5 Step Sales Process Hypnosis V3

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The Five Step Sales Process

An NLP sales model developed for Hypnotherapist


The Five Step Sales Process

In todays highly competitive market place, rising costs and shrinking margins are placing your sales force under increased pressures. It takes more than just the stars being aligned to win new business and retain your existing client base with minimal price erosion. A perfect sale demands the combination of sound business knowledge and a proven sales process to deliver your pitch. The five step sales process is powerful and proven sales methodology. It equips the trained salesperson with a simple and systematic tool set that can be adopted to suit any given sales experience. This methodology instills within even the freshest face on your sales force an intuitive characteristic. The sales person will better than ever before understand exactly were they are positioned throughout the sales interaction and be confidently prepared for the next step in making the sale. This methodology is the result of a fusion between traditional sales functions and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques. In short NLP is the ability to use the language of the mind to consistently achieve our specific and desired outcomes. The individual components of the 5 steps sales process are as follows. 1. Rapport Providing your customer with a feeling of comfort. 2. Ask questions - Be interested in your customer and understand how best to service them. 3. Find a need Extracting information to understand and qualify your customers needs. 4. Link the need - Align the value of your product with the needs of your customer. Be strategic. 5. Close Confirm your sale. Enjoy using the 5 Step Sales Process. When used correctly and practiced often it will make your sales fun and easy and negates the need to be a hard closer.

The 5 step process for Hypnosis Training Manual.

Vers v3 Copyright 2011, Brad Greentree

Image of the Salesperson One of the reasons why many people think salespeople as being pushy is because of the image that a salesperson is the type that does not listen. Or just talking over the top of people and not listing to what the concerns are, they just want to get the sale at all costs. The major reason why people feel uncomfortable about selling is because they have an image of a salesperson that is that kind of crass, unfeeling person. The fact is, that peoples concerns have changed in response to the salesperson and selling. Fortunately, there is a new discipline that allows the salesperson to be more effective in selling. The meaning of selling First, lets examine the word sell. The word comes from a Norwegian, Selje, and means to serve. The word sell come from the verb to serve. So selling is really serving. The type of selling in this course is about serving: it is not just about selling, not just about jamming a product down someone's throat, as it may end up as a sales. It requires you to listen to the client, rather than trying to sell him without listening. The idea is to listen to them before trying to sell anything. The key to selling is listening, and by listening you serve. When a sales person actually listens to someone, they serve him or her. Know what you're selling It is important to point out that there is a need to be able to see that what you're selling is valuable. You need to believe that it is so valuable, that you need to be willing to do whatever it takes to have your client see how valuable it really is. This knowledge generates enthusiasm, your enthusiasm, portrays that your product is invaluable. It's worth much more then you're asking. Then, you can ensure the client we see that too.

The 5 step process for Hypnosis Training Manual.

Vers v3 Copyright 2011, Brad Greentree

Step#1: Establishing rapport

The first part of any sales engagement is to establish a level of rapport with your customer. The level of rapport I'm talking about may be more than you thought. To master the skill of developing rapport, it's important to learn the abskill of gaining instant rapport with anyone. One time, I was en route to Vancouver and I had stopover in L.A. My flight was two hours late on arrival in L.A, and I had missed my connecting flight. I was desperate to get to my destination along with everybody else on the plane. Once I had cleared customs, I knew that I was one of many who had to get a connecting flight. The only way I could make my destination was to build rapport with every single person I could. I went to the helpdesk and found two customer service personnel engaged in domestic warfare with a queue of at least 60 irate passengers. I was not going spend the night in L.A! An airline attendant was traversing the line checking each person's documents. I approached this person and matched and mirrored her. As we started a conversation, I talked as I imagined she would talk in her tone of voice and speed. Almost immediately, I saw her facial colour change. I knew I had established rapport, and she said I'm going to do whatever it takes to get you on that plane. Within minutes I had 20 minutes to check in and make my connecting flight and thats where the fun really began, due to heightened security. I got tagged for extra security. I had to build rapport again and again, with everybody I came in contact with: other travellers in line, security guards and airport staff to get myself through the line as fast as possible. I managed to make the flight, with only seconds to spare. If you practice the skills you'll develop the ability to achieve instant rapport with anybody. I had just finished doing some training on rapport and I was having lunch with one of my students. We were going to a restaurant for lunch, and I had roughly half an hour before an afternoon appointment when we arrived at the restaurant. The girl behind the counter looked at the schedule, and advised the table would be at least 20 minutes. I said to myself, it's time to build rapport. Looking at my friend, I saw him match and mirror her, so I decided to see what would happen.
The 5 step process for Hypnosis Training Manual.

