allowing freshman
Trent Thornton to throw 114
pitches in seven innings on
the mound in Tuesday nights
4-2 win against Louisiana
State, coach Mike Fox essen-
tially ruled out using the
righty in Thursdays game.
But he will have three
usual weekend starters at his
disposal with Benton Moss,
Kent Emanuel and Hobbs
The trio has struggled of
late, pitching only a combined
nine innings in the Super
Regional and first game of the
College World Series.
But that doesnt mean that
UNCs coaches have lost faith
in their pitching staff.
Pitching coach Scott Forbes
said Johnson likely would
have started if the team had to
take on UCLA instead of LSU
Tuesday afternoon. Johnson
owns a 2.62 ERA, while Moss
has a 3.78 ERA.
UNC will face a familiar
N.C. State pitching staff, one
that will likely put lefty Carlos
Rodon on the mound.
Rodon pitched a complete
game against UNC on Sunday
and only allowed the team to
record one run on five hits.
At the plate
North Carolina has been
among the nations highest-
scoring teams since the
season began, but those bats
have been far less consistent
in postseason play primar-
ily because UNCs lefty-dom-
inated lineup keeps running
into left-handed pitchers.
There are signs that the
offense could be on the rise,
however. Star third baseman
Colin Moran (.344 aver-
age, 13 home runs, 89 RBI)
picked up three hits against
Louisiana State on Tuesday,
and Brian Holberton (.317,
12, 58) and Skye Bolt (.327,
6, 51) both benefited from a
lineup switch. Holberton had
a home run in the game, and
Bolt knocked in two hits.
Though the Wolfpack
scored just one run in a 2-1
loss to UCLA Tuesday, they
hammered in eight runs
against the Tar Heels Sunday.
Tarran Senay (.289, 8, 59)
has been red hot for N.C.
State in the postseason dating
back to the Raleigh Regional,
and shortstop Trea Turner
(.376, 7, 41) is a dynamic force
at the top of the lineup.
UNC will have its hands
full, especially with the way
its pitchers outside of
Thornton have thrown.
Contact the desk editor at
Tar Heels tweak lineup,
hope to avoid elimination
Tobacco Road
rivals meet again
Summer deadlines are NOON Tuesday prior to
publication for classifed ads. We publish every
Thursday during the Summer School sessions. A
university holiday is a DTH holiday too (i.e. this
affects deadlines). We reserve the right to re-
ject, edit, or reclassify any ad. Acceptance of ad
copy or prepayment does not imply agreement
to publish an ad. You may stop your ad at any
time, but NO REFUNDS or credits for stopped
ads will be provided. No advertising for hous-
ing or employment, in accordance with federal
law, can state a preference based on sex, race,
creed, color, religion, national origin, handicap,
marital status.
ENTREPRENEURS: Learn to be self em-
ployed. 3 workshops offered: Establish
yourself as an expert, Making a living with-
out a job, How to fund your wanderlust.
Adolescents with OCD & OC Spectrum Disor-
ders. Meetings are held every 3rd Thursday of
the month 7-9pm. The next meeting will be on
June 20. Family Parlor Room, United Church of
CH. Call Kathleen 919-402-1039 for more info.
Child Care Wanted
old children for 3 weeks, July 15th thru Au-
gust 2th, from 9am-1pm. Must have a car.
CHILD CARE FOR OUR 3 KIDS: Need child care
for our 10 year-old girl boy twins and 9 year-old
boy 2 weekday evenings per week from 4-8pm.
Excellent driving record and background check
CHAPEL HILL FAMILY needs energetic and reli-
able caregiver for children ages 5, 7, 10 to start
August. Summer hours are 40 hrs/wk. School
hours vary but range from 2:30-7:30pm M-F.
Some weekend hours required. Transporting
kids to activities, homework assistance, out-
door play included in responsibilities. Clean
driving record and experience with children
required. Contact
ing infant child care 9am-5pm 3-5 days/wk.
Must have experience with infants, reliable
transportation and credible references. CPR
Certifcation a plus! Flexible hours. Reply to
CHILD CARE NEEDED: Local family needs
afternoon sitter to pick kids up at camp and
babysit from 4-6pm, M-Th through end of July.
Excellent driving record, safe car are essential.
