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2x22/2x23 – Divide and Conquer part 2&3

(Desmond David Hume Centric)

Previously on LOST:

1) Locke and Jack looking down into the hatch – 1x19

2) The lockdown – 2x17
3) Sayid examining the metallic door – 2x04
4) Luke and Michael being led into the Others campsite – 2x09
5) Henry telling Ms. Klugh that the survivors are coming to them –
6) Locke saying he gives up on the hatch and Eko saying he’ll take over
– 2x19
7) Boone and Mr. Eko finding the metal door – 2x16
8) Luke giving Penny some information – 2x19
9) Locke telling Desmond they’re going to find out what happens when
the button isn’t pushed – 2x21
10)Jack, Kate, Luke, Hurley and Ana walking into the jungle – 2x21
11)Sayid asking Sun and Jin to help him sail the boat – 2x21
12)Desmond preparing to run and Penny turning up – 2x21

Desmond opened the car boot.

“Desmond...” A voice said from behind him. He turned and saw a
blonde haired woman standing there.
“Penny...?” Desmond was shocked. Penny moved forward a little.
“What’re you doing here Penny?”
“I wanted to see you. I heard my father came to see you when you...
Why didn’t you write to me, Desmond?” Penny had tears in her eyes.
“When are you getting married, Pen?” Desmond asked, fighting
back tears.
“We haven’t set a date yet.” Penny replied.
“How did you know I would be here?” Desmond asked, moving
closer to Penny.
“I spoke with your landlord... A Luke Parsons? He told me you ran
“How did you know I would be here?” Desmond asked again.
“With enough money and determination you can find anyone.”
Penny replied calmly. “What are you doing here?”
“I am training. I’ve entered the race. His race. And I’m going to win
it. And in a year... I’ll be back.” Desmond smiled a little at Penny.
“What if you were back now?” A tear fell from Penny’s eye.
Desmond wiped it away.
“I have to do this, Pen.”
“Why? Why must you do this Desmond? What is it you’re running
“I have to get my honour back. And that’s what I’m running too.”
And Desmond ran off, leaving Penny stood there.

Mr. Eko looked up from the computer, hearing a bang from somewhere
within the hatch. He stood up and walked into the living area.
And then he heard an automated voice speaking from the speaker system.
“5... 4... 3...”
Eko turned, looking around, confused. He then ran towards the computer
room. He had one last glance of Locke stood beside the computer before
the blast doors came down, locking him out.
Locke turned to Desmond who put down the wires he had used to initiate
the lockdown.
“And now we wait.”


Boone walked through the jungle quick-paced leaving Charlie to follow in

his wake.
“Wait up!” Charlie called. Boone didn’t answer; he just continued
walking quick-paced. Charlie ran to catch up with Boone. “Could you at
least tell me where we are going?”
“I took Eko to that drug plane in the jungle about a week ago. We
found this metal door in the ground by Eko didn’t want to take a look.”
“You think it’s another hatch?” Charlie asked, raising his eyebrows.
“I have no idea. But that’s what we’re going to find out.” Boone said,
walking off; echoing Locke when they found the hatch.

Jin was stood at the wheel looking along the shoreline as Sayid and Sun
came up out of the door. They walked over to Jin.
“How’s it going?” Sun asked in Korean.
“Excellent,” Jin replied, “the sea is very calm. Perfect day.”
Sun kissed Jin and turned to Sayid.
“So what is your plan once we get there?”
“I will sneak ashore and find out their numbers and positions. We
will then meet up with Jack and the others.” Sayid replied.
“Where are we meeting them?”
“I am going to signal them with black smoke. There are some leaves
which burn with a black smoke. They will meet with us and then we’ll go in

Desmond sat on the chair in front of the computer with his head in his
hands. Eko pounded on the door outside. Desmond turned to Locke.
“Who is he?”
“His name is Mr. Eko. He’s some sort of priest. He took over pressing
the button when I gave up. Said he ‘had a dream.’”
“Why’s he pounding on the door though?”
“Because he believe that the world will indeed end if we don’t press
the button.” Locke laughed. Desmond scowled.
“What if he’s right?” Desmond asked.
“He’s not!”
“How do you know though?”
“I just do!” Locke shouted. He looked up at the counter which read
“67.00.” He sighed.

Desmond was stood on the deck of his boat as rain pelted down onto him.
The waves rocked against the side of the boat knocking Desmond to the
floor. He stood up and went down into the hold of the boat. The boat
rocked again as Desmond made his way into the boat. He grabbed a
plastic freezer-bag and “Our Mutual Friend.” Desmond shoved the book
into the bag and taped it up with duck-tape.

