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Food security in India ........................................................................................................................................................ 2 Poverty in India ................................................................................................................................................................. 2 Honour killings .................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Case for reservation in parliament for women ................................................................................................................. 3 Criminalization of politics in india ..................................................................................................................................... 3 Hardships of working women in India .............................................................................................................................. 4 Dowry in india ................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Female infanticide in india ................................................................................................................................................ 5 Unemployment in India .................................................................................................................................................... 6 MNC IN INDIA.................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Black Money In India ......................................................................................................................................................... 7 Vioence against women in india ....................................................................................................................................... 7 Population problem in India ............................................................................................................................................. 8 Sustainable development in India and world ................................................................................................................... 8 Challenges to economic liberalization in india................................................................................................................. 9 Death sentence for rape ................................................................................................................................................... 9

Food security in India

There have hardly been any food grain imports after the mid-1970s. Food grain production in the country increased from about 50 million tonnes in 1950-51 to around 233.9 million tonnes in 2008-09. The growth rate of food production growth has declined from 2.53% to .93% Reason farmer suicide, futher increase in sown area is difficult, fragmented land size, falling ground water levels, lack of back end infra, Global hunger index rank Per capita availability of food has decreased form 429 per day in 1951 to 454 in 2008 Average of .58 lac tons of food grains are damaged in india per year Challenges climate challenge, water supply, population, un reliable monsoon Possiblity of decrease in production of wheat from 75 m t in 2010 to 58 mt due to adverse climate change. Policy options community farming, nutrient rich indigenous food like ragi, fdi in retail, increase in Rn D in agri ( quote budget features), increase in storage, mention green revolution. Rurl calorie consumption has fallen by 8% from 1983 to 2010, this means more than half of children under age 5 are malnourished India rank global hunger index 65 out of 97 Agri contributes 16% of GDP and 10% of exports.

Poverty in India
World bank in 2010 reported that 32.7% of population in india live below USD 1.25 per day. While services n industry have grown in india, agri has not grown proportionately and 55% of population depends on agri. Surplus of labour has created probelsm of unemployment 90% of population works in un organized sector. Peasent households under debt has increased from 26% to 46% In rural areas st 47%, sc 42%, obc 31% In urban areas sc 34%, st 30%obc 24% 50% of agri labour is below pverty Bihar has highest incidence of pverty at 53.5% Education is a problem as people remain unskilled. Efforts to reduce poverty

Various schemes of govt Micr finance Micro credit Dtc

Honour killings
They happen in Northen India as there are strict rules regarding inter cast marriages.

Case for reservation in parliament for women

Reservation for women in panchayat Psotive effects Higher sense of resoponsibilities, self esteem, confidence, Higher interaction of women with parallel body and panchayat block Increased participation of women in panchayat meetings A large proportion have been said to actively participitaed in providing amenities to villages 72% 60% said they made efforts to mitigate domestic violence Worldwide average of women participation in parliament is 19% while in india it is around 10%

Criminalization of politics in india

15% of candidates for elections in lok sabha had criminal cases pending against them Out of the 543 elected candidates 162 had criminal cases These elelcted members are resoucful and aoften take advantage of their power to influence the establishment of law and order and hance make it difficult to prove charges and thus lengthen the case. Solutions Amendments suggested by EC in peoples representation act should be adopted Police administration should be freed from the clutch of politicians Speedy justice RTI Set up special court for decisions against criminal record holders in politics

Role of media US election funding system

Hardships of working women in India

Cost of living has gone up so women have to work, along with awareness and rising aspiration levels. Mental harassment, husbands do no share household work Sexual harassment at work, declining safety levels in cities, police apathy Lack of facilities like day care center, maternity leave etc Future scenario NSE chairman is a woman Self help groups, micr finance etc Chanda Kochar Kiran mazumdar shaw Naina lad kidwai Kalpana Morparia. Solutions Day care centers, reviewing the HR policy ( Eg tata steel) Safety, change in family attitude.