Morning hours also available. Contact Ann at if interested.
this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair
Housing Act of 1968 which makes it illegal to
advertise any preference, limitation, or dis-
crimination based on race, color, religion, sex,
handicap, familial status, or national origin,
or an intention to make any such preference,
limitation, or discrimination. This newspa-
per will not knowingly accept any advertising
which is in violation of the law. Our readers
are hereby informed that all dwellings adver-
tised in this newspaper are available on an
equal opportunity basis in accordance with
the law. To complain of discrimination, call
the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development housing discrimination hotline:
on West Poplar Avenue. Large bed-
rooms, huge porch, popular location,
on 3 buslines and more. Available Au-
gust. $1,800/mo. Call or email now!
furnished custom built house for rent
in Hillsborough. 2,000+ square feet.
3BR/2BA, 6 total rooms. Minutes to
I-40/I-85. Tons of amenities including
fenced yard, electric fence access, pond
access, carport and much more. Per-
fect for professional seeking long term
lease options. $2,000/mo. +expenses.
Application, background and credit
check required.,
house on Fidelity Street behind Farmers
Market, walk or bike to UNC. Avail-
able August. $950/mo. includes water,
W/D, best pool in town. 919-259-1336,
SPACIOUS TOWNHOUSE: Wooded, peaceful.
Near UNC and Duke. Excellent public schools.
2BR/2BA. Large living room with freplace.
Screened porch, patio and pool. $1,100/mo. for photos and showing.
DOWNTOWN HOUSE for 2013-14. 5BR/3BA
house on Rosemary Street. All appliances,
very nice. Walk to everything! $2,800/mo.
Arbor Realty: 919-619-2160.
3BR/1.5BA, 1,200 SqUARE FEET Big kitchen
W/D, hardwood foors, tile baths. New fur-
nace. 5 minute walk from MLK. Friendly
but quiet neighborhood. $1,250/mo. Prefer
year lease. Pets negotiable. Available 7-1.
country cottage on 3 acre property available
for rent July 1st (or August 1st)! If you like the
idea of rural living and want get away from
the usual apartment complex setting, this is
the place for you! Minutes from UNC campus!
WALK TO CAMPUS. 2BR/1BA. Fully reno-
vated. W/D. Dishwasher. Central AC, heat.
Large back deck. Available August, $925/mo., 919-933-8143.
WALK TO CAMPUS. Available immedi-
ately. $825-$900/mo. 2BR/1BA newly
renovated apartment in this popular loca-
tion. W/D, dishwasher, central heat and air., 919-933-8143.
WALK TO UNC: 3BR/1.5BA new renovation.
Hardwood foors, new kitchen, fre place,
W/D, dishwasher. Central heat and air. Off
street parking Available July. $1,550/mo., 919-933-8143.
LOvELY FAMILY HOME.: 6BR/4.5BA, mid-July
thru August 1st. Great location! 614 Churchill
Drive, Chapel Hill, 27517. First foor BR. Hard-
wood, tile, granite. 3 walk in closets, sun room.
$2,400/mo. 1 year lease. 919-929-6747.
4BR/2BA RENTAL. Spacious 4BR/2BA split level
is tucked away 1 mile north of Franklin Street
and right on busline to campus. Huge, bright
living room with freplace and hardwood foors.
Tile kitchen overlooks grilling patio. W/D includ-
ed in full basement with plenty of storage room
are just a few features that make this a great
rental for undergrads, grad students or family!
Rent: $2,000/mo. Available July 1, 2013. Call
for more details, pics. 919-280-1942.
For Sale
CANOE FOR SALE: Hand made Bill Mason
Special wooden canoe by Paul Fletcher,
Lake Laberge, Yukon, for canoe tripping. Red.
Pristine condition. 17 feet long. Capacity 900
pounds. Weigh about 85 pounds. $3,500. ssau-
HP PREMIUM DESKTOP computer bundle.
AMD fast chip set, 4GB RAM, 500GB
hard drive, new keyboard, mouse,
20 inch deluxe fatscreen monitor.
very advantageously priced, expla-
nation on contact. 919-732-1779,
Help Wanted
CARE PROvIDER JOB: Disabled female profes-
sional looking for a part-time care provider.
Pays $12/hr. Perfect job for student. Contact for more info.
nastics has part-time positions available for
energetic, enthusiastic instructors. Applicants
with knowledge of gymnastic terminology and
progression skills preferred, but will train right
candidate. Send a resume to margie@chapel-
25+ hr/wk, in Chapel Hill, Southern village. As-
sist with NIH funded education projects. very
strong computer skills. Attention to detail.