He climbed back onto the deck as the boat shook again. Desmond was
knocked to the side and smashed his head. He was knocked out.

Desmond, half awake and half asleep was found on the beach by a man.
The man was dressed in a yellow hazmat suit. The man dragged Desmond
from the beach, through the jungle and into the Swan Station. Desmond
awoke in a bed as the man took off the hazmat suit revealing himself to
be Inman.
“Who’re you?” Desmond asked?

Hurley sat staring ahead of him as Ana walked past him with some fruit in
her hand. She handed a piece to Kate, Luke and then Jack before reaching
“Want some fruit?” Ana asked. Hurley shook his head. Ana sat down
beside him. “I’m so sorry Hurley.”
“It’s not your fault.” Hurley mumbled. “It’s there’s!”
“I know it is. And we’re going to get payback for Libby.” Ana took
Hurley’s hand and squeezed it. “I promise.” She smiled.
Jack stood up, picking up his backpack.
“I’m sorry, we have to get going.” The group stood up together and
shuffled off after Luke.

Mr. Eko sprinted across the beach coming up to Claire’s tent.

“Claire!” Eko shouted. Claire moved out of her tent shushing Eko.
“Shhh! I just got Aaron to sleep!”
“Claire... I need you to help me!”
“With what?” Claire frowned.
“How did you open the hatch?”
“I... Dunno. I think they used dynamite from this massive ship in the
jungle.” Claire replied as she glanced back to check that Aaron was still
“Was there any left?” Eko asked.
“I... I’m not sure. I think Hurley told me it was somewhere in the
“Could you help me look for it?” Eko asked.
“Because I need to get into the hatch.”
“Why though?” Claire frowned.
“Because... I am fairly certain that if we do not get into that room
and stop Locke... Everyone on this island will be dead within an hour!”

“How far is it?” Jack asked as the group made their way through the
“I dunno.” Luke replied. “I don’t remember much. I already told you
that. I think it’s about an hour or so. I’m not entirely sure.”
“Alright. How’s your arm?” Jack then asked as he looked at the sling
Luke had over his bullet wounded arm.
“It’s alright.” Luke shrugged. “Look, Jack, what to do plan on doing
once we arrive there?”
Jack stopped walking and turned to the others. The group stopped around
“I have a plan. Sayid is on his way there was we speak. He is on
Desmond’s boat. He’s going to get to their camp and scout the location.
Find out their numbers and weapons. And then we are going to meet with
him. And we’ll go in together. Trust me, this will work!”

The computer beeped and Locke looked up. Desmond was fiddling with
the buttons.
“What are you doing?” Locke asked.
“I remember Kelvin telling me about this way to get a chess game to
come up on here. Might as well kill some time.” Desmond shrugged and
continued to fiddle.

“So you just press that button there.” Kelvin said, pointing at a
button on the keyboard. “It saves some time when you’re waiting for
the next time you need to input the numbers.” Kelvin walked out of the
room and Desmond followed.
“So how long have you been here?” Desmond asked as he looked
around the room. He spotted “Our Mutual Friend” on the bookshelf.
“Two-hundred and forty... Three days.” Kelvin replied.
“And you’ve been here by yourself?
“No. There was a man here with me for about two-hundred of those
days. Radzinsky.”
“What happened to him?”
“His shift ended. He left. I don’t know what happened to him after
that.” Kelvin shrugged. “Maybe he went home. Maybe he went
somewhere else on this island. It was him who told me how to fake a
lockdown. And we had this project together, working on it every time we
were bored. Which was a lot. Want to come and see?”

Desmond pressed a button on the keyboard and a voice spoke from the
computer. The screen remained blank. Locke rushed over when he heard
the voice. The both of them recognised the voice.
“Press 1 for activities.” Said the voice of Dr. Marvin Candle. “2 for
time-log, or 3 for the Orientation video.”
Desmond turned to Locke before pressing 2. The screen instantly filled
with numbers.
Boone kicked back the dirt from the metal door in the ground as Charlie
stood back. Boone then bent and grabbed the handle. He pulled hard on
the door. It took a moment before the latch was released and Boone
pulled open the door. A dark shaft with metal rugs leading down to
whatever was in there. Boone glanced at Charlie before opening the
second door.
Boone climbed down first. Charlie followed.

