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Gerry Marshall in the News

June 2013 Vol. 1 Issue 1

Andrea Horwath meets with Penetanguishene mayor

PENETANGUISHENE Prior to heading out on the Georgian Queen, Horwath met Penetanguishene Mayor Gerry Marshall for a wide-ranging discussion on a number of topics. It was a great meeting. One of the things I try to do wherever I go in Ontario is spend some time actually keeping my mouth shut and opening my ears, she said. Theres a lot of things we can gain as politicians from listening to what people have to say. Horwath said Marshall shared his frustrations over cost burdens facing Penetanguishene, in particular the heads and beds tax paid by provincial institutions in lieu of property taxes, as well as the Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund and rising policing costs.It was a very productive conversation, she said of her sit-down with the mayor. Hes got some great ideas and done a great amount of work in terms of connecting with other mayors in similar situations.

Marshall eyes county cash for economic development Marshall presses minister on policing costs
PENETANGUISHENE From his lips to the ministers ears. Penetanguishene Mayor Gerry Marshall has taken his concerns about the rising cost of policing to the top of the food chain. Speaking on behalf of a coalition of municipal mayors, Marshall questioned Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services Madeleine Meilleur on Tuesday at the Ontario Good Roads Association and the Rural Ontario Municipal Association conference..... NORTH SIMCOE Penetanguishene Mayor Gerry Marshall wants Simcoe Countys next budget to include funding for individual municipal economic development.He said he would like to see each community represented on county council receive $50,000 annually over the next two years. Everybodys doing economic development and tourism, Marshall said, pointing out giving each of the countys 16 municipalities $50,000 each year could be $800,000 very well spent. Municipalities could use it for whatever they might wish. The mayor said he plans to bring forward a formal motion on the concept at the countys corporate services committee meeting later this month. Warden Cal Patterson, who is also the mayor of Wasaga Beach, said the plan has merit. We will be discussing it further at a future meeting, he said. County CAO Mark Aitken said he appreciates Marshalls input and his desire to have a coordinated economic development plan.....

Gerry Marshall in the News

June 2013 Vol. 1 Issue 1

Please join us July 4th at the Royal Canadian Legion in Coldwater, 2 Micheal Anne Drive at 7pm to help elect Gerry as the NDP candidate for Simcoe North.

Tim Hortons Camp Day with OPP Commissioner, Chris Lewis and Country Music star Jason McCoy

Marshall has had battle-filled year

By DOUGLAS GLYNN Midland Free Press January 10, 2013 PENETANGUISHENE Mayor Gerry Marshall casually describes 2012 as an interesting year. Interesting, indeed, when you consider that he doggedly pursued what he believes are inequities in provincial funding programs and the high cost of policing. He laughs at a suggestion that Premier Dalton McGuinty prorogued the legislature to keep him at bay. But, theres no disputing he has been a force the provincial government has had to reckon with on a number of issues....

Record low Georgian Bay water levels 'a slow moving disaster'
By GISELE WINTON SARVIS Midland Free Press February 6, 2013 Mayor Gerry Marshall opened the forum saying he and mayors of Midland, Tiny and Tay townships will form a coalition with other mayors surrounding Georgian Bay and will take the publics top concerns to both the province and federal governments to try to get action on this issue that is impacting marina owners, property owners, boaters and businesses relying on tourism dollars. Marshall said it is expected that 40% of the areas 21,000 boat slips will be unusable this spring due to lack of shoreline water. Water remains deep away from shore

Gerry Marshall in the News

June 2013 Vol. 1 Issue 1

Mayor irrate that top North Simcoe secondary school being considered for closure
GISELE WINTON SARVIS The Free Press Tuesday, April 2, 2013 3:08:01 EDT PM

Penetanguishene Secondary School (PSS) has been recognized by the Fraser Institute as the top ranking secondary school in north Simcoe County. In light of that exemplary ranking, Penetanguishene Mayor Gerry Marshall is irate that the Simcoe County District School Board (SCDSB) is considering closing the school. Given the educational experience of our school and the highly performing staff complement they have, it is simply mind boggling to me that PSS is under consideration to be closed, said Marshall. The Fraser Institute recently ranked PSS No. 3 in the county for educational quality based on Grade 9 and 10 EQAO test results over the past five years. However, an accommodation review committee (ARC) is being set up after trustees at the SCDSB voted in favour of the process on Jan. 23.. Mayor Marshall also said the social interaction in a small community matters. Regarding the ARC, Marshall questioned, Are we doing the right thing here? Are we having the right conversations when you look at how well PSS is performing academically? I want to get a hold of the minister of education and I have spoken with the new minister of rural affairs about the strength of small schools and the need for rural Ontario to be funded differently than its city counterparts, Marshall said.

AWARE Simcoe
Marshall has been outspoken in the fight by municipalities across Ontario on the need to address the impact of rising policing costs on municipal budgets. He has made economic development a priority in Penetanguishene and played an important role in forging a united perspective on economic development among North Simcoe municipalities. At county council, he has had an eagle eye for the bottom line

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