Interest in health, medicine. Must be avail-
able during the day. Send us an application
online from the Work tab. Start immediately.
pel Hill-Carrboro YMCA is hiring lifeguards
and swim instructors for 2 locations (indoor
and outdoor). Lifeguards must have current
certifcation. Requires excellent customer and
communication skills. Flexible hours and com-
petitive pay. Applications can be found on our
website,, or at the Chapel
Hill branch located at 980 MLK Jr. Blvd. Please
send applications to or
turn in at Chapel Hill Branch. EOE.
for a self starter to fll a maintenance position.
We are in need of someone with the ability
to follow directions and to take the initiative
when maintenance issues arise. The position
will be on a variable schedule with morning
and evening hours based on need. Days will
typically be M-F with occasional weekends.
$8-$10/hr based on experience. Experience in
light plumbing, carpentry, and HvAC systems
preferred. Applications can be found on our
website,, or you can apply
at the Chapel Hill branch at 980 MLK Blvd. Send
applications to or turn in
at the Y. EOE.
MODELS NEEDED for evening sessions for
Durham sculpture studio. Classical fgure and
portrait. Andrew Bryan, 919-929-9913.
our Carrboro home, Light supervision of
a teen, some driving, very light house-
work possible. Up to $15/hr. M-F Email
Homes For Sale
375-B Umstead Drive, Chapel Hill, NC.. Marble
tiles in bath and kitchen. On city busline. Con-
tact Mark Heizer: 919-604-3478, http://www.
per semester, available immediately. Email
Tutoring Services
Practice does NOT make perfect, only PERFECT
practice does. Learn optimal method of LSAT
practice in private sessions with a master tu-
tor who will create a course tailored to your
specifc needs, Begin now for a productive
summer. FREE diagnostic testing. Reason-
able fees. Proven results. To learn more email
Announcements For Rent Help Wanted For Rent Tutoring Tutoring

Robert H. Smith, Atty At Law
312 W. Franklin Street 967-2200
Carolina graduate, expert in traffic and
criminal cases for students for over 20 years.
The Complete Car Care Experts
5116 S. Hwy 55, Durham, NC
Julia W. Burns, MD
Psychiatrist & Artist
5809 Cascade Dr., Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Tar Heel Born & Bred!
Closest Chiropractor to Campus!
Voted BEST in the Triangle by Readers of the Independent!
Keeping UNC Athletes, Students & Staff Well Adjusted
Dr. Chas Gaertner, DC
NC Chiropractic
212 W. Rosemary St.
UNC Community
Aries (March 21-April 19)
Today is a 7 -- Breathe in the atmo-
sphere. Your partner inspires you to take
productive action. Express your thanks
and affection. It could get proftable.
Talk with teammates. Do the research.
Study new trends and possibilities.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Today is an 8 -- Friends offer good ad-
vice. Ask for additional benefts. Call for
reinforcements. Accept encouragement
and feedback. Youre looking especially
great now.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Today is a 9 -- Share thoughts with a fe-
male. You look good, feel good, and the
conversation is encouraging. Go with
the fow. Practice a new skill and expand
your infuence. Follow through. Ask for
what you need.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Today is a 7 -- Try what worked before.
Follow an expert. If stuck, play a new
song. Create the ambiance for meaning-
ful dialogue. Bring love home. Candles
add mood without great expense.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
Today is a 7 -- Social events run smooth-
ly. Negotiations fall into place. Keep
track of your earnings. Contemplate
your future. Realize you know nothing
to learn more. Others are impressed.
Discover hidden valuables. Have a fas-
cinating conversation.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Today is a 7 -- Replace worn out or bro-
ken household items. This removes a
daily irritant. Get the fnancial facts. A
penny saved is earned. Listen to creative
ideas, and communicate philosophical-
ly. Be bold without aggression. True up
your infrastructure and home systems.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
Today is a 9 -- Your judgment is good.
You can learn to do whats necessary.
Others are impressed. Let them solve a
problem. Take time out for pleasure with
a fun assignment. Break through!
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Today is a 9 -- Draw upon hidden resourc-
es. Friends help you make a connection.
Offer them valuable info that provides an
opening. Invest in effciency. Score some
bonus time. Now you feel stronger.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Today is a 6 -- Get energized. Exercise
works wonders. Do what you promised.
Take what you get. Your brilliance gets
revealed, and new information surprises.
Stock up on supplies. Examine sugges-
tions logically. Abundance can be yours.
Accept wise coaching.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Today is a 7 -- Your portfolio entices, and
there is more work coming in. Gather as
much as you can. Cash in secret holdings.