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When she looked up at him, she went into rapport. Her facial colour changed and she smiled and asked, do you want a table outside? We said no, and she directed us to our seats immediately. This is powerful stuff. Most communication is outside of conscious awareness. communication is tone of voice, and to 55% is physiology. communication is made up of the words we use. That means a tremendous opportunity for communicating outside of channels. And that is what rapport is all about. 38% of all Only 7% of that there is the normal

The bases of rapport are that when people are like each other, they like each other. When people are not like each other, they don't like each other. When you like someone, you're willing to assist him or her in achieving whatever he or she wants. Speed of processing The first element of rapport is how fast people move. Have you ever noticed people tend to adopt a certain speed of movement? They move at a certain speeds. It has to do with how they process information, whether they process it visually, in an auditory way or kinaesthetically. That means that if youre meeting with someone who is highly visual for example, and you're not quite there, sit up in your chair, breathe from the top of your lungs, and be excited. Or at least act in a way that matches what they're doing. On the other hand, if youre meeting with someone who is more auditory, you want to slow down a bit and moderate your voice. More importantly, listen, really listen if youre meeting with someone who is kinaesthetic, slow waaaay doooown. Talk with them about feelings. You change your voice tone so that it matches theirs, and really get a sense of it. Mirroring The second element of rapport is physical mirroring of an individuals physiology: actually physically copying their posture, facial expressions, key gestures and movements, and their eye-blinking.

The 5 step process for Hypnosis Training Manual.

Vers v3 Copyright 2011, Brad Greentree

This will cause them to say subconsciously to their mind, hey - he or she's like me! It's undeniable to the nervous system, Voice A further element is to match their voice: the voice, tempo, treble (quality of their voice), and volume. You can also match their key words. Perhaps they often say, actually. You can use it in a sentence several times to say it back to them. Breathing The fourth element is to match their breathing. Actually pace someone's breathing by breathing at exactly the same time as they do, matching their breath in and out. Chunk size The fifth element is to match the size of pieces of information in their speech. To be a master communicator, you'll want to keep in mind that people are best communicated with when you communicate with them in a way that they process information. Please remember as you begin to use these advanced means of communication, that in another persons mind, none of their modes of operation are right or wrong. To them, thats just how they operate. In addition, you can match a person's predicates and predicted phrases. Look at those now, and notice the words and phrases that people use in each major representational system. People use different words and phrases that actually reveal what's going on inside their heads. As you begin to notice and use all of that, you can also ask questions.

Step#2: Ask questions.

The second step is to ask questions. Of course, the first and second step will be going on at the same time. You can be establishing rapport at the same time as you ask questions. I don't mean you need to ask only one or two questions, I mean, ask enough questions until you can see what the customer will buy. Ask them questions that are relevant to what they are going to buy.
The 5 step process for Hypnosis Training Manual. Vers v3 Copyright 2011, Brad Greentree

