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Utilizing the WCC Batch Interfaces

Presenters: Jeff Skonieczny, Elizabeth Dexter

Terms of This Presentation

This presentation was based on current information and resource allocations as of October 2009 and is subject to change or withdrawal by CA at any time without notice. Notwithstanding anything in this presentation to the contrary, this presentation shall not serve to (i) affect the rights and/or obligations of CA or its licensees under any existing or future written license agreement or services agreement relating to any CA software product; or (ii) amend any product documentation or specifications for any CA software product. The
development, release and timing of any features or functionality described in this presentation remain at CAs sole discretion. Notwithstanding anything in this presentation to the contrary, upon the general availability of any future CA product release referenced in this presentation, CA will make such release available (i) for sale to new licensees of such product; and (ii) to existing licensees of such product on a when and if-available basis as part of CA maintenance and support, and in the form of a regularly scheduled major product release. Such releases

may be made available to current licensees of such product who are current subscribers to CA maintenance and support on a when and if-available basis. In the event of a conflict between the terms of this paragraph and any other information contained in this presentation, the terms of this paragraph shall govern.
2 October, 2009 [Utilizing the WCC Batch Interfaces] Copyright 2009 CA

For Informational Purposes Only

Certain information in this presentation may outline CAs general product direction. All information in this presentation is for your informational purposes only and may not be incorporated into any contract. CA assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the information. To the extent permitted by applicable law, CA provides this document as is without warranty of any kind, including without limitation, any implied warranties or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. In no event will CA be
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October, 2009

[Utilizing the WCC Batch Interfaces]

Copyright 2009 CA

Batch Interfaces: What are they?

> Perform functions using the command line rather than the graphical user interface
Create, modify, delete objects

> 4 interfaces:
Configuration Manager (including Credentials interface)

High Availability Job Status Console Job Flow Monitoring

October, 2009

[Utilizing the WCC Batch Interfaces]

Copyright 2009 CA

Batch Interfaces: Whats their value?

> Do everything you can do in the UI, Plus:
Create default objects and copy/modify Import and Export data Export your current configuration to back it up Move a configuration between Core machines
Create scripts/jobs to perform tasks Encryption option

October, 2009

[Utilizing the WCC Batch Interfaces]

Copyright 2009 CA

Configuration Batch Interface

October, 2009

[Utilizing the WCC Batch Interfaces]

Copyright 2009 CA

A Brief Review of Configuration

> Create and Edit CCI Links > Create and Edit AutoSys, CA 7, SAP, Event, and JAWS servers > Customize feature parameters > Create Credentials > Deploy Changes > Restart Services

October, 2009

[Utilizing the WCC Batch Interfaces]

Copyright 2009 CA

Configuration Batch Interface

> Export Configurations > Import Configurations > Propagate configurations to other WCC servers > Deploy > Restart Services > Create and modify objects > Encryption > Long names, short names

October, 2009

[Utilizing the WCC Batch Interfaces]

Copyright 2009 CA

Configuration Batch Interface

> Export Configurations
wcc_config -u user_name -p password -x out_file [-c config1,config2...] [-plainpwd] [-v]

> Import Configurations

wcc_config -u user_name -p password -i input_file [plainpwd] [v]

October, 2009

[Utilizing the WCC Batch Interfaces]

Copyright 2009 CA

Propagating a Configuration
1. Export all configurations from the CA WCC server that has been configured. 2. Copy the text file created by the export to the CA WCC server that you want to run with the same configurations.
3. Change the server name where it appears in the text file to the name of the server you have copied the file to. 4. Import the text file on the server. 5. Deploy the configurations on the server.

6. Restart CA WCC services on the server.


October, 2009

[Utilizing the WCC Batch Interfaces]

Copyright 2009 CA

Configuration Batch Interface

> Deploy
wcc_config -u user_name -p password -d [-v]

> Restart Services

wcc_config -u user_name -p password -r [-s service_name1,service_name2...] [v]


October, 2009

[Utilizing the WCC Batch Interfaces]

Copyright 2009 CA

Configuration Batch Interface

> Create and modify objects
Export a configuration (for example, servers) Create a template server definition Copy and modify as needed to insert your servers.

> Examples


October, 2009

[Utilizing the WCC Batch Interfaces]

Copyright 2009 CA

High Availability Batch Interface


October, 2009

[Utilizing the WCC Batch Interfaces]

Copyright 2009 CA

A Brief Review of HA
> Core and Spectator machines form a cluster



> Data is created on the Core machine in the form of Packages



> Publish the packages to the spectator machines

> Apply the packages either immediately or at a convenient time


October, 2009

[Utilizing the WCC Batch Interfaces]

Copyright 2009 CA

High Availability Batch Interface

> Publish a Package > Apply a Package > List Members of the HA Group > List packages on the Spectator Server > Encrypt and Run Command Line arguments


October, 2009

[Utilizing the WCC Batch Interfaces]

Copyright 2009 CA

High Availability Batch Interface

> Publish a Package
wcc_ha -u user_name -p password -P [-a] -s spectator1,spectator2... -c configuration1,configuration2... | -f configurations_file [-C comments] [-v]

> Apply a Package

wcc_ha -u user_name -p password -a -i package_id.xml [U client-url] [-v]


October, 2009

[Utilizing the WCC Batch Interfaces]

Copyright 2009 CA

High Availability Batch Interface

> List Members of the HA Group
wcc_ha -u user_name -p password -m [-v]