Shop carefully. Use your brains to make
a proft. Balance accounts and discover
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Today is a 7 -- Monitor results. Figure out
what you want. You can fnd the fund-
ing, and transform it. Do something you
thought was impossible. Ask for help.
Get a brilliant insight. Your team wins.
Beauty provides its own reward.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
Today is an 8 -- Your powers of per-
suasion beneft from your interesting
dreams. True love gets revealed. Youre
gaining respect. Group activities go well.
The more you learn, the easier it gets.
Shop around for the very best deal.
To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.
If June 20th is Your Birthday...
This year your talents and strengths shine.
Continue growing your social network this year, as
its your goldmine. Go out and play! Enticing op-
portunities swirl with work and money flowing in.
Apply creativity and new thinking to old problems.
Think long term, regarding partnerships,
finances and plans. Imagine love.
BR = Bedroom BA = Bath mo = month hr = hour wk = week W/D = washer/dryer OBO = or best offer AC = air conditioning w/ = with LR = living room
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News Thursday, June 20, 2013 The Daily Tar Heel 7
Lets talk Shakespeare
Professor David Baker
will speak Thursday about
Shakespeare in the market-
place. See pg. 5 for Q&A.
A hostage situation
An emergency simula-
tion was held in Davis
Library Wednesday morn-
ing. See pg. 3 for story.
Expanding Medicaid
North Carolina has chosen
not to expand Medicaid, lead-
ing to a huge loss in federal
funding. See pg. 4 for story.
Moving on in Omaha
The Tar Heels defeated
LSU Tuesday and will face
N.C. State again Thursday
night. See pg. 6 for story.
Solution to
Thursdays puzzle
Complete the grid
so each row, column
and 3-by-3 box (in
bold borders) contains
every digit 1 to 9.
2013 The Mepham Group. All rights reserved.
Level: 1 2 3 4
(C)2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
All rights reserved. Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle
1 Faradays field: Abbr.
5 Paris is in it
10 __ champtre: garden
14 Love letters?
15 Exploits
17 Bali specification
18 Its more acceptable
when its self-mocking
19 Danish director von
20 NBCs usual Must See
TV night
21 Flight segment
22 Clerical garment
23 Way to spread the
26 Impatient cry
31 Green
32 Shade tree
33 About, legally
35 Single __: tournament
36 Kinky dos
38 LaBeouf of
39 Mollycoddle,
with on
40 Code word
41 United
42 Order in an
46 Bleep, say
47 Stew staple
48 5-Across
52 by good
__, yonders
my lord: Timon of
53 Isnt serious
54 Started to shoot
57 Crowning
58 Conversation barrier
59 Hana Airports island
60 Federal inspection org.
61 Invite for
62 Old, in Oldenburg
1 Hollered
2 Regional asset
3 One with a long
commute, probably
4 Arresting characters
5 Poolside refresher
6 Form foam
7 Words of dread
8 Philip __, first Asian-
American film actor
with a Hollywood Walk
of Fame star
9 See 49-Down
10 Vanua Levus
11 Slaughter with a bat
12 Vegas tip
13 Cabinet dept. with an
Office of Science
16 Bad thing to have loose
23 Recoil
24 Prefix meaning other
25 Treadmill settings
27 Valley where Hercules
slew a lion
28 Where fliers walk
29 Recuperating at the
Royal London
30 Covered in bling, say
34 No sweat!
36 Child psychologists
concern, briefly
37 Minnie Mouses peke
41 Antioxidant food
43 Demeters Roman
44 Find hilarious
45 Swamp tree
48 Down Under swagman,
in the States
49 With 9-Down,
conspiratorial group in
The Da Vinci Code
50 Fit well
51 Oche Chin singer
53 Hindu god of desire
55 Mircoles, por ejemplo
56 Three-pt. plays
staff housing
from page 1
out of state
from page 1
from page 1
from page 1
attractive place to work, were
at a disadvantage as an insti-
tution because of the high
cost of living, Merklein said.
So it can be difficult to
attract someone to choose
UNC as a place to work
because of the cost of housing
in Chapel Hill.
Jackie Overton, chair-
woman of the employee
forum, said a lack of afford-
able housing has been an
issue for many years, and
many low-wage employees
who live elsewhere must add
additional costs in terms
of gas and commute time
to their daily routines.
She said housekeepers,
groundskeepers and bus driv-
ers are among those most
affected by limited affordable
housing in the area.
Morehead-Cain Scholarship
nominee and his high school
prom king.