As you ask questions, you should assume that they are going to buy whatever it is youre selling, and that all you need to do is ask enough questions so that you can see how it is that they will buy. This particular process of selling is a process of asking questions and getting into one-on-one communication with your client. You get into oneon-one communication through rapport, and by asking questions. Interested Vs interesting When you ask questions, you need to be truly interested. You need to be interested, not interesting. The salesperson of yesteryear was really interesting. He was a warm, razzle-dazzler, wore fancy clothes and was really interesting. He was the kind of guy you might like to have at a cocktail party, as he was such a showman. You enjoyed the show, but would notice that you were not much of a friend of his because he was too much. He never seemed interested in you. The problem with the salesperson of yesteryear was that he didn't listen. He didn't seem as though he was interested, even though he might have been. The 80% rule applied to customers It is interesting and you should know that roughly 80% of people you come across regarding sales, have already made a purchase in their minds eye. In order to agree to see you or to come into your office, they must have already made internal representation of having your product or service. They must imagine having bought or signed up. The way to success at this kind of selling is to be a master of rapport, and particularly interested in the people you talk to. When I go and talk to people, they will tell me the most outrageous things. I can run into somebody in an industry, who is in any kind of business, and I will ask him or her what his gross sales are and what his profit margin is, how is he going, and he will tell me! You will want to put together a list of questions for your products. Get your questions lined up. I'm really interested in business: I'm interested in all kinds of business. So when I meet someone in the street, and they say, well I am in this business or that business, I will ask what is the costs of you goods, and what is your profit. Are you profitable, are you making money, and how many hours per day do you work. I am personally interested in what they are doing.

The 5 step process for Hypnosis Training Manual.

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In the same way, if you were talking to someone about a Hypnosis session you need to ask questions like have you tried to change a behaviour before? Are they happy with the your life and the results you are getting? Are you able to change your behaviour without effort? How much time do you spend working on your weight or trying to stop smoking? What would happen to you once you are in charge of your life and unconscious mind? What happens is that you will be perceived as being really interested about their business and needs (but thats your job, and that is probably why you are in it). The point is that you are interested. The results of being interested - know when you are interested The buyer will forgive almost anything. When you're interested, and when youve achieved good rapport, the buyer will forgive almost anything. That is not to say that you should do almost anything, but the truth is that the buyer will forgive almost anything. I have actually seen a salesperson who was interested, and they would say things like, I don't want to pressure you to do this, especially if you're unsure you want this, but I think it is such a good thing for you to do, and they go out and put heavy pressure on them and the client buys. So the first two steps are getting into rapport and asking questions. Be interested, and theoretically the buyer will forgive almost anything. In addition, while you're asking questions about your client, you will want to ask them Have you ever bought anything like this before, did you really like it? What does this question do? You get your client making internal representation of having bought something like what you're selling. Once they have internal representation of something they bought in the past (and especially if they liked it), then you can anchor it. During this portion of the selling process, you'll want to be as precise as possible. Your question should move the client towards greater precision rather than towards ambiguity.

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Vers v3 Copyright 2011, Brad Greentree

You want your client out of trance, rather than in trance. There are times when it is useful to have the client in trance. One of them may be, for example, when you are linking value to the product, as in step four (below). To gain maximum knowledge about what your client specifically wants, there are a number of questions that are appropriate to use at this stage. First, ask yourself, how is this possible that they don't have it now? Is there anything that prevents them from having it? Then ask: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. What specifically do you want? What did you see, hear and feel when you had it? How will you know when you have it? What will this outcome achieve for you, what will this allow you to do? Where, when, how and with whom do you want it? Where are you now (with regard to having this)? What do you need to get your outcome? Just suppose for a moment that you can have it Do you know anyone who has it Have you ever had or done this before? What will happen in the getting of it (what will you gain or lose) What won't happen if you get it. What will happen if it don't get it. What won't happen if you don't get it


In addition, you will want to discover their mental program and values. At this time, you will want to ask their direction, frame of reference, finances and related products. In addition, you will probably want to know their major criteria for making this purchase - all are valued around the subject of their business. If necessary, you may also want to know, the higher purpose of the current interaction. If you do, then ask, what purpose does this serve? Or, for what purpose? Finally, you will also want to know their internal process strategies that are active at this time, so you can utilise them later in the selling process.

