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READING WORKSHOP A task-based approach

Presented by M. Thiam, Fastef, Inspecteur Gnral Text: My past life

Pre reading One day, I took some tablets and my husband took me to the hospital. I did not want to live. What did the woman try to do? Imagine the reasons for her act? Read the text to check your answers. My past life I am an Indian girl. I will tell you about my past life and my life since coming to England I was born on May 11th, in 1956 in India. My parents were neither rich nor poor. I do not remember what happened when I was a child. I passed matriculation in six subjects with no problem. I did not go college straight away because my father did not agree to higher education. He felt a girls place was in the home, so education was a waste of money. Also if girls have higher education, they will become modern and get out of the parents control. I had always wanted to become a doctor and prove that girls could do the same things as boys. I struggled for another two years and my father agreed and I went to college to study science subjects, but not for long, though. Only four to five months later they arranged a marriage for me in England. So I had to leave my studies and get ready to come to England. I was not happy. On May 7th, 1977, I reached my in-laws house. It was like hell. On May 10th, I got married. Next day I was a house slave and a servant. I did not have any friends or relations in this country. I had to get up at 6 oclock in the morning, cook breakfast for 6 six children and send my husband to work. After this job, I had to brush the carpets of six rooms with a hand brush, wash all the dishes and clean the kitchen and front room. My husband used to go to a club so I had to wait to give him dinner at about eleven or twelve oclock. After that I had to wash the dishes and at about one or half past one I used to go bed. Next day it was the same. I cried all the time but there was no one who could help me. I did not know anything about England so I could not think of going away somewhere and I was so scared. I could not send a letter to my parents because nobody gave me a penny, never. One day I took some tablets and my husband took me to hospital. I did not want to live. Jugjeet Kaur A. Edward Arnold, 1986

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While reading: Information transfer The hospital psychologist, Doctor Edward Jones is defining the Jagjeets psychoaffective profile to evaluate her fulfillment rate (taux dpanouissement). Is Jagjeet a fulfilled woman? Fill in her particulars:

Patients name: Jageet Age: __________________ Place of birth:_____________________________ Country of residence:_______________________ Marital status:_____________________________ Occupation/Profession:_____________________

Fill out Jageets psychological profile by circling the appropriate option (a, b or c). Illustrate each option with a quotation from the text. Rating scale: a) =1 pt; b)=2pts; c)=3pts 1. Family background a) Fundamentalist b) Conservative c)Progressive Illustration:___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 2. Academic background a) Illiterate b) Literate c) Educated Illustration:___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 3. Social relations a) Poor b) Average c) Satisfactory Illustration:___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 4. Household chores a) Very heavy b) Average c) Light Illustration:___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 5. Husband-wife relations a) Cold b) Considerate c) Loving Illustration:___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 6. Integration into British society a) Poor b) Average c) Satisfactory Illustration:___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

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(Add up the 6 ratings. If the score is lower than 15 pts out of 18 pts, the patient needs psychological assistance. Go to next step!

Post reading: Problem solving Considering the score, Dr. Jones is writing his conclusions: Clinical evaluation of the patient:________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Recommendations to Jageets husband. Fill in the outline: St Michaels Hospital London, UK

Dear Sir, The thorough consultation of your spouse has revealed that she has the potential to _____________ her suicidal tendencies if the following conditions are __________, thanks to your cooperation: 1. ____________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________ Besides, I wish to have an open talk and detailed discussion with you at your best convenience on other matters related to your wifes psychological balance. Best regards, EJones _________________ Clinical psychologist

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