He also participated in
chorus and was a member
of the swim team during his
time at Riverside High School
in Durham.
Izzy Francke, who knew
Crabtree from the LAB!
Theatre, said Crabtree knew
how to get the most out of
Andrew was a master of
the art of living, she said.
He was the most positive
human being I have met, and
he embraced opportunities
And Crabtree was a true
people person, said Jack
Utrata, who took an acting
voice class with him.
Andrew was magical, he
said. (He) had a way with
people. It was not forced or
anything like that, he was
just always there for you
always supportive, and he
never asked for anything in
Andrew Crabtrees father,
Guy Crabtree, described his
son as a philosopher, a walk-
ing encyclopedia and an
incredible young man with a
thirst for knowledge.
He thought about things
and had some interesting
ideas and concepts, he said.
Guy Crabtree said while in
school about pursuing some
sort of career in medicine
because she wanted to help
And Tina Wang, a friend of
Nans, said those aspirations
continued into college.
She always talked about
how great (it would be) to
be a doctor who can save
peoples lives, Wang wrote in
a message.
She wants to save as many
people as possible in the
Nan also volunteered at the
Lineberger Comprehensive
Cancer Center, where she
worked as an undergraduate
lab assistant.
Though she was not
enrolled in summer school
classes, she was still on cam-
pus this summer because she
was about to start a science
project in the lab, which
supervisors said she was very
excited about.
She had so much hopeful-
ness and vitality that comes
from being young and having
so much promise, said Alicia
Koblansky, Nans supervisor
for her summer project, in a
Out-of-state cap
systemwide, based on
system average

To exclude international
students from out-
of-state cap
Out-of-state cap for
historically minority
For out-of-state students
at schools within 25 miles
of the border
For out-of-state students
at historically minority
BOG looks at the UNC systems nonresident enrollment policy
She was just so
sweet, so smart
and so kind about
eric schafer,
Julia Nans friend
Andrew was a
master of the art of
izzy francke,
andrew Crabtrees friend
Bridget Baucom, director
of grounds services, said the
majority of her staff doesnt
live in Chapel Hill, though cost
may not be the only factor.
She said many of them live in
Durham, Pittsboro, Chatham
County and Burlington.
Emily Hinkle, a
Community Home Trust
resident and five-year UNC
employee, said shes grateful
for the organization because
she otherwise wouldnt be
able to live in Chapel Hill.
But she said she might
have lived elsewhere if she
I would like a yard with a
fence and a house that wasnt
attached, she said.
But that wouldve been
way out of my price range.
Linda Convissor, UNCs
director of local relations,
said she has seen a similar
trend in other home buyers.
What Ive seen is that there
are people who can afford
housing in Chapel Hill, but it
may not be the kind of hous-
ing that they want, she said.
They may be able to live
within the same commut-
ing time in Durham or in
Alamance County and be able
to get more square footage in
a house, or perhaps a single-
family detached house
rather than a condo or a town
house for the same price.
Merklein said finding solu-
tions to the issue of affordable
housing is essential to the
Universitys mission.
In order for us to retain
and attract a quality work-
force of both faculty and staff
anything we can do to help
in that arena will benefit the
Contact the desk editor at
By Megan Cassella
Summer Editor
Tom Bythell has his work
down to a routine.
Bythell, the Universitys
forest manager, said he and
his team of approximately
100 groundskeepers check
on the health of trees around
campus almost daily.
Heavy storms and strong
winds Thursday knocked
down trees on Franklin Street
and across the county and
state, but Bythell said his
frequent inspections aim to
prevent just that.
We have one of the most
aggressive tree maintenance
plans of any university in the
country, he said.
Bythell said a number
of factors could make trees
more susceptible to falling
including increased foot traf-
fic, nearby construction and
heavy rains.
Jill Coleman, a landscape
architect at UNC, said even
healthy trees sometimes can-
not stand up against extreme
winds, such as those felt in
Thursdays storm.
Whenever you have
extreme weather events
and in particular this one,
which seemed to be a wind
event then its going to
blow things over, some that
are stable and some that are
not stable, she said.
Coleman said the combina-
tion of both the winds and the
high amount of rain this sea-
son could have contributed to
the number of fallen trees.
The ground just softens
up, she said.
When you have leaves on
the trees, it makes the tips
of the trees heavier, so that
added weight plus the extend-
ed rain may help the tree to
topple over.
Bruce Paden, who works
with The Arborist Tree
Service in Orange County and
hospice, his son was prepared
for what was to come.
