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SAP R/3 Document : SAPScript

There are three components in SAPScript 1. Standard Text 2. Layout Set 3. ABAP/4 program SAPScript is the Word processing tool of SAP It has high level of integration with all SAP modules STANDARD TEXT A Standard Text is a like our normal documents. In Standard Text, you can create standard documents like letters, articles etc Plain documents are classified as Standard Text ( ST ). You should first create a Style. Goto Tools Word Processing Style Every style contains Character Strings, Character formatting and paragraph formatting To create a Standard Text goto Tools Word Processing Standard Text Give a Standard Text name, Specify Text Id as ST and Language as E. Click on Create / Change Every Standard text is assigned to a style To assign a style goto Format Style You can base your documents on these character strings, paragraphs etc. Character strings have to be created, if you want a sets of strings / words / paragraphs / documents with different fonts, font sizes, formats ( Bold, Italic, Underline, Normal etc.) with these properties. You can create each character strings differently You can specify default properties for each type of paragraph like you can define right margin, left margins, line spacing, alignment etc. These properties can be different for every paragraph in a Standard text

By : Subba Rao

SAP R/3 Document : SAPScript

You can also specify how much space should be left before and after the paragraph You can also specify the TAB positions To move to the next tab position specify ,, (two commas) In the pull down box against each line you can specify the paragraph type on which the text in the line is going to be based You can also display your standard text in hierarchical format by selecting the OUTLINE option while creating the paragraph Every paragraph and character string that you create should be saved and activated To display the ACII character, enclose the ASCII value of that character in <... > e.g. <65> would display A If you want the text in your standard text to appear as per the attributes specified in the character strings the specify <character string name> text matter </> Eg . if the S1 is a character string with Bold attribute and you want HELLO to appear in bold then you should say <S1>HELLO</>. This resembles HTML way of writing the code Every Character String has to be terminated by a </> You can display texts displayed in different character string formats but every character string should be terminated by </>. E.g. <S1><S2>HELLO</></> If you specify a line to be of Raw Line ( ( ) type then the character strings in that line will not have any effect and they will be treated as normal characters If you want a block of text to displayed as a single unit i.e. you dont a part of the block in one page and some part in another page, then you should enclose that block of text in between PROTECT.... ENDPROTECT You can have Text symbols, System symbols and Program symbols in your standard text. Symbols are enclosed in &...& For. If you want to display current date in your Std. Text then you write &date&. Here &date& is a system symbol. Current time ( &time&, &user& etc. Are some examples of system symbol).

By : Subba Rao

SAP R/3 Document : SAPScript

You can define Text Symbols by using the system command DEFINE and specifying command line in the column tag area. You can define a Text Symbol as follows : DEFINE &MYSYMBOL& = CSSL : - defines the text symbol : - displays CSSL at runtime. &MYSYMBOL& PROGRAM Symbols are used for communication between different modules of SAP Using Program symbols you can fetch the data from the database. You will mainly use Program symbols in Std. Text when the std. Text has to sent to a Layout set with data extracted from a database. You would write Program symbol as follows : &Tablename-fieldname& e.g. &TABNA-NAME1& where TABNA is a table name and NAME1 is a field. Specify command line in the column tag area But to display the data in the layout set you have to write a ABAP/4 program. You can refer to online help documentation on SAPScript for more information on different types of symbols and control commands that can be use in SAPScript. You can assign Layout sets to a Standard Text

LAYOUT SETS A SAPScript FORM consists of the following elements Windows and Pages Paragraph formats Character formats Creating FORMS in the R/3 system

Every Layout Set will contain a Header, Paragraphs, Character Strings Character Strings are similar to the one that we create in Styles for Standard Text For every Layout Set you have to define Pages, Windows and Page Windows HEADER contains the General information about the Layout set. As part of the header You need to assign / define the default paragraph ( this has to existing) and the first page ( i.e. the first page in the Layout set) of the Layout set

By : Subba Rao

SAP R/3 Document : SAPScript

In the initial settings of a layout set as part of the header information, To you create can specify a new character page format string, ( A4, click etc.on ), Page the Character orientation, String Printer, button line spacing, fonts, character spacing etc. To create a new Character String go to EDIT Create Element To create different elements in the layout set, click on the buttons on the application Givetoolbar a character string name and a description In the character strings attribute, you can specify the font types, font PAGES sizes, barcodes, superscript, subscript, hidden, protected etc. A FORM / LAYOUTSET can have one or more pages You can determine the page sequence of a document, by simply entering WINDOWS which page follows the one you are currently on You must always enter a starting page in a forms header data The areas found on afor form areform called Windows A various specific output page format is defined each SAPScript allows for automatic page numbering You can organize texts within your windows using the text elements and paragraphs To create Pages for the layout set click on PAGES button on the toolbar Windows can appear on numerous pages within a single form To create a new page goto EDIT Create Element Click on Windows Give a name to the button page and a description To create a newattribute windowarea go to Create In the standard ofEDIT the page, you Element can specify the name of the next page in sequence it there is one or else you can enter the Give name and description sameapage name in the area for the window Specify window type You canthe specify page counter for page numbering in the page counter area. By default the numbering type is Arabic There are 3 types of windows You can create any number of pages MAIN CONSTANT PARAGRAPHS VARIABLE Every layout button set canon have one MAIN window. MAIN Click on Paragraphs theonly applications toolbar window is created by default To create new paragraphs go to EDIT Create Element MAIN window can flow across pages Give a name and description to the paragraph. CONSTANT windows are use only once per page You can specify different attributes to like font type, font size, character style ( i.e. bold / italics / underline ), Tab settings, Bar You need to specify default of that windows codes, margins, alignments etc. CHARACTER STRINGS TEXT ELEMENTS This again is like the ones that you creates for Std. Text For every window you may want some text to appear in it.

By : Subba Rao

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