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Vers v3 Copyright 2011, Brad Greentree

Step 3#: Establish Value

There are three parts to this: 1. Find a need or opportunity. 2. Establish the value of a solution 3. Link the need and a solution We are assuming, by the way, that in the process of getting into communication and becoming interested, that you will easily have discovered what the buyer wants. For example, somebody walking into a health and fitness centre will want to look better, live longer and be healthier. Clients seeking your advice may have a range of business challenges. Are they aware that they have a unconscious mind? Did they know that they have a choice? What would happen if they stopped smoking? How much money are they spending on smoking? Maybe they are spending money on diets and the gym but not following it. So you can ask, what would happen if you had the motivation to eat the right foods and exercise? So, the process of establishing value begins with finding a need or opportunity that your product or service can fill. Assuming that you have discovered a need or opportunity in the process of asking questions, you then establish the value of a solution to the problem, or opportunity. Finally, you need to link the value of the product or service to their need. This is a really important step. The way I like to ask questions, by the way is, Can you see any value for you in it? Suppose you have someone that would like to book a session with you. However, he does not think he will get the result or their partner will not allow them to spend the money. You can say would you see value in have a agreement that guarantees a result, would you partner or you be willing to invest in your health with a guarantee? Simply by putting it this way you overcome the fear that it might not work, in the clients mind.
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Or you could say, why dont you let talk to your partner so I can help them understand the benefit of the session! The result you will be able to establishing value with them. Once you have established the value, youre almost done. The moment they see the value, you'll want to anchor it. anchor linking the two. Set up the

In fact, you've closed already, but the close is so inconspicuous that it almost goes unnoticed. Can you see any value to you in wanting to do this? It is so inconspicuous, it is really a marvellous tool. In addition, you will want to use the conditional close and tag question, which will cover in step 4

Step #4: Close - ask for the sale

Once you find a need or an opportunity, establish the value of a solution, link the need and the solution and youve anchored it, then close. There are a number of tried-and-true techniques for closing, and we will include here a few of our favourite procedures, using the way you would ask for the order. These are just ways of asking for an order that seem to work. The Order Blank Close The first simple technique involves filling out your order form, the order blank close. If youre using an order blank that means that you're filling it out as you ask the question on the form, what is your mailing address? So, the minute your client sees value, the form is filled out and the next question would be how many staff do you have or the agreement takes about 6 to 8 weeks would you like us to get it under way this week or next week ? For most successful salespeople, and all the good ones I know, if they need an order blank when they are selling, will have it ready with them, and the minute they get a buying signal they will get it out and start filling it in. I do that myself: the minute I see interest, I will fill out the agreement. The minute that I have ask question that makes a difference between them buying or not, I get out the agreement form.
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The alternative choice You may have noticed that we asked a question above that did not allow for a no answer. Called the alternate choice closing question, this question assumes a yes is the only possibility. It also called the double bind. In using this close, always give somebody an alternate choice when you are giving him the opportunity to buy something. What that means is that when the buyer says, the only time I can see you is on the weekend, you say, would this Weekend do or next weekend be better? The really professional salesperson will always give somebody an alternative choice. The alternative choice is also good, by the way, if you're trying to make an appointment: When can I come and see you and go over the agreement with you? How would you feel about Thursday at 2pm, or would Friday at 3pm be better? You always give him an alternative choice. The answer to either of these, is yes. I want to think about it There is one more close that I want to tell you about, and this is really important. It's the way you handle the I want to think about it response. Its the I want to think about it close. Or, I want to talk to my partner. That's not really an objection because its not specific. What theyre trying to do is to buy some time, so they don't have to make a decision right now. In direct mail, advertisers have discovered that if you don't act on the piece of direct mail within five minutes it never got to you. It's true. In selling, the client will go cold if you let them think about it for long enough. I would say that once you're in a meeting or having a conversation, and once you've established value, then there are a couple of things you can say about I need to talk to and I need to think The first thing you say is well, are you in favour of it? That is the question. You ask him that because if youre talking to someone who is going to talk to someone else about whether or not he should buy the
The 5 step process for Hypnosis Training Manual. Vers v3 Copyright 2011, Brad Greentree