He was very at peace
knowing what was happening
to him, and he had a firm idea
of his belief of what was going
to happen next, he said.
It gave us all great comfort
that he had such a firm idea
of what the next phase was
going to be.
Contact the desk editor at
We will miss her presence
very much, and her loss is
City editor Cammie
Bellamy contributed reporting.
Contact the desk editor at
Bad weather, foot
trafc weakens trees
California students, she said.
UC-Berkeley is one of sever-
al peer institutions without an
out-of-state enrollment cap.
At the University of
Michigan, 42.6 percent of
last years freshman class was
made up of nonresidents a
number that has stayed con-
sistent over the last five years.
The Board of Governors
has mandated the UNC sys-
tems 18-percent out-of-state
cap from which the UNC
School of the Arts is exempt
since 1986.
Hans said the systems pri-
ority is, and always has been,
educating in-state students.
But he said board members
recognize the advantages out-
of-state students confer.
There is increasing aware-
ness that admitting bright,
qualified out-of-state stu-
dents who study here and
then live here after gradua-
tion can be a very positive
influence on economic devel-
opment, he said.
One proposed change
would raise the systemwide
cap to 22 percent, which
would have allowed UNC-CH
to admit 204 more out-of-
state students to last years
incoming freshman class.
The cap has given UNC-
CH admissions officers a few
headaches nearly 1,900
qualified applicants from
outside the state were denied
admission last year.
All five possible changes
would increase total system
enrollment, so the number
of in-state students admitted
would not be affected.
A 22-percent systemwide
cap would be hard to adminis-
ter across campuses, Hans said.
We would have to figure
out which schools get what
proportion of the nonresi-
dents allotted, he said.
Historically minority
institutions, including North
Carolina Agricultural and
Technical State University
and UNC-Pembroke, were
highlighted in two of the pro-
(These schools) have addi-
tional capacity for students,
Hans said. We want to find
ways of strengthening those
schools, and (raising the cap)
is one option we can consider.
Hans said out-of-state poli-
cy discussions will continue at
board meetings this year, but
he said there is no guarantee
adjustments will be made.
North Carolina students
will always remain our top
Contact the desk editor at
the health of trees
Unhealthy trees can pose
dangers for pedestrians.
Alert officials if you notice:
Trees with dead tips
Trees losing leaves at
unseasonable times
Trees leaning heavily to
one side
Trees with low-hanging
the surrounding area, said
frequent visual inspections
aim to root out trees with
structural damage and decay.
But he said the best way to
avoid a dangerous situation is
to stay inside during storms.
Nobody should be out
walking amongst big trees,
he said.
Contact the desk editor at
Chapel Hill: 919-942-7318 or Durham: 919-490-0203
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An Irish tussle
Opinion Thursday, June 20, 2013 The Daily Tar Heel 8
he N.C. General
Assembly is trying
to make it even
easier to buy a handgun
and carry it with you, but
these relaxed gun regula-
tions would be disastrous
for public safety.
A bill that could soon
land on Gov. Pat McCrorys
desk would allow guns in
locked cars on all public
school and university prop-
erty, which would endan-
More guns, less safety
Stop intern exploitation
FEaTUrEd OnlinE rEadEr cOmmEnT
Cuts to education
miss the big picture
Sarah-Kathryn Bryans
May 30 letter was a great
response to the continued
attacks on education funding
here and across the country.
Never should the educa-
tion of our citizens take a
back seat to big business. If
you look at the big picture,
which those who want to cut
education programs never
do, you can see that a well-
educated society enhances
the business community.
If we want to fight
against outsourcing and
competition from more
qualified workers from
other countries, then we
need to stop the massacre
of our public education sys-
tem. Look at the big picture,
not short-term profits.
Kathy D. Morgan
Student Services
The Friday Center
Staunch opposition
is not extremism
Last weeks edito-
rial characterizing Moral
Monday as an extreme left-
ist reaction was completely
wrongheaded. Protestors
are defending policies that
served our state well for
decades some for longer
than our lifetimes. That
makes them moderate or
conservative, not extreme.
This legislature wants to
end unemployment poli-
cies from 1951, teacher sal-
ary policies from 1941, and
environmental policies from
1985. Legislators want to
increase inequality by ending
an income tax scale from the
1930s and then boosting the
sales tax. Why is it extreme
to resist such radicalism?
The governors budget
cuts UNC-system funding
by $139 million, the recently
passed House budget takes
$125 million and the Senate
only asks for $50 million.
