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How to get a Custom Crystal Report onto the Vantage 8.

0 Menu Set-Up User Access for ODBC: Ensure you have created the user sysprogress with password sysprogress using the Data Admin utility. You can access the Open Edge Data Administration tool by taking your existing "Admin Tools" shortcut, right click on it and enter properties: On the end of the target line - replace "DataAdminMenu.w" with "_admin.r -rx" so it reads (at the end) "-p _admin.r -rx". Your AppServers for that DB should be stopped, but the DB itself should be running. Rename the shortcut appropriately.

Disconnect the database and close Data Admin Note: You may wish to set-up a new ODBC user with reduced security rights to the DB than sysprogress. Contact IS Dept for instructions on how to do this.

Configuration in Vantage: When users run the Crystal Report from the Vantage 8.0 menu we do not want them to have to see or know the ODBC user credentials. To do this Access the 'System Agent' screen which is in the System Management/Utilities folder. We store the user information sysprogress and password sysprogress in the System Agent. See the ODBC Connection information at the bottom of this screen shot:

Crystal Reports 10: In Crystal Reports 10 select a new standard report. Create a new connection using the ODBC (RDO) function:

Click next:

Select the Vantage tables required using the New ODBC Connection: Write the report and save in the \\servername\epicor\mfgsys80\server\reports folder. Now we will place the report on the Vantage 8.0 menu.

Vantage 8.0 Menu Maintenance To do this Access the Menu Maintenance' screen, which is in the System Management/Utilities folder. Add a new menu as below:

Select program type as Custom report Link Select Program Epicor.Mfg.UI.CustomReport.dll Enter the argument i.e. -r \\server\epicor\mfgsys80\server\reports\YourReport.rpt Log out and back into Vantage 8.0 to allow the changes to take effect. Now run the report from the menu. Note that the Default User/password is ticked.

And you should now have a report!

Appendix - How to Install the ODBC Driver: Progress OpenEdge 10.0B shared network installation can be installed from: \\server\epicor\oe100b\netsetup Use setup.exe Once installed copy and save the following text to an ODBC.reg file using Notepad
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\DataDirect 4.20 32-Bit Progress SQL92 v10.0B] "APILevel"="1" "ConnectFunctions"="YYN" "CPTimeout"="60" "Driver"="\\\\saturn\\epicor\\oe100b\\bin\\PGPRO1019.DLL" "DriverODBCVer"="4.20" "FileUsage"="0" "Setup"="\\\\saturn\\epicor\\oe100b\\bin\\PGPRO1019S.DLL" "SQLLevel"="0" "UsageCount"="1" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\ODBC Drivers] "DataDirect 4.20 32-Bit Progress SQL92 v10.0B"="Installed"

Double click the file to install and update the registry with the text above into the target client PC.

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