“Come and look at this.” Sun said to Sayid as she rushed over to
him. She held some binoculars in her hands. Sayid followed her back to
the wheel of the boat and Sun handed him the binoculars. “There.” She
said, pointing.
Sayid looked through the binoculars towards the shore and saw a giant
four-toed statue with the rest of the statue missing!! A large chunk of
stone of the same material was sticking out of the ocean in front of the
boat. Sayid turned to Sun.
“I don’t know what is most disquieting... The fact that it only has
four toes... Or that the rest of the statue is missing.” Sayid said. He looked
through the binoculars once more as Jin said:
“We’re nearly there.”

“We’re nearly there.” Luke said to the group as they walked through
some low hanging branches. “I think so anyway.”
“Right,” Jack said in hushed tones as he brought the group to a stop.
“Now we wait for Sayid’s signal.”

Desmond scrolled through the page as Locke glanced at the counter. Only
25 minutes left. He sighed and turned his attention back to Desmond. The
screen read “20/09/2003 SYSTEM FAILURE!” This was repeated across the
“What... What does that mean?” Locke asked Desmond. Desmond

Desmond checked his watch before looking at the boat. He was dressed in
a yellow Hazmat suit.
“We should get going,” he called. The voice of Inman from
somewhere in the boat replied:
“Five more minutes!”
Desmond sighed and glanced at his watch again.
“Hurry up!” He shouted. “We only have 10 minutes to get back!”
Inman appeared onto the deck (also dressed in a yellow Hazmat suit) and
grinned at Desmond.
“Alright, let’s go.”

The two men ran back towards the door in the jungle. Desmond glanced
at his watch before calling to Inman:
“One minute! I told you we should have left earlier!”
Desmond pulled open the hatch door and sprinted in. Inman followed him.
The hatch was filled with the sound of beeping from the counter. It was so
quick that it was almost like one continues beep. The beeping was joined
by a massive mechanic groaning sound. Desmond ran into the computer
room as all around him objects began to move. Metallic objects. Desmond
began to input the numbers as Inman looked around the room. He ducked
as something flew over his head.
“What the hell is going on?!” Inman called.
“Come on!” Desmond muttered as he pressed Execute. He glanced
at the counter showing the hieroglyphics. The counter slowly turned back
to “108:00”, the beeping stopped and the mechanic groaning stopped.
Desmond turned to Inman.
“I told you we should have left earlier!”

A mechanic groaning sound is heard once more as the hatch door bangs
open and a man runs from it. He runs through the trees until he reaches a
clearing where he stops and looked up. Oceanic Flight 316 breaks up in
“Oh God, oh God, oh God! What have I done?!” Inman called. The
tail end of the plane crashes down into the water. “Oh Christ!” Inman said
as Desmond ran up to him, watching as the rest of the plane fell.
“What the...”

Sayid snuck round the side of the cliff and looked ahead. There were about
twenty or so people walking around the campsite. Sayid ran and hid
behind one of the tents. He peered round the side of it as someone snuck
up behind him and smacked him across the head with a gun. Sayid fell to
the floor.
“Go and set up the fires!” Ms. Klugh called to some nearby people.
They rushed off. “Send a group to the boat... Extract the Kwons. And
then... Prepare yourself. We will shortly be having some people join our


Boone pulled a flashlight out from his backpack and handed it to Charlie.
He took a second out and they both turned them on. The glow of the
flashlights instantly fell onto a Dharma logo – a white circle. Boone walked
into the room and Charlie followed.
Two chairs were set in the centre of the small room in front of a series of
monitors – 9 in total. Boone walked over to them and flicked one of the
monitors on. The screen remained blank. One of the screens was already
on showing static. Charlie moved over to the side of the room towards a
computer. He tried to turn it on but it wouldn’t work. On the table beside
the computer was a video cassette with the words “Orientation – Pearl
Station” on them.
“Wanna watch a movie?” Charlie joked, and moved over to one of
the monitors.
Sun lit the hob of the cooker and placed the kettle onto it. She then went
to get some cups as Jin shouted.
Sun whipped round and saw a man stood there in the room. Howard! He
moved towards Sun who screamed out.

“What does it mean though?” Locke asked Desmond again as

Desmond scrolled down the screen. He didn’t seem to be listening to
Locke. Desmond continued to scroll down the screen until it was filled with
some more numbers – “22/04/2003 SYSTEM FAILURE!” Desmond finally
turned to Locke.
“It means...” He said slowly, “I think I crashed your plane!”