Since cutting other salaries
The gun is where the potential trouble lies
... Could be a big deal, a small deal or no
deal at all. Eventually well know.
whydontyablome, on awaiting details about P.J. Hairstons arrest
We ought to be a leader we need to
be a leader. We have 29,000 students here
that grew up with cellphones.
Joe Capowski, on banning cellphone use while driving in town
EdiTOrial carTOOn By Virginia Niver,
real talk
he late Mitch Hedberg
once said that alcohol-
ism is the only disease
you can get yelled at for hav-
ing. But all types of mental ill-
ness provoke prejudice, anger
and denial of what it means to
suffer from something that is
so often conflated with antiso-
cial behavior.
Recently, Ive tried to figure
out where that stigma comes
from. What is it about our
culture that makes it so dif-
ficult for us, myself admittedly
included, to sympathize with
schizophrenia, depression,
bipolar disorder and eating
disorders the same way we
sympathize with a more visible
Its probably a combination
of factors. Weve all heard that
men are discouraged from sur-
rendering control of their feel-
ings to anything, whether it be
a woman, The Notebook or
mental illness.
American culture expects
us all to be full of the bound-
less optimism and resilience
that supposedly allow each
and every one of us to pull
ourselves up by our bootstraps
and succeed on our own.
It doesnt help that mental
illness serves as a plot point in
nearly every horror film.
But I think the biggest
problem might have to do with
how the issue is framed in our
most impressionable years.
After all, how often do you
remember someone frankly
discussing struggles with
depression, bipolar disorder or
anxiety in middle school and
high school? And how many
times do you remember signs
of those struggles being tagged
with words like angst, weird
or attention-seeking?
It wasnt until I got to col-
lege that I realized my feelings
could be explained by some-
thing other than my own per-
sonal failure to be happy.
We were taught that miss-
ing school with the flu or a
severe injury was acceptable,
but that staying home to deal
with crushing depression likely
wouldnt be an excused absence.
Teenage angst was temporary
and normal something to be
expected and not approached in
any serious way.
And high school sucks for
a lot of people. It sucked for
me sometimes, and I was rela-
tively well-adjusted.
High school counseling
departments are generally
composed of well-qualified and
well-intentioned professionals,
but their efforts are hampered
by being too few in number and
having a stigma associated with
seeking their services.
In retrospect, it seems per-
fectly clear that high schools
bullying and cruelty were
simultaneously a symptom and
a cause of issues of emotional
well-being and mental illness.
We should agree to use
grown-up words like mental ill-
ness, depression and therapy
with everyone who seeks help,
and we should agree to do so
before not after they begin
to wonder if there is anyone else
in the world who understands
what theyre going through.
ger faculty, staff and stu-
dents including children
as young as preschool age.
School public safety
departments would have
a harder time responding
to gun crimes, especially
large-scale ones.
The bill would also
let people buy handguns
without a permit, and
background checks would
no longer be necessary for
private gun sales.
Some legislators argue
that expanding gun access
would allow legal gun
owners to defend them-
selves more easily but
these guns could too easily
result in impulsive, spur-
of-the-moment aggression.
Proliferating deadly
arms allows volatile inter-
personal conflicts to fatally
escalate without warning.
Any increased sense of
security gained by arming
residents is outweighed by
these risks and the chal-
lenges looser gun restric-
tions pose to law enforce-
McCrory should recog-
nize what is at stake and
veto the bill before more
people are needlessly put
in danger.
The legislature
should not ease
gun regulation.
federal court in
New York ruled
last week that Fox
Searchlight Pictures vio-
lated minimum-wage and
overtime labor laws by not
paying its interns a pos-
itive step toward regulat-
ing the intern market, but
not one that should mark
the end of the debate.
Interns are hired because
they add value to a com-
pany. They contribute by
doing work that would have
to be paid for otherwise.
Established businesses
like Fox Searchlight are
taking advantage of interns
when they simply use them
for free labor, and that
should not be permitted.
But for smaller, arts-
focused organizations and
nonprofits, among others,
offering paid internships
is impractical. These com-
panies should be allowed
to find other ways to prop-
erly compensate interns.
This ruling should be
used as a precedent to
reform the way internships
are run and prevent corpo-
rate irresponsibility.
But it should not be
applied so broadly and
strictly that it restricts
intern access to certain
fields altogether.
Henry Gargan
Musings from a Townie
Junior global studies and
journalism major from Chapel Hill.
is illegal, my department is
cutting teaching assistants,
who are crucial in a school
this big. University spend-
ing is not the same as social
welfare, but this legislature
makes war on both.