Dowry in india
Ancient system, however was not always like this, eg in Vedas there was a system of reverse payment. Reformers like raja ram mohan roy opposed dowry. However today Indian women still continue to suffer from the evil of dowry. Dowry prohibition act Inspite of the act dowry continues, mode of payment has changed, from cash to a share in business, expensive gifts, etc Major portion of bank loans by poor people taken for marraige and dowry of daughters. Links between suicide in vidharba and dowry. In india every 4 minutes a bride is burned

More than 9000 deaths in india Solutions Change in social mindset Strict law, effective justice. Women have to take the lead. Education.

Female infanticide in india

3 millions girls lost to infanticide in 2012 Main cause cultural belief and social norms Son is seen as an assets who brings in a daughter in law upon marriage and provides bread to family and old age assistance, while daughter is seen as an economic penalty. Dowry amount is huge, religious belief in hindi that only son is allowed to lit funeral, patriachial sys requires son to continue the family line. Girls are 21% more likely to die than a boy before 5th birthday due to violence. Sex selection, Under 6 sex ratio at only 914 Abandonment of girl child in dustbins etc Solutions Baby hatches Strict rule against sex selection Social security scheme for elders More micro finance loans for women Womens bank Cancel license of those doctors who indulge in sex selective abortions under prenatal diagnostic technique act Ensure total immunization of girl child under 6 as diarrhea is main cause of death Provide subsidy for girl education

Unemployment in India
As per labour survey 50% of population is dependent on self employment In Rural areas 11% are estimated to have regular wage salary income. In urban areas 42% have regular salary income At all india level labour force participation rate is at 52.9% Female lfpr is at 25.4% Male LFPR is at 77% Unemployment rate is estimated at 3.8% however 90% of population is in unorganized sector and dont have access to prov fund, medical insurance, etc. Female unemployment rate is at 15% at all india level MNREGA scheme though has increased rural employment; it is not productive and has resulted in rise in the wages and shortage of agri labor. Prevalence of unorganized sector means employment is not of good quality, labour laws make it difficult to form a large companies etc. Gradutes quality is not up to the mark, need for skilling of the work force, industry friendly curriculum. economic liberalization wil lead to encouragement of entrepreneurship and will lead to job generation. Women employment has to be increased by providing safety at work place and conducive work environment.

FDI is brought to India by MNC statistics of FDI, It is necessary for BoP. Examples of Vodafone, Nestle, HUL, IBM, Monsanto Employment is provided by MNCs Bad effect Enron and Royalty payments Skilled persons are giver higher salaries by MNCs and thus affect domestic industries MNC have deeper pockets and hence harm domestic companies. TAX Evasion, however it is not confined to MNC alone. Proper policies have to be in place or MNC exploit local workers, eg in Indonesia women work for 60 hrs in a day and earn just 80$ per week. MNC create indirect jobs. Women have higher participation in MNC as per Delloite.

Black Money In India

According to global financial integrity report India is ranked amongst top 10 countries, with black money outflow of USD 1.6 billion. The report states that since independence total flow of black money till 2010 was USD 232 billion, this money flows into tax havens and there is statistical relation between outflow and deteriorating income distribution. Only 2.5% of Indians pay tax and only 42800 have declared to have income above usd 10 mn Savings in physical assets like gold and housing which are harder to track are and amount to 14% of GDP. Financials savings have declined to 8% from 12% Tax evasion leads to diversion fo resources which could have used for development Black money encourages corruption. Black money increases circulation of money which is not tracked and is known to cause inflation in housing and gems and jewellery sector, this results in inflation in other sector. Nexus between, politicians , criminals and police which leads to denial of justice. Solutions Strict application of law to one and all. Tax deduction at source for property transaction. Tax information treaties with tax havens. Independence of law enforcement agencies like CBI Reorming the tax code and making it simpler to file taxes Economic liberalization Older laws like urban land ceiling act and rent control act need to be abolished Whistle blower laws must be reformed to encourage reporting Amnesty

Vioence against women in india

IN SA a women is killed every 6 hrs by an intimate person Cost of domestic vio;lence is huge with USD 1.6 billion in US alone. 80% of persons trafficked every year are women and 79% are trafficked for sexual purposes. In 2011 22172 rape caese reported in india 8.9% of victims were girls under age of 14 years. 94041 cases were of nature of violence against women in 2011. Solutions Punishment for martial rape, domestic rape.

