Legal Office Procedure

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Legal Office Procedure

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A contract most likely will be declared unconscionable if: (a) it is unfair to one party. (b) it contains a cancellation clause. (c) it is oppressive and the weaker party did not fully understand the consequences of the agreement. (d) it is signed by a minor A contract that has its terms set down in a clear-cut fashion either orally or in writing is called a(an) a) valid contract b)implied contract c) bilateral contract d) express contract A disaster that occurs as a result of natural causes not aided by any human action is a/an (a) statue of limitations. (b) act of God. (c) double jeopardy. (d) malfeasance A group of laws within common law that deal with the wrongs against individual persons is called a) business law b) civil law c) case law d) common law A jurist is (a) juror. (b) one with thorough knowledge of law and written on legal subjects. (c) the judge. (d) esquire A latin term meaning in itself or by itself is (a) alias. (b) sui juris. (c) per se. (d) et alius. ad litem Another term for "signing" a document is (a) conforming the document. (b) executing the document. (c) inking the document. (d) verifying the document. attempt to compensate the plaintiff for his or her loss available damages for the tort of intentional infliction of mental distress

(c) it is oppressive and the weaker party did not fully understand the consequences of the agreement.



d) express contract


(b) act of God

12. 13.

Case Number 1: Assume you are a legal secretary assigned to work for two associates in a large law firm. You enjoy working for both attorneys; however, one problem occurs all too frequently. Several times a week you are faced with the dilemma of whose work to do first. Both insist they need their job done immediately. What do you do? (a) one of them had to turn in the work first-even if it was only seconds before. First come, first served. (b) ask one of your coworkers to do you a favor and handle one of the jobs for you. (c) flip a coin. (d) Take the problem to your employers and ask them to decide between themselves whose work should take priority. consideration, something for something Corportations are governed by laws of the (a) state governement. (b) county government. (c) federal government. (d) United Nations. duces tecum et al et vir Feasance is (a) performance of an illegal act. (b) misconduct. (c) proper performance of a legal act. (d) in itself or by itself forever, without limit, to infinity In legal documents, amounts should be shown in a) words only b) figures only c) words and figures, with the words first d) figures and words, with the figures first in re intervivos Jurisprudence is (a) the philosophy or science of law. (b) an encyclopedia of laws commonly used by lawyers as a reference. (c) a dictionary of legal terms. (d) system of written law for a given areas. mens rea

(d) Take the problem to your employers and ask them to decide between themselves whose work should take priority.

quid pro quo (a) state government


b) civil law


you bring with you and others and husband (c) proper performance of a legal act ad infinitum c) words and figures, with the words first in the behalf of between living (a) the philosophy or science of law.

15. 16.


(b) one with thorough knowledge of law and written on legal subjects




(c) per se


7. 8.

for the suit (b) executing the document





compensatory damages punitive damages



guilty mind


Negligence concerns harm that: (a) is unforeseeable. (b) arises intentionally. (c) arises by accident. (d) is always substantial. nolo contendere on the face of it pendente lite per stirpes PLS stands for (a) Private Legal System. (b) Personal Law Society. (c) Professional Legal Secretary. (d) Professional Lawyers Secretary. proceeding brought by one person in the absence of another Spoken defamation is (a) libel. (b) liable. (c) slander. (d) none of the above. SS. in a legal document stands for (a) single space. (b) to wit. (c) of its own kind. (d) unique. stare decisis The body of law that creates and defines our rights and duties is called (a) procedural law. (b) private law. (c) substantive law. (d) public law. the body of the offense the creation of marriage is governed by (a) federal statutory law. (b) state statutory law. (c) common law. (d) family court laws. The definition of versus is (a) against. (b) and another. (c) et alius. (d) lex. The highest court in the United States is the (a) United States Court of Appeals. (b) United States Supreme Court. (c) Court of Last Resort. (d) United States District Court The legal document filed in response to a complaint is called (a) a petition. (b) a reply. (c) a motion. (d) an answer.

(c) arises by accident


The panel of citizens chosen to help interpret a region's customs for a court os referred to today as a(n) (a) jury. (b) agency. (c) factual panel. (d) court. the power of a court to decide a particular type of case The power to hear and decide cases is called a) jurisdiction b) statutes c) case law d) constitution The transfer of a right is called (a) an assignment. (b) a delegation. (c) a breach. (d) adhesion. The use of force to get someone to do something unwillingly is called (a) duress. (b) fraud. (c) malice. (d) turpitude. Unless otherwise specified, the top margins on legal documents should be a) 1 inch on all pages b) 2 inches first page; 1 inch other pages c) 2 inches first page; 1 1/2 inches other pages d)1 1/2 inches on all pages Unwilling mothers/fathers can defeat court orders to pay child support by (a) moving out of state. (b) refusing to work and going on welfare. (c) refusing to pay. (d) none of the above Venue refers to (a) personal jurisdiction. (b) geographical jurisdiction. (c) subject jurisdiction. (d) physical jurisdiction. versus what is misspelled? a) juret b) defamation c) indemnify d) none what is misspelled? a) nominal b) subpoena c) negotible d) none What is misspelled? a) partnership b) assault c) competency d) none what is misspelled? a) preemptive b) morgage c) unilateral d) none When typing names in legal documents, a) capitalize the first letter in each name b) key the last names only in all caps c) key all names in all caps d) key only the document originator's name in all caps

(a) jury

25. 26. 27.

no contest prima facie during the litigation by representation (c) Professional Legal Secretary ex parte


jurisdiction a) jurisdiction





(a) an assignment (a) duress





(c) slander

a) 1 inch on all pages


(b) to wit


to abide by the decided cases (c) substantive law


(d) none of the above.


35. 36.

corpus delicti (b) state statutory law

(b) geographical jurisdiction against a) juret

48. 49.


(a) against

c) negotible


(b) United States Supreme Court


d) none


b) morgage


(d) an answer.

c) key all names in all caps


Which of the following is a correct statement? (a) every crime is also a tort. (b) every tort is also a crime. (c) most crimes are also torts. (d) is always substantial. Which of the following is a legal instrument and NOT a court paper? a) summons b) complaint c) subpoena d) will Which of the following may be legitimate nondiscriminatory criteria for selection of an employee: (a) age. (b) race. (c) color. (d) educational level. Writ is (a) dispute plaintiff claims in a court of law. (b) written application to the court for action on a legal matter. (c) written command issued by the court requiring some specified action. (d) paperwork on an illegal procedure

(c) most crimes are also torts



d) will


(d) educational level


(c) written command issued by the court requiring some specified action

You are employed at the law firm of Delaney and Aberdome, State of Ohio, County of Jefferson. You have been asked to prepare an affidavit as to the age of a minor child for your client, Hilda Richardson. The case number is DW-5633. She is stating that she is the mother of Jocyln Richardson who was born on June 15, 2005, at Otsego Memorial Hospital in Gaylord, Michigan, county of Otsego, and is now 6 months old.

IN THE 4TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR JEFFERSON COUNTY, OHIO STATE OF OHIO, Plaintiff, v. CASE NO. DW-5633 HILDA RICHARDSON, Defendant. (underlined)AFFIDAVIT I, HILDA RICHARDSON, upon oath, state as follows: 1. I am the mother of Jocyln Richardson; and said child was born at Otsego Memorial Hospital, in the county of Otsego and state of Michigan, on the 15th day of June, 2005, and is now six (6) months old. _______________________ HILDA RICHARDSON WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State aforesaid this ______day of ______, 20__. _____________________ Notary Public

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