Both sides in a conflict
are not always extreme,
and splitting their differenc-
es is not always moderate or
wise. You should weigh this
controversy on its merits
instead of relying on mind-
less labels like extreme left.
Harry L. Watson
v.1 (Yiddish) to complain
Rain rain go away, and take
your gross little brother
humidity with you.
If you thought peer evalua-
tions were the appropriate
venue to note that you
didnt understand a third of
the project, you need to do
some personal evaluations.
To the girl who decided to do
bird calls and wake up every
bird in the quad at 1:30 in the
morning: THANKS SO MUCH.
A shoutout to all the buses
that arrive just after Ive given
up and walked 30 yards away
from the stop: Awesome.
How long until the bus
comes? Long enough for
you to get NextBus and stop
asking me stupid questions.
To the girl performing a foot-
job on her group partner in
Davis: Those private study
rooms have windows.
Dear drama queen in Davis
with relationship issues: You
used the F word so many
times it almost made its way
into my personal statement.
To my physics professor who
laughed in our faces about
the 32-page fnal: Complain-
ing about how long it takes
to write isnt making me feel
any less justifed in making
your course evaluation bleed.
The Kvetching Board and
Overheard at UNC: Neither
can live (and be funny)
while the other survives.
Send your one-to-two
sentence entries to
by text or email.
Kvetching board
Interns should be
rewarded fairly for
their contributions.
Franklin Street will have its
very own open Wafe House
starting Thursday
morning. The
shiny new interior
has been visible
to passers-by for
weeks, and we expect it to
stay that way for just about
one more before everythings
hidden in a thick layer of
grime, syrup, chili and urine.
Ye Olde Wafe Shoppe is so
unthreatened its hilarious.
Wafe House
The 2013 G8 Summit was
held in Northern Ireland this
week, marking
serious progress
for the region
long torn apart
by political and
religious sectarianism. Eight
of the most powerful nations
in the world got together
to recognize this history by
endlessly bickering among
themselves. But at least Putin
wasnt awkward this time.
A bill in the N.C. House would
allow the state to raise speed
limits on select
roads to 75 mph.
It passed the Sen-
ate in April 45-1,
and its expected
to roll through the House at
breakneck speeds, despite
the few critics desperately
pumping the brakes. Were
a little concerned for safety,
but were mostly just excited
to see bipartisan support.
Rep. Michael Burgess (R-Tex-
as) wants to ban abortions at
15 weeks because
he says hes seen
male fetuses
masturbating. So
thats a natural
male instinct, but female
fetuses are prudes? Nope, no
interpretive bias there! I dont
know whats creepier, how
long he must spend staring
at sonograms, or what he
thinks he sees in them.
First signs of life
s a Moral Monday
protestor, I dont
expect to have my
actions change the minds
of the Tea Party-controlled
state legislature. That was
never the point. The point of
the Moral Monday protests
is to draw attention to the
reactionary agenda of the
From curtailing unem-
ployment insurance to
refusing to extend Medicaid
to cover the uninsured, our
state government is inten-
tionally harming North
Carolinas families.
At the same time, the
legislature is increasing
classroom sizes, eliminat-
ing teaching assistants and
reducing access to pre-
As well, the state is reduc-
ing environmental standards
and, most sinister of all,
changing the very system we
use to elect our legislators
mark chilton
Carrboro mayor
including implementing
a tax penalty on parents of
college students who vote at
their college address.
N.C. House Speaker
Thom Tillis has criticized
those of us who have chosen
to exercise our constitutional
right to protest against his
cruel, extremist agenda.
He says we should meet
and negotiate over the issues
before the legislature. Tillis
words sound good, but his
actions betray a very differ-
ent attitude.
Tillis Tea Party caucus has
consistently refused to con-
sider the input of Democratic
(and even moderate
Republican) legislators.
They intend to rule with
an iron fist, and their empty
rhetoric about negotiating
should be dismissed as the
tripe that it is.
I cant say Im surprised
that Tillis is upset about the
Moral Monday protests. Hes
upset because he doesnt
want the public to fully
understand what he and his
minions are up to.
They are worried that
their control of the General
Assembly will be at stake in
the November 2014 election.
And with an approval
rate of just 20 percent state-
wide, I can understand why
they are worried because
bottom line, these protests
arent about changing what
the legislators think, but
rather changing who the leg-
islators are.
Negotiation is impossible with the current General Assembly.
No changing minds
WrItIng guIdelIneS
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