product, if hes not in favour of it, then how will it help you for him to go and talk to them? Now, if he is in favour of it, then you say, go ahead and talk to your partner. Once they are in favour of it then say, great, go ahead and talk to your partner and take it from there. Even better than that would be if you're in favour of it then let all three of us get together so we can talk about it together. So in other words, get permission to come and talk to their partner with them, dont let them go and do it alone. Ask them can you arrange a meeting here with you and your partner? Get together with them. The other thing that you can do is that if they have to talk to somebody, then still write up the agreement. For example, they say well I certainly want to do business with you and get a agreement in place but need to talk to my wife because she always makes decisions with me. That may be real, but it may not be real. Then you say, lets write up the agreement and put it down that this agreement is cancelled if your wife won't let you do it. If you are asked a question If the client asks you a question, and the answer is yes, don't say yes. Always answer a question with another question. For example, the client says, can I you have talk to my partner? You say, would you do the agreement with us if we talked to your partner? If the answer is yes, then he has bought. If he says no, then ask, what would it take for you to do the agreement? Request for a Quote (which is a put off) Here are also some questions that you can ask to get you beyond the request for a proposal or quote: 1. In addition to you, who are the other decision-makers who will be involved in the decision? 2. When can they get together to listen to the presentation or proposal? 3. What do the others want? Can we talk to them and get their input first, before creating the proposal? 4. Assuming all is okay, when do you want the proposal? 5. What would have to happen to make them feel good about being present at your presentation? 6. Our experience shows us that our proposal will generate a lot of questions, which allow us to customise a presentation to you.
The 5 step process for Hypnosis Training Manual.

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Shut up By the way, do you know how important it is to shut up when asking a closing question? Let's go back and define a closing question, because I've gone through the process of closing. A closing question is any question that when asked, elicits the response yes. That's any question. As you can see, actually establishing value is a closing question - its a trial close. Its an inconspicuous trial close. So when you ask a closing question, you should always, the minute you have asked it, shut up. You should not talk until theyve had the opportunity to say something. This concept comes from J. B. Douglas Edwards, one of the world's foremost sales trainers up until his death in the 70s. Become a lover of peoples behaviour. I just love the space thats inbetween the closing question and the buyers answer. Most sales people of yesteryear were fast talkers and didn't give the people that space. But when you give them the space, the bigger the space, the bigger the hole they fall into. That's why the salesperson needs to shut up the minute theyve asked the closing question. If you don't, you are not creating the space for them to fall into. That absolute silence becomes the nothingness, the vacuum, as it were, that sucks in their buying tendencies. So, it's a very exciting space, the space of shutting up after youve asked the closing question.

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Vers v3 Copyright 2011, Brad Greentree


Step #5: Handling the objection

By: Or Ignoring it and going to Step 3 Answering it and going to Step 3

There are two ways of handling objections that come up. You can either ignore the objection, which is usually what happens the first time, or you can answer the objection. Re-establish value In either case, you go to Step 3. If you ignore the objection then go back and establish value. If you answer the objection go back and establish value. Heres how it works. The client says yes, I can see some value. You say great, lets sign your company up for the payroll solution. He says well, gosh, I can't afford it right now, or whatever. Then, either you answer the objection or you carry on ignoring it. One way I would ignore it is, when he says well gosh, I don't have the money, you say, well a moment ago, you told me you saw value in having someone else worry about organising payroll tax and rosters. That will either get you a sale or another objection to deal with. That's the job of the salesperson. The job of the salesperson, moving the buyer resistance to objections I usually ignore the first objection because the first objection is usually not the real objection. Lets talk for a minute about buyer resistance, and getting the client ready to want to buy what you're selling. Between wanting to buy what you're selling, which is there, and buying, which is here, there may be a whole lot of resistance. If you are just being interesting, you may not be interested enough (or able because of lack of rapport) to get him beyond his resistance, and so the unspoken resistance will never be verbalised. You need to be interested enough to get him beyond his resistance.
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That's why I usually ignore the first objection - because the first thing that comes up is usually not the real objection. The first objection is usually not the reason why they are not buying. So, you need to move your client, beyond his resistance into verbalising the real objection. One way is to ignore the objection. Answer the objection You can choose to answer the objection, that is, if you think the objection is significant, you should answer it. Here are the four objections that there are to anything, and there are only four: The only four objections 1. 2. 3. 4. I don't have enough time I don't have enough money It won't work for me I don't believe you