Requiring police to register case of reported rape, and serious repercussions for failure to do so. Ensuring accountability of police and armed forces for sexual offence Cracking down on extra legal village authorities like Khap panchayat Establishment of fast track courts for rape cases. Change in the way rape victims are treated Improving sexuality education in schools.

Population problem in India

India has 2.3% of the world area and 4% of fresh water supply but holds nearly 18% of the population. In 2012 Indias population was 1.22 billion and is expected to cross that of chinas by 2050. India population density has increased to 325 persons/km2, however it is not evenly distributed and certain areas have much higher density, which puts massive pressure on infra facilities. 20% of population is in the age group of 0 to 25 and represents a resource hungry segment Per capita food consumption has gone down as population growth has been faster than food production growth. Supply of drinking water nearly 600000 children die due to diarrhea, Nearly 100 million people struggle for access to clean water. Problem of unemployment 90% is in unorganized sector. Providing infra facilities, education facilities, etc to such a huge population will require massive efforts and huge expenditure. 1/4th of population is below poverty. Population is growing by 2.9% per year and this is putting huge stress on health care system. India accounts for 14% of maternal death which are caused due to improper health facilities. Steps to control population India was the first country to have a population policy, it partly succeeded as fertility rate came down and use of contraceptives increased, however this has not been enough. Education has to be provided regarding family planning, child marriages have to be controlled, female literacy has to be brought up. One child policy will fail, as sex ratio will plummet.

Sustainable development in India and world

We do not inherit earth form our ancestors, we borrow it from our children- Lakota

Sustainable dev is one of the most imp concern right now as survival of our future generation is at stake. Sustainbale development ensures well being of an individual, his eco dev, social dev, while ensuring environment conservation and protection. Sustainable dev was coined by United Nations appointed world commission on environment and development in 1987. Population is major challenge for sustainable dev, earth population crossed 7 billion and it has lead to strain on resources like water, food etc. Poverty and inequliaty is another major challenge, shortage of drinking water, Consumption of energy is another major challenge. Deforestration. War and Conflicts. Pollution definition The presence or introduction of a substance into the environment that has harmful or poisonous effects. Solutions Input efficient technology, like use of cng, renewable fuels, etc Generation of energy thru renewable sources. Education.

Challenges to economic liberalization in india

Liberalization hasnt happened in agriculture It hasnt happened in manufacturing Only services have benefitted and hence only educated ppl have been able to take advantage of the reforms Wholesome reforms have to take place such as in infra, judiciary, education to realize the full potential of economic reforms.

Death sentence for rape

In 2011 220000 cases of violence against women were reported in india, after the delhi gang rape case there has been a growing demand for death penalty to rapist. Currently minimum sentence is of 10 yrs while max is life imprisonment. Death sentence is to be applied in the most heinous of rape cases; however supreme court has said that this application has not been proper. Today demand for death sentence is more because of frustration amongst the people with improper application of law and lack of police action

People feel that death sentence will deter rapist. However proper police work, and fast judiciary action will deter rapist more effectively, right now there are 40000 rape ceses pending in india. Death sentence will lengthen the procedure, and may result in the rapist killing the victim to eliminate prima facie evidence. There is no evidence to support that death sentence reduces rape cases. 140 countries have abolished death sentences. Police force has to be better trained to handle rape cases, victims have to be treated properly, this will result in more women reporting cases and will lead to better judicial remediation.

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