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Coaching, Speaking, & Teaching Inspiring Individuals & Empowering Organizations to Success!

Mentorship Call with Lead for Women June 20th 2012

Mentorship Framework





9A Village Green Dr, Sagamore Beach, MA 02562 0r Phone: 774-313-6373
Insight of Success, LLC All Rights Reserved


Coaching, Speaking, & Teaching Inspiring Individuals & Empowering Organizations to Success! Who is the Person who influenced you the most?

Mentorship Framework To you

Mentors teach you ______________________________ Our Greatest Legacy is when we teach our ________________________ What does our attitude paint in your life? Bonus Question: _______________________________________________ New Question: ________________________________________________

With you
By _________________ you to go to the next level. 1. Challenging your _________________ 2. Challenging your _________________ _________________ & _________________ your Identity to the world! 3. Challenging your _________________

9A Village Green Dr, Sagamore Beach, MA 02562 0r Phone: 774-313-6373
Insight of Success, LLC All Rights Reserved


Coaching, Speaking, & Teaching Inspiring Individuals & Empowering Organizations to Success!

For You
By showing you _________________ Physically: A. _________________ B. _________________ C. _________________ D. _________________ By Example: A. _________________ B. _________________ C. _________________

9A Village Green Dr, Sagamore Beach, MA 02562 0r Phone: 774-313-6373
Insight of Success, LLC All Rights Reserved


Coaching, Speaking, & Teaching Inspiring Individuals & Empowering Organizations to Success!

Fun Work:
Take some time and find a quiet place, a place of reflection, a place where you will not be disturbed and able to journal about what you just experienced. Then answer the following questions: 1. Who in my life taught me what to think? 2. What did they tell me to think about? 3. Who had influence in my life and how did they challenge me in each of the challenge areas? 4. Who in my life really showed me the way and revealed it to me by serving as a role model? 5. What did they do to be a role model? 6. How else has this teaching applied to me and how or what others have done to influence and mentor me? Now Flip It: 1. What am I going to intentionally do to influence and mentor others in my personal and professional lives? 2. If I were to tell people what to think and how to think, or what beliefs to have in their lives what would they be? 3. If I could challenge others in the challenge areas, what would you say and how would it sound to the person receiving the message? Now put yourself in your mentees space and hear yourself say your above responses to that persondoes it sound like the people who influenced you? Do you need to be more or less like those people to bring your influence to the next level? Create your legacy today John Maxwell ends his book 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership with a chapter on Legacy where he states A Leaders Lasting Value Is Measured by Succession. What type of legacy do you want to leave? What type of role model do you want to be thought of?

9A Village Green Dr, Sagamore Beach, MA 02562 0r Phone: 774-313-6373
Insight of Success, LLC All Rights Reserved


Coaching, Speaking, & Teaching Inspiring Individuals & Empowering Organizations to Success! Imagine, a person from your past comes to say their goodbyes and as they stand by your side they say you made a difference in my life in three ways X, Y & Z. What would those three ways be? What would make you proud to hear a person say about you: o Personally o Professionally o and at the end of your time on earth Begin with the end in mind and be that person to someone in your life!

Remember my bonus: send your responses and/or questions to me at and I will gladly reply.

We are continuously working to modify and improve our Coaching, Speaking, and Teaching Programs, but we can only do so with your values feedback. Please take a minute and help us by answering the questions below. 1. On a scale from 1 10 (Most Helpful) how would you rate the training you received this morning? 2. Please explain why you rated the experience as you have in question #1: 3. If you feel that you received value from this call, would you be willing to share your excitement in a testimonial? 4. Would you be interested in learning more about what we at Insight of Success, LLC have to offer for Coaching, Speaking, and Teaching opportunities? (please supply your email address)

9A Village Green Dr, Sagamore Beach, MA 02562 0r Phone: 774-313-6373
Insight of Success, LLC All Rights Reserved

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