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oral bre! ree 9 ad |S) 9— 799 G 2 thebincdite-< lin E IES gt ee ee ead THE MANSIONS OF THE STARS Revealed at Mecca In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. 1. By the heaven, holding maiisions of the stars, 2. And by the Promised Day. 3. And by the witness and that whereunto he beareth testi- mony, 4, (Self) destroyed the owners of the diteh, Of the fuel-fed fire, 6. When they sat by it, 7. And were themselves the witnesses of what they did to the believers. 8. They had naught against them save that they believed in Allah, the Mighty, the Owner of Praise, 9, Him unto Whom be- Jongeth the Sovercignty of the heavens and the earth; and Allah is of all things the Witness. 10. Lo! they who persecute believing men and_ believing women and repent not, theirs verily will be the doom of heli, and theirs the doom of burning. 11. Lo! those who believe and do good works, theirs will be Gardens underneath which rivers flow. That is the Great Success. were ” oo a roi SoU ith Og dybediober 2h platy? Obs AHatle3 ostanebnt —— dabtholsstels Og rk eLorutet Ot esds Oper slEs bE 23s! $6 . PSG sss Stahl SSG HS SWS sks ls Syseligssh » prinopansblas Segoe eas Ae sesteDe Ofer nBgnilbiyicabys OLE ~AHLnd Livi Qs hge pat rses VpfeKa qui weld Fibihet hore! Ogee bis rE ered pine tetin vA SR Op seg weiscoroyptrt Se Siesta iol Stak OR SE! Hah seats wld rbd soy Sra HAM EREINS bAGiaias Le peWal Oesew 12, Lo! the punishment of thy Lord is stera. 13, Lo! He it is Who pro- duceth, then reproduceth, 14, And He is the Forgiv- ing, the Loving, 15, Lord of the Throne of Glory, 16. Doer of what He will. 17, Hath there come unto thee the story of the hosts 18, Of Pharaoh and (the tribe of) Thamid? 19. Nay, but those who disbelieve live in denial 20. And Allah, all unseen, sur- roundeth them. ‘ 21, Nay, but it is a glorious Qur'do 22. Ona guarded tablet. Op eka fbr Ee MWeinkyguretSeoindiss De WLSeA sleorus! Oot shtvs Or beta @ekipeleK, Mine OGM HYGY Oy pest Brown l Og dyigde LMS! Op PG Seow dz RA she! cyber |-| SASS MIS) OLAS BS) Oeepteile $9 F252 1s Mette Skedegbisedins 2 508 Hb obo Org MP AN HLwEIG & WL heii erste Mepeb Lowe grote 4 he Wes WELL mle ahd SB ythL I Gite be Np fred ul fea ty Sei Mie Mi tepei ei ly blind Het ES NL IGN oli SGP Weel a-iws KeBive Sil ede wifoleiottg rg epte Jeena eu esle ty eel LEWIS OW IL BSS Nl EE aS, itt ine WII bef fe ipso VAMP Cte then SI ety o VMK eet UlL ore oldleg DOIN Oe MLM SLI LLL Me TG SHEN este lBRe Mh Lob Lien binges WEL GK ME af Orel ere iL 41 ee LIL Mab Fh pile Go Gurl PL Ea Fe Ab he GEG oid pd Magali bP EVEIODI Pat Mobi eit SEGLIALE , Teper Ls pip GEA Oeil ont is) ee KCsashge byte alps Syd sxe UL fe testi att pty LE Spt is ilte, i eg TIL ST WLS hE LG He isola bed bitty : Wah Ae Bp etinL Gut A hays iid Se Sev etnies sisee My her Ko 43 ghiptlpens ibe teu? ndnticsd Lew Us? Ei ii oot M A ela Gnd ints LM eh ef fall incl REGIA LIME wingers fhieNy eit Nl GEbrpeq ind Mj-ho Dip htee Epos fF gle Pl prs ies Sila SME Lh Joe gd CUO rtel ee WLS bbe Ole tS EL Geytee DO PLU e4

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