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6/2/2013 8:28:00 PM CRESSENT INTERNATIONAL Corporate USD

Corporate Account Terms and Conditions Notice Terms and Conditions I request that you open a deposit account or accounts in my name and hereby authorize the Bank, until such time as I or any/either of us specify otherwise in writing, to accept the order for the withdrawal of money in such account or accounts when signed by me and to debit all such orders against my deposit account. I also request that the Bank accept for deposit in the said account all Checks, Electronic Transfers, Promissory Notes, Bills of Exchange, Securities Coupons and other orders for payment received by the Bank to or on behalf of any one or more of the undersigned. I understand and agree that in the event of my death the Bank will inform the survivor(s) or Legal beneficiary / beneficiaries in regard to any and all funds then standing to the credit of my account. * All correspondence should be retained by the Bank unless written instructions to the contrary are received. I release the bank from any responsibility and liability toward myself or third parties arising by virtue of the Banks strict adherence to these instructions. I agree to hold the Bank harmless and to indemnify the Bank for all costs and damages which the Bank may incur by reason of the above. I authorise the Bank to destroy these documents unless they are collected within one year. I undertake to pay the Bank a fee for this service. I authorise the Bank to accept and execute any instructions given by telephone, telex, or facsimile regardless of the nature of the Transaction, amount or beneficiary unless written instructions to the contrary are received and acknowledged by the Bank.
I have read and understand the Terms and Conditions.

Company Profile Company Name Registration Number Phone Fax Web Site Address 157,ALUPATTY,HILL CART ROAD SILIGURI SILIGURI 734001 India 00919851747461 00913532531081 CRESSENT INTERNATIONAL

Application Reference:




Applicant Details Personal Details Title First Name Last Name eMail Mobile Date of Birth Place of Birth Maiden Name Nationality Primary Contact Info Mr. MOHAMMAD KAUSAR KHAN 00919851747461 08/05/1960 SILIGURI SAHAJAHAN INDIAN Home

Identification ID Type ID Number Issued By Issue Date Expire Date Passport B 4654321 KOLKATA PASSPORT OFFICE 03/13/2010 03/13/2020


Business Address 157,ALUPATTY SILIGURI 734001 Address HC ROAD SILIGURI 734001 India India Phone Fax 09851747461 2531081 Phone Fax 9851747461 2531081


Verify Signature

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