> List packages on the Spectator Server

wcc_ha -u user_name -p password -l [-U client_url] [-v]

> Encrypt and Run Command Line arguments > Examples


October, 2009

[Utilizing the WCC Batch Interfaces]

Copyright 2009 CA

Job Flow Design Batch Interface


October, 2009

[Utilizing the WCC Batch Interfaces]

Copyright 2009 CA

A Brief Review of Job Flow Design

> Graphical Views > Create Job Flows > Create Filters
Name-based only

> Add Jobs > Check in/Check out > Put on Production/Take off Production


October, 2009

[Utilizing the WCC Batch Interfaces]

Copyright 2009 CA

Job Flow Design Batch Interface

> Export a Job Flow > Import a Job Flow > Propagating Flows to another WCC Server > Create a Job Flow > Delete a Job Flow > Check In/Check Out > Put on Production/Take off Production > Copy and Modify a Job Flow > Encryption
20 October, 2009 [Utilizing the WCC Batch Interfaces] Copyright 2009 CA

Job Flow Design Batch Interface

> Export All Job Flows on a WCC instance:
wcc_jfd -u user_name -p password -x output_file

> Import Job Flows

wcc_jfd -u user_name -p password -i input_file


October, 2009

[Utilizing the WCC Batch Interfaces]

Copyright 2009 CA

Job Flow Design Batch Interface

> Propagating Flows to another WCC Server
Export all job flow definitions from the CA WCC server where they were created.
Copy the text file created by the export to the CA WCC server where you want the same job flow definitions. Import the text file on the server.
Note: The CA Workload Control Center Monitoring Server service is automatically restarted after the import is completed.
Note: If the job flow exists on the target server, you must take it off production and check it out to modify it.


October, 2009

[Utilizing the WCC Batch Interfaces]

Copyright 2009 CA

Job Flow Design Batch Interface

> Create a Job Flow
insert: flow: "name": attributes;

> Delete a Job Flow

delete: flow "name";

> Check In/Check Out

checkin: flow "name" checkout:flow "name"

> Put on Production/Take off Production

on_production: flow "name off_production: flow "name"
23 October, 2009 [Utilizing the WCC Batch Interfaces] Copyright 2009 CA

Job Flow Design Batch Interface

> Flow Attributes
Name Description Status Range

> Filters
Server Description System (CA 7 only) Jobs


October, 2009

[Utilizing the WCC Batch Interfaces]

Copyright 2009 CA

Job Flow Design Batch Interface

> Jobs
Server Jobname Group Application


October, 2009

[Utilizing the WCC Batch Interfaces]

Copyright 2009 CA

Job Flow Design Batch Interface

> Copy and Modify Flows
Export or create a flow Create a template flow Modify name, description, filters, etc. Save to a file and import

> Examples


October, 2009

[Utilizing the WCC Batch Interfaces]

Copyright 2009 CA

Job Status Console Batch Interface


October, 2009

[Utilizing the WCC Batch Interfaces]

Copyright 2009 CA

A Brief Review of Job Status Console

> Text-based monitoring > Real-time, consolidated VIEWS of job status and alerts/alarms > Configurable overall status of Views > Job Status, Alerts, Dashboard tabs > JM Server Logs > AutoSys Alarm Management


October, 2009

[Utilizing the WCC Batch Interfaces]

Copyright 2009 CA

Job Status Console Batch Interface

> Export Job Status Console Views > Import Job Status Console Views > Propagate Job Status Console Definitions to Other Servers > Create and Delete Views
Job Status, Prior Run, Run Log

> Create and Delete Filters

Job, Alert, Alarm, Prior Run, Run Log, Dashboard

> Create and Delete Alert Policies > Encryption and Short/Long names
29 October, 2009 [Utilizing the WCC Batch Interfaces] Copyright 2009 CA

Job Status Console Batch Interface

> Export Job Status Console Views
wcc_jsc -u user_name -p password -x output_file [-w view_list] [-v]

> Import Job Status Console Views

wcc_jsc -u user_name -p password -i,--import input_file [--norestart] [-v]


October, 2009

[Utilizing the WCC Batch Interfaces]

Copyright 2009 CA

Job Status Console Batch Interface

> Propagating Flows to another WCC Server
Export all job status console definitions from the CA WCC server that has the views and alert policies defined.
Copy the text file created by the export to the CA WCC server on which you want the definitions. Import the text file on the server.


October, 2009

[Utilizing the WCC Batch Interfaces]

Copyright 2009 CA

Job Status Console Batch Interface

> Create and Delete Views
insert jobstatus view: attributes insert prior_run view: attributes insert log_run view: attributes delete view: attributes

> Create and Delete Filters

Job, Alert, Alarm, Prior Run, Run Log, Dashboard Examples


October, 2009

[Utilizing the WCC Batch Interfaces]

Copyright 2009 CA

Job Status Console Batch Interface

> Create and Delete Alert Policies > Examples


October, 2009

[Utilizing the WCC Batch Interfaces]

Copyright 2009 CA

Changes for WCC r11.3


October, 2009

[Utilizing the WCC Batch Interfaces]

Copyright 2009 CA

Changes for WCC r11.3

> Monitoring Batch Interface > Job Type Filters > Job Templates > Removed: Job Flow Monitoring Batch Interface


October, 2009

[Utilizing the WCC Batch Interfaces]

Copyright 2009 CA



October, 2009

[Utilizing the WCC Batch Interfaces]

Copyright 2009 CA

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