“There’s someone outside...” Inman said to Desmond as he walked

into the computer room.
“What do you mean?”
“There’s a man outside watching the door.”
“How can he... With the quarantine and everything?” Desmond
“I don’t know.”
“Who do you think he is?” Desmond stood up.
“I don’t know... One of the Hostiles? Get a gun.” Inman walked from
the room. Desmond followed him. The counter flicked down to 9 minutes.

The door creaked open and the man moved back. Inman motioned to
Desmond and the both of them ran after the man. The man darted back
and sprinted off into the jungle. Inman fired his gun and the man dropped
to the ground. Desmond ran up to him.
“Who are you? Who are you, brother?!”
But the man was dead. Desmond turned to Inman.
“What now?”
“Check his pockets.”

Desmond and Inman sprinted back towards the hatch door.

“What time was it at when we left?”
“I don’t know...” Desmond called back. Inman pulled open the door.
Metallic objects were once again flying across the room as Desmond ran
into the room and over towards the computer.

Locke stared at the computer screen.

“It happened twice. And both times a plane crashed shortly
afterwards... It has to mean something!”
“It’s just a coincidence.” Locke shrugged.
“I’ll ask you one last time. Let me in!” Eko called from behind the

Jack looked up at the spiralling black smoke over the tree line. He pointed
it out to the others.
“Looks like Sayid had arrived. Come on, let’s get going.”
Jack walks off into the jungle and the rest of them follow him. Jim Carnes
watches them from the jungle as the walk off.
Kate glanced behind them and then turned to Ana.
“We’re being watched. There’s a man behind us.”
“What? Where?” Ana asked. Kate stopped to pretend she was tying
her shoelace and glanced over her shoulder. Ana followed her gaze and
saw the man. Jim turned, about to run off but Kate pulled out a gun. She
pointed it at Jim and fired. Jim fell to the floor as Jack, Luke and Hurley
whipped round.
“What the hell?!” Jack called. He looked over as Kate ran over to Jim
who was lying on the ground, dead.
“They know we’re coming...” Kate called back to the rest of them.
“You don’t know that.” Luke replied.
“They knew we would be here. They knew we would be heading
towards that black smoke... Oh, my God! They must have caught Sayid!”
“You’re jumping to conclusions now, Kate.” Jack added.
“I’m going back.” Kate said. “Anyone with me?”
But she never got to find out if anyone was with her as a dark fired from
the jungle and hit Hurley in his neck. He was zapped and instantly fell to
the floor. And then a dart hit Luke who crumpled onto his hurt arm.
“Run!!” Jack called and the three remaining people ran off into the
jungle. Jack was hit next. He jerked forward and fell. Kate and Ana were
then hit and they both fell at almost the same time.
Tom walked out of the jungle followed by several other people.
“Bag ‘em!” Tom called and hoods were pulled over Jack’s, Kate’s,
Hurley’s, Ana’s and then Luke’s faces.

Charlie sat down on the chair as Boone pressed play.

“Hello and welcome. My name is Dr. Edgar Halliwax,” said Dr. Marvin
Candle from the screen. “This is the orientation film for station 5, or the
“Pearl” of the Dharma Initiative. The basic purpose of this station is to
observe and record the various actions of the participating stations to
make sure they are doing what is required of them. The station initially
started out as a lookout for hostile incursions arising on the island. But
when the truce was called and we started to co-exist on the island, the
purpose of the station changed to observation of the other stations. The
members within the stations have no idea that they are being observed.
The computer in the Pearl station is in direct communication with several
other of the stations on the island, but only personnel are granted access.
Your job for the next three weeks is to observe the actions and behaviour
of the occupants of the watched stations and record it. When your time is
complete, you are to make your way to the Pala Ferry where you will be
then taken to the Barracks. During this time, the recording books will be
extracted before you replacements arrive.
Thank-you, Namaste... and Good luck.”
The screen faded to black and Charlie turned to Boone.
“... Direct communication...” he repeated Halliwax.
Eko gently placed the wire into the mass of dynamite on the ground
outside of the blast door.
“This is your last warning, John!” He called.
“I’m seeing this through to the end!” Locke called from behind the
door. Eko sighed and followed the fuse out of the corridor. He entered the
living area where he then lit the fuse before running over to the pantry for
KA-BOOM!! The dynamite blew up!!
Inside the computer room, Desmond turned to Locke.
“Look... This has to be real!”
“Why? Why does it have to be real? Just because you failed to press
the button twice?” Locke shrugged.
“It can’t be a coincidence! It’s real!”
BLEEP! BLEEP! BLEEP! The counter flicked past four minutes and began to
beep loudly. Desmond ran for the computer but Locke got there first. He
picked up the monitor and smashed it onto the ground. Desmond stared
ahead, wide-eyed as he covered his face with his hands.
“You’ve just killed us all!”