Those are the only four objections there are to anything To overcome objections, simply revisit the value. Answer to Time. If they say that they dont have enough time for a meeting or a conversation to go over the agreement, explain that once they have thire life in order and a no longer stress they will have more time. If they don't have enough money Find out how much is too much for the coaching session and talk about how much they could save with better health. It wont work for me It won't work for me. It will work for everybody else in the world but it will not work for me, eg. it won't work for me to have a work choices agreement. This is similar to I don't believe you. These two might also be called I don't need it, or I can see the value in it and it won't work from me, for whatever reason. Then answer the customer using happy customer for example. For instance, we could say to the customer, I have one client, George, who was scared his staff would leave. In fact, he thought that his staff where
The 5 step process for Hypnosis Training Manual. Vers v3 Copyright 2011, Brad Greentree


irreplaceable. Until once, he realised he was able to pay his key staff what he thought they would be worth to make sure they stayed. He was so excited that she couldn't wait to tell them! Objections can be answered by naming specific people who bought the service or product, are using it and are happy with it. You can go down a list of names of the people who got it and say well, you know, Robert he thought the same thing, but he was over talking to Mel, and he has just come back from industry meeting with some other Hotels that signed up and they just love the work we did. Would you like to call him and ask? How to handle an objection We are talking about the only four objections. Now let me talk about the way to handle an objection. So, this is how to handle an objection which is a little different then the actual answer. What I have done is given you the four objections and the answers, and now I want to talk about how to handle an objection. The wrong way (how not to handle an objection) would be Why you stupid! The agreement will cut down on penalties, so you will save on weekend trading. The right way to handle the objection is this: actually, I'm going to show you how much money you are going to save per hour again compared to a regular award you are currently paying. 1. Listen fully 2. Actually, in the second step I often act a little bit surprised. So, I am going to call step number 2 Surprise, because, remember, you have already established value. So, if youve established value, you are surprised that he would have an objection. So what you do is repeat the objection so that Step 1 is surprise. That is your reaction. So I'll put that in parentheses (repeat the objection). He would say something like, well gee I dont have the time. You have the time? Just like that. You feed be objection right back to him. Now, I will also tell you that the problem with most salespeople. They don't really listen to what the client is saying to hear the objection. But if you listen totally then you will hear things that are not verbalised. If you pay full attention and listen to the objections, you will hear the non-verbalised resistance. So that is why you repeat it, and then you say, you mean that is the only reason you are not buying? So he goes, well, I've just don't
The 5 step process for Hypnosis Training Manual. Vers v3 Copyright 2011, Brad Greentree


have enough time. You dont have enough time? And he goes that's right. 3. Say, you mean that's the only reason you're not buying? Now he can either say yes or no. See what this does - it brings out the real objection. If it is a fake objection, if he says, yes, that's the only reason why I'm not buying, you have got him because you know you can answer the objection. So you say oh, you mean that's the only reason you're not buying and he says yes. 4. The Fourth step is (and it's ok to skip this step), if I could show you how to have the time, would you buy? That also smokes it out, if it is a false objection. So this is just a process for smoking out that false objection and identifies the real one. But if he said thats the only reason and you have answered it, that leaves him with nowhere to go doesn't it? He has literally got nowhere to go, but to buy. 5. The fifth step is to answer the objection as above and go right back to establish the value. That is Step 5: go right back to establishing the value. So it would work like this objection, I don't have enough money You dont have enough money? Oh, you mean that's the only reason why you're not buying. Yes. If I could show you how we could get your payroll sorted out for a fraction of what it costs now would you be interested? Why yes, I certainly would. Well, I would be happy to show you the online system many companies have already singed up likeList Oh okay, I will by it. You go right back to establishing value, and you say, so you can see any value in being able to remove the desire to smoke or can you see how being in control of your mind will allow you results? The five step sales process was developed by Dr Tad James, from Tad James Company. This program was developing specifically for Graduates looking at using the 5 step sales process in the context of Hypnosis and coaching. Adapted by Brad Greentree NLP Master practitioner and trainer.
The 5 step process for Hypnosis Training Manual. Vers v3 Copyright 2011, Brad Greentree


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The 5 step process for Hypnosis Training Manual.

Vers v3 Copyright 2011, Brad Greentree


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