“I thought you were gunna keep that till you died?” Inman asked as
Desmond took “Our Mutual Friend” from the shelf.
“I’m hardly living am I? Stuck in an underground bunker, a slave to
the button. Anyway, I’ve nearly read all of the books already here.”
Desmond replied and sat down on the sofa. The computer began to beep
and Inman walked from the room. Desmond opened the book and a piece
of paper fell to the floor. He picked it up. It was a letter.

“Dearest Des,

I am writing this letter to you as you leave for prison. And I’ve hidden it in
the one place you would go to in a moment of great desperation.
I know you go away with the weight of what happened on your shoulders.
And I know the only person who can ever take it off is you. Sorry to be
dramatic, but these are dramatic times, are they not?

Please don’t give up, Des. Because all we really need to survive is one
person who truly loves is.

And you have her. I will wait for you. Always.

I love you, Pen. X”

Desmond began to cry, smiling at the same time.

“Penny...” He croaked. “Why did I have to go?” Desmond began to
cry harder.

The hoods were pulled off and Jack looked around. They were stood on a
large pier extending out into the ocean. The name “Pala Ferry” was on a
boat house at the side of the pier. Jack turned his attention to the people
on the pier. Kate was at his left, Ana at his right. Hurley was beside Ana
and Luke was beside him. Tom was stood in front of him beside a black
woman (Ms. Klugh) Alex was behind her stood beside Ethan.
A man walked up the dock towards them.
“Henry Gale!” Jack spat.
“Hello Jack, Kate, Ana.” Henry turned his head to each of the people
tied up in front of him as he addressed them. “Luke... Hugo.”
“Where’s Sayid? Michael, Walt?” Jack asked them.
“Sayid is fine, as are Sun and Jin.”
“Sun and Jin?” Kate frowned.
“Yes, I was rather surprised at that also. They were on the boat too.
And as you were already informed, Jack... Michael and Walt have left the
island! They left almost a month ago.”
“What are you doing with us?!” Hurley called from the right. Tom
moved down to the right and dragged Hurley up to his feet. He untied the
rope around Hurley’s hands. “What’s going on?” Hurley was slightly
scared. Ms. Klugh walked over to them.
“I’ll let you explain, Bea.” Tom said and moved over to the side.
“You can go back to your people, Hugo.”
“Go back, Hugo. Your job is to tell your people that they can never
come here. That they can never come for your friends. Go, Hugo.”
“What’ll happen to my friends?”
“They’re coming home with us.” Henry said from beside Ms. Klugh.
Hurley turned to Jack who nodded. And Hurley walked off up the pier.

Boone closed the door and walked over to Charlie who was stood beside
the drug-runners plane.
“So we’ll go and get Sayid. And come back here. He’ll be able to
hack into the computer and then we might be able to get a message to
someone. We might be able to get home!” Boone smiled. He was happy.
The two of the turned and walked off towards the beach.

Desmond opened the blast door and sprinted from the room. Metallic
objects were flying across the room towards the magnetic door Sayid had
discovered. The counter creaked and crushed. Desmond ran over to the
bookcase and grabbed “Our Mutual Friend” from the bookcase. He pulled
it open and took out a key before running back into the computer room.
He pulled a grille up from the ground and climbed down into it. Locke
watched him.
“What are you doing?”
“You may have lost faith brother, but it is real. And I’m going to stop
it. Going to save us all.” And then Desmond was gone. Eko appeared at
the door as sparks shot from a ripped wire. Locke turned to him, frowning.
“I was wrong...” He said simply.

Desmond crept along the tunnel and came to a stop. There was a keyhole
in the ground. Desmond pushed the key into the hole and looked up above
“I love you, Penny.” He muttered before he turned the key.

Claire looked up at the sky as a huge groaning sound was heard. The sky
was turning purple!!

On the pier, Henry looked up at the sky with his hands clamped over his
ears. The group if people on the pier all closed their eyes as the groaning
became louder. And then it stopped. The sky was blue once more.
“Come on, let’s get going.” A woman said from the group of Others.
Luke’s eyes grew wide as he stared at the woman.
“Mom?!” He called. But before he got a response, a hood was pulled
over his head. Jack turned to Kate, and then to Ana before hoods were
pulled over their head.

Boone walked over to Claire as Charlie followed him. Bernard was stood
holding Aaron.
“What the hell was that?!” Boone asked looking at the sky.
But he didn’t get a response.
Rose turned as a sniper bullet fired past her. She stared, wide-eyed, open-
mouthed as someone dropped to the ground!

A man looked out of a window. It was snowing outside. He walked over to

a heater and kicked it before sitting down at a table opposite another
man. They were in the middle of playing chess.
“I wouldn’t bother, Mathias. It’s busted.” Said the second man.
“It’s just so cold, Henrik.” Mathias shivered as Henrik glanced over
at a computer. A light was beeping. A number appears on the screen –
7418880. Mathias rushed over to the computer, Henrik follows and grabs
a binder.
“That’s it, isn’t it? We missed it again, didn’t...?” Mathias said.
“We didn’t miss it!” Henrik called back. The computer begins to
beep as Henrik finds the page in the binder.
“Oh, so this time you’re not going to claim it’s a false alarm? An
erroneous error message...? Mathias asked. Henrik was typing away on a
keypad across the room.
“Just shut up and call while I send the telex, Mathias!”
Mathias picks up the phone. There is no dial tone.

A light flicks on in a bedroom as someone picks up a ringing phone.

Back in the room with the men, Mathias speaks into the phone.
“Hello? It’s us.” Mathias says down the phone. “I think we found it.”

The woman leans up in bed, staring a head. She looks across at a picture
on her bedside table. A picture of Penny and Desmond!! And then Penny
smiles as she holds the phone receiver to her ear.

Next time:

Main Cast (Order of appearance):

Mr. Eko - Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje
John Locke – Terry O’ Quinn
Boone Carlyle – Ian Somerhalder
Charlie Pace – Dominic Monaghan
Jin Kwon – Daniel Dae Kim
Sayid Jarrah – Naveen Andrews
Sun Kwon – Yunjin Kim
Hugo “Hurley” Reyes – Jorge Garcia
Ana Lucia Cortez – Michelle Rodriguez
Kate Austin – Evangeline Lilly
Luke Parsons – Eric Dane
Jack shepherd – Matthew Fox
Claire Littleton – Emilie De Ravin

Guest Starring (Order of appearance):

Desmond David Hume – Henry Ian Cusick
Penelope Widmore – Sonya Walger
Kelvin Inman – Clancy Brown
Dr. Marvin Candle/ Dr. Edgar Halliwax – Franҫois Chau
Ms. Beatrice Klugh – April Grace
Howard Tolland - David Boreanaz
Jim Carnes – Christopher Eccleston
Tom “Friendly” – M. C. Gainey
Alex – Tania Raymonde
Ethan Rom – William Mapother
“Henry Gale” – Michael Emerson
Luke’s Mother – Blair Brown
Bernard Nadler – Sam Anderson
Rose Nadler – L. Scott Caldwell
Mathias – Len Cordova
Henrik – Alex Petrovitch

Questions Raised:

1) Who was/is Penny’s fiancé?

2) Why did Inman and Radzinsky draw the map?
3) What the hell is the four-toed statue all about?!
4) Why was there a man watching the hatch?
5) Why were the Dharma Initiative and the Others fighting? And when
and why did they call a truce?
6) Why were the other stations being watched?
7) What are the barracks?
8) Why is Dr. Marvin Candle using a different name? What is his real
9) What happened to Sayid, Sun and Jin?
10)Why can’t the survivors come for Jack, Kate, Ana and Luke? What
will happen if they do?
11)Where is “home?” for the Others?
12)Why was there a failsafe key in the hatch?
13)What happened to the hatch when Desmond turned the failsafe
14)What is the status of Locke, Eko and Desmond?
15)Why did the sky turn purple?!
16)What is Luke’s mother doing on the island?!
17)What happened to Jack, Luke, Ana and Kate?
18)Who was shot and are they ok?
19)Who shot them and why?
20)What were Henrik and Mathias looking for? Why did they ring

Questions Answered:

1) Who Penny wanted information on from Luke – Desmond.

2) Penny and Desmond’s connection – they used to go out.
3) Who the letters were for that Widmore intercepted – Desmond was
writing to Penny.
4) What the Pala Ferry is – a pier.
5) What happens when the button isn’t pushed (partially) – all of the
metallic objects are drawn towards the magnetic door in the hatch.

Season 3 will begin roughly two weeks after I post this. A few
days after I post the finale of season two, some (not major)
spoilers about season 3 will be released.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to read this and I hope
you all